Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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ArivcrtI Pnicnt unflenhll head , 10 cents per
line for the Br t tn ertlon. 7 cents for each sub
sequent n erl on. find tl.50 n line per month.
No ndvcrtiftrrent tnken for IMS than K cent !
for Iho flr t tnseit.on. Scirn words will bo
counted to the line ; they must run consecu
tively and must be paid In advance. All odver
tlscmcnls mun bo bunded in before 1 o'clock
p.m.and under no oircum tnncei will they betaken
taken or dl conllnurd by telephone.
Parties advcrttMnir In thcsu columns nnd havIng -
Ing the Rtiswors au'dres ed In cato of THE BBS ,
-clll plta e ) ( for n check to enable them to get
their lettorc , as none will bn delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers to ail-
Tcrtl cincnt * should be eneloed In cnvHopr * .
OMV 10 M\N On llcal rtato by
M Uallou Ilros. , 1510 Douglas stiocl.
i.flAi. 11 M oi > . to loan in
nmounUto suit , on short tlmn mnrt sci (
fe to twelve months time on pi-oporty Im
proved or unimproved , Cull at the Omaha
rinnnclal FAchanco , second llonr of IlHiker
Itloch. 8. W. GUI'Fnrnntn anil ISlli't. ! . I'M
TO MIAN On real estate. II. S.
MONKV . Itootna , Wlthncll lllock. _ 8i7
TO LOSAt rensoiiHblo rates on
MnNlIV . wBiclios nnd othert > eronnl
. 0. J. Cnswell , room 1" . Iron Hani !
ulldlnglth and Fnrnnnj. Take elevaloi.
S i n 13
. IIIIXIINS tt CO , IW ) lloiiKlni St. will
ML. > ou money on hnprmed tnrms In
DoiicliK , is , Patindcrf , Snrpy , Wnshlnpton
and Ilurl count le . nt tt.e lowest rnlo of Inter-
ect. c'nll nn t.'O in. * ? Idl ? .
I/ANii- : ( wnrctiouto receipt1 ; ,
MOXEV . diamonds , watches , etc. II. C ,
Wlilltmiibo lloom 1. irot Douirlm l C
e cheap nionoy onlonj- time , In1 nny
iuantllyloloution ) Insidpcitv propcrty.or
fai inland. > Inr-luill A : I-obcck , 1511 Farnnm st.
' CKXT money to loan. R. C Patterson ,
Gl'Kll and Donclns. g8 |
UNKY TO LOAN-At lowest rates of Inter *
M est In sums of ? 2Xmid ( ) upwards on fnnns
nnd cltr property. F .T. Dnr * Co. , D.Croun-
sc'B block , so cor Capital uvo nnd IGth st.
MiSnu ? C
pared to ronko lonns In nny amount , on nny
til u. . I of approved tocurity. Lnrjro collateral
loam a spcelalty. Al i on ctmttels nnd real
cstnto In nmounttnnd tlmeto suit. Lower rates ,
bi-tler tenn , nnd prompter service tlmn nny
lonn npency In the city. For further particulars
rail nt offlcn on the second floor of the Darker
lllock. Bouthttcst corner of Farnnm und 1Mb
> l" '
street *
PKU CKNTmoueytoloan. J. J.Mahonoy ,
6PKU .
ONKT TO LOAN On real estate. Gibson.
M Lnrson A : Co. , Hoom 3 , Wlthnoll lllock. 143
UNiv ToTo.v51-At lower rutosthan any
M where else In the city , on f urnlturo , pianos ,
organs , hor-es , wapons , or stock of nny kind.
Itmnembor. at lower rates than nnv other loan
company in the city. City Lonn & Mortpneo
Co. . room 13 , HOI Fnrnnm Bt , opposlti Piuton
betel. K 7
TIlONEVto lonn on residence nnd business
J. l property. lxiwp t rates. C. .1. Caswoll &
Co. , Hoom 19 , Iron Bank Building , llth ! and Far-
nnm. tt
: to loan by the undersiiniod , who has
MOMv proporlv orpanl/od loun apency
In Omnbn 1/oans ot $10 to HftJQ mndo on fur-
nlturo , pianos , orpmi' , horses , uapons. machin
ery , &C. , without removal. No delays. AH
business strictly confidential Loans so made
that any part can lie pnld at any time , each pay
ment rednclnp the co t pro rain. Advnnco1 ?
mndnon fine watches nnd diamonds. Person" !
should carefully consider who thevnrodenllnp
with , as many new concerns are dally comlnp
Into e.vlolencc. Should you need monov , call
nnd see mo. W. H Crolt , lloom 1 , Wilhncll
Iluildlnq' , 15th nnd llnrney. 258
IflO.nonto loan on city residence property
$ Geo. W. Day , 1413 Farnam , Wi
PE11 CENT Money to loan , Stewart & Co. ,
Itomn.l , Iron bonk. IZth and Fnniam. 633
, to loan. Pums $5'JO and upwards.
$30,000 rates. Bomls , 15th and Doupla * sts.
TO fcOAX-O. lp. Davis & Co. lloal
MONKT and Loan agents , 1505 Farnpm St
2 < il
MONET TO LOAN On peed securities. A
llcQavoct room7Kodici Dlock , 1509Farnam
BI.I , . . " . .r < . . , , , , yaM
OKEY TlV'i.OAN On roill estate nhd oh'at
M tola. D , L. Ttmnma. U13 '
MONiY TO t-OAX-IrTsums of $200 and np-
wards on flrst-clnss real estate sccu > 1ry.
rotter & Cobb. 1515 Farnam Eu 201
MONKY E.OANKD nrdTF-Hced & Co'e. Ixjin
oSlce , on furniture , pianos , borsot. wopons
pereonnl property of all kinds nnd all other nr-
tloirs of value , without removal. 31U S. l th ,
over Dlnpham'B Commission Btora All bus-
ness ttrictliconfldontaL 2S5
Ir < oh' SALE Stock of no"ol StnflPiury n mi
1 Musioul Instruments. Will Boll or lent
Iniildliip. Direct. IxicklloxfiOlAlbion.Nob , tig
flJI O ( \ TO $200 buys u now business ( ox
* J > JL\-J\-f clualvo control ) for Omaha or nny
city In the United States ! n monopoly fully jiro-
tocti'dhovonteon years ; preat novelty to mnko
$10 to * 20 n Ciiy pi-oflt. Como sco it at Employ-
inein llurcau , lliO Farnam street , S4S-I5 *
FoilSAI.AK Millncry stock for sale cheap
or undo , Includlnp snelvinp. counter , Khow
eases complete , stamping patterns , etc. S. A.
Bloninn , 14fflFnrnnm. _ 874
GKOCEI1V STOCK. I'-urnlturo nnd fixtures ,
horse and wnpon , In peed business location
in Omaha , for ealo by Rush & Eolby,218S. 15th
t. 84117
BUSINESS ClIANCE-Btockof procerlep , fix -
tures , horsci and wagon , peed business lo
cal Ion , In Omaha , for sale cheap , llush A :
Relby. SI8 P. 151 h st. S4II17
"TjlOH SALE-Tho whole or half interest In a
-L' peed wholesale and retail bushiest in thu
city : peed location nnd cheap rents. Address ,
I. it. Hoc ofllcc. 771-17 *
FO IIHAI.IS A well oMnbllsbed nowsiiapcr lii
n live Nebraska town. Address lock box
H St. Edward Neb. 735-15
Iron SALK Grocery business ; n lully
iifjulpped nnd stocko < l tlrpt-class proccry
buslnoMi In peed location for sale : will Invoice
$1,700 to $2,000 ; will oxchnnpo for stock or
Omaha Ken ) Estate. Dopga & Hill , 1409 Fnrnam
St. 617-17
HOl'SHS ' Lots.Fnrms.Lnnds money loaned ,
llemis , 15th-mid Douplas stroets. 471
FOlt HAI.1 ! : o shares stock of Siobeiich of
the Wjominp Jlcot Company of Clioyenuo ,
yy. This block Is llrbt-chiss , will bear the
closest Investigation and Is now paj'Inir u
peed dividend. For further particulars address ,
U. II. T. . cnro Omaha lleo. Omaha. Noli. 271.
T7U1K SALi : On account of other business I
Jwill sell my Ice ci cam parlors and confec
tionery store nt 1420 Douglas sliects. at low HIT-
urea. If you ivunt n barjraln apply at onco. IS ,
F. N orris.
Foil SAIiln n prosporlnp little town In
low a ot about 500 Inhabitants , Bltuuted on
Iho ( ' . It. I k P. IL It. llne.ii peed nnd complete
butcherlnp biiDlnesa will be hold rhenp , us the
jnosont ounor Intend * , on account of bis poor
Iioulth , to ifo to California. Far further in-
formnllun , address H 5 , lleo office , 15.j--l ] %
T7101C KXOIIANC.II-Slocks of poods of every
J. kind , for farms nnd land ; also lands to ox-
chiuipo for poods. If you want to trade , no
matter what It is youhavo. write , with full do-
jcrliitlon , to C. n. Mnyne , Heal Estate and
Trubt Co. , Omaha Neh. see
TTWHt KAri-5uvcral stocks of goods , dolni ; n
J. healthy business , ownership clear , satis
faction tninruntood : terms easy , some Omaha
I' l'crty tuken in exchange. Marshall i. Ix > -
. cl.lMl Furnam ? 6U 41 :
T O > T DarX bay Amorlcan pony. 70'3 Ibs. ,
-l-i sudd'o niurkud.llbcral reward , llj 1-2 6.13th
fct. J M. Aniout. WO-lfi *
T OST-2 Scotch colllo pups , ono black and tan ,
.LJ I ho other yellow and whlto. FinJur \ > ill bo
rewarded. Call at 2117 lMcnworlli. . h5)-l5 *
H > AKKN UP Ono roan mule , Iiitjulro nt U
X P. llrldgo Stock yards. cJJs2-I5 .
. QTII.lYKIl-Hod auJwhlto cow.flv old ,
k rom'Jaroundnock.wltbnow calf , ISi-tnrn
to south corner 'Jib and Charle * . BVJ-15'
T OST Tool bap from bicycle , with wrench
- iniid oil can. Please leave at Collins , ( jonlon
6 ; haj-'s florv , nnd i oeeli o reward. 430
IEKSONA1 < If you want to buy. uell or rent
. propt'i ty cull on Aaron Calm , g , n A. Ui.1323
Fnrnnm kt.
I hbo ipontUli' rront lleautltui
photoani h painting taught free. Miss
Christie , gliis. . _ 7ut-H >
Ai Ladies vrlstilnir for domestic
help t-lioulj call at 11U North ICth Bt : peed
jrirU will bu f uri.ibUe4. .Nebraska Employment
AEuuey. 7U
TpKKSONAI , To mireonn wno wish to bulk ! a
J. homo lu Orchard Hill. I will sell lota upon
imrment ot the nominal sum of ten dollarg ami
Imlunco ut the end of five yenrs. inioro > t at 8
per cent , payable eemlannuallyThis U the
l > c t oOer over made to nr homo-Bceker in this
city. Cull and see mo. Ci FMnyne. . ItoiU i : -
tute and Trust ( Xx. S. Wcor. . 16lh
TOAHlING-CBll at IWtt Fnrnnm St. forbr > ard
JL > and lovely room cither man and wife or
two gentlemen. 823
OH ItlixrHoom and board for two i 3
Capitol ave 142
1 OAKD-And lodIngs , at SSS > 15th st
JJ > 1M
T > HOiilS * bo t tnppleplnle knives nnd forks
-IX only flM > pcrset ; for coih only. Edliolm .t
Erlckson.opp P.O. _ 70.21
CASH pnld for old Jewelry , silver orguM. Ed-
helm & Erl > k on. opp. P. O. 870 21
OltIVY vaults and ress pools clwin < l by tt.
JL F.\Tlnp. P. O Iiox427. t640aupU
rptlRKK Is but one Moore In the real i-slnto
J- trade nnd I hope there III be no Mitore of
hem until the country roads arc opened up
nnd the hot weather has pnst. fcW-ltt
V\7 EFIT jounz men nml ladles of ordfnnry
' nbllll ) ai stcnojjr.iplicrs in from TO to u )
daysItoom 7 , Iron bunk. 790-15
IltToL AXDlxit'NTY lion H bnuzh
Sf nnd sold. Geo. W. Dny , 1403 Fnrnnm. 4tC
Fort IIKNT Square Piano , $ .4 monthly. A
_ Ilospo _ , 1513 Dousbvt. _ 273 _
TJIOlinKNT Orgaiis , il pur month , ilospe ,
X1 1513 Douplns. 274
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
IlENT A store on a peed retail MroeU
FOIl the Omaha Heal Estate and Lonn
Co. 167
n ixr sTjuaro riano JJ monthly A
llospe.l513 bouitlas. 273
FOH SALK Merchandise ( "heap for cash or
Omalm rcnl citato , a f 5,000 stock of gener
al niordlmndlM' . Address Suundor * County
Mcrchanl rare Omaha llecofllci' . 831 17"r.u
IT'Oil SALE Cheap , flood second hand office
enfc.ncntly new. inquire HlmebnuKh A : Tay
lor , Hal Douglas st. 85.1-1G *
Port SAI.H A flno speedy youtiR nmil horse.
Call nt Ellis McShiino'g barn. SCS-17'
FOH SALE cheap , ono strnn rood pomes Milt-
able for delivery or buppy team. Inquire
of B. A. Marsh. Ml North 18lh St. 790
T710U PALE Tire tborotiphbred inpllsh Mas-
-I ? tiff pups , at HOi Uouplos SU 7CO-1R
T7\oit SA l.K rTtio second-hand phaeton cheap
-L nt Simpson's. 714
povfiis.ponlos Ponlcs-ImiiroM-d Mock , W
JL odd head lor sulo ut llrldgo Yards.
7S4-19 *
Oil SAL.i-Fiesh milk cows nt Bridge
> nrds. 7SJ.15 *
1T\OU SAI.K one mclodeon , G octaves ? 48 on
J- ' monthly Installments. One U slop or nn 2
Unco swells , fi' , feel lilgh Sa > on monthly p 3-
ments. One 10 stop First Clafas firpnn beautiful
case $75 on oay payments. Ono 7S octavo
Piano Grand Srjunro lto ewood case J175 on 10
monthly payments. One Uenutlful Grnnd
Piano S250 on payments nt IIospo's music
rooms 1513 Douitlus st. CDJ Aup. 7
HTJr.slis Ixrfs Fnrms.Lands inonFyloaned.
_ llcmls 15th and Uouglaa streets. _ 471
' 17IOK SAM : We fmVe n bunch ot ( XPO'hoad
Jtwoyearold steers , peed cuttle for § nie.
Strnnpo Bios. , glnux rity. Iowa. _ 1ITOJ.V3J
TTIOIl SAM ; I piano , furniture and kitche
JC range 717 S. 10tli8t _ _ 877 _
Foil SALK Cheap. Iron columns and win
dow caps suitable for fronton briclc build
ing. For particulars apply at this oOico. 813
OH SALE OH TUADK Ono flno Inrpo chestnut -
nut sorrel horse : f. years old. 10 hands hlph.
weight 1300 , well brolion , frooj disposition , will
tradifor two smaller horses. Hatcher , Gadd
ACoMilliird hotel block , 070
| 71OUSA1IS Square piano , $50 , monthly pay-
J menta. Hosi o. 1513 Douglas. _ 271 v
T\7"ANTii ) Good woman for chamber work
> at St. Jnincehqtel. _ 873-10 *
\T AXTKI > 13 peed girls for pnvato families.
' Dwnpes $11X1. S4 nnd $ fi per week. Cooks
for boarding houses. Kitchen , laundry "and din-
inproom slrl ? , Omaha Employment 1 Bureau ,
112U Farnam St. _ S7S
WANTKIJ A thorouphly competent girl ,
must bo a peed cook. Good wages. 1823
Furnnra street. S E Cor. 850
T\7"ANTKIJ Girl for pcnornl house work.
' ' Mrs. Hammond , 015 Vlrpinla avenue.
P04-1C *
"V\7"AJS'TiD A Indy to travel : expenses not
' necessary ; must hove $50. Address. L 25 ,
lleo Office. N.0-15 *
-I-r > Girl for ffonernl housework In n
family or two. S. W. cor. 23th and
Dodge. Bjfl-17 *
T\7"ANTin Girl for pencral housowork.mUFt
' go to 11 farm 'M miles fi oni Omaha. Apply
utDohlo's Sl oo store , 1419 Furnnn : gtrpot , hji-1 " >
WAXTKIi-Giil for pcnenil housework :
wngos f 4 to good cook.Apply 2019 Douglas ,
V\7ANTEIJ Good fc'lrl , 1810 South 18th street.
K/0-17 *
TXTANTKIi Two dinlnp-rootn plrls at
TT Planters House , corner Dodge mid IGth.
\TTANTKD -3 food cooks and 12 peed girls for
T T general housework. Apply 219 Noith Ifith.
_ _
" 07 ANTED 2 ghlB , ono for chamber worjt
TT nnd walling nt the tables , nnd ono for
laundry work , Scandinavian preferred. Atlantic
Hotel , 10th Bt. KT15 *
WrANTEl > A plrl for general housework at
604 S. 21st St. SJl-lfc'
Y\7ANTii > Hcllnblo middle-nsod woman to
T I take charge of an Intant , ouowho under
stands plain sowing preforrtd. Apply nt .Mrs.
S. A , Sloman , IBM Fnrnam St. 825
WAKTJJD Two good girls for house
work , none but tlrst-class udod apply.
Edholm Erickson , opp. P. O. b70 21
ANTED Good girl in small family. 712
1Mb street , near Webster. Sflj-lC *
WANTKD An accomplished yo imp Indy as
trovcrnness for a llttlu plrl C jenrs old , en-
( Hiiro for Dr. Spinney at Cozzens house , bo-
twecn 11 and 12 a. m. or 5 and Op. m. 23-16 *
" \\7ANTICI ) A Girl to do gonoraj housework
TT inprlyatofnmlly. ifilp 'HowTira ' st. blc-lU'
WANTKU Young ludlosimdgcntlomoifwho
contemplutx thu study ot shorthand to
know that tlio art is acquired with the steno-
prnpn in ono-thlrd the time required b > the old
methods. Cull and oxamlno the tamo. Kooins
7 and 8 , Iron bank. G. W. llakor. TK-IS _
\yANTii , > A Girl forgenoriil house work In
T n Jnmlly of two : good wages ; apply to
Mrs. W. E. Anoln , 1405Sncrmun avenue , head of
Clnrk St. 632
WANTHli ( Jirl lor pcnorul housework.
Apply 2111 St. Mary's avonuo. 615-1C
WASTii > A competent plrl lor general
housowoik. Mrs. T. W. Blackburn , Ikl
cottngo north of Luavcnworth , west bide Colfiix
strcot. 774-15
WANTED A young lady ciibhlcr. Defer
ence required. Address 1.0. , cnro Dec
oiiicc. _ 7sa
\\TAXTii > Experienced duilnp room girls tope
> po west on line of L'nlon Pacitlo ruilway ,
Wages f JO nor month , uppliy at ollico. 7l4 Ith
street , J'ucltic Hotel Co. 7s > 3-15
WANTKll Girl lorpencrnl housework ;
_ good wngcs25H ; Bt Mary's nvn. 7ii3-10
\\TANT15H Three girls , ono cook nnd two
' ' for general hoUBo ork. Wapes $14 to $10
u month , must bo good help. Eagle houeo , 414
south 14th ttri't't , 7G5-19 *
WANTED A plrl for general liousovvork ,
must ben K < > d cook ; ( lennanent place ,
* i.50 per week. Mrs. C. F. Patterson ,
122-J N. lath SU 7CO-15'
i An eipcrloncodsulrsxromnn lor
T dry poods. Apply at once to O'Douahoo 4 :
Fhcrfy , 15th st , next to the pott olllce. 739
ANTKD-Flve inlcsladlos , 1409 Dodge st ,
A A f.YNTUIl A peed competent girl to do gen-
'T oral boubanork. npply at 1B15 Douglas
strebt. 716-10'
T\7ANTKIi A girl for general house work nt
T > Ko. 1918 Capitol avenue. _ Ml
\\7"ANTiii A woman to do general boneo-
TT work j a good cook prof erred. ISli Web-
Bt er. C'M
" \\7A > > "Tin : A pirl for general houseworlcat
U 171S California tt. tea
" \\rANTiU : Glrl to nmko overalls , thirts
TT slid jeans pants. Cautlcla Mf 'p Co. , cor.
llthand Douglas , up btairs. COJ-nutf. T
WAXTHD A girl to do general housework.
Good place for the rlgbl girl , 611 K , 17tb St.
between Hurl and Cumlng , &b3
I A good girl for general house
" i work : must bo a good cook , washer and
'roncr. 1C20 Douglas St. & 77
WANTi : A wet nurse. For p&nlcular
call at Dr. l.oo'a ollice , Granite bile. 8SKM'
" \\rANTEU Girl ; 6078 24th 6f
" \XrANTKU A competent girl for general
> housework ; Apply ut 410 Convent tt 055
\\7"ANTKI > Immediately , a first-cuss cook B
_ J ' Itli Dodyu tt. hij
"l"rAXTii23 yuunr ladloj and cents to
' i iMirn telegraphy. Proipoou for i > osiiioni
whcncompctiiut.gool. Addresl W J. D. room
l.Crounso block loth et , Omaha. ' 7W
" \ \ ANTID 4 peed active busluew men of
T' pom ] inldrof , liotj 20 nnd 40ejtrsof ape.
J. M French & Co. . lloom 1C Bujhucll blo k.
833 20 *
T VANTEn-I > aborcrs for lllack Hills cxten-
flon of I ) , ft M. It. It. near Ilroketi llow.
Men to drive teams. Scrnper holders nnd
shoelcrs. . E. S. Albright's Labor Agency , 13J3
\\TANTKIi Experienced man forcltv work ,
TT none out a lU'.tler need apply , l lholin
i. HriCkson , opp. P. O. _ 870-21
\\7AMEU-Thref Jtendy younp men with
T T ( rooil reference * a salesmen. Address
with stamp I la. lleo omce. K19
\\7ANTin A few younp men with n little
TT cnpllnl can make Ji und $ s l > ordav. Address -
dress\ > lib rclereaceaudstatnpl 1 $ , Dec oflice
w ANTED Five salesmen , at 1105
" \\"ANTiil : A peed live partner with
' cnp-tol to invest for half lnterc t In n
pioIUablc nuitiufRCturlnf ; business. Address I
12 , lleo . - *
) Fho clpar makers ( hand work-
i men ) . Inquire George E. Godfrey. Fie-
raont , Neb. 7C.-1B
\\ANTEH Att'.io Empire Steam Laundry u
bookkei > cr ami an axlslnnt. PN5-17
i\/ANTii coed blacksmith nt No. B23
> l SoUVh tlistrest. 751-15 *
" \\7ANTUH Three hundred lock men , three
i hundred laborers. Good work , ( -ood pnj.
Apply to Chin. UoNsoller a mile bouo Olive St.
Koad , St. Loiii. Co. , Mo. , o Jacob .Inyraus ,
Labndle , > lo. Keene Uros. iXinMruction To. ,
chlnf contractors St. Louis , K11119a- * City & Col.
11. It. 4C8AUC I
WANTKD A Ihorotmh onler , rc tnurnnt
nnd hotel cook \rnnM naoil place. Sober
and bns icfcrcncos Apdress I IB , llc-o olllce.
- *
WANTHH Situntlon oy a lady stenographer
and typb-ttrlter of ability und-o.\pcrlcnce
Address Mnrio , care Box 40' ' ' . t05 *
Position In cloak department ,
Keneral ilry goods or bou ekec'por in
hotel by mlddle-upwil woman of ejcpcrienro nnd
rcflneiuont. Mis. II , llox 557 , Oinnhix. 6i3
) Situation us travolln ! ? salesman
for liole < ilOriocory or liquor and clpar
house : host ot rcferenco ffivou. Address I I'l ,
Beoofllce. 1M6
WAXTUIi Employmontn-f bartender : peed
rtfcicnces elvcn. Addccjs 11 14 , Ilvo
olTico. Umalm. B12-i ; >
TANTii ) Situation IJy n man wltli un'es-
tnblbhod trade In the city in the jrrooory
line , nsbalt'smiui : best of retoioncos. Aldr' > - >
120 , Ueo olhce. 817-10
i Situation Uy u ficntloinnn well
aciualnted with the general tmdoof wist-
ern Iowa and Xebnisku. n situation as traoliui1
salesman after July scth. Address I SI , Hie
ollice. 817-lC
Tj OH SALtlr ! would e.\chnneofor Omaha
J-1 property or part western land , one of the
lipM stock farms in DiiuirhiR couutv. Inquire'
immediately of Balloii Ilros. , 151C Uouulas
TTfANTIIO Good liorse ; must be peed style
> > mid last. S. A. Slon'ttii , 1403 Fnniam. K75
YlrA > TTKI > Alady nc'iuiiimnnce , hy n young
> > mun who N u stranger in thu city. Object ,
sociability. Addre > s , I. " 2 , lice Ollico to'J-15 *
Kll Customers tor our butter auid
cream. J. II itoonstro , i-OJ > J Itithst. ;
811 u 13 .
-To Huy , ahoisofordrivim ; . Call
215 S , 13th St. Nj 15'
\\TAXTin : A partner with small csipltn ! to
> invent In n c-ood paying business. Ad
dress I , 17 , Heo oflico. t-l"i *
To Huy nsmallsBeond-lmnd nro ,
Kaufman Hro < . , 1003 Farnam St. 7 )
\\rANTED Fiirni hed room nnd board. Acl-
dicss with terms , llli Farnam street.
Koom 3. 75SI-14 *
U AM'HD To rent for term of Yeais. rcnl-
deuce of about 10 rooms in doMratjlo lo
cality. Slntilo nnd grounds preferred. Ad-
di ess T. 5 , Ueo Ollice. 757
V\7AXTEI > A putchnor. Saloon bimlnc's in
cltyof Benttico , the bet location In the
citythieo ; peed billiard tables , ono jiool table ,
bur and bar flxturoB. Inquire of Emcrlc Lonp-
tin , Itcatrlco , Non ( . , lor particulars. 722..17 *
\\'AXTiu A good buuso on munthly iiay-
i meets. Address II , 05. Beo'ollico. C55.
tX ANTKD-To buy n nice residence or peed
T t buildlni ; lot In a desirable location. Ad
dress II , W , lice oflico. G55.
WANTKU Lndlos and pontlcuien tu nttend
alentlno's Shorthand nnd Typen-ritinir
Institute , Evpo < ltlon building. BiJ-uiigl
"T\rANTED Ono largo or u suit of unfurnished -
nished room ? In buslnesi center of o.ty ,
for sleeping apartments. Address II 20. Hue
Oflico. . ait
'ANTI'.n To buy n large sccouti unntl' of-
flcosufe. A. Hospc. OWJylS
\\rANTUO Teams. T.Murray.
JT 473
T\7ANTiil Short-nand work of nil kinds by
* J. 1 < - Haynes A : Co. . 1511 Dodge st. Sdi
WANTif > Subst-ribcrs for stock in tlio
Omaha ixmn nnd Building association
nnd the Mutual Lian nnd Buildlnjr association.
Homesfor all elates can thus bo purchased by
monthly payments ; shares tl.OD per month , on
which J2.KJ will bo loaned. Offlce in ExposUian
building on 15th street. G. M. Nattinjer. Socro-
tnry. 314Jy25
WANTKD HousoofSor 4 room * within 2
miles of postoinco. Address I 21 Bee
ollice. 800-19 *
F OH IlKNT Pleasant house , six rooms , 2121
Nfcholas ft ; Also boutc , 1315 N. 2Uth s ( .
j * J. Blake , 313 S. 14th 8t. M3-10 *
FOH niNT : Cottage nn 17th ft. , butween
Capital uvo and Duveni > ort. S. Lehman.
OIUlENT-ByJ. H. Evans A ; Co. , new 10 room
house on St. Mury'a ave. , all modern can-
Cottage near St. Mary'a avenue.
Store 2 lloors nnd cellar , on l4th st.
J. It. Evans A : Co. 73S-15
F Oil IlENT--1113 S. Ninth St. , a hon o of 0
rooms furnished ; $35 per month. SU1-15 *
T71OU LEASE Wo have eleven acres on IT. P.
JU It. H. track , HJJ feet liont : will lease all or
part for flvo yenro. Hedford A : Boucr. 751
" \TANTii ) To buy a fl or 7 room bouse In
M nlc-o neighborhood on monthly payments
Add rcss H 72 , four ( lays. _ 7--l 5 *
FOIISALK Now 7 room house. 2517 Dovon-
port Street , with lot. barn 22xlB. coal shod ,
outliotises , etc. , city water. cUtorn. Price fcJ.WW.
Inqulru on premises or of M. Burke ic Sons ,
stock yards. 715
J HUNT 10 room house with modern
improvements , line location on streut car
llne,714N.20lhSl. . bS3
TTUIIl IUJNT A building suitnblo for any
X1 kind of business. Situated on 10th 8t In-
qillroat 41 4 B. lUthbt. ti49-10 *
Foil IUNT : Nine room house with all mod
ern conveniences. Aaron , Calm , Ron A ;
Co. , 1322 Furnam Btreut , C93
Foil HKXT 8-rooinod houeo ; Inaulro S518
Cnpltol ave. 077
T71OII IIKNT A seven-room flat on Howard ,
JL1. between 10th and 17th. Omaha ItealEstato
A : Loan Co. . Itoom Si , Wlthnell Block. 00 1
Foil HKNT The building now being built
by fiarkorllrog , , on the corner of J3th nnd
JOMOJ , COx-o feet , und four or flvo storing high ,
will bun-mod for hotel or warehouse purposes ,
and bo finished to suit the purpose of tenant , C.
E. Muyno Houl Estuto uudTrost Co. , 15th nnd
Faruara. fc'JI
TTlOIl HKNT Itcsidontx ) of lu rooms , barn lor
JL' 14 horsed , botuitltul grounds , Loavonn-orth
and 33d Et. , (50 per month. C. IX Muj-no Koul
Estate iTrustCo. , 15th and Farnam. 72 < >
ron KEHT Koonis.
Tmoii IIKNT Two stories , corner Hth and
JLNlcholas. ; opnositu the proposed Mo. Pacific
depot. Win L. Monroe , oth und Douglas.
bM-Sl *
rrioil JlKNT Pleasant , airy rooms ; as ein
JL ? conveniences ; location good. 1733 Cupitol
T71OK KlNT Furnished rooms , also day
J ? board u tei2'Ilanioy st. Wi-17 *
FOK HKNT Nt-w lire room ttat , corner 22d
aod Miami streets , y. E. Adums. 645-17 *
1710H JlEjcT-Furnlstiod room * , sultublo frf
iuaniuidntfoor > ouuguieu. C02 S. lath ,
POIl IUNT : Twelve rooms , neoor iOihuud
Pierce. Inquire on preinj oj. 74J-ll >
T71OH ItKNT Furnished or unfurnished
-L1 rooms ; JOundfS ; tOSS22d st. 733-14 *
TJ1OU ItENT Furnished front room ; 515 Fair-
X' new st. , block from St. Mary" ! urp 6tiSl
Foil RUNT-TWO nicely furalehed rooms lit
JUSl > od 6 , liefcrtuccs requirod. fei
FOH IIE.STrtor * n > onj on eotn-er Culhmg
lind 23d. f / , < ; .iph. .
The U E. Mtvyuc Ijeal Estate and Trvst Co.
FOR itt : > T A trtly f urnl hert liouso to
rc'ivinsiblo party ; proprietor do lrlnff to
tnko board as portli.vmcnt In cxclmnpc. Ad-
HENTlcslr furnished room , IftM
I > ougli . 57
HUNT De lvablo furnished rooms at
FOK Farnnrt'Mlwt. 854
Fo'u UKXT-klctfy furni hoil room for ono
or two Rcntlotndft , nt 010 N. 17th ft , 373
Tnon KKJrr "JjTccfr furnl hed front rooms
J- suitable for ortO'or two irentlomcn ; all mod
ern Improvements. 1115 Jones st 141
FOU HUNT Choice otncc room * on cround
floor. No. 150. ' FArnam st. Inquire of .1. S.
Hlchnrd qn. ! 441-jyJg
J7 Oi : HiNT Furnished rooms , cheapest In
JL' the city. Apply at Hoom 14 , Anderson
lllock , N. I0th Et , cor Davenport. I74jy21
" | 7Ult HiiJfr For litrht Housekeeping , rooms
JL fiiralfhod nnd unfurnished In llocmcr's
BIocKcor.jicht ; and Howard fit * . 918 _ _ _
T7 < 0i : KENT A sultof furnished rooms. Tail
r California. 892
POK KCXT An clcpant suite of two rooms.
Apply with references , 1007 Douglas. 745
Foil P.KNT Elegant furnished room . If 11
Capitol avenue. 793-15
FOK UKXT Tn-o store rooms on lOtl street ,
Water , gn nni sewer connection * . The
C.E.Mnj-ne and Trust Co. , cor. 15th and Farnam.
FOU IlENT Furnished rooms with bourd ,
PM2jUo < 1troSt. 7b3
_ _
Foil HUNT An excellent bn omcnt. 50 ? and
511 S 13th st ; U stores on Hth nnd Douglas ,
and : ptoro * on 2jd and Cumlnf. Paulsen & Co. ,
1513Fnrnam. 7
SA. SI.03tA > , 1403Fimiamst. . lleal Ertato
nnd Loins Special Ilnrgnlns
Farnam st. bet , 18th and ISth , Improved
44 feet flS.OOO
I.cavtmworth M-cor..illin2 , improved , PW
Loavoiiworlh Bt.noar21stImproved o.WQ
Hnrney st. ncnr2I t. lmpro\cd , 40.\120 . 4.rxK )
20th ft near St. Mary's ave , Improved ,
40.X120 0'XII
Dodge near 20th , Imptovcd , 10x115 2.XIO
Convent M .lmprovo-1 , | S"\1V ) 4.UX )
Georgia ave , house all modern Improve
ments 4,500
Capitol nvo cor. 20th , ( Ovl O , modern Im
provements 12Wo
Hu'call'sr.dd. , lot 1E ) > 140 , improxud 0,400
Illmu'iniigh'a ndd. , 7 lots each 53\124 , Im
proved , all Jor 3M1
.lurk'on cor 14ttifi5xl K , Impro\od CS.tOO
Diidpocor. Allen Ft. . KK1.X1C5 2.SOO
( ilsc' udrl. , )3l.x2iT ) ! 4.01(1
CSrorglti nvo. , lot SO blot-k 13 2,0 W
Kllby Plnco , lot 10lUoilt2 \ l..oi
FiU'liain cor. th , 4 > * \ii : : 2X1
Slilnn's2d a id , OOxlM. 1' , bltsf'mEtcnr 1 , ' > U
I anc st. Wott Omaha , l 'ixllfi : . ! . ' 7rm
Hiirnc-y Bt. bet. HKt nud iGd.M.icni , i.CJT
Lo.ivcnworth c-or. JSTIh , 2 vorneis 1441112. 4rWO
Lot nour llelt Line d > i'ot.o\y terms. . 6'JU '
Ix5t In Manhattan , vorv cheap. 52.10 to OTO
13th st. 1 o ( . Hurnpy nnd Hownrd22.\M ,
bargain 8.VX )
REAL r.5T\TE IJAHOAI.N5-14 lots.,011 , Yin-
ton St. , South Omuhn ; gic'nt.'btirpiiln. tit
t2W)0. ) JL. . Klco i : Co , over Commercial Bank.
FOU SALK or rent. The Tom ncrclril Hotel ,
Wnhoo , Nob. A gro 1 houn wjrh 41 looms ,
lU'Wly furiilslK-d an1 ! relittcJ , with nil modern
convenience. * : * , we ! ) located. Is otfoiod lor snlti
oiloaxy terms ; or will rent to tin o\pcnoncod
bntol man Apply to or addmv , N. It. llorg
green , at First National Dank , \Vanoo , Neb.
8SM8 *
ITlOlt tiALR OiiV9J ihoflncM acres la Wo t
JL1 Oraahn.only K.Q.O. The C. K. Mnrno JVial
Estate and Trnsf-Cb' . ' sirj
IF YOU want to < pin aet nny husino'is ' In renl
citato sales 'or purchiiBos of any kind of
bu .nt'fs entcrprisos.'lve nroalwn * * In n txis-
ition to meet yoqr.i * nuts. M. L. Hlinint > * Co. _ ,
. . . , , ; SJ3-17
J.L k Lymnn's udd : on a tut tier ; Jl/00. half
ca h. J. L. Hico & Co. . over Commercial Bank.
rp\VO ( Joodirnruajns Ono corner let on X.
JL Snundors sf. Sl'.WU.
Onplotln Shlni MnllA , SIO.V ) .
chciiper tnnn nd joining property , llrynn , t Co. ,
27 Paiton blk. fin
. , . _ - JJ - * '
„ - - - i
nnd tbrpd-lourths acres in lirooUllna addition
dition , prlcc'S V- ) Potter A ; Cobb , 1515 Fai
num st. ,
' _ _ _ _ _
of traoknsc. Ijiy-flnn nnd centrally loca
ted nt K bargains. J. L. KicoJK Co. , over Com
mercial Hank. PGl
FoSALB Uy > J. L Hlgirln5 \ Co. .
las st. liUxlOO corner on UthSt. . nt a banrnln
If ROld wjlhin ten dajs. Price S2U.WI. Al-oliW
It , a bargain , on Jackson Bt , Hot h those will only
bo on the miirkct for ten days , when they will
bu advanced. 7US.15
HOW Is It your neighbor hnsmadf monnv ?
By having cournpo to buy cheap lot . You
can do the Mime In IlilUdalc , whcro lots nnw
tolliiiL1 for (150 each will brlnir double that in a from now. Ames' Iteul Ehtato Agonrj' ,
1507 Farnam st , SOil
ROOD lot InOkahomn , near the Vlnton st.
A oarlin- ' , price SLOW. Potter a ; Cobb , 1515
JainaiUftt , , Omalm. Neb. 8J1
FO It's At , I : Wo have Biitocn lots in Hawthorne -
thorno addition that o will sell : best nnd
cheapest In&Ido property lu Omalm. Bedford &
Souor 755
TPOIl KALK On Convent st. convenient to
JL1 Mrcct car-.7-toom hou o In good order , lot
74 foot , cii-t front , cover < ! with fruit ; price
$7030 , on easy terms. Tins p'aco Is n bargain.
Amoa' Henl Estate Agency , 150" Furnam st.
lOOilCW , In Hau com Place for home. Only
J. L. Klco & Co. , over Commercial Bank.
H'lLLSDALE- , that's the , Uamc.iind the
lots sod for $ ire to 175 on easy terms.
Have you t-centhls gi-onndV If not , do at once.
a * it costs nothing to ridu out to tnio beautiful
loeut'on. Awes' Heal Estuto agciury , 1507 J'ar-
naiii. BOT
ACOHNEIt. 100x151 loot , on California , In
SunnysUlo addition , pi ice $3 , < n. Potter A ;
Cobh , 1.11S riiriiHiust , Omaha , Nob. 821
r-\OU SAMS no ft-ct front on TU liiclpal ave-
J. niiool Amblerplaco ; araiobnrgaln. Cullen
on Or address David W. Youngcity. . 758 15 *
HEAVY gains in population pushes Omnhato
I ho horn. Son Hlllsdalo lots that you can
now buy for $150. Pick ono out , pny for It In
installments , and sell It in a j curs tlmo for twice
its pott. Ames' Heal Estate Agency , 15(17 Far-
nitm M. _ _ Koi ! _
OEAL I TATE BAiciiAiN--iiioc'k2Bwiisojrs
A * addition , fronting on VJnton St. , ? 12KKI fern
n low davs. J. L. llico 4 : Co. , o cr Commercial
National bunk. Ml
SACHSSH& r.ANDKitfJKKNlmvo for sale :
COxCti ( cor. ) on lower Lcavonwoi tli _ 57,1X0
I/its In Ambler Pluto . t400to ( * 0
Lots in 1 * V. Smith's add . f 15UOto 2/XJ3
V lot " . 1,003
Cor. Jots Mlllard & CaldivoIIs add , fcUlso. . .
. 3,400
Flnu cast front lot , fiOxlM , N ISth bt . . . 2,000
Full lot Omaha View , graded , fenced , trees
and shrubs . . . . . ! . . . fffi
LotWil27i.i ) , Shluu'aJd addChailp3 ( Et ) . . IJtW
Selected lots , Baundcrs & ; Hlmebaugli'sadd
'Uonntlfur acre ' ] } & / [ Patterson" i'ntk. y/i '
miles from courthouse . rr > lo 450
Sloth bet. WiiUiiTrfl-iin'l Hickory , f-0.\140. . 8,4fO
Cor. bublnuss lot.'Slintnry uvo . 4&J
Wllcoi's 1st uddi 2. lots 500 each 2 lots COO
each . ; ' .
Aero lots In Hy depart , ' . f 275 to aio
Lots on SaunderitJ hear Belt Line depot ,
each . -.3/.U . . . . . . 1,0
I ta in Plain Vli'vn imi e t W ; cor. J700 to 750
Lotsin Boarordjitacf . ? 405to COO
South frontl ots cm Ilurdotto nr Snundcrs ,
- . . . . : * f . ti yjto 1,300
enworthst , near Park ave , 60H48. . . . LbOO
on Shurinrtmrro opp. alto for licit
line depot wt. . . . { Sjocu to 7. < VW
40uctesilno virgin- prairie In Oakland ut. 20
701 Fachteo j ; .andorcrcnill7 S 13th Bt
REAL ATEflljfKOATNS-0 ; ncros In Soutii
Omalm Joiiyntti C. F. fioodman , f21,0uj.
A poeltUelmrgni J , I. Hlcoi Co. , over ( JoinT -
mcrclal National , ba.nt. )
T OTS willing today for twm to JlOOJsold a year
AJ ago for t ICO to f ffiO. Tliiuk of this and get 11
lot now in HilUdalo for f 159 to * m und on easy
feting. Ames,1 ItculEstatuAgoney , 1507 Farnam
_ _ _ _ _ _
TpOIt SALE Two-business lots on Hamilton
J-1 St , . Walnut Hill , ono block from Holt Line
depot , ot u bargain. IX J. Huydcn , 151 . Doug.
Tmou SALK-Thrco splendid- lots In Omaha
-L' . .View. T > iroo fine lots In fihrivcr Pihco. H
Huutrc-es , Itoom 1 , 130s Furnam snoot.
871-17 *
IF YOU want to sell or trade your business for
. . c > ' property , farm or wild lands call on M.
L. Higifln ; & Co , IMxJ Douglas st. KO-17
T ? PETKUSON 'con IKJ found Bt 1107
J Howard street , whore ho can bupplyu
few boarders ; would bo pledged to * co his old
friends- 7 1 17 *
HAYEj-ou-scoaHU'slttlcf If not.-do Rout
once und pit k out u/ot for JIM that will not
only make you inbnoy lut holnyou tate eome.
Ames Heal Estate Ajreuoy , 1WJ Viu-uam. boa
TTlon SALK-Dy Aaron C hn Son A Co-
4 ? Cottag-c on 18th. near Mason , small
ensh 'payments. . . , . . . . . . . . ! 1,750
Cottage on PlorCo St. , On monthly pay
ments . . , . . . . , ? , , & >
Now P room botuo In Idlcwlldo . I , < WJ
Elegant lot and coltnjro on 30tb , nour
l cavenworlh . . . .i „ 4,000
Lot nnd double bouso on 21ft near Lenv-
ciiworth . , . . . . 1,000
Cor. lot and tno houses on Lonvonworth 7WV1
rottniro on 2&I , near St Mary nvc . 3,000
Hou < e and lot on Com cnt. near St , Maiy'8
a e . . 4,000
r. tou < o and21oton Picrec.
I-oton I lodge , ncnr 2tJth
I/ot on Wclxter , nenrsiil
Choice lots In HnnKom Plxco. . $1,500 toOJO
C-ttom bouse on full lot , ( Soorgln are _ 3OJ
P-room housp , bnrn , .Vo. . Or-orgln are . . . 4,000
Elegant hou p nnd double'nrk ave.
InJ. L Hcdlck' * adJ'n . 15,005
150 feet on Park me. , lu J. 1. Hodlck's
ndil'ti . 10(03
Lo * in Walnut Hill . SflOMo RXl
U > ts In Kllby Place . $850to l'O
Ixt lncuioitlPI co . 3iO
l/ot , iic t in Donockcn's add'n , cast of
licit line . . TOO
I/ot ouS. 2 > " > th Itocd MidCnmpbc-ir ; ndd'ii. l.OOJ
lmprovt d Business Property.
OrtxlMcor. on.lackson st . ai.OOO
41 tret on Douglas near Uth . 1)0,000
Cor. on Douglas . - . . 21,000
Cor. on Lomonworth . 7.VK )
32lton Honard near 10th . . ' . . 4 00
! TJ tt on loth opp. Pavton i : Hallagbcr's . . 7,000
2ifton Hnrnovncar 13th . ' . 15ooo
S3 ft on mth f t' . llXKl (
twrtonuuhet . )
Full block , Uano Seldi'ii's add . 20aM
Half block , West Omaha . 7,500
9 acres in Tuttlo's sutMllvl ion at . . . 750
20neronear Walnut Hill at . 5125
Lotsin nearly all additions to the city nt the
lowest pr ) ccs.
HoitH'Sfor aleon small monthlv payments.
Ixits for sale In Grand Island and LuJgo Polo ,
Neh. ; good fpeciilat Ion.
Before buving nnd spllingcnil on Aaron Cahn ,
Son & Co. . iSi' Farnam . t. 83 > 15
FOU SALE Or Oichaiiffe for city or subur
ban Improved or unimproved property , or
p ncrnl mcTcbumlNo. BOO acre * ( ! * W nnd OOJ ) of
tholliiost Nohniskn pmlrloland In Nanco coun
ty. Snclisso \ Lamlcrtrrcu , 317 B. 13th st , Onin-
hn , Neb. . 703
Foil SALE Ite'Idrnce property and vacant
lot * In every nddltlon In Omaha. Terms to
sultpiirchascr. Also desirable buslno prop
erty. Gibson , Larson & Co , Itoom 3 , WHnnoil
lllock. _ 152
M AHONKV'S Addition , near Walnut Hill ,
lots $ , WJ for the next 20 days. Terms to
suit purchaui. Also acres in Washington Hill
and banrnln * In all parts of the city. J. J. Mn-
honcy , 1503 Fnrnnm. 10Jly30
IF YOU have Improve ! proper ! v or city lots
you want sold cnll on .M. L. Hlgglns iv Co. ,
1503 Douglm St. b33-17
cities make suburban home * a ncccs-
J slty and this clus < ol lot * LTOWB with ttib
rest. This is to bo i-onbldeiotl. See lllll-dali-
f 150 and buy one when j ou can at this figure.
AnicV llonl IMate Agency , 1137 Farnam ft. Kl )
Foil > Al.i ; or cxciinnjo at a hiirrain S3
ncro * of flno hay land within 2'J miles of
.Frem'-.nt.Npli. S. A. Sloman , 120 * Dotlglu * ft. ,
Omnlm , Nob. _ 270
Poll S.\l.K-320ncrc 1 mile frmn Waterloo.
with two flr t-cla * * houee , stabios wind
mill. All fenced. Tree * and at ? 41 per acre.
Sachsoc , t Lnnderaren , ! I17 south lath street
REAL ESTATEljAllGAINS-FIncst picco of
. trnckago , easy of access and centrally lo
cate 1. In Omnhn at a barpaln. J. L. Hico Jf Co ,
bver Commercial Nat.onal bank. 804
SA SLOMAN. Hra Farnam street , Puxton
Hotel Building , Ufa E-tuto Broker. Loans
negotiated. Abstracts f urnichcd.
A fiiw bnrgalns which It would be well for
those frcokjnir choice investments in In = lilo bus- )
ni--1- and rcsldunco property to cai-etully inves
tigate before purchnslnir.
Farnam strt'ot oppo-lto court house , 44x132
wUhhou = oof 11 rooms , renting for { 53 per
month. Till1 ! is a rare opporuinitj .
Lcavenwoith Mrcet Corner lot ( ! 1\1"2 , houeo
11 rooms , ront-j lor SfiOjior month. Only ? S,5DO ,
? i.VJO ca h , balance to suit purchu nr.
Lonxonworth st near 21st , lot 5)\13J ; house
renting for 50 ucr month ; cheap at . " ' .50 , ) .
Hunicyst. corner lot 151x47 : opposite couit
house : biKincss property. 510,011.
Hiirnev Ft. within one bleak ot court house ,
lot : E\IS. ; cheap , S.1.20J
Hainc-yst , nca2,1th , lot 50x107 ; beautifully
Bitimted forreMdoiue , Sn.WJ )
Hurney ncur'1-t. . lot 50x107. ? f,000.
Hartley st. near 21ft , lot 41x120. good house
and barn , rents lor S27.50 , only $4.50J.
Hnrney st. near 21st , lot M.UT.'O. nnd 53x151.
with house nnd b.arii , renting f or $ JO per month ,
20th st near St. Mary's nvo. . lot 40x120 , house
Gjooms , ffl.OOO. 70S
Host opportunity for getting
you ncncap home. , 609
ILLSDALE Como nnd snc it yourself. It
' sells on Its merits. Ames' Itcal Estate
Apency , 1 , " > 37 Fnrnam. SOB
F ( > lt h.VLK Two elegant east front corner
lots in Burr O.ik : natural eb.ida troos.
Hntcher , fiatld & Co. . 1 J10 Douglas street , Mlllurd
hotel liiock Omaha. Neb. _ bJl
HALF ncro tnickajio on the U. 1' . track , cen
trally located , a baignin for 315,000.I. . L.
Hico \ CollMind Douirlas. _ 571
HOITKS Lots , Farms , Lauds money loanod.
lemli , 15th und Douglas ctrnct = . 471
TrT > OlX SALE 4oi'ct-c * smooth unbroken prni-
-I ? rio land nciuO.lkhmd. . Hurt county , at 20
per ncro. Sa lucc & Lundurgrln , 817 Soutii 13th
streot. ' 705
EAL F TATEBAHOAINS-Sbenutlftl south
Irani lots just off Saunders st. in Patrick's
2d addition , 51,2,10 each. .T. U Itico A. Co. , over
Commercial National bank. 80) )
REMEMBEH now is the tlmo to buy cheap
lots. They irrow in value luster than nny
others. See Hillsdnlo. Ixits f 1W each. Ames'
Heal Estate Agency , Vfft Furnam. 809
TF YOU Wnnt to buy or trade for a lot or im-
4. proved city property cull on M. L. Hlsgins
TWO lots on the corner of 27th and Cas sts. ,
100x15.1 , for KflO. Pottei & Cobb , 1515 Far-
nam fl , . Oniiiha. Neb. _ f21 _
rriLLSDALE Beautiful location. 809
FOU KXCllANfK-JOOOOBtocldry ( roods for
Ojialm ptoporty. Archer & Fitch , 218 S
15th st. _ 405
OITSKS Lots , Farms.LandP money loanod.
IH llcinls. 15th nnd Douglas streets. 471
H OUSI > Lots.Farms.Lundb money loaned ,
Iteinis 15th and Douglas strecu. _ 471 _
HALF acre truckago on the U. P. truck , ccn-
triilly located , a bargain for gli1OJJ. J. L.
Itice i. Co. , ISth and Douglas _ S71
LI' . HAMMOND , Itcal Etato Broker , Uoom
y.l..i ; Douglas bt. , Omaha.
For sjlfi at a bargain 40 feet front on
Douglas ht , bet. 13th nnd 14th sts. , price U'J,003. '
Ttij eo finest lots in Lincoln Place , suitable for
stores or warehouses , on Belt Line Hy.
TITO Unolots In Tbornburg Plueo , $5-10 for the
two , for 3 days only.
48 lo.s In Konney's addition , Chicago ; all
cbplco lota one block from depot on Milwaukee
lty.und largo furniture factory , cheap ut .V)3
each. Will oxclmniro part or all for Ouiahu
property Title O. K.
IS brick toneinent buildings , new. In Dos
Molnns , forBnlu or tindo for Omaha property ,
or Ncbinsku or Kansas lands , price ? tX.000. )
Will trade all or part and take half in Omaha
\\anto.l-Somo choice applications for city
and farm loans at lowest possible rale' ! , h'poclul
rutos given on louuj of $5,00o and npwtirrts.
4 houses on Ohio et. , Sl.'JJO cucb00 cash ,
bal. fs.1 per month.
Wanted to rout A two-story hou o , with all
modern Impioveinonts , well located and close
to business. 834
Foil SALE By Alhrlvht & Ay e north , 21B
South 15th. Spcolal bargains
13Jfout on J < uird , ncmr Ibth . $ .riOOD
10x150 on 2Uth street . 2Ki )
ra\-114 , Davunpoi-tiindllth . S.lflO
22x06 , Howard and 13th et . 10,00. )
BSxlW.lith and Center . 2,703
C0x76. Davenuort and 10th . ( ! , iKiO
One acre , 15th , nonr Vititon . lMu
67 fe 't on Dodgu . . 2.COJ
68xinoiotliamIJiickS'm . So.oiK )
CStVa , 24th and Hurt . 2 , < XH
C0tl20,10-roomhoufo . 7.000
100x100 , cornnr. 7-room liouso . 5,003
A few lots lolt Incur new udditlon.
15 acres near stock yard * . i-M per acie ,
Albi-Igiit i Ayleg ortb,21BBoifth 15th. Tele-
rh one 7b5. _ P4S-I7
FOH sALK Or uxchangn for general mer
chatiiiso. 203 acres filially Improved land In
Southern Iowa , adjoining county beat und rail
road , in Decatur county. Has u line 0-room
hoiito , lurge burn , 50-foot shod , good well , i-pring
and running water ; K" ) upplu trees , cherrio.- ,
grapes , etc. Sachsso A : Lundorgron , 317 S 13th
St. . OinohiOfeb. _ 70J
HILLSDALE You can and no fuoh lots as
tlioso at f 1W uploce. Auics' Itoul I tnto
A gcney , 1507 Furnutn bt , _ 609
-nOH SAI.K Or Tr.vlo-lraprove1 ani unlra-
J proved lands in Pumas nad ot ler wostera
counties. Addtoss Win. Simeral , Arapahoa ,
FurnasCo. Neb. _ 275
EOKHVLK-- fl-room house und2corner
low In Walnut Hill ; J4 cash bal. to suit ,
Cal. Martin llOSHlh ct. 463
TTloU HAI.K-i have Iho following pieces of
-L. real estate , which can be bought during the
next ten duys at the prices quoted below , nnd
on cusytoims :
Splendid corner , 100xl5Seait front.Prott'd ,
bubdhlilon . $ 700
lueido lot , iumo block , taxl55cust fr < ? nt. . . 00
Ixit 7 , block 3 , Crciton add , celt 01 west
Iront . 1,100
Very lloo 6 aero tract in Tuttle' * t-ulxlivl-
6ion , makes 24 ctiolrc loti , udjomlng 40
lU-rfifcOuil t'i b | U e4. . 3,701
liii' y 6ltiulia & m-re trait. ' * south of
bjnlC'li- Hill , ono acre u grow , for1 2,000
> < xurnf thaboM lut * In Orchard HUI , CiOOcucii.
Wm. H. AlcmaJcr , Hu3 Dudgo SU 607 17
SAtK 3 bouses to be moved , oft lot * !
JL1 will fen cheap. ThoC , E. Mayne Heal Estate
and Trust Co. Ml
HII.hSDALB , hlghcM ( rrtmml , h nd era < > st
locution of nny lots In or around Omaha.
Jor tire to $175 ft lot. Como and < { thl4
ground , Ames' Heal EstMc Agency 1W7 Far-
nnm. KW
SACIISSK A LANUEliOHEN have for sa'e ,
9 room house and lot , 20th street near
St. Mary's ave , $300 cash bnl. mothly 5,000
Tine cottage and lot , 17th St. near Lea > en-
worth 1WO
Cor. lot , Horlmch's 2d add , with 2 liousci ,
Imtn , cto . . . . „ . . 4,400
Half lot. Horbach'e add. with G room
liousc , barn , etc 2.SOO
HMf lot. cor.HorbachV-d add.wlth 0 room
lionsu , ? , COO
unit lot with C room lioujc , I" V. Smith's
add fi. > 0cali , bnl. J2J per month . S.2W
Full lot. E. V. Smith's add with nrM class
house . . . . . . 3,203
Kill lot. 2 houses and bnru , South nvenuo.
Bargain 3.5JO
Ixjt f > r > i15VL [ os2 < l Jil. near Academy of
thoSncred Heart , with cot tnir etc t,500
IVUliS'i , Patterson's sulullvlslon. with
lieu o and Improvements ( worth f 700i . 100
Lot Oijtlso , Hurt street , near Academy of
the Stirred Heait ; brick bouse north
' '
Lot'wltkS-fto'ry 8-room house , fruit trees ,
shrubbery , etc . . . . . . JW
Lot with new ( Vroom house , stable , eto , . X.OX )
Lot with 4 room house , bay window , 2
porches , ( worth fijO ) , well , tenets , trees
nnd shrubs , eery cheap nt SlAWi cash
down f 400. balance $25 per month . . .
Full lot nnd HrM-eluM Si-oom bouse and
very flue Improvement * , Shlnn's Second
add , rcnl bargain 2,503
Wilcox's Second add , full lot and 5-room
hoitee 1,5)0
Sounders street lot , with extra well , built
mid furnished 4-room house , etc . 2,100
Full lot In 1'lnlnvlow , with now S-room
IIOIIRO. cheap 1,500
South 10th street ( Kounlzu'n Second add ) ,
lot MV.WO , good 5-room honjo , barn ,
shed , well , very nice fences , shade trees
and very cholco 4,003
20th sliced , tii'ir CaMellar,36-111 , with cot-
tatro. Onc-hnlf cu < di 1,200
2 full lots on Suundcrs street , with two
story 8 room house , large bnrn , etc . . 5,500
Ctmrle * street , coiner , 120-127J ! , with fl
room house , worth $1,203 , etc fl.150
320 acres , line farm land , near Waterloo ,
with very flno lmpro\omcnt , at $10 pur
Suchsso tc Lttndc.rgrcn,317S. 13th St.
BAHOAIN Full lot on Webster st. between
17th nnd IPth sts ,2 houses , one of n rooms
and oncof Groom * : good barn and Mindo tiee *
und othrr Improvements : price J7.000 ; easy
terms. Pottei ft Cobb , 1515 Furnam. si , , Omnhn ,
Neb. ( til
& Co. .
Mlllard Hotel Block , offer the
following special liarpnlns :
BpiiutllullMootn cottage and lot in "Idlewild"
IHo feet from utroot curs : well , cistein , city
water ; gus plpos throughout house ; hard Wood
llnitli ; nsldosldew.ilk. fence * mid all Improve
ments new Thoroughly furnUliod. New fur
niture and carpets. An extra bargain. All for
the low price of $4 BOO ,
Another Splendid Houses nnd lot In Idlowlld
for4 , M.
8-roum house , nnd good lot In Omaha View ,
very cheap at $ l.fiOO.
Three soo3 residences , Clilcago ftrect. with
132XKI2 leot , a decided bargain at (11.00) .
Good house n c corner 12tli and Pierce
strc-et * . thorough repair. 150 bbl el tern , cheap
nt M.003. llth st viaduct will make these lots
alnuo this \ aluc. $5JO c-isb tulics it all.
House and lot In Parker' * addition , ? 2RX1.
Vcrv iloslrublo property Oats and 20th fit , 3
peed houses with grounds 140A132 feet good
bargain , J2J.OOO.
Nent house and two lots , in Walnut IIUI , n
bBtgiiinforn short tlmo , { 2400.
Six beautiful lots In "Omahn Vlow , " very
sightly and attractive. $551) ) to $9JO each.
Six choice lots In "West Side" at 400 each on
easy teim * .
4 lots in Thornburg place4r > 0 and S590 each.
Choice lot , Hatiseom place. J1.G03.
Lots In Manhattan , Bedford place nnd other
choice additions
Acres In Cote Brilliinto , Brighton and Ken
sington , very cheap nnd easv terms.
llc.nm.lful lots In lloservoir addition and Kllby
O\or one-half ucro in Hurtmnn's addition ,
splendid tor mnnufucturing , with tiackage.layB
nlcoly. u big bargain at f 15.0JO.
Flno business property on 11th street.
Splendid briclc hotel. 20 rooms , in good Iowa
town. Cost f 10,003. $3.000 takes it.
Above lire only a few of the many bargains
wo have. If you wisli to buy properly , call on
us. If you wish lo sell , list your property with
Hntchor. Oadd i Co. , Mlllard liotol block. 61.1
IF YOU want to buy or trade for any kind of
a business call on. M. L. Higgins & Co , 1500
Douglas St. 833-17
ACHE lot In Htracbough's addition , $5.10 ,
uhuup. Potter & Cobb , 1515 Faniani st ,
Omaha , Neb. 821
TTILLSDALE hn advantages which can't bo
J ± beaten oy any location. Whin you see tbo
lots you Will admit it. Ames , 1597 Fnrnam. 809
TTILLSDALE sells at $150 per lot. 609
SAL.K New smallhouse in Omaha View
fl.O.V ) ; very biniill cash payment. Tnco.
Olson.21bS. 15th St. M3-18.
on the Belt Line , for warehouses , manii-
lactories or suburb t-tores. 1'or prices and plut
fcaj.V. . Logan , on premises nt crossing of
I-eavenwoith street and Belt Line or G. W.
Btikcr , room 7 , iron bank. 7UI-15
TTUMl SALK T'ino bricu house and frame BtiT
JL ? bio two blocks from Cumlmrs and Ibth ;
lorcmoTO. Theo. OUcn.218 S. 15th st. CCMn.
HILLriDALE-lxits only { ,150 to $175 , und will
sell for double this flguro In 12 months'
tlmo. Como nnd see them. Amut > 'Heal Elate
" Agoney , 1507 Furnnmst. _ _ HOfl
"i OIl SALE Improved larm , 100 ucros , 75
X' acres in crop , 10 acres timber , 103 bearing
orchard trees , 63 ncros nay land , 20 acres hog
pasture. W. Jones 1421 N. 21st st. S17-nug4 *
F OH SAI.K 3 uurcs in Barkalnw s suonllvl-
elou , cast front ; 4 bhnrcs In Omahn Dairy
association : 1 two-Boated buggy ; 4 fine barber
chairs. 2146.12th st. 091
TTlon SALE Full lot on 17th St. , near Nlcho-
Jl Ins. nt a bargain. Sucbsso & Landcrgron ,
317S. 13tll St 1B4
T71OH K.VLK Full lot on Sherman avo. , oppo-
J ? site for Belt Line depotSachsso & Landor-
groii , 317 S.13thst. _ iRi
Hll.I. low seJl on their morlu.
Low prices nnd onsy terms pivon. Call at
The C. E. Mayno and Trust Co.8 office and get a
plut. 20J
" | jOU SALU Good 7-roora house with collar ,
-LJ cistern , city wnter nnd barn , ' , ' lot , 53,8'JO ' ;
enquire on premises , 2517 Dnvenport. C7B
T710II SALE Ono of tint finest ucroj In We t
JL1 Omnlm , frO.003. The C. K , Mayno Henl Estate
HAlJ'acre triicknpb on the U. P.trnek"ceu-
tridly loeatod.a barpnin for $15OOJ. J. L.
llico A . Ca iatli and Douplas. _ 571
HOW you can muko money ? By buying on
easy pnjmontsu HUlsdalolot for f 150 , that
-vrlllbe nafllv piud tor and doiiblo Innluc. .
Atuua' Heal Estate Agency , 1507 Furnum. 803
ANY PAHTY wishing to buy u homo In Omalm
View will consult their interest by calling
on Park A Fowler , Ifi2i Douplus st. , as they have
n Imrpamfortho person that conies lli > t , Tor
halo Tno cottaBOs In Wnmut Hill : will toll
fheiip and on binall pnymontrt. Onu Biiiull coi-
tap < 3 rooms ) near I7lh St. , only $1 50 , 15j cash
and balnnco , f 15 per month.
T o cottugo ) on Saunders. Cull and pet
prices and tunus.
One acio in Pattert-on Park cheap. Txit In
Walnut Hill at a barpaln. Vacant iiropcrty in
all purtsol city. Park \ Fonlor , lr ixui lasst.
rrbtnlUJ Vl\lllT.V | ( > rT05l n1 PhrilMl Dabllltr
PreiBjtnre DjMlna In Mnn. Krrrn , of Vontti. .na t'i i
unioia mlieriei raiultlnzfrom imll.cretlon unt ot ,
teyfv A. BOOK Jor e er man. roam , mlililla-amil
undoia. ItconUlniliipn-trTtiit'.oniforallsratiaul
rhronlpdlieiH.ei.en-1101. . . ot ! iich U Inraltiat ? ! " ' Si
lounat > 7lheatuljirwn- vinennncefor xt Ta < 'r < ii
fucho ir'jtmtijr | norcr oeforAfell tnlha lot or a ir
vajiiolnni wzl In beatulful Krench mai
V. finboiiodjver .fcil U.euar iitoi.'ilw t > s Jnsr
work In cvrrr -mechanical , llterjrr nnJ orofa"
tfonal-tliLnanr other work , la tUU eounlrr forll.U
crtberoonef will i.u refund In Tery liutsnca. prl-j
onlT tl l > r mall , pnntpili : . llln.lrilel , mul ' , ) i
Mnflnpw. ciotd [ medal nwordei tliaaattiorbTtat Mt
tlonslMedlral Ansoomtion.H the linn A I' . II , , II
' " " tha hoir" thj * "
iaol lit' " wortUinora totttj rotiiijf.fil
it men of tUli senaratlui ih n nil tl.uijli
nilncf oJCallturnUHiNj Ibo tUfurinlnui of NjAji
combined s. K riiroiil-lu.
Ttiet lpn ! of Lire polntt out tlia roclti nl oulei-
.nndi on whfu the oonnitation nn-J li um > , f
nrountf mun hare ti < xn latallr vrockvJ.-
Tbe bolenco of Llfoliot 're" terrain 3
imuJIml worlu t > utitl > lii.l | la ilui oouutrj furtuaptts
WjreurAtlaiU Uiinilitallun
7 lie science ot LlfuU a jp rti 'id miitsrlru-Jit-
Ice on norroai nod pbrilcit dobilit/-Datr-jit f'r i
I'ai'jDlr U llcit lasiltato. or l > r W. it.
I' r r.Nal UallOacQ .iroet , lloilou. M Lwaci mi/
t > ooatalUld on ill dU a tutatrtaf ik > U al ui j jn-
enoa. Oir > u 4 * * 43Uu * t 4 tU luv > 4 *
Bed ttie tkill of M otanruafii' ai u 3 ' " / , it-t
Ireilc4 fin 'nl ul f muuoi ut uiuauj
Red Star Line
Cftrrylne the rWplum Koyal nnd United Stntos
Mnll.salllns crcry Saturday
Between Antwerp & New York
Pnlon from JW to f 100. Excursion trip from
fllO to $1SO. Seoond Cabin , outwnr.l t\i ;
pirpnfd. MS ; e.\cursJoii , fW. Steerairo pn aeo
nt low rntc . Peter WrUht & S < ms , uoncrnl
Agent * . 55 Broadway , New York.
Henry 1'unJt , 1J1S FimianiM. : Paulson , V Co ,
13 Faruarn * t. : O. 0. Freeman. 13.'I t
-OF TH1 > -
Cliicnpo , AND Milwnukc'e ,
St. Paul , Mtnncnpolis , Cctlnr Ilnnids ,
Clinton , Dnbuque , Dnvcnpnn ,
Kock Islantl.Frccport , Uockford ,
Klein. Jliulison , JutiC9Yic ) ( ,
Uololt , IViiiuna , Ln Urossc ,
And all other Important points East , Northeast
nnd Southeast
For throuph tickets cnll bn the Ticket Apcnt
nt 1401 Fnrnam street tin Paiton Hotel ) , or at
Union PMrlllo Depot
Pullman Sleepers nnd Iho llnfst Olnlnir COM
in the world are run on thu main lines of the
CiiUAno. MIUTVKBB A ; Sr. l'\ci , KAiLVAr ,
and every intention Is paid to I'ussciigors by
courteous cuiplo ) cs of the couipiuiy.
It. Mii.i.r.n , Ucnrrnl Manager ,
J. F. TucKLn , Asfl'tunt General Mnunper.
A V. 11. CAHPKXTCU , Gonotnl Pasjengcrnnd
Ticket Ai-ent.
GKO. B. HsArronn. Assistant Guncrul Passen
ger nnd Ticket Apcnt k
J. T. CHIIK. General Siiporlntcndcnt. _ _ _
Kail way Time Table
The following Is the time of arrival and de
parture of trains by CcTitrul Standard Tlmo nt
the local depots. Trains of the C. , SU P. . M. i
O. arrive nnd depart from tholr depot , corner ot
14th und Wuboter streets : trains on the U. A M.
C. 11. A : g. nnd 1C. C. , St. J. i C. 11. from the II.
& M. depot all others from the Union 1'aclQo
BrldRO train * will leave U. P. depot nt flS5 :
B7:3.V : SCO-8:4fr : 8:50-1110:00-11 : : ; 00n. m. : 11:0)
1:20-1 . .W-i':00-3:00-- : : 4.00-0:00-5 : :39-0:10 : -
7:00-11:10 : p. m.
I eave Ti-ausfor for Oratiha nt 7:12 113:15 9 0
- -9:42-1110:1(5-10:37- ( : . m.j 1U7- 'J:13-2:37 :
3 :30-3:37-4:37 : : 5:50 : 6ii : 7:20 : 7:50-9:50 : :
11:52 p. in.
Arrival nnd depnrtflro of trains from the
Transfer Depot at Council UlulU :
DErAitT. Anntvn.
U 7:15 A. M. I DSJ.lA.M.
It 0:15 A. M. I I ] 5:80 I' . M.
CC:40i : > . M. I B7l : r. M.
n 0:15 A. M. I D :15A. : M.
C (1:40 ( iM. . I II 7:00 r. it.
A0 : ; \ . M. A 0:15 : A.M.
110:40 P.M. II U:1W : v. M.
A 7:00 : r. n.
A :15A. M. 1 A 9:15 : A.M.
AC:40l' . M. I A7.0JI- -
A 10:00 A.M. 1 DC:33'A.Jr. :
' C s:53 r : M.- 1 A Gx > r. it.
A3:00i\ : . I A3.-30r. si.
S1ODX CITV & 1'ACiriC.
A 7 :0 : > A. M. I A 0 :33 : A. M.
A 6:25 p. M. | A 8:50 : V M.
Depart.VESTWAltD. . Arrive.
Depart SOUTHWAUD. Arrive.
_ EA6TWAKD. _ Arrive.
A. M. I P. 31. I C. , B. fi Q. I A. M. I P. M.
_ 8 j20JKOOi | _ . . Yin Plattunoulh. . . ! U20 ; | 7:10
NOTE A , trains dally ; H , daily except Bun.
day ; C , dally except Saturday ; D , daily oxaupt
Monday. _
will leave U. P. depot , Omaha , at C:40 : 7UG
10:00 a. m : 2:30-il.V- : ; : ( ; 5:25 S:00 : p. m.
Pacific Express. B ) p. in. ; Denver Ex. , 10:55 :
a. in. ; Local Ex.f > :05 : p. m.
Leave stock yards for Omnhn nt * 7:05 9:30 :
11:35 a. m. : 2:30 3:35 4:33 : 0tt : ) * 8U ) p. ra.
Atlantic Ex . lo 8. O. 7:35 n. m. ; Chicago Ex. ,
le. 6. O 5:07 p.m. : Local Ex. , lo. 8. 0. 10:51 0.111. 1
Mo. Puc-Ex.o.S.O. ! 5:47 : p. in. ; 2d M. P. Ex. .
0:09a. : in
Except Sunday
and Jail Work.
1020 Farnam Street. Oniiiha. Neb.
Dnioational Bank
206 Masonic Blk , N.W. Cor. Cap.Av. & 16Ii (
Paid up Capital , - - $ lOOOOt >
Authorized. Capital , - - 500,000
Accounts solicited. Interest paid on tlmodo-
posliaillocl lonn inn lo in till puitg of I ho west ,
nnd having pruvldod the largest und best vault
in the city , we trill ruculro > iiluublo urlluluson
stonigc. Proiniit nttcntlon will bo jflvoii to all
bublnessentrusted tons.
Jso. W. Hooerj'.n , Cuihlur.
WM. W. MAIKH , President ,
TulupbonoNo. B12.
UPaelcet Conapaixsr.
England , France & Germany.
The stoanif-hlps of this well known line uro
built of iion , in water-tight oompartmcnts , und
lire furnished with uvury roquielta to imiko lliu
piitsagoboth huto und ugreuuble. They curry
thu I'liitod Stute.ii und Europmin malls.und In-ivo
New York Thursday" and Saturdayi for 1'lir.
mmab.LONDONICl.crbouirPAHltJ ( { ud HAM-
lletiifiilng , the steamers louvo Hambiirtr on
Wi > dnii > lays nnd Sundays , Ua. llnvro , takliu
pai-i-ngore at Southampton and London.
Filet cabin $ V ) , WJ mid f75 ; bti-eraso tJV
Itallroud tickets from Plymouth to HriHtol , C ir-
illtr. London , or to any place in the .South of
England. FUKE. tjluorwfo fitjin Europe only
J2i Bend lor "Tourlt't liuzotii' . "
General Piissenger Agent' ,
fl Broadway , New York ; Washington and Li
riuiloM-4. Chicago. 111.
Wholesale Manufacturers and Dt-aler * In
, ,
Fine Hnrd Wood Interior Finish
Counters , 1'e
WOItK iintl
Dealers in Jinllilinu l'tjtet ;
M't nOlTcu and Factory at T < yon > , Iowa ,
Off.M & Warerooms Cor , 12th & IzardSts.