ty PERRY DAVIS' PAIN-KILLER 1" KhCOMMLNUr.il IlV MinMcr * , Ml loimrio , Mnnagors oJ 1'nttorlcs Work liof > , I'limtntlons , Niirfts In Hopltnls m ftiort , ctcrj' ted } fvcrjwhuo "holms over Blvcu It nil iul. T-AKEN IMrtlN Vll.Y IT Will. Ill rOCVO V NETK t At 1.1 Ml LLIII. IOII sunnns COLDS , CHILLS , I AIJCS IN THHS'IOMACII , CHAMPS , SUM- MKK ANM ) IIONVKL COMPLAINTS ' PLAINTS , SO III- : Til HO AT , Ac. AI 1'i.nu rtTrnsui.v , IT IS 1IIB MO T FfTMTIM. M > III ST UXIMES't ON KUITH ron LiniM ! SPUAINS , imnsns , IMIKMATISM NKUHALC.IA , TOOTH ACHC , BURNS , 1 HOS'l-1HTKS , A a Prices , 25c , , GOc. and $1,00 par Bottle. FOR SALE BY ALL MEDICINE DEALERS of Imitations. JS3 Nebraska National Bank OMAHA , X1CBUASKA. Fnidup Cnpital . . . . . $250,000 Surplus . . . 30,000 II.V YulCS I'lPM.Iellt . A. K. 'loii/nlln , v'iro I'l evident. \V. 11 S Hn lii's , C.i hk-r Dllll (10H ( . W. V. Moiso , .John S. Colliti" , 11. W. Yiiu-s , Lewis S Heed A K Tou/.ulin BANKING OFFICE : THE Hi ON If A NK , Cor 11Mb anil Kurnnin Sis A ( icneiiil B.uiKhiK liii'-me-s ' Tiins.ulc > d IVJioK ) TITA1.I1Y lj fallliif. Brain WKAINKD anJ K.MIA US fl Korl'owcr I'UKVI A-l HM.Y MAS I Kl mnr Bna a pnrf l nnil reliable cure In UjS _ FRENOH HOSPITAL KEMeOIES DrlslnSm hj rror.JEXNClVIAt.l'.oMarliTlrjnca Adopted lir all 1'runc'i 1 lir l Inn and Ulne rnpldiy nuil euwiinXiilly Introduced hero All weakrnlns lotto * and flmlnn nrinnrllr cnecled. Till VIIM" cI'ltiK news- twp rnndiniillc-MendorMmrnta.itr. ,1 ItKi : . Commitv lion ( onlco or br mall ) with nil cirlnVnt doctors I III.P. C1UIAUE AilENClf. No. 174 Pulton Street. New York. " WOODBBIDGH BRO'S ' , State Agents FOH THE Omaha , Neb. 29,829,850 Tansill'sPuiMh ' Cigars wore sliipLMjJUiu hi,1 tlin ] toearu , wlthouc u drum mer In nin employ. Nootlior liotiso in thu vrorlit run truth * fully iiiakaHuch u utinwltii ; Oiui agouti Mruler uuly ) wanted lu ouch town. BOLD BY LEADING DRUGGISTS. R.W.TANSILL& CO.,55 State St.Chlcago. - 617 Ht. Charles S . , St. lonli , Mo. Arccolirir.laiUef two > I < dleilC lt t" , hmitrnnloiirtr engaged lu Iboiptolal Irwitmenlor Cuanitic. NBRTOII , 8 ri ted Biouu lu 4iu lhan anr otUcrl hyilelin luSt.LouIa , j eltj t > nrm ibow and nil ota reildttota > now Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Affec tions ol Throat , Sklnor Bonos. Blood Poisoning , Old SorCS and Ulcers , ar < trtatrd vllh nopiralleleii aucee. * . on UUit iclfnllflo i rlncli l i , H rtir ] rrlrklelj. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess , Exposure or Indulgence , vbicu produce > " * ° r ih rollowlng ITLCtu Dcrrouiorn , dcLlllty , illmQfsi or Blbt amldcrcellTe meraorr , ptmi Iciou tba n * * * , pliynlra.de aj areriloo loth * luclal/or rrtntle * . oooruiloa of Idea * , cto , rend rlnc MorrU o improper or unhappy , an pcrmiiieatl'flurad. ' kampliUt(8A pag oalboatioTe , feet IntcalrdcnT * * ! ) . frects any adilre'J Coniultklloaator * Cctorbj tntll free , lnvte ! < laul tMetlre btlJeatlil. A Positive Written Guarantee ilren ineT < rye . ratio cut , HeJlcloe jcut ererj her tj mull or eipresi. MARRIAGE OUIDE , BOO PAOB9 , FTTfE PLATES , elrztnt cloth ui4 ellt fclndlcir icaledfor SCo In ie u * oreurret > ej. Orcr ilftj wonj rful i > * aptclur i , true to me ) rtl 1eioutbe rollowloc lubjceti : whoiaftj tnsrrr.wbouot , wlifi tnanboot * itomaa- bow ) , pbyitcftl JefiT , ePsti orceUb % < * ; nod exeeif , tha pb/g. l loj of rvprtdueuoD , n4 m r rnoru. Thoie mtrrlttl or tarn * , pa * r eoTrr.UOo , Addreit > ifcbo t [ > , YfLHUtr. IIornc * l.lcrtru5iacnetlc licit * lrurttconi ) > lniil. iluaratitcrdtbfi only o'io Jn the world conerallnff n continuous /-fr/r/tf / Mau el - i , * m Porafi > rlrhl * nuii FHcilhe. Avoid frauda. fi * 1 ( > Y rlU ) ii cured 8c nrt Munp for pamphlet * Al. 1'LKOUilC 111 I/rs I Oil O1HKABKS PC. HORNE. INVENTOR. 101 WABASH AVE. CKICAPO. DR. IHPEY. Pinctlco lliiiitcil to Diseases of the EYE , EAR. NOSE AND THROAT Glasses fltlcil Tor all forms of defective Vision. Artificial Eyed J user ted. O2DAKS" A lluino unit Oil } hcliool foi Voutlf u , rixijieits * r. l. UullKlittull ? itltitiitti on ( li'ini-'i'td" n llulunts. I.nitfo groiindB. Tn . .Ml IJ LI ! , > Ul 3ith St. , Wai > liliiKliiiiD | C' JyWooili'lt Ladies Do you want a pure , bloom * lug Complexion I If so , n few applications of Hngnn's MAGNOLIA BALM will grat ify you to your heart's cou- tout. It docs away with Sal- lowucss , Redness , Pimples. Itlotchcs , nud all diseases and imperfections ol'the skin , It overcomes the Unshed appear * nnco of heat , fatigue and ox- eltomont. It makes a lady of TllIIlTY appear but TWfeN- TY ; and so natural , gradual , and perfect nro its effects , that It is impossible to detect Its application Thnn n Vote. ' 1 licy lrdltil togetljor tlirouiU ; the And us UH- > lingered on tiicirn \ , In Icrsril tonci he told his lo\c , Tlmt milliner dix ) . His nrdrnt sous ih ( > , trcinlillntr. licnnl. Ami as her slaiice ? soiicht tlic fcwnrtl slulied. "Spent , darling , "peak , " tlio loxcr wlil : "Oli , MIJ tnj iilcaillnirt nrc not \nlnl" Sliunnsut'iud not , but liun. ; lici head And I0'licilacnln. "Tlmtoil ait1 difllilont and slij.1 llov.ild. "llio-p ilownnut looks tlciioto ; You \\ill not pil ( > V then > ou andl Will take aott . "It is nil ra ) tliliis to do , A b.tllot. s\\t-etc < l , cnstlth me , The question belnt' , hliall e l\\o United hcV" Acalnlie let her lavlies fall ; Then nnil inured \\ltli nelini 1 Drni , lnelh > need \ \ cotc nt nil. Why can't \vo jml KOII run There are 0,000,000 widows In India. Gum Is the iiicl ] of eontentnient to \ \ 11111:111. : Suspended aniiiiation Thu gill lu tlieliaui- inncU. HtK-ocodesltfiis are seen ill clasps , hi.icc- rtinnil I.H'cliin . Ciouhettriinnilni ; of linen or cotton Is used foinsh dresses. White veiling chesses are. trimmed with l > .ile grccu niolru antlitie. | l.aro dre cs , If made nt homo , arc as Inex pensive as tliey aie llecti\e. Late inching Is pa e. bias bands of tulle , lls > > c nnil et-iinlnu liinini ; t.ikeii Its | ilace. Vass.ir girls are said to be M > modest that tlic.\ will not work on tnipiopei Ir.tctliins. Tcnnh .torkluis ? hiiM1 the linilenieuts | of thug-iino cmljioidered upon the liontoftho le ; ; . Collars are ra .tencd at the side , a bow 01 else loops oT ribbon being tic ilguuur jis u Dnlsli. HiHer bells and belts of Itnthcr oina- inented with bIKci me iniitli used \\Ulisuiii- nierdusses. Kour-lcaved elo\ei brooehes ot mat il\ei or en.iinel seem gieatei favorites thau thu ou.uij.i for luck pins Tailor made costumes nre fninlshed with Ihreu MMs , ono ot the miiteiial , one ot pique nml one of nankin. I.ace jiins ot - > ll\ei aio In the form of n slnglu blosvom , wltli n io\ursiblu eentiu of Holiemlali stnues. Kohemlnn eut silver ornaments have a da/- / llngeliLi't.Mien \ the liglit strikes them the } scintillate like ; ; ums. .Scivirenlile fubiuy of linen and wool aic llghtei Hi. in all wool. The mateiial Is ex- leedlugly moderate in price. Sateen In delicate eolois , made up with piece Kid1 foi ins ancllcUhennd in < " \ pensive iliess foi afternoon or evening vveai. Two rows of watered ribbon at neck and wilst foim a iashionaklu piruie , the new 1:1 ecu beluga ia01 ilucoloi lot tills pin pose. Mrs. ( leveland was the iccipieiit of no less than live pendanth as wedding gltts to weai with the diamond ueeklieu given her 1 13 the president. Jliss Aunlo Flimiu. a bljujl olociitlonisl. who la both iirvtty and tnlentoil.cieated < p.iite a sensation among the I'iMitisj Ivanla editors at Atlitutlc Citi laht week. Frocks for ehililien tiom two to four j cars of age have low blouse bodices. Tim sk'irt is shirred to the bortico and has two llnmues trimmed with leather stitch eniDroldeij. Lace dresses have Urn foundation made of china silk of sott tiuisli. The extieme light ness and beaiititul coloilntr of this mateiial lendei it especiallj adapted for the purpose. A Wonnn's Labor union has been incor porated at .San Kinneisco tor tlio purpose of mauufactiuing wealing appaicl , e'-ubll-hintr Inundrles , eating houses , lustauiants and reading lonms. oA Mioit maiitlnol tastndes of lace and a loiseletot velvet 1ms shoit sleeves ot lace. Tht1 hiitheollar is bouleied b.l.nge cut iet beads. The mantle is secured at the waist In a celntuie of velvet ilbbon. dibraltiii bangles of biivei 01 gold me still fashionable. 'J hov are worn lee elj without the connecting lltik. Xuvei less than eight should lie vvoin and somitiines tluco times tills number aie seen on one arm. "Dress ! ' ' exclaimed a Chicago chl. "II all depends on the way vou hv\ing it. Ttiut is thu Kie.it scciet after all. The Kngllsli woman ( aunot ivvinit It at all ; the Americin womiiii swings itprettycll , lint the snliigliig of a I'jench woman iatt poem. " 'J he much-diessed heroine of this year's Mimmci icsoits is n live-veai old heliess of millions. She bus with hei ovei a hniuliod dri'sse-s , manj rreneb hats , a vvakh , and mm h jewcliy , v1th oven dlamoiiits. Kigliteen trunks are necessary tor the vv.udrobu of her- sult and family of dolls. 1'udictlons to tbo conlraiv notwithstand ing , pale gieens are in hlshvojjue. At a t.i-lilnnnblu gatlieilng leientlj In the eoun- ti\ delicate toeen was the prevailing coloi. 'I lie new I cm gieeu is the coloi ot tbejoung fronds ol the tern. It is less tiiing to the comph\ion than would bo supposed. Miss Walmsloy of Xatcbitoclies , in a limit on ftavoit I'lerre , Li. , killed two nine feet alllu'atois In a single dav last week. One of tlio rnptdes showed light , and imulo a lush lot the lioat , but Miss Walmsley letalncd hei coolness nml shot him thiougli the head bc- loiohcie.tchcd It. A choit miiutlo oftiiiii'd iMii/o i caches onlj a little below the waist. The front is round mid at the back are bioad-plalted hasipic * . A full Mill ot broad lace hordcis theniant'o. ' The short skeves ol laie trills simulate a shoulder rape , and a jabot of lace finin the blub velvet collar , studded vv 1th bead pendants , trims the trout. A jealous Xuwport woman n few night' 111:0 went thioiiBli the pockets of hei husband while ho v\as in bed asleep , e\peetlng to liutl u love letlei from another woman ; out , in stead , tiudlng only an old pocket-knife , a dime , two units and a dun loriiousu lent , sue wont b.ick to lied and Impilnted a kiss on bis c.ilmlj blcejiing toiehead. At a dinner party last wlntoi tbo cool wea- thei had done considerable duty In supplv Ing conveisatlon , when a plump , nap } > ) -looklnj | mauled VMimaii made a lemaik about ( eli feet. " .Stnely , " said a lady opposite. "Mrs - , .vou arc not troubled with cold feetV ' "Yes , indeed , I am verj much tumbled but , then , thej me not m > own. " Hei husbanti blu hed scarlet. " 1 see , " said a Now York hello , as she laid down the paper and took up her folk with a pleco of toast attached , "that thej complain n good deal that Ucneial Miles has not jet Kotim ( ieionlmo's tiall. Thoyough ! to send soum ot these West I'oint cauots out afterblm. if tliev ever fall to uct on over ) trail in their nclghboihood , thieo liops 111 them have not enabled mo to ob civu It. " 'lilt-lllt ! . A \ \ liltuInged JHolit ; Its niunu UTS Dnclil ; lie sned to a senueiteitd pacht The day was hacht , JXcecdliiL' hncht , Enough toioast alliadenlacht , Ofsklltlie'tlnacht A single jacht. Hut like an iurow out bo shacht , Ih ) know not w adit Would bo iiib luclit , Until his t > allbont wont to p.iclit Xow , In Ids cacht , All is a blacht ; Jlo'll never go again , I vvacht ! 1) HOI'S. Thu angler sits upon the sward And waits to feel the tug ; And there , at inteivals , Is heard The gurgle ot the Jug. Opoi.itors In wool moths. A horse fiequently wins a race on thu spur of the moment. Pity the decision of a Philadelphia Dogberry the Ink eraser Is ndeadlj weapon. " 1 aim to toll the tiulb. " "Yes , " Inter ruptcd an acquaintance , "but j on are a v ery bad shot. " Mr. Cleveland doesn't know how toplav second liddle , but he handles the zlt-thar with unanimous success , Committeeman "What animal Is the mot ! capable of attnchliic ltb < Mf to manV ilcat ; of the elass " 1'ho leech , sir. " A Chicago clergyman * ays every chrUthin who smokes a cigar associates with the lowest and vilest class of society , bo hC docs If be eatbn tcelslcak. Guest ( rising excitedly from the table , after tasting an ollvufurthe tint time ) "It's fcorry I'd beio dlnturb the hilarity of tlio mat ing , but 1 belnve somojokei's been salting the gustlierricb 1" llusbniid "That fence wants painting badlj ; 1 think I'll d.o | ( mjbelf. " Wife 'Vc * , do It yourself If you t'dnk it \ vnntto be done badl > . " nld .Johnson , tuklnir his friend's nby. "hclmsKot bis mother's tj'H-niid mv lair , " he mldcd.ns tin1 iufnitt prodigy gtabbcd dm Jiv the loi'ftclp. Fashions mav ihance and Impiovemenlsbe undo In rod mid reel , but the old stv lo vvav of carrj Ing thi1 bait In a , UQ Uet Husk still te- nnlns foi flsl'Ing e\cirtsion . "YouiiK man believe In nothing nowadavs' said Mrs. liamtbotham. with nihep sigh Why , theie's mv nephew , Tom , whovvns nought up ns n ( hri-tian and now he's an I mil coming bv , and by : You will hear mv ilalntlvncr.v In mcent-i wild nud gentle asu amb ; I'm not cumin * on n fiolli but touive small liojs the tolu sing hoi the small crcen apple that 1 am. Customer "Wus that eaibonate of .oda jou gave urn about ten minutes a o'1" Drug cleik ( lookini : at a boltlei-\\ \ h > , no. How stupid of me. It wnsstnchiinie. rllcliniiKi * the boltles back azalu. and 1 hopt the mistake - take will not oceui nirain. ( iooii dav , sii. "N'ocitv llfo foi me , ' s.tid a Yermont man. "gimme tlieeounirv an' nboiit one huudied ' ' m.itislied " "llavtMo nripsu' litnl mi' I m - . petupprettv earlv In the nioinltitr. eh' " "Not veij : it o'tlock in summer and 4 hi the wlnlci. " "Well , what do joudoevpiiings1. ' " D've mean ailei it gets tew diuk ter vvoik'.1" "Yes. " "U cosii 1 go lo bed. " Ho Didn't Until the ICaitli , /.inn I 'nli n Ho ald ho had no vs Mi to bo omdeiit , w Ith a btnkbook lotuntl. and distended and empiilcnt ; but he didn't wish to live like the tuiinltlvu Quakers , or bulcht'is or bakers , or ciindlestlck-m iKtrs. but in line blown-stone , suirounded bv statues. and stt in a lawn ol some tmlv suu-n acres. Applause for dear clothing was not vvoith the winning : lie desiied no vvauliohe ot pinple and linen , but hi' didn't wish in go nttlied like a alloi , 01 diess In a uni form suit like a jailei , and nil Hint ho wished was some two do/en ehaiiL'es , made up In good stjlo b > a fashionable tailor. IIo wished no rlebiands toghulden his pen- He01 to coddle Ids stomach Ilkechionlc dyspeptics ; but be wished a cuHno and a'Tiench cook to eatei , a piolessional cv jicit , no cominou place vvaltei , no gtatu- esijtie , biMrdliu'lioit'c , Imbtrllo Ijungler to bcnttrr his ihaos of pic and potato. Ho whhcd no small aim > of liveried depend ents , no uniloiuied lackles and clinging attendants ; but he didn't wish to live like a heimit or inL.ci. but in pleiitilul leisuie as bettei and vviseiand ; some tweutj seivants and some tmty good waltcis would make life woith living toi him and Hli/a. MUSIO.YIj AM ) DKAMATIO. A son of F. K. Mncke > will appear in Louis .Inmcb1 compiuj bjdneV Itoscnfeld is to wnte a nlaj foi Minnie Maddein. Minnie Oscar ( iiay is about to visit II < T na- thocitv , Dublin , lieland. Kale Kois > the and Mine. Anna Diasulll iccenll > Bailed lor J.lveiiiool. "Yovi hair dressed Mikado foi " 5 cents , " is a New Yoik advertisement. Jacques ICtugei has been engaged tor Con- ried'b " ( irpsj Haion" company. ' 1 he widow of ( ilacomo Mejeibcer died las vveelcnt Wiesbaden , in hei bJdjear , ( Uistavu riohmnn was married to Mai lo Ilubeit at New Hedfoul last Thuisday. Osmond Te.xrle's new piny Is to be called "Kenneth Gordon" instead of'Man toMan. " Annie 1'ixley's manager denies that she is to leave the stage because ot hei son's death. M. U. Tmtis had decided to tij thcotliei side of the Atlantic with "bniii'I of 1'osen. " Manager A. M. Palmei has purchased the right to the new modem English iil.ij % "Hai- vest.1 "Underthel'olarSlui , " b > Ulay Ciieenennd Dav id Uelnseo , has luet w illi SULCC'-S In han Kianclsco. A lenoit comes from Palis that Mabel .lor- dnnwlll shoitly wed the Hev. Abhlej iiur- row in that city. Anuic Stuau ib the name of i handsome Jltostoiiiau wlio proposes to snine in next sea son's stellai liiiiiament. C'hailey Iteed , who may now bo called nu ex-minstrel , is touting tliiough Nevada and California vvitli a coined } lomptny. Charles Coote , thu well known comedian , has been engaged lor ( ieor e S. Knight's "Ovei the daidon Wall" tompany. "Ship Alioj I 01 the Sailor's , Dmuhtei , " is the title ot a play in which llauy Meiedlib is to ajijiear In tlio load ne\t seabon. Hobson and Criuio will appear next , season in "Mcriy Wives , " 'She htooiib to Con quer. " "Comedy ot huois" and "Mauled l.ile. " The laigest theatta in the woild In the opera himsu in 1'aiH It covets ueaily thieu aciesot gtound and cost about tvvcntj mil lion dollais. Mine. Modjcsk.i Is the wonder of timid women at Muuteiey , Cal. , as slio dives and swims in da//ling tostumes in the wi\es ol Monteiey ba.v. Miss Tvndall , an American actiess , and Oeiliude Kellogg hive engaged to support Cioncvlevo Waul timing liei taicwelltour ot Ameilca. Dining I.awience Itairett's i-oplembei en gagement at the Stai be will piesent T. H. Aldneh's now two act drama , "Mom-do- , ' toundcd on an incident 01 thu Xapoleonic vvais. The company of tl.p National Ojieia at Mobcow intend next wlntei to vibit 1'aiis , Vienna , lierlin , llambmgand London , with the object ot piuduung Russian opcias In those cities. The lamoiis violinist Wilhclmjl has re- tuined to thu Fatherland altei u veisiiucss - till visit to Constantinople and othei castem cities. Ho has brought an east-soulhein w Ito bad : with him , a genuine Turk. Tennj son's "Deckel" Is shortly to be acted In thu open air at Coombo house , England , with ( ienevieve Waid as Queen Kleanoi. Heimann Ve/in ns thu gicat pi lest. Imly Aichibald Campbell as Kosimond and the Karl ot Kilmoiey as Henry II. On his way hometiomKnglaiid Itiiblnsteln Intormed n lilend of Ids that his uioiits out ot tliu 100 recitals be has given Muio last Octobci leachedSlOO.fKX ) . No other pianist evei made so much money in HO slioit u time , or had such .1 "golden tour. " .lames C Duff has arranged to pioducu Clmrles H. llnvt and Kdwnul holomon'snew opeia. 'The Maid and the Moonshinci , " at the Htamlaid theatre about the 10th ol Aiuust , with Lillian Hiisscli in tbo leading female tole. hignor liiocollnl is also re- poitedto hnvu been engaged. The last night of the season at the London h > ceumlb July ill. "Faust" will buplavciltoi thubenelilof KlleuTeirv. ' Claudian''nttlic I'lincess tuns one weekfongei. Ihen "Ham let" will bo plajcd foi loin ninhts. Mi. Wil son Dai ic.tt and his compaii > will tlien play In the piovlnccs until their departuie tor Xework. . home ot the 'lurman slngeis who vveio Identlncd with tlio pioductlon of ( ieimaii Optra In this country last season have pro voked thu vwath ot tlio ( ieinmn emplin be cause they have remained longer than their Icavii of nhsenco wniiantrd , but ns compe tent Hingeisof opein niuscaicu in America nnd thu country Is somewhat bigger than ( kriminy they HID prolnbly not veiv much distill bed. Henij Irving banmieted Pattl and Xlcollnl at Itlchmond and piesentetl to Pntti n mother- of.jieailfan adorned with three genie plc- tuies and coveted with point d'Anglelene lace , liaion Itothhchlld sent Put 11 as a wed ding gift a toitolbObhcll papcr-knite , with tlio name "Pattl" pet in It in a bla/o of dia monds. Pattl's onlj appearance on thn stage this > car will bo for the benetlt of Col. Mn- pleson nt Diury Lane. Despite nil adverse ctltlelsm tbo American opeia Is pushing ahead. Organi/atlons with local boards ot directors lutvo been toimed with the follow ing capital : Huston , iiO'J.OOO ; Chicago , 8100,000 ; Philadelphia , fcwlooo Waslnngton , fc.W.OOO ; hi. Louis. 5 )0,000 ; Cleveland , 450,000 , and Louisville , y.'S.OOO with olheis In progicss. Of the money thus raised thrpo-iiumteis will bo invested In stock of the central tGimunj nnd theothci nunrtci letaintd for u local guarantee fund 01 use , fne vocal part of thoXatlonnl couseivaloiy Is now already established w Ith a select staft of prosessoih , headed by Mine. Fnr cb-Madl and Jncipies liouthy. Dining the past Kea- son sixty puiiils , selected by competitive ev nmlnailoii ! ) fiom vailuus states , leceived tree Instriiotloii. A stipulation Is that after gradu ation all shall contribute ono-quaiter of their earnings ovurSlJ/OOujeai / tUr Ine Jem's to carrV on the woiu. Sanih Uernhajdt's entry Into Ilo { do Ja- pclro was affected with more than her vvonted ecccntilclly. Klaboiatoarraugemcnts had Deen inado for her arrival. Thu Ur.ull- la us and the French competed which should show her Jl e greatet iMstiuetlon , lloth eeut ! to vtrJcomC her. Can .nups wore to b > nt her dls ] ftal on Inndlnu. nnd floral tributes weieiintnm-d in nstoiitidlnc almn- dn'nce. Hut Ui puMt nrtre s d-ellued all Lbeso honni > , nivl ) iinicml of tikiiubne of the bulls n-iit locmlileher to elfect a moro sneedv nnd dltnlficd landlnir , siie enteied Hra/lf by the crtsfrmi house wharf. When Iho olhtr memb'is of the eompnin disem- Ii3i k' LUioro wns micMi Hiiolnttsc ain.l mi wi- tHn li-tu' vv. < lt3hvi rrt < ; 0"6ied To Ihc'iUIS- | ii-od tiagedlenh ( . lint v\hcn the mistake wasdi'ioveicd the Inoi title it Ion was quite as meat ns the untliiHnsm. nnd ns tieelv o\- ptesscd. The projected fete , eiitltd In a riot. ilit1 police wcio Active nnd cneigetic , and half ado/en ilolemu'ie ciptuicd. 1 lierc vveio tWit'.lap uipse and two eoloieil men In the late gradiiittng claw atnn Next full's firMiman olnssnt llaivard will exceed AIO. tli lanjest in tlie hhtorv of tlio collt'Ci1. ; Milwaukee Turners aio propo im : to lot the piibih1 Miionls UM > theli KVmiia . | iiun. lulls iinil to.n heiB : i certain hum ( .Mill tiny. 'I ho Itoslnn tllobo thinks tint the cm si1 of tlio vrcicut oollrgo roniM'Iftlio iirpvnlllnu extravnennre , nnil adds tint rich patents ate vvhollj to blame , t ' 1 ho ( . 'oiictml school of phllosoph.v opened WcdiiPMlav mnriiliiK with a loctuic b.v 1'm- ftssoiV. . ' 1. lUpN on " 'Ilio Philosophic htuietuieot tin1 Divine Comedy. ' ' A. nephew of tlw late Klntf t'etewnjn Im" just complPtr/d a fix jean course of thpolnso cnl studle in StocVtuilni. nnil his Intentions an1 , It Is s.ud. to ( lev ole Ills eneijries to the tiiitliei enlistment ol his o\vn people. Geimanv has elirlit schools of loipsliv , where live ve.trs' u lnlii | ; in ipiiilu'd | ot tlinso vvlio sppk positions under tlipjiou'inmciit , al- tlmtuih u eoiiise of stitd.v half ns Innic mnj bo tuKen b > amatcttU. 1'ranre.suppiuts a Millie school lit Naucj. Of the last cr.nl Unip class of \ .ill1 collet1 lifts-seven will stud ) law. tveiiiseven \ will entei business , cloven will sillily medicine. < -K will eiitci tlio mlnlsti ) . louitccii will teaeli and live will studv cui.'iiiceiliv. ; . I'lio liyuies sneak foi lltiiit | ! < elu's' . but thev titUt' a darkei slunk1 wlioiiAVt1 an- told that tliPV dlf- IPI llltln 11 om Hui'-r L'iveu oveii' H'ai ' > tl > < ? sinioi class nt Ynl * . I'lio cost psi rlilld in .ivpiaire iitleiidanoi1 foi tliu 't.i'o-i'hnols intlic ptluoiptl Austral- Inn ooIoniP' , and for thu beniel scltonN in LiiKlntiil nml Wale is as lolluw : Total e ext ) ioj child of tlio nvoingi1 attpiielauct1 lu tlio stall1 vcliool * ill New .Seititll Wall" Ui ! " > . l'd : illllo ditto In vle-toil.i t"i'-- . 'i'jd ' : ditto ditto ill built ! ) AtlMim'ii x i is ; uiiin elltto in Queensland ifl 7 - . s' ' d ; lioard boliuols in l.nRlnnd and \Vak-s M W * . l'd. Ot tlio 140 nipmliPis ot tlio t l.issiri.uluated fiom Ynlo collcce tills voai lOMnvi-iciillfd to lniiiirii's | i-oiKeiiiliiK ihi'ii pxpt'iidltiups in tlip linn jcaisot thoaeadeiult11 OUIM'Ihelr iiiiswerb exhibit ijuitp as pieat a divci-sitj In Vale as exists in llajvnid. vvlieic it hns be-on liequciitlvnllptiwl lit Lite that tlietc exists n ilcinoiall/iiiK inlliieiivu betweiMi studpiils. 'J'hu averano of tlie 10(1 ( is MViO pli jeni. 'I'lio pxtrpuics toi any one jeiu were SIM and fr : : > ! ,0. 'Iwrntv , tljrco inoiub rs ot tlioe-lass liavrcaincd theli own suppoit dining tlui coin se. KEMOIOL'S. ' Tlio I'ust ( "oloied Haptlst eliuioh of Xnsli. v Illi1. 'I'pnn. , ins a VW.o O house , vv Ith a mem hei ship of i'0 ' , * ) . t Thor.ithcelial at .Milan Is to have a new flout , and a pike ( iT bSK)0 , ) is olle-icd tui thu best eli'siicii , and sninllci pii/eb foi less nicrlt- ; motis ones. There vv ci e 161 1'iolestant cliiiichc" < In Jn- jinn , .lanuaiy 1 , Ibbn , with UOJ eommuiii- cants , 'J.TOO of whom vveio added in l So. 'I he total eontiibutionsivvonj SAUM..ir ) , 01 SrMlr ( > moie limn In 1 34. Caielinal ( ilbbons uiccs that a Koman Catli- olicdailv pape-i bo otatilishul in eat b ol the laigoi cities that will vie vvith the seculai piobS In its lesouiws , reliabilltj , and In the talent ot its vviltcog. The icceiptb olitiio Uittish and roiolun JJIblo societ v vv PI Q &U3nith.V. | . The total Is sues of the two sotle'tics lot thc'veai vveio . ) , W1 ! , > 144 , oi an nvratmo of about 1 h,000 for eaeh vvoiKniK day. The Hight Ituv. l > i'.TutiIe , who tops fiom his Utah mission td be bishop ( I'tct.-stant r.piscopal ) of tit. Loijis , is a musciilai clulb- tiau , and has beiMi Irncrvvn to pltt-li atrontior roimh neek and bcelsemt'ot astn o coach. n'Jhpro aie feirtvsJluiichesat Kyausville , Intl. The Baptists faro ropie ented by 10 ; .Methodists , 0 ; I'iebb3terans ( ! , 5 ; Catholics , 5 ; ( iciman KvanKellcal , . : ! ; Lutheinii. 'J ; Jewish , ' ! ; Kpisuojinl , u ; ( > hrislian laud ; Unitaiian , 1. KOIII Chinamen vvcie lately haittsed ] bvthe iinstoi ot the First J'rebbj lonan cliineh , Knit- sas City , Hen. Ur. T. bchlej Sehafl. Thev sought linj.tism ol their own aceoid anel cx- hibitpil .1 ( , 'oeitl iindei itaiidlugol the iltuand doctllnes of Christlnjiity. i'athui Alfiud A. Cm tig , just appointed by tlie pope to the sOe ol Wilminu'ton , used to 1m a I'lotestant Kpiscoiuluin , and was foi some \eaisbeloie his conveision tlio assistant min- Istei of a i itnalist Ic and highly fashionable JJ.il- tlmoioehiuch ol that denoiuliiatlon. Siirgpon ) said inoneol lilgiucont seimons : "It ( ioa told mo to ( jo out tothcteuiPteij and \ \ t\e mv pocket ImiiriKeiehlpt ovei themiivps ot the dead and make them live , 1 would do Hand thej would live , toi God would Ivr- me tlio power if liPKavu me the command. " 'Ihc huildiu } , ' funtl ol the Yoiinj ; .Men's Ohilstian assoflntltni at liidianniolis ] lias nearly leaclied SrJO.OOO , and It Is expected to complete the fund ot i5,00 ( ) tills wepk. All thu i'lote'stantchuiclii s intl.crlty luvenuidu contiibiitlons and some Individuals aio now doubling iheii subscriptions lathei than sco the enteiprKe tall. Methodism has quite a hold upon thu British West Indies , and the centennial aimiveiscrv ot the planting ol the chinch on the islands Is about to be eelelirated. His about ono hundiedrjcars slicjDi. Coke , vvith thiec missionaries , landed in tlio eitj ot hi. .John's , Antlunii , nud cstabllslietl ( lie ilist Wesleyan mission In the West Indies , 'lliu isl.ind.s now contain t ! " > 7 Methodist rliiinhps , besides 10T oihei iueachlnjilaces. { . 'I liens aie ovei 4.5,000 ehiiicli memoeis , and a total oi 1M,000 ) attendants iipon the eliuiehes , The published icpoitof the Baptist MIs- sionaiy union reveals lemnkable nitlvity aniLuiowliii ; power On thopaitof lliu de nomination. In tlui past seven > eats the ic- roiptsol tlio union liitvo been $ 'J'J\ib.s ) . an Incieasoot iiilpui cent ovei thereiclptsol the picvloiibseven jears. Thunumbei of mis- sionaiies has increased lioin'.bl to uv.i. Ovui 700chinches have bucn oifranl/eo and 407 chinch cdllicC4 h.ivo been built. It IK now claimed that live-sixths ot the Uaptlsts ol thu vvoildmoln the United Slates. Manjiu'a joiing man mi't like i-cltln' alon..slduot him nights and heal ing him tall. pretty ; that'H thu IIIM prijei. Thuio's lots and lots o' meetln' nftei that. > fothci ( reading the bible to hei fem > cai old L'lil ) "Ami overj moiiilngand evening Klljah was led bvtho nivuns , who luoiulit him bread to eat " Little gill "And was the biead buttered , molhci ? " An old lady on her deathbed In a penitent mood bald : " 1 have been a gie.it Mnnoi more than sevcntj jcms , ami didn't know it. " An old cotoicd woman , \vho < hnd lived with her n long time , exclaimed : 'ILoul ! 1 knovved It all the time. " Buffalo Courier : Wheai lockets weie soarIng - Ing Monday night , little. Klla , ol Xiagara fcticct. U'tat.4 , was in dolldit , sav o toi a slight fe.ti that was on hei niinil. "Mnmnia , " she asked , "don't jou iiuUltho angelb will bo BcaiedV" A little ciinp told by ) iU inolhei to sa > his pia > eisandnsk loi'vyhatJio wanted , prajed toi "one hundred bmthcjrx and liftj sisici.s. " Tlio mulliei was to ( lisiited | vvith the peti tion that she hurried lliollttloslnnet oil to bed bo foi i ) ho could fc.iy Amen , This Sunday law busiilfMS In waking all the Inhabitants up. > ow < lor Instance , It n voting man t'o s lo sue his girl just In fun Sunday , ho is all right , but It ho means busi ness thu fraud juiy will be onto him in a holy nilnute. [ Albuquo'tjiio JN. M , ) Demociat. A Vlulnia City saloaukeeptr. [ vtho was niaklngmrangcmentg till -a blugglni : match in that city , asked a tlerg ) man for the loan of a lot of chairs fiom the diapel on which to seat the spectators at the light. Ho ollerud the minister , \ ircc Ucket for the use of the chairs. A great Pcdobaptlst lavvjci went to his own biother , a. liaptist preachci , now iiastor In Virginia , and asked for baptism nnd to be permitted tliureaftpr to lemain in the Prcs- bjteriau church. Tim preacher said : "Xo. brothei ; 1 can't put my mark on jou and put > ou Into another man's jmsture. " A little Xow Orleans girl asked her mother jhp other clay how It was that Adam ami Eve came' Jo leave the Garden of Eden , nnd was told tiTxt the dev 11 entered the cuiden in tlio form of iM > ereiitnnd | ttiiiir-tcdturm , and Cod banished CVm. i'he little ghl pondered and then said : 'Mammahy didn't ( hid bend the devil awn. x instead of Adam anil cvuV 'Ihey were in tlN t'ardeji tirst. " , "Mv dear children. " said Deacon HticraB , In hfs addiess lotbe''iiiicliis chtxi ) , " -iiii > mv la t xislt 1 notice tinny UPW fnci1" amoiur jou , and It tills mv hrul with ioCan vou tell me , deal i hlldriMi what has taiMnl thN provvlnp ntkndaiu'e ? Wlutt Is it Hint bilutts these briirhl jontu tacos to tlio Snhbath school'1 What Isit ibat " I know , " Inter- iiiptpd an excited little bov on the fiont row. "It's the p'eiilc ' season " Minlsloi's wife ilodkiiiR over Iho papei You aio referred to In this mornlnu's vapor , mv deal , ns "a distinguished elerp.vman. MinisterH'm. . 1 thoiurld mv sermon jes- Icrdtv vvottld nltiaet attention. Is it nub- llshtd tn full. 01 onlj n ) iiopsls irlven ' W Ife Nelthei.ou me sp iken of n * "a distin guished i lei ej man" In innncctlon with the patent medicine testimonial jou > cnt to Di ( Juack Llnilia tiiiettpllttlo : twelve vearolil bov paid u visit to a l.ako stiett Innillv last week Next door lived n hid a tew .vo.us jouuirci who called on the vlsltn and made an acquaintance. On Ins letuii homo his mother a-Uoil Who is that lltt o bov visit ing next dooi" " "Well , 1 don t just know who he Is , mamma. " lepllcd the little fellow , "but thev call him John , mid he l < not John the Baptist. " Ami ho looked up In MirpiUo because his mother smiled. ItlH Ucnt Gill On n StilUo. Anieiienn Huiho'itlor "Moio ttoulile about capital , " said the tinln bov , diving into his I'liost foi n lust biinitnor s tiingti ? inp to soil to n { rrnnuer " \Vlmt now * " itski'tl the brakptnnn pultiiifr li.u'k : i da'ly p.iptn-and lifting u kiln-dried oiangc "Best strike " tlip pirl > on n , replied news npi nt "DeiuaniU hoiter liourt- , Siturdiniyht : : ; 8 to 10 , vvitli fifteen inln ntps Intel mission to tuko lueatli and listun tor the old man : tt ! ) o'clock , extra caianicls for oveiliine , the new pirls to be taken on without poiiH'iit of the ) > ieseiit force of ciniilojees , nml half a tiny oil for the inutineo evuii time u new dude conies to town " "What's iMulnl ) piliiR to do nbout it * " "Haul tellinc. ' said the news agent , with ; i vveun smile "I'm lioldinij out liistnovv , ami olV'-r ' to take her b.iok nnd sijii tlu % old schedule ami no questions nsked , but theie's a suivoier's p.utj camped liizlit outside of tow nn'Mikado' conijiany mtikin' u lour nights stav ut tlio ojiera house , iind : i bnlvution aimy stoiminjr the town , untl tlie frill holds the kov to tir ! > situation Reckon I'll Imve to give in nml sign the new sc.ilo. " Theieisno oxeiisc1 for coughing since thi' diseoveiy of Hetl Star t'oiigii ( . 'mi1 So cents MADU nv STARCH CO. PHILAUELlMllA , 1'A. FINEST a d BEST JN THE WOULD. NEEDS NO CTOOKINO- Proiliicinir n vieli. lieiuitifttl GLOSS titul STIFFNESS. Ko Stnreh yet introduced can be com- imral vvith the MAGIC. One pnekacri' will do tlio work o I two liouiuls of oulinary sturrli. Sola unilir cunrniitccof llic inaiiufiictuier' . SLOAN , JOHNSON & CO. , Apcnts. Omaha , ! eb. , 'London" ' Trousar Stretcher , Patented in f'uropo nnrt LT S &oi L Atn SITS In I'MTFU ' STATI.S foi co'obrdtoil Joint Ilumllton A. Co .Stiolclicr. TnKp baaffing out of knees , tostoics piinliilsons to oiiiftiuu thnpo. Onlv piit'rt btrtooti- crcoiiioliiliKcsjrcw rod IrreoneT ! Hot ) > \ | th clamps All otliqr * In- | -frnifei'lnniS Diiirmuf hnil only Stretcher lor Oontlomnn's use Hy i v press wcuioly imUcocl , jirico ? J fio. VVrltp fet cliculars . / wanted In eveiy cltj. O W. SIMMONS & CO , Itoslon , Muss NERVOUS PEOPLE /ml other * MUTLiim ; into ncrruua lUhlllly ( ixltuusltn . ( lironlo ilbenECif } iHnilurb iletllno of youni ; or old nro n < n.lllrely fund by Dr. HuincV fanu us I Ivetro * Jfuciieltu ISilt. Thousands In the Union IUITO IIP i n curm lyfelt 1 nlLiiliilnnii fold ID > iatH W liolo faailly tan wrnr eamo licit J'ltctrlo K * nBntorlvi > rree Mlth nmlci licllH Avnlil v nrtlilc < a 1m Hntliini anil l hocus ccmlKinle" Floctrlc 'Irnaari far ICupture. 70tl curwlln'Hf . fitnil tlAiupfor immphlct. Dn.V/.J.HQRNE. / INVFHTCB. IUI WAEA5II AV. , Cuio without iiioiti- POSITIVE clno. I'lilontol Octo ber lt > , ihTrt. Ono box will euro tliofflost obtlnntocn'oln four-days No nauseous do-.cs of cubcbs , copalb or oil or Eaculnluooil that nro cortnln to pioiluco dy pop- elft by do-tri\injr tlio c online of tlio biotnuth. l'rUoSl.50. Bolilliy all ilitu l-ts or iniilloil on jccclptof 1'iico. Tor further purtlculius umit forclrculur. P.O. Dox nil. /1TTDD T. C. LL uiT CO. , ( ill KK. w w " " New York. USED IN ALL PARISQFTHE WORLD CatnloRiios nnil i'rlritfioii uppllratlnn SoWby u bestCorrlnjp llnllritmund Dialers. CINCINNATI. II. H. A. _ able Aih'nss. COO CIN , Or IIio l.liiinir llalill , 1'osKlK'Iy C'urctl liy Administering Dr. IfuliiCM * UolUru Hiircllin. It inn bcelVPii Inn cup of lolfpcor toanltbout tljn LnunltilK nf ll > < > I'ereiin tuklnt ; It Mnbculutrly hr.rmlt'sn , nnillll ( ITict a | > i nniincntnml spicily Cuiolii I'nr the pntltnt Is a nnnloralocr'iil.cr : or n uiLUtiullorieK It lias tudi KII ! > lu Ihou- nu.idscf rases , and In t\tiy instonicBjierfptt euro lias foi lo .MM. It nriiir Inlls 1 ho cjntcui once Impiiunalcil ultli llio.siittl ? . , It brcomtaan utter Iiupi i3lbllt | ) fur tlio lUjtior npiicilic tonln Ken SAJ.K IIY roi.Lowi.vo DUUHGISTS : KTIIN it CO. , Cur. 1 5 III nml O nsla * . nnil Ihlli iVCnnilni : HH ( , , Omnhc , Neb.i A. IJ. POST lilt & ItltW. . Ciiui-cil IlliiflN , Imvn. Callnrnrltc ( ur pan'pUItt lonliuiiliiK l.urirtfeJs i 'flliiioiilnlx Ircinllii bfl uiiu'ii and mcu ( nm - | o ( O.M : uu MOIIK AT . I PAV all rtprco charge * to nil pulnl wllldn 300 nultft. l.ootVariinjff v tu Mint from Boml tv o cw * itauij ) forllUiilrnti-4 cutaloiruc. Jltnlloa llii [ m.cr | , L. Q , SPEfiCER'S ' TOY FAOTOBY , rJ21 W. MADISON ST. , CHlCAdO. N EW FHGLAND CONSERYATOROF MUSIC , Boston , Mass , THU IAJUKVr nnil 1IKST KQUII'I'KI ) In the WOULD Ml lnnruclor , JUUctuiluiiulast yt ir , llntroubh limtruttlonit In vocul und Inntriiiucntal toil * lie. 1'huiouMcKJririin tunln/ , HUB Ann , Onitury , 1 Her- mure , hrcnch , ( jcrmuii uuU Itnlliin laiiKUuirti , Kng- Hill brunrliui. ( lyuinustlts. etc lultlutidtiif JlUouril uiidruuiii wltli Mfnrn hpnt und clLctrlnlluht llVtuili nor term F ALL'mtM lii-eln Huitfmbei il. 1SU 1'or lllufIrutcil"Mlcndur ( , vIlli ( ullliiruriniitluii.uddreii , IJ 1OU1UKK lllr..l-nuikliiib.lo ! > toil.Ma 5 JOHN C. GREEN SCHOOL OP SCIENCE KUi : 01' NK\V NEW .IIMtbCV. Iteculur four jcar cnurte . > folloWn 1 , 1'or the < li tec o of lljclitlur of Silcnie. u uneralcuu ku.uliu I'loctlvu ciiurkei In riiuuUtrr. Illolut ) ' , dciilnu'r , MtttliouiitlinanCI l'by lc- * . II. tor tlio iliKroo nf Civil Knulnoer. InUudlnK , bosidt's tbo u > uul | irufc luiml ttuilles. n li i lluitiom or I'lei trirlty lu thu Art * . I 'on vraduuto Inn rucllun In Illfhrr Mutlienutlon l/r | 'lilcn. Annlttlciil unit Appllel ( hemlitrr uuU Aituylni : , Uloldny. rii ) > lc , ninl AMror.mny , l : ntnl in ( uxuinln- ktlun > set t lull unit Utli , latii. Vui- rue liil couriti uOvllicriiiuriuutltiiui | ( > l ) lott Aollte 1 rtttsurtr. Samples and Prices furnished on Application AGENTS FOR ALL MARKETS : WHOLESALE DEALER - 1 .V AmericanWatclies THE ENEMY IN THE AIR ! 1B ( > liroil O t'HM'KI ciT rmtorurM 1'iuil H "I ln\rh on uiri nnif > r I \ur nltlii nr.inu t'Uuri'i , VV'i "t Jlt'i ' MrcM NcT \ V ork niltp < l ) ) < l > iM li ( irihtlitie i i not CM ton mil . . . . lnuli > rimkliul ulutmt'r my iUniwll i ftwcr * 1 KOI ECVOII Miecr il\o ) ffurI wnm UUUntu fi-vor wort- "It i > rpii t , il tli il t n n unibla to illBi'M luoil of un kind < xri'p' FlalP lire ul | H muleil nllli liiimmw und * , TC < ultlnn Hnn ly In net ruj pro'ti ntlmi unil > HUM . nml niiulo lint * Ilkp piv.lcr , unil tlion Imlloit I H tB- nipliincliolln , which ronlpied all ivo"k lnipo i > llit ) < nml iliicnil lu u ini'rit i-ki'li'tiHi. innilTorlnt" i ro lilde- life Itself uionstnntlio tor VUTtrHnif merjtlilni : nirllHlilp , I | iuirli pi | one nt jom lltor | uUj. inu ] , rccoramaniled froiuqulnlna ti cohiteb' , 1 wim 1 r- Iniiif utpruptiiiili.iiiii | | < iil lu two wi-ok * w is nt'li t BUMdl ! to nut an n ll > iMv\ I Uinl but nm > < lilll < atn li-inlv mini Alti ni > riinlh roiiat lnef wail nflcr nr < l My neutral health hcinimt perfi-u nml vi i'iiMi" . HIIVI' iiuiiinil tlfli-o i poiuiil * In mis yeiir 1 Inrrciiipd from 171 to "UO p > unili 1 lui 1 to'I li i > p > nml jinful All ihc iirHlff untl lliankt follmvlnu hummer in' ' tlmu when 1 win ptcn Urh ariMlur | e > tlu lltinivs I1 * ! ! I tlinnVi l.nil.fur tlila niihjou In tlie Iroubli 1 nrJ lr ) Iliiliim 11 PailS A Mi' < \numvhiif hp > I IIDNM'll Si'iit lULVKvriu , hut Ilia onMn > hud Intm tompl"'UI > liictnn , I * I routcil unit I illd not encounter lilm nor haTe I mm Vii Kiitoensih I'mrb tJW liltn p HOI.viv.N 1'AOen ijjwillliimstiict N. THE HOLIAN LIVER PAD TRIUMPHANT. The 1'ad will prevent more lckllet than all UK Pill ami nu hruttndjm lll Curo. DEWEY & STONE , .One of tlie Best andTargest Stocks in the United States to Select From , OMAHA , HEB. THE BESTTHREAD FOR SEWING MA SIX-CORD SOFT FINISH SPOOL COTTON. Assortment for sale to the Trade by - VINYARD & SCHNEIDER Display at their warerooms , 13O5 and 1307 Farnam Street * the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the highest class and medium grades , Including STEIN WAY , FISCHER , LYON&HEALY BURDETT , STANDARD , LYON&HEALY Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the lowest living rates for cash or time payments , whllo the long established reputation of the house , coupled with their most liberal interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible defects In materials or workmanship. LYON & MEALY , taos & 1307 PARNAM STREET M. BTJBKE & SONS , LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , GKO. nCHKE , Uanaxer , UNION STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NEB. IlKKKUKNCES : Merchants'and K.inueis'Ilank , David City , NVb. ; Ke.miov National ] b'1 . . nrlleAlNlb'iTCVlum,111. ! ! ' ' ! ? l < llll Jlllk'- ! { ' " ' " ' " " 'IS ' N ' - : McDonald's Hank , NortU PJatte. Neb , ; Omaha National Hank. Omaha. Neb. Will pay customeia' draft vvitli bill of laduu' attached lor two thiul-t value of stock C. E MAYNE , LEADING ! REAL ESTATE DEALER , S. W. COIl. 1 5th A\I > I'AK.V'AM , O.1IAII1. Proocrly ol every tlcscilption for sale in nil parts of lliu city. LiiuiN tor siua In county fa Ni-braska. A coinpleto set of ADstr.iuts of Titles of Douglas t'onnty kept. Mnps of thot'ity , fjUto or county , or any otlior inform ulon cluairotl furnishoJ of cliurgo upou application.