Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    - ' - * * (
_ ! _ _ iHaijiMii _ mMMMm [ TBIJIII * * ! tun Mi' inri "ijiM jii i i i nffrn mt JLII i ! Mini ! [ [ iJ IMMI LLLJLJI-J
But Very Little Business Transacted Yes
terday on 'Ohnngc ' in Chicago.
AVlicnt , Corn nnd Provisions Slow ninl
Ijowpr Cntltc Unrrly IIoliI
XholrOwnllli HOKH Ac
tive nnd Higher.
CiticAf.o. July 10. iSpceinl 'IVtcRnini t
the llr.K. ] WIIP.A r Depte-nion w.\i \ more nr
lusi n ) ironnunc ' < l feature In tlic wheat , mar-
kct to-day , ntitl , ai n con Ciiiiici ! ! , the dlrcc'
tlon taken hy prlccswn soiiii'Wliiit down
ward. IJut business was so light tliciouis
no IndticciiuMit to any suddiMi or deeidi-d
iuo\cincnt < ) . Thu hi'iny rwclpts lien1 ntul
the iftino conditions iiK alllnc nt larger jnl-
maty jiolnts madu holdeis mithin ; : but Milt
In tliL'lr view , " -o lower niltcs c.imu > ciyi'asv
nnd nnlurnl. August inn down during
the morning ftom ° Vai ) > to T \c , but Inter 10-
co\etcd to 7"4'c. TinlltirtiiatliniN diillnj , '
thelnst hour nnd n \\eieconiinedtoa
rnnnfof J 'c. The pit was \ery dull , nnd
mound tlio lloor little ni nothing was talked
about. Thu nrmoiv flout 7s's to 7s8 , ( w.'is
on tlicicimit that five boatloads had been
taken at Now Yoik for oxjioit.
COIIN Coin was n littlis less stiotig than
> ( > stirday ! on reported rains In the south
west , \\lieietlic lueMimsdanmuc by drought
Is s.xld to have been heavy. September coin ,
\\hlch opcni'd ntlOe , wild tor this u-nson
down to oi ! ; e , but Mib-einuntly Inipioxed a
n little.
I'tioviaio.v * I'rovlslons wore very slow
nnd n featureless of a deal , the piiiu-lpal
option In pork unlj iiiiivln Ulc , nnd th
iiinl lendenehi'liif ? easy and lowe ) , In
IHtlhy with wheat. ' 1 he close nil around wna
Blow * .
01IIC.\GOJtjlVK STOCK. , .Inly 10. [ Special Telusram to
the Hui : . ] OATII.K "Tho market Is eer-
tnlnlv no belter , " taid a salesman who hnd
just welsheilHt SI 1'J'i ' tinee ears of 15W Ib
steets. Anolber man sold 1157 Ib steets nt
S-l.OD , the biitnu as he was ollered yesterday.
In one or two Instances tidy , fat lOW to WOO
Ib steers sold more rapidly , ami at fnllv as
irooil pileeb as on yestetdny. Soinu lOWi Ib
Wyoming me.\l-fed \ cattle sold nl S-1.20 , being
about the same as some of the .same brand
sold Wednesday at the .same pi let1. The
market In a geneial way was quiet , and most ,
salesmen eompl.ilneil that co.ttso nnd thin
rattle were harder to sell. Shippers did very
little business to-day. The nt ray of 1147 to
1522 Ib iHftvs at S4.nC < l1.3 > , mostly
at inside figures , looks b.ut to men
who have spent time anil money
nnd skill to make prime beeves. Nebiaskas
averaRlns JOIS to 1101 Ibs hold ntUKQ4 ) 05.
DuiiiiK tlie early ila > s of the week rangers
btineied considerably , but Thursday the imu-
kct somow lint .steadier and to-day pi Ices
wciu in some a shade higher. Men
who .sold some thirty carloads thought the
canner.s at least were about lOo higher. The
receipts to-day were nbout 1-100 head , most oC
which weiesold eaily.
Hods The matket was actl\o and r @ 10e
higher. Mixed , $ M.M ( ! 1.95 ; best heavy ,
85.XKari.20 ( ; light soils , fcl.tWQrj 00 , the York
sol Is selling within tlmt lange.
N w Vcirlc. July 10. MoN'nr On cal
easy ; ranging ftom 1 to t'J , closing nty
pet cent asked.
1'itiMK .M .E. I'APKH per
JSiniti.i.vti KxcitANon Dull ; S4.StV'4 for
Sixty day bills , nnd Sl.b" } , lor demand.
( lovernmunt bonds were
dull lint him , with -T.s strong nnd in de
STOCKS blocks opened with a more de
cided feeling In favor ot higher piicos. the
more liaimontous iclntlons with the Chicago
it Atlantic setting to help sjiceiilnlion In
Etic. Kxteu.slvebuying tor L oiulun account
\vasalsosi factor In theiise ol the morning.
Tliomaikct became too top heavj to .suit
leadeis , nnd pi ices eio let-down towaids
midday , ilui 111,11 ket sinking into the usunl
midsummer dullness until Western Union
was ngain taken hold ot and lifted the en
tire inni ket. Alter the movement in West-
cm I'nlon the market went along slowl > and
elosed nbout steady.
8 cent bonus. . . 100' , , 0. JkJS. W .
if. S. Wa . 111KI preferred. . . 140'J '
Kow-l's . I'-r.AJN. Y. 0. . . . . . . . . .
1-ncillcO'sof 'O' ) . 120tf ! Oiecon Trail. . .
Central i'aclUo1 % 1'acillo Mall .
C.&A . H jl',0.&E . 2J
preferred. . . . ir 0 I'.l' . C . 1ST.
Clilcniro.Muly 10. Klour Dull and nom
inally unchanged : soulhein winter wheat ,
S4.15 ( ! .50 ; Wisconsin , $ : t.'JOuM.15 ( ; Michigan ,
H.OO& ; soft sprinir wheal , S.50/UO : ! ( ;
Minnesota bakers' , Si.50 : < < i4 10 : patents , S54.40
( * 4.H ) ; l ovv glades , S1.7k { .75 ; iyo Hour ,
Whe'at Kahly active but weaker ; opened
&C above yesteiday'H mice * , closing > < fe
under yesteiday ; cash , 77e ; August , 7h > i@
7hife ; September , hO c.
Coin Opened .sti-onc and h&te higher ,
ruled llunor , and closed .J-fe uudei vostOKlay's
close ; cash , ' "J c ; August , 2.i'sC ' ; September ,
" '
- ( & .
Hailuv Quiet at ( I5c.
Kjax Seed-KIrm and S1.13 < ,
Tlmolliv Pi line , & 2.10.
Poik Unsettled and nregular within
Biimll Iange ; early prices Him , advanced Kc.
icceded 10jl2) ( ) c , and closed comparatively
ktoiuly ; cash , bll.h"1 } : AtlKllst , 50.S ij'J,87Ji ;
Boptemhor , SU.U.V < l'J.li71f ,
Laid Stiongtr uud morn ncllvo : cash ,
('ti.iiO ) ; August , SO.flJ'i'utO.05 ' ; Septem-
tembor , Srt.70iii.rj ( , ' , ; .
Hulk Jloats Shoithleis. 55.K ) ( fl.OO ; short
clear hides , 80.70i ( < 0,75 ; shorl libs , S0.w : , ' < , @
HutterCieameile.s source ; lower grades
allow In country , ! ) j ft ; No , s , TK : ; cake ,
, . llccelpts. Shipments.
J-lmir , bhia . io , X ) 11,000
Wheat , bu . 49,000 OJ.OOO
Corn , on . : 4ooo 022,000
Oats , Oil . .K,000. ) 01,000
Jjje.Dll . 2,000 J.OOO
ilarley.bu. . . . 1.000 -
Nnjv York , July Ift. Wheat Kecelpts ,
207,000 ; exports , : ,200 ; spot steady ; op
tions. opened a shade bettor , later weakened
und declined Kfe'Ke , closing ut better rates ;
uugiaded ml , fcytf-Wi , ' ; Xo. a red , 6Sc f .
dosng1.t"bC ! . fc.ttt0 > ; N ° - lwd'BSc Allgust
Corn Spot a bhado lower : options /38'c
lower nnd dull : receipts. 4OOOO ; exports. OS- ,
000 ; ungraded. 43 > 'cu4sKo : No. 2 , Wt ( < i41c ,
lloat : August closed at 40 * . c
i Oats Firm ; receipts. 25,000 , ; exports , 255 ;
\ alxed wcstcru , S isc1 ; hlto western ,
\ K M
) Petroleum . Steady ; United closed at COc.
1'oik-Qulct : old mess , $10.WXJUO.CJ > "
now mess. Sli.25@u.fti > f ,
haid-Opencd 8 to 4 points hlcher , later
Cheese Steady and demand modulate ;
western , 7UQ7Jfe for choice.
Eggs Finn and fair demand ; western , , l4Ht 15e.
\ Mllwnukoo. J id v 10 Wheat- Weak nnd
lower ; ctMi , 77i * ( < i773io ; August , 7b3RC ; Sei > -
toinber , Ki fiieoijc.
Coru Dull and drooping ; Xo. 3 , S6o.
Oats-\\"cakcr : No. 2,83'jC.
H > e Steaily ; No. l.r.'e.
HarlcDull nnd lower at 53JYc bid for
j'rovKIons Steady ; mcsi pork , cash and
AugustJ.sT ) ; September , SO.U7.
Cincinnati. July 16- Wheat Active ;
Xo 2 ted. 70SW77'4C. '
Corn Modeiato demand and actUc at 23
( giJSJic.
Onts Strong and active at C-JJs'WMc.
Hje-Fiim ; No. 2 , We.
t'oik Finn and nncliniiQpd at SlO/,2 } .
Laid Finn and tinehamed ; at G.'r > .
Whiskv Aethe and linn ; s lo < . ' .W bar
rels of hnlslicd toU ) ( on n basis of 51.07.
1'rmlslons I'irni nnd iinchanj'ed.
Mlniie.TpollR , .Inly Ifi. Wheat Weak ;
No. 1 hard , easli , 7i'Hc ! ' ; August , JH.'fc ; bcp-
temhei , so' ' e1 No. 1 tioithern , ea h , 70r ;
AiiKtist , 7i > . | ! i ; SeplPinbor , Nio : > o. 2 , ninth-
ern , cash , r'e ; August , r.I'e ; September ,
Flnur-Fliin : pateuts , SJ.i" > .CO ; bakers ,
* : t 5'rfi.K : ( ) .
Iteceipts-Wheat , f.1,000 bushoU.
Shipments-Wheat , 27,000 bit ; Hour , 21.COO
St. Ijouls. Julv 10. Whpat Weak
and lower ; No. 'J roil. ca h , "OJic ; Aiif"i < t ,
7JAi ! . September , N4C. ) '
Corn Steadj ; No. 2 , mixed , c.ish , " @ : i.i'c } ;
Auu'iist. : t.'ije.
O.Us Weak ; No. 2 mixed , cash , S.'Ojn.Je ;
August , 27'je.
I\e ! Firm at .14e.
1'orkStioncnt s
Laid- Firm at sn. : -
Hutter In r.ilrdein.iud ; crcmery , 15 < ai7c ;
dairy , IJK I.VJ.
Ijlvorpmtl. July 10. Wheat Demand
impro\lnu ; No. 2 , winter , fis , 7 > td ; spring ,
. .
Flour Demand poor ; extra No. 1 spilng
wheat , s , nil ,
Coin Demand fair : spot. .July , slpady at
4s , ji , d ; Auirust , ste.uly atIs , i4t | ; feeptem-
bcr , ste.ulj nt ! . , IKd.
Toledo , July 1(5. ( Wheat steady ; cash ,
Corn-Dull : cash , 30 > { c.
Kuns.-iH city , July 10. Wheat-Quiet ;
No. 'Jted , cash , lil asked ; AitKiist , lilj e bid ,
r.28fiasked ; September , r/JJfc bid , 04\'e
Coin Low pr ; No. 2 cash , Wife bid , : K < o
asked : Aimnst , 30 Vo bid , 0 > fe asked ; Sep
tember , : u\fi 'c
Oats Nominal ; 25cbld , 2Cc asked.
New OrloiiiiK , . July 1C. Coin Sti one and
higher ; mixed , Hie ; yellow , 4be ; rtliIte,4Jc. (
( Mis Steady at 4.il4c. ! (
tloi : ptoducls Dull and a simile lower.
( . . .
loik-SIO.fO4lO.G2J ! $
Ijnd "O.2. " ) .
] 5ulk .Meats Shoiildeifi , SO.'o ; lone ; clear
and clear libs , SO.Oj'tf.
Chicago. July 10. The Diovci's Jouinal
icpoits as follov\s :
Cattle Hoeclpts. 0,500 ; steady ; ' hip
ping steeis , si.70i(5.15 : ( ( ; stockets and teed-
01 six shade stronger. b2.2" > ( ii. : so ; cows , bulls
and mixed , $ l.50r < fi.oO : ; bulk. 5s2.:30.70 : < ;
tluoligh Texas oat Mo , 1.40U head at lOe
higher ; cows , S2.KKy2.lJO ; .steeisJ.75i ( : ! .25 ;
choice , Si.50i : ( < : ! .75.
lions , Itcei'lpK 18,000 ; strong and easv ,
closed weak ; lough and mixed , S4.50Cx5.5U ;
packine and shippliiL' , . 'JOuj.VJU ; light ,
§ 4.50(35.05 ( ; skips , .T.x.ei.r ) .
Sheep Heeeipts. 4,0)0 ) : slow and a shade
lower ; natives , S2.00iaj.20 ; vve-toins Si.OO :
@ ! .5J3 ; Tjuxans , S1.75@i.OO : ; lambs , pei head ,
St. LmiK JnlylC.Callle Hcceipts , : : CO ;
shipments , : ,00 ; mote active and btioncer
under light supply ; good toohoicesliipping ,
S4.iK ) @ . ( 5 ; common to fair , &l.OO@VJ5 ;
butcheii'hteeii , St.2"1.25 ! : cows and belt
ers. t2.0Wii.50 ! ; Toxans. 5i.25xi.i5. ! ( : (
Hogs Heeeipts , IJ/JOO ; shlpinents 000 ;
active ; luttcbeib' and best heavv , S4.'JOf 5.00 ;
mixed , Sl.fiO ( 4.S5 ; light , S4.05C ? l.5.
KnnsiiH City , July 10. Cattle 1'eceiiils ,
1100 : ! ; shipments , OOO ; steady for good to
choice.otliors dull ; good to eholce.S4,10 ( 4.50 ;
common to medium. &i.0r ( ! < (4.00 ; stockei.s ,
S2.iMeiJ.20 ) : ; fcedeis , S.3.25tja.70 : { ; cows , 52.00'i *
" '
Hess Heeeipts , f)00 ) ; sliipments , ,200 ;
faiily active lor choice and 5c higher , others
about steady ; good to choice , S1.GOV4.75 ( ;
common to medium , Sl. ; > 0@l.50.
Thnisday Evening. July 10.
Cattle Theie was veiy little doing in the
market to-day , a lew cows and butcheih'
stulls was sold.
Hoes The maiket opened stionccr this
morning at yesterday's pi ices , and soon alter
took a sudden smut upwind , one clioiee lo.ul
reaching S1.S5 Tliopeiis weio eleaied eaily
In the day and a good many more hous than
those received would have met with ic.idy
sale. The icceipts wcie 200 moie th.m on
Sheep No demand.
Cattle . -too
Hoi3 . .
Prevailing I'rlccs ,
Showing the pievalllng iiilces paid foi live
stoek on tldsmaiket.
Choice steeis , HWI to 1MO Ibs . Sl.OOrtM.70
Choieo steers , 1100 to 1 03 lb . 4.2. ' > < Ji4.00
Medium bleers , 12&0 to i-iO : Ibs. . . 4& ' > dl4.m
Fat little steers , 1050 to 11 .W Ibs . . . . 4K(4l.lS ( ) ( (
( lOinl Icedei.s , OCO to 1000 Ibs . XMH . 'S
( iood to choice cows and helfeis. , . : ! .OoC < i'i.r : ! >
Fair to medium cows and hollers. . 2.fO wli.OO
lood ! to choice bulls . 2.2.i,7.r (
Choice light and medium hogs. . . . 4. ( Wit ! . ( ' > : >
( iood lo choice heavy liogs . l.'iOfim.Ki
( loud to choice mixed hoxs . -l.O'ifjil.Tri
Fair to good shorn sheep . 2.50/2U.25 /
llcprcucntiitlvc Sales.
Av. Pr.
si.oo :
K )
61 ,
No. Pr.
1 1.50
of * 1'rlcos.
Showlngtho hiuhestand lowest prices paid
for mixed loads of hogs on this market d'ir- '
ing the past eoveii days , with couiparative
values ;
Juno July
FridayOth. . . . 3.02) 01.77 4.25 ( atM
Satuiilay , lOtli. ov'J.70 4.35 @ 4.w
AlondaV. 12tll. . ! 1.70 @U.75 4.45 @ 4.CO
Tuesday. 13th. . a.70 M3.75 4.W C44.70
WrdlieblavI4tll3.C5 ( ( ali.70 4.60 M4.C5
Thursday WUi. a.G7K < 3i.70 | : 4.6-3J.4.72K
Friday ICth. . . . 3.CO @ 'J.75 4.CO .85
Showing the number of cattle , hogs and
sheep shipped during the past twenty-lour
No. Cars. Ht. ' Dest.
0 C. U. A Q Chicago
5 H.I Chtcaco
0 N.W Chicago
No.Cais lit. Dcst.
U Mil Chicago
8 N. W Chicago
10 C. U. A Q Chicago
S . . .H.I. . Huston
hive Stock sales.
Showing the number of cattle , hogs , and
sheep wuehased by the leading buyeis to
day ,
Lobman Itothchlld 339
Anglo A. I'acktngCo ion
Clark liros Mil
Hothchlld , 513
Hammond it Co 487
North A : Co 130
ray t Hall , „ , 77
Total , 0095
All sales of stock tn this market arc made
percwt , live weight unless otherwise stated.
Dead boca sell at Xc per Ib for all weights.
"Skins , " or hogs welching less than 100 Ibs
uoalue. . Pregnant sows are docked 40 Ibs
Bud stags 60 Ibs.
Note * .
II. Ourc'iam , Lincoln , was heio with a load
of rattle.
The box market continues to climb up at a
lively rate.
M. Hutton. of Mallorj , name In to-day and
sold two loads of hogs.
Thomas tlnrrkof Central City , wab hero
and sold a load of hogs.
. ! . S. ( larlen , of Cheney , came In and ' old
n load of hogs on the maruet , |
The Western I'nlon Telegraph Co. have
opened an oflire In the exchange buildlnc.
Mr. Wnencr , of Fi her t WaKiierof Ymk ,
was here and marketed two loads of hogs ,
Mr. Aldilt , of AldltUV Co. . of Friend , was
at the yaids and marketed two loads of hogs.
Mr. Fredeilck , of the lirm of Stewart &
Frederick , bt. 1'aul , was licie with four loads
of cattle.
Mr. Hunker , of the lirm of Hunker * Cooh-
ran , livestock commissions of ( liic.iirn , was
hciu a few da > s and was so well pleaded with
the pK jicct , that the Him has tlen.led . to es
tablish n branrh luiue heie.
< > cnrrnl Jtnrkcts.
Fildav Kvenlnc. July 10.
llUTTCU The leeeiptsol bultei aio not
large and good bnttei Is M-mce. Cholee but-
tpi.plls loadllj and at pilees even above
iiiilatlons. | ( hut the IIVCMKO giades iceelxed
will not sell ahove Miiotatlons. At this * ev
sou ol the veal , even rholeo liuttei shipped
In bands becomes almost worthier boloic
it is leeelved ( in tne nmikel. The \\aiiu
weather melts It down until it is lillle belter
than oil. Hanels which would eommand lOe
pel Ih. If In tubs have to bo sold nl : * c and le.
Hood fresh table butlei , l@llo ( ; fall to
good. 7 < iv ; Inteiloi , " @V.
Kti Theiei-elpisnio not heavy , nor Is
the demand \ei.v heavv. The market has
LMiulu.illv weakened nnd to-day it Is lower.
Too much caie rannol be tukcii to avoid the
sliipnient of pool eir.'s , ns they Irivotobe
candled on anlval and ull such stock H
tlnovvn out , the Chipper losing notoul.v the
eggs lint the cxpiess chaiges. Kngs stiicllj
fiesh , lOe. Full cicam ohcddars single , b' , r t
Do ; Hill oioam twins , iv ; joung Ameileaii.
lOe ; Swiss , Impoited. 2ViW7e ; skim Hats , 4 ( < o
tie ; Miubiiigei. HC'MSj ; uilck , K\dl4e Swiss
domestic. I'iSOilV. . ,
I'oi i.inv-'lho lecolptsof old fowls have
been veiy lliiht and the values are linnei.
Tneie is u good demand for huge fat lions
andieeelpts ot all such biltiK good pilcest
i ousters do not tiring ( inlte as Idgh piiees.
Spilng chickens aio selling veiy much the
ame as last week. I.aige si/es go very
readily. A lew ducks aio oee.isloimll.v te-
coived , but theio iseiv little demand for
them. Old fowl" , per noVAW Jl.'iO : siiiing
ehiekeus. iau'o. 5 > il5i.UJi : prlnc ; chtdyjiis ,
medium si/cs , SliiUWJ/iO : spiing ehlekvns ,
.small , not wanted ; ducks , S2.2o2.50 ; turkey -
key < , not wanted.
Cvnn.u.i. Choici home giown , per do/ ,
JiOyi TV.
Vi. : Tomatoes , pel H bit bn\
M.JV : : A small amount is coming In , but
it does not sell veiy lust. Shipping stoek , per
do.Wo. .
ONIONS Southcin. pel bbl , S4.00 ; sotilh-
ein , per tin-box , 31. " > 0.
Ai'i'i.i.s Cliolco Iiesli lecelpts of shipping
stork have been .sollim : t.ilily well. A good
manvnioshlppei ! in that an- not suitable tnr
leshfpmuntaml such stock has to lieilKiioMMl
ol lo peddlers or the looal tiade at lovvei
) ii'es ! than thee quoldl. Choice shipping
"toik , per bbl , $ : i.U3n.i.50 ; choice shipping
sloek. per box , 7'icai51.0U.
HA.VA.N.VS Hamuias tuo veiy good and
vorvehe.ip now. Hauanas , iiei bunch , as to
size , 2.00 u.'LOO.
Hi-.iinir.s Hlackboiiies , per'Jl ipiailscasc ,
St.OJC : < ( ; " .00 ; bl.icbeiiies , pel bushel stands ,
LI.MOS'S Iteceiptsare light and demand
biisk , owini ; to hot weather all ovei tin ;
count ly. Fancj leinonsaieiiiolabloatS10.tO |
uerbox to-day , wlille lair to good me telling
On vxnr.s Itodi. 20 sl/c , S7.50 ; Navels ,
S7.00 ; sweets , S0.50 ; St.
MicliaeK , 0.-,0.
Soi rnniix I'M visA few southciu plums
aio coming in and sell lalilv well. Southein
plums , stands , S7.00 : southetn plums , 21
ijuait cases , S..7.Vif.oo. : ;
Soi iintt.v : ( iitAiTS A few southern
mdpes have anived in the maiket ; 10 Ib ,
boxes 1.03yl.2r ( ) .
Mni.uxs ( ivorula watei melons aie comlnt :
in und > ell fall ly well. The hist musk mel
ons or 1 1 lopes ol the SC.IMIII were received
this week. Watermelons , per 100 , S5.00 : ! ; nut
meg melons , per doS'i.OOfftli.riO. ' .
TOM AT ois : Fancy Misiouil stock is be
ing icceived in liushel and half bushel boxes :
good southern stock is also coming in in halt
bushel hexes The larce packaccs will tiioh-
ably be olteied for le s money next vveek.
Southern , > jf bu. per box , 61.00 ; Missouri ,
nor bit. box- , fancy , S2.50 < aa.7.j ; Missoini , per
J. < bu. , laney , tfl.'J.'Xrtl.SO.
CAI.IKOUNIA Fitms TliPio are two
fast fruit trains tlirongh each week
from Cidlfmnln , having Irom one
to f.'iir eais lor this city , so tliat the maiket
is well supplied with fresh fiuits. Fiuits
aieaiiiving In good condition and aic elllng
leadily. and now is the time tor dealers to
send in their oideis iftliev intend to han
dle fiuits at all. This Ktlie Ihjt vveek that
theio has been any leal choice poiclics
on the maiket. Kaily Cniwtouls
have begun lo arrive. Plums have
not been veiy e.xtia , but the last shipment
was good , liiapos will bo In next week.
Haitlett peaisaic much larger and liner than
a week ago. Apilcots and chciries aic en
tirely out of the maiket. Uutlett peais ,
per box , SI. 00 ; Clapp's tavoiile peais ,
tf.l.75 ; pin pie Duane plums , S2.00 ; Washin-
glou plums , S'.1 25 ; Columbia plums , Sd ;
( icnnan piiinrs , S2.3.i ; Oioss piunes , S2.25 ;
eaily Ciawlord peaches , S2.25.
Core \NfT.s Cocoatinls , per 100 , S5.00 ; less
than hundieil. per 100 , S" > . .W.
Fins AMI DATKS Figs , layer , 4 Ib boxes ,
peril ) , iflc. Dates fancy faid , 12 Ih boxes ,
I4e : dates Persian. r > o lb lioxes , per ID , lOe.
NUTS Pecans , largo polished , lie ; pecans ,
medium , Uc ; English walnuts , lie ; almonds ,
Tairacona. 2Dc ; almonds , Langucdoc , 17e :
Hia/lls , 12c ; lilbeits , 14c ; peanuts , hand
picked , fanev Vhglnia. b ! < c ; peanuts , hand
picked choice Viigluia,7 c ; peanuts , toasted ,
u'coxtia peril ) .
UuNKV Callfoinla , ISc ; California ,
stiained , lOe ; Nebraska , choice , 14 ( < tl/c ; Ne-
biaska , dink , l@l"c. ) ,
MAri.i : SuoAit Hrlcks , pcrlb , lic ; penny
cakes , per Ib , llj c.
AlAi'i.i' Siifi' Hulk , 1 1 to 17 gallon kegs.
per gal , $1.00 ; pi cans per gal , § 1,05 ; hull
gal cans pei gal , SI. 10. New Voik , per bbl. 87.00 ; do. half
bbl , S4.00 ; Ciab , per doqts , S2.75 ; .Michigan
iellned. ner bbl , 50.00.
Vixin : AH White wine , 13iffl7c ; elder , 13
@ 17c ; single stiength , ISe ; tiiple stiength ,
Pins' Kr.irr , Tnim , KTO. Pigs' feet , per
M bbl , Sl.oo ; do , X bbl. 5 > J.X ( ) ; < to , per kit , 'JOe.
Lambs' tongues , per U bbl. $ : i.25 ; do , per kit ,
S2.50 ; do , quail jais , per do85.25 ; do , pint
jars , per case , 2 doicn , SO.75 , Tilpo , perlj
bbl , 84.00 ; do , per tf bbl , 82.00 ; do , per kit ,
PKOVISIONS Meats are steadily advancing.
The demand is brisk and piospects favor
higher pi ices. Ham , 12j c ; breaklast bacon.
W9e ; clear side bacon. 7 C 8c ; dry salt
sides , 7@7 c ; short rib sides , 7e ; shouldcis ,
7e ; mess poik , S12.50 per bbl ; dried beer-ham
pieces , 10c ; laid , tleices , Cc ; 59-Ibcans7c : 10.
Ibcans ( Fairbanks ) , 7 > $ c ; fl-lb cans , do , 7'fc ' ;
3-lb cans , do. 7Jfc.
NKVV Po TATOKS Hoth southern and homo
ginwn are belnz sold on the maiket , but
block is not moving very rapidly , Southein ,
per bbl , 8l.75@2.00 ; homo grown , per bu ,
H'KANS Inferior stocks. 7 > c@S1.0U ; good
clean countty. Sl.'AXSLSO ; medium hand
picked , 81.0 ; hand-picked navy , gl.05.
Ki.oun AND Mii.i.b-iui'ps winter wheat
flour.bestquality patent,53.00 ; second quality ,
S'i.50@2.75 ; best quality spiing wheat Hour ,
patent , V1.4Q1. ! > briu,60i3 \ percwl ; choiiped
feed.COcpercvvt : white corn meal , 75yel ;
low corn nipal , 65c per cwt ; sciecnlng , OOc
perewt : hominy , 51.50 per cwt ; shorli * , fi5o
per cwt ; itraliam , S1.75 ; hay , In bales. 87.00 ®
7.50 per ton.
WOOL .Medium , ICQIHo per Ih ; fine heavy ,
10@l4c ; Ilglit. I2 < . < i > i5c ; coarse , 12sl4o ; burry
wool. 2S5e olf.
HIDES Green butchers' , CJfc ; green cured ,
8c ; dry flint. ll@18c ; dry salt , i@lOc ) : dam-
ased hides , two thirds price : tallow , Si3 ( c ;
grease , prime white , Be ; yellow , 2c ; brown ,
& 0"sheep pelts , 2.5@T5c. '
.n Pilmo slaughter solo leather ,
i 3c [ ; ; prme oak solo leather. ac@3l > c.
pper leather , per foot , 30@25e : hem. kip ,
75C-5.'ic ( ' ; oak kip , bX3W ! > c ; French kip ' S1.
Las' ; hem. calf , 'Sl.d6@l.'lO ; oak cal't , si'.OoS
1.23 ; French calf , 8L25@l.b5 ; Morocco boot
leg , 80@o2c ; Morocco oil pebble , 28S2e ; toiv
pint's uud linings , SQ.OC10.00 j > er doz.
HEAVY lUnnwAHE iron , rales , 82.25 ;
lowpaej ll hpecial cabt , 4c ; crucible hteel , Cc ;
east tools do , 12Ml8e ; wagon spokes , per set ,
81.75ca3.00 ; hubs , per set , $1.25 ; lelloes
savvedT dry , 81.40 ; tongues , each , 75c : axles
each , 75o ; square nuts , per lb. 7lie ; coil
chain , per lb , C@12c ; malleable , CfefSc ; Iron
wedges , Cc : crowbars , Cc ; harrow teeth , 4c ;
spiing steel , 7C"8c ; Burden's horseihoes ,
84.40 ; Huiden's mule slioes , 85.40. Uarbed
wire , in ear lols. 84.00 per 100 Ibs. lion
Nails , rates. 10 to 50 , 82.50 ; steel nails , 8J.C5 ; .
8hot-1.00 ; buckshot , SLfcS : oriental
powder , keijs , V'An.4.00 : do. lialf kvgs1
2.00 ; do , onaiti'rkecs I.50 ; blasting , kegs' '
SX : ; fine , per 100 feet. 10e. Leid Har. ' l.tA
PAINTS tv < ) tt..J\\liltoleaif , Omaha , P. P. ,
7'ie ' ; white lend , Si ( Loils pine. S7.7' > : Mar-
solllr * gr . " 'ii. Iito5jb cans , 20c : 1 ronch rlnc
ticen JC I. l.c ; Fieuch'nc ' iwl t , He ;
Fioneli 7lno , Ih < ainUli a . , we : Vietich
zinc , iN : vcriulllion. American. ISe : Indian
red. I0c ; ro e nink. He ; Venetian led. Cook-
sons , 2'4c ' : A enct jn ted , AmeriiMii. l"e ;
led lead. " ' "jOM'htiniip vellnvv , genuine , 200 :
ehtonie volloW ) K ( 120 : oelno. roehc'lo. ! V :
oeluo. Flench. 'itc ! : ( iclire , Amcilcan. I'je ;
Winter's mlti".i d. ' . " , < : Lehluh brown.2' ' < :
Spanish brown.2l.e:1 : > rineo'smlnenil. ! V.
DnPMNT - ) -\\hltelcad , V ; FicnehIne ,
V'e ; Palis wlullng. 2'e , : wliltlnr , glldoK.
PIC ; wlillinir. I'oiu'l. t' ' c : lampblack , ( icr
maiistovMi. 12c ; lampbl.ick , oidinarv. S- ;
Prus-ian lilnei" > c ultiumnilne , IS'iv.xndvke.
btovvn , sc : iimboi. buinl , 4e ; uniliei , law ! le :
sienna , buinl , 4e : sienna , law. 4i' : Pails
gieen. genuine 8 > e : Paris L-reen , common ,
12e ; ehiomo gieen. N. . , 20e : clnomo gieen.
K , lie ; vermlllHin , Knglish. In oil 70ilaw ;
and buint umber. 1 Ib cans. I2c ; raw nnd
burnt sienna , I''e. ' vaudjko , brown , ilc : : 10-
lined limpblack. 1'e ; roaoli blaek and ivoij
black. 10c : dioi | black. ICe : I'nissiaii blue ,
lOe ; ullramaiinoblne , 18c ; ehiome green , L ,
M. > V I ) . , Kio : blind and shutter irieen , L. . M.
& D. . K'-o ; Palis irieen , I'-c ; Indian led. I.H- :
Venetian red. Uo : Tusean. 22c : Amoiieati
veimilllon. L. < D..20e : jellow oolite , tV ; I , .
M. ite O. 1) . , l e : good oelire , lite : patent
diyer , So : giainlngcolui , lluht oak , daikoak ,
walnut , oliesinnt nnd ash , 12c.
lnr isAXD t in MicAt.s Aeld. earbollc ,
i-cj ? ! acid , taitnile , S' c ; b.iNam copaiba , per
Hi , 4V : balk , sairas. . pel Iti. lOo : calomel ,
per Hi , 72e : cliinehonldln , pel nt. 40o ; cldoio-
I orm , pel Hi , OOc ; Dovei's powdei ? , pel lb ,
Sl.5 ; upsoni salts per lb , il'fc ; gljeerlnc.
pine , per Hi. IS ; ; lead , acetate , per I120c ;
oil , castor. No. 1 , per mil. , SI. 50 : oil , envtor ,
No. 2 , per gal. , M.40 ; oil , ollve.pei gal.Sl.4U ;
oil uiL'annum. B9o ; opium 3.0 ! ; itiinine | ,
P. A : W. and H.r S , per o/ , OL ; potas-ltitn
Iodide , per IK S'.00 ! ; salleln. pern4Jo : sul
phate mm phine. pei 07 , S-"iO : sulphur , PCI
lb. 4c ; slnchnlne , IKTOSl.iiO. .
VAIIMSIII-.H Hairels. per gallon : Fnint-
tine , o.xtta , SI 10 : linnitiire , No , 1 , tl CO ;
coach extra , S1.40 ; coach. No. 1 , S1.20 ; Da-
mar , extra , SI. 75 ; Jnpin , 70o ; asph.iltuiu ,
oxtia , B c ; shellae , M.50 ; haul oil llnisli ,
Spun rs-'ologne spit its. 188 pioof , 81.10
do 101 proot , Sl.l" ; spults , spromt quality ,
101 jnool , S1.1J ; do iss piool , SI. II. Alco
hol. isspiool , Si.lOpoi wine gallon. Hedis-
tllled whNklus , > l.O ) (' . Gin , blended ,
{ l.Vit'J.OJ ) ; Kontuck.v bourbons , jj2.X ( ) ( < Ml.iK ) ;
Ken tuck valid I 'enlvnu2rvCi ! , ' 'J.Cflftt 'j ;
t.'oidcn ncaf fJoutllon and'rv'o w1fi l < ies ,
Sl.WHjW.OO. Hi-iiudles , Impoitcd , S" ;
dome-tie Sl.tC@i.OO. : Clns impoited , SI 50
( idl.CO ; domestic , 1.25.icK ( ; ! ( ) . Champagnes ,
impoitod , pet C.T-O. SUS.COGJ'M.OO ; American ,
pei ease , SlO.OOfilO.OO.
Grocers' Ijisr.
PICKI.KH Medium , In Imls , S5.X ( ) ; do In
half bbls , SAOO ; small , in bills. 80.00 ; do In
halt bliK , Si.50 : ; ghci kins , in bbls , S7.00 ; do
in half bbls , 34.00
MATC nr.s Per caddie , 2Se ; round , per
case , SI. 00 ; squaiecases St. 70 ; mule
Si'OAiis Powdered , 7 > c ; cut loaf , 7' ' e ;
gianulatcd , OJi'c : confectioners' A , fl' ' c ;
standaid extm C , 0 ( < i e ; extra C , 6Vic ;
medium jellow , 5'iao , ( > c.
linii : > 1in I is No I qnaiter apples , in
OtAriciius ( Jainean's soda , butter and
plenio , 5' < c ; eieams , S'jc ; ginger snaps , bjo ! ;
eitv soda , 7'2c.
SODA In in papers , S-l.2 , ) a case ; salsoda ,
kec , per lb. 2-i'4e. '
VI ! r No. 70 , 1-gallon Heirs , SI. 00 ; New
Orleans , : > SC 4 ( > c per gallon ; Maple Syrup , ' '
b.iuel , stiictly pine ) 7tc per gallon ; 1 gallon
cans , S0.25 per doJiJ ; gallon cans , 35.25 per
do/ ; quart cans ,
Si AIIOII Minor' ' gloss , lib , 5c : Mirror
gloss , ! ! lb , 'Ac ; Minor gloss , ( lib , O c ;
Ci axes' corn , 1 Ib , Cc ; Klngbfoid's corn , 1
lb , 7e ; Klngifoid's gloss 1 lb , 7e ; Kings-
fold's gloss 0 Ih , 7' c ; Klngsfoid's pure , 15 lb.
5c : Kinirstoid's bulk , 4c.
Coi'i'KKsOrdinary gi ades , % @ le : fair ,
fancy green and yellow , iiJ : ( tfiU ; < jc ; old cov-
ernmcnt Java , 20 2tic ; inteilor Java. 10) ®
20c ; Mocha , yyibilc ; Arbuckle's roasted ,
14Uc ; McLaUL'hlin's XXXX roasted , 14ifc :
Dilwoith'.s Wjjro ; Hod Cross. 14)a'c.
SOAPS KliH's Savon impciial , S2.70 ;
KiiK'satliietSi.OO ! : ; Klik'H standard , Si.05 : ;
Klik's white Unsslan , 51.00 ; Klik's White
Cap , 80.50 : Dome , SU..K ) ; Wnshboaid , SH.10.
CANNI.U ( loons Oysteis , standaid , per
cas , S : > . :0 : ; sti.iwbeuies , 2 lb per case. 82.50 ;
i.ispbciries , 2 lb per ease , S2.25 ; Calitornia
pcuis , per case , ? 4,40 ; apiicots , per case ,
84.-K ) ; peaches , per case , S4.40 ; white cherries ,
per ease , S5.W ; plums , per case , 83.00 ; blue-
beiries. per case , 32.25 ; egg plums , - lb , per
ease. 82.50 ; pineapples , 2 lb , per case , 83.20
@ 5.50.
CAXIH.P.S Boxes. 40 lb Cs , lOe ; 8s , 10c ;
boxes , 40 lb , 10 o , Os , 10 > fc ; half box , 20 Jb ,
10''e. '
CANDY Mi.xed , OJflgttc : stlcic , 8KfeO'.fe. '
SALT li ay loads , per bbl. S1.55 ; Ashton ,
in sacks. Si. " * > : ' { sacks , Aston , K3c ; bbls
dairy , 82.0e@2.75.
Dry fiooilH.
PittNrs Ameiicau , f > jjc ; Arnold's , Cc : Co-
checo , CM : Manchester. Co ; Lyman..r > e : Glou
cester. 5Ke : Dunnell Jncqiiaul. ( ic ; Diinnell ,
5 ! < jc ; Windsor , ( Jo ; Pacilie , Oe ; Harmon , 4J < fe ;
Anchor Shillings , 4' ' e ; Mcrrimac Shillings ,
4 ! < Jc : Ueivvlck , 4c.
Ii c-K ( Unbleached ) 8 Magnolia , lOe :
10 Magnolia , 12e : boz. West Point. lO'tfc ;
11 oWfbt Point. 12'4c. '
Hnowx Cor i o.v Lawrence LL , fie ; Shaw-
mnt LL , 5c ; Heaver Dam LL , 5c : Atlantic
LL , 5c ; Indian head , 7e ; Wauchusset , OJ/e ;
Ciown XXX. OKc ; Clifton CCC , ( Jc ; Utiea
CCC. 4 | c ; Atlantic P , 5 }
TiCKiNiifl Amoskeag ACA , 12' e ; Thorn-
dvko OOO , 7 c ; Thomtlyke lanev.
Yoik. lOJic ; York lancy , 12 c : Mll ,
IM' ' e ; Pearl Hiver , ll'je ; Hamilton , 12c ;
Swift Hlver , 0/e ; Shetncket S , b'rfc ; She-
tucket SS , O c ; Monlauk A A , 12c ; Montauk ; OmegaACA.llie.
DrcK ( coloieiU Hoslon 0 oz brown and
dial ) , l'c ! . ; linston O 11 brown and drab.
XXX brown and ( hub , lIHe ; Hoston O P
COIIIT : JiiAxs-Kesusarge , 7e ; Armory ,
7o ; Peppeioll , 7Kc ; Indian Oichard , Oc ;
Naumku ag , 7c.
CiiKViors Amoskeair , checks,0ifc ; Amos-
keag , ht lines , H' < ; c. Staler , stripes , be : Kdln-
bmg , Uh'c : Wfiittendon , strlncs , 8c ; Ulen-
rose , 'Jc ; Otis , checks , 0 > fo ; Otis , biilpes , 'Jc ' ;
Hoyal , OJ/c : Amos > keag , napped , lOKc ; Lu-
ray , book told , 12e ; O beion , book fold , ll c ;
Kniliirancc. book lold , 12c.
Dnxivis Heaver Cieek AA , lie ; Heaver
Cieek BU , lOe ; lleaver Creek CC , Oc ; Julfiev
XX , lie ; Jalficy XXX , V.'o : Jalfrcy D A : T ,
12J c ; Columbian , 12Hc ; Voik , IHc ; Yoik ,
fancy , iitfc.Kveictt : } ; , lUc ; Haymakers' blue
and blown ,
IMI'DIITKI ) flfill.
UUsIlf HlilBO'i-Ulils I'nlli Kits
NFW risii. , or
J00 yg fo 1U 13 1 ( )
i _ - _ . .
- -
JTJ- | -T J n r
Norwcslnn , , I I | I
KKK Hei'ngs 13 C06 fofi 903 SOS 70
Korweifiiin '
KK Heir'ngs 11 OJO 00 5 4o'3 053 60
HrhtllngB. 8 00'4 504 002 30 1 IH )
KeU . . . . 18 00 > U i ) flO'8 00 4 W.3 110 1 28 1 10
Holland Herrings , new 80
ii iJiill VVhJto hoop I 10
NEW HSU iMJ 5'r ' * Ji ! a , yf. "VI" ' ; ' ? ijts
JO j 100 t tt ) 40
Itloatcr Moss. 3500 18 00 30
Ex No Ibhoio , . ' 4 00 12 W . 10 il 0
MeitNo.lSlioro , 1 ! ) 00 UO i St.1"I .
" 5o" Hay. , 1100 U IK ) 5 4r > 3 OS'S ' 60 "I
Iji nrramlly. , a a > 5 CO 4 55 2 Oil 2 10 741 ' 5
FagFiinlly. . . 7 UO 4 00 3 Ur > 2 05 I 70 C2 | Q
nr iiiiuor niiis l"leKls |
rim. 100 VO I 50 40 12 | 10
No , 1 White Klsh. . 6 00 , R 40'3 ' 30 2 70
Family Wlilto Fish. 3 CO 8 70,1 70 1 50
No , 1 Trout . 4 W 3 CO 2 W 1 00
No. 1 I'JeUcrrl 3 IK ) ! 2 701 K ) 00M
Hollandherrlng.K'io ; smoked halibut , 10J < c ;
Varmouth bloateis , 05o ; new scaled herrings ,
* C
Dry ImiuOer.
No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 13,14 and 10ft Sln.50
No. 2 " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft 14.50
No. 3 " 12,14 and 1C ft 12.51)
No.4 " " 12,14andlOft 10.60
No. 1 , 4 & o Inch , 12 and 14 ft. , rough..810.00
No. 1 , 4 & c Inch , 1C ft. , rough 10.50
No. 2 , 4 & 0inch 12 and 14 ft , louEh. . . 13.50
No. a , 4 & 0 inch , 16 It , rou U KW
Bridges-Steam Pile Driving.
FtiKlneers iuid Cent r < u tore.
Brges , Roof Trasses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron Combination ninl HOMO Truss Itrlilficc ,
I'lllnirnniUlnk Timber. IJlU t\ \ . , near I'nnuim ,
Telephone No 731 ,
Cigars and Tobacco , .
WAX JIIMH : : \ m ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
nun * nml Ammunition. 215 to Jit South Itth
Stn tt. lTOto ) 1021 Karunm Stiect , Uinahn NVi.
Manufacturers of FIne Cigars ,
Ami Vlitiliile lenlcr < In Loaf Tolnteeos. Xoj.
id * mill 110 N. Hth Street. Omnlia , N < b.
\v. u wuioirr ,
A rent for the Mauufucturcrs nmt Iraportora ,
Crockeiy , Glassware ,
Latnpft , Chluine ) * , Ktc. Otllco , Hit Smith nth
Ftreot.Oinuh * , Nub.
C. S. (5OODKIC1I \ C'O ,
Agents lor P. A. Whitney Cairlnpo Co. 8
Children's Carriages ,
And Jewell's Cclutuntcil Hofrijrenuor * . Stn
or prlco Hit' . 1(11 K.irasm t , Oiimlm , _
Eagle Cornice Y/orks. /
.lohri Kpcnotor. 1'iopiletor. MamiCm Hirer or
( iiih mil/o < l him ntul ( nrnlc-n. F ! Doili.c unit 1JI
niul 105 Notth loth Street , Onuilin , Nob.
lit'IIMI'lNO Jb HOl.Ti : ,
Mnnufnctmc-sof Ornamental
Galvanized iron Cornices , Dormer
\Vludo\\s \ , rinul" , ito.rd08. : 12lli Pt. Workilono
In any pint ol thcuountiy.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. PPrCIlT. 1'roprietor.
( Jnlvnnl/cil Iron Coiniccs , lite. Speeiit's I n.
proved Patent Melall'obkj light. MS mid Ml ) 3.
jgtli PL. tliunlia. Not. _
Boors , Sasli. Oc. " " " *
"Tho Gate CiiyPltnlng Mill.T
Doors , Snsh anil llllnds. Alto nil Umls of
turning. Scroll uml Stair nork til every iliv
" " "
Manufacturer nnd Dealer In
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
BtAlr Hulls n specially Telephone No. OX
13th and Murcv M § .Umnliii , Nob.
Electrical Supplies.
W. WOLFS & CO. , Klectricinn * ,
Electrical Supplies ,
MiiBouic Illock. Onmlift. Hurjjlnr Alarm * , llelli ,
Tire Alarms , f'cctrlc Mnttln f , Spealilnsr Tuboi ,
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work
ion Stalin , Hnllinir , Uolleil lie ims and ( lirilcrs
Steam Engines , llrata Work , Qonoral I'oundry
Machine nnd Illnckomlth Work. Olllee anil
Works , U. P. Ity. and S 17th st.
iron n d Nails.
Cut Nails and Spikes ,
Flro Nulls ti Sif jmlfv. Omnh.i , Neb
_ _ _
Omaha Safe Works ,
Manufacturer of Flroand liurclir. 1' .
Vault Doors. Jnll Work. MiutteiH and Who
Work.Cor.Hth _ _ amlJnckson Sts. , Oninlm , Xeb.
Wa rons and Carriases ;
E tnl > ! i heil Ibid.
A. ' . SIMl'J-ON.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
: i09in ! I UU Dixleo Street. Oiuulm. Nob.
Commission. Etc.
1.1. 11UHKE & SON' ? ,
Live Stock Commission
Geo. Iluikc , Manager.
Union Stock Yards , S. Omaha. Tcl ilionii BB3
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John r. lioiil , Siipcrlnlomlcnl.
SAVAUK & ( illKKN ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Shipments or nny mid nil kinds of stock solicit
i ed. Union btr ck Ynrds.Oujulia , Neb.
Lumber , Etc.
" "
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Bub , Deere , Klc. Vnrds Cor. 7th and
Cor. Otb und llouglw.
Manufacturers of Sasli
, Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldings , Btulr Work anil Intel lor Hnrd Wood
rinleh. JiiRtoponoiI. N. K. tor , StU nnd l.euvcn-
WortU Streets , Uniuhu , Nub.
Wholesale Lumber ,
tit 8. 14th Strout , Omiihu , Nub. ! ' Colpetzcr ,
Lumber ,
73th nnd California Street ? , Omaha. Nub.
rnED w. QUAY ,
5 Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. Cth uud Douglas Strecte , Omaha , You ,
i Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
* "
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wnpcn Flock , Fancy Woods , llrldge Timbers ,
lie. , . W , Cor , Vth nnd Dout'lasOmaha , , Neb.
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulding ,
Dulldlns I'aner , Etc. BSuth KJth f > tr < JC < .OilSlJ .
Flili , Etc ,
1 CO.T'
EuccStors ! to Ickcn Hk-iriffen Si 00.
Wholesale Fish Dealers , ]
Importers of TirolBn Flsh.Nos. BIMHI Jonei
4 = r-r fitrp-il and v' . P. Track. Omaha , NoU.j
. Confectionerv ,
F. P. FAY & CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbersot FruitsXntsaaJ OlSArs. 1211
I'ainam St. , Omah.i.Seb. _ _
Lime , Cement , Etc.
Ma nufacturers of Illinais White Lm3 ! ,
Anil Kliljipcrs of Conl and Coke , Coinont , 1'lua-
, lcr , 1 line , Hair. Flro llrick , Drulu , Tilu anil
Beuer 1'lpo. Otllco , 1'iuion hotel , teleiihono 811 ,
Fiirnuni titreeliOiiiah , Nebraska.
Job Printing.
Job Printers , BooK Binders ,
And Illunk Hook Mnnufactuiem. 1061U < 5 South
IcuiKtutUtt roe
Agricultural Implement s.
TA1U.1N , OIII.XnnilKl' A. MAIiriN ,
Wholes , c Dcnlew In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
nnil llutrj.'I' " ' , Omaha Neb.
cm Ht'iiii.i ,
Wlioltstle n nil t In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
CnrriRRes nnd Ittiimli,1 < nr ? t . bet. Mh nnd
IJtli.Dninhn , Ni-l > .
Heels and Slices. _ _
" " " " " " ' "
w < v. MU"5i : A CO. .
Jobbers of Boots and Slioes ,
Mil FBnnini Street. Omnlia , Neb. Manufnctory ,
, llnston.
Carpets. _
" ' " ' ' * * "
YiTiolesale Carpets , Oil Cloths
M ttlnB , Curtiiln ooi ! . Kto. . H2J
Stioet , Oiiiiiba , Nel.
Coal , Llmo , Etr.
" " " " "
Coal Coke , Lime and Stono.
OOioo. 213 S. Hth ' t. , Onmhn. Ni K Yftrds , ° Ul
anJ Di''enpoitSluets.
* "
Shippers of Coal and Cofce ,
lt S. 13th Ft. , Omaha , Neb.
{ Jfti. C.Towi.v , 1'resldont.
Olto. T'ATTin'soN , See tuid Treas. _
1'roprlrtnr. Manager.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
Oincr , 'J17 S. MhMieet. TekpbonoO.
bio. 1 * . r. < tUiltrre ( . r I' ( IOOIIMVS.V 1'ics.
.1. A. Hl'MiHtl.lM ) Fee. unit Tieiin.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers of ! , ard and ort toal.SOOS. l > 'th ' bt. ,
OmahnNel > _
Hard and Soft Coal.
Coffee and S Ices.
Home Cofloa and Splcj Mill ; MTg Co. ]
Colleo lloiistors nnil Spioo ( li Isidore mimu I
fneluieisorHiikliDfl'owilor , riuvoiniB V.xtiiioti ,
Illuliiff. etc. Tryoue cnse of our 1-Tb pnckairo
Ilomolllcml Hoastcd Coffcft. 1C03 Howard ! : ! . ,
Cmiiha , Neb.
ci.AHKi : nitos. & co. ,
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Ten" . ColToes Spices. Uniting t'ovs-dcr Vluvorlnif
Kxtincts , l.nunilry Hlne. luk , oto. 1414-1B Hiir-
ney Street , Omnlin , Nub.
Commission , Etc. _ _
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
llil Fnrniiiit St. , Oiimlm. Apples Our on | .aok-
luff 1'lntl & ( .1. s 'llger llrand O.Vblur.Hutlor . ,
Htrp ? , Giimo , 1'oulti j , Potatoes.
General Commission Merchant , !
Produce , I'lovi-lonp. Fruits , Flour nnd 1'ecd. KB I
B. llthht. , Omnlia , Neli. Consignment * eoltulliil. i
Itetutiib iiimlo piomiillv. '
Jl. McDOXAU ) .
315 Wth Strict , Ornn'jn. Nub. .Specialties : IIlit-
tor. JKKS. ) and ( "b
WIK1J15.MAN 4 , CO ,
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , Jliittfr , ( iiiiiio , Trults , Kle. SMS. 14lh
81. , Omnlia , NolimpK.n.
General Commission Merchants ,
1400 DciilRO Street , Clmnhn. Mchinehii.
w R
Storage and Commission Merchant.
8i-iri\i.TiKi Cbee'e , llutter Kftsa , I'oiilliy
and Came , 112 & UtU. , Omaha , Neb. Telephone -
phone . < o. OT5.
Storage and Commission Merchants.
an < l Domestic Fiults a spcelalty , Kl-
eRiuu Blorao facilities. Wmuhoiiau and olllco ,
JU North nth ht. Telopliono 773. _
" "
D. A. : iui rKY ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
Butter , KKK" and 1'iodiieo. A full lluo of Stone
ware. ConMemiiuntb tollcltud. 14H Dodfo St. ,
Bujers of Butter and Eggs.
RoTrlirorutor nnd T'auklntr 1 loiiho , Ht b & - I.oavcn-
north St. , on I' . P. It. li. Track , Omaha , Nu' ' . .
Establlchod 1870.
General Commission ,
Z11S. Hth St. , Omaha , Neb. Specialties IJnttur
1" BS , 1'oultiy and ( iamo.
Commission Merchants ,
Fmlt3 , 1'rcdneo and I'rorifions , Omaha , Neb
Successors to IHIIIC GrlDlth.
Comtissitn Merchants
And wholes ilo dealers li iiiiintry piuduco ,
trults , butter , o KB.e'o. ( joe Noneonslgnment
u npccLilty. y-'O N. 2 tli St. , O.mtlin.
( Suetessora to A. I1. Suhaok. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. S13 South Tith Strnot. Omalm , Noli.
_ JJry Gppd , _ _
oiNsiiuitr tc co. ,
Wholeealo } ) culur6ln
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
linens , /.aces. EmbroMery and Whllo CocxJs.
_ lttMDciiflHbbtroet ( , Omalm , Neb.
White Lead ,
Strictly Pure White Lead ,
COIh St. , und U , 1' . Ity. Omnliii ,
_ Harness , Etc.
} rannfactutoi0 nnd Jobbersof
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Turf Goods , lllankcU and Holies. HJ1 Tarmun
SlU'et Oiniiliii. Nib. _
JWattresses ,
E. JI.
Mattress Company ,
MnmifnrturliiK' ' JlPttregsoa , lleddlnir. Feather
1'lllouH , Cols , Elu JLMO and 1 )8 ) l ) < nnlu Blrctt ,
Omaha , Nub.
Overalls ,
rujijNa co.r
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Punts , fihh Is , Etc. , lite ! and 1 51 Douirlu
fittnvt , OinaSm , Neb.
Beer ,
Agent for Anheuser-Busli Brewing Ass'n
Special lirumlH : 1'nust , lludv\oeer : , I'llmiser.
HtHD3Lssoiiirnisiir !
D. L. SUAyi \ A'l
OM.Ut V t , Mill It ( X ) ,
Mellon In ill Kind * of
Building Material at Wholesale
Ifth Stieetanl . o i ' 'ne fl Tratlt ,
r.r.UMAX 1) ) WVATT ,
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Will nml I/mil "tiret * . Omuha N' linukv
.1. \v\Kinmi : ,
Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shingles ,
tlulldhiir 1'aper * . Sn h , Dno.-i , llhmls , Moult
Inn * , I'lohoK , l'oM , l.tme , l".u ter. H fj
Ci ment. Nlntii iinu.1oue , Omalin Neb.
Millinery ,
" N > "
i oniuiT.i.iKit : ) , '
Imjxiitcn and .lolihoiaot
Millinery and Notions ,
KISntid 1514 HarnoyPtieel , Oiunlin , N'oh.
Musicil Instruments ,
" " " "
r.nuoLM .v iniirKPON ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
f-teinway I'lnuo' , Weber , Driver , llalnrs nnd
lltimri I'miio * . I'aoxniii OiKans , t'hni "
101 mid KM 1Mb sttoct.
Furniture , Etc.
rtUUL'CS stl'VKIU ' ( " \ (
Furnitura , BolJIaj , UplDlsrH
r.te.,12JiJ , UUSiiiull-l ) 111,1111111 'Hie. ,
Wholesale Dealers in Purnltara ,
Knnmm Street , Oiuntia , Xeb. _ _ _ _
Groceries ,
1 . a CHAPMAN CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobaceo aiidSniokeis' AUUles , K'l" llo anlSI.
MIYIK& : : itAAPKi :
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Ppleifr , Clifirn and Tobneooa. 1JI7 mid II11U Doug *
las Blreet , Omudii , Nob.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th uud I'limam Shccis , OnmlirVj sf1
Wholesale Groceries 'and Provisions' , '
)70'J nnd Til S , lUth St. , Oauiliu , Kelt.
" '
Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel.
Bprlnps , NVau-oii Stock , llaidnood I.iimlicr , el&
imunnd i-l I llatney btieex. Omaha , Nub.
KDNEY & OinilON , , Steel , Wagon
And Carrlairo Wi" i Stock. Heavy Hardware ,
Etc. li'17nna 121 iiivenifoillibticet , Omahn ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
Slcilmnlce' Tools and HulTalu Hcnlu * . 1405 noug >
t , Omaha , Nob.
Mil : , I'llIED & CO. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Hails , Tinware ,
t-hcct Iron , lite , jtirunts for llotvo Scales and
Miami Powder Co. , Omaha Nub ,
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Huutles. Guiles , llruss poods. lUi and 1XTJ FM
nani Slreot.
nncTou & wiuir.i.Mv co ,
Wholesale Hardware and Hails ,
Emerson Steel Nulls. Cor. 10th nnd linrncy
Streets , On-iha , Nnb.
Manufacturer of the
Deerins Harvester Goods ,
Write to Win. SI. Ixjriinor. Oaneral Agent
_ Omaha. Tc'opuonuUIO. _ _ _
Iron Pipe , Etc.
> niinno | 'oSpocj uo.T ' 10,1JS ) 'DSl 'fflt PUW
'n l ioi If pun rooj [ , , | '
'biuoui | nj ' .io. < ns U |
. 'tiqnnto
mimiitj nil ' peen s/o.T IBOOJ IBBN
t.ioviunl > piioi ] P.iilliiH | | ( .10111 , \ \ pint iiicaig
's ujiiu 'Qdjj ' 'sdmnj ojusgioiitt
" 00 .IKn.ITIIHOlUlIO _
-qofj 'tiiinno | ' ) S "iiiri UI..I Kfl \ l > unva 'f 5
'boiiddng fliiiiiuv puu .fu.Mii | | | | 'juiii , 'luur jg
sgujSug pns 9du 'sduinj '
' \\VtlKOO ONV1M.S "I 'V
Notions- ? , '
.olinois in
Hotlons.UoshrSGaata'PafnU'ilnj . Good
JIXIJ and lOJj Kmmm / Bt. , Oiualiu , Nob.
J , T. Robinson Notion Company ,
4tt ( and 405 S. 10th SI , , Omaha , Nob.
oiilo Dcaleis In Notions and tl outs'
Oils , Etc.
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
Onsollne , Mien Avlo Uieum , Kle. A. II. Illsnopi ( I
Muniier | , Omaha , Nob. -5I
Pork Packing ,
" " " " "
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omuha , Nebraska ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Dnico , Union Miiikct.lSlTlJoilfroRtroot. P.ioklng
hpiibo , U. I * . 11 , It. Truck , Oiimhu , Nub. Tulo *
jilKino No. lr 7.
Safes and Locks ,
" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J
"p. 110VKH , V CO.
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1 '
Fho mid Iluriihir Pi oof Snroa/riijio IxeltsViuit ]
Rnd Jalv\oik. 10x"0 Fiinuun tlicet , Omaha , Neb
Seeds. '
_ _ _ *
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds ; j
AKileiilturiil. VrjfeluliUi. Elu. Odd Fellows' Hull , "j
N. W. Cor. 14th umlDodtfoMt . .Oiniilm , Neb. . 1. .
Drugs , Etc ,
Wholesale Druggist" , .a
And De&ler in Pnlat > , Olid and Whulotr UIa : &
_ _ Om.iha , Hob. , ,
Wines , Liquors , Etc
Distillers and Importers of Y/ines /
Anil Mi ] 1101 M. Solo iiiiinulai'tinur' or Kennoily'i
J'.tat India lllttciu. 111' ! Htirney t = tvelOjiuiha : ,
Suiccbsor to MO'NAM.UIV i 111 M AJ ,
and Wholehulu DcalciM In
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
gHmitiaitl S. Hth et.i Oiuubu , JUi
Motions , ttc ,
' I * UllANDir.S It fctJ.V ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry fioodH , Notlona , ( jcnta' IVinilslilii r
Cooilaliom New Voik. Trade titles duny ,
unO f S South Wth St. , Oniah.i , _
_ _ Hour anJ Feed.
* " * "
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grab.
MnnufarturcrEuf W.J.rli IUH .V Co 'd ( Julcfe
Itaibltic Uuekubuat ilouraii'i ' pn mil "iiOuiuha
City Ulils , tor , ftU uud I'anmm frtivvtb , Omalm.