Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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Dilittrcd by enlmr In tiny pan of the city n (
itt < niy tuts i tr n link.
Jl. W. TiLioKt Malinger.
R , No. < ' .
r.WTOii No. si.
New Yorl Tluinblnir company.
Summer clothing , elii-an , at Hnltor's.
Material for bnlhinu suits lit Hurknusq
Hros' .
The city co'iueil meets to-morrow even
Fancy fhtnuols for bathing suits , at
Ilnrkncsi Bros' .
( Jo to the Inko after gutting a bathing
Mill at llnvkncss lire's.
Apron Uiihhor Company's host ) at
Cooper & Mctico' " .
A now tea anil colTecs liotisc Is to oicn )
ntNo. ' 101 Hroadwny.
Another fast freight train was sent over
thnltock Islnntl ystcrday.
Oljlccr Leonard urnMcd John l-'it/c-
Patrick forlmliif ; ugly drunk.
AI ux Molin has hud : i sidewalk of Portland -
land commit laid in front of the Crestoii
Fifteen cars of Oregon horses went out
OVIT the Hock Islumt yesterday foi
This Star market , has ilccoriitcd with
Foino lints tluwirs , etc. , wliieh gives tlu
place a fine appearance.
.Missouri Valley merehanls have col
the early closing fever. They except pij :
ilays iii well as Saturdays. '
ft The lire lads put up a wash house oi
their own on the Manhattan shore of tlu
celebrated Manawa part of Cut-on1 lake
Ollieer Ileudrieks found A. (5. Ni > on
sleeping olVn dnttik in his wagon , wiiieh
was standing on the htrcets. lie finished
) iis nap In the station.
The lirsl houses in this city to be deco
rated with papier macho are tlio .c ol
Judgn Heed and ,1. F Kimball. Air. P
C. Miller is doing the work.
\V. C. Ilradoek wlio owns the "Ilattio
] { opcr" the largest row boat on hake
.Manawa is building another row boa )
which is twenty-eight feet long ,
aiicncrul Agent Hums , ot the Union
Pacific , is having his uptown olllee titled
UN. It is at No. 506 1' avenue , and
when .completed will be a big aceoiuodu-
tion to the mcrchnnts of this city.
The new Union 1'acilio bridge is to be
completed by the first of May next. It is
predicted that if weather is favorable ,
the public will be surprised by seeing the
bridge finished two months earlier than
the schedule time.
Every day a now road is opened to
JVlanawa lake which is due-hired to lessen
the distance a mile or two. if these road
makers don't quit they will have the lake
so near that a fellow will get way by it
before ho starts.
K. A. Morgan and T. W. Prescott wore
arrested Saturday for disturbing the
peace , they having fallen out over some
little matter ami tried to settle it by
blows. Morgan was discharged aud
Prcseott was lined.
To-morrow at the driving park the
Red Oak club will cross bats with the
Mueller Music company club for the
third time this season. The game will be
one of much interest as both clubs have
won a game each.
Bennett and Jeffries , arrested for get
ting a man named Dickuydrnnkuud rob
blng him of his money while taking him
nronnd the city in a Hack- , were discharged -
charged by Justice Schurz Saturday ,
Dickey not appearing to proseente.
A C. lirakcbush & Co. , a new firm , arc
opening yards in Council JJlufl's for the
sale of coke and coal. The firm is locat
ing on grounds near Van Hrunt , Thomp-
bon & Co.'s agricultural implement
freight house on tlio Northwestern track
Ton companies of soldiers , a full regi
ment , the Seventeenth regulars , from
Dear J ako , Dale. , passed through here
bound for Fort D. A. Russell ,
rhrco ot the companies readied hens bj
rail , the seven other companies coining
clown the river in boats.
Tlio big tout in which revival service !
nro to ho hold has arrived , and now
conies the quorv , who ciin 1111 it ? There
is talk of getting Sam Jones. If he is so then another and a larger tent wil
ho needed. Ilo would uraw people foi
many miles around.
Hans Christofson has returned fron :
Itock Island , whore ho wont for J. L
Hurg , who passed u forged cheek on bin
for & 18.AO recently. Ho caught his man ,
but ho had worked the forged check bus !
ness In Hock Island some weeks before
nnd they gave him a resting place in the
jail there until tlio next term of court
after which ho will ho brought hero am
tried for the last oflbnse.
The Nonpareil , which howls so mud
about encouraging homo enterprises , is
starting a war against the popular reson
lit Manawa lake. She says that there ii
clanger of getting malaria by hathiiif
there. With the old lady's enfceblci
circulation , and her previous Imblts ir
regard to cleanliness , it might bo danger
ous for her to take a bath tliere , or any
whero. She ought to let the young folk :
. go on with their fun , though. It don'
It I liurther.
The late dummy train at night h get
ting to bo almost as uncertain as an dec
tion jury. It is supposed to leave Omalu
at 11:10) : ) ) , in. , but when there is unj
switching to bo done the freights havi
the right of way , and the dummy trait
with the passengers wait. Saturday
night the dummy train did not rene )
Council Bluffs until after l'-J o'clock , urn
this is said to ho a common oeotirronno
When the now bridge Is done with it
double track , there will he an end t <
these delays and uncertainties , it i
At the regular mooting of Abn Llncoh :
pout , G , A , K , , Saturday evening , Her
lr , McCrcary , pastor o'f the Hromlwnj
Methodist church , and a comrade , madi
un interesting address , which was listened
toned to closely and warmly applauded
Ho related in a vivid manner somu of th
experiences of tlio war , and revived tin
memory of ovonta of the past. Tl.o thank
of the post wcro given him for his abh
ofibvt to entertain and enthuse , Till
ncrus of Saturday night addresses Is ;
very pleasant feature of the meeting *
anil l > r. AlcCroary's address takes ran !
as ouo of the best ,
Oiui of the city papers says travel 01
the street cars is improving. If the fac
could ho recorded that tlio street car
themselves were improved it would b
more gratifying. Such rickety , leaky oh
boxes as are being drawn by consumr.
tivo rats over a streak of rust about one
an hour or so ought to ho replaced will
somothin" moro than a promise of bottn
things. Council Minn's people huvo beoi
Tory Patient. With a growing city am
a declining street car service there is
ead luck ot harmony. If the coniuan ;
will put on decent cars , extend the trac
nnd run n btrcnt ear line , instead of
broken down 'bus line , limy will liiv
that Council lllutl's will patruui/.o it hi
' Tlio Union I'oclllu Investigation.
Attorney Popploton , of the Union Pn
V * " ilio , baa completed his brief I
1' the matter of the recent invest
gallon hold hero by IOWA'B railway con :
uulssloners. The citizens' attorneys , Sup ;
& Pusoy , will not probably have Ihci
brief ready Uofora tha first of next moiitl
and a decision by tlio commissioners ca
hardly bo expected except for wintc
The Broatlway Depot of the Union Pacific
Loses Its Till and Its Oash ,
DcAth of Yotinjj PiokotltiR A Coal
Mnti Short In His CnMi The Now
Flro Alnrtn A. Narrow
the Union
Ycstunlay noon the Broadway depot of
tliu Union I'acllln railroad was fjono
throtiHli by tliinvt's. The ngoiit was at
dinner , and the wattinc room was left
open for tlio accommodation of tin ; pub *
Ho. During bis nbscni'o sompono forced
up the window between tlio waiting 1-ooin
and the ofllce , and crawling through
there , got the till and its contents ,
amounting to over $100 , tv large portion
of which was In silver. The theft was
not discovered until the return of the
agent. The police then went to work on
the ease , anil they took in charge on sus
picion a fellow named Charles Good , who
was hitting in the depot waiting to take
the tram for Omaha. Good denied knowing -
ing anything about the allair , and said
that when ho came to the depot there
were four other persons waiting tlu.1 re ,
and the window of the olllee was open
Ho was taken to the police station and
searched , but only sfl.Sfl found upon him.
(5ood had a rather unsavory record here ,
and 1 1 ( HI co the suspicions of the police
were directed to him , ami they concluded
to holt ! him for further Investigation , ilo
is a white man , but was nome time ago
arrested hero for insisting on visiting the
bi-d of a husky , dusky woman. Ho prom
ised to leave the city at that time ,
and was let ofF easy. This time
he went right back to his colored love ,
and olaims that he lost a pocket book
there containing about $20 and a largo
number of notes , amounting 5o about
$800. He thinks it very hard luck to lose
Jtis money and then bo arrested for stcal-
jng somebody else's money. An exam
ination of his baggage diseloscd the fact
that ho is In the cane business , running
a street stand with rings to bo thrown.
Ho litul in his valise ono pair of socks ,
two night shirts , no day shirt , two do/ecu
collars and about thrco do/.on pairs of
culls. His being so short on shirts and
ao long on collars and cufl's looks queer ,
and another strange point about his bag
gage is that his collars and cullrt are
marked with so many different names ns
to make one believe that they arc the
leaves of a linen photograph album in
stead of being culls. The names of W.
A Ford , ( loldwin and various other
marks and names appear on the linen.
it may bo that ho is in the laundry busi
ness , and makes collars and cufl's a spe
cially. The rest of bis toilet is rather
The famous Racine and lap streak
boats of every description for sale by
Forrest Smith , No. 130 Main street
Highest prices paid for county , town ,
city and school bonds. Odell IJros. &
Co. , No. 103 Pearl street , Council Bluffs ,
.Sands From the Bench.
The water in Lake Alanawa lias gone
down some three feet in the past week.
Booths of every description are being
erected , on the beach , and it is slowly
beginning to look like the eastern resorts
minus their large hotels.
Geo. W. Thompson has returned from
Chicago , whcro ho purchased seven row
boats and a sail boat , which am to be put
on the lake us soon us they arrive. Tbo
row boats arc coming by express and ono
or two arc now arriving dailv. C. II.
Cory is also interested in the boats with
Mr. Thompson.
With the tancy colored bathing .suits
that are daily arriving tlio beach now has
a gay appearance.
Yesterday morning the crowd began to
arrive on the beach , both by the drive
and boats asearlyas lOo'clock ; ono party
of about twelve having reached there before -
fore 0 o'clock. The crowd was continual
until 11 o'clooi ; last night and the beach ,
as viewed from the north side of the
lake yesterday , was a. continual black
Life-lines should be run out from the
beach for those not knowing how to swim ,
to hang onto , and some kind of signal or
notice erected where the drop-oil is so
people won't walk oft' over tbcir head
without knowing It.
Cabinet photographs $3 per doz. , at
Shemulcn's , U17 If 'way. for 00 days only.
Only $2.50 per dolor first olass cabinet
photos at Schmidt's. S20 Main.
the Snfo.
It wag discovered yesterday morning
that during the previous night thieves
had entered Sullivan & FH/.gorald's gro
cery store on Broadway. They had
gained an entrance through tbo transom
over tbo rear door , and wore evidently
too much bent on cracking the safe to
pay uny attention to carrying off sugai
and soap. They had broken the handle
oft" the safe , and knocked oft' the dial ol
tbo combination look , this apparently
bfing done with a sledge hammer instead
of powder. An eight-pound sledge and
two carpenter's chisels wcro found lying
upon tlio lloor of the store. The follow ! '
had apparently been frightened oil' before
they succeeded in getting Into tlio safe
mid had not stopped to pick tip theii
tools. These tools were identified us
being a part of those stolen from
SchultHill's wagon shop about a
week ago. Sullivan & Fitzgerald's store
was burglari/.cd a few months ago , and
nt that time the thieves used stolen tools
a brace and bit having been stolen from
Judge Aylesworth's barn for that pur
pose. At that time the burglar wa :
nabbed , but ho escaped afterwards b. )
breaking from the city jail.
Go to the JTow York Plumbing com
pany for garden lioao. They warrant all
they sell. Opera house block.
The Quick Meal gasoline elove pen
tinues to grow in favor , and It is will
ditllenlty that wo have been able to sup
ply the demand for them so far this sea
son. Try one. _ _ CooiT.u & McGuE.
The Normal inutltiito.
The normal Institute now in session al
the Bloomer building Is proving very sue
oossful and Inlorestlug. There are in at
tcndanco nearly two hundred and lift }
teachers , and tliosw who expect to teach
Professor J. R. Kirk , of Uclhauy , Mo. , h
the conductor. He has also charge o :
the history classes. Professor MoNauglv
ton , supcrlntoudont of the Council Blufl'i
ochoolB , has ohargo of the grammai
classes , Professor W. 0. Davis , ol
Ayoca , is serving us instructor in aritli
nietio. Professor Lowry , of Oakland
has charge of the geography classes
Mrs. Ware has nhargo of the priman
work , and the institute as a whole * it
being managed by County Superlntenden
The sessions will continue until tin
28th. The examinations , will be oi
Thursday and Friday of that week.
The public generally is Invited , nm
at anv of the sessions , or upon any o
the classes , will lind much to futures
them. The teachers nro getting much
practical help from this gathering , and
the corps of instructors Is certainly an
excellent .
one. _ _
Pacific house recently renovated. Cool
rooms ; money saved ; comforts gained.
Stenographer and typewriter. ( ) . Mun
son , with M. F. Kohrcr , over 0. 13. Na
tional bank.
on Flro Alarms.
The council committee held a private
meeting Saturday evening to consider
the tire alarm propositions now pending
bctoro the council. The contest , as most
know , Is between the Hichmond and the
Gamcwell system" . Mr. Chandler , rep
resenting the Giimowell system , anil Mr.
McCullottgh , the representative of the
Hichmond , were before the committee ,
to give such information as the aldermen
desired ! Knch system has special claims
to merit , anil the committee was en
abled to enlighten itself greatly.
The Gamowell is an old system which
plants itself largely on Its record , but the
Hichmond has warm supporters here
among those who have examined the
matter. The Hichmond claims to fur
nish not only a perfectly reliable lire
alarm , but also a police alarm , the city
getting both for what it would cost for
cither ono alone. The advantage of
having a system for police calls as well
as lire calls is presented by the Hichmond
as one of its great features. The com
mittee Is to make its report at the meet
ing of the council to-morrow night.
All the comfort of high priced at
the Pacilio house , and a saving of iiOc to
$1 a day. Try it.
Fine pasture , plenty of water and good
attention for JiOO beau of stock about live
miles north ot Broadway anil Main street.
Inquire of L. P. Judsou , No. O''ll Sixth
avenue , or Charles Palmer at pasture on
lime kiln road. _ _
The Sad Knd Comes.
George F. Pickering , who met with an
accident Thursday night , died at the Pa-
citio house Saturday evening. It was
seen from tlio lirst what the result must
be. so that his passing away was no stir- '
prise to the sorrowing friends who were
in attendance at his bedside. The sad
ness of the event was no less , however ,
ami the toudon'.st sympathy Is felt for
those upon whom the blow conies with
such terrible force , The remains wore
placed in an elegant casket , and yester
day morning wcro taken to his home in
Boone for burial. They were to be met
on arrival by a delegation of his school
mates and the members of his class in the
high school. George was a great favorite
with young aud plu , and in nis home he
was one of the kindest and most obedient
of boys. His father , Phil Pickering , is
oue of. the oldest engineers on the Chicago
& Northwestern railway , nnd widely
known in railway circles.
Try it. Best Cream Soda in the citylOc
per glass at Palmer's , No. 12 Main st.
Fruits , Confectionery and Cigars , best
in the market always in stock. Frank
Withcrell , 221 Broadway.
AVunteci in Kansas City.
Some three weeks ago the police re
ceived word that a young man named
\V. II. Lo/.ier was wanted at Kansas City
and that it was thought ho was hiding in
this vicinity. The search resulted in lo
cating nim in Garner township , where he
had his wife and child with him. Chief
Matthews and Officer. O'Brien ' wont out
there Saturday and , finding him , brought
him In to the county jail to await the ar
rival of the ollicers from Kansas City.
The charge is made against him that fie
is guilty of forgery and of purloining
some tickets while ho was in the cmplov
of the Topcka , Atchison & Santa Fe rail
way. Special Agent Higgins , of that
company , arrived hero yesterday morn
ing to take the young man back , but he
found that the j'oung man had already
begun proceedings to get released on n
writ of naboas corpus. The petition was
jilcd soon after the arrest of Lo/ier , and
is to come up before Judge Aylesworth
this morning.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squires , 19
Pearl street , Councl Bhilfs.
Finest Candies at Withcroll's , 224
A Conl Man Short.
A. C. Andrews , who has been the man
ager of the Tipton Coal company's busi
ness in this city , is said to be iu trouble.
Ho loft here Inst week , and has not been
heard from since. Ho was aeon by some
acquaintance at Sheuandoah , after leav
ing here , but this is as far as he 'an bo
traced. His wife aud two children are
, still here , their homo being on J'ourth '
street. The company has taken charge
of the oflico. No , . 808 Main street , and it
is claimed That an examination of the
books thus far Indicates that Andrews
has run behind in his accounts about
$ ' 3,000. Ho has been hero about two years ,
and the statements now Hying about con
cerning his transactions hero arc a pur-
prise to many. It is said that there is a
woman in the case.
Perfect satisfactory accommodations
at $2 00 a day at the Pacific House. Give
it a trial and bo convinced.
Always buy your meats at Star Market ,
No. i01 ! Broadway , and get the best.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Narrow Escape From Drowning.
Yesterday morning M. F. Hudson and
a gentleman friend came near being
drowned in LakeManawn oil' Manhattan
beach. They wore In bathing and after
shoving n row bout out into the lake at
tempted to swim after it when Hudson
became exhausted ; liis friend tried to
rescue him and in the attempt also be
came exhausted and cried for help. Wil
liam Seliiukiintany. who was standing on
the beach went to the rosotiu without tak
ing oil any ot his clothes and succeeded
in holding them up but not until they
had nil gone under water. A row boat
took them to shore.
See that your books are made by More-
house it Co. , Hoom 1 , Everett block.
J. .1. Steltcr , flOS Upper Broadway , will
not bo undersold. General store ,
I'nrfionnl I'aru rnphs.
Jl. M. Wi Ibur Is in the city.
John Is , Boall Suntlaycd in the city.
II. tnednmn has gone to Chicago.
George Motcalf is at Colfax Springs.
E. O. Drake Suudaycd at homo with
his family.
Miss Ni'ully Stevens yesterday returned
to Chicago.
Captain y. U. McCullough spent Sun
day at homo.
John Dolan , of Avoca , was In the citj
on Saturday.
H. Shawruu , of Dcnison , was in the
city Saturday.
Mrs , S. Swanson is visiting in Crcston
for a couple of weeks.
fhe9 Lund has cone to Colfax Springs
for drinks and baths.
Mayor Cole and wife , of Pacific June'
tion , wore in the city Saturday.
Will Officer has returned from Lafayette
collogojiMjasterii Pennsylvania.
Tliss nna Felt , of Sitfux City , is in the
city , the guest of Mrs. 0.J. \ . Felt.
Judge K. M.Hubbard , of Cedai
Rapids , was at the Ogdeu Saturday.
George \VcdgeWotdl aud wife of Lin
coln , Nob. , aie attlie Ugdcn litnlsc.
George Hcider spent Sunday In off the
rogd and goes out id cflll on his tr.-tdo
Miss Mamie Null , ofjloslou who has
been visiting friendin the city has gone
to Chicago.
Mrs. Slopes S. Pnohard. of Jaucsvillc ,
U'K , Is here visiting her sister. Mrs. Sam
uel C. Clark.
Mt a Liz/.io Cooleyi daughter of Hov.
Dr. Coolcy , has gone to California on : i
pleasure trip.
Prof. Waddell , son-in-law of Horace
Kverett yesterday went to Columbus , ( ) . ,
over the Hock Island.
Joseph lleitcr , the tailor , left last O\M
ning for Chicago ami Now York to pur
chase his fall stock of cloths.
W. B. .lucid has found a bathing suit
"just his hi/e , " and "lloats 1111JaUe" on
Lake Manawa when in olVlhe road.
Mr and Mrs. 1) ) . C. Uloomer have
started ou a western trip for pleasure aud
health , intending to visit southern Col
William Kint/ has spent the past four
days in elf the road at Matiawa Lake , and
goes out fresh and clean to visit Ills trade
George W. Thompson returned from
the cast yesterday withhiswifc and sister ,
Miss Florence , who is to remain hero on
a visit.
C9Mrs. Samuel Haas aud her daughter ,
Miss Mnr.Yr leave to-day for the west to
meet Mr. Haas. They' will then make
quite an extended trip.
Ed Miller , of Aultmaii. Miller & Co. ,
Akron , O. , is in the city in company with
his cousin , the sou of John Miller , of the
St. Paul Plow company.
( QIC Gleason , who travels in Iowa for
Gronoweg iV Schoentgen , .swelled the
crowd on Manhattan huaeh during his
short sojourn in olfthe road.
K. Brock , who travels for Pcrcgoy &
Moore , is taking a little recreation on
Manhaltan.beach with bis side partner ,
Alex Malmrosc , the "road agent" of Mot-
calf Bros.
T. A. Clark , the local engineer of the
Union Pacilli' , is at homo on a brief visit.
Ho is in charge of some important work
in the west , which keeps him most of the
time away from here.
Miss _ Kate Kdmger has returned from
her visit to her old homo in Illinois , and
will remain here with her sister , Mrs.
Hull' , until fall when she expects to go
cast to further her musical culture.
Teeth ! Teeth ! Tcotli !
In fact , teeth for everybody , made
cheap. From this time on 1 wiU make
feels of artificial teeth for the small sum
of $5 each set. In fact , I will not permit
any man to come into this city and maio
sets of artificial teeth any cheaper than 1
can. I have removed my olllco to South
Main street , No. 1U3. Please call and see
the teeth that I will make you at $5 a set.
1 will guarantee just as good a fit as the
$10 sets. I live in this city and propose
to stay here the balance ofmy life. Yith \
respect to all humanity , 1 am ever the
same , Yours truly , '
P. S. Other papers can copy this no
tice if they feel inclined to do so.
A Famous Spiritualist.
London Daily News : ilr. Home , when
I first saw him , was at the /.cnith of his
notoriety. He had married into one of
the richest families in Russia , was n fa
vorite of the Tuilcrirs , and courted by
the the most brilliant society of every
capital perhaps in'Europe. He had
raised tables to ceilings iwithout touch
ing them , sent sofas dancing around
rooms , made hands''which ' were not ap
parently attached to bodies play pianos ,
and evoked this visages of the deal in the
palaces o'f Naples. Kcijhe1,1 , and Florence ,
and then scared tbo cmperior and em
press of the French with his spirit mani
festations at the Tuileries. The crown
prince of Prussia and General Moltke
were drcsent at some os the latter , but
the shrewd old warrior was not satisfied
with all that took place when he was bj-
and said he ought to have more to go
upon , when the empress tried
to persuade him into accepting
Mr , Homo's cloims , if the spirits
loved light rather than darkness. The
Empress jnsistcd on adopting the
medium's sister and placed her in : v con
vent school. Mr. Home told me that his
mother was an eerie Scotch woman , and
had , before ho was born , a vision , in
which she saw him seatctl with as many
sovereigns as those who paid court to
Napoleon at Erftirth. Ho said he had
inherited her gift , which , he allirmed ,
showed itself when he was a child in a
remarkable way in Scotland , and dis
played itself in u greater degree alter a
vision in which she saw him seated at
table with an emperor and empress , a
grand duke and grand duchess , and two
angels , whom she thought must have
symbolized , his future wives. She
had , he also said , the gift of
second sight , which he inherited.
Bu this as it may , ho was ad
mitted to associate with the emperor and
empress of the Ficiich , King Louis I.
and King Mavmiliau of Bavaria , the
Duchess of Hamilton , the king and
Queen of Wurtemburg. the Duke of
Nassau , etc. M. Sanlou biilicyed Ln him ,
and I think Professor Crooks went to the
trouble of studying the phenomena he
produced , and thought they were not the
olVect of jugglery. Homo had n tall ,
slight figure , a fair and freckled face be
fore disease made it the color of yellow
wax , keen blue eyes , which , however ,
looked sometimes iireamy , a rather snub
nose , and curly auburn hair. Ho spoke
with a Scotch accent. His manners ,
though forward , were agreeable , and ho
recited poetry with strong emphasis and
striking cft'cct.
Rod Star Cough Cure it brings glad
tidings ; its curative effects are wonder
Kirkland , the jeweler , has removed to
323 Broadway , Singer olllco. _
Special advfrtlsomeiits.BUuh us Lost , Fouml ,
Tolxian.l'or S.ilo , To ltcntlWunts , Iloimllnir ,
etc. , vlll l > oliEertu ) < l lu tliU ( plumn nt tlio low
ratooCTKN CKNTS 1'Klt 1.1 Mi forttio tlrec luscr
tion and l-'lvo Cents I'or Line frtrciieh subsoqtioiu
Insertion. J.cavo mlvurlifonii'itts lit our olllco
No. IS 1'oal Btroct , noaii Ojmudway , Council
JlllltlS. I '
WANTS. ' <
SAli--Clic.ip : tor J'nuti. Hum unil Mwls
FOH American IliiircbS l-'o , nor. First iiu'imo
anq Till st. Ilyrorrt ) t3iiU ) .
VS/ANrKP AnntBlstftnt cdok nt tliu Uffilun
1 1 llOUtL' ,
FOlt SAI.K Old import.'In ' < | imatltlO3 to suit ,
at llco olllco No. 1-iJ'cnrLstroci.
Dealers In 31 ilch Cows.
A At Out Stock Yank
No 503 and 6'Jli ' E. Hroadway.Council HlTs
"Wigs Made to Order.
837 Uroudway , Council Blufll ) .
' " "
AUHICiiTUtt.ll4 rAJl'f
S & C0
Agricultural Implements ,
_ rnrrlnjroi , , Kto. Council HltitTs , Town.
Mnko the UrlKlnnl niul Complete
Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press ,
COHN Biir.t.t.Htts AND tT.Et ) cri'int" .
Not. l.-Ql.lttl , INK tm < U537 South Miiln Street ,
Council IUiitT . lown.
Mnnitf'rs nn 1 Jubbcrt of
Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies ,
' . nnd nil klmlq of Ttrtn Mnelilnorr.
1100 to 1118 South Muln Street , Council lllurftt ,
r.O. Ut.KAMiN. T. II.Uni'iUAM , < ) no , P. WntmiT.
1'rei.A.TTi'ni. V..l'roi..VM\n. : SOL' .VCounsol.
Council Bluffs Handle Factory ,
( InrMrpornteiU
Mntiufnotnrcrsof Axlp , 1'li'lc , Sloitiro nnd Small
Iliimllos , of every ilcscilptlnn.
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades ,
Oil Cloths. Curtnln futures , Upholstery ( JooJs ,
Ktc. No. 40o llronilwny Council llluiTs ,
via AIIS , roDAcco. lire.
l'KUK(5OY ( & BIOOKK ,
Wholcsnlo Jobbers In tbo
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes.
Noe. 8Main mul " 1 t'curl Sts. Council
Frnit and Produce Commission Merchants.
No IH'onrl St. Ounril ! Iluir < .
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
H' Eundilcs , Ktc. No. ! M Main St , nnd
No. SVoarl St. , Council HlulTs.
M. K. SJI1TII & CX ) . ,
loipjrters and JOWBH of DrGois ) ,
Notion * , nto. Nos. 112 nnd 114 Mnln St. , Nos. 113
nnd 115 I'carl St. , Council Itluirs. Iowa.
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
General Commission. No. fit ! BroiiJway ,
Council Bluffs.
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy Grocsrtos ,
Nos. 10 nnd 1H t'carl St. , Council
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholesale I.tqnor Denlow. No. 41(1 ( Droail-
wiiy , Council I"
Manufacturers of and Wliolesalo Uonlcra In
leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No 625 Main St. . Council muffs , Iowa.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gloves
Nos. 312 nnd 311 Broadway , Council
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
And Wood Stock , Council niulTB , lown.
1) . ii. McUANELD & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tallow , Wool , Polls , ( IrcasonuJ l-'urs Council
llluirs Iowa.
Wholesale Dealers In
Illuminating & Lubricating Oils Ga llni
E1TO. , E3TO.
S.TIicodoroAtfont , Council llluJa. lown.
LUMUKlt , I'lLlUa , KTC.
A. OVEIITON i\t \ CO. ,
Ifard Wood , Southera Lumbar , Piling ,
Mill llridtru Mntcrlnl Siiclnlll''aVliolosalo hum-
ber or all Klmla. oileu ; No. 1HJ Main Bu ,
Council lllutrs. lown.
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors.
for St. ( Jottliarrt's ller'o Hitter * . No. 11
Mnln Bt. Council Illulla.
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
Xo 0)3 ) J/uli ; SI. . Council litufi.
Bc I er , Joiinialti , County nnd
lEiink Work of nil Etlmls siftpff-
Prompt Attention to Mail Orders
Room I , Everett Block ,
Standard Papers Used. All styles of hind-
ing in Magazines and
W. S. HOMER & Co. ,
28 Alain St. , Council Ulnffs.
Justice of the Peace ,
Office Over American Exprcil Cumuiuijr.
IMiiblMifil In 1877.
Sontlfor cntnlutigcs , prices , fn-ighf ratrsnml tcsiiiiionhils.
Brick biiililing.s of any kiiul niisctl or moved and satisfaction guaranteed.
Frame buildings moved on Little Cisint , truck * , best in the. world.
SOS Eighth Avoiinc niul Ki jliUi Street. Cotniil
Fanning lauds in Town , Minnesota , Toxtis , Kansas nnd Arkansas , ranging
from $1.05 to fl'-J per acre. School mid state Iniitls hi Minnesota on IK ) years
time 5 per cent Interest. Lund buyers faro free , information , etc. , given by
P. P. Ijiinstvitii , No. 055 Broadway , Council IlluflV , Jowii.
226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
To close the sinninor stock to the 'ow-
cst possible point
Arc oficriiig bargains now every tiny.
Good Corsets for 50c worth 75c
Parasols for 75c and Upwards ,
Embroideries and Patterns , very
Cheap ,
Onlj a few of those Summer
Silks Left ,
Lace Flouncings in Spanis ! ) and
Gliintilly Laces ,
Cheaper than yon over saw them. Fine
nHeortincnl for graduation dresses.
Samples sent when requested.
Choice patterns , ffooil quality and
lowest prices.
Special discounts to churches , socle-
ties and clergymen.
Harkness Bros. ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
B. RICE , m. B ,
Or > tliur'J'um"r ? itfiwivi-l
s tiioUnir oriir iiu < ii iiio
iC Diseases of all kimH specialty.
Over tlilr vse.iri' iinirllt-n
No II 1'cmi.St. . Cmmoil Illu'
J3f Consultntlon Jrop
I fcnvo a quantity o.r roiin < l , ull clr-nnoJ ict-J
vrhlcli lulTcrutrcascmuUtaa.'imi. i(4onii
Creston House ,
Tiiponlyliotul in Council IllulTs having
IFire Esoa/pe
And till inij flui n Iiniuovomcnts.
XIJ , 217 mid L'l'.i Main M.
MAX .MOIIX , Prop.
Star Sale Stables and Mule yards ,
Opposite Dummy Dopot.
Horses " 'l ' Mules kept constantly on linnil
for silk' nt lutall or in cmlotnls. .
Ordui-.i promiltly lllloil liy oontr.ict on short
notice. .Stock sold on commlHtloii.
SHLUTKlt & 1JOI.13V. Proprietors.
Tclnphono No. 111.
IVmnorly of KIIU. SAI.U STAMEB , corner
Stli uvo. inuUtli btiect.
Practices in the State niul Federal courts
Rooms 7 and 8 , Shugavt .Block.
Choice IJIsplny or Illicit 1'ti
lerim , All Unifies.
Council Bluffs
< 3.OS Bpoctclwciy.
A Select Stock of Choice
NovcllfcH in.
JH N. Main St. , Council Hlnirn , la. , mitt
; > 0i ! S. jntli St. . Room 10 , Omaha , Neb.
Mamiriictiiror'8 Audit TGI- the
Tents , AwniiiL . Houlliifr Slate , Man-
tlcH , I'liito niurWiiulow tias , ShowCase -
Case * . KIcvatoi'H , ( hand anil hy-
draiillcc. ) \ .
Horses and Mules
Km r.ll | mpovjs. l > ujylit uiU f 'J ' § ut lo'all un'
n ! u . quii'iu'ici ju n It i font.