THE QjttAHA DA1JLY BEE : FRIDAY , JULY 10 , 1886. .BEHIND THE BARS FOR LIFE , Sentence of ono of the Most 0old-Blooded Murderers on Record , CONDITION OF THE IOWA OOOPS. Smallpox Ilnclng Slow Obedience to the Surpticy Ijaw McctlitK ° T n aioillos Itciult of Ijato Liquor Hints. Di s Moixr. , In. , July ir.-lSpcoial Tele- Rrnin to Ilio IJi.l Judio MeHenry , of tlio Seventh district court , sentenced Henry Furrj , tlio tiiiuduror of Floyd West , this nf- tcinnoii to tlio pnltontiary for life. In his npi.cjl to Ilic coin t for clemency IIP rlnlineil lie wes Impelled to do tlio deed by spirits who urge'd him to do thrt net nnd tnal ho knew nothing of the thing noi thought of It. Tlio day before his rontisel asked lliu coiul to cither sol aside the vcrdlnt or pass n mild sentence , on the ground that the prisoner was evidently a monomaniac on the subject of spiritualism and Unit ho was controlled by spirits nnd was thctcforo Insane. Judge Mcilonry claliuoil that Insanity did not ex- culpiato a man Horn the Riillt ot a crime unless how as absolutely without soll'-ronliol of mind nnd body nt tlio time anil before , nnd after , which was nut shown bv the evlaeuro In Urn pivMjul ease. Fin ry w at ) tried and convicted fur the mui- derof Flovd Wastul Ituimels on Kpliiuaiy 17 , IhSfl. It was one of the most cold-blooded crimes In the annals of the state. Tlip mur derer broke In thn night , and taking on axe , wont to West's room ntid sent thn weapon crashing through his skull. West cximed without a mutmur. Ills wife , awakened by the blow , arose to grii | > thu uuirdcier and was struck several times. Kunyvas cap- tnrod In n neighboring lioiise soon afterward nnd bronchi to jail. In sentencing him , Judge Mcllonry .said ho was ) si bad man to be at large , vvhetiiei iindei' tlie control of bad spit itsot not , IOWA'S CHOPS. A Great Falllnj * Off In AH Grains Kxocpt Corn. Dr.s MOINKS la. , Jnlj IV-Special [ Tele gram to the Uii.l Advance sheets of the monthly croo report of tlio Iowa Slate Agri cultural society say that 1,270 concspondents rcpoit the condition of crops nt 10J per cent , nn Increase of 1 per cent over the picvlous re port. Although In certain localities , whcio notn diopot ruin fell dining the month of -June , the corn has good eoloi , is crowing finclv and promises a laigo yield. In winter wheat 323 correspondents place its condition nt 10 ; ! pel cent , a dccie.ise from the June ic- portof : i per cent. In sprint ; wheat l.iiGO coi- respondcnt ropoitthe condition of the crop at 89 per cent , a dceiease of ! > M l > cr cent fiom tlio formei leport , caused chiellv by chinch bugs. In poitlons of the state the exhume eliyeathe.r has affected the jirosiM-ctlvo yields. In bailer , 5JO leports jpluco Its condition at Si per cent , a decrease f 18 per cent in less thirty days. In winter rye , 800 icporta place its condition at 07 percent , a dceiease of 1M per cent ; spilnit jyo , condition SU pel cent , a uccie.iso ol U\ $ pur cent. In oats , l.siis coitespomlents pl.ico Its condition at 81 per cent , a decrease of 17 per cent from tlio June icpoit. The falling oil Is caused by the dry weather. In timothy , \'xa coriospondents place Its condition at 83 percent , a elect ease of 17 per cent from the Jnnoioporr The net result shows a fallinc off in all kinds ol giain , except corn , \\lilcli promises nn uuusuallylaigo ciop. Dnckwnnl in Coining Forward. Das MOINJS : , In. , July 15. [ Special Tele gram to the Bee. I Although the law passed by the last general assembly requiring nil foreign corporations doing business In Iowa to Incoiporato hero went Into effect July 4 , but two com- jianles , the Nebraska Telephone company nud the'Noilb Urltfsh'Amnrefcarttilo , inaur- /'nnee ' company nave complied with It. ' heir articles have been lilcd with the secretary of ( date. The law allows lor latitude until September 1 nnd It is expected that by tlmt time thoio will bo a very general compliance with this new Sweeney law. Illn IlclatlvcH Discovered. * lies MOINUS , la , July 15. [ Special Tele- cram to the BEE ] Mr. Klclmrd Howard , the foreman at the International distillery who tiled fiom Biinstroko last week , was a mem ber of Princess Alice lodge , Sons of St. George. But when bis colleagues armngcd to bury him , no trace of his lelatlvcs could found. Tim members ot the lodge have been hunting for them ever since and liavo just discovered a cluoto bis paht history and ilnel that ho has n father and sister living nt Hal- ford , In Llncolnshlio. England , wlio will ow bo notified of his death. They'll Take the Pot. DA.VEXi > onT. la. , July 15. [ Special Tele gram to the BEK. ] A number of the mom- bora ottlio seventh judicial district met in this place to-day nsn non-partisan convention to nominate delegates for the district "Judge convention. They chose the following : W. p. Brannan. Muscatlne ; John N. Hogcrs , Davenport : ami A. J. Llpplnwlll of Clinton. The district Is overwhelmingly democratic nnd the democrats will nominate a btralght ticket and take the pot. Tlio Doctors Hnvo n Fcnst. DKS Mounts , In. , Jury 15. [ Special Tele- cram to the Bii.l : : The Jasper County Med ical association hold Its annual meeting nt Co I fax Springs to-day. In the evening n banquet vvns given to which prominent phy- Tdclnnb from adjoining counties were Invited , ,1'hcio was a lariro nttondanco of doctors who Bat nronnd tlio boatd , nnd toasts were re sponded to by the leading medical men of Central Iowa. Another Ijlquor Riot Chapter. CMNTOX , In. , Juno 15. [ Special Telegram to the BUB. ] The outcome of the liquor ilots n few dn > s ago was seen to day. Justice { scarinnn bound over to watt the nation of the Orand Jury , Joe MuKinloy. Dora Shlebley. nnd llonry Kiebs , charged with Intent to Kill an old nmn named Abbott , who was a witness In thollquoi prosecutions and their nftack wasconcuined wltli the quail el that loll owed. s Ilia Ann Torn Off FONDA , In. , July l.r > . [ Special Tolegiam to the BKK. ] Mr. Burk , of Williams , n brakeman - man on the Iowa Central load , met with a Borlous accident In the yaids heio to-day while attempting to mnko a Hying bwltch. Ilu was thrown down between the earn , and Ills right arm wns completely severed from Ills body near the shoulder. Amputation wnspiiifoimcd at the shoulder Joint and It Is thought tlio patient may possibly UNO. Ilu rat ul PI i ) inDealer. . fr.s MOINKS , la. , July 15. | Speolal Tclo- kpram to the HUE. ] William Townsend , wholesale Hour dealer , assigned to-day to J , G. Jtouiuls. Ills nssots nio S8.8CO , liabilities , due as follows : Wlnona Milling com- < nny , SI05 ; Ci-oston mills , SIKi.GO ; Same , § 4U20 ; Ciosby Milling company , fOOO.75 : George S. ( .auctt , S IO ; CUUeiib' Nntlouni Lank , 53.COD. _ Sniall-1'ox In Iowa. DBS MOI.NIS : , la. , July [ Tele- cram lo the HKI : . ] There IH n lutl outbreak of wnall'iiox at lialnii , In Woith county , near Die btnto line. Tliero Imvo been some littecn or twenty victims , and ono has just died. U'he state boaul ot health has tuken biinltaiy chaVgo and Is onfoielng a strict quainutlnc. Hutu in I own. CitKSTOJf , In. , July 16. [ Special Telegram to tlio Hr.i : . ] A much needed rain tell In this locality last night. Lightning btiuclc n t Massena , causing- slight damage. near by wassovcicly bliooked. The Drown Verdict. DKS MOIKES , la. , July 15 , [ Special Tele- jftam to the UKK. ] Muunger Weaver was In- Sirvluwed this mornlne , Ho bolloved lro\\ ! eiUHy but wns eatlsliedltli the verdict. Ho 11 loved the trial a bonelit to thu state , In mnk- dff oftluork iiuno curufnl. . iS AND IlAKllOUS. Tlio Scnnlc Piitu In the Day PatchIng - Ing Up the Hill. WASHINGTON , July 15. In the senate to day. Mr. I'eigh , from the committee on privi leges and election's , picsented n icport In the election ca e of Senator Tnjue. Mi. Hoar , on behnlf of blm < clf nnd Mr. 1'ryp , piescntcd the dissenting \lewsof the iiiitidtlt } . Mr. Plvnits mnilo n 'op.irato report , prescnt- ln tllo lesof himself , Mr. Teller and Mi. Kogan. All the icpoits weio onlcred printed In ono document nnd were placed on the cal endar to be called nt any tlmo us prlUlcccd matter. Mr. l.oimn diked leave to call up the joint ievolution nuthoiblni : the secretary of arto nrrepttlio deed and conveyance of the land known as Hlghwood , Like county , III. , twpnIHito mllc-s north of Chicago , contain ing fj'b ' acres , for military purposes. Mr. I.OK < IU explained Itas a purchase for S" 00- ( XWbythe Couimeiclal club of Chicago nud tendoied lo the gordnment. Mr. Ueck objected and Mr. ga\o no tice hoould call 11 up at a fntiiie date. Mr. Wllbon , of lov.a , olfeied a resolution that ltitUL'iual ; addresses , annual messages nnd Mich messages as may bo deemed of gen- public Interest of the several presidents ot the United States bo nnanged In chron ological order and pi Intcd as n senate docu ment. Itefeiled to the committee on print- lllL' . Mr. Allison submitted n confeienco leport on the legislative nppioiulatlon bill , tlio committee ngieclng upon all points of dis pute between the two houses , except as to the following points : Clerks for senators ( notchaliinen otcommlttees ) ; salary uf tlio as sistant treasurer nt Haltlmoie ; appiopilatlon foi three rleika for the civil servile commis sion , and lehitlng to tlio compensation ot Internal revenue accnts , survoiors , etc. The senate still further insisted on its dlsagtce- mrnt with the house on these points. Tlio senate icsumcd the consideration of the rhcrand li.tiuor nupropriatlon bill the nmcndmcnt adopted us In the commltlco of the whole , being the lirst to Do disposed of. Tlio lir t point on which them wns division on the amendment ( oflcicd originally by Mr. In falls ) to Items for the Mississippi liver piovldlngapottion of the nnpropi ration for rlinn Point and Lake 1'iovldenco leaches bo confined to complete repair and maintenance of levees throughout sueh roaches to the height of tv\o feet nbovo the Hood of 18bJ , ana to tlio completion of permeable woiks ol consumption , Tlio amendment was adopted. The next question wts the amendment ( originally ollered by Mr. lluirisoii ) to the fame item , to add to the proviso autHori/lnu tlie commission to lepair , 01 build a line , it necessary to the navigation and commerce of thei is ei , tlio w oids "out not below the i caches \ > hieli aio being improved by them , miles * It shall bu necessary In older to pie\ cut or close an injinioiisciovasse or outlet. " Mr. ( ilbson argued against tlie amendment as an insidious attack upon and attempts to condemn the Mississippi river commission. Mi. llanison advocated the amendment and said the Intention \\os to piescnttlio question vthothci the senate would author ize the Mississippi commission to enter upon the goneial system ot leveeini : the Missis sippi tiom its mouth to Cairo. Tending the decision ot tills question the hoiibo joint tos- olutlon oxtendlni' tlio temporary piovlaoon foi expeiibcs ot the goveinment to July 31 was picscntud to thu senate nnd passed. Mi. llariibon's amendment was then uzreed to. The amendment , otlered by Mr. Hale , stiik- iug out bectlon 2 , which legislated against dumping refuse matter in harbors , rivcis or tribulaty watei.s , next came up. Instead of the suction blriickouttheie had been insetted , on motion of Mr. Conger , a pioviblon author izing the bccietaiy of war to establbh haibor lines nnd establish lines where deposits ot ( lull ] is ot mines or stamp work can be made without injury to navigation. The question wns on striking out and insciting. It was agreed to. Amendments striking out sec tions ! i1,5 i , 0 , Taiid llvvoroallagmed to. All umendments acieed to by the senate in com mittee of the whole having berjn disposed of the whole bill was open to amendment , Mr. Teller , retelling to hisvotoon Mr Gib son's motion to suiko out Mr. Harrison's amendment lo the Mississippi river boctlon , said ho learned from Mr. liiown that he un derstood paired ou tliosorjuestlons. Ho theiofoio moved to reconsider the vote by which that motion to .strike out wns 10- jected by a tie vote , Mr. Teller having voted In the negative. The vole was leoonsidered and the matter again eamo up for action. ( Juestlon was then taken on Mr. Gibson's motion to btrlko out Mr. Harilson's amend ment and was ngiced to Yeas , 27 ; nays , SJO. Mi. Logan moved lo increase tlio nupro- priation for the Illinois liver from 5100,000 to 8150,000. Adopted. Mr. McMillan , chaiimnn of the committee pn commcicc , moved to btiiko out nil alter Ilic enacting clause in the bill , except that in each case the amount bo icduced pet cent. Ho expressed that the house bill , lit round numbcra , was gl'5,000,000 , the amount re- poitedby the committee on commerce S18- UCO,000. tlio amouutagieed to by the senate In committee of the whole 000,030 more and the amount under the pioposeds.'i per cent re- auction will bo 14,000,000. An extended dis cussion followed. Mr. McMillan said ho submitted his substi tute by direction of tlio committee on com merce and ho nnd the other mcmboisof the committee , during the 'discussion which fol lowed , explained that they , personally , and a majority ot the committee , favored the bill as it stood , but were constrained to recommend a reduction In the belief that If nuy river nnd haihor bills wcio to bu had the reduction mubt bo made , and that so iar ns the senate was concetned , It would doubtless pass the bill. bill.Mr. Mr. Edmunds thought the proposed reduc tion was wise. It would bo better to make a reduction of 50 per cent. Mr. Miller said Mr. Kiistls wanted to hwcll the bill through with hostility to tlio adminis tration In order to force a veto. It was an open secret , he said , that airaugoments were being made In nnothoi body to buiy the bill provided ccitnln things weio done , or pro vided tlio amounts wcto increased bovond a certain point. Them had nlso been floating about thu coitldois of the capltol , In thu cloak looms nud on thu Moor of the senate , state ments made and rcpoated day after day by men who represented the executive , by men who stood close to it , tvho did not he.sitatoto say ( not \\hl.spnis. . but outspoken words ) , "If this bill exceeded a certain point It would undoubtedly meet the executive veto. Mr. Salisbury asked Mi. Miller whether ho had any Information from the niesidiMit or any poisons Intimately connected with the president that ho Intended to vuto the bill. It was nut tight for the senator to chargotho president \\lth nn attempt to inlliionco the action of the senate , because no president had ever been moioc.uoful In that lespcct than the piobont executive. Mr.Miller replied that ho made no such ehaige. Ho had no Information whatever on thu subject. Ho merely stated w lint the men w ho stood before the country ab the leadois of thn administration rmi ty .stated tor \ \ eeks nnd weeks. If the bill oweded a ceitnin sum It would undoubtedly bo vetoed. Thodlseusblon was continued bv Messrs Ittddlcbeiger , Call and Humh. The latter ciltlcizcd tlio committee on commeico and tetorrcd to the minors of a presidential veto as something which came under the ground by thobowerago system between thu vvnito house and cauitol. Mr. Congei , a member of the committee on commerce , icbontod thoicferencesto his com mittee a dcharactcil/ed them as "Insidious attacks upon thu committee. " All thiough thu bpecch lie said nn attack had been niudo on the motives , sincerity , honesty and honor of thu committee. At the close of Conger's speech , which was eeitalnly bitter tluoughont , the senate , with out coming to a vote , adjourned. Additional Crop lloports. l'AiKtn ! : , Neb. , July 11. [ Special to the IJuu.J Coin Is growing finely , though In areas ot crnvcl hinds it Is b.-xdh binned. Wheat and oats average well. The piospectforllax Is dull. The late bovvn is not m > for want of moisture. Potatoes piom- iso \ \ ell now. It has been dry tor two v\eeks and over. An abundance of rain in four or Iho days would tiring a heavy crop ot corn and potatoes. Small gialn will be shortened somewhat. It will icach perhaps 75 per cent. NOIITU PJ.A.TTK , Jvob. , July 14. [ Special to the HKI : . ] There has been but little dam age to wheat and oats In this vicinity. liar- ley und i ye iiiado big crops ; corn planted early on old ground la yet doinij well and will make a good crop It ruins fall In a week. Late planted corn and on sod , and potatoes and garden ttuck are suffering. liuslnoss Failure. GAi-VEbroj. , Tex. , July IS.-The News' t > pec'al says II. Spohn & Co. , merchants and ranchers of Kncinal , Tex. , mndo nn assign ment. Liabilities , 573,000 ; assets , 8170,000. ALLISON AS A DARK HORSE , An Interview Whioh Suggests the Hawksyo Senator Tor the Presidency , MANY STRONG POINTS STATED. Tlio Impression Orowlnc ; That Cleve land Will Veto the Ulvcrnnd JInrbor Itlll-Tho Uvtrn- dltlon Treaty , WASHINGTON- , July 15 [ Special Telegram to the UI-L. I The Kvcning Critic lias a long Interview with n veteran statesman , once prominent In the affairs of the nation , who says Senator Allison of Iowa undoubtedly possesses many popular elements for a ie- publlcan presidential candidate , Ho Is a man of limited ability nnd great legislative experience , having been long In public life nnd mnde nn Inoffensive rccoid. iNo man Is piobably better versed In the alfalrs of the na tion , lie is cautious and diplomatic , nnd no one so long prominent In the patty moves along with so little filctlon. Ho is qulto likely to bo boomed by the Ulalnu Influence , having been a life Ion ? and devoted adherent of the Plumed Knight , but In his fidelity ho nlnnyssonuiMccd his course ns not to give ollVtiso to the bitter nntl-Blnlno faction In the party. "How do you diagnose the outcome'.1" was asked by the icportcr. "It Is too early to pi edict results. The only show the blundering democracy hns to win Is lost. Tlio lopubllcans have nn excel lent lighting chance , which they will Improve by picbontlng an unbroken front. They nio lee anxious and the contest to permit of a divided couiso. They blow about the mugwumps. They have become classified into political barnacles that nnd nothing else and each party will pray that they will attach themselves to the other's bottom. wit.r , rr.r.vr.LAND Tin : ntr.i. ' . ' There Is agiowlnirimpicbslon nt botli ends of the capltol that the president will veto the liver nnd hatbor bill In ease it leaches him. There are , Indeed , bciious doubts in the minds of a good miny people whether It will over get to him , for the changes made by the sen- : Uc are so numcious that It Is qulto posstblu that the house may permit It to drop out of sight rather than to attempt lo icconstruct and agicc upon a compiomlse , when they know that a compromise Is going to bo slaughtered. If the senate amendment , ! are agieed to In the house , the bill will nppiopiL- iitealmost twenty millions , a sumeven grcatoi thin than nppropilatcd by the lauious bill which Piesldent Arthur vetoed. inn r.\niAnmo.v TKIA.T\ : . Nothing can bo learned at the state dcpail- ment this moinlng relative to the alleged signing of tltecxtindilion lientv between 'the United States anU ( Jioat Britain. During Secietary l < 'icllnghu > ben's apminlsttatiou Coiigiessman Majbtnj nnd ox-Supcrintend- ent of 1'olico Conley , ot Dctiolt , called upon the secretary of state and set forth that ow- imr to the small list of extiaditnblo crimes embiaced in tlio existing treaty , the bolder towns of the two conntiles were over inn by cilminals. Secretary Fielinghuysen told a correspondent subsequently that negotiations were pendinir that would piobably result in a tioaty which would make It Impossible tor thu malfactors to escape the penalties for their crimes by crossing the Canadian border. These negotiations were not cut slioit by a change ot administration , but have been con tinued by Mr. 1'helps at the court of St. James. An attucho ot the British legation heio bald this moinlng that he knew the Canadian people had urced the homo govern ment to take the necessary stops to secure n wider scope for tlio extradition treaty , and ho lidded that negotiations loojclng to this end have been pending lor some tlmo. He was unable to say w hat result had been reached. Mr. Bellmont , chaliman of the house com mittee on foreign atlnhs , said to-day : "I knovv'nothiiigof the alleged treaty , but un- Jerbtand that something of the kind has been In ptogress for some time. " ' CHAIiailS AGAIXST l-OTTHK. An effort is being made by some Nebrns- Icaus to defeat the confirmation of Charles H. I'ottor ns agent of tlie Omaha nnd Wlnnebngo Indians In Nebuuska. A string of chaiges lias been tiled with the senate comm'tteo ' on Indian nlfnirs ngainst him. The charges ic- late altogether to his conduct in oflice. Pot- tei , it is alleged , is inxjn hlsollielal capacity , | ) urmlttlng Indians to soil timber on tlio robot bet vation , baiter their annuities , etc. Pet- wnnlly , Potter stands without blemlhh. However - over , it is stated that tlieso ehaiges grew out of inattention , and that ho will have tioublo In seem ing continuation. NOT i\cr.t' ivi : IN AstnincAX noos. The follow ing extract Is tnken'fiom i\ re cent icport imufo by Consul General Haiti at Berlin to the state department : "It Is a note worthy fact that since the exclusion of our hog products , cases of tilchlnosis have not decreased In Germany. On the moinlng of lunoutlm meat of twenty hogs slaughtered for a saus.igo butcher was mleroscopajly px- umined by an expert. The meat of fomtoon ot the lioL-s was condemned. All was full of trichinosis. In many instances pieces of meat not larger than ono crnln of oats which , alter beingcrushcd , repio ciitcd asuifacoof n little moio than thirty-nine one-luindredths of nn Inch contained toity and more of the imrn- sltes. The authorities congiatulate tlioin- sches upon the vigllnnce of the public meat inspectors , though thu consumeis become mote convinced eveiy daj * of the fallacy of the thcoiics which led to the exclusion of'tho American pork irom the German market. WOItKlNO I'Olt THE lIl..NXii'JX. : Qtiitua number of the Illinois and Iowa members of tlie hou > o hold a meeting to-day , to formulate a plan by which u majoiity vote could be secured for tnu Henncnin canal ai > - pioprlntion when the rhcrand haibor bill shall be ictutncd to the house. Several of thu members biioko brielly upon the subject , but no definite conclusion was leached. Another meeting will piobably bo held to-moirow. The sentiment ninoim these present to-day was tlmt the house will allow the nppropihi- tlon. iMi'itovnMr.xT.s roit MXCOI.X. Senator Van vVjelc to-day proposed nn amendment to the biindry civil appioptlatlon bill , giving 8.VX ) for Improvements in the way ot a fountain , walks , etc. , at the government building at Lincoln. CI.r.VKI.ANI ) MAY IIA1SB A HUMI'MUS. Tliero Is a tear , which Is paitakcn ot by democrats , as well as tepubllcans , that the president will yet exuiclsn his veto power In a way that will make gicat Inconvenience and much cmbairassmont. Somutlmo ago Mr. Cleveland warned conutcbb against banking up on him n Inigo number of bulky bills with the expectation that he will sign them without leading them , simply to laclll- late nil Join n men t. Ho announced that ho would sign no bill without reading and un- dciKtandmg It. and knowing the needs tor It. Ablll wasicceutly defeated which gave tlio president authority to veto a paragraph or section , or any portion of an appropiTation bill while approving of the remainder of It. Tlio defeat of tlio mcasuru was , to nso tlio phraseology of an old member , "to keep the president from becoming too technical , too meddlesome , and at the same tlmo too dis respectful with and to congress. " The icmilt Is that If a clause , a nlnaso , or n parnirrnph in nn nppropilation bill Is object- fonablu to the piusldent , and ho retuses to subscribe to It , ho will have to veto the whole measure , Thus , If 310 Is appropriated to a man or purpose which the mesldent believes to bo unnccoDbury nnd which liu dislikes , the whole hilt , piobably approptKiting S20uOO- 000 , will bo vetoed ; nnd the veto may come to congress within an hour of tlio tlmo llxed for adjournment , may ralso a row , and pobt- puno adjournment indellnltely. This nuts llu ) day for the dissolution of congress Into the uncertainty , although nearly everybody fixes It between the < 3tn nnd SOth Inst. ItUMOH OF OAIUXKr CIIA.VOKS. Denials nnd statements nud explanations teem the columns of tlio local n-s well ns the outside pi ess in connection with Impending changes In the cabinet , and those collaterally connected with tlio administration go so fur as to deny. In a negative soitof way.thatany change Is talked of. It Is as near a tixod cer tainly ns anything can bo in politics Hint .Sec retary Manning will not till the hard position of thu treasury after October 1 , and these who should know say ho will retire before th cud of September ; that he will remain until the president returns from Ids summer tour , and men. and before the rush of the fall business begins , will his resignation be accepted. Attorney General Garland authorizes the announcement tbatho will hie away to Hominy iny mil , his woodland retreat in Arkansas , as boon as COIIKIUSS adjourns about the 1st pros. Supplemental to thU announcement is the statement , alao authorized , that he hns not iccorrrcd from lib * .se\cro Indisposition of last sprlnc. nnd that his vacation will con tinue till October. It 19 notorious In Wash ington that Mr. Garlaitil wants to leave the cabinet as soon ns hcican'do so with credit. Time and again has lie laid , in denying his reportedptcclpltatoretrcat. thntho would not leslgn under lire. A , n umber ol times , how ever , hns ho Indicated that ho would IIHc to leave public life. He believes he can make twlco as much money br half Iho Work and have n more enjoyable tlmo In pilvnte life. Mr. UarlanU fs a tine lawyer. In easy circumstance , and since ho does not IlUO'fcuch active life as . now in nnd feels that ho Is the sourceoti cmbnnnssnient to friends , It is but natural to piesume , If no other than ulterior reaspns existed , that lie would like to retire. It makes no dlffcieneotvhat reasons exist , there are reasonsniul good ones and a.mplc , for saying that Secietnry Manning tlcally bid adieu to the treasury department , nnd that about August 1 , Mr. ( Inrliuul will lollovv the example , so far as the dupailnfhit ot Justice Is concerned. There is no politi cal feeling In this prediction , It M based on fact. The selection of successors to these officers will not Involve any sacrlllco to tlio country , or Imrnrd or excite any Interest. It Is safe to snv the places will ho filled' , by men who will keep the maclilueiy In tlio usual motion. motion.Ot.KOtt.VnnA.niXK IVIPOsrriONS. In congressional chcles much Is being said about the extent to which credulity of the farmers throughout the country has been Imposed upon In connection with the passage - sago of the oleomargarine bill. Without any authority so far ns the people can ascertain , certain parties sot Uihcadquartcrs | liotes early in the session nnd began to speak tor t ft dairy Inteiosts of the country , and demand committee meetings and organized ac tion In congress. At the same Instant circu lars by tiio 10.0000,000 and ) , ODO , bcznn to Issue to thu buttci-makcis everywhere , im ploring them to petition congress lor tlio passage of the bill , and asking for contribu tions ot money to carry on 'tho expense of thu workhoio In the interests of the cow owners anil In opposition to tlio manufac tures of imitation butter and cheese. For months these nppcals to the country for In- lluunco upon congress and for money for the cnuso ol the dlniy. No ono "knows whether theic wore liberal responses to the nppcnls for linanelal nld. Petitions ponied in by the carload almost. The tight of petition is guaranteed In the constitution of tins United Htate.saml Is thopiopcrwayto speak. The sciiillnir of money to men tor the pin pose of calling for petitions wns gi.itult- otts , uniiecessaiy and a waste. Ktiottshnvu been made hero from time to time by bogus attoniej s to bleed the soldiers ot the country of haul-earned money to "Inlluunco the pas- bago1 of favorable pension legislation"but they iiaxo failed. Tlio soldiers nndfnrmi'ts hnvo cnotigii Influence within the power ot petition to got their deserts , and no money is needqd In any diiectlon. Tin , AND iiAiutoi : HIM. . Wnate\cr the motive 01 sense ot Picslelont Cleveland uiay bu in declaring his disap- pi oval ol , the ordinary way of piop.iring river nud hiirbor bills , ono icstilt IK sum to follow : I'ohg'icss will givomoto attention to tlitf ic- potliol , jgoveinmcnt engineers und tlio de-t nmndsof wmmeiceas they mo ieiotted ) to * the war and tieasuiy dcpnitments , and lebs. to the pruttngs of patties and the bearings nppioprhttions lor river Imptov'e- ments may have upon concessional dlbtilets. Mon in.both branches of cOngiess are now fiep to ackndwlpduo that it is all wionc to penult political inllucnce to contioi the piep- utxtion ; of rivet nnd iiaibot bills , and > et ale asttankln thcli acknowledgment tlmt Whoio the distilWitlOn of thu money is pointed out in these bills that it Is physically impossible to torbear polltlctil un denitions. These- cohgiesa because ot tlnrpoliticalbcaiingit contained and itb nctelect 01 uusinuss consiil- cratlons. I ' The suggestion of Pn'sldont Cleveland that the way to ImproVe liters and harborson a business basis Is to aflpiopilute bo much cneh year and nlaceftfat'the disposal of. the chief cxecntivo upon tht- order of the geei c- taryof war was nlsd'fiu ' tested by tluee or tour ot his piedeetfssor * . Especially did President Aitliur adyochre this plan. And congress is coming tofccqsthe wisdom of it. It would cnablu ce/n eliftutlon In the work. The trouble with the bid iihd piesent system is none , or lew , ol'tlifl'iinpiovements are coUipletedJbca\jso dDa HcK of funds. An imnrbvainent. rc < iiilrni'r8250iOOO gets -Sioo.- 000 by this congress atlelBM l guti , ljut ftiture congresses by tef using , to appropriate n sulll- clont Sum to complete tnowoi/c makes n dead loss to tlio gpvornitient.'i- It is held that tlio future plan will neces sitate no deliclencles , and create no surplus es. to bo lost. Local considerations will have no weight. Go'vetnment enirluoers will se lect tlio places to bo improved. The torces will thcio 1)0 concentrated , and no other work begun till that is competed. By this plan tlii-iu will bo less work in progress , but 'all ' begun will bo completed. No onohcic bo- lleves the liver and haibor bill of to-day will ever become a law. I'OSTMASIintS Al'POINTKD. Mrs. Jane Blackwell was to-day appointed postmnster at Varna , Saline county , vice Isaac Smallcy , icslgned. wKsrr.n.v t'osTAr , CIIAXOHS. Time fichedule.s ot Star mall loutcs in Ne braska have been ordered changed as fol lows : Otis to Marquette heave Otis Tue.sdavs and Saturdays at 9 a. m. ; aitlvo at Matquette by 10 : : * o. m. Leave Marquette Tuesdays and Saturdays at U a. m ; arrive at Otis by 12iOp. : m , Nnnda to Taylor Leave Nunda Saturdays at 1 1) . m. ; arrive at Taylor by 5 p in. Leave Taylor Satutdays at 8 p. m. ; atrlvo at Nnnda bv 1" m. Dot p to ! arfleld Leave Dorp Saturdays at 1 p. m. ; orrlve nt Gnrfield by 6 p. m. Leave Gaiiiold Saturdays at 8 a. m. : aufvo at Dorp by 12 m. Leave Gartluld Fridays at 8 a. m. ; iiu ivo nt Arnold by 12 m. Leave Arnold Vildnys at 1 p. m. ; utrlvo at Garliold by 5 p. m. Chances have been made in Town tlmo scheduleb as follows : Jubilee to Jessup Leave Jubilee Tues days , Thursdays and Saturdays atiW ; : ! p. m. ; nrilyont Jo > > sui by 5 p. m. Loa\o Jessup Tuesdnys , Thersdnys nnd Saturdays at 1 p. m. : nirlve at Julillce bvii5)p. : ! m. -Alia to West Scott Leave Alia Mondays and Thiu.sdaybnt 1 p. m. : anivo nt West Scott by 3 p.m. Leave West Scott Mondays andThuisday.s nt:5:80 : : p. m. ; arrlveatAlta by fiROp. : nt. Al ona to Seneca Leave Algona Tuesdays and Satin days at 8 a. m , ; ntrlvs at Seneca by ! > p. m. Leave Sonecn Mondays and Fridays at 8 a. m. : nulvo ut Algona by n p. m. Highland to Klgin Leave Highland Mon days , Wednesdn.vsnnd Fridays utillp. : : ) m. ; nrti\ent Klu'ln by 4Wp. : m. Leave Klgln Mondavs , Wednesday * nnd Fridays nt 2 p. m. ; nulvo nt Highland byH:30p. : m. Oxtoidto Nora Leave Oxfoid Tuesdays , Thursdays and Sattudays nt 8 n. m. ; iiiuvo ntNorn by tl p. m. Leave Noia Mondays , Wodnosdnys nnd Fridays a ; 8 n. m. ; airivo nt Oxford by 0 p. in. Cribbing Clerics WA8iiiNOTe > N July 15. Acting Sectetary Fttlichlld to-day biimmarlly rtiamlBsed the chief of division and tvVocletksin liisonice foraiscredltnblocond/iVl'lt1 connection with the oxamlmUIonb -promotions. . It seems the chief ot dlvlsloii'ljad been liibtructed to prepare cxaminatloni | K'is for promotion In his otllce , and after ilolugbo Eiirreptltlously furnished copies ot.iho ouestlons to tvyo cleiks under him. A higli olhclal of the ticasury department HArttef he has bceil con vinced tlmt this pracHeiums beim in vog\ie and that the uuthorltleiV'Utet ' rinlned to put a stop to It as far as ixv slbje. ) NomilintlooH. WAsiiiKOTONJiilylSj Tlie jircsldent sent the following iiomliWWnMu the bonatoj Douglas W. Taylor , Poitland , Ore. , to ho biir- voyorgencial of OrdLMjijj Lewis Williams , Mlssouil , to bo commissioner for the distilct of Alaska , to reside flf JtOieali City ; W. K. , , monte , Cnl. ; Gilbcit y.i Williams , NowYoiU , agent at Cheyenne nnd A rapahoo agency , I. T. ; recolvei-3 of public i nonoy , Lukti A. Burke , Aberdeen , DaU. ; WUJJain 0. .Hobbs , Sprlttelleld , Mo. ; James .S. Welch , Iletrolt , Mich , : Commodore Jamej L. Jouett , to bo rcnradmlml ; CommoUore John H. Itusseli , to be teat Admlial ; Captain John li win and James A. Green , to bu commodores. The I'urooll Kuiid Picnic. DES MOINKS , July Ui.-SpeelalTelcsrani | to the UKK. ] An Immense picnic will beheld held hero August -UH to raise a contilbutiou to the Pninell fund. . Jitdgu Wakcloy will ouSaturdny morn ing render decisions in tlio tolldwlng cases- Kuhn va Schcnibriin , Stitt vs Steele Elliott vs Waltoliuld , Estubrook YS Hntherot , Alstadt ys Now. THE TRIAtj CO.MMRNOKD. The Anarchist tJnry Sconreil nnd tlio Prosecution Opened. CmrAoo. July 15. [ Special Telegram to the BJE.J Thcio were but clehteen peremp tory challenges remaining for the defense when the woik of seeming n jury for the dial of the anatchlsts was resumed this morning. These wcro quickly exhausted. K. B. Sandford. nged about twenty-four years , wns the last talesman called. He said he hud formed a decided opinion on the question ot guilt or innorcneo of the ac cused , but noveitheless ho thought he could give them a fair ti ial. He answered satisfac torily all tlio questions put to him , and then Mr. Foster , for thodcfchso , after consultation with his associates , said ho would challenge the juror for cause on tlio grounds that ho had formed an opinion. The coin t overruled the challenge nid ) at the afternoon session States Attorney GilnneU announced that tlio piosccutlon h.ul concludded to accept Mr. Sandford ns the twelfth juryman. This completed the panel , nud the final four were told to stand up nnd reccivo the oath. Theic was a general teellng ot relief when It was icallzcd that Inn long nnd labor- oils task ol scouring a jury was nt length ended. After n few mmutos consultation , State's Attorney Grinnell at ouco began his opening addiess to the juty on behalf of the people. Tlie State's Attoiney. ns ho began his address , had n big map of the scene ot the Hnymaikct outracc can led In nnd placed before the sworn twolvo. Ho asked the jur > to sit In judgment dispassionately and bu guided wholly by the evidence tlmt would bo adduced before them. The institutions of this country , he said , nnd IMCII trampled under footund belittled bi the conduct of such men ns puicticcd in the Hamaiket mooting of May . The cltl/cns of this coun try believe In the institutions of the countiy and believe that these Institutions aio above cavil and have been .since the Declaration ot Independence. But our citizens , with their Ideanof llbeity , have bi'cn piono to put too much confidence In sttangers who arc ene mies of the government. Gilnncll continued by saying that he will show lu the testimony that August Spies , onoot the defendcts , had repeatedly called on the Inboilng men to aim themselves with iltles and itvnaiulte and tileati out the police. After de ctfblug the featmcs of the plot to blowup the police station simultaneously nnd snck the city the state's attorney bald in conclusion : " 1 will attempt to show you who throw the bomb , nnd not n single conspirator will bo placed upon thb stand whom we will not c.orroboiate by witnesses. " When the state's atlo'rnoy ceased the attotnoys for the defense said they would make no statement for their sldo until the evidence was all In , To-morrow the examination of witnesses will begin. " " ' The House I'rocccdliics. "WASIIINT.IOS , July 15. In the house , Mr. UandnlLot Pennsylvania , from the eoiflmit- tec oil nppiopilations , lopoited the joint ( csolntlon continuing in loico until .htlj : U the provision of the joint icbolutlon prov id- ing tempoi.irily ( until to-dav ) for the ex penditures of the government. Passed. On motion of jlr. Price of Wisconsin the bill was passed prov Idlng for hold ing tei ins of United States com t at Kan Claire , Wis. Mr. Morrison of Illinois fiom the committee on rules , reported tlio resolution orderlmr night sessions foi to-day nnd Snturday , to night's session being for the consideration ot labor business , Satinday's tor the considera tion of business loportcd iioui thu commit tee on minting. Agreed to. Mr. llolman biibmltted the confeieiico le port on the legislative nppropiintion bill. KVKXISO sr.ssio.v. At the evening .session the house passed the lollovv ing bills liom the committee on labor : To prevent tlio employment of convict labor and alien labor on public buildings or other public woiks. Amending the act to prohibit the impoila- tion of foreigneis and aliens under contract dr agreement to peifotm laboi in the United States. Practical mechanics , laboteis and servants in the Dlbttict of Columbia In their wages. Thopeiinte bill providing for the payment per dfem ol government employes lor deco ration day nnd fourth of July. Directing the commissioner of labor to make an investigation in icgaut to convict laboi In the United States. The bill extending the piovislon of the eight-hour Idw to letter cairlers , gave liso to some opposition , nnd pending action , thu house , nt 11 p. m. , qdjomned. TWO UNFORTUNATES. Carl Sclmrz on tlio Pnii-I31cotrlc Scnn- nal nnd Manning's Illness. Ntw : Yonic , July 15. [ Special Telegram to theBr.i.J CarlSchurz In an intcivievv last evening about Attorney-General Gmland's nufortunntePiin-Klectiic connection said : ' It is not my thought rtt nil that Mr. Garland is anything moie than an unfortunate. lean Im- nglno how ho was drawn into this Pan-Electiic matter. 1 do not think that he had any ap preciation of fact that the speculation was one of millions. I urn Inclined to think rather ho thought ho was pelting a fewhundreaddollai.s worth of stock for Ids legal services , and that it was only n modest Arkansas fee that was given. I can rcmembci how it was with the great Ciodlt Moblllcr affair. There wcro men who saw their associates making money nnd they thought they could moke some too. It Was ti pitable sight in some cases. " In f nitlier conversation , Schnrz expressed the opinion that Manning's dopartmo was most untottupnto In the cnreer ot the ndmln- istiatlon. He icpcntcd two or tlueo times that It was decidedly nntoitiinatu. Advices fiom Albany say tliatSecietniy.Mnnnlng ImB surprised his mends by his vigor hlnuo ho 10- tnrncd home. He lemmked yesterday that helolt pietty well , nnd nslde fiom blowness of movement and slight uncertainty in walk ing , ho seems neatly to Imvo recovcied fiom his Illnc.-w. If ho experiences no rectinenco there Is every icason to believe he will be back In the trensury department in October. While ho Is hero ho will hnvo an oppoi tuulty to Atialghton out the democratic light in this county , vviiuio a committee of ; < 00. headed by Edw.ud J. Meegan , are kicking ngninst the Manning machine. TUB wortiirToii' SPOUT. and CnnudlniiH Ucgln the , Slioot at AViinlilodoin. LONDON , July 15. Tito liglit In Wlmblc- dom uuiing the illlo contest was good , but the wind wns rntlior strong. The match , which had been nrrnnged between the mem- Ix'tsoC thoiioiibu of louls and the inembois of tlio lion-o of commons , had been aban doned because it had been lotind Impossible to compete , owing to the absorbing Inteiest In the elections. The shooting of the Hint btago ot the contest for the queen's pri/o was finished today. CornotalSouter , of thn Ab erdeen lilies , made t o out of a possible 105 , taking the tnonzo medal. Thn highest Can adian hcoras weie nmdo by Bell. Uussell and Wilson-ta , & 5and75. Racine at Wublilnton Park. CIIJCAOO , July 13. At Washington park Mile ; Bob Fisher won , Lafittu .second , Solid thlid. Timo-lJ4. : Mutu.iU paid SlS.bO , Five-eighths mile : Ban Bowman won. Jacobin second , Witlirow thlid. Time l:0ix. : MutnaU paid $ 'J.W. ' ! Wiibhlngton pit It cup , two and n quarter miles : K. J , Baldwin's pair , Volant ! nnd Lucky U , walked over , Lucky B tinlstilng lirst. The non-staitcrs were Modesty and Lcpanto. Extra race , one , one nnd nn elirhlh miles ; Alice won , Buchanan second , Modesty third. Tlmo 1WH : , Jlutitals paid S'17.00. Mile : Wanentun won , Handy Aitdo second end , Biddy Bovvllna third. Tlmo-l-J'JW , Mutualspald 5R10. Hurdles , nno und a half miles : McCnl- lough won , Will Davis second. Guy third. 'I inio 2W. Mutuals paid S17.70. Momnontli Park Races. MONSIOOTII PAIIK , N. J. , July 15. Handi cap for all ages , ono and one-sixteenth miles : Dry Monopole won , Anarchy second , Hackciag tnlrd. Tlmo I M. Tyro btakes , lor tivo-year-olds , tlirco- fomtlismllo : Tromont won , Ha > eller aeo- onii , ( iueen Kllzabeth tlilrd. Tlmo 1 :19H. Barnogut slakes , for threecarolds , ono nnd one-half miles : The Bard won , Quito second , Winifred third. Tmo-2:45 ! : } { . Sweepstakes , ono and ono-fourth miles : Favor won , Elizabeth second , Huearkease third. Tlim-3IA : Stilling i-aoc , one and onp-Mxteenth uillw : Lclrela won , Phil Levels second , > Vhlzgl ; thltd. Tlme-lr : 7if. , Steeplechase , over Hail course : Colone Watson won , Joe Shelby second , Ch.ulC ) Epps third. Time 8:83. : Tlie Base Unit Itccord. AT ST. Lot is St. Louis 0 ( I 0 Q 0 3 0 1 0- 1 Dctiolt 0 . * t Pitcher ? Kirby and Baldwin. First base hlts-St. Louts 6 , Dotioit 11 , Eiiots-St. Louls. > . DetioltH. Umplic Cinno. 81. Louis 0 00000910-1 Athletic o o i a u o o : i : i-n Pltchois Nottli nud Atkinson. Flt lbisc hlls-St. Louis 7 , Athletics 1:1. : Kuoib- St. Louis t. Athletics C , Umplio Btnillev. AT KV.NSAS Cnv Kansas City . . . .0 000000 1 1 2 Chicago . . . . a 2 0 'J 1 0 1 0 * H Pttelieis Wt'idmei amlMcCotmlcK. Phbt base hits -Kansas Citr > , C'hlcairo 17 , Ki lors - Kansas Cm 0 , Chicago J. Uniplte-Con- nollv. A-i Pint.nrt.i iiiA Philadelphia . . .3 0 0 0 0 I 3 0 -6 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 U 0S Pilclicis Feigiison and 1'adboinno. I'll at basu hits-Philadelphia W , Boston 7. Kruus Philadoipliiti 7 , Boston U , Umplic Voik. AT CivctXN'.ut Cincinnati 0 2020300 * 7 BiooKlyn . . . . 000000400-1 Pitchcis-Midland and Porlci. Flist bnso hits ClnclnnutlO , BiooklynO. Eirois Cin cinnati 4 , BiooUjn 4. Umphe Walsh. Ar PifTsnntu Pittsimix 2 o o o o 3 i o o-n Metropolitan 0 0010001 I-U Pitcheibr-Lynch and Morris. Flist ba o lilts Plttsbmgs 10 , Motiopolltans7. Kirors PltUsbuigs3 , Metiopolitnn 1. UmpliX ! Valen tine. tine.AT AT WASIIINOTO.V NuwYoik. . . . 0000030 * -ft Nationals 0 2 Fhstbaso hits New YoiUs 11 , Nationals 5. Etrors Nationals 0 , New Yoiks 5. Um pire Cut rj. ATLot'isviLi.r. Louisville 0 o 2 o o o t 0 0 : i Baltimore 1 00000400 G Pitehois Kllioy und Uavvbcy. First base hits Lotiis\illu n , Baltimore 0. Eirois LonlbVlllo 0 , Baltimoio 0. Umphe Kelly. IlEVOIjUTlOMSTS A.UM1NU. AfTuIrs Oil the flloxlcitn Border Grow- Ins ScrloiiH. Nivv : OIIMAJ : < S , July 15. A special to the Times-Democrat liom NC.UVO Luiedo. Mex. , says : Cononel Cluiles Wlnslow , United States consul at ( iiierrj , airlvcd heio jestur- dny. He rcpoits that tlie insurgenU in that bcction aio galnluz stiength and will make a junction with the icvolutlonlbU now scat- teicd o\er the distiicts boideiini ; on tlie Ulo ( iiande. In this upiising , as in one last December In Ncuvo Leon , tlio hand of the government can bo been. Theie is no doubt that botoro tv\o months are past tliobtatoof TamaicllD.iswill bo under iiilll- taiyriile. The civil goveinment of Cannlis hab been deposed nnd a milltaiy goveinor appointed fiom the City of Mexico. No en gagement has vet taken place In this legion. G VI.VKSTON , July 15. A special to the N s liom Liucilo says : For several da.vs past them liavo Illinois ol sciiotis tioiible along tlio Mexican boulei on the Ulo Grande. Ycstciday telegrauib v\ete received from the city of Mexico otdeilng tioops to bo bUitioued atNeiiNu Laivdo and down tin * i Ivor to sup- ) ) ievs the contemplated leyolitliunnry out break in tlie btate ot Tamaullpos. To-day af- Inirs assumed n giavci attitutle. from the tact that a number ol Winchester lilies have been piitcha.scd hcie with which to arm a volun teer company of N 'ti\o Lai cdo to assist In the defense of tliatcltj. The latebt leports 10- ceived to-night icpicsent that a btato of ginvo uhuni exists nnd that a bciious conllict will occui between the government foices and the levolutionibts. Captain D. C. Kinguian lias boon or dered to Fort Ilobinbon , Neb. , on public business. The tunurnl of Christ Lurton , who was killed by a falling bank of earth , took place yesttuday afternoon. 11. T. Clarke is having plans tlra\vn tip fpr n row of leu thrco-stori' brick houses , to bo elected , on California street , south ot Crcigldon college. liiwlstreot's local ujjenc.y ; received word yesterday thntW.Y" .'dvvcll , n drug gist at AfcCook , has boon closed on at tachments by creditors. A. L. Strung , for allowing ono of his employes to ninkc u bonfire on Sixteenth nnd Davenport , was lined $5 and costs. James Douglas was lined $1 and cobts for leaving his horse unhitched. The Hon. John A. McShanc went to Chicugo hist evening on : \ short business trip. trip.The The { Trading on the Lincoln end of the , new brunch to that city of the M. P. his' : been completed and yc.stordnv the two construction trains sent out left that city with snpplicb for the truck. Second Lieutenant Charles K. Noycs , of the Ninth infantry , hns been relieved from duty at the Bollcvne range in con nection with the depnrtnicnt rillo coinpo- tion , nnd ordered to report to his com pany ut FortD. A. liusbcll , Wvo. Mr. M. Hullinnn has mndo tlie lirst con tract for n Grant shitr and stone walk of any ono in lliu city. It is to add lo thu beauty of his robidcnco on SOInry'savo- tttiuOninlia never witnessed such nn nmonnt of tr.ivol as nt present. Travelers nro heading to nil points of tlio comnass nnd tlio city is contributing its full bharc to crowds wandering to nnd fro. Gi'orsolJurinestui1 , in fun I son of Adalpli Bnrmcstur , nged ono year , .seven months nnd twenty-one days , died yestciday The funeral will take place this iiiorninjr James II. McShnno and his two chil dren were pubscngcr.s on tlio Q labt evening - ing with n pleasant Ohio visit in iiroj- pc.'ul. "Doc" Ilnynes , of Iho P.iellic Express , hns stinted lor the ( Jnrdon of ( ioila in L'olorado for a dosurvcd.ication , Mrs. David Wilkio left ycsloiday for her rnnoho near V > ooil Kivur , Idiiho , to icinnln until thu heated term is over. Mr. Jlpnry Hardy , prupiietur of the 09 [ out store , went ciibtThur.sdny nfternoon nn n btibinobb trip , und will ho nli'-ont from two to three weeks. Mr. Hardy will visit Chicago. Now York and Boston , For the purpose of securing novelties of loroign und domestic mnmifnctnru for [ ho iitiunn and liolidnp trade , of which it is liis inanition to oiler the peopln of Dninlui the linest stool ; ever bliown liore. Mr. Hardy is ono of the enterprising met chants of the city whom wo are glad Lo commend to the notuoof our renders. District Court. Sterling P. Anderson who has in this county for several months back , lillcd n | petition Jfor divorce yestonlny from his wile Lillie , to whom ho was iiiurriod on the fourth of 1'nbrunry , iitTtpton Iowa. She lived with him hut a slioit time und ho claims has now wil- Inlly deseitoil him for the past two y > uus. For which reason he dcsiius n divorce. Mr * , ninltinll Fined. TlioMiilhnll-Sliinrook family feud wits settled in the district court yesterday af- turnoon. A motion for n new trial for Mis. Mnlluill , who vvns convicted of an nsaanlt upon Mia. Sliinrock , wns over ruled by Judge Nevillu , wno lined dm ( Us- fcndunt $50 and crijts. Mr.s Mtdliull'ri attorney threatens nn appeal Huildlni ; Permits. Inspector \Vlnllock \ issued btuldi , ) per mits yosterdiiy ab follow.- , : Mrs. Leah Hasowaloi , loinotlollng dueling , 1711 Douglas . 3 4,000 Afilcan M , K. Chinch , parsonage , Eighteenth and Webster . . . . 1,000 James Binmell , 1 story tramo cotu e , Cherry betueun Fourth .mil I'll Hi 1,000 W. N. Williams , frame cottiwo Diaku 1,100 A. J. Hotold , block 3 htDiy iramu Mote and tenement , bummers . . , . 0,005 Oeorce Snjder , 1 story frame , Twentieth ' eth near Mason . 'At J. Six penults aggregating . "fi.lOO TIIELASTACTOFATRAGIM , The Death of Mrs , Doran Eecalh on Earlj Day Grimdi THE INTERSTATE EXPOSITION. Tno nnllnrd Cnsc Again Tlie llctnln * l \Vt\IH-Mm. . MiillinM Klncd The City's l''lnniuos Oilier liocnl flatter. A Trajjody UrcalliMl. Tor nearly twenty years a woman who figured In n tragedy in the eaily history of Omaha lias been living in a quiet man ner in her llttlo home on LJnrt btreet , earning n tnodust living for her self by doing washing for sa loons and it'.stauranU. She lias avoided making aeqii.iiiilatu'es and hns lived so noaily the life of n rceluso Hint lior existence has been unknown ot- cept to tlio parties witli whom .she 1ms been thrown in rota tion bv her work until her death , on yesterday , revived tlio story of the tragedy in which she was n promi nent figure. The woman was MIH. I'lorcC'Uoran , whoso remains are now lying at tlio undertaking rooms of Dnuol & Maul prepared for tliu burial , which takes plneu to-day , In 18UU the woman , then a Miss Fioreo , young and comparatively handsome , was married to an Omaha carpenter , an old- crly man named Doran , who was a widower with ono son , Iternhard Dornn- ten a joung ninn about twenty years of ago. Soon after the marriage an inti. iniicy was alleged to have sprung UP be tween Mrs. Uoran and her handsome , step-son , resulting in a tragedy whleli cost onu man his hfo and ruined the Dor.xn lamily. The old man Doran , con vinced of his wife's faithlessness , secured u warrant fiom Justice of the IVnco Graham for his son's arrest on the charge of adultery. Tlio warrant was placed in the hands ot Jerry MeSlinuo , n constable , who was M'tit to ai rest voung Dor.iu. lie was accompanied by I'at Kockbud , an c\icb&nmn , and n lawyer named Mul- cahey. Thuy drove to Doran's home ut tlio corner of Thiiteuntli and 15 , rt , and asked lor young Doran's arrest Doiuii biirrenderod and blurted to go with the ollicer when he was assuultud by loek- bnd. Ho called tor MeShaiie's protection - tion , which was not forthcoming , and ho turned to defend liiin.selt. Ho drew a Spanish dirk and commenced to make desperate lunges at the tlueo num. Poor McSliauo vvns tirst caught nnil the knife plunged entirely through his hond. Ho vvub taken home , where he died tne next day. Muluahoy was stabbed novoral times in the back and came near dying Doran then escaped und was a fugitive lor several days but was finally captured by Captain baundeis and a posse of men. Mob violence was pre vented anil a fair trial secured for Doran. lie was convicted and sentenced to Urn years in tlio penitentiary. When the prison burned in 1871 lie escaped and is btill at liberty. The elder Dot an secured a divorce from his wife and loft the coun try. His death has since beun loporled. Tlio death of Mrs. Doran removes the last participant in the tragedy which will hereafter live only in the memory of the old timorb. FAIt AND KXPOSITION. How They arc to lie Hun Togotlior In September. Secretary Wheolurof the Omaha fair board is btibily engaged with' n foru'o'of clerks preparing details of the forth coming show : it the fair grounds. This will bo tlio second fair given by the Omaha Fair anil Exposition association. It is intended to make it thn best that has over bcun hold in this state. If the weather be propitious the management fool they will liavo little dillieitlty in suc ceeding in the aim mentioned. It will open on September 0 and close on the llth. The entries will close on Monday , September 0 , at 12 o'clock. Mr. Wheeler lias just issued the premium list for thin year. It is a book of 100 pages , copiously supplied with advertisements together with a list of nil the prizes and , in fact , all the information concerning the matter which a person might roquire. Mr. Wheeler desires It to bo undur- etood that it is the fair board that lias charge of the exposition which id now being prepared to take place in the exposition - position building on the corner of Capital avenue and Fittecnth street. Thov liavo maJo arrangonionls with the managers of the buildinpfortheusool lliosamodur ing the exposition but tlie management of thu latter will bo in tlio hands of the fair board. These gentlemen , too , are working hard to inaku the undertaking a success. They feel that one entertain ment will aid the other and , at the bamo time , unable some entertainment lo bo allbriled which will Keep people in town over night and which will also bo of in- to tlioau who may not bo devoted to pursuits. In fnrlhoraiieo of this Idea , Mr. Limngor , who has been appointed manager of the exposition , will leave for Chicago to day to lonrn something about the manner In which the exposition thenis conducted. OoocPworlc. To tha Editor of the Bir. : . Allow me simply ab an outsider to speak of a work that is being cnrridd on in this city by a few ladies that I am Mire is not fully ap preciated by most of our citizens. In factit is impossible to rcali/.o thu extent of the work without seeing it. Hut allow nui in a fuvv woidh to tell something of the work that tlio ladies ai o doing at thu Buckingham on Twelfth blruot Only a day or two ago n young man Jrom ono of the lirrtl fainilioBin thu eiibl , a gradiiata f Yule college * , was brought there verg ing on dolhiiim It-emeus. l'hn ladies Kindly nursed him , urnl with the assist ance of one or two young num. labored with him hour after hour nil thiongli the night and day , bringing him back to reiiHon anel manhood , and pointing him lo a higher power to save him fiom his nppotltu. That bamo afternoon four men came in to nlgn the pledge , and one blood at the door as ho took Ins bottle lilted with whisky and dashed it on the irtound. Tlieso JadicH have in the last six months rescued over lifty young men , most of whom Imvo bu- come good e'itl/.ens and member * of some of our phuiclios. And yet Hn-sn ladies liavo to beg day aftnr day for the moans of .support , \\lnmtliey \ \ givu their time and all lo tliis work , should not the cltl- /ens of Omaha Hiippoit il , and not limvu them to fear that each month will be the labtv Mrs. Clark is peculiarly adapted tei thib woik and is accomplishing grand things. In eonoliision I want to Hay that I am writing this without the ladles' knowing it , and with thu dcsiro that it may aroiuo someone to rome to their help. G. An Uxccllrnt Hand. The Second Infantry band now fita- Honed at Fort Qinaha , having arrived about thirteen days ago fiom Foil Lane , Idaho , is certainly oil" of the lineal even' located nt the post Lust evening tlmy favored the UKK vuih u bci-onadu , which was lu'titily appincintod. The band iiumlii twenty three ) IIH mbois.nll thor ough muiiiei.ur. , and is under the loader * .ship ofV Wcelcmoyer-