Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1886, Page 7, Image 8
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , ' JUM 15. 1880. gPBOTAL NOTIOE& Ad\crtl rmont8 Under thh head , 10 cents per line for the nr t Insertion , 7 cents for each sub sequent In'ert'on. nnd tl.M a line per month. No iwUcrtisoment taken for loss than 25 cents for the tlt't Insertion. Seven wotdq will bo counted to the line ; they must run consecu- tlroly nnd must bn paid In advance. All ftdvcr tlecmcnfj must bo handed In bofoio 2 o'clock p , m. , nndimdtr no circumstances will they bo tulicn nrdlsconllnucd by telephone. Pnrtlts ad\ortl lnif In thosiolumns nnd haf- IngthonnsnorsftOdrosstd In rate of THE BKK , will plra o a k for n check toonnlilo them to get their lettorc , ns none will bn delivered except on presentation of chrck. All nnswrrs to ad- yortl'otnonts. should bo enclosed I TO LO AH-MONET. TO l.OA > On llenl n tutO by MONKV Bros. , 1510 Douglas sticct. iTvEY TO IXlAN At reasonable rates on rnrnltiiro.lltK' watches nnd nthorticr-iinal pioport ) . 0 J. ( nsttoll , loom IU , Iron Bank building. 12th and Parnam 'Inko elevator. CT ) a 11 M loan jou money on Improved larm In DotiirhiM , CUPS , Saundnis , Sarpy , Washington nnd Hurt counties , nttl.e lowest rate of Inter- tsl. Call nnd KCO tls. 107 W LOANED Un warehouse ipceipts , MONEY , diamonds , watches , etc. H. C. Whltcnmbo , Boom 1 , UOI Dougla st. fitfl ' Ehiu o cheap monny on-long thrio , In any iUnntltvto | lonii on Insldo ellv propelty.or farm Intnl. Marshall i. Lobcck , 1511 Pnrnntn st. CKNT monny to loan. 11. C Pattoison , GPEH nnd Douglas. CIB _ "jlifONKy TO LOANAt low est intes of intor- 1V1 rst In sums of $200 and upwards on farms nnd city property. F .J. Dny A Co. , li.Croun- 1- HP'S block , so cor Capital nvo and ICth t. * C - Ms-ling OMAHA FINANCIAL KXOllANGKIs prepared - pared to mnko loans In nn ) amount , on any kind > f npprovod tccurlty. Largo collateral loans n specially. Al o on chattels nnd rcnl estate InnmountHnnd tlmo in suit. Lower rnlos , bottpr terms , nnd piomptrr sorvlco than any loan nrroncy In thoclty. For further particulars call itt ofllco on the M'lond lloor of the Barker .Block , southwest corner of Fnrnam and 15th . 875 Pt roots. _ _ _ _ ; it CUNT money to loan. J , J. Mahnnoy , 6 i Parnnm. 1U2J)20 6M ONKY TO LOAN On real estate. Gibson , M Lnrson & Co. , Boom 3 , Wltlinoll Illopk. 148 ( jjfiv"Tf ) LOAN At lower rntpsthnnnny- whete else In the clty.oiifurnlturo , plnnos , oigntis , horses , wngons , or stock o I any kind , llomombor , at lower rales than ativ other loan company m the city. Tlty Loan & Mortgair/o Co , , room 15,1101 Pai nam st , opposlts Pnxtoti hotel. w ? n/TONKY to loan on residence nnd business X'l piopcrty. Txiwc-st rates. C. J Caswell Si Co , Room ID , lion Bank Building , 12th and " Far- iiixm _ * " to loan by the undorslgnoil , who has MONHY proporlv organl/od loan ngoney In Omaha Loan" ot ? IO to $1,000 nindo on fur- nlturo , pliinoB. organs , horses , wngons , maohln- ory , &o , without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential Lonns so made thnt any part can bo paid at any time , each pay ment reducing the cost pro lata. Advances mndo on fine watches nnd diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who thov are dealing with , an many now concerns nro dally coming Into existence. Should you need monov. call anil see mo. W. 1U Croft , Boom 4 , Wlthncll Building , 15th nnd Hnrnoy. 268 , to lonn on city residence property $15Oooo . . lirararnam 25'J CENT Monov to lonn. Stewart & Co. , GPEH 3 , lion bunk , 12th and Parnam. 023 , to loan. Sums $500 nnd upwards. $ Lowest rates. Dcmls , 15th and Douglas sts. ' TO LOAN O. F. Davis &Co. Heal Estate nnd Loan agents , 1505 ParnamSt. f M 'ONEY TO LOAN On good securities. A McGavock , room 7 lloilick Block , 15OT Farnam rONHY TO LOAN On real cstnto and chat L tola. D. L. Thomas. 203 TO LOAN In sums of MONKY on flrst-clnss real estate eocuritr. 1'ottor ft Cohb , 1516 Fnrnam Su 84 Bt C. ? . 9W-o a oftlco , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons personal property of nil kinds and all Mhor ar ticles of TBluo , without removal. aiOiS. 13th , o\i-r Blnghnm'8 Commission store. AJ' bug. ness atrlctlr conQdontaL " ' 5 'J' ° 520Q buys n now Inibliiess ( ox cluslvo control ) for Omaha or any city In the United Stales ; n monopoly tully pio- footed fcvcnti'on yours ; KI cat novelty to make $10 to $20 ui'ny pinllt. Comoseoitnt Employ- Bui can , 1120 I'arnam stioot , S48-14 * . STOCK , Furniture nnd futures , GBOCP.HY wagon , In good business locution r In Omnhii , lor ealo by Hush &Solby,2l8S. ir.Hi II- ' . i st. B 1 1 17 ID U3INT.S3 CHANC1Slock of groceries , llx < _ - turoshorso nnd wagon , good business lo cotlon , in Omaha , for ealo cheap. Bush & Bclby , 218 S.J5th t. Bta 17 TCTOlt 8ALE-Tho whole or half Intercut In n Jgood wholesale nnd retail business in the It * city ; good location and chonp ronts. Address. 1.8 , Iftfoofflce. 771-17 * Foil HAM : A well established newspaper In n live Nebraska town. Addro-ss look bo.x gOBt.IMwart _ Nob. Tdj-15 JJ'OB SAM ! Grocery business ; a lully equipped and Mocked Hint-class giocory buHlnosu In good location for sulo : will Imoico 81'CO to K',000 ; will exchange for Mock or Omaha Itoul Estnto. Boggs & , lull , 1403 Knrnam 517-17 H Lots.Fnrms.Lands money loaned. Bonils , 15th and Douglas stioots. 471 ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tpno SAI.K 20' shares stock of $100 each of A the W j omlng Meat Company ot Cheyenne , Wy. This utock Is first-class , will boar the closest Investigation nnd Is now paying" a good dividend. Per fmthor pnrtlculars address , G. H.T. . oiiio Omaha Beo.Oinnlin. Nob. 371. TT1OU HAI.K-On account of other business 1 J-1 will Boll my lee cream parlors nnd ooufi-o. tlonery store at U2J Douglas Btrcots , nt low lljt ' ' - " " ' " u"e ° " ' V. NorTfs. u"eop" Tmou SALIJ-In a proaporlng llttlo town h ? ' ? ? Vr 'J1'-,1 ' ' BtK ) Inhabitants , situated 01 ho C. 11. 1 ft - P. B. It. Ihio. n good and comploK butchering buoliioss will bo Bold cheap , as the present owner l.itonds , on account of his pooi bonlth , to go to Cnllfoinla. Per fuilhor in formation , address H 5 , lleo onico.- . every and ; nlso Innda to ox- I ' ou ' " nut to trndo , no 'wrlt0' with fiilldo- LOST. T OST Dirk bav Amorlcan pony , 700 ibs. LJ sndd o iiiiirkodlltonil icwnrd , U8 1-2 S. 13tl : st. J. M , Arnout , 810-10 * I OST aScotcHcolllo pups. ono blaolcnnd tan J the othort tllow und whlto. Kinder will be rt'wnrdcd. Cull at 2117 Loavt'iiworth. c3V15 CjT AVii-Bpa : andwhlto eow.flycuis old , K ronclm-ouiid nook , with now calf. Itctum to south corner Oth nnd Charles. 8U-15 * LOST Tool bug from blcjclo. w'lth wrench nnd oil cun. Pleuso leave at Collins , Gordon ft hny'a etoro , and iccolvo reward. 4. pEllSONAIlOO monthly pront. Boautltul ri Vi10 ? , rSr" llllln""lf , taught free. Mna i 15U * Cjirlatlo , Dnuglaa. _ 7U1-10 I > Kn80NAILuillos wishing for domestic . ni'ln bhoiild call at 119 North loth st ! good irlrls will bo furnlshod. Nebraska Employment Agency , ' ti PKKSONAI persons who wUh to bulll a n.JJSSllfrbwiHI1' { ! J wl" soil lots upoS payment of the nominal sum of ten dollar nnd balance at the end of m o j oars. intoro t nt 8 per cent , paynblo fcml-amiually , This U the boat offer ever nindo to nnjr homocokor in this eliy. CuU and see mo. c. R. Mayne. ileal : tatw and Trust Co. , S.W.cor. 1MU ana iwiant _ _ 207 BOABIHNn GaU.nt IBOSPnrnam st , for board andlOYoly vown cither.jiuui and wife or l"i.K J'lJNT Iloom nnd bo.ird for two. 1613 f Capitol aye u > > OABD-And lodgings , at 322 N. 15th bt. but ono Moore in the real oslato . . trade and 1 liopo Iheru nil ) bo no Moot oof licia until the country coads aru opono.l up Olid tha hot weather has MJ 10 WE FIT ) onng men nnd ladles of ordinary nbllitr ns Mdnoprnpheis in Xrom m to iq dfiSBoom 7 , Iron bnnk. 700-15 SCHOOLANIM'lJfNTV Bon Is boujh nnd sold. Oco. W. Day , 1403 Pnrnnm. 4 77OH IIKNT Square Piano , $1 monthly A JL1 Hosno 1513 Douglas. 2rJ FOHItKNT OiganS , ? 3 per month , ilospo , 1513 Douglas. 274 ' FT t IllS : r A More on n good retail street. Apply the Omaha Itcnl Estate and Inn Co. 167 "inoil UI\T ; Square J'lauo Jd monthly. A J Ho po. 1313 Douglns. ' TJ " re TlONfo71irsoll t public auction on Thursdn ) mornlnp1 at in o'clock , tlio follow- Inv hoii'ehold poodsi Ono gr.ind plnno , $ .VX ) ; tlvobcdioom sets , worth flora $50 to ? 20) ; one sldcbontd , worth $175 ; b ds nnd be < l < llOir , dining room ami killhon furniture and carpets , nil to IIP fold without i psorvo. nt 2H S. lath , corner I'nrnnin st A H Cotrnn f < o. ' " " -Li * ron EAi.r Mison.r.AKEons. Ii OH PALE clipnp , onp span rood ponies suit , nulo lor de-livery 01 bucgv loam. Inquire of r A. Marsh , WM North ICth st. 7flO 75 BABY CHHUlAGES-At gipntly reduced J- > prices , at the W Cent store , ] J'i Fnrnnm St. i tJH St.T71 T71 I OH SAMI Two tlinioiiirhbrpd 12tiMi ( ] | Mns JE ttff pups nt 1405 Douglas fat. TCH-IU ATTi : l-Tncfccond-hand phaeton cheap nt Simpson's. 711 MK'M'onles Ponies Improved stock , DO odd bund lor sale nt Bildgo Yards. 784-10 * _ T71 OH SALH Kroah milk cows ' nt Bildgc J.1 7SM.-I * ' oil MAl.i : ono molodeon.C octaves f 48 on monthly Installments. Ono U stop organ 2 knco swells , O't fcot high $65 on monthly pay- moiits. Ono 10 stop Plrst Class organ hcniitlrul cnso $76 on o y pajmnnts. Ono 7K octnvo I'mno ( luiiiil Square liosonoml ease (175 on fin monthly payments. Ouo Beautiful Grand Plnno { 250 on payments nt Hospo's muslo rooms l'ili : Douglas et. COJ Aim. 7 5CKNT AND 10 CENT depart monTe ? the 'm- cent store Is orowdod with bargains. 77--14 Holism Lots , rarms.Lnnds money loaned. Ilcmls 15th and Douglas streets. 471 InoiiTHATIt Wo have iTbuucirbr ooohond 1 two-year-old steers , good cattle for onto. Stratigo Ilios. , Sioux City , Iowa. _ 1000i)20 HOUSEKEEPING goods of over ) description at H to U loss than tiny competition nt the m-cent btoio , 12011 I'lirnnin _ 772-14 "ITUm HAI/i : 1 plnno , fin nl turo and kltcho JJ rniiKO. 717S.lBth8t. 877 Foil SAM : It. It. contrncta on 2,400 acres flno tllliiblo land , clieup tor cnsh , or w 111 vx- chniiKO for Ireah stock clotliliiK and goorl busi ness pi oprrty. 11. M. Woohnan , IT I' . Tonu , Lot Afit , Denver Jiinotlon. Coloiado. 751-Jyll FOK SAI.13 Clump. Iron columns nnd win dow caps anitnlilo for front on lirlck build- lup. 1'or piirtlculnrs apply nt tills olllcu. K\'J \ for 11 two pillion water cooler , vorth $2.0 } , only at the 0-cout atoro , 1201 I'armun. 772-14 TJTOH SALE OU TUADR-Ono line ) nrffo chest- Jnut eoriel hoino ; 0 juars old , 1U hands hlxb , wolffht 1300 , H oil bullion , good disposition , will trad * for two Bimillov horses. Hatcher , ( Sadd A : Co . .Mlllurd hotel block , _ 670 F Square piano , $53 , monthly pay- monts. Ilospo , 151i ! Douglns. _ 271 FTQ CKNT3 for adjustable window f crcens.only OO nt the 119-cont store , 1209 Kurnain. 77J-14 HAMJ Match teams nmt liorsos of al FOR kinds to suit customer's ' nt Sta > - Snlo Stables , SOth nnd Uumlnir. M. Cannon , Prop. 270 WANTED rEMALE ItELP. W ANTKD (3lrl ( lor general house woik. Mis. Hammond , 015 Virginia iivonuc. 601-14 * : Girl for gonornl housQwork.must WANTID farm 20 miios Horn Oinahn. Apply ntDohlo's Slioo store , 1419 Fiunnir. str't-et. Kia-l'i f \7ANT13D 2 girls , "ono for chamber woik f i nnd wnltingnt the tables , and one for laundry work , Scandinavian preferred , Atlantic Hotel , 10th St. 80215 * W AN Tiu Marker and EOItor at City steam laundry. W7-15 ANTED A girl for general housework at 804 S. 21st St. . H3H8 * monthly profit. 00 persona column. $100 819-14 * ANTKD Itcllublo mlddlo-agod nomnnt'l taku cbuigo of an Inlnnt , ono who under- Ptnnds plain sowing prefoncd. Apply nt Mrs. 8. A. Sloman , 10U Farnam st. 8 5 An accomplished yo ung lady ns WANTKU for a llttlo girl 0 years old , on- qulro for Dr. Spinney at Cozzens house , between < twoen 11 nnd 12 n. m. or 5 and 0 p in. 8 i-16 * ANTin AGhltodo general housework In prlvnto family. 1510 Howard st. 61C-1C' Young ladles nnd gentlemen whn WANT15B the study or shorthand to know that tno art Is acquired w 1th the stono- giapn In one-third the time roiiuliod by the old method1 * . Call and ovnmlno Iho sumo. Booms 7 and 8 , lion bank. 0. W. linker. 7a"15 ANTKH A Girl for general housework In n family of t o ; gooa wages ; apply to Mrs. W. E. Annln , 1405Sheimailuvenuo , head ol Clark St. K Ladles and boys to Instruct In WANTED . Situations. Kooni 5 , liusl- m an block. J. B. Bmlth. 777-lt' ANTKU Girl for general housework. w Apply -111 St. Mary's avonuo. 815-10 * A competent girl lor general YV hoiisewoik. Mrs. T. W , Blackburn , M cottage noith of Loavonworth , west side Col fax Btrcot. 774-16 _ WANTKU A young lady cashier. liefer- cneo roquli'ed. Address I. 0. , euro Bee oflico. 780 WANTKU Expoilonccd dining room girls to go west on line ot Union Pacillo railway , Wages $ JO per month , applly at olllce , 713 cth street , Piiclno Hotel Co. _ 7S3-15 W Girl lor' ' general housework ! good wagos2511 ; St. Mary's nvo. 7L8-1U WWANTED WANTED A girl for general bousawotk ; good wages given. At norths vt-t comet Hamilton and 1'lor street. 770-14 * _ lA l gill for light ImusmvoiK. AiJ ply S. E. cor. 23d and Douglas. 702 14 Throe girls , ono cook and twt ii for ironoriil housowoik. Wngeafll tojll a month , must Do good help. Englo honi-o , 41 south 14th stioct. 705-1U * _ WANTED A girl for general housou o rlc must bo n good qook ; pormnnont place wages W.50 per oek. Mrs. C. F. 1'attoroon , 12211 N. lUlh St. 700-16 * _ WANTTD A Cook , woman piofcrrod , Now England rostuuiant , 118 Douglas bt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 70M41 \VANT 1:11 An o/pcrloncoil saleswoman lor _ , drv goods Apply at once to O'Donahoo A : Shorfy , 15th tt , no\t to the postolllco. "J9 \UANTiu-IoirU : for private families , peed Jl cooks nud kitchen glils , dining loom and thninbcrgliH ! bnstof wages. Calf on Ouiahn Lmploym t-nt Huronu. 113) I'nrnnin St. _ 745 WANTii > A cook und nurse girl. 1'arlor _ llostaurnnt , 107 N llith fet. "JI-14 * Vt7ANTiuFivo : snleslndios , 1403 Dodge st. ' ' 713 \ T / A N ' _ A good computotit girl to do ue\\ \ oral houses ork , npply at 1815 Douglas strt'bt. 71o-io vx7ANTin A girl for general house work at > l No. 1UI8 Capitol avonuo. _ cl WANTJU ) A woman to do general linnso woik ; u good cook preforrod. 1818 Wub- star. star.W ANTKU A girl for general housework , must go to n country town. 1014 Webster. 041 , . -v flrl tor ffenoral houBoworkut l > 1713 California st. His _ XV/'ANTKD / Girls to make overalls , shirts JJ und Jeans pants. OinUcla Jlf'g Co. , cor. Uth and Douglas , up stairs , OOO-aug , 7 WANTKO A ghl to do general housework. Goo < l place for the rlgh ) ghl , 811 N. 17th Bt. bot\ > con Hurt and Cuming. ANTlilKlGTiTfoT Kunoral house woik , A. 0 , Tioup , 213 S. 141h St. 67fl \\TANTKn A good girl for general houao T woik : must bo n good cook , washer and Ironor. 1U9 Douttlas St. 577 WANTKIl A wet nurso. For pantculars call nt Dr. Lco'a ollloe , Granite blk. 33j io * " WANTKU-QIri ; 807S S4th 6f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 165-23 WANTED A competent girl for general houEowoik. Apply at 4(0 ( Convent st. 013 W'ANTii > imuiodlatoly.a first-class cook a 1613 Dodge st. _ bOa T\7-ANTiii ss young ladies and gents to M Irani telegraphy. Prospects tor positions when competent , good. Address W , J. D. room l.Crounno block Ibth St. Omaha. 733 _ WA2ITEU-IAIB HELP. \ \ A > Tl.o4 good active busiuo&s men of , ' . , , "JooJ " ! ljdreta , but. 20 and 40 years of ugo. J. M. trench i Co. . Boom 10 Bushuoll block. 83320 * \ \ TANTlo-lriher : ! City Steam Laundry.0-1,5 8-J WANTED Thrpp steady ) oung mon with good references ns salesmen. Addrt s < wltli stump 1 is. Ilco onico. S-l * "l\7ANTli : Young tnnn to keep books mid > collect. Cull 215 S. 13th it. from 12 to 1. 811 14 * _ f\7AXTiiA fp young men with n llttlo cnpltn1cnn make S unit JO poi dny. Ad dress nlth rofi-rcnco and stamp I IS , Ilco onico S3o \\f , ANTKI > A steiioRrnphor of rnllrond ot - ft pcrlcnco. Salary ( CO. Box Gil , Omaha. w PANTKD-PIvo salesmen , at 1103 Dodges 712 I. VITANTII : > A peed llxo partner lth smnll ft cupltol to iinost for half intmo t In a profitable ninnufncturliiK business. Address I 12 , lleoonico. S17-15 * ll100 ? monthly prollt. tfoo personal column. WANT'IID Klio ulKnr makers ( hand woik- inun ) . Imiulru Gcoigo K. Oodfiov. I're- mont , Neb , 76t-i9 WANTni ) Mitt , Women and children to look through our stock nnd cot poMntlon the bargains. U9 Cent store , 1209 rarnatn St. 772-14 _ ; AJfTKl > A Rood blacksmith Rt No. South 7th stiost. 753-13 * _ Tl ANTCD Two competent salesmen who if nro thoroughly aciiualntcd vlth thonro- eery business. Good leforcncos required. JIoj or & Schuimnnwholesnlueroccrs , Fremont , Null. tin 14 WAJJTKD Three hundred rock mon , three hundred lubornrs. Goodxtork , treed pay. Apply to Chns. Ilolssollor29 mlle houo Ollvo St. Head , St. I.oiils Co. , Mo. , o Jacob Jnyiaus , 1/nbndle , Mo. Ketmo Ilros. ( instruction Co. , chief contractors St. Louis , Knnsas City & Col. U. U. _ 46 Ailgl \-\ANTlCl-Mnionlor lilnok Hill * oxtontlon V > of 11. AM. U. It. near Ilrokon llow , K. a Albright , Labor Agency , 1308 rnrnam st. 003 OITDATIOH WAlfTBD. WANTKT ) Situation by experienced cook to tnko cluirgu of llrst-chiss kitchen. Addioss I 1'I.Dcc , _ B40-14 * WANTK1J Situation ovn Indyetonogrnplier nnd typo-writer of ability and o.xpoiienco Address Jliu-fo , care llox 401) ) . _ KJ VY7"ANTin : Position In clonk department , f ' Kcnoial dry goods or housekeeper In hotel bj mldcllo-nguil woman of ovperienco and lullncniont. Mrs. II , Hovf > 57 , Oinahn. SOU \lTANTJti ) situation as tinvcllnR salesman f for wholesale grocery or liquor and clirar lioueo : best ot rofcrcnco slvcn. Address 1 111. lluo olllce. 81MB * WANTKIl Kmplo > mont as bnitondorj good refill cncoa ( fl\on. "Aflilioas H 14 , Hot ) olllco. Oninhti. 812-17' _ WANTi : ly ) youiiff man fttuntlon In grocery store ; willing to [ work for small salary. Address Gllboit Ouk , Centuil Hole ! , 13th and Cnss. 70H-1 1 * _ \\T AN ni > situation lly a man with an es- ff tnbllMird tTiulo In the city In the giocory line , us talesman ; beat of ictoiciices. Addtesa 120 , Ilco olllco. 817-10 WANTKO Situation By a uontloinun well ncquiilntcd with thogonoiiu trade of voet- crn Iowa and Nebraska , a situation as triuollnj ? siilosman after July 20th. Addiess I 21. Ilco ollice. 847-10 WANTKIl Position as bookkeeper or citric In grocery store : have hud o.xpcrlonce In each ; Bpeuk German or Knglish ; No. 1 punimui ; iccommeudutioii ruinlsliotl. Ibiiac Mj ers. city. 70.114 * _ ANTin : Posftlon by a young man In wholesale house ; two years oxpi-iioiico In hilling iind shipping : ; best ot references. Ad- diossl 2 , Hoc. 742-14 * F OH SAIji--Or : would exclmiiffo for Omaha jironorty or part western landonoof the best stock farms In Doiitflns county. Inquire Immcdlutely of Bullou Ilros. , 1510 Doug-las St. BWK'O TjtT'ANTKI ) Situation by n yoiintr man ns ii bookkeeper or In etoro or olllco : best of loforonccs. AddiOiSl 1 , Hoe. 741-H * WANTS. 7ANTEU Customers tor our butter and YV cream. J. II IJoonstro , 803 N 16th ct. : 8J1 a 13 WANTKH To Duy , a horse for driving. Call 8158 , 15lhst. _ 845,15 , * , isrANTKD A partner wltti small capital to T I invest- -a good paying business. Address - dress 1,1" , Hco olllco. _ 8C8-15 * \X7"ANTKD-A set of Jlonk Vault Doors. Ad YV dross J. W. &E.Ii.Squlros.CouncllBluffsIa. WANTEI > Furnished rooms , with board , for 4 gentlemen ; central location ; German family piofcrrod , Address 1 11 , Ueo Oilico. 80J 14 * WANTED To Buy asmull socond-haud > afo , Kaufman Bros. , 1009 Farnam St. 7fcO ANTKD-Famlly to adopt n KM baby about two necks old. For particulars address I 7 , Boo olllco. 700-17 * i ANTED Furnished room nnd board. Ad- diess with terms , 1402 F.nnam street , Boom y. 75U-14' \ \ ; ANTED To rent for term of Years , rosl- ff doncoof about 10 rooms In desirable lo cality. Stable and grounds preferred. Address - dross T.B.Bco Ollice. _ 767 WANTKU To meet demand for competent bookkeepers I will Instruct two persons and wait until situations are furnished. Bush man block. J. B. Smith. 778-14 * WANTKU Partner with ? VX ) cash to oiiR-apo In retail shoo business In live town In Ne braska. Address , for throe days , 1 , 0 , Boo olllce. 752-14 * | _ \\7ANTED-A purchaser. Saloon business In ft city of Beatrice , the bopt location In the city ; three good billiard table * , ono pool table , bar and bur llxturos. Inquire of llmcrlo Long- tin , Beatrice , Nobr. , for particulars. 7.22.17 * Tyt/ ANTED A peed house on monthly puy- Yf meets. Address II , C5. Boo olllco. COS. > To buy a nice residence or good building lot In u desirable location. Ad- droga H , 60 , lloo olllcu. er,5. WA Tl' , " "I'lle3nnilBoiitlotnrn to attend valentine's Shoithnnd and Typowrltlnir Institute. Imposition bulldjiig. C2i-aug4 ; W 'ANTED Ono largo or a suit of unfur- nlshcd rooms in buslneas center of olty , lor sleeping apartments. Address II 20 , Boo omco. - _ _ _ _ -J04 A\r NTli : ) Tob" > ' ( llllrKOseconn nand of. ff flcosafo. A. Ilospo. T. Murray. 473 ANTiiBhort-nttiul work of nil Muds by J. B. Hiiynos & Co. . 1511 Dodge St. 0j WANl'KD-SubsciIbors for stock in the Omaha Loan and Building association and the Mutual Loan and Building association. Homos for nil classes can thus bo purchased by monthly payments ; shares $1.00 per month , on J > hlch$2j0wlllbolonnod. Olllco In Ejposlti.m building on IStustrout. G. JI , Nnttingor. Socro- ! )14Jy25 ) HEHg-HOPSEB AKD I.OT3. TTOH UI5NT Cottagoon 17th ft , , between - - Capital ( ivo und Davenport. 8. Lehman. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b2T Won IlRNT-Dy J. B , Evnns & Co. , now 10 room vonlonco8.0n Wnri''a nvo-i n11 modern con- Cottngo near St. Mary's nvonuo. 8toro-2 lloors and cellar , on ilth st , J. B. IS vans & Co. _ 738-15 F'OH lllWT-lllJS. Ninth St. , u house of'fl rooms furnished ; yiu per month. 801-15 * "I101 ! I'KABK Wo have cloven acres on IT. P. u- ! i nek , WW foot front : will lease nil or pait-f or flvo years. Bedford & Boucr. 754 buy n 0 or 7 room house In " ' . "clshborhood on monthly payments. Addic3sI17J , four days. W4-15 * "ni o it s A It K Now 7 room house , 2)17 Davon- J-1 - port Strret , with lot. barn 22xlfl. coal shed , oiitliouBos , etc. , city wuter.cbtorn , Prleo f J.BOO. Inqulio on picmiscs or of JI. BurUo St Sons fetoek yards. _ 715 Tl'OKItllNT NIiio loom house with nil mod- c''n ' Aul"Calm - & 1T1OK * HKNT A seven-room Hat on Ilowai'cl ! JJ botw con 10th nnd 17th. Omaha Itonl ibta : o & Ix > an Co. , Uoom M , Wlthncll Block. to" TOK IIKNT The building now being built fnLrma Srnro1cin > o corner of lain mid Jones , OOxK ) foot , and four or five btorlos hlich. nil boruntoa forhotolor warehouse purposes and boflnlshodtosult the purpose oftenant. C. K. Mayno Heal Estate and Trust Co. , 15th and * * rarnaiu. l llKNT-llcsUlenoo of 1U rooms , barn for ; Tr 'til0 ! 0 i.oauUful Krounds , Lonvonworth nnd J3d st. f50 , per month. C. B. iluyne Itoal Estate &TrU3tCo. . 15th and Farnam. 7M : mHHX BOOMS , "Jj OH llKNr VurnUhod rooms at 7C4 Slfth ' * et. Qontlemcn proferred. Kii-li > nnNT-IMhMhodboa room with tiso of Foil onrlor. 1511 CnlUornln street7t14 ! " * IlKNT-Nl flvo rooiii tlal/corncr / 25l Foil Miami StrtMA.N K. Adams. 61S-17 * TTtoTl TTiT > iT "FWifstioil ToonisTsTiltnbli1 tor JL1 uiannndwlfoor J'oung men. COJ S. 10th. ' 77J.I5 * ff [ on KENT Twch-p rooms , npcor EOth nnd F Plorco Inquire on premises. 74J-lif * Js boardfofoVir 'gentlemen , iois"Davon- pprt. ' 7K14 * till iiilNT-Viiniishclor unrurnlshcd rooms ; gff nn\l f8 , > Q3 S 22d st , 730-14 * TTlon IIKNT FAunlsiipti front room ; Si'.Pnlr- JL' > low st. , blocK from St. Mary's nvo 013-15 * Itr.NT-Two nicely furnished looms at Foil 1713 DoJfe lUtforciiccs reiiulred. &SS | 7UH KENT 2storerooms on corner Cuming X1 nnd 23d. ? l ! ) each House , S rooms , cor. KM nnd Unrd , $23. The C. E. Mnyuo Itoal Estnte nnd Trust Co. 6' . 7 / niNT-A : partly furnished house ton I/Oil 1 responsible pnit ) ; proprietor desiring to tnke board ns part payment in exchange. Ad- tlross 1 15 , this olllco. 811-10 * Foil llHNT-Ono furnlshod room. 2l4Fli\v- Ollport. 810-14 * Oil BENT-NicOly furnlshoJ room , K20 Douglas. 5'S OU KKNT-Doslrablo furnlshod rooms nt 1811 Farnamstreet. _ U34 _ Foil ItKNT NJccly fuinlshed room for ono or two gontloii oii , at 010 N. 17th su 373 fnou IIKNT Largo Unfurnished itronTroom , JS baywlndow und closet,1017 Chlcnpo. IJCO "fTfcriFinriST Nicely furnlshod front rooms JU suitable for ono or two gentlemen ; nil mod ern ImprovciLonts. 14.15 Jones st 141 Foil nnNT Cholco otlloo rooms on ground lloor. No. 1500 Fnrnam st. Inqiiliuof J. S. BlchardbOii. 441-j yg ) OU KKNT-Fiirnlshod rooms , chPiiMsMn | the olty. Apply nt Boom 14 , Anderson Block , N. I6th St. , cor. Duvenport 174J-21 ' frwili lliNT For light hoiisckoopm ? . rooms JL1 fumishoa and Unfurnished In Bcomor's PlocK.cor. Eight nnd Howard nt . B18 IIKNT Storf. room on IHh st , near Foil ; mnke line onico , fSl. Brick store , N E cor Uth and Hownrd , $35. C. K. Mnyno , Itcal Estate nnd Trust Co. 8'JJ 17011 HKNT-A suit of furnished rooms. 1011 J California. 892 Foil IIKNT An oloimnt suite of two rooms. Apply with rofcroncoi , 1007 Douglas. 711 Tmoil lliNT : Elegant rm-nliTfouToutns. Ibll -U Capitol avenuo. 7SU-15 IJ UK III3NT Two store rooms on 16th stroot' , -L1 Wntbr , gas and smvor conneotlons. The C.IiMayno nnd Trust Co , , cor. loth and Itanium. TIIOU KHNT Furnished rooms ' with board , -C. .1818 Dodge St. 7fr3 OU IIKNT An excellent basement. 50. ) nud 511 S13th st : 3 stores on th and Douglas , nnd2 stores on 2Jd and Cuming. PnuUun & Co. , It 11 \twtin ii C" " 3Olt BAI.C 1\OUSE3 LOT3. SAM5 or rent. The Commercial Hotel , Foil . Nob. A good hoiifo with 41 rooms , newly fuiiiishod nnd rollttcd , with all modern conveniences , well located. Is offered for sale on easy terms ; orwlll lent to nn experienced liotol man. Apply to or adrtrosj. N. B. Berg ioqn ( nf First National Bank , Wahoo , Neb. \ 851-10 * _ _ _ IV VOU want to transact any business In real estate sales or .purchases ol any kind of business enterprises , vo inoahuiys iu n pos ition to mcetyour wauls. M. L. Illgglns \ Co. j ' 63317 _ _ _ _ _ _ rp\VO (3 ( oed Bars nius Ono corner lot on N. JU Saunders stluoi } . OnolotInShlnn'MnddSl,0"iO. These mo $200 choiipor tnnn adloinmV pioporty , llrs'iin & Co. , 27 Paxton bin.s \ c SJ3 - ' in lirookllnc nd- ONUnndthrco-J'oilrlhsacios dltlon , price fSW. ' Potter & Cobb , 1515 Par- natn st. , Omaha , Nohi Kl ' ILLSDA LE. f ' 809 T710R SAL1S Iljf iSf. JUIIgtrlns Ar Co. . 1500 Doug- J-1 Insst. 00x100 uDrnpr on 10th st , at a bargain 1C sold within tcn'-dnyif. Prko 320.000. Also HW ft , a bargain , on Jncksonst , Both those will only boon the market foinon days , when they will bo advanced. , f Ilwo 7l > 3.1 5 TTOW Is It 'yoxJrS'Whjhborhngnindrf ' money ? fj-i By hav n ? cx > njiEo.ta : buy cheap lotssS-pu CAndothosamo ln tiru ! < ) ale , 'Whore lots-now epllliiffior J150 oaounrtll brlnp double that In a yearlrom now. Amos' lloal Estate Agency , 160T Farnam at ' 80 < J A 'ObOO t t In'Ohnhonw , near the Vlnlonst. cnHInc,1 price 31.0JO. Potter tc Cobb , 1515 faiimmst. , Oinnni. Neb. _ 8J1 TTlbn SALII Wo have sixteen lots in Hnw- -C ihorno addition that wo will Boll : best and cheapest inside pioporty In Omaha. Bedfoid Ac Souor 755 SALI ! On Convent st , convenient to Strootcnr-,7-rooiii house In good older , lot 74 foot , oust front , covered with fiuit ; price $7000 , on easy terms. This place Is u bargain. Amos' Itonl Estnto Agcnc } , 1507 Furnam st. . 750-20 _ TTII'LSDALK- , that's the naincrand the XJ- lots soil for $15ff to f. 175 on easy terms. Have you scon this ground ? If not , do at once , as it costs nothing- riilo out to tills beautiful location. Amos' llenl Estate agency , 1507 Far nam. _ 803 . , 1 00x15 > fcot , on , California St. , in addition , price' ' S3.000. Potter & Cobb , ISliJ Farnam St. , Omaha , Nob. _ 821 r/OH 8AI < Ii 110 feet front on pilnclpal avo- JC niio of Ambler plnco ; nruio bargain. Call on or address David W. Young , city. 753 15 * BAKGA1N , E. corner llth and Howard fits , wlxlK ) foot , at the very roawin- oblq pclco of $2.-,000. Viaduct 1 111 flpon uinko thls property much higher. Hatchor , Gadd & Co.Millard hotel block. 782-14 HALJi Two ton aero lots in Piorsou's FOR , 1200 Fnrnam st. ' 7II-14 ! SLOJIAN , Uttl rnrnam stieet , Pntton Hotel Building , Bca Kstato Broker. Loans ncgotiatfd. Abstracts f urnMiod. A low bargains whlcli It would bo well for those seeking choice Interments In inside busi ness and residence propei ty to carolully lines- tigatoboloio purclinshiK1. Cut nnin street opposite court house , 44x133 with house of 11 room ? , renting for fcBO per month. This Is n rnro opportunity. , I.oavenwoitlisti cot I onier lot 01x112 , house 11 looms , rents lor ? i)0ppr ) month. Only ? 8,5QO , S-.MJ cash , hnliuico to suit purchaEor. Leavonworth st. nonr 21st , lot 5'vlK ; house routing for 50 pur month : cheap at f 'i.SOO. ' Harnoyst. coiner lot 15i47 : opposite couit hoiiso ; business property , f 10,000 , Hnrnoy st. within one block of couit house , lotiUxl.U ; cheap , jy.aM Hnrneyst , near 20th , lot 50107 ; beautifully situated lor residence , i5COJ. Hnrnoy fet , noiu 2Ut , lot 5U\107 , ? f,000. Hnrnoy st. near 21M , lot 41\12ft. good house nnd burn , rents for $27 TO , only $ tOJ. . Hrtmoyst , near 21st , lot XixVM. nnd 59x151. with lioiifionnu barn , iPiitlng for JJO per month , nil for Mm , , . With st near St , Mnr ) s avo. , lot 10x120 , hougo 0 1 OQIIIS , $0,000. _ 701 HEAVY gains In population pushes Onmhato thuliont. Fee Hlll-ilalo lots that you can now buy for f 150. Pkk ono out. pay lor It in Installments , and sell It in n jenis time lor twice Its coH. Auics' BeaJ llstnto Agency , 1607 Par- nam Bt. . _ M' ' TT1MEBAUGH flrPATtKUSON'S subdivision JI Is the most di3i able subuiban property to this city. _ 729 . for sale : noiOO ( cor. ) am lower Leavonworth. . . . 57,500 Lots In Amblnr I'loL-m ) . $40pto GOO Lots In B. V. SraitWpJd . f500to2CO ! ) i4 lot " .t"1" . jtooo Cor. lotsMlllord iJUn"l < iwell3 add , BflxlBO. . . . . . Fine cast fi-onttloj , < X ) MI. N IBth st . 2,000 Full lot Omuha.Viow.irraded , fenced , trees and shrubs , . , r IP . 603 Lot S0\137'j ! , 6him's3.1 | addlC'Imilossi ) . 1,000 ' Select cd lots , 8autuleia.iS HJaiebautrh'sadd . . . . . . . $500 to 700 Beautiful acre lowTVPnttorson Pnrk , 3 > i miles from court hou o . $ .12 to 450 SlOthliot. Willlamaiaiul Hickory. 60x140. . 3ia Cor , business lot , iMjUmry ave . 460 Wllcox's 1st add , -lota 500 each 2 lots 000 each . Aero lots In HydojmiJ. - . . , iS75to 8.W Lots on Sauiidcrd eUiiunr Belt Llnu depot , ouch . r . l.OW IMS In Plain View , InMclo JWX ) ; cor. . $700 to 750 Lots In Bedford pliicc - , jlOto 000 bouth front lots on Ilurdctte nr Eaundow , . . . .tl-2-Wto l.TOO T.oavcnnoithbt , near Puikavo.60.xli8. . . 1,600 Ixi ts nn bhorman iv\o opp , Eito lor licit line depot . . . . .W.OOO to 7.000 10 acres line virgin priilrio In Oakland ut. . 20 701 o & Landcrg > on. 817 H 1111 Ii St. _ LOTS ( ellhig today for frSfiO to 1 1003 sold a year ago for (100 to f iVJ. Ttitnk of this and gt't u lot now hi HllUdalo lor $153 to { 173 nnd on ca-ty terms. Amos' Bent Estnto Agency , 1607 Farnum 609 _ NO BETTElt Investment than Hlmobauuh & Patterson's subdivision. 729 Tmon SALi : Twobuslni'ss lots on Hamilton JSt. . . Walnut Hill , ono block from Holt Line depot , ut ubaignln. D. I. Ha ) den , 151D , Doug. his St. IbO-lV T HIE BELT LINE and table line will both run to llltuebuugh & Patterson's subdivision. 72-J HIMEIUttGH & PATTKHSOJTS subdivision 19 tlie bo < t , the cho\po < t. the nue t. It faces the east nnd outh. It Is by the depot. H. C , Patterson 11th nnd Uouglm. 9 _ _ TV YOtf want to soil or trn.lo your business for ell ) property , fnim or wild hinds cull on M. L. Higglns \ Co. liOrt Douglas St. 8.1.M7 . HIMEBArOH , t PATTP.HSON'S subdivision adjoins West Side , w hero the canning Ino- tory nnd now depot nro located. This addition HoS on the toiitli sldo of l.o.ionwotth st. Lonv- enworth Is now bolnc grailcil. After this street U all graded prices will bo ndvunced. Buy now nnd get tlrst prices. II C. Patterson , 13th' and Douglas _ _ < I ? PETKHJON cnn bo found nt 1107 L Howard street , where ho can supply u few lioardotsould ; bo pleased to see his old friends- 781-17 * HAVE you eoullillsdnl ( < If not , do so nt once nnd pick out a lot lor ? 1M ) thnt will not otil ) mnko jou money but helpyou nvo Biitnu. Ames' llenl Estnto Aponc ) , 15U7 Put num. 80 * ' F > ll SAl.i : Or oictmngo for cltyorsubur- bnti Iraprovpd nr tinlniprntvil properly , or general merchandise , WO ncrcs ( X ) and 500) ) of the IhioM Nobinskn prnlrlo land In Nance coun ty. Snchsso \ Lnndergron , 317 S. 13thstOmn- haNob. .gl FOR 1A1.E Hosldonco property and vacant lots In every addition In Omaha. Terms to siiltpurchasor. Also desirable busltio s prop erty. Gibson , Larson & Co. , Hootn 3 , Wlthnoll Block. 15'i MAIIONRV'S Addition , near Wnlmtt Hill" lots $300 for the novt 20 day. * . Terms to suit puichaser. Alsoaciosln Washington Hill and bargains In all pnits of the city. J. .1. Mahoney - honey , iSO'.i ' I'aruam. 10ly20 | IV YOL' have ttnpiovcd property or city lots you want fold cull on M. t ItlRglnn , t Co. , 1500 Douglas St. 8.KM7 cities make suburban homes a neces sity and this olass of lots grous with the rest. This Is to bo considered. See Illllsdnlo ut $150 ami buy ono when you can at this figure , Ames' Bpnl E tnto Agency , 1597 Fiiinnin st , M'J FTU SA"CVr or ovchnngo nt n bargain 80 acres of line hey land within 2'4 ' miles of Fremont , Neb. S. A. Sloinnn , 1307 Douglas St. , Omaha. Nob. 870 HALE 320ncros I mlle from Waterloo , Foil two Ilrst-ciasq bouses , stnblos , wind * mill. All fenced. Trcos and at $40 per noro. Snohsco iLnndonfion , 317South 13th street 704 IMKBAtHlH St PATTERSON'S llow Sllbdl- Uslon Is the finest pioperty over placed upon the mnrkot , It has never boon iviimllcd. Itwiltnovor bo oxcollod. Buy now. B C. Pat- toiaon. 729 . Ho t oppoitunlty for getting nil.LSUALE you a cliinp home. 809 H1LLSDALE rome and s o it jouisolf , It sells on its nioiIts. Amos' llcal P.statu Agency , 1507 I'm nam Kill Yl\on HAMJ-Two elofrant east front corner -U lots In Burr Oak : natural shade tioos. Hntchor , ( larid iCe : ,1210Douglas street , Mlllnrd hotel block Oinah.i. Nob. 80J _ ' trackngo on the U. P. track , con- tiully located , a bargain for 813,000. .1.1 * Hlco i. Co. , 13th iitid Douglas. 571 > US Lots.Karins.Liuids money loaned , HOtI , loth mid Douglas slroots. 471 SA1.K lo ncios smooth unbiokoa prnl- Foil land near Oakland , Burl county , nt $20 porncio. Saehsoo JcLundorgilu , 317 South 13th sticot 703 HE PIUCHs of Hlmobaugh & Patterson's subdivision lots aic one-third lower than nny other. Tha terms are the best , the lots aio the cheapest , the profits will bo the largest. It. C. Patterson , 13th and Douglas , 728 KMEMBER now is the tlmo to buy cheap R lots. They glow In value faster than any otheis. See llillsdnlo. Lots $150 each. Ames' Boul Estate Agency , 1" > 07 Fnrnum. 803 YOU Want to buy or trade torn lot 01 Im- IP piotod city piopoity call on M. L. Hlggins &Co.,150JDouplasst. 8U-17 TWO lots , on the corner of 27th and Cuss sts. , 100xl3Vfor J3.0CO. Pottei & Cobb , 1513 I'm- nam St. , Omnlin , Nob. 821 AcTl sE & LANDEHGUENImvo for sale , S U room hoUMt and lot , 20th street near St. Maiy's nvo. , 8500 cnsh bal. mothly $5,000 line cottugo and lot , 17th st. near Lonven- worth 1,630 Cor. lot , Horhach's 2d add , with 2 houses , burn , etc 4,100 Hall lot , Horbnch's 2d add. with 0 room house , barn , oto . 2,200 Half lot , cor.Horbach's 2d add.with 6 room bouse 2,200 Half lot with 0 room house , E. V. Smith's add. fcWOcash , bnL $23 per month . . . 2,20 ! ) Full lot , B. V. Smith's add. with Urst clasa . liouso.- . . , . . . . , . . . . . , . . . 00 Tnll lot , 3 houses and barn. South avenue. Bargain ' 3,350 Lot 55x15 ) , Le os 2d add. near Academy of thoSuciod Heart , with cottage oto . . . . 2,500 150x128 . Pnttoi son's nubdivlslon , with house and improvements ( worth 5700) ) . 1,809 Lot GJxlW ) , Hurt street , near Academy of the Sauiod He.nt ; brick house worth Sl.ino 2,00 OMAHA VIEW Lot wltk2-story 8-room house , fruit ticcs , bhruhboiy. oto . 1.S01 Lot with now it-ioom houso. st.iblo , etc. . 2,0-0 Lot with 4-room house , bay window , 2 porches , ( woith SU30) ) , well , lonces , trues and shrubs , v-ory cheap at ? 1,50D ; cash down ? IOO , balance $25 per month . . . . Pull lot nnd first-class 8-ioom house and very line Improvements , Shlnn'st-ccond add , real bnigaln , . . . . 2,599 AVIIcox's Second add , full lot and 3-room house 1,500 Snundura sticct lot , with oxtru well , built and f in nlshod 4-room liouso , etc . . . . 2,100 Full lot In Plainvlow , with now 8-ioom house , oil cup 1,500 South 10th street ( Kounl7o's Second add ) , lot 59x200 , good 5-rooin house , barn , shod , well , very nlco fence/ , shade trees and verv choice 4,009 20th bttcet , nor.r Ciuitcllur,30-111 , with cot tage. One-halt canli 1,200 3 lull lots on Snundors street , with two story Broom house , largo barn , etc . . . . 5,000 Charles Btieot , corner , liIO-127',4 ' , with 0 room house , worth f 1,203 , oto . . . . 3,500 , DIM net03 , line farm land , near Waterloo , with very line Improvement ! ) , ut 849 per aero . Sachsso & Landcrgron,317S. 13th St. 700 H ILLSDALlBoautItul location. 803 FINE BABOAIN-N. W Farnam nml 18th sts , 60xl2 ! fcot , ? JOC03 ; will soon innlcri 25 per cent piotlt. Hntchor , Gadd & Co , Millnrd hotel block. WM4 TTlOlf IXOIIAN < 1K ii,000stoolr ( dry goods for JE Oaiuha propoity Atelier Ac Fitch , 218 S 15tji st. 40) T7IOII 8ALK--22 foot lot , store building and -L' linuso tuinbtiinjr goodn , oheap Tor cusli , H. A. Dchmoy.2411 Cuming el. 020 11 H Lots , FiirinsLnnda money loaned. Homls. 15th nud Douglas stn ets. 471 H , < LotSjPnrniSiLiinds money lonnnd , Bctnls 1 fit 11 and Douglas stioots. 471 HALF acre truckage on the U. P tinek , cen trally located , u baignln for $15,000. .1. L. Jtlco & Co. , lilth and Douglas. 571 & PATTEHSDN'S now subdl- HIMEBAUGH vision Is now placed on market. B. C. Pnt- toron , mill ami Douglas M , 72" ) I P. HAMMOND. Itoal Estate Broker , Boom U , IB.2 Douglas t-t , Omaha. Per snlo at a bargain 40 foot front on Douglas st. bet. Kitli and 14th sts. , price ? 10,000. Three tlncst lots In Lincoln Place , htiltublo for stoics or warehouses , on Bolt Line By. THO flno lots In Thornbuig Place , ? V > 0 tor the two , for 3 days only. 18 lois In IConncy's addition , Chicago ; all choice lots one block Iroin depot on Milwaukee It } , , und hugo furniture factory , chonp ut JfiOJ each. Will cxohango pnit or all lor Omaha property. Title O K. 18 Uiick tenement buildings , now , In Dos Moltipf , loi'suloor tiado for Omaha property , or NchinsKa or Kiuisns lands , prlou SUO.OOO. Will trade all or part and tnko half In Omaha propoity. Wanted Some choice applications for city and larm loansntlowojt possible rate ? . Special nitcs given on limns of 8vXX ) nnd upu unu. 4 houses on Ohio st. , 1,000 each , $2U ) cnsh , bal. f23 per month Wanted to rout A two-ptory house , with all modern Impiovemonts , well located nnd close lo business. Kll TilOU HALH-By Albriirht & Ay osworth , 218 JL1 South Uth. Specialbnigains lail'eot on Uiird , noiu-IStli $ n.OOD Uil50 ) on 2Uth street 2,803 G0\miivc'npoitmul lltli B.fiOO 22x00,1 low ant and Uth bt , , . . . 10.0OT 05x150 , llth and Center 2,70) ( Xi78 ) , Dnvenpoi t and 10th O.UOO Ono act o , 15th , near Vinton 1,501 J7 feet on Dodge 2,20) Cttxionloth and Jackson , 20.00J C5\l.v.i,2lthand Hint 2 , n 10x120,10 room honfo 7.0J ) 100x100 , cornnr. 7-i ootn house 0,00J A few lots lott In our now addition. 15 acies near stock yiinls , ? 2uo per acio. Alu.-ltrht & A ) lean 01111,218 , South 15th. Tclo- phojio 7b5. P4'-17 ! Foil SALIC Or exchange for general mer chiuidlno,2Wacieo llnally Improrud land in bouthein low u , iidlolnlng county sent ami mil- Dccatur county. Has a flno H rro-n houio , largo barn ,60-tootshod , good well , spring and iiinnlng water ; 100 apple ticos , chenios , mpoi4 , otc. Saclidso& LimdorBrcn,3178. Uth Bt-.Oiimha Nob. 70J HILLSDALE-Voucuntlnd no such lots M those at $150 apiece. Ames' Bcal Estate Agency , 1M7 Pni nam st. btfJ _ OrTrivdo lmprove-1 and unlra- 4J proved lands In Pumas mid ot lor western counties. Address Wm , SImoral , Arapuhoe , FuroasCo. Neb. _ _ 275 FOHSAI.I2 Nlco5-i < iom house and 2 corner lots In Walnut Hill ; U cash UuL to suit. Col Martin HOS 14th st. tG3 Fen SAl.U 3 homos to bo moved off lot * ! will sell ciic p. The 0. E , Mnyne Honl t tnto mul Tritit Uo. _ _ wl BDY NOW.If you wish to mnkp lots of money , InHlmobnutrh ft Patterson's sul tl\l lon. 729 HILIiSDALE , highest ground , handsomest location of an ) lots in or around Omnhn , lor > IV ) to J175 n lot. Toino nud < cc this gmuiid. Ames' Heal Estnto Agency 1D07 Fnr- num. 809 BAHGAlN-Pitll lot on Webster st. tintneen 17th nnd IBth sts , 'J hollers , ono of 5 looms nndonpof C rooms ; good bnin nnd simile ttr-rs nud otlirr lmpro\onionts ; prlco $7,000 ; easy terms Potter * Cobb , 151,1 Parnam , St. , ornnho. Nob. R1 . til HI ! , H.VI Gndd Gndd&ro. . . Mlllnul Ilotci Block , offer the followlnir special baignlns : llciiutlfiif -room coitngf nnd lot In "Mlr lid" 1'Xl feet from strcr-t cars : well , cistern , citv watnr ; gns pipes tlnoughout house I hard wood llnlsh .nsldo , sidewalk , fences mid all Improve inoiits now Thoroughly furnished. New rut- nlturo nnd cm pot . An extra bargain. All for tholowprlroof S4WO. Anothei Splendid House and lot In Idlowlld forl,00tf. 8-ioom hoiige. and good lot In Omaha View , very cheap at $ l , ( M. Three goo.l ro lJeliic9 , Chlc.MfO street , with IKxlffl feet , a decided bargain at $11,00) . Good room house n P corner 12th nml Plorco streets , thoroilRh rrpiHrir > 0 hbl cistern , chpap nt (0,001) . llth st viaduct will make thpso lots nluuo this \aluo. Jo.5 0 oa h takes It all. House and lot In Parkor'n addition , ? 2ROJ. Vorvdesirable property Cnss nnd 20th st , 3 peed liouaos with giounds 140x133 foot good bntgnln , $ -'IWJ. ( Neathousu nnd two lots , In Walnut Hill , n bargain Torn MIDI t time , f2li . Six beautiful lots In "Omaha View , " very sightly nnd attractive. V,0 , to # 800 f-nch , Blx oholco lots In "West Sldu" nl 490 onoh on cnsy tormx. 4 lots In Thornburg place $150 and $500 each. Choice lot , lliuifcom plnco. ? 1GOO. Lots in Manhattan , Bedford plnco nnd other choice additions. Acres in Cole Brllllnnto , Brighton nud Ken sington , very cheap nnd cnsy tci ma. Beautiful lots In Bcsorvolr addition and ICIlby Plnco. O\or one-half ncro In Hartman's addition , splendid lormanuritctlirlug , with tincKngo,1as nicely , n big bat gain at $ I5UJO. Fine buxlhess propoity on 10th street. Splendid brick hotel , 20 rooms , In goodlo n town. Cost $ lttOOJ. $ 1,000 takes II. Above nro only a few of the mnny bargains wolnno. Ifjou wish to buy proper ! } , i-ull on us If)0iiwish to soil , list jour property with Hiitchnr.Gadd & Co. , Mlllard hotel Week OH YOrwnnt tobuyor trndn"forTiny l < rnd"ViT IP a business call on M , U HigglnsvV Co , 150il Douglas st. K1M7 ACHE lot In Hlmohaugh's addition , 550 , uheiiii. Potter i\ : Cobb , 1515 Painatu st , Omaha , Nob. Wl advantages which can't bo niLLSDALKhns location. Whan jou see the lots you will admit It. Amrs , 1507 Km num. 809 .riLLSDALE soils at ? 15'J ' per lot. SOD IIFoil SAliK New smnllhousc In Omaha Vlow Foil $1,050ory ; small cash payment. Thco. Olj-on.2183 13th st. Oi9-li ! ) . LF.AN'EN'WOlfm BUSINESS Placo-lu7slno > B on the Belt Line , for warohoi os , nianu- lactorlosor subuib stores. For pilous mid pi'I ' t-oo J. W. Logan , on premises nt crossing ol Lonvenwoith street and Bolt Line or Cl. W. Baker , ioom7 , Iron Imnlc. 7(11-15 ( Oil SAL. ! ' ; Flno brlcn house and Inline stn bio tuo blocks trom CumliiifS and 18th ; to remove. Thco OUqn , 218 S. 15th St. ( ifl'J-lU. HILLUDALlf-Lots only SIM to $17.- | , and will solllordoublothls llgure In 12 months' tlmo. Come and see thoui , Ames' Hunl I'statc A g'jncj.iriO" Fnrnam st. SCSI _ T7 > Olt SAM : Improved laim.'lIX ) aotos , 7. " > J.1 acres In crop , 10 neros timber , 10) bearing orchnnl trees , 00 acres niiyland.SO acios hog pastille. W. Jones 1421 N. 2st | st. 517-nug4 * ( ) irsn"T5I5 auios in TluTkalow s uonilvT' F slon , cast front ; 4 shares In Omaha Daliy association : 1 two-seated buggy ; 1 flno barber chairs. 214 S. 12th st. C91 TTUm SAM ! Full lot on 17th St. , near Nicho- J- ins , at a bargain. Sacbsso it Lnndcigron , 817 S.13thst _ _ 184 T7UJR KAM : Full lot on Sherman ave , oppo- -L1 slto for Belt Line depot. Sachsso Lander- - grpji.117S. Uthst. " ? . OllcilAltU UILr. lots sell on their merits. Low prloos nnd easy terms given. Cell at TlioC. E. Muyno and Trust Co.8 olflco and got n plat. 203 K.C. . Patterson 19 the solo agent for Hlino- K. buugh & Pottor.oon's eubillrtnlon. 729 TTlOn SALE Good 7-room house with collar , -I ? oistorn , city water and barn , 5J lot , t3,8UO ; enquire on promises , 2517 Davonport. ffS TTJIOB SALE Ono of tliH llnost ncros in West JD Omaha , rt,003. The C. R , Maj no Itoal Estate anil Trust Co IKJ8 " ALFacio traekago on the U. P. traok , oon- tiully located , n baipnln | or flr.OOJ. .1.1 * Itico XjCa , 13tb and DougliiB. , _ 071 _ HOW you can make inonoyV Bv buying on easy pn > meiiti , u Illllsdnlo lot lor f 1"A ) , that will bo easily paid for and double In value. Ames' Heal Kstuto Agency , 1507 Fnrnnm. b03 Wholesale Manufacturers nnd Dealers in sns'e / B r * J Mouldings , Fine Hard Wood Interior Finish Mantles , Counters , 1'cw Knits , HCJtOLL WO11K ami TUJl2fING. Dealers in HiitlilliiPaper. . Main Ofllco and Factory nt Lyons , Iowa , Office & Warerooms Cor. 12th & Izard Sis. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago. The only road to tul < o for Dos Molnos , Mar- shnlltown , Coilnr Itup'ds , Clinton , Dlxlo , Chica go , Mllwnukco and all points oast. To the people - plo of Nobinskn , Coloiado. Wyoming , Utah , Idaho , Novuiln , Oregon , Washington and Cali fornia It oilers superior ad vantages not possible by any other lino. Among nfuwot the numerous points ol supe riority enjoyed by the patrons ot this rend lie- twoen Omaha and Chicago , nto its two trains a day of DA V COACH EH whloh nro the Illicit that human nit mid immunity can create. Its PALACE SLEEPING CAItS , which nro mo.lrU . of comfm t nnd olegunco. Its PAHLOH DKAW. ING BOOM CABS , UIIHUI passed bv nny , un I Its widely colobrntod PALATIAL DINING OA1IS , thoo-jualoj which cannot ho found cUonlieiu. At Cuuiioll Illiiirs the trains orthit Union Pnci- flo Hy. connect In Union Depot with thoaii ol the Chicago A ; Northwestern lly. In Chicago the trains of thin line make close connootloii with these of all eastern lines. 1'or Dotiolt , Coluinbiis , Indlnnnpoll" , flncln- null , Nlagaiu KalK Iliiirulo , 1'iltsl.xirtf , Toronto , Montiool , Boston , Now Vark , Phllndolphla , Bui- tlmoro , Wiibhlngton and nil points In the east , rsk the tlcKot uuont for tickets In the "NOBTHWr.ST15B\Y' If you wleh tlwi best accommodation * . All tlokot agontb Boll tlokots via this line. SI. HL'GIUrr , II. fi. HAIlt , ( Idiiorul Slanngor. Oon. 1'iiw A ont. CHICAGO. HAMBURG -AHEBIGAH A DIBECT LINK F0 England , Francs & Germany , ThostuniuBhlpsof this \\cll Known line are built of lion , in water-tight compartments , niul nio furnished with uvory re'iulslto to niako Uiu liusBiifiilioth eul'd and ugrooablo. They cariy the Cnitod stnlos ami r.iiinpdan ma1Uund lo no New York Thursdays and Saturday ! for I'lir. ranuth. ( LO.XUOW.Chorbouir.tPAltlrf nnd HAM- Botufiilng , tliosteiimuia lca\o Hamburg on Wudnuidajg und hundujs , via. Huvio , tuktiu pns > cn ei-iJ ut Southampton und London. First cubin $ , jfOJ and $75 ; BtooraguU Itallioud tickets Horn I'lymouth to Bristol. Car- ditr. Londun , or to any place in the South of F.ngUnd , 1'ltEE. Steorugo fiom Kuiopo only 125. Send for "Tourist Gtuotto. " ( J.B. ItlCIIAUDtVUO. . . . . Ocnoral I'liwi'ii or Airunu. 61 Broadway. Now York ; Wushiuxtou nu.i . fa guild St3. Chicago , 11) ) . . A STANDARD MEDIC AtVOIIR \ FORYOUNG AND HlDDLE-AGED MEH ONLY si iiv aiAii , rosri'Ain , tLtustii.vrtVH s.vnruu rnr.K-ra At KNOW THYSELF rfraYnrBi > o < ; lYn ln Vtsn/iVrpSrs of /onlh.ix'tvl'Mi ' nntoia rolsnrliM rnitiltlnffrom ImlUcrotlon nml or- rcVef' . . \.bw * for er rtnn. . j-oitne , mlitrtlo-inod nnrtout. itconninsHiprtiicript.on fornl nr-iia-inl ' rhronlrulxvixis pvhm.A or null h K inTflluibln Si ' foiinit bf thenuthorwlin'S pxporlpmofur U rcn'r- mcli us prnhiblr norcr i > nrori > fell totlin lot of ' iar'loUmi.Tilpaeot. ln\ir it in be uitltul h'roncti nm .i , < > mbo oil < Mrer , fr.'l | . eiiirnntcoclto iionilngr tinrkln ( > rcry nn , < . s'onnlthinanr other wofX In Hill eirthenionDTWill l' mfund It ] otorr In wnco. onlt It by mill , m tiild | lllii Unt i snmpln , * ) \ Psnrtnow. tlolil mcilalnw.\r \ > lo1 thBnllttlor Ttl ! ? tloiml.MoJlrsI A oci tlnn , lo llin Hnn A \ > . lim tlHrc'fpl ' " flicSpienro'of l.lf * L' w'0"1 ' m < 'ro tola j rounisnn nildrtlo-iiKoiltiipn ol this SKni'rnllna tlun nil the roll tiiliip orrnlllotnln nn , " ' 0 iMvcrralnoi ot Nor.i.U mmblnrrt ) r rtirontctc. TtioS"lpnroof l.ttopolntioul Inn rocKs iim < i\Hefc . < ' D0 n < " ' ' > r .niirts on whlPti Ihn MnVlJnVon.2'iJli ! . Munelioslot n Toiinit tnnn Unto bpou - M'l1ursclonco ! ot t.lfnlnof crpntor vuluo thin nil f > J mptllcnl works publlshoil In this couutrr fortnopiil Ml rpnrs. Atlnnlit Oonstltulloii Tliosctpnoool Llfoli Bsmiorl > j > mtmi tjtlTtro\t. le on nervous "nil I'liyMwl dclMlltjr. Dotralt hrai Addreiitha I'otbailr Mo.llcal InitltiUo. or tr W. It. r rker.No.4 llullflncli itraot , lloilon , Mo > . , who unit b ooniuUeUon nil illssnioi requiring skit Uad expert- Pncc. Clminlannil ntxlimln ahcasus I hut t'ftho \ MI II I ol nil otnariinrsicmiiJ a spooultr. Ha niKvcisfntly without an nit-ince ot tsllur * Mention Unmhit lUo. Cnrrylng the Hclglum Uoyal and United States Mallenlllng ocry Saturday Between Anterp & New York TO THE RIIIME , GERMANY , ITALY , HOLLAND - LAND AND FRANCE , SPUING AND 8UMMEU HATES : Palon fnm JCO to $ lort. Excursion trip from $110 to 5180. Second Cabin , outward , $45 : pit'imld. * 4V I'xeur lon , } 10. Stoorngo imssafro at low rales. Polor Wright & Sous , General Agents , 55 Broadway , Now York. Itomj Pundt , Ulh I'liiiiiunt * ! . : Paulson X-Co. , 13 IMIUHIIU st. : D. O. t'roemiin. 13J1 KiirnnmSt. THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE /.J / -OP TIU- : . ChicapMitaukBB&StiPaulB'y , _ ' THE BEST ROUTE From OMAHA airi COUNCIL BLUFFS ot TWO TKAINS DAILY BETWEEN OMAHA- COUNCIL BLUFFS Chicago , AND Milwaukee * St. Paul , Mhuieuitolis , Cedar llapltls , Clinton , Dubnqnc , Davenport , Rock Islaiul.Freojioi't , Rockfonl , Elfjln , Matlison , Jancsvlllc , Dcloit , 'Winona , La Crosse , And all other hnportnnt points East , Northeast und Southeast. J Foi through tickets cnli on the Tlckot Agent * I nt 1401 Farnam street ( in Pii.xtoii Hotel ) , or ot Union Pnclllo Depot. J Pullnmn Slcejiors nnd the finest Dining Cnra ; In the world uro run on the main lines of tljo ClIICAnO , MlMVAUKEK ff nnd every attantlun ( IT pa , courteous employes of the company. 11. MH.LKII , Goneinl Manager. J. F. TDCKKII. Assistant General Manager. 1 A. V. H. CAia'ENTEn , QenoraliPassongprnnd Ticket Agent. Ono. K HKAFFonD , AssiEtnnt General Passon- gar and Ticket Agent J. T. Cij\nK , General Superintendent. Railway Time Table OMAHA. Tliolollowlnglstho tlmo of arrival anddo- part u roof trains by Central Standard Time at the lot-ill depot * . Trnlim of the 0. , Bt. P. , M. Si O. niri\o and depart from their depot , corner of 14th and Webster streets : tialnson the B. &M , C. 11. &Q. and K. C. , St. J. & C. B. from the B. &M. depot nil othois from the union Pacillo depot. IIUirOB TB.V1NS , Bridco trains will leu\o U. P. depot nt 6:33 : H7:33 8CO- S:408:5fl111(1:03 ( : - 11:00 a. m. : Bl:00 -liSO 1M-S:00 : ) : 3 :00-B4:00 : 5.00 5:30 : 610 | 7UO : 11:10 p. m. Leave Tiiinslcr for Omaha at 7:12 BS:15 : 0:30 - ; < . ' - -II1I.3V-10:37- ) : a. in. ; 1:37 SiM-StST : ! : ao--3a7-4i7--5:60 : : : : fl:42 : 7iM : 7:50-8:50 : : 11M : 11. m. CONNECTING LINES. Arrival and departure ot trains from the Transfer Djpot at Council Blurts : DCiMHT. Anntvn. C'lllCAOO , HOCK IHI\NIS PAClnft 117:15 : A.M. I D 0:15 : A.M. BUM 5 A. M. II 5:110 : P.M. 00Wi' : . M. I I17UO : P.M. CIIIUAGO Bt:15A.M. : I ln5A. ) : ! 1C. C :40 : 1' . > i. I It7CO : P.M. CHICAC1O , IIUIir.lNOTON'ft QUINOY. A 0i5 ; : \ . M. I A 0:15 : A. M. B Bill ) l > . M. B U:20 I > . II. | A7COl'.M. cinoAno , iin.WAUKrr. & ST. PAUL. A'J : ! " . A. M. I A 0:15 : A. M. A 8:10 P.M. I A 7.00 P. > f - MANbAH CllV , ST. JOK & COUNOII. lir-UCfS , A 10:00 : A.M. I D 0:3-1 : A. M. U 8:55 : P.M. | A 5:35 : P.M. WAMASII , BT. J.OUIS & I'ACUIO. A 3:00 : P.M. I A 3:30 : P.M. SIOUX CITV & PAOIMOL A7KiA. : M. I AOn5A. : M. A flffi I' . M. I A 8:50 : p , M. Depart. WESTWAII1) . Arrive. A. JI p. M. I UNION PAOlFIf. /.M. ° b:20ir : . .PacUloExpiess . 7:50a io :55a : -Denver Evpnws . 620a | 5.050 . . .Ixjtnl E.vnrosH. . B. If M. IN NEIl. 8:10a : .Mall and fxpross. . OiiOa n:2.-.n : 10:40u : Depart. _ _ Arrive. A. M , l r. M. MIBSOIJBI PACIFIC. A.M. P. M. Day Express 025d ; ' ' UilOb . . Nlglit Express . . o'j'ixfa 1C. C. , BT. J i : U JI. 0SOn : 8:45b : . Via I'lntlaiiiQiitli 7:00d 7lO ! Depftit. _ _ NiJItfllWABD. A. M I' . M C. , ST. p. , M , S TT 8.15U HlouxCity KxpiPBi . . . . . . fi:45o : Oakhinil Accominod'n'IH ' IOal Depiul. JA8J'WABI ) ) . _ Arrive. A.M. I p. M. I G. , 1C \ Q. I A.H. I I'.M. 020 ; | 11.091..Vu : Pliittbtliotlth. L ° : : JOL Tn ° NOTE At.'iilnsdully ; B , dully except Bun- day ; U , dally except Saturday ; 1) , daily except Monday. STOCK VAltD TBAINB Loavti ittock yiinU lor Omaha nt 7:05 0:80 11:115 : a. m , : 2:30-3il3-4 : : :3i ; 0:05 : 8:30 : p. in. A I hint Iu Ex , , ID S. O. 7:33 : n. in. ; Chloago Kr. . lc > . S. O 6:07 : p.m. : Local Ex , In , S. 0. 10:51 : o.nit M Pno.jx.Ie.8.0 : , 047p. ; m.j 2d M. P. Ex. , ' ' ' * Excnp't Sunday P.BOYEB & oa DKALUUB Itf and Ml Work. 1020 Ifonmm btrcot , Oinalia , Neb. UnloHatIonal Bank , 206 Masonic Blk , HW. Cor , Cap.iv , & 16th Paid up Capital , $100,000 Authorised Capital , - 600,000 Jf ! Accounts solicited. Interest paid on time de posit : collections mule lii nil paitaof the treat , and h n Ing pioxldud cho liugest und best vault Li Iho city , wo will rocolvo valuable articles on uor.igci. Prompt attention will uo given to all imilncesontriutod to ns. , , , JKO. W. Bo WM. W. MAUbii.Picsldout. Iuu | ; > honuNo. 8LJ.