Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1886, Page 6, Image 7

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InjMiul 1) ( niiKr iii liny pnrt of tlioltj'nl
twuitj tents | or wotk.
11 \ \ IH.IO.V , Manager.
TCt.r.i'iio.vus ' :
Nn UT it : noa No. ' - ) .
Now Yuik I'lnnibmir company.
Vault to older . * , by Keiler , the tailor.
Apion Itntilicr Company's hosu ut
Cooper A : MoCtco's.
Moues.ncd bvbiniugat J..J. Stolter's
FaimorH' MIIIO , .Mi ) I ppcr Mroadway
l' < moi row I'vetiinir llaiinotiy niNs-ion
will JiUi -ocial at tile residence of Mr- " ,
il M l'i : liner.
Ollli ii ( ) Itricn jcsterdiiy arrested two ; < < one alined with knuckle- , the
ntlii i with u billy.
The h.'il ens corpus baby ea ; > o of Mr.
and Mis K.iucli isle coi'.iu up in the Ml-
| ) inor court to-day.
Uatlniig Mills , all colors , stripes und
plain , in lull suits and trunk , ICeto Bleach
nl John HPUO & t'o's.
Lost A new Smith A : Wesson thirty-
eight callbte , self cocking revolver , lie-
tin u lo police station.
Next Sunday there will be a Sunday
School organl/ed at the Ctiun school , at
II o clo ! k p. in , Kvcrvbody invited.
The livcmuen are delighted. I'very
available tiling on wheels i.s in demand
hj Iho'-o wanting to go to Manhattan
'Hie liuest "carry-all in the city , for
parties to Manhattan Heach , can he engaged -
gaged nt Lund As Davis' livery , North
Mam street.
Oscar Keelino and \V. II. Wakelioldaro
tuning u sKtcim-ioot cal-iigged .sail boat
) juiv irinx,1' w'10" ' completed will bo
launched on Lake ManaTC.T.
The work ot putting in sewer inleton
Pearl street is being done , and Contractor
li.iiumer has the n'aterial to go right
along with the curbing. All will be noon
in icadincss lor the pavers.
The Daughter * of Uebekah luno. in
stalled as oltieer.s for the ensuing term
Mrs D. T. ( iates. N ( S. ; Airs. John
Dougherty , V. C. ; Miss Barbara Audcr-
H > n secretary ; Airs. J. M. Matthews ,
tieasmcr. A number ot visitors from
Omaha attended the installation.
I hi-po pole teams , can trot in three
minutes a d better ; two pairs , weight
about 1,100 pounds each , one pair blacks
and one bi yh- drive perfect and any pur-
ton can drive them single or double. Arc
as line drhor.i as any horses owned in
this country. For sale by Mace Wise ,
Council HluH's.
Justice Si'liurhaving started the ex
periment of putting tramp" on a bread
and water diet , Judge Aylesworth.should
keep it up , until it has a fair test at least.
Jt has been demonstrated Unit them is
little use in gathering them in oulv to
give them a rest , some good meals and
lodgings , and tlien turn them loose with
a threat that if they do not leave the city
they Willie taueu up and ruled.
The waterworks are now appreciated
The city is using about S.,000UOU , gallons
daily. During the tune of drought the
citizens could hardly have made life en
durable without the streams. Another
* p > 4Sre . '
\ -VlgTu OUfiuiual df
. „ _ . „ * . _ THr * Uiivi '
ufs Jvcro. KS'srdny
IniuMcc '
any "JVy , - - .
_ _ _ j Judge Ayloswotlh
. , ured the necessary Ji
Sivrv-FtvE othb -
thbight in they were
of the United Slates no required license ,
It is easier for a ca' 110 > . bring in
ofrnocdicJJrX,1ea" ; ! ; ; [ eo
Jim that ho conies
( ] ljt0 | a commotion
in conducting aivay of hurrying , up tlio
throtigh-tho np/ibc , but nc.irly till prom
M iho" any fnithcr trouble ,
informations have been
on men for keeping open
„ . , . , . - nunight. The ordinance says they
y.iitifct close at 11 o'clock at night , but the
authorities have construed it to mean II
o clock until la. This does not hccin to
fcatisfy them all. Some claim that they
have .shut up their bars on time , but that
tnoj have to keep their places open on
account of their lunch counters. Theio
are a number of Mich cases to come up
in the .superior court this afternoon , and
a large number of witnesses have been
fliimmoncd. There is also much slowness
in coming up with the required
money , each seeming inclined to wait for
the others to pay.
Personal I'nra rapliH.
Mr. A. R. Ilotighton' , has gone to Ne
braska for a two weeks visit to friends.
Col. J. II. Keatley has returned from
DCS Moines. Considering the tedious and
arduous tin tics growing out of the im
peachment trial , hois looking and feeling
Fred J. Clo ooftho 1'ipcstonoMinn. ,
bank , wa.s in the city yesterday. Ho has
recently sold to Mr. .John T. Stewart a
line brood mare , und proposing selling
the balance of his stable of thorough
breds as ho i.s soon to remove to Kaunas.
Col. J S. Tain , ol Stuart , was in the
city yesterday. He has lost none of his
democratic enthusiasm , and his friends
at the I'acilic house will not let him oil'
until lie favored them by singing one of
hift old campaign , songs.
Judge K. K , Aylesworth returned
yesterday from Chicago.
K , Morcliouso is the father of a sweet
little maiden who arrived yo < terday.
( ! co , W. Thompson left last evening for
Itockfonl , 111. , to return homu with hit )
wife who is \ isiting there.
Byron Hewitt of Hoekford , 111 , was in
the city yesterday.
The New York plumbing company Is
in fountain in 1-airview
putting a ceme
tery for the cemetery association.
Only § 3,60 per defer 11 ret class cabino
photos at Schmidt'.s , 'U'O Main ,
Tlio Union I'iiclllo Up Town.
The Union 1'acilie has ai ranged to
open a general agent's ollice in Shugart's
block , which will prove a great conveni
ence lo shipper ? and business men. Mr.
Ininis will have his oflico there and dur
ing his. absence ho will have a represent
ative to attend to the wants ot those who
Kvery Saturday night during the sum.
mer the Sioux City route will soli o\our-
eion lionets to Spirit Lake , good return
ing Monday night , nt the rate of $5.50 for
the round trip , and to St. I'anl nnd Min
neapolis , good returning Tuesday night ,
at the rate of iM'J.tiS for rouurt trip.
Tickets on sale at No. 131 Uroadwny and
at the depot.
Cabinet photographs $3 per do * at
KhcnudunV , UlTlFdwiiy , for CO dujs only.
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
cMato loans. J. W. and E. L. Squires ,
101 Pearl St.
_ _ _
"Notlue O. K. 8 , "
Owing to the illness anil absence from
town of the Unco principal olllcers , there
will be no meeting of Harmony Chap.
No ' 'j tins wool ; .
By ordci ot the W. M.
Tlce-i > reltlcut ,
Enterprising Citizens Working For Health'
ful Amusement For the Public. .
A ( JticNllon ns lo the Ownership ol' nn
Allcj A Ulil of the Period-
How the lUuO'-t l''ecds
Its Train PH.
New ttoail to ( lie linkc.
The now load around Lake Manawa to
Manhattan Hoaeh through the willows
will be lie ini in earnest to-day and
pushed tliromjho by to-morrow evening
110 doubt all those wishing to dri\e
around onto the beach can do so.
H. 1 * . Smith has circulated n subscrip
tion paper around the business portion ot
the city and with the fund thus raised the
ioadwii.\ . belli ? made.V. . II Ware is
: iho fjiv'ni } ? considerable of hi time to
pn lmig the road through and when com
pleted it wi I be through the ellorts of
these two ucntluini'ii , that the people of
this eil.\ can drive aiouiid onto the beach
and have their lei'.ms wheie they can bo
watched and not across the lake from
them as now. The work was yesterday
laid out by Mr Ware and to-day a large
force will be put on.
Thcie having been some objection
raised as to the road leading to Mark's
landing , and around to the beach , being
such that in wet wi-athcrll will be impas
sible. Ono of the lll.i. force ; \esterda\ \
consulted a gentleman , who for the past
year or so , has iliUcn over this verj toad
twice a day in all kinds of weather , lie
sain in reply that the road known as the
old K. C. track road was as dry as any
road in this country , il being well drained
on either side , and as to the objection
that it ran along in tooclotc proximity to
thu new railroa'd track whore teams \\ere
compelled to go to net to Mark's landing ,
that only early in the moining and late
. . ni.rl.i
< iijis he ever seen tiny
1 . T < VV , -wr\\ \
trains mat would n nrpr . .
to scare tlio most easily fiight'-netl
horse , and that very seldom.
The beach continues in the line of im-
movement a pier Inning been erected at
Mark's landing and another on th cbeach ;
signs luuc been put up warning off boats
from the beach in front of the bathing
house ; a .spring boaul lias been built out
into the water to jump and dive oil'of ;
life lines arc to be stretched trom the
.shore out some distance and other needed
improvements will be added as soon as
Hcictofore il has been impossible to se
cure a bathing suit in any stoic in the
city but now they have ordered large
numbers by telegraph ami arc hurrying
them u ] ) .
One merchant yc.sterday said he could
have disposed of several hundred bathing
suits had he had them in stock during the
.past week. Everybody wishing suits can
fecuro them now as some merchants re
ceived an invoice last evening and the
others will during to-day.
I'acilic house whollj renovated. Cool
rooms ; money "aM-ij ; comforts gained.
See that , > our books are made by More-
house iV Co. , Room 1 , Kvcrett block
After Fire Alarmn.
M.r. Chandler , representing the ( ! ame-
well I'ire Alarm company , is in the city ,
and ye.sUrday he had on exhibition two
of Ins boxes , together with a gong and in
dicator. Thtshowinc a.s lo how alarms
arejurncd in tyhis system was very sat
isfactory' . a1iVnie workings of the boxes
were explained to a largo number of
those interested. The Uicnmond lire
alarm was bhown here in a similar man
lier .some time ajro , and the city was about
to complete acontract with that company.
on account of its seeming to be as good u
system as could be obtained , and much
cheaper than the prices given by tlio
( iamowell some time previous. As the
contract was about being closed some of
the friends ot the ( iamowcll .system in
sisted that it was the only and 'original ,
that it was in use in allot the large cities ,
and that the Richmond , being compara
tively new , this city could not a lib rd to
experiment. Time was jriven to allow
the damewell to putiji _ new prices and
terms. The time fixed for both compa
nies to name their lust figures ciidh to-day.
The Richmond box has not lost all of its
advocates , by any means , and its merits
arc being strongly urged. The competi
tion will doubtless result in Council
Jiliifts getting a good a system as can bo
had , and at as low a price as possible.
Fine pasture , plenty of water and good
attention for iU ! ( ) beau of stock about live
miles north ot Hroadway and Main ticct.
Inquire of L. I' . Judsou , No ( Ul ) Sixth
avenue , or Charles Palmar at pasture on
lime kiln road. _
Try it Uest Cream Soda in c ity .K > po
jjlas. , at Palmci'a , No. 13 Main st.
Not a Private Alley.
The alley running trom Main lo Per rJ
street , just south of Broadway , has long
been a matter of dispute , some claiming
that it is a private alloy , and .some that it
belonged to the public. The paving
question has brought the matter of own
ership up again. If it is owned by pri
vate parties then these parties should pay
for the paving of that part of Main and
Pearl streets which is opposite the alloy
If it is a public alley then the paving op
posite its entrances on Main and Pearl
streets is to bo paid tor as intersection
paving. The city attorney has been look
ing up the title and reports that the alloy
is a public one , having been used as such
for twenty years or more , and the build-
mgh bavin * * been erected with reference
to its thus being used. The alley is one
of the most important in the city , as it is
used by many a.s a eonvcnionr passacc-
way between the two important
streets connected by it. It is
in fact almost a ntreot , s > o far
as its use is concerned , rather than
an alley. It has been kept in horrible
condition most of the time , but it has
often been claimed that il was a private
alley , for the accommodation of the ad
jacent property owners simply , and if the
nubile was not jilcascd with it * condition
kneed not use it. Now that it proves to
be a public alloy some changes may bo
expected , among which will probably bo
paving. _
( o to the Now York Plumbing com
pany for garden hose. They warrant all
they bell. Opera house block.
Stenographer and typewriter. O. Mnn-
son , with M. F. Hohror , over C. B. Na
tional bank.
I.ovo'a D cltlon.
Mr Jacob Sims , the attorney in the
prohibition cases , was asked by a HIK :
reporter yosterdy what ho thought about
Judge Love's recent decision , over which
tl.e opposition has been so jubilant.
"It does not affect the cases here either
way. There is a good deal of nmundci- '
standing among the people as to what
this decision is , the most of the
readers of thu paper .s simply catching
the headlines , which arc often mislead
ing. The facts in the cases hero are eu-
tirely different from those in the case
which Judge Love has decided. Judge
hove .simply decides that the allegation
in the petition in the Muscatine casu
raises a federal question as to the right of
compensation lor property , but he dot *
not decide that anj 'ueh right lo reoer
compensation o\i t lie olily goc * so
far a to ny thai Midi a quo-lionisa
ptoper one to be oor-ideved by the
federal court The decision amounts to
impl > thi , Hie allegation in that peti
tion i gives the federal court ] mi < < li < tion.
iI In I the eases heie .Indue l.o\e sent them
back to thu state court bee 1110110 federal
question Ji J wus nil-ed ghmg the federal
court i juiisdiotion The ta\pa.\or need
not be'alarmed oxer nnj danger of hav
ing to compensate for < ueh properly , as
eminent ] law\crs ha\o already given
their opinion on that point. "
Highest prices paid for county , town ,
city and clwol bondUdell Hro.'s A :
Co. , No 10' ) Po rl siivM , Council Blufl's
The Quick Meal gasoline stove con-
litiues to grow in fin or , and it is with
dillieitlty that weha\e been able to sup
ply the demand tor them so tar tinfea -
t-o'n. Try one. A : Mi Ui.t : .
The Couin-ll of Ponce.
The city coiinc'l ' was to have met jcs-
tcrdity moi'ii'iigtocompli-toai'i-angeinents '
for the special election to be held in Oc
tober for the choosing of a mayor. The
now registry law having gene into cfVcct
it becomes ncee < nn for the council to
select a boaul of registry. Such a board
is composed in the following manner.
Tlio chairman of Hie lepubhean city cen
tral committee sheets three men in each
ward , and from the = o the council s.ots , ] (
ono man from each ward 1'ho chairman of
the democratic committee doc.s the same.
'Ihe repubiie.iu list was not ready > ester-
day morning , mid hence the matter was
laid o\er i-ntil lo-nlghl , when the council
will meet again.
'I here aie some other important mal
lei s to be ( nought UP and aetrd upon to
night. One of these is the paung ot the
sheets alr-jady ordeieil The contracts
are to be signed , and some other prelim
inary but important busiiu"Uten < led to.
See that jour hooks tire made by More-
hoii-c A : Co. , lioom 1 , K\erett hlocU.
Out Hates.
' ' , ! . . . , ! ; | \\ithout rebate , Des Moines
fCDiueTipoTt ir , ttoL-K lu.- ! * . H. , l" "
onrneysfl over th c Chi capo. AlilwanK
SI ' Paul ro.ul. Tick ft olllce No. o
1' tarl street. < e
Teplli ! Teeth ! Teeth !
lu faut , teeth for cet'i body , made
cheap. From this time on 1 will make
ctsof artilicial leetli for the small sum
ot $ T each .set. In fact , 1 will not permit
any man to come into this city and maKc
fcut'h of artilicial teeth any cheaper than I
can. 1 have removed my ollice to South
Main street , No. I ! ! ! ! . Please call and set ;
the teeth that 1 \\ill make you at1 ? . " ) a set.
I will guarantee just as oed a lit as the
ilu'sets 1 live in tins city and propose-
to stay here the balance of my life. \ > ith
respect t" all Immunity , I am over the
same , Yours trnl.v ,
| ) K. K. C. CIAIMC.
P. S. Other papers c-m copy this no-
tieo if thci feel inclined to do so.
KirKland , the jeivelcr. has removed to
; ! ' 2I ) IJroadwaj , Singer ollice.
He i'niiiid Ili-i l''i > ien < ) .
Ilaus I'hristofcrson who keeps a .sam
ple loom on Hroadway , aeeommoilaleil
an acquaintance named .1. L. Htirg , the
other ( lay endorsing a check of $18.
Burg thus got the cheek cashed and then
disappeared , tlio cheek was declared of
no account , and Christoferson started on
the war-path. He learned that IJurg had
gone to Davenport , and .so he followed
him. Yesterday a telegram was received
stating that Burg had been arrested in
Davenport , and that ho was willing to
come baoic hero in charge of Christofer-
sou , saving the trouble of bavins an of
ficer sent atter him.
All the comforts of high-priced hotels
at the Pacific Hon < e , and a saving of "iOe
to § 1.00 a day. Try it
1'erfcet satisfactory accommodations
ut iji. . 00 a day at the Pacific House. Give
it a trial anil bo convinced.
A noy Badly Ucaten.
The police last night took charge of a
boy named Hennie Ewintr , who had evi
dently been brutally abused. The boyV
back was covered with marks of heavy
lashes , each blow having left a distinct
outline. The lad was also beaten about
the hand and face , lie says that bis
mother , Mrs. Kwiug , and his step father ,
"Doe" Scott , bad whipped him with an
electric light wire because he was gone
ironf'homc too long on an errand. Ar
rests will probably be made to-day.
All the comfort of high priced hotels at
the Paeilic house , ami a * aviug of TiOe to
$1 a day. Try it.
Undo Sum' * HOIIHO.
Work on the government building has
bison at a standstill for ten davs as re
gards stone laying , the work being held
back for iron for the tower , which is ex
pected to-day or to-morrow. ] t \\ill only
require ten days' work atter it arrives to
complete the stone and brick work coil-
tract. The iron roof work will bo let
Jill } -15 , the slate roof contract shortly
after , and all work will be pushed so as ,
if possible , to allow thcpostolliee to mo\e
in during January ne\t. The men are
now cleaning and painting the front. . ) .
M. Hice , the contractor , and liis.supunn-
tendent , O. .1. King , will , as hoon as
llirou'ih hcio , go to Leavonworth and .St.
Joe to erect two more gjvprnmnut buildings -
ings _
Perfectly satUiuctory accommodations
of $ 'J a day at the Paeilie house. ( Jive il
a trial and be coiiMiieed.
A Klip .
About 1 o'clock yesterday morning the
police , getting tired of seeing a solitary
female figure fluttering up and down the
principal streets on horseback , grabbed
the bridle and made the feminine take
lodgings at the city jail , where .she was
booked a Tcddie llolmor. Whe was full
of pop , and when she was led into the
lail wlie astonished Deputy Marshal White
by going up to him and planting her lit
tle list under liis left ear. She ripped
and swore , ami made a record of being
ono of the wildest doves ever taken in.
Yesterday morning Mio paid her linn and
retired to her boarding house on Broad
Itllly Florcnoe'fl ficnd'actor.
"Billy ' Florence telh how ho once
took a girl ho was soft on to n theatre
and afterward to an oyster supper.
When he came to settle he found that he
had left his money at home , The waiter
refused to take his word for it , the girl
began to cry , and ( he proprietor came
up , to whom Florence ottered his watch
as security. A venerable-looking man
iuteifcred , saying iie had observed the
whole proceeding } that the young pail-
were cntjro'y ' innocent and truthful , and
voluntarily tendered a $ -0 note in pav-
luent of the claim. He got the change
and walked out. The actor followed
him to the sidewalk , and , thanking him
for his kindness , requested his name and
address , that he might return the money ,
The venerable-looking man replied-
"You don't owe mo anything , young
man. That bill was a counterfeit , and
that duller gave mo good money in ex
change. Ho is not the r t sucker 1'vo
caught by the benevolent dodge. Geode
ooiling. . ' '
A Most ( iluornl OflVr.
TliP Voltaic Hell Co. Mai-shall , Mich ,
ofier to spud their celebrated Voltaic
Belt and Electric Appllajicpj 911 thirlv
clays trial to" any man atllicled wi' ' '
nervous debility , lof-s ofltality , man
hood , etc lllustrnti'il pamphlet m-culcd
cnvcloi > c with full particulars mailed
free. Write them at ohcc.
A church in Morelia , Mexico , has been
agitated 1-y a \i < it fiom the devil. No-
bod' saw the gentleman in person , but
in a single instant e\ery movable attlcle
in the chinch , except the reliquary and
statue of tlie virgin , fell to the floor. It
was plaiti that ouh the devil could cause
the disaster.
A San 1'rancitco citi/en lias a chicken
that is backed like a camel , has two tails ,
and three null-developed legs. When the
fowl is In repose It rests on all three legs
atter the manner of a milking tool
When it walhs it uses but two , the third ,
il is said , "sticking out behind llko a
ship's spankci 1)ooin "
The "old reliable" Dr Sige's Catarrh
A small New England negro named
Johnson ran awa\ several years ago ,
slept in the wooils and fro/c both feet ,
so thai one had to be amputated and the
oilier was mutilated Some charitable
women of Pilt lield , Ma s. . collected a
sum of money and put it in a savings
bank , subjected lo his order when lie
came of age. Johnson , who now lives in
Danburv , diew the money a few days
ago. It amounted to $1,700.
1 > I-H
For infant's toilet is an indispensable ar
ticle. healing all excoriations immcdialc-
y. Mothers .should use it freely on the
ittleoues. It is peifectly harmless. For
ale bi druggets
A \oung man of Klimport , Pa , who is
very much in line with a young woman
ot that place , insisted upon "seeing her
home from church" the other night She
slapped his face , lie followed her and
entered the house Slie got a whip and
diove him out. He lingered on the
pia//a. She dio\c him oil , Ho says lie
will have that girl , \et.
can < MiiiHiiy | . . , ' , C. J'j ' "
Kumlils ot the tnble. " Tliev aio tfiTiVl
iiiilKesm all itsieliuemeuts ami Uelie-u-les.
Innideitu stluiiilatc the iipi elite and keep
the digestive nijjniib in uooil eitlei tliev cive
pie-eiiiilielicn to .Viiyosliira Hitters.
When you ti \ them be sine II Is the ucnulnc
ntllclc , iiianulnclured bj Dr. ,1. < ! . 15. hlejeit
it Sons.
An American lady who attended He-
han's last lecture ot this season at Col
lege de France , describes him as "a little
man , very stout , who looued when lie
walked in as if lie lolled in. His head is
large and rather line , but his whole as
pect is not pleasant , neither is bis deliv
ery pleasing. Ills a.idiuncc numbered
aliout twenty , the subject of his lecture
was the llUth I'salm. "
Athletes , when in , training , always use
Si. Jacobs Oil. If makes the muscles
_ i
' 1 lie recent ! v discovered whetstone mine
near Uullalo ( lap , ! \ . , oueof ihemo'-t
important and promising lintls ol the
jcar. The homo rock Is ot siienor ] qual-
ity. hpci miens have been -unl to the
principal hardware dealers ot the ,
and such icplic- as have been received
are ot the most encouraging character.
Free From Fraud lied Star Cough
Cure. Scientists certif1 } to Ibis fact. 5
cents. „ ( (
The old bay horse owned and ridden by
Colonel I'phniim EM'tir Ellswortli previous _ -
vious to his assassiuaion at Alexandria
in May , 1801 , dropp'c\\ \ , dead in the pas-
lure at Mecliaiiicsyilt , N. Y , , on the -ilh
iiH. , having survived his lamented owner
exactly twenty-live years and one mouth
He was thirty-three year.- , old , and hail
been tenderly cared lor by the colonel's
father , Captain Ephraini D. Kllsworth ,
II. S. A , retired list , by whom he was
bulled with due honors
Kirk's ( ici'mnii 1'IIe Ointment.
Sine CHID lor biiiul , blea.lm ? . nnd itching
files. One box has eiue.l Hie woiht cases of
tea joaishtiitKliu' ' . ' . > To one need sutrerten
minutes altei ushr ; t.ils v , oiidei fnl Kirk's
( iuiiuui 1'ile OiiitiiK-iit. It absnib , tiuupis ,
alias s the Itching at oaee. actas , i iioulticie ,
gi\cs Instand relief , link's ( icnimu 1'ilo
Ointment is piopaicd ( inly tor 1'iles anil
iiuliincot thuinivato parts , and nothing else.
K\crv b..x i-t wair.mtc'l bj oar agcnN. Sold
bv ( bus-'Ists ; sunttiy inaiFoii r < ; ceiotot pi ice ,
ftOe iiei box.
Uli. C. O. HBN'TON , 1'UOP ,
Clexelaiul. O.
Sold by C. K. ( loo-vliiinn and Kiilm &Co. ! ,
l.'tli nnd lluii''liih , Mh nnd Cumlnc
A young man known as John P. Line ,
of I'alatmc , Monlgoinerv county , N. Y. .
has jiroved his claim to the piojieity of
Dr. 1'etcr Eisenark , who died not long
.since intestate. His mother , Margate !
Austin , proved that site was married to
Dr. Eiscnhard in 18"T , ami that Lipc was
his only son and heir. The doctor was
alwa\s supposed lo be a bachelor , and
the claim wa.s a gieat sin prise to the
administrator who had been appointed
to settle up Ihe c-lalc.
A sine cure for Uluul. HleodiiK , Ituliiu
nnd Ulceiatedl'lle IIH been discovered by
Dr. Williams , ( an Indian le.nedj ) , c.iiled Dr
Williams' Indian 1'ilcOintment. . A single
box has clued tltu v/oisi clnoiilu eases ott \ < erNe
. No one need Miirer Jive
minutes after amilyin ; : tills wonderful sooth
inz mi'dlciiie. Lotions and liistiumentsdo
more harm than jrooil. Williams' Indian
1'ile Ointment absoiN the tuinoiallay.s ttie
intense itcliliiff , ( p.iuloularly at ui ht alter
ccttiuu' warm In b.'d ) , acts as a poultice , elves
instant idiot , and Is prepared only foi Piles ,
itch iir ' of pnvato itart , and tor nnthin ? ols3.
Ur. Fra Iei's .Mai'le Olutmont pares as by
mailc , I'liHjilos , Ulack Heads or Giubs ,
lilotchcs and Kiuutlon * on the face , leavlu ; , '
the sicin clearnnd b.'antifnl. Also cuiei Itch.
halt Kl'oiim ' , Sere N'lpjiles , Sore Lip ? , aid :
Sold by drusgibts 'of mailed on receipt of
Iti'tallcd by Kiilm ifc Co. . and Sehrooter #
Conrad. At v/holi ! < > ale by U. R tioiidmau
Special uUvcitlsemonl * , eucli us Lost , I'nutU ,
Tolxi.m , Tor Stlo. To Honti WunH , Iloitiiliiiir ,
eto , < M | | lioliiEoiIcil In 'Hits lOltimn nt tlio low
ratuofTGN CUNTS 1'Klt JJK fortuo llr'
tlonund Klvu Ceiita ] 'oi-J lno for each fiib-
Insoition. Ix-avo iiiheid'OiArnti lit our
No. la 1'uul stiui-t , ncAr Broa.lwny , Council
FOIt SAI.K Old import. In ntiuntlttcs lo mil ,
ut lieu oRico No , 1" I'eari utruot
Dealers in Milch Cows.
Ou [
No fiO'J and GOO K. Uroadway.C'ouncil Ull's
Wigs Made to Order.
837 Uroadway , Council IMufls.
i : , WKL1.S A : CO ,
Agricultural Implements , Bn&ln ,
rnuliw * . HP ,1'ln Comic-It Illuir * . lown
Mnkp UioOrliruinJ and Complcto
Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press ,
COHN mu.in9 : : AND rrnn rfnuii" .
No * . UOI.n ' . IWnniniT South Mnln Plrcot ,
_ Comipll liiuiN , lona.
U\\ll ) IWADM'Y ACO. . ,
Mnn it'M nn I .lobbi'r * of
Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies ,
Cnrrl jra , nml nil klnU of Fur in Mpo'tlnurr.
1100 to Hid South Mnln Street , Council Illutlj ,
r.O. Ut.Kmov , T. II.1)orm\ , Urco P. WIIIOIIT.
lYr ATrens. VI'nM & V | in So ArCoiliisol.
Council Bluffs Hiidla Factory ,
Mnnulnrtiiipr of A\p. | 1'1-k. Sloilco nnd Stnill
lliiticllp , of overt ( ! ( < < rlilinn |
t Aim. If.
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shades ,
Oil Cloth * , Cmtnln future * . UplutlMPiy ClooU ,
Klc. Not < 05 llroiMnny Council UlulTs ,
_ CIIIAHS , 'inn K i a , ITC.
Wliolojiilr JolibiMIn the
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipss ,
NOB. > .Maln unJ T IVnil Sts. Council IIlulTd ,
Fruit and Produce Commission MarchHls ,
No IIIVill ? t. . To in-,1 MlnIlJ.
IiAHLK , HAAS & CO. „ ,
Wholesale DruggUts , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
Dliiff-'lsts' Himdilcs. Ktc. NCI. K ! Main St , anJ
No. .I I'o.irl St. . Ccmnoll Illnirs _
nn r nouny.
M. K SMl'lil & CO7
ail Jib'j ) of D/ ? /
Notlon .ric. No . USHiul 114 Mniii St. , Nos. 113
nnd llj I'cnrl St . ToiiiKil llliilTii. lown.
Wholesale Caiiforali Fi'dit ? a Specialty
Grncrnl Coinnil Pon. ! No. 51J llioailwnj : ,
( VmmMl llllltN
W1HT i
Wlinp ] < s.ito
Fruits , Confectionei'y & Fancy Grocariej ,
Nos. IGnnil IS IVail St. . Comi' I Hlulls.
anui rniK * .
Jobbers of Staple and Faicy Groceries ,
Also WholuMilo J.l'juor DonlnrA. No 410Uionrt-
wny , Council DluiTs.
JInnu > ncturors of nad Wholesale Dealers In
Leather , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. 62o Mnln Ft. . Council UlulTs , lown.
Jobbers la Hats , Caps and Gloves.
Nos. 'Ml and 3U Bio idwuy , Coincil 111 iffs.
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy flardwara ,
And Wood finale , < 'ouuc'l ! lilulls , lo va.
U. 11. McDANELD & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
Tallow , Wool , 1'olts , Gioa'JonnJ Fura Council
Illuirs Iowa.
Wliolcbiilo Donlt'is In
Illuminating & Lubricitia Oil ; GasUaj )
8.ThPo < lorpAroiJtrou.icl ) ! Illu'Js. Iowa
H , 1'iuxu , me.
Hard Wood , Soutli3d LumbJi1 , Piling ,
* .nil Ihidtrn Mnli'iial 3pcciaUlosWliolob.ilii Lum
ber ol all Kinds. Ollico No , 1U Main rfL ,
t'ounc-d lilulfs. lovviu
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors.
At'cnt Jor rit. ( iottbarn's H < T ! ) Hitters. No. 1J
Main St. Cou.i-il Illuirs
Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors ,
.Yo CM Main. St. . C'uUMiit lliujs.
* * ) .FoiiruaU , County and
IVorli of : II HiiiuU a Spec
Prompt Attention to Mai ! Orders
Room I , Everett Block ,
Standard I'.iprrs I'soil All atjlcs of bind
ing in M.ifja/.iut's nnd
W. S. HOMBH & CO. ,
2U Main St , Council lilulle.
Justice of flie Peace.
Office Over American lUyrosj
In isrr.
Send for cidaloutrcs. prices' , fiviijlil rates and ( estiuniiiials.
Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved and -nlisfaclum guaranteed.
Frame buildings moved on Litlle UianJ Irui'ks , best in ihe world.
SOS Higbtli Avenue and Kighlh Sired , Oounil Mlntl'-- .
Viu-nilni ; liuids in Iowa , Minnesota , Texas' , KiuitiH iiml ArKansns. ranging'
from § 1.05 to $ U ! per acre. School and state lands in MimiiMOlii on.'io yearn
tWicr. lieTe'en ! interest. ImU,1 ! ; ; : y.v. ' . ; i'ai'C free. ljii' ' . r il ! ' . i cto gi\en by
P.P. l.aus-lrup , No. firm Hroadway , Council Hlufrs , Iowa.
cjo , c & ) ' . . a *
& ; . . - . y .
- n
226 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
To close the snmmcr stock to the Tow-
cst possible point.
Are offering bargains now every day.
Good Corsets for 50c worth 75c
Parasols for 75c and Upwards ,
Embroideries aod Patterns , very
Cbp ,
Only a few of those Sommer
Silks Left ,
Lace Ploiiiicinp in Spanish and
Ciiintiliy Laces.
Cheaper than you over snvv them , Fine
assortment for graduation drosses.
Samples sent when requested.
Choice patterns , good quality and
lowest prices.
Special discounls to churches , socie
ties and clergymen.
Hartness Bros. ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
R. KCCE , M. D. ,
l OtllCI Tllllll-M U'lllOX C'J ttltllOU
Chronic Diseases or aiiumis u jictMiiy.
Ov or llurtv o.iis' prm llcul oxii
Kit II I'onilHi. . Council Illuffs.
\sr Consultation lite
I Imvo a tiuniitity of 'ouud , well deiuioil ncoa
width 1 oiler ut IOHMIII illo Ilifurcs t-ec-d of tbo
cionotleiJ. toiittjionJmto tolitittO. K U
Creston House
3'no onli hotel In Council tlliifle
l nil ino ilern linpiov < MiUMit9.
i-'in , 'JI7 and 2l'.i Main M"
il.l.Y .MOHN , l'ioi > .
Star Sale Stables and Mule'Ui
( ) | ) ] Hllo ) Duiiini ) llopol.
Hon-os uml Ititlos kept constantly on haml
for sale nt rctnll or In cnr loiuls.
Order * promdtly Olloil by uuntiaot ousUoit
notice , Stock sold on commission.
SI1I.UTUK Jt BOI.KV. 1'roiulolnrp.
Tcloiiliono No. IK.
ForniPily of KIKI SA1.K S'l'AIII.EB , cftrnnr
Mb : uo.unJ 4th iticot.
JACOB smnvrs ,
Fractious in the State and Federal courts
Rooms 7 and 8 , Shugart , Ijlouk.
) ' of Latest I * n
Irrns , All < ifiili" .
Council Bluffs
c , .
< 1O5 Broad-way.
A Select Slork of Choice
nl > ] klitil 1M7
. L.
1UN. .Main St. , Council lllullH , In , ,
' 'GO S. inth St. , Room 10 , Omiihii , Neb.
Mo'iiiliHlcncr'u Agcnl for the
Tents , Awnings , Ifoolinir Hliite , iluii-
lies , I'latii ami Window ( Muss , Show-
, Hlc\utorH , ( luind and hi-
draiilic , ) &c.
Horses and Mules
Fornll | Hiiio'f I/ought ( in I BOlil. at lOtulluiix
n lutg IM\K \ < nuuntiUfS tu fiilo-l tioiu.