.8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SATURDAY JtTLY 17. 1886 , Dr. Parcoll Explains About His Singing and a Few Other Things. fHE NEGRO BIGAMIST FLIES. Xlic Asliburr Ilalilos Colonel Chase's Case Thirteenth Street HrlilRC An Enrly Oravc A Spiritual Jlctreat Other The Doctor Explains. The HKB reporters were about starting on their rounds for news yesterday , when thn oflice door opened and an individual , who&e appearance suggested that ho was laboring under suppressed excitement , stepped In. ' 1 want to ECC a reporter , " lie re marked brusquely. One of the local scribes dropped a gen- r.le hint that ho was a reporter. The llrsl speaker , lowering his tone , dniil , "How lunch . will you give for a good item of news ? " "Tho BKK don't ' pay for local items of IICWH , eir , " the hired man of the pencil feebly suggested. "Don't , eh ? Not for a boss item ? " "No , sir , not for the biggest item in the world " "Huinl" said the first speaker , medi tatively , "lot mo see. Well , then , now much will you take to publish this' My name , " he continued , dropping his voieo to a mysterious whlspcr/'isDr. ' Parcell. " He opened a black case and after much tumbling , produced a sheet of white paper , on which were written the follow ing awesome phrases and sentences : "Murder will out ! " "Rum and bad women will mini" "Tlieho are quotations which have sug gested themselves to my mind since reading the scandal published wherein my name" was mentioned. "A word to the wise is suflicicnt. GKO. H. PAUCKU , . " "It'll cost you 20 cents a line to have. that published as an advertisement , "said the reporter. "WiiowlTVonty cents a line , " returned the doctor. "That's outr - . However. you put it in the paper. I'll yay for it , and , suddenly grabbing the little black case , ho disappeared as mysteriously as he had floated in. 1)11. l'AItCii.I , EXPLAINS. Later in the day the same rcnorter called upon Dr. Parcel ! , and asked him for an explanation of his side of the 'Dlnsmore-Parccll case. Tlio doctor "hesitated somewhat , but a little pressure induced him to talk freely. "In the first place , " ho said , "I went into Dr. Dinsmorc's busi ness with him at his request. I always liked him and I guess he always trusted mo. At any rate , ho nearly always called mo in consultation , before wo went into partnership , when ho Inu ) any difficult cases on hand. Jn fact , ho always said that I was a first-class homcopathist. Wo wont into business together with the understanding that we were to oharo profits alike. Lrom the first hour there was trouble. He would talk about mo behind my back and say all sorts of hard things about me. Why , 0110 day I got one. of the young ladies to show mo now to work the galvanic battery. When the doctor heard of it ho was perfectly wild with rage and cursed me outrage ously , asking me why I had not come to him to.make inquiiics about the battery nstcad of to the girl. Now w.hat do youi ' tliink of that ? It was the same way about other trivial matters. Lately I got to smelling the taint , of liquor on his breath , and I determined to draw out of Slip business , so I notilied him to that efl'cct on July 0 , saying that I would go out of the business three months from Oc tober 4. Why , " he continued , growing confidential , "lr. ) Dinsmoro has been going 'about saying that I am a man of mill perception ? What d'ye think of that ? Why , young man , I toll yout 1 don't believe there is a man in this city who is any quicker of perception than I am. That may sound egotistical , but I don't believe there is. No , sir. Perhaps there is such a man , but I don't think it. " "Dr. Dinsmore accuses you of giving your patients the wrong medicines , or plain water , so that you may keep them iick longer for tlio purpose of extorting money. " "It's an outrageous lie. Not a word of truth to it. I use water In mixing medi cines. So docs every physician. " "What about your singing ? " "About my singing ? You mean in tlio presence of Dr. Dinsmoro and his wife ? \Vcll , young man , I'll toll you. Things got to going from bad to worse in the aanitarium , and 1 thought I would chirp A little to counteract this tendency. Why , Dr. Dinsmore's ' presence got to have a Corribly depressing influence on the at- tondunts. patients , and in fact everybody who went into the sanitarium. In away there was something mysteriously blue about the atmosphere that would affect us all. So I would sing once in a while to prevent this , you seo. Of course I would quit as soon as patients would come in. 1 only chirped a little to coun teract Dr. Dinsmore's depressing ten dency , you might say. " BTIM.I IIKll I1USIIAND. A Wil'u Who Refuses to Bow Before Public Hcntlnieiit. A reporter called upon Mr. J. T. Paul- Eon yesterday to learn his side of the Wooldridgo bigamy caso. But he persistently refused to talk. "I haven't got nn/thing to ajV'ho de clared. 1 have got too muoli on my mind anyway. " "Tho the public is interested In know ing what you think about the thing. Is Wooldridgc " "You're a reuortor and I don't want to talk to you. Go away. Talk to that hitching post. " Mr. Paulson's eldest son was mot shortly afterwards in tlio Rook Springs dairy wagon , and proved to bo more loquacious. "Wooldridgo has loft the country , " ho said , "and I don't know whore 'ho is. Ho certainly isn't at the dairy. I haven't seen anything of him filnco ho left the dairy Thursday morning ho didn't come homo Thm > day night and I guess bo's skipped out. Yes , of course , my sister feels nil broken up about this and she don't more than half boheve the stories that are told about her husband. She is willing to live with him , but ! don't know whether we'll lot her or not. I can't ' say what my father Intends to do about prosecuting him if ho should return. No , ho won't bo in the dairy business with us any more. If lie returns , we'll Ecttlo up with him and lot him go. " EEH ruiiLic OPINION votes it very strange that Mr. Paulson , the father , does not take active stops to push Iho prosecution of Wooldridgo , It is understood , however , that the internes- ulon of the daughter for her husband hns had something to do with mitigating the severity of the father's feelings , In fact , it is pretty well known that Mr , Paulson pave Ids son-in-law timely warning to Iftavo. District Attorney Estello said this morning that ho should take stops to indict Wooldndgo , provided he could assure himsulf that the evidence was strong enough to convict. Marshal Cummings is a very much < lis- sjusUil man. Ho thinks that Wooldridgo ought lo bo prosecuted apd is very indig nant because Mr. Paulson docs not think lo too , As already intimated , Shed II Hickman is milled about the matter , too. When asked by a reporter if lie thought the charges against Wooldridgo were true. ho said : "Why , of course they're true 1 know all about the man , He used to bo em ployed as janitor in the court house at Marshall. I tell you that the man's cot lots of cheek to deny that lie's a nigger. Why , I can bring 50) ) men from Marshall who will swear that ho is a nigger. Just because he's got a light-colored skin he is trying to pa's himself oT ( for a white. Why , ho always used to associate with niggers in Marshall , and never hail any thing lo do with white people. " "Do you know anpthingabout his mar- HiiL'o in Missouri ? " "Yes , I know that ho is married and have ccn a copv of the ccitiheate on file at the court hou < o. His wife is a mulat to , whose name was Li//.io Smith. She afterward married a man named John son and after Ids death was married to Wooldridgo. About three weeks ago the negro came down to Marshall to look after the divorce suit which he had insti tuted .sonic time previous. As the court thought that ho had no grounds upon which to obtain a divorce the ease was dismissed. Prosecuting Attorney James ( . 'oonley told mo the other night that Wooldridgc at that time had a conversa tion with liim about the matter. ' " lie 'I married 'Suppo-se , said , got again ; what could be done ? ' Why , ' rejoined the lawyer , 'you'd put your foot in it. You must , be careful not to do anything ol the kind. ' " TUB OTH12U SIDE. What the Investigating Committee Sny ol'the liiillnrd Cnsc. Messrs. J. Kopp and T. Kr.ilTt called at the Bit : : ollico last night in regard tote to the trouble between Mr. Billiard and OIHeers Mat/.a and McBride. They are entirely impartial parties nnd are only interested in the case by having been appointed by the Knights of Labor to in vestigate it thoroughly , which they did and upon that investigation were or dered to bring charges against the o Ul cers before the council. In the first place these gentlemen want it distinctly under stood that socialism has nothing what ever to do with a single point in the case , and any assertion to the contrary by the ollieors or their friends is false. Mr. Kopp , who is of Iho firm ol Kopp , Drci- bus & Co. , maunfacturercrs of candies , belongs to the same assembly of Knights of Labor as Billiard , the injured man. He stales that farther than this he docs not know Billiard and previous to Satur day last lie did not know him by name. The facts in the case as far as ho ( Kopp ) is concerned he says are these : Saturday night Billiard sent for him and ho went to his house ami a request was made to bring the matter before ho assembly Knights of Labor. This Mr. Kopp did and he and Mr. Krafl'l were appointed a committee to investigate the matter and report thereon. U his they did as thoroughly as possible , vjsiting and ex amining Billiard and his wile and all those having any knowledge of the trouble witn tiio policemen. On the committee's report they were ordered to prefer charges against the officers before the council , which instructions they fol lowed. Further than this both gentle men say they had and have nothing to do witli the case. Mr. Krafl't says , howovcr , that the ease would have been investi gated by the assembly K. of L. to which liullurd belonged , whether Mr. Kopp had been called upon by the injured man or not. Both gentlemen report that Bui- lard is in a critical condition. They also state that as far as they are able to learn from eye witnesses , that Billiard when nlnccd under arrest on the night of the affray was willing to ? o with McBride , but wanted Lo get his coat. As ho went around the corner of his house to get it McBride seized him , struck him on the head with liis club , dragged him along the ground , kicked him , anil even stood over liim with a revolver , threatening to shoot. When the patrol wagon arrived Dr. Stout , who was present , lirotcstcd against Bullanj being taken to the station"as his condition was critical , and on the doctor's protest the injured man was allowed to remain at home. Like all cases of this kind , tliero are two sides , and the UEB has given both. The council will doubtless have an opportu nity to hear both , and with it the verdict lies. The socialist-anarchist business apparently is a bngboar in connection with the caso. THE MIMIC WOULiI ) , Which , at Boyd's Opera House , Is Being Stocked With Scenery. The carpets have becnjandjtaken ofT the opera house floors , stairs , out of the boxes and sent to the carpet-boating establish ment whore they will drop tons of dust. The lobby looks deserted and a number of strange faces of workmen are visible around the familiar precincts. The stage has been turned into a carpenter shop and Stage Carpenter Booth and Al Kos- tor , the property man , with a number of other hands are engaged in making frames for now scenes and other devices to bo usc'd the coming season. The "painter's bridge" which has boon idle so long is now occupied by the artist , Graham , of tlio firm of Graham & Davis of Kansas City. This gentleman arrived yesterday , and already has inadu con siderable progress in * the painting for which he camo. Ho will bo engaged here about six weeks when the opera house will reopen with n fresh and now supply of beautiful scenery. This policy of re plenishing tlio scenery every year at Boyd's is ono which is commended by the actors who come hero , the inora espec ially because it is carried out hero more fully than in any other house on the Mis souri rivor. It is also appreciated by the people and lends a now interest to almost , every production. Mr. Graham will , this year , paint more now and ra-toueh more old scenes than he has over done on any of his earlier visits. Among this year's work will bo eight street wings , of both ancient and mod ern styles. These will bo cut In profile , and aot as business places , public build ings and private residences. The stage at the Boyd has never had street wings before fore , it being found necessary to supply their places with the wood wings. Ho will also paint a white pointed Eliza bethan interior decorated with armorial bearings , illuminated windows and feat ures peculiar to the that age. This will bo particularly appropriate for a largo number of operas and is being painted expressly for them. Beside those , there are several other "interiors , " one of which is to bo most elaborate hi ddslgn and excellent in treatment. The supply of sot prices consisting of rocks , trees , houses and other articles of like nature is to bo increased , so that , iu fact the stage will have at least fifty nor cent , of its material that will bo fresh to the audience , The Treasurer' * Books. City Treasurer Buck's financial state ment for the month of Juno was com pleted yesterday. The following Is a summary , ! Collected as city treasurer. , S'Jl 000 Jllsbureeil CO 000 Collected as treasurer of poard of edu cation , . . , o SOO Disbursed. , , 81 800 Treasurer Buok luis $00,000 of the county 10 per cent , bonds latued fifteen years ago and which wore due and paid on July 1. Thorn are but $10,000'worth bonds still outfitaudiug , \ CAN'T GKT JUS Aslibm-u's lilttlc Darlings Itcmaln \vlth tliclr Grand I'nrcnts. Yesterday morning migoVnkcloyrciu1 [ - crcdu < lccs5onin ! [ the linbcnscorpn > | casoof Asliburn vs. Shepparil , in which the father endeavored to sucuro possession of Ins two cnildrcn , Nannie and LHlio , aged respectively live and three years. Tin ; court denied the motion nnd decided to leave ono of the children in thn care of the grand parents and the other in that of the annt of the little ones , in whoso charge they have been for three voars back. The tleeMon was rendered with much sympathetic feeling on the part of the judge , and was attentively listened to by everybody in the court room. The at tendance was qiiito largo and many of the persons composing it were ladies. The children were also present in the chnrgc of their present guardians , and evoked much admi ration by their pretty faces. The.judge referred to the dentil of the mother , which took place In Iowa three years ago , also the indigent circumstances - stances in which the husband was r.t the time , ho being unable to pay the expenses of his wife's illness without mortgaging the household goods. He then spoke about the mother's dying request , to llio effect that her children should be cared for by their grand narents and aunt. Ho then related now the last-mentioned par- tic had complied with the request , and with no objection on the part of the father Lately , however , the latter had , for some reason , unknown , sought to get possession of his children , notwithstand ing that tiie latter were well cared for and loved by their present guardians. He then referred to the law of the case , the pniu'iiilo of which in the early law was the right of the parents to have the maintenance of their ofl'spring. Such a law he hold was the law of nature , su perior to any human enactment , but ho thought that of paramount importance. , and in this instance such was the case , was the welfare of the children which ought to bo considered. The little ones were now housed and at homo with rela tives who admired and loved them , cared for them , tended them in illness and prided in their goodness and beauty. If they were lobe taken away trom their present guardians they would be taken by the father , who , since his wife's death , had not made for himself a homo where ho could be the master. To shut them up in such a place would deprive relatives of the right to visit them only by the siiilcrmico of the woman who owned the boarding. They would thus bo largely deprived of the care of the father ' and' entirely of the loying interest of blood relations. Such , ho thought , would not conduce to the prospective advan tage of the children and the decision was to allow the children to remain with their grandparents and annt. Sears , Ashburn's attorney , tool ; exception to the decision and will aupeal. The pres ent guardians of the children were re quired to give $1,000 bonds not be remove the children from within the jurisdiction of tlio court pending the question of appeal. TWO KOUTES. An Interesting ; Unco ofAVhlch Europe IH the Goal. The first train of eighty carloads of tea , bounil from Japan to Europe , passed through Omaha yesterday , having made better than passenger time on the run from San Francisco to this city. There is nothing very unusual , as a general thing , about the arrival of a train load of tea in Omaha , but in this case the matter is decidedly interesting. The fact is that a contest is taking place to determine whether tea can be shipped from China and Japan to Europe quicker by the overland route or by the Suez canal route. By the former route the tea is shipped to America in the Pacilio Ocean steamers. The cargo then goes across the continent via the Central Pacitic , Union Pacilic and connections , being .shipped thcnco across the Atlantic to Europe. Via the Suez canal route , tea goes be low India through the Hcd sea , past the Malay peninsula , through the Suez canal into the Mediterranean and thence to Europe. The latter route is somewhat the shortest , and the sailing vessels whioh are engaged in the contest arc of the ilcetest description. At the same time the fact that fast railroad time is made in crossing the American continent will , it is thought , give the overland route tiie advantage. The fast steamship , Hyder- bad , carries the tea from Japan to San Francisco. The contest is an interesting one , and its outcome will bo awaited with a good of interest by American ami European importers. J. J. Kennedy , for thirteen years back one of the most prominent ol the yard men of the Union Pacilio lower yards , and for several years the export and lightning foreman of tlio same , lias re signed his position and been succeeded by M. Burke. The Missouri Pacific passenger , which is due hero at 7:00 : in the morning , did not arrive yesterday unll 10 o'clock Itjwas delayed an hour and a half at Port Itoyul , a station near Atchison , Kas. , by a freight train which was oil' the track. When it reached the western limit of the Union Pttcilic yards it was subjected to a delay of thirty minutes more by a freight train which , in turn , was endeavoring to got along to business. Yesterday tlio biggest inflow of cars from all stilus to the Union Pacilio yards that has taken place in some time attracted the attention of everybody about the Union Paoilio depot. Every track in the latter except those on which No. and the Missouri Pacilio stand was filled with freight cars , reaching from Tenth to the viaduct at Seventh , street. To thn west of Tenth street tlio tracks wore filled in about the same man ner. It seemed almost impossible to find a way through them. This tiling was the cause of a couple of blockades , The Grand Island was shelved out on the double track until No. 3 loft , and then had to take another rest because of the intervention of a freight which slowly ( mailed out of its way. The Missouri Piicillo also was compelled to wait about half an hour a short distance out to enable another freight to get out of its way. This number of cars argues a wonderful increase in the business of the yard as it certainly does also the insufficiency - sufficiency of the accommodations at the yards for a satisfactory handling of the same. An interview with \V. P. ( inflitts , com missioner of the Omaha Freight bureau , yesterday resulted in ajreportor receiving liis assurance that ho is advised by com petent authority that irolght rates be tween Chicago and Omaha will bo res tored to tariff on thoSOth inst. GltAXTBlT'K13LIEF. . The Smelting Works Men nnd Their Severe Tnnlc Master. The laborers at the smelting works for some time baoK have seriously objected to the harsh treatment to whioh they have been subjected by ono of the bosses ut that placo. It is claimed that when there Las tfcon sickness in a man's fam ily , which suggested the latter to ask for a day's lay oil' , the answer of the boss would be , in substance , that a lay-off would result hi another man's taking the absentee's position. If a laborer felt tired nnd thought a rest of a few days would bo of bonotit to him , ho lacked the courage lo ask for it , became , it is said , lie know it would bo refused. It is ulso stated that there .have been oases where men , in whoso families deutiXJiiul taken plaify UftYC been granted scarcely the Hnm no 'dcd to bury their relatives before they were expected to return to work. The men bore with this treatment until recently , when a committteo laid the fuels before Mr. Bar ton , ono of the proprietors , who , it is said , became indignant at the recital and promised that the state of ntl'airs should bo remedied at once. The relief has come , but it is said thn matter is still to receive some attention Irom the Knights of Labor. Mnfor Hell Tnlka. Major Joseph W. Bcllj the now Indian agent from llctl Cloud agency , appointed to succeed Dr. IMi-Glllicuiltly , was in the city yesterday. He came to Omaha Jon a little matter of private business. The major , who hails from Fort Buford , Da kota territory , Is a tall soldierly looking gentleman of about forty years of ago and has a distingue appearance. Ho is not inclined to talk freely about agency a II airs. "The Indians on our reservation are behaving themselves nicely , " ho said , "and Red Cloud , the 'big chief.1 is un usually quiet. McGilhemldy loft things in good shape. Everything is quiet. " 11 How do you like vour new position ? " "I can't say that I enjov it much. I have tried my best to resign , but they won't let mo go. " I'olloe Court * Judge Stcnberg sentenced John Dow , in police court yesterday , to thirty days in the county jail , twenty of it on bread and water. Dow had entered Park ( lOilwm's ollico ThurMlay.night and stolen some articles of clothing. John Brown , Samuel Green , Dave Me- Ginty were lined sfo and costs for drunk enness , while Henry Becehor , Thomas Wood , M. A. O'Connor ' and James Mc Carthy , charged \Vlth a similar oiloncc , were released. J. K. Kapsard. an obstreperous individ ual who had a light with a policeman and tore oil' his coat in the course of the mclce , was lined 510 and costs. Ono man arrested for vagrancy was disciiarged. Chain. The watch chain which was formerly supposed to have been stolen by a man named Duval , from Edholm & Erickson , was , Thursday gdccided to belong to lluberman. Although claimed by Ed helm & Erickson , lluberman rccogni/.ed it by a private mark , the letter S lightly engraved upon the swivel. When he found this mark ho replevined tlio chain from District Attorney Estellc with the resntt.abovo mentioned Arthur Wakcly appeared for lluberman. C. 11. Gilmore will learn something to his , intcrcst bv communicating with drawer No. 10 , Omaha , Neb. The Gna Question Again , The gas company refuses to accept the city warrants in payment for gas bills since the city council reduced the price ot gas tor city consumption from $2 to § 1.50 per 1,000 tcet , and from § 03 to ? 2o per lamp post. No warrants have been taken in payment for gas since Decem ber. The company 'oflirials assert that it is not getting what -it is entitled to from tlio municipality. At the council meeting on Tuesday night it is quite probable the gas ofliccrs will be present to protest to the committee on lights. Opolt's Hotel , Lincoln Neb. , opened March 10th , first class in every respect. The ItctalnlnK.'AValls. The county comissioncrs Thursday J af ternoon accepted llw > plans of Architect Henry Voss for -the retaining walls around the county court house. His bid was for $23,373 , $1000 lower than other bids. The proposed wall will be live feet six inches above the sidewalk , twenty-two inches wide and sixteen inches attho'top , and will bo built of dressed stone to cor respond with the building. Spirit Ijalco Excursion. Every Saturday the Sioux City route will sell excursion tickets Council Blufi's to Spirit Lake and return at rate of $5.50. Tickets good going day of sale and re turn until following Monday p. m. For tickets and sleeping car accommodations cail at ticket oflice , 1411 Farnam st. District. Court. In the case of Mrs. Yerga and John N. Edwards , heirs of the Isaac Edwards es tate , against General Webster , executor , contesting his right to receive fets as at torney and executor at the same time , amounting to about ono thousand dollars in excess of a reasonable amount , Judge Wakoley has heard all the testimony and will render a decision early ne.\t turn. St. I'aul nnd Minneapolis Excursion. On Saturday of each week the Sioux City route will sell four day excursion tickets Council Binds to St. Paul and re turn at rate of $12.05. Tickets good to return until Tuesday p m. following. Call at ticket oflice , Mil Farnam St. , for tickets and sleeping car accommodations. Person u I Paragraphs. J. C. David and wife of PawncoICity are at the Paxton. J. E. Shane of the Rural New Yorker , is at the Paxton. Mrs. W. II. Gulick went cast an a two months visit Thursday. C. W. Howcll of the Second infantry , with his wife , are registered at tlio Pax- ton. Ex-Postmaster Thomas Hall was among the westward bound passengers Thurs day. D John Grant IIRS gene to Chicago and St. Paul in the interest of his patent walks. Howard JSmith went cast Thursday for an extended lour along the New Eng land i.'oast. Clint H. Allen , the popular member of Baggageman Haney'd ' corns has returned from a visit to Philadelphia. Mr. Thomas McNamara loft "yesterday for .Brooklyn , N. Y. , to attend the funeral of a brother who died Thursday. B. R. Ball , of the iirm of Ball < fc Van Brump , has just returned from Chicago. Ho was accompanied by his niece , Miss Kittle Ball. Rev. W. J. Horslm of tlio First Presby terian church leaves on Monday next for Harbor Point , Mich. , to upend a month's vacation , L , W. Camp , advance agent for Blind Boone , was in the city I'hur&day endeavor ing to secure dates early in 'August for his "musical prodigy. " Mr. James Ware , manager of the Ogalalla Land and Cattle company of western Nebraska , of which Win. A. Pnxton of this city is president , came down from Keith county yesterday and registered at the Paxton. Roy. O. L. Barter , of Columbus , O. , aNew Now Church ( owedonborgion ) clergyman. is iu the city and desires to make the ac quaintance of all interested in the writIngs - Ings pf Swedonborg and on Monday next he will cull on all who will throu"li the general delivery of the postotliCo name a time and place of iifeoting , Dank Clearings. Tlio bank clearings yesterday were $807,838.04. This is ono of the largest day's clearings yet reported. Articles of incorporation of the Uni versal Brand Book and Stock Detect < vo association were filed with iho county clerk Thursday. The object "of the asso ciation is to protect the brands of the cattle owners of the west. A SPIUiTUAlj KETUI3AT. Closed for Cntholio Clerjry at CrclRh- ton College Yesterday. Yesterday the spiritual rclrealr given at the request of IlNItop O'Conno for the benefit of the secular clcrgv of this diocese came to a close. It has been in progress in Creighton college since last Monday evening. It was conducted by Rev. F , Nussbaum , S. J. , of Chicago , ono of the eminent divines of the Jesuit order at that place. The gonllcnien in attend ance upon the retreat remained at the college , whcro they left this morning for homo. They comprised the following list of clergymen : Revs. Win. - McDonald _ - ! _ _ . . . , DawsonJ. * * ; . 1-9 B. f. Fit/cor- r Kausch , Wymore ; .1. M. Hyan , Columbus ; J. K. English , Kxetcr ; J' J. Hannan , I'remont ; 11. Kupponbcnder , Blue Hill ; F. Dovass , Spauhling ; J. Hen- sing , West Point ; O. N. Turgeon. Wheat- hind ; 1' . Brophy. O'Neill ; T. Kearney , Plattsmouth ; 1" . Lynch , Grand Island ; . Miller , David Oily ; A. Aline , St. Liboryi M. J. Barrett , North 1'latto ; .1. Lawless , Jackson ; K. J. Kngle.brccht. Monterey ; K. deary , Central City , and Messrs. Kelley , JMcUrath , Doxacher , Flood , Glauber , Jonuotto and McCarthy , of Omaha. T1IIIITEI3NTI1 STKEK'l' IHtlDOIO. Its AVnllw TtntitK limit nnd What la lOviipcted to Kollnw. The Union 1'acilio are erecting the walls of the new railroad bridge at Thir teenth street to take place of the old one. which rested upon walls which impeded progress on the streets. The new walls are built on cither side and are placed on the curb lino. They are being built of n broad , hard stone of ample dimensions to make them stand for many years. The old walls extended but a few feet on cither side of the bridge , but the now ones will reach from the north end of the support of the B. & M. bridge to Lcavon- worth street nearly fifty foot further. This will enable the Union Pacific to build five or six tracks across the street and make the bridge a part of the yards , thus giving it ample accommo dation for the increase of jts business for many years. That such is the present intent of tlio company is shown by Iho grading it is doing immudiately west of the storehouses ot its coal department , as also by the increased space which it has provided for under the viaduct at Six- tc'cnth street. AN EAUTA" GKAVE. In Which Rest tlio Hcinalns ol' Miss Majjslc Rrodcrlck. The funeral of Miss Maggie Brodcrick took place yesterday morning at 8:30 : o'clock from the res- dcnco of her parents on South Eleventh street. The remains were b'orno to the cathedral of St. Philomena. where requiem high mass was chanted bRev. , . F. Carroll. The juvenile choir , under tlio direction of' Miss Faniiio Ar nold , rendered the choral work in a very impressive manner. The pall bearers were J. I. Nichol , C. J. Smyth , J. T. Moriarity and T. F. Brcn- nan. The casket was a beautiful ono of rosewood , richly adorned with silver and tastefully covered with flowers. Two of the designs into which the latter were worked were a magnificot wreath of im- niortcllcs and a pillow with the name of 'the deceased worked upon the surface. There was a large attendance of sympa thizing friends of the family , as well as associates and admirers of the deceased. The remains were interred in St. Mary's cemetery , more than fifty carriages be ing required to accommodate the tricnds who lollowcd them to the grave. AN IMPORTANT QUESTION. Colonel Chase Wants to Know Whether He Was Legally Impeached. Messrs. Bloom and Thurston , law yers , appeared before Judge Wakclcy yesterday afternoon to argue a law-point brought up by ex-Mayor C. S. Chase , who desires to recover the balance of his salary , which would have accrued to him , had ho remained in ollieo to the end of his term. Ho claims that the coun cil had no right to impeach or oust him , on the charges of bribery , and this important point Judge Wakeley will bo called upon to decide. Mr. Bloom spoke for half an hour and was followed by Judge Thurston. Chase claims $1)00 ) as the balance duo him. Judge Wakclcy has the matter under advisement. Brevities. t The county commissioners issued 153 warrants Thursday aggregatng ? 3,000. CentralW. C. T. U.-A prayer and praise service will be held at the parlors , 15th and Capitol avo. , Saturday evening , July 17th , at 8 o'clock. Friends of the union cordially invited. By order presi dent. JiidgoDnndy has issued an attachment for Henry O _ . Limbacli , the head of a milling firm in Beatrice , for contempt of court in refusing to deliver his book ac counts to the receivers appointed by tlio court. A sign posted up at Sixteenth and Far nam indicates that tlio old Goodrich house on the southeast corner is for sale. This building is one of the old landmarks of the city , and at ono time was considered the tincfit residence in the city. Air. C. S. Goodrich has purchased the Loronzen property on Twentieth between St.Mary's avenue and Jackson street. " .Mr. C. II. Braimird , who for the past six months has hold the position of stew ard at tlio Hubbard house , leaves to-day for Omaha to assume the management of the Canliold houso. Last evening ho was treated to a surprise that was en tirely imoxpcotcd , and which was all the more appreciated because mic.h a matter had not entered his mind. The employes in the house and his friends in the city presented him with a valuable hunting- case gold watch as a token of their es teem , the following words being engraved on tne inside of the case ; 'C. H. Brain- ard. Presented by Ills friends In Sioux City , la. . July 15 , 1880. ' For once Mr. Brainard was too much surprised to talk back , but ho managed to express his thanks to the donors anil wish them God speed through life. " Sionx City Journal. Mr , Braimird has arrived in the city and his friends here greet him with open arms. THE ETCHERTS AnT. The Tools Jin Works With and the KfTects Ho Produces. New York Evening Pose : On the ton floor of a high bricK building , vthich fronts one ot the largest squares in this city , Is the studio of an etcher whoso name on an artist's proof is a sure guar antee that the subject is worthy a place in any salon , There is something char acteristic in the homo of every artist ; something which enables even a casual observer to classify its occupant at onco. So tno first glance at the room in ques- "tion leaves no doubt in the mind of a vis itor that it is inhabited by a man devoted to art. The hard-wood floor is covered with rugs- , the walls are lined with unframed - framed pictures and piaster of paris models- , the panels of the doors and the larger pieces of furniture are decorated to correspond , and In the centre of all stands the easol. It is to bo observed , however , that the easel docs not occupy the principal place in the i-oom. JuducU , it may b sjjid that this alone constitutes the chief difference in the pencnil appearance , between a painter's and an etcher's studio. Thn pAlnter executes his work on a piece o canvas , stretched over a frame and placet on an easel. The etcher does his work on a heavy copper plnte , placed flat on the top of a table. Near at hand are a set of sharp-pointed sleel tools , etching ground , spirit lamp , a twisted lump ol "wall-wax , " burnisher and roller. On a certain rainy night the writer was seated in a comfortable chair in this studio. Crackers , eheeso and beer , un failing accompaniments of an artisl's quarters , occupied a < 'on pieuous plaeo on a heavy oak table. The air had begun to turn blue with smoke from the pipes , when the etcher , to answer the innumer able questions which had been asked said : "Let me give you in a connected story the history of an etching from the time the copper pinto is placed in position for work until It leaves the hands of the printer. In the tirst place , the copper plate is thoroughly washed with turpen tine , or better , with ben/.ino , for the former is a little too thin. This is to re- movs any grease. The plato is then heated , commonly by burning under it heavy etching paper , or , if tlio plato is n largo one , by a spirit lamp. It is heated to sueli a temperature that water will roll oil'in globules. When the plate is sulll- cientlp heated n preparation known us 'etching ground1 is applied. This is a composition which conies prepared in the shape of a round ball , about the si/.o of a black walnut , and is made of aiplialttim , becs\vax and oil lavender. This composition is carefully tied u in silk , nnd through this silk the etching ground ooxes on to the plate , where it is laid with a roller. After the ground is nupllud and has sullieiently cooled it is smoked , in order to give the etcher a black surface on which to work. The smoking is done with a twined wax taper , candles , or in laet with any sub stance which will produce the desired eilect. When the plato is cold the ground is porfceilv < iiard. So much for the first part of tlio proees , that of preparing the plate. "The etcher is now ready for work in earnest. Ho takes a drawing , which , of course , may bo original or a copy , and etches its fac-similo on the plate before him. It' lie wishes to take special pains with his subject , which isusually the case , ho does not copy the drawing direct ly on the plate , but takes an intermediate step. Over his drawing ho fastens a porloetly hard transparent irclatine composition , and with his etching point etches thn drawing on this , exactly on the principle of the transparent slate of our nursery days. The gelatine plato is removed , and m-esents a rough and scratched surface. It is lightly scraped , but so lightly that , the indented lines arc not disturbed or clhiccd. These ILnis are tilled with red chalk. The gelatine plate is then re versed and placctl on the etching ground of the copper plate. A burnisher is ap plied , which transfers the chalk lo the etcher's lorm or upon the plate. Thus the etcher has a perfect outline of the drawing on the plate on which he is to work. In this way he is guided in his task , anil his work is expedited. "Tho etcher now begins to use the tools of liis trade , each of which is known as an 'etching point. ' With these instru ments the .subject is again etched , this time on the etcher's ground. AVhcro the etcher wishes lo obtain the darkest effects fewer liniics are cctchcd and are made further apartto able ilicm to stand a longer uite' by Jthe acid. Of course the acid oitcs into the copper plate only where the etching point has stretched through the etcher's ground to the original copper plato. If the plate on which the artist is at work is a small one , it is placed in a pan and the acid is then poured on. If , however , it is a large one , there is put around the edge of the plato what is known as a'frame of wall-wax,1 in one corner of wHch is placed a spout for convenience in pouring oil' the acid. The first application of the acid is weak. It bites clean and delicately. It leaves the sky lines , the distance lines , and , iu general , the lighter part of the picture. After these lines are bitten the acid is poured oil' , and tlio ground washed with water. Then tlie parts which the artist docs not wish to have longer acted upon by the acid are covered with a 'stoppinir- ont' varnish. The next application of the acid is stronger , in order to obtain the heavier effects. So the artist con tinues stopping-out ono place after an other until the plato is sumeiently bitten , and until he has reached the foreground. When the entire plato has been suffi ciently bitten , or , in other words , when the picture has been etched into the cop per plato by means of the acid , the wax wall is removed and the plato thoroughly cleaned with licn/.inn. Now ho can go to the printer and sec what he has. If some of tlio lines prove too heavy , a little in strument known as the burnisher will re duce them. The lines can oven bo run out entirely. If the lines arc not strong enough , a'now rebiting ground can bo put on whenever desired and the changes made. "When the last touches have boon com pleted tiie plato is sant to tlio publishers. The publishers send it to an elcctrotyper to have a steel face put on. This is ilono to protect the plato , which would other wise soon bo worn out on the press. Tlio operation of elcctrotyping the plato is so delicately done that when steeled the pic ture which it prints could not bo distin guished from the picture printed before the operation by the original copper plato. Tlio finest jincs arc coated lines which are hardly visible to the naked eye ami which originally have the appear ance of a hair. "Tho beauties of etching are explained in many ways. I tliink , however , that its special adaptation in the hands of an artist is to enable him lo give to the pub lic , not lo ono person , something of liis individual work , something which hns the charm of a sketch , yet which can bo produced to any extent. For instance , an artist sketches a landscape. It is im possible for more than one person to own that piece of work , that is , thorn is but ono copy ; there can possibly bo Out ono. Now tlio etching enables tlio artist to give his sketch to the public in just the. mood in which it was made. For , instead of making it on paper or canvas , ho has made it on a copper plato , from which it can bo indefinitely multiplied. " Absolutely Pure. This powder never vnrlev A ronrvpl ofpiir- Ity , ttrcnutli ftiiJ wliolt > somoiies3. Moro econ omical tbun tliu oiillimry kinds and rmint tic told In compuddou witli tlio multitude ol low teatshort wolglit nlum nr pliosplmto iiowdcrg. Bold oiiiy in eniw. ' HoVAt , UAKI.NG 1'owuui Co. naris , v "THE QUEEN OP TABLE WATERS. " "T/tt defective sewerage system ( ] f tnany tf ] our cities and the iM-ttrainage pf our forge h'vns anti rural distiicff , arej > cisoiiing ( he rery stwrcts of Actable water in many instances" A , Van dcr Veer , A.M. , M.D. , frttttltut of tht Mnticat Stelttf tj the State ff Xtv'tr * . Fetruan'i , tSS6. "The purity of APOLLIXARIS eiffcrs the best security against the dan gers which are common to most of tht ordinary drinking waters" London Medical Record. ANNUAL SALE , 10 MILLIONS. Of all GweriDntgsistt & * Jin.'at.Dealer \ \ ! , BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. " TBMKEN SPnifJG VEHICLES. OVER 400,000 jeu IN USE. nn tri } Itlillnjr TcMcIo mtidr. Hides t via mtlinns prrfun as ton. Tlio NprlnnK IrnRllicn snci Minrlctt accenting totbft waliibt tnoyrarry. I > ] uUiy : M'rtl.nilnplrd lo roiiRli country ropd * nml flnp ilil cH"lilli. > i. , MiimiriirHucilm tH ( > t < l lir "I U'nilltic Currliuio IlullJcrn mill Itculcro 'APITOLAVE. ' KOIl T11K THMATMKNT OV A I.I. CHRONIC AI1D SURGICAL DISEASES. ASI > MANt-rArronr or DRACCS AND APPLIANCES FOU DEFORMITIES , TRUSSES , AND CLECTRIO BATTEKIES. We 1m vo thi > mcllltlc * . uppiimttts nnd remedies for the mcceMfnl treatment of rvprjr furm or < llscu a rcqulrlnn cltlu-r motllral or Mtrirlcnl treatment , nml ItiTlteull to cnma und InrrstlK'iterortlioniM-lvrior correspond with us. JXHIK experience In treating canon I IT letter ormbk'B UK to treat many ciici eclpntincally vrlthnut rooltip them. WItlTK roil ClllCULAIl on deformities nn < t Itrnces , Club Keel , rurviituro of tlie Hulnc. IJIS- KASHS OK WOM1CN. I'lleii. Tuninn , Ounce . Ciitnrrll.UronrlmKliituilntlon.Klectrlrlty.ParHljulJ , Upllcv | < r. Ktilncr. l o , ICnr , Skin , lllood anil all t 11HACEH , " " " _ . . . "uml "nil"kinds of ileillcal and Surgical Applluncej.manufactured nml formic. The only reliable Medical Inslitutomaking Private , Spocia Nervous Diseases AI > I.COXTAtI10USANIllUllISrASE.fron ( ) : whatever muna proilncpil , niccessriilly t rented. SVc cun roniovo Sfptitlltla polbuu traiu ttio nydcni without mercury. . . . New rp tnnitlro Iron tnirnt for los nf vllnl power. ALT , COMMUNICATIONS CONl'IDKNTlAIj. Call nml consult imor tend immeiiiid i > o.'t-olilco iiUJrefn plainly written cnclofo clump , nndvu will ecud TOU , In pluln wrapper , our PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEN T7PON I'lUVATB. HIMtCIAli AND NKItVOUS m.r. KASKH. SRMINAI. WIIAICNKSS , SI'KUMATOR. 1IIHKA. IMI'OTKNCV. SVI'IHI.IS. RDNOltltlllllA , ( JhKKT , VAIlirocm.K. STIIH'TIIIIH. AN'I ) Al.li UlSIIAHRSOFTHC OENITIM'UINAHY OUGANS. or ncnil lilBtorjr of your niBO lor iin opinion. 1'erfons unntilo to vl.-lt ua may bo treated at their homes , by correspondence. Medicines nnd Initrn. mcntBRcnt by inti.l or express BKCUHKl.V TACK. 1O KHO't Oftf'KllVATlOS. no marks to Imllcuta contents c.'Bondfr. Otio penonnl Interview preforrcil If convenient. , Klftr rooms fur the itn-ominndiitlnn of pntlcnts. no.-inl unit nttandaaco ot rciisouabla price. Address all Letters to Croatia RJodical feSurgscal ( nsfifufe , Cor. 13th St. , and Capitol Ava. , Omalia , Neb. To Bridge Contractors. will bo received on or before PROPOSALS , July "Hit , for tlio brUlKlujr of 7.1 inilt,11 * of tlio Clioycnne & Northern Kafhvny. Spec'.llciit Ions nml full pnrliculurH inny lie oli- obtntncil nt tlio olllcn ol' the iiiidPiNljriio'I , to whom nil proposals inustlio forwarded not Inter tbun the uliovo mimed dalo. J. J. JUtUWN & CO. , Cheyenne , wyo. _ Jy Hd - _ Time Table OMAHA. The folloivlns : Is the tlmo of nrrlvnl nml ilo- pnrturoof truliisliy Centrnl S-'timdnrdTiini ! nt ho locnl < loiots. | Truing ol' llio C. , St. P. , M. AJ ) . nrrlvo mid dop.'trt from tlicilr depot , corner of Htii imcl W clistcir street * : trains on tlio II. .v M. 3. It. & ( , ) . and K. C. , tl. J. k O. II. flora Iho II. & M. depot nil others from the Union 1'udllu lc'pot > imircnTKAiNs. Ilridjro trains will leitvo II. I' , depot nt fiM : n7B--8lO : : : 8:10SliO1110:03 : : : 11:1)0 : ) a. m. : HI ; OJ - - - - - - Arrival nnd dopnrttiro of Ir.tlna from the ? nuisierDapc > t at Council Ulntlb : uni'Aur. Aitnivn. CIIIIUOO , HOCK ISLAND t I'ACICIU. II 7:1.1 : A.M. I n : ! 5.i.M. II 9 : 15 A.M. Hfltfio r. si. CUl3i : > . M. I 117:001- : . CIIICAOO 4 NOUTmViSlT.IIN. : nni.A. : M. I ninir. A. M. C o:4 : p. M. I II 7:00 : i' . M. IJ1I1OAOO , DUIUilNOTON S. QU1SIIV. A9:3fiA. M. I A Hli ! A. M. IlO:4Ji : > . .M. 1 H 0:20 : p. M. I A 7:10 : l % .M. cnicAno , MiMrAUKr.n * ST. PAIII * . AOilflA. M. I AIir.\.M. ) : AUIOl : > . M. J A7OJI' : . M- KANSAS C1TV , ST. ,1OK L COUNCIL lll.UFFS. A 10:00 : A.M. | I ) 0:33 : A.M. 0 : Ml' . M. I Ar : H5p. M. W AltASII , RT. LOUIS k PACiriC. A 3:00 : r. M. | A 3:110 : P. M. EIOUX CITV & rAOiric. A 7:0.1 : A. M. | APr5A. : M. A 0 : ! ! . M. | A8.VP. : ) M. _ lhpirt. ; ; _ \VlTSTWATtI _ > . "A.M. j M. , UNION 1'AOIl'lC. . M. . M. ' ti'JUu ; . . . .I'liolllo i6':05\ : : . .Uc'iiver Kxproba. . Q:05u : liOfllll'.XIIIO-M II. * M. IN MCII. 810a ; . . .Mull IIIK ! I xpi-OHS. . 0:40n : Dopnrt. POI'TIIWAHU. "Arrh-u. l > . M. MIsSlritI l'ACIl'10. A.M. I * . M. . . ltiV . K.\ . . | > ross ' i . . . . Nl | { ) | t . bVuo'ii K. c. , h-r. .1. .v t1. n , JliWa 8:151) : . . .Vlu I'JatlBinoiltli. . . 7:00d : 7:10 : Depiu't. Arrive. A. M. 11' * . M. ( ' . , ST. I' , , M. to O. A. MArrive. iiT BlDii : , . Sioux Clly i\pi-ie-i. : . . r > :45a : ri:45c'OnUlaiid : _ Act.inumnl'n ( lll30a ; IK'Diirt. _ ItAfiTVVAiTl ) . "Arrive , "A. Mr. ; . M. " I " . . H. & Q. rjTii. I p. M. _ UiSOl _ OjOV „ . V JMol tsimjuiJU. . | Oi-Jul 7:10 : NOTB--A , l.'itliiB dnlly ; II. dulhoxccpt Bun- lnjr ; U , dully oxeopt Snttirduy ; O.dnily oxopt Holiday. _ _ KTOt'lC VAIII ) TltAINr ) will leave U. J . depot , Oiiiulm , nt ' 0:10-7:35- : : 10:0)11. : in : 2UO-aa--46.-5rtV-iJ:00 : : ; : p. m. l'nfltuKxpios.liSa | : | ) . m.j Denver Kx. . 10:55 : a.m. ; JXJCT.I ix..VOi : p. m. ' Lonvn flock yards lor Umiihn at * 7:05 : 9n3 : in. : 2in-ilt ; : : : : > -lti-U:03 : ; ; : 8Wp. : m. Mo. 1'uc. ijf. { [ jo. H. O. 6l77ii'in.'s'2U'ji'UlVl"i'.I : ! J _ Hx'c pt SunJnv- " Tfl OlVIjir. A lialf\e. rorman ' H Cur i , fur l/ . t Minhuoil , lielillll ) , XH , 1 vuuaiK'KLVcakncMi. No quackery , liu _ Proposals for SRALKD 1'roposula will lie roculvud by iho iindoreltfiioil until 11 o'clock n. m. , July tctli , IB I , fur tfrndlny iho following utrcoU fn tlio cltyot Omulia.uj per ordinance , nnd In uncord- nice with plain , iin < J gpocllluallonsoii llio In the office of the Ilourii ol 1'ubllo Works , vl/ : \ \ oohvorlh iivonno from 21 tu to U'ind eti cot. I'ai-k ruurniu from Uuvonworlk to Ilultlmoro or HUkniy sticot. lll'la lo liu intido upon printed blanks furnish- cdby the hoard , nnd to bo accompanied with a cvrlltloil cheek In thuBtimol' llvo hundred del lars , puvaule to Iho city of Oinuha , us un evi dcnruoi t-'ood fiiitu. The board reserves the rlsht lo reject nay 01 ull bliih or r.-tilvo defects. defects.J. . K. IIOl'BB. CUulrninn Hoard. of I'ubilo Works. Jy 15-10-r.J W su.