Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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Lincola Citizens Visitccl Quite Promiscuously
By Knights of the Jimmy *
\Voninrt In the C'nse Hcturnsnnd
Denies the StorjA Youth Ar
rested For Korftcry Oilier
Lincoln News.
Imosi Tiinnr.r.'s i.r.vcor.y
The Industrious burglar is abroad in
the capital city again , and whether pro
fossionul or otborwiae , lie goctlt nbonl
armed , and for the opening night nmdo n
rcHhill ] ) ( ! haul. A gentleman residing al
'J' mid 'J'welftli streets uwoko yesto.rdaj
morning after a long niglit's rest at llu
ctoso of a busy week and found article !
of clothing scattered around promiscu
oital y. Investigation showed that hi' '
pantaloons had been thoroughly searchei
and also that Ins wifu'fl wardrobe hat
been tossed about and all the cash ii
pockets and pocket-books had beet :
taken , the amount aggregating some sixtj
dollars. The thieves hud ell'ected an en
trance by cutting out u section of tin
screen door whore it was fastened , and ai
the main door had been left open Ingres' '
win easy. They made no noise am
created no alarm , vanishing as they cami
i j . without disturb ! ) ! : ; any in the house. 1
pt-t * ! . ' * - - couple of trunks belonging to roomers n
thu notiso were also ransacked , but ai
the owners of them wore uway tlx
am omit of loss is not known. Two golt
watches and an assortment of lady's jew
dry was passed by unnoticed or , if no
tieed , was left unmolested for fear pre
sumably , if taken out it might lead to di
lection. . .
The snme nijihl a railroad man , hvinj
In tito .same street , was visited by tin
pang , who olleoted an easy entrance
The man of the house hail come in tirei
out from Ids run and was sleeping on :
p.allet , his wife , who was sick , occupying
a bed in the same room. The iirst inti
ination iccelved here that burglars won
about was by the woman awaking , tint
discovering a man in the act of cxtricat
iiiE her husband's watch from under
neath his head. A scream from her pu
all the house in commotion , and th
thief , covering the man with his revolver
backed out of the room , bearing tin
watcli with him.
While the recital of these cases was 11
progress at headquarters , Mr. Ilogan. :
1J. As M. employe living down near th
tracks , appeared on the scene and reeitui
his experience with the tinge of th
brogue thttt added interest to the narni
live. Mr. Hogan said that when Hi
thieves allected on entrance through i
window into his dwelling that h' '
heard them , and jumping from bci
confronted them in the main room , whoi
they immediately drew a gun on him
told him not to speak for his life and or
dered him immediately back to bet
again. Mr. Hogan obeyed orders. Hi :
bettor half , ( "thcv couldn't keep he
still. " interjected Mr. Ilogan ) , screamei
loud , long and lustily , and the marauder
were glad to beat a retreat after commit
ting putty larceny on the wardrobe o
the head of the house , in amount 1
cents. This house , its nroprietor claims
lias been entered in this way for thre
successive nights , only in the other ci < so
they wore frightened away without man
ing a display of firearms.
Still another individual sufl'erer was :
stranger who yesterday was hunting i
detective to take the case of finding hi
lost valise. These now cases of burglar ;
cuina just about as unexpected as a tliuti
dcr clap would from the dull and dust.
skies that hayo glared over the city for :
month back , and it has been more thai
that length of time since a case of house
breaking has been" reported at polic
headquarters. Citizens who nave
through the heated term , been Jcavnu
doors and windows ajar and unbarred
will now take precautionary measure
until a few arrests thin the ranks c
tramping thieves.
Nirw Lir.iiT IN Tin ; INGKAM CASK.
The surprise created over the siulde
disappearance of A. C. Ingram , a bus
ness man of this city , and the subsequcn
closing of his store and its passing int
the bands of the sheriu" , remains a topi
of conversation. At the time of Ingram1
disappearance it was freely stated , pul
lished and generally believed that ho Inn
vanished in" company with u woman c
the town named Erma Stewart , nnd tin
fact was looked upon as removing Ir
gram boyotut the pale of any sympath
that might be given were his trouble
wholly of a financial nature. Krm
Stewart , however , has returned to Lit :
coin , and returning , refutes all that ha
been said connecting her departure froi
the city witli that of Ingram , stating thi :
she hei > clf has been at bt. Louis , that bh
left prior to the time Ingram did , an
thu first intimation that she had connee !
ing the departure of the two as a mtitii :
runaway was when some of her assoc
rites in This place sent to her at St. Loin
n clipping from a Lincoln paper contain
ing such statements. The woman goc
further , and states that all that hn
been said about Ingram an
herself being common associates Is tills
nnd that Ingrain was a visitor at he
mansion professionally us a paper hangi
and decorator , and that other storie
M V1 were sot alloat by some of his workmei
It looks as if the statement of a niutun
runaway between the two was , in tii
light of the woman's return and her IK
count of it made now , a question of ser
oils doubt , and if Ingram has bee
painted and pictured * in a worse ligli
than lie ought to have been , there are
great many who will bu glad to hear 1
and give him the bcnolit of the doubt.
James Hurry , zv young man of twont
years of ago , whoso parents arc goot
well-to-do people , has been leading a fin
life for ono of his years , and nolwltl
standing the fact that ha is n minor , an
the statutes are Iron-clad regarding sol
ing lo such , ho has gained a rcputatio
of drinking nltogethur too much and hn
been rapidly traveling the road of rui
nnd ruin. Young Kerry on Saturday n
tended a salu of buggies on the street
and purchabcd ono , paying for it with
forged cheek bearing the name c
I ) . H. Howard. Omcors were pu
on his track , and in the ovonin ;
Jio was caught and lodged in jail. Youti
Durry was at ono time in business hen
running u second hand store , at which li
made n failure and lost n uonsidurabl
Mini of money that had been fifniishc
blm by his parents , Yesterday ho wa
visited tit the jail by an acquaintance wh
had previously visited his parents , bi
they refused to ilo anything to help tli
young man , having undoubtedly como t
thu conclusion that nothing but a soum
serious punishment will ovur break hit
of his wholly worthless habits. A hoariu
in the case will be had to-day ,
Articles of incorporation of the Mails
limi university , located at Hartley , Ni
braska , have been lilud with the s > eerotar
of statti iu accordance with law. The.
articles recite the capital stock ol the ii
Blltution at 1100,000 , and the school wi
1)0 tlio Methodist college tor the itepubl
can Valley country in which it is locaiei
and much extended notion lias been mad
heretofore ) of this schcmo and Its pro
poets. The names allixod to the article
of Incorporation are Alien Hartley , 1' (
JohUMin , ( loo. M. Hoswell , Jamas Leoi
zxrd. Davhl JJ. Moore , \V , J. Ultehford , t
M. Mnnn. U. P. Thomas , H.T.Tliompso
jiud Martin A , Castle ,
AKOUT am : crrr ,
Tlio trial of frank Skinner , the la
from Uayuioad cbzirceii witb. ap attemj
al rapes , was heard by Judge Parker Sat-
inlay and the prisoner held over In
jontls of ifOOO to answer at the cominir
term ol the district court. The case did
i.ot , develop llu ? inherent cusseducss
common to such caics , and there scented
( o bo considerable family unfriendliness
cropping out as thn testimony was taken.
\ \ hat further may bo developed in the
trial the upper I'ourts will be the means
of deciding tlio merit in thu case , and It
looks at present as though the young man
would summer in jail.
The Lincoln base ball club Is en route
liomeward , and * the Iirst of a scries of
four gaihes will bo played on the homo
grounds , commencing Wednesday , their
contestants being ; tlio Leavenworths.
Upon the return of the club the new
inanngpinent n ill institute- some radical
change * , and thry expect to have live
new players hero to take positions at that
linio. Among tin1 new players procured
Is Foley , formerly a player In tin- Na
tional league , and of whom much will bo
expected. The new club will make stren
uous clVorts to get out of the rear ranks
in the profession ueforc the close of the
The city jail contains four poor in
ebriates who are passing the Sabbath
there awaitinsr an introduction to his
honor the judge , which will bo given
them to-day. A number of warrants
under the health ordinance have been
sent on their errand of mcroy the lastdaj
or two and a hall-do/en angry men pro
claiming their innocence will bo gucsU
at the city headquarters.
The now Presbyterian church , ono ol
the handsomest chinch cdilices of which
Lincoln has a goodly number was dedi'
cated yesterday with appropriate cere
monies and the services were largely at
A majority of thcPlattsmouth bar wore
Investing before Judge Pound last week
in n case involving the possession of zi
brick business house in that place. At
torney Polk was at Lincoln yesterdaj
looking after his side of the case.
The advertised sale of school lands In
Hayes county takes place to-day , anil
Land Commissioner Scott has gone to the
front to superintend It and. be on the
Contractors in this city announce the
commencement of work upon the three
new blocks during the last week and ex
cavation work will bo commenced to-dav
on another , till ot which illustrates the
midsummer growth of the capital city.
A gang ot tramps who have hold nigl
carnival over in the bottoms need break
ing up and at once. Parties living neai
the location of their camps report the
begging , thieving life they arc leading
and that they arc a general nuisance.
The young men who are patrons of the
bicycle are increasing in number in Liu >
coin and a number ot them took a tour te
the town of Woodlawu yesterday to tesl
their cxnertncss as wheelmen.
The man who was jailed for stealing
his board at the Capitol hotel has failet
to raise the amount required for his re
lease and is a free boarder at the jail.
General J. S. Casement of Casement ,
Cnrlyslo & Co. , contractors o ii the Mis
souri Pacific Lincoln extension , and J ,
M. Hunter , paymaster on the same , wore
Sunday guest in Lincoln.
Mrs. Sophia Lowe , Miss Edith Smy the
Miss Matljo Pollock , were Omaha visitor !
at the capital city yesterday.
Contractor McDonald , of the North
western extension to Lincoln , posset
Sunday at tins end of the line.
\V-J.Cook , Blair , H. E. Stein , Ciaj
Centre ; J. V. Allen , Fremont ; J. L. Me
Pheely , Minden ; J. E. Daily , Harly ; Dis
tnct Attorney D. F. Osgood , Tecumseh
were Nebraska gucdUJat the hotels yestcr
day. _ _
Jn Mcmorlatn.
MISS MAooin nnonr.mcic , DIID : JUFA14
Hark I the cliurcli bclla now are tolling
A sad requiem to-day :
Hfngglc , lias thy young life vanished
Like some passing meteor ray' . '
Kind and gentle were thy manner ? ,
Iilol of thy mother dear ,
Loved by sisters , father , brother ,
Do we kneel aiomul thy blci ?
Noicsponso ; but silence , telling
That tlio vital spaik had lied.
That tlio child we loved and chetished
Now is with the saluted dead.
"Lovely mother 1" lastwoids spoken
Uy your Maggie , now no more.
Hush your sorrows ; ye shall meet her
On that blight and golden shore.
And all yo who fomlly lovca her ,
Pray for her "now gone before ; "
She piesents her praycrln glory
Wlicio yoii'll meet her evermore.
July 17 , 1830. A
Infantile Fortuno-Scolccrs.
When No. 4 on the Union Pacliic canv
over the river last night after delivering
its load of passengers eastward bound twi
little fellows were discovered under tin
seats. Each ono was about as big as i
pint of peanuts nnd botli did not havi
clothes enough upon them to in nice i
good square foot of zierzwy quilt althougl
the variety of colors might make a show
ing. Tlio kids were from Atlantic , la.
and said that they had run away to seel
their fortunes and were bound for Denver
vor , Colo. Their names are llormai
Saner and Ed. O'Hrion. Ollicer O'Grad ' ;
took thorn in charge at the depot and es
corted thorn jailward. Ho did not cal
the patrol wagon for in case of nocessit1
ho could have put thorn m Ins coat-tai
pockets. .
Unln , IlcnuUfuI Rain.
It was certainly aggravating to hoa
the passengers on the incoming train
tell of the splendid showers of rain it
the vicinity of /Grand / Island yesterday
and oven in Denver where the heaven ;
wept copiously Friday and Saturdn ;
nights. Donvorl Usually dry as mid
summer sermons from a clcrlo who conic
bio himself to the sea shore or tin
montains , Then lo make matters wor i
n man from tlio Republican valley como
up smilingly , and relates stories of tin
grand rain fall in that scctlou. Jupitc
Plnvius must -have some cause of ango
against Omaha. Perhaps it is bocausi
ho can't make mud pics in such whole
sale quantities in this city as of yore before
fore pavements were laid. There is on <
consolation , however , the rain fall i
coming east and let it como by all means
thu sooner the butter.
frep rad with ( pedal tcjard to htat * .
No Ammonia , I inaor Alum.
A Mysterious Oase of Sickness That Maj
Prove Fatah
llurt Kjr n Street Car A Tnlk AVltli
Loynli Ilasc Ball The CIcar & .
entice Record Other
and Itolriieil.
A case of sudden and very serious , il
not fatal , illness Irom mysterious causes
was broiu'lit to the attention ot the police
atlllo Jackson street , near Tenth , yesler
day altcnioon. The patrol wagon was
called to that place where , in a lodging
house , kept by Andrew Graber , a mm
was found in an apparently lifeless con
ilillon. Ho was placed in the patrol
wagon and removed to the police station
where he lay in tv stupor until late in tin
evening , when ho was removed to the
poor farm without having regained con
sciousncss. The circumstances surround
ing the man's sudden Illness are of :
peculiar nature and give rise to the sus
picion that he had been foullydealt with
The victim is M. Ueiusch , a Herman
about thirty-five years of ago who luu
lived in Omaha for three or four yean
employed principally as liclu in dillercn1
hotels of the city. For a j-car or more he
has had a room at Mr. Graber's. During :
tlio past two months lie lias had a room
mate , an American , but as Keinseh paid
the rent Mr. Grabor failed to learn the
name of the room-mate and knows noth
ing of his business \yhereabouts
Keinseh is a sober , industrious fellow
particularly free from dissipating habits
Yps rday morning , however , ho wa
noticed to bo drinking with his room
mate and a stranger as his companions
The fact created some comment nmon < :
Hemsch's friends , especially as his room
mate and the sirango companion wort
evidently trying to lay him out
About IU o'clock ' Kcinsch was taken sud
denly ill anil was taken to his room b
his companions , wiio immediately disap
peared and have not since been seen
The man's condition attracted the alien
tion of some of the guests at die Allan tit
house , who called Mr. Grabor to uttcnc
him. Dr. lloll'iuan was summoned am
announced that the man had beer
drugged and was in a very critical condi
tion. Ho grow rapidly worse , and wher
removed to the poor farm was scarcely
alive. His room-mate and the strong )
companion have not been seen sinci
Keiiibch's sudden illness yesterday morn
jug. As lie was known to have tlio sav
ings of several months work , it is though
that he was deliberately drugged' aut
robbed by his companions.
Tlicy I'alnt thn City In. Bright Cnrinim
Coloring ,
At 2:30 : o'clock yesterday afternoon a
rusty-looking , old Hat bottomed , steri
wheel tub boat sailing under the name o
General Terry touched at the foot o
Douglas street , having on board threi
companies of tlio Seventeenth Unitet
States infantry en route from Dakota ti
Wyoming. The boat hael been o.xpcctoi
since the early morning , and its arriva
was witnessed by several Ihouszuul smal
boys and several hundred larger pcopli
who iiad assembled in honor of the event
The first act of the arrivals was knock
ing in the river a small boy who , in hi
anxiety to get a complete view of tin
brave warriors , had pre-empted a higl
rock which came in the way of the slav
who carried the rope ashore. The com
panics on board were II , D and 1 } of th
Seventeenth regiment , under commoix
of Major Casey. His stall' consisted o
Lieutenant Mann , regimental adjutant
ami Lieutenant ISnsh , regimental quai
let-master. The other officers wore Cap
tain Howe of company Ii , uaptan
O'Brien of comnauy D , Captain Green
of company 15 , and Lieutenants Hrcnnai
of company B and' Chubb am
Kerr of company D. In ael
dition to the above Ihere wer
140 rank and file soldiers. These com
panics have been in the department o
Dakota for the past sixteen years , for tin
last thrco years at Fort Yates , and an
now bein" transferred to Wyoming forts
They loft Fort Yate.son July 13 , thospcct
of the trip being seriously intoriorcd will
by the low stage of the water. The elli
cers and their wives and the soldier ,
crowded on the city hide of the deck a
General Terry was laboriously pumpei
towards the shore. When the gang plan !
was thrown out an officer and a soldic :
stopped ashore abreast. They halted lonj
enough to salute some ollicors from For
Omaha , who had been detailed to nice
Iho battalion. The olliccr then asked hov
far it was to commissary headquarters-
The soldier spoke plainer English , am
gave a gamin ton cents to show him tin
nearest saloon. The oilicer's wants won
attended to by his brother officials am
the soldier took euro of himself. Nobodj
seemed , to know when the companie"
would start west : md the soliliers wen
given Iho freedom of llio city. Tlioi
started up Douglas street four deep ani
halted not until they struck thu beer join
between Ninth nnd Ponlh streets whicl
is presided over by females. Here tin
boys broke ranks and in less than in
hour Iho majority of the 140 men in lini
wore in no condition for a dross parade
About 0 o'clock an exhibition of Ihu fight
mg quality of bad whisky was made , f
young , husky fellow named Clareno
Bryant , of company U , insisted on nils
ing a row with a member of anothei
company , and llnally assaulted him
Ollleor Kennedy attempted to place bin
under arrest when the latter clinchct
him. The olllcor was thrown down am
robbed of his club. Ho was on his feei
in an instant , however , and pullliu
his gun made the young warriol
hand over the club. Bryan
was taken to thn corner of Tenth am
Douglas and the patrol wagon called
Before the wagon arrived several of Bry
' comrade's around and
nut's gathered i
row with them was narrowly averted
Bryant was place'd in the patrol wagoi
nnd started tor the station. AtFourtecull
Rtrcot hogavo ono loup mid was on tin
ground unit running before the ollleen
realized what had taken placo. Oilicori
Matza , Crawford , Whalon and O'Hoyli
were soon after him. The lad was a runner
nor and led the coppers n lively chase
Ho blipped and fell in front of Higgin'i
place but was up and away ahead ot Ini
pursuers. He was caught , however , jus
in front of the Metropolitan hotel , lit
tried to break away from Iho pobro thoi
and was onlyquioted by a lick from Mat
7.a'a club which brought the claret. Hi
was removed to the station without- fur
thcr trouble. By this time the soldier :
generally wore getting wild and serloui
trouble was only averted by a strong
roprosenlatlon of the coppers on Dougla :
street. An effort was made to secur >
Bryant's release. A nontenant of hi :
company made several trips to the jai
and liually threatened to bring up his en
tire company and tear the jail down i
Bryant was not turned out at once. Tin
bluff failed to work , however , and Bry
ant was loft in the jail , which is slil
standing. About 8 o'clock the command
ing qllicor detailed the men who wen
sobur to celled the lost sheep and go
thorn aboard the special train which is U
carry thorn west. At 2 o'clock this morn
ing the collection had not been ) akcn up
yet. A colored zittac-lio of ono of tin )
companies was- arrested into last night
for having stabbed n man in a row nt the
The second detachment of troops will
arrive to-day from Fort A. Lincoln ,
Dak , on the slcauicr "General Tomp-
Chris Tiarson ) Uuti Over by a Street
Car niul .Seriously Injuroil.
Chris Larson , an employe of HIP street
car barns , mel with a distressing accident
at the corner of Fiftee-nth street and Farn-
ntnnt 10:30o'cloc-klast : | night. Ho lives on
Catherine strccl , near Woohvorlh , nml
was coming down town on n Park avenue
car to gel some medicine for his wifn ,
who is dangerously ill. In stepping from
thn car ho slipped anil fell beneath the
front wheels. The driver of the car , whc
saw him disappear , started the car agaiti
and was stopped by yells of pain from
Larson , who was underneath Iho wheels ,
The car was stopped , but not until afle-t
it had passed over Larson's loft arm , in
juring him in a fearful manner. Tlio in
jured man was picked up and removed
to the ollico of Dr. Swetniun , where his
wounds were attended to by Drx. Swet-
nam and We'isiTho car wheel hail
passed over the lleshy part of hisloftprm ,
crusliinir llio muscles lo a pulp anil
mangling llio flesh In a fearful manner ,
J'ho wound was dressed ami Iho injured
man made ay comfortable as possible ,
after which ho was moved to his homo ,
Nearly all of the llesh of his left arm will
have to slouch oil'before the arm can heal ,
and this will lay Larcn up for a long
LOVAli Ij.
Interview " \Vlth a Gentleman AVlic
Saw Omaha's U\-iUcrcliniit.
"I saw Smith while f was in Chicago r
day or two ago"said , an Omaha mar
last night to a reporter for the Uru.
"What Smith ? " asked the scribe , won
dcring to which member of that large
an el ancient family the speaker referred
" L. to be " the
"Why , Loyal , sure , was
reply. "J met him in the rotunda of the
Palmer house , lie is looking lairly well ,
dresses in elegant style , sports as large
diamonds as when ho was cutting hit
wide swath in Omaha , lie is boarding
at the Palmer bouse , and altogether it
living in high stylo.
"Smith tohl me ho had been back in
the states two months and in Chicago
cage a couple of weeks. He
says that ho has mot personally
and communicated by mail and wire
with quite all his creditors both in
Omaha and the east. Ho has o tiered
satisfactory terms of settlement as lie
says , ami is not afraid of any criminal
process. He explains his sudden etc-
uarturo from Omaha as a necessary stop
to bring about a prompt settlement of hit
affairs. Ho thinks Omaha is a grand
town , boasts of tlio good will of its
people , but thinks that it is not quite bic
enough to swing such a business as he
had. lie told jmo , ho had been baell
swindled in tliOdea | } with Lowry , and at
present hau no 3largo funds at his elis
posal. Ho told me. however , that he line'
numerous frie-nds who would back him
in any enterprise. 'Ho speaks of visiting
Omaha soon , and says that ho could com
mantl credit here again. 1 think it quitt
probable that life may return to Omaha
and start in business here again. "
They Conic Ioni Doiiiaon But Thcj
Coiiiau'.U'lay Ball.
Ycstcrelny morning's incoming North
western train brought the base ball clul
frontDonison , la. 'Thoy came under the
management of Mr. M. J. Cossnuui , anil
encouraged by the presence of over OIK
hundred citizens of Donisonanel vicinity ,
who came along to keep up the tin herr
eilel of the game from tlic grand stand
The Dcnisons have bcnlen all of tlieolubj
in Western Iowa , and wliilo they kno\\
they wouleln't have a walk nwny with tin
Union Pacifies , those who dared confess
il , wore certain that tlioy would go home
with ono more laurel. Like Snagsy's § 2
hi "A Bunch of Ke-ys , " "they didn't gel
it. " The game was called at 3 u'elock ,
and from the Iirst toss of the ball it was
evident tlmt tlio lowans him bit oil' more
than they could chow. Salisbury's ' delivery
livery puzzled them , and the good all
around work of the homo team paralyzed
the visitors completely. Ihe home tciini
imulo tallies enough in the first three
innings to count ' 'safe" on the game ,
nml from that time there
was but little good playing ,
The visitors would bo allowed
to pot the bases full and then Salisbury
would fan out three men ami end the in
ning. The Donisons were game , however -
over , and played their best in the face ol
the evident fact that they could not win
tlio game. At the end of the ciglitli
inning tliny threw up their hands ami
conceded tlio game , the score slandin"
17 to 0 in favor of the home team. Strock
caught for the home team and gave satis
faction. The Donison clue is composed
of fine youii" fellows , gentlemen all
around' , ami tlioy made lots ot friends
hero wl'.J will bo'glnd to have them come
again after they practice up a littlo. Tlio
borvieos of tlio grand stand reserve were
not needed.
Ilnllbrclu [ Sends with all gravies.
Missouri Greenbackor's.
ST. Louis , July 18. The Greenback laboi
convention for the thirteenth congressional
district ol' this fatnto In session at Pierce OU )
yesterday , nominated Colonel II. F. Follow
of SpringliPld by acclamation. In addition
to the regular county de-legates there weie
entitled to seats In thn convention ono knlghl
of labor for every 100 members In the knights
ot labor assi'inblys In the district. The re o
lutlnn adopted were taken largely Irom tin
platform ot the knlghti of labor. They declare -
clare that the covcriniH'iit should own nml
control railioail.s , telegraph and telephone
lines ; that non-Interest bnarlnir inonej
Bhouhl bu IhSiiPd Instead of bonds ; that nnl
another acre of public domain shnnld be given
to railroadi ) . or any ether corporations , niul
tlmtalte-r 1SK ! ) no alien' should bo allowed te
own land or other real estate.
Rloocly Ho > v of UoHHtttlwiita.
CHICAGO , July lk A- serious llnhc occur
red among a mm\bcrtof white and colora !
roustabouts on the , Blocks just before daylight
yesterday mornliifr , and two men were fntalij
njuied. TlioilL'lit suuk'd wltlui lisiht between
u man named Cimly and a negro nnuicel
James , Uonly tislnlra holaylng pin , and the
negro stiIking hack with largo rocks In hi ;
hands. The row liocamo general nnd a riot
with sticks nnd stone * onstiod The Kasl
Chicago avenue patrol wagon \vns siuninniu'd
and as It daslie-d up the , foters scattered nnd
fleel , Jnincs , the ne-gro , was found lying on
the dock with 11 bnilcou : $ kull , and Conly wuf
picked up from tlie , jlycr , where , bruised ami
bli-cdlng. holiael fntlen'.ln trying to escape ,
lloth men were conyoy/ijl / to the hospital.
Ilnli'orit Suuoo Invaluable fer
hashes , etc.
Personal 1'araurnphs ,
Genorol Manager Kimball's special cai
came in last night attached lo Iho Chicago
cage , Uurliiigton & Uuinoy train. Il
contained the above named gentlnmun ,
General Traillo Agent Stebbens and Uon
oral Passenger Agent Morse , of the
Union Pacijlo.
The many friends of A , II. Forbes , c
leading and nopulnr palron and pro
jeclor of sports of Ihls city , will learn
with pleasure thai ho is rapidly recover
ing from a severe fuvor which at one
time threatened to tight him to a Htmli
ami knock him out.
Mrs. U. J. Mantis left yesterday foi
Colorado Springs for her health. She
was accompanied by her husband , wile
Will reluni in about ten days.
GoUlnnilth < fc Co. , the Hxtenslro Cloth-
Inrs Co in I nc to Otiinna.
Omaha has during Iho past wcok ac
quired another first-class business home
and ono that will take a foremost posi
tion in its particular line in this city.
Goldsmith & Co. , the extensive clothiers ,
whoso factory is in Baltimore , with large
and flourishing branch houses in Walt
Lake City anil Ogden , Utah , nnd Unite
Cit3' , Montana , have had their attention
drawn , like seores of other wideawake
capitalists cast and west , to the reMiiark-
able inducements for the Investment of
capital which Omaha oilers. The pre s-
sonro hern during tlio past day or two , of
Mr Sol Siegel , \ > ho is one of Iho leading
lights of the company , has given to
tlio belief that his visit was in the inter
ests of just such a move as has since de
veloped , and before the gentleman's
many acquaintances had fully learned
of his arrival ho had continued these
suspicions by securing the
eligible store occupied by Shlrcman
Hros & Co. , at 1 )8 ) Fnrnam street. Mr.
Sjegcl brought with him the solid vote of
his notisp botli ea > t and west , favoring
the opening of a branch licrei al any cost
and without delay , and the gentlemen
has scored instantaneous success , having
zilready institutes ! a processor renovation
anil renewal which will thoroughly trans
form their future nromlses. Having ob
tained a satisfactory lease and arranged
for the immediate occupancy of the build
ing ( Shireman Hros. & Co. having re
moved their entire stock to St. Joseph ,
Mo. , Mr. Sicgel wl'l leave for the east
this wcok for tlio purpose of laving in : i
mammoth stock of men's ' , youths' , boys'
and children's elolhing and furnishing
goods , which will arrive in time to admit
of a grand opening about September 1.
Owing to tlio lateness of the season , the
linn will not attempt to stock up for the
jobbing trade , but will have everything
in readiness for this department in time
to supply the trade for tiie Spring season.
Tlio Messrs. Siegel Brothers , in whoso
hand- ! ! has rested the executive part of
the company's ONtensivo business in Iho
far west durn ! < r the thirteen years they
have flourished there , form a powerful
factor of the linn , and there energy , en-
prise1 and efficiency have built up in the
localities named the largest and linest
elolhing houses that stand there to-day.
These ircntlemen are not .strangers to
Omaha's older residents , and by all of
such this advent will bo heartily wel
comed , and il will also by the peopto
generally as the house becomes more
thoroughly known to them.
Goldsmith & Co. have onjoyeel tlio dis-
linelion. whenever they have established
branch houses , of carrying Iho best goods
Iho trade allbrds , and in the largest quan
tities also ; anil the enviable success
achieved elsewhere cannot fail to follow
tlio company to Omaha , where capital
and business ability accomplish as great
things as anywhere in the world.
The business here will bo conducted
under tlio title ot the "New York and
Omaha Clothing Company , " and Mr.
Simon Colin , for years associated witli
Mr. Ilellman's house , will be among the
ollicient corps of attaches who , under the
experienced dircclion of Mr. Sol Sicgul ,
will steer Ihe destinies of the now firm.
The return match between the Freight
and Ticket Audit Office B. & M. U. It.
and the Omaha Cricket Club came oft"on
Saturday last on tlio old 15. ifcM. * grounds ,
and resulted as before , in a victory for
the O. C. C. , by 7 rims. The insignifi
cance of both victories for the O. C. C.
proves that the sides are very evenly
matched , the consequence boiim that far
greater interest is evinced in this than in
other matches lhat have beenplnycel this
season , the one against Lincoln not
uxceptcd. The following is the score :
.T. Fi an els , run out . 2
1 ! . Twill o , b W. R. Vanghnn . : i
W. lloiU'ott. st Taylor , b W. 11. Yauglian. . : !
J. C. Doyle , not out . 2'i
( S. II. Pardon , b 11. II. Vaughan . S
W. Mills , bW. U. Vauishan . 4
M. IJeali , bV . U. Vaugluin . 0
W. Gillliths , bW. It. A'aiulian . 0
II. KlilrUlge. st Tnvlor , b O. II. Yaughan. . . 'J
( J. K. Wilson , b W. It. Vaiichan . 3
( i. 15. Uutlln , b W. 11. Yaii' han . 0
Extras . 8
Total . G"i
rni'.ioiiT AXDTicKirrAUiMTOKFieuii&.Mnn
K. Smith , inn out . 4
,1. Letrcyt , b Doyle . 0
W. r.avnn , b ( Jrinllths . ' !
W.I ! . Vttuuhan , bOiitlltlis . ( J
H. W , Taylor , b Doyle . S
( / . H. VaiiKhiiii , b Uovlo . 2
F. Mcl'herson , bGiillitlis . 0
A. S , Clark . 0
.1. Scott , bOiillltbs . 1
( ! . W. West , not out . S
iM.'i'aIbotbGiimths . 1
Kxtia ? . 13
Total . 40
Hank Clearances.
Omaha bank clearances for the week
ending July 17 were ns follows :
Monday . - . . . . Sti27m2 : !
Tuesday . 710O.VJ.X : )
Wednesday . ' ftlH70.7H !
Thursday . 701 , ( > W.8
Frhlay . 807KS. ! ! J
Saturday . 818bS5.iS (
Total . 84.-lS-J.8tH.00
Increase in clearances over the same
period in 1885 , 80 per cent.
Dicel Among btrangerH.
On Thursday evening L. S. Wclton , of
Oakland , Cal. , representing n San Fran
cisco woolen , registered at the
Paxton. Ho was complaining of being
ill al Iho time and was taknn to ills room.
Ho was confined to his bed until yester
morning , when he was taken suddenly
worse , ami , notwithstanding every effort
was made by Dr. Jones nml assistanls lo
save him , died just before daylight. His
remains have boon taken in charge by
the masonie fraternity and will bo held
until word has been received from his
relatives making disposition of the body.
The mosquito is no longer A terror.
St. Jacobs Oil takes away his sting.
llocciitly Unlit , KanKurnlelioil ]
The Tremont ,
J. C. F1TX.OUUAM ) & SOJ * , 1'roprlutor * .
Cor. Etli nml I'Sts. , I'din , Nob.
llutcsJl.50 per day. Street IM , , . , 'oui liouiu to nnr
jmn of llio ciiy , 4lr
Architect ,
onieos-SJ.UtniKl 43 , Itleimrita JJIoclr. Lincoln ,
Nob. HlovntoronUtli
llrocdcroi Drooilcrnf
F. \YOODS. .
Live Stock Auctioneer
Hales inuilo In all parts of tbu U. B. at fair
rates , Jtoom U , Sluto lllock , Lincoln , Nolu-j
Gollowuy and Short Horu bulU fat-salo.
Farm Loans and Insurance ,
CorrcsDOTiilfiiud In rctrm-J to loans itolloltol
lluum 4 , IticUimU llluelc , Lincoln , Nob.
Sale ,
Denver , Col. , Juno lOHi , lSHi.
40 head of Show Short Horns. ? : > &Crulck
shank , -year-olds , weighing livii ) ; 1111115 and
hollers. Address Field and F.irtn. for oalalnir-
ue > i , Donvnr , VoC \ , M. Uiaiuou , Lincoln , .Nob.
Col , l'\ M.VooJj Auctloneiir.
When In Lincoln bloji at
National Hotel ,
Aud f i < nxl uluugr loi-5.V. !
l _ _ J.A.1-UDAWAY 1'iop.
Advertisements under this hont , 10 cents per
line for the first Insertion , 7 cent * for each sub
sequent Insertion , nml f 1.50 it HUP per month ,
No niUcrtlfoment taken for less than S5 cents
for the tlrst ln rrlon. ( Seven otds will be
counted to , HIP llnot they must tun consecu
tively nnd mint bo | mlil In advance. All driver
tlscmcnts mint bo liaiutjjl In befoio S o'clock
p , m. , nnd undi r iTo clrcdmstanees will tlioy be
taken or discontinued by telephone.
1'nrtlci advert iMuR In the n lolumni ntul lmv >
Intrthc'nnswenai'dros'ed ' In cnio of Tin : Huts ,
will vlon o a k for check toonablo thorn to got
their letter ! , as i\ono \ will bo delivered n\cept
on pie eatatlon of chock. All nuswois to nil-
vortl mncnt should tie enclosed In tinvplopps.
UMOO monthly progt Boo personal column.
rpo lirY.Svll or Kent realestate , go to the
L olllco oft he C. 1 Mayuo Honl Estate niul
Trust Company 817-19
INDELUlil.E stamping tree I'l-lday and Fat-
milny of this week. No patterns torloan ,
no Iron to hunt. 531 S loth gt , WXM7" _ _
rpollUY , Senior Heut twil o tate , BO to the
JL ollico of thu 0. E. Mayno Heal Estate and
Trust Compiiny _ ? " " " 1l !
' tTrlppIe-plrit"rikTilvos'irtil ( ( forks
only JliiO per ft ; lor cash only. Edholm &
Erlcltsou.opp1' . U 8iO.'Jl
rpo nt'Y.Kcllor Kent real estate , tro lo thn
.L office of the 0. IMn ! > no Heal Estate and
TiuM Company U17-I11 _ _
171OU I\CIIANUI : : rity lot for palv lioises
J ? niul earriugo. or good fii'iilly roadster nnd
plmeton. ApplUooiu 10 , Ciclihton block.
I'.Vl-ir ' *
rpo llt'Y , Poll or Hnnt irnl ostatP.Ro to the
L ollico of the C. K. Mayno Heal Estate niul
Trust Compiiny 17-111
pnlil for cilil jpwolry , silver or gold. Ed-
CASH .V Erlcksoii. opp. I' . O. 87021 _ _ _
Fpo HIT , S < iH or itent real oslato , ( to to the
JL ollico or the C. K. Mnyno Itcnl Estnto and
Tins' Compnny ? i" ' ! " _
> 1MVV vaults nml cess pools cleinipil byU.
I EwIng , I . O Hex 4J7. : BlO.nigll *
0 I1PV , Sell or Hont estate , go to the
onico ol the C. E. Mayuo He-nl Estate nnd
' 1'rus.t Company 017-10
01 mofAND ] COPNTY HomN bough
S nnd Fold. Uco. W. Day , 1103 raniatn. 4SU
rprjnrv , Sell or Hont renl estate , go to tlio
JL. ollico of the C. E. Mnyno Itoul 1-stnto nnd
Trust Company M7-1H
KENT Square Plnuo , 51 uionthlv. A
FOK 1513 Douglas. _ _ J-TJ
Ill'V , Sell or Kent real estate , polo thu
TO ollico on ho C. 1 ! . Mnyno Houl l.stnto and
Tiust Company .147-18
"ITU ) II KENT OrBUu-i , 52 pur month , ilospu ,
JJ 1613 Ponging. 7
HIT , Sell or Kent real oMiito , KO to the
TVO olllco of the C. K. Mnyno Itoal I&tnlo and
Trust Company 917-10
FOjfllKNT A stern nn it poort rctnll stroot.
Apply the Omubu Heal Estuto and Loan
Co. 107
rpo lll'V , Soil or Itent leul o-stnto , un to th < )
Jollico ol thu C. i : . Muyno Koiil Kstiito uml
Trust roinpnny I7-1'J '
UliNT Siiunro I'luno $ J monttily. A
FOH . 151U Donelns. 273
> ! ! ! : C.K. MAYNI < Itoal Estate ATiust com
a pany Is the placeto po foi-ieal estate , at-
Btnint of title or to borrow monoy. U47 1 ! '
. - 00\213 foot within 4 blocks
of tha court lious-o , with two now tiouso * ,
f 7,500. Tills Is a buiKUln , C. 15. Mnyno U"i\I Ks
tate ami Trust Co , Kith uml Karnam. 1147-1'J
SAliIS I'nniliuro nnd lca o of six-room
FOK , tltno on | iart. Call 120. Noith S7tli
Ptioct , two blooka fiom Keul Cur Him. _ biCl
TIorrSAY.ii Alot 00\iil feet within 4 blocKH
-it ? ol thoceurt houto , with two now liousos ,
$7,500. This Is u uui sain. C. E. Jlayno Itoal Us-
tate und Tru- t Co , 13lh and Km num. 1U7-U1
"I71O11 SAT.K Merchandise Cheap for cash or
JL ? Omaha real cBlato. a $ . " > ,000 Mock ol KCIILT-
al mcrdlmndUo. Addiuss Saunders County
Morclmul , euro Oiiinlui lie olHco. Bill 17
THOU SAI.K A lot ( H\218 ) feet within 4 blocks
4 ? of the court house , with two now houses ,
$7.500. This is a barirnln. C. M. Mayno Heal Us- -
tate and Trust Co , 15th nnd Knrnnm. ttlT-ll
S A IIS A good family horse and bur-
mM,1701 ! Cnpltol n > emit' . I111 iiO *
Foil SAI.K A tine young road horse.
Call nt Ellis MoSliiino's barn. 8 8-17 *
, 'OK SAMS A lot Cx2ia ) leot within 4 blocks
of thn O3urt house , with two now houses ,
f7r > 00. ThlsHnbarHain C. E. Miiyuo Heal Ev
tale and Trust Co , 1 fit h and l-'arnam. 017-18
"TjlOIl SALE cheap , ono span rood ponies suit-
ja able for delivery or butfgrv team. Inquire
o E. A. Marsh. UOljNortli 10th st. 7UO
A lrEST SIDE Lots at $175 will makfe money
M tor you faMer than any bubinoss you can
pet into. Call nnd tiilco a ride out and BCO the
lots. C. E. Mayno Koal Estate & Trust Co. . l.ltli
and Farnam. ill' 1
TJ10H SAI'K Two tliorouglibrod Uuyllsh ilas-
JJ till pups , nt 1405 DoiiBlas St.
WEST SIDK Lots at $375 will make money
for you faster tuan any buMnes-s you can
gc tin to. Cnllnud tnko a ride out and ECO the
lots. C. K. Mnyno Heal Estate A ; Trust Co . 15th
and Knruam. H47 10
TjlOKSAI.H Kiuo second-hand phnotouciioan
-I ? at Simpson's. 714
Oil S A LK A lot 00x211 foot wltbiu 4 blocks
of tlio court house , H 1th two now houses ,
S7.iOO. ! This Is n bargain. C. U. Ma ) no Boiil Ks
tate and Trust Co , 15th and Fumnm. IU7-H )
IRONIES , ponies 1'onles Improvee" " stoek , 00
odd head for sale nt lirldgo Yards.
784-10 *
" \VIST : SIDi : Lots at $375 will iniiko money
i' tor you faster than any business you c n
getluto. C.ill and taken ilclo out and see the
lotH. C. 13. Mayno Iteal Ustalo & Trust Co. , 1.1th
and 1'aniiiin. _ L"jlM-
"ITIOH hAI.i : Ono melodeon , 0 octnvos ? 48on
-L ? monthly InstallmcnlM. Ono 0 stop organ
knee swells , li'J feet hluh ? : > on monthly puy-
moms. Ono 10 stop First Class organ beautiful
case ? 75 ou easy payments. Ono 7h oetiivo
1'iano ( irand Siiuaro Ho'-tnvooil cute $173 on 10
monthly payments. Ono lleauliful ( ! rand
I'iiino J- ' > ( ) on pnyuiontii nt lloapo's music
rooms IMil Douglas tt. OOJ Aug. 7
SI DE-LotslitWslviTrTnaTo"
for you fnstor than any business you can
KOI into , Call and take u ride out and FOO the
lotn. C. K. Mnyno Real Estate & Trust Co. . intli
and Karnam. V17 10
HOUSKS Lotfl.I''arinfiLaHds money loaiiod.
Uoinls 15th and Doiiglaistroots. 471
\\fKST SIDE-Lots at fll"5 will make money
IT lor you faster than any ImelncHu you can
gotjnto. < ; all mid take a ride out and sou the
lots. C. 13. Moyuo Heal Estate & Trust Co. , Kith
und Fiirnaiii. 017 I
Tnoit HAfTi : Wo have n bunch ot oooiiouii
-I ? two-yoar-old steers , g-ood cattle for Bale.
Btrango Hros. , Sioux City , Iowa. _ lOOOJi-JJ
\\TEST 8IDE-IxtR nt $ ' 17."i will make money
V T for you fimtor than any bnslnoKK you can
get Into , Call and take n ride out and BOO the
lots. C E. Mayno Heal Estate & Trust Co. , lltli
n ' 1 Kin-mini. _ JMJJJ >
S AlH-t iilano , furniture and klteiicT
ranao , 717 B. loth st. 877
WEST SlDE-Ixits at $375 will make money
for von luster than an ) l > Ublno syon can
pet Into ; Call and take a ride out and seethe
lots. C E. Mayno Heal Ebtnto& Tiust Co. , 15th
nnd I'lirnnm. 017 lu
FOlt HAl.i : Clio.ip , Iron columns -ind win
dow caps suitable for fronton brick build-
Ing. I'or particular : ) apply at this ollico. Bl'J
\\fE3T SI , E- Lou at 8175 will make money
T > ioryou laslor tlinn liny business joucan
got into. Call nnd take a ildn out and soothe
l"la. C. R. .Miijnu Itoal EsUito & Trust Co. , Ifiili
and I-'iirnnm. 04710
7jT5Tr8ATjK mfTUADK-Oiio line iaifc-o chwt-
JL1 nutHorrnl lioi > c : 0 years old. 10 hands liluli ,
weight TJCM , wnll broken , good disposition , will
trnildfnr two biimllor horses. HalcUer , ( ladd
& Co , , Mlllard hotel block , 1:70 :
V\7r.tnl SlDK LoU at J375 will imiko jiionoy
TI Ioryou fuHor than any business \OIICMI
pet Into , cull mid taku a ride out andsco Ilic
lots , 0 E. Mnyno Itcnl Estate & Trust Co. . l.'itli
and I'm nam , 017 II )
TTTAOlTSAIji : Sciunni piHnoTlWi monthly pH
JL1 nignn. llnspo. 15J | DoiuiUs. m
\\7ESV SIDELota iit'iT.'i wll make inontj
> for j ou faster limn any bnslncs-j you run
get into. Call and taltti a ride out mid mc-ihc
lota. O 1 * . jlayno Heal E lutOiVTiut Co. , intli
and I'nrnam. in : HI
v\f ANTKI > lllnliii ; room xhl at Dorrn liouse ,
> i ( ill Pnrnuin ML tuRl
\A7ANTrn ininiodl.Ueiy , nglrl fur gnnora
ii housework , KOUI ( wages , at norlliMe > l
oorntr HauilliDii and I'ier 8troeli . Ull-1'1
Olrl for Kcncial lioiifcirork ir
finally of two , Munlion | ; oo > l cook um
dicei. ItClci-oiK'oa itlmolutely neufamy
Apply toMrs. w. Mutord \ , irui H. I3tli tt. w.'i
rpO Ilfv , .Sell or Honl real citato , go ti 11 <
Aot'lia ' iil'iUoO. IJ. Mayno Koal lit me am
Trust coiApuuy. ' VIT JV
1 1 Kmploynu-n Huren iI'J i N IGtli si.
rpo IIPY , Sell or llent teal o tnto , fin to tlio
Joil eo or tlioC.U. M.Uno llonl I' tate mal
Trust ( Himpany. PIT mst
to liuffa-o ( inn. In
qulront Eniplomeut llur.'au. lO N ICtb
st C5I-17
. ! > Itf Rood Klrls lor private
, , i , , i < ' 9 $1 Mi. $4 and $5 per un-l
Inir room slrN , Omaha Vini ! < loyinuii
[ U'l rarnatn ( < ! _ . i
HMIEC E MAYNE Honl Vjtato & Trust com-
I paiiy is the plaro to ( io lei real estate , ftb
Btiacl or title1 or let borrow money. C471U
YV 7" ANTED A tlioroniriily competent KliT.
> > mil * ! bo n iinnd rook. Oood wages. 1SJ1 ;
Fnrnnm Btn-t't. 8 E Cor. 813
rpUE C. E MAYNE Heal Estnto .V Tnut com"
J pnny Is the place to ito for real estate , nit *
Sliact of lltli1 ono bonow mtn.oIll * 19
"V\rANTiit : diil for Ronornl tiounannrk In ix
> fatally ot two. 8. W. oor. 8Mb nnd
tlodw. 8JO-I7'
rpin ; c. T ? M'AYNK iirai "ixintc" & Trust com"
JL | an > Is the place to BO tinloal eMato , ab
stract of title or to borrow money. Pt7 10
ANriitii : | lor Konoral housework !
to good cooK.Apply 20)0 Uouirlii ,
ANTED Ajjonts , ladlrs or KiMitlemcn , Ad-
n. A. S. , Lock Hot M , Omaha. h 7-17
flCIIAItl ) 1111,1. loads all other additions In
< i\i'iy lospect. Investlgato tor yournolC
and bo convinced Teams ready at nil tlinos to
take ptirtled out at the olllce of the IX R Mayno
Heal Estate and Tiust Co , luth nnd raruam.
V\ANTUI ) ( iooil BhiTtillO South IStlTstroot.
\ > 8W-17
OHClT/Tlil ) HIt.iTTead-Tim other additIon ! in"
every rospecl Investigate for jouraeIC
and ho coiivini-t'd. Teams ruadv at all times to
take imrlle.sout nt the olllco of tlie > O. E.Mayno
Heal V.stuto and Trust Co , 15th and rurnnm.
Two dlnlnif-room lrl3 at
Planters lluiiee. corner Dodge anil Ifllh.
OIICIIAHD HIM. Icnils nil ollior additions In
ovoi-y rofpcol. InvrMliwto lor yonraolC
mid bo convinced. Teams roaily nt nil tlwiM to
tiiKopirlli"4otlt at tlio ollli-o ol tlio C. K. Mnyno
Honl Kstato mid Trust Co , 15tliamt Ktiriitun.
\VANTii > Hi'llablo mltlillo-auod woman to
> ' tulio chai'Ko of an Itiliuit , ono who undoi--
Rtanils iilnin bowlnir prcfoiral. Apply at
K. A. Sloman , 11)14 I'linmm Bt. Si' ,
' ite'llAltlJ inijT7 loads uU'othcr"mlillllons !
every icspcet. Imi'stlirniu lor jonrsolt'
nnd bu com lnou.1. Toaius lomly ut alltlmcsto
tnko parlios out nt tlio ollico ot tlio 0. K. Mayno Kslatu and Trust Co , IMli and I'uinnin.
"V\rANrrii : > TWO peed trills Tor iiouso-
ii uork , noiiu but tlrst-oluss noocl apply.
IMliolin A irlcl : > soii.opp. 1' . O. 870 il !
-\\7 ANTHI ) A Girl to tlo Koneinl housework
T > In private family , lull ) llonuraat. 810-10 *
ACOMl'l.iTl : ) Set oC abstracts of Douglas
connly Kent by the C. E. Mayne Heal cs-
Altet tlifts uuaianteud.chargoa
Ai/'ANTKn A ( llrl foria'iiotnl house wont in
T ii tninlly of two : t'ooj WIIBC.S ! apply to
Mrs. W. E. Aniiin , 1405Sherman avenue , head of
Clnt k St. OS !
ANTED ( Jlrl lor general housowoili ;
Rood wa eaii11l St. Mai-y's nv i. 7 8-10
ArOMl'I.KTK Set ol nbstrncts of Douglas
county kcpt'by the C. K. Mn > no Heal Kg-
tate * Trust Co. Abstracts Biiarantt'od , charges
raibouablo. VI7-1U
" \\ANTi : Tliroo Rh-is , ono cook and two
i' for gonoial hoiisowoik. Wnuoa f4 ! to $1H
n month , must no good 4iolp. Eujrlo house , 414
south 14th Htieet. 7lo-lU ) *
ACO.Ml'Mri'i : ? otof abstract 9 of Douglas
county kept by the C. K. Mnyno Heal Ks-
tnto & Trust Co. Abstracts KUaiaiitocd.chargos
ANTUU-l/lvo salesladies , 1403 Dodge st.
I ' 7111
COMI'filVn : Set of Abstracts of Douglas
A county kujit by tbo C. K. Muyno Heal Us
tmo iV TriiHt Oo. , Abstracts guaranteed , cliargoa
rcusouablo. 917-10
\X7ANTED-A lrl forKCUoral bo-aso work at
V > No. 1918 Cnipltol avenue. 631
WANTED A woman to do ironornl house-
woik ; a t'ood cook prolorrod. 1818 Web
ster. O'JO '
W "ANTED oirls uPmako overalls , ehlrtu
nnd Jeanspantu. Cinllelu Jlf'tr Co. , oor.
Utli and UoUBJas , up btalrs. ( JOt autf , 7
WANTKD A ( fill todOBonorul housoworlc.
( Jood phico for the rifflu ffiil , Jll N. Hill St.
botwoou llurt and Cumlnpr. 688
WANTKD A Rood KM for Rouoral Iiouso
work : must bo n ijood cook , washer aild
'lonor. 1UJO Douglas St. 577
ANTED-QIrl ; BC7S JMlh 8f
_ . 185-21
WANTKD A competent lrl for Konornl
homework. Apply nt 448 Convent Ht. U53
WANTKD Immodlatolya Hrst-claas cook a
1B12 DodRo Bt. BQj
WANT1JD 2-i youmr ladles nnd Bents to
learn tolosraphy. 1'rospoots lor positions
when coinpctont.KOod. Address W. J. O. room
' - 10th st , Omaha. TOS
W ANTED 511 moil for Wyoming K. P. Albright -
bright , Labor Agenoy , 130S Km num. OKI
"VTfANTKD A colored boy , oxporieneod as
IT porternnd cleaning ; up , and wail rcenin-
mended , bitiSouth Ulth fitioct. M-ll *
WANTED A pastry cook at the Windsor
hotel. ecu
\\rANTED A iiiiiu to ciiwa s for musical
* goodsexperienced mm roijuliod. Innulro
of _ Edjuhii& Erlckf-oii. 101-17
V\rANTif men for woik on U. , M. & 81.
> > I'aul It. It. In Iowa , E. 8. AlbbriKht , I.a-
nor Agency , KiUH l-'ainiiiu st. Qot
WNTED T"\To latolllircnt boys with horses
to carry ovonliiK routes ou Dally Hoe. lu-
i good active biislmiss nion oT
' good addies-s , bet. 20 ami 10 years of age.
J. M. Kruncli & Co. , Room 111 llushnoll Dloclc.
B34 ! M
_ _
-\-l f ANTK li-L-iboi n forlllnok Hills oxtcn-
> Blon of 11. A ; M. Jt. It. near Droken How.
Men to drive loams. Scraper hoidois and
hhovolors. E. S Albright's Labor Agency , IIIJS
' ' et. H5a
"Tt ANTIIH At the Empire Steam Laundry u
V T lookko--pei and nn usalstaiit. HBO17
WANTKU Kvporloiicod man foreity work ,
none nut n riKllor need apply , Edliolm
& Hrlckson ppjj. I'.O , _ MO-SI
TTIT'ANTIJD rlyo olgar makers ( hand work-
Tl men ) , Imiulro Ocoigo E. flodfrov. Vm-
inonjj Nob. 707-IB _
WANTKD Tin oe hundred jock men , three
hundred htborors. Oood work , gnoil pay ,
Apjily to Cbas , llolsselloi-20 mllu Iiouso Ollvo St.
Itoad , St. Ixiuls Co. , Mo. , o Jacob Jayraus ,
I.abaillo , Mo , Keene llrosoiistriictlon Co. ,
chlel contriiulors St. Louis , Ku'nsm City & Col , _ 4 8Augl
\\7ANTKIi situntlon by n young man ni
teacher of Cross Ecleetlo ehoithanil. 1
studied ur.clor the author himself , from whom I
have good recommendations. Oau uco ( lui t ) po-
wrltorand lia\n ha > l much uxporlnnce an toaenei-
in the piibllof-elioolH. Addrosa Y. W , . Jlco of.
llee , Council Hluirs , la. - 12-VJ
situation as "bookkeeper or ns-
sIMnnt by young man , who can glvogooil
rctwences as to chat actor and nhlllly. Address
G box 114 Lodge J'olo , Neb , 030 1 *
WANTKD A sTtuatTon by n young 111110" '
tend liorsos or milk OOWB. ( lood rofo
unco can no given Apply nt No. 101U Cumin
gtjioj , lMhana _ lUlh , _ B"U 17 _
WANTKD Woik of any kind bynyoitnir
mail , stiMiuor In the city and willing to
work. Adihoib I ai.l lee olllco. _ lrti ; III'
WANTED A thorough order , restaurant
and hotel cook wants a goo 1 plaoo. Sober
nnd lias loleronccs. A | > drusi 1 10 , lion olllco ,
_ _ _ _
NTEli Sltuullon oy n lady stonoirrnphor
mid type-writer ol ability
Mm-oearo I'
V\7AN'l El > l'n IHon In doak dopailmont ,
> i guneial dry goods or ImiHoke-opni-
i by mlddle-iiHoJ womuii ol nxpcricn-o nirJ
_ _ i MMOIII. .Mis. II , HoxJinT Omalin. _ BW _ _
WANTIJD Employment , is barloudcr ; good
u-lcrcuceti glvon. AdJiois II 14 , ieu !
ollli-o , Omaha , HM" | : ,
TpOlt Sl < K'Hi would exehauyn for Omaha
4- property or part pjie > rit l.ind.onoof . the
heist nock larnm m Douglas uouuly , liiQiiiio
Immediately ol Jlallou llros. , IM'I ' DouyJiH nt ,
\\'ANTED Tiio o'tl'ous of Omahn lo Uiv-w
> > that Orchard I III ! h tlu > Bunion cimi ol ibo
city itnd l"U arc voldny at reiiiarkauly liitrpr. < oi
mid mi on-y icrin-liy I'l l MM.VIHI , Jleiil l la'u
auiJTiurt Co. , Ititli and I amain i'17-l'J
y.WJ Klid , ! . ' 01 yards of
\v t-urlh. liHiiiirinU IjTe.'onveiusr J K rner.
t ( on