SPECIAL NOTICES. " " "AiKtrll'imenH tinderilili hoid , lOcontM'or line for Iho nr t Insertion , 7 ccnU for cnch sub- Bcqurnt ln orl'on. nnd ! 1.W ) a line fir month. No ndvertl oinont liken for Itss tlmn 25 cent/ ) for the tlMt Insertion Sovtn words will l > o coimiLi ) to tlio lines they mu t run consecu tively mid mint lie pnlil In nilrnnof All ndver tlseinents mun bo hnnded in bnfoio 2 o clock | i , m.nnd iiudir no circum'tani-os will tlioj bo talton or dlqronllnticd liy telephone. I'nrilf advcitMtiR In those columns and hav ing the nnswori n 'dieted In cnro of TIIF HFF , will plrn on k fnr n cluck tornablo them logft their letter" , M none will bn cldlvoroil rxotpt on firoctilntlon of chrck All MUWPM to ml- YCitl ouicnt lionl < 3 bo endowed In envelope * . TO I.OAN-MOKET. I1NKV II ) l.l > \ > On Until potato 1 > y M Ilallon Urns , 1510 Douglas street I'ICIAI. : ri ND or WJ.MHI to loan in iiiniiint lo ult , on flli'irt tlmo iiiorlnucB , thrco to twelve inonllis tltno on property lin- tirovtil or iliilinpro\LMl , Cnll at tinOmulm riimiiclnl I Change. Rpcnml I'oor ol lliuker Mlork.J * . W. T3 > r * Pimmm unit IBth bt _ M _ * 'ID I.A > On K'i\l estate. U.S. MONK , I loom . ) , \ \ Illincll Illock. 887 TO LOAN At reasonable rate * on futnituie.llno'nntilits iiml illiTi > erconiil . O J , Cnswoll , room lw , Iron Hank mlldlng. 12th and Furimm 'J ako clov iitor. NjU n I * 1 ' FTTiTfiUlNS A CO , IMXI Iloilglns St. will * limn jou money on Improved liirm" In DoiighiH. int" , Saiiniton , farpy , Uaqhlngton nnd Hurt counties , nttlo lowest rnto of Inter- rst. _ CnHjind MIMI _ HH.IN _ _ ONKY LOANKt-On warehouse receipts M I urnltiiro , diamonds , watches , etc. H t , . Whltcnmho , Hi om 1 , KOI llotiglin Bt ehoiip money on long time , in any . . iiuiintlty.tolOHiion Inside city pi oportjor farm lund. Mnrthull & Lobcek , 1B11 rnrnfttn St. run CUNT monoj to loan , It. 0 ratter on , Mlh anil Douglas. 018 ) IOAN-At lowest rates of Intor- MONUYTI of fJOO and upwiudn on fill ma mid city ptopoity. F .1. Day i Co , B.Cioun- BO'S block , s o our Capital ave and Iflth st. OMAHA riNANOI A I. KXCIIANOK Is pre O pared to mokn loans In anj amount , on any Wild nt approved security. I.nriro collntoriil loiins n ppi-elnliv. Also on chiittah and r < al rstalo In amounts nnd tlmotoFUlt. Lower intos , botior terms , nnd prompter nor\lco than any lonn fluency In tlio city. Tor further particulars rail at oinco on the b ( conil lloor of the llnrkei1 Illock. Boutlnvost coiner of 1'arnam and liith ft rco t s. ° 'J I'KK OKNTmonoytoloan. 3. 3. Mauonoy , 6 15OT rarnam. 102Jj-tt ) 6M ONKV 1O LOAN On reiilestnlo Olbson , M Lar'on 4 , Co , Hoom n. WllhiioH Illock. H8 TO LOAN At lower latosthaiinny- MONUY olpo In the cltj , on furniture , pianos , organs , horses w nifons. or stock of nny kind Homombcr , at lower rates than nny other loan company in the cltj. City Lonn & Mortgage Co. . room 15,1401 Farnam st , opposite 1'nston hoU-l _ "IT TlTONICVto lonn on ro'tdonco and business J'l pioporty. Ixjwest rates C. J Cnswoll & Co . Iloom IP , Iron Bnnk llulldlng , 13th anil Far- IIRIII ! > MONKV to lonn by the undersigned , who has tliponly proporlv orgnnl7od lonn agency In Omaha Ixiiuia of $10 to $1,000 mndo on fur- nltuio , pianos , organs , horses , vngons , inachin- ory , 4o , without rcmo > nl No ilolnjs. All buslnc < ! S strictly confidential. Loans so made thnt nny part can bo pulil nt any tlmo , ench pay ment reducing the cost pie rntn. Advances mndo on line watches and diamonds. 1'orsons Khould carofulh consider who tbov are dealing with , ns many new concerns nro dnllycoming Into existence. Should you need monov. cnll and PPO mo. W. H Croft , Hoom 4 , Wlthnell Building , 1Mb and Harnoy. g8 IfiO.onn to lonn on city residence property $ flco. W.Dar , 14KI Farnnm. 53 Pint CRNT Mouov to Innu. 8to nrt & Co , G Hoomil , lion bank12th and Farnam. C2J ; 3Oooo to lonn. Sums J5 nnd upwards. $ Lou est 1.1(03. ( Bcmls , 15th and Douglas sts 200 > < ) NEY TO tOAN O. V. Davis & Co. ttool M EatBto and Loan agents , 1503Farni > mSt. _ _ ONRV TO LOAN-On good cecurltios. A McOavook , room 7 Itodlck Block , 1509 Fnrnom . , " . iiOAl Oii real cstiUo midl'li tola. D. Thomas. JJ MONEY TO LOAN In sums of $200 nnd up- wards on flrst-clnss real estate security. rotter & Cobb , ISUjJarnam Bt. _ 2C1 ONiV : LOANKU at C. I ? . Ilppd & Co's. lxan olllco , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons Tiorponal property of nil kinds nnd all other ar ticles of value , without removal. 319 S. llth , over Blngham's Commission Etoro. All bug. ness strictly confldontaU 25ri auarargsa CHANCES. \\TA > Tii : ) To purchase n half Interest in n > t iuinltuiooi gincial household linntsh- Ing business , or hmdumo stock. Addicts , 310 N. 2d St. . Council lllnirs.lonu 1SO-19 ir OK SAM ! OH iXCHANGi-For city prop- 1 orty , n nlco clean stock ol grocoilos with u Hue trade. Good iciuon for selling1. Thee Olscn , 218 S Hit h Bt. ! J rJ _ _ _ | 7ioItRAM- In'orost In agiocorv busl- J iio--s ; doluggood biiblucps : onoot the best locations In the elty ; ill bcnlth the icason for nantlug to sell. Address 1 25 , BCD ofhco. 613 W Partner with $103 , In gooil busl- ness. Apply JO ? S. llth st. 00222 If OH SAl.K-Stockof Iloolcs , Stationery nnd 1 Jluslonl Instiumonls. Will Boll or lent building. Dlicct.Uiok Ilox501. Albion , Neb , tf 1 FOU HA LAi : Mllliicry Mock for snlo cheap or tiade , Im hiding such Ing , counter , show pa i"i complete , Btamplug pattoins , etc. S. A. bloiiiiin. 110.1 Farnnm. _ 874 GHOCIJHY STOCK. Furiiltmo and n\turos. liorto and v agon , in good biiFlnoss location In Omaha , for snlo by Hush & . Solby,2I8S. r.th . st. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1L J41 ! ! . BUS1NLS3 CHANCF-Stockof groceries , llx- tiiros , lioisti and v\ngon , good business lo cation , in Omaha , for ealo cheap. Hush & . * _ S4117 1710H SALH-'I lie whole 01 half interest In a J good \\holiisalo and retail business In the city ; good location and choip icnts. Addioss . , J.S , lloo olllco. 771-17 * 3j0li 8Al.i-firocoiy biislnoss ; a fully eijulppeil and stocked IhKt-elnss gtopcrj business In good location lot sale : will lino'co ' SI.700 to f-.tHn ; lll oNtliiingo fet stock or Omaha Heal Kstiilo. Boggs & Hill , 1403 Fm nnm m. _ _ _ _ B17-17 HOrsKS I ots.Fainis.Latids money loaned. llemls , I'llli and l > ouglas stioots. 471 . - of 5100 each of the WjomlngMfat Conipnii } ofChoicnno , Wj. Uhls Mode Is llrst-dass , ulll boar the ilosnst ln\i < Mljrallon and id now paving n good dlv iili-nd. For further partlculni s addicss , II. jl/r.ciiioOm ahn Bco. Omaha. Nob. 271. " | 7KK SAMV Onncconnt of other business I A v111 poll my ice rrenm parlors and confec tionery store at H-M Douglas strpcts , at lovr tig- ures. If jou nant a bargain apply nt once. U , F. orlls. _ _ _ 273 "TTloil SAM : In n piosporliiH llttlo town In i X1 lovtnoliibout COO inhabitants , situated on the C. It. I & P. It. H. line , a good and complete butchering business will bo sold cheap , as the piosentownor l.itcndx , on account of his poor Iio'iltli , to go to California Far further in- foi inatlon , addi ess II C , lleo oflico. IWJyVl * Foil KXaiiAXRU-gtockg of needs of every kind , for farms and land ; also lacds to ex- .i cliango for goods. If you want to trade , no 1 matter whnt It IS ) ou have , write , with full do- \ ' icrlptlou , to C. K. Jlnync , Heal Ustato and Triiht Co. , Omaha Nob. 26(1 ( _ OIl .SAM : 5o\ oral stocks of goods , dolnir a - healthy business , onnorhhlp elear , eulls- Inctlon guniantopd ; terms p.ijiy. Rome Omaha propoity taKen In oxcbungo. Marshall & Lo- ticck , 1511 Fin nam st. 41 J LOST. JOST-Illnok silk umbrella. Finder wil please J Icav ii at HOP oiiico and got tow aid. 1)15-17 ) * T " . * 'hii i airo n rod cow. branded "W. JU"ou hip , llctiunto V. 1'HouUa , Poutli On aUn. K01-19 * TiUSTrrP'lrU llft > ' Aniorlp.ni pony , 700 Ibs , J-J saddla miiikud.libonil tu ard , 4141-3 S. 13th St. J. M. Arnout , mo Id * T OSr Uool bag faim blcjole. with wrench vrn1'1 ! ° ' mn' I'10"80 'Pave ' at Colllna , Goidon a. ho > B store , and iccolvu reward. 1JO VEKSONAi. 00 'uolltl'1) , ' ) ' I'ront. Hoautlful \ > al tl"Jr ttt"S' ' > t free. Mies gl.Hi. 7Ul-lft * Ladles \ilslilng jor domcstla " ? North. l.-lh . st jcnoy. turulsbtld- Nebraska Kaiplo ) went A 'i . . cor. IHh nna r r am. J itf * > niM r , i \VAVTin : Fntnlly tonlopl ARiHIinbyntiant M two ocks old. for particular * ftddro 1 , 1'eo otiice. 768-in * pOAHIING- ( ( it irrriVnrnnm < t forbonrd JO nnd lovely room either mnn ntldtlfnor two gentlemen tea " TUllf TtiiNT-Hoora and board for twa 1G13 1 Capitol ap 143 "ptTAHU-Atid lodgings , at 3 J N IGth st JJ lfl IN'nnt.LIllhn stamping ITPO IVIdny nnd Sat- urda ) of thin week. No patterns torlonn , no iron to bout. Ml S 13th gt. UOJ-17 * ' Olll.Tls' licit tripplp platd kniToTand forks unly fUiQj ijr u ; foi cash only. IMIiolm ft irck : ! onopp 1' . I ) . 870 Jl CASH jmld fiii oMJowclry , silt or or gold. lid- holm.rriik nii , ( > | ) | i I' , a 870 21 _ PItIVY vaults nnd COM pooUeliMinrd b > II Knlng , ! O Ilex 7. .UOauirU * _ but onoMooroln the runl estnto trade mid I hopn Ilirro w III bo no Moot o of bum until the countrj rends mo opened up nml tht hot wontliei lui4 p ibt. t "i 1A AND COfNTV lion Is bnush OCHOOti . Oco. W. Unr , HOJ rnrnnm. 4sfl sJS JS itKNT-Squnro Piano , $ t monthly lto | io 1513 DoiiKlii' . 273 POIMir.NT Organs , } 2 per month , ilo'po , 1513 DoilBhlR. 274 TTlou Hivr A ptoro on ROOM rctnil Btroot. JLJ' Apply tlio Omahn Heal Kstato nnd I/onn Co. 107 ITUm IM3M < inaro I'litno Jl monthly. V Hospn , 1511 Liouglas. 272 BAI.E-MISOEI.I.ANEOUB. 4AI.IJ ruinliuru ami lcnool six-room FOIt hoilfo , tlmo on part. Cull IW3 ! Nortli 2tli Mroot , two blocks from Rod Car lino. H'll ' " | 7\OK HAM : Morclmnillgp Cheap for cash or JOmiiliii iral cstnto , n f A,000 Mock of Kinci- al mciilliandlt-c. Addro < ! ) Suundois County Merchant , caio Omnha Hoc ofllco. ii'll 17 Foil SAI.K rhenp , Good second hand otllci" siifo.iiearly now. Inquire lllnicbnuiih.VTii- Inr , 140i Doujrlasjt. * ? ' ' } ! . " | 71OItSAI.i : A flnn npt-ody jouiiKrniid hoisc. JCall at Ellis Mcaiiiino'n barn. > MJ 17 . "TIIOH SALl/ohcnp , onn xpau paliil pottles Milt- Jv able for delivery 01 buggy loam. Inquire of 13 A Marali.iiUt North ICth si. 7UO F IOH 8AI.I3 Two thoiouglibicd UngllMi Mas tiff pupi , at HOi Douglas bt. 70'HU | jMJtMA.Ii : I'lnoBOConO-lmntl pbaetou clioap JL1 at Slmpson'a. 714 > OMl.sT'oiloj ! Tonics ImpioNpi" " Mock , 00 1 odd head for snlo nt Hi Idgo Yards. 781-1H * _ S\l7i : One melodeon , 0 octa\ests on JU1 month ! } Installments. One 0 stop oriran 2 l.nco swells , B'i feet hleh ? a"ion monthly paj- moulH. Onn 10 stop Flr t Clnss orgnu bo iiitllul cnco ? 75 on ca j pnjinonts Ono 7Li octavo I'liinn ( iiiuid Siitaro | Ito o oed CIKO $175 on $10 inontlih paMiiouts. Oua lleautllul Uiand I'lauo $ " > 3 on payments at Iloppo's music looms 111.1 Douglas st. 63J Aug. 7 _ _ HTMJSli ? Lots FailiiR.Lands money Fonnpd. llcmls 15th and Douglas atroots. 471 T710K SAI.K Wo hive a hiinoh of oOOhoid JL' twojcarolil steers , good cattle for Bile. Stiango Hi os. , Sioux Cits' , Io a. 1000Jrt3 T7IOK HAMS 1 piano , fuinituro and kltcho rr r "g ° - 717 3. lOUl St. 877 Foil SAM : Clipap , lion columns nnd vln- Uow caps aultablo for front on brick build- ing. Foi purtloiiluis apply at this otllco. 813 TTIOH S VLR OH TRADTI-Ono Hno largo chest- A1 nut sorrel liOr e ; 0 j ears old II ! hands high , noight I'M ) , well biokon , good disposition , will triulofor two sniullor lioibcs. Hutchoi , ( ! add i. Co , Jlllhud hotel block , 670 FOlt SAM : Square piano , $50 , monthly pay- monts. Hospo. 1511 Doiiglns 11 WANTED rEMAXE HELP. WA > TII : > Iinmodlutcly , nglil for general housowoik , good wagon , at northwoit coiner Hamilton and 1'Ior sticets. 011-17 * W ANTIII ) Apustiy cook at the Windsor hotel. MO IT ANTI3U Agents , Uidlcsor gentlemen. 001 > S lr th St. 8'KM7 * W ANTii ) ( ! eel woman for chamber work at St. .Tames hotel. b7'Mi ( * WAN'TUD A lady to tra\ol ; o\poilonco not necessniy ; must have $50. Addn ss , L J5 , Boo Olllco. bUMV n ) 1.1 good girls foi pnviito families. it a wages S3 50 , $ I mid $ " > per wook. Cooks for bonidlng houses , Kitchen , laundiv and din ing room girls , Omaha llmploymont 1 Bureau , ILK ) Farnam st. b7d WATiTKIi A thoroughly competent girl , must bo u good cook. Good > \ ages 1KJ Farnom street. S1 ! Cor. 853 ANTIJli Olrl for gcnotnl house work. Mrs. Ilainmond , 015 N irglni.i avonuo. fc04-13 * WANTin Gill for genoial honsouoik in a fnmlly ol two. S. W. cor. 2'ith and Dodge. 850-17 * W ANTJilJ Ghl for general housework ; wages $4 toiroodeoolc Apply StllUUougliiB , 877-17 W A M'RD Agents , ladles or gontlcmon. Ad- B. A. S. , Lock Box 2JO , Omnha. b'J7-17 ' | 7AN'liu Good girl , 1MO South 18th stroot. > 8'JO 17 T\TAXTiD Two dining-room elils nt T T Plantois IIouso , corner Uodgo and lOlh. BS5-17 * i\N ni ; > A girl for general housework ut 8018.21st St. EJI-101 _ _ WANTI5D Hellablo nilddlo-a od womnn to take c.hargo of fin Infant , ono who under stands plain sou Ing pi oforrcd. Apply at Mr ! . S. A. Sloman , 1DU riiniHin st. B-5 WAvntU 'I wo good girM Tor liauso- woik , none Dut llist-class need apply. IMIiolm If Krlclcson , opp. 1' . O. S70 21 W ANTUD-aoodnlil In small family. 713 10th sheet , near Webster. Sflj-lO * WANTKI ) An nccompllbhcd joung lady as govcinuosslor a llttlo girl U ) cars old , en- iiulre foi Dr. bplnney at Co//eus houao , bo- twcon 11 and 12 H. m. or 5 undo p m. iU.t-ld * WAM'HI ) A Glilto do gouoial liousowoik liiprluitolamlly. rlO llowaid st. 81B-10 * WA > i Lu A Girl fet general housework in n family of two ; good wages ; apply lo Mrs. W. K. Annln , 1103 Shoiinannxcuuc , bend of Claikbt. US3 WANTii : ) nhl for general housoworU. Apply 2111 St. Mao'savcnuo 815-10' WANTKD A young lady cashier. liefer- cuco icquhed. Address 1. U. , euro lco ! qfOoe. 780 WANTI3D Girl for ganoral housowoik ; good wogcs2."ill ; St. JIury's avo. 788-19 VyrANTCD Three girls , ono cook nnd two ii for p-onoml housowoik. Wages "J4 to fin n month , must bo good help. Eagle house , 414 south 14th street. 705-1U * > An e/poilonccd Baleswoman lei ' dry goods. Apply atonco to O'lonnhoo& . Bhcrfy , 15th st , next to Iho poetolllro. Tin ANlKD-rUo salcsladicl [ 1103 Uodgo St. , 71J " \ VANTIMJ A good competent gill to do gen- > i oral housework , apply at 1813 Douglas street. 71iH6 _ TT7A > Tln A girl for general house xvork at > > No , 1U13 Capitol in ciuio. _ cai WANTKD A woman to do general house- wuik ; a KOOC ! cook preferred , 1818 Web ster. 0)0 ) _ \\7ANTiD Ulrls to make munills , shirts and Jeans pants. Gjnllcla Mf 'g Co. , cor. llth and Douflus , up stairs. GOvaur. 7 Wf : A gill todogenaial housework. ! . . Uood place for the rlgh girl , 811 N , 17th St. between Hurt and Cumlng , WANT.KD A good ulrl for gonorrti house woiK ; must lie n good cook , washer and Jioiier , 10'Q Douglas St. C77 W ANTKD A wet nuiso Tor jtai llculnrs call at Dr. I.CQ'B Plllce , flmnllo blk. UJJ-3U * W TANTBD-QIrl ; SOTS i4th bf 71 A comnotont gill for ronoial houscwoik , Appl > at 440 Convent st. ti > 3 ANTKD-Imraediatcly.tt flrst class cook a ISUUpdirpjt. . HO 2J jotlllg 1(1(1103 und gents to WANTKD . 1'rospocts for positions when competentgoo 1. Address W , J , t ) . room l.Crounso block 10th st , Omebo. WS VfAMVBit MAI.E ANT K D A olorcd boy , oxporl'nLod as porter and eic lining up , and wol ! rocoui- nif ndcd. SoB Bouih 10th Btr ob * > pl "Yf TANTliU ) men for new railroad > > > ; oed wagei.wlll ahlp at S o'clock Sntuiilay inorniiif. Call at once. Omulm I'.inploj mor.t Huroau , 112) Fainaui street. E. O. BoIIo-lElc , \\rAXTii : ) A mnn to c.invass for mvslcat ' goods , cxporloacodm.11 required. Innuiro of r.diolniAirlckon. ! : tOi-lT \WAVrmi so men forwotltonC , If. A St. > 1 I'AUl H. H. hi lonn , r , S. Albiirljlit , La bor Afoucy , JJJ8 ratna-a st. wi * - pooi active buslno s mon of ' * good nddrr , hot. 20 nn I 40 jfnr of ago. J. M I-reach & Co . Iloom 10 Bnilinell block , S3J JO * _ _ _ Hllfc nxten- slon of H & M. K , H. ni'itr Broken How , Mnn to drUo teams. Scrmicr holders and Miovelors , H S Albright's Labor Agency. 13J3 rnrnnm et 63 \V' ' NT' ' " At tlio Umpire Strain Lnilndrv a ' ' I'ookkp'ptrnnil nn a sl tnnt. ftfl-17 \\rANll3li-KtporloncoiI man forcltj work , T none but n ruMler need nppl ) . rdholin & . Krlckson , opp. 1' . o. 870-21 T\rAVTio 1'lvci clRar inakois ( hniui workmen - " men ) Inquire George U. Godfri > > . 1 re- inont , Neb. 707 10 " \\7"ANTiil Thioe hundred look mnn. thrno hundroil lalmref. Good work , good pnv. Appli toCliii' . Ilol "eller2ll mile house Ollvo St Homf , ft. lotil'Co. . Mo , o Jnciih .laruns , Lnbndlc , Mo , ICeene Hros , ttonstrUPtlon Co. , ihlnf contractors fat. I ui" , Knnsn Cilv > V O > l. H. It. 403 \ uffj _ SITUAT10H WA1ITED. "IX ANTni * A yotinirtnnn of good pdnontlon ' i dcs.liei n position on u ttookly paper Hhcro ho ulll dlitnln n nenenil tdoii of new piipor nink \Mtli 11leu of ln\e tliiK If cntisfiiclorj nlttr Rlx months u , Hoiitilco , Neb OIJ-13 * WANTKD A Uinronph onlor , rpstinrnnt and hotel cook vnnM atrood place , bolior tuiJ 1ms icloi CUCC3 Andrcss 110 , Lieu olllco. 8-i7-17 WANThD Situation o % nlndystono riiplicr nnd typo writer of nlilllty and oxpci Itncu Address Marie , euro \ lo40J. . H)3 ) W AN1KI ) Vo ltlon In clonk department , KOtiornl dry ? oadg or lionsekLopci In holol b } mlddlc-iiitod womnn of ojqtericnco and itlliioinont Mis II , Ilex rr)7Oinnbn. HJO Vi , ANTiu Situation ns traveling gnloBinnn i > forwhole-nloRiocory 01 Hiinor nnd olirar liniisc : hist ol icferonco pl\on. AUdrcss III , lieu olllce. 81M8 * WA > TI2I > Hmploj tncnt as Imrlonder : good rtfcicnios given. Adilrosa II 14 , lleo olllcc , Omulm. 812-17 * V\/'AM1Jn : Sltuntlon lly nmnn with mi os- ' tnblhhed tmilo In the city In the crocory line , ntmilesmnn ; host of rolorcnccs Addtess i 'l ) , lloo ollluo. 817-10 WANriiD Situation llyn pentlcmnn well ncQiialnted with thoRonoinl trndoof vest- ein lownunil N'obrntl n , n sltuiitlon ns trn\oliiir ! siilosiiinn after July 20th. Address 1 " 1. lice ollicu. tU7 ID "ITIOIt SAI.KOr Avonld o\cliaiiso for Omaha - piopoi tv o pint western land , ono of the best Btoclc farms In Douulits county. Inquire Immediate ! } of Ilnllou Hro.i. , I'M Uouulus at. 8-OVO BUSCELLAIJUOUS WANTS. ACTAIKOVO ANF Ju tarrl\cd would Ilko nnlco fiiinlshod loom Lonttnllx looutod. Must bo ici onablo. I'oimiuiontlt suited. Ail- Ure fl J.27 , lleoolllcc' . UJ1-17 WANTKll Uj two ttniitlonien , t o mllolii. liif ( bedrooms In plciisant locution.Vltli buaul piuliticd. llofotencos. Addtvss ( i. U , V , Ilex , Li , city. Vfl5 1G I/'AM'I II lo rent , IIOUEO of 7 or 8 iconic , > Lock Hex 2.1.1'ostolllce. b'J4-l TXTA > Tin Gooil hoiso ; must bo good T > and last. S. A. Sloman , 1403 Funmm. i > 75 I ANTKIl Customers for our butter nnd I cream. J. H Uoonstro , fc03 N intlint ; 811 a Id IT'ANTIJIJ To liny iismuUsocond-hund sate , T Kaufman HiO" ) , 1003 rarnain St. 7tO WANIiD To icnt for term of Yenis. resi dence of about 10 rooms in dtairnblo lo cality. Stable and grounds preferred. Address - dross 1.5 , Uco Olllco. 757 Vfc/ANTIJD A puichaser. Saloon buslno s In city of Ilontrlco , the bo-t location In the elty ; three good hllllaul tables , ono pool table , bar and bin natures. Inquire of Kmoila Long- tin , Beatrice , Is'ebr. , for particulars 722 17 * " \\ANTUI > A good bouse on monthly pn > - IT meets. Addioss II , 05. Bco ollico. Cw5. WA > TKI > To buy a nlco residence or good building lot In n desliablo location. Address - dross II , oO , Itee oflico. 055. TT7"ANTii > Ludlos and gentlemen to attend > V Valentlno'sShoitliand ana Tjpewriting Institute , Uvposltlon building. HiMiug ! WANTKD Ono Krgo or a suit o uufur- nlshcd rooms In business contoi of c tyr foi Bleeping apartments. Addiess II 20 , lleo Olllco get Wi > \XTJn To buy a large scconr. tmnd of- I IlcoB\fo. A. Hospe. 5C6jyl8 WiW W , V > l'iu Teams. T. Murray. ' ' 473 WAXri'l ) Short Hand Work of nil kinds by J. B. Haynes - Co , _ 151JDodge [ st. 805 WANTin : faubscrlbeis for stock In the Omaha Ixian and Building association niul the Mutual Loan uiul Ilullilliig n 9oclntlon. Homos for all cln--os cnn thus bo purchased by monthlv payments ; slimes $1 03 per month , on Mhlch ISjQwlll boloanod. Ofllco In Kvpositnn liiillillui ; on ISthstieet. G. M. Nattingor. Sccio- tnrj , JHjj.'o lOU BENT-HOUSES AJTD Z.OZS. IT OU KI3NT Hy J. U. Evans 5 , Co.-7 now -U houses witn lurnaco , innuo , water and ga.sv SISpoiJmonth- oioi'J WANTKIl House of 3 or 4 rooms within 2 milts of postofllco. Address I 21 Hoe olhco. 8W-19 * Foil HINT Pleasant house ! six rooms' , 2123 Wchola-4 st ; Also house , 1J1B N. 20th st. U J. Illuko , 311 S. 14th Bt. 863-1G * oil KKNT-Cottngoon 17th st . butwocn Capital nvo and Davenport. S. Lehman. 827 T7IOH. LF.ASi : Wo lm\o elovi-n acres on IT. P. -T H H. track , HOD feotfiont ; will Icaso nllor partloi Il\ojeai3. Bedford > lSouor. 751 TmoilSAM : Xow7 room hoiifeC , 2" > 17 Diiven- -L iioitStlLOt.wlth lot. bum 23x1(1 ( , coal shed , outhouses , etc , city ) > utor , cistern. I'l Ice S t.MJO , inquire on picmlscs 01 of M. Burkoi Sons , Block ) arils. 715 "I/IOU KINT : 10 joom house with modern J. Improvements , line location on street car line , 714 N. 20lh St. 863 ITHm UII.VT A building suitable for nny -L' kind of business , bituated on 10th st. In quire at 414 S. luth Et. Uiu-lll" Foil IllIXT Nluo loom house with all mo"'d- ern conveniences. Aaron , Calm , Son Ac Co . lJ ± i 1 iirnuni slioot. _ _ eau Foil IIKNT 8-roomod houo ; Inqulro 2"jlfl Capitol live , 077 Oil IIKVT The bulldlngr now being built by Murker Bios , , on the co nor of liltli nnd Jones , 00x80 foot , nnd lour or llvo Btorlos high , wlllboieutoil forhotolor waioliouso imrpoaoj , anil boQiilsliodtosultthopurposoof toimnt. C. K. Mayno Heal listato and Trust Co , 15th and 1'arnam. HJl TIlOll ItBNT HoBldenco of 10 rooms , burn for X1 14 horses , bo iiitlful grounds. Loaxonnorth and 3d ) t. , $ r > 0 per month. 0. K. Mayno It ( ml UEtato i , Trust Co. , 15th nnd Farnara. 7 0 ron UEHT-KOOMB. F OK tlKJif A nicely furnished south room If07 Douglas st. liefercnces required. 745 T710K IIKNT Furnished rooms , suitable for JL' marumdwlfoor > oung men. ( Al 8 10th , Cor.St. Mtuy's Axe. 77'J.l'J Tmoit KKNT Two stories , corner 16th and JU Nicholas , opposite the proposed ilo. I'aclllo depot. Win L. Monrue , tlth and Douglas. _ | 5f21 | 71OK HI.NT I'lousant , airy rooms ; modern JL' conveniences ! location good. 17 0 Capitol nvo. 870-10 * OK Hixr Furnl3hod rooms , also day bonrd a t212illarnoy tt. BKM7 * TT1OII KKNT Now llx-o room liat , coiner 22d JU and Miami streets. N. K Adams. 646-17 * . r1 Twelve rooms , no cor 20th and 1'lorco Inquire on prcmUoa. 74J-1U * TTIOK KKNF rniulshed front room ; Jl. riuw St. , block Irom Bt. Murj's u > o OlG-JI T7\oit \ KKNT Two nicely furnlahcd rooms nt JU 17l8Doilgc Iteforenoos required. Ra r ; > OH HUNT a store rooms on corner Cuminf JL' and ld. $10 rach . The 0. K. Jlaj ne Itoal Eunto nnd Trust Co. Ml RUNT A partly furnished house to a FOU responsible party ; proprietor desiring to Uiko board as part payment In o chango. Ad- Urct > 3 115 , thU olllce. 811-10 * FOH HUNT Nicely furnished room , 1020 Dou lna. 673 17OK HUNT Doslrublo furnished rooms at JL1 1811 I'arnaui street. US ! 17IOU UKNT Nicely furnlshod room forojio i ? ortwogontloniuu , at 010 N. 17th et. 37U "imoil ItKNT Nicely furnished Front robins -L uultuuloforono or two Koutloraon ; all mod ern improvements. UliJoUCSBt lil THOll HKNT Clioloe oflloo rooms on ground v floor , No Uo31'arwun 6U luqulro of J. & HUNT A suit of furnished rooms. 1611 FOU . . 883 TfUlIl KUNT Two stbro rooms on IGtU street , JU Wutor , gas uaj scuyer connoutlous. The CK.Sluyno and Trust Co. , cor. 15th and Farnam. OU HUNT TOtnMirul rooms , cheapest In F the cltv. ApWy * At Hoom U , Andi r.on Illock , N , leth st , T > orjlionport ( , _ l74J--t "n'n-lor'liud ' bedroom , f urnl hcd suitable for' man and wifo. 1411 S nth st. , , OKI-Ill * _ TJMilt lir.NT Nil-ely fiirimhoi ! front room at M 701 South 1 tl r l'l 17 * _ oil IIINT lor Hunt noii'okceplng rooms fnrnl'hed nml ) unfiitnlshod In Ikeuior's IllocK.cor. Klghtijjid loward st. . _ t)13 ) _ FOK IIKVI ifiirnbhpd rooms nlth boiinl , 1 < < I2 Dodgn St. 7M ITlOlt UKN T AVl oxUplletit hil'omnnt , VT ) and JU nils nth st ; .1 rtoros on 9th and Douglas , iuid2 stoi 01 on)4 , < uul Cumlng1. I'aulscn A. Co. , FOU FOHSAI.K Hoilfe , 3 room , for 101,07x173 on monthly pajment , II. Miintiwnilor , T03 S. llth st l31 l > " _ _ _ _ _ _ "you i UK-S-slqr } ImlMlmr Applj at SOIh 1 and Hnriicy. Miaw * Hi Id 8Wl- * _ A. iLimAK" , T40J lTnrnnnT T. Itonl Kitnto mid I onnt Special llargnlns I'litnamst. bt > t. 18th nnd ll'th , Impiotcd 41 leet $18,000 I.oaM-nuoilli fiU , cor. . (11x113 ( , lmpto\ed , $ , 'M I.rnronworth st.iiearUUtlmpro\cd b/iO1) ) llnrno ) st ncarSlst lmpro\cil , WxliO 4 00 ZOthst near St. Mary's ave , lmpro\od , 40x1 0 . . . 0,001 Dodge near Siltli , Improved , 40x115 . ' . ' .MM ConxontRU , Improved , 48 < 't\lV ) . 4,100 ( iuorgla ao , house all moilorn lnipro\ - mcnl < . . . . . 4,500 Capital ave cor. iOth , Cfixl"0 , modern Im- prov i-int nts . U.OCo Ha calls mill. , lot IBhllO , improved 3,40U Hlniuhiuigli'ft add. , 7 lots u ich 5J\1-'I , Im * pi-oved , all tor . 0,005 .luoUson cor 1tti,06x11i ! , Improved . . I5.COO Dodge cor Allen st , 100x125 U.SOO Oleo'BUdd , 131X2117 . 4,0)0 ( leorgla ave , lot20 block 13 . . . 2.0JO Klll > 3 I'lnce , lotlfltiloik1 ! . . . 1.WU Farnam cor. n7th , 4SAi ] > 8r > M Hhlun'sSd aid ,00x110 , UJ blSsfin st.car lrM Isaac \\citOiualm , 1H7K\in > . . 7/01 llainej si. bet. Slstaud TSd.SJxl'K 4,001 I.oiivcmvorth cor. .17th , 2 corners 140x112 4,100 Lots near Holt I.lne depot , oa y terms r > 00 Lots in Manhattan , vcr ) cheap , $ JT > 0 to 300 13th st. lot. Harnoy and Howard , Jixflrt , bargain . 8.r 00 873 1T\TK IIAKOAINS 11 lots on Vln- KHAL St , South Omulm ; great binrnln , nt g/,001) ! ) . J.I , lllco & Co , over Commercial Bank.WJ4 WJ4 Foil SAM : nrront. The rommorclal Hotel , \ \ nhoo , Neb , A BOO I housu w lib 41 I ooui" , no l ) furnished nnd rollltod , with all modern con\onloncos , vtll loiulod , N olloied for snlo oiieiHj tprmi , nrvlll lent lo an p\ppiiouppil hotel nmn Apply to or addict. N. 11 Iloiff RICOH , at 1 Irst Natlonul Ilnuk , Wnlioo , Kob Bjl-11 * Foil SAl.i : Ono of tlio finest acres tn Omahaonly Sloro. ( The C. 11 Mayno nal r.btilto iinilT riisl Co. RU IF YOr > vnnt to transact nnv hiislnossln real f state siilos or purchases of any kind of business onterpil P8o aroalwiijs In ujios- lllou to meetourvniiu. . JI. L. HlKBlnMv.ro. , ! thrco-fouithsncics in litooUlne ad dition , prlio jsyj. I'ottor ' & . Cobb , 1515 l\ir- natn St. , Omaha , sub 821 KlUlfi TATK HAHCJAINS-Splondld plcco of tinckagi1. Liisllno imil centrally loca ted at a bargains. J. L Hlco i Co , ovci Com mercial Hunk. Mil HO\V Is It jour neighbor has made money ? H ) hivliigcouiHgo tobil ) cheap lot' . You can do tliOMimu in Hlllsdalo , where lots now soiling for SlfiO each will tiling double Hint In n vunrfiom now , Ames' Heal tistato Agency , 15071 amain st. 808 „ A GOOD lot in Oknhomu , nenr the Vinton st. cnrllnc , pile * $11000. I'ottor & Cobb , 1SJ5 liuinamst. , r hitVo Bixtcon lots In Hnw- J-1 thorno nililltilin that wo nlllsell : best nnd phpapost Inside property In Omaha. Hertford & . Souer 755 ( FOH SAI.U On Convent st , coin onion t to struct curs , 7-rft'jm house In Rood order , lot 74 feet , ou t front , cmcrod with frull ; price S7000 , on easy terms. Vlhis place Is a Inu 'iUii. Ames' Heal Kstnto Ajjcnoj , 1507 Kurniun st. O > 750-23 RHAI , r.STATH HAHOAINS rinost coiner , 1001100 , In HilutcHm 1'laco fern homo. Onlj SJ,500. J. I. . Hlcolfc W. , oor Coinmorclal Hank. { it M4 _ _ HII.LSDALn- that's tlio nnnio , nnd the lots sod ton JWO to { U7.1 on onsy turns Hnrojtou seen thB | ' > uionnil ? If not , ilo at pnco , as it dosts nothlnS' tQ i'ldo out to this be uititul locution. Amos' Kcnl'Tiitsto iigencj , 1507 1 nr- niim. * _ g03 ACOUNRIt.lOqxla'ilrot , on Calilornla St. , In Suiin > liloaddltl6ii.pilco ? 1,1/00. 1'ottcrA ; Cobb , 151 I'Kninnmat.Omain , Neb 21 HIJA\T gains In population pushes Omnhato tliofiont. bee Hlllsdalo lots that > ou can row buy for $15U. Pick ono out , piiy for It In Installment- ' , and sell It In a ) cms tlmo fortulco Its cost. Amcfl' Heal Kbtnto Agency , 1507 1 ui- iiiun st. bUO _ REAL KSTATR nAlinAINTniock2fl.ViIsoirs addition , fiontliiff on Vlnton St. , ? 12,000 lor n few tin ) 8. J. lj. Itlco & o , over Commercial Katlonal bunk. 80 1 SAOiissR&r.ANiinnnixiia\o for snio : CflxBO ( eor. > on lo Br Ion\onworth $7r W Lots in Ambler 1'lnto . $100 to dflO Lots In 13 V. Smith's add . $1500to2CO ) Yi lot " " . 1,000 Coi. lots Mlllard & Cuhlu ells add , bflxlSO . . . fJ OOto 3,400 Tine cast front lot , CO\1U , N Ibth ht . a.OCO Full lot Omahn. View , graded , fonccd , trees and shrubs . . , . fOO T.ot 50xl.7 , Shltm's 3d add ( Chillies ft ) 1,003 Selected lots , bauncltrs .V Hlmobuugh'gadd . SWOto 700 Beautiful acio lota , Tattcrsnn I'urk , UVi miles liom court house . 515 to 471 8 lOthboL Williams nml Ilickon , f < 0\140 , 3.4rfl Cor. business lot , Military m a 4BJ WIIcox's 1st add , S lota & 00 each 2 lots 000 each . . Ac-i o lots In Hydopuilc . . S.J7MO 350 Lots on baunucrsst. near licit flno depot , each . . . . l.OW Ixts In I'luin Vlo , inblderoOcor ; S700to 7V ) Lots in Hcilloid plucc . . ? 4'to ' ) ) 600 South frontl ots on llimlctto nr Saundrrsr $ I.2- to 1,100 Leincnuorlli st , nonr l'arkn\o , r/JxHH . . 1 )00 Lots on Bliorniun n\o. opp. silo for Holt line depot . . . . f > 000 to 7.000 40 iioios line vliglu ptalrlo In Oakland at. 'M _ 701 Siiclij.i-0 & Lnnilorgion , ! 117 S 13th Et RKATj rSTA'lB BAItQAlNS-9 acres in S6uth Omaha Joining C. r. Goodman , f-il.OO'J ' , A posit he baiffaln. J. I. Itlco A. Co. , ororCom- mciclul National bank bfll T < ) TS Felllnir today for S OO to SinoDsold a > car J-J a : o foi $1M ) to firjO 'J lilnK of this an I get n lot now in IlllUdalo lor $163 to f 17 mid on easy lorms. Ames' Hcall'.atato Agency , 1507 1 arnum BQ9 _ Foil RAI.i : Tno bithlncss lots on Hamilton St. , Walnut Hill , one block ftom Holt I.lno ilopot , at a biiisaln. 1) . 1. llajilcn , 1510 , Doug. las bt. 781) ) 1' ) ' P" Oil SAMI Tluoo splendid lots in Omaha View , Tluco line lot In Shriver I'liico , II W. Hunliesj , llonm 1 , IMS rurmun stieot. b7l-17 * _ _ TI > ' YOU want to sell or ti ado your business for -L cltj propei ty , larm or wild lands call on M. It , Ilitfflns iCe , 150U Doiiglns st. B.IM7 El'nTKItSON can bo found at 1107 t Honnrd gtrcot , vrhoro ho can supply a few boarders ; would bo pleased to sco his old friends- 781-17 * HAVK you HccnUlillsdiilo ? If not , do so at oncouud pick oiil u lot for f 150 that will not only iniiko ion mojicri put help you FUVO some. Ames' Heal Kstalo Atfdnoy , 1&U7 i'urnam. 801 NUMIinitof itiwu'eottagos on Noith 19th for saloon monti/ly / payments. Ludwlck i , bony , B. K. Cor. ISlhhhd IJouplas. 017-17 I 1' . IIAMMONl ) , , cal Estate Broker , Hoom ' 3,15 : DougLmot .Omaha. Tor siito ut u .bariraln 40 foot front on " t. liiihii&d 14th sts. , piicoW,000. 'J nroo llnoat lots In Lincoln 1'lace , aiiltablo for Btorusor wiirulioiPes jn Holt Line It ) . T o line lots l in ttornburff I'laco , 5750 for the t o. 48 lois In Keinwy' * addition , Chicago ; all choice lots one bluollroin depot on Milwaukee lly. , and Inrgo furjiIUiro factory , ehoiip atfXW oach. Will oxchuntru pArt or all for Omulm property Tltlo O K , 1HU stoiy brick tpuonient buildlnars.new.tnDos Jtolni'H , for gale or trade for Omaha pioporty , or Xcbiaskii or Kansas lands , prlco fiA/XiO. Will trade all or part timl take ball In Omaha propoitj. \viintod Some cholco applications for city anil f arm loans at low est posdblo rate * , b'neclal rnto * gl\cn on loans of f.VIJ'J ) | ll"l upwanfs. 4 houses on Ohio bt. , * 1WJ oatU , * - 0 cash , uaL | 2o per month If jou Juno piopcrty to sell list it with mo. If ) on want to bu > propnrf y drn't lull to see mo uiul the buigalns I can otfor. If jou lm\o propoi ty to rout place It In my hands. KU ELlXiANT t-otUyt'S with wells , chiorns.slnks , etc. , all jn iplondld olmre , for aile on monthly puymonts , Ludwlck & bcay , Eouthcost corner 15th and L'ouglas. U18-17 Poll a.vr.u Or oxchaiitfu for general inor chandlso , 200 acres finally lmpro\od laud lit Southern Io n , adlolnlux county Beat and rail road. In Decatui county. Has a line 0-rootu house , largo burn , W- foot shed , good well , spring and i-uiinliiif water ; 100 appla trees , cliorrlos , giilpos.oto Biuhssni Lumloitffen.'JlTS Uth Bt. , Omaha , Neb. W A flOU "AI.K-llyJ.il Hransft Co. ,1513 Dodge stieot. Ito\i \ o ) and lots tnchlnn'fl aridttlon llou os nbd lots In Hnixcom plnco. llou > es and lotion California st. HOIHPS and lot i on Vlcrco t. All for small cash jinjuiont and monthly In- stallmptits. lot In Improxomeut association nddltlon nt from ( ; cOtnflJM. Ijoi lnllanoom plncont from $ "ViO " to$2,6A All prleps , bo t Inciitlon. I'liii double corner llnu eo'n plnce.SVOO. Ixit in all parts of the city at all prices and on oiislestUrms . Somoiif the bp t ImtiMliK in Omaha real potato tate Just placed on the market by J. II Co . 151 1 Podge. mi-Si I'.A I. T.'TATK HAltO AlNS-SlotslnDwIcht t A , Ljman's mid ; on a corner ; H.iiOO.half ca h. J. U Hlco \ Co , nor Commercial Hank. ] 7MIl SVM : nrctelinnirn for cltj orsnbtir- bin ImpioMil or nnlmproxecl property , or Bonniul mi n h < inill u KXJniros rdK ) and 50i of thotlno * ! Nebraska prrtlrlo bitid In N inco eonn- ty Snpi | soXLaudtrgren,31 ( S. irth st .Oma ha , N'oh. 7Q. _ Foill. . t : lo ( ldciico piopprtj and \ncnnt lots In oxery aildltlon In Oniahu 'leimsto siiltpiirolin er. Alsi > dtxlrnblo tniBlnn prop. irt ) ( lllibon , Larson .t Co , Uoom J , Wlthnoil Illock m nlliLSDALK. 80T _ _ \AIIOSBV'S Addition , nonr Walnut Mill , 1 > 1 lots $300 for the neil Ud ihi\s. 'lorms to suit purclia < oi. Also acres In \ \ ii'lilngion Mill and barirnlus In nil purls of the city. J. .1. Mahoney - honey , 1599 Farnam. ICHIyZJ II' Y01 * lia Impioxel propcrtv or clt } lots von want "old onll on M Ii lllgglns x Co. , 150i ) Douglas tt. 8,13 17 TAHfli ; cltlos tuako siibitibun homes n nnccs- J elty nml this class of lots grows with thu lost. This In to bo consldorofl. Bco Hlllsdalo ut f 150 nnd buy ono \\hon jou can at this llgure Ames' llo l IMnlo Ageucj,13D7 Fninnmst. fen FTK * iA.Mir or "exclTanifir"nt Bnrpnln 80 acres of Qnoha > land within 2'i miles of rrainont. Nob. S. A. Slotnan , 1207 Douglas St. , Omahn. Nob. 270 TflOlt SAI.H-X'tTnciosl mllofrom Waterloo. JL1 with twofhRt-clnss houses , stnbios , wind mill AllfPiiced. Trcos nnd at 140 per noro. Sachecu & .Iitndergronni7bouth Uth street 704 RT.AL KSTATK HAHGAlNS-riupst piece of trnikiigo.casy of access and contially h > - ciitud. In Omaha , at a bargain J , U Hk-o A Co , oor Commercial Nntlonnl bank. 864 SA Nl.OMAN. lin.1 Parnam stieet , I'avton Hotel llulldhifr , Hei INtite Hiokoi. Loans negotiated. AliMnict * ftirnl lied. A Urn bargains which it muilil bo well foi tluieo seeking choice Invcstim ntfl In Insldu busl. no s and rcsldi nt o propoi ty to curefullj lnes - Uualo baforo piirchtislnir. Farnam street oppo'lto couit house , 44x133 with lieu eel It rooms , renting for fK ) poi montb. This is u raio opportunity. I.auAonwoilh stieet Coiner lot Olxlt" , house 11 looms , ients foi ? riO per mouth. Only ? 8,5JO , ? . ' ,50Jcn < : li , haliinco to suit purchaser. l.emonwoilli st nenr " 1st , lot ( iv132 ; house renting for M per month ; clmnp at $5,50. ) Ilmneyst comer lot 16Jv47 ; opposite couit house ; business prooity ] , $10,000 llnrney st. nilliln DUO block of court house , lot.KxIVi ; cheip , $ , ) aw Hnincyvt. near SJth , lot M\107 ; beautifully situated for resilience , ? iit03 HaniDyst. no ! ral t , lotfiJxIflT. $ f,000. llnrueyBt. near ilst , lot 41xl ) . good house and burn , icnts lor $ J7.W , onlj $4,500. Hnrnoyt near Ist , lot SIxl'JO , and CJxl'l. % \ Ith hou u and barn , renting for 5JO per month , nil for * 5,500. Mthst nonrSt. Maij'savo , lot 10x120 , house n looms , Jtt.OOO. 703 ILLSDALi : Bo t oppoitunlty for getting II you n cheap homo BO'J HILLSDALK-romo and SPO It yourself , It sells on Its morlts. Ames' Hcnl Kututo Agency , r > 07 Fat num. 809 TCIOlt S VMC Two elegant oust front corner -C lots in Burr Oak ; natural sh ulo tious llntchoi.Oadd & . Co. , 1U18 Douglas stieet , Mlllnrd hotel block Oin-ilm. Neb. Ml HALT aero trnckiuto on the 1J. P. track , con- tnilly located , a baigaln foi $15OJO .1. U Hlco .V Co. , 13th nnd Douglas 571 OUis LotsFannsLnmH money loaned. H Ileuils , 15th and Douglas streets. 471 FOK SATiK 4o rcros smooth unbroken pral- lie landneni Onkliind , Hurt countv. at $ JO poracio Sachsoo&Laudergrln,317Soutli llth si i cot. 70o KRAI , F.STATKBA1K1A1NS Sbcnutirtlsoiitli fiont lots just oir Pnundcrs st. in Put tick's 2d addition , $ l,2.iO each. .1.1. . Hlco & Co. , o\ei Commercial National built 801 RHMKMHBK now is the tlmo to buy cheap lots. 1l > pgiow in Mtluo faster than nny others Boo lllllsJulo. Lots $150 cnch. Amos' Heal Kstuto Agency , Iri07 rnrnnm. E03 IF YOU Want to bur or trndo foi a lot or Improved - proved city propoi ty cnll on M. L lllirglns & Co , 1508 Douglas St. KU-17 TttO lots on the corner of 27th nnd Cosspts. , 100xr > 5 , for J3 , < iCO. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Far nam yt. . Omaha , Nob. _ 21 _ TTILIrfDALU Hcautlfuflocation. 603 Foil nXCIIANOE 50,000 stock ill v goods for Ojinlm property. Archer & Fitch , 213 S 15th St. 403 _ H LotsFurms.L'inds money loaned. Bcmls , lith and Uouglns sticets. 471 HHOUSis HOUSis Lot8rarnisLands money loaned. _ llcmls Lltli and Douglas htrouts 471 HALT acre tiaikaga on the U I * . Hack , con- tiully loci toil , a bargain for $ I5OJJ. .1. L. Hlco X Co , 1 ilh uiul Douglas. _ 571 _ FOnSALH-Dy Albrlvbt & Aj-oj\\orth ! , 213 South I'ith. Special b argalm. 132 teat on liunl , noiir Ibth . $5009 VOzlfiUonJUtlMtroot . 2H)0 ( lilxlH. DiUunpoiLlind llth . 8,000 22\WHow ( ant and llth bt . IO.OOJ 0 > xiA ) , llth and Center . 2,70) ) (1Q\78 ( , Dm onnort and 10th . ( ! , < J < iO Oniniuio , Kith , near Vlnton . l.r.n : ) C7 lenten Dodge . 201 GOxlOO.lOth and .lacks in . EO.OOa ffir.r > ' ,24th and Hurt . 2,1,01 lOvl.'O , lOioom houro . 7.0,0 lUO\l ( > icoinei.7-ioom house . . . . 5,000 A fou lots loft In our now addition 1" ) HIM cs near stock jards , $200 poracio Alh.-lnht 4 Ajlcsirorth , 218 South 15th Tele- nhono 7(5. _ Pl.i-17 HILI.SDALR You can find no such lots as these at 5 ISO apiece. Ames * Itoal I'otnto Agcnoy , r < 07 tniimin at. _ 8UJ FOKSAI.i : Or Trade Improved and unlm- prqvod lands tn Funni and otior woitorn countlos. Address Wm , SImoral , Ar-xpahoo , FurnasCo. Nob. _ 275 SAI.i : Niccf ) mom houao and i corner FOK loin in Walnut Hill ; H cash bal. to suit. Cnl Jlnrtln 1IOS llth st , 4GJ Tmoit SALK I luivo the following pieces of Jicnl estuto , > \ hlch can ho bought iliiring'tlii ) naxt tenilavs ut thopilccs iUoti | > d below , and en easy tot ins ; Splomlld corner , 100\153east front.I'mtt's , siibilhislon . . . $ * , m TuMdo lot , panto hlock , b3\If > Sonst front WJ Lot 7 , block . ) , Crostou add , cast 01 west tiont . . . . . . 1,100 Very line fiiic'io tt.ict in Tuttlo'a Buhdivl- slon , makes 21 chnlco lots , adjolnlnir 10 acres POOH to ho pla o I. . , . ,1.703 I'lnoly situated 0 iu.ni tiact , 'i south of bjinllc.ito Hill , ono ncro n groM ) , I'oi 2,000 Tour ol tin ) liost lotBln Orchard Hill , ft09 mieli. Wm. II. Aloxanaor UOS Doilge St. M7-17 _ LKAVKN'WOIITH BUSINESS Placo-Buslnr-s on the Belt Line , lor varoliotue * , niiinu- factoilesor subuib Etoics. 1'or pi ice j qiul plat see J , W. Logan , on promises at ciosiinjf of. Loik\unwoi1h street and Belt Line or U. W. Baker , loom 7 , Iron bank. 791-15 Ttiolt bAl.i ; 1 Inu biicic IHIIIBO nncl triimuni.i X ? blf two blocks fiom Cumlugs and IKtli ; to remove , Ttico. Olson , 218 S. 15th st. ( ICO-lo. HILLSDALB-Ixits only $150 to 5171 , anil will soil for Uoubio tills llgure In 12 months' tlmo. Coma and BCD them. Ames' KBH ! JJUi Agonoy , 1S07 Karimni st. HOU Oil HAbK Improved Jorm , 160 anos. 75 acres In crop , 10 acre * > lmbcr , 103 bonrlng orclmid trees , ( JO aertis nay land , 20 acroi lie pasluio. W.Jonos U-'l N. 21gtst. 517-ftiitfl' nioit SAr.lC-rull lot on ntli St. , near Nlcho- -L1 his , nt a bargain , Buehsso < t I indorgrcn , 3naj ujibi _ lei TTIOU UAT.K Full lot on Sherman tuo , oppo- 4- ' site for Bolt Line depot. Saohsao & , Mmlor- gron , J17S. Utlist. _ _ 10J _ TTIOU SALB Ono of thu llno > t niiro ? inVosb J ? Omaha , $8,003. The 0. It , Mayno Hcnl Ustato ana Trust Co KU _ nALI'aore trackage on the IT. V. track , cen trally local oil , H bargain for 115,000. J.L. Itico Si Co , 18th aud UougliuK _ 671 HOW jou can mak money ? Bj bu > lngon easy paj meiitu a lllllBJiJo lot lor fl.VJ , that wlllbu laslly paid for and double in value. Ames' Itoal Kfetato Asrcncy , 1507 1'ainam. tffJ IF yoTfwanTtoTiuy or triido tor any kind of u business call on M. L. Hicgitu tc Co , 1600 Douglas st. tsXl-17 CUB lot In Hlmohaugh's nddltlon , 5.7) ) , cheap. 1'otter & Cobb , 1515 rarnam fct. , Omaha , Neb , 821 niLISDALI'lms ftdvnntujro which can't be beaten by any location. When jou sou the lots you will admit it. Ames , 1507 I'nrnum. 87J " " " TTILLSDALIUoiis at S150 per lot. 603 FOH KAT.l' New email house In OiunlmVioir fl.OJO ; xery small vaah v'iucntTitcu. . Olson , K18S , 15m 8t. C091U. I rtoitsAtK 3 hou fn to iiomoTPd oft lots ; 1 will ell chcftp , Tlio C. r. . Majno Heal K t to Riid Tru t Co. , WI lots soil on their mnrltji. \J Ijow tirlco fttnl omy terms given Call at TlioO. K. Mayno and Tru t Co. ' 8 olBco nnd pet n plat 203 1J1011 SAI.n-Oood 7-room hi.uso . with collar , X' ci tornclty water and hurn , M lot , f3,8.lo ; enquire on inunilscs.'il" li\\on | > ort 678 nil.LSDALK , hTghrKt ground , lmnd omo < t locution of nti ) lots In or nround Otnnlia , for tire to $175 a lot. Cotno and sco this ground. Amos' Hcnl IXato Agency 1507 1'ar- iinin. SOt SAC'H"Si : .V I.ANDntHrnN have for "ale , U room lionco mnl lot , 20th street mar St Mnry'snvo , ? , VOcnsh till mot lily $5,0 0 Fine cottage and lot , 17lh st near I.caxon- Motth . . 1OW Coi. lot , llorlmoh's 2d add , with 2 lioii'os , burn , eto . 4,100 Half lot , I lot bach's 2d nddith 0 room hou e , barn , etc ' Half lot , cor.Horhnch sCd nild.witli Crooni house . . 2WO Half lot with 0 room hon o , K V. Smith's mid tiV ) rn h , bal. $ i % per month 2,200 Full lot , U V. Smith's add with Hrst cln s lmu o , 1.20J l ill lot,2honsos HIU ! liarn , South n\enue. Lot V > icl5'iLonos2d ndil. uoni Academy of Iho Snored Heart , w Ith cottage oto 2WO 1WXI.W4. I'attorion's Riihdlrlslon , xtltli house and lmpm\emcnt ( worth f7X ( ) > . 1,800 Lot ( IMS ) , Hurt Ktiret. nonr AcRiIemj of the Sacicd llciut ; brick lieu o worth S1.200 . . . 2 00 OMAHA VH'.W- Lotltk2-3lory S room house , fiult ttccs , shruhbory , cto . . 1W ) Ixt ) with new li-room hou c. ftiitilc , etc , 2,000 Lot with 4 room hou o , bay window , 2 porches , ( worth f'jO ) , well , tom-i" * , trees and shriibiory cheap tit $1MJ ; cash down f 100 , bnlitiioo ? - : , " > pur mouth rulllot and lit st-clns * 8-tonm house anil \orj lhinlniirovomonts | Shlnn's ' ccond add , teal lintgatn . . 2GOO Wllco 's Second add , full lot and li-room hoii < o . . . . lf > 00 SaiimlcM dtroet lot , with extra well , built and furnl hrd 4-room houoo , cto 2,100 Full lot In rlalnvlmv , with now Broom hoitco , clioiip . . 1VX ) South 10th street ( ICntintni'4 Stcondadd ) , lot DOf.'HO , good n-rooni house , liiirn , shed , well , very ulco lences , siiado trcis and x err cholco . . . . . 4,000 20th street , nor.rCastellu , 00-111 , with cot- tape. Ono half einh 2 full lots on Sntuulors stiect , with two slorj- room house , lurgo Itiirti , etc fi.tXX ) Charles sticet , loiner , IM-l 'H , with 0 room homo , woith (1,203 , tie . 0,500 S20 ncios , line farm land , near Waterloo , with xci ) line iiniro\omout [ < ) , at $10 per ucro i. Ijindcrjrcn,3178. ( 11th St. 7TO BAKOAIN I'lili lot on Wobsti-rst. between 17th and ISth sts , 2 houses , ono of fi rooms and ono of ( liooms ; good barn anil shiulo trees and othn Improvements , pileu f7,0X ) : easy teniin. I'ottor i. Cobb , JM" > 1 mmun , St. , Omaha , Nob. 8J1 HA1CI licit Guild , Milliird Hotel Block , offer tlio following sjicclil b irgaltis : lleuutlful U-i-ooin cottage and lot In "Idlow IM" 1X ! ) feet fiom Btiert cars ; well , cistern , city water ; gaa jilpos throughout house ; Imnl wood Mulsh nsldo ; Hldowalk , fences and all Improve- mi'iitsiiow Thoioughly fiirnlshod. Now fur niture and carpolH. An oTtrn bargain. AH for tlio low price of 4 500. Another Splendid House and lot In Idlowild for ,000. 8-toom house , and good lot In Omaha View , x-orv cheap at SI , MX ) . Three gooJ resiliences , Chicago ftrcot. with HEire Icot , a docldoil bargain nt 511.00J. Goods room houeu n ocotnei 12th and Pierce Bluets , thorough ropnlr.lBO bbl clhtorn , cheap utJ'JOOO. llth st viaduct will miiKo these lots alone this x alue. $ . " > TiOO cisk takes It all Houbonml lot In Parker's addition , $2.SOO. Very ilesli able property Cass and 20th st , 3 good houses with giounds 14t\UJ feet good bargain , $27,000 Neat housu nnd two lots , in Walnut Hill , a baigum lor a short tlmo , S-MOO. Six beautiful lots In "Omulm View , " very sightly and nt tractive. $530 to S800 ouch. Six rliolcu lots In "West Side" at $400 each on easy terms. 4 lots In Thornburg place 54V ) nnd $300 oach. Choice lot , llanscom place. $1,000. Lots in Manhattan , Bedford place nnd ether cholco additions. Acres In Cote Brllllnnto , Brighton and Ken sington. xcrvchoap and easy toims. Beautiful lots in llesoi votr addition and Kllby Flnca. Over ono-half acre In Hartimn's addition , splendid fin manufacturing , with traclmgolay3 nlcoly , 11 big bargain at $15OJO. Kino business property on 10th street SplcnVIld briclt hotel , 20 rooms , in good Iowa town. Cost f 1(1,000 ( , SJ.OOO takes It. Aliovoara only a few of the many bargains wohaxe. If you wish to buy property , rail on us If vouxush to sell , list jour property with Ilutclioi.aadd 4 , Co , Sllilnid hotel hlock. OK ANY' PAll'CV wishing to buy nhomo InOinnhu View will consult their intoiest by calling on 1'iiilc & I'owlor , 1.V4 Douglas St. , as they have a baigam for the person that comes ilrat. 1'or sulo Two cottages in Waiutit Hill ; will sell cheap and on small paj monts. Ono small cottage - tage ( ! ioom ) nc.ir 17th st , , only 1,250 , 100 cash and b ilance , ? l i per month. Tuo collages on Saumlcrs. Call and get prices and terms. Ono nuio In 1'rtttorson Park cheap. Ixjt In WnlnutHlll nt a bargain. Vacnnt propeity in nil pruts of city. 1'aiki 1'owler , 15221)oiichisst. 80S-17 P. BOYEB & UEAU.IIB IN and Ml Work. 1020 1'arnam Strcot , Omaha. Neb. UnioFlational Bank , o& 02 : .13 : . , 206 Masonic Blk , HW. Cor. Cap.AY. & 16th Capital , - - $100,000 Authorized Capital , - COOOOO Accounts solicited. InlorrBt paid on tlmo deposit - posit * : collections nm'o In nil parts of thowo t , iiiidhuvlng provlikd rho largest and best vault In thoclty. noxvlll ic'colio > ahmblo artiiJlos on kloriigo. I'rompt nttentlon will no irU'cu to all LiuMucesoiUiustod tons. J.NO. W. Uoui.t EH , Cashier. WM. W. Mutsii.Picsldcnt. TclophoneNa 8U. A STANDARD MUDfCAL WORK FOR YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN , ONLY SI IIV 3IA1L , I'OSl'I'AIII. ILLUSTltAl/VU S.VJll'Li : 1'ltL.n TO ALL. KNOW THYSELF. Kxhiuitod Vitality NorToin nnd I'hya'rnl ' liability I'rmiinturo Dirllncln Man frroinnt viniili , nml thu uiituM mlixrlDK rciultlns fnim ImHsrroilim and ex. < i ( > e A bonk for Brery mull yoium ni'ilillnjiiuil unUnlil , UruntuliiH 1.5 pn vrlptliuirifi'r.illiictiloiina rliiuiilnOlieaiici. ichanu of whltn U Invnlii iMc. ha ruiinn uxtno mtthor tTlmNA nxpcrlonco furSl yrnrx Is BUili us proimliljrnuvfir bofpro fell to ihu lot n ( any nliytltl m : aripa u * , liound 1 1 liraatlful I ronrh mus lin , oraUwspdiovem , full Klit.Kunr imoed 1 1 Im iini- uurk In rcr > noifo-mcclini Iml lltvi iiyiiml prod * * . atnniil-llinn iinyoiimr work In tlii rounry ( lur KM , or ilii money will bo rcriimtod ! n every Instance. I'rlceoiily U ! > y iniill , pcB.pil.l. Illu-tniieil j > nmjlc , UJc. .S"nU now. Cut 1 nit'-lnl iK-nnlLil tiniiutlior liy thoN.illunnl Jtiull.ul Aimrlnllon , to tlio Hun. A. I * . IllHsdl. null iiivji IUIB nul'.en or tUo liouril tlio reader It rcupcctfully n fcrrcU. Tin ) 8 < loncoo { llfn In iirt'i mnrolo ( In young and neil ( if thlt vncnitlontlinnitll tliu inlnaiol ( Jjllfurnl i anil il.u dlvor lulinn of .Nt\ida ciiniljnu | > l.O , r 'lironlcl , ' . The tiolOMi d of I.li'ii iJdiii'toul tlio n > cV ami qi.lrlc' caiiilien wii'di HID loiinilluiliiii nml liupji of i iiuy B Toimfnuiu lmroboiu f.ils ! ! ) vr clioJ..MimuirdUr illrror ' 1 ho Si-Ienro of 1 Ifa Ii of itrffjtor viilun thf n n'l ttii ) mulliid norUi imlilliliulln Dili tiuntry j\rtliu putt HI vrari Atliint.1 OintUutluli Tlio hc'i ncu uf I.lfu Ii H m 1 10 1 Ii unit uiartcrlr treat- lee on ! iirvou nnd pliyilc.il itnbllltyr-l'ctrJit I'ruo Aildieii the I'onl-ily Me Her I InilltutP , orPr. . W II. I'nrkor , t\o. t Iliillllnih pticrl , itoitun.Uui ! * wl , limy k3 ( iiii > nltnilrin nllil kLi in n'milrlnx tUlhinil xiiorlenio. Chrunli' .ml nlutliuitu illt "ttia t'ul ' IIIITO lnlHud Iho UI1 of oth'r clijr l ( lunii | c- Lilly. Hmh treats 1 mm ott'i'lr ' wliligut milimiimo of Inlluri ] , Jloiillon Olniili.i IK'e. Carrylnfftlionolj7liiralloj.il and Unit" ' ' ] Malsi\lllny ! evuryutnrdur Beiwoen Antwerp & Now York TO THE RHINE , GERUM , ITALY , HOI. LAND AND FRANCE , Bl'HINU AND 8UM.MHU HATES : Btilon from JA ) to tlX' ! . Hrcurslcn ( rip front flic to 1180. Second Cabin , imtnnul , * li , prt ] > Hlilil > ; Uituriion. fjO. SUuin u ii.iuuga at low rRtos. I'ctor Wrlglit & . Sims , ueuural Agents , U ilroadxmy. Now York. Henry 1'umlt , 1-'K > I arimm si , : ruiilson , V Co , U fauutni st. ; L ) . O. fiovm.m , J 'l 1'uuiauist. THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE OK THE Chlc Milwaukee&StiPaulR'i ' THE BEST K.OUTE From mm mm BLUFIS ci r\vo Tiivt.va IIIY I IHJTWKUN OMAH v corni'ii. nt.iTKa Cliicnpo , AM > 3Ilhuiukco , St. raul , MliinoniioHs Collar Hniilils , Clinton. Diilintini' , Dnvoniiorl , Koclc IslandFreoiiort , Kuokfunl , Kljyln , Mnillson , JUIIOSN lllc , liololt , Winonii , La Urosso , And nil other Important points llnst , Northoitst nnd Southenst , Tor Oiroujrh tickets cnll on the Tlckot Airpnt nt HOI I nuuini street ( In I'.txtou Hotelor ) nt Villon Vrtclllo Depot rulltiinii hli'opors niul the flnott Dlnlnir Cnra In the world nro tun on thu main llnojof the OHIOMHI , Mit.w UIKKI : & ST. lui , iunw\v , nml o\ury nttetitlon Is pnld to fingionKors by coinlenniomplojMol thocompnny. It MH.I.KII , Ucnorul Mniiiipor. J. r. Ti'CKiiit. AMlMnnt liuncrnl MnnnRor. A V. H C vui'i.NTKii , Coneiiil IMttciitfurnnd Tic-kPt ABOIII. ( Iho K llcinoitt ) , AsslstuiitOonornl I'asson- Bor nnd Ticket AKi'tit J. T. CuiiK. llniu'rnl SillPiliiloiulPiit. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago , The only rend lo take for Do * Molnos. Mur * shalltown , Cedar Knplds. Clinton , Dixie , Chica go , Milwaukee ) nnd all points east. TotliopiSo- plo of Nebruulm , Colonulo.Vomlng , Ulnh , Idaho , Novadn , Oregon , Wnshirgton and Call- fornliilt oilers superior advnutnges not possible by an ) othoi lino. Among a few of the numcrouspatnts of supe riority enjoyed bv the patron * ] of this rend no- twoen Oiiinha and Chicago , aio Its twa train's n dnyof UAV COACHBS which are the finest that hitman nrt nnd Ingenuity cnn create. Its I'ALACH bLIIKI'ING CAIIS , whleli are models of com I art ami elegance. Its 1'AHLOH OKAW- 1NG HOOM CAHH , iiimui paoied bv nni , and Its widely celebrate 1 1'ALATIAL DININO CAHS , thooiiunlot which cannot bo found oloowhoro At Council lllutfs the trains of the Union Paci fic lly. connect In I'nlon Depot with those of tlio Chicago V Northwestern lly. In Chicago the trains of this line make close connection with those of all eastern lines Forllotioit. Columlmrf , Indlnnnpolls , Cincin nati , Niagara I'mlb , HulTnlo.l'lttslnirg , Toronto , Montionl , Itostou , Now York , Philadelphia , llnl- tlmoroVnshlngton nnd all jiointsln the oust , iiak the ticket agent for tickets via the "NOUTHW HSTBUtf , " If ) onwl h the bestnccomniodatlons. Alltloko mrcntb sell tickets via this line. JL iiuaiiiTT , u. a HAIK , General Manager. Gen. VnsJ. Agent. CHICAGO. WHO 19 UNACQ MINTED WITH THE OCOORAPHr OP THIS couHTur WILL e C nr tx ijiNito THU HAP THAT THE CHIDAGO.nOCK ISLAND 3 PAGIFIO RAILWAY KT roaion of Iti central ponlttnn and cloio relation tn nil prlnclpAl llnt Lut anil Went. Bt Initial nndtrr- nilnol polnti , ronstltucoi the inuit Itnnarlnnt mill ontliiKiititl llnU In that njilvni of through tninFpan ( ntlan wlili'h Invltun ami riirllttii trartl nl tr 0a ! lvtw uii clllei of the Allantln niul 1'Atlflc Uvaili It Is Him tlio fn vorlte nllrt lii > > t roulo toHndfroni imlnta lru < ft. Northeast iinil Bouthoaiit , nnd corievuoadlnff points V , oil , Nortlmoit nnd Kouthwrat. The Great Rock Island Route aiinrantcM Itj iiatron tliit en o of prrtonal cm. rlty nironli-il hr wild , llioroiiBhlr bnllittrd rond- bel.Miiiintli triUn of nmllniioui t l nil , ub t M- llallT built culvurti nnd lirldcn , rolllaK stock a < ntnt ixirfpclloii lui liunmn lilll tan m ko l ( , the Bf t opnlliini e of putint biiBf npl > irarminnd nlr bralei , nniltlintiincilnjfilliHpIlno wlikh pnrenn the jirarJ tjrol opiiatloii nr nil Hi trnlin oihfr inoflnltlci of jilj , lonit , me rran r.irii lit all coniwctliiic iioluti In Union Drnoti , and the iinnirpiiwud cowtarU anil tuxurlMot Hi raweiiuor K < julpmi > nt. 7be rxnn > n rains l.rtwoou Chlcj ire and r orfa. Council lllnir. . K p.aa Lltr UnTeii" > tli aTul . . . . f-hljoii .oiv.L. . . ro i ooinpnutil . . .HID MnKnlilcont r wrll vcntllntrd. i ' uuniiui lln J | alicu y nu- BlocwMof tlio lalrat ilnilfrn , n < l uniituoui | UlnlnS Can. Ii ; which nKbornUIr rookf a IMuro ] Jrlnnrrir film llctwreiiCllteurniind Kon.niCltrnnl AU blion ere aim run Hie OlebrntiHl llecllnliiiiciialr Car * . The Famoua Albert Lon Route ' Is fie dlraft d f Torlt line Iwtwcrn Ohlcaijoanil tllnnrapolhanilHt. 1'nill.wlicro connrrtlomniuniaao lirllUli 1'rorlnim. Over nthls"raiit * V i't"i "ircin Tr lin ara run to tlio wittering r'urci ' , rummer riv uru , ulitiirt.iiuo | locnlltlos.anU liimUnK mul ilKUImt pvyitli liat Iowa nnil Jllnnnola It Ii iilro tllu moit ttl'nill ? nnojli "r ni'liuyr LINK. TI Senacn nd Kan. KAliiti , dan linn uiu-iiiNl bftwten I Inrlnn.MI. IndUn. jliolli nml Ijlfii } Mli ; iiml Counrll lllnirt , Knn > M City , ulmicainlli | < n 11st I'aul anil iiiinriiii ilU.eixilntK for ijotulcil Inrariiintlnii tea tlam nml tnlderr. phtAjimt.lt > . m w | | ni tlrl ot , nt Ml priiulpiilllckti oniri-t In tlio Unltcil buua and Cauaxlu ; ur ly ud- K. Ft. CADLC , C. BT. JOHN , 1'rtw' t & Ueu'l M'f'r ( , Oin' Coro.5paM.3T. A 1UH15CT WNK I'OU France & Germany. The steamships of this well linoun line uro htillt of lion. In water light comimrtmonlt ) , unil uia furiiinlied with evury rcniil3lto | to inalid the jiaesiiguliolh iilo and ogrccahln. They citrry thu Tuitcd hluli'.t and Kmopmm inivlls.iiiid | e > i\u NewyorltThursdiFi and Suturdityd for Pltf. mntitli.fJUNUONUhorUousrl ( ) ( > Altla and lIAJf. Itutniiilng , theatoainiira lomo Hamburg on Wtulnesdnjo uiul humlajH , via. Havre , Uwtilj nas-oiiL-orsiit Boiithainilon | and London. 1'irsl oubin SW. JJ and 875 ; btoorago SJT. lUlhond tickets fioin I'lymoutli to Bristol , OAF- illir. London , or to any place In Iho Boutliof Knirluiid. i'ltl'.n. Sleenigo from liuiopu only - ' General ViissongiT Ajrimts , Cl nroadway. Now York ; Wafc'iingtnn and L H. A. DISBROW & CO. Wliolctulu Manufacturers and Dealers In Mouldings , Kino Hnnl Wood Interior I'inUh Mitiillctt , Coinitci'n , J'ciu Hndu , Jii'acUcla , HUIIGLL WOJtK < n\a \ 5 Dealct'H tn Hull dint/ Main OITlco and I'lictory at I.jous , Iowa , Ofllce & Warerooms Cor. 12lli Si Izard Sts. Proposal fcr Heal Estats. Si\LKI : ) piopoaals wld bo rcculvtid by the iiuilersU'iied , uuill fio'elocici ) . rn. . MonJuy. AU4UBU' , HMi , for two traclH of liiuil tor sctool slick , ( ho bald Inicts in contain I5uti ) gijuaiu feet tin h ; ono ti act to bo located nt or near 'Irtlnlown , In thu fouthutst imrt of tlio clly , " or iieir Orinhii Viovr In tlio noitn. we t P.I it of thurily Tliu Iluurd it cr\D tbo right to reject nny or all buK llyOrdoi of tl'o ilonrd of liducutlon , jullOr.l'.t Cu.Mii.Ld CoumL. , Socrttnry.