Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1886, Image 1

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Justin McCarthy Oalh the Eoll of Victor
and Vancinishsdi
Pour Noted Opponents of the Premier
Laid Out.
An Interview Which Impliedly Predicts
That Better Times are Doming ,
A Cowarillj Ansuult for tlio Olory of
Uod and Imperial Unit } The
ChcNH Ton rnninont Other
Foreign Ncvv .
i\lcCarth > 's Hiiiiiinary.-
No. yo Cmnxi : GvniKN < , TiiAvir.s CM-
fl.\M < MK\'r , LOMIOV , Julj 15. [ Xew Voik
Herald Cable-Special to tlie Hir. : . ] It Is
about time to crj the loll c-ill nnd find out
whonic killed , who wounded and who miss-
In cr. Our grent elcctorlnl campaign
last week told the iradcis of the Heinld
the story of the disaster of Coschon
nnd Dllkc nnd how the In.-no Joseph
Covven , woin out bv mueh war , had
Inllen out of the innks. 1 had hnrdly
sent off the ietlci when thorp came the news
of the fate of Sir ( ieorso Trovcljan. Tills
was to Trcvelvnn'H filoud *
Hoiiad been leluincd without opposition for
the same coustltuonccy only n few months
ngoat tlie time of his taking office under
( ilndstonc. Now he Ins appealed to his con
stituents as the opponent of ( iladstone and
has been defeated by a very respectable but
altORethei obscure man. Tioveljnn's Is a
co.uso lalliue. It Is pcihaps a more striking
testimony to niadstone's inllueiico In Scot
land than even the defeat of Ooschcn. Tor-
sonally I feel sonytoi Trcveban.nlthoiurhln
a political sense 1 cannot but feel giatcful
bj his defeat. 1 wish ho had kept to liteta-
tuie mainly. If ho had continued to write
books ns good ns his "Kaily Years of Pox , "
ho might have made a mcmoiablc name In
Knglish letters. Now what ib Ills iccoidl'
'Ihus far that of
A roMTiru , F vii.rnn.
There is no use attempting to evade the
fact as his friends do by tij ing to make out
that hopioved himself a sound statesman
In Ireland. Success In statesmanship as in
war means accomplishing the work one Is
bcnttodo. Tievelvati simply failed to gov
ern Iidand , nnd there Is an end of the mat-
tci. Ho became eaily conscious of the fail
ure and sickened of tlio task and
Olir.W SOl'H AOAINVT llli : IUISH I'l'OPI.E ,
U as if it wcie a crime in them not to like co
ercion or nt least sit clown uncomplain
ingly under It. One could sco the evi
dent prow Hi of tills scnso of failure on Trov-
olj nn nnd tlio too mnnfost signs of bitterness
of Hplilt ciigcndeiod In him. Thostmeglo
turned his hair and beard white and bowed
his bhouldei.s , i ° with tlio wcluht of ago , nnd
Trcvelyan Is some years short ot llfty jet.
May Ills fatobcn wainlng to othci.s not to
attempt nn Impossible task. A libeinl states
man cannot govern Ireland by the agency of
( Tim Healy ) as one of the wounded In this
light. Defeated as ho was in South Lon-
doudeiry , ho polled n thousand \otesmoie
than ho had nt the lust election , when he was
put at the head oi the poll , hut thla time the
"No popery" dodge nnd "Dlsmembermont
of llm empire" cry proved too much lor some
weak-kneed Presbjteilans In Denj county ,
flnd they either kept awaj Irom the polls nl-
tocctlici or voted against the author of the
famous llenly clause , In the land bill. Heal }
will piobably ha\o neat In Sllgo , to be
made vacant bj Sotton'sccitain decision to
sit foi Belfast.
Some one said thu other day Hint fotu of
the most remarkable men In the Into parlia
ment ought to illno togethci and console each
other on llieh absence fiom the ncwpailia-
mentf Ooschcu , Dllkc , Trovcljnn nnd Hcaly.
AVe may now ndd thu lifth very rcmnikablo
man , although not with nny of the sound ,
statesmanlike gifts of any of the men 1 have
nliendy named. 1 alludeto Sir Hubert Peel ,
whobecnmon sudden mid complete conveit
to hnmoiule. lie stood as the Gladstonian
cnndidnto toi a Scottish constituency nnd
was defeated , lam peibonally and politi
cally foi Peel , lie had shown
Mt'f'll .S\JIPAT1IY FOIl inni.AND
of Into > ears , and rendeied ns splondld ser-
MCO In our olfoit to accomplish the release of
one of the men w rongfully coin Icled of mur
der uudei Lord Spencer's reign. It was In
deed the poweiful appeal of Sir Itobert to
Ohulstoiio himself that Inspired Gladstone to
tlnovv o\cr Sir William Haieourt and
promise nn Inquliy , which Inquliles led to
the instant icleaso of tlio convicted man.
Peel wnsnvciy unpopular Iilsh socielary
many } cars ago. It was ho who nt ono tlmo
got Into a famous qmurcl with the O'Dono -
hue. Ho called O'Donoghuo a "Mnnnlkln
tnllor , " to which O'Donoghuo replied by a
challenge to light a duel. Loid Pnlmeibton
Intoifeied , and In the woids of Mr. Foker's
kervant In "Pcndennls , " "Tho liglit didn't
como oil. "
A iissov : most TACTS.
Peel , however , bhown thn capacity of
Icainlnitalcston fiom facts , which giavor
senators h&vo not nlunjB proved thomsohcs
to possess , and hu Is , or was , a man of great
ability and eloquence. Twenty years ago ho
used to thrill thu house of commons by the
vlcorof his pisslonateoiatoiy on questions
of foielgn policy. People do not take him
serious of lato. Ho has chanced , perhaps ,
lather too often and too lapldly , mid he does
not himself take Ufa seriously enough.
Many ) eats ago Punch had a poem describ
ing him as the "mountebank membei , " and
Peel never took nny pains to piovo tnat ho
did not deserve the epithet.
In the defeat of the puibO-proud , Ill-tern-
peiedulgar Mitchell Ileniy. No o'.hor
man , even ttinonz tiioso v\ho dObCited the
Irish cause on the Held of battle was disliked ,
, rmlto so mueh as Mitchell Henry. Otherwise
lie Is not woith talking about , and so let him
pass away once for all into that ob cuitty
which ho Ibcoitninly not qualified to adorn.
A MAltKI-.I ) TllltMl'It
f Gladstone id thn defeat of the clever ,
audacious , buojaiit Albert Qroy , grandson of
the gieat Karl Giey , who , as Chailc * Gioy ,
tat at the feet of Fox and as Lord Grey had
Lord John IUis ell sitting at his feet.
Albert Grey was one of theuost ucllvesphlts
In oruKJbiug Gladbtono on home lulo. Now
lie is defeated on his own chosen ground.
Wo are glad too , that lirnnd , t > on of the late
speaker , has been thrown out of parliament.
Brand's father , Lord llampden , Is now con-
yluced of homo rule and ho is a very able
man. His son is not an able man by nny
mi ans and therefore gets It into his hcnd
tint ho Is wl ci than his fathei on the ques
tion of homo rule * . Pnrncll personally went
down to oppose him In the Inteiost of the
Gladstonian candidate. Now Brand Is not
"snatched fiom the binning" but on the
contiaij is conslcncd thereto.
Hotter 'limes Siicm to Uc Blovvly Uut
Surely Approaching.
July --Xcw [ Vork Herald
Cnble Sppclal to the IJKEj-Tlic Hiitish
tindo returns for the past tlnco months ,
which nave been ) > iiiited ( luting the last
week , have iMicouingc'd man } mciclnuts to
hope that pilccs have icachcd bed rock. Vnm
ciuiespolidunt has heaul several well-known
mouc\pics3 the oilnion | that n revival of
trade may bo c-Micctcd.
riiADi : nnvivivo.
Mr. P. H Uateimn , sedetiryof the stalls-
tleil soeietj , a well-known authority on
economic mailers , tliereloic was Interviewed
hj jour coiiespondent. 1 found Mi. Bate-
man disinclined to express any veiy decided
opinion , ns his position In the boaid of trade
made It Inadvisable , Ho bald : "There have
been othei spmts of good times during the
pie'cnt depiesslon. It Is true , howovt-i , that
the piosent spurt shows more favoiable
signs tlmn the pastaboitive ones. The out
IN TUT. OOMJ : ? i u vnr
Is gicatly Improved. In fnet , tlio price of the
taw m itotial has Inci cased so tast that theio
ha prospect that nianufactuiors with con-
tiacts may be caught. The expoit trade Is ,
especially to the United Mates , vcrv uiicoui-
shows signs ol Incieased demand , lion for
ship building may be Instanced as especially
"I do not legard the cotton trade as showIng -
Ing many symptoms of revival , though the
exports of cotton to India have Increased
consldeiably. This Is due piilly to Indian
prosperity caused by the wheat trade. The
incieased icceipts by the great agricultural
railways may not bo duo tobcttci agricultural
has recently greatly incieased along these
inihuijs. This Is the season for these gar
dens to send tons of green stuff to all the
laigc cities. Pel baps last month's Increased
fieight receipts weie partly thus caused.
1 see no reason to c\pect bettoi foi the
lanueid , although bheep nre selling now fif
teen shillings higher. This BCCUIS to show
the ability ot the farmers to hold sheep until
good pi leas arc obtained , which implies an
impiovcmcnt In their finances.
for atrade jcvival lies In the fact that the
depression has taught the manufacturers
how to economize until now they aio able to
undusell Gcrmnu nnd othei competitors.
itHNiixo TO rnosrr.itiTV.
Although Mr. Batenian v\as unwilling to
express a decided opinion "on the prospects
of an Immediate trade icvlval , > ourcones-
podent judged that he and otheis ot the best
economic authoiitius think that many Indi
cations point to better times , although the
rev Ival may bo cMiected to bo slow ana not
by leaps or bounds.
A Trine of Filthy Gypsies Start for
the United States.
LONDON" , July 15. [ New York Hcmld
Cable Special to the llni : . ] The cmicra-
tion comniissioners may sadly expect the ai-
ilval of the steamer Italy. She left Llvci-
uool this nfteinoon having on board about
ono hundreit ranged , squalid descendants of
the Zlngaii fifty men nnd women , foitv-two
children nnd ono babe ten da8 old. This
tribe of oriental gypsies have been at Malta ,
and left there a fortnight ngo on the steamui
' Ardnellle. " They came thcro from Syria ,
_ a Greek Island. Thev nrihod heio n tew
'dajs ago , nnd were put ashore atMilwall
docks , near Poplni on the Thames. Follow
ing a tradition of their race , that
they Immediately took possession of a vacant
Held belonging to one llcniy Hooper , and oc
cupied a laigo deep sandpit , In which they
pitched theli tents and proceeded to tear
down the fences for hi ewood and forage the
neighborhood. The residents lomonstrntcd
and gntheied In thousands , when n battle of
stones ensued. The police were poweiless ,
and the gipsies beat back the homo rules of
the locality.
The Intention originally was to go to Hot-
tcidnm nud ball by the Nethcrland mail
steamship company , but Mr. Levy , its agent
here , explained , " 1 , however , asccitained
that they would not bo allowed to land In
Now York.
the women me barefooted nnd the chlldien
halt naked , Theli woildly possessions con
sist of bundles that w ould letch much if sold
by weight In an cast end rag store. In fact
the company has stiictly icfused to take the
party , lor It Is evident the United States
government would nevcr'allow them to land.
The } nio paiipcisand vngrnnts , nnd wo think
no steamship company will lisle its reputa
tion by compelling decent , honafldo emi
grants to associate with gypsies vv hose ex
terior appc.iiauco shows that soap , combs ,
nnd binshus art' luxuries they have dispensed
with all theli lifetime. "
THEY Anu SAID 10 rossnss
about three hundred pounds steillng. They
have nevei slept In abed and cannot fancy
there may bo govei union ts who w ill not con-
slderthcni welcome additions. I think the
visitors Irom the tai east ought to bo CDII-
veycd to theli native shore at the earliest op
Application was made to the Monarch line
like other lines to take the gypsies , but It wa i
rcftibcd. Finally It was detei mined to send
them via LI vet pool , but the local lailway
tialns declined to take them to Custou sta
tion , and they were taken In vans and tints.
Thereat llrst the atthoi It 103 of the railway
also declined , owing to their
I'll. I H AND SrjUAI.On ,
to take them as passengers , but they were
finally taken as cattle might be. If allowed
to land they will boas here a pestiferous
community without sanltaiy aiiangements
except a superabundance of ventilation , no
supply of necessaries except a water cart ,
and no commlssarato except tlio external
foiaglng of the } oungstei3. These , In an od d
patois , unti cat visitors in the name of thn
Madonna , and with promised blessings from
all the saints In all tlio calendars for a penny
or biead , and simulate the woes and miseries
of want and starvation with consummate
LIVFHPOOI , , July 15. [ New Yoik Herald
Cable-Special to the UIK. : | The steamship
Italy at the moment of sailing declined to
take the Gipsies , who are still encamped
hero near the Central railway station in an
atmosphere redolent ot carbolic acid ,
spilnklcd about by a Llveipool sanitary of-
tlolnl. ThVonga of spectators have the bene
fit of
A FIIRE siiovv.
The k Ing G v psy of the trlbo Intimates that he
will change the base of destination on Satur
day fiom Castle Gardcu to Boston , lie Is a
new pilgrim father.
The Uclfast Mob nnd Ita Cowardly
Duni.i.v , July 13. fNew Voik Herald
Cablc-Spednl to the Hn.J : It Is almost
unlverealh believed that the Belfast riots
weie not without purpose. Lord Itnndolph
Churchill , In rousing orangemen , taught
how to utllle disturbances for furtheilng his
political designs. The slierltTs In the north
ern counties cuiefull } arrange that the flec
tions In constituencies considcied doubtful ,
should take place during the July anniversa
ries and respectable perf-on" , noble loids ,
who pull the wiics that move the Orange mob
to v lolcnce , fulfill their functions In accord
ance with the piogtaiumc. You have doubt
less given some oceurienccs In Belfast ,
Summed up they may bo stated thus : Thcie
Is no doubt Hint the Orangemen
Thev nltaeked a party of Catholic woik-
men , marched to the tltiim upon Catholic
houses , and then the ilolers moved to fienh
leats. By this tlmo the Catholics had assem
bled , nud aftei a desperate cncountci the
Orange wreckers were repulsed. Itepealul
attempts weio made bj paitlostoloioe nn en-
tiancc Into the Catholics' quaitcrs , but every
nvonuo wns gunided and the n'sillants were
again diivcn back. The Cntliollcs iciualncd
on the defensive , nnd when the police np-
peaied on the scene the } lull thoguaidlans
of the peace to deal with the law bieakcis.
WITH IIICKI.I : ss iirrriAM&M ,
the Oiangcmcn assailed the police , attacking
them on .ill sides and ficcly using llreaims.
The constabulaij In bclf-deience were foiced
to retuin the lite. Finally the military were
called out , but though the infuriated mob
were charged again and again witlibajonet ,
it could not bo dispeiscd. Cavalry eharges
pioduced no betterelfcct. and nil Hie whllo
the exchange of shots between the lioteis and
the police continued. Among those struck
by the bullets of the Oiangemcn wo heard ol
Constable Gaidinei , ot Cappoquln , and a pil-
vato of the West Suncy regiment , 'the
riecman's Journal , commenting to-day , says :
"Apait from their giaver aspect , these ilots
forcibly teach the lesson that the Oinngcmen
by tjiclr conduct have given fiesh
to the people ot the lest of Iioland. The na-
tlonnllsts beai their victories , as they bcai
their defeats , with equanimnlty. Hie Or-
nngcmen can cnduio neither ono 1101 the oth
er like intional creatures. It albo invites at
tention to the stilkiug fentuieof the elections
which tell ns stioiistly In favoi of Gladstone
as it docs against the unionists. Not a single
minlstoi has fallen In the election. Glad
stone himself comes back fiom the country
the only British member cnjov Ing a double
rcliiui to meet his cabinet intact.
They Arrive nt Brussels ami Arc
Greeted by I'rleeidH.
Uni'ssni.s , July 1" ) . [ New Yoik Herald
Cable Special to the Bnn.J The Due d'
Aiimale and the Due de Charlies anlved at
Btussels this evening at 0 o'clock from' '
Chlmway bv , the ordinaiy train. There were
nofoimal picp-xratlons for their iceeptlon ,
and only n lew bj slanders weie at the depot ,
the hour of theli uiiival not having been foi-
inally announced. Their highhesscs de-
scened from the fust-class compartment and
Hhook hands waimly with about a do/un
f i lends who had arrived jcsteiday and this
accompanied their hlgiinesses on the tialn.
Thescjwoie the Vlcomte do Cha/.zlcs , M. Llm-
bomg , an advocate and counsel ol the Due
d' Aumalc , and Colonel Mottetc , The Due
d' Aumalo llmpedsllghtlyln descending Irom
the train. Ho was dressed In a buttoned up
coat , tiouscia of a scotch pattern and a small ,
round hat. The Due de Charlies was also
In a
Aftei a lew momcutb conversation with
the poisons present at the station , iheh high
nesses entered aeaulagc and were diiven to
tlio Hotel d' Handle , whcic the entiio first
ilooi had been engaged for them nnd their
suite. Thcie was no public demonstration
At 7 o'clock they dined in the great saloon
on the gionnd floor ot the hotel , with all their
friends , who had ai lived fiom foreign parts ,
as follows : Mm. Salute Marc G.udmor ,
Ferdinand Duvnl , Lnmbeit Sninto Cioix ,
Villcneuve , Vltti , VicomteKoiidy , Toncaud ,
Clmraud , Laloui , Itocher , Joubeit , Pero St.
Ills d'Haicotirr , d'Housonvllle , Vlcomte
Lnnquet , and M . Macon , piivato secretary to
the Duo d'Aumale.
Truth Denounces it and Gives Many
Good ItciisoiiB.
LO.NDON , July n. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the BI.K. ] Tlio following
appeals in tlio cuiicnt number of Tintli :
"At the Indian and Colonial exhibition Sli
Jamo Andcibon dented the audience to a dls-
bcnatlon on telegraphic leform , the gist of
which was Hint the states and colonies of the
world should guainntco a i per cent dividend
on the piesent capital of the twcnty-sK snb-
mailno cable companies. This Is , in fact ,
Pondei'b latest scheme , as propounded by him
nt tlie Berlin conference.
ThoTiuth , September a , 1SS5 ; Sir James
Andcisori cave the cajiltnl Invested ns X.i5.-
000,000 , the total invenuo as X VJ-W.OOO , mid
the expenses as A'l,13Tr.OO , making a net lev-
enuo of i.ll'Jr 00 , from whieh S per cent on
the capital should bo deducted foi reserve and
renewals , leaving nn income ot ii,4rjr ; 00.
The guaranteed Intel est at1 pel runt on the
capital would , according to Pcndei'saltei ego ,
bu I-OJOOJ. , ) The governments are thou to
make the cable taillfs and the
tnxp.ijei la to pay the ulper. The bchcmo Is
very Ingenious , but It is evidently connected
only In the interest of seml-bankiupt cable
companies ,
"Tne direct United Slates Cable company ,
of which John Pendei Is chairman , paid ! 2Jf
percent dividend for thojear ending Juno
SO , last , but the war of rates has only recently
taken effect and there can bo no doubt that
with Its continuance the dividend will bo nil
nnd the reserve fund will have to bo consid
erably tienchcd upon.
"Tho Anglo-American Telegraph com
pany , which has Kh James Anderson on its
uoaul. Is in even a vvoist plight with lg |
stiongly wateied stock and defective cables.
1 can quite umlcistand the desire of Mi.
Pendei and his ling to foist theli old cables
on thogoveinments of the world at their own
monstrous valuation , and to obtain a guaran
teed 4 pci cent dividend on the capital of the
Atlantic cable compinles which Is , at the
war tariff , entliely uiipioteetlve. But the
present is not the time tor a gigantic tele
graph Jaggle , nnd Pender's latest scheme
will remain a fond dream not likely to bo le-
allzcd. Better oy far and cheaper would it
bo to lay now cables at the present greatly
reduced price , and with al ! the latest import *
ant Improvements , than to buy up the cable
rings , absolute and worn out cables , on such
absurd terms.
By the way , the marquis of Twccddale is
ropoitedby ono of my dally contemporaries
as having expressed regret at the abscuco of
Sir John Pender on election business. It Is
quite tine Mr. Peuuer acaln successfully
contested the Sterllngburghs against Mr.
Campbell Bannerman. but 1 was not aware
that he had been knighted. That I fancy , is
anothei fond dr6am ot Pender , cx-M. P. "
The Chpss Tourney.
LONDON , July in. [ New York Herald
Cable-Special to Hie BIK. : ] In to-day's play
Xukertort defeated Mbrtlmcr , Guusberg de
feated fanbcihaus , Blackbutn defeated Far-
ham , Mason defeated Llpschutz , and Mac
kenzie defeated Bhd In n biilllnut Sicilian
frcnch Legislators Excited.
PA IIP , July 15. The expulsion of the
Due d'Aunnlc wns the cause of nn exciting
scene In the senate to-day. M. Chesnelong
said the duke's leltei to PiesldcnlGrovy in
no wise justified his c.xpulslon. General
Boulangei , minlstci of war , replied that ho
would not tolcretc the insolent letter of the
duki' . An upioar ensued. Baron Larciut }
shouted that the expulsion of thodiikowns
nnnctof cowmdice General Boulnnger de
clined that he would not permit such an ex-
piesslon to be applied to tlie mlnlstei of war ,
M. Karrlon stnted the Duo d'Aumnle's It tier
Imd been wiittcn with the consent of the
Comtodo Paris , nnd that th whole atlalrwas
aveiltable plot. Gcneial Boulanger sa'd ' he
would fulfill hisdutv ns a icpublican mlnls
tei. M. l.niclnt } said he rcRictted that so
distinguished n soldier as Gcneial Boulanger
should insult nn } one ab'cnt. The older of
the day was then passed , bv a votnot Ifi7 to
ss , approving ( he-conduct of the go'.cinmcnt
nnd cxpicsslng confidence In its vigilance.
The } Will
PAKIS , Julj 15. General Bontaiigcr chal
lenged Bnon Daralnty ton duel In consequence
quence of thontfahs In the senate.
Parliamentary Elections.
LONDON , J ulj 15. The total v otc thus far
is : Conseuatlvcs l 'S.OW , Gladstonian
Copies of a telegram from Sexton nd-
diessed to the nationalists of Belfast has
been placarded throughout that city. In It
Sexton sa > s the nationalists have hitherto
earned thogiatltude of thocountiy 1 > y then-
admirable scll-coutiol despite their repeated ,
dellboiato pi evocations , nnd ho Implores
them to continue In thcli wise course , re
main much ns possible within doors , es-
pccinllj at night tall.
Lord balisbmy offeied the liberal unionists
font seats In the cabinet and the usual intio
ot lesser olllecs. He will permit Loid Hnrt-
Ington to be lenderln the house of commons
and select what oftlce ho chooses except
premier. Lord Salisbury proposes to again
unite prcmieishlp with the ollico of foreign
.sccietary. The conscivntlve nowbpnpers
] > i edict the lirst fight will arise over the ob-
stiuctivetactlcs b } the Gladstonian and Par
nellltes. It Loidbnllsburv pi oposes coercion
every means will bo resorted to to protect the
ouposltlon. Gladstone has postponed the
meeting of the cabinet until Tuesday to en
able the ministers to isn present.
A .McmorlnUto Imdwlg.
MUNICH , July Ii Qucpii Dowagci Marie
has ordered the construction at her own ex
pense of a momoiial chapel on the bank of
Lake StatnberR at the place where the bodies
of lici son , King Ludwig nud Dr. Von Gudcn
wcie found ,
An English MlntJlu
LONDON , July 15. Madagascar granted
the Knglish company a chartei to establish a
royal bink with power to coin money nnd to
issue b ink notes. The bank wtlj have a capi
tal of J,000.000.
Politically Quiet.
BELFAST , July 15. With the exception of
occasional oceurienccs of isolated lows , the
city is politically quick ,
The President of HaytL
HAVANA , July 15. Advices ftom Port
AuPUncoBay General Louis EticnnoFell-
cite Solomon was. on the 13th ultimo , reelected
ted pnbldent of Hnytl foi another teimof
seven ycnrs , dating nom May 18 , Ib87.
Peruvian Money.
T < IMA , Peru , July 15. In consequence of
the depreciation and fluctuations of silver
currency in oliculatlon In this republic , It
has been proposed to use the American gold
dollar ns the basis of all monetaiy tiansac-
Hens , oithci lineal or private , using the sllvci
dollai nt a value of bO cents gold tor all frac
tions under a quarter of an eagle. It Is
though Hint tlie government will ask congress
to give the matter its consideration.
New Schedule of Freight and Pas
senger Itatcn Adopted.
CHICAGO , .July 15. Representatives of al
western , noi thorn and southern roads held
nnother scssl4n heio to-day and the result
was that two committees weie appointed to
ai range tariiTs for the restoration of rates to
the northwest nnd to all western points. It
was tacitly agreed that lates bo maintained
until Soutembci 15. The plans of two
companies were submitted at the afternoon
session and substantially adopted. Freight
rates front Chicago to Minneapolis nnd St.
Paul aie lestoieu to following basis : Fin > t
class. nOc , , second , Hoc. , third , 20c. , fouith ,
1-ic. . tilth , 12 > j'e. ; class a. ITJic. , b. 15c. , c
12Kc. , d , lOc. 1'iom St. Paul to Chicago the
rates are : Flist class , I5c. ; second , SBc. :
third , We. : fouith. ' 'Oc. : filth , 15e. Class a ,
20c. ; b , l-ftc. ; c , r c. ; d , W fc\
It was lesolved that passenger rates be
tween all competitive points be u-stored July
HO to the figures in effect prior to May 1 , and
commencing August 1 , the into ol commis
sion to be not hlghei than 51 pei ticket all
classes , subject to the approval ot the Wis
consin Centia ! Ilnllioad. The agiccment Is
to bo maintained until September 15 , In the
diicctlon of Council Blullh and Kansas City
It was agieed < hat , passengei rates bo icstoied
nsabo > e , hut that Uio mnnacms agiccment
ol Match 1 , covering commissions shall be
lelnstated , It lining agreed that on
01 befoio September 15 , a money
pool bo foimed covcilng this and
all other competitive passenger buslncsH. It
was aHoagiced that a pool on nil classes ot
lunibci. posts , tclegiaph poles and all similar
products , to nud through Council .Bluffs nnd
Omaha , and to and thioiigli Plnttsinouth nud
Blnlr , that can bo ivnched in n competitive
way , through Omaha and Council Ululls , he
formed , to commence Jnlj i0 ! , on a basis ot
it cents per 100 pounds Chicago to Council
Bliifls. The percentages ot this pool are to
bo decided by J. W , MIdgley , of Chicago.
Lumber , aud lumber1 originating east of tno-
Mississippi ilvcr , hnll bo put into the pool nt
Chicago rates , and ell othei lumber to bo
pooled at MibSKslpnl river rates. This aei ce
ment Is also made binding until September
15. J , N. Falthotn was appointed commis
sioner of the Northwestern Fieight associa
tion and Western Fiebht association and E.
P. Wilson commissioner of the Northw estern
Passenger association and Westein Pnsscn-
gei association This closes up the war in
nlldiiectlons and restarrs rates , uotli passcn-
gci and frflcht , to all points west of Chicago
competitive to | ho lines interested. Acorn-
mltteu was appointed to prep.uo a plan and
submit it to thti mana cis to bo put Into per
manent eflect-fceptpmber 15.
National Capital Notes.
WASIHXOTOK , July 15. The joint resolu
tion providing temporarily for the expenses
of the government until July SI was submit
ted ro the piesldent this afternoon and at
once approved ,
Statements prepared at the treasury
depaitment show the receipts of the
ot the government fo far this month were de
cidedly leas than the expenditures , and
unless improvement occurs before the end of
the month the public debt statement to be
Issued Aiicust l will show little , it any de-
eiease. pav merits being unusually heavy ,
ov er $10,000,000 having been paid out this
week on pensions alone.
The cabinet at a meeting to-day discussed
the actions of the house jestcrday In passing
the resolution providing for the use of the
surplus In oxews of 510,000,000 In icdemptlon
of United Stales bonds and the prospects of
the lesolutlonMn the bcuatc. Another ques
tion considered was In legurd to tlio advisa
bility of traiikferrlng the Apache Indians In
ArUoua to the ludlau tenltory.
Additional Particulars of How Benkol-
man's Banker Tlccccd the Community.
The Amount of ills Hoodie Not Cer
tainly Known , Uut Mnny Poor
I'coplo Knitted Other
Nebraska News.
The rtctiKolninu rnllurc.
McCoou , Neb. , Juli 15. [ Special Telegram
tothcBhE ] When tlieDuiul } Countj bink
at Bcnkclman lulled to open jcMcrday morn *
ing bv 10 o'clock , n ciowd commenced to
gather at the doom. "When AS 111 Uio bank
open ? " was in overbod's mouth. John A.
BelUor , tlin cashloi , went to Lincoln on
Monday , ostctislhlv In the Interest of the
state fair n d has not been heard from since.
Ills son'who runsn jewclrj store ntBenkul-
man , stnht in the bank during this time. At
last , } oung Itultzur nppenred mitt said : Oh I
I guess tlie bank will not open to any. There
Is no need ol It as there Is not a dollar In the
safe nud the old man Is
Dcltzei Is a man of about forty-live years
old , and had the confidence of nil the busi
ness men nnd nil the people In gcncinl. He
stalled the bank about tlnee years ngo , and
it was the general depository of nil the
merchants and farincis In that portion of the
country. It was the only bank until about
two weeks ago , when a new bank started.
All the business men made this a place ot
safe keeping for their valuable papers , deeds ,
mortgages , etc. , and Ills thought that he has
taken everthing with him. Ills mother ,
Lewis A. BclUcr , wns picsldent of the bank
until the new bank started two weeks ago ,
when he accepted it position in the new bank ,
lie denies all knowledge of any crookedness
on the pait of John A. Beltzcr. 1'ay & King ,
general stoic ; Sain Scott , llxcry ; Jlenry Cox ,
restaurant , and nearly every business irnn
will lese Jiom.SJ'OO ' to 51,000 each , and several
wholesale houses are out on arafta and
checks , which nre being
HirrunvEt ) rnoTESTnn.
Several eastern banks w 111 lese heavily. It
will bo n hard blow on the fanners and those
holding government land , who will lese their
little all. Many had the money deposited
thoie nnd would piovc up In n few days , and
now they must sell out or abandon thcli
claims. llelUcr leaves a wile and
chlldien to beat the shame and dlsgi.icc
of his actions. It is said that the last thing
he did before he left was to
Aiiusn AND nr.AT nis WIFF ,
as if the bhamc and soirow of his wrong
doing would not bo lasting cnouch In hci
memory. IIo deeded his homestead to his
wife and ga\e a bill of sale of his peisonal
property. The gieatest excitement prevails ,
borne estimate that he took 171(1) ( him as high
as sixty thousand dollars in money , notes
nud securities. Ho.vevei , the amount is not
known for certain jet , Canada thus gains
another addition to Us distinguished colony ,
while America feels sore ovui the leas and
ruin occasioned by his departuio. Society
icjolccs that one less scoundiel lomains. We
suppose he is safe witn 110 , Mothei Maiidel-
baum and the icst. by
BnxKirMAN : , Neb. July 15. [ Special Tele-
ginm to the UKE.I Wednesday night , July
7 , John A. BelUer , cashier of the Dundy
County bank , absconded , taking from the
safe a package of S500 which he received the
day before from McCook. Nothing has
since been hoaid of him. Lewis A. 13clUci ,
president , had clmrjso of the bpnk till it
closed Its doors Monday night. Attachments
weie sworn out by Mcssis. Geoigcnnd Cain ,
Herbert anu others at 1 o'clook Monday
nlqht and served Tuesday mouilng at 0JO : :
o'clock. This done they diovo to Imperial ,
wheie they had attachments seivcd upon the
Chase county bank , a branch of the Dundy
county bank. The Chase County bank had
not opened Monday , but such w as the conh-
dence of the people In Lewis A. Uelt/er , the
cashier , that no action had been taken till
Tuesday. The liabilities amount to about
S12.000 , it Is supposed , and the assets to 33 000.
I'ubllc opinion is divided as to the capability
of Lewis A. Iclt7cr ! , some claiming ho had
no knowledge of any wrong , while otheis
asseit as vigorously that ho Is equally blam-
ublo. Some think hu has been defrauded by
his biother. The principal looscis wcie pooi
nndwortny lioniCbteaders , many ot whom
had their little all deposctcd In ono or the
other of these hanks , safe , ns they supposed ,
to be drawn for fiitme usoastheii necessities
demanded the seveie tiialsof thcli Hist j ears'
BF.NKT.KM VN , Neb. . July ir > . [ Special Tel-
eirram to the llii.J : The excitement occa
sioned by the falliuo ot the Dundj County
bank , which has been veiy Intense the last
few days , has now subsided somewhat. The
llrst Intimation the public icccivcd of the
laihno was oailv Tuesday foienoon when the
attachments sworn out by several of our
merchants and notice placed on the door ,
though for sevcial months thcro had been
rumois as to the solvency of thcbank. John
A. Heltzcr , cashier , left town , It is supposed ,
on the 4 o'clock tialn Tuesday morning , July
8 , and has not been heard fiom since. Ills
brother , Lewis A. Belt/or , president of the
Dundy County bank and eashlei of the Cluso
County bank , of which J. A. Bclt/er was
president , had charge of the bank lioiu that
llmounttt It clo cd Its doois. Saturday ho
paid I ) . 1) . Mnlr , eashiei oftho Fiist National
bank of Lincoln , an over draft ot about lour-
teen hundicd dollars. Mho Chase County had acredlt of 8COOnnd Itscnshlernpci-
sonnl credit of S400 in the Dundy Count ) bank
atthotlmool Itstnllme. It also had ncicdit
of S170 In the Fiist National of McCook and
S'iWin the First National of Lincoln , both ot
which were placed to the credit ot the Dundy
County bank In the First National of Lin
coln. All the piopoity belonging to the linn
Unttat lied and in the hands of the ollicen.
The assets and liabilities ot the two banks
rannot be nsccitallied with certainty , 'Iheio
Is biipnoscd to be about § 1,800 on deposit In
the Clinse County bank , with no ( halts dls-
liouoied. and piopcity attached to the amount
ot SAGOO. Including S XJ ) In notes : while In
thn Dundy County bank the deposits inngo nt
about 84,000 , the dlshoiioied diafts 5f,400 ,
with 82,400 worth ot property attached.
Mallnllen University Plans ,
BAUTLEY , Neb. , July 15. [ Special to the
BKI : . ] The board of trustees of Mnllallon
university located at Haitloy , met In bust-
ness session , and adopted plans for the main
university bulldlnc to boeiected In the center
of their line campus , consisting of llftj-two
acres. The plans of F. M , Kills & Co. , of
Omaha , wore adopted. The building Is to bo
a four htory structuio auangcd with all
modern improvements , heated with steam
and lighted with gas , The dimensions ot
thobuildlnirare : Length , 12feet ; width , 78
78 feet:73 : 1 eet to topotioof , and 118 fuel to
topotlinal. The foundation will bo con
structed this fall nnd the entlio building Is to
bo completed w ( thing one year. The bund-
in : : when completed and furnished will cost
not less than $50,000 ,
Pushing nnllroail Work.
HASTINGS , Neb. , July 14. ( Special Tele
gram to the IKB. ] Captain A. D. Vocum ,
one of the directors of the Kansas City , \V \ >
audotte & Northwestern railroad , airlvcd in
this city to-day attcr an extended , trip to Kansas -
sas City. IIo informed the BIE : lepresenta-
tlvo that whllo ho was In Kansas City the di
rectors lot the contract for 130 miles of the
road. Tills will bring it nearly to the Nebras
ka btate line. Two members of the board of
directors of this company reside In Hastings ,
and this city will bo the Nebraska headquar
ters for the road. The president and man-
aping directors will bo In lliutinn In nl > 61t |
two weeks , when work will t > c net I vcl ? com
menced In locttliiK Uio line of tUu rod
throuch Nebraska , The cntlw road will ba
something over two hundred nnd fifty inlics
lone , nnd will bo complotAl nnd In operation
Insldo of eighteen months.1
Strtiofchy Lightning.
I'l. V.TTE CrvTrrt , Neb. , July l.\- ( Special
Telegram to the Urn. ) The resldcnco of
James Carrlif , four miles enst of Platte Cen
ter , was sttnck by llnhtiilng to-day. MKs
Carrlg received slight Injury.
Oinnhn Minister Honored.
Yonit , Neb. , July -Special [ tolho Hr.r. . ]
Hov. II. X. MoKnlg , pastor of the First M.
K. church , Omnlia. was unanimously selected
president of thoM. K. college , Yortc. Nob. , nt
a meeting ot the board of trustees held list
Mndlaon County Sent right.
NOIIFOI.K , Neb. , July in. ( Special Trie-
cram to the It LI : , ] A lively county scat fight
was begun in this county this week. Nor
folk citizens presented n petition to the com
missioners yesterday , asklnii for nn election
to re-loeato the county seat. This was triantcd
and It wns decided to call the election for
August 13. This morning the citizens of
Madison cot out nn Injunction restraining
the board from calling the election and the
end Is not jet.
IIns Trouble With Its Judge ,
HASTINOS , Neb. , July r ( Special Tele
gram to the lice. ] It was but iccently that
tiioSuprcmo Court decided tint the police
judge elected In Hastings last spring was not
entitled to the oflleo , thus ending a much
disputed question. Another trouble has
arisen now. At a recent meeting of the
council to allow the costs In cases where the
bentcnccdpnity could not pay his line , but
w orked It out on the streets. In consequence
tie | present judge will not enter any e-ises of
nirests unless the costs nro guaranteed and
nothing can bo done with the prisoners.
Fold Thctr ToiitH Ijlko tlio Arah.
IlASTixnn , Neb. , July 15. [ Special Tolc-
ginmto the BEK.J The notorious Cllngcr
lamlly , which wasordeiedto leave town by
n mob of Indignant citizens last Monday ev
ening , concluded to heed the warning. They
packed up their household elTocts jestorday
afternoon aud left to-day for Grcnd Island.
They woio under piotectlon of the police
since Monday ovonlng , and would undoubt
edly lm\o fared badlv had they refused to
li'ivoasicfiuested. The city Is well rid of
their presence , and such crooks will clre
Hastings a wide beith in future.
In Southern Nebraska anil Northern
HASTINGS , Neb.Julyl'i. [ Conespondencc
of the Bir. ] 1 luuo just returned from a
tour through southern Nebraska , norlhcih
Kansas and eastern Missouri. 1 lind all this
iolon In need of rain , none having fallen
since the 27th of June. Yet crops are sUino-
Ing the drought far better than 1 expected.
Theio will bo a shortage , oven If rain comes
soon , of not less than one-fourth of an average -
ago eiop.
In Missouri and castein Kansas the wheat ,
o its and barley arc mostly in stack and farm
ers aio making hiy.
Gcnrial Logan ha" just pissed through
K insas and MNsoun , stopping to attend tlie
bundav school encampment , ( iicat ciowds
heaul hlmspcak at Ottawa and at Ulsmaick
Ciiovc. near Laivrouce A laice number ot
G. A. 11. bovs welcomed theli old chief , nnd
sild on every hand that they wcic cheering
him on to tho'whltc house.
inn NEW Toiv.v or BAUTLEV.
A Booming PI nee Mallalicn Univer
sity to Open In the Fall.
Rnn Cr.otm , Neb. , July 14. [ Concspond-
ence of thoUKF. ] I have Just come fiomtlio
now town of Hartley , 100 miles west of heie ,
on the now line of tlio B. & M. for Denver.
Everything Is booming. An average ef
nboat ono house n day 1ms been built since
the town lots were oifeied for sale.
The Mallalicn university Is to open nt this
place this fall as a unlvcisity with , hist , a.
college of liberal arts : second , a normal col
lege ; third , a theological college ; foiulli , u
college of music ; fifth , a college ot ait ; sixth ,
a commciclal college ; seventh , an agiicnl-
tuial college. The bo-ird of trustees nro In
session to-nignt , and will probably elect a
complete ( acuity before the adjournment to-
moriow. This Institution is being stiongly
endoised b > all the people of this valley and
will bo laigely pationbcd.
Great GhaiiKCs GOIIK | on In Oakland
Troubles About a Saloon.
OAKLAND , Neb. , July ! & . [ Couespond-
enco of the JJi.i : ] Dcsplto the hard times and
continued in ought , costly and ornamental
Impiovcmentsaro going on In our city. A.
E. Wells , ono of 0111 most enterprising men ,
Is erecting Oakland's ilist brick business
building , which is 23x05 feet and two stories
high , with an iron plato glass fiont. The
cost will bo SVWO. As soon ns this Is com
pleted Mr. Wells will make other valuable
Improvements. Many of our business men
will erect bilck In place ot their dilapidated
fiauio buildings. Two thousand dollaislns
been raised foi the election ot a Mctliodlbl
chinch , which Is to bo the Hist In this county ,
Quito a little sensation lias been created at
Lvonson account of a saloon which will bo
oiwnod just outside of the city limits by
( Jcorgo Stui oi Oakland's
ges , ono ex-saloon-
Iseepcrs. Lyons Is a stiictly temperance
town has nevci had but one saloon Inside
its llmltH , and that was burnt out. Many of
licr clti/cns aio voiy Indignant ovei the mat
ter and aio likely to glvo Mr. Stnrges tiouhle.
Farmers are busj liaivestlng tlieii wheat and
loport a veiy poor avciagc.
A County Seat Contest Alter an Es-
onpoit I'rlwoiicr.
Nonror.K , Neb. , July 13. [ Special to the
Uhi : . ] A county seat contest has been In-
nugiirated In Madison county , and Not folk Is
in the Held to captuio the county capital If
possible , i'estciday a petition signed by
more than tlueo-htlhs of the voteisuf the
county at the last election vas presented to
the board of commissioner * , who granted the
request and Used upon August IS as the date
ot the election. The contest has been Im
pending for Bovetal years , and notion was
hastened by nn elfort on the pint of Madison
to call nn election In the pieelnct In which
that town Is located to vote S',000 to build a
com t house. This stirred up the people of
till : ) city , and In two days' time they bcciucd
enough sinners to the petition to call an elec
tion , and they mo quite hopeful of success.
The county seat was voted away from Noi-
folk In 1375 tliiongh the Ililtfcrence of the
citizens of Urn struggling little v illago of that
date , and now they will make a Ihely elfoit
to relocate it here.
Kd Staggs , of 1'iorco , who escaped fiom Hie
deputy ( sheriff ot that place Sunday night ,
has not vet been icc.iptuied. Ho had just
been iflleasctl on bond tor toiglng a deed ,
when ho was aricbtcd for the alleged murder
of his business imrtnei , Loid Campbell , last
October , ills snooting at that time bj Mnggs
was supposed to have ocen fiom the acciden
tal dtschaigoof a gun.
The hot weather eulml imted lure Tuesday
b > the meituiy leachliiK 10UU in the shade ,
hut It has been delightfully cool blnco that
time , w it'iix ' veiy blight BprinKIo of rain. The
bportMii'in of north Nebraska will hovoa
tournament hero next Tuesday and Wednes
day , 'JO and lit. The minion committee Is
matting preparations tor a blgciowdof old
soldiers at tlio north Nebraska icunton. to bo
hero August 17 to 21. A largo number of
tents have been becurcd nnd some veiy tak
ing attrastlons vylll bo prepaicd to
thu veterans.
The Scnato Oouimittco Makes n Triple Re
port on the Bribing Charges.
That Is AVIint the Mnjnilly Hay , nut '
Scnntor.H lloar And Fro I'nll to j
ARI-CO In the Conclus
ion * Itcnahccl.
Thot'aj" ' * Mrlliery *
WAsnworos , July 16 , Tinea rcpoits from
Hie senate cominlttc'o on piiv ilegos nnd elec
tions upon the 1'aj no ease were submitted tote
to the senate ; to day- The icpoit slcned by
Messrs. 1'ujfh , Saulsbury , Vnnco nnd JJustfa ,
the demoeratlo mcmbci-s of the committee ,
sets forth nt length the public history of ( ho
case. It recognized the transcendent Import-
mice of throwing nround the semite of the
United Status the highest safegnnid airaloSj
seating a member whoso title was procured *
by brlbciy , fiaud nnd conuptlou , nud do-
hcilbesthopioce'ssos by which the signers
icaeh the conclusion that there Is no ground
for further proceedings agnlnst JP.iyne. The
icport says the committee's llrst act was to
comply lull ) with the Hist reQUCst ot thn
Ohio house of representatives to make nil ox-
nmlnatlon of tlio testimony taken by a select
commlttco nt Columbus. Upon this testi
mony Mr. Hoar made nioport to the commit
tee that nftern careful leaning no evidence ,
opinion or statement wlutovor wus found
personally Inculpating Payne In any way
with the corrupt use of money In connection
with his election , uelthci did sncho\nuilna-
tlou show that enough had been found to
justify the cliiURC that his eluctlun was pro
cured bj the coirupt use ot money. About
this tlmo a biipplcmentul resolution of the
two houses of the Ohio legislature
and of the republican blato central
committee made their appearance , and sooix
after Coiigiessmcn Lltllo nnd llutterworth.
weio heard nt length. The signers ot the
report declare that no now Idenee not con
tained in the onglual nuttui tuibmlttcd was
bioucht to tlicli nttcntluu which nny court
would not hold to be mcrelj cnmulatlvo nndj
speculative nnd Insunielnnt by Itselt , cr lit
connection with the oiUlnnl , to justify a rp-
uort In fnvoi pf a trial by the senate ot
Payne s rljjht to his heat.
Senators Teller , Kvarta nnd Logan unite Ir
a renoit whkli sajs that no action was taken
by tlio state leglslatuio which elected 1'flvno
calling In ( jue.stion the validity ot his elec
tion , but that the new legislature constituted
In January of the present v ear , adopted n
resolution under which an investigation oC
Donovan's chaiges had been made. The
sonnto commlttco had tound It proper to acf-
ccpt the presentation of the case sot out In
the majority and mlnoilty reports of the be-
lect committed ot the Ohio IIOIIM ! oficbic-
sentatlves. The only constitutional warrant
for an Investigation In u cato Ilkcthatpro
sentcd is in the clause maklnc each house oE
cougicss the judge ot the ( Hiiillllc.itlons of Its.
own members and the eluusn conferring the
light of impulsion. The slgntns of the re *
pott do not lind that a case has been pic-
bcnted that would affect Payne widi OTcH
turpitude ns would tolmata his expulsion ,
from the bcnate.nor that testimony Is acces
sible that touches the subject of the pcrsqual
inculnallon of I'ajno. They thciefoio uiru
their attention to the < inc.stlon of the validity
of his ohctlon to the senate. Thft
rcpoit holds that thu evidence in such a case
must show that the fraud , which it is nllepecl
was-'committed , embraced enough In tha
nuinhei of voting elcctois to havi : cliaiigetl
the icsiilt. The testimony presented by tli'o
Ohio house of : opicsentitt\es ! Rhow.s the
nuinbci of membois of the genctal aRsotnbly
that have been biought into inculpation , and
the wcljrhl of evidence acalust them. As to-
Members Baikar , Hunt , Shimnnd Teigler ,
it Is found bi thoHlgneibol the icport that
the testimony developed iiothinz of an Incul
pating ch uacter. As to the two members ,
Kahle and Hull , the report finds that they
wcic not diveitcd fiom the support ol I'ondlo-
ton to that of Payne , of the two senators
and two icpiesentatlves named in the ma
jority icpoit of thoselectcommittce Mooney
nud Itoc'hn ot the house , and AVhlto and ;
Itamey of the Bcnato the lgners of the im
port refn without obsoivation of theirow p
to thoinajorii > and mlnoiity lejioits of the
Ohio committee. They do not hud that the
select commlttco recommended any action by
the legislature looking to any luithci Invest- ! i
gallon , and they c\pich8 the opinion Hint
there was no evidence pieseiilcd lo tho' )
United states senate which pumoiled IQ-\ \
piovo thati'iaud , conuption 01 bifbciy was"
emplovcdin Pavno's election , alfeetlnc VoTosT
eltliei in the caucus or In the leulsfaturb ,
whereby the election was eairled ; nor Is
thcio ovldenco that any suoli pioot ox It , Iff.
Thcreloru tlie leport holds thai the bonate
would not bo wauantcd under the conslder > 4
atlon In instltntlii ! ; nn investigation. The
iej > oit points out that n slate is not unilor ,
thoiebtialnt wlilch binds the henato in HUCI !
Investigations , nud siys thu slutu bhoitld execute -
ecuto its InvvsiespcctliiK the puilly of the
senatorial cleetlons by indictment and con
viction of bribe giveis nnd lakers. In tuts *
case the btato has attempted no further in-
vestlgntlon than Isombodied In the matter
laid befoio the sonatu , either through tUo
Icgialatinooi ( no conrtn of law. If further
examlnntlon bj the state should bo nude the
fienato would bo goveined In HH lurtlior
action by what might nppear , but as the matter -
tor now standb tlio icpoit holds Hint an in
vestigation should not bo Instituted by the
Sonatois lloar nnd 1'ive , In n separate
report , state that they cannot con
cur with tlio vIovvH expu'SbCd
bj the other members of thn committee. They
deseijlic the eminent souices tiom which the
charges were biought to tlio attention ol the
senate , and say they thlnkaraso Ispiesented
In which It Is the duly of the sonnto to per
mit the petitioner to present their evidence
and to nuthoiUo the Issue of n piopcr proiws-
to aid In procuring thu attendance of wit-
nebses. The senate Is the only court whleti
can liavojinlbdletlon of the question. 'Ilia
couitsof Ohio mavaxeiclbo juilsdlctlon .of
tlio olfenso of bribery , but could not dooldo
whcthoi the result ol the elect ion was thereby
changed , j'oi the bunaiu to refuse to listen
to this complaint would botuKenas a declara
tion that it Is Indlffoicnt to the question
whethoi Its peats nro to bo in the fulnro the
subject of bargain nnd Halo , 01 may bo pre
sented by n few mlllloimlicsns n compllmuiit
to a ft lend.
Husluoss ISIoolCH DeHlroyeil ,
Mn.wAUKIII : , July 15 Thoovcnlnic Wlo
eonsln's I'au Cl.ilio Kpeclal siy < ; Nous has
been received of thn destine ( ion enrlv this
morning of live new buslneFS blocks In
lilooiu. Chlppown eoiinty. Thu loss Is esti
mated between M\tv nnd Hoventv-llvo thou-
band dollars ; liibiiiancoabout hall.
FaotorlcN IJiirned ,
OIUOAOO. July 14 , The sash , door nnd
blind factories of Patilck Conwny , Twenty-
Hist iindLoomiB Ktieet , nnd Chnilos Luigc ,
071 Loomld btiett. burned this monilnz. Con-
way's Inctory wnsentliel ) deutroed. Loss.
S30.000 ; paitlally Insuicd. Laigo's loss U
about tour thousand dollats , The mills were
biirrounded by plnnlnu' mllb nnd buildings oi
equally Inllammablo clininctcr ,
I'rohlhltlou In Atlanta.
ATI.AM-A , 0u , Jnlj 15. The Injunction
case ot Allied llronk vs the city of Atlanta ,
Becking to pievont Interlcieneoof the pollco
nuthoi Itles with the gale of whisky , w Ino and
beerby tlio ijnait by the nlaintll ) . was tileU
> esterdavbetoio Judge Clnik of the biipeilor
couit. Iloieliifird to giant the Injunction
and the city will now piocecd to iiiosccuto
Uronck for violation ot the jnolnblllon law' .
A liliul ol'AVatrr Hjiout.
1JAi/riMoni : , Md. , July r > . - A terrible rala
stoiinlsllcd tbfs city to-night. It was moat
Govern In the westein fectlon.s , u Mud ol
wat i H [ out , unioollng huu-es and dolns
other damage.
Nohrubka and lovvu Weather.
Foi Ntbiaska and Iowa ; Fall weather ,
follow ed by llaht local lulus ; stationary tcun
pel at me.