Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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Edluicd by turner In nnj-pnrlof thocltyat
ivditj cttitspti'vreck.
Jl. W.TII.TON , - - .Manager.
rii , No.
Now York Plumbum company.
PnntH to order * ? , \ > \ Ht'itor , tin tailor.
Material for lithiu : suits : it Ihirknt-ss
Urns' .
The city rouncll la to input next Titos *
day evening.
Kanoy tlanni'ls for bathing suits , at
JlnrkiicMS Uros' .
Goto tlio lake iflorgcllinHn bathing
suit lit IhirkiK-ss HPOM.
Apron Kuhhcr Company's host ? at
Coopur & AIcii' ( < ' ' .
Max Mohn is having atone walk laid
in front of the Crt-ston lionso.
Cabinet photographs sf-tt | ) cr doat
Slu-mulcuS iTway. for 00 diivs only.
Only $ S fit ) per dolor first elu-0 cabinet
photos at Schmidt's , UiO Main.
Frank Witlmrcll lias opened up In tlio
sloro lately occupied by Dan Mnginms.
About two thousand and llvo bundled
books wore taken from the public library
) ; iit month.
'fhc ' Harmony mission frinnds had a
social In .l evening at the residence of J.
M. I'almor.
Rev. Adwnll , of Ohio , is to preach a
Bprmon .Sunih'y morninix and evenlnjr at
the uoloicd M. 1 . church.
Tlio Conty'Ggationalists held n sociable
last evening at thn homo of Mrs , Wai to ,
who was assisted incnluitaining by Mrs.
Preaching by the pastor in the liaijtist
pimrnit Similar morning und cvonhig.
Subjeilfornlor'ning , "Let us omg trne >
Song. " Scats free.
Services in the Congregational church
to-morrow morning. "Subject , "Tlio
Way of Duty this Way of Light. " A cordial -
dial invitation is extended to all. No
evening service.
The suite bot\rd of medical examiners
is to meet at the Ugdun ; August 5 and 0 for
the purpose of examining npuliuants for
certllicates. verifying diplomas , etc. ,
under the now law.
Hcv Mr. Heiehenback , pastor ot the
Scandinavian Baptist church of this city ,
ia arranging a hymnal for use by that
denomination , lie is rucogni/.cd as one
of tlio ablest men in the church , and this
work he has undertaken by icquest of the
church authorities.
Postmaster Editor Bowman is anxious
for the Muiaiu to cither confirm or reject
liis appointment. If he is rejected tlicn
he will be an oll'i'iisive partisan , and if
confirmed then he will bo poitmaster.
So long as he is on the anxious seat he is
The county clerk h'as just received a
lull list of tliose on the pension rolls of
the United States , so that those desiring
any information on the matter can find it
readily at this ollice. The roll shows that
1'ottawattiunie county has 18(5 ( pen
Try it. Best Cream Soda in city 5c per
glass at Palmer's , No. 13 Main st.
The New York plumbing company is
putting in a fountain in Fairyiew ceme
tery for the cemetery association.
Personal Paragraphs.
Dr. Soybert has returned Irom his
western trip.
.Mrs. J L. Forman left yesterday on a.
visit to friends in Mcriman , Neb.
Alex Stewart has returned from Ohio ,
where ho has been for a year and a half.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mctcalfo have gone
to Canada and J5osta.ii on a pleasure tiip.
J. P. Fall , of.Silvcr City , was in the
city yesterday on route for Illinois to
look after some landed interests there.
P. M. Prvor , of the BEI : job rooms , left
yesterday on an eastern trip , expecting
to visit friends in Wisconsin , his old
home. He will be absent about a week.
O. M. Fisher , secretary of the National
Cutters' association , left last evening to
attend the annual convention of cutters ,
which meets at Put-m-Bay , Lake Erie ,
July 20 , 21. 23. From there Mr. Fisher
will extend ills trip further east , to New
York and Boston. Ho does not expect to
icturn for several weeks.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans. J. W. & E. L. Squires , It )
Pearl btreot , Councl Blull's.
Tlio Fatal Accident.
The son of Phil Pickering was lying
yesterday at the Pacilic house in a sink
ing condition , with no apparent posi-
bility of his recovery. The boy's father
and mother were in attendance , Airs.
Pickering having arrived by a special
train about 3 o'clock ystcnlay morning
from lioono , where the family reside.
The accident was a feevere shock to tlio
friends and calls fourth the tumlcrcst
sympathy. The surgeons could do little
for the relief of the dying boy beyond the
removal of some of the portions of the
fractured skull , which pressed upon the
Perfect satisfactory accommodations
at $3 00 a day at thu Pacific lloii&e. ( iivu
it a trial and bo convinced.
See that your books arc made by More-
Louse & Co. , Kooiu ] , Kverott block.
TIiu Now Houil.
A now road has been established to
Manawa lake , which only makes the dis
tance four miles from the court house.
It was laid out and built yesterday , and
instead of having to go over the sand
hills just turn to the right after messing
Mosquito creek bridge and follow the
now road cut through the willows. A
DEI ; reporter visited the beach yesterday
wild found everything in good shape.
Guide boards liavo been stationed along
the ronto , and you can't miss the way if
yon "keep in do middle of do road. "
J , J. Steltcr , 505 Upper Broadway , will
not bo undersold. General store ,
The Christian U'onicii.
The Women's Christian association will
bold a business meeting at the Ogden
JIOIIKO parlors this ( SatunUiy ) morning at
10 o'clock , All members , and especially
the board of managers , are earnestly re
quested to bo present.Nits.
Nits. GJIEKN , Soo'y.
Tooth ! Toe till Tooth !
In fact , teeth for everybody , made
cheap. From this time on 1 wiH make
bets of artificial teeth for the small sum
of | 5 each sot. In fact , I will not permit
any man to como into this city unu make
sots of artilicial teeth any cheaper than I
can. I have removed my oflico to South
Wain street , No. 133. Please call and see
the teeth that 1 will make yon at $5 a sot.
I will guarantee just as good a jit as the
10 sots. I live 'a ' this city and propose
to stay liero the balance of my hfo , > > ith
respect to all humanity , I uni over the
F , 0 ( Cl.AUK.
P. S , Other papers can copy this no
tice if they feel inclined to do so.
Kirkhuid , { ho jowolcr. bas removed to
" 3 Broadway , Singer omco ,
An Interesting Attempt to Collect Peiialtiea
Under the Oonnty Permit Law.
Ti-jlni ; loSnvc n l-'ns ( OlrlTho New
Jdmil \lniitinttiiii An Old Con-
llttcnuc Gatnc Newly 1'layoil
DaltiRs ! n the
A Ijltior | Onso
Iii tinsupeiior court icslorday nu In-
tcre.stini ; case was trieil under tlio law re-
pounly permits to dfu Uts , ro-
thorn to make monthly reports as
to the wile of inloxleants , the penalty be-
liiK $100 for caeh ncirleot to thus report.
One-half of the amount thiti recovered
f'oe.s to the person bringing the nctlon.
This suit \\as bc un by K. L. Williams
against J. ( ' . Dcllaven , the well known
ilrujrgiMt , who i.s conslduroil among the
be t of Council Hlulls busino s men. The
suit was for $1-100 , itboiiiK elaitned that
ho had not properly reported for fou Kteen
months past. Under the law a variety of
details are required in iho report , the ac
count of each sale to be given , with name .
of purchaser , amount , price , purpose for
which purchase is made , amount
of liquors on hand at thu
bc innin of Iho month , and
amount purchased during the month , in
fact , a bewildering number of facts. It
h claimed that the omission of any of the
facts required in the report constitutes u
cause for recovering the penalty. ln de
fense of [ ho Stilt brongnt admiral mr. D ?
Haven , evidence was introduced showing
that he had tiled monthly reports , com-
pljing in the main with the requirements
of the law. These reports coincided with
his .sales book. .Some of I he reports
found In the auditor's otlicc did not show
when they were tiled , and the auditor
could nnt tell the date , as thov wore in his
ofiieO "wlion no IOOK * fw-isSssum . Tfifo
auditor and his assistant ssvore that no
record was kept of these repoi K they
being liled away simply in pigeon holes.
In fact , it seems that if the tact that a re
port for any month in the auditor's ollico
renders the dealer liable to a penalty of
$100 tliore is little piotection giy m the
dealer. Thu reports arc not registered ,
and if lost or stolen the informant
could then got i O for disclosing
the fact that the report was not on liel.
If this should prove to be tire law , there
would be a great temptation for pri'Mms
to Meal the reports , which can be easily
done , as they have to be kept pcn
for public inspection. The auditor is not
to be blamed for not protecting the deal-
eis by registering these icports , or other
wise recording I lie fact that such reports
are liled _ , as the law does not provide tor
anything of the sort. It gives no in
structions or requirements , so that if the
dealer leaves the reports with the
auditor ho can do as ho pleases with
A .sort of syndicate was formed in DCS
Moincs sonic time ago for commencing
such suits and recovering such penalties.
Notices wcro served on dealers in this
county , the amount of the penalties
claimed being $ -li,000. ! One-half of this
amount , if recovered , would go to the
syndicate , and if every county could be
successfully worked there would be
millions in it.
This case was not one of this class. It
seems to have been brought rather as a
test case than for the purpose of pinch
ing Mr. Dellaveu. It was decided in
favor of Mr. Uollaven , and. this makes a
bar to nis being bothoicd any more by
anybody in regard to his reports. About
a week after ho was served wjtli a notice
of the beginning of these huits he was
served with a notice that the Ucs Monies
syndicate , represented by Mr. Gosling.
was to commence suit. The trial and
outcome of this suit disposes ot the oth
ers , und Mr. Dellaven can rest easy.
Pueilie house recently renovated. Cool
rooms ; money saved ; comforts gained.
Go to the New York Plumbing com
pany for garden hose. They warrant all
they sell. Opera house block.
Stenographer and typewriter. O.Mnn-
spn , with M. F. Kolircr , over C. D. Na
tional bank.
The City Council.
At a meeting of the city council Thurs-
ilay night a petition of II. Catterlin , for
ho opening of Frederick street , was re-
Petition for water main on Washington
avenue. Kef erred.
The chairman of ttic democratic and re
publican city central committees recom
mended , a list of names to tlio council to
select boards of registration from.
J. 15. Smith & Co. were awarded the
contracts for paving the streets as bid
Report of committee recommending
new culverts and covering of old ones.
Adopted ,
Gco. F Wright handed in the bond of
,1. H. Smith & Co. for $10,000 , , with \Vm.
Soidoiitoiif , F. Geo. Wright andS. Farns-
worlli as securities , which was accepted.
Spencer Smith explained that ho had
been in correspondence with Congress
man 1/yman in regard lo asking con
gress to give Manawa lake to the city for
park purposes and asked the council for
a. description of it for tills purpose. Ho
baid his understanding was that the
gradual washing away ot land and a
navigable stream being there deprived
the old ownership.
Mr , Seidontopf. who was in the cham
ber , said ho was formerly the unfortu
nate but now one of the fortunate
owners of this land ; that ho ob
jected to the government giving it
to tlio city as hu'd lose owner
ship. He'd sooner give the city the use
of ft. The matter was referred to the
citv attorney and city engineer.
The city engineer was instructed to ad
vertise for proposals for paving Washing
ton avenue from North First street to
North Second street and First street from
Broadway to Washington avenue with
cedar blocks.
The Gamcwell Fire Alarm company
propose to construct a Tire alarm sybtem
of two circuits , 20 boxes for $3,000 , $ ! > 0 (
on completion , $500 in six months , am
$100 in one year after to bear no interest.
Proposition received and referred.
This is $1,000 less than before offered.
All the comfort of high priced hotels at
the Pacilio house , and a having of 50o to
ifladay. Try it.
Fine pasture , plenty of water and gooi
attention for 800 head of stock about live
miles north of Uroad way and Main street
Inquire of L. P. Jiidsou , No. 029 Sixtl
avenue , or Charles Palmer at pasture 01
lime kiln road.
TurnliiK a Trick.
The police found a rattier verdant Ger
man economizing "by sleeping in a fide
door Pullman , and when they pulled him
out and took him up to the station he
was wild with indignation. Ho gave his
name as Frederick llandt , and on being
searched ho was found to have about fif
teen dollars in his pocket. Ha objected
to the police putting his money in the
safe wtuie ho slept iu the cooler , am
viewed them with distrust , in spite ol
their protestations that they wanted to
keep it where the tramps inside with
whom he wus to lodge could not steal {
from him. He was able lo take care of
hini clf and his money
He tried it yesterday. Ho was released
from the city hotel , und went forth with
hi ? money in his pocket. During the nf-
lernoon he fell in with a farmer , and as
the German wanted a iob and the farmer
wanted a hired man , tiic two mncn ( contract -
tract , by w'l.icli ' tno German \yas 10 0
out ami work on iho Farmer s place. The
farmer had some shopping to do , and
would meet him at a certain place ' 1 ho
farmer wanted to pay for some groceries
and had not quito money enough until he
went up lo the bcnk and cashed a cheek.
Would his now emplo.vo lend him a little
until he could get the money out of the
bank" Of course , and the now employe
handed him $10. Of course the farmer
was not seen by him again , and the poor
victim again applied to police headquar
ters for help. eonlidcnee man made
good his r-capo with the money , leaving
the poor victim the experience.
The Quick Meal gasoline stove con
tinues to grow in favor , and it is with
dilhVulty that wo have been able to sup
ply the demand for thorn so tar this sea
son. Try one. COOIT.H & McGicn.
Cut Hate1" .
Chicago $3 without rebate , Don Moines
81 , Davenpoit $1 , Uock Island ? 1 , Sig-
ournoy $1 over the Chicago , Milwaukee
iV St Paul road. Ticket ollice No.1
Puiil sticct.
The Cnpturcd Iturglnr.
Hut little additional was learned yes
terday concerning the young man Bait *
lelt , who was nabbed by Olliccr Ander
son for burglary. The young fellow is
very reticent. When asked where ho
has been of late , he says that is his busi
ness , and that ho will not toll , " 1 don't
propose to give myself away , and if > ou
were in the same sort of a boat that 1 am
you would ECi thai I r.HI ! ' ! ' ; t ! : i : : sc tr.lis *
ing aliaut anything. I could show up
by circumstances where 1 have boon all
the time , but 1 ain't going lo not now. "
He said lie had boon out of town for sev
eral dtys : , returning here about the 8th.
Who" "ol-nl , if ho = 'oniod at the Kiel
oleTl'uosTIay inghCiri said TO. " 1 ( tUIiPl
top at any hotel. "
"Did you sleep in some private house ? "
"No , sir , 1 didn't ' sleep in any private
louse cither. "
"Perhaps you lodged in some DOT car. "
"No bo\ car either. You needn't aslc
my more questions for 1 won't answer
ui'v. "
When captured tlio fellow had n quantity
) f jewelry done up in a towel. It was , and .111 owner was
lot found for it until yesterday. It si-ems
hat most of it belongs to Airs. Weather-
ow , a niece of Mr. Wells Cook , who
arrived hero on a visit the evening before ,
ler trunk containing these and other
aluables was left on the porch the night
of her arrival. In the morning the trunk
vas found to have been opened , and oho
estorday identified sonic of the articles
is belonging to her. ' 1 he rear door of a
ummer kitchen at Mr. Cook's house ban
ilso been opened , but nothing of special
aluc taken from thcio. The fellow's two
aliscs have not been found yet , and of
course ho refuses to disclose their whoro-
ibouts. Probably if they could bo traced
ip , some inteiesling revelalions would
) o made a.s to his exploits. lie will bo
brought up for a preliminary hearing to-
lay , but there seems nothing to prevent
lis being .sent on a trip to Fort Madison.
The famous Hacinu and lap streak
loals ot ovcry description for sale by
'orrcst Smith , No. 133 Main street.
Highest prices paid for county , town ,
city and school bonds. Odell Uro.'s &
Jo. , No. 103 Pearl strcol , Council Hlulls ,
Trying to Save the Girl.
Emma Uojc , a girl of sixteen , was
jrought before Judgu Avlcswortliyoiter-
lay on application of her father Joseph
Joje , to have her sent to the reform
school. The girl protested that she was
not a bad girl. She had been hack rid-
ng with a girl who look her lo her rooms
on Pierce street and tea'-cd her to stay
over night. I hero were some men there
and she then learned that the girl was
not a lit associate for her. She denied ,
iowevcr , that she had been going with
such girls , or that she was guilty ol more
; han indiscretions. She wanted , to .see
icr mother , who was out of the city , be-
tore any decision was made in her case.
The judge gave the girl a sharp lecture ,
and continued her case two weeks with
[ lie understanding that if she behaved
herself there would be nothing more
done about it , but that if she was caught
riding about in hacks at night or run
ning the streets she would be sent to Ihc
reform school on short nolico.
The Coming Gtiinc.
On Tue-day next at the driving park
the Itcd Oak base ball team will cross
bats with the Mueller Music team , which
game will decide the champion amateur-
ship of western Iowa. The game will bo
hotly contested from thn beginning , this
being the last of a series of three games.
The lirst game was won by Hod Oak by a
score of 10 to 0 ; the second was won by
our homo team by a score of 10 lo 8. Hotli
teams arc in good condition and good
ball plaving may be expected. The fol
lowing is a list of the players and their
positions of the Mueller Music team :
Charles Strock , catcher ; Ed. Sadler ,
pitcher ; George Hrown , short slop ; A. 15.
Noble , lirsl baseSep. . Hicrwino , second
base ; Doc. Pallon , third base ; John Oli
ver , left Hold ; S. O. Noble , center field ;
John Miller , right Hold. Admission , ! > 5
cenls. Game called at 330 ; , Everybody
A Matrimonial Milestone ,
Thursday evening there was a happy
gathering of friends at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs , T , A. Clark , on Harrison
street , the occasion being the twentieth
annlver.sary of their marriage. It was a
surprise gathering , arranged by their
daughter , Miss Sadie Clark. The Jawn
was brilliantly illuminated. The Ger
man-American band furnished 6woet
music , refreshments were temptingly
served , and all Iho requisilo.s provided
for a merrymaking. Friends bestowed a
largo number of gifts upon the worthy
couple who were the recipients of many
well wishes and congratulations as well.
Mr. Clark is locating engineer ot the
Union Pacilic , arid is in the west much
ot the lime. Ho and his wife have many
friends here , ami all join in wish
ing them another as happy a seoro ol
years as that which is thus happily com
pleted ,
A Celestial's Death.
On last night's incoming Hock Island
train , a Chinaman named Lee Xou , en-
route from Chicago to San Francisco ,
died suddenly between Wcston and this
city. The cause of his death is unknown
Ho will be buried by the county to-day.
JMalvom Matters.
MAI.VJUN : , July 10. Hov. G. W. Hoboy
on last Sunday preached his aunivorsao
sermon , ho having been in the ministry
thirty j-ears. He also made the announce
inent that ho would at the lirst regular
meeting of the church in August present
his resignation as pastor of llm Uaplist
cllurch of this place. It is no surprise to
his friends hero , as ho has been in sucl
poor health for so long as to prepare the
public mind for such an announcement
111 health is the reason given , and the
resignation will not takeellcct until some
time in the f.ill. Hcv. Mr. Hoboy is highly
csiccmcil not only fry his church people ,
but bi many outsltlo of the chinch. Ho
is not aij old man , bj ; r.itf jnunys , being
on the younger side of llti.y , and tl } 9
hoped that by a change and rest his
health maj be iostored > o that he will be
nblo to onynge in tlio active ministry
littrttlars went through .McCabo& Co 'g
hatdwuto store , gaining an entrance by
removing one of the large panes of glass
from one of the front 'doors. They getaway
away with liftv or more poekct knives , a
number of ra/ors , clc , The value was
about sf O. No insurance.
A son of Mr. Hatvoy , ot Poacovillo ,
was thrown from a hon-c a few days ago ,
and had his skull fractured. U is thoughl
the boy will sun ivo , although his injuries
were serious
D.m Wjlliams became overheated by
working in a hav llold , and sull'orcd a
stroke of paraljsis.
Turning a Simple Drunk Case Into n
ItnitK Narrative.
Abony.nui'cular specimen of humanity
entered The Philadelphia News ollico the
other day and attracted as much atten
tion Irom his barbarous speech as from
his eccentric clothing His suit was as
broad a cheek as that of hold Dolphin
in the "Little 'lyeoon , " and ho were a
knitted Tarn O'.SIiantcr ' on the .side of his
"Ha , yo iver an openin' fur a mon
wrilin" shoithaud an" ken ropoitvcra
wool ? " ho aski'd in broad Scotch accent.
"I dinna ken mueh o' yer Yanky ways ,
but I bclievo I cud do unylhin' yo had'
to do. "
The voting man was .sent to the central
police station to report the hearings yes
terday morning. The following is the
manuscript handed in by the ' 'mon who
writes shorthand an' 'ken report vera
Vlm.Al > rU > IHA ( . 't'MOI'V COL'IU' ilbTUt-
[ Heforo Haillo Thompson. The clerk ,
John Moll'et , wu also accommodated with
a scat on the bench. The town scrseant ,
Mr. Maylin. acted as crier. ]
viiiiries miur-9 vra1eiiagcti ot-inf ;
irunlc and disorderly on the public street
on July'J , against the public statute.
Reserve Olliccr Laubcr , sworn , de-
losod. My name is Laubcr. I am a ic-
erve oll'icol * .
The Crier Silence I
The Witness I stand at Tenth and
Chestnut streels.
The C'-ier ' Say , Joe Wills , keep back
hos-o people who are crushing forward.
The Witness I wes on duty last night
ind -
The Crier Hero , you with the straw
lat , take it oil' .
The Witness I received information
hat this man was drunk at Tenth and
Sansom streets.
ills Worship If that woman with Ihc
jaby can't make it stop crying she will
uive to leave the court.
The Witness So 1 went down and
ound him drunk anil disorderly and ar-
cstcd him. < >
His Worship That's nil. ( To the pris
oner ) What nave you got to say to the
charge of beiiiir drunk and disorderly ?
The Prisoner It's a lib.
Constable Laubor It l.un't.
The Prisoner It are.
Constable Laiibcr--your worship -
The Prisoner If your worship -
His Worship You will have to go
twenty-four hours to the county prison.
The Crier The cases are all over.
God save the queen. ,
"Say , " said ihe otlico hey when lie had
cad this cil'usion , "ain't ' that there last
sentence a bit oil'V You don't know
lothin' about rcportin'you don't. ' That
case an't worth takin , ' and if it were you
should say 'Charles' Jones got twenty-
'our hours for being ) drunk. " "
AVnr on the Mountain Ijloii.
Mountain lions , owing to their ferocity
and great numbers , must bo considered
the most dangerous and most destructive
wild animal we have , writes a Eort
Kcogh ( Montana ) correspondent of the
L'liiladclphia Times. So bold have they
become of late that cattlemen and the
territorial authorities too have been com
pelled to give attention to the ravages
committed by these beasts among ihe
Hooks and hculs. A lively war of c\lcr-
minatiou has been going on against them
for some time. The territory oilers a
premium of $8 on every scalp brought in
to be punched , ami some of the counties
add to the inducements by offering on
their own accounts a nice little sum in
addition lo the icriitorial bounty. The
cowboys , with lots ot spare time on Iheir
hands during Ihe winter months , gain a
handsome largess for themselves ( not to
speak ot the fun and sport the.y have ) bv
hunting and killing mountain lions from
November to March. The cow-puncher ,
with an eye to business , iirst draws on
the territorial treasurer for $8 ; ho then
hands n , bill to the county for something
more , and finally sells the hide to a fur
rier for what it is worth. There wore 14 1
mountain lions killed and paid for in
Montana in 1881 ; UH in 188:5 : , for which
.f 1,288 , came out of tlio territorial treas
ury , and this year the figures promise to
run up to 200 or thereabout. Mountain
lions in this section attain a prodigious
si/.o. Specimens are often killed meas
uring nine feet from tip to tip and weigh
ing not far from 250 to 800 pounds. Many
more measuring from ten lo eleven feet
aio frequently bagged , and occasionally
a monster reaching twelve feet in the
clear and perhaps longer is brought down
by some lucky and daring hunter. The
hula of this animal makes an excellent
rug. Scarcely a ranch in the whole Kooky
mountain region is without a mountain
lion skin on the Hour. One cattle ranch
on Powder river has everv room in the
hou.-o carpeted with handsome skins of
tliis animal. The hide is a bright brown
on the back and rump , but fades away
into a soft white brown toward tlio sides ,
and becomes almost a piiro white under
Iho bully , The tail is tipped with whito.
and the head , eyes , cars , nose and features
are an e.\act reproduction of the domestic ;
cat on a larger scale. The feet and claws
are aslo like those of "Tom and Maria. "
Special lulvertibomeiitB , Mich as Lost , FounJ ,
To Loan , Tor 8 ilo , To Kent , , Wants , Hoarding.
oto. , will tiolnsortod Iu ) hUCoInmn | nt Ilio low
latoofTKNCISNTS J'KIt MNE fortlio first Inser
tlon and I'U o Cents Per 1 Jlno for each tubsoquont
Inpcrtlon. I.oavo advertisements nt our oflico
No. VI I'cul street , near tyroudwuy , Council
Jlluirs _
1VAMI3. '
" 171OU SALV : Old i > apor .in' ' < iiianlltlosto euit ,
J3 at lleo offlco No. 13 rearletroot.
Dealers in Milch Cows ,
At Our Stock Yards
No 503 and 000 E. IJromhvayCouncil Ufl's
Wigs Made to Order.
837 Uroadvray , Council Blufts ,
Atlttll , IMI'hKMKXT
Agricultural Iraplomants , Bn&te ,
Cmrluirrg , lite . I'lo Council lllniT , Itmn.
Miiko Ilia Orl innl mid Complete
Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cidsr Mill A Press ,
COIIN PJIIII.KIIS : AND rr.EO ( rriuitp.
Xo . , l.W mid 1.VK Smith Mnln Street ,
_ Council HIitlK lown.
DAVID lilt VDLItt * A ; CO. ,
MmiuPis an I Jobbers or
Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies ,
Can lnpc . nntl nil klnU of farm Mrohlnnrr.
110U to 1110 South Main Street , Council UlulK
r.o. Ui.R * ! ( iv , T. H.0nudi\s ( ir.o r. WHHIIIT.
J'rcs..Vrroii3. V.O'rei.iM in. So' iCotinsol.
Council BtaTs Mb Factory ,
( Inrorporuli'd.l
Mnnufnctmc > r < or Axlo. 1'lck , Slodco nnd StniU
, of c\or.v ilo
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades ,
Oil C'lollis , Cuitnln riTturo * , ITphnlMury Ooojs ,
Ktc. No , 40o llroiulwny Council
Wholefiilo Jobbois In the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes.
Kos. ESlTiu'n ah.l in nnrj g.j , COUDCll inuiT
ffliii ana FrodQCa CouiiiiiSSiOfl M6fClllillS ,
No. Hl'oarl St. , Council 'lliilT < .
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
Drug-gists' Siinclrlrs. Ktc. No. 22 Main St. , nnJ
No. in I'ciul SUCpinicll IUails _
our OOODS.
KT sMTi if & ro
and JaWMJ of DfGoDii / ,
Notions. itc. : No . 112and lit Main St. , Nos. 113
nntl Il.'i 1'cnrl St. , Council llluffs. town.
Wholesale California Fruits a Specialty
General Commission. No. 5U Broadway ,
Counoll lllulTs.
Fruits , Confectionery & Fancy GrocBriej.
Nos. If ! ami 18 I'oail Ft. , rouncll muffs.
L. K1KSC11T & CO. ,
Jobbers of Staple and Faucy Groceries.
Also Wholesale I.lqnor Dealer ? . Mo. 110 llrond-
wuy , Council tllufls.
JInnu'nctuieiq of and Wholcsala Dealers In
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. Eo Main St. . Council UiuffJ , lav/a.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and Gbves.
No = . 312 anil 311 Hroailwuy , Council HlulTs.
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
And Wood Stock. Coimcil Hlmrs , Iowa.
D. H. McUANELD & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tallow , Wool , 1'olts , Grease nnJ i'ura Council
lIlullB lowu.
Wholesale Ucslors In
Illuminating & Lubricitia ] Oil ] G
E3TC. ,
S.Thcodoio , AKCIII , Council HluITs. Iowa.
, irtc. _
Hard Wood , Southern Lumber , Piling ,
Ami Ilritlpo Material SpeelnlUnn.WholosuUi Lum
ber ol nil KiiuU. Olllco No. UO Wain St. ,
Council lllutrs. Iowa.
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors ,
Aifout for St. flotlharrt's Herb Olttora. No. U
Main St. Council Hlutfs.
Foreign and Domestic Y/ines / and Liquors ,
t. , fuuneil
.FoiiriiiilN , County and
Bank Worlt ol'all Kinds a Spec
Prompt Attention to Mail Orders
Room I , Everett Block ,
Standard Papers Used. All styles of bind
ing in Magazines and
W , S. HOMER & Co. ,
23 Main St. , Council Bltifl's.
Justica of the Peace ,
Office Over American Express Company.
Soml for cntnlonccs , pi-ices , froiglit rules innl loslimoninls.
Brick buildings of any hind raised or moved and .satisfaction guaranteed ,
Frame building ? moved on Little Ginni trucks , in the world.
SOB Eighth Avenue nun i mli Slirrt , Counil
1'nriniiiK hnulb in. Iowa , Minnesota , Texas , Kansas and Arkansas , ranging
fiom § 1.05 to $12 per am1. School and state lands in Minnesota on HO years
limn 5 per eout interest. Lund buyers fare free. Information , etc. , given by
P. P. Liiiistrup , Xo.- ) . ) Hroadway , Council HiiiU's , Iowa.
226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
To close the summer stock to the 'ow-
cst possible point.
Arc offering bargains now every das' .
Good Corsets for 50c worth 75c
Parasols for 75c and Upwards ,
Embroideries and Patterns , very
Cheap ,
Only a few of those Summer
Silks Left ,
Lace FiouiiGings in Spanish and
Gliintiliy Laces ,
Cltcajior than you ever saw them. Finn
assortment for graduation dresses.
Samples sent when requested.
Choice pattern1 ? , good quality and
lowest prices.
Special discounts to churches , socie
ties and clcrcrymen.
Harlmcss Bros , ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
. RICE , M. D. ,
Or othurTumor * lowoml wllhou
, ) , „ | , nf0 | ordrnivlnjrol Woori.
Chronic Diseases ofallUlndi specialty.
Oior th'.itr rums' puiollcnl oipoilenro.
. . . , .
No. U I'oail.St. Council lllulfs.
Consnlltitlon fnu ,
I Imvo n quantity of wun I , well clpnnuJ aee4
whicli I oiler ut jctuoimtilo floruit * S '
Creston House
The only liolol In Council Bluffs liru ing
ITire 3 ± 3soa/pe
.And nil modem ImnMoments. |
S15 , ITanax'lOMnlnst.
Star Sale Stables and Mule Ifards ,
Opposite Diiunnj
Horses m > d Mules kout constantly on hand
forsnli at retail or In cm lowls.
Order ? proindllv IJIIod by contract on short
notice. .Stock Eoltl on commission.
SHl.UTRlt It I1O1JJV. Proprlrtors.
Tolophonu No. 114.
Foimcily of KIil. : SAf.H STA : , coiner
Ctli n\o.iuul 4th Btrnet ,
Practices in the Stute ami Federal courts
Rooms 7 und 8 , Shugart Block.
Choice I > it Iiiy or Illicit I'u
terns , All < i < ailc. > > .
Council Bluffs
A Select Slock of Choice
Novelties in.
alil 6lied 1637
R. L.
111 N , Main St. , Council niiifTn , In. , untl
203 H. IfithKUllooin 10 , Omaha , Neb.
MniuiCuttiiier'H Agoiti for the
Tents , AwnliiflrHf Jlooflufi * Slate , Man-
MOB , Pluto and window ( Jlnss , ShowCases -
Cases , Klovators , ( hand and hy
draulic , ) &c.
Horses and Mules
For nil purposes , liouflit ana sold , nt totall
n Jot . Lm-jo ( iiumtitto * to bulutt fiom.