Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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York. July 1" . Movnr On cnll
rasy : ranRini : from ijj to ' - ' , clo liiK at 1'j
to 'J | > cr c ; iit ii kc < l.
1'itiMK .MincA.VTii.B ; 1'Ai'UH 4@5 per
uvo f'xciiAXOiDullj : $4.W for
klxty tiny bills , nnd4.t > 7' ' , for ilcmntul.
( JovnnxHKNTs ( iovprnincnt bonds wcro
qnlet and n sliado wcnktT to-day.
STOCK4 Trading In stocks wns limited.
Vnndrrbllts were tintistially fcatiuclc > s l > "th
Lakp.Shoic nml New York Central innklnt ;
no chance In limitations till in tlic last liour.
rirht prices wore Kcnrrally 't , per cent lower
tlmn last evunlnir's close , and nflor n tatnu
and featin class oitcntnc rwtilcd , still tamp
tnd ft-atnroless. ' 1 lie tlnnl prices show Irieff-
Tlarchanncs , but In no cnifor more than
Jiactloiis. I'rtPliic Mail and Kric piefeitcd
tire tip J < per rent eneli.
ewccntixintK. . iuo',0. ' ife.N.w . II" ' ;
IT.3.4lfR . \\\M \ \ > jin-terred. . . 140
J-acilicO'Bof ' 9.V 12i ' , Orceon Iran. . .
Central Pacific . I'JH Pacllic Mall
C.AA 14'l P. , I ) . &K
prefmed. . . . Iffl P.P. C.
C. , ft. A
jr. , it. &w ' preferred. ,
Kansns-iVTcxas. ill Texas Pacllic. . .
l.nkcShoro S.VV Union Pacllic. . .
, . AN 4V. \ . , SU L. A : P
Mlcli. Central. . . . 7:1' : , , preferred. . . KW |
Wo. Pacllic 1 < V ! } { Western Union fiT- }
Lnrthern Pac. . . "T .O.Ii. & N. < > lOi'j
i'UODUcn 'MAnicUTS.
Clilcneo.Jtily IT. Klour- Quiet tint hleady
II nnd nurliaiiL'eil ; MUltlH'in winter wheat ,
S4.1.V34.M ) : Wisconsin , SiWKXH-I.I'i ! Allehican ,
4.Xw ( ) . .l > ,0 : soft spilnp wheat , si.Woi.lO : ( ! :
JllniiL'siili : bakers' , s > : i.Sx 4.1U : patents , S-1.40
( JM.M ) ; low KfH'lw ' , S1.7 < V"'J.75 ; iyo Hour ,
'Wheat Valily actlojiencil : ' ; lower
than yt-stciilaj's clo u. and i-lo eil rie , abo\u
ycstcnlay's ; cash , 77' , i' ; August , ; tvi
7b7e.Sci ( ( ; > tuiiilcrM\jvJ ) ) ( ! > jc.
Coin Acthe ; opened steady and rather
firmer , advanced lJ.G-c ( , and closed IJfe
lilghei ; cish : , MW&Wr ; August , : ir.-inc ; bcji-
COats HeuiT demand , anil 'ffff-Vc lilf'hcr ;
cnshiilij4c ; AngtiHt"J ta'-J i1 ; heptcmticr ,
Kye-Quictat.Vl'i'c. .
llarluv ( .jj-jc.
Tlinodiv I'riine. Pi.05.
Whlsky-Sl.H. , ,
Toik-Unsettlcd and Irregular ; declined
20(3J ( ( ) > ; c. became steady , rallied WJst iiir > c ,
and e'loied steady ; cash , t'J.S ' ) ; Au nst ,
O ; September. 8UX ) .
I .mil Oult't but steady nntl nncImiiKPtl ;
ca-sh , iO..Vi ; August , 0.02 < .ji 0.i.'i ( ; St'ptcni-
tciubcr. 5U.TOtfiO.rJ1 ! , ' .
Uoxed .Meats Sluinlilors. iinrliaiiRed ; S. > . ! 0
( ttfi.OO ; short clear sides , $ ( i."oc 0.7. * > : short
rltis , si.irjur ( n.ri. :
IJuttcr Weak and dull ; creamery , JKrfin'je ;
rtil rv * fi'l''p '
'ciieVse Virin : full cream rhrddars , 7(514o ( :
flats , T C'lTJaC : Younu Americas , t tSbJ-ii1.
Iluips Ilcavy drv salted fully cnieil , 8'4v ;
llcht , IM4i ; : ( lamaKCil , 7'4c ' ; bull hides , 5Jfe :
drv a1ted. llil''e ( : dry Hint. aa ( > Mc : calt
Bkins. fiiS'lO ' 'e ; tleaeoiis , .10c each ,
/fallow In eountiy , il'jc ; No. 2 , 3c ; cake ,
Kccclm.s. Shipments
Flour , bbis . ' . ' .000
Wheat , bu . 51,000
Corn , tm . ! iTi7ouo 2bl,000
Oatsbu . bO.OOO 51,000
Itye.ou . I'sOOO 1,000
JJarley.bu . 1.000
New York. July 17. Wtuat Itccclpts ,
ilfi.000 : uxnorti , y.OOO ; cash grades ( tfVfc
better : options opened heavy , declined 'M
jVe , afterwards strengthened and ndvanccd
JfcWbC , closlnt : with slight icaction ; un
graded icd , 7 ! > < Sb9e ; No. ted , We ; 'Sfl. 3 red ,
b"rHia87'ic ( ' f. o. b. , b7c in elevator , b'J de-
Itveted ; No. 1 red , 02c ; No. 2 red , and Au-
gUHt closing at S7S.C.
Corn Spot Wa > $ { a nnd options l@lKc
higher , closing weak with a reaction of ' c ;
receipts , WOJO ) ; exports. 40,000 ; ungraded ,
mixed. 4lW4tic\o. ( ; , 4rj/e. cash , 47X@4c
nlloat ; August closed at 475 .
Oats A shade higher ; icccipts , 13.J300 ; nx-
ports , 7,500 ; mixed we-stern , SUgJMic ; white
western. : i'J@4.j } < fc.
J'etrolouin Steady ; Lnlted closed at G0t'c. }
Pork Steady and moderately active ; old
mess , S10.50tU)1.0.G.2 ) > ; new mess , Sll.2o@
Lard' October n points lower , others un
changed ; western steam , spot , SO.b" ; Au
gust , Sll.82tTH.b4.
Butter ( iuict but firm ; western , lo17Kc.
Checfci ; Steady but quiet ; western , 7)i@ )
7J/c for choice.
Eggs Dull and easier ; western , fresh ,
Clnotniiatl , July 17. Wheat Easy ; No.
2 red , 77'rfc.
. Corn-1'iim ; No. 2 mixed , SStfftfSHc.
Oats Quiet lint linn ; No. 2 mixed , ! c.
Kyo Finn ; No. ' . ' , fide.
I'oik Light demand at SlO.OiK-
I.ard SO.'i'i.
Whlsltv Firm ; sales , 010 barrels of I'm-
Jshul goods on a basis of 31.07.
Provisions firm and unchanged.
DrMlnncaiinliH , July 1.7. Wheat Weak
and a shade lower ; No. 1 hard , cash , and Au
gust , 'tk ; ; September , SOJic : October , We ;
No. 1 noithcrn , cash , and August , 7Co ;
September , 77)fc ) ; October , V.ic ; .No.'J , noitlt-
ern , cash. 7-Jc ; August , Tiu ; September , "itytc ;
October , 76c.
Flour Quiet ; patents , S4.404.GO ; br.kers ,
83.40@S.CO ;
Keeelpts-Wheat , frt.OOO bushels.
Shipments Wheat , 10,000 bu ; Hour , 27,400
Milwaukee , Julv 17 Wheat- Weak ; , 77)/o ) ; Amrust , ! % ; Sentembcr , fcOSic.
Corn-null ; No. : ) , iWc.
D Oats Unchanged.
Kyo Nominal ; No. 1 , 02c.
IJarloy BtiMtly ; No. 'J September , COKe.
I'rovlslous Lower ; moss voik , cash and
August , 5U.70.
St. Ijouls , July 17. Wheat Higher ;
No.C . 2 red , cash , 77 Jfc ; August , 78 > fe.
Corn Strong ; No.'J , mixed , cash , oO@30 > c ;
August , : ! S ; 4u.
Oats Finn ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 2S29c ;
Autrust , 27Jfc.
Kyc-Flrin at KSc.
wlililsy 5l.or.
Pork-Stpady at S10.50.
Lard Steady at 0.0 : ! ( < i ( . .
Uutter Ouletbut steady ; cicmery , 15 < 3l7c ;
dairy , l7(2'Jjo. (
Iitvorpnol , July 17. Wheat Offered
Irpoly ; now Xo. 3Inttr , Cs.T d ; siirhiij ,
Klniir oiTeiPd fieely ; extra spring wheat ,
Ss : id.
( 'orn Spot futures , supply good ; new
mixed and .Inly , 4sJ d ; August , 4s Id ; Sep
tember , 4s 11Jid.
Toledo , July 17. Wheat Kasy but closed
" firm ; cash. bO,4'c.
Coin Fhm and higher ; cash ,
Oats Neglected.
, , .
VVJ ' , fcjl I'll III UVI , ! lMn
Oats Nominally 'J ? o bid.
Now OrluniiN , July 17. Corn Higher ;
mixed , 4 < c ; yellow and white , 4'Jc.
Oats Kaslprat .
Conlmeal Demand fair and prices higher
at ' . ' ,45 < ! 4'J.f > 0.
lli products Dull and n shade lower.
Laid S0.2S.
Hulk Meats-Shoulders , 50.7V long clear
and clear ribs , 0,0 ' .
Chicago , July 17. The Drover's Journal
rcimrtsas follous :
Catjlo Itcceipts. SCO ; generally steady ;
bliljiplng gteets , 3a.7SiS.10 ( ; stockers and
( eodorx. poor to iancy , S'j.u. .SS ; cows , bulls
and mixed , Sl..VK < < a.75 ; bulk , S2.40 < ki.70 :
through Texas cattle , steady ; cows , 53.106 <
. ' ' .CO teers , .7WH.75
HOKS Hecelpts. 1 .000 ; slow and closed lOc
Jew er ; rough and mlxwl , 8 J. 6(4.UO ( ;
8r , I.otils.July 17. Cnttlo Ileceipts , 200 ;
tliipinents , UHK ) ; nominally steady ; good to
choice shipping , S4.fiOfej5.00 ; common to fair ,
64.00(21.60 ( ; butchers' steers , Sa.25@ .25 ; cows
uud heifers. SiOO < rf3.fiO : Texans , SiOOcas.tX ) ,
Hogs Kcculpts , 1,500 ; fUilinnents , 1,000 ;
butchers' and best heavy , S4.C5 ( < J4.W ; mixed ,
Kansas City , July 17-Cattle-Hccelpts ,
1,000 ; shipments , none ; weak and very dull ;
good to choice , $4.10 ( 5.10 ; couimou to me-
dlitm. S.1.XX/Z4.00 ( | slpckcra and feeders 50.00
< A.G.t' cowsrS3.0Ui3.QQ.
Hnas-Hecelpts. 7,700 ; shlpmrnts , 4,000 ;
good to choice , ilrm at $4.5oCi'0 ' : common ,
wcaK ; common to medium. ? 4.Bfl.
Saturday Evening July 10.
Cattle The maikc't wax very slow and
dull. A few rows \\ercsold to-day , but the
market Is dull and low and there Is not
much cnroiiraccmcnt for a shipper at the
present time.
Heirs Tlio market opened by the buyers
demanding a reduction of .V 10c from ycster-
da > 's juices. The salesmen held on for
lirmer prices and there were very few
\\eighcilnpuntllthc aftetnoon. liuforc tliu
clixuof the market ovcrytlilnii was sold.
.Sheep No deinnnd.
Cattle . 100
Hogs . . . . . . . .
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
stock on this market.
Choice steels , UW ) to 1.100 His . S4.fiOl4.70 ( !
( lioice steers , HOUto l. l His . 4.iX < f4.0 ( )
Medium sleets. 1'iV ) to liiV ) Ibs. . . 4.2o ( I.W )
Fat little slccrs , 10.V ) to 11 < V ) Ibs . . . . 1.00c < i4.r5
( iood feeders , ! KK ) to UKWllH . . .Vc-ft.75 )
( iood locliolce co\\s and heifers. . . : t.OU'n.i..W ;
Fair to medium cows and hcltcis. . 2.W uH.OO
( Iood to choice bulls . 2. Aim . ' ,7.1
of 1'riccs.
Sliowlnpthe liiijliestand lowest prices tuld
for inived loads ot hoison ; till * , maiket il'ir-
IIIK the seven days , with comparative
values :
June Inly
Satnnlay , 10th. 3.05 ( : ) .70 4..V > ( ; C4.50
-Mondav. I'Jth. . : t.70 @ : i.75 4.15 ( nJ.fiO
Tuesday. 13th. . Ji.lO ( it.75 : 4.JAI i'C4.70
Tlilll.sdiiy loth. : > .07 , ' M't.70 4.V2'fCJ.72J ' (
Friday liitli. . . . n.oo < uU75 ! . ) ( ! ii. ; 5
SatnuLiy , iitli. ; i.o ( > 1i,75 4..w ( rtjl.75
Showlnt ; the number of eattle , lin s and
.sheep shlpjied diiriiiK the pa t twentv-toitr
No. Cars lit. Dest.
0 . C. U. A-Q . Chicago
1C . K. I . Chicago
All sains of stock in this market are made
nerewt. live weiu'ht unless otherwise stated.
Dead ho s sell at 1 < c per 11 > lor all weights.
"Skins , " or hogs weighing less than 100 llis
no value. 1'iegnant sows .110 djcked 40 Ibs
and stags Wj Ibs.
Cattle dull.
liogs all sold.
Hog market lower.
Itobcrt Heaton , Weston , was in and sold _ _ _
\lr. Cook , WakclioM , came in and mar
keted hogs.
Mr. Hiirgins , Greenwood , was at the yards
looking tor tenders.
Do not put your old thin cows o n the mar
ket , as they ate worth more at home.
General Markets.
Saturday Evening , July 17.
Burrnu The receipts of butter are not
large and good butter is scare'1. Choice but
ter sells readily and at juices even above
quotations , but the average guides received
will not sell above quotations. At this sea
son of the year , even choice butter shipped
In banels becomes almost worthless belote
It is received on the market. The warm
weather melts It down until it is little better
than oil. liarrels which would command lOe
per Ib. if In tubs , have to be sold at ! ! c and 4c.
Uooil fiesh table butter , 10 @ lie ; fair to
good , 7 { b'c ; Inferior , " @ ( ie.
Knos The receipts are not heavy , nor is
the demand very heavy. The market lias
gradually weakened and to-day it Is lower.
Too much care cannot bo taken to avoid the
shipment of poor egg.s , as they have to be
candled on arrival and all such stock is
thrown out , the shlpuor losing not only the
eggs but the express cluuges. Kugsstiietly
fiesli , lOc.
Ciuisi : : : Full cream Cheddars , single , S'sf !
DC ; lull cream twins , ua ; young Amci lean.
lOc ; Swlis , linpoitcd , 8rx < % ! 7c ; skim Hats , 4@
Oc ; Limbutger. HC'llSc ; Inick , 12 ( l4c Swiss
domestic. 12' ' , ( < il5e.
J'ofi/rnv Tlio receipts of old fowls have
been veiy light and the values are lirmer.
There is a good demand for large lat hens
and tei'cipts of al ) such bring good jirlces :
roosters do not bt ing unite as high prices.
Spilng chickens are .selling very much the.
tame as last week. Large si/.es go very
readily. A lew ducks are occasionally re
ceived , but thcio is very little demand lor
them. Old fowls , j > er < S&753&.10 ; spring
cnlckens. large. S2.75' 3.X ( ) ; spring chickens ,
medium sizes SL-Wte--'jO siirlni chickens
, - - - ; ; ,
Kinall , not wanted ; duck.s , W.25@-J.50 ; tur
keys , not wanted.
CAIIIIAOI : Cnolco home grown , jier doz ,
VIOETAHMS : : Tomatoes , per K-bu box
Cii.iitv : : A small amount is coining in , out
It does not sell very fast. Shipping stock , per
doz. We.
OMOXS Southoin , per bbl , 54.00 ; south
ern. per mi-box , SI..V ) .
Ai'i'i.r.s Choice fresh leeelpts of shipping
stock have benu sclllnc fairly well. A good
many aroshlppcd In.that are not suitable for
reshlpment and nucli stock has to bedlspoied
of to peddlers or ttic local tiade at lower
prl-es than tlioso nuoteil. Choice shipping
f'tfn.-k , per bbl. st.uO : ( : t.M ) ; choice slilpnltig
stock , per bov , 75o@51.00.
llananas aio very good and
very cheap now , Dananas , per bunch , as to
is : Ulnckocrrles , pcr21 qnarlscase ,
Si.OOiiU,00 : ( ; blacbeitles , per busln-1 Mauds ,
LKMOXS Hccelpts are light and rtemand
brisk , owing to hat weather all over HID
country. Faucy lomonsaren.notabloatS10.CU
ccrbox to-day , whilu fair to good are selling
OIIAXOKS Hodl , 220 sl/o , S7.60 ; Navels ,
S7.00 ; .Mcdltereneaii sweets , 50.10 ; St.
Michaels. S0.50.
SOUTUEIIN 1'i.uiis A few southern p luuis
aio coming in and sell talrlv well. Sout hern
plums , stands , S7.0U ; southern plum K 24
quart cases , S } .7.V J 1.00.
ISoiiTiir.itK ( jitAi'ES A few southern
crapes have aulu-d In the market ; 10 Ib.
boxes- . S1.00@1.25.
M ii.osB : tieorclnntmneions aiecouiine
in and sell fairly well , Tim llrst musk mel
ons or cantllopes of the season weio received
this week. Watermelons , per 100. S35.UO ; nut
meg melons , per doz. , 83.00(33.50. (
TOMATOHS Fancy Missouri stock Is bo
lug received In bushel and half bushel boxes ; *
good southern stock is also coining In in h air
bushel boxes. The large packages will ptub-
ably bo otfercd for less money next week.
Southern , % bu. per box , Sl.iK ) ; Missouri ,
jxirbu. box , fancy. S'-'SOrgiTA ; Missouri , per
J bu. , fancy , gl,25@l.0.
fast fruit trains through each week
from California , hiivinc from one
to four cars for this city , so that the market
Is well supplied with fiesh fruits. Fruits
aru arriving in good condition and are selling
readily , und now Is the time for dealers to
lend In their orders If they intend to han
dle fruits at all. This is the first week that
there has been any real choice peachu *
on the market. Kaily Ciantords
have begun to anive. Plums have
not been very extra , but the last shipment
was good. Grapes will bo In next week.
liaitlett pears me much larger and liner than
a week ago. Apricots and chc-nics are en
tirely out of the market. B.utlett pear * ,
per box , fl.OO ; Clajip'e favojitc pears ,
3.75 ; purple Duane plums , 52.00 ; Washin
gton plums , SJ.S5 ; Columbia plum : . | \60 ;
German prunes , S2.2.1 ; ( UoB prunes ,
early Craw ford peaehep , 82.S5.
ts , perioo. V\00 { less
than hundred , ncr 10u , 55ri ° ,
FIO AXU DAir.i Figs , layer , 4 Ib boxe1 ! ,
IHjrlb , lOc , Dales , fancy faid1 Hi boxes
I4c : date * , Persian , .V ) Ib boxes , jicr lu. lOc.
Ntr ; recans larce polUhed , lie ; i > rnans ,
medium. Oc ; Kngllsh walnut , I4c : almonds ,
Tarratrona. 20c ; almonds. Langucdoc , no ;
Ila7.tl9 ! , I2c ; Idbeits. 140 ; peanuK liami
strained. lOc : Nebraska , choice ,
braska , dark , rJ.'jdiUV1.
M\ri.iSi-i.\ii : Uricks perlb. l.V ; penny
cakes , per Ib , 11''e.
MAri.r. Svitt I' Hulk , 14 to 17 gallon Keg.s ,
per gal , S 1.00 ; gal cans , per gal , M.01 ; half
gal cans per gal. SI. 10.
Cinr.n Now YoiK , per bbl. S7.00 ; do. half
bbl , S4.00 ; Crab , poriloz qts , S2.7.1 ; .Michigan
rclincd. ncr bbl , 50.00.
Vixr.n AH White wine , lV'M7e ! ; elder. 1J !
( < ll7c ; single sttength , We ; triple stiength ,
Tins' , Tnii'i : , T-rr. I'll. . ' feet , nor
bblS4.00 ; do , per
1'Kovisioxs Meats aie steadily aihancing.
The demand Is busk anil pinspeets laver
higher prices. Ham , 12'ye ' ; bieakfast tiacou ,
bVuik1 : clear side bacon. 7'ic * ic ; dry salt
sides , 7iil'o ( ' ; shoitlib sides , 7c ; shouideis ,
7c ; iiiess pork , Sr..ryj per bbl ; dried bccf-ham
pieces , HV ; laid , tleices , t.Vlbc. \ ) . ns 7c : 10-
Ib cans ( Fairbanks ) , 74e ; 5-lb cans , do , 7 , ' e ;
! Mb cans. do. 7fe. ?
Niw : I'oTA'ror.s Both soutliern and home
gtown aio beliK sold on the market , but
stock Is not mo\lng voiy rapidlj. Southern ,
tier bbl , 81.7.1@2.00 ; homo crown , jicr bu ,
OOo.HKAXS Inferior stocks , ; good
clean country. Sl,351.30 ; medium hand
picked , Sl.W ) ; hand-plclied navy , 61.0.1.
Fi.oi'U AN1 > Mii.i.sTfi'rs Winter wheat
flour.bestiniallty . . iateiits.oqsecoidiiuajlty ) : ! ; ; ,
5 ? i..10il2.7.1 ( ; best quality sni Ing wheat Hour.
ateift , SX40c < 12.nobraii.Ko ; ) pel cwtscliopncd
.L ed,00c , percwt : whlto corn meal , 7.V ; > el-
low corn nti'.il , ixic per cwt ; sciccning , OOc
jiercwt ; hominy , Pi..iO per ewt ; slioits. 51c
tierewt ; u'taliam , SI , 75 ; hay , in bales , 57.00 ?
7. .viper ton.
WOOL .Medium , lOfVJls.i per Ib ; line heavy ,
l < W14o ; light. I2i/C15c ; coaise , 12 ( , > 14c ; hurry
wool.'iK'V oil.
HIIII.S ( Sieen butcheis' , d'n'c ; green cuicd ,
fe ; dry m t. Hirfl.Jo : dry salt , tKjiiOc ; dam-
H-jpd hides , two thirds price ; tallow , tWiJi' ' e ;
giease , pilmo white. : > c ; jellow , 2c ; brown ,
pelts , -iljtWa.
LEAIIII i : Piinip slaughter sole leather ,
1f.e : ; ; prtnu oak sole leather. : iO ( < i.ic. :
Upper leather , per loot. 2iX < f'i" ' > e : hem. kip ,
,5iis"e ( ; oak Ulp , ij.Xrt'J.V ; Fieuch kip , SI.OOcw
1.21 ; hem. pall , SUMfti.iO ; oak call. Sl.tx o
1.25 : Fienuh e.ilf , 51.i" > Ml.S" > : Mnioepo boot
l ° g , : * @ : Ke ; Muroceo oil pebble , 2Xfi2e ( , : ; top
pings and linings , Sil.OOiwlO.OO per doz.
HIAVV : llAititWAHK iron , rates , S2.25 ;
lowpM'i'tl special east , 4c ; crucitilo steel , tic ;
east looN do , VJyclbe ; wa on spokes , per set ,
H. " > : ! .00 ; hubs , ncr set , S1.25 : felloe : , ,
sawed dry , & 1.40 ; tongues , e.ich , 75c ; axles ,
eaeh , 7.V ; squaiu nuts , per Ib. 7 ( < Hc ; poll
chain , per Hi , 0(3)12e ( ) ; malleable , CQjfce : Iron
wedges , Gc : crowbars , Oc ; liariow teeth-le :
spiing .steul , 7ilSc ( ; Burden's horseshoes.
84.40 ; JJuidcn's mule Mioes , ? 5.IO. Haibed
wire , In car lots. SI.OO per 100 Ibs. lion
Nails , lates , 10 to 50 , S2.5U ; steel nails , S3.CM ;
Shot SUM ; buckshot. St.85 : oiieutal
powder , kegs , & ! .50c 1.00 : do. hall' kegs
S'iOO ; do , quarter kegssi.r > 0 ; blasting , kegs'
& : ? . : ; fuse. perlOO leet , lOe. Lead Bar , Slti-
PAINT.S i.v On. While leail , Omaha , P. P ,
7Ue ; white lend , St. Louis , jiurc. S7.75 ; Mar
seilles green , 1 to5 Ib cans , 20c ; Ficnch zinc
iriecii , 12c ; Fipnch zinc led seal , lie ;
FiPiich zinc , in vniuiah asst'Oc ; Ficncli
zinc , 75e ; vcrmllllun , American , 18c ; Indian
red. 10o ; rose pink , He ; Venetian red , Cook-
bon's'J e : Venetian led. American , ll e ;
led lead , 7Keclnomo ; yellow , goniiiue , 20c ;
cliinme vellow , 1C. tic : ochre , roehclle , : ! ;
ochre , I-ieneh , 'J-Jjc : oenre , American , IJ 'c ;
Winter's , 2Xe : Lehiijli brown , 2'jc ' ;
Spanish brown , S'tfc l'rince's mineial. Sc.
IJuv PAINTS White lead , fe ; Frenchzl nc
12c ; Paris whiting. 2Ke ; whilinir , gildeis' ,
lfe ; whiting , com' ] , life ; lampblack , Ger-
manstown. 12e ; lampblack , oidinary. 8e ;
I'msslan blue,55c ; ultramarineISoVandyke ; ,
brown , fc : umber , burnt , -Ic ; limber , niwl 4c ;
sienna , burnt , 4c ; sieniiii , raw , 4c ; Paris
Cieen. genuine , 250 : Paris creen , common ,
' - 20 ; chioiuc ureon , N. Y. , 20u ; chrome giecn ,
K , I''c ; vermillion , English , In oil 70c : raw
nnd burnt umber , 1 Ib cans. 1'Jc ; raw nnd
burnt sienna , 12e : vaudyke , brown , ie : ! ; rc-
tinedlamphl.iKk , liic ; co.ich black and ivory
black , ICe ; diop blacJi. Iflc ; Prussian blue ,
40e ; ultramarine blue , ISc ; cliumio green , L. ,
M. 'c 1) . , lOe ; blind and shutter urcen , L. . M.
< &D. , ICe. ; Pnilsciecn , lt > e ; Indian led , lt > e ;
Venetian led. ' . 'c ' : Tuseati. 22e : Ainciican
veimillioii. J . * 1) . , 20c ; yellow ochre , Oc ; L.
31. & O. U. , ltc ; good ochre , Kc ! : patent
dryer , t > e ; graining color , lightoak , daikoak ,
walnut , ehcitntit and ash , I2c.
Jii'fis ) : A\i ) C'HIIMICAI.S Acid , caibollc ,
32c : acid , tariaiie , sc : ! ; balsam conalba , per
Ib , 4"ic : bark , sa salnis , per 1b. lOc : calomel ,
per ll > , 72c : ehinehoiildiii , pero40c ; chloio-
toi in , per lt > , 20 c ; Dover's powders' ' , per 11) ,
S1.23 ; epsom salts , per Ib , Xe ; glvcerlne ,
puie , jier Iti. 18c : lead , acetate , per n . 20e ;
oil , castor , No. 1 , percal. , S1.50 ; oil , castor ,
No. 'J , per gal. , SMO ; oil , olive.pi-r gal.S1.40 ;
oil. orlL-aimum , OOc ; opium & . . ! 0 ; iininlne ,
P. it W. und IE. , tS. , per o70e ; potassium
iodide , peril ) , Sii.OO ; saliein , pcroz-Mi * ; sulphate -
phate moiphine , pero/ , S2..r)0 ; hiilphtir , per
Ib,4c ; stnchnlne , pero81.80. .
VAHXISIIIK : UairoN , per gallon : Fuini-
ture , extra , 81.10 ; fiiinitiire , No , 1,51.00 ;
coach extia , S1.40 ; r-oach , No. 1 , Sl.'JO ; Ia-
mar , extra , S1.7S ; Japan , 70o ; asplmUiim.
o.xtra , S8c ; shcllne , Slt.50 ; haul oil finish ,
&IMIIITR Cologne spirits. 168 proof , SI.12
do 101 proof , Si.W ; spiiits , second quality
101 proof , SI.12 ; do IbS juoof , Sl.ll. Alco-
hoi. IbS piouf , 52.10 per wine gallon. Hedis-
tilled whiskies , si.ouriJl.50. Oin , blended ,
Sl.nOQi'J.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , SS.ttlfdO.oO ;
Kentucky and I'eiiusylviinla ryes , & 2.00j30.50 ( ;
( iolden Slicaf bouiboii and rvcliiklo.s ,
. ) . Hranilies , Imported , S5.0i$8..10 ) ( ;
domestic. Sl.WQ'I.OO. ( ilns , imported , S4 W )
f'iO.CO ; domestic , i.srxaixoo. Oliniiij > agncs ,
Imported , per case. S28.00@H.OO : ; American ,
per case , S10.00@10.00.
Orocorw' Iiist.
PicKi.r.s Medium , In hols , 85.nO ; do In
halt bbls , SII.OO ; small , In bbis , 0.00 ; do in
halfbbls , SU.&O ; gheiklns , in bbls , 87.00 ; do
In half bbis , 54.00
SlATfiiKs Per caddie , 2Sc ; round , jier
case , SI.OO ; squaio cases , Sfl.70 ; mule square ,
. ' ' .
Sun AIIS Powdered , 7 } c ; cut loaf ,
granulated , CJ/c : conleetloncrs' A ,
standard extra C , Cdid.Vc ; extra C , 5V
medium yellow , b-tt&tytc ,
DIIIKO FitfiTS No 1 quarter apples , In
evaporated boxes , 8) < j@0c ; biackbenics , boxes ,
dwi' ; peaches , eastern , 4 < ( rf.1Jilo ; peaches ,
evaporated , 10Jf/tl7c : ; Salt Lake , new , OJ
C'ioj e ; lasnbeiTies , new , 10@-0ccuirants ; , 7w
( g7 c ; tirune.s , new , 4) M4)fc.
OAXNID : Goons Oysters , standard , per
cas , $ U.0 : ! ; strawberries , 2 Ib pur case. 88.50 ;
rasiibcrrics , 2 Ib per case , S2.25 ; Californin
peart , j > er case , S4,40 ; apricots , per case ,
S4.M ) ; peaches , per case , 84.HO ; white cherries , , SS.OO ; plums , per case , S3.CO ; blue-
bcirles. pcrcaso , SS.'ii ; egg plums , 21b , per
ease. 52.00 ; pineapples , 2 Jb , per case , 53.20
@ 5.00 ,
OASIH.KS Hoxcs , 40 Ib Os , lOc ; 8s , lOc :
boxes , 40 Jb" , 10 oz , Os , 10'fc ; halt box , 20 Ib ,
, . , .
Ciuciuiis : Garncau's soda , butter and
picnic , 5)o ; creams , b > jc ; ginger snaps , b'tfc ;
cltv soda , 7 ! c.
Soni In It ) pajers , SA25a case ; salsoda ,
keg , per Ib , 22.4'c.
&YIIUI1 No.70 , 4-gallou Kegs , 81.00 ; Now
Orleans , as0c per gallon ; Maple Syinp6
bairel. strictly puio , 7bo pur gallon ; 1 gallon
cans , tl.2.1 ) per doK ; gallon cans , 85.23 per
! % > t * V * l * OHt 1 | ? l UUIUf TV-
UorrKKS OidinaryKiaaeslor@Uc : fair.
® UJfoprliin\llJWU'c ; ; choice. laiiOJlS'io :
> . .ucv green and yellow , lUXQSU/sc ; old gov-
rniiaeut .lava , o.i\cc , : ; Interior Java. 16 > ( @
' 'Oc ; Mocha , iJMJic ; Arbuckle's roasttii.
UKc ; JMcI.aiiKUlIn'e XXXX roasted , UWci
Dllworth'i , HjLc ; Ki'd Cross , 14 > ic
hOAj's-lvirlc s S&VOD imperial , < 2.70 ;
Kirk's ealluft , 53.00 ; Kirk's standard , 3.05 ;
Kirk's white Hus.iian. 84.00 : Kirk's White
Cap. 8fl.50 : Doian , SVJO ; Washboard. 83.10.
Dry liuods.
\nehor Shiitlngs-l'kpj Merrlmac Shirting * ,
4'c ' ; Utrwick. c.
1)U ) K ( TMii'ViiAlieiU-Boz. Maunolla. lOo ;
10oz.Mazi > oalari ! : > * . Weal I'olut , 10'c ' ;
U oz. We ? ! Poinii n ' 4 < ' . .
Uiiowv COTrox Lawrence I.I. , c ; bliaw
unit 1,1. 5e ; Itea\or Dam LL , r > o ; Atlanllc
LI. , .V ; Indian .head. 7c ; Wauchusset , C c ;
Crown \X\.C5e. * Cllllon CCC , Cc ; Vtitd
CCC , 4V- : Atlantic P. vn.
Tir uivus Amfslo.iR ACA. ll e : Thorn-
d\ke OOO. < > { < ; Tluundvlic fancy. Si'jc ;
Votk. ' Kl'.c ; \orlv fancy , 12l'c : Mlllmiy ,
iv'c : ; Pearl Uiver , ll'.o : Hamilton. 12c ;
Swift liiver , , ( ; Shi-tucket S , M e ; She-
tucket JsS , si'ip ' ; Monlank AA , 12c ; Montmtk
HH , lie ; Omega .U'A.lil- ; .
D ( , K d'oliMcd ; lloston 1) ) o/ brown and
diab , i : > ' , c ; Hoston O H brown und drab.
XXX brown und dr.ib. 11 We ; lloston O P
blue. lll < c : Watrcn Tiieot , Kic.
HI.I : vr 111:11 : CoTroxs ! miners choiro.
Oi < c ; Cabot , 0"ie : Hone. 7e : HIM 4 4. 71c ;
Hill ; < , li'ie ; Loiisdale. KFruit ; , N.ama ; -
Coin.r JiANiearsaige : , 7c : Aimoi.x ,
7e : Peppeicll. * 'sc ; Indian Oicliaiil. Oo ;
Naunike ag. 7c.
Cinviirs : chccks.O'ji' ' ; Amo-
keag , strincs.SjjC. Slater , strltics , be ; F.dln-
buig , U e : Wliltteudon , sttlpes , Nilen ; ( -
iose , t'e ' : Oils , eiireks , tn.c ; Otis , slilpcs , ! V ;
Hoyal. oj.c : Amoskeiii : . implied. 10 < ; c : Lu-
mbooklolil , V.'c : o bcion , book lold. il'4e :
Eiidutaiice. bonk told , 12e.
Dr.MMs llea\er ( reck AA , lie ; Heaver
and l > iown , 7. ' < e.
" '
M..Un . III' * H'l H'ls'yr llbls'l'ls ' Kts
12 1U
iSW m j oo 40 I
Hen's S't.N'o 1 1'b ft Mil LV > 2 ! ' 7 1 ( i7 1 40' ' BJ 47
I.'KO ( llliM rune } 5 ( Kl ! 002 7.1 1 iV > I 'M , 00 , 4.1 ,
c int * * h'rcre _ _ } n no : i o. ) 2 vr , i , yj ito1 .10' ' < r >
_ iMi-iiinr.ii n i'-ll ' , . _
" . tills 111 llhKO'i-IIIilA'alNoi-
M i IMI . . . j2 1U
| lurt pu 0 1U i
Notwevlan I '
KKK Itur'tiKS IS ( HI 0 60.1 IK ) 3 ! ! 02 70' ' .
Nor OKlim !
KK llerr'nir * 11 0) ) ( I m 45 3 tt',2 Ml.
. * * C" * & ' 4 00 2 IW 1 IK ) ' . IW
IS OU ! l .V ) b CO 4 f-0 ! l W . 1 S8 1 10
Holland lli-irlnifs. new . so
" l-'ull White hooii. . _ . . J IU
HSU 'lIHs'll-Uf , o ' lltilsgr llhls i IMs . , Kts
llloiilvr Me A. iJ ! 0) IP 110 nirno-,7 , : wl 50,1 ,
KNo.lSlioru. . U U'l.l'J H ) ii.niinun uilj mi 9
. lil l 7 00 ' '
' : , o " " ) . . h in' ' ( i w ) jn Vi'a 052 r-o , Nil f >
i.n nrl'iniiiy. . | ' .i ooi r , IHI 4 w : 05z 10 74 r ,
I'liul'iinUy. . . . ' 711 1 00 .1 li.,3 U. , I 70 tii _ _
, „
No , t White I'lsli. . ' IK ) . " 40l ! : Xli ) 70 , H20 | (
rainllv While I'lsli. . : i (10 ( S 70 I 70 1 Ml M ftl
No. 1 trout . I ( ) . 3 COS 50 1 l | > H | KP
No. I Pickerel. . . _ . ! ! Oil ! S 70 1 SOU W.jd ftO
IIollaiidhciilngs.1e ; > mok ed halibut ,
Varmouth bloatcis. Ole ; new scaled he
Dry imiiibor.
No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , 14 and 1(5 ( It . SU5..VJ
No. 2 " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft . 14..10
No. : i " " 12 , 14 mul 1C tt . 12..10
30. 1 " 12 , 14 and 1C ft . 10..10
' . ' . .
l-'K.NC'l.\i. (
No. 1 , 4 & 0 Inch. 12 and 14 tt. , rough. . .MC.0,1
No. -lifcOiiich , 10 H. , tough . 10..10
No. 2 , 4 AC inch , lannU 14 tt. . loujjh. . . i.10 : !
No. 2 , 4 AC inch , intt. . tough . 14.00
'id ' ' ' ' ! ft Ib ft SO ftl ± 3 It L'4 ft
siJTrrrrTTT. . rnioiisioo'i ' .oo I7.CO is.K'i ( ' . ( o
S.xC . H.W 11.5Q 14.6U 13.00 Hl.f.0 U . . ' ,0 i.U.rAI
2i8 . l.jJOO15.00.15 | ( XI 1B.OJ 17.00 , ll.Xin.XI ! ( ) , (
2xio . mo i. , no' ' i.i. x ) Ki.K ( ) , n.oo.stuo si.oo
2x12 . ' 16.IK ) lli.ClV 17.00 20.00'Sl.lin '
4x4-n\ . lia.w ; i.y ioi5.oji ; 10.00' ' 17.00 in QJ , tn.m
* A Standard. . , , . . . < . . 8ii" >
5-inuli clear. . , | . . . .j . 1..M
0-inch cle.u . . . . f > . l.r1 >
NO. 1 . . . ] . . . . ! . 1.1.1
Lath . ( . . , . * . . 2.1.1
I I'l.OOKl.Nd.
A 0 inch , whitd iiino
UOinch. " > . ' " ( '
C Cinch , { 'i "i . . ' . 20.00
DOinch , " ' "J ' . . 20.00
EOllich , " " J' . . 17.00
KiofK no Anns.
A 12 inch , .s.l s. 1'J ' , 14 and 1C it . 540.00
K12 inch , " " " . 42.00
O 12 inch. " " " . : ! 0.00
D12 inch. " " " . 2S.OO
No. 1 Com. 12 in. , s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 1(5 ( tt. 17.00
No. 1 " " ' ' 10 , IS and 20 It. . 10.W )
No. 2 " " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft. . 1.1.00
Bcnton'Hllnir Grower
All who nni HALD , all who aie becomins
BALD , all who do not want to Im bald , all
who are troubled with DANDRUFF , or
IICHING of the scalp ; should use Kcnton's
Hair Grower. KIOHTV PEH CI-.N r ot tho'su
using il have KIIIWII hair. It never fails to
btop the hair Irom lulling. Tliioimh
and levers the hair bometlmes tails oil' In a
shoit time , and although the put.son may
have lemained bald tor years , if you tiso Den-
ton's 11 nlr Grower according to diiectious
you are suto of si giowtli of hair. In hun
dreds of cases wo have produced a good
giovUh of Hair on those who have been bald
and glazed for yeais we have fully substan
tiated the following facts :
Wo grow Hair in 80 c.ises out of 100 , no
matter how louirbald.
Unlike oilier pu-paraltons it contains no
sugar of lead , \ccetablo or mineral
Itlsaspccilic for falling hair , dandruff ,
and itching of the ecalp.
The Hair Glower is a hair food , and its
ompositlon Is almost exactly llko the oil
which supplies the hair with Its vitality.
When the skin Is very lough and liaid , and
thefollico is apparently cui-ctnaUy closed ,
ttie single strength will sometimes fall to
lead i tuo papilla ; in such cases the double or
tiiplo stiength should boused in connection
with the single , using them alternately.
Pi ice , sinirlo strength , 81,00 ; double
strength , S2.00 ; triple strength , s:5.00. : If
your druggists have not got It wo will send It
prepared on receipt of price
Cleveland. O.
Sold by C. F. Goodman and Kuhn < t Co.
15th unil Uumflaa. 18th nucl Cumin ; fc
Too Good n Thing.
Wall Street NOWH : A grocer in an
Indiana town who ordered his floods
from Chicago was charged by an Indian-
auolis ( Iniiinnor with ti want of patroit-
isni in not patronizing homo iiihtitulinns.
"Will yon give me iiinots'Uays'oredity"
asked the grocer.
"Uf "
"And then extend mo thirty day *
further ? "
"Perhaps. "
' And if 1 fall will you compromise for
18 cents on the dollar mul help mo boat
nil other creditors ? That's wlmt my
Chicago honso is'doing forme , and about
every third order \\ioy \ \ throw in a do/.on
bedcords or a dollar clock as a frco gift. "
J. L. Koron' ' Carroll , residing at
Far Hockaway , Queens Co. , N. Y , was
so crippled wU inljamatorvrliewntUiHin ,
of ton years' standing , that ho had UHMSO
crutches , llu.was 'completely cured uy
takincf two UrandreUi's Pills every night
for Ihirty nights , janrt will answer any
written or noruonal Inquiries.
Producing a rich , beautiful ULOSS anil
No Starch yet introduced can bo coin-
pared with the MAGIC.
One pncRasre will lo the work of two
pounds of onliiuiry eturcli.
f olJ UR Ucr Kuurunioo u ( Ilio manuluclurori.
SLOAN , JOHNSON & ; CO. . Wholesale
Agcutg , Omuha , Neb ,
_ Bridges Sleam Pile Driving , _
Knglnccrs Mid Contractors
Urges , Roof Trusses , Sleam Pile Driving
Iron ( . 'omhlmitlon mid llono Truss ,
rillnir ntiJ Osk Tlinlier. Utli St. , near 1'niimm ,
Cigars and Tobacco.
MAX sir.Yiu : A. co. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Guns am ) Ammunition. 2l.r > to 2i" > South tllh
Sticrt.liUtoltl ) ( ! rarnani Street , Omnha Nch.
\VIST : & FitrrsciiKit ,
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
Ami Vt'holoale Denier' In l.onf TotiHwo < < . Nos.
! a" iiml 1JW X. Hth Street. Omuha , Neb.
vrochcry ,
" "
\V. U WltlCHT ,
for the Manufactuicrs nnd Importers ,
Crockeiy , Glassware ,
Jximpp , Chlinnejs , ite. : Oniee , ; i7 ! Bcuth 11th
0. 8. GOOimiCH A CO ,
for F. A. Whit nor Cnrrlngo Co. I
Children's Carriages ,
Ami Jewell's Celebruloil Hofnufrntors. 8tn
or price lists. 1411 r < irii m St. , Omnlm. _ _
Eagle Cornice Works.
John Kpenotcr , 1'roiirli'tor. Mnnnfnrturer of
( ! ulviineil > Iron mill lornlco. WSl Ilcul c und 101
and 105 North 10th Street , Omiihn , Nub.
Ki'UMFiMi & not/in ,
Galvanized iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , 1'irmK Ktc. , ,110 H. 12tli St. AVorkilono
in nnpni tcf the country.
Western Cornice Works ,
0 Hl'ECHT. 1'ioprletnr.
( inlvimlzcd Iron Cninluus. Ktc. Ppccnt'sl-n.
| iio\rd Patent MMiill'obkillBht. fiOS nnii 510 rf.
12lhSt. _ . Oinithn. Net.
Doors , Sash. Etc ,
ThG 'GatoCiyPcningMl. : !
Doors , Sns.h and Hllncls. Also nil kind * of
tin-nine. Scroll mid Stnlr work ol ovcry do-
script Ion.
Manufacturer nnd Denier In
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Stnlr Hulls n tpcpiulty Tele-phono No. P2
1'itli nnd Murcv PI I. . Unuiliii , Neb.
_ _ Electrical Supplies.
VT. WOM'-K ' & CO. , EloctrloianV
Electrical Supplies ,
Mufonlolllock , Omuh * . Itiirtflm' Alarms , Hells
1'no .Muriiix , k'ootrio Matting , Spunking Tubes ,
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work
ion Stair * , Hulllnir , Hollril Ito-uni and ( llrdrrs
Stcatii KnglncH , llrn s Work , General Foundry
Mnchlnoand Hlacksmlth Work. Otllce and
Works , V. 1' . Hy. nnd S 17th it.
Iron a ; d Nails.
Cut Hails and Spikes ,
Tire KniH n Sjw ; Inltr. Oninlia , Neb
_ _
Omaha Safe Y/orks / ,
Manufacturer of Klroniid Hurgla : Proof Safes ,
Vault Uoois , .7nll Work. Bhuttcr ? nnd Wire
Work. Cor. Hth nd JtickMin StH. , Omnhn , Neb.
Wagons and Carriages.
Established 1853.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
1108 uiiil U U Dotlffo Street , Omuhii , Neb
Commission ! Etc.
Live Stock Commission
C.i'O. llurko. Mimiurer.
Duion Stock Yurds , S. Umnlin. Tolo.ibcnn 583
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John 1' . Hold , Superintendent.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Shipments of any nnd nil kinds of stock solicit
cd. Union Ht ek VoidsOmuhnNob.
Lumber , Etc ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
8uk , Doora , Ktc. Yards Cor. 7th nnd
Cor. Oth und Douglas.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding , Stnlr Work nnd Interior Hnnl Wood
FlnlBli. just openuit. N. K. cor. Eth und I.euvun-
worth Streets , Omnlm , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
Hi a llth Btroot , Omnhn , NoU I' . Colpetzer ,
Mtum cr.
C. N. 1)1 LTZ ,
Lumber ,
33th nnd California Street ? , Omnhn , NoU
Lumber Lime Cement Etc.
, , , . , Etc.
Cor. tth iiud Douglas Streets , Omubii , yelk
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omuha , Nebraska.
" "
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wnrtin Flock , Fancy Woods , llrldjro limbers ,
ic , , ft. W. Cor. 'Jill nnd DouglasOimilm , Neb.
G. S1. LYMAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , MonMii ® .
UullUiiur 1'upcr , Ktc. South UtJj .StrOUt , CJJC3 * .
Flih.Etc ,
CO ,
Succcstors to Irkon Flcinsson & Oo.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of Torol n I'ibli , Nos. 911-n(3 ( Jouel
fes - Btrft uuJ v1. r. Track. OwahiuWgb. _ .
_ Confectioner . _ _
F. P. FAY it CO , ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbers of Fruits , Nuts auJ Oljjirs. 1211
Farnam St. , OmahaNeb. _
Lime , Cement , Etc ,
Ma nufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
And Shippers of Coal and Coke , Commit , I'Jus-
ter , I imi ) . Iliilr , Fire llrlck. Drain , Tllu und
Buwcr 1'lpc. Otllco , 1'iuion hotel , tclophouo 811.
yarinun Ktrcct.Omuli.N cbruhkq.
_ Job Printing.
Job Printers , Book Binders ,
Atid IllauL llook Muuufucturcr * . IbO-lUtl South
Agricultural Implement s.
Wholes. ; o Dealers in
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nJ Uupjrli * , Onmliu Xeb.
CHI HCHll.l. TAllKEIt ,
\VholoMle Duller in
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Cfirriaw * nnd lluirfilei. J < nc" < St. , bet. t'th ' ami
KnliOmnlii : , Ji" ' h.
Boots and Shoes ,
" " "
V. V. MOl'M ! & CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
MilFftnmm Street. Omnlm , Neb. Manufactory ,
Carpets. _
"s. A. OHCHAltnT
Wliolesala Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
ifS , Ciirtnln tinoi ! * . Kte. , H.1J Vninnni
Street , Otiiiibn , NeK
Coal , Lime , Etc.
Coal , Coke , Lime and Stons.
Oflloo,213S. llth ° t. , Omnhn , Nl > . YarJs , PU. '
nnil Dr.'cnpoitStiec'ts. _ _ _
. KiilRASKArElrO. : ,
Shippers of Coal and Coie ,
8118.13lh St.Omnn , Nrb.
OKI. C , TOWI.K , rretluVnt.
OTO. rArrrnsoN. See ? nnd Trcns.
3. H. HUI.IIEIIT , VA. . TUi rn ,
1'toprlftor. MnnnKcr.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
omec , aiiS. I'Jlh Street. Ttlcphonein.
GKO. 1' . LAitAnn. rio . C r. ( ioonv N.V. 1'jca.
J. A. Sr.NDi.nt.ANli S"co. " iinUTienf.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers of Imrd nnd U'ft ' eoii'.AOS. ' JU'tb ' St. ,
Oniahii , Xeb
OMAHA coAi ) AND TuonfCK ca
Hard and Soft Coal.
EjclUBivo ilculere In IlotiMor ColoiaiJo Conl.EII
i.until Uth HiTtt.
CoHee anrl S lets.
r.ATKS. COLK & Mll.KS.
Home Coffes and Spies Mill ] MTg o.
t'otfeo Itonvlrrs und Sploo Cilinler * . ninn'i
rftctiireraorihikliiKrowilcr , rinvovuiK Kxtinel
Illuliifr. etc. Try one CI\B of our ! & > pHvkniro
IIotnolllciKl Itonsted Codec. 1009 HounrU ! ( . ,
Cm Ah ii , Jfub.
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
TenCotlccs , Spicos. Hnldiu t'Owder. I'luvorlng
Kit i net 9. l.mimlry IJIiui. Ink , etc. lilMU lliu-
ney Street , Oninhn , Neb.
Commissionf Elc.
" " *
uiiANCH & CO. ,
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 Knrnam f t. , Omnlm. Applef. . Our < > n t..icV-
Inn 1'lntt & ( " . , . ' 8 'Hirer Ilrunil O.vstuis , lluttcr ,
KKKS , Oninu , 1'oultry , 1'otntoes.
General Commission Merchant ,
Produce , Pi ovlclons. KrtillP , Flour nnd 1'crO , 103
5. Hth St. , Omnlm , Net ) . Consiciimentbfolkiti * ! .
Itctuins nmdo uromulLv' .
I ! . MlOXALl ) ) .
> Kill" Street. Onin'in. Neb. Sreeialtlcs : Hut-
ter Kvilii. undl.'hlcKeiib *
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , Butter , Gnino , Fruits , Ktc. KOB. 14th
St. , Omnhn , K
General Commission Merchants ,
1400 Doduo S.trcot , flnuilin. Nctiintka.
ment" pellciti'd.
\V. F
Storage and Commission Merchant.
SPECIALTIES t'liees-o , Ilutier Kinrs , Poultry
nnd Oiiino. 112 B. Hth. . Oinnha , Neb. Tei !
phone No. 3U5.
Storage and Commission Merchints.
Foio.'irn nnd Doinostlc Prtills n fcpcelnllv. Ivl-
CKOnt 6toriijro facilities. Wnif > houbu und office ,
10 North 13th tt. Telephone 77 J.
D. A. : iuituv : ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
Butter , HKRS nnd Produce. A full Mm * of Slone-
wnro. Consignments solicited. 14H Dodjro St. ,
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Ilolrlperntor nnd Packing House , Htli & I nvcn-
woith St. , on L7. P. II. K. Track , Omuhn , Ntb.
E'lnblWicil 1B70.
General Commission ,
tJlB. Hth Bt. , Omnhn. Neb. Bposiiiltics Butter
" _ UKKK , 1'ouliiy mid Uninu.
Commission Merchants ,
t"rult3 , 1'riiiliico and Provisions , Omnhn , Neb
Successors to Isnno Griffith.
Commission Merchants
And wholesale denlurd In country pr idiico.
fruits , hutter , cvcs.O'e. Goods on eonslsrniniiii
n spccliilty. JLT ) N. Wth St. , Omaha.
( Successors to A. P. Sclinck. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
Ho. 213 South 15th Street. Omnhn , Nch.
Dry Goods.
L. GINSllUnO tc CO. ,
Wholesale Dealers In
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Ltawie , Jjiccs. Kmbroldery mill Whlto Coois.
JCtoUoiitflna Street , Omulia , Neb.
While Lead ,
Strictly Pure White Lead.
2Ctb Stnud U. P. lly. Oinahii ,
Harness , Etc.
} [ anufnctuiors and Jobbers ot
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Turf Goods , lllnnkels nnd ltoli < " . lli'J Paruum
_ 8n iiit _ Oiniiliu , Neb. _ _ _ ,
Mattresses ,
B. M , IIUL3K ,
Mattress Company ,
Mnaufaeturln ilnttrrssos , llnddlnp , Feothrr
I'JlliiWB , 0)ts , Kto. L'M und KW Uonulna Blrnct ,
Oinnhn , Neb. '
i/JNtirA *
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
jntii , Hhlrts , I'.lc. , KK ! mul I'M Uoualw
fitlYinr. , 0nuiu ! , Keb ,
Beer ,
Agent for Anhouser-Bush Brewing Ass'n '
Fpccinl rnnds : 1'nui t , tlnrtn-nltrr. Krlmi f
J ) . L. yjfAXJ * . Xiijici'intcndent ,
OMAHA t. Mill It CO ,
Dealer * In AH KlniU ot
Building Material at Wholesale.
1Mb Stiet timl I -i o I I'.io fl TrncX. Omnlm.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Wlh nnd Irnnftj-cel * . Omnlm. Nebru'Vn ,
.T. A. w.\Ktniu : : > ,
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shingles ,
ruilMlnpr I'liper * , s h , lno-s ) , llllnu > , J"
lues I'KKeM. I'o t , I.lme , l'n ! ter ,
L'erneut. Nlntn nun June" , Oiunhn Neb.
Millinery ,
" * " " *
Tint'Oitoi s ami JohticrsoT
Millinery and Notions ,
KWn'.Kl UU Hnrney Street. Oinalm , N'eK Instruments ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Mt'lnwiiy l'lnii'i . Wiilinr. 1'eeUer , llultii" nnd
HilirKrt Piniiiix , PiicKttiit Or ) . ' : ! ! ! ' , Chiuo
101 itnd lUUMIi slu'i't ,
Furniture , Etc.
Fnrnitnre , Bdilij , UpJnliry M
r.le.UV ( ) , l-.USnnd 14IJ liiiinun Slire ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furnitura ,
FmiiumStioct , Ouuihn.Ni'b. _
Groceries. _
li. U. CHAPMAN * . ) . ,
Wholesale Faucy Grocers , Cigars ,
' ' . ' , llownrd Sfc
JVbftcco nnd Smokers' Aitlolt1 ? , I''l
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Spices , Cliiwniid ( Toliucco * . 11117 nnd CIIU I > lilK
Ins Stieot , Omuhn , Ncl > .
Wholesale Grocers ,
Coiner 10th nn < l Vainnrn Stieei" , Omnhn , Neb ,
PAXTON , UAl.tjAGllim CO. ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
NOB. 705 , TOT.TffJ nnd 711 S. 10th St. , Otiinliv , Neb.
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
pprlnps , VVngoii Stock , Hiirduond l.uiiilu'r , cto.
U'1,0 , nnd 1HII HnriR-y btruox , Omuhn , Nub.
KlNiV& : G1IJ1ION ,
Wholcsale.Iron , Steel , Wagon
And Cnrrliia-o W * 5 StocU. Henvy llnid'rnre ,
Ktc. 1217 nud 121 cnvonMotth Street ,
Builders' Hardware ,
Mrchnnlce' Tools nnd HulTiilu Scales. UO&Dougr
Ins Street. Oimilin , Neb.
i.Kn , Fitir.n & co. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Shitt Iron , Kte. Airt'iits for Jlowo Semis nnd
Hinmi Powder I o. , Omuhn Neb. _ _ _
Stoves , Ranges , Furuaces , Tiles ,
Mnntles , Ginten , llinn poodn. l&'l nnd 1XM r , r-
nnm Street.
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Emerson Eteol Nulls. Cor. 10th nnd Hiiiney
Streets , On'ihnNi'b. _
Munufr.cturer of the
Deering , Harvester Goods ,
Write to Win. M. Lei liner. GsnerrJ
Oninlia. IV 'eiiliono tilO.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
. 1CI 'I
fOI "oill 'biiii-iojuK pun PI"0. ! . .iuoOAior | 'h > ; oof | )
ICI10)CAV ) 'BPUOUIH | I ' | | U | WOlBOa
'SJ918M9f 9IDS9J011/A /
JB tinnunj mi - pooo " . 'o.T ifoo
to ; HOMunlipnail solililnsjoj"\v | 1'ini '
'sdmnj '
MiiimiO | "JS
pnu odjd 'sdinnj. ' " 1 'V
ohnois m
notionsllosljr&G8ata'FawUilfli , / ' ! Gooi
lOO'J and KM Kimimn St. , Omnhn , Null.
J. T. Robinson Notion Company , - . . *
< ( tl nncHWi t > . 10th fJt.Oninhi , Neh.
U'lioii'tnlo Duulora In Notions unit ( Jems' 1'uN )
Oils , Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
GfiEOlino , Mini Axle Greiu-o , Utc. A , II. 11'shop ,
Mniniior , Omnlm , Nob.
Pork Packing.
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omr.'iii , Ne
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Office , Union Mark tr > 17 Dodwe Street. Puukln
lionse , U. P. U. 11. Track , Omuhu , Neb. Telephone
phoneNo. . 157.
_ , * _ _
t j 0 i J 1
Safes and Locks. '
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s' '
Kiro nnd Iliinflur Proof .Sules.Tliuo l.ocki > , Vniitt
lid JiilMvork. ly.'O nirnuin etioet , Omnhn , Neb
_ _ _
" ' * ' "
J. KVAN8 ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
ilKi-lcultiiral , Veirctnblo , Kti * . Odil l-'clluws1 Hull ,
N. W. Cor. Kth and Doil u SI . , Omuhn , Neb.
Etc , I
Wholesale Druggists ! ,
A.nJ Denier In 1'nlntE , Oils unil Wluilotr RlxsV
_ OmiiliH. Ucb. ,
Wines , Liquors , Ec |
m. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And ri'juori1. Pole Hninufiictiirors of Knnnn'Ii'i
P.ast indlu Illucrs. J1IU llitrnvy Utrvc-t , Onmfm ,
Apt ) .
to MriHAMAitA ,
und Wholetulu Uenlcixlii
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
SH mi J SIC S. ilth at. . OmuLa , Ntb.
riotions , ttTi *
' " " " "
! 3 & SON ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
I > ry Gooil > , Ki-UoiH , < } ouU' runilshlnp riocdfj .
Ooorif from New York. TrnJu ialuj iluily. W1 't
hiii1 ' < W South 181k ISt. , Ouinba.
flour anJ Feed ,
\V. \YKLSHANS 4 , CO. ,
Wholesale Flour , Peed and Grain.
W. 'J. Wfllhnti * A t'o't
Ut fio'-ifani | > rr.prl0l r
tlty MtUf.csr. blU boil t'nr.mtti jtrert" , Oinulta ,