Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1886, Page 5, Image 6
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. JULY 15 , 1880. WHERE BREEZES HAVE BLO\ViN \ Lincoln Olnd of Oloud ? in Spite of Breat'us From Salt Orook. ARTICLES OF CONSOLIDATION , Union I'ncldc Ilrnnc-li liltins Ainal- Under OHM ? lnni\uciiiiMit itln'fl Candidacy -\r- Tor Attoinptril Hape. ( FtlrtM THE IIKK'S MSTOt.N nt.MUIAU.l When Lincoln people awoke yesterday under a cloudy sky and realized that the Hpinal column of the healed term was broken In twain , 'llicro was a , igh of n lirf lir > ard upon the air like the exhaust nf an or-ean sicamcr. 1'or three week ? Iliu sun has risen n hall of brass in the cast and disappeared al night with a leer that promised warm times for the coming day , and through the weekscnnumoratcd not a cloud was to be seen. It was not strange , then , that a cloudy day was a welcome hlght to a long sweltering community. However , Lincoln should not bo classed as MilVering from the heated term , for it is the only mineral watering place in the stato. As a Knni.ner resort , 1'ie ' capital city should have a front "tint , for the bree/es never full to blow from oll'thi" great * alt basin , ami Instead of consulting thermometers and cvclaiming against the 1-eal of llio day , tin ) good people clear llieir throats as though they were Inking cold and remark concerning llio chilliness that the salt creek wpliyrs impart to people out of doors in light clothing. To be .sure , the dust has been plentiful , but then it is trom the grists of commerce , ground by the cea-e- less tratllc of a busy town " \Vho ever heard of a dusty town if grass wore overgrowing the thoroughfares. " Ho .says the average Lincoln citi/cn , and for this reason he .swallows his rations of pnl- veri/.ed earth , wipes the moisture ot salt creek sea bree/es from his , speculative b.row , uud. in th" U-jUe ? ! KitVl ? ! Weather descants upon the salubrious climate and the cheapness of his corner lots. luiimr ) the recent long heated term it is a matter of fact that no sunstrokes luiM ) been rqpovU'd , In. ninny instance * on two or three dill'erent da.v.s wlien Old Sol was iloi.-n/his besl , workmen rested from their labo. J ami .sifpcmled opera- lions for a few hours. The death vale in the city lias , however , been fully up to the average during the heated period , and as high as three to live funerals n day have been held owing , no doubt , to the much more rapid work of liic old harvester when the thermometers regis ter tip in the nineties. AiiTici.r.s or roxsouDATiojf of Urn Omaha & Republican Valley rail road company , and Omaha , Kiobrnrn & lilack Hill railroad company into the Omaha & Kepiiblicnn Valley Hallway Company of Nebraska , lia\e been Filed with the secretary of stale. These articles consolidate the Union I'acilic branches trom Valley station via IScalricc to the Kansas line , and the Grand Island branch norli to Ord , ami the Columbus JS'orfoljc branch jli'Ultooiin ' Corporation. As mentioned above , as all these brandies are Union I'aeitic anyway , the object of the change is not apparent , without it is to eliminate red tape in Ihe workings. Tlio capital stocJji Iheso united branches in the ono roan is Jixctl at. ? 1,80(1,000. ( it being $5,000 per mile of the completed line of the above constituent companies. Tin's stock js divided into shares of if 100 each , and it is lo be issued in lieu of all the outstand ing stock of the several branch lines to holders of llio old slock. Each stock holder in thn several companies shall re ceive such numbers of shares in the con solidated companyas will maintain his ratio of interest , the now stock to bo is- Mied only upon the surrender of old cer tificates. ' \ he o articles of consolidation name as tlio board of directors for the balance of the year the following familiar namc.s in Union Paeitio circles : Charles Francis Aiiams , jr. , Klisha Atkins , Fred- crick L. Ames , V. ( lordon Dexter , E/rti 11. Hakcr , Sidney Dillon and S. U. Calln- vvay. THI : UKK'S ANxot'xrnMnNT that William Gille.spie would bo urged by his friends for the noniiniition as one of the representatives in the coming leg islature lias stirred up the old machine , and the political wire workers have added u new force of men and raised tlio sched ule ot wages , which mean promises ns legal tender in payment. The tact is that ] \lr \ ( iillcspio is a strong candidate for any position , and the powers that becan- siol lail to recogni/.e tlio fact that if every ward in the city pre cnlcd such timber that llieir days ol strength would be num bered. Tin : HOUSE oc TUDOU , a name not unfamiliar to history , perchance - chance iv lineal descendant of that lionsu which furnishes the Tudora of Lancaster county with headquarters at the town oi Waverly , is in trouble. It seems that Tudor has been in llio habit of amusing himself on UICAO summer days in the \IY\\- \ \ \ tal pastime of beating his wife , a cow- nrdly piece of business that has led to hu as it .should 1-Co done. Tudor , i : therefore , was arrai ; * i before Judge Parker , and the judge , on hearing the case , promptly sentenced him to fort\ days in thn oily jail. \ roil ATTCJUT AT IlAl'n. A young man , yet a minor , nnmei Frank Skinner , was brought down fron the village of Raymond and lodged in tlu , city jail. The ninn preferring tlio cliargi is the father of two bright liltlo girls about six and eight years old , who wen Skinner's intonited victims. The slate inent made is thai the little girls wen gathering Hewers along the road a shor distance from homo when Skinner , win had hid behind a tree , jumped out am caught them ns they passed. He wa only unsuccessful in his design through thu struggles of the clnl dren and their screams had good ofl'ect ii frightening him. Jt is related on th streetu that this sumo young scamp wa whipped recently for attempting bomi ; thing of the kind on n member of the ! own family. Yesterday the case was se for hearing in Judge Parson's ontrl , bu Skinner's attorney obtained a continu unco until Snlmday , when it is said thoi witnesses \\ill bo secured to oll'sot som of the damaging testimony of the state inonnwhllo the prisoner has boon sent t thn county jail for greater safety thn : thu city tastlle oilers. ITEMS IN oniKP. An 11-year-old boy by th name c Dcoman essayed to run nwny nnd visi his rotations in Ohio. He was loado witli several bundles of clothes when h made hii appearance nt the depot nn liad borne six dollurs in inonuv with bin The depot policeman , however , took hii in charge and brought him up to polie headquarters , where ho owned up ( lint h was running aw.ty and had obtained th money thr.t ho had from a bureau drawc nt homu. What his welcome \\a when lie mr.ilo Ids appcartinc nt UJB ( internal hearthstone cnn I jnoro CBclly ininglncd than described. A nv.mbcrof the members of the Lii coin braui-U Irish National league i Aiaericii arn in confereiict ) with the rai * ways jvjcurdlnjr excursion rates lo Ch cage the ICtli of next month to attend tli meeting of the h'ationnl Icnjpie. Aboi forty or lifty of the monitors in the Lii : coin brunch will make the trip if satisfm lory ralo * uro scoured , and Mr. 1'atric K-.igHii In couvBrsation , expressed it as f't : thnt tlio mooting would boouo of tl grrntr-st the league has over heltl in this country In county court yesterday two or thrpc1 of the Law ami Order league oa es were being hcnrd , one of which wns disini * < cd and the other the defendant was bound over. In listening to the evidence ill the e cases nnd hearing through the nro < s examinations tlie fr ; t of the agents of HIP league conspiring w itb women in the middle of the night to obtain liquor as evidence again t parties , it leads by standers to think that the character of HIP prosecution is jtt t about as censur able as the guiltv parties are themselves. The city mar-tinl yesterday was preparing - paring cases to turn over to tnc judge in regard to the heallh ordinance and the nanus of ton parties were handed in to have paper- made out again tlhem. The lighlning in this regard will .strike near and around the 15. vV M. depot. The question of a water supply for the future is already being agitated in the cily council , and for n city growing with the speed that Lincoln is making tiie pres ent year , the agitation is coming none too soon. There are people , however , who wonder at the stat" of allairs thai toiht in thai matter in the face of the fact that a year ago it was given out thnt iho city supply was practically incx- hauMable. Only one unfortunate inebriate was up in police court yesterday morning , nnd as In- had spent all his substance in riot ous living , he was given the jail for a home until the line and co-its were panl. The appraiseron tlio Northwestern right of way in tliis county were old .M'stcrday at their work in this city and \icinity \ , ' Hut very few pieces of land be yond the city are up tor appraisement as the company , in the great majority of cnses , experienced no dillicnity in deal ing with the owners direct. The work of appraisement , will bo completed at ns early a day as possible. IIUICI. AltlilVM.H. Thn following Nebraskans were en rolled at Lincoln hotels ycilerdiP. : \ . U. Tnlles , ( Jrattou , D Helllemaii , Cn = tcr , F. I ! . Stevens , Crete ; William P. Hellings , Aurora ; II. C.ra "hous , Sutton ; Captain A. Alice , OmahaD 15. Adams , Superior ; P. ,1. Nichols , Omaha ; C. Emery , Heat- rice ; ! . H. Strode , Samuel INI. Chapman , Allen Hec.son , Milton I ) . Polk , Plaits- mouth- . A. Tucker , Ilamlllon. M. A. Iliirligan , Plattsnu > iithilllain Kdwards , ( Jranil Island ; C. S Midey , Omaha ; Louis Hoebel , Syracuse , K. O. Dey , Syracuse ; F. 1' , Ireland , Nebraska Cily. WHY COVv'BOYS ' HATE MORMONS. Twenty-five Tlioiisaiitl Uacliclors in Montana Win ) Cnu't Gel Wives. Miles City Correspondence Philadel phia liucord : The climate of Montann is not particularly healthy for Mormons , principally , I believe , because the soil contains t-o many wideawake baenelor cowboys who are badly in need of wives themselves. The royal cow-punchers of .Montana hale a Mormon male as they do a snake. Doing unable to get a single helpmeet themselves , although able to support a doxen where a Mormon cannot support one , it riles them to have some- long hnired nucally older coino along with lour , live , and possibly six wives , and settle down with the utmost gall ami cheek on a government claim. There are about 20,000 more bachelors in Montana than there urn wnucil 'l' ' ' ' ° - gelhcr. Nearly all ol these 23,000 have splendid ranches , farms , or claims of some kind , and need only n wife to com plete , their cup of hanpiiiojs. It is no exaggerntcit picture [ am draw- inn , for the vast territory of Montana contains innumerable bachelor homes , and these bachelors would make the best of husbands if given hnif n chance. Tlio little town of Maiden , a few miles north of here , contains not a single unmarried lady. The small village only ten miles west of us is simply a community of bachelors. These thousands of young men , middle-aged men , and old men all have comfortable bank accounts , and would marry on the slightest provoca tion , so to speak. Each one is calculated to make some woman happy , and would give the damsel who cared lo risk her liituro with him all tlio ready cash she could possibly spend in Ibis world. No wonder our bachelors hale the Mormon males who have more than llieir share of female blessings. Forty Years Ao. { 1'oH Deposit ( JM. ) Call. There was limo to live. Men slept yet in their bods. The epoeh of haste had not como. The Middle was Iho emblem of speed. Drawn and Drains went hand in band. Wo were still a nation of hnrd workers. A day's journey was a serious matter. The highways were dusty and populous , No house contained n bowing-macliine. The canvas-covered wagon was the ark of trade. The turnpike was .still the great artery of trade. There was not n mower or harvester in existence. The land was lighted with candles after nightfall. liuttcL- was unmarketable 100 miles from the dairy. The sieam saw mill had just begun to devour the forest. The lord of a thousand acres sat with bis harvesters at dinner. The day began with tlio dawn and not with llio train's arrival. The spinning-wheel and shuttle sounded in every farmer's house. Ho who counted his possession by the square mile kept open nouso lor the way farer. The tologrnpli had begun in Washing ton and ended at Now York twelve months before. The rich wore lavish in an abundance which was not yet coveted by the keen eye of commerce , From cast to west was the pilgrimage of u life ; from north lo south wns a voy age of discovery. For Sale To bo removed , brick house and frnme stable. 2 blocks from Cuming , n 10th. Tlioo. Olson , ai8 S. 10th. Wliy Ho Didn't Find It Slow Work. London Tlmcy : Hardly had In ordered a largo sell/or with brandy in and no icethan , an old friend hailed him "What , my Arthur ? " "You , dear boy ? Good gracious Who'll have thought of seeing you ii these outlandish parts ? Where do yoi livov" "About MX doors iTow i the street ovoi yonder , with two sis CM " "ion must liml it somewhat slov work. " "Not u bit of It , dear boy , " replied tin other ; "thoy'ro not my sisters. " INVALIDS , And allthnjo ntioso tyitems are run down need i 1'ioctloiuo will act h'ontly and rtoo not wtuken Simmon * Liver IICKiilalor U not only mild In It onion but invUoraU'i llk a sla of wlno , glTiui tonoand utrcuuth lo tut * tody , K i tract of Idler from Hon. ALEXAN . m.iil ! BIKIMIK.NS , of ( in. "I occniloniillx ute , when my Rendition require * It , lr Minuiona I.Ui-r llcgulator wlili Eiiod fltecl. It Is mild and tuiU uio bettor lu.iu moro active rimoJIes. " A Home Remedy , nnequalled by any otlior. The liezulalor Ii tlio bet liioventlvo and | iroimratnry intMlclno. No matte \.htu thonttack. ado oof It will utrord relief nnd I : uidlnarcnn'i will enect a ( pcody euro , lie UIH fo jrliiilf a century l > j lUousand * of veoplu has OL U -Tbe vnlui of n houiohold remedy con. ilits of It * cccnllillty,1 . . wclla Its cm. * . oiany uttncu ot dltuasa C7I1 warded on"by tonrenlunt uiedlrines. moiis U\or 'llcnuintof i u"iuo > i VuluuLila invdlciiio to li.ii o In tlio house , nnd 1 luurt- k lly rt'couiut'na It in lliuunco of pr Ite'an niuilitklkndof and viUlied for " T. n W. WUUIIKII. ' . - 1'rliiclpal Itrliiv Uramiuur e School , l-'r.iT.VfnrJ. . . , I'M. . WHAT SHALL THE HARVEST BE That Depends Entirely on the Energy and Foresight of the Farmers. Notes from Various I'nint * In Ne braska Itttttor Making mill Horse TrnlniiiK Notes and Suggestions. Nolirnnkn Kami Note" . Fnifmont Sipnnl : If fnrmurs must Ivy to raise wlient at all hazards let it befall fall wheat , for u full crop H more frequently ral ctl hero than of tin1 spring variety , and it matures before t-liinrli bugs win do any damage. How long will farmer ? continue a practice that only results in loss ? It lias been provoii beyond any question that sprlnji wheat cannot be raised in this country prolKn- bly. Hnlsc winter wheat and tame jjrasM's , and it will soon bo found to pay. Nancu County Journal : Nebraska can eiiial | any county in raising raspberries Tlteyyiolil abundant 'y and require com paratively little euro or cxpcns-o. This has been demonstrated thoroughly by t lie fanners of our vieinlty. Mr. Tracy reports 100 callous from a ninll piece of ground and wo can testitto , their e\eel- h'lit enuality. The wild variety , found everywhere in the canyons , when culti- vateit are , everything considered , superior to any other. We wdl be ghul to have further reports from the farmers relative to this and other small fruit culture. No crop is more prolitablo an t none adds more to the comforts of home. Ulvssca Dispatch : The lurid spec're ' of the thre.-hing machine looms up red and ominous on III- passing Hat car. When we eonsidei the prolitle-stt charac ter ot the. wheat crop we conclude that we could forego any new threshing ma chines with their gaudy i > aiut and deadly chattel mortgages. A .state thai can get along for a tew years bv patching up its old ' machines sets a grand cxamnle that should bo widely commended and univor.-ally followed. Hutler County Press : Keiibcn Ulai'k , of Uopo creek , was n o Jj-7 Tuesday. In a ! iilwith. on the subject of hog holera , we found thnt the farmers of hat township lor.1 an average of thirty IOKS apiece last year. This would make ,100 iii that towiibhii ) . At § r > auieee this vould be a loss of ij .UOO. . If this average nil hold in half the townships , the total lumber ot hogs lost would bo about 50- 00 , or a loss to the whole county ot 250- 00. A quarter of a million is a large urn to lose , but it is not very far from lie facts. Hutler County Press : Wheat harvest jegan on the Platte valley the iir-l of the veek. It itonlv about half a crop. It is > nly about one year in three that wheat s anything else in this country. Corn , lay ami stock until bo the .staple crop i n the future , hogeliolera or no hogchol- ra. Fifteen years ago wheat harvest be gan on the ! M ot .Inly , so says Allen olinson , or two days earlier than this ear. Early Ihix is said to be looking cry line , but late lla\ is needing rain cry bad. In fact , about everything clic s needing rain At th6 pre-eht liliioT Hints on Horse Uumlliti : ; . American Cultivator : In training a iclous horse it may iJbnecessnt'y at times o put on cord bridles , but their > ise is only temporary. While its u o is severe mil ghcs full control of the animal by he force it exerts on the angles of the nouth and the upper jaw , and the ) > res- sure on the top of his head , yet it is for ho ultimate good of the horse and will > o the means of aiiviuu .him Irom much ice that might otherwise harm both limself and his master , aim will also ibollsh the necessity for such cruel neans of pprmaiienl restraint as those ; nerciless bits that tear horse's jaw.s ipart and mangle his gums ami teeth. Hover bang a horse over the head or on iiis shins witli a club or loaded whip. It s never necessary , ami the man who would do it deserves to be treated in the nine way himself. Finely bred , intelli ent horse ? arn often nervous. They are liiick to notice , quick to take alarm , quick to dtf what booms to them , in mo ment of sii'lden. terror , necessary to _ cs- capo from possible harm from something .hey do not understand. That is what makes them shy , bolt and run away. Hut the moment ho becomes familiar with these things or any others that liVright him , ami knows what they are , he grows indiU'erent to them. When , therefore , your horse shies at anything , make him acquainted with it. Lot him smell it , touch it with his sensa- tive upper lip and look closely at it. Jle- member , too , that you must familiarize both sides of him with the dreaded object if ho only examines it witli the near nos- Iril and eye , ho would bo very likely to hcaro at it when it appears on hisoll'side. Ho , then , rattle your paper , beat your ba > .s drum , flutter your umbrella , run your baby-carriage and your bicycle , fire your ] ) Mol and clatter your tinware on both sides of your horse and all around him , until ho comes to regard the noise simply as a nuisance and llio material ob jects as only trilling things. He may not learn this all in 01113 lusson. is llio hardesl of cipiino vices to cure. It seems inherent in some obstinate natures. The most practical stop to be taken with Is to trade him oil' to somebody else. When you cannot do that , there are various things to be tried on , Hummer Feeding of The feeder who allows his pigs a fair amount of exercise , a variety of food in summer , including green food , pure water to drink ami u dark , cool , dry place where they may retire from the tlies and heat , usually escapes the various epidemic diseases , the result of bad care and tilth , that go under the common name of hog cholera. An excellent and careful feeder gives the following direc tions which ho oiivs has worked well with him ; "There should bo skim milk for the pigs at weaning time , and all summer , for that matter , when feasible. Hut most pig raisers luiye not aknn milk to feed , and food adapted to growing the young pigs should bo provided. It one is fortunate enough to be able to get process linseed cake , he will have ono most excellent Ingredient for a young pig'8 ration , llio ration may bo made as follows : Ono pound linseed meal , throe pounds bran , ono pound corn meal or , in quantity , in these proportions. This ration will contain twice the pro portion of muscle and bone-growing looil as corn alone. If some skim milk can be added to the ration , then it is the bcsl that can bo furnished to growing pigs , and as cheap as a ration of all corn. II the pigs can bo allowed a good pasture with this ration they will tirow very rap idly , and make very superior quality ol meat. If the pigs iim t be conlined to pens or yards they should have green food in the form ol grass , clover , green puns or sweet corn delivered to then daily in such quantities as they will cat.1 Preparation of Ljarjo Trees for Moving. ( Jardenor's Chronicle : The span o human life in the. present era of the world's existence , oven in the case o tboso who live to bo old , is of short dur ation compared with that ol trees , the progress of which to a state of maturity is proportionately so much slower thai that of man , that those who plant smul trees do not live long enough to see mucl of the effect they produce , In the case of that favorite fruit , the pear , it used tc be said that those who plant them plan for their heirs , and willi the ordmarj kind of trees planted to give ofl'ect or shelter there is , till longer to wait. To shorten time in waiting i the manifest Object of the ewho go to the trouble of planting large trees instead of little ones ! u the grounds about their dwellings or other conspicuous places , where the presence of Mich are required. Where \u > rk of this kind lins to be done , it often happens thit enough forethought is not brought to bear on the proceeding * . In place of taking1 the precaution of pre viously preparing the tree bv trenching round them , and e\ering the roots to within a movable compass , so a to admit of a season's growth before thov are taken up , they aiv at once transferred from where they have been growing for perhapsu score of yours ] or more with their roots unchecked in any way ; the result of which i , that the progress made for a year or twoafteruard i not near so much as it would be if the roots had been previously shortened back in the way named. ' 1 he onnsiion of this timely preparation of trees that are to be trail * planted when much above the ordinary planting sixe , IMhrlov excusable when it is remembered how little labor cutting into the roots as described involves. To the too frequent ab-etico of judgment and reasonable caiv in moving 'trees that have led many to the conclusion that It is better to plant Mnall trees and wait for them to grow upe\cn in positions where it is desirable to ha\e such a would give o fleet at once. In the case of deciduous kinds of a .si/e such as under notice , and that are Intcmieii tor removal next -autumn or winter , the sooner the root- shortening preparation is now com ) letcd tile better , before there is any appreciable movement in the buds. With ev'erjjrociis it is better to defer this work until the time that the drying March winds arc over , especially in eases where the trees are large and in vigorous condition , as with such the root-si'M-ranec necessary is proportionally nmrc fell than with .smaller examples. Seasonable Hints and K An application of potash soap will re store rouirh trunks ami branches of or chards to their original smoothness. _ It is best to water plants in the even ing. Make a few holes around the plant so as to allow the water to run down to the roots. l.icks.simlljbiing.a ) . . , : higlunr jfl " ' " . i..aii aims. At thisteasim young lucks weighing from eight to ten pounds icr pair are preferred. The following are -aid to be the svmp- ouis of hog cholera. Drooping 'ears , ow-hanumg head , diarrhoea , vomiting , upid breath , and an aversion to light. In using pans -riven on potatoes and other plants keep the poultry confined , is the paris green is poisonous to fowls , the smallest quantity often proving tatal. It is now conceded that the best remedy for grape rot is a solution of one pound ) t copperas to t\\o gallons of water , sprinkle profusely on the giouud around the \ines. Wheat cut before the berry hardens , s-ay a the time when it is passing from he dough .stt ; > , will make 'better Hour md more of it than wheat hardened to thcjast degree o"l ripeness. Fences cost on inosl farms each year iioro than taxes ) and they are becoming nore and more costly : is cuts scarce. The tr.uo policy is to take up nterior fences so far as ilraeticable. Where there is no shade in the pasture or barnyards u rew poles so arranged as to hold brush , ' 'or a plPoe of iTiuslln , stretched , will bo found of srrcat servic ? is a protection against extreme heat. Stake up the IpHiito plants , ami do not illuw the vines to fall on the ground , The ighl and air slioild be allowed to enter Between the bouphs trcely , and careful watch should be tept for the large green worm. i i Do not'loavo too many squash vines on ono hill , as.the &qu.uh is a rank grower , mil too many of tlioin together will not tlnive unless tlw soil upon which they ire grown is very fertile , the vines being gross'feedors. It is not good policy to dry hay to brit- Jencss before drawing it from the mead ow , for that cause- , waste in handling and reduces qualitv. Grass is well cured when it will futile slightly in the hand ling , and then is the time to store it. While straw is not the bc-t fodder , it serves u very useful ptirpo * in the econ omy of the farm when led to cattle in con junction witli grain , and in seasons when fodder is scarce it may go a long way to relieve the demand for hay. U&o plenty of superphosphate and un- leached wood ashes on the tomatoes , peppers , eggplantand melons , as they do not begin to grow ilntil the weather becomes warm , and should he forced as much as possible , sometimes waterintr being ncc.ssary. Hoe gloves have become dirty or covered witli propolis may be easily cleaned by soaking a few days in strong lye made trom potash or wood ashes , or by soaking in water saturated with quick- lime. The propolis conies oil without dllUculty after such a soaking. In time of drought , when the supply of hay is greatly shortened , cattle may be come cheap 'in the fall , owing to the in creased cost of keeping them over winter. It is advisable under Mich circumstances to sell early in order to get the best prices before they decline. There is no doubt that much first-class honey does nut bring first-class prices be cause of the manner ot putting it up. lib delicate llavor is lost and it soon becomes tainted by being put into whisky or mo lasses barrels or tven fresh wooden bar rels may give a taste. Tin cans , are per haps sator for storing or shipping honey in than any sort of wooden receptacle. The evolution of the tomato is going on in a remarkable way. Not many years ago the fruit was mostly sum and seeds , but the newest varieties are almost solid pulp witli very few seeds. Possibly , as in the case of the banana , the seeds will yet disappear altogether , and the plant's will have to be propogated by cut tings. Few larm crops take up so much potash as the potato. It is an alkaline juice that stains the hands when paring potatoes ; and it is best removed by o.xalie acid. This alone .should bo a sulheiont hint as to the kind of fertilizer most needed for potatoes , and is the reason why this crop aoonost fails on sandy soils , whore potosh n Usually deficient. Carefully gather the bcrapes from the table and give , tla-m to your fowls. There is no kind of food which will pro duce a more liberal supply of eggs. Them arc hundreds of families who throw these scrapes into the wusto bucket , to bo taken away by the swill man , and buy corn for the fowls , where the former is far the best feed for egg production. A single cow can bo kept at a small cost , compared wlth'a ' herd , for the rea son that oho can receive quite a largo amount of maternal from the house , and especially if there is a garden under cul tivation. Pods , vegetable tops ami and parings , .stale bread , ami even that whicl Is left over of the vegetables from the la ble may bo used to advantage. men r. by WM sick , we p re herO.utciU , When the waj a Child , she cried for CiBtoria , When she became Miss , she clung to Caatoria , Wain ihe bad Children , h fiats them Caatorb > Idalyn Yules sues Win. Grocnig , to compel him to sell her lot : ) , bkck 0 , Park place , lor $3,000 , according to agree uieut. STATE AND TKimtTOllY , Nebraska < Nebraska C'it.V takes w.itpr in hor'n. Sons for Toeumsoh prohibs : "Oh , wo hnil n Jolly Timi- . " Thp scnit.-irium al Milford is blossoming Into summer ro ort proportions. The Ononnr.\ ! . . K. church of Heat- rloo , whieb cost $ : ! 0,00i ) , wa * dedicated Smnlaj. ( initul 1 si nnd lia < organized a "Young Men's Republican olnb. " Veteran * and amateurs arc1 admitted on an equal fool- in- - ? . _ Annie Morrison , n llvp-ypnr-old , was bitti'ii by ti rattlesnake near Republican City , on tliosth , uml was n cornso Inn few hours. Put Tvudipy , n Union PaclhP ollloial , slipped from u moving freight pur in ( Iratul Hand and had an ankle crushed by the wheels Thp Hlkhorn Vnlloy roml i to build n round hoi'so ' nt Sorlunor , nndisiotisof u dhision lipadiitirtcrs | : lluat before the optic * of the citi/.uns. JSobr.iska City wheels into the pro gressive procession of cities bv deputing , \'i \ to 1 , to invent in wntcriMirks. 1'latts- month is still UNO lengths abend. Mr- . . Martin Mit ka , of ( irand Nland , was thrown out of n wagon by a runaway ' way team , breaking her spine 'and three ribs. Her condition is preeariotis. Al Fuirbrotlier , ox-editor of the Ne braska City Press , lias shaken the dtMof Ohio and pocketed some , and is now .skirmishing for a location In Nebraska. CThe lirst annual shoot of the Chadi-on gun club resulted in the riddling of nine teen pigeons out of a possible ly.y. TJUI spectator. * were well .sheltuied and es- c.iped Injurv. A poeketbook eonlalning unsigned drafts lo the amount of $2.iOi { > wns picked up on the Eluborn Valley track near Fre mont Monday. It is supposed to be the remnant of u robbery. The young heir to the bouse of Thomas Slugol , ol Faotoryvillo , Otoe eonntv , ca ressed a loaded pistol and shot a bullet through his stomach. His lifo is a ques tion of doubt with the doctors. A large and varied list of premiums has been arranged for he. lii'1" ' ' * ! COUin. ' Mt to * ; K , ; ui jjuii , , , , , s'Y. , , 2S lo Oef. 1. Old Richardson is ahole show in herself and will doubtless im prove on the record ne\t fall. The street railway connecting Blue Springs and \Vymoro is to bo improved and shot-lined to facilitate trallie between ( lie two citii's , The curves and twists \yill be taken out of the line and connec tion made with Iho railroad depots. Jimmy lirnska , n resident of Friend , old enough to know into the polished cavern of n loaded pistol. There is no smelt word as fail in such cases. The bullet entered hii skull near the left eye , and the chances of life and death are even. Fcrd Arndt , of Friend , is n rabid be- llc-un-in iron rule , lie embraced his wife with an iron hoop ami polished her skull with a hatchet. A pott. ) justice levied on bun lor ! ? . " > 0 cash nnd thirty days in jail , but Fcrd appealed. Unfortunately there is u scarcity of tar and riding poles at Friend. Tin- Fremont city council has reached nn agreement with C. 11. ( Jodtrcy , the ilrne uoll contractor , the lattertriving a bond to sink another supply well and furnish an average of ono million and : i half gallons of water per day , and keep the wells in repair live years , Kearneyiles urn joining hands in a era ml pull to distance all interior towns in the state. A four-story bi-ick hotel to cost $80,000. a Hum her of business houses , paper and Hour mills , and other build ings and manufacturing interests , follow- in the wake of the big canal. The town lays claim to the title of the Minneapolis of the Platte valley. Arthur Sydonham , of Nebraska Cily , promises to till a long felt want in the umbrella line. His individual watershed is named the "Indestructible. " and is warranted not to rip , tear or loan itself to a stranger. If Syd would turn his genius to producing u sunshade loaded with Greenland brocxus ho wouhl strike a perspiring commonwealth in n. tender spot and climb to glory in a day. The Clinger family , which , by hook or crooklias succeeded inililliising unchaste odors over a section of Hastings , huve boon invited to make their presence scarce. A party of one hundred men for mally presented the invitation , and were treated lo a .shower of lead. A bullet from one of the callers out a hole in ono of the ( 'linger vines. The party did not succeed in pulling up the roots and will try again. Sixteen suits for damage caused by the 'overflow of the Platte river , near the railroad bridjru at Valley , from thn high water lu t sprinir , have been commenced in llio district court of Saunders county against the Omaha & Republican Valley railroad company , to come up for trial nt the November term. The ground of the action is that the bridge is constrneted in hiieh a manner as to cause the ice to gorge , carrying it back with the deluge ofvater over tlio farms adjoining tlio river , plowing oil' their soil and depositing - ing instead a vast expanse of sand. The total amount involved s7o,000. . lown Items. Iowa Falls is upitating waterworks. The Dnbiiquo shot factory will start up next week. Diibuquo barbers indulge in soap bub ble socials on Sundays. Temperance billiard halls monopolize the irrigation of Atlantic , They carry government license , too , P. P. Karlio , of Lyons , has loft the state rather suddenly , and it is said thai ho took with him $ .100 belonging to another man. man.A young son of O.irel Xabor , of Web slor Citv , fell from a wagon and one of thi ! wheels passedover his head , inllieting dangerous , injuries. Ono thousand dollars has bcon sub scribed by the merchants of .Shenaiilioah to defray the ovponso of prospecting for coal in that vicinity. The Hurlington Iltuvkoy * is issuing n chock to its subscribers which utilities the holder to a free drink of soda water. It is. the llnwkoyo's treat. A mother and two children , named Aiulernon , died in Sioux City Monday , from the ollects of eating poison berries , which were mistaken for gooseberries. A Maquokota funny man discharged a dynumito cartridge one night recently as a joke , Tlio explosion uamii near level ing the town , and did about lifty dollars damage. OTho oldest inhabitant who emerged from Ins hole with a prediction that t lie- crop prospect was not as good as it was thirty years 'ago , was brained with u cabbage head. Davenport politicians are. Bwc-arlng mad over the iliseovery ot a law , passed by the last legislature , which abolishes the itllldnvit voter and practically says , "No regislor , no vote. " A Dufinnco yoi'ngslor ambitious lo learn to swim , tied an inllntcd bladder lo each foot and dashed into Llio watur. The bladders name near Iloating him over tu the golden bhoru had not help arrived in time. Charles Frank , a farmer living no i Keokuk , a few days ago became inline and drove his wife from homo , broke all of the f nra i In ro and killed one of hi- her os. Ho then took to the woods and is still at large. Thomas Miller is the maddest man in Sioux City , simply because HU orphai bubo was discovered in his bed by Ins landlady , 'lorn is an exemplary Y M. C A young man , and t < uli-mnh protest : that hu did not Uu it Hu duuLnud tc father U and si'tit the kid lo the qOtinty asylum. Paeitio Junction lini always presented to an observer the appearance of a sec.- end Venice , and It veins uln.o t a para dox to say that they arc out of water over there , but such is nt ptesent the state of atl'airs. 1'hey are absolutely Mitl'ering for water. All of the hitherto numerous pond.s and miniature lakes that have dotted the town are dried up , and grass Is growing In their basins. Dakota. The thermometer dumb up li > 111 in the shade at Hlunt , the other day. A well haf been drilled 070 feet deep at Huron , and it comes within four feet ol being an artesian well. A prairie lire in Potter couutv burned over a stretch of country thirty mile.s long and ten miles wide. The lessees of the Yankton creamery have disappeared , leaving an indebted ness of .fJi.uoi ) . principally to farmers. Jack ( lurralt , well known through the we t as Mroken Nose Jack , ruptured a blood u' sd at Rapid City a tew daj ago , dying within a few hours. ' 1 he increasing demand for oats In the Mlack Hills Ims caused prices to niHaiieo to $ 'i v"i per 100 pounds and the govern ment contractors will be obliged to ship in grain from the states- Farmers along the line of the rJkhorn Valley railroad complain bitterly that their hay crop is lieini ; destroyed by rea son of sparks fnun the locomotives" . It seems that some of the engines are not properly .supplied with spark arresters , and about I ) rj creek and Spring creek thousands ol acres of mashave been burned during the past two weeks' . The university building will he located in the center ot the l.aramio City park. One thousand and ninety-nine gopher scalps were cashed by the county clerk al Cheyenne , Monday. The corner stone of the big depot in Chevenno will be laid by the Musonio fraternity next Monday. For three long , hoi , weary days not one rich find was reported in Cheyenne. Kvidentjy the pi'osueot.j.- Vising i'.C siuuie. The Mather it Ouernscy company , cap- tal $100,001) ) , has been uicorpoiated. The onipany will engage in horse and cattle ultureat long range , the main ollice ) cing al Albany , New York. Wlmt Baking Ponder Shall \ve I'so. . This plain question conies home lo very housekeeper. We all desire pure md wholesome teed , and this cannot bo md with the use of impure or poisoii- nis baking powder. ' 1 here can be no ongcr a iiuestion that all the cheaper , ewer grade of baking powders conlam Mther alum , lime or phosphalie acid. As otli as we may be to admit so much igaiiist what may have been some of our household gods , there can be no pjainsaving the unanimous testimony of ho ollicial chemists. Indeed , analysts seem to llnd no baUtnir powder entirely rrc from sonic one of these objection- iblo ingredients except Hie Rojal , and hut they report as chemically imre. We inil some of the baking powders udvor- iscil as pure , to contain under the tests of Professors Chandler , llabirshaw and others , nearly twelve per cent , of lime , vliilc others arc made from alum with no cream of tartar. Tins , we presume ac counts for their lackof leavening power is sometimes complained of by the cook , md for the bitter taste found'in the bis cuits so frequently complained of by our- sehes Hut aside from the inferiority r . ' work done by these powders' ' , the physiol ogists assure us that lime yndalnm taken nto the system in such ijuunlitios asMJ" " ! " u'o injm.ous.Ticr ! ; . .icnioi ilucolityuscu jy boat nor disolved in mixing or bak- ng. They go with the bread , therefore , nto the stomach , where their physlojo- , * icul ollects ; arc indigestion , dyspepsia , or worse evils. The question naturally arises , why do hcse cheap baking powder makers use liese things ? Alum is three cents a ) ound , lime still cheaper , while cream of artar cost thirty-live or fortv. The cuson for the chemical purity of ( he loyal ISaking Powder were recently given in the Is evv York Times in an in- eresting description of a now method for efining tirgols , or crude cream of tartar. t seems llial is is only under Ibis process hat cream of tartar can be freed from the lime natural lo It and rendered oliem- cully pure ; that the patents and plant for this cost the Royal Dakiii ! ' Powder Company about : i million dollars , and hat they maintain exclusive controlot ho rights. Prol. McMurtrio , late chief chemist of he department of agriculture at Wusli- ngtonD. C. , in the interests of com merce , made an examination of this pro cess , and reported upon llio results at .ained in the 'refined cream of tartar. The lollowing extract from his report would seem to answer the question repeated at .behead of this article , and winch is so frequently propounded by the house keeper ; "I have examined the cream of tartar used by the Royal linking Powder Com pany in the manufacture of their baking powder , and Him it to bo perfectly pure , and free trom Jime in any form. The chemical tests to which I have Mibm.tled the Royal linking Powder prove it 'per ' fectly healthful , and free from every deleterious substance , " Dr. Hamilton Warren , Kcleutio Physi cian and .Surgeon , Room (5 ( , Crotmsu block corner 10th and Capitol avenue Day and night calls proinptlvattentod to Im- BEST TOM1C1 UNEnilALEDInrCONStlMI'IlOh WASTING DISEASES and GENERAL UEHILIIY. PERFECTS DIGESTION DU KDW IWAI UNO , ur geoii fit ( lilt T Nuiiuiiut iiiiju nf N J uritf uttuitlun vrtu ratIM t < Mr Lalur" Ilni giiit. of ' 'J jl-nton UH'l ' I llllMJ U l * | U fim iMltttd Njtli fiu tiultcr rfict t tjinti RII > ) IIHVO liuil J am ii'CuiuiiieuUiiit jour QttH lo in n > \ iirartku ( uuc DEBASE OF IUITATJ3il3 , GTT- Tit * ( " nuiiit tin4 lUi1 slKnuttire o > .mt U Jl lll.NUt.l.bON I Of BsttlS. " ' ' ' l ESSE2EBH fis PJ3E&3DELSO&3 , 310,318 and 320 Race St. , Philadelphia , I'a. For snlo by C . F. Coodman , Omaha , Turrrs BHHBBIBEMHn innxvEinMnimKnRj PILLS 25 YEARS IN USE. The Greatest Mfdicftl Triumph of th Agol SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER.- I.innot nriH'lltOi llimrlt ointltr , 1'nlitln llio licrtil , lilt n dull urntntlim In Iho tmcll purr. 1'iiln timtitr llio olioulilrr- lilnitp , I'tillncn nftpr rntlnci wllli n ilU- Inclination to oxritloii ul' biulr oi-nilnil , Irrltnlillltj-of temper , I.ownplrltii , with n fpollnffoflinvlni : iieglrclpil HomottutTt \VrmlnrM , Il77lm'fl , riiiltorltiK nlllin Itenrl. Doln hofnio llio rrrr , Ilrnilnchn over the ilslit cyp , ICr llenanrM , ullh lit I'll I ill r u in N , lilt My rnlnrcil Urluci unit * CONSTIPATION. ? ' TUTT'S I'UjT.SnTocapeclnllsrnilftptoti to sncti tnsoi , ouiS iloair olTocta fiiioli n clmnRonffi'cllnitnstonJlonlslitlinBiilTernr. hoil/trt Tnkc tin I'lmli.lhiu'lhP W tcm ! tioiirlli < .il.nnil byUiolrTonlo Action on tirilliin-.t , I'McoUKp. . | ' niiirrny Nt..N.Y. TUTT'S ' EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA IlcnovntiM llio lM > , Iy , innkps limltliy Ilwh , BtrotiRtlirtu tlip WIMK , repnlrstlio WH | M of the sjrsloiullh pure lilnoil Alul hard tnnsclo ; tunci llio lionoui Kjstcni , Invleorntps Iliu tmiln , nii.t inipnitii Uiu visor of luiuiliood , 81. Sul'l ' liv ilnicRl'1' ' Ol'UH K 1 1 HUirrnySt. , JVctvVofk. Or the Miitiitr llnlill , riMlllvi'Iy Cured l > .y Vdiiilnlsli'i'liiK lr. llnlnex * Uolden .Specific. It * nn ttORlNcii hi ii IMIP of rnflro or trn \ \ Ithnut thP knmxlivl ref iiii" IMTVIII tnklnic ll.iinlraililli'ly ImrmlM * , ami lll tMTi-ri n piTinnntMit 111 1 spi-cily euro. ulict'.uT llio pntii in M n inoili'iiua drinker ot MI luemiolle wivilc It hm lici'n Kluni In ilioii. nv.itHot rnwf.iuul In r\pry InMinrnivicrfPCt rur Imi follow oil. It nitti > r Inlln. Tlic sy lpin unco hnplVKiintpil illi lluiuM'I.U - . It IH-COIIIM niiilttet Impnsilhlllty fur llio liquor npprtllo tooxut ron n.v rj ; nv voi.i/nviNo Kt UN , V CO. . Cor. 1,1th itint Itauelnii. nml lyili A : CnniltiirSlv , , Omr. . JJ-5. ! " ' " Y A. p , FO-si'Sft ' i niiw. . Counril UliillA , low.t * l orrito for paivptilrt romuinlnu humlreds from itit-btit wouiou aim tuuufroai uit i > K * USED IN ALL PARTSOFIHE WORLD riilnlw mei unit I'rlcvs on ai'iillc-nllon. ' Bold by allthu b " < i r rrlac niilMennnd Uealore. CINCINNATI. II. S. A. Calilo AdArru. COO-GIN. JOHN C. GREEN SCHOOL OF SCIENCE isui : OK XKW IMSIXCIJTO.V. NKW llputil.ii 1'iiir-yciircourBO' , ns fnllowm 1 , For the Hi'uci-p ol llucliolur of Sclpiicii , -nni'riil ( coumut nlau iili'ptlio iMiiriiei In Clivmlstrjr , lllolony , CJcnlnjrr , Miillipinilli * mill I'lijulrn II. Fo tlio iloitroo of Civil ' " Incliiillni ; , liotNU's the u uul pror ntuillc * niiiillrallniiB iif niiHtrlc-ltj to Uiu Arti. . . . . . ErmliiHtn ( niiniotloii In III lior.M.nhomutlciilniililei. | nml AiiplloJ niuinlitry mill Aiwjliiu. Ith'l"i ' ! > l'lmlc , iinil A troniimy I ! ntr.uico oxnmln- ntliuiHSt | , nth nml IMli. Ktil. br ( niioclnl cour o iiii.l . nlliiM inloriiiotloii | iily | to tliv c.u\vif \ ! mllcK. 1,11111 cir ? , j on lo nil points within 309 Btoiui.Tor iLlimnu'e.l'Ot. ' ' .oloct.f/o'n ' Boml tvocvub L. G. mgor , . . . nn-J - ngot MUSIC Boston ft , , , ' Etnnt Otinorol rassoa- TII13 I.AIIOKST aiia'v WOlllil ) . 100 'i' tnictoa . , , Thorough Inetnictlonn Hi vi\illni' \ ' ' ' > oiiuent. fie. riiino nmlOrgiin tunlnK , , lm Ullll VlVli briiiiclV's'i.'dyiiihustlcu , cl _ nnilrooinvUlvnoiiniliQitt tint ! iiortorin , lllu tnili'iH'iiloniIarwllli fullli /r. / . l-ranklina , . , I Forfeit if not Havana Fitter. , Thli Clp r will rrovo m rrprcBontrd and Jll lt citra- llvcly vUtultUcitrn c\rry tnwii for HioiKftllll vhoirjll cnircciutc ItdnicrltaBuuiniihltaciOidin l ; S3TOKE 1ST. FEItNO JOa PlOAIt. ii . t' ' AJdtcss BAXCU1K1 DM , Bold Vk 130 BUtU Avenue , CJEK3AGO. D. W Buxo , I.osllo A. Morroll , (3 F. auoilinnn , T. W. SpnirorU Ji Oo. , J. A 1'ullor i : To. , M. I'arr , Clionuy AEOIobun , M. II. 1'omill. [ Culm , V Co. , Bum riirnpwnrtli. I'ranU Hnrrott A : Co. , i iVdclunlut , DB/EXEL Buccoasora to J. Q , Jaoobj S , AND HMIJALMEUS. At tlio otil Planil , HOT Fimuiin HI. Onlors bjr mliclicil anil pruiuplly atlouUod to. " LINCOLN BUSINESS DIRECTORY lleeciilly lliillt Newly furiilslieil The Tremont , J. C. l'ITX.UKIIAIil > & KON , l > iiiiiiutnrg. | for. nh mill I' fit. , Lincoln , Nob. Union H.MJ MCI duy. btruut cura Irumli'nno to pint lit thu rlly. J. \\MIA\\ICINS \ , 4i Architect , I OTlccs-3l. ( Ill iiinl I- . IIIocU , I/lucoln , Null. lilolor 'inllui blrni't. llri-ciU'r ' ul Ilipciluror , UI\IAVCATTII2. nilOlll IIUIINUriLU F. M WOODS , Live Stock Auctioneer : Hiilo-i iiiiuliIII nil | i : ls ul llin f S. nlfulr r.iti'K lltioinU.HIiili'Illi" ' ! : . Lin' iln , Ni-u.7 OolloHftj mid U hurt Hoi.i liiillioi - t-tli. ' . * U II. ( iOl'JJMN , Farm Loans and Insurance ; r'oiii iiioii'li in' tin ri'ViI I in li'iiiit willylloj. -.iiuiii I , 1'1-liniib Jlini. . . l.i in . . ' . Public Sale , I ) iv , < : ! . . inu loiti , 4' 01 SilO-i i'iiniV ! ' > ! ! IfilL'H I'l'iilolc h.iiil , /-yi : > i.r nlilr.'i ' i. Sul ; liuMt nnd tttiiii i . . AiMi " VuH nml l'tm. l < n c'linlcijf. uoliiiiuir , I'-il. t' " ! . U.i. M > tf , ( .Infill : , Xau. I'ol. I' . M. WnoiM Ail'-liu u l. Wlui : , u i Nation ol Kotol. i , ul lual'0JIM " 'r _ J.A liiA\\V