THE OMAHA PBIDAY , JULY 16 , 1880. THE COUNTRY REEFS ALOOF , OnUide Speculators Desert the Eegnlw Board For tbe Buciet Shop. WHEAT ON THE DOWNWARD TURN Corn Sho\v Some Activity , lint And rrovlhloris KxccedniRl ) Dull and Llftlcss Tbo Cnttle Mnrkct. CHICAGO O ' MAUKIT. July IS. i. special Telecism to fiie BEK. ] Win. ii The coin irtion tlmt tlir bwU't f.hopslia\e ttnftpious crtp on tlie ! < pwil tlve Iniilnc's of tlicoountr > U foiclnc Itwlf on UIP mind1 * of nu'tnlK'ts ol the u-cular tioaid too rfpiitablc to encase in that hind ot Imsiness. and nollunc lietu-r tlian a ila\ like this -i-i\esto ill he tinIsiiowlodcc liotne. "J'liat "the coiuitij" Ife uot > peeHliitliij ; Is liuidly trnabliv. Tlint Un-lr orders do not U'acli and ore not tilled on the ri' ul r Itoatd tidmitt of iiti ( iticsiion. ' WPould do husl- UL-.SS and plenty of 11 , and the markets vould bKui. ( ) " H'HimU'il an ojii'ialor to-ilny. "We would sui > the bucket shops , but we can't , nnd they iire taking nil out bubluei1. . " Thus it was that lew , if any. brokers on the llooi liad ordeis fiotn llio uuUtde. nnd for \\antof btich .uji > ort as generally rotnes from oulsidpoidci' ; ( lor the rountij lsnlv aJ'i on the bull side ) the twnlency riurlnt ; the luujor jiottlon ol the dny was quite"stfiidilj ilownnniil. Aitcti&t started out at Ti-Ki1. ' ' ( . < " lower than it closed ji teiday. bill \vus ham pered lij ttiflicnvt tcci'lts. | ) I'JOcars belnp In- hpected and onljix ol the wheat belnc of old rrop. A'alncs llueluntfd around TS'jfnT v until ii little Ix-fore n < on. when the } slutntifd heavily down to "s c. Bui this pileluoiiilit out a L-OO < | slmsvini , ' ot slioits and trader- , who hnd put out small lines c.nliei in the tnorniiiF. and without much tioublu and no cxruoiiiciit Aiigust vent barKto tlieiiieiliicliiiie | VsCjC. Look ing merthe whole lielu t licit' wanoihitii : licvond a local si'iitnuelit to cieale a deckled liiomnetit In I'llhei diieetion. Tlie closeat 1 oVIorK was Meid : > and inodpratcly linn. The lii ! > t lilleen niinules was ically brisk. > luir A llradk'j In-aan Imi'Uini ; actively on rejiorts tiiat load- , had been taken lot expor ! at New YmL. Tlieli action in- ( liiifd olbiTs to tnllow. and Aueust advanced Jo 7Si'ic , , bill as ( jtiicUly leaded to 7SS * > c , wlit-ie it Dually closed. Cor.x-'l'he coin crowd nre ittll tallclnR of Uroucht in the southwest and ate lirmlni : up tlie cereal in consequence. . September was Jieavj eurlv , ojifnin nt ! ? ' } e. tlcclinlnc to Wi'te. and latet iecoverlin'tot' ! ' > f@40c , wbcte It closed linn. I'KOVisioMProvisions made an unusu ally small range nnd were llglitb traded in at substuntially .vesterduv'.s prices. OAlh Oats woiiMini'of Ihe dullest things on the flooi , fluctuating only > tc all day. U11ICACO IJVE STOCIC. CIIKAOO , July 15. ( Special Telepiatn to the Hii.J : : CATn.n- With about 20.0JO rat tle received In two days it is not wonderful tJiat the maiKet opened this morning with a rather dismal outlook for salesmen. The business dope Wedne-day was large but Ilieie were many beet cattle and all kinds ol cattle unsold. The total receipts for the wcel : thus far are only about the same as last vveck , and there are nearly twice as many TCMIIIS this week lib last. Still there waste toav < an abundance ol even the most de- fcirabie klnd.s , and nearly all classes of cattle were in excessive BtippI } " . Prices were n shade lower even on handy steers , Mich as Sold at S4.COiTi-l.15 , while heavy and rouch nd gicen cattle were aliout lOe lower , mak- aUric decline in two days. There were bouic alt Texan s received to-day and 1S50 Texaus wcie lett over Irom yesterday. The maikct , in a Kcueral way , -was slow , but as a rule , however , there was no quotable chance from lSOO Hoc1 The market was active and prices advanced a strong 5c on neaily all soils. The ordinary run of corn-fed mixed made S4.WiiM.fK ( ) , and era y mixed , 4.70s- ( ) . : > ; l > est heavv , ? 4.Sij&n.Or ) , ana light , F1KANC1AU K "w York. July 15. MONET On call easy ; ranging from } 4 to 2 } , cl l er cent asked. I'Arcn 4@5 per cent. iIxcitANOi : Dull and un- hanged ; $4.W.r for blxly day bills , aud on demaucr. UOVT.UXMUNTS Governments were quiet but uleady. STOCKIn early dealings In stocks there vvus good buving of Eiic on a reported in crease of S8'JOIKX > In the net earnings fni .lime. Later In the day news was icceived lliat the meetings of the granger presidents in Chicago had appointed a committee to formulate plans for making u temporary pool nnd peace In that direction v\a. < u-carded as almost certain , aud In the last hour prices moved up shaiply agulu and closed ut the best of the day. STOCKS ON WA.U , STItKEX. 8 * cent bonds. . . 100 4 G tf.N. W H3 U.S. 4Vs 111 * . ' ! ' pieferrod. . . MO Ke-w4's . 12Gi4'N. Y. C K Pacific O'A of ' 0. . 1204 Oiecron Tran. . . : ! 2i Central Pacific 42 , Pacific. Mail Mljj C.&A 148 U1. , 1) . JrK. ! MJ prefcrted. . . . 1M > P.P.C l.Y , ; , C. , B.ikQ lH ! ° i Rock Island. . . . 12iJ ( P. , L.fW lSrKSLK.tS.F. . . . 24J , I ) . < fc li. G 27"41 _ preferred. . . : a > n Erie. Erie.preferred. . . . . Illinois Central. 1. , U. .V W Kansas & 'J'exas. \Texas \ Pacihc. . LakeShore , Union Pacihc. . . Mi L.&N 41" ; ! W. , SU L. A-P. . MiS Mich. Central. , , . ? ; ; i prelerred. . . S ) Wo. Pacihc 107\ Western Union C7.V Northern Puc. . . prettiired. . . . 1MIODUCK SIAKICI3TS. Chlcnco , July 1.1. Flour Dull nnd s , S3.0a4.10 ; patents , ; low gra-les , S1.75jJ.T5 ; rye lloui. fc"'J.ii" ' < i'iO : ! , \ VJieutI'liscttlod and lovvci : clost.d easj about as yesterday ; cash , 77 ° vc ; August , TV 1-1 Cc ; SepKnulicr. K IMt f ComJ'.arly declined 'sjc , rallied -IB'C for August and Jtn'c fi > r September , ruled easier , closinc t-ame as yesterday tor August : Sep tember > 4c higher ; cash , U7fc ; August , btMOc ; .September , WJVc , Oats-Dull and tmlel ; cash , 29 MCc ; Au gust , 2i\e ; ; September , 2Sij < c. Rje Dull aud weaker ut Sl 'c. liarlev Stead v. riax Seed-Sl'.ll. Timoihv Prime , 52.0 > ( ii2.10. Pork-Modenite tiade. with Ellcht chance nijiiiee.s cafcti , S'.i Kj ( M.W ; August , 5'J.tT1 ! , © 1M < 0 ; September , tl. . . l.nilDull hut sU-a < 2Ue loner ; cash , SO.D.'f. < xW ) ; Aucust , ! "id " } , ' ; ' ' ' ' * u'ulk Mtats Light icquest ; firm ; shoul- C.75 ; short mis. , K"W ! > , i 'C.'ij. ' i- Firm ; creamery , l KlC.le ; dp.lry , --Heller demand , mostly for creams ; rhbdiiars , 7C47LP , clie.ddarF , full cieam Hats , "Vf'Hc , Voting Americas , bJ WSVe Jlulei Heavy diy suited fullv CUIIH ! , biju ; rt. light , 0'4c : damapod , " c * : bull hides , 5 > 4'e : dry palled , Ilil2c ; dry filut , a. l4c : calf tl.liiB. biS10 < c ; deacons. & 0e cacli. Tallow lu country , U.V No. 2 , lie ; cake , RpcelptR. { Shipments. Tlour , bb's ' 10,000. 4poo AVheatbu. 42,000 0,000 Corn , DO. . . . SXS,000 ) 159iOO OaUbu , 09,000 Ji7v.Xi ) 4,000 1,000 Bwlev.bu. S.OJO O.OJO New Yort. July 15. Wheat llecelpta , SX.OUO ; ext > ortb , IID.OOJ ; cash loU fctendv ; options opened heavy , declined "islj ( < c. later ndvacced K < crl se , closlu : ntlnuirout- elde rates ; uueraded ifd , S4 ( K < : ungraded , cfandiM , cNo. ; 1 red , We ; No. 2 red , Ki < } b7v < . , elevator , 67sbSc ( ; August closing ftt BTV , Com Cash lots. ? 4'Ve lovver , dull : > - tlous opened \c lower , Paler advanced Vc closing steady ; ricflDl * . 57.000 ; exriorls , > . ( ) dpcraded , 41frf-4f e : No. 2 , 40 t48Ho In clalor ; AiimM closed aK7c. Outs Qnlt-t ; fccplpls , lfiCKKi ; pxports. 70 ; U.IAW western , 3j3Sc ; white western , . Petroleum Stoutly and unchanged ; I nltcd lO f l Hi OTtC. Kcis 1-X'ss notlvo uid wcftkcr ; western , . k Dnll anil Ttnclmricwl : old mesi , .tli' < flO.OJ'4 : now iness5ll.4VfIL021i. : ( Lanl hniie Minnger ; > crj quiet ; western btoam. pot , Jtiotetl | t fco * % < 9i\tt \ . Utitter Stt-Rrty and quiet ; wi'Mcrn. 10 17c. Chee Dull and eak ; wcstciu , \ < G Xc for choice. Milwaukee , July 15 Wheat-Unsettled ; cush. 77\c ; August. 71V : Soplfitibei , si'tc. Corn Kaiiel ; No. 2. ( ruaWi' c. Oats UtKxl demand : No. 2 , 85c. Ilje bnuce. .No. 1. ( Mo. Batlex-KB'Jc lower : No. 2 , TOHgCOKc. i'rovl knis-Sieadv ; mei porK , ca * b and AticuM. fr'UK ) ; Seplcmber , 510.00. Cincinnati. , lul > Ik-Wheat Active aud t-aslcr : No. 2 ted , 77\'c. Corn Pit in : .Nn. 2. mixed. Dats .Stronc. No. 2 , mi.M-U , U3c. H > e-Stroiig : No. 2 Ode. I'ork Finn at SlO.tfJK- Lard Stronger at tO-Ai. Winskv Active nnd linn ; sale.- . rt-N ol finlslipd foods on : i basis of $1.0 , . tlliinenpoU * . Jtilj l.V Wheat AVeah anil louer ; No I hard , Tfc , mill and Aucusl ; 80S'1 SftitiMiibcr . blc October ; No. 1 nurthurii. 7iic ! , , on li ; 7fxA KU t ; 77K Seiilember ; 7Uc Octubei ; .No. ! ! , noitheru , - ' August : 74c Seiitembcr ' OltolHT. J'lutit-Quiet and inactive ; patents , 54.40 pi ( ; bakeis. i3.403h.ra. JttepltimWheat. . n\wi buslicls. , 5W bti ; Hour. W.OBO bis. bis.St. St. L-ouU. .lulv 15. Wheat Easy. No. tiled , cash. 70. c ; Aucust , 78K ' - Uorn I'lrin ; No. ! i , mixeil , cas-h , S4ljMiic : ; . . ( ) at lirefrulat : No. 2 mixed , cash , 83lf ( < " " > . * ic ; Aiii'iist , 'Ji'-yC. lt > f Ensv at .V c. \\'hlsh % S1.07. Vork-Virm ; SlO.m. Lnixl liiclK-r at ? O.W.fffi.m. . r.utter C'icamerj15317e { : dairy , I3@1.V. Ijivcrpool , July i : . , Wheat Demand poor ; No. U , wlnlir , r. ,7S'd ; spilng , < K OK' ' ! Flour Demand poor , extra No. 1 spring wheat. 8s , 3d. Corn Demand poor : new , mixed , and Jiilv , 4s ; AucuM , 4s. Hi'l ' ; Sejuember , 4N Id. Toledo , July 1ft. Wheat steady ; ca&b , c. Coin Dull ; No. 2 , jellow , 41c. Oats-Neirlected. KatiHUH city. July l.V Wheat ' , , o\\er : No. 2 ted , cash , 50' ue bid , OlcnsVed ; August , 'i'c ' bid. ( UtaskmT ; September. O.'l'i'c. Corn Ilishei ; No. a cash , roKse bid , an.jc : AuKii-.t , 31k ; Spitcuibt-r ] , 81sec bid , , asled. Oatt > Nominal ; 2-4 'p , bid. LIVE STOCK. Clilcnco , July 15. The Drover's Journal report * a" * iollov.s : Cattle Itecelnts. It.r > n0 ; shade loner ; shl | > - pinj ; stcem. R > 75(7i.5.20 ( ; stock en > and feed er' . S'-.2 " > ( fl.7u : ! : cows , bulls and mixed , Sl..riOH5.75f ( ! bulk , fc2..lOir2.0'J ( : throitirh Texas cattle , steady ; co\\s , S2.'r.'ij-U.60 ; steeis. S2.i.4.tO. : : Hoes ISwclpts. 12,000 ; trnnc ; be t flc hii.rlierioush aud mixed. S4."iO m.SO : parl- and sUippinz : , Si.S50l T5.07. ' . ! ; skips. Si 70 . . Sliecit Rereipls. 2,400 : steady ; natives. 2.00tf-.40 ( ) : westerns. $3.10nH.50 ( : Texans , Sl.r > @ .TlO ; lambs , per head 5l.25g 1.00. St.Ijoiiis.lulyl3. Cattle Receipts , l.SOO. fiblpmenti1,400 ; linn ; natives , strongei ; Texaus , slow and unchanged : peed to choice ; shipping SM.GOyM..H ) ; common to fair , H.OO l.vVi : butchersteeis , S.n.@l.5 ( ' ! : cowtt anil hellers , t2.00vfi-'Jo ; thiough Tex ans , Sa.OOcuS.M ) . Hoes Ueceipts , S.SOO : shipments , 1,000 ; active aud TIC higher : butchers' ancl best heavv. % . .KK < r5.00 ; mixed , -J.GOfM > 5 ; liglit , " Kunaas Cit j- , July ID. Cattle Receipts , 2.700 ; shlpmenLs , 1C.OJ ; slow ; weak : choice , S4.50a ( t.OO : commou to medium. S3.0U ( cM.15 ; stockcis , S3.GOQ.03.S5. ; feeders , S3.J15 w0 . COWS. 200irfVJ5. . . Uoss Receipts. 1,130 ; shipments , 1,700 ; choice , heavv : steady , a Be louer ; good to choice , 54.5X3:1.75 : ; common to uiediuui , $4.30(24.50. ( _ OMAHA LIVE STOCK. "A ednesday Evening , July 15. Cattle The receiuts of cattle weie light to day and the tiiurkot dull and weak. IJuichers' Bttiiris dull nnd slow , and the supply is in ex cess of the demand. The receipts ol all kinds ol cattle for this week is 2,100. Hoes The hoc market was sttoncer to- dav at vesterday'p prices. One load ol very choice lie s went even as high at S4.72 } , < . The receipts , were hcavici than ycsH-iday. but still fell suoitof supplying the demand. The receipts thus far this week uinouut to S,500. ) A small uuncli was bold to-day. There is no demand. ItKCEH'TR. Cattle Uo.s . . Prevailing Prices , Showlnc the pievailing prices paid for live stock ou tliis market. Choice steers , l so to ir.OO Ibs . S4.00JI4.70 Choice steers , 1100 to 1W3 Ibs . 4.25fe 4.00 Medium steers , 12.V ) to 1SW Ibs. . . 4.35ftil.50 Fat little steers. iafl to 1150 Ibs . . . . 4.0liI.C' , Hood leedors , ' .wo to 1003 Jb . n.wii.75 Good to choice cows and helfera. . ! I.OOo-3.i5 ( ! Fair to medium cows and heifers. . 2.ftOJii.OO ; ( iood to choice bulls . 2.25 .75 Choice light and medium hogs 4.r.r.4.fn ; Good to ctiolce heavy hogi. . 4.riUu4.70 Good to choice mixed ho's . 4.rr.rt'4.V ( > Fair to good shorn sheep . -.50@VJ5 : neprosentativc Sales. cows. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2 . 7&02.75 } ) . S7i ( SS.25 lb . W3 U.OO 6 . 10J3 S.50 SHEEP. rGO . SI S3.25HOGS. HOGS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 00 . 2:5 54.W > tf 5'J . 2S1 S4.CO 04 . 2-d 4..V. 00 . 'Mi 4.M 110 . S3 4.W 01 . 1MR 4.IX ) 07 . 240 4.5Ti 71 . 203 4. ( < 0 " 67 . 1W ! 4.S5 70 . 245 4.00 74 . IKS 4.55 M . 220 4.K ( > ! lj . 1ST. 4.W" > 73 . 1SJ7 4.WI b7 . 1W 4..V , 70 . WS 4.tO 2f..t 4.57H' 70 . 242 4.W ( 253 OS . 241 72 211 4.57K 72 2ISO 70 S35 4.57 01 24 4.02'tf C7 aVi 4.B7 > 6S 24S 4.05 53 'JVk 4.00 142 2JJ8 4.05 74 225 4.00 S5 309 4.G5 Oi 240 4.00 02 21U 4.05 04 201 4.00 03 2.-J7 4.05 118 . . . . IMS 4.00 Bl 315 4. ' AhSOKTm HEAVY 1JOOS. 103 2 > J1 4.75 Tiinovv ot'TS. Pr. No. Av. Pr. Sl.OO 1 BiO 4M I'riccs. _ .gbest aud lowest prlce.s jiaid for mixed load * of hogs on this market dur ing the past seven days , with comparative values : June Jul ; Thursday Pth. . R.7U © 175 4.25 PridayWh . . . : J.02'i(31.77 , ( 4.25 Saturday , iWh. fi.05 caa.70 4.a : ( a4.bO Mondav. 12th. . JiTU'L7i 4.45 @ 1.CO Tuewliiy. ISlh. . S.70 ( < OS.75 J.50 f7M.70 WedneMlavl4thi.05 (18.70 Thursdpy IMh. S.V , Sliipincnts. Showing the number of cattle , hogs aud Elmep shipped duriuK tbe past twenty-lour hdurfa. CA1TLE. No. Curs. lit. DP.M. 5 , ttU. AQ Boston HOGS. No. Cars KL Dest. f > . , Mil Chicago 4 , . . . . N. W Chicago a C. U. &Q Chicago 15 1U. Chicago S 11.1 Boston All sales of stock in this market are made per c L live weiirht unless otherwise stated. Dead hoes sell at Kc i > er lb for all weights "rikltiB , " or hogs weighing less than 100 lbi > no value. Pregnant sows ate docked 49 Ibs and i'r * 60 los. Jsotes. Hog market firmer. ling pens weie cleared early in the day. CL. I * . Stevens , Waterloo , was here and sold hoes. O. C. Clifton , Walioo , was here and sold hogs. C. L. Jones , Uastlncs , ma le ins f.tbt visit to Uie jards to-day , ttoppiuf oQ on liis way lo rhlcapn. Bi.yer * here made him nn offer , for his Imir Joad of hogs nearly a ? coed H * he expected in ( , 'hlcaeo , < o he decided to .pll here and save the co t of tian i orta- tion. loss from Builnkace , etc. V > . Wexant , JL , Germjmlown. was lu to- (1 > and riwtketed n loadoinops. ( J. \ . "A'odfcion. Hoacland , wa1 * at the janl * and marketed n load of hop' . Mr. Harmon , of Harmon AReynolds. . Fre mont , was here and sold two loads of eoiu- f ed cow s. OMAHA WHOMSSALC MAHKCTS. Ccnc-rnl .Mnrkets. Thurida ) Eveniiic.Jtily 1S. Bt'TTcnThere Is a good demand lei choice table butler and the receipt * are not heavy. Poor butter is received lu abundance and 1ms to be old at very Ion prices. Choice packages of extra choice bulter me picked tip readily and at prices even hlcher ihan UIP quotations elven for choice butter. At this season of the j ear , cvc-n choice bnttei shipjK-d in ban els becomes almost worthless befote It n rceened on the maikcU Thevvarui weather melUs it down until It Is httlo belter than oil. Se\cral barrels received this week which wonld have commanded 10c per lb if iu tub ? . huil to be sold ut Choice ficsh table milter. H * . lull toL'ood. 7"ivlnfetlor. ( a rOc. Ciu.Kst Full cream cheddars single , < > 1i'rti 5 > c. lull cream twins , w yonnc American. lOc ; Swiss , tmpoited. 2Vtf27c ; skim flat * . 4is Oc ; I.lmburcer , ll'ilisc ; mick , IS&Vtc Swiss domestic. 12Siai : . Pot i TIIVThe spring chickens received averaireit larcer Ibis week Hutu last and have commanded InMter pi ices. As the difleteticc 1 so cleat iu size nnd quality It Is not easy to give an exact quotation that will lit all ca c * . uld fowls have been st-lliug fulil.v well at ( imitations : choice huge lovus have been sell ing a % Inch it 5IUH ) . A lew ducks are occa sional ! ) leeched , but there is vjiy little de- maud lor them. Old fowls , pel doz , $2.75 ; "prltic cliickt'tis. laice. S2757't.tK ) ; spritig chickens , medium sizes , SL.WraiiV spring chlckcus. small , not wanted ; ducks , ii. ( (3 ( 2.25. . Choice home grown , per doz , Witt7.V. ) TCIMATOI -Per V ( hushel box , Sl.OO. VruEi A HUES Tomatoes , per K-t'u ' bos , S1.2V Cit.tiv : A small amount is coming in , but it does not sell veiv last. Shipping stork. JHIT do ? , Mic , O.MO.NS Southern. JMT bbl. S4.00 ; south ern , JK.T bu-bov tl..Mi. Arri.i : Clinii-e fiesh tecelpts 01 sliipjilnc stiK-k have I teen st-ilinc tulily well. A good iiiauv ateshipin' ' ! in that are not suitable lor leshfpiuent nnd such stock has to up-disposed ol to peddlers or tlie local trade nt lower jiti-estliaii those quoted. Choice shipping -tin k. pel bbl. 5l.oOi a il.50 ; choice bhlpiiiug stoi-k. pel tm\ , 751.00. i.'M.irouKiA Fin ir < Tlie quality of the fruit coinm : . ' in is much impioved. Bartlet penis , per boxS4.00 ; CInpp's favorite jieats , : ! .75 ; tnuple Dttaue plums , S2.03 ; Washln- glen plums. S..i' > : Columbia plums , SiN ) : Uerman jinnies , SJ.2'i ; Gross ) irunes , S2.25 ; eaily Craw lord poaches. ? 2.25. BANANA" Uuiiauas are ven- good aud icrv cheait now. Bananas , per bunch , as to size. S2.Kiui.OO , : , Ui.itiiiKs Bliickoetries. i > er 21 quarts case , S.oj : : ( . < ri.OU ; bluebeiiies per busln-1 stands , S5. ( 0. LI.MONS Receipts are Hcht and demand brisk , ow inn to hot weather all over the country. Fatic.v lemons are quotable at S10.0U iK-i box to-day , while fail togoodaie selling at ? .5i. OKYM-.r.s Kodi , 220 size. S7.W ; Navels , S7.CK ) ; Mediteieueau sweets , Sli.50 ; i > t. Michaels. fe.O.'iO. . COC-OVM i" Coeoanuls.pcrlOO , S5.00 ; less than bundled , tier 100 , S.r > .r > 0. \ \VA-H.riM1.1.0M- 100 , S35.00. Fu.- ASH DATI : ' Figs , layer , 4 lb boxes , jK'rlb , lOc. Dates , fancy laid , 12 lb boxes , I4c : dates , Persian. 50 lb boxes , jier lu. lOc. Nns Pecans , laice polished , lie ; pecans. medium. Oc ; Kuglish walnuts , I4c ; almonds , Tuirairona. 2 c : almonds , Langtiedoc , 17c ; 12c ; hlbeits , 14c : jieatiuts. hand picked. I'ancv Virginia , st c ; jieanuts , hand picked choice Virginia , T. e : peanuts , roasted , 2ct-\tia jierlb. HO.M i California. ] .Te ; California , strained , lOc : Nebraska , choice , 14ni" ( ; Ne- bia'kadaik , 13H@13e MAIT.I. Sro.\it Bricks , perlb. 15e ; penny caKes. perlb , ll' c. .MAI-I.I ; bi Jtt ! Bulk , 14 to 17 gallon kegs. per cnl , Sl.OO ; cal cans , j > er gal , irl.Oo ; half gal cans ier gal. SI. 10. CIDKU New York , per bbl , S7.00 ; do. half bbl , S4.03 ; Crab , per doz qts , S2.75 ; Michigan lelincd. nerbbl , SG.OO. ViNif.AK White wine. 13 ( < ? 17c ; cider , IS single etreiicth , I3c ; triple stiengtli , Pins' FIIT : , TKIPE. ETC. Pigs' feet , per ' < i bbl , S4.00 ; do , ' 4 bbl. S2.00 ; do , per kit , SIOc Lambs' tongues , jier } y bbl , St.25 : : do , pet kit , S2.50 ; do , quart iars , per doz , S5.25 ; do , pint jars , iier case , - dozen , SO. 75 , Tripe , per H bbl , S4.00 ; do. per H bbl , S2.00 ; do , per kit , POe. Pr.oviMOXf Meats are steadily advancing. The demand is brisk ana piospects favor 7c ; mess pork , SVinu jier bbl : dried beef-ham pieces , IGc ; laid , tieices , Cc ; 50-lb-caus7c : 10- Ib cans ( Fairbanks ) , 7' < ; c , .Mb cans , do , 7 , ' c ; SUb cans. do. 7" c. Nnw POTATOES Both soutliern and home grown ure being sold on the maiket , but stock is not moving very rajudlj. Southern , per bbl , SL75g-j.OO ( ; home ciown , pur bu , 50c. BEANS Infeiior stocks , 7.V-@S1.00 ; good clean country. S1,2.1@L50 ; medium hand picked , S1.50 ; hand-picked nnvv. &lCi. FLOI a AND MIM.&II ITS \\iiitei wheat quality pateut.kS.OO ; second quality , S2.r ? > 0ii2.75 ( ; host quality spring wheat Hour , patent , Si40 < < c'.i.50bran,50c itercvvt ; chopped ioud. G3c percvvt : white corn meal , 75e ; jel- low corn ui'-al , ( I5c per cwt : seieeuing , GOc jiercvvt : hominy , & 1. . > 0 jn-t cwt ; shoits. Tile per cwt. , S1.75 , hay , in bales 7.00 31 7.50j"rton. Wool .Medium , 10@lSs i > er lb ; fine heavy. HVqHe ; light. l'Mir.c ' ; coaise , I2 ( i4c : burry wool. Art-V oil. HTHES Green butchers' , CKc ; gieen cutpd. 8c ; drj'flint. ll(2lSc ( ; diy salt , ' .nrflOc ; dam- aced hides , two-tlilrds price : tnllow , Hf sijc ; p-iease , prime while. 8c ; yellow , 2c ; blown. Jic sheep jielts , 2"i7.U. b AI 111:11 : Pi line slaughter sole leather , .Sic ) ; ; prme oak sole leather , ; i ( aiv Upfier leather , per foot , atvri'it ; hem. kip , 7.Vffis5e ; oak kip , S5@i5c : , French kip , SI.OKii. l.i ; hem. calf , Sl.fel.10 ; oak call , Sl.00 1.25 ; Fiench call , S1.25 1.85 ; Morocco boot Ipg , : ; o@2c ! ; Morocco oil pebble , 2Nft32c ; toi > - pltiL's and linings , G.OOn ; 10.03 per doz. HEAVY HAISUWAKE iron , latcs , S2.25 ; lowpsi-i-tl sjiecial cast , 4c ; crucible steel. On ; cast tools do , WaiSc ; wagon spokes , per set , 1.75 < aH.ou ; hubs , per set , fcl.25 : , suwcd dry , tl-40 , tongues , eacli , 75c ; axles , oacli , 75v ; bquaro nuts , jier lb. 7gllc ( ; cell chain , pur lb , Cf12c ; malleable , OXu : iron wedges , Oc : crovUiarh , Oc ; harrow teeth , 4c : sinIng hteel , 7 sc ; Burden's horseshoes. $4.40 : Buideu'E mule shoes , & 5.40. Barbed wire , in cur lots. S4.00 per 100 Ib.s. lion Nails , rr.te.4,10 to 50 , 3.60 ; Meel nails , 82.05 ; Shot & 1.SO ; buckshot , Sl.b5 ; oriental pinvder , kesfi , Si.50i(4.00- ; . half kegs , J--2.00 ; do , utiarter kegs , ? 1.50 ; blasting , kegb. $ . : n ; f usP.-per 100 tcet , lOc. Lead Bar , Sl.t * . PAINTS ix On/ White lead , Omaha , P. P. , 7 } , c ; white lead , St. Louis , jiure. S7.75 : Mar- t-eilhf. given , 1 to 5 lb cans , 20cj Fiench zinc ( . rceti seal , 12c ; French y.Inc rc-d seal , lie ; Fieuch zinc , in varnish asst , 20c ; French zinc,75c ; vermlllion , American , IBC ; Indian led , lOc ; losti tilnl ; , me ; Venetian led , Cook- bou'b , 2-iC : N enetlan led. Americ.itt , l 4'c ; red lead , 7J8'c ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; cluouie yellow , J12c : oclne. loche'le. ' He ; ncbie , Fiench , 2 4c : tic-hie , American , Hc ; Wlutei'e 2 > e ; Lehlgh brown , 2'c ' ; Spanish brown , 2v c : Plaice's mineiul. Sc. Diev PAINT.S White lead , Se : Fiencliiuc , 12i-Paris whiting. 2'o ; whitiuir hiow n , be : umber , burnt 4c ; umber , raw , " 4c ; bieuna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , niw , 4c ; Paris irrec-n. genuine. 25c : Paris crepn , common , 22p ; chrome gieeu , N. Y. , 20c ; chrome gieeu , K , r.'c ; vermlllion , KtisUsh , in oil 70c ; raw aud burnt umber , 1 lb cans. I2e ; raw and l.tirnt sienna. 12c : Vandyke , brown. l c ; re- liuedlsmpblack , 12c ; co.ich black and ivory black , 10c- drop blacfc. lOc ; Prussian blue , ultramarine ; bhre , 16c ; chiome green , I * . M. i D. , lOc ; blind and shutter uieeu , U , M. k D , , lOc ; Paris cicen , Ibc ; Indian red , I5c ; Venetian red. Oc : Tuscan , 22c ; Ameilcau \erinillion. L. & D. , 20c : jellow ochre , IkI / ; , M. it O. D. , Ibc ; good ochre , 1'ie ' ; pak-nt dryer , Be ; graining color , licht oak , dark oak , walnut , che > Uiut and nsh , I2c. Daur.E AND CHKMICA.I.S Acid , carbolic. Sic : acid , tartarie,53c , balsam cooaiba , i er Vi. 45c : bark , sabsatres , per lb. lOc ; calomel , IHir tt. We : chinclionidiH. per oz. 40c ; cliloro- lonn , per ti , 20 e : Dovtr'e pov ders , per It , $1.25 ; epsoui salts , per tt > , S' 'c ; glvceriue , puit'.TMir Hi , isc ; lead , acetate per lb , 20e ; oil , castor. No. 1. per cat. il.53 ; oil , cantor , .No. 2 , per gal. , SI 40 ; oil , olive.per KaH1.40 ; oil oriL'annitm 5uc ; ojimia J.I XJ ; quluiiie , P. it W. und It. < t h . per oz , TOcj j > otas = iiim iodide , per tt , Ev.OO ; s.aiio.u , per oz , 40Cb ; phate motphme txsroz , fijwulphur , P r fl > ,4c < tnchnitio. pero51.58. . \ Aiivisfii. * Barrels , per gallon : Furni ture , extra , 51 10 : Jurnllure , No. 1. SI OOJ poach extta. S1.40 : ctwch No. 1. } Da- nrai , r\tm , 51.7'ij .inpati 70c ; asjihalturo , 0c ; shPlhies.50 > hard oil sritT-Colosrtp iiltii . i proof $1.12 do 101 proof. SI is sjjutits. sp < tind quality , 101 jnonf. 5-l.Ti : do lX prtwf. il 11. Alco hol. ls * > pr ( o ) , 62 10 | > PI wine callcn. Redis tilled whiskies $ LO'hiil.5a Um. blended. ? l..VKn-.i.OO : Kotitnckv tKiurlmns. S2.Un < i.iO ( : Kentucky aud IVutisylvniilo ryeS2,00a ( > f..riO : ( iohleti Mieaf liouibnn and rve whiskies. 51..VHo&o : > . Bi-au < lle . Imported , J-.OJirfs.M : linnicstic , SI : v f" 00. JSIiis. importwl. H r f < rC.tiO ; domestic , l.S.V S.U Chamimcncs. linpoitwl. iiercaNp. fc2s.OO ( " ' 4.0J ; Aitieiicau. j < case , i HI.W ) ffio.oo. Grocers' l Ut. PirKi.Ks Medium , in bbls , S-V > 0 ; do lu half bbls. aK ) : small , in Mils. ? fi.dO. do in hall Mil * . S0 : : chprkins. iu bbls , 7.lKi ; do In halt bbK , 5-4.00 MATCHI. Per caddip. SSe : lotincl. jier casp. Sl.OO ; ( juare cases , S1.70 , mule square , sodn. butter mid picnic , 5'jc ' ; creams , h'-jc ; gincer snaps , si c- ; citv soda , 7\c. frio A In ibjmpcrs. Sa.2ou ense ; saUoda , i'C , per Ih. tM r. svnt i1 .No. 70. 4-galIon KPCS Sl.OO : New Orleans , 0 * 4 per gallon : Maple Symp. ! 9' barrel , sttletl.v June 7uc i > er callon ; 1 gallon cans. Sl'.25 ' per do ? . : enlloti cans , t..2j jier doz ; quart cans. ? n.H ( ) . KTMirii Mirror gloss , lib , 5c4c ; Mirror gloss , y lb. fi'ye ; Mlrroi gloss , Olh , O p ; t { raves' corn , 1 Ih. f-c : Klngsford's corn. 1 Ih , 7c ; Kliipsford'i gloss. 1 lb. 7c ; Kinirs- lord's gloss. Olb , 7v : Klngstoixl's jmie , fllb. 5" > 4c : Kiucsford's bulk , 4c , Corrii : . - Ordinal > grRiies,10n-4allc : fair , fancy gteen and jello-.v , 18V14l e ; old co\- ernmeiit Java. 2 ( > ii20o : interior Java , lo 'ia 20c ; Mocha , ! t > < rj4e : Aibuckle's ioa--teit , 14HC : McLnuchhn's XXXX roasted , 14'c , : Dilworth's. 14'4c. lied Cross. H e , boMKirk's Savon imperial , i'2.70 ; Kirk's satinet , S3.00 ; Kiik's standard. S3.0' . : Kirk's white Russian. &J 00 : Kirk's White Cap. SC.5U : Dome , S'.MiO ; Washboanl. SaiO. CA > M.I ( ioon Oysters , standard , per cas , SJl'iO ; straw bDrrie21b per ease , 5-2.50 : i-asoberrie- lb jier case , Sr2.25 ; Caliloruia peart , ] ier cise : , M.40 ; apricots. ] > ei casu , S4.40 ; jicnches. JK-I case , F4.40 ; while clierrics , per ease. S5.90 ; jilums , pel case. SJi.00 : blui > - berries. per case , Sl'i'i ; esc plums , alb , tiei case. & 2..VJplneapiiles , 2 lb , per case , § 3.20 . . Boxes. 40 lb 0 > , 10r : K lOc ; boxes , 40 lb , 10 oz , Cs , lOHc : half box , 20 lb , 10'4C CANDY Mixed. (5 ( > 12c : sticlc , bK' < ? : OVc. fcAi.T Dray loads , per nm. S1.55 ; Ashton , In sacks , Sx.sacks , Aston , S" > c ; bbls , dairy , & 2.0"2.75. _ Dry Goods. PJMNIS American , f.Wc ; Arnold's. Oc : Co- chtxo , ( ic : Manchester , oc ; J/juian. 5c : Glou- cestei..V c ; Dunnell Jncquard. Oc ; Diinnc-11 , OM-c ; Windsor , Oc ; PHcltic , tie : Harmon , 4 c ; A hchor Shirtings , 4VjTc ; Merrimac Shirtings , 4J c : Berwick , 4c , DITK ( Unblcachefti 07. . Magnolia , lOc : 10 oz. Mju-nolia , 12c : boz.est Point , 10 c ; 11 oz. West Point , 12i4c Bnows Corros Lawrence 1..1. , 'K ? ; Shaw- mut l.L. 5c : Beaver Dam Ll > . 5c : Atlantic L.L , 5c ; Indian head , 7c ; Wauchussot , 0ic ; Crown XXX. CH'c , Clilton CPC. Oc ; TJtiea CCC. 43ic : Atlautic K , 5 c. Ticiiis jf Aiunskeac ACA , I2l.p ; Thorn- dvke OOO. 7\e ; rlViornd > le fancy , ! "Kc " ; Vork. ; fork lancy , i2Hc ; : Milburj , iVc : ; PeaVl River , .UHc ; Hamilton. 12c ; Swift River. C - ; Shetucket , fcc ; She- tucket SS , 9' c ; MonUvuk AA , 12c ; Montauk BB , lie ; Omega ACA. life Dt-ci ; ( coloicdj Boston 9 oz brown and drab , imc ; Boston O H brown nnd drab. XXX brown aid ) drab , 11 H'e : Boston O P blue llj c : Warren Tricot , I5c. COUIT JEAXS Kcnrparpe , 7c ; Arraor > - , 7c ; Peppcrcll , 7 } c ; Indian Orchard. Oc ; Nuuinke ag , 7c. CituvioTS Amoskeac , checksOi c : Amos- keag , strities , M < c. Slatei , stripes , be ; Edin- bmg , Kc : WFiittendon , stripes , Sc ; Gleu- rose , 9c'Otis , checks , ' . 'He ' ; Otis , stripes , ! > c ; Royal , OJic : Amoskeag , implied , 10 > tc ; ; Lu- ray , book lold , 12c ; O heron , book fold , il. c ; Endurance , book fold , 12c- Dr.xiMS Heaver Creek AA , lie ; Heaver ! ' H'f B'ls Or Ithli. ' Mew i-T < .r , : J'ls Kte Ben'B S't.Xo 1 L'b 5 60 3 25 2 7 1 C7 ! 1 40 , Kt 4 ] , 'j-o ( iib'd rmicj B 001 ! f02 ! 751 531 3J1 M1 45 L'lr H'd sh'ro r * cyifi 00"J UJ 2 75 1 Ki I IIP' ' M 45 , U''s ' Hf UblQ'l Itbls 1'alls or Kits Norweprmn | | KKK Her'npf. IS0 ( 0 5 l 5 HO 3 80 2 70 v-\ 80 Jx'orweriuu I i vst \ rr'nps 11 03 0 00 6 45 H O'i 2 M st illBP. i H 00 4 5'J 4 00,2 lio'l ' ( W ( > S ( .0 He-Is . . 18 00 II W ) b W 4 Kl W 1 2S1 10 Holland HciTlnps , new . . . BO Kull While hoop. . . . 1 in MACKr.ltKI. IJbls'Hslf ' lltils yr Uhls Tl Kts .sew HSU SOU I 100 W I f > 'J 40 , IS 1'J ' Illoutcr Mess. 115 OC ) 18 00 llBl'i ( K 7 iRIl C01 " No IS'hoio , 24 tt ) 12 Ml 1WJ ; JS 101 M'l ' 4 .MedNolBhore 13 ( Oi 7 ( KJ d 8" . 3 Mi .W VI , " Do" Bay. 11 ( Kli B Wl .r , 45 3 OD 2 Ml ; HI ) fi Ln nrriimlly. I ) (10 fi OU 4 fi5S 052 10 74 5 ruL'Ftinllv . ' 7 (10 4 00 'S ' fif. i ! ( ft I 7tl Iti C To Bridge Contractors. PnOPO ALS will bo rofehcd on or before Saturday , Jnlj 24th. lor the bridsinK ot 75 mlleb of the Ctieyenno V Korthurn UuilHiiy. SpecitW'iitionp and tail jiiirticiiliirf may be ob- olitnlued ut the olliL-d ol the underMf-nc1 , to w hem nil proposal must tie lorw urded not later thun tlie alKivu nuinitd dutu. J. J IJKOW \ i CO. , Cheyenne , W } o. Jyl 4il4t EDWAKD KUEHI , , MAOlSTKlt O ? PALMYTK11V AND CONDI- TlDNALlHT.illllonlh utrcet , bwtweon 1'iirnum and Hurney will , witli the uid of puurdiun epirltt , , obtitin for uny one a plunce In the pUBt , and present , and oTcsrlulD conditions In the fu ture UmitB und shoes mudo to order. l'crf ct Biillhluctlon puarunroed. SIMTKOVKI ) r.MIMS. Ilutler Co , Kunb. . lor mid ; il nice city lots. El Dorado , Kmi = . , fort > ulo Each Inrin is v ll ndapttti to pmlii und Movk : rich soil ; nil plow or pusturtilnnd ( no wustol. Title iicrfcrt.w ltd wurrantj doed. Tbo lots arONinooth , nice uuildiup lotN. only ' , mlle north or J * . O. I'rlOPtflTTi to f375. Teachert- , cleikb , anyone whoM bos a mite property tlmt will douhlu in 1 je < ir. thould buy lots In 1:1 l > or- udo ; population fl.Wk ) : the lirc' city In Klin- KI < E T-rm8 cash. Aildie8 C. W , Case , Eldora do. Notice. _ Company . _ . . . _ of Cmiriwiiciit. IIHS < < < > mt > llod with the insu- uuce Juw iii this btirtp nnd ituuthon ed to traneuet the huclimt-tiui Uru IneurantHt in this Mate lor tboeuricnt jfiur. Witncfs my bund nnd fhii K-H ! of tuia oQico the day Bud year flrBl aboro i itlen. itiipned ) II. A lUncoric. At.l Auditoi Public AceountR. ALI.UOV , Aginth , " 11 6'juth lUth Omuliu , ML b. Propoini for Real Estate. SEALED proposals > vl | ! bo reooltod by the iindersipned , unril f > o'c'.ocn p. rn. . Monday. Aut'Uftittnc , for two traote o' luud for t-fhool Bites , the Bald tracts to contain I5KU , ( Bcjuure fort i'ucb ; one truct to be located ut or near Tralntown , In the foutlionn l > .rt of the c-lly , the other at or near OmnUa View in tne north- writ purt ol therity The llourd reserve the right to reject any or till bidfc. Ily Order of the Board of Education , jull&olOt CuAiii.EfcCOKu > t.B Secretary. Mrs Dr H K" , , , . Taylor Has had 3 jeare' hospital practice ; fives the satue practice and treatment used in the hcs hospitals. Kidney dit-case § , all blood und tkln diK'aM.-b u specialty. rjcx.'rationsold bore. , ouJ i vert-ores cured. Treatment br correspoad- cnco i-olielied. Oftice and Residence-No. 2219 California Street Omaha , Neb. OMAHA iAHUFICTUKERS , Bridges Steam Pif | Jmmg. ) RAYMOND A CAMPBELL , tnd Contractors. Brges , Roof Tresses , Steam Pile Driving Iron Comblnntlon and HowtTru i llrldjts , IMIinir ntid Oak Tlmbei. Jiitb su , new ' Telephone No 781. Cigars and Tobacco , - MAX MCI Kit A , CO. , Jobbers ot Cigars , Tobaccos , Ounf and Amraunit'm. S15 to IIS South llth 5-tnt-t. HBO to 1024 ramam Strwt , Cimdha Nub. l > Tin-t ciAN CHIAU 'V KST A. rUITSCHUR. Manufacturers or Fine Cigars , And 'Wholesale Denim In Leaf Totmcmis. No . los and 110 Mtf- . nniahn , Xeh. " " " * nionxi Ajrenl lor JJaoufucturcr ! > ami Importers , Crocket , Glassware , in > rt , chimneys otiiet , si ; south nth . Ornulia .Nib. r s. GOODIUCU * co , lor r. A. Whitney CntriHiie Co. Children's Carriages , And Jewctfs Celebrated llerrijrcnitor * . SPB or price listR. 1415 Tarnsm st Oin.aiv ! " Cornices. _ Eagle Cornice Works. John I'penotct , Proprietor Manulm Hirer of Onh nnl7cJ Iron nnd Oonilet > VSt Portue mid 1 111 nml 10T > North 1mb Street. Omabn. Nil" . liUl'Ml'INO It 1I01.TK. Manufacturers ot Oi-nntEctitiil Galvanized iron Cornices , Dormer Window ? , Finals , Etc. . . 1)10 ) H I2ib Rt Workdone in any part ol thi-cumm v. Western Cornice Works , C. STECHT. rroprkitor. OalTnnt7cd Iron Cornices , Etc. proved I'nlent Mi-litll'eStjIlcht. f > 0t and 510S. Iglli St. , Omuhii. Net. Doors , Sash. Etc. ' " " " Tiie'Gate City PlED'ng Sill , Do < irF , Bush and Blinds. .M o .ill kinds of turning. Scroll uad s > tnir vorL ol every d dcriptlon. Manufacturer nnd Ik-alcrln Doors Sash Blinds Etc. , , , Mouldings , . Sttir Itatlg a Rpccinlt } Telephone No. i'2 ' l * > tb.Rii < lMurc > ftt. . Omalm , Neb. _ Electrical Supplies. " " "iTvV WOLFE i CO. , EloctriciM V. Electrical Supplies , Masonic Block. Omaha. Burplur Alarms. D-llB , Fire. Alarms , F'octriu .Matting , S-rtialtluc Tubes Iron Works. PAXTON .V-VIEKUM ; IKON WORKS Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work jon Ptulrs. Itnlllnir , Hulled IIcuus nnd Gliders Steam Knpines , Urasn Work , General foundry Machine and Blacksmith Work. OiUee end tYorUb , I * . J > . Ily. uDdS 17th st. iron ar d Kails. Cut Nails and Spikes , rite KnJls a FT" 'iRlt" . Omuha , Nrb Safes. Omaha Safe Works , G. ANDREEN. Manufacturer of Fire nnd Biirlni Proof Safes , Vault Doors. Jail Work. 8huttt.ii. und Wire Work. Cor. Hth and JneUsou Sts. , Omnhu , Neb. W < : oris and Carriasei. Established isi. * A. * . SI MI'SON. The Leading Carriage Factory , 111 * and UU IXxli-o Struct , Omaha , Nob. Commission , Etc. M. BCUKE & . SONS , Live Stock Commission Goo. Uiuke , Maiiurur , Dnlon Stock Vordb , & . umulio , Tclo ihone 58 ; Dnion Stock Yards Company , OF OMAHA. Limited. John F. lloyd , bu ] irintendent. SAVAGli < t ( iUKKN , Live Stock Commission Kerchants. Ehj ) racntP o ( nnj- and all kinds of stock i fd. Uuloubu cL Yards , UmnhuKob. Lumber , Etc. " ' LOUIS URAUFOIID , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Besh , IJoors , Etc. Yiirdt Cor. 7th uud Cor. Oth ' BOHN MANUTACTUHING CO , Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , MouldinpB , Stiilr Work und Interior Hmd Wood I'iuifh. Jubtopunod. N E. coj. Bth und Leuvou- wonh Strectfc , Omuha , Neb. CHICAGO LrMBEH COMPA.VY , Wholesale Lumber , EH S. lith Strwl , Oiuuhu , NOJ. ) F. Coljictzer , - C. N. DIET2 Lumber , istb and California Strom ? , Omiiha. Nob. HIED W. OIL4T , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor. ttb uud IXjugjiib Ftrncts , Oiuuhu , i'eh. GI50. A. IIOAGI AXO Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Oaiuho , Nebrueku. " CHAS. IL LEE , Bai'dwood Lumber , Wnrcn Stocl. , Fancy Woods , Ilildpr Timbers , Ac. , B. W. Cut. tnh und Doufc'lusUuitiha , Nob. G. j. iVMAN , Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Sulldltur 1'uper , Etc. . South , Etc. UENSO.V nsu'co : BucceEhOrc to Iclicn PlenibMm tt Co. Wholesale Fish Dealers , Importers cf rnreten , Nos. 011-D13 Joiiti teaStTf1 nnd v' . * ' . Track , Omaha , Wob.- . _ . Confectionery K. P. VAY i CO. , Manufacturing Confectioners , Jobbers of KiuitiNntsauJ Uijar s. 1211 FatuumiSu , Omaha\'ub , Lime , Cement , Etc. J , J. JOHNSON & CO. , laaufaetnrers of I'llnns While L'.raj ' , And Khil'pcrb of t'oul and Col > < - , Cement. 1'lnt- ter , lime , lluir , Fire lliiuk , Drain , Tile uud St-uL-r I'ipe. Olhce , 1'axiou hotel , telephone till , Furiium btreetOinuti , Nebraska. Job Printing. HEE5 riJINTJXG CO. , job Printers , Book Binders , And lilauk Hook Muuufuclurt-rg. luC-lUt ! Smith i'curu-ua tb fcutte OMAHA JOBBERS' PIHEOTORY Agricultural Impletnent s. I'AKLIN. OUrMwiHIT X MAKT1.X , V hole * , e Denlpr < In Agricultural Implements , Wagons RDd lluirpir .Omnlm Noli. CHI K < Ull.l , 1'AHKKU , HU Dudcr iti Agricultural implements , Wagons , Cnrrm ? 1 1 and lliictfc * . ,1 ne St. , l > et. Wh id liitli. ( . > ra lin. Nth. _ _ Boots and Slices , " ' ' " * w _ v. MOUSE A CO. ? Jobbers of Boots and Slices , 5trrrt , Omnlm. Nfb. Manufwlorj- , Snmtnrr Mrect , lUi tou. Carpels. A. onciiAitKT Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , MMtingt , Curtain Ooorts. I'.tc. , 1 23 J' raim SMM't. On.nhn , Nit. _ _ Coal , Lim ? , Elr. Coat Coke , Lime and Stons. Office , 213P. I4lb t. . Omaha , Ni-U. YiujB , fl unJ Dr-cnport Mriet * . " KunrasKA n'ELco. . Shippers of Coal and Cote , 14 S. UNh St. . ( trnnna. Neb Gro ( % T ivvuPrcMdnnt. . CSto T'lTmiso' * . S > c uud TrctiB. J.ll. Hri.unuT , 1' A. 1'iojirlitor. Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA , NHHUAFKA. , SKt. iitlisitit-et. : - Telfiil GLO. r. I.tiuoH. J'l-es. C r c ioiiK4hX * Prci. J. A. Si Minm.\Mi See nnd Trens. Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company , Toblii-n of lurO nnri "rt etui'.lXiUS. l.'tb St. . Oiuubn , Ni-li _ OMAHA COAL AND VllODUCE CO , Hard and Soft Coal. .T * In Irtiulrtur ColoruJo OoaJriI t-outh34tliFt TCI. Coffee and S , ces. IATK ; > COLE A.- Home Coffes and Spies Hill ! HTg Co. C He ! < - lloiiMert mid Spli'e Griider : < < . luanu fHCturersof Unklnp I'owder , I'lavormi : Extracts niulnp. etc. Try on * cn. e of our 1-tt imcl Home Illi-nil Itoastnd Cotlpe. IMS Howard Cmalia , Ni-li. " CLAHKE ilHOS. 4. CO. , Omaha Cofloe and Spice Mills. Tea . Cofluefi , Spiet-B. llnUni ; r * ivder rju Ejlracts. l uiiurj lllu . Ini , utc , 1114-ld llar- ncj Stri-ct , Oiimbn , Neb _ Commission , Etc. BRANCH * CO. , Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters , J121 J'lirnum ? l , Oinnhn. Apples Our own Inp 1'liitt A : fi s Tipt-r llrnnd Obtc , Jtutter , , Guuie , roultry , 1'otutot-s. " " JOHN r. TLACK , General Commission Merchant , Produce. Provi'ion * . rruitR. llour mid rod , 105 S. 14th Kt. , Un.abu , Neh. Couwmimeiitb frolic tU. mude nii i { . MCDONALD. COMMISSiOH HERCHMT. Elb 12t i Ptreet , ( ) majn , Nob. S tcr ? ss. an n I El IBM AN i CO. , Produce Commission Merchants. I'oultrjllutter , Gnino , Fruits , Etc. ! 0514th St. , Oiiinbit , Nebraska. \VKSTKUMEM ) 15ROS , General Commission Merchants , Slrtdt. Oniahn. NehiUhXu Consijm- AV Storage and Commission Merchant . fhocstllutter IVcs , 3'uultiy und Gninc , 11S. . Hth. . Omalm , Nob. Tele phone J > o. 333. 333.Wri'l.'S Wri'l.'S MILLAK1) , Storage aud Commission Msrchants. Fore.frn nnd licuniisu.IVultb tpcc-mltv El- tpatit ftonifo fKflllti s Wuruliuiisu aud oflico , i 1U North llltb r-t. Ti loiilionu 775. U A. Commission and Jobbing , Hutter , Epps and Troduco. A full line of Slono- wure Coiif-lpniui-nts HiHcJtetl. UU l > ud o St. , Omuha. NI : & P Buyers of Butler and Eggs. nelrlperntor unil 1'acl.inp lloueo,14th t Lfa red- worth St. , ou I' 1' . It. IS. Tract , Oimihii , Kcl ) . 1'Ul'VJS , Genera ! Commission , Ell S. KtU Pu , Onahn , Nob. SjiecbUtlos Duttor Epph , Poultry nnd Uuuiu. Commission Merchants , tVuiti , Produce mid Pi-ovitions , ( iincba. Neb GRIFFITH & THOMAt- , SucrpBSors to IKIHC Grillith. Comiriissi D Merchants Anl nholcirilu clfalcrs 11 i-ountiy pmdiico , trulls , t utter. c.rpR , a lioo IMHJ c a npfieidlty. JO N iisth St , Oimtm. KIRSCHBKAL'X & SONS , ( Pucmasors to A. P. ScUnolc.ii Produce Commission Merchants. No. S13 South I'-th Street , Omaha , * o i. Dry Goads. i GINSIlI-na A , CO. , AVholesalo JculurBiu Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , , i.tict'B , Kinl'rolilery iind Whiio u cods , jjitt ) DouL'ius ( street. Orualia , Nt-b. White Lead. CAHTKH AVJ11TJ5 LEAD CO , . Strictly Pure White Lead , SUtL St. , uud U. 1' . Ily. OnmUm Harness , Etc. WEMT * LANDIIOCK , Miuiutucturojf and Jobbers of Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , Turf Goods , niunkets und Holies , Sti < jOinuhii , Nj h. Matlresses. 1 M. IIULSE , Mattress Company Manufacturing Unttretbc-s , lleiii J'jllowh , t.Vitt , Etc. lauo uud l- Oujuuu , Neb , Overalls. _ _ i MTACTuniNo co , , Manufacturers of Overalls , , Shirts , Etc. , 11C nndl'M Doua-lu Mrotit , Ornniai , ZCcU Beer , M KKATJNG , Agent for iuheuser-Bush Brewing fiss'n ' Special brBDda : FaUBt. lludwe Itci MENDELSSOHN & FISHER , ARCHITECTS JD. L. fill.lA'J ! . JOBBERS' BIREGTORV OMAH V I , MHHI 00 , in All H > ml ot Material &t Wholesale. Iflh Sll.'d : > ci i 11 Cm fl Tili.k.Oll U \\Tiolesal6 \ \ Dealer in Lumber , mil n < ll > mosiri < ei . Oai.ilij Nt * i > kv 3 A \KV.nrtD Wholesale Lumber Lath , , Shingles , rtulMtnr Paponi , S h , T w * It. U , Mi liaf. I'tfLetk , roM . l.iiiif. I < uM < r , llu Lcracnt. I\iiitti Mim , loiie < , ( iivnlm Ntu. Millinery. " i oRKitnt.i : > i n J mporters and Jot-lid's of Millinery and Notions , 1118 nnl KH Hatnotrc < -i Onmtia , Nch. . _ _ Instnimsnts. UDHOI.M A UllK'KMJX , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments. Ftelnnay Pianos \Vi I > riKir , llriirim I'limo * . Pni unl 'r'iitis * . * . 101 uiul lat 1MI ) m ( ( ! . Furniture , Elc. FnrnitnrB , H | Wlfi , l.-OS nml U'K > la mini M ti. , . . .titm nrvvur A Wholesale Dealers in ttirnilara , _ Km tmm Street , Omaha , Ni-b. _ Croreries. _ li. II. CHAPMAN < - CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Toliiicco ana Sm-Acrs. ' Aitirli-s , KIT Ho iirJSt. MKVLU KAAPKB Wholesale Fancy Grocei-s , Teas , Prices , Cipars and Tobnit-oi. l l' una ISW Ious InsPtifel.Omaltu , Keb. llcCOim , I2HADY& COMl'ANl'i \Vholesal8 Grocers , Cornn JOth uini I'unuim Plu-t-is , Oranhn , Noli. I'AXTON. GALLAGHUll A : tX ) . , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , N'06. 7(15 , 707 , 709 uud 711 S. 10th St. , Oilitilm , NoU Hardware. VV. 3. IIHOATCH. Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel , Bpritips , kVntroii Mod ; . llai < lnc Hl Luml > cr , ita ' li'll lliirni-j Mit-cv , Umuliii , Nob. EI > XEY Wholesale.Iron , Steel , Wagon Anfl Curriiuro W * 5 Stock. Tlonvj Hiirrtwnra ' - Ncti. HlMKnAVilf& TAYlXDlt. Builders' Hardware , Mechanics' Tools nna llnflalo Scales. , Umuhii , Neb. LEE , ntlED iCO. . , Jobbers of Hardware and Kails , Tinware , Bhfft Iron , Etc. Apt-ntB for llowo ScaJus und Miami 1'owder to.Omubu Nub , MILTON' 110GEI13 & SON'S , Stoves , Ganges , Furnaces , Tiles , Monties , Giutes , llrass poods. 1321 nuil iCU : IVir- iiain Street. _ ItECTOn & U 1LH LMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware and Nails , Cmcrson Steel Mnil . Cor. JOth end Uurney , Oirslm. Nob. Harvesters. i CO. . CHICAGO , Manulr.cturcr of the .Doeiing HarYester Goods , 17rlte to Win. > 1. Loriuicr. Ganornl _ Omuha. Ti-'eplionoOlO. Iron Pipe , Etc. A. L. STRAN'G COMI'AIfr. Pnmps , Pipe and Engines. Eliara. Wiiter , Uall ay mid MIUIiK-SuiillcH ! | | , KfJ ICO , IKi' mid ir.'l rnmum St. Onmtia , j < cb. CHUHCHIL1. IT.MP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Stcnm nnd Water Fujijilics. Uea,1iimrtcrs | fo ? Must roost Co.'s GooiK 1111 J'uuiutu btrfet , | Omuliu , b. Jewelry. EK1CKSON , Wholesale Jewelers. Hcr.lcre In Silverware , DlnnionaK. TTntchrs Clot'Us , Ji-wrlent' Tools nuil Mntcrlal ? , Etc. , 101 una liKI , Kith Street , < 'or. Dotlfe't ) , Omuha , Nob. Notbnj. ? : . ' VINVAIU ) .fc Hotlons.HHlMJ . &G8its'Fi JUO. imtl lOJd ruiiiuui 1. , I -J. T. llobinsoc notion Company , JUI und tX ( > h. lllhfcl.OiiiuUa.S'eb. ( I > UAICM > hi Noiions unQ GenlV Tur- nlrhlnjrGoodb. _ _ Oils , Etc. Wholesale Dealers in Oiis , Gni-ollne , Mien AAloirca--o , Ktc. A. II Hit-bop , , Umalia , Neb. Pork Packing. JAMES E. IIOVD , Pork Packer aud Shipper , Ornalm , NcbriisLu. HAKKIS i riEHEIt. Packers and Provision Dealers , Office.ITnujii Market. lf > 17 Uwilce Pi root , I'ccL'ing houto , U. 1' . 1L u. Track , Clmcbu , Nob. Tclo- pbone No. 157. _ Safes and Lochs. _ _ _ " * I * , iioruii ti co. Agents for Hail's ' Safe & Lock Co.s' fire nnd BurKlur Proof Rafi-u.Timo IxicLBVault * and Jull M01 L. 1UJ ! Vunium Hreei , Omuha , J 'oli Seeds. " J.EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds. ojrnenlttirBl. Vc-gouible , Hie. Odd rf.'lowk * Hull , _ _ N. W.JTor. ll hiina _ Dodjro St . , Orr.uha , Nub. Drugs , Etc. THE OOOD.MAN DRUG CO Wholesale Druggist' , And Dealer in 1'ulnts , Oils unj vVludow OInss , C > mahu , Mcb. , Wines , Liquors , Etc mm i co. . ListiHers and Importers of Wines Anil J.i'inors. Kolo inunufnct'iiersof I'eunoilr'l LdM India Illtton * . 1112 llBJJiiy Sl-eet.O.Tiiiuo , Neb OKU. tueccbsor to > 'uKA end U'bolubiilo JJniltTb In Wines , Liquors and Cigars , Zli nml SJCS. litli St. , Oitmbu , NcU. nclions , tlt " * > u nilANDIES A SON , Wholesale Job Lots Dry GoodR , Kotlone , GontH' PurniRhh : ; ; GooJi , Kofirts from Kovv VorTrivdotiilcs ) daily. W * m < V > South 13lb St. , Omalm. ; I lour and Feed. _ _ W \\TJfHAVR i CO. , Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain. Uajicmrturert cf W J Wi-ist BUS 4. ( .a Qulvk Ka. sine lluckv heat Hour mid pn > i uclor * Uwaba City Miiis , w.r. ttU uni ru.-ua.iu Mroetf. Omiihi.