Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1886, Image 1

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Bjr Charles on the Stand in the Crawford
Divorce Trial.
The Cros < 3-ixaniliiiulon Lcndn to Homo
Very Curious Answers Willed
Wo Not Hnvc a Good hook
Kor Dllke.
The Chastity of the Classes.
LONDON , July 10. [ New York Herald
Cable-Special to the Ur.E.1 , Sir Charles
Dllke , who lost Ids .seat In the house ot com
mons on acccounl of Mrs. Ciawford , gained
a seat to-day In the witness-box on her ac
count Sir Jai'ies Hannen , the Hhadaman-
thus of divorce law , held couit. Ho Is fam
iliar to iimiiy.Amcilcan lawyers because of
having been a visitor to the United States ,
tlnee yeais ago , with Lord Coleiedge.
The "classes" lilted the Uusslan-bath-llko
room , while the "masses" clmlTcd the liato
policeman outside. Sir Charles Dilko was
Inslile , and also Mis. Ciawfoid , and they
boomed to glance often at each other pictty
much as recently the K-JV , Mr. Dyson and
Mis. Baitlett eyed one another in thecential
criminal eouit. Sir Charles was intended by
u few 1 1 lends , but Chambji Iain's ejoglaas
did not sursey
mi : : so IIAMAIIC )
In Its suiiouiidings. There was
Air. Ciawfoid , le-elooted , f-eatcdby hts conn-
hcl , Inderwlck , who hears a stiiklng icsoui-
blanco to HlllottT. Shep.ud. The bay-eyed
husband looked as if haunted by the chest of
u decree nisi prlns. Almost within leach ot
ids breath sat the woman , who Is still his
wife , quietly dressed In a blown costume ,
plain almost to Qiukoilsm , wealing , how
ever , a high maroon hut gaily tiimmed with
fcathci.s and bcails. She toyed coquettishly
with a costly vinalgietto dining the day ,
with her gallant solicitor , George Lewis.
One of Iheso was specially noticeable when
SIrCliailes swore emphatically , "certainly
not , " when asked If he ever made love to
her. At one tlmoslifislgnlllcantly smiled at
hertwoslsteis , Mrs. Hairison and Mrs. Ash-
ton Dllke , wlio sat each side of her. This
WHS when .Dilko swore that his pilvato score-
taiy always
his ofllec with tlio door open. Sir Walter
EhllllniOrc , also beaten for tlio house of com
mons , was not far fiom the paities , appear-
Inc so spaic and slight with a Casslus
"hungry" look that the court draughts
seemed likely to blow him away.
WIIKN Tin : juuv won. CAM.ID
each man seemed anxious to sit , each looking
like an eager pittlle on the first night of an
exciting mclodiama. Foreman Waring , with
liis cynical looking whiskers , seeming to say :
"Now for still peijuiy on one side or the
other. "
1'iofessor lleesly , a great friend of Dilke ,
nnd loecnUy beaten as a candidate , was
' fiwoni , but Inderwlck , soon discovering this ,
.challenged him off. Tliero was a rustic
thiongh the com I of n "now for it" kind when
the proctor's advocate rose to make a state
ment. He had
irinch like Itobson. His text was that tlio
dccico nisi ought to bo voted wiong by the
jmy fortho icasonthat at the first tiial the
couit was not supplied witli piopcr evidence.
He stated the tacts alieady known. 1'racti-
cully lie was DIIKo's counsel , piepaied tc
show that Mis. Crawford's
Ills opening piactlcally amounted to tills :
"I shall pio\o alibis for Dilko against hci
charges. I remember hearing her say : 'J
think the best thing I can do Is to jump ovoi
the bridge. ' She spuko very dospoiull ngly. < :
When Dilko was called to the box he
walked there like an
HUut when his cues came ho began recover
ing his equanimity. As ho was sworn , the
Crawford vlnalgietto did rapid service.
Karlv in his evidence Dilko referred to Ins
liabltnf fencing witii foils for exercise oveiy
inoinlng. It soon became evident that In
was as good as a Queen Caroline courtier at
fencing questions. His. testimony on the
dhcct would make a small volume. Briefly
but justly .stated , It amounted to tills :
i NIVIII : HiiurKi : ) sins. CIIAWKOJID ,
nor had Illicit iclattons with .her , nor made
assignations with her , nor took her to the
house and rooms as she confessed , nor vis
ited her much , nor had her eomo tc
my houso. The shorthand notus of her state
ments to her husband being icud ,
in : Hwonr. TIIIIM DOWN
In platoons and in single lilealdcd by the ex-
tiemely leading questions of 1'hllllmore. His
demeanor and voice , however , assumed both
aggtcsslve and defensive methods when , to
cross-examine , aros-o that amiable tory now
member for Birmingham , Henry Matthews ,
queen's counsel for the Injured husband.
The following Immediately occurred : As
ho faced the tinned up footlights , Hashes
flow from the oycs of the three sisters. He
Bald :
"I was piesonl at the trial before Justice
Unit. I heard the whole of Mr. Crawfoid's
evidence. Iliad known tlio pmpoit of thai
evidence n day or two hofoio it was given
1 hud a month to think of It I believe at
the time of the last trial Mrs. Crawfoid wai
in her sound mind , and 1 do so now. "
Tlti.IUliyiOOKHHAI : ) .
Duilng the following tbcie occurred look-
among the jurors which could not have been
pleasant to Dllue.
"Do you bellovo Mrs. Crawford had a mo
tive for making the confession ? " , . > u
"Yos ; that finding she was discovered In
ndultery with other persons , she desired to
fix upon homo person agreed upon between
herself and the others. "
"Who were the other persons with whom
she had , at various times , continue ! to com
mit adulterj ? "
"Who weio theyV
"Well , I am sorry to mention names , bnl
theio was Dr. P.- Warner , spoken of ns
Freddy , her biothcr-in-law. But that chaigu
1 utterly disbelieve. "
"Yon believe , then , that Mrs. Crawford was
a perfectly sane woman who conspired will :
others to concoct the story of adultery In
order to get rid of the marilago tie' . ' "
No answer.
"Who woio the others ? "
"I ijoif t know. She had mentioned some ,
nnd these are the authors of the anonymous
letters. "
wno THE coNsi'invroita .
"Do you bellovo that Oiawford consp'.Ma
with her mother1
"I ha\e nomeaiid ot knowing who else but
Captain Foster. "
"Then you mean to say that Foster , Mrs
Smith , her mother , Mrs. Crawford , couspirct
to invent this story about you ? "
"No , I don't cay s > o , but llieie mo tb
enonymous letters. "
"Then will you sny that I'orstcr uuU ilrs ,
LVawford conspired to get up tills story
against jou , a story without the shadow of a
' ' '
"To mo c\erj thing appears to point that
way. "
"And you so thought al the late trial ? "
"Yet. "
"That Is lo say. nt the lime of the late trial
you thought it was a dellbciate conspiracy
en the part of Mis. Craw foid lo get a divorce
by accusations against you wldcli wcio un
founded and without foundation ? '
"AsiegauU myself , ceitainly , but not as to
other people. Mis. Crawford has confessed
io adultery with other people , and I believe
the whole evidence is In the possession of the
queen's proctor. "
"Vousay that all fills was In your mind at
Hie time Mrs Crawford save her evidence In
the late tilnl. "
"It was. "
HI : i.ooKnn utsTtmnnu.
At this answer Sir Henry James , who at
the first tiial adxised silence , looked dis
"Is It tine that there were Indlscictlons
yon did not wish disclosed'.1'1
"Yes ; but acts which came to a conclusion
eleven yeais ago. "
"Then tliete were acts of Indlscietlon ? "
"Yes. "
"Do jou consider the account gi\on of you
by Mrs. Ciawford ciedltablo or dibeiedlt-
"I consider the charge so monitions as to
carry Its own refutation. "
"Did you piufer to ha\o the storjs as It
stood or icfutc It ? "
"I confess that at the time It never entered
my mind , that anyone would believe It. "
"Did jou ask Mrs. Ashtoli Dilko If you
could see Mis. Crawford by hei-elf ? "
" 1 asked if it would be butter I should sro
her. "
"But did you say , 'by heiself ? ' "
"I should say not. What 1 think 1 said
'Is it In her. ' "
was : any mo my seeing
"But jou won't undertake to say you did
not use the woidV.1"
"Ho ; 1 was very much excited. She went
ui > stalls and biought Mr * . Crawfoid down. "
' . 'Did jou uigo the desirability of a quiet
scpaiatlon ? "
"No ; I said the charge was a monstrous
charge. "
. "Didn't you Mvy to Mrs. Ciawtord that if
tier Income under a separation was not suf-
cieirt you would make It up ? "
"No5 nothing of the kind.No. . "
"Did yon urge Mrs. CuiwJord to sign a
retraction of her confession ? "
'No ; I went them boiling ith rage. "
"When had you heaid ot t c confession ? "
"On Sunday morning. "
"Were you boiling , then , from Sunday to
Tuesday ? "
"No. "
"Did you tell her if she did not retract you
would accuse her of haying been with other
men ? "
"No ; nothing of the kind. "
Did you threaten her with some sort of ac
"I have no doubt 1 did. I was very
ansrv. "
"Did yon at that time bellovo there was
this conspiracy existing ? "
"Yes , 1 did. It at once occuried to my
mind. "
lliilllmoio showeiing questions , which the
shoit-handcrs dashed down with lightning
strokes , comprising references to certain
houses and ccitaln named people , all , with
what had gone before , foieshadowlng ciops
of specific contradictious. Theirefcrences to
the alleged
In making away witli the witness Fanny
wcio especially sharp thus :
"Did Fanny disappear about the date of
thohlal ? "
" 1 bclievo so. "
"Did she rcsido , from August , 1885 , down
to a short tinio bcfoio the List trial , at the
house to which your solicitor scut hoi ? "
"I lia\o hcaid so. "
"Did you not know that at the time your
solicitor had t > ent her to j-our shooting-box In
"He told "
TIIHATENKD ron ran-Timr.
"Why did you send her away ? "
"I was told hho was tlneatened with prose
cution for perjury. "
"Then she did disappear just before the
late trial ? "
"So 1 have heard. "
'And.Rhe tinned up again shortly after the
last trial ? "
"Yes , "
"And made a statement toour solicitor ? "
"Yes. "
"And then she disappeared again ? "
"Yes. "
At tins theio was great laughter , and the
foreman's whiskers cm led 111010 cynically
than ever.
"Where were you on the Oth of May , Sir
Charles Dilko ? I wish to ask your loidshlp
tills question. "
"In the examination In chief 1 was not
asked with regard to the Cth of May. "
The Judge "I cannot exclude the evi
dence. You must answer the question as It
is put to you. "
" 1 was In London. "
DII.KK'S niAnv rnonucnn.
"Have yon got your diary for that date ? "
"Yes ; it is in couit. "
The diary referred to was hero produced
and witness was asked for an explanation as
to cm tain mils which had been cut away
from Its pages at about the date of thojitii
of May , nnd lie replied it was his habitwhere
engagements were canceled , either to cut
the entiles out or to run lib pen or pencil
through them.
was hcaid. Then ho was piobedas to hoi
visits to him.
"Hero was a young marilcd woman wltli
whom j-on say your relations were very
slight. Why did she come to see you ? "
"Wo got to know each other better as time
wuioon. tilio was looked upon as a member
of the family ot Ashton Dllke , my brother. "
"Did yon over speak to Mr. Crawford about
these visits ? ' ' Question repeated. "Did ) on
ever fcpeak to her husband of these visits of
a young married woman ? "
"It never occmred to me. "
"But why did she call on you ? "
"Well , the topics of qur conversation had
i cference to something to do with her 1ms
band's position. "
"What about her husband's position ? "
"She said ho anxious 'A
was to get promin
ent place in anybcoteh home rule scheme. "
"Did ho lilmsolf ? . ! : for such an appoint
ment ? "
"No ; never. "
"llo never asked for any service hlmselt ? "
"No ; bnt on the lust occasion but one thnt
I saw her , though , she was anxious that the
plaeo bhould bo obtained.
by rerertuco to angry interviews with Cap
tain FosterHn which the latter called Dillrt a
hcouudiel. thecaiiiTT5'b Ul being Mrs. C aw
ford. Thla will bo followed woji hatuidav
withn likelihood ot DllkebdngonedasaAtlii
box. Tlio culo will ovIdenUy bo a protracwij
one. Mu. Crawford , Mrs , Ashton Dllse ana
a lot of ninlo and female eeivauts , CipUlc
roller undAlrs. Orawfoid being expected tc
The Great and Only Effort of the Hero of
Stinking Water.
Kcc.iuso Uc Sccntca Kascrtllty From
Afar and Denounced It The
Combat ants Sop irated Ooro
I'IOWH in the HOUHC.
Jltn Iintrd no a I'l
WA ntNrnoN1 , July 10. [ Special Telegram
to the UKR. ] Shortly after 1 o'clock this
afternoon llepie-ientatlvo Laird , ot Nebraska ,
met llepresontatlve Cobb , of Indiana , In the
coiridor at the southwest coinei of the floor
of the house and n quarrel aiosc out of the
landipicstlon which was hotly deputed In
the dcb.Ue between them a couple of weeks
ago , During the quanel Laird struck Cobb
a blow on the lower pint of the nose and
upper lip. U staggered Cobb and brought
the How of blood. Ueptesentatlve Parson ,
of Illinois , pie\entcd a continuation 'of tbo
It develops that Kepresenlatlves Cobb nml
Laird met In the coiridor of the house just
before they came to blows and arranged to
gu down into the basement and light out their
grievances per .Maiquls of Qucciishiny rules.
Theairangement came to the cais of Itcpie-
seutatlvo 1'ayson ot Illinois , who Is a mem
ber of Cobb's committee , and he rushed out
of the house and met the men as they weio
going do\\n the stairs. Forcibly ho
took hold of Cobb and diew
him back up to the head of the stairs and to
the entiancc of the coiridor along south
side ot the house. I'.iyson expostulated with
the men and thought he had padded them ,
when Laird exclaimed excitedly , "Cobb , you
aic a d d old liar , anyway. "
"And yon aie a perjurer , and 1 can prove
It , " rejoined Cobb. Instantly Laird let HO
his left hand right over Pajson's shoulder.
The blow caught Cobb's upper lip ,
biinglng the blood. Cobb , who is six Act
tv o Inches In height , weighs 210 ! pounds , a
courageous man , was about to resent the
blow , when men separated the combatants.
There was a gicat deal of excitement about
the scene. Had the men been per
mitted to carry out their de
sign of fighting It out aiono in a room
in the basement of the capltol , their encoiin-
tci would have been terilflc. Laird is an
athlete , thiitysovenoais old , .six feet high ,
weinhs 205 pounds , ami Is brave. Laird says
ho Is satisfied to let the matter drop , but it is
believed it will bo biought to the attention ot
the house. As the affair occuried oil the floor
of the house , that body has no jurisdiction.
WA'siiiNoioN , July 10. ri'ress.J Quite a
sensation was cieated In the house this aftei-
noon by a pcisonal encounter between Hep-
lesentatlves Cobb of Indiana , and Laird ol
Nebi.iska , growing out of chaiges made by
the latter on the floor of the house to the ef
fect the Nebraska member had been con
cerned In a land ling. Hepiesentativo Pay-
son of Illinois , member ot the public lands
committee , was explaining to Hepiesentativr
Gilfillan the effect of certain senate amend
ments to the bill introduced to piotect the
lights of homestead settlers , when Hep-
lesentatlvo Lalid leaned from his seat
towards the patty and a kcd , "Why don't
yon fellows deferring to the public lands
committee ) do somcthiii'.r to break up land
lings In the south Instead of raiding the
north ? " Payson replied that was what the
committee is endeavoring to do. Cobb un-
doitook to defend the committee of which bo
was chairman , and an'aiiKiy passaco oc-
curicd between him and Laird , which ended
by the latter gentleman calling the foimera
liar. Witnesses say Cobb declared Laird
did not dare come outside and
repeat his language. Laird is said
to have icpllcd that thn gentleman could not
get out soon enough for him. With this the
pair started thiough the lobby into tlio base
ment. Some one called P.iyson's attention
to their exit , with the statement that they
were going outside to light it out.
Tlioieupon Paysou hurried thiouz-h the
doorway and caught Cobb by the collar
and remonstiatcd with him for pursuing so
boyish and foolish a course , llo succeeded In
getting Cobb to letraco bis stops so far as the
west door of the lobbv. Lalid following ,
when the controversy broke out afresh. Ko-
curling to the charges Cobb had made
against him In a speech several
weeks ago. Laird angiily declared
ho ( Cobb ) was a - liar. Cobb re
joined that Lalid was a perjuier , but the
woids had hardly passed his lips bcfoie Laird
struck him a heavy blow on thn mouth and
nose. Asticam of blood trickled down Cobb's
faceand ho was thiown acalnst tlio dooi way.
The crowd which had collected Interposed at
this juncture and the combatants were sep
The bad feeling between the mcmbeis dates
back some months , and It was apparent on
the occasion when Cobb made lift charge
az.ilnfit Lalid , some months ago. that the last
named member with meat dlllleultr was
restrained from emphasising with his list the
indignant denial and defiance ho linilcd nt
his antagonist. Tliero is every leasou to be
lieve that If interfeioiico had not come in the
shape of Payson. who bought to pour oil on
tbo troubled wateis , that a .sanguinary per
sonal combat would lia\o lOMiltcd. Both ot
the mcmbeis concerned aie of poweitul
physique , and bear ttio loputatlon of men
ready at all times to defend themselves In n
fitting manner. Cobb stands six lect and
over In his slices and Is ot ptopoitlonnte
breadth , but Is somewhat nt a disadvantage
on the score of ago , being In thn neighbor
hood of ntty-elgnt or sixty yeais old. Lalul
is but tbhty-su ven yeais old , with girth ol
ebcbt that would ornament an athlete , and a
llery , impetuous temper. On the other hand ,
ho m also Mlghtly lame. Neither of the mem-
beis are willing to make a statement at this
time , and the piobablo npshot'of the oncoun'
tor is a matter of speculation among the othui
members. The opinion is expressed in sonic
quarters that the lioiiic has been outraged bj
the affray and It is a lilting subject ot invc.s
tigatlon by that body. Tlio majoiltyof mem
bers who are disposed to talk about tlio mat
terho'.d ' that the encounter did not occur or
the floor , and the house is in no wise con
cerned in It. _ _
Cnr Drivers' Htrlko la Frisco.
SAN KJIANCISCO , July 10. Tlio sttlko ol
SOOeardilvcrs and conductors Inauguiated
yesterday assumed a serious aspect lost night ,
North Beach and Mission toad , feailng tion
ble. startled their ears botoro daik. Tlio City
lailroad continued miming their cais , bin
soon after daik about lour thousand people
gathoied on Mission stieot. between Fourth
and Sixth stieels. and sainted that compa
ny's ears with stones and otheiwlso tried tc
stop the cars. Three cats wcio seized am
one upset across the tracks. The police ai
lirst vvero unable to cope with the ciowd , but
with the aid of ro-enfoicements succeeded Ir
dispersing It. Tlio police weie then stationed
at each corner to prevent the ciowds froir
gathering. 1 our i loters vteie arrested. The
causa of tlio strike , as alleeed by themen.wa !
the ulMiliurKo of several men because ot thcli
being Knights of Labor.
Stave Factory named.
MILWAUKEE , July 16. The Evening
Wlbcpiisln's special uom Appleton , Wis , ,
details the binning of the sta\o factory ol
bymeit Jones ana a quantity of bolts auc
linlshcd headings. The burned dlstilct em
bracts about three acres. Loss estimated ai
; insurance 516,000.
Hartley Campbell Dying.
NEW Yor.i , JulylB. It la stated at flloom
gdate asylum , whcio Hartley Omupbell Ii
confined , that the playwright's condition
very low and phyuicUns have given up al
hope * of prolonging lib life ,
A Lower Court Overrules n Supreme
Court Decision.
Dr.s MntXKB , la. , Jury 10.-Speclal [ Tele-
cram to the HIK. : | Judge Mellenry of the
district eonrt here , mailo a remarkable decis
ion to-day , by which floveu men found In n
well known gambling house were set free. A
city ordinance pro\ Ides for the punishment
of any person found \ \ ) a disorderly house ,
and makes the fact of their presence thcio
prlma faclo evidence of their being there for
immoral purpose * . Tlio IM > HCO made a raid
recently on a gambling house and captured
seu-ral patrons. Their counsel set up the In
genious dofcn-o ttiat the city had no right to
pass an ordinance punishing men for being
found ina dlsoiderly house , as it thus as-
sumeda man to be guilty till ho was pioNcn
Innocent , a reversal of the common law
maxim. > yo application was thcrcfoio made
for leleaso on habeas coipus nnd It was
granted , the judge dec'larlnc that although
the snpiemo court had declared a similar or
dinance constUutronal , still It was not , and
heould ovenide that decision. Under his
ruling the city cannot close up a slnglu gam-
hllnc house or other dlsoideily house In
_ _ _ _ _
IJursted Up Socialist ! ) .
DisJloixis : In. , July 10. [ Special Telc-
giam to ( lie HiiJ : The Icuilan community
of socialists located In southwestern Iowa In
Adams county , has agreed to dissolve and
bus tiled an application with the court for : i
formal dissolution anil division of tlio yiov
eity of the commune. This community was
on.'anircd some eitht | or ten years ago by
dlsclple.s of Owen St. Simmon , Kailer Cadet
and otlier Krcneh * socialists. They did not
practice community In maniago like the
Oneida , X. Y. . communists , but confined
their elicits to co-opeiatl\e labor , in which all
should ha\e a piopoitlotml sliaie in the re
sults. Fora time they lived In Arcadian
simplicity and Imnulne . but later envies
and olhci human p.xsslons ha\e cieated dis
cussions and they see their community going
to nieces and so applv lo tin ! courts to save as of the \\icek as possible.
lowu'H head and Zinc Mines.
Dns MOINI : < S la. , July 10. [ Special
Telegram to the Uin. : ] State Mine Inspector
specter Smith ictuincd to-day from
an Inspecting tour in northern
Iowa , llo icpoits discovering in many 'of
the river counties , from Jackson noith , a
large number of valuable lead and.I lie
mines. Their existence has been practically
Ignored , and while great attention has been
paid to Iowa's coal mines the zinc and lead
mines weie slipping along unobserved , lie
leported tint those \ > hoere working them
paid little regard to the state laws tor the
protection of employes and bad \entllatlon
nnudangcions contrivances was theicsult.
The Inspector has written to the owneis of
all mines and an attempt will we made to
cnfoico thoroughly the mining laws.
Dulinqiic Ontmenl Mill Burned.
Drnuijn : , la. , .July 10. [ Special Telegram
to the Uii : : . ] Ono of the most disastrous
fires known In this city for years occurred
to-night the burning of the Diibuque oat
meal mill , consuming the cntlie building and
most of its contents , including several thou
sand baircls of oatmeal. The total loss on
building , stock and adjoinim : ware houses
is estimated at S73.000 , on which there is an
insmance ot about § -0 ! , < XX ) . i'hoiho Is suit-
posed to have been caused by an explosion
of llo'ur dust , ignited by the fiiction of the
elevator which was running at the time.
Iowa Knights of Labor.
Cr.ixui JlAiMDSIn. . , July 1C. [ Special
Telegiam to thq BRE. ] The twenty-eighth
district assembly of. thn Knights of Labor
was merged Into a state assembly and elected
the following officers : S. M. W.M. Ij. Wheat ,
of Coif as ; S. W. I * ' . , Mrs. D. Dnuninond , of
Dubuque ; S. U.S. , Ed Perry , Oskaloosa ; S.
T. , Thos. O'Maia , Davenport ; S. S. , P. M.
Benson , Grand Junction. A big-meeting
will be held in the paik to-night. The next
session will probably be at Maishalltown.
Rain , lightning nnd Crops.
Four DODGE , la. , July 1C. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bel : . ] A much needed lain fell
In this locality jestculay. Lightning struck
the house of Thomas Stenk , in Klkhorn
township , doing Might damage. The wop's '
are slightly damaged by tbo dtought. Chinch
Bugs have made their appearance in portions
of the county nnd arc getting their work in
on grain and corn.
The -Mason and Fort Dodge now railway
killed Its first hoiso yesteulay. Tlio animal
belonged to a omaik township f aimer.
C3 C2 Death or a Postmaster.
llAMiirno , la. . July 10. [ Special Tole-
giam to the I5rn : . ] George Wise , postmaster
at this place , aged 51 , died at CSOp. : m. to
day. The cause of death was Inflammation
of the stomach , lie was taken ill Tuesday.
Consciousness remained to thn List. Mr.
Wise came to tills place from Canton , 111. ,
some four ycais ago and assumed control of
tlio Democratic News. July last lie lecelved
the appointment of postmaster , whereupon
ho abandoned journalism.
Transferring Troops.
DnsMoiNKSla. , July 10. [ Special Tele-
giam to the BKU. ] Companies C , F and I ,
So\cntecnth Infantry , legular army , came
fiom I'ortTottcn , Dak. , to this city to-night
and transfcircd to the Hock Island tiain and
started west for Fort D. 'A. Russell , ( Jhey-
cnnc. This is the first move this regiment
lias made since the war , having been sta
tioned since In north Dakota near the liiltish
Sionx City's Paving.
Sioux CITY li. , July 10. [ Special Telo-
giam to the HIK. : ] The contract for paving
the city was to-day closed with J. B Smith it
Co , , of Chicago. Under thl ? contract about
six miles qf paving will bo done. The price
Is 50.25 per squaio yaid for h\x \ Inch cedar
blocks. Work will bo commenced In fifteen
or twenty days. It Is probably the Intention
of tlio linn to faring tlio bulk of the matciial
heio aim erect a large mill and do the sawing
_ _ _ _ _
Will Ilrown Uun ?
Dns MoiNF.s , la. , July 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the BiiE.l-Tho democratic state
central committee mid candidates met at
the Aborn house this afternoon. Guellcli ,
candidate for state uiMltor , was interviewed.
Ho said the rcnomlhatlon of Brown would
seriously affect his ( Uuellch's ) chances of
A nnthoriDrowned.
DUWIQUK , la. , July 16. I Special Telegram
to the Bfi : : . ] llieodoje Btampher , of the
firm of Staniuhcrib Tonne , hardware mei-
chants , was drowuffi while bathing last
A Twenty Tlioutwml Dollar Flrn.
KKOKUK , ! , , JnlylO. A liio nt Bonaparte ,
la. , to-dar destroyed buildings and stocks ot
goods valued at S'-'QW-
New IX A M. Stations.
Two new stations will bo opened on
tlio Nebraska railway division of the U. &
Al. next week. One will bo ut Uairo.fiftecn
miles north of Grand Island , with E. W.
( iilletto as station agent , anil one at St.
Michael , twenty-two miles north of Grand
Island , with II. 13 , Eaton us station agent.
The Nun > croii8 Vnj * .
Seven negroes were arrested in a Third
ward dive yeste.nltiy afternoon and elated
with vagrancy. T.uoy were gjven a trial
before Judge tonborg , who discharged
ono , ordered thuco to leave the oitv und
sent three to the county jail for fifteen
days on bread an > t water ,
The Chicago Anarchists ,
More and More Interesting.
JJow tlio Murderers Were to Gather
When the Attnukfl AVcro
to bo Mndc Other Crim
inal News.
The Trial < > f the Anarchists.
CIIICAOO , July NX The tilal ot the elcht
anarchists charged with the llayinaiket mas-
sacie was actlvel ) entered upon this morn
ing , the jmy Iiavlni ? been obtained yesterday.
A map showing wheio tlio meetlmr was held
and wheio the bomb was thrown Into the
tanks of the police was exhibited to the Jury
nnd Its coneetness vei hied. It showed the
location ol Giief's hall and Xepf's hall , from
which thn anaiehlstspiocceded to make an
assanlton the police. 1'olico InspectorUon-
tlcld was the second \ \ Itncss called , llo was
in command of tlio police at Dosuhilnes sheet
on the night of the llayniaikel meeting. The
polleo had warning ot the assemblage
through the "ic\engo ciieular" and other
cliculars issued by tbeamuchists. Bonfield
.said the police no took with him to llay-
mpiUetme. aimed.
"What were the Instiuctions ? " asked the
states attorney . "That no one should Hie
unless ordeied to do so by his suiieiiorofliccr.
As wo appioaehed this tiuck. suld Bon-
field , indicating tlio spot on thn man , "we
marched up to it. Captain Wood , who
who as with mo said to those in the crowd :
' 1 command you In the name ot the people of
Illinois to disperse , and 1 call on you , ' point
ing to mo In the ciowd , 'to aid in dLspcising
the crowd. ' At tlmu Klcldon was stand
ing in front ol Fruck. He turned at us and
said : 'We are peaceable. ' Instantly the
ciowd paited in u vojnlhir manner. 1 thought
then I heard a hissing noUc. 1 have had
some exDcrlenco witli dvnamlto and Insc and
divined In nn instant what was gohnr to hap
pen. The next moment n terrllic explosion
look place. Then bullets weie llred Into us
for perhaps a minute or so bctoio n single
shot \\as lircd by the police. 1 cave the order
to close up and icturn the Hie. "
"How many persons were Injured bjr these
bullets , ? "
"To the best of my recollection theio weiu
slxtv. " ;
"How many have died ? "
"Seven. "
Bon Held testified further that nt least a
hundred shots were fired from tlio crowdlbe-
loie he ordeied the lire returned. The wit
ness , cross-examined by Captain Black , said
a thousand people were at llaymarket squaio
when ho le.icned the scene. Fielden was
speaking. Captain Ward ordered the crowd As Waid gave the command
Fielden said. "We .no peace.iblo. " The very
next Instant there was a hissing noise and
the explosion of the bombs.
In tne afternoon se\eral of the wounded
police were piesent. Gotfiied Waller , a Swiss
cabinet maker , was the liist witness , lie
said ho was a member of the .socialist society
lor exercising with arms , an institution
which lie left some four months ago. On the
night betoio the bomb \\as thrown witness
said he was at the hall wheio the society
usually met , in answer to an advertisement
in tlio Arbeiter Xoltniig. About seventy or
eighty men weie piesent. Witness was
chaiinmii , Fischer and Engel \\eio piesent.
They discussed tlio killing of the men at
Mei/oimlek'sniid what should be done din
ing the next lew days. Kngel introduced
resolutions that if there should bo an encoun
ter With ( he police theie should be meetings
at various I'lflafl ttX.alU-.tlfflrH . l'Hf'nvtTim
woid "lles'tr' published in the Ai belter Zui-
tiuiff , vins" to bo the signal for meeting.
If there should boa distuibanco they weie to
meet in tlio water park aimed. Then n com
mittee was appointed to watch the move
ments In the eity and icpoit if anything hap
pened , and if a riot should occur we weie to
stoimtho polleo stations and cut the tele
graph wires. Then \\e .should shoot down
everything that come against us. Then If
ono police station was stormed tlmy should
do the same with the otheis , mowliijr down
all that came. They were to commence at
the station on Xoith avenue. Kngel said it
would do to throw a bomb in the station.
Nothing was said In the meeting as to wheio
the plan oilginatcd. It was decided to call a
meeting of worklngmen next day in the
evening. Those picscnt were not to paiticip-
ate in the llayinaiket meeting. Only tbo
committee was to bo there it they should
comedown inion tlio police , then tlio milithi
whatevoi should came against them. Wit
ness said : "We also thought the flic depart
ment should be disabled. Fiist wo weio to
attack the North avenue police station , then
the next ono ns fate would Invo
it. Tlio plan was to attack the police
stations to pundit the police from coining to
their aid if theio should be a fight in tlio city.
Wo all thought theio would bo a light , and so
concoitiatcd. ; The plan was adopted wllh
the undcistandinic that every group.should
act independently accoiding to the general
plan. These piesent vteio from all gioups ,
iromallpaitsof the city. The same pro-
craniiiio was to bo cairied out In every pait
of the city. Theio was nothing said about
the llaymarket. It was not expected that
thu police should get to the Haynmikot. Only
if the strikers weie attacked , I lien wo should
shoot the police. In ea&oot an attempt to
disperse the mcetlin ; wo should simplv strike
them down however best wo could , with
bombs 01 whatever would bo at our disposal.
Ono or two tiom each gionp were to com
pose the committee to bo sent to the Hay-
market. They were to obseivo the move
ments not only in the Haymarket hut In dif
ferent paits ot the city , and if a conflict
siiould happen they should rcpoit to ns. II
it happened in thodaytlmu , then they should
eauso the publication of tlio word "Huh" ; If
in the evening , or night , they should icport
personally to tha members at their homes.
Thovtoid was the signal to meet and was
only to bo inserted in the nowspayers If n
downright revolution occuried. Fisher sug-
gesied the woid , and It was arianged that
the publication should bo made In tlio
Aibelter Xoitnng letter box. A committee
was appointed to attend to the publication.
1 only know ono of tlio committee ,
Kiaemer. All present at the meeting ac
cepted the nlan. They ted by raising
hands. Kngle put the question to the meet
ing. The plan was to bo stated toMichiclI-
able man as were absent. 1 reported it to
some who came In late. "
The witness was asked : "Did yon you
over lm\oany bombs ? "
-To this Foster ot the defense objected , Ho
said any bombs the witne s might have had
had luUhing to do with the unless it
were traced to the man who throw it at the
Judge Ingham replied in a brief statement
saying that the theory of the state was that
for months tlio defendants had been pi enur
ing tor the levoiutlon about tbo first of May ;
that they had been arming themsuhes unil
their dupes. The state intended to bring
intocomt the dynamite bombs and would
show that these bombs woio used for no
other purpose In all the wldo woiId except
coxvaully and atioclous murder ,
Mr. Foster asked , "if yon dhow that some
man thiew ono of these bombs without
knowledge or authority or appioval ot an >
of these defendants , is that murdei ? " .
Mr. Ingham leplled : "Under the law of
the htato of Illinois It Is minder. The law ot
this state is strong enough to han ? every one
of ther.0 men , "
Judge Gray In deciding the point , said : " 11
theru was a combination among a gicat num
ber of individuals to kill policemen it the >
came In conflict with the worklngmen 01
stilkers , orwere attempting to enfoico law
and order and piepaiatloiiB weie made tc
kill the policemen on borne biicli occasion , tin
decision as to when the proper occasion had
eomo being loft to the parties who were to dt
the work , and some of these paitles did suet
an act , then all engaged in tne general con
spiraey are equally liable. "
The witness then proceeded to answer lh <
question as to whether ho over had an ]
bombs , and told how ono was given tohlir
and others by Fischer lor use at a meeting 01
Thanksgiving it attacked by the police
J list as it happened this time , those preset )
at 51 West Lake street on the night ot Ma )
y. whom witness could remember wen
Fischer , Kngel , uieltenfeld , Ithelvdwnld
Krueger ( who is dead ) , another Kiueuer
Grucndwald , Schtader , liubcr , Uuebeuor
two Lchmans and llemnnn. TliU closed
Wallers' direct testimony , also the day's pro
ceedings. _
Execution of the Murderer of Alder-
innn Gnynor of" Chlcnco.
WOODSTOCK , 111. , July Id1 James D.iccy ,
murdcierof Michael ( iaynor ot Chit-ago , was
Iranged hero at 2:3."i : to-day. He made no
speech and was moderately eompn ed , though
during tlw moinlng hoscie.imed almost eon-
initially , and had his limbs bound to pro\ent
his making an assault on any of his alien-
feud In the "bloody Ninth"
want of Chicago , noted for the
with which Its aldt'imanlo elections Imvo
been e.iirlcd on. resulted In the murder of
Aldotman ( laynor by .lames Dacey. Daeey
was a "woiker" ot omo Influence In the
ward , one of Gaynnr's Hrincst mlheiunt * , and
the two were uroi > d friends until Alderman
I'oh-v died and the time came to ehooso his
successor. Dacey wanted James Mutiny to
ha\o the nomination , but Gaynor took
up the cause ot W. F. Mulmnev.
The light which followed was bitter
in the extreme. The pilmailes wciphelda
week betoro the regular elertlon , and Dat-ey
was so atmsh oat tlio polls that Guvnor had
him airested and locked up. The next day
lie was llred. and his haired of the aldermen
increased. Hu is said to have made tlneats
that If Mm lay was beaten at the election
"somebody would be killed. " lie was an
eceentilo fellow , but nobody thought he
would carry tlio thicat Into execution. Ma-
bony was successful at the election , which
oceui red May W , iSsM. That nltflit Gaynor ,
the .successful candidate , and n mini
bcr ot othei politicians weiu di Inking
in n saloon on South llalstead
stieet. Dacev cnteicd and olleied
to shake hands with Guvnor , which he would
noldo. As Gaynor turned his back Daccy
dicw a revolver and shot him In the back of
the bead. After ele\eu days of Intense sut-
leiing Gaynor died. The leellng was \eiy
ati eng against D.iccy. Through tlio Inlci-
veution of his attoinoys , ho was given tiial
here and convicted ol minder , and the orig
inal sentence stayed to determine the < iues-
tion ot his sanity , llo was adjudged sane
and oidcied to be hanged to day.
A Novel Lynching.
SAVANNAH , Ga. , .inly in. Information
wasiecolved hero today thatJako Boswell
( colored ) was lynched at noon justcrdny near
Flatford , Bullock county. Boswell luul lav
ished and honibly umltieated Dolly Wood's
liltlo six-year-old gill ( white ) on her way to
.school , She Identlllcd him after his capture
and he confessed , snylnir that he would Imvo
killed the child but that he thought her dead
when ho left her. A crowd ot ono hundred
whites and blacks held a eonfeienconnd gave
Bosnell the choice of bolne burned or hangIng -
Ing himself. Ho chose bunging , climbed up
a tiee and fastened the rope around ills own
neck and a limb of the tie.e , but then refused
to lump oil' . A negro climbed up , tied Bos-
well's hands , and tlio ciowd pushed him oil
witli a pole. Ills body was riddled with bul
lets. The child Is not expected lo live.
Two Black ALurdcrcrs Swin .
DoNALiisoNviu.i : , La. , July 10. Samson
Holaml and George Solomon , both colored ,
were hanged heio to-day. In February , tSSI ,
on Ilouma's plantation , shot and
killed Benjamin Gorsdorlf. white. The lat
ter was under the inllucno.o of liquor. The
tiouble between the two was believed to be
caused by a woman. Georec Solomon last
Januaiy stabbed and killed Henry Smith ,
colored. Solomon had been living with a
woman named Amy Hill , who was Smith's
god-daughter , and hail shot at her soveial
times , finally she went to Smith's , house
and Solomon followed her , demanding ad
mittance to the house. An alteication en-
sited and lesulted In the stubbing.
Sunr.VKi'or.T , La. , July 10. George llanl-
son , colored , was hanged to-day for the mur
der ot Gcoige Allen. Allen had ordered
llairison to leave his piemises , and Hairison
shot him dead while ho was standing in his
own door. The prisoner was cool and self-
possessed to the last and acknowledged the
_ _
Knightly Prizes.
TORONTO , Out. , July 10. The following
pii/es have been awarded by the judges of the
Knights of Pythias drill competition : Class
B , Chicago division , first pme , 5500 ; Terio
Haute ( liul. ) division second , 5300 ; Lincoln
( Neb. ) division , tliiid , SUOO. Iheie weio
only two points between secoim and thlul.
In class A , six divisions compet d , viz : Indi
anapolis , Ft. Deaiboin of Chicago , Kolcomo ,
Ind. , Cross , of Cleveland , Damon , ol Cincin
nati , and Austin , of Amsteulam , N. Y. Ko-
komo cairied off first prUe , 81.000 , and Foil
Deaibon second , SfXX ) . Austin division name
third. Captain Lane ot the Chicago divis
ion won thepil7cof SSO for best commander.
Ol laude division of Floi Ida , gotthoprbo of
S50for the division coming the longest dis
tance. The j mines consisted of two membcis
of the United States army and ono repicscn-
tatlvc of the Canadian army. Ncai ly all the
divisions ha\o left for home.
Tlio election of ollicers of the supicmo
lodge of the woild , Knights of I'ythias , to
day icsnlted as follows : Snpiemo chancel-
lei , HowaidfDoiulass , Cincinnati ; .snpiemo
vice chancellor , William Waid. New Jersoj ;
supreme prelate , Dr. King , Toronto , (10- (
elected ) : .supicmo keepui of iccords and
seals , Jl. U. Cowan , St. Louis ( lo-clectedi ;
supieme master of exchequer , J. Wiley , Wil
mington , Del. ; supicmo secietary of endow
ment rank , II. Nelson , Washington , D. C. ,
( ru-elected ) ; snpiemo mastoi-at-arins , Chas.
K. BiagL' , Maine ; supicmo inner gnaid ,
Hohcit Nowall. Aikansas ; siniiome outer
cuaid , John W. Thompson , Washington ,
( re-elected ) . The band competition did not
eomo oil as most of the bands had left for
homo with their divisions.
Poison In Chicken Salad.
HATIOO : . ' , HI. , July 10. A wholesale
poisoning of n tea paity took place at the
lesldcnco of E. Wiley , In Charleston , last
evening. Among the leficshments wai a
libciul supply ot chicken salad , and nearly
nil who p.utook of \\eioscilously polsoneii.
All the doctors ot that city have since been
kept busy attending the patients. At this
hour all aio leportcd outof danger but Mr.
and Mis. K. Ciebs , Mis. S. M , Lynch. Miss
Fannie Hutchison , Mis. F. M. Loik and
J. M. Davis.
oNV.w Yonn , July 1C. The total number of
business failures ocean ing in tlio United
States and Canada for tlio lasUovendays
is 1KI.
\Vo doubt if there M , or can bo , a specific
. emctly for rheumatUm ; but thousands who
lia\o Miflerecl Its palas have been jjrcatly lien ,
entcd by Hood's Sarsaparllla. If jou have
failed to nml relief , tiy thla great remedy.
" 1 WM nfflleteil with ilicunutlsni twenty
years. 1'rcUous to J8831 found no relief , but
grew worte , ami at one time was almost help ,
less. Hood's Sarsaparllla did mo more good
than all the other niccllclno I ever had. "
II. T. IUr.coM,8hlrloy Village , Mass.
. " I had i hcuinatlsm three j cars , and ( jot no
relief till I took Hood's Barsaparllla. It has
done great things for me. I recommend It to
others. . LEWIS UOUUAMT , Dldilcford , Mo.
Hood'a flarsprlUa lo chnracterbert l > y
three peculiarities : let , the combination tit
remedial sweats ; 2 < 1tho jyropoitlon ; 3dlie (
iwoctsi ot securing the atl\o ( medicinal
qualities. Thq result Uaincdlcitio of unusual
strength , ciIccthiB cures lilllicito unknown.
Bend for book containing Additional evidence.
"Hood's B.irsatiaJllU tcines up my byMfifi.
purlncs my blood , sharpens rnv appetite , and
seems to niako mo over. " J. 1' , Tuuiii-auK ,
lleglstcr ol Deeds , Low ell , M w.
' 'Hood's Bjrsaparllla beats all otbcm , and
Is wciuli its \\vlglit \ In cold. " I. lUiin oTOif ,
130 lUuls Mi ect , NewTToi k City.
Mood's Sarsaparllla
Sold by all druggists. ? l ; six for | 6. Madt
only by 0.1. uooo & CO. , Lowell , MMS ,
A Norfolk Domestic Brains Her * Assailant
With Two Tiimblora ,
Death of n Knrmor AVIio Itiililhcd > M *
cohol Strnnuo DIsMppcnrnnun nt
lioup City A Mncolii Fail
ure Htato News.
* A Korirer
Br.ATiiic-B , Neb. , July 10 [ Special Tolc-
gram to the Hii.l : : A fellowgl\Ing his name
as Kll l.anRh presented himself at the First
National bank In this city lust evening after
working hours , with n note for 3100 , bimrlrfp
the names ol F.lljah I'llloy and James Rcrr ,
two of ( ! ajo county's substantial faimcis , as
makcis , which ho wanted to sell. 11.0.
Condcc , ot the bank's collection dopaitmcijt ,
Immediately pronounced It a lorscij' . A plan
lo aitest the uvllow was tiled , but before an
oMleer could b.o Denied ho became aware of ;
their susulelons and lanontof the building ,
bherllf DaIs proemcd nwairant anil this
moinlng while en ionic to Adams discovered
Ids man at Coilland and promptly imQKled.
him. llo was biouvhtdown at noon and at
the present wilting Is having his preliminary
examination , llo Is sine to go up. It was
the boldest gamool the klndevcrplayed hcie ,
nnd a fcaifullj bungled job.
Gror tn Tlinvcr County.
Hininox , , lul10. . [ Special to the ! : ]
Your coi respondent lias made a thorough
investigation of crops In Thaycr county and
southern Filmore , arriving at this plaeo Jo-
day. The chinch bugs have entliely de-
stioycd many llelds ol spring wheat and
oats. Some llelds have been binned on tire
ground , with tlie hope of killing the bu
keep them out of adjoining llelds oj'1 ,
gialn nnd corn. At the best , small ci
will not make over one-lhlid 01 a c. ,
throughout this section. Corn has topki
well until withili the past ten days , bnt t |
hot diy weather of the last two wccJcs n _ .
put a dllTciont hue on the aspect nnd op
inrmois' countenances. The earliest [ mui
hits and mot forward corn suJTeis the mo'sr ,
but on all sides can be seen sprinkled lluouijh
the HchK stalks of coin that are white tig
HIIOW. With cordous lalns within atovVtyn
fair cropof corn may ho hud. nut a delay or wet
weather for ten davs will Insure anvwhcir
from onc-thlid of a crop to nothing. Pasture
and hay lands are also shotting thn effects of
the drought.
A Rtrnnuo DNnpijoaranqo.
Lour CITV , Xcb. , July 10. [ Special Teh-
grain to the Br.K. ] V. Blown , a prospoioug
fanner living eUht miles noith of this plaeo ,
c.\mc \ lo town Wednesday w 1th a load of corn ,
which hu disposed of , put bis team in the
barn , look dinner , bought Groceries for him
self and nelehbois , and that \\as the 1.11 seen
of him. Diligent seal oh has been made tor
the missing man , but up to this hour no clue
of hiswheieabotits has been obtained. Up
was complaining of his head when h.q loft
home , and the supposition Is tha.t In a. lit ofi
temuoiiiry Insanity wandereil off ifito tlio
blulls , and being also alctlmof heart < m-
ense , It Is probable that death has leleasiM
theunfoitunateof hls.suffeilnjs ,
A Jlnrt Girl's Straight Throw.
Nonror.K , Neb. , July 10 , [ Special Telegram
gram to the 'Bui : . ] J. L. Aruibtiong , mn-
ployed in MHIci's depot hotel heie , quarrelled ,
' tlHillTH tansiapTSTllnlns-ioom'-ffii
'to-day - 1.
and struck her , as h'io says , with u knife , cut
ting a gash below her oye. She then tlueyy
n tumbler at him and it was smashed against
his bend. While iceling fiom tlio effects ot
tlio blow slit ! threw another with the samu lif
ted. Ho fell to the floor u Itli his skull ci ushed
and spllnteis ol glass in his brain. Ho was
nearly exhausted by the loss ot nlooil when
the doctor oame , ami Is not expected to lu-
covcr. I'ublie sympathy Is with the Kill , SIH
Aimstioiig was said tope ovcilui.iilny. llo
came to this place lioin Mlssouil VallcJ.
The I'll re Quill Killed Him.
IlAsmbs Neb. , July -Special [ Tele-
giam to the Bin : . ] A ticinian fanner named
Krall , living four miles east of this eity , came
to town last cveninir , and before stalling tor
liomo procmed a quait of alcohol , lie drank
It all dining the opening and got on a howl
ing big dinnSi. While tliie.itcnlng his family
hlsbiothpr-ln-law Inlcifeied , and dining the
melee which ensued. Krall iecel\cd a heavV
blow on the side ol his llo died at 3
o'clock this morning and a qoroucr's jmv U
iiucstigating the ca\iso of his death. It b
generally believed that de.ith resulted solely
from the ellect ol the alcohol and not tiom
the blow ho iccclved.
Beatrice Forglnc Ahead.
BHATHICI : , July 10. JSpecinl to the BKD , !
The work of compiling the names for a city
dliectoiy for this city lias Just boon cOu\-
pleled which will show a bona fide population" "
of 7,518 people. Tills is an Increase ot about
l.fXX ) In the past year. Those in chargeo
the woik have been caiofnl In their comnu-
latlon , ami that the city really has mqro In
habitants ttian has beoji claimed by the mora
eonservatUo cltl/cns , there can bej no doubt.
It isconlidentlally oxpoctcd that before an
other joar lolls around the city will havq
o\er 10,000 gotils.
Stone Vtir l MCII'H Failure.
LINCOI.X , Nob. , July 10. [ Special Telegram -
gram to the Bii.J : The Him of Kris &
Bullock , who have owned and oporatad an ,
extensive stone yard In this city , have failed
and their piopcrty has been taken irossc.ssiou
of by the shei Iff. They have been employ tug
thiough the season homo twenty to thirty ,
men , who arc thrown out or employment for
the time being. The liabilities of tliofn in are
not definitely known , and the news of tlio i
falluio was a surpilse.
Tale ofa Grub Srrnlcr.
IJINOOI.N , Neb. , July 10-rsneclaI Tele-
giam to tlio Br.i : . [ Thhls evening the pro-
prlctnis of the Capital hotel captured a pio-
fcsslonal uncak boaidcr and tinned him
over to the tender moiclcsot the city jailor ,
The pai ty's name Is .losopli Mct'rdl and hu
has been opeialing Ills gamu for neatly three i
weeks , slipping into the dining loom and 1
leedlntr at the hotel's cxpente. Jlo will be J
given a hcarlnc to-day.
CliocrB for IjIncoln'H Pytlilnus.
LINCOI.X , Neb , , July 10. [ Special Tele
gram to the Br.i'.J Lincoln has heard with
pride , thiough telegiams this afternoon , that-
Itxunlfoim division , Knlghls of I'jthUs at
tlio Toronto assembly , Ims captmcd the thiid
ini/o In the competltlvo drill In acoutuHt em-
biaclng knlghth tiom all iho Mates. This Is
lecatded as a irood iccoid lor Nebiaslia and
the capital city.
Cliy'H Now Industry ,
. Cirv. Neb , , July 10.-SpeclaI |
Telogiam to the Biu.JAdolph : Heller , the
gieat Milwaukee sausage niannfactuuT , has
concluded a contiactvheieby ho moves his i
woikstoNcbmhkaClty ut once. Ho will ,
build In connection with tlioNebiaslc.i HUI | J
Iowa packing house and employ tUty men 5
tlio year lonnil.
theCniintry. .
Cirv , Neb. , July 10. 'Special . .
Tclcgianito the Bii.J : : Old man Slauiii f
chaiged with attempted outiugoon u fonrt
yeai-old child , lull Ihu cltj bclucen tno
Tlio loltliln | Killing
Niw YOIIK , July 10-Tho Mull and
press sjjs : John Hoacli , the noted
builder , Is dyln ; . llo has been conlliied ( b ?
his bed three weeks with n complication ot V
illhi'aho > , but that his chief tioublo is muiiUI.
and that lie constantly talks of hlsJr ' "