_ THBJMAHA ) DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , JULY 17 , E2T CAPITAL $75,000 ( Tickets only 3. Slmros in Proportion. LOU1SIAM STATE LOTTERY COMPANY , ( 'Wo On horotiy cnrtltr itint < TO supervise His nrrnnacnionli for nil the Mom lily ami t iinrlorly nniwiMKft of Tlio I < oulMuim Stnto Uiltrry Coinimny nml In nor oti tnnnnpo nnd control tlionrmrlnmtlitMiixolvo * , nnd 'hat tlioinmo nro conducted with lionpity , Tuinics * nnd In peed fnllhtotrnrd nil p.trtlii , nnd no nutliorUo the Company to unotliKci rttflcnto , with fne-dmlioi of our elznuttirni mtnjhol In 1U ndvnrtlsmeut OOMMISSrONBlW. o.otiniOMKiie Hnnkimul Hnnkon , will rny H ) | I'rl/os ilrnwn hi Tlio I/nilMuim Stnto t < t- torlos wlilcli mny bo prosimtod ftl our counters .7. H. om.nsur , Prcs. Louisiana National Bank .1. W. KII.IIKKTir , Pres. State national Bant A. I1.YI.1MVIX , Prcs. Now Orlean National Bank Incoriiorntod In 13M forDiycnri lj-tho losrls- Intnrn tor Kducntlonal nnd Climlmblo purpoiaa wllli iimpltul of 9liro.(0) ( ) to which n reserve { nnd ofoxur $ . " > 0UUO Imi Klnco l > eon iid'lod. llynnoverwhelmingimpulnrvnto Its I'rmicliho wnsmncloaimrt oil ho nroioinStiitu Constitution ndoiitod DcromoorlM. A. I ) . 13tf. Tlio only lotturvovor voted oa uud endorsed ! > y the pconlo of uny ntnto. It novnr stmlcs or | io tponos. Itpunuid fllnxlu nutnhor ilriiwumfl tnko plaoo monthly , nnd tlio oxtiaordhwry drawings ro u- Inrly o\ory throe month * liiBlcnd of t-c.iil-minu ally imnnrtoioto , biwlmtlntr Miucli , ISM. A Sl't.KNIItn Ol'POIlTttNITVTO WIN A I'OUTtWB. HIM Oiami Ornnlnir , Clnss II , In tlio Acndemvof Music. Nnw Orloiini , Tuesday , Aug lOtlt , 183'J ' 1'J.lth Monthly Dntwinff. PRIZE $75,000. ICO.UXJTlckets nt Klvo Dollars Knch. I'motlona In riftlis , III Proportion. LIST of rui/cs : Ari'HOXIMATION . 0 Approximation T'rUos or $7fin 0,71V ) 0 do < lo ( TO 4r,00 a do do ISO > ' ' . > U 1WJ7 Prizes. nmounUnir to $ X5fM Application for rntoq to cltibq should lie mndo only to tbo ollico of the company In Now Or leans. For further Information wnto clonrlv , clritiz full address. POSTAL NO'IT.S , Uxpro-ia Money Orders , or Now Yoik KVCUIUIRO in ordinary let ter , currency by express at our oxpoiuo nd drC5SCtl > M. A. DAUPHIN , * * * * > OrM.A.DADPIIIN. Washington , D. 0. Mnko T. 0. Money Orders payable and nddrogj registered letters to - , . , . , . NEW ( MUiAN3 NATIONAL HANK , . -if yriu ! 9j & * $ MALT .Siicolnlly Distilled Tor Medicinal Vac. T.H ! BEST TOEHC1 UNEOUALEDIor CONSUMPTION WASTING DISEASES and GENERAL DEBILITY. PERFECTSDGESTION , DU. KDW. L. fi-AlUNQ , Sur gcon In Chief , Rational Guau of N. J. , wrlloa : "JIv Attention wni culled k your Kn.tnne . Mult Wldsko ) ! ) . > Mr.Mor \ \ , Druggist , of Irrnton and I luno mod a few ImllU'l with fur tetter fffi-ct tlmn any 3 IIHTO lind I am rcconiniciullnc jour nrllclo In my practice , uiit II nd It cry satisfactory. " fT7The Oenulne liai ilie ftlgntturo V FI3M-.Il I : MRNDHLSON oo the Label. EISNER & IHENDELSON , < So ! AttnUft > rlh U. S. ) S16,318 and 320 Race St. . Philadelphia. Pa. For sale by C. F. Goodman , Omaha , NcbrasKa. Forfeit not Havana Filler. A GENTLEMAN'S SMOKE 3EOH. O Thli Cljir will prore tt rcprcitnlid ind will be ntra > llrelj giltrcillicil Iii tv r town lor IIm dcilcri who will Bprccl > te 1U metlti im puih Itt B3IOKE EL FJSJtlfO lOe ClOA.lt , Addteti DAKGOARl Mi , Bob ijttti , 180 Firib Avenne , CHICAGO P..W. Bnxo , Ixssllo & Morroll , 0 , F , Qoodmnn , T. W. SpalTord 4 , Co. , J. A. Vullor Co. , M. I'arr , ( 'honey & Uleson , M. II. Powell. Kulm A wu. , Bam I'aniswortli. 1'rank llurrott & Co. , lIiiKlioa & Schmidt , Jamua Torsytlio. FO OB BR ONLY PWKJ.ub JIHiti > for HIJ nllk. lQiBlu Ll In < HlOl.f.H\ > KAN . i ; M f J ( t l I J > ptlMi. OOBJUBIIW tlf C. , OumralcutiU. A * . rerrt mulrl Btln U trutlnc dlM c . lUqutrrl no coukluir. keep * l U illouU * . 'Bold itunrwkf.rf } . , Our tBoi' " . ) VHER. t ! r na Kwidlnir of Inf ntt , MAII.KI ti001 > ALk A OO. ( llo.tou , 1 t BITTERS. . | Ul > ft > ku HW , ! H j. w. wvrnxitivtf , POO ionrr , ci VUU.IDWJ.X. if. THE INGENUITY OF CRANKS , The Qorms of Human Progress Protected by Patents , Tlio Slorcliottic of Inventions How I'ntcnts Are Ontnlneil CrntiltH and Their Hobbles Novel mill Humorous Models. There nro now upward of 400,000 lured American jiatonts , ranging in im portance from Morse's telegraph system to the newest clainj ) lor fastening trowscr buttons. Kacli year the work of the patent ofllco has become so inorcascil , the imiltltuilo of resunrolios to bo made so great , and the Vinio consumed so wasteful of man's allotted span , Hint the inventor , no matter how novel or merito rious his invention may bo , Is often com pelled to lese years of opportunity to turn lib discovery to account before ho can gel his patent. Ono Invention paves the way for a score of nuw ones ; ono bro.-ul and newly discovered principle of mechanics is soon multiplied into ft dozuu narrower ones , each in turn leading to Us dozen or so more of Inventions , all guarded at every point by the protecting patent. Thus it was but ten years ngo that the first tele phone patent was Issued. Since that time there have been more than ono thousand American patents and halt as many foreign patents granted for Im provements relating to tuliMilionoj. Ono cause of complaint among in ventors is that lee much time is wasted on "inventions , " so-called , of the most absurd character , and too many patents of this kind arc issued. It is really re markable how many patents issue on trilling and worthless things. The west is the most prolific of this class of in ventors. It was only a year or so ago that : i man down In central Illinois con ceived the idea of keeping the moth-lly out of beehives by an automatic process. These Hies arc a pest to beekeepers in that llicj operate wholly at night , and to llud some way of keeping them out of the hives at night the central Illinoisaii bunt the whole weight of his mighty in tellect. At last ho struck it. Ho rigged up a series of little doors on the hives , and these he attached bymnans of levers to a framework in his chicken house. Then he attached his chicken roosts to this framework. When the chickens went to roost their weight operated the levers and closed the doors of the beehivca. When at daylight tlioy jumped from their perches the levers flow up anil the foco doors How open. This nonsensical con trivance actually went through the rami- licjitions of the department , and the brilliant inventor got his patent. Aa.otb.ur cuuitis in Ohio determined that there was ono olllco that should not be Usurped by any other Ohio man. IIo re solved to hold a bond on the dent of the weather and disturb his functions. Ho invented a machine to regulate the Weather hi any locality. Particulrrlydid he mean to proiiucu 1'atn when it wai ? wanted , as , for instance , it is wanted now. The device consisted of a tclo- scoping tower which was to run up to a great height if necessary to penetrate the clouds. " \ \ hen the thing had got up so that the moon looked like a circus hoop , and Saturn with his rings like a Chicago council lighted by cleotrlcity , the man at the base of the tower was to light a lire. Of course , this was a gigantic chimney , and the idea was to have the heated P\J- \ penetrate and dUrupt the cloud strata find so precipitate tho. down fall. This man , through the average stupidity and lazily conducted and per functory methods of the patent ollico , came near getting a patent. It was one of the much-abused women there , who , reading the specification with a little clearer human instinct , gavq a laugh , took it to her chief and asked if this was " stair. " 'JTlio chief a new "golden scowled ; she pointed out the thing more clearly , and then the chief patted her under the chin and said she was a wise and good girl and should bo rewarded. The exam inations on the palontgolden stair ladder and rain-doveloper had already cost the government the time of seven clerks and two examiners for a period of seven weeks. The man did not got his patent , but if the lady had not looked at the sub ject trom its hiimoious standpoint , and not been rtwimlod with a cluiok under the chin , this piece of nonsense might have adorned thu patent ollico reports so dear to the bucolic heart. Some time ago a man who had boon a locomotive builder , and who know the power of centrifugal force , conceived the idea that leverage to movable objects without periphery action was a good deal stronger ami could bo more cheaply and powerfully applied. Ho gave this subject a , good deal of thought. His trionds began to think ho was giving it too much , for they saw symptoms of mental extrav agance that they did not like. Ono day ho wont out iishing , and in looking for frog bait ho came upon a swamp jiterally alive with the batrachian melodist. Ho got out his scoop-net but in an instant stopped , and for the next hour was lost in studied watchfulness of the propulsory power of the frog , ilo fished no more that day. IIo had solved the great prob lem ! In duo time there came to the patent ollico plans of a locomotive on a now idea. The structure resembled a largo frog on wheels , with the pistons attached to the hind logs. These latter were ar ranged to straudlo the track and rapily kick the ground thus supplanting the power of old-fashioned traction as a mo tive force in thomovingof rail way trains. This man was in the insane asylum be fore the examiners of the patent ollico had determined whether his " was an "in- torfeienco" with ' George Stephonson's invention or not ! Another man In Delaware had served in thu artillery during the war , and ho conceived the idea of a scattering gun. His purpose was to dispose of a whole army at a single discharge of the won derful weapon , The gun was pivoted to swing horiz9ntally , and was intended to bo loaded with a few bushels of grape or canister , and hold in opposition to a strong spring resistance. His plan was that the gun should be released from this spring resistance and fired at the same instant , thus scattering Its contents from right to left , or vice versa , covering an arc , and commanding right and left Hanks of 10,000 infantry. The examiners of tlio patent ollico regarded this as a wonderful novelty and a most remarka ble discovery , and under the law which requires that auy military discoveries by private citizens shall tirst be submitted to the war department before a patent can issue , the patent oflleo submitted this to Air. llolknap , who was then secretary. Mr. Helknup wrote a neat little personal reply of thanks , but inclosed to the patent commissioner as his , only oflicinl answer a copy of the famous John Phcenix" drawings on the same biibjcct. It will bo romomuored that "Phu'iiix" ( Lieutenant Derby ) invented n wonderful mountain howitzer that was to bo used only on nar row trails. The howitzer was to bo strapped to the back of a mulo. The fun of the thing \vi\a in the accompanying drawings. One of these represented the mule climbing over the rocks with the gun on his back ; another showed the mule's head and the howitzer both pointed to the enemy and the man ready to tire ; the third revealed the nuiln as he ap peared under the consciousness , as ho saw the torch , that something was about to happen ; tlio force demonstrated the full centrifugal aud scattering power of the howitzer. The man had touched off the aim and the mule was ilanciijK in that circular way that mules have when In doubt he was boxing the compass at a mile a minute. Friend and enemy alike were scattering behind trocn and rocks. Kven then the patent commissioner and the examiners did not quite see the joke. They saw. however , that a prior inventor had been in the field , so they thrvw out the claim of the Delaware artillerist on the usual ground of "interferences. " Once when Grant was president thcro came to the white house a letter ad dressed to the president in person. H was from a woman in Kansas , who stud she had read in the papers that Mr. Grant before he wont Into the army was poor , and that , thouch ho had won great fame ami was then president , she did not doubt that ho was Door yet. She had a scheme to make him rich , She had in vented a eorn-sheller a machine that not only shelled the corn and separated it from the cob , but by tlio reversal of .a wheel at will it would grind corn and cob together , anil so furnish n fine food for stock. The lady inclosed some roughly drawn plans and asked if "Mr. ( iralit" would not get her a patent and accept a half-Interest in thu invention to compen sate him for his trouble. But she added : "Mr. Grant , I must ask you not to say anything about this to my husband , for ho is very jealous ami it might get us both into trouble. " "Mr. Grant" did not "say anything" to the husband , but ho did good-naturedly semi the letter audits ineloBurcs over to the patent ollico to sou if the Innocent woman migutnot In some way be benefited. It turned out that the idea of a corn-shelli-r was original , and with some modifications and alter further correspondence through the patent oillco this time with tr-o lady's husband , who did not prove to bo a bit "jralous a patent was granted. "Uufo" Ingalls got hold of this story , aud whenever he and Grant were together in a suitable crowd Hufus would rot it oil' with great gusto. Unfits would add ( when ho dared ) ; "The president and I usf-d to shell 'corn1 to gether ui ) in Oregon and Washington territory , but wo didn't use any such in vention. Our cylinder was made of glass , aud wo got away with a good many bushels. " "That tired fooling" from which you stiller so much , particularly in the morn ing , is entirely thrown oil by Hood' Sar- s.iparilla. A JUDGE PUZZLED. Unable to Understand the Technicali ties ot IJnsu Hall. Cincinnati Times-Star : " 1 want the law agin the nagur there , judge , yer honor , " vociferated a big , red-haired Irishman named William Taylor , as he pointed out a colored man on the colored bench. The latter had on a red tie ami a check jumbcr , and wore a bad look in his eye. "Doun monkey wid dnt air man. Ho done fool wid mo yistirday till my pa tience done run out , " was the reply of the accused , as ho stopped up to the bar. "Duz he call smashin' a man wid abase ball bat losin' he/ patience ? " "What business has yo got interferin' wid a game of base bally" demanded the prisoner. "That mon was not out at second base , an' yoz had no right to say so. " "The baseman done touched him afore ho got dar ; " 'vpfovor touched him ! " ' ' ' " -1'es , sail ! "Hero , what's this all about ? " asked the court , who had been scratching his head with a vain hope of seeing into the trouble. riaintiff and defendant in chorus : "A lot of nagors wor playin" ball down ' ' on "Do Invincible ? and do Anchors of Hope wall playin' a match " "Ono at a time ! " loudly remarked the court Bhgera were playin' " "Cullud gominen was a playin' ' The colored man talked the loudest , and finally won and wont ahead : "Do Jnymciblos and do Anchors of Hopnwero n playin' fo' a possum buppah , an' 1 wiiz do umpire. " "The what ? " aked the court. "Do empire , do man what decides , jlp pints in do game. Do InvincibleS WUK doln1 some tall sluggin1 , an' do Anchors war doin' likewise. Dis yar Irisher ho done sit round on a barrel and mok re marks 'bout my dceisyuns. Wen Lias Jones ho done luty a fly into Link Jeffer son's ' han'a de Irishor ho done said datho war not out kaso ho had made his fust base afore do fly was ketchcd. Dat wasn't right , jedgo. " "Hotter consult an encyclopedia ; I don't know. " "Now , you knows dat a fly is allus out , no matter whar it WIM ketched. " "What fly ? " "Fly ball hide air. " "Then it isn't n ilyytfu mean ; It is a bull , " was the remark of the court. "Yes , sah. " "Thon say so. " "It wor no more out than than than " remarked Taylor. "What was not out ? " 'asked the court. "Tho battahl" "You mean the ball ? " said the court. "No. the playah was out , " chipped in the colored man. The court looked dazedly around and said : "Now hero I have been told that the fly was out ; that it was not out. Then I was told that the ball was the thing that was out. This was denied , and it was stated that it was the player that was out. " "Tho player was not out , sir , " said Taylor , with n dotorminned. < rTherol" despairingly said the court. "Den , when Moses Johnson run down to second , do catcher throw him out at second. " "Ah , ha ! An assault and battery , " re marked the court , as ho brightened up. "Where Is that catcher ? Bring him out. Was Mr. Johnson thrown far ? " "No. sah ; you see do catcher he threw do ball at " "Then nobody throw Johnson out ? " asked the court. "Yes , sah , Johnson was thrown out at second base I" "Who throw him out ? " "Do catcher. " "IJut ho throw the ball out ? " insisted the court. "No , sah , it was Moso Johnson. " "HowiiHnot ; the ball never touched him ! " The court closed his docket with a bang and jerked his glasses oil * his nose. "Look hero ! What do you meant I don't propose to bo trilled with I Both of you got out of hero ! " "But ho done hit me wid ft bntl" plaintively said the ooon. "Do you play ball ? " demanded the court. "I am do boss colored empire of De troit. " "Then I'm sorry that this gentleman didn't kill you. You get back to Detroit and never come within ten miles of the city limits. Mr. Taylor ! " 'Yls , sor. " "You escaped lightly , This colored umpire ought to have carved you , Here after , Mr. Clerk , don't allow any man who plays base ball to got any warrant hero. " Keep Quiet ! And take Chamberlain's Colic , Cholery anclDiarrluea Uemedy , It cures pain in the stomach almost instantly. Get a 2i cent bottle , tyke nothing elso. You will need nothing else to euro the worst case of Diarrhoea , Cholera Morbus or bowel complaint. This medicine la made for bowel complaint 011)3' ) and has been in constant use in the west for nearly fif teen years. Us success has boon un bounded and its nauin become u house hold word in thousands of homos. Try it. THIRTY YEARS .OF BASE BALL The Oaroer of H niy Qhadwiok , tbo Father of tbo Qreafo National Gaino , A I'Vienil or Ilonp'iIMnyors ' anil n Fee oT All Corruption. Probably the boqt known of all men in any way connected with the game of base ball is I'etiry Chadwit'k ' , of Brooklyn , N. Y. lie is bettor known throughout the country as 1-ather Cha'awiek ' , and is often referred to as the founder of the national game. While Mr. C'hadwick cannot lay claim ( o being the founder of the game , It is certain that under lis ! fostering care the game has grown from a crude pastime to bo the most popular pastime of the world , with a following counted by the millions. All the improvements made in the game in Its early days wore suggested by Mr. C'hadwick. Ho was very justly referred to as the "authority,1' and the title still adheres to him. Mr. Chadwlck , besides being the best known ot all uase ball authors , has written a complete li brary of books referring to oriekot and kindred sports. Mr. Chadwlck is the "Grand Old Man" of base ball. Ho has imposing appearance , being over six feet in height , is heavily built , has an iron gray beard , which adds u charm to l.is strong , ruddy face , and ho has a pleasant forcible way of expressing and explain- itur his ideas , which carries conviction with it. In appearance Mr. Chadwiek is not an old man by any means He is still strong and active and occasionally takes exercise on the diamond , ciiADwit'K's o.uiiiu. : : Mr. Chadwlck was born in Kngland in 18''lnud ho is therefore In his sixty-sec end year. Ho is the son of Mr. James Chadwiek , formerly editor of the Western - orn Times , the principal Westof Kngland paper. He is also a brother of Sir Ku win Chadwiek , the great English sanitary philosopher. Ho began his journalistic career in 1811 as contributor to the Long Island Star , of Brooklyn , but he did not adopt journalism as a profession until ten or twelve years later , when ho became cricket reporter of the New York Times , in 1850 , under City Kditor Augustus Mav erick. The same year ho began writing for the New York Clipper , but was not regularly engaged on that journal until 1857. His lirot important base ball report was that of a scries of games between picked nines of New York and Urookljn , played at the Fashion race course , Long Island , in 18o8. From 18BU to " 1880 Mr. Chadwiek was the leading reporter of base ball on the New York daily papers , he being the first to report the' national game for the New York Herald , and ho afterwards wrote up bi\o ball for the Times , 'I ribu.no , Stin , Daily Hews , Sun day Times , Sunday Dispatch , and ho was .Mr. Caul" well's successor on the Sunday Mercury for over a do en ytmrs. All this time he was baseball anil cricket editor of tlio Now York Clipper , ' and was on that paper from 18.7 ? Ur 1807 , when ho irave up hi.- , position to take ( editorial charge of the American Chronicle of Sportb , In IPjJSJxowcvcr , Jip resinned his positfr > > ' 5,4 the Cllpijer , wiiieji Wlins since retained , though since tlio Uoafh of Mr. Queen he IWH tut written as mlich for that paper as before , Mr. Garno having taken entire editorial charjro. of the Clipper. Tills year Mr. Chadwidk concluded a period of thirty years ot baseball and cricket re porting on the New York dallies , and ho permanently retired' from that arena last winter when ho resigned all his positions on the dailies to accept u position * ou the editorial staff of the Outing.monthly . magazine of sports , a position more congenial to his advancing years. In tho'OOs ho took a position on the staff of the Brooklyn Eagle , he being then contemporaneous with such writers on that paper as Joe Howard , then city editor : John Stanton , "Cory O'Lauus , " and Thomas Kinsolla and others' nil of whoin , cxcopt MY. Howard , ho has soon carried to their graves , leaving himself as the oldest writer now on the Brooklyn Eagle and the only one who was on the editorial stall'of that , paper twenty odd years ago. Mr. Chadwick confines his journalistic work now entirely to the Cupper , the Kaglo and the Outing , and ho will doubt less "die in harness , " for journalistic work is liis life and pleasure. HOW UK BKCAMK INTEIIKSTKD. In "Chadwiek's Game of Base Ball , " published in 1808 , Mr. Chadwick tells how no first became interested in the national game : "It was in 1850 , " tie says , "when , on re turning from an early elosingof a cricket match at Fox Hall , Hoboken , 1 chanced to go through the Klysian Fields during the progress of a base ball match between the then noted Eagle and Gotham clubs , The game Vt'as being sharply played on both sides , and I watched it with deeper interest than uny previous match of the kind L had seen , it was not long before 1 was struck with the idea that base ball was just the game for a national r > port for Americans , and , rollccting on the subjoat on my return homo , I came to the conclusion that from tills game of ball a powerful lover might bo in ado by moans of which our people could bo lifted Into a position of more de votion to physical exercise and healthful out-door recreation then they had hither to been noted for. " llogoes on tosaytlml : "From the period that I first became nn ardent admirer of baho ball I have de voted my efforts to the improvement of the game and to fostering it in every way I thought likely to promote tlio object 1 had in view , which was to build up a national field game for Americans such as cricket was for England. " It wovld require pages to follow the progress of Mr. Clmdwiok from this period in the early history of base ball through that in whiuh , as chairman of the committee of rules of the old Rational association , ho revised and improved the playing rules of the game , up to the time of the inauguration of the profes sional system of ball playing , when , after seeing the National league organized ho retired from further personal work in connection with a odiation conventions , not , however , untjU'P ' 'IU ' < 1 60un the fruits of his early labors' develop into a game fully established Las .the great popular field sport of the ( onntry. Mr. Chadwlck now devotes hiiiHulf largely to the edit ing of books of in .traction on the science of base ball examples of whiuh are to be found 'iir tlio soncs of base bull books of the Spal ling library of Sports ublished this Mr , Chudwick lias been the unrdlOttUng I'OQ of nil tlio abuses which hu.va. worked their wuy into the profcssio ml biisolmlhirnnu. lit ) litis no mercy for ball "crookri , " no sympathy for d unken ball lessors and naturally is a t trong opponent of that curse of nil sport pool gambling. Of late , too. ho has 1 'gun ' a crusade against thoae nuisances o a ball Held , the class of chronic kickers and grumblers. Kirk'u German I'llo Ointment. Sure cure for blind , bloodlinr , and Itchlim Piles. One box has ruied the worst cases elton ton years staiulliitX < J one nouil Miller ten minutes after using tills wonderful Kirk's Uonnan I'llo Ointment. It absorbs tuinois , alias tlio Itching at once , acts as a poultice , ulvoa Instand idief. Kirk's German I'llo Ointment is prepaicd only for 1'iles nnd itculni : ot the inlvato parts , and nothing ult > e. Kvery box Is wainintuu by our agents. Sold by druKsistsjsentby iutm on receipt of price , ' cperbox' DRc. . O. UENTON , PBOP , C'lovelaud. 0. Sold by C. if. Qooodiaan and Kiilin & Co. , Uth and Douglas , Itrth awl Cuinlaf TT - JLj- " Room 6 , over Commercial Natl. Bank , Corner 13th and Douglas streets READ CAREFULLY Our new verified Usl ofyoods we can deliver. If taken quick. We ad vertise onl/positive { bargains. Ourlast months'sales will demonstrate that fact. The market is lively. TIME IS MOSEY to all who Jtavo money to invest in Omaha real estate. Our advice is. " What Uion do cst do quickly , and receive your reivard. Some # , 3 and a hundred fold. The sun shi neson Omaha now , so "make your hay. " IV e offer 41 foot east front on S. ICth st. by 153 to the alloy , $2,000 15 feet cast front on corner alloy 8.10th st. bv 153 foot to alloy , only $ : j,0lj. , ) ( 83 feet east front by 153 feet to alloy , S. 10th st. , f5,500. 183 feet cast front on S. 10th st. by 155 foot to alley , ? S,000 cash. 50 feet east front on S. 10th st. by 101 feet , ? ! l,000. , Uemomber this is all busi ness property that is Mire to double in value every six months for the next three years. At lea t we think so. We ollor n line corner on Farnam at. , corner SOU ) , 00x13. to alloy , cash $10,000. OOx'JOO feet , North 10th st. , vitll line improvements , $8,500. 2d feet on Cumins by 182 to alley bet. 17th aud 18th st , S'VoU. HKS 'DKNCK LOTS : 2 lots in Clarendon , $1)00. ! ) 2 boai.tlful lots In Isaao & Seklon's add. , $ ! J,500. 11 lots in Walnut Hill , § 000 to ! ? SOO. One acre in Parke Place , 0 lols , $8,500. Pli-.lnviow lots , -f 000 to $700 ; easy terms. 4 Thornburi ? lots. $150 each. 3 beautiful lots , Ilunseoin Place , corner Virginia ave. , 100\100 , five days , ati3,500. 15 lots , Bark-alow Place , $8:25 : to SHOO. 7 lots in Phiinvlcw.the uttnchG50 , each , flanscoiu Place loU f 000 to $2,000 each. 1 line coi'ncr it ) l ov/o's 1st add , , 750. 1 lot , Dwipht & Lyman's add. , § 000. 1 Lincoln Place lot , $150. Ssouth front lots in Patrick's 2nd udd. , just oll'Saunder.s st. , $1,250 ctich. 2 lots , Millard Place , $2.000 to IS.OOO . each. 4 lltljiscom Plaee lots , $1,000 each. Beautiful lot , Hillside No. 1 , 81,500. 2 Thornburg lots , $1,000. IMPROVED RESIDENCE PUOPEIITV 5-room new cottage , lot I0\100 , 10th si. above Lake st. , near street oars , ? 2)00 , ; ) , easy payments. fl-roum house , full lot , corner , in J. I. Uudiok'A add. , bargain , $ ; ii , > 00. Now modern 8-room house , full lot , Ilanseom Place , on Virginia ave. , $8,750. Half lot , splendid 8-room house , on Webster st , between 17th and 18th ts. , cheap , $ .1,000. Half lot , modern 0-room house , good bai-n on Chicago St. , positive bargain , $0,700. Half lot , 7-room house , Nelson's add. , $2,000. 2 lots with 8-room house , line improve ments , Wilcox's add. , $2-JOO cash. Full lot with 4 room cottage inV. \ . A , Rediek's add. , onlv $1,800 ; $1,000 cash. Corner lot with 7-room 8-story cottage , in Walnut Hill , $ : i,00l ) ; one-third cash. South 81 let-t of lot 8 and east 5)0 ) feet lot 7 , N. W. cor. lilth and California sK. willi improvements and rental value ot $ MO per month , $10,000. Slots and 0-room house , good barn and improvements , hi Walnut Hill add , $3.000. IMHO corner ; good improvements , 3- room house , Lowe's ' 1st add. , on Parker st. , $1,830. Lot 05x130 with 3-room house ParKc Place , only $2,000 ; easy payments. 8-room house , lot OUxlOd , on alloy , yinill'slstadd. , $8,250. 5-room house , half lot. towe'n 1st add. , $1,500 ; $550 cash , balance 1 , 2 and 3 yoTird. Fine 8-rooin house , fipiond ; : ! i ijo'ovo- ments , on South 20th st. , $5,500 cash 0-room cottage , full lot , line improve ments , Shinn's 2nd add. , $2,800 , ; easy terms. 2 lotsCO.\108 , , each with 1 houses. Slmll's add. , on corner street with alloy , and room to build 1 others , $7,000. House and full lot on Parker street , Lowe's 1st add. , good Improvements , only $1,000 ; .small payments. Lot 72.\1IO , uast front , with 2 houses , N , 18th st. , $5,000. ACHE PROPERTY' : 20 beautiful acres , broad and smooth , adjoining lllmebaitfth's add. , near Leav- enwortlt ht , $700 for a few days only. 5 acres west of the city § 500 per'acro. 20 acres southeast of city , $175 per acre , 5 aeres north of city. $ ! I30 per acre. 10 aeres southeast of oily , $ 'JOOper noro. 10 acres northwest of "city , S183 pel- acre. Fine lots left in our Oak Hill addition , $350 to $500. THE I , X. L. r- < -I Tor inotiilnnd slilnjrlo roofs , for which I urn thogorn'riil agent , 1ms no ciunil us n prosorvn tl\o. Will out lust any other tooling mntorliil la Hie nmrkct. Solid lor oliuiilnr nnd prleollst. Agents wanted to npplj our paint throughout the country nnd talto e.xohislvo ten Itory. Sold nnd nppllcd only by the 1 X. ISlnto 1'alnt Co.- orIIuiithoii7cdniiL < iil3 Adlrossnll commit- nlcutlons to J. I , . Illi'o , Ho5i , Oinnlni , Nub. ' Special Notice to tiie Public , 1 hereby ivnrn all persons nifalost uslnjr my t "in mark. "J. X , It. " in coimoctlon vrlth oil paints of u Imtovor kind or C-iinrac'Ti ' "ithw lu thi'United Stales or tlio Dominion ot Canndii , lioi-o my trade mm U Ims boon duly loinstomii , nnd undue piotoi-tlon ol the hiUHirm oinlim-mich nctp , tiirnporlod of thirty jours fiom date of itvrlstiatlon , J. I , . HICK , Proprietor of Trade Miulc. .Woluive some beautiful JICAV 5 room cottages oil N. ibtliTbno bl6cir"froiu liife"'near school ami churclis , Hint < M Sell on small itoymcuta ami easy ' L . Room 21 Paxton Building , Cor , ISthand Far nam st. Very desirable lots on monthly payments of from $10 , to $60 in the following additions. "WestOmaha Barkalow Place. Omaha View , Leaven-worth Terrace , Orchard Hill , Bedford Place , Sharen Place and Walnut Hill Also some choice houses and lots on Farnam st , Burt st. , Leaveii- wort st , Phil Sheridan and Ouming St. , We have bargains in property in all Darts of the cityeasy ; payments , Low rates of interest. FARM LANDS FOR SALE , RentsCollected , Taxes Paid. CINCINNATI STORE , KANSAS CITY STORE , 2O ! > , ° 311 and Ul.'I West Cth Street. 1135 Main Slroot. 1317 and 1319 Douglas St. Furniture and Special attention given to furnishing houses and hotels complete. TUTTLE & ALLISON. 9 GenerallnsuranceAgents 211 South Thirteenth Street " ' " "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. Ttyo Orltfliinl nnd Only Gi-nnlnc. ' flJku4 . arf of UaU * n ' . , l lo LADIES. A L r > ' < llruicalit br "Cb cbrittr * * Finjll.lj" od uk < oo oilwr M ( Ecum H ( lluuia ) to u * for ( trUuuliu in Icltir Ij rvturn WAIL NAME Cbluhc.Ur Chfiulf.l 'o. , fl Ue crr bcr t iik ht v" fuinxrurul fUU. BR33XEL & Successors to J. Q. Jacobs AND EMBALME11S. At tbo old BtaiHl , nor Varanm St. Ortlore br U < lrrniii l < | ttoiloliixi and promptly attouJo4 t TuluuhuuoN < i. i.\ .