Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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M4HA OmCT. . NO. m AND 918 J"AntfAM 3
N w YonKOmcis.nooM e5Tnti t E ntnunxn
WABiiisaros Orricis. Ko. 613 FonniKssrn ST.
Published cTcrymornlnff , except Sumlnj- . The
only HonOnx morninff pnpor published In the
i HT MAIT , :
Ono Yonr. . . . . . . . . $10.trtThrro ] Months . , J2.K
EU Months. . 6.00Ono Month . l.OC
TUB WEEKLY HER. Published Every Wednusdtiy.
< 5no Venr , with promlum . . . * 2. < X
'OnnYenrwithout premium. . . . . IX
, Rlr Months , -wllliniit premium. . . . . . " ;
if Oao Mouth , on trial . It
contiEfironriEKCE :
AH communication * rolntlnpr to news nml oa >
( orlnl innttors should bo addressed tothoKui' '
roil or r/iu llr.r.
jicsiNEsg Mrrrmst
All business letters nticl romlttnnooi should he
eoflfttised to Tim HER I'um.istitxo COMPANr ,
OtiAilA. Draftn , checks nml postofllco onion *
to bo mndo pnynblo to the order of the companr-
K. I103BWATB11. EotTOB.
Sworn Statement of Circulation.
SI tiio of Nebraska , ) _
Countvnf Douglas.1s * Hi
(5co. 1) ) . Tzscluiek.sccrctnry ot Iho JJf > o Pub-
Itslilnu conipntiv , tlous solemnly swear thai
tlio nctttal clrciilntlon of the Dnllv Dec
for the vrcck ending July 10th , 1PSO , was at
follows :
Saturday , 10th . ' . 12.4.V
Monday , 12th . 12IV.C
'rucstlay.intli . I2i7f
Wednesday , 14th . 1'J.ITJ
Tlmrsilny.i.itli . . . . 12.20C
Friday , iOtli . 12,30t
Average . 12,37r
GEO. B. Tzscnucu.
Subscribed ntul sworn to linfoio mo this
17th day of July , 1880. K. 1' . Fr.u , ,
IsEAul Notary Public.
Goo. B. Tzsclmclf , being first duly sworn.rto-
posot nnd says tlmt lie Is Rcerotnry ot the J5cc
I'tibllshinc company , that the actual average
dally circulation ot the Dally lice for the
month of January , ISSC. was 10,378 , copies ;
for February , 1BSO , 10,595 copies ; for ijntch ,
l f0 } , 11,537 copies : for April , ItfcO , 13,191
copies ; tor Mnv , IbSO , 12,439 copies ; for June ,
1850,12,293 copies.
( Subscribed and sworn to before me , tula
DtU day of July , A. D. 18SO.
N. P. FEU , .
fBBAT. . ) _ Notary Public.
AN electrical battery will not revive the
qirculation of the bantling papers whose
weakness the BKE has been forced to
expose. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TijEitn has boon no storm yet in these
parts , but some of our local contempor
aries net as if they had been struck b ?
ANOTHER French duel has boon foughl
.nuil as usual neither of the combatants
wore .hurt. The French duel is about as
much of a fraud as the French bluster.
Tnn question in Iowa now IsVill
Brown Run. " Brown showed no inclin
ation to "run" during the bombardment
of that auditorship trial , but it looks
very much now as if ho proposes to make
H stiff race forrQ-oloction.
SPEAKING about how to spend vacation ,
a number of Omaha school marms will
employ it in preparing wedding trous-
fioaus. This method of getting ready to
teapji the young idea how to shoot has
bpoomo quite the annual fashion in
Omaha's educational circles.
' ' Six St. Louis nldcrmcn have bcon m-
ijr 4iQtod for drunkenness in oflico nnd
i * ( , licibjisry. The reform raovomont which
[ began in Uow York with Jaohnoandhls
crowd is spreading rapidly ever the
covmtry. Municipal oorruptionists must
GcnosiMo is still in the dim distance
, with General Allies pulling and blowing
in the rear. If General Miles had had
less "puffing" and done more blowing
before ho took command m Arizona he
would receive more sympathy under the
present distressing and humiliating cir
cumstances ,
THE pretty little metropolis of Gage
County is pluming itself for putting on
the dross of a city. Its directory shows
a population of 7,500. Beatrice is one ol
tjiq group of Nebraska inland cities
wliogo rapid and substantial growth h
li | 5d equally on the enterprise of HE
'Citizenship aiTd the abounding fertility oi
rtlio surrounding country.
p" * * " " " * " " * i * ' " ' " ' ' *
In the matter of bank clearances ,
. Onrnlia did herself proud last week. Hoi
clearances not only footedup larger than
tlpuu imy previous week , but her percent'
Rge of increase ' over the corresponding
wnefc.of lust year was larger than that oi
jvny other city. The ligures show that hoi
clearances amounted to . $ -1,483,804 , and
ttuiMior percentage of increase- was &
Iv Congressman lloagan , of Texas
ay bo accepted as authority , congrcs ;
) will do very little , if anything , for im
jjirovlnp : or adding to the coast fortifica
. Uona of the country at the present ses
, lon. Notwithstanding the note of alant
l.sounded some time ago by Mr. Tildcu ,
' J&0 congressional dcmooratio mind dotu
' fio& & jBcom to have been aroused to c
nerlwis realization of the danger whiol :
threatens the country , as graphicallj
iwlntod out by the sago , from too ab
' * e Cflof coast defenses , ai\d improve
jaunt ; lu this direction must wait. Mr
JUftgnn stated , however , that there is t
gsuwral sentiment in favor of creating t
aw and first class navy aftd providing
* Bbundant supply of ordnance of the
Wy Ijost kind. If eongruss will glvo the
mint-try nav.Y of which the American
Ufren Jicctl not bo ashamed , the inattci
Of coast fortllicutlons may safely bo post
A NATIONAL anti-saloon conference , tc
| Composed of men who claim to havi
iwted with the republican party and pro
lets to bo still republicans , Is BOOH to b <
bold in Chicago. , The project has not ro
oelvcd n great deal of attontjon , and w (
Are not prepared to say that it is entitled
| p any consideration beyond mention at
H cun-ont event. Tlio probability Is that
movement originated with some o
Imirbrniued Impruoticables who an
troublesome adjuncts of all politicn :
liwp and that tlu > proposed conforcnct
be only another crazy scheme gottoii
M | , l lil0 ! amBof moral roforuj , only It
n putting obstacles in the way of t
reform. This Is ; a least an cu
warrantable inforouo * from the ro
MiK f > ( A oonforenco pf thn eupporcrs ( ol
Hu ) wipvoniont held In Boston n few duyi
, sinonjc wkoui Ue notorious Dr ,
twi'll w ; ooutiplouoiis , and at whlot
< lM ' ' a free lupply of gabble of tbc
ed , wild-eyed vurlety , The
oonforeno * . If it ever assembles ,
Uud no cud of Ion in Chicago ,
The Hcst la the OhenpesU
Lesi than ft year ago the proprietors 'o
the BEE ventured upon changes in tin
mechanical department of this establish
mcnt which involved an outlay of $25,00' ' )
The investment In fast presses was fol
lowed by an enlargement of the paper
an increase in the editorial start" , am
largely Improved telegraph and news
gathering facilities. Tito result of thosi
costly improvements 1ms boon the pro
dilution of ( vmetropolitan dally that is excelled
celled by no nanor in any city of 200,00 , :
people. Another important and cos tl ;
feature has recently boon added by tin
purchase of the New York Herald cabli
The running expenses of the WEE havi
now reached $500 n day , an increase o
$3,800 per month , or $37.000 per year eve
what they were one year ngo. That oui
venture was justillotl is shown by the fac
that moro than 4,1)00 ) subscribers lmv <
been added to our dally list sino
July 1,1883. Having covered the Hold ai
no other paper west of the Mlssisslpp
has succeeded in doing , the advertising
patrons of the BEE have received the fill
benefit of Its enterprise. They have bcci
taken into our conliiloncc , without ro
servo. We have given thorn access to oui
press room nnd kept our books open foi
inspection to verify the sworn statements
monts of circulation. No other paper li
this section has been in a position to shov
its actual subscription list.
The true value of an advertising mod
him is in the extent of its circulation
While our rates are much higher thar
these of other papers , the BEE Is as t
matter of fact the cheapest as well as the
best advertising medium west of Chicago
No other paper in America covers tin
local field so thoroughly. The cxhibit-o
city circulation , which wo make olso'
wherein this issue , demonstrates Urn
the BEE has no competitor in Omaha
Wo have gone to the trouble and expense
penso of this newspaper census with m
design to make war upon anj particuliv
paper , since wo have not for years hat
any business rivalry with thorn. Wi
Imvo undertaken this task solely with !
view of justifying the advertising rate :
which the BEE exacts for tlio use of it
columns. This is by no moans a nove
undertaking. It has been done ty
papers in other cities whore bonus circu
litlion claimants have imposed upon ai
unsuspecting public , and have obtainct
money under false pretenses.
The enterprising business man who depends
ponds on the newspaper largely for hi :
success will now bo in a condition tc
judco whether ho is getting his money' ;
worth by patronizing tlio BEE , and thosi
who have heretofore felt outraged whoi
bills were presented by us that won
higher than those of the readerless dailic
will no longer regard themselves as vie
tinis of extortion.
Owned by the Corporations.
The action of the judiciary committei
of tlio United States senate on the Becl
resolution finds no reputable apologis
outside of the senate chamber , which i :
unfortunately dominated by the influence
of the attorneys of subsidized corpora
tions. The arrogance df this action , it
the face of public opinion , is unparalleled
and the shamelessncss ot tbo-mcnrospon
siblo for it Is well illustrated by a state
montof the Washington corrosnomlcn
of the Now York Evening Post , who state *
that within n few weeks the two mostdis
tinguished members of the judiciary com
mil too loft the senate to go into the supreme
promo court to argue cases for subsidized
roads against a state government. Tin !
correspondent also states that the com
mittco undertook two years ago to ontoi
into negotiations with the Union nnt
Central Pacific railroads , guaranteeing t <
prevent the passage of acts aflectinf
those companies for a certain period
The committee has boon trying to frauii
a bill that would bo acceptable to the rail
road companies , nnd has drawn threi
bills to this end because the railroad !
objected to the first two am
approved of the third , but it has deter
mined to lay the whole subject over unti
next winter. The session of next wintci
will DO short , and the 'attorneys of tin
railroad companies in the committee am
their associates who nro not in employment
mont , but who have the natural tendencies
doncios of lawyers for rich corporations
will got the whole subject postponoc
again for a year. All this shows unmis
takably that tlio senate committee on tin
judiciary is to all intents and purpose ;
owned by the great railroad corporation :
which the nation has subsidized , nnd tha
so long as that committee is constltutet
as at present no legislation obnoxious t <
those corporations , however urgently
demanded by the public interests , wil
bo had if the judiciary committee cm
prevent it. The fact , so amply demon
stratcd , that the loading committee of tin
sonata is the moro creature of great cor
poratlons , solicitous only of their interests
osts and wishes regardless of those of tin
people , is alike disgraceful and doplor
A DocllnliiK Statesman.
It is a fact to be noted with regret thai
among the public men of the country
none has lost so rapidly and surely in tin
confidence of the people during the pas
few months as Senator Edmunds , o
Vermont. The telegraph has noted tha
in the course of a rather sharp colloqui
in Iho senate a few days ago Genera
Logan applied the term "pestiferous" t <
Mr. Edmunds , and unhappily the char
acterization is amply justified by the recent
cent course of the senator. Two yean
ago , and since that time , Mr. Edmundi
was regarded by a largo body of the people
plo as pro-eminoutly the ropresontativ <
in public lifo of the highest order of in
tcgrity and inccorruptibillty , The sraal
contingent which gave him its support u
the Chicago convention us a presidents
candidate , did so in the proud conscious
ness that whatever question there rnigh
bo nSspooting his availability , his upright
ness of character was unassailable , Thej
pointed to him as a leader "without feu1
and without reproach , " and their elain
was not seriously disputed. There ma ;
have been men at that time who'knov
that Mr. Edmunds was receiving a largo :
credit at the hands of his Admirers that
ha was entitled to , but if so they did no
proclaim their knowledge , and the fao
that his supporters could marshal so fov
under bis banner wna held by them to b <
a tribute to his great honesty of clianio
tor , ivliloU the politicians feared.
TLs contingent would ba found ox
treniely small which would to-day havi
the * hardihood to support Mr , Kdtmiml
KB t > pro&idoutial candidate , and we venture
turo to suy would not include ouo of thi
reputable men whoso mistaken confidenci
led them to support him two years ago
in it that Lr.s de.'trovwl faith lu tin
the Vermont scnatorf lit ;
distinguished ability as A lawyer Is fltil
acknowledged. Ills great services in ad
vancing the principles ot his party
through which tlio general welfare was
promoted , are not and cannot bo denied
The loss of faith Is duo to the clrcum
stni-cc that Mr , Edmunds has been fount
capable of prostituting his position as s
servant of the people to the willing serv
ice of corporate wealth and monopolistic
power owing existence nnd nil the right. '
and privileges enjoyed to the gcncrositj
of the pcoplo. It is because in all the
c ( Torts that have been nuulo to check the
rapacity and oppression of corporate
greed and power , nnd to compel the crca *
turcs of public magnanimity to conforn :
to the contracts which give them the
right to exist , in order that the public in
tercsts shall bo justly subserved , Mr. Ed
munds has always been found on the side
of the corpoiations. And nil tlio worli'
knows that this is not * a service of duty oi
conscience , but of lilro tuc return made
for princely retainers as an attorney ol
wealthy corporations. Mr. Edmunds'if
unfortunately not nlono in this
prostitution of senatorial duty anil
position , but ho has boon moro conspicu
ously audacious in proclaiming it than
any of the others who are equally culpa
ble witli him. If there Is any merit in
bravely doing a wrong thing , it must be
accorded to the Vermont senator in con
nection with ids course in this mat'cr. ' .
Ho may have haci recourse to devious
ways , as in respect to the Beck resolu
tion , but ho has not gene behind the
bush. Ho has not permitted any doubt
to prevail as to the direction in which
his favor would bo extended , and ho is
known of all inun , and most surely of the
men who manage nnd manipulate the
great subsidized railroad corporations ,
as the outspoken and faithful advocate
and champion of corporate power. No
man can servo two musters , and in serv
ing the corporations Mr. Ed munds must
inevitably bo unfaithful to the people.
In this light the pcoplo are compelled to
regard the recent oourso of Mr. Edmunds ,
and that confidence in his integrity and
respect for his wisdom , winch only a little
while ago ho possessed to a degree
hardly equalled by any other man in
public lifo , are no longer his. In a few
brief months ho has demolished thai
which it took him 5roars of honorable ser
vice to acquire , and which Is the fairest
and surest monument a man can have
the faith of the people.
An Issue That Must Ba Mot.
When the high license law lirst wont
into efl'cct it was nullified by Mayor Boyd
and City Attorney Manderson. The law
very distinctly requires that each appli
cant for license shall pay $1,000 before he
can legally vend liquor. It as distinctly
gives the board that issues the license
discretion to refuse license to any appli
cant. It expressly prohibits the issue of
a license to keepers of disorderly houses
or to parties who are notorious law break
ers. The right and duty of the board to
exercise its discretionary power to refuse
license to any party who proposes to
plant a saloon next to a lire engine house ,
a school house or a church , can hardly bo
called into question. When a protest is
made against the location of a saloon in
such a neighborhood by respectable and
law abiding citizens , their duty becomes
imperative. This was the position upon
which wo planted ourselves five years
ago , when the editor of this paper per
sonally appeared before the board to pretest -
test against the indiscriminate licensing
of saloons without regard to the
character of the keepers. Had this
protest been heeded and the law been
strictly enforced , Omaha would not now
be the only city in Nebraska where the
plain provisions of the high license law
are openly disregarded by the city au
thorities. The position which Judge
Dundy has taken as the representative
of many other citizens and property
owners in the Second ward , is eminently
correct and should bo sustained. Judge
Duudy expounded the high license law
before the license board , exactly as the
supreme court has ruled upon it and
would rule upon it again. The
supreme court has decided that
the right to refuse license is absolutely
vested in the board , and its manifest duty
is to reject any application for license
where order and public safety are endan
gered. Mayor Boyd has from the outset
treated tills subject as ho has treated other
municipal law-breaking. Ho says "they
all do it , " or "they do it elsewhere , "
therefore "I propose to keep down the
bars nnd to license everybody that can
get up a petition and has the money to
pay. Wo do not hope to influence Mayor
Boyd on tills issue. Ho wants to make
political capital out of a controversy
which Involves no politics whatever. It
is simply n question of law nnd order and
the exercise of police powers ,
The issue must bo mot nnd the board
should curry out the spirit as well as tlio
letter of the law. There is no charge that
Raflerty keeps a disorderly house or that
ho is a disreputable citizen. The ques
tion is whether the board will respect the
wishes and rights of other citizens whoso
religious exorcises would bo disturbed
and whoso families would bo annoyed by
Mr. Kaflbrty1 s. bar-room. There arc many
places in tlio ward where no protest will
bo mado. Lot Mr. Itaflorty locate thoro.
Incidentally wo desire to warn the
friends of high license , as well as tha
liquor dealers , against the inevitable re
sult of the connivance of city authori
ties at the open violation of the plain
provisions of the law , Unless high
license is made oiTcotivo by a ropcal of
the fast nnd loose ordinance under which
the sale of liquor lj now regulated , wo
shall have tlio turmoil and bitter conflict
which prohibition will precipitate. The
wise thing and the proper thing to do
will bo to repeal the illegal ordinance
and replace it by one dravvn in perfect
accord with the Jaw. Tiio law-abiding
and reputable class of dealers are in
favor of such n change for their own
protection , and those who nro always
outside of the law should not influence
our law makers. .
A SCOKB of candidates are anxious to
explain to the rallroguo gang that they
have not pledged themselves for Van
Wyek. They are equally anxious to let
it be known among the farmers that they
are not committed against the senator.
should bo done to expedite
business in the district court. The law's
delays in Douglas county are too pro
tracted and seriously incouvonienco the
litigating public.
' . . , ' g
waa probably as usual full of
"corn juice. " It v/ & * corn against Cobb.
The Situation It iiR.
The BKK special ciiof \ bring n com
plotu review of the political situation in
England. Thodcfcatlof Mr. Gladstone 1 ;
so overwhelming that all hopes of ro
tcntlon of ofllcn by ttyb ministry are dis
polled. Lord Salisbury will shortly resume
sumo the reins of government nnd tin
lories will bo forced to shoulder Hit
heavy load of ndmlnistra\on ! with thrct
factions in opposition \vlih a heavy com
blued majority against every principle
of lory policy. As < Justin McCarthy
aptly puts it , the lories will bt
in oflico , but not In p6we'r. They canno
maintain themselves d month on lines op
posed to homo rule. The onlv hope o :
Salisbury will bo to reproduce Disraeli * !
historic somersault on the reform bll
nnd to tliscomllt his enemies by cducat
ing his party up to the homo rule level
Rumors are already current that one ol
the first acts of thn now government wil
bo to bring in a comprehensive measure
for local self government , which is onlj
another nainn for "homo rule. "
James O'Kelly in his letter makes r
suggestion that a coalition with Harttng
ton as premier and Salisbury as mlnistci
of foreign afl'airs is one of the posslbll
itios. In this case Mr. O'Kelly ' predicts n
war with Russia under Salisbury's ng
grcssivo conduct of the foreign oflico ,
and hints that the Irish members will
gladly assist in transferring Britisl
troops from Ireland to the plateaus ol
central Asia.
AND now a family hns boon poisoned
by eating chicken salad. Ice cream deal
ers will please paste this item on then
show cases. Up to the present time thoj
have had a monopoly of the business oi
hidden death in expensive luxuries.
NEBRASKA. Cmis to have a sausage
factory. The Nebraska hog is Rotting
there in great shape nowadays.
A mom enforcement of the high li
cense law is the surest preventive oi
Since 1832 Egypt has cost Enfilaiul S175- ,
There are about eight thousand cattle breed
crs In Montana.
The lastKew York directory contained the
names of 8,443 Siultns and 1,254 Uiowns.
It i cquiics 1,210 dally newspapers to kecj
the American pcoplo up to the times.
The French senate has adopted the bill au
thorizing the city ol Paris to Hsuoa loan ol
S.V.000.000 to inaugurate public Improvements
for the puiposo of furnishing work to the un
employed. , j (
The census returns tfor daris have Jus !
been issued. Thn population numbers 9,254-
SOG souls , showing tlio small Increase ol
14,878 slnco the last census taken live years
ao. In 1881. In ton out of 'tlio twenty airon-
dlssoments the population'lias ' diminished ,
The days oE help-mepljgm are not yet
passeil. Within the past tsyp months Duke
Charles Theodore of JJavarla , has treated
more than 1,000 eye atientai and peitormctl
133 surgical operations , in all of which ho has
been ably assisted by his wife. She Is an In
fanta of Portugal.
There are 071 artists'0niotlels In Paris , ol
whom about one-half ara > ltnlans,120 ) l-'iench ,
SO German , CO Swlss,50 , Spanish , 60 Belglafl,4
English , no American .antliU Iiiah. Of the
071,130 have passed tliojwmajorlty , all the
restaro young giils between sixteen and
twenty years o age.
The network of railways of the kingdom ol
Saxony covers nearly live miles less lii
wlntsr than In summer , a fact which Direc
tor Klauss recently proved In a lecture before
the Dresden industrial society. It seems
that a steel rail of " 1 % metres m length , at n
temperature of fifteen degrees Bcaumer con
tracts eight millimetres. Saxony having
7,438,000 metres of rails , ( not tracks ) the con
traction from cold aggregates a total of 7,90C
Clileaga Herald.
Tlio jealous rivals of Omaha , infuriated al
Its prosperity , have taken to calling its inhab
Hauls Omauogs.
ERovcrslnjr the Order of Empire.
New York Star.
The cowboy is no longer a novelty In the
sheets of Now York. Neither is ho paitlcu-
larly ornamental.
Why Doesn't Gardner Go ?
Sluart ZViaa ,
The Omaha Herald has' sung the soncr ,
"Gatdner Must Go , " so long that It resembles
' Grandfather's Clock" in tone and melody.
If Gardner must go , why in thunder doesn't
ho go ? _ _
Dally Growing Stronger.
O-tfetll Tribune.
yan Wyclc Is undoubtedly irettlng stronger
with tno people daily. Whatever doubts
there were souio months ago as to his suc
ceeding himself they may now be set at rest
It is hardly possible to defeat him now ,
IB This SoftonfiiR of the Brain ?
Kew Yorli Sun.
Ella Wheeler Wllcox writes better and bet
ter poetry. Wo congratulate her on this Im
provement It Is evidently the eftect of real
culture of mind , and of that beautiful discip
line which matrimony surely brings.
HollKion or Jlorso Sense ?
Kansas City Journal.
Sam Jones' latest epigrammatic remark ;
"A person with more sense than religion Is
generally a rascal and a person with more
religion than sense is generally a fool" Wo
fall to remember just at present whether it is
his religion or nls souud horse sense upon
which Hr. Jones specially ] prides himself.
i j Ji
Bliss Glovolanc * ami Mr. Elder.
Miss Cleveland has alfeaur begun to lay
down the law to Mr. Elder , 'the proprietor of
the paper which she will etilt , and right here
wo will fiuggcst to Mlbtf O.ijtlmt one of the
most inharmonious tuitr'illsij reeablo undertakings -
takings In the jourr.all Ip profession is for
tlio editor of a paper touttempt to edit the
pioprletor. 11 *
Up Alma's hill the enslirn went ,
A boy ! but terribly InttTntt A.
Ills should bo foremost ilt" tile flags ,
Though lie und Itvcru Mipt/o rags.
Ho looked round only mice , to Hud -
Tha men a moment lagged behind.
"Urine back the colors to them I" cried
The colonel. But the lad replied :
"No ! lead you up the men v\lio la ?
And. bring llicm forward to the Hag I"
So far ahead our ensign leads
Tim laggards tell us he bocedes.
He could not stay the I'm lit to bay
Our victory Hoa the other way I
"llring back the colors to tlio rear ,
Vor thobo who li ht the battle there I"
Nol no ! fur forward ho stands fast ,
First with tlio colors , to the lost ;
No cry of laggards will lie heed ,
A leader's duty is to lead.
to Watch Hill.
ira Mr rfon PrfJie.
"Daniel , " remarked the president in a
thoughtful tone.
"Yes , elre , " responded Daniel.
"Where 1ms Secretary Manning gone for
the , summer ? "
"Ue has gone to Walculiai , sire. "
"Where , Daniel1 queried the president
rousing from his rovorlo fc-r a moment , onlj
to relapse again.
"To Watch 11 III , strp. "
' Uin-um , " soliloquized the president In an
almost Inaudible voice , "that's kind of Man
nlng. I'm going to watch 11111 mysclt this
summer , and next winter and next summer ,
loo. " _
Ought to Adjourn Slno Die.
After a trial , which lasted eight weeks and
cost 830,000 , Auditor Brown ot Iowa has boon
acquitted of everything ho ever did and some
: hlngs ho did not do. Now tlmt this case 1 <
out ot the way them seems to bo no gootl
reasons hy Iowa should not adjourn sine
die. _ _
NoUrnsku Jottings.
Noligli cries out for a public hall.
Now is tlio time to prepare for prairie
Beatrice swears to n population ol
Tooumseli will stand or fall by the gal
lon law.
Norfolk claims to have a certainty on n
$80,000 hotel.
"Black leg" is ravaging herds ot stock
in Custor county.
Water mains are going down in Beat
rice at a lively rate.
Ord will celebrate the advent of the
railroad no.\t Friday ,
Biuglars rilled the Park hotel of Sowaril
and gathered up ? U5.
An unusual amount of building is going
on in Junhita this year.
Dotlgo county ranchmen are turning
their attention to alfalfa.
Grand Island is troubled with a surplus
of sneaks and housebreakers.
Prairie fires are raging in the reserva
tion , just across the Niourara.
The Omaha short line bridge over the
Platte at Ashland is ncarlv completed.
SJolinJImde was drowned whlln bathing
Maple creek , near Scribnor , last week.
Western Douglas anil Sarpy counties
are dotted with railroad grading camps.
Gambling ; devices and shooting galler
ies will find no shelter at the FalTs City
Photographs of the proposed now depot
in Pltittsmouth would soil well in that
The Schuylor Sun has completed its
fifteenth year , and shines with matured
vigor and warmth.
The peolo ) of Mllford propose to
rigidly enforce prohibition. Milford has
water privileges to sell ,
The tramp who robbed the officers' ' car
near Blair.'cracked n window in the Wash
ington county jail and made off.
The Grand Island Independent is put-
ing up u three-story brick building , 108
foot frontage , as an evidence of its pros
Frank Mitchell disappeared from
Bellevue last Tuesday , and friends fear
ho has carried out his threat to commit
The Blair Republican has entered on
its seventeenth year , and shows every
evidence of prosperity in its teeming
Hans Callislottam wants to represent
Blaine county in the legislature. Hans
only wants the honors * of the position ,
and is willing to stand up to it.
Ed Stacps is badly wanted at Pierce.
A few weeks ago ho was cribbed for mur
dering Ford Campbell but the lock-up
was to slender too hold him , aud ho es
The commissioners of Butler county
propose at an early day to demolish the
present delapitatod co'urt house and
erect in its stead tl stately structure to
cost $30,000.
This is the summer of Nebraska City's
discontent. Waterworks and a mashing
big distillery fail to satisfy her craving ,
nnd she has now attacked a plait to
bridge the Missouri. The winter of her
joy is nigh.
B. B. Hill , an old soldier and ono of the
pioneers of Oscopla , has received notice
that an old pension claim was allowed
last week , and in a few weeks ho will
draw $1,500 back pension and $10 per
fNo town in Nebraska , " says the
Times , "can oflbr better advantages for
a creamery , a canning factory , a broom
factory or live stock : feed yards than
Papilhon , Omaha will furnish a market
for every thing manufactured here , while
tlio railway facilities are equal to any in
the state. "
.Tho Nebraska editorial excursion will
start westward from Omaha on tlio evening -
ing of August 5. Residents in the vicin
ity of the great Salt lake , where the
brothorn oxuact to bath their pedals , are
already moving their household cllccts to
the highlands to avoid the flood.
Bill Piety , a wily insurance agent , has
distributed for cash a number of
bogus notes in Seward county. His win
nings , so far AS known , will roach $100 ,
Bill is an accomplished , small-bore swin
dler. He could distance a deacon in
louling a prayer meeting , or swear like a
Greek editor.
During the month of Juno , 1885 , there
wore forwarded from Ponca railway
station 800,698 pounds of freight , and the
earnings on the same amounted to $1-
238.38. Juno , 1880 , shows 1,050,350 pounds
forwarded , earnings $3,153.75an increase
of shipments of 187,752 pounds , and in
earnings $1,010.37.
A Gorman named Kroll got crazy
drunk on Hastings nlchohol , scattered
his family from his hearth and m'udo a
pass at his brother-in-law with a shotgun.
Tiio latter caressed him on the jaw with
his list , und Kroll was soon a corpse. The
doctors are now discusslua ; the question
whether the alcohol or the blow stiffened
J. A. Pike , a Custor county pioneer ,
gazed unfeelingly from a fence post at
the struggles of a pony under the brand
ing iron , A sudden lunge and a cloud-
crashing kick , and Mr. iony was dune-
ing a double shullle on Pike's bones.
His and face were mangled out of
shape , but ut last accounts ho was liv
ing. _
Tawi Itoins.
Colo's circus took in 17,000 persons m
Sioux City.
General Logan is expected at the sol
dier's reunion at Spirit Laxo on the 28th.
Nine veterans of Duvunport's quota iu
the Mexican war survive and rcfaido in
that city. .
A piokcrol was recently captured in
Storm laka which measured four feet six
inches in length.
A. Ucs Moines druggist compounded
? ,200 whisky prescriptions in twenty days.
The drought In the vicinity is alarming ,
Since the beginning of Cleveland's ad
ministration there have been 010 changes
in Iowa postollices , out of 1,033 in ihu
state ,
The Iowa State Sunday School associa
tion will meet at Chariton July 28-0. All
workers in the vineyard of youth are ex-
peeled ,
The crop ot onions is short in the
neighborhood of Davenport , but the
fihortago is wore than balanced in
Waterloo's sybtom of waterworks was
completed and tested and found to work
satisfactorily. They nro of sutliniont ca
pacity to irrigate 20,000 inhabitants.
Wilton , witli a population of a little
moro than COO , has furnished seven sui
cides since the opening of the present
year , and thirteen within two years.
The water of the Mississippi nt Duveu-
port has reached the wonderful wurmlh
of 80 degrees above zero , and for several
doya dla iiotpiuk below 80 degrees.
Some sharp swindlers fleeced a Ger
man farmer living near Chfirlton out ol
$750 , but wore aftcrwards caught at Fair-
Hold nnd promptly arrested. Upon re
turning the full amount of money they
were released.
Another swindling sohomo developed
in Boone county last wsok. A sleek-
looking gentleman visited private houses
taking orders for cheap books , as his vic
tims supposed , when in reality Iho orders
worn notes. In this casu the rascal se
cured over four hundred dollars of the
notes in Boone , and some forty dollars
in Boonsboro , soltl the notes and loft be
fore his victims realized what they had
douo ,
Norfolk brags of 112 < weather.
Timothy and clover , which has hereto
fore been n scarce article hi Dakota , is
quite plentiful this year.
A now democratic paper is to bo started
r.t Deadwootl by A W. Me-rrlclc , the man
who established the Pioneer in 1870.
The colony of JMenonJtcs who sold
about 3,000 acres of land to Tlcdeman.
1 aylor county , near Aden , in 1884 , and
went to Pennsylvania , returned to Dakota
last week. There arc twenty-live fam
ilies in tlio party anil about 100 able-
bodied men. They huvo como back to
stay and will purchase a largo tract of
hunt in this part of Dakota and make it
their future homo.
Slugging matches nro all the rape in
Dcatlwood nt present.
Tlio population of Yank ton has in
creased about 20 per cent since July 1 ,
1635. ,
Huron has decided to invest $20,000 in
new schools.
Ho Is In DRtnniul In Two Great Cities ,
Otiuilm ami GhicuRO.
The Omaha presbytery have not j-ot
passed upon the request of Rev. Thomas
Hall , to bo permitted to retire from the
pastorate of the south-west Prebylcrlan
church. They will doubtless have an
unpleasant task when they untertako to
consider it in connection with the re
monstrance against tlio request which
lias been filed with the same body , by
Mr. Hall's parishioners. No matter what
may bo the decision of the presbytery ono
of tlio parties will bo moro or less un
pleasantly nflectcd. If the decision
should refuse consent to Mr. Hall to
dissolve his relations with his church
here , it would compel him to do
ono of two thhigs to como back to
Omaha or decline to bo holdcn by the
finding. If it should result in favor of
Mr. Hall's going to Chicago , it would be
a serious blow to the members of the
Southwest Presbyterian church who seem
inconsolable over the leaving of Mr.llall.
Strongly as he is appreciated in Omaha ,
ho is not less admired by the people of
Chicago , whoso spiritual .charge ho has
now assumed. The latter have been en
deavoring to secure him for several
mouths back , and have writ
ten him a number of letters -
tors on the subject. To all of those ho
steadfastly gave a negative answer. A
short time ago.howovcr.a committee of the
members came to town , and after a long
discussion , returned homo with the assurance -
suranco that Mr. Hall would bo their
The church whose call ho has accepted
is situated on Wabasli avenue , near For
ty-third street , in ono of the most aristo
cratic districts of the city. Its member
ship is composed of the most in
telligent and wealthy pcoplo in that
part of town. They have guaranteed
to him a salary of $4,000 a vent ,
which has already commenced. They
have also promised to build a church to
cost ? 10,000. Besides this , ho is to
have a furnished parsonage , which
will bo ready for his occupancy
when , a few months from this , ho returns
with his wife from a trip to Europe.
From a secular standpoint , it readily ap
pears that most pastors woultl bo likely
to accept such hundsomo induccniontis ,
when contrasted with others by no means
so advantageous , such us Mr. Hall ex
perienced liero , His salary had been
& 700 , but is believed recently to have been
laised to § 1,000 per year. His parsonage
ho had recently nought , or at least de
cided to buy it , when ho found that an
eastern party , learning his appreciation
of it , anticipated him by paying what it
cost and making him a present of it.
The church , so to speak , was mainly built
by himself. His eastern connections ate
such that contributions poured in
from them in such amounts as
to practically put the building out of
debt. Yet , witli this statement of facts ,
it is not believed that superior pecuniary
advantages induced Mr. Hall in making
his change. Ho is almost Independently
wealthy himself , while his lather. Rev.
John Hall , of Now York , is also posesscd
of a liberal fortune. The salary the son
rceelvctl is known to have been spent in
chanty , thus compelling him to fall back
on his income , which is ample enough to
enable him to enjoy lifo. The solo mo
tive of Mr. Hall's change , therefore , Is
believed to bo based on the fact that oven
with superior surroundings , ho is capable
of doing much more good. The action
of the presbytery will bo watched with
interest.- _
Court Decisions.
Judge Wakcloy granted decisions in
the following cases Satueday Jmorniiifj ;
Kuhun vs Schoonbrum. Motion for
new trial overruled.
Stittvs Stcolo. Demurer to petition
sustained and leave of plaintiff to amend
petition in sixty days granted.
Elliott vs Wakoiicld. Demurer to
amend petition overruled. Thirty days
allowed to defendant to answer.
Kstorbrook vs Hathroth , Motion for
now trial overruled. Forty days allowed
plaintill'to prepare better petition.
Alstadt vs Now. Motion for an injunc
tion sustained nnd oxcoptcd to by de
fendant. Forty days allowed for a billet
ot exceptions ,
Disposed of by the County to Bavo Kx-
Lou Grebe , bailiff of the district court ,
was placed in charge of two cimy men
on Thursday last _ with Instructions to
conduct them to flioir homes in Iowa and
place them tor safe keeping willi the
proper legal authorities of tlmt place.
Ono of these was John Beck , an old man
who was also accompanied by his ban ,
who , however , was entirely rational.
Tlie6owre loft ofTat Fort Dodge. The
other was John Moshcr , who was jailed
a few days ago because of a fierce assault
made by him upon his father , in wnich
the latter lost a part of his cheek and
rjuito a section of his car. This man , It
was found out when it was sought to have
him foisted upon Douglas county for
caroj had but recently came from Cedar
Hapids , Iowa , where lut hud ulso been
insane and au inmate of the asylum at
Indopondcnco , Tlio commissioners felt
that the young man should ho eared for
by Iowa and directed that ho convoyed
to Cedar Uapids. This was done , Tlio
local authorities at first refuse-it to accept
the unfortunate , but , upon his being
recognized by f\vp citi/cny , they changed
Ihcir minds. Grebe arrived homo Sat
urday morning ,
Third District Couli-al Committee.
To the- Central Committee-men for the Third
Congressional District :
Tliero will bo n committee mcclin" at
Ihe Eno hotel , in Fremont , Neb. , onKrl. *
day , July 33 , 1880. at 7 p.m. Ail mem-
bcrs ure requested to bo ) jresent.
. _ . J. W , I.OVK , Chairman.
L. S. Utwm Secretary.
Ireinoiit , July ID , laoO ,
rhy lolftns , Ministers , MI Mormrcg ! , MnnnROra
of Knotorltn , Wo k-Mioin , Plantations ,
Nurses In Hojiltnls In snort , every
body everywhere who IIM
over given it a trial
CUHK roil
THROAT , &o.
rr is tnr. MOST Rnr.crrivr. AJJD BEST uxiuitn
ON KAIITII roit cuniNO
Prices , 26c. , COc , and $1,00 per Bottle ,
of Imitations !
Nebraska National Bank
Paid up Capital . , $2COOOO
Surplus . . . 30,000
H. W. Yatcs , President
A. E. ToU7ilin : , v"iro President.
\V. II. S. lltifihcs , Cashier ,
W. V. Morse , John S. Collins ,
II. W. Yatcs , Lewis S. Rood.
A. E. Touzalin.
Cor 12th and Farnam Sts
A General Banking Business Transacted ,
hoco VITALITY Is falling. Hraln l KAlNEt * na
JCXhoco . or rower IMlKM AM UllHlA" WAST ,
( 11
Adoptctl tiy all r'n-ncli rttyriciuiR nnd tx-lnp rapid ty ft
ruccaurullr Intro Juctxl licrn. \vr.\kenfn losses a
drains promptlr oucekeU. TIlKVllKP elTlnir no
iwiwrftnilmo < llc lcniorrcnieitiiA ! < : . .FHEIConu'
llo'u ( nnicb or fir mall ) with e ji omlm nt iloetort i'HI/1' /
CIV1AI.E AilEHcr. No. 174 Fulton Street. New Yfc.
State Agents
Omaha , Neb.
Tansill's ' Punch Cigars
vroro shipped dnrinR the post
two years , \vlthuut n drum
mer Incur employ. Nootbor
houao lu the world can trutn-
tuny make such a showing.
Olio nqout ( dculcr ouly )
wautcd lu each town.
017 St. Charles St. , St. . Louis , Mo.
effuUrffrftdattaof two ifedleilCollege * , bnbeenlonctr
cn ( gedlatbe > peelaltrMtmtatorcu > oiie , Hiciovi. SKIM
and BLOOD DIIIIIM th&n anr olbcrrhTileualnSlLobl4
u elty papcri tow and Rll oldretldcnti know.
Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Affec
tions ol Throat. Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning ,
Old Sores Bnd Ulcers , arc trctteirlth uipirallelod
( tieceti , caUUiticlcntlOo prloeliic.B ] r lr. PrUnuij.
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess.
Exposure or Indulgence , vbioh product um of tot
following effoctl I DtrvonsDeis , ilibllltr , dlmneis ot Iflil
uulderecUTO memory , plnjpUioa tbo ( in , pbrilca ! doeij.
ftTcrilonUtbfl i cUI7or femildf. oonruilon or Idiae , eta. ,
rendering Zlarrlacro improper or unnappy , ua
eured. l-aiapilel(8irpafei ! ( ) on llin above , foal
ln ealed enTcIepa , fr to anftddrcii. . ConiulutlonaieC *
JUe or bj wall frea , InrluJ end st-Ictlj e nfld atlftl
A Positive Written Guarantee tfrtn in freryea.
tblo cue. MoJlclao ical ? er jn bora bm&ll oi cxprtui *
RJ9 A O 1 R. K ? tf" R H Q G % IW
owl A r * rC I A aE5 < La lui H 9 iGy
300 PAOE3 , PIKE PLATEO. clfte&nt cloth and rtlt
tladluf. irrnlodforDOO * ID po t 2toreorrcticr. Oror ufl/
vender rut pan pleturet. true to life ( Krttel on the followD | (
abJeeUi who m y mErrj-.nhouot. wby } ni.vnboi > 4 , worn to *
bood , philc l dectr , fftit of ccllbiej uxl xcess , ttio l-hyi.
lolofy ofrejirodaclfon.aoit minj moro. Tlidj * curried of
coaumplntloc n.\rrlag tbould t n l It , f"pv\.r edition
tame , ptparcorcr , 2Co. Addroiv&iiLbo p , Wlilitlcr1
And other * oulTcrlnGr from
nervous delillUy , ( ulmuotln
[ chronic diseases , prematun *
iiloclino ot young or old ere
i'ponltlvelr ' iim-d by
. _ Jlonw' fnmoas Klcct
Maenolla licit ThouMind.1
ito In the Union haTa lima , curcu.
. . Itifltantlyfolt. ratentcdnnd coldlO
.t-vir t. - - -
voan. Wliolo fiUiillr can vrcir Bamo I'.lcrtrl ,
Huapeneorle frto with mala lielu. Avoid worthlusalm *
Ituuona owl hoirus companion. | eclrla Truaact fur
Itupture. 70O cured ln'85. Hcnd ttatnp for tmmphlet.
DB. W. J. Horn. iNvmTos. IQl WABASH AY. , i
isos F-fiu nu -Oi : so1.
Practice limited to Diseases of tin
Glasseaflttoii for all forms ofdefoeHva
Vlfllou. Artiltclal Eyes Inserted.
ome und Dny School for Younu
r.ndlos , ro-o | > ons OOT. 1 , Dcllitlitlullr sltunlul
an q.noi'KOtown HulKlita. Ln\go Krouudi. In ( <
larfc'iHl acL-Qiniiioduttoni ) ,
Miss I2A1ILU , IDl'limii ' St. , Wnslilngtou.O.U-
Jo you want a pure , bloomIng -
Ing Complexion'/ / so. a
few nnplfcnllous of Hasan's
MAGS 6LIA UALH will grut-
Ify yon to your heart's con-
tant. It flees nway with Sal-
lowuoes , Ilertncss , Pimples.
Blotches , and nil tflsoiispaand
Imperfections of tlio skin. It
overcomes the llimlicil nppoar-
anco of heat , fatigue nna ox-
Jijf > ont. Itninkos nJnrty of
THEUTYnppoar but TWEN
TY : and so uuturnl. gradual ,
mid perfect are its ollVcte
that ft IB impos.sib0 ] to detect
its application ,