Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1886, Page 5, Image 5

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T IXTPfiTtn ) prMir t f > r rMTPTiMi
Important Changes Made in the Plans Per
Laying Mains , Etc ,
Pence anil Quiet at the Capital City
After tlio Politic-Inns Depart
Police Court Doings Otlior
Ijlncolu News.
LFROM TMI : DEE'S MNCor.x nonnAU.1
The city council has been devoting .1
good amount of time latterly perfecting
thn plans lor the sewerage system for the
city under the \\arlng system of spcclli-
callous as accented by the council. In
this work of perfecting plans the sower-
nge committee has visited Omaha nnd
iilso has had the city engineer of Oma
ha , Andrew Uoscwaler , down to tins city
nt two dlllcrent sessions of the council.
The results have been some important
changes that must commend themselves
to the cltlxens at llrsl sigl.t. Under the
Waring specHications the principal
sewerage mains were only to bo down
olght feet in depth , and this has been
changed making the depth twelve feet
instead of eight. 'J'ho wisdom of this
change will bo apparent when It is re
membered that a basement eight feet or
morn below ground would bo lower than
the sewer mains , making drainage from
such buildings impossible. It would
seem strange that such tin oversight
should have been made in the lirst
place , but with the drainage
pipes twelve foot down this defect Is rem
edied. Again the size of the pipes have
JSPWI glumsctt to oijrht-u ; of
inch , the six-inch pipe in Omaha proving
BO defective in work that in many in
stances it has had to be replaced with
litrger. The council here , in view of that
iact and the-history of six-inch pipe as in
operation there , has wisely changed in
the commencement to a standard proven
by experience to be much the more pro-
foi able. Attain , the lirst plans have benn
changed in another respect. That is , the
new arrangement will require man holes
nt Ici3t : oyer.v block , making the main
newer easy of access at anv lima , and al
lowing any stoppage to bo discovered ,
located and remedied without the ncc-os-
Hily of tearing up streets and pavements
to find the point of dilliculty ns the lirst
plans would have resulted. All these
changes add to some extent to the cost ,
but the plans and specifications as
amended by Engineer Hosowater and
adopted by the council have been radi
cally changed in wording aad in the way
the work shall be done , supervised and
paid for , which the council regard
as good and uropcr safeguards for the
city that were unprovided tor heretofore.
Under these changes in depth of laying
mains and the si7.o of pipes used , the ter
ritory intended to bo covered with sewerage -
ago will have to bo slightly curtailed to
moot the additional expense and keep all
within the limit of the amount received
from the sale of bonds. The probable
reduction in territory will cause a change"
in tnu mileage laid Irom twenty-live to
twenty miles. Uul , on thu other hand ,
somfi saving will bo made in one instance
that may bo cited. The estimate as pre
viously made out provided that 1J ! per
cent of the ! ? 80,000 should be used in pay
ment for the engineering work. Mr.
lloscwntcr , however , submitted a propo-
nition to the council to do tlio work for
? 5,000 , which would only bo some 7 in
stead of.1J . ! per cent , aim a consequent
saving of 0 per cent on that item of ox-
pcnsu. Tlio ( fuestion of accepting this
proposition was left with the sewerage
committee , with power to act , and it is
understood that a contract to that effect
will bo entered into between the engineer
and the city.
issued by Scotia precinct , Greeloy county ,
for the uurposoof building a court house ,
were going through the routine handling
at tlio state house yesterday. These
bonds arc , in amount , $4,000. and they
are issued to run ten years , drawing in
terest at the rateof 7 per cent per annum.
The numerous candidates and politi
cians of high und low degree , who felt
themselves called to the capital city at
tlio congressional committee meeting ,
have departed homeward n < jain , nmt
pence and quietness reigns. Mr. Clarke
was thu only gubernatorial candidate
present , and it looked vcrv friendly to
Clarke. General Thayer , who was in the
city a few days previous , had hold an interview -
torviow that had Dccu made public , and
departed. Captain lluir.phroy. ot Paw
nee , was gathered at the hotoIJobby , and
he disabuses thn minds of a good many
who had counted him not a congressional
candidate by announcing himself in the
ring , and evidently lie is watching for a
deadlock at convention time , when a
compromise candidate's hour would
come. All now , however , is peace and
quietness , and lots of it.
in police court yesterday the cases
were only limited by the number of hours
that made a working day. The round
up of the night showed cloven now pris
* , oners in the cooler waiting for a hearing.
Ono young man , who evidently was
ashamed of himself , paid out before trial
came and departed. Eight others wcra
arraigned nt one time. All pleaded
guilty to drunkenness and were lined ,
only three of whom paid out.
A vagrant , or a party caught begging
on the street , was also one of the now
cases in court. He recited a plausible
tale of beluga butcher by trade , and that
ho had just arrived by tie pass from
Crete , and on account of not stopping nt
nn eating house on the way he had
missed dinner and wns looking for sup
per. The judge heard the tale and as
sessed u line ot $5 and costs nt its conclu
One of the prisoners who slept in the
refrigerator through the long hours of
thu night su\vtis ona of thu courts guests ,
when his case was called , the familiar
face of his bettor half , who was on a
search for him. and who , ( hiding her
lord , turnished hnancial aid for his free
The cases brought against parties for
.violating the health ordinance are the
cause of a good deal of indignation on
the part of the parties called up. Yester
day Moi rs. Jirown and J. H. Foster paid
lines of $1 and costs each , and the latter
gentleman remarked that he would
henceforth give the police court all the
work it could attend to , and that he pro
posed to see to It that his particular alloy
wns henceforth as clean as a brussels
carpet , if he had to have every man in
the neighborhood arrested. Complaints
were lodged yesterday against Mrs. 1'ut-
natnnndll , C. Palmer for violation of
this ordinance.
Frank Whltcomb , the right bower of
Agent James in his work , and who was
cited yesterday as being a common gam
bler , was arrested also in police- court on
a like charge , making three counts in all ,
While fooling around police headquar
ters ho was sot upon by a party named
Urounan , and the appearance of the au
thorities saved him from being disfig
ured. Urounan wns locked up on the
charge of assault , and yesterday his
Menus were preparing to bail him out
nnd pay his fine. This was the first case
of violence shown the Law and Order
agents , and the assault , it Is said , was
A party named Blurting , who had some
dilliculty with some guests of tenants of
* usIor something of the kind , was being
trictl yoslordny under n cbarge of .assault
and battury.
Oliver MnpKanl , i licensed drnyman ,
waslo bo called up lo court lo answer to
the reason of why bo overcharged parties
for hauling , contrary to the rates pre
scribed by ordinance. U is a fact that
might , be mentioned in this regard that n
system of little less than highway rob
bery U practiced bv some of the drnynien
on now comers In this mutter of overcharging -
charging , and that is paid through ignor *
A number of Lincoln fishermen nnd
holiday seekers are going out to Crete to
day to liih. Tlio way they o .pcct to reap
Riici'-s ( fiil returns lies in the fact that
ilohn Lanhaii luis the contract foi re
pairing the mill diini at thai phicr , anil
till the water from the poiuls nbovu will
bo drawn oil' . Thp Lincoln lishcr-
men expect to gather llsh in quantities in
much tlio same way that a melon patch
is raided in the dtirk of the moon.
Thu line now brick block on the cor
ner of U and Sixteenth street is Hearing
completion and is a handsome structure.
1'ivo years ago this location was out in
thn country , comparatively.
1'ctcr Johnson and Harry McLaln were
Dailncrs In business in the little town of
Coiirtland , just over the county lino.
Yesterday 1'otcr Johnson was arrested
and brought into Justice Brown's
court charged with disposing with
over a thousand dollars' worth of
partnership notes for a loan of money ,
which money ho proceeded to use for his
own indiviilunl purposes , and in doing
so committing a fraud upon his partner.
When arre.stcd ami brought into court
Johnson did not deny disposing of the
noles , and it looks us though a trial will
jro hard with him. A oontimtnnco was
hud and the cashier of the bank went
Johnson's security.
The man John Wcttoncamp , arrested
on the charge of beating his wife , was
brought into court yesterday and the case
was continued by consent of attorneys
for one month. It .seems that thy beating
was ( ho result of u ir- . " . - ; ; ( vSl. , !
Kreement , and it is said the continuance
means a settlement of ditHcultics outside
of court.
The following Nobraskuns were at the
Lincoln Hotels yoatorday : Judge M. 1 $ . , Wnhoo ; District Attorney D. F.
O.-good , Tosciimsoh ; J. H. Dinsmoro ,
Suttoii ; S. H. U. Clark , Omaha ; II. T.
Clarke , Omaha ; A. H. Ball , Tecumseh ;
Howard Kennedy , Omaha.
Edulu Itooth.
Chicaco Mail : Kdwin Booth , it is said ,
will retire froni the stage at the end of
next season indeed , it is not improbable
that he will not play another season , so
weary , ill. and despondent is he. Jf ho
had been loft to himself the last live .years
ho would MI rely have remained in
seclusion. Ho tills engagements only
because managers seek him out and bind
him to contracts which ho fools obliged
to keep. His spiritual ailments are
inertia and brooding , and they are not
likely to bo cured. lie is free from debt ,
and may have , in all , property worth
$200,000 , the income from which will
sulllco for his modest requirements. His
inilill'orcnce to money and to most things
which the world ranks as pleasures is
absolute and dclinilc. A veritable gen
tleman in the best und highest sense , n
genial and delightful companion whom
all gentlemen admire and like , ho is apt
to wound their sensitive pride by his lack
of reciprocity. His natureis really soli
tary. though ho enjoys the society ot
kindred spirits if they come to him ; it is
peculiar , almost unique. Few under
stand him , and he tries not to bo under
stood. It is strange that the foremost of
native tragedians should bo .so isolated
and exceptional. ' lie is , in brief , the
real Hamlet of thu nineteenth century
the melancholy Ur earner of the western
\Yomoa in the Government Printing
Cleveland Leader Washington Corres
pondence : The women of the govern
ment printing oilico are paid as a rule by
piece or by the day. These on piece
work make $1.83 a day , and there arc
over 1,000 women so employed. They
stitch pamphlets , run numbering ma
chines , fold and paste for the bindery ,
and they do in fact nearly every class of
work done in the government printing
oilico. Some of them sot type , and these
receive 85 cents nn hour , and their
average salaries are $70 n month. A
largo number of guides are employed nt
the Bureau of engraving find prilling ,
anil these are nearly nu women. An
army of sweepers and scrubbers is em
ployed to clean out the treasury depart
ment every day , and the woman who
presides over tliom gets about $800 a
year. These sweepers nnd scrubbers of
the various departments form another
largo class of the working women ot
Washington , nnd connected with them is
n class who sow en rpets in the treasury
for the government buildings all over
thn country. Then there is the colony of
washerwomen , who wash the thousands
of towels used in each department , and
the numerous women who supply the
p.lorks with food in the restaurants of
these great buildings.
Rheumatism , lumbago , and sciatica at
once yield to the power of St. Jacobs Oil.
A Book Agent's Triclc.
Minneapolis Tribune : A friend of
mine was tellint ; mo the other day of
some of the sharp tricks which book
agents play in order to gain entrance to
private houses for.tlm purpose of exhibit
ing their wares. The favorite scheme at
present scorns to bo the following : The
agent arms himself with a list ot some
of tlio prominent residences , with their
occupants , and a package of calling-
cards executed in the most fashionable
stylo. Ho then starts out to make his
"calls , " He stops at the house of Mr. A. ,
rings the boll and politely requests the
servants to bo kind enough to hand his
card to Mrs , A. The servant naturally
supposes him to be n fashionable caller ,
and anounccs to Mrs. A. that "a gentlemen -
mon wants to see lior. " Mrs. A. there
upon spends half an hour in making her
self presentable , and descends to the par
lor to find a book agent. [ Tableau. ]
My friend suggested that book aconta
should bo compelled by law to wear it
uniform , so that servants may bo able to
distinguish them from "gentlemen. "
MMr aM
Tto OreatMt hTedlcal Triumph of the Agol
JLon of appelltc , Uoireli coMlve , Vain In
the broil , with a doll eniallou lu tbu
back part. I'nlu under tbo boaldor-
bladefI7uHneiBiinor allnBrwHUaUI .
Inclination to exertion of boar or mind ,
Irrltmbillty of temper , ! Lo r plrlnwItU
a fooIluBof bnYlmr neclectod tame duty ,
e ruc i , iuo ,
lloart. Dot * before Iho ere , Headache
over Iho rlsbt eye , Beitle ne § , wrlib
fitful ilrer/mi , IllaUly colored Urine , uud
< r rrtlTT'S I'IU.8 ere especially adaptsu
to euch cases , ono dose effects eucb _ a
Renovates Uio body , inaLes licalthy tlMh ,
strengthens the weak , repairs the wastes o
the srsteia with pure blood and hard inuicloj
tones the ncrvoiu system , invigorates the
brain , oud Imparts the vteor o manhood.
. Bold by druKckU. . ,
VJflOB 44 lUurrar St. , Now York ,
Something About an Interesting Element
of Oar Population.
How ilolui Is lircotnhiK Anglicised
Chinese 3Inrrlnjci The l-anti-
dry Btislucf-s Opium Smok-
inj ; , Etc.
The C'clcstlnl Element.
Chinaman John's famous declaration
"Chinaman nlloo same Mclican man ,
him hcapco sniokce , chowce , drinkee
lighU'o nnd go to hclleo" must not betaken
taken ns a criterion whereby to judge
the average Mongolian citueu of Otniiha.
There are thlrtjthree of these Celestials
in our midst , nnd they constitute a quiet ,
orderly and money-making element of
the local population.
It is a fact noticeable to the average
observer that Omaha , compared with
other western cities , has but few China
men. Lincoln , with about ono-thlrd bur
population has twice ns many of these
almond-eyed gentlemen as has Omaha.
The same thing is to bo noticed upon
comparison of this city with other grow
ing western towns. Why this is , if is
not easy to sec. Certainly the Chinaman
in Omaha is well cared for , and receives
all the protection that ho could desire. It
may be that the many American laundries
which have sprung up all over the city
have something to do with the case , ami
that they are pulling John on the back
shelf with the washwoman who used to ; n ± } % & iiu.uijisis ; ton o
twelve years ago. Cui'tain it is that out
of the 73,000 population which this proud
young city boasts , less than three
are Chinamen. And it is said that the
Chinese elumeiit of our population is
smaller than it was live years ago.
An avlicle ol this kiiul , wJlk'b ucouQSja
to toll something about Chinese life In
Omaha , must bo necessarily incomplete.
A few sKctches of the dillbrent phases of
the subject are heroin strung together ,
nnd presented for the benelit of Iho
curious reader.
Of the thirty-four Chinamen in this
city , about twenty-eight are in the laun
dry business , One is a tea and general
notion merchant , another is a doctor ,
and two arc family servants. There are
about twelve laundries in the city each
giving employment to from two to three
The oldest Chinaman in the city is Yet
Sing , who can lay claim to forty-two
summers and winters. Yet is a good
fellow , but when angry or insulted , no is
to u e a slang phrase a "terror. " lie
can light , and his wrestling powers are
of about the same type as those of the
Jap , Sorakaehi. lie is continually getting
into trouble , and is well known to thu
police. The youngest Mongolian is
about sixteen years of age , and a rather
good looking , chubby laced young fel
low who is known among his comrades
ah the "baby. " The Chinaman who has
been in Omaha tlio longest cannot lay
claim to more than seven year's residence
here. The fact is that tlio average
celestial does not care to remain any
Jonger in Omaha than he can help , lie
is anxious to amass a competency , in
order that he may return to the native
land , marry and settle down. To enable
the reader to fully understand this point ,
it may be well to reproduce in aiigliei/.ed
form the explanation made to a reporter
by an intelligent Chinaman. "Our coun
trymen do not care to marry in America"
ho said "because they have brides
awaiting them in China. Nearly every
Chinaman is betrothed by his parents before -
fore ho is ten or twelve years of age to
some girl. When both become of the
proper age , they are allowed to marry.
In China marriages are made at a much
earlier ago than in your country. When
the j'oung man leaves his homo and starts
for America , his bride goes to live with
his mother , who leaches her to cook and
perform nil the duties which it is neces
sary for her to know. The girl lives with
the young man's mother until lie rclurns
and marries. During nil this time she
dares not receive the attention of any
other young man , nor can she marry. It
ho does not return from America , she
cannot marry unless it is known that ho
is dead ; then she can return to live with
her own folks again. And then she can
marry Some one else. "
And so it is that the average Omaha
Chinaman is hurrying to save money so
that ho may return to the old country
and settle down to a comtortablo com
petency with his almond-eyed wife. Quito
a number of Chiiwmon have luft Omaha
in tiiis way in the last year or two.
There is one Mongolian in the city ,
however , who , it would seem , has no in
tention of going back to the old country.
He"is married to a white woman here ,
has cut his queue oil' , and is , altogether ,
rapidly becoming Americanized. He
drussus well , sports kid gloves and car
ries a handsome gold-headed cano. lie
is to his brethren here what Berry Wall
is or was to the dudes of Now York city.
Nor is ho the only Chinaman here
who allccts the American in costume and
conduct. There are quite a number of
celestials in this city who dress
in American style oven to the stand up
collar , and llashy silk necktie. About
ono half of the Chinamen hero , probably ,
have discarded their native costume of
Iho baggy mints , loose shirt , and clumsy
punts and nave put on the ( to us ) mora
civilized dress of coat , pants , vest and
narrow-toed shoes. With the exception
of the individual referred to above , however -
over , the writer knows of no other China
man in Omaha who has gone so far as to
chop oil his pig tall. For that in the
old country means certain abasement , if
nothing worse.
There is u small but choice coterie of
Chinese spirits in Omaha who seek an
approach to Americanism , in other ways
than in matters of dress. These gentle
men are "way m > " in the pleasures of
going to the thoatro.for instance. During
tlio recent visit of the Grau opera com
pany here , they attended quite regularly.
The performance of the "Mikado1'seemed '
to tickle them mightily. In olher ways ,
too , they are rapidly drifting toward our
western civilization , such as in the ac
complishments of drinking , smoking ,
chewing1 , gambling , etc. , etc.
In another direction tliu Omaha China
man is becoming rapidly Americanized.
The Sunday school , which is conducted
in the Buckingham Homo , is doing much
to teach the Chinaman to read and write.
Some of them are already creditably pro-
licicnt in the thrco It's ,
As has already been Intimated-
great majority ot Chinaman in Omaha
are engaged m the laundry business.
Some of them are already proficient in
the art of washing nnd ironing when they
come to this country , having already
learned in Hong Kong , China , from thu
vicinity of which city most of the Omaha
Mongolians hail. A young Chinaman ,
however , who starts to learn the
business hero is required to go
through a thorough course of
training , lasting sometimes a year or
two , and comprising the diil'oront
branches of washing , starching , ironing
nnd folding the clothes. Ono dimcult fea
ture of the work is tho"spinging , " which
the ironer has to do. Tha "splnging"
consists of squirting the water through
the teeth , in a thousand fine streams upon
the.clothes , preparatory to ironing them.
This is no easy accomplishment , as anyone
ono who will attempt the feat will dis
cover , The Chinamen fills his mouth
with water , and by a sudden effort of
expulsion drives It through his teeth tipou
the clothes. It requires months of prao-
tico to acquires perfectly the art of
" " ' '
These laundrymcn are capable of iloing
the hardest kind of hard work. Seven-
loon hours is thn average length of their
working day. and oftentimes a pressure
of work will oonipbl them to labor twen
ty-four hours without rest.
As for wealth ) some of these laundry-
moil are "well .licolod. . " There arc sev
eral laundrymcn worth over 2.000 cash ,
nnd ono "washeo-washco" on Sixteenth
street is reputed to bo the possessor of
the snug little stun of 1,000.
In closing this article. It may not bo
amiss to refer to the popular belief that
all or the majority of Chinamen in
Omaha are opium smoKcrs , or "hop
liends , " to use a riioro familiar expres
sion. Such is far from being tlio case.
There arc now two opium joints In this
city , connected with Chinese laundries.
These are almost entirely patronized by
white people of the sporting olas cs ,
male and female. It is safe to say that
not over live or six Celestials are habitual
users of the seductive drug. An intelli
gent Chinaman , in discussing the matter
with a reporter the other day , made the
asscitlon that there were but four of hm
race in Omaha who were addicted to the
use of opium.
The Iiutost Fnslilmtnlilc Drink In New
VorJc llari-norni.
Now York Herald : "What is the rea
son for the big demand for milk ? This
place doesn't resemble a dairy. "
" 0 , everybody wants 'white plush'
lately. It's caught on great. "
"And what is white plush ? "
"What is it ? Well you ought to be
labeled I Where do you live ? Jimmy
( with the tone of a man explaining n
curiosity ) , hero's n gentleman what don't
know what 'white plush' is. Why , it's
the now drink , i thought everybody
know that. "
"JJut what's it Uiado of ? "
" 0. just milk ana wntsky. I never
know a drink that caught on so quick ergot
got so popular as 'whito plush'has. All
uio swells drink it It makes a very good
booze , too palatable , and is a lir&l-clabs
all-round drink. If a fellow hasn't cat
anything it is very nourishing ; takes the
plarm nf fonit } > nv. if a. \ " \ \ | j > 2nnv \
up nil night whooping things , a 'whifo '
plush' is a bettor bracpr than a cocktail.
It slips down oaby- , you know , when a
fellow linds it pretty hard work to swal
low anything. Then , too , it's a good day
drink , for it doesn't leave a breath , and a
man can talk with his employer or a tem
perance advocate without giving himself
away. As an evening drink it has its
advantages also. You can either make
them 'short' or 'long' ; and us nobody
knows how much whisky you arc drink
ing you have no need to get full unless
vou want to. It is a great snap for
that. "
"How did'white plush' first get into
the market ? "
"O , by accident. Just as all the fancy
mixtures do. There are some mixed
drinks that are standbys , and are always
popular , such as cocktails , punches , and
juleps ; but every little while there will bo
a new racket sprung on the public that
will have a great run 'for u while , and
then got knockekl out by another. About
a month ago 'white plush' got its stare
this wav : There was a country buyer
down from Nqw England somewhere ,
and a party of dry-goods men were try
ing to make it pleasant for him. So they
look him into a swell bar-room down
town , and wcro going to open sour wine.
Same old story , you know ; get him full
as a balloon , and then work him for a
big order. It turned out that this coun
tryman was not such a flat as they
thought him. Though ho had been swig
ging barrels of hard cider and smuggled
Canada whisky for tlio last twenty years ,
he pleaded the tempo ancn business on
them ; said ho never drank , and he
guessed he'd just take a glass of water if
they'd get him one , as he was kinder
thirsty walkin' round so much. Well ,
that was a factOrtQk for the boys. They
know ho had lot's of money to spend , nnd
ho was ono of those unapproachable
ducks that have got to be warmed up be
fore you can do anything with them.
" 'O , take something" they said ; 'take
some milk. '
" 'Well , I guebS a glass of milk would
go sorter good , ' said ho ,
Some one suggested icumyss , and told
him what it was. As they did not have
kumyss In the place they gave him some
milk'and seltzer. That's about the same
thing. Ouo ot the boys gave the bar
tender the wink and ho put n dash of
whisky in it. The old man did not got
on to it at all. He thought it was the
seltzer that flavored it. The next round
the seltzer was loft out. altogether and
more whisky put in. They kept on giv
ing to him imUlhogot pretty well sot
up. ' . It's u very insidious nnd seductive
drink. Pretty soon the countryman got
funny and tipped his glass over on the
table. As it spread around he said :
" 'Gosh , it looks like white plush , don't
it ? '
" 'So it does , ' said the boys. ' ( Jive the
gentleman another yard ofwhito , plush ,
hero , ' und the name has stuck to it ever
since. "
StmlcoBpeuro on Base Ball.
"The nine Worthies. "
"Pardon mo if I speak llko a captain. "
"Will nlako him fiv an ordinary pitch. "
"No doubt but tiuU ho hath got a quiet
catch. "
"I'll have nn action of battery against
him. "
"Masking the business from tlio com
mon eye. "
"Kind umpire of men's miseries. "
"Must have a stop. "
"Had no other books but the score and
tally. "
' As swift in motion as a ball. "
"A hit , a very palpable hit. "
"It was a blacK , ill-llavorcd fly. "
"For nothing can seem foul to those
that win. "
"Our play is preferred. "
"The base is right. "
" TIs time wo twain did bhow our-
solve i' the Hold. "
' Taste your logs ; put them to motion. "
"Ho that runs fastest gets the ring. "
"Would 1 were gently put out of oflico
before 1 wcro forced out. "
Union Sowing Mabhino , 209 North 10th
street. i.
ITow to Got Rid of Cockroaches.
Sanitary Engineer : Give the bug a
kind of phosphorate paste. A few of the
bugs cat some. Then those cockroaches
who ao not goLany set to work and kill
those who were fortunate enough to get
some , nnd tear obou their stomachs , so
possessed are they to got some or the
paste. These bugs ift-rotiirn are killed
by others , until there are no cockroaches
left. The paste kills them.
Purest and strongest Natural Fruit Flayora.
Vanilla , ternon , Orange. Almond , Koso. etc. ,
flavor as delicately and naturallv as the Jrult.
caicAoo. IT.
Political Toada Already Prepared to Jump
for a Nomination ,
The Opposition to Van " \Vyck Con-
lined to Windings Congres
sional nnd Legislative Tim-
tier Newsy Notes.
Nob. , July 15.-Cor- [
rcspondcnco of the BKK. ] Much fear Is
entertained lest the hot , dry weather in
jure the crops in this section. iSo rain
in two WCOKS.
Illidroth , the now town near the center
of the county on the north , Is making
rapid strides towards a village of import
ance. Let 'cr boom.
Township organization will be adopted
here this fall by a clear majority of
nearly 200.
Calhoun , of the Lincoln Journal , al
ways more than ready to malign the BIK : ,
takes a miserable , cowardly advantage
when he will knowingly and wilfully
misstate facts , as he did recently , in re
lation to correspondence from hcie ,
which appeared in the Hr.n. We defy
Calhoun and all his ancestors to show a
single Instance where our correspond
ence has contained an untruth.
The farmers of this county have com
menced organizing to support Van Wjek
Thu political curtain will bu rung down
this fall on ono of the most disorganized
rings in the history of Franklin county.
The ring will learn too l\to : that the people
ple have some rights which even rings
are bound to respect.
AuothniMittempt will Uo ninety this fall
by Kranklin lo remove to their village the
county seat. It cannot be. clone.
Kovembor 2'3 Is the day hot for Calhoun
and his nut commissioners , whose ollicial
careers have been a ropitition of expen
sive blunders , and partiality to the rings ,
to vindicate themselves.
TJjtt Onmha JJuu u wii .i .1.-- u
conservative and independent persons as
the only labor daily in the stato. All thu
rest are members of the corporation gang
and for which tliov have established : v
system of bushwhacking and bully-rag
ging , not a whit less than tyranny.
"Harrison for congress" looks well in
print and has a pleasing sound to nn hon
est man's car , for lie knows that no dis
honest measure would oycr pass in tlio
house of representatives of these United
States without his dissent , wcro he a
member , But , after all , wo can see little
reason for expecting Mr. Harrison to bo
elected , with Stinking Water Jim as his
opponent. Mr. Harrison would not stoop
to Jim's mode of electioneering , and this
one point alone , wo arc airaid , result dis
astrously. To defeat Jim Laird , wo must
oppose him with a popular man and one
who will meet the dandy from the per
fumery district on every point.
Uco. W. Slieppard would like very
much to push Judge Wm.Gaslin.jr. , into
the race for congress , that he might make
a race for the judge's old shoes the
judgcship of the Eighth district. Hut
when Geo. W. Slieppard is elected judge
in this district , the people will curse the
day when they were associated with him ,
in the same district.
E. A. Fletcher will probably be the
next county attorney.
"Demagogue" 13usli wants to bo sena
tor. Tnerc are several of the same ilk
who wantoflices , but there is a doubt
about their ability to gel them.
Ono of the greatest dampliool ideas of
the commissioners was to put Jno.S. Ray
and Don't-know-much Cad man , forward
as oxpcits in the examination of I the
county clerks' record. It looks like a
job of political "boost-mo-up" at tlio pee
ple's expense. Neither of them is capa
ble of examining nn ordinary set of books
as used in a wholesale house. Uay
wants to be county clerk awful bad , hav
ing been defeated once by Win. A. Cole ,
and Ira Cadman has for the past live
years been a standing political target
always praying that political lightning
wouldstiiko him. It never strikes him
and never will.
The Expeditious WooinR of Mr. 3Iosc
Smith nnd Miss May Uncle.
Arkansas Traveler : Negro courtship
in the country is very brief.
"Hy ? "
"Howdy ? "
They pass on without saying anything
more. Several days alter they meet
"Hv , " says the man.
"Howdy ? "
"Whut you trablo 'bout dis white
man's country so much fur ? "
"Nobody'suiziness how much I trab-
les 'bout.
" \Vhut'syor name , honey ? "
"Doan call me honey , " sue indignant
ly exclaims.
"What'll yer do ? "
"Mash ycr black mouf fur ycr , dat's
what'll do. "
"Vor wouliln * hit mo , oz good er fricn'
ler yor ex I is. "
"Am1 no frlen1 o'minc. Hull , I doan
know yor from a crow. "
"Does yer want tor know me ? "
"Ain't hankorin1 , "
"My name is Mr. Moo Smith. What's
ycrso'f's entitlement nn' cr dress ? "
"Miss May Huck. "
"W'y , how yor do. Si-stor Buck ? "
"Tolor'blo , I thanks yer , Bruder
Smith. "
"Whar ycr rcsidencin at do presen'or
casion ? "
"Obor on do Jones plan'ation. "
"Wall , I'll drap ober dar sorao time an'
see yor. ( Jood-by. "
The next Sunday he calls on Miss Buok.
They greet ouch other cordially , and ,
after a few rambling remarks , Mr , Smith
says :
' 'Look hcah , why doan yer git mar
ried ? "
" 'Case ' hah "
nobody won't mo.
"Uh , nr , 1 knows bolter den dat. "
"Ef ycr know'd ' whut made yor ax
"Jis tor see if yer'd tell do truf cr 'bout
it. "
"Wall , fdid. "
"Didn't. "
"Did. "
"I knows some body dtU'll mairyer. "
"Doan know whar ycr'li ' lind him. "
"I does. "
"Whar ? "
"Right hcnh. "
"Who ' "
, yese'f ?
"Dat's mo. "
"Yer's foolish. "
"Dat mont bo. but I lubs yor. "
"O , go on an' quit yer foolishness. "
" 1'soln 'arnest. "
"Sho , niilf ? "
"Dat's ' what I said. "
"Dldn1 think ycr wanted me "
' .But I does. Whut yer say } "
"I'se crgrceiDlo. "
They are married. !
It is said that a lady's standing In soci
ety can nusly be determined by her dross
at the breakfast table ; an expensive ,
showy costume indicating that the wearer
has not yet learned the proprieties , But
no one need be afraid of uoing called
"shoddy" if her loveliness Is as apparent
by daylight as at the hops. iVifect
beauty is never the attendant of disease ;
above , all , of those diseases peculiar to
women , and which lind a ready cure iu
Dr. Plcrco's "Favorite Prescription , ' . '
Price reduced to one dollar. By drug
* or Solo Cheap Fine Jersey heifer
calf , tlireo months old. Address at oncu.
H. C. , care Pacilic Hotel Co.
List ot letters remaining uncalled foi
in the postofhce for the wo ok ending
July 13 , 1880-
Adair E Albert ! K
AiiMlu ! : K Amber It
Anderson 0 F Altemtis 0 K
Aiulcison C A inbier 11
Abbott U A i nold LC
Unlock W Under W
Hauer W
lllncliiimn N L- Hey co P
ll.iclinott 0 lUillai U
llocis u P Hello K O
lloinuth U Itiewer M
Iti-itt M lU'ipeisC W
ltilorol.1 0 Iliuk.I II
lUttelii'r T F I Hood A K
Drown J Hum * J
Holer. I Hiown n W
It Hl'O ItiieUlii K 1 ,
Uradlev.I 0 llltinlinm A M
Itionli S I ) lUMinelt O K
Ui him ( J 1 llHnvn ( } 11
HeckorU I )
Heacloy U It lliown ( }
llurge U liojceP
BIndClP '
Chllils .IT Churchill J
Cronk W H Olaik W
Chandler \V CairW J
C.uter W C'louse 1) At
CieeiUS Creed (1 (
Culdcr O V Carinlelicl O W
Clnii-,0 F Clarke O W
Coiey K 0 Croiilu J
Colll n < U Af Campbell 0
C.xsnrr CV Cliuult.I
rimiit.IV Caller J
Chnndler U Conover T 1J
Collins tl Calder K .1 a
rtisliu I ! T Coniail Ul
Ctmnlncliam S 1 , Cioneti lil II
C.uter Mr Ci'daimilst < r
Ciiinmlnes oV \ Cleary P.F
nnqlas C M D.mluls.l 11
Dor : ell A Ii Dammit , ) 1 !
Donalio T Davis A
Drlcnm J UieiinerC F
D.ilison I * Double J
Dow 119 K nixon B
Denglol K Droppel J
Diisaii ! U Dyer 1 1
Do.uiu Cl S Devauey W
Klliott I. L Kelspls W V
Kbc-lt T \\oodTIl
r.ison c o Knii'isoii ( J ! '
ICkboui ' . } Kmuiick J It
Kiioksiui ! ) i ; n Kola-it J U
Ki.ilii'hl' Faust I ! u
ritotald J FillKU
Fune. < i FiiftClllolT F
Flanks J Fi.iseillO
Fox U T
( Jroullo P ( Jlockliof W A
( Jllkey K II . Ctilmait D T
( iiohciiinnn D 1 * ( iiinniiiiiun G K
Giaaii (1 0 Class J
( iouclituiovcr A Gilbert AY \
Good U Cockle O
( ii.iy F U
( Jlonn J U
( Jans U MA
(5tuber ( P ( Jahen W
llardyKU Htiwse C
11111 I ) null i > ir
lIolT D IhinsunS P
Jhilstwul S IS lliiitJ G
Harliiu A Hint A I ,
llay\\ood II J ' Unison T
Iltibprt J Hanson 1 *
Irwin J
Johnson S If Inllcn 0 A
Jones 0 C , linsa ; S
Jacob's ' F 1' JohnsonS A
Johnson W , lonn } < Ii
Joclildo L Jiulsoti 14
JaeRor O
ICayci T Kline C
KellarCr Kcaler K M
KeiuliUl G A Kt'sslei I ! F
LenT Lanp W A
Larson N P Lwi > W
Lewis \V N lmij'i' F
J Low O
H Lund H
Leech J LaddinK F C
LocklurtlsFU Lay Wll
Laiid it L Lowiner H
Laison J I
Malmsberry Murphy Jf.T
Miller F McDonald O P
Marias A D Melliitlo D
McCuulcyJ Mori Is 0
Macro Jl MillnsT D
Miles E JIcDiifflo E E
Morey C K -Morse E
McDonnell E Morse J 13
May J Milaid ! H
Moore J A Mullen A J
Mitcliull J McCarty .IPS
Mains W MnxnollMJ
Moikljoim W McKcii/io J
Moro S JfcKay S L
MoslierSA3 Mai tin ST
McAulcyK J Miirulo K if
McMahim P Mackcy ( } W
Meyer G H MeUonnauglicyQ
MoroGWa Mori Is O
Moon CO JtcCauloy T
MeoioJ D Mr
Miner H 0 S
Kocl F Noble J A
Newcomb O
Olstorn & Co O'BiienT
PelllngJ Potler FII
PrlalyJ Patterson Mr
Plclircm J Pntenson J
Parson J Price O
Pedeibon C Peters J S
Qulnn J W
HobeitsB ItclnerMr
Ithibell P C Itnbcson J
Kyan J Itussull .1 VV
Uecul F lieftlater K
Itonin L ItogeisIlW '
Ituy O If oss 11
Uislng 0 A Koxford O
Klloy II
heabcic C A Sawrlal C A
Snoad 0 Svonsoii U
Stafford C F Habln S A
iStcKua L Smith L L
Shelby W Stinnisiin J
StalneyAL Stanley JY
Sbafor A Htari F
Smith F Spencer W A
Saiiiulcr F Hei > ) > , nu 15 II
S K 1C Slciiliaiison W
SwirkartA KiiiilliJ
Swalew.1 K Someis J W
Haulier G Scheof G-
UliomlF Soils ( I
SomuisJ" Kchnxlcr A
Seaman JE Slim lock J
Schraiidenbach J SteilliiK Mfc Co
Sample J A Slilpley J W
Slei-per A Sullivan T U a
Tillott 0 T ullock A J
Thompson A O Tobln F L
TralTord VY It Tciiiploton F
Thorp J II Turner F M
Trechoel W
Ulstrora O 2
Van Slackloin F V V 0
Vleuour Vandnrvoort L
Van Dyke I
Walson A Whitman 11
WlnknorM White MO
Wilson K Wlmllciy O
Wallace 0 Williams I'D a
Watts F Williams V
\Vunon F A WillaiU W VV
Ware W W 2 Watson F S
Williams J WlttenmyieJ
WaidJ Waggoner D
WaechtK WlarU
Wiley It A Winning PG
Watt t' ' Whlttecfll I )
Wai del 11 Way D A
Wright T
YoimcFW Vex J
Zhnmi'imun L Kinl : J
Anderson miss M A Hun mis A
l ! il miss L JIU'ckitr mrs U
lleutlhlicld miss L 1 it'll miss L
lierlut miss L K linker HUB M
llrixbon mrs M K Diiichurd miss N
Drown HIM F J
Cahlll miss M Cammcron mrs J
Coer mUs A
Davits mis
Hlfinan inns M , mrs L
FolKoni miss U liiikiuf miss L
Filiehl nir AM i miss L
CSIlsan miss D & [ Uolilsipith intss E
droves mrs M ( Jrlgbby inls-s II
Cicnvllle inlsa 1) drecioy M
illoliiiinn mrs A. Ilnirin' nirs A
llnvcn J llnnsiiu T
11 111 A lluikini miss N
Jliiirman K ilawkinsoii uirs U
Hani-son mi.i.s A
Jensen miss K mis V
Jolenson miss 11
KavnrmraF Km/ mrs A
Kunimiss C KiiMofi'iaou M
Lnwucr mrs A Lnviiif Mrs A Ii
Loicnz M
McKay mi's to Morn M
MnU'iAvu miss M 3 Miiv niisi It
MeMalty mr 2) Mcl'licrson miss L
McShow miss O McCliirn miss A
Maitin mbs K McUlurH miss A
Nulnook miss L NidmUoii miri.l
Nonlrnson mrs J Nurltl mrs W
Olson mUs H Oylt-r mrs M O
Orr mrs K On * miss T
I'huiiii'getrln u\lss J'lclccl miss L
Percy miss M Peti-ison miss A
Pmson mUs A , if Puton mrs K A
I'ayson 1111 s J Paiker miss L
Quick mrs A
Stoddnrd M D Suibert mrs 0 11
i : SiuiltmrsMl ?
Tory inhs M Trobco miss I )
feral mis Towno mrs J II
Tomi on mrs J W
Young mrs M
C. K. Cor-TiNT ,
DH. It. O. FLOWmi Of KOSTOtt
Ills Hurried Visit to the AVost-Short
Stops nt n Tow lMiu-C4 >
We understand < Dr. U. C. Flower
will bo enrouto in n few days for Colorado
rado , in company with a party of friends ,
and at the ot n number of lita
patients anil friends , has concluded to
maVo a few stops on his way out and re
turning , anil will bo at the following
plaees on days and dates given below-
Columbus , O. , Neil house , Tuesday ,
July 33 ; Toledo , < > . , llurnett house ,
Wednesday and Thursday , July 31 ana
20 ; Davenport , In. , Kimball houp , Sat
urday , July 31 ; Kmporia , Kas , ( " 'oolidco
house , Mondav , July'0 , Council HlulVs ,
la. , Union Pndlla hotel , Aupland fi ;
JMasou City , la. , Dyer house , Aug. Oj Lft
( Tro e , Wis. . International hotel , Aup. 7 ;
Milwaukee , Wis . Plaiikinton hotel , Aujr.
' . ) ; Cldvnliiml , Ohio , Stillman house , Aug.
11. Though his time at each place will
bo short , yet it will ntlord an opportunity
not often presented to consult this dis
tinguished physician without going all
the way to lloston to consult him. Wlicn-
ever il is known that Dr. Flower is stop-
pin at a hotel , whether in tlio cast , west ,
north or south , crowds gather to consult
him , and It is not tobuwonderctLnl when
it is remembered that in diagnosing n
tll ua o ho never nsk the hick person any
question , but doM-iibe.s the dilVorent diseases -
eases better than the sick can themselves.
This is a wonderful gift for any one to
possess , and Dr. Flower's diagnostic pow
ers have cioaled wonder throughout tlio
$200,001) Lost tiy tlio llnrviml lloys
In Itels DH ttio Unreal Itoat-Ituco.
Hartford Cournnl : It is current rumor
that n very largo pile of inonov . w J
" " iw. . -
"drrinnetl" 11 v - nn > < . . .to-ntirviira boat-
race. The Hoston Herald reckons that
devotion to the crimson cost the Harvard
boys about $ ' ' 00,000 The ball match , It
may be added , was not withoutiU. stakes ,
too. In each case Harvard was the
favorite anil Vale thejwlmior. There is
soinethiiig iighly disgraceful nuout this
whole betting contingent of the eollego
contorts. The example is sot , if tlio
whole betting is not done , in both
colleges by those rich ami pernicious
idlers whose fathers send them to college
for the sake of saying thuy have been
there , and whoso great wealth inclines
the managers , in tlio&o monoy-sorvmc
days , to help Ihpiu along in the hope of
endowments from the parents. They
are an injury to whatever college they
attend. With their reckless expenditure ,
their profligate habits , their hig'h scale of
living , their idleness , ami their general
futility they do for more harm than their
parents can undo \ylth tlio uncertain
charity of their laat wills and testaments.
They are the curse of thu laign colleges
to-day. The only wav to look at this
boating and tinso'bnlf diversion Ls ns a
sport n side issue in a course of educa
tion which dons not neglect bodily train
ing. If the boys can keep up their
sludiso and succeed in their sports it is
all very well ; but it is a question whether
they do not give too much time lo the
latter already. Certainly any further
emancipation from study for tlio sake of
piny in any of them is a mistake. Considering -
sidering _ the abominable cxtcnl lo which
the bolting and gambling have gone , it
would bo better lo-tlay lo cul aIV all Iho
sport than to increase its opportunity.
Wo keep the largest number of work
men and have every facility for doing
line work of all kinds.
Salaries of Women Oicrks.
Cleveland Leader : The highest salary
received by n women clerk in Washing
ton is $1,800 n year , nnd ono of these is
a law clerk. Less than n score
receive $1,000 per annum , but a
larger number get $1,200 ; and hun
dreds are paid $1,000 a year. Mora copy
ists receive often as low as$720aml there
is a largo class of women who work by
piecework , and who do the olaes of labor
that would bo required In n factory. The
salaried clerks work from 9 o'clock until
4 , with a short recess at noon for lunch.
They have all of their evenings to them
selves , and never take any work homo
with them. They get their pay regularly
at the ITtli and DOtli of every month , and
each of them has a month's vacation
every year with full pay during the timo.
They are treated politely , are free from
worry , and the positions may bo consid
ered very desirable ones.
"Did mo much good , " turn
"Uonofltlod ma very much , " lays
"Far superior to thafnililonublcnnd Illusive prop *
nrnlluiiBof boot , wlno and Iron , " riiyi
ruoir. V.v. . IliJ.vr , M. I ) . .
Honorary Member Impurlnl Mod. Hoclctr 01
Kt. I'otirnlJuru , Uusilii , etc.
"Glres more tone limn unyllilnu I Imro orcr pro-
ecrlboJ , " nays '
l-noressuii II.Ooi'M.o.v , M. i ) , . LI ) . D. ,
riiyilclnn to the UruriU Duke of BnxOny , Knlatit
nf tlio Iron Grout , ota , ate ,
Invulunblo In d/tpcpslu , mnlnrlu , norvmmnpiw , ner-
vou * nnd tick lu'uUuche. Llllouincss , ccumlRln , do *
bllltjr nnd ireak luncn. ( t will ri'.connlriict tlio niutt
ehullorcd nml enfeebled , llawure of Imitations. AnU
lorl.ollilu Co'uCocu Ilcot Tonic.
On Wlioiit , Corn , Onls , I'orlc , I.unl iinil It. It.
Stocks , lor l.nntr nnd Hhnvt Time. Bund for 1'rlco
Cliculnr II. 1' . ll.\irr A ; ' . ( > . , l-il Wiihlilnutou
St. , Clilcuuu , III. Itoluio icu : Air.oiK'un Hi-
cliiinguNntlunnl Jlnnk
Ucccutlf llnllu Nunlr Kurnithaa
The Tremont.
J. 0. FmOIJHAM ) & BON , l'n > | iilolors.
Cur. ftli ntiU I'tita. , Lincoln , Nub.
nmc * I.MJ i > erilar. Strqut cars from lioiuo to anr
part of Ilia city.
Architect , .
Onicon-33. 'Jl nun 4U. IllvlmitlD Itlonk , Lincoln , 1
Noli , Klovntor on lUli Htrout.
Urocdrrol Ilrnoitoruf
a AI.I.OWA v CAYTI.B. snoutlluii.v C.i rri.u
Live Stock Auctioneer
Bulos iiuulu lu nil iiuitb or Iliu U H. ill fulr
rated , llooin a.tjtulo Illovli , Lincoln , Nttli.
Golloway umlShurt Horn liulU fortulo.
n. n. GouwirT i
Farm Loans and Insurance ,
Corrcstmmk'nc" In rt' ui'.l tu IUIIIM Kollullo I.
Huoin I , It.cliiiriU Illo It , Lincoln , v'o'r.
Public Sale ,
I > j iv er , col. , .Fuui ) lOlli , B rtd. of Show PUorl Morns , llutui iCimuk
fhiink , : i-j fin-jldp , wclalUnj10iJ ; UnlU mid
liolldid. AiMru.i * Field nnd I'nrin , lor i-Jilnln -
uos , Donvt-r , Col. ( j. M llransou , Llnci.'u ' , N'ou.
Col. ! ' . M. WooJa Aiiulloiiuur.
Wliuu ! u Lincoln etoput
National Hotel ,
And uut a L'ooa uliiuor furUio.
C J.A.l'i'.DAWAV 1'iop.