Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1886, Page 12, Image 12

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. . .
- - - - - - --J - - IL.-- LIt k
4 12 ' DAILY BEE JULY 17 1S8t (
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'PilE OMAHA : 4ATURD4Y , , _ _ _ _ _ _
Ph7tl 1 I1 lii innfint' U Iit
( tvrt Ii t ! Ia iii , . I ii ii , l hi I I , * n ml ii Iior
( ) It I it' tiitiS hit crc ( h w Ii U Iin' not ti ti t fl
i-cnd tii I ) igli tht' , i,1n11t1v , d' ei it't inn of ii hIs
tnii.'ul re U ru. V it i i ii go , wht ii 0 ni it in wn s ii
fl trO I ti nn etiii p. ii nil n II r t i vt cti l fiotit
I Iii lylu , OIi of iiItt IniIiuti , t ht tIiI1 ni a
I' , hrfl t h ni kient d wli ire nu i pria 'n t Iii ni
itIiooI tiIil(1S IIIIII ft tviiit&rIi ; ! I I l I it I r ilil iiIitPr $
inIlciI M nhft. I Intig il iii : , i i a ( II 1 i tfl
tiliM .IflIIII iViiM % . I 1)3 ) thi 'iiIiI liiIItii
' ft Ii it iai'o (1ot ftiri. ii 11(1 iIiQ ( I iilIy , t i % ( i 3011 flIt
J nil Inn cii rdccl t h l i1t.vot Un ) p fti : t1JL It
d Iine1 I ii t o it vitrui lovp Oii 13 1) r I hf 3fli fl
iiI'li ( cq fluiziiit'Iiilly prr , hilt Iilt'ilrct , tinily
ticti , ivliIi the nilior wna tI iO"flt' Pr
WOl itliy tItti , b ii I iritii tn ily n'n er. InIi it
Iii ml to.1 iiy I Ii I Ii isi ittit' . t Iii i' BPitiiI fiti Itir
Iin iiindt iii lii' ; itIii4 ; Ilitit . .li itoiild tilnrry
I h ( ' lit Iir itti ' or ii ii. I ii i It s llrne t or olip in lid
' ti itlinci. ii igli I M alt ii ittid liii t rut h0r , itttI itt.-
VII1 I flit tiI ity itt iii .iii1 iPr' ft I I h o ( Pill I ft rn
I lint wii I. I ii ttviti lint it. ' W it Ii ! ith it and hcr
( ' 111)1CC , niiil tn Iliti I hrrci t Out ii ii it' iii-
tt rthR lot iniur , i. tir ( I I in ii ii iii e ( liii iiitt. J11 t -
nrgniiint tIirzti&vcs ittid t'itifllol lirilu , the
hIn1 ; 0 I I Ii t' ( , In ti iirrP I III PieSit ill IIi -
i ortil In it ge I lttiitcd Hr't I ng it pa ii sttrti a
I ( hilt Ut IC , I till nil nil nit I ) niithn I ( i-.1113 I tt ii I
lie itihitilititiOhi iii thto % 'hitilU t1I1011 lItr prit
Ii it let'fl , itttli iii In niy i-tip ti nil d itI ii ,
tutu lt.i . .ilzeii iii ( ' iintiil let their rritIiItlvIit
iitt * I htiernil iy I oivttiu1 uvL'i y I in pIoei ii etit.
'ru erut iiWit ) I ii % lt 0 iii ttt'ii I tie I iiii love
tt1'thI y Ut Iri.sli it I II I it ( ohm a It t U lid liii 111 I ii i' It
lit ) tiles I ii I Ito ( I it t ( ity ltintt etinr t ii it tnt i-ga In
list I lilt ; % cIk oITprriI In , t'ni ilntt liv ca , cii
( ) innti cit' . iiCCSS liii lttii ties teen tutu to ii ' . i uco
yittiiielr. =
tiIl'1tOV11) PUOPflhtT.
Noitli of lot 4 IIZOCk 13 , ] . V. SIIIIIII'S
2 ek.gant ( ) , tIfcO ) ) nfl. . t1iitt tt4I
Italitiii taqy
Full lot ; . : , oil ( nliforiiin t. , sitIi
Ii j ( it' I in ) i'OV ( Ill t Ii i ) 3 , 0111)I I ii ru
trt'h , l'nlttict. ' : 8 yvn r.
IS I \l l'ItV 11) Pl { ( ) l'Ilt'lY ,
Lot 63t24. in 1n ' 0 1 Ii' i a I I tin ii
I I t Ui ; i u , ' 'i Iitiit tnt' In 3 cu U.
Lii S lit % , IP le7c it i ii ltttiii , O ) u
Stot1n : i ii , 1ji ii ! I. t IU ii
1.0' i , , Iii Poq . , et P1 te' , 7I ) ;
I ahteicui 1 ii liii a 3'IiI U l t ( tJ t t.
1. it e xlu : In I a c . . -rld hi.t tttlI I o 1. I1
* 4 iOvtuSi I i an u' to it.
1. t iii % ti t S ii a I 1 'en ivUIo : , I' .
I , ein t hit ci I I it ii I tnvtuir , . 'cid ! I n r 1 I ci ny i ci II I
I t 4 Li ; l I ) ut ) t % co P'J ut'i-y l ycar iii
13,0 ehut
I n iii liii . 0 .1 t'Zn , I.O)3 : , in 311 Unlait ui
3 ear .
Ltit Ox ict : ; , IInhlt.h11 PIU'P , UiSt front
011 Vlrgiflhlt tou , : , Itaif dowii IMtl
: uw ( , 8 yuur.
Lit lOx 1-10 , in ( 'lifton I'1n' . l .200.
Lots IIIV. . A fleu1icIs : uliI. , Th0 $ ' 30
( t O'S. ii
Lots III Inpont 1'lnC ( , (1 ( ( ) io ; down ,
ljhtIanctt $11) ) ir tiiotitli. 1 Lire i a geOL
oplo.i ) ttIn 1t3 to ccuito it Iiotiiu for : dtnost
litlhIiI' .
Lots in 11atic'oni Place , cl7O , l O)0
cash , Lialanco 2 von vs.
( 'orner lot tJ0x1H , Cliligo st. oiic
Il-looni house , one 0 : uul OItC 3.rouin
It will pay you to invest your money with us as we do not indulge in speculating -
ing schemes , but carry on a strict commission business1 We invite you to call on
us , and assure you a careful attention an d honest treatment.
L1 L LOVRE , Rea' ' Estate arni Ln koker M Frnm 'stairs Tephe , 153
. - _
- -
- - - - - -.q- - -
211 $ oth 15th Street
No. 4. Full let on t ; . 20th , tWO IIOUI 03.
heatL'ftVOIiWOith st. A ba'gan. ! . . 4,5iO )
'ro. 5. Full lot ott . Otli , to Iionsus ,
heat I.'acnvottti t4. Ctinp . . . . . . . . 1,200
No , JiJ. l1gItiIt 10-i-oem house , dly
t a oi. , until , Mliii , etc. , on l'iti'k nv , , . 6.000
No. 47. iA x 150. zient 20th uttid Datigl t ,
itiih at-go flub liouto , tIe ticat buignu
Iii Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.200
No. (2. Two full lots on 1'.til avenue -Iti
lftgo fIne hotiBe 11110 nIl couvoiiiciicot.
Arato btrgitin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
No. tiM-Two full Jots lii N&son's itilil , , 0
room liottiw , itt 8. mu-gaIn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,5U3
No. l-FnIl net-c , lilmebuttigit's ndd. ,
with 6 room honenew nnd till in good
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
No. 01-I00xl4 , go1 7 room lioui'o , bain ,
'elI , cistci-ii ; i cnt tor :30 : hot. 111(1. . . . 4,500
No. 1-TIn1t trcot ,
't'l , i-0on1 liouso , veli , cistern , etc. 6,000
No. 81-Veil Iotnice 7 room house Iii I1ai- ,
scout I'laco , the ncost neighborhood
iii the city , eutt front , ologati view . . . 3,500
Nti. Fl--Fiji ! lot. Lowe's 1st add , teem
Iiouist'ive1icltoiii itnd buriietuiiy ; terms ;
hitugul mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I .200
No. 8. ' lot , milco cotago , In Arm.
bIb IgB mud. Vt i-.j ebu tp. . . . . . . . . . . 2,000
No. .11. Fill Ic t , smn'l house , lit in prove.
me it As ohaIon odd. ; $3C0 ca-li , bitt.
IIHCQ 10 perimiorth. A barialn . . . . . . 1,7(0 (
No. ( )0 ) 2 liii lot i i % 'mtIntit 10111 mold. ,
tilee 5-room cottage ; vely easy pay.
11101i18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,100
No. 07. Nice t.moomn linit o on Farimam
street. Intiternm : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 500
No. 121. To : heatiht1i n-ui Cimillorithit
St I. , Odoomim hoim to , nil ( oiVo mien o ; . . 3,000
No. Ill Fit I I lot wit it h m It' ( ) iii I Iawt bottle
mmclii This Is ' a y tlm-'a'i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1'I ) . 148. .1 , I. liodmi h'3 stili. 11,11 , lot , 75i140
ens : f omit. good ti ro 'ott c t go , moil.
ciii coiivemmIoneei. 'I'twi C S .1,000 of
it bnigui mm I mm this now , itimil on cmi' y
joints. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,500
These are oniy a few of the nianv 'pieces I have , and I would like to have you call and see
me , and I will make you money. Remember the place and name ,
WE H. MOlTER , 211 South 15th Street1
E. F. R1NGER Real Estate Agent , 119 N. 15th St. Jacobs' ' Block
I Io. l3 , Full lot , 8.rooin luono ( loorgia
LLVLI , Clical1,000. .
: No 0. 1eantittil ! 1Oroomn cottnre Del. I
itWmtro strent , I tauscoiu l'l&ico , - 1,500 , .
: No. .108 Full lot , spl.inilmtl nev house , I
8 i'001113 , ( eorg1i ! iwo. , s'ttcr : , gas , sewcr
"O. One week only at $ U,000. ,
tttNo 0. Good 8.iooni house , vei'y tie
r sirtble , Georgia ivu , for ii few dtys ; only
itt .1O00.
No. 899. Finest cast front , Park ave. ,
2 uutll lots , wiLl , 2 good cotlnros , 7 roonis
cacli , or3oo , unit m0,000 oacG , or $12Q0 )
fet liotli ,
No , 11 Goomi 5OOIiI house , VIrginia
fly , , , good loition : , $3,000 , ,
No. 7. Iloimse 7 i.ooms , e1osct , cistern ,
very tksiritblo , $8,750.
: o. 27 Foiir.rooni cottage , S. 15th st. ,
$2 &J0 ,
:4o. : ' 100 , Four.rooni cotln'o , 20ti st. ,
I lUtVOVIiiiUIlt Association iui7i , I ,00.
I No. 43 , 3 tiIl'B mobil tiomi , itemise t rooms , 3
I hmt'c CtxlLtl. ) IhLiI'.I , 4.2OU.
I No. 71. 10th mut. , itoOr curs , 6-roomit house ,
0. 7S. Califorimlit ut. . house II iooin , foil lot.
dmolco loemittoim , lttDJ. ) )
No. 76. Ilni-imey stre't , collage 4 roonis , lot
44x132. * 1.81) ) ) .
No. 74. 8. 10th St. , Itemise e rooms , lot 5)xl7O ,
No. 40. Corner lot , 2 houses , Davenport St. ,
! n sight , $ T,0)0.
. No. 70. Iluit St. , near22iitl , full lot , 3 I.iotIseS ,
2t'IltS well ' t1 500.
i ' No Si. 'U3xEU. Cmullforflhii st. , 2 eottmues , roots
for $ t iici. iuontli , will t'-ulimtngo fur nero IJVOII.
eitr , * 1,200.
? 4o.81. Jones st. . nifit' ihtli : , housea , rents
for * l2Spormmmohithm , * 50,000.
No. St. N. 1tlm , house 9 rooms , fruIts , c.
CL 67x140 , * 'J.OOJ. '
No.416. Ilarimey It. , lmous rooms , cheap ,
No. 68. Cnpltol , mive. , near 16th , Imouto 10
rOUILQOXII. ) . $ a3,0X ) .
. - , No.t0) 18th st- . hear Cuminr , a corner , 4
- bonses , rents for * 71. ) Per iliOhilli , * 10,000.
Xo. U-I. ntjmnters 11. hear Cumumug , liotiso 7
)0oiii8. lot EOtIM ) , * 6.500.
No. UI ! . % 'cibster Si , hOUSO IC ) rOoiii , ham ,
- Li' 112.wo.
. , rio. UI. Douglas t , honsa U rooms , south
front. * 7.00.
' No. 103. Douglas st. uloiih'Io ' liouso , 0 rooms
' each , vatcr. gasrcmit for tJ0 P Or month ; f.20.
No. 105. ! Jrd st , near ljuit-t , glut' houto , lot 6tix
3J ? . 7,500.
No. 300. larniun st , houioU rooms , mnddorn
I 1mprtemtWl1t8 , _ * 010 , * 2.000. :
ho. 007. 15th. ueur JiitcsboUEC 8 rooms , 14
, lot 6.0)0 ,
1'1'Q 100' ChIcago Bt , house U roomus , lot ,
i\ ! 2) . tleorlA avo, hottie , fruit , o ,
\ j
N. 423. VIrgInia aye , new ' ; .rotfln house ,
) itOtleffl hmnptoVumflCflt , t,000. !
No. 411. PICECOSt , ucar1tb , lot 00x165 13,500 ,
412. Webster st , let , houSe teems ,
oIt. wutor. cheap , * 4.10) ) .
140 41 ' Favnaiu SI , hiSo U rooms , lot OOxiO2 ,
itptdb'uTirftIi2. * 13.000.
No.i9G. tarnam It , houSe IJroomflS , lotGOxi34 ,
itilil , vit1i tin elnhit ' EflOn ) liotist' , Ve1I
ei'it ( 'l Il. billzgy simeul , iituI. linrii ,
u'lmritct' fruit trees , $1000
cash , 1alnnco to stilt.
4 lots G012l , lstiac & Sell nililitton.
s-itli 7)0011) ) Itemise , h8rn , ote. , ( birii : 011)110 )
coqt $ 1,600) ) P)0 ) Ia1'Ii'l-4 , cii'trti ( , 10(1 ( itr-
( ' ( III 01. , l0OI1 St ll. Ittlit tre ; clicail at
S)0 ( ) ) : S.,0')0 ) cash. buiineo : oil c'nsy tt'IIl'i. '
ltt 1b,1i18 , ctit fi'tiiit , oiithi iOth st. ,
S1OOIII brick house ecmnohl ti'd lntcincttt
with vooilen liooi' , b8fl for four horses ,
ve1 I 'ilprit mittil otit-iiotiO4 , tl,000 , OIlC
I I i I t.u ea'di , hol . to sni t it I ' , n set' .
I .01 oo. i i , on tllhC ttmtol ; : tventle , 2
Itomi'e'u tv j t Ii 7 tuioitts t'a'Il . id,0J3 , l en ts
for PC I 111011 I It. lt)00ul ) o t H bat . 8 'ms.
Coriler lot lilix I 15 , cii thitli and (1aiiltol
ltvt' , w itli fl-root ) ) lioii" in lir'1'clnss con.
tIlt ion , -l,20 ; 2,00 ctslm : , hal . ety. :
Lot OOx I 8 , lavetmnut ) sh . , with olin
fl-Fool ) ! nitil one 5-l'oOl1i hotise , 0,000 , , half
( 'tt"tIl
I.ot Iiiiiiioit'iiiettt Assoehitton. whim a
2 i'ioi ii Ii ii tiSil , Iii tgt 118111 , et e. , I , t1 0 10 cn'ti
tflhlmiiieu 11J ( I(1 ) tilonthi
I . , it I ii :41i : limit s : ; , I ittkl , . 1.0 0 ; tel in easy.
I.'t ' .IJ',48 Ntitht.t ' ( ' ' . : Ihimihi's mmiii. , ' 1IJ)0 ; ElCO-
* : l ettli , liahiticn I0 per tmiotith ,
loIst,0,20) , , \ % tiIiilit 11111 , ett"t I rout , cat-tier , 7
roe in I it n hic' , I 'a ' i ti , vell , cl ( evil , to n out ed cvh-
Ia imu ! I . - ; 3,00 ) eicti * 1'U ) enAht , litt ittico
25 iiet tittititit ,
Lot Gu'x132 , etst : fiont , N. 10th st. , with
L )
No. 416. W'clitoi st , Iiououl rooms , near 17th ,
$ 'm.ruj.
No , 412. Marcy st , ( till lot , 2 houses , clietip ,
t7.)0J. ' )
No. l0. i'ti'tiatn . '
i.t , lmous7 i'ootiis , lot 60xI2
nc'nv2Otlt , tzlj,200.
No , I3. 11 lit , 'i-ioomn hotio , iioggs &
Itlhl's tiddItIon , $1,100.
No. 42J. Itttmttttcis bt , house 0 rooms , lot 45c
I20 * 2.500.
St ) . ' .25. S. 14th , house 6 rooms , lot 0Ll57 ,
cm"np ) , $4,000.
No. P61. l'tcnsunt st. liotiso 1) ) ioomns , lot 66113 ,
Iouglus at , flogs & illlltt ituLl , house I rooms ,
No. I 10. icnlsn's ) nilil. , 1101150 4 3001315 , lot
122x7 ( ' . SumntItrs St. $4,00.
No. 137. Detilso's tttld , G-i'ooimi lmomito , 2 Jots , oti
cot-nerOimlo 1.1 , fO,000.
S Imotioq , Demilbos aid , mnluthmly palymtmontQ ,
$9.00' ) each.
1onight , ii-e , house 6 rootn , tioiut Leaven.
worth , 3,600.
.1. 1. itcIl'ks , midil , limb iotgoocl hmouseG zooms ,
l'olltum J'Ia'e , house 4 zoemmis , stable , &o. , lot
5Jl36 , $2,000.
It ) liOUSo' , Slitimli's utlil , tioir ear him , $2,250 to
* 3 ,00Ci.
Iot tidxl73 , htouo 6 rooms , llttmtilltcin st , * ,000.
lhlondo st , 2 toil lots , Itoubu U rooms , cheap ,
* 1,1100.
) iliiti' nilil , S. E. front , lot 60x13) , house 0
Z000IS , $2i0J.
No. 1110. V. A. Roi1ic's 0(1(1 , house I rooms ,
lot lihtOS , i15'J.
No. 42. ' . Nelsomi's itthl , Iioni.o 10 zooms , good
haunt , tlini , ; 'IL I6,1U ) .
No. 8'I4. luLu's multi , lmouio 4 t00108 , 1 lot ,
No. 12t Tmi1u's additIon , Imouso S zooms , lOt
52xfl1 , t:40J.
No. 3,14. t'inmtlimg full lot , 2 houses , $ .5,6S0.
No. tl0. (1toi'itt tivo , Itoitbo l rooms , near
Leiivemtwomtlz , * 1,000.
NolI. Gtuigiti , tuvo , ltotmse A rooms , city
water , &c , 1Us :
No , 2l. ( icorgitu are , beebe , steam , born ,
cIty water , $7,000.
No.213. S. 20th , Otto locntlon , house 0 i-ootus
frulit , &c. , 1S.5O0.
No. 2tt , . 11th st , corner lot , houo 0 rooms ,
No. $80. S. 1. lhoora' add , houso4 rooms , fulh
lot. $ ,200 ,
No. 700. 1. V. Smlths add , N , lath , ! ioiio 0
2001110. t kt. 12.100 ,
No. 2i7 , It eed's lt adO , CapItol aye , Imouso 7
zooms , lot 66.'c I 15 , IT,00II. .
No. 22 $ . Chicago st , Ueod's 1st add , Itonso 8
1-coins. ! lot. 15,500.
No. 407. 1)nvenport St , nrar 23rd , liouto 1
zooms. lot 51x132 , $4k0 ( ,
No.3711. i. V. Stnttbm' add , 2Otb at , hiousu5
1-oct05. t lot 2 100 ,
No. ltmrtuiuigti'6 % acid , 17th t , Itoimso S
zoomS , yI1l takO vtteun lots as port Iiayuient ,
4 .200.
fltitStreOtftiil lot. Obouso4 , $7,500.
Itogws & 11111's udU , lot hiixSO , corner , hiou 4
rooms ,
Ozio of tim fittest rOldonees In the city , ttvo
minutes walk itoh the uostolllcu , $10,600.
Ronutiflhl corner on 1)ttweuport ; very choice ,
* 8.000.
Credit 1'oiicleriid0bOi1i04 roomsOlots onois
corneit it splendid biirgulu , $2,400.
D4iiz3Iott ) St. , Jingo Louse , lu1l lot , * 7tOO.
- - - -
- * - - - . .
2 int I I hillside , ealt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ : b,000
2Olot ; in iltitiscom I'i.icO . . . . . . . . . . $1.00) ) t 3,000
2 lots 1:1 : i1Imebmzigli l'ltt' ci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,2C0
I 'ot tim McOorzmtmick's add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,520
2 ots In Th9itib rg I'iitce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
2lotB In 1COIitOJ'S * 4th add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,500
2 lots lit rohmmtimt Pliic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000
I lot In Koyas adil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,0)0
4 lots Iii Marsh's ottO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,300 to 3,000
2 lots In ltectl'a ; - I itihit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700
ft ht In 1.tove's Itt tithi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .503 to 050
2 lut UI l'ttriiieiitetS l'iace. . . . . . . . . . . . 700 to b25
18 loti lii lIeu ol l'lmu.-o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 to 700
2 tots in Aubut-n 11111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
C , lots Iii Spring liii ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 I
26 lots In IClIhy l'lmvo.$0 ( ) to 11.00
10 lots in Smammiticis , S llinicbattghs , $30) to 159
No. 412 6Jx182 ( , two houses , Mason st ,
% -e1.y Cliezil ) , $7,0i)0. )
No118 , SOxlOO , house A rooms , liar.
fey street , $0.00J. (
No. 411) . half lot , Izoitso 4 roolus , JOur
stieet , $3,500. ,
No. 20. 1101151) 5 roolilS , hoar Cntstollar
school , l1U)1OVC1lC11t issoeiation , t8,000.
No. 409 , Full lot , hoitso 2 roonis , I in
provutnient Association , $1800
No. SI. iot 40x127 , house 7 rooms ,
WTilonton 1,1. , Ariiistt'oiig's : i1ui , $3,50. ) .
No. $3 , Fis'e-rooiii 111)1150 , cIty water ,
1)lvisioa St. Armstrong's add , $2,000.
No , 80. F1VO large rooinetl house. good
vel1 anti cistot'Ji , lilineliatigli 1'laco ,
$3,030 ,
No. :18. : house Ci Ff01115 , Leavenworth
ztreot , ( i1y vater , &c. , 48,800 ,
No.40. 110l50 , liotisci 7 rooms , Itii
proveluent Assoclutioti , S.17tlm st , , j5,200. ,
o. 42. Lot ilSx100 , large house , 7
1ooIi1s , I'OpIlCtoIl ) ave. , a bargain , $3,800 , ,
No. 17. Lot 60l68 , , liouso 5 rooms ,
Pletco st , cheap , $8,200. ,
No. 410. S. 14th sI. , house 6 rooms
lot OOxlti7 , fine view , $1,090. ,
No. 254. S. Ititit st , house 0 rooms , lot
tilxll9 , $10,500.
ACItE l'1tO'EII'Y ,
1 acres east of stock Ymuds , $50 per
4Oaeres ' 13 iiiiles S\V of postotlico , $210
per nez-c.
11 Ivost Of Fort Ozniihin , 25 ,
700 fruIt trees , sniall irults , etc. ; ii liar.
gain ; $8,000 , for iuli ,
40 nces , : i.i 11)110 ) vest of Stock Yzitds ,
$500 110l it01O.
5 nero tracts in 'I'flttlO'S siili.di.sisloit ,
$1 11)11135 vcst from postotuio , 80 acres ;
very elieai ut : $800 jior acre ,
20 acres south of Brookline , $500 tier
acre ,
(1 ( acres cast of 10th st , $20,000 ,
80 acres 8 mIles west of Fort Omaha ,
$80 per acre.
I acto On California street $3,500.
\STanted-For good partos , business
and r.skleiice property ; a'so ' lots in all
desirable additions ,
List otir property with 1110.
tb aoi'os , floe Improvements. 000 aPple trees ,
800 grape vineS and ether bmtull fruIt , at Irving.
tozi , $ t.5)0.
45 acres , 4 muss north of Florence , $ i per
Stock rttmieb , Onest In thu stole , 1,500 acres ,
tine houbo tiUu,1 gooit mheds , Nones Co. , $25 I'm' '
acre ,
50,000 acres of the beat Ittild lit the state from
$3 to * 00 per acre ,
tovct-a1 lieu farms In Dougias county itt bar.
- - '
lmotisn. stahli , otat grnn1'y , ci1erl1
111111S'll , $15,009.
Lots Ill t1l1l1y SILIn : idd , , ftini $1 , 100 to
$1 .339. amid mil'.i , hits lit I'ttkr's ' aild. fLolil
if450 to $000. 1 Jit-o : also the finest Jt' )
in tin' fiifti-ltig , nilulIhioti.
SitlIill'rs : , & lliIucbatigli'i ,
\\'zthinit 11111 ,
\Vto.t ( 'minihig ,
I ) uiitiii'i'kt'ti 's zdIIiotl ) ,
Kimzgs Addition ,
KIIl , * , Phtct' .
Otelmnrul lulL
Lowe's 1'irt Addition ,
tl'dfoz'd , I'lace ,
Plain ViPtV ,
IC I i'kwood ,
( 'ntt-tlinige ,
01111 110 V 't'coiil n'IilitIon ' to lkohford
I ' 1 : tvo , % v Ii e lul :1 : lot inc e a It 1 ic se ctlted at
Ptl'Itth1.y clit'th : ligtlr-s.
\91 I hay , tt nev , ltt'ntitifiil adil tlozt
lalil omit ne\ : , etmk , Coitie early zind so.
ethiut hhtlgtiIii. : . I
Bt'ttttmfmml : : t'io ProP'rt.V uI the lovely
Lovgremi l'murk at $ 100 iet iit't'l )
A r i't ( hi)01' ) I-tX I ii ii fl'ri'izt ( II rt't'tiOil ,
vitlilii 8 nimul 81 tuili's front the postoflice ,
$ 200 to tt)0 ) no ru"c : ,
IC ) lute in howe's add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 lct lit lJtmiioiit l'inte. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700
S acre In Mtil-fleht. ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . isoo
10 lots it , Ltmmcohmi l'iieo. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00
2 lots In CitJiiiti'S itlt c1t'ilot. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 lot In 11Stnittt' , tilI. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,50 ! )
2lotlti 1'osters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 lot s lii 'Vei't ttcfl tudil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Slots to Lake's mitid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,000 to 2,000
1 lot lii Creomi. ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i2OCO
. .
- - -
Business Property.
1 t'iill lot on .lnpkson street . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000
:13 : rout emi .leics , si root. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000
2 lull lots on 8th trect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12,000
221eot On Fimmizuta. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
tiJx88 ftetomm .Toties St. . , baigmilit . . . . . . . . . . . 5,034)
F'iiil lot on J.ctivomiivoi'tli st , with lob. of
tracloigo trout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,000
i lot ottil mtorc Ott St 3Itir Aveitumn . . . . 1,200
\Tc&Nq' LOTS.
025 lots lit 11uiconz : I'hiiutt1rgiu'ma ,
POiletOII ) 4VC. , etc. , $530 to $8,000
10 lots in Kilby l'Iace , $ S0J ( to $1,000.
10 lots In. Plain View. .SJ50 ( to $809 etielt
. 25 lots in l'ark Plnce$900 to $1,500 eaclt
10 lots in lraku & lccul's add , $1,503
to $2,500.
CIty lots teat' busIness , $1,000 to $7,51)0. , )
Lots In ( 'lark's add , $4,000 , -
4 Jots Ill Bowery hill , $ l00 each.
Lots in O'Neal's smib.tUvision , $ l,75 ,
Lot .101fl9 , I mulrovoniemit ) AssocIation ,
tO tn1't3' tliiit sll1 hitilhil , $1 .000 ; $25 dosvn.
1)esitithil lots In ImiirOVOhlieiIt A5S0
elation , $1,000 to ! I,500.
10 loIs in Soliull's ndd. , frou $ l,1J ( ) { to
I iiiii'ovonieimt 4tssteltitlon lots , elolee , , l,00t )
to $1,500.
Ottitiltit View lot a40 to $ ' 00. "iil liullti on
tln'so lots vttli small 1iiYittCutt ( lOWIt.
, Sliutll'p ; title. , choice lots. * 1.500 lit $ ,254J each ,
Iluirr Olr , eltotco lots , ( . ' , k ) to $1,050 cacti.
111ix140 , enroot. ott C ISS St $9,010.
12 hits , Iloggs & 11111's 2nil mtidmtlOn , $03,030.
Lot In 1)nnht.n's multI , $ 40) ttisb. ,
20 lots , I'nrk i'itwj' 11mw vioilJ'O0 '
1 1100 Oil Cull fertile Si ,15 1,50) ) .
Iluwthottzo lots , $60'I iii S15)t19 ) ;
20 lots , Sitimmn's told , $1,000 to.$2J103
2 beautIful lots just 4,011th of It. It. ttitk at
$1,000 ouei : ,
% v , % . ltod'ok S multi lohtu. $500 to * 1.00) ,
No , liii. Ilattmy st , bitutllIlIStflidti lid's ,
ehtoap , $1,000.
II lllsido told otm3 , S'9 ' to $1 . 't00.
i'laitmview lots , $ I1.5 to $810.
Itliurslt nib ! chtolc'o lots , $ l.,00Vi $2 1,00.
MIlitu' , ! i'Iaeu,2 thin lots , $2,0.SJ mindJ,000 etielt.
Witltiut 11111 iota' ' , 6&1) ) to $ I,0) ) .
ItitiRe & Slluiti'8 , mild , 4 lol. 51.500 oelt ,
l'ntrlcks tidd ( it leo lot , $ l,1l'tL '
] ) rakes aUIt lots , 11,500 tO * 2.500 ,
'ot3t Onnhimi : , 4 sot-cs toE $4,100.
SSlotswest Fatnams ! , niitiIOl'flt.
No , 139 , 10th st , tuiai. do tiGt1xl00 , rents for
$100 per mouth , * 50,000.
No. 01. Yartiaitz st , l32xi32 , ' lit the lteat-t. of
tIme cIty. * 75,003.
No. 100. Leavenworth t , 08x132 , Omt tiitck ,
No. 108. Jones Et , 3 hue wttre1ioilo lots ( or
$36,00J ,
No. 110. Corner cii 911 * , fltl ( ' location for ware
house , $ l,014J.
No. ill. M arey st , 75150 , itooso Of 5 tOO * 05
$0.6t0 ,
No. 122 14th st , tht 41x041. ln ° ° ' 1 linimee I this is
U warehiOito Iot-ctivttp , * 7.000.
No. 118. Callortta t.t. 1 lot , Ut ) track , * 3,000'J. Jones st , lot iJxlJ2 , for trScAUgO
No. 423 , About 8 acreS Oil IV itik , near depot ,
No , 123. 5. 24th , 150 feet , * 12 per foot.
Douglas t , 44xl32 , 1nipr0r"i rents for $225
, $ _
2lrcreson Uodgu SI , * l,200p0r acre if s old
. ' - L _ = -
A Glhnpic Hoj1e In the Ear'y '
D of America.
The 1'I 1)1011(11 tctticrs ntttI Their
i'm Itmilt Ie lttt1e r iIh'o-Tlie 'tVett.
tleri'nl ( 'hntiges of' Two nitti a
littif Cetttiirlcs--A Sketeli ,
'rime l'lyinntttht ettlu'r. In-ought vitii
thmeni , iii 1(120 ( % vrtn Ftnil1yroit ( olbs
In time ( 'o'nzoiioiittn . for , Jtll-
' : 1igt'.iiit' : ; % - -
110 1fl1'fltiS 1)1 tiulmimig , zt'lt her slimles nor
honks , otiul for niglitecit znoiith they
stiflcreul grt'at ly for t lit' vtnt : of llti'n *
F'oi' t liree ot foiii ' : ii.s , t ill \1tichm : , 0021 ,
tlmtty liztut no taitle , nail titeti litit four
\'t'tC I In } ) O1teti , I a uj sy , lt'i'27 , t lii' ) ' hod
hit one ( 'ow anti two goats icr every tliir.
I t.t' It ) ) (1 ( II S ; nitti t Ito I I mt recorttet I In'
I i'otlttcttoii Of slici'p , live itt utittibet' , s'ns
iii 1(130. ( 1 lorses wcmo brought os-er seV
eral 3fl5 ( lnt'r.
Aiitl , tuot siigillzir * of till , thotigli gltss :
% SitltIol's ! vete iIlIt'OItl'dl ( ( I ate l'iiglzuul
Ii I 18(1 ( , yet 1109 yeirs : later , ll s'ard
\\'ilSIOW \ ) Wits writing 1(1 ( eorizo 'tlorton ' ,
Iii lugiztntI , ' 'living lialier : tiid linseed oil
for otir viiztlovs , " Oileut iiit't' to le'h )
out ( IIt Cold of it NOW 1'igltttd ) : vimzti'r !
' [ 'lt'y lirotiglit with tlioiti , of course , : tl-
most 130 , jtnvt'lry , no itintitzgs : ot
of art , no organs or instruments of
inttslc , ni' anything of time k itul ,
I .t't Its t'nttt' , (0114' ( if the homes of I liese
I 'it nt : ttt ) i0ti ( 'I ! h' . 'I 'Ii c I * oti s , vl i icli is
os'lq' a smiitll : , lk'l ) ( 'c'llnr , Is built of logs ,
notched where they meet at tim cainti's ,
itli zt I hatched it ) ! ) ! : izul * a large chimney
itt 010 * end , ltiilL of stout's C'h'lmlCfltctVit ii
( ' 183' , 't'ilO 5111011 Vilittovs hl1 C covered
tvitii oihtI , ' vlt1z siztit'
htIel' ) : , llrolecting '
ters , otol the l11)13j''t ) ' , door at1 ootezi
plank , svinging on IVOOdeIl hinges.
'J'hie interior is yt'1' riitle ; yet It litis a
e07..y , Ii oniel I ke ti r . thmtt i iii in en se lien ii hi
of In zge1 lIt : t st nite oi' ' ti p1 m's ilomi rl ' alt
( 'IltiFe 51(10 of the house. 1"oiest legs
four feet in length , itie 1)110(1 ) ( hhlan tue
iiontlt'roits ' zizitliromis , anti , on occasiolis
"hntek ' ' is di'nvmi into
it bIg log' the house
1) , ) mt ilL" ( ' , :1 : Ii it then zol lid to I Ii c I I ie -
1 I ace by han i E.sjii kes. ' ' 101 : i'i rig litrt , : Ii'
stomies' ' 110(1 t lieu : t nu'atiimig , Ot ivliicli , iii
out. da.vs of Itirizacos : tttd steazim PiPes iO
call , only guess. ' .l'hcrc was no mmccii of
: irtitmeini ventilation , vIipii , tti1Oti1hi , t ha
eeviet's * uf the building , Si\'CDL kecim ,
brisk currents of air.
Thzo oldtjtne furniture niny seem
strammg' to our sight , I n ( Inc corner is a
l.izih'et full of roivs of slmiiiiii ° leWter
( liShie' ( . A lugh-hoeked elmnir or two
_ nlasslve table , i large chest with a carved
front , and sonic hmuhiaii birch boxes for
wearing apparel are . ranged arotitid the
high on the iutiitel : shelf , s'itIi a
"ertistct lanip' ' on omn' side and tIme tmme
: ± hg OFt the other , Is the
'umll tlitiiubett Bible , wldcli vas not kelit
for show. Time corselel. niattmlqek and
imncloleer are rcmu'T" " TI ( lefCflSe , with a
il.i : : : ! : th rior OCCUhi 2 tie' '
1 ti.i- - 4 1
nl0tli ' LI 001,1 tuiitiIi : itt , , 'C
Imaiitl. ' ' One 1)11101' itilpleIfleIit Is sure to
ha there , mind one can hear its hititit as lie
stands 'it liout the door , the family
S)1iifl'11lg.1meI , vitii vlmicIm the biis'
housesvife , ot. her ( laughter , hmts done
' ' ' . "
sonic voimdei'ftml 'stoats.
1 ii the Inst rooni there vihl be a cni'ved
oak chest1 hirought over fiom England , a
tetit ( n' held heulsti'atl , with green hiaizc
01' ivltito diinity ctii1ztimis , ntl a geilerous
feather-bad. 'l'iie stotit tlk , for this , time
siio'tv ivhiite slieet , tIme varnm Ilaminel
blankets amid lmeis' : vooien riigi , woven
ill cheeks ( if hiack , red or white , or the
lighter coverlet , were : til time products of
the domestic witeel amid loomu. 'J'ltore
were izo carpets. 't'lw Ihoors vere
sprinkled vitlm line vliite saud , ivimich , on
hinitietilar occasions , was brushed into
fuieiful : itttCrilS : with a birch broonl or a
ltiliil0 of fresh 11(011100k ( boughs.
'l'Iia fare of time Puritan colonist was as
frugal as it was \'lI0ll'4)nO. ) in the znomn.
11mg the farmer 1111(1 his famnily sat dos'n to
I izt'it' breakfast of lana porridge , or
boiled corn meal alul milk , vit Ii a healthy
t1)Jetitl. ( Beer , cider or cold svatcr fur-
nihmed their tzstia beverage , for ten anti
coitho i'ltVC tiIihCImo'VI1 iii Now Engltiid ;
homes in the 52v4nteeiitli C'l1tiiV' ' . ' 'l'c
antI Iiihiali' ( ' t1ts time stt1l of life on vh'ieli
they leaned the most.
We can fancy it New Englamid table of
those eirly : days , with its pewter dislims ,
lrightu'iiell to tImi'ir utniost polish , : uzd in
t It o yeal t lucy ho tisehtoltts he me amid tizu're
a silver beaker or tankard , time lieimlooui
of t lie fani i ly. Thu d I ii i t o i' , iv I ii e. Ii is at
11001) , OliCliS isithm tt large I ndian pudding
--ground corn svcetemmed ivitim niolasses'--
: lci'lflhafliCtI h)31 mmli ahlrOhliittti ) Sauce ;
iieot ( .811)10 1)1)110(1 ) ( beef and pork ; timen
sviltt game ivitli tatoes , followed by
ttirlmijs 011(1 saimzji or succotash. I'tinip.
kiims weto served in vzir'ioiiS wtys. :
Supper wzis also : t substtntitl : meal ,
though gemiei'ahl.y ( tOtCil cohul. IOtked :
beans , ) ; ( ' ( I midumtim ) iIdlimig ( , : timtl iie.'l '
l)3ketl anti ludium : brcmut , ivet'e standard -
ard dishes \Vcdnestlav , "aitcm time
ii'ashmiiig : tmotl ironing agonies of I\loiiulny
aizil 'I'tiesulty ; ' ' salt liit on Saturday , limit
114)Vd1 01 1 1' i.i d ny , t it a ' ' pOiShi ' ' fast dmiy ,
: tnd I ol led I ii d I ii a p U ( I ti i hg , vmtIi i'czast
beef for tlioe lie cotilit gel. it , oil Sumithity.
'l'iio daily lifo of these early settlers
s'nts inure or les laud tumd rtiggetl. hut
little mm'0gt'ess hiatt beett matte in ihiveim.
liomi and time arts , and lmhhi'Ily 010 * of tita
inoulerim comitri'mtlices for cooklmmg , : tnd
s.mirliIli1r ) , : tiiul lightiiig dwellings \vmis
kiiowii. Not it h)01hi1 of coal or a 41101)
of I : erose I ) 0 oil ii 8(1 hjei mm h Iti lii eu i ii tl to
cotttiti'y. No Iron stoves vere used , anti
no COiltfiVltliJlmS ( for ceonomuizing iiemtt
isct'o eiiiployett tiiitil Dr. Fmmiiiklimi itt.
yomit ed I I * 0 l toit fmitimi t' ' II t'eilfleo ) , s'hi I cli
still bears his mime. All the eOih'hilg : tiitl
'armning was (1(1110 by I lie aid of fire
klmmdletl 111)011 thu hik'k iietii'tii or ma tim
brick o en , li Ii ( I knots 01. tiil lov eaiitl ies
furttlsiied tim light for time bug s'intcr
'l'lio ivater itseit for liomisohtoiml itIL'1)0Se8
ivits tll'nsvlt fi'oimm ticeim s'oI1s , by the creak-
big ' 'sveel ) , ' ' iiiitl It Is it ciiiioiis c1ictmn1
Stflhltmti that both the i'oll azul I lie out-
btmliduhirs welo ofteim tit hung distances
froimi time imotise. No foriti nt lulhitli was
iis'mtl iii this eoiliitm' until tufter thma be.
glimnimig of the present eeIittifl' . l'lmere
ivero 110 friatiomm iiimttciii's In tlioso caily
clays , by tiiti mmiii of i'hiIth ii tii'u could bu
sieoduly kitidied ; mtii'l ii the liVe ' 'vcut '
out' ' tliOit ) thu izuizirtli os-cr iiiglmt , mimiti tue
tinder ii'ts ; (1011)11 , Sn ) that I ho smirk 'otittt
not ' 4cmtt C ii , ' ' 1 ii u alt ci. II hit I v o 1ci 111:1 : met I of
SVOIiIig ( timmolirit thitm siioi' , ' hi 111110 0i SO to
bori-ov a hirmilict froztt it neighbor's hiotftii. ;
Only 011(1 rental iii Oil ) ' 111)1150 iVfls
svitrimied , imilless soizie of tize fatuity ivera
III , or a coilrtSlhih ) w-tts I ii progress ; Hi all
tim m'cst time tuiiptmrattiro , vzt's mit 'Zet'O
duriiig nhmiiIy imighits imm wimmtor. 'J'lmc much
muiti wohiieii of it lititmdred years ago tiit
tlresseui ouch got into their lictis zit miight
In aim mtttuuosl'lll.trO ' colder timitti that of our
tutotierti lariis and wuodiieds.
\ \ limit powder will I use this warm
'is'etthier ; ? \'hiy , l'ozi.oiil's ( ommuple-'ioti
Powder lasts lomiger ttiait any other , ttmu'I '
itt not btlcky
- - -
stnaieIiy F'moitu Aim t imarcimist's StauzU-
pohtit ,
0. L , .rfllIlCS iii North Atmueiiemtii Re.
'vio % , for July : Conipctitioim milmiong cap-
. itahists is (1OhuStti1tiY ( mcduiclllg thu hieu
of conimnodities to time co't of iroduuqtiomm.
, 'I'hmis zuecessit ; ttt's I miereasi ugly . luzInIttu
, silbdivlsion ( if labor , deatroylng that
technical skill vIiieIi uimittlu time old-mnsit'
Initial slzoemnztkm' , or hiteksmnut : ii hide.
pelidumit ; cleziatiimig tue lobozers Immto
porUomus of the niacimilme tcuy Ojrat0
stliinilnting the eonipetitlotufo't' cnl0" ) , '
liuclit Ishieti jlr'ni18 nmtuopg ( lieu ! ' It1.
cremlsll ) time tl"clloiucy of tli'osti peroths
wlictt ui' at'c ttirois-zi out of vork amid
rcdticeit fl-omiu Collifort to beggary , : mimci of
cotirse contributing to liiezemio tlmo rcvo
lUtlOTlal'y tlmcontt'mt of eulticated hnen ,
luitl'ttIl'Qct lii lioio nmucl clljovimietit , ivlio
see tlionusel-cs 1zopelesiy distalueed by
those' witoni tile. ) ' camu iii imo W83' regard
as their Stlldmtflu'ii. 1'iie ehitmtui vhicit
threatens to engulf our sot'imil systehum is
St Ill ftzu'tlmpr vitht'umed hiv , thtc' tiestruetlon
( If sinmthl caiitalists iii the battle of cuitl
) . 111141 thit' gm'owtit of great tiutiiu
0ih1t' , nuivonoitig muri 3insstt 'lt It pan.
h'rlznt ion of time Imiborimig doss 'I'hme
miulserlt's mmnd tiaiugers tltti'i ciugeiulcu''d (
! v tii ( ' Vi'ry nat tii'c of luuflhlvi'ml 118(1(1 and
midtistr * mire greatly : tgimiitu.d LIV I lie
tit'iiutli&'al gom-gitmg of 1 liii uiuathiit vIt It
goo(14 ( Protlhmeed in t'cess of t he themiuiiuid
tithing SdtS4)tiS ( it Shet'hilttklt. ) : ) aitti time
( 'otis'ulttt'mut forced iuuigrntlon of ctiiltal : to
otl icr bran cites 1)3 ( ho i ireary rotii : it ltiiior
% ' lilt Ii I I i' tuitu l mjii pt cy , s I mtgmu at 0 Il i'e.
titm ( 't' il to ii so I mu Ptl U Ii , iu'cl I I eel I 1)1(1 d m het I o mu ,
so ! , ! % ' ( ( ) . uiitl tiiitt gm'uiiiii : : ro.
vi yti ; o I 1 iii si I lt'5V Ii melt ci osu's a It 11 mm ii ti ml i
crisis. I lie ( 'm-htmeit [ eltaraetu'm of these
lioi'u ° tlit'mul zevidsions Is gmc'tti : y mtrgmav.
: ttt'ti by the fluctuations ( if tiimut tllut'eitmtIiu
, .
dul,1.emucy . vhtieii SheCtllOt ) IVI' hmtisiiues hits
eei.s ivi i e in I ii t i'ol heat I . 1 t ii : t S SO fmt r
bet'mi iailmated by the eteiisiomt of the
nimtrke't lute imttis' coulmtri's - Auttetiemt4
liutlia , Egypt , ( 'humni , etc. Iltit ivitemi this
l'OC'SS ) ( lCRel 1CM atm t' hi ii it I I I I oi i i. ' ( ' 011 * III ( ' 1'-
iiiti systeIn ext&'zmds over time ivorlul , I lien ,
if nut iuotier , ) ' ( ivil I at'ttimI : lv fmtl I to
the cost of hm'tJltiCtiOii ) , iiimd the ( 'ittlistl't ) '
hue ( if ( ) ( tItttiu fot' h)1ltit vill be
rt'nchied , Atui-c li3' , I Iterefore , aetotd ing
to : tmutmlelmzsts , is tile iimc itolti' ' cmiii of the
) 4:5. ci vi I t. nun I t c'i td ' ii u'y of t hi ii 'ps. '
I ' ii in nu umi'In it3 ( I ( 'V j ' 1' liuei : * s I 0 Ph it I I u fl
olu't iii s mi ii ( I it a meks nu a \ , for : t
tIlliti , sUlk' it itm lilooit , bitt tlic' lnnm.rer it
I S ( I ( ' fuimmeti t ii e iii ( ) ti V I 1)1 ) ( 'ii t ! I I I he t I me
iemmCtiiml vliiehi hii'ing It In at Iist . 'I'iiat
tinly m s v msc' sta t es mu a ii Ii I , Ii 1(11 ' i yes
( Ill luiOrmbllld iil-tihtltiuiiM It ) tile. 1'iitt :
omi3 , IS tetoi'in wltit'Ii mutt ii'I iatts ) iii a less
lliimuftll ) nmnniiem' the ivork of zeoIutioti.
A Most Itiheral Otrem' .
, . ( ) \ottiic : Belt ( 'o. , itr.imii1 : : "iliu'hi , ,
oiheilo , suimI tleir et'lebrtted'oltaie : Iic'lt
maid . J'.lt'ctiie iphiiiuces ; on thumt3' tiiys :
ti.iiil tu ztmu\ ' Hint ) : tflliettid ivitli nervotis
do lii I m ty , I iss ) of vi I ni i I y , iii an I mood , (1 a.
liltistrtti'tI : iiaiimlilmli't lit sl'ilel : cimivelope
ivitli fimi I itrtit'iilais uimmiihed ft-ac , \\'iite
them mit once ,
- - -
'rite Discoiit1oi'tcil'S iiiiitei t'auIev-
ei.R ,
Phmiimtdelpiiia flccotitVe : : imc crt'utnres :
of 'hiitiz , l'Iie great is'ldni of time town-
viiinu with a calital \V-is that vell'to-
do'people , anti ) ( ) ) ivho do hot ito so
well. about time 1st of , Juno shall gather
LII ) timel i Pom'tmilJlc lm'OPeutV ) , like t lie
Israelites lleeimmg Iront Egypt , lock miii
tittlil' imousc , hmile , their i-liver shoomus amid
go to soinu nlntce. 'IIit'y go. At I lie seaside -
side ve tutu tlicni januunett tog'tiher in
little SxiO moomns in raizmsttitckia eoiitriv-
slices called , by courtesy , hotels ; eateim
by mflesjthitOeS ( 8t night amid hiy samiml.Ihies
all the tmtiue ; living on ftm'e : iviik'hi uuot hiimi'
Eii I2 ! hii1 : : . , , ; , ' : , : i1tiailtlOS of sen
alt. cotihi tlmamn a stomiiieim : for ;
blistering tieiii' faces mind legs : thull 'ml'mfls
in time 1i1etomise of ttmnuciuueiut on tue
aril samiuls ; Iishmimg in time fierce "i8L'(3 of
tue still for tiii'attIlC ( lishi ; bathing s'ltli
time jimitltittide iii a ni'oiiuietioims stvaslz
damieing mmt night in iii simiehlin' ' iialls to
aboiuiimuablo music , 011(1 ( mmii the ( line
eogiuizant ( if a distgmc'etbie imlirc'ssioiu )
that , ihtliotiglm time seasmde is the . lironem'
1)18cc ) to lie , nitliougim heoile ) ) iti.e obliged
to lillY roamtd ly for seaside iurivilt'cs , lime
whole ttiimg-bnrrimmg the ocean itself-
is a supreimic absurdity anti deltmsioum.
So with time mouittntn. After the toil
of gettin tiiei-c there is time toil of iuov
ing : thotmt. Time tiavi hem " 'I'huc ' Kmmob' '
is giumti : , but cimmuibing to vhiere " 'l'hie
ICitoti" is vears time soles aiutl timtu soul of
t he observer. 'hue ' 'imiountain itoiise" is
itUht. ) after time iilaii of time seaside hotel ,
Tim qmiestioim w'itli time buililers of resorts
is precisely I ime quctiomu that oct'tipies
time nilimd of tiua htiiltier of sarihimie boxes
-not thin comfort of time stmdincs : , mut
iioi' iuatuy inmty be pu'ked : vithiimu mi limiu-
i t eti commu ha. ' .1' i a i ) ( ) , lii 8 k e t. i s a ax i o mis
to save his timu , : tnd so is time hotel bulkier.
I\loumztaimucerimig is : tmi aiduioims buisimie's.
it iuHty exptmmt : ( time lmmmigs it 11133' lmmitktit :
t imu limbs to clamber rugged steeps
after imiijiossihli , vlmortloberries ; but , aias
:3 : ii ti 0 i u'l I it i S % VOi' k , a tt Ii oh : smm Le . \ iiiy
sliottiti nuortais SeOk 1mm time clouds for
eonifort I litt is tul , ' mmttniiitbia : oil loiver
Ieve1 ? lirmi : hg ti me i muouiii I ni a ii ii t I I hmo
miuiiiiutmtiii air , is tii'tto ' : mimytimimig ii-ovtii
1)831 ii g a iuu ( ) I I ii I alit OilS I Iii I for t o ie fomi mud
oil : uiy of time ) ( of time eti'tlm : ?
So vitim I lie spm-imtgs. ( 'oat rir' : to all
rtmles of ti ailie miiiil ttmiiu.lertmLtmoii ) , tie
( IteLFest shot to taste time waters of time
springs is ii ioit ( lie 5iit ivimere tIm snriiugs
spring fromiu. Ozic cami see races , etn :
dituca a little , thirt a little. m.rnmuhiie a lit tie ,
witimolmt goiiug : tt'ay from homuie anti witim.
otti iuyimig : spmiiig li'ice' ; for qijestiomuahile
a miitisemmicmit. hiarriiig tin' miucihical ( itinhitY
0 f t lmo s'mt : e vs-good , jt ) iiimi PS. t'or t nuo a I h.
imig sotii niutl limmul for temu--ivhiy should a
' ' 'i1ii niiimtt
comnfortltiving ei'emtttim'e a saimo
1101 * : t sound hotly ever go near time
sinimugs , timihess lie goc' ti ) : t coiuvchitiOim oi
to bet on t suit' horse ?
So also with 'tiic coimatiy. ' ' 'I'iie tmti iii
litit m SC' , t is ti'iii' , I i at I i i t s eggs miii t i hit it-
tormiui 1 I ; , Sn it iiork , g'ese ( , eli i ci ci is , ii i i eks ,
iig-lmeiis und early liti1S , 'l'imeso delIghts
it to pleasi rug to time i himmigi ii mttioil . Ilim
who that lmts : hiecim to ' 'etriy bietkfast : , '
tittoL , shop'mmig mmii mmighmt omm a femttiier boil
ill the sttitIv littst roommm , ctmmits fet tiicimu ?
\S'hiat \ vomild the ilriaiil seoir after sum-
nier conifort , in it COiuiuti.V house ( if t imct
usual 'ii'ts anti grsci's , gi'ti for mum oc
L'iiSOTiit1 lint I t I ii 3 1 IlIt ii-tti I ) I ii stet(1 : I ) f ii
vnslitii Li ? 1 1 arri ug t ii o go ii i i i tie love II.
1105 $ of the conmitry sub , with its fields
of s'a'ln' giaiit iumtl mill its . orgeoiis
greeiuery of loaf niid gritss-wiiiahi mumly
ho seumu iu'onu a cmtt windes'lmow mmmmtmiy
llmeiu 01' S0iiiCi * vlio do not coi'im it. ititit
I I ig I t , nuud i i'u oil' I I , got 511)11tH cmv eoiuu
foil fm'omn It l'xeeit ) thin 8)miuftrt of a look ?
It is the ummeim amid vomnmzu in the tois'ius
Vli ( ) mmro time niest comIoi'ttuiiltm , ivhto iimtve
iiemlsittmt , m.otiiumY houses and ii t lie ( Omu -
vonicuit ktiiekkuimteknry wit ii ivimii'it limo
closer imt'tisaimshmlp of tim age siitiomimids
tiioiiu and nuliiissters to ttcnl ! , % 'iio I mike
hun aminual simiutner flight to mitrroiv : con-
lltVt ) mneiuts in 0i1t4)f.t lmo-w'ay jihitees , to
Imimd for tiiemasolvcs fleas , imlltjmhItoc5 , bial
cooking muuti a semusoim of silly imiasqiie-
little. At lionmo tiioy l mil ) % ' thi t'ooi
pimic'es , time , ioft ttflttt $ , the slimidy iviuilt't ,
t I i o I ) h lMtSu mu t ( I rI tts , t I iti nglceI : hI o coin.
hianlomus , % viiieii thin ) ' ( i8mltlOt linil "i'otihietl
mtiyWiiCt'l' ) 0150 iti tiit ) ss'tiiiil. 'i'Tiiy ( flit
( ) oim little ( xetimsi0Il5 If they like , mu-
vfl3. $ iii simiuiliult' timiio hitlilliug lioiiuo ltl0h'C
like iieaveiu ivieiu * ttie.y get back to It.
Vimy simoiilut tiioy go a I iioiisaiiul
miles for tuihli ivlmimim at 110111(1 ( thu iiulh k
Is brougi't ' to time door every mnoining ? It
luuhly be inshioima blo to stay mit ? 4lt'tmthio'sat
or 'I'oii ei'a U , ( 'ii' to (1RSYi ( ( I 0 ( .1 I I I ii it smt I it I s iii
Uiiiiucotami"ti ( ) , hut it is eomnfoitmibhn to
stay at hmonmo nil ( hiroilgim the heated ( arm.
'I'iioze is ito phimec like it. 'l'liosu wimo
cmtiiliot go mthn'oitt : nutut isImo long for time
deiitslve dali''iits of time stiiniiier resort
do not kiiosvlt , yet I lies' ova t lam favorites
of heaven , Our Ectens fi'omuu the slait
iitvo : litteii miii it p I ) reel : c tOIl I I VI I I I ( lii V II Is.
satisfnetiomi lets tlimuit us out of timonu.
Let thin stmt.mtt.iIOluueS i'lio do not lie'
lieva wimitt I sty : abk I imt , tli'ed vmmidercrs ,
w'iio 'viii eniubu home altos' fiat lust frost ,
mmiuml , like iloitop's iiCti ) ) , bring their
titles ht'iiitid them.
- - - - - - - - - -
Po7.-loIhi'14 ( iommipiexlon 1'o'thmr pro
ultmees it soft miii tieautifml ; sithut. it COimi'
blmmi's mtvcry cienuemut of betttty .ini ! ltlritY.
Sold by druggists.
The Ovorstocke1 Oon1itoa of the Oboop '
Novel Market , "
TIms. 8.V 01' StmL'CIifiil 'Wi'ttci's at
Ilcticmi , - '
New 'YorkVorid : ttN ( ) Stor1e
\Vmttutd , ' ' r'adi time large r&dlcittorci
aigmu mit tue emit lmiuu'.u to the nibhlcatIou
oliic& ' of mi leuding Now York story paVOF.
Omi time pimtstt'ring nhovo are time follow-
imig vords t iaeccI Iti pt'iut'il : ' ' ' \V \ hoover
goes tip this W'liililuL2 ( stair slutl I mze'cr
Collie tIOW'hu ngmtitm. " lieshles tiieso ills.
coul-mugers , hue whiolo region about the
elttm'itiuee S'Patt4 111 * e.trdiliVl3' titiimu'it'miut
flh1ie1t1tiuC ) ( ' , itS t hiougli tue intriise vcro
to ci'ter ( itshilrnlits for ' 'CititiIltiCll story"
famin' trout entering. i'o a veinirter , % s'ho
iflihtiil'Pd i f t liest' in'v'atitions haul the do.
Sildth cil't'ct , I lie imimimingor of thmc toimet mi
sititi Qflfly : ' 'Not miii ogelhmei' ; ( limIt sign
) iiOtt'tS its iii Soluie ulegree troin city juco-
ile , milthuouighm sonic of tin'mim ciistegmitd It ;
but agaInst nmttl iivnsiomm we immivo ito
milemilis of liefeluse , ? uly ittits mind 1
are the lmam'dcst workei tuieti in New York.
Oitr chief duty is to r'inek ) mumil rettirmi
tlii' liemips of Iimntnisei-ipt we receive
thilly , : tiut I tissiit-o you that it is'
a ivoik ( if no little iuiitgiiittude.
lozeims ) of stoi'ies of varied ieimgtlt
t'oune to us eemy diiy by mali or c\pl'ess.
'lhi ( ' % ' Collie fI-olu tt'm.y scctioiu of the
Cotilmi ry : iiiti froum ) H'rsohus imm iucmmiI ovom'y
conthit ioiz of lilt' . 4 ) f eoiirso it Ia ulumpos-
smhic tti m'xtiniimt' : all time miitiiuserliIs : , but , - . .
\VO iiitist i'Otill'ml tltcimz vitlu polite notes ,
: iiiyhios' , \\'hv rettmrii thtLun ? \\'t'li , If we '
ihid iiot I lie circulation of time hP'l' vntikt
(101) * ) elI itt iuo tlluut' , beemitise mmli these
\ % ) - be tOtitmlbtitOl'S : ti'o stibter'ibors ,
: tiid if ive ivemo t limi to ollijimil eut'li : onu
ianv long tin yeti stippoce 't con Id cOt-
thiiiit ? bumsitiess ? iveiy tender noiimmciays
coil sii I e is ii I iii sd ca pa ble of vri t I m ig a
iiOV ' 1 mf iii' oiic'i' Plits his iuuiiid to it. I
hma-t ito dotilit thimt : there is not it toiclrn-
lily ethticatt'tt mmtttu : ot' voiiinmz iii Ne' York
to'day vlto iloi's hot tirmuulv iiotieve t limit
lie or simi' commlml iiiake a goomi hivmiig by thin
hh'i'Vt'ie ( I lit' iieecssily to : trke , I I s'emiis
thimit tuost of those 'lio seimtl us StOi'ies : truj
of tiimtt elasocopie s'lui imitve been to.
cl ii cci I i ii ti i'c i I I iusti : ilt'es miii ti ttke : ti iv ii t- 4
big iii orler to imietemtse tiieir 1u1cmger in.
coimies .
, , hit thitoc tmre lint the only oiics ivial
SiiiVeL' tIteil fmm'oi's 1)11 uS. Sh)1iCs ) ( Ohtttt
'I ii fm'o tim you mig iiueum a mu ti voinen I i o en ro
it ot ii i mig for Ii Ii :1 : ii e I a i iecomuu pC'ii se . ' [ 'lie ,
s il t e mist to see t I i mti 1' I I tiit as i ii jill ii t OH
to be able to iiow oil I iieie nmodtn'tiuns
to fm-mantIs. Seiiool girls at-c our especial
iieI's'i'titors. ( , Not a week liISSCS that we
do not receive mu toik of tietiomu fi'ouiu seine
fe iii i mi i ml e liuit : m1 i iig st'iioo l , 'vi t ii a d1 I-
c.itely-seeiutetl 11(310 in forii'imng uis that the
author himis ( tcIi'm-inilmeit to : tlloiv us to
inmlilisii liar Ii rLvork , and that comiupen-
stt : ion is mio object Voting school leach-
iu.s are evemu inori' t raihilesotuue. 'l'hey
late t heir hi'oltmetlomts ( so itigimi' , mmml
ucI' ; imtc ; such uuuimuiiti' ions : tlmott ,
time jniy , tJmt thicim' jtter would he nimite
: lflhhiShhti ii tmiey ivl'I'e imut 50 iuluiei0iS. %
\Vc thu iuot eveim escape the : mttemttioiis of
iei'som1s viio imck : time ability of spelling
eorreetl.y. I mu fuel , I i'iieve % ' ( t have
beau favoued svit ii t ito lmtem'miry 1)10th ) tiC-
tions of ever' class of limmmuummiilty , except.
i zig pen in ji , i mm boic l's mi mu I k it e lie ii girl. ' '
' 'io yoit read any of the iuimiiuseript'm :
i.i CO 1 v e (1 ? "
uVei. , ) . seldom.Vet'c we mit juccit of
nmttter to liii up Sl)8CC 'titIvomitui hiruillaIlly , ,
extlluiiltO : time inure. piouiuisiiig of tiz'o '
works subnuittcd , lint eve.m.y story li1ier 'r , ' '
has Its regtdar stall of writers \\'hm ( ) cclii' I .
tribute all tue nuatter that Is wuitcd. .7 , - . ,
' .I'imese 'ii ters Imat'e iieemi selected fitiiu ilio ' 4
nu cit 811 ( IVliiti I ii iv I ho It mm d mm I mcmi iy umum do , _
rehtitttiomlS ) : hJy pmiiiliii'iimg sitce'ftui
stories. Ve can not : iIlotd to give space
to iueiv leOPle of wiioimu otiL' readers miever
hmeamd. It is true tlmat occasionally we
acecilt brief lOPi)1S ammil omut'.coluumumi mum-ti-
des of intetest fveimm tmmiknowmu writel's ,
limit iflot of those Vtild-hI3 ( ) mumthioi's mire
mibove such tmivimil votk. 'l'hoy mire sat-
istiCl ( svitlt iuothi mug less thou a tiveiity-
week scrimil
' ' 4\re \ iiot uueamiy all Ciilti'ihilitomS
' '
W'tiiudfl'l' )
' 'YesVonieim : tie inomiopehizing fiction
: i t iii'eShit ( , Ii ( .1 t ( i ly I m i t I i t st 0 13' pa lmi5 ,
lint iii nuhhisited books tt vehi , i'iiis is
esneeimlly : the eiso : lit Eiiglmiiud , vimerc
fu I i , ii iiic.tei I t Its ( i I ti ma h P ii hmr : novelists
mime ivoinemi.Vlm.y is tiis , Probtbiy : bo
citmise lmmt'mm ale tmtking to the gmiiser
binimelmes of hiteratimi'c' , as beeoiiit's t heir
ci i mi itetor , a mud : ii.n lcmmv i I ig t I me I igim t ci
\ciii for the delicate imamiilliiig ( if limo
ot her so x-jimst mm3 they ul a i mm t ii c iiysi ea I
i'orks 01 life. iiyiitiw ( lie tact iulmuhmimus :
thimit time immnscuiimie noveiist is last ule.
scendimig to time tratiium of extinct mnzi
uuunis. '
' 'W'lmat salaries are ) ) aid to yotmr i'cgu-
br comutribmitors ? ' '
' ' 'i'ii a t d a I iencl s eimti I.e i3 flit t I m ti thi'grce
of t lieii Pptmimtril.Y. 1'ultliomigii iveeisiy
stoi' i mi 1 iers mime (5)11 ) siiIeiet I i mu Ic i'iOV fm-I ) iii
mm litem'mti'y 1)iitlt of vmew , I to smiy
tiiitt Iimc. ' Imave limmiui better tlimtmi the
highest luumhgmm7ine iimbhisi''i. ' Of cihtrst ,
s-ol limts'e imelid : of I lttimiy Vmim-'t
lk'eelit'r's 'NOL'\VOOtl - ' For thus sItir1
v Iiie'li 'is o no I 'Oil si ii ermt hi a lam igt hi , I ii a
Ledger gave huiui $20,0I-tiio ) ( ) largest'
ii tliOh iim t iivir ci by aiuy 1)t : I ) 'i 0 1' it ) ; tgmt-
7,11)1' for siiiiilmtr W'OIk , 1 lie Lutigem' milso .
iai d Fmut ii ' Feti i ami ammorimi 01 iS I i' ( O fo i.
l11fl ivi'itmfltis. She wmLs eiiOrtgtlli : I 0 ivi'ito '
se\'eriii cOhImfliis ml % i'tlJk at $109 a eel uinim ,
Jo mules Pit t-t on , I li ' - .1 iii ii I I all amid ( I I ii ems
VCei ( veil mu I m m iot ( ' ( mm iil pity for t Ii emr eon- '
trbhuuiioits , t1i's. E. I ) , E , N . Soti tb-
vortim , the imiost muoteil Ii vi iug ) 'l tel' for
slOiv r'ei youi $10Oll ) ( ml yemtL' friil ,
I I in I ehger , mu ( I ii mm s I igi i t vork , I oo. S I at
keti1is it stomy rtmlzii'lmig , I hirommgiiomit the
yemu' , but slit , iS 5(1 iroiiime vitlm tint 11(111 (
tlim.t slum Colhili liii Immtii ( ito 1etlgcir ivet'ily
sil lioimt ' " ' '
'Of tue ut liar story ritei' ' , of tliO tlmiy
t lie lied 11:11(1 : ( mmu'o i\i \ is. Alexmtmudci' thc
r01 , , ii iillttm , vimo i018l'L'S * $ S,00 I :1 :
ft'tuu ti i o Fmt ii i I i St Oii' l'ii ui i' , hai.i uS es I hit ,
moyal I ics fie ii i ii ci. Pu I i I I . Ii itch books , a m i t I
Als Emiiiiimt ( hirrl'oii , iotu's vhmoo m-t,0 14) )
ii iiiiI' I a fmul m' smil it hy I I ) tie ' d , ? l i's. J cii us
144 (0111'S tiio.-il iImhmIgilintivti vrlter 'l'Iiu
seem iCS of Ii ei at oiies ii i.m I mi viii I it iiy lmticl Iiz
Neiv 'ioik , Ltiimulcni or 1'muii. mituti tlii , iie-
( iti Va C of I icr d ese ii it I 01 I I S i-cl lii ml rk a lil o
iviucti vu itlil0Iultdi ( limit ' , biu , hits iumtyc'i-
hoc a milil'-hI of \ I :14(111 : it lii I I ) i x oh i ' , i i i tie ,
Siio liVes him Stmillirth county , \'ir''inimi
niid , linvimig heami aim liimuIid 1111)51 ) l ? hior
I ife , Ii mis 4.014 I timim hicu'ii I't ft y in I I e fm i ii i i am-
I iomii a. 'I'imo ot her i'egu ; I it m' co i m I i li i I t oi's
i-active smihatiu'.s rammgiimg ( loll ) 3,1 00 it )
$ l)0 ( ) a yeah' , 'hhiis ltity ; hut oimiiit
ttnimptimtg to , yoimtiiftmi : tspirmtluts 'iit ) thiiiik
thimy cmiii itimtko a sPeedY fortu lie with
timoim' lii ) limit ii is mis imitmb , its the : tvej' .
ago llttoimtt' iiinmi t'mIlll-S lit other iitiiis : of
I i I ttl'8 I Ii it' .
' 'I presulmue thu lhiiiiibhiIrs ) imuitko nuotoy
mis ss'll : t tue us'iiters , " stiggotteil tue ic'-
' .
4'\\'il , the hUhlISht1)i5 ) ( it Stry napes's
ii mivo ii ( it it I sig I 0 ( O1l ) p I iii it 1'h i , 1 ho ii ii or
iiis : iimituio ubotit a lihliiiftim froimi I lie
Ledger ; I lie ! imlliros Z11.0 mnihilommmihru 8 ;
Stteet & Simiitli ' imniult' so'raf hiimiimh rid
tiioimsammd ; Elverson , of l'Iimimulolphmimm , is
smuiil to be vorthi tivo iimiilicitis ; Frmiii Ic
'l'otmstty II in i)1ttttX ihumldhi thta 1011110 ( Ohi-
ditton mttidiocs l. - lltmis. , of ilostoii , lmmml *
a ui1itlio1io hank miebiflhlIt , No , the 5)iut ) .
I isi a is it mt It ( I I it hmg to coat ph iii a of. ' '
Bill few artIcles hiavuuc3diled such a vom'ld'
trhilo lOlithtatltmi ) 114 %'st . it m'iL III I ( ( il' $ .
Ftit' ovet 74) ) yrmmts thmc'y hitv.i : . [ teen hue mmcm-
k now hedged stall iimmm It 'i'gtiiatoms of t lit' III.
1iIijlt4 buii3liiliZet
: tiiii > b > _ : iii : : _