Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1886, Image 1

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The Battle at an End and Gladstone Com
pletely Overthrown.
The Salisbury Government Can Never
Exist With a Combination.
James O'Kolly Discusses the Situation in
Much the Same Vein.
Kri'nch Affair * Dismissed , Showing
tliu Uopubllu'n Mlstnko In Hxpcll-
Inu tlio Duo il'Aiinmlo Tlio
Crawford Trial Foreign.
Jiialln McCarthy's Ijottcr.
[ Co ; > j/iJftrc / [ ; ( .J
IIAMCMKNI , ClII'.I.Sr.A , hoXDO.V. July IS.
[ Now York Ilurnld unblc Special to
the ] Jii : : . | Tlio campaign is over to
nil Intents and purposes , Tim battle
lias hcun toughl and wo arc not
victorious. At least the ladlcals under Glad
stone aio not victorious , and the canso ot
lioiuo inlu had Its v letoty put oT. ( Thcic
nio a low elections alill to bo decided , one in
which I fed a deep puisoual and political In
terest-that of William O'Hilun In Soutli Ty
rone. Jf O'Diicu wins tlio Irish Daily will
coiiiobaukiu nuinbjr oxnctly the same as be
fore. The success of Sexton In West lielfnst
makes up lor the beat lost in South Doiry
w hero llealy was for tlio nioincnt displaced.
Wo have already lodged a petition In the
case of Deny City , vvhcio I claim the scat on
the ground that several votes woiu allowed
by the tetuining otlieer in cases where pur
solution can ou pioved distinctly. I have
fitrouu hopes that the petition may succeed.
Thu majority against mo was do small only
tliri'u Unit a few uirors on the part of the re-
tmnlnsr ollicer would have been enough to
convert tint small Oiangn majority Into n
Ill that event wo shall have added one tc
onr iiiiinbar , and this is about all that , In any
case , we could well expect to do , seeing that
wu liavo captured every scat where it was
within human posslbllty that the nationalist'
could win unJer the pioscnt condition. AV c
have done our part and thoietoro the
reproach ot failino Is not with us. But the
conservatives and liberal-unionists have been
too much for us.
The condition of things is veiy curious , Tlic
conservatives and liberal-unionists , as they
arc called , combined have a largo m.ijoiitj
over tlio ( iladbtonians anil nationalists ooin-
blued. The consul vatix es liavo some 310 , the
89J , or thereabouts. Then the
Oladstonlaus have about 100 , and
the nationalists will bilng 80 , com
bined 'J70. When the conservatives and
unionists 7(5. ( Those combining would nmko
unionists combine they will have about ii'JJ or
U'JI , against the ii7 J ( iladstonlans and nation
alists. Hut the conservatives have not a ma
jority of tholr own and will have to
with the unionists. And bo It icmembeicd
there is onlv one point of contact and com
bination , and that Is the question of Glad
stone's homo inlo bill. It is not the question
of homo tide , foi the unionists all say they
uro for homo measure of homy uilo , only not
Gladstone's measiuo. Tlio unionists will
not , as a party , accept coeiclon. Thov will
not , as a paity , declare against homo rule.
Moieover , many unionists will be very anxious
to come Into olllce as soon as possible' , and
t'icy ' cannot come into ollico with Loid Sails
No doubt SalUbnry will try to induce Hart
Imtou to join him In making the adiulnlitta
tlon , but until I see llartlngton'a nauu
olllclally announced as one of biich an admin
istration tsluil never bo biouxht to believe he
will take any nail In It. For Chamberlain to
take ollico undoi Salisbniy would , of course ,
bo absolutely out of the question , oven If
Salisbmy weio in the least degree inclined to
inako an offer of such a kind to the Blunliu-
ham radical.
IN OFFin : NOT IN rovviiit.
Wo .shall then have the conservatives once
ngalnln ollico but not in power. Such has
been thulr fate often bofoio , such will bo
their fate now. What then will happen ?
People say that Gladstone will rctlio from
paillamontary life altogether , or at all events
Irom the leaduHhipof tlio party. I do not
boliovoho wllldoauytlilng lor the present.
BlrAndiow Claike , Gladstone's physician ,
! s of the opinion that Gladstone's physique
Ispoifnclly pound and that ho has jcais of
1'oodwoikln him vet. Gladstone is not a
man likely to
in such a course as that ho has lately adopted.
On the coutiary , ovciy woid hp has spoken ,
oviny lettoi ho has written during the closing
days of the contest and they have been
many words and many letters only testify
the Blowing Intensity of Ids conviction and
lila feelings. Ho will Hum , I trust and feel
confident , continue to lead such a Hbcial
parly asbtlll rallies under his flag.
AN i.xcn.onioim ( IOVKU.VMUXP.
The Salisbury government will soon find
thu misery , tlio Ignominy of stilrlng to con
duct ntfulra In thu house of common * without
nn absolute autlioilty. I well remember thu
keen humor with which Disraeli ona/ } described -
scribed llm condition of tory leaders put in
such n plight. They will soon llnd out that
there Is little n o In ifilylng upon the liberal-
unionists. Many liberal-unionists aio already
nnxious to fall Into lluo ngiln with the bulb
of the liberal party. If tory leaders have
they will sot to woik nt once to oducalo the
party up to the level of homo rnlo--a real ,
Bounlno measure of homo rulo. Loid Car
narvon said last winter tlioy could have done
this If they only had tlneo months moro for
the work of education. Now they have plenty
of time If tiiuy only mo It nicely. 1 have al
ways boon of the opinion up to this tlmo , and
continue- the same opinion still , that we
euall getKOMI
Wo shall eel it fiom Ihcnrand we shall not
thank them for it any more than \T thanko > l
them for tlio Catholic enuncl a <
tlon or a the rcfoim bill of 1807 ,
In both cases they wont round and
adopted th very pi Inc. ! plus tboy haa nhvays
contended agaliibtbofoiu they became reform
ers who had hated roform. No doubt they
will adopt the &amo i > olcy ! In the pruscntcase
after a decent interval. Having come into
ofllcoas tlio detormlned opponents of homo
rule , thu tory InaiU'ra will rapidly set to work
to mut how they can nuuairo to rcconcllu
homo rule with professed After all
It Is Ycrv much a matter of phrases ami catcl ;
words *
Icamooyerluafcteauicr from J > m.ln the
other night with a toiy moinbcr of the house
of comiuiiiH. who Is ai o a member of one of
the great governing families who claim half
of the torj cabinet to themselves.
"Of course j our pal ty w 111 come In , " 1 said.
" 1 suppo-c1 so , ' ' was his answci.
"And then , " 1 went on'you will soon
bring In a real and comprehensive measuio
of homo rule ? "
lie answered : "We shall probably bring
In a real andcompielicnslve measure of local
self gov eminent. "
We both Mulled. JUSTIN McCAiirv.
o'unijiiY's oi'ixiox.
Ho DiseiiHCS tlio Ire nicct8 of thu
Nuu ( iovernniont'H formation.
Kmsm neil , July 18. [ New York Herald
Cable bpcclal to the Hi.r.TlioiiKh ] the
electoral h.ittlo has ended In the defeat of
Gladstone It has bestowed no substantial
victory on Ids opponents Iwcauso tlie appeal
to the people has produced no party capable
of forming a strong government ccitaln to
last six months. The only hope of Keeping
Gladstone out of powci , lies In the formation
of a coalition between the unionists and
lories , but coalitions in nnghnd are puncr-
blally short lived. Thcio is , ho\\e\ei , no
other means of safety if Gladstone Is to bo
ousted. This is the single point on which a
thorough iigiecment exists In the unionist's
I am theicfoto convinced that Hnrtlngton
and his lolloweis will swallow any amount of
principle In order to lemovo their fotmer
chief. What Chambcilaln will do is not so
ccitatn. Ho can scarcely afford to go Into the
toiy camp without deciding to pail com
pany delinitely with the Icadcishlp of tlie
radical paity , whlcli ho still hopes to recover.
.Much as the IMimlngham caucus chief Is dis
liked , his appearance In a coalition move
ment would render him absolutely hateful to
tlio largo masses of radical \otcrs who still
expect ills leturn to the fold. As he is a cun
ning , ambltiotLs man hols not likely to wicck
his piospccts absolutely to make Sallsbuiy's
position secure.
with piomisln , ? outside suppoit by atoiy or
coalition gov eminent against tlio Gladston-
iansand I'arncllites , because , alter hatred for
Gladstone , the strongest tie between the
so-called unionists is the tear of a new appeal
to the country. Should a coalition govern
ment be overthrown parliament would have
to bo dissolved , and as the tories , wained and
encouraged by the election , would be certain
to tluow over the llbcial-unionlsts , the allies
ot Chamberlain and his whig and radical
lump would cnevltably bo
ixii.vouisnii : ) AT TIIK ror.i.s.
Then the small fry llboial secedeis would
certainly follow Goschen and Tievclyan Into
retirement , and the victoiy attliepolls would
rest decisively either with the homo uilcis or
thn toilcs. Chambcilain , Haitington and
their followers know this well. Thcioforo
they will go to considciaule lengths to main
tain nn auti-Gladbtonan ! administration in
"Will their followers leiuain tine to them is
by no means ccitain. A heady I have pri
vate information that seveial liberal-
unionists liavo made their peace with Glad
stone ,
Frankly , thoelectlons just concluded have
removed many illusions on botli sides. Be-
foio tlio event party prophets vveie convinced
citiici thai the magic of Gladstone's name
would sweep ovoiythlnit before It , or that the
cry " ( he union Is In danger" would arouoo
the fanaticism of the Biillsh woikingmcu to
such a height that all party consldciations
would disappear and tlio torlcs bo
tiiumphantly letumed in three constituencies
out of tour to save the Intogiity of the em
pire. Nothing of this ins happened.
Tin : woinuNo CLASSES ,
as a whole , have supported home rule , and
desertions are more duo to i elisions fanatic
ism than enthusiasm lor tlio safety of the
empire. It is woithy of lumark that the de-
soi lions were almost wholly confined to shop
kecpeis and members of the wealthy classes.
This Is shown cleaily by an examination of
THE ropuiAi : VOTE.
Ono million , live hundred thousand citizens
recoided their votes for the toilos and libcial-
unionists , while 1,40 , ODO voted for homo
rule. These figures arc round numbers.
' " " ) unionist majority , thmoforc , Is com-
IF jsed of one vole in cveiy twenty-nine not
much of a majority to boast about and oven
tills majoiity Is almost wholly duo to the
state of absolute dlsoiganUallon In which
the Hbcial paity was thrown by the do-
fee tlon of the vvhigs and Chambcilainito
radicals. No one not accustomed to have
actual cxpuilenco in election woik can form
nn adequate Idea of
In which the liberal paity wont to the polls.
Now , what will bo the outcome ? In my
opinion , a coalition government of some sort
orother Is Inevitable. If llartlngton accepts
the prmnitMshlp , with Salisbury as foiei.rn
bccretiuy , the coalition may iouiafn In power
foi a considerable petlod. In that case thcro
will piobably ba
A WAII WITH liirssi.v
at an early day , as the Irish party may think
It better to have the Diltlsh army flailing
Cossacks than coeiclng the Iiish. There is u
probability that Ihounloniots may split up ,
nslndusttlal Britain docs not like tlio pios-
IK'ctof a jingo policy dlicstcd asalnslltussla ,
In that case , all would depend on the number
picpaied to stand op fall with the toile.s.
Fiom this standpoint
the llbjral iiarty. The torioIf ) deserted by
the unionists , may offer Itoma lido as the
prlco of Iiish support. Should a now alliance
bo formed on this basis , iho toilcs and Iiis'i
would bo fctimu enougli toiulotho Btlllsh
omplro coitalnly for seven years In splto of
the liberal paity. This piobabla ontcomaof
Iho situation , how over , is not likely to ba Im
mediately realUod. JAMBS O'IVELLY ' ,
soijtDirv or THE UEi'um < io.
Tlio Present Government of l > 'iauce
\VI1I Stand liipL-llciI Uukcs.
\Copvrlalitetl. \ ]
TAIIIS , Julyl3.-l.Now i'oik Heiald Cable
Special to the BKK.J The 1'ails season is
at Its last gasp , The Ballon of the Tiench
chamber has como to a cloic. The princes
have been expelled and the greet fete nation-
aid of the Hlh of July U over. A moment of
lolsuio has aulvcd and people aio beginning
quietly to take stock , as It weio , In the
political hltuatlon , dUiegardlng at present
the consideration of the mazes ami entaulo-
menls of possible IntcnmUonal complica
tions and consldciiinr chiefly home politics.
The ono question of predominant Intoicst
which arises Is , "Have the chances for the
stability of the Fiencb , republ'c been dimin
ished or streucthcnoa , or In any way affected
by recent events ? "
It was tlio subject of universal remark that
the enthusiasm manifested at the fete lost
Wednesday was by no means so marked as
In previous yew , notably In 1SSO. Ko doubt
the unfortunate clrcumstauro tUut a dtunch-
Ingrain did not cease to pour dovvu during
the forouoou bad much to do with damaging
the ardent spirits of Intending merrymakers.
Duo of the principal republican papers iu-
1-cnlouily o phlas the vuouomonon of the
apparently flagging enthusiasm this ycat
from analogies In man led life.
Just as the wild ecstacy of the jo'ing ' lover ,
who has for the llrsf time been bidden by his
sweetheart to hope , gives way to n feeling ot
calm content when lie Knows himself certain
of the actual possession of his mlsticss , so In
llko manner the people feel they have the re
public and that thcio Is no danger ot their
losing it , and ( hey arc satisfied. However
that may be , It Is Impossible for an nnpioju-
diced foi.'tg\icr to live In Franco and not bo
cp'ninccd that the third republic Is at last
iVrrril } and solidl > established.
Tlio republic has always been the Ideal
form of government cheiisht'd by the Kicnch
nation. Thc > will always foi give the repub
lic , because It is the republic , many short
comings , whlcli they would consider an un
pardonable sin in a monaichy. Then , too. It
must not bo foigottcn that thu republic has
been slnco liftcen years In its session , which
In this wise Is more than nine points of thu
law. Ko doubt the government made a blun
der In expelling tlio Cointe do I'm is and
tlieieby transfoimlng the man , whom his
position in Kiance fenced to silence and Inac
tion , Into an open and avowed pretender to
the throno.
NO HANOint OK A 1'llElENDEll.
On the other hand , by the 111 judged publi
cation of the manifesto of the Comto do
Paris and the cuit , almost Insolent touo of
the Due d'Aumalc's letter the present 1 nten-
tlous and desires of the Orleans piinccs have
been unmasked and the nation has been foic-
vvaincd. Any danger , however , ota sctions
attempt ever being made to put the Comto do
1'ails on iho tlnono of Franco Is so impiob-
able that it hardly need bo considered. The
Comtude Pails has , after all , on o\tremely
small following. The nation Is at heart re
publican. A fuw old ailstorratlc families
will , It is true , still continue to sulk but their
total mmibcis when added up make but an
InfinHcbSiiiul fiaction of the whole people.
Tho3,500,000 , votes , which were thrown last
Octobei foi the reactionary party and which
the monarchists have always peislstcd 111
claiming as uav ing boon cast In favor of the
re-establishment of the monarchy , wcio in
icallty intended clilelly as n protest against
thoTonqiiln expedition , the ve.xnllous , petty
prosecutions of the clergy and the general
tendency of the population In laigo cities to
diift toward ladicalism.
Tlio great ino\pung.\blo stiength ot the re
public lies In the fact , that bjsldus lacking a
sufllclunt numerical support , the Comtc do
1'ails has not the spirit , or , rather , is too hon
orable to desiio to mount the throne at the
cost of civil war , whereas the rcpublicins , foi
their part , are fhmly resolved to make It a
question of civil war if needs be , and to resist
to the bitter end any attempt at mouaichical
The Comto de Paris said in Ids manifesto :
"At the decisive hour I shall ba ready. " A
week latci , however , In his formal icply to
Lambert do Saint Oroiv , at Tunbridgo Wells ,
nc slightly modified that phraso. "I wait , "
he said , "till Fiance ib icady. " Exactly , but
Franco is not icady , 1101 likely ever to boand
there's the nib. All this is so thoroughly well
understood hoio that the manifesto Itself , al
though an important political act , by which
the Comte do Paris deliberately took up his
stand as a piptonder , has attracted loss atten
tion and called foi th less comment fiom the
Paiis papers than what is called "I/incident
d'Aumale. "
That little rplso-to , It must bo confessed ,
Isanytliliijbut cicdltablo to any of the par
ties concerned. The conduct of the govern
ment in striking the name ot thoDucd'Au-
male fiom the lollsof tlio Fionch army , three
years after having been domivod of com
mand , was indeed a most needle- , * and gratu
itous affront. Thegoveinmentmeicly wished
to liavo an excuse for driving him out of
Franco , but the methods they atlopto.1 was
mean and shabby to the last degree.
Moreover , thoglbes levelled In the chamber
at the dnko by General Boiilanger were ut
terly uncalled for , and only added insult to
injury. Tlio gencial twitted a man , who had
proved himself n billllant and capable soldlci
almost befoio the minister of warwashorn ,
witii having owed his promotion to being the
son o his father. Of course nobody ever
thought of denylnz that the Due d'Annnlo
was pushed to the front and given the oppor
tunity to distinguish himself at an early age.
Ho took advantage of that opportunity ,
however , and made a name for himself at the
ago of twenty-ono by the capture of Abd-el-
Kadcr , together with 3,000 prisoners , an Im
mense tieasuro and tlio entire correspondence
of that redoubtable warrior. Moreover , the
Due d' Anmale has slnco held several of the
hlshest commands and , whether as governor
general of Algeila , or commander of tlio Sev
enth army corps and leorganl cr of the east
ern line of defenses , or as piestdont of tlio
court uiaithil whicli tried Maishal Bazainc ,
ho has invariably shown himself possessed
of the very highest military capacity.
PilncodeCondoowcd his early pomotlon
to the accident of blilh and the favor of
Hlchclleu , but that did not piovcnt him from
winning Iho battle of Itocrol at tlio ago of
twcntj-two and going down to posterity as
Lo Grande Condo. Two wrongs , however ,
don't make a right and the Due d' Aumalo
has thrown away much of the sympathy that
would othciwlso have been felt for him by his
rude loply addiessed to that quiet , unoflend-
Ing , good-natuicdold gentleman , who has the
is'iir.ji : : oi' EVKIIYIIODY ;
and who as ex-president of the republic has
had but ono Idea to keep himself mod
estly In Iho backgiound , do his duty and ex-
ecnto the will of tlio nation. Public opinion
Is In this Instance unanimously with the cab
inet In thlnklngthattholnnnodlato expulsion
was tne only rejoinder possible to the Duo d'
Aumalo , who was guilty of a great want of
dignity and
towards President Grovy , who Is
the political Impeisonatlon of the
French nation , by closing as ho did without
using n single ono of the customary forma of
politeness his letter to the head ot the state ,
who Is at the samu time , by virtue of his'
ofiice , commander-in-chlef of all the military
and naval foicca ,
"It U appaient to mo , " wrototho due , "that
> on are not capable to Mil those grades to which
yon asplro , and , 1 icraaln , General llcury
d1 Oilcans. "
Uliuamowlll , nevertheless , In future bo
omitted fiom the army list. The Duo d1
Aumalo lia * loft Franco piobably foiever.
The Coinlo de Paris said he loft the shores of
Trance "un rcvolr n blontot , " but ho can
hardly ha > o thought In his heart of hearts that
thl * fond hope was destined ever to bo eratl-
THE iiF.nrnuo FOHEVEH.
The republic u suie to remain the future
foimof t'o cmaieul of franco , unless , In-
docd , the uxUemo radicals , socialists ami
commuuaids lucoued lu getting control ot
th $ country , ajd bythblr xoess render the
ttlluiUiou to aaaolutoly Intolerable us to render -
dor any cliauga a gnitoful relief , Of course
there is another coublsn\Uou | , that mluht iu
a moniont entirely upSct the calculijtjons of
cvcrvoiie. I refei lo iho possibility of a war
betftccn Frane"b and ( Sormany. It Is well
nbwn tUnt Gjr many regards with nn anx
iously jealous eye tub Increasing activity
with which military preparations nro being
hurried on In Franco. ,
on the pat tot the Impetuous Trench minis
ter tof war-General Bonlangcrand Ger
many might seize the occasion to precipitate
the conflict that he feels some day o r another
iiiut occur. Neither Hussla , Gcrnuuv nor
Anslila likes the French icpublic , vlcli. ] )
ovvinir to Its nntottiumtu leaning towards
ladicalism , Is so far an encouragement to the
crow tli nnd piopagatlou of socialist doctrines
In 1'ilioiic. In the event of war breakluit
out. It is quiet on the cards that the empires
would "oi/e the opportunlt ) to join In another
"holy alliance" and deal Franco
that would sllenco her chauvinism foicvor
and o\erthrow the republic , lu which case
they would natunilly cljooso the Comto
de Paris fort hell vlccroyJus.tas Louis XV1I1
was placed on the thiono after the battle of
Waterloo. I may mention u significant fact
In this connection that this year , for the first
tlmcsincu the establishment of the French
republic , the Uusslan embassy has novcr dec
orated nor Illuminated on the day of the na
tional fcto. And what is
the ga.s candelabra on cither side ot the
principal eutiance to tlio embassy weio not
oven lighted. A short time ago , happening
to dine at the same house with DeGlers I
heaid him say to thu lady nuxt to him : "You
may look out for great events before long ,
and they won't bo such as lo make Iho prlco
of inble go down cither. " In fact , various
little signs would seem to show that s.oncblK
conspiiaey of ono kind orothor may bo hatch
ing. _
Vivisected on tlio Witness Stand JUa
Scarlet Flush.
LONDON , July 18. f Now York Herald
Cable Special to Iho Dec. | The roval
courts , piled Into which you could put the
Chambers street court house five times over ,
nuvcr looked moro fortress-llko thah when ,
ycstciday morning , "classes , " "masses , "
ladies and "big wigs" besieged the building ,
attracted by Iho mammoth reports In the
papeis ot Dilke's testimony , and In hopes of
gelling In to hoar and sec his further vivisec
tion under cioss-c.xamlnation , but 5,000 were
tinned aw ay and only about thrco hundred
befavorcd audltois were admitted to the
Thcio is n remaikablo vailoty of piivate
enhances , through one of which George
Lewis , wearing a mottled pink In his button
hole , escorted his client Mrs. Crawfoid , and
her sisteis , she looking a | if u.ot yet old
enough to appieciato , Her odd position.
Throuah another Vort ol donjon-keep Dllko
enleied in the company.of Sir Ilonry James ,
tlio latter looking like a coming lout chancel
lor , the foimcr wearing a crush hat and obvl-
ously ill at ease , his usual audacity fiom gaze
being gone.
About a score ot ladies were ready In the
gallciy tannini : Ihcmsclves nnd the fans
waved dofiautly at Dilkeas ho resumed his
place in Iho vvitncbs box. The fair dolend-
ant gave him -a look as if internally singing
thu second line of th < } first verso of the famil
iar old Biltish ballad , , "Oh ! Would That We
Had Never Mel. " bt far away his loidship
and Iho witnesses exchanged salutes , i\s \
Mathuws arose to conclude the cioss-cxaml-
niitlon. IIis questions had evidently been
pieparru. They were calculated and , pethaps ,
with the purpose to put Dilke on a well
tilled pincushion.
"Yon said yesterday , Sii Cliarlcs , lliat on
IhoGthofMay , 1B33 , you met your pies cut
wlfo at Mr. rarl's. "
"Was she man led then ? "
"Yes. Her husband died in July , 1884. "
"You staled yesterday thai you had never
coinmlttuu adultery with Mrs. Crawford. "
" 1 . vo nevei done so. "
"Did you ov6r kiss hei ? "
"Never. Ineverliavo been guilty of any
undue familiarity with her. "
"Uad you ever given her any cause of of
fense ? "
"I think not. "
"So that Ihero was no moro reason for
selecting jon to accuse as the person who had
seduced her than thcie was for selecting any
oilier person in Iho world. "
" 1 think , as far as she wasconcerncd.theie
was not. "
In this last question was clearly exercised
the ait of bharp summing up interlocutory
wise lo the jury , nnd tlio court-room buzzes
showed what an effective argument it was
against Dllko's conspiracy suggestion.
The next question was perhaps Intended to
sliov.'tlijt Dilko as a witness came to protect
himself and not the woman.
"You made a speech at Chelsea in which
yon cave jour reafons for addressing the
queen's proctor. Did you bay you wefc lied
to fid dross him by tlic pel sedition nnd Intolerable
erable lorturc of the newspaper comment ? "
"It was n long speech , and 1 cannot say
absolutely what wcio the words I used , but
substantially what you suggest Is coneol. "
Then the queen's counsel vlvlscctor , raised
Ills scalpel thus : *
"Did you ever tell Mis. Crawford she was
llkohei motliciV"
"Ko. At any ralo not under any such clr-
cumstanees as she describes. It is Impossi
ble for mo lo recoiled whether I ever made
such an observation. "
A deep scarlet flush touched tlio check
bones of the witness as he listened to the
next question whilu thQ gallery was paused
and a hush In the atmosphere touched even
tbo stenographic pens as Dilke turned icst-
lessly to answer It. '
111)11 ) MOlIIEll'S LOVER.
"Is It true that vou had been her mother's
lover ? " 1
"As Saturday vlien 'aslccd ' the same ques
tion , I decline to austfcr , "
You could now seerajto see by the V Ivlsec-
tor's tncowhal was passing In his mind ,
Was It this ? I confront the lover nnd the
mother , whoso daughter confesses ho subse
quently debauched hcr and 1 now propose to
show ho\Y heinous were hlu ci lines against
the sacicd claims of hospitality.
HEIl FATllUr 's KniEND.
"Were yon upon intlmalo terms with Mr ,
Eustaco Smlili , Mrs , Crawford's father ? "
"Yes for " .
, some years.
"Did you travel with thorn In 1875 ? "
"Yes. "
"And received Mr. Smith's hospitality ? "
"I was frequently in their house. "
Not until Mrs. Crawford may clvo some
testimony , perhaps on Tuesday , as a self-im
molating witness of her huaband , w 111 the eig-
nliicance of these questions and the craft of
Dllko's last answer appear.
"Did jou spend a good deal of your time
In Fiance from 1574 to lb&0 ? "
"lalway spent about two months and a
half there.1
' Wcio you familiar with French habits
audwajfl ? "
"Not In any particular sense. The part I
Inhabited was In the extreme south , nnd they
are there n simple , primitive people' "
A short re examination by the queen's
proctor followed In an endeavor to round
smoothly off the bristling points which the
husband's counsel had rqiscd against D ke ,
when the latter icsum6d his siat In the b6dy
of thu court.
George Lewis loft the court slicking hands
with his fair client. At thr same time others
who had been scaled between the IJusbatul
and wlfo also loft. This put th6tn near each
other , llo looked dlscoucoincd. She seemed
amused and then moio so when , bv the cxl-
ccnclcs of the crowded room , Dllko
was obliged to sit next but ono to Crawford.
SaiahGroy Dilke and her housekeeper , thc.u
his solicitor ? , then Mi. and Mrs. llufljo , with
whom "Fanny" had been In hiding ; then the
foolman , Shanks ( the appropriateness of this
name raising nn audlblo laughter ) , Goodu
and Woods wcrosucccaslvoly called.
The proctor's object In the testimony of nil
these was to contradict Mrs. Crawford's de
tail of the dates nnd frequency of visits and
her secrecy with Dilko In his house. Such
object was accomplished so far as negative
testimony llko "did not sco" can have any
value. The husband's counsel , In cross-cx-
nminatlon , however , laid the foundation for
questions to Mrs. Crawfoid hereafter. Tills
cross-CMinilnation elicited fiom the solicitor
oi' the witness that his client , Sir Charles ,
paid "Fanny's. " wages while housemaid to
the Kulllcs , and from the latter that they did
not need or afford to keep a housemaid. It
was also elicited that "Fanny , " although n
servant , was "free to go and come ns she
pleased. "
During this evidence Mrs. Crawford , evi
dently not fearing a chance of collusion ,
was iimkiiiK suggestions to Indurvvlck , Ifcr
husband's counsel , while ho was taking
notes , each familiarly smiling. In the cross-
examination from ono of thu "Jcemes yellow
plushes , " Ihero was elicited Iho reply s
"That the one lady ho only once admltlcd
was Mrs. Crawlord. "
Being asked If ho was told her name ho
admitted that ho was not and bungled In an
attempt lo explain how ho knew that particu
lar one lady owned that name.
The impression produced by the three
"Jeomcs" secfued to bo that they were
schooled witnesses. For instance , all wore
certain thatltfrs. Crawford and Mrs. Ash ton
Dllko vvciolho only ladles whoever called lo
sco Dllko. These foOJtmeu in looks , demeanor
meaner and pronunciation proved tliat
Thackeiay'a portialtuies of their class were
not exaggerations. When the court ad
journed until Monday doubtless nearly cvciy
audilor felt that whatever may bo Iho verdict ,
whetjioriu favor of Sir Chailes or Mis.
Crawford , the effect of the former's evidence
'has ' made him n social exile. Ho has refused
to clear a mother's name and had needlessly
smiichcd that of her daughter , besides ad
mitting circumstances which tended to
strengthen and weaken hisstoiy.
Grand "Welcome of Jdnpcroi * William
to AiiBibnrj ; .
\Coitiirlghtctl. \ ]
Aunsuima , via Havre , July 18. [ Now
YdflcIIeia.ld Cable Special to tlio BEE.J
The Imperial train with the kaiser and suite-
nrriyed at Augsburg station exactly at half-
past eight this evening auild tremendous
cheersund limiahs. The kaiser , who wore
a plain frock coat , silk hat of the latest fash
ion and gray tiousers , stepped briskly to the
. Ills " " looked In
platfoim. "majestmt" splen
did health , his lace bron/cd by the sun ,
his eye quick and pcnetiating.
llo siiHed ) pleasantly us ho raised
his hat in i espouse to Iho thundering cheers
on nil sides. Prince Fuggci , a bonevolunl-
looklng gentleman with curly blonde hair ,
the [ lead of the renowned Fuggcr family , to-
gclhei with the boiugomasler of Augsburg
stepped foiwmd and
who In an Instant got Into a closed stale car
riage with four black hoises and two postil
lions and one outilder and , followed by
Counts Von Lchndorf and Yon der Golfa ,
drove laphlly lo the hotel Drei Moliren. A
hundred thousand people from all parts of
Bavaihi have been to-day rivalling each other
in eager enthusiasm to welcome Kaiser
Wilholmonhls Hist visit to Augsburg since
Ills proclamation as cmperoi. The roads
leading to the city lor miles and miles have
In bright colored national costumes the men
In. high boots , vests and blunt jackets , with
double rows of silver buttons and black felt
hats the women wearing red silk aprons ,
embroidered with green and yellow ( lowers ,
and hugo brass ouiamonts on the head , llko
soup plates , nnd all making tlio long dusty
pilgrimage on foot Int the hope to catch a
glimpse ol the aged monarch. All lhestrccts (
and lanes aic dccoiatud with hnndicils of
blue and white stiiped Venetian masts , from
which nru walvlni : long black , white and led
pennants. The famous old Fngger house ,
the Itocthhaus , the bishop's palace , and
ncaily all the houses In Angsbing
nro almost hidden bnncath pcifcct
The whole city Is dai/llngly illuminated
with ovei sixty thousand Chinese lantcins
and electric llshls. Tlio walls aie covcicd
with ovcrgicens , wreaths and coinllowers ,
tlio cmpcioi'd favoiitu flower. Ono of thu
Ftiorgorpalaces is resplendent with apeifect
lilu/.e. of elecliic lamps anangcd lo flash
through Alaxlmilllan blrasso the Inscription ,
"Hull Unser Kaiser , " beneath oak leaves ,
with the names of Sedan , Met/ , Pails and
Versailles. The resolved npaitments in
which the kaiser will pass the
nluht are on thu ground floor of
the hotel Dilo Mnhicn , next to the
trigger palace , and are airanged with a mag
nificence worthy of Aucuiburit't ) toimor
glorious day. The nobility icsldlug in Hie
neighborhood have contributed cuilos lor the
decoration of the imperial apartments. In
the reception room , In the style of the six
teenth century , are the same chairs , table and
clock as lu the hall of the bishop of Augs
burg's place in 1539 , when the ! Kaiser
Charles V received tlio famous council of
German protcslants. The walls nro
covered with the most picclous pieces of six
teenth century.
Auosiiuiio T.VPJSTIIY. :
The dining room Is small and square with
n high vaulted iloor. The tables and chalis
in It are of massive carved oak fiom the col
lection of Count Fugger , of Khchbeig.
Thousands of school children lire the side
walks , all holding hugo bunches and wieaths
of corn lloweis , and shouting , ' -Unscr
Kaiser , " "Unser Kaiser , " slnco 10 this
and quaint wine cellars have been filled to
overflowing with students , veterans , flremeu ,
patriotic societies and peasants , uorgeous
with black , white and red ribbons , drinking
cask after cask of Schwabenland's most de
licious vintage and brewing. The enthusi
asm of the ncoplo defies description. Every
man , woman nnd child seems overflowing
with spontaneous loyalty , fully
alive to the fact that since
the 14th of July , ITW , when
the emperor , Francis il , vtllli big
Maria TJierosa , slept In Aurfsbnnr , this is the
first time a German emperor will havopass-cd
the nUht In tills historical city.
THE vv rATitnn is si rr.nn ,
real "Knlsci weather. " I'.vcry Inch of stand
ing room in the hilf mile loute liom thu
station to the hotel Is filled with ma cs
ot cnthuln tle lhrvarhn\s \ shout Ine at
the top of their voices "Hoch Llcbo Uiwr
Kaiser. " The old gothlo buildings are one
continuous blare ot llaht. It Is the most im
pressive sight witnessed In south Germany
slnco many yeais.
Tlib k lscr allchtcd at the hotel and
mounted the statical , not even uMn n cane ,
chatting pleasantly with his attendant ! , and
at 0 o'clock sat down teA
of soup made by boiling down laigo quanti
ties of beef , chickens , trout , oyster sauce.
roast b ° pf , capon venison and choice dra-
sorl and Ithlno wine. Twenty-live covers
vveie laid. All Iho chamhci maids selected to
walton the Impcilal party wore charming
blue dicsses and white aprons. The kaiser
declined to bo serenaded as the coin I Is In
mourning. _ _
Tlio Coronet's Trip.
QUEENSIOWN , July 18. [ New York Her
ald Cable Special to the IlKE.1 The
schooner yacht Coronet , JSO ! Ions British
measuicmcnt , owned by T. U. Bush , Brook
lyn , of Iho Allautlo Yacht club , commanded
by Captain Cio.sbv , w Ith a crow of scv ontcen ,
aiiivcd hero this moinlng from iS'cw York.
The passage lasted seventeen days and sev
enteen IIOUKS , during which hho onconnU'icd
foui days of strong liuad winds and was be
calmed sixty hours. The captain says lhat
\\itlioidlnary\\eatlier ho could hnvo made
Ihc passage undci eleven days. A paity of
nine gentlemen aio aboard. The yacht re
mains hero two da\s and then proceeds to
Cowes and Havre for rcgatlas , and will 10-
maln six weeks In Europe. The oflicers say
the Coionot proved herself a last weather
A Tournament of Tlce.
LONDON , July 18. [ New lork Herald
Cable Special to the BER. ] In yostei day's
pay ) Captain Mackenzie gained the lead by
defeating Sclmllov In a novel defense to the
Front's gambit , Lanbcuhftns won a run
Lopez fiom Llpschutz. Burn suffered his
lirst defeat In a stubbornly contested bcotch
gambit wltn Blackburn. Blid was successful
with one of his irregular Slcllllan games
against Gunsberc. Mortimer scored an ir
regular debut against Pollock , and Han ham
diow with Zukortort and Mason did not play.
Mason and Uanham have an adjourned game
vet to llnisli. The result ot the tourney Is
still voiy doubtful. Half of the games have
been finished and no one has yet gained a
decisive lead. Thcicforo the piobabillties aie
that thcio will be an unusually laigo number
of tics. The tournament adjouined until
Monday noon. _
A Dry Duel.
PATHS July 18. The duel between General
BoulaiiBcr , minister of war , and Baion de
Larcinty , arising fiom the icmarksof the
baion in Iho senate Thursday relative to the
ONpulslon of the Due d'Aiimalc , was fought
atO o'clock jestcidaymorning. Tlio weapons
were pistols. The place of meeting w as in the
forest near Mendon , live miles west of Paris.
When the command to lire was given , db
Laiolnty filed at Boiilanger. The lattei
couly awaited thu results ot the shot without
tiling himself. Fludlng himself untouched
Jjy Ins opponent's bullet , Boulangcr fired Into
the air , Tha combatants then felt tlio Hold.
IJoulnnger icturned Ifo Paris and went
straight to his oflico at thu war department.
A lario crowd , assembled to luain the icsuit
of tlo ( duel , gave Boulanger an ovation when
ho appeared.
Glndsono "Will Itrsisn.
IJONDON , July IS. At an informal meeting
of the cabinet on Saturday Gladstone spoke
of luimediato icsignafiou and was supjiorlod
by KailSponcei and Mr. Moiloy. Sir Wil
liam Harcourt , Mr. Childeis , Mr. Campbell
Biannciman and Sir Fnuar Hershcil wcie
In favor qt challenging the vote of the hou c
of commons on the motion of affirming homo
i tile foi Iiuland. Subsequently at dinner
Gladstone stated that he had inflexibly de
cided to laslgn and conduct an uncomnio-
mlslnc opposition. In this decision Sli Wil
liam Ilmcomtand Mr. Clilldcts then con-
cm led.
Cnbinot TilU.
LONDON' , July 17. Lord Hartlnglon and
Sir Henry James have definitely declined to
join the eoalaliou ministry. Lord Salisbury's
ofler to make Iho duke of Argyle picmlcr
was contingent on Loid llaitimiton's join
ing the cabinet and , ol couise. it Is now
withdrawn. The duke ot Argyle will in ob-
r.blybomado vlccioy of Iieland , with Stan
hope as fccciotary.
Vancouver in Andes.
ViciontA , B. 0. , July 17. It is repotted
that the town ot Vancouver , B. 0. , is again
in ashes. The telegraph oflico Is desliojed.
No paillculais can bo obtained.
Parliamentary Elections.
LONDON , July 17. In to-day's elections
neither paity made any gain. Tlio toiirs
liavo now elected 817 candidates and tlio lib-
eials Ib7.
vVIiat tlio Farmers' Ilovlovv Snjs of
tlin Situation.
CHICAGO. July 18. The follow Ing ciop re
port will appear In this week's Issuoot the
Fanners' Ituvlcvv : While local lalns have
been e.xpcilenced In many localities in the
west and northwest , In fconio cases accom
panied by dcstiucllvo hall and wind , there
has been general lalns covering laigo nieas
and bilnglngthodioiith to an end. Winter
wheat has been haivusted In neatly
all thu extreme northern portion of thn belt.
Its condition has kept well up lo Iho piomlse
Itimidoln early spring. Hay nnd oats aio
being cut. Hoth aio below the aveiago on
acconntof tliodiouth. Pustuies are gelling
very shot t , and potatoes and other gialn wops
need lain vciy badly. Corn is generally In
line condition , clean and well advanced , but
t needs lain and ih ahcady sullmlng In homo
localities , Hnrlni : wheat conlliiues run
down in condition. It is now too far ad
vanced to ho much benefited by lain. The
liai vest alone will show its leal condition ,
But it does not now promise to exceed ( X ) per
cent of an average ciop thioughout the north
Frightful r.oilniISvpIoslou ,
WKLLSVILLK , O. , July IB , An uptight
bollui In tlio boiler shop of Joseph Fassott ,
on Second slicot , exulodcd yostciday uioin-
ing with tenlllo foico , wii'cklng almost the
cntiio building. Through a mliaclo none of
the employes weio Injuicd. Adjoining the
boiler shop Is the residence of Mrs. Maggie
Dilsool , whoso two little girls , Claia. aged
live , nnd Maiy , anud tlneo , were playlni ; in
their door yaul. oppo-ltn the hoilei shop ,
vvhcn tlio explosion o-ciiucd the llttlo ones
wcio naught and held last hy thodtbiih of the
bnlldlnp. wlillobealdlng steam ponied over
them. OJr.ra was dead when taken Irnm
the inliH , her body having bcun lltcially
cooked. Maiy was Icnibly bcaldcd and may
not u'cover. _
The Hank Uouiof lliuloa.
Font1 , Tux. , July 17.--Ycstcsday
was the hottest day of the Reason in iioilh
Texas , Krpoih from vailous points nhow
the thorinomotur iL' Ulcicd from 100 * ty u'O- '
in the shade.
The IlunUutntonmnt. .
NEW YoiiKt July 17 , TUe wccUly bnnk
statement shoves the receive Invieaso Sr-o , .
000. The b nker now hold S13i.0oj ] ) ( ex-
of legal < mcuts.
Omaha's Bank Clearings Show Up Considerably -
ably Over Pour Millions.
Tlic City .More Tlinu llolilat'p toiler
Grand Koeotil as nil InorcitHCB'
ofiijlitj ; Per Cent Shown.
The Clcaruiu'o Hoooril.
July K [ Special Telegram
to tlio HUB. ] The lollowltiK Inblo com
piled fioiw special dispatches to the Post ,
from tlio umnaccisof thu lolullng dealing
houses In tlio United State * , shows the press
bnnk exchanges ut each point f r the week
ending .hilvBIT , 1SSO , In compailsonltli
tliosu liu thoroircspondliiB week In
/V / Mld-Siiininot * Dullness I'crvndcH
tlio Stork Ijvuliancc.
NEW Yonic , July ! . [ Sooclal TelcLTam to
the BEE. ] Tlio past week has not been an
important one on Hie stock exchange , bill Id
quite as iiiU'iestinc as any during tie mWi
summer season wmch has picccdcd It. Ills
lathci lumarkablo Hint after the clearing up
of obstinctions loan advance , which cuibni-
rasscd the bulS caily in the week , there lisa
been so much inactivity , so little spliltnnd
such light impiovcmcntb shown hy qncu-
tlons at tin.close. . The outlook at the begin
ning of Iho week was bno moans encour-
aclng. T > ie laihoad war in tlio weit seemed
about us bad ns it could Dossllily be , and the
only chauoo for Improvement was to bo found
in the fact thaUho.contest had 501115 ao fat
nnd lates haddiopi > ed so low that some
chance was inevitable. Indeed , when the
manageis of the giangur loads llistmut , n
pioposltion was made to put rates down tp
COc lor passenacisand 5c for freight to cub
to the quick bo bomo ono might ciy enough.
But tlio meeting was vciy fulljr
attended and t'au mauaguis them
selves vveie suipilscd to Hiifl
hovvstioiiijand frnciblo was the piessiuo
upon them lo come to some tcrmi by which
the lovcnue of theh pioycrty should no
longer bo imperiled. The meeting vvns ro-
maikablu in nmnv ways for the enormous
mileage that was icpiesontcd by the man-
agcis , clothed with absolute power to make
lei ins of peace : for the unanimity whloh they
display in cndcavoi lug to come lo an agrw ?
ment , and because Ihelr action presageb the
oiganl/allon of u pooling Astern with a bind
ing force peiImps as cogent nnd poweilul as
thai whlcli now gov ems the tiunk line pool.
The light about tauo of tjm Chicago & At
lantic was aNo an inteicstlng icuture
lailway woiln , lor this company not only
agiccd to go Into the pool upon tnoold basin ,
but lo become a mombei of the Central Trat-
lic association passenger dcpa ) tmcnt nnd U0
governed by its mlc.s. Tlio icstilt of Ihlfy
action on tlio part ot the Chicago it Atlantic
Is tiaccable dlicctlv to the Influence of
first 11101 tgagc bondlioldeis vVlio are
deleiinined that their investment In thin line ,
vvhlclrwaspiojectcdns on extension ot the
Now Yoik , LakalStla < & Woatein , shall r.o
longer bo unieinunciatlvolfthbycan possibly
pievent It. They have theioloio biought to
bear a poweilul fnluionco ot money lntQiCbls <
nnd negotiations have been eliteied Into by
which the Chicago & Atlantic shall bctpnio
an Inlegial parl of the Eilo system as nicjilio
Haltimmo extension Into Chlcairo or iho I'oi
Wavno line of. Ihe Pennsylvania. Thny wll
piobably uccopt the reduction In the rate o
Inteiest ou their bonds , and accept InMau
thereof a contract with the Krlo vvhlch wll ,
compel the latter to develop the tralllco. .
Iho line and earn tlio Intcreht on the
bonds. A meeting has ahcady been called
for a month hence. Of cnurse ilo was buoy ,
lint niton such news as this , and foreigners
who bccomo good pinchnsorft upon news ol
iiillwny agieemonts weio only too glad to
.sujinort the stock und bonds , thu hitter Using
lo the highest point yet known ,
Western t'nlon hns been bit ring but rather
on the driving out of thushoit interest ihau
by leason of any parilculai lnvf lmcnt do-
maud , The Denver & Klo Uiando Ihsuca
and also Iho Kleliinoud A Danville dcbeuturp
\\ero strong and buoyant on good progics ?
inndQ In stiengthcnlng thuii position as ro-
gauls Intoicst and dividends. The uiopheU
aiomilet as to the futiuo oftho maiftel , Ulit
if compelled to m eil an opinion tall back
upon the thcoiy that It Is liable to boqnlcv
and dull tor a week or a foitnlght.
Care for the Children
ClilMrcn fed the debility of the changing
EC isona , even moro tliu ailulla , and they lie *
como CIOPS , pecvlbh , und uncontrollably.
The blotxl ttioiild bo ilc.uu.ed iiiil the nytleia
"Iuft Hprhig my two clillJrcn were VjiccN
nutcil. Boon niter , they brokonlloiitwllli run.
nhigscrw , so JreaJful I lliuuuhl 1 Mioulil ) i > sa
them. Hociirii Panaii'irllla cuicd them com-
plcttOy ; and Ihuy liuvo l > veu lealihy ocr
since , I do , feel tliat Uooil'9 K.irs p irllla
my ilillclica to me , " Mus. ( \ L.
oN , Wsit Waucn , Mass. j
the Blooei _ tj |
Ilood'n Sir ? pui. ! ! ! Is characterized liy
thrco pccuiUrllloi > ttt , the combination ot
rcmc'tlol ' igents ; U , { he proportion ! SJ.Hio
prcctv ot sfcurlug the active uiciltdiKil
Qiinlltioi. Tlo riwiilt Is a medicine OIUDUSUH !
Ftrungth , ( nectln/ / ! cures hitlierto uul.nouu ,
B'"art ' for took toiit\lungadtlitlanal ! ctlOeQic.
"HooJ'i Sar jiarllliv tones up my mtcin.
pi.lUntujr UctnJ , jUatpcui my np | . elite , mi J
oznis tn i ak mo over. " J. 1' , Tnourspx ,
le l tfrol needs , J jncll , Mass.
"Hocd'a Har : i ; < aTllla beats tilt ollieri. And
Is wet tli lit n lfel t In fold. " I. luuiii : ; < iTtiM.
13C ( lank. Blrcct , IJor Vcik City.
Hood's Sai-saparilla '
Sold by all druggists , tl i six for 5.
nljrbyC. ] . HOOD & CO. , Ixwell , Mail.