Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1886, Page 4, Image 5
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : " -THURSDAY , JULY 15 , 1886. THE DAILY BEE OMAHA IIFFICE. No. itn AND 01(5 ( HHV\M ? NEW VOIIKOlTK K. ItOOM Wi.TlllllUSK HlMl.tll WASHINGTON OtllCK. NO. 513 rvrrv intirnliiK.oxrrpt Rimclny. T only Monthly IIIOIIIIIIK tuipor published in t ftnte. TIMMO : nv Mtn.s Ono Ypnr JJO.rn Tlirrn Months. &i * Months. M < mth. . . . liu WI.I.XLV IJi-r , I'lililloliPtl Kvorr Wceliiosiii TFIIMO. rOSTPAlO ! Ono Vonr , with iirpinlntn , , t ! due Yonr.lilinnt piciiilum 1 Bit Month * . Million ! premium Ono Month , oiitrlnl COllIlF.fl'ONtlKNfT. ! All coinrmitiirntloni rrlntliiK U ) ntwa nml P fiulnl tnnlt'TD Miouhl bo inlilrussQj to llio K vejitUF 'in. lln : . nusiNKM t.F.TTEna : All binliifan icitom nmt rcinltlnnpps Oiotild IIUJl coil i ) | ri 'I HI ! Hut I'IMII.IKIIIMI rOMI'A' OttAiU DiuIlK , clir-rUH nml po lollle' < > mil toliu tnnili' ' piijuhlutu lliouiilur ol llio compii ! W m PUBLISHING ! ! PROPRIETORS K. UOHKWATHlt. KntTOn , 'j'lii ; ' ma ; . Rworii Statement orcirunlatlon. Htnte of Xpbraskn , I , . ' 8 > Omintvnl DoiiRlni. t ( ie'ii. H. T/.M'liiie'kscrretaryot tlio Hoc I' I'.clilim coinjiniiVi eloi'i soicinnly "wear II llio rertunl clrciilnlinii of the Dnllv I for the Yulf ; ending July Oth , l > iG , was follows : Satin tlnv , Hrtl . I'J , Mnmlnv , Bill . 12 , ' Tuesday , Oth . 10. Wi'iliii'silnv , 7th . li ! , Thursday , Htli . 12 , Fililay , litn . 12 , Avernuo . 12 ; ( ll'.O. 11. T7 > CIILfCh Stibspribnd and BWOIII to liofoip niu t ! iitli : day n ( July , ISiO. fai.Mox.l. KtMir.ii , ISKAI..I Notaiy 1'ubllo ( leo. D. Tiscliuelc , bolnc first duty sworn. i pnsoH and says that he is iiTictury of tlm J C I'libllRlilnir cemiiwny , that the actual HUTU .1 dully rlrculatlon or this Jilly Hcc lor t .1a month of January , 1SM5. was 10 , : > 78 cnnli .1n lor Kebniarv , I'w , 10r/ ) . cemlos ; for Mar K 1W , H.KJ7'copies : for Aurll , isvl , rj , v cojiles ; lor May , ISiO , 12 , CUcoine.s ; for Jin It 1S > G , 12,2US coiile * . Or.o. IJ. T 18te 18 te Subscribed anil sworn to bcfoio inc , tl tee Oth day of July , A. D. ISbO. tlfl N. I' . Knir , , flH' [ SKAT. I Notary Public , ' H' < H'l l II Tin : hardest shower wo shall have tl - tltl IItl Bummer will bo thu shower of cnmlidntc tlOl Koali's Hood will -sink into iiKsituiliciuic fun lil North Polar expedition li wrecked bcforo leaving Now York. J adventurous leader was arrested for be rowing ? 1,000 and not ralnming it. THE Auditor llrowu trial lias cndc and tlio Hawkeyes fuel rolioved. No let congress adjourn and the people w think another great trial lias ended. AT tlio present rate of increase in tl live stock business , it will not be vei long before Omaha takes second plae next to Chicago , in the great hog race. AND now the loual railroad altorne , are beginning to intorrest themselves tlio approaching campaign and to wliisp that General ViinWyck is a very dang < ous man. AK honest assessment throughout t - . ' uraska. Every call for local lu in assessments is now met with t cry ! "They all do it. " When they all right no individual or county will suf any injustice. SIXTV-FIVE of tlio seventy-six membc of the United States senate are lawye It is easier for a camel to go through t eye of a needle than for a. lawyer to : i mil that ho could possibly be projudic in conducting a case for the corporatlo through tlio upper house of congress. ? Is blood on the face of the W ncsota moon. The dcmocr-its of th state are nrotosting against the politic partnership of Kelloyand Doran who a parcelling out thoofllecs with true Jcll'e bonian simplicity to their personal frion and leaving the mass of the great unit rilled without a crumb. 111 WHIM : tlio railroad newspaper houni "tit are yelping that Van Wyek hasgouo ov IL to tlio railroads , their masters are prop : ; nu ing to knife the .senator vigorously fro tlio moment that the campaign opoi : It is hoped Unit tlio double game throwing dust in the eyes of the farmc by the press and working the railroi frm gang through the general ollicos may il tr font tlio senator witli the people. T voters of Nebraska are not gudgeons bo caught with this kind of bait. Mit. MoititisoN is evidently becomii Irritable and ili-lempored uniler tl fr tb tliumplngs ho receives on every hand. . tbEi the cotinu ) of a debate lu the house Tuv Ei EiM day , Mr. Hiscook of Now York asked tl 111 question , "What had induced the dem 111nu. . cratio party hero to antagonize the adnu 1" htratlori which it had placed in power' , to which Mr. Morrison replied that it wi none of Ids business. Granting tlm Ii : mediate Irrelevancy of llio quoation , tl reply was nevertheless not oourteou.s , an still worse , it was not satisfactory. \ \ venture to predict that when the demo racy is put on trial bcforo the people I the fall elections for the next oongrc : this question will confront it so gonorall and vigorously that it cannot bo dispose of in tlio curt .way adopted by llio llllno statesman , and those gentlemen who HI Mr , Morrison will not or cannot satl.sfa torily answer it will be rulugntoil to pri ate life. As to Mr. Morrison , he has i deed hud a hard and unhappy oxpuriotu [ as a would-be party leader. THE ( xdvoutiirous spirit of Mr. Jami [ Jordoii l.oiinott , which has ni > nirontl : Miunburuel for n lonj ; tlinu , his : again n [ < rtoel itself , the restless editor e > f tli f'ow York IferaM niiving started anotlu 'lieilltlon to the Ai'"tlo regions la eue | llio nortli iolo. The disastrous re-sul v nil previous oxpodltlons disconrnj 'y ' faith thai the present venture wi H ntiiimto otherwise than hi fuiluro , nu tlm really little that hns been nccou pllsheel In the cnuso of science , inensiirc by the great cost , very ntiturnlly induce among laymen .a doubt as to the wlsdoi of any further ollbrts to extend discovoi .u the inhospitable regions of the Arcti ions. Still tlio insatiable eluvoteios of sc < iico tire not content with what has bee douo , and so long as there nro fenrlo : Wi and solf-sacrilicing suirlts who will dnr elejuih for glory in this purllons enterprise Arctio exploration will not .cuaso. Tliti lie brave ) men who have gone forth o tliUs ncxr expedition ipof \ \ houombl isociatjou with those who have pro I'll led thum will bo u iiuive'rnl uapiratioi Tlio Unllroad AUornejfl UIH. Mr HerkNliill to prevent senators congressmen of the United Slates fro acting as paid attorney * for railroads w referred to tlio i < nalo judiciary conim ten on Juno SH. Kefcrnnco was vet after a protracted debate IIDOII the soleii pledge of Senator Kdmunds that t measure slioiild lie reported to the sciia within eight day * . This pledge w called out by the sarcastic remark Senator Meek thai the bill "might as wi go to tlio tomb of the Capulels" as to I judiciary committee , suplemonlcd by t lequc.stof Mr. Vance to "have the bill re once more , " in order that lie tniglil "la mi eternal farewell of it. " Hoth roinarl which were greeted by undlgniliud lau tor , showed Hie senate knew Very w the object of those who fought for t reference of the measure to Air. Kdiiuim c'oinmlttee. After nearly three weeks' delay t liill lias been reported back lo the boiui so distorted anil loaded down with ad < tional matter a * to insure its defeat , T original measure dimply forbade t peonle.'s ' representatives trom acting attorney's for any land grant road. T bill as reported from the iudiciary co mittee prohibits a member of eitli hou o of congress from being c ployed by any corporation engag In inter-stale commerce by laud water , or in the tiansporlatl of the mails , "or who are engaged in t production , .sale or importation of a article upon which a duty is levied by ' of congro-s. " In other words , it propos to prohibit any lawyer from sitting congress , for its clauses cover near every branch of legal business. The 1) ) of course stands no possinlo chance passage in MICH term , and this is precise what the members of the committee ai the railroad attorneys who fought f > o ha for its reference intended. This result forms one of tlio gratult of the proofs presented to slit inal the senate is controlled corporate influences. The scandal lo ago became a public one. It is now notorious that it is treated by caricati IsU , blaxoned in cartoons and grave dihcusscd by Hie most conservative joi nals of the day. For years past the upp house has obstructed all legislate drafted to remedy the wrongs praotic on the people by corporate monopolii It lias 1)001) ) a lower of strength to wcalt jobbers and millionaire syndicates. ] members have been drawn from the p rolls of great corporations and have u lilusliingly defended their intercuts whi sworn to protect those of I public with which they have coi in conllict. Senator Heck's bill w drawn to remedy an evil for which ho eit men have been long demanding i dress. Its defeat by the aid of the dislio e t tricksters which it was intonde'd thwart will omy add to the popular el maud for fearless , honest aiul untrai moiled servants of the people to take tl place of the corporation , attorneys wl now pack the scats in the senate ehai ber. Prophets of ISvll. A correspoiulent has been writing one of our Omaha contemporaries war ing intending settlers against loeatil > ' * - " * * W * lln * * o * * hlVi\i'l Mnl t * H of no rain and a soil'onlyliffor 'liflHI The "no rain" argument lias been wo threadbare in the state for more th thirty years , In 1831 it was employed prevent settlement in western Doug ] county , and within the past ten years lias been successfully used every i > caste < to warn settlers against every foot ground west of Columbus. Explain it one may , the arable belt lias bci pushing steadily westwarel as sett ] mont has increased. Last year cro were grown in the extreme westc limits of tlio state in every county on t map , organi/eel ami unorgani/.cd. . present writing , western Nebraska is si foring less for ram than some counti within lifty miles of the Missouri river. Tliero are of course some bad farmii lands in the vast area which makes.i Nebraska , and thousands of acres of tl class lie in the western part of the stat Crops planted in the sand hills or e alkali bottoms are not likely to lloiiris no matter what the rain fall. 15ut up elate , there lias been nothing to clestn the splendid conlidenco of our front ! settlers in expecting gooel i turns for their honest labor. Tl corn belt has long a-jo passed tl hundredth merieliaii. For several hu dreil miles beyond , farmers have gi : nercd crops. ' The linest sland of corn have seen along the line of the Union 1' cllic , " said a prominent Omaha htoc man , "J saw last week twelve miles b youd Sidney , at a point not far. from tl Wyoming lino. " Soil is not brought to a state of highn cultivation in a day , and crops are inn tors of time and experience. The me whoso croaking about the prospects "the poor grangers" rises on the auiunn air whenever the mercury makes a spu upward , should bo content to posse their souls in patience and to await r suits. Tlio exodus from western N braska , predicted every hummer , has in 3-ct taken place. When it comes , if eve it will be time enough to discuss i causes and to read the victims a lectui upon their auelaoity in defying tlio wii ( loin of the meteorologists and tl chronic prophets of evil. Homo Tnrill' It is Very warm weather fe > r politic economy and especially for a eli eu.i-i < : of the tanIV , which Me srs. Randall an Morrison seein inclined to force upon II country etiiring the ? heated torm. A fo plain facts stand out beyond run ounb dispute. 'llio country Is suH'eiing from ovi taxation , which has caused ovcrprodu tion by unduly stimulating certain classi of favored manufacturers ami oe | > 3lnir tl toreign markets to the manufactiireel su plus. The natural re-action has caused depression of industry- Mills and facto ics are closed. In many of these that ai running , wage > s are low. A millia workmgmon are out of employment , bi there is a treasury surplus of uourJ eighty-live millions. Three plans of relief are sugcestee Mr. llandali proposes to lift the buvele from tlio shoulders of the workiugme by abolishing the tax on tcbaoco an apple-jack and Increasing the tarill' o the tin in Ids dinner palls , tin plates an kitchen utensils , and the clothes ho wean Ho also Increases the free list Dy what h estimates will amount to $5,00 , ,000 an nually. Another plan proposes a general n ductiou in tariff rates , a correapondhij eulitrgvuicnt of the frctiat , especially i the line of raw materials , and a parin elown of eluties to a point whe-rc 111" ii lernal revenue taxes and customs dm will no more than meet the annual el maiiels of government upon the I re a u ry. Still a thml plan Is to let what is calle "well enough alone. " Tills Idea is su porleel by the gre al industrial inonop lists uml their representatives In co gross. A tariff for revenue purpose * , on tl basis of thes last lineal year , would betl present tarllV cut down scarcely mo than ten per cent. If the ways ar means committee have been correctly 1 formed by the treasury eleparlmcnl , tl government will require for years come more than a litindreil and lifty m lions annually In tax contribiitons fro our custom houses. The total custom r ceipts for 1S-U-83 were some 181,400,011 The internal revenue taves are tl least burdensome of all our taxes. Tin are levied on luMiries. Tito tariff bca heavily on all the necessities of eointnt life. Any reduetion in tavatipn shou therefore be made in lines which will el crease the cost of living and which wi correspondingly increase the purehasii power of the dollar , This will etirect bonelit every citi/.en. the- men who do n smoke and drink as well as those who el Tlio foreign markets are ele > .sod American manufacturers largely bocau Americans close their doors to the ra materials of foreign production.Vlie the free list is enlargeel to include.1 ra materials , we shall have cheaper proelu lion and a Held in which toclisposo of 01 surplus. Tnis will give a healthy slim Ins le > manufacturing , beeau o it will fu nish a moans of disposing of the rcsiil of overproduction. At present there nothing to do but le > stael ; up the good ele > sc lifteloors anil wait for a change i llio homo market. A reasonable and sensible lav redu tiem will inrludo the maintenance of n ternal revenue taxess forwho-o reeluetie the're is ne > demanel , a lowering of tarl taxes to tlio present revenue.1 requir mcnts of the geivcrninenl , which woni be an average reduction of about ten pi cent , and an enlargement of the free li to incluelo all raw materials u ed I ; American manufacturers \\hich canin be more profitably ami surely rai.-ed ; home. Jm 'hltrV.y : ; American working men neeel to bo thoroughly disabused < Hie idea that a high tariff is more of protection to industry than it is to indu trial monopolists. Doing Slicriiitin Injustice. There appears to be a dUpo- > ilion i certain quarters to ascribe the apparei anxiety of Senator Sherman to have tl Payne henalorial election investigate- ! ! i other motives than an honest elcsiro i get at the truth and either vindicate M 1'ayno or purge the senate of lii pro once , and it is intimated that Mr. She man's friends in Ohio are rejoicing in t ) probable improvement of his presidei tial chances which may result trom tl adverse criticism of Logan's action in th Payne matter. It is not unlikely th : some of the over-xealous anel not alt getlier judicious friends of the Ohio sen tor in his own state may feel in the w : ' inclicateel , but wo have ' " " 'mlamu no ereMor Injustice could beTfoiiotS ? ? ? ator Sherman than to assume that he actuated in thK matter by any other Hi:1 : a profound sense of eluty , both as a eil /.en having equally with every other eit y.on an interest in exposing and dcnouii 'ing the use of corrupt means m elcctioi of whatever nature , anel as a senator ei siring to maintain the character of tl boely ot which lie is a member , Senate Sherman knows the members of tl Ohio legislature who invcsligatcel tl charges of a corrupt use ejf mom : in the Payne senatorial campaign , an ho therefore has confidence In the resit of that investigation as Jaiel before II senate. He is familiar with llio cvielcne supporting the report of the legislativ committeo. and better than any othe senator ho knows the methoels ot the mete to whoso manipulations and nuinagemoi Mr. Payne owed his cleclion. Havin lliis knowledge , fortilieel by the deman of tlio legislature of his state , lie obvious ! could not bo indifferent lo this matte without stultifying lii.s conscience an implieelly rellecting a doubt upon Hi conclusions of a legislative committee e hia own state and parly. Uiuiuchtionabl Mr. Sherman entertains president ! : aspirations , but these arc not a mr elcvelopinoiit , and it is not in evident that ho has ever resorted to any unfair t eli.slionorable means to promote then There is very little eloubt that in an event lie will have the Ohio delegation i the next national convention , for w believe ho is stronger in that state at thi time than perhaps over before. Government Ouai-ellansliip. The military committee of the Unltei States senate recently brought in a bil providing that the treasury shall withholi from the salaries of army and nayyoilicer Bums snfllciont for the support of thel families , in eases where it is shown tha such oflicurs do not make proper provi = ion for their families. It win stated tha reports had booonio very numerous o neglect on the part of ollicers of tlio arm anil navy to adequately provide for the ! wives and chililron , some of these squaii dering their incomes in oxtravaganl o riotous living. It is undoubtedly tru that thnro is very much more of tills ser ot thing than there ought to bo. Ollicor of the army and navy are subjected ti many temptations of a social and con vivial nature , which some of then have not sullicicnl strength of charade to resist and as their pay is not large these demands upon such a have families use up a considerable par of their salaries. Men in those service are no more to be justilicel in the praetie of excesses than are other men. Indecel their Intelligence ) and the eiicii | line of their profession alien Joss warrant for ostravagan and vieiouij inelulgcnco than can bo urgee in palliation ot the folliesof other men ii this direction. Hut It may bo sorioinlj doubted whether it is Iheeluty of thogov crnmeul to extend lo the families of tin men who are thusdereiicl in their domes tlo denies the sort of guardianship author ied by this bill of the senate militan oommittco. Wo agree witli a coulcm" porary that such a measure would no only devolve an unpleasant duty upoi olliemlii in the troiuurv , but would be : standing reproach upon the military anel navnl eerviccj , every ofllccr m whici would fool in some elu rte the humilia tiou. It hi not unlikely xhat the e fleet o the measure would bo at once remedial In iutluc'iig ' sonic of the dcrolicl oUU'ep to reform their romhiet.and . others to g' ' out of the service , mt ( 51 would nevortli less bei a stigma upon the whole body i ollicers in these services' which woithl 1 most unjust to mo-,1 eri them. The bette plan for the gooel of llio services , anel i avoid injustice ) to honorable men , woul be to drive out the eU'linquents who cai not resist te-mptation by e'emrt-martial. few examples nuiele in this way might I fomiel to have a most , gratifying reform : lory influence * . Ie IjosMops' Knllure. Nobody will be greatly surprised i the .statement that e'eJnies from Paris Hi ! French conlldcneo In the Panama Cam company Is about exhausted , and tin the supporter * which Do Lesseps h : hitherto had are dropping away fro : him. It has been apparent for a ye : past that this must be the fate of tl project on Hie lines being pursued by Ii l.esscps , the cud beingeertain , though tl time of reaching it was indelinite. Tl application to llio goveriimeiil for in thorlty to issue a lottery loan was tl step which leel to the disclosure of tl weak points in the canal company's 001 elltlon. There was an umleiubtcd willinj ness on the * part of the government i alel tlw company , but It would do so on ! in the event of the conditions justifyin it. Tlm government sought to obtai thorough information reganlnur tl status of affairs , anil to avoiel giving th Ho lessens , after persistently igtiorin repeateel inquiries , withdrew the applic : tion for authority to make ; a lottery loai This very suspicious proceeding coul not fail to shake public fail in ( lie representations of U canal company , anel sufficient d velopments have been maele to show tin the recent course of the company h ; been one of concealment anel dcccptio : Under these circumstance's it is liarell conceivable that the1 French people e-i 1)0 ) played upon any furtluir , anil it seen that the inevitable oiilcome must be tl abandonment of the project by the pre out company. Whether or not anotht organi/ation can be effected to conttiu Hie work is problomat'eal , and in an event it is pretty we'll assureel that tl millions alreaely oxpendeel will be an a most or quite complete loss to the sul scribiirs , cijiee [ i mw coinpany woul nareuy assume uny considerable part < the existing shares The American cap tal involved in this enterprise is not < . great that its loss would be alarming , an nearly the whole linancial consequence of the disaster would fall upon the Irene shareholder.- would untloubtedly I very seriously fe-H. The failure of tl imelerUiking will also bo a elostructh blow to the fame of M. ele Lessops. Auditor Jli'cMVji'M \Ciiittnl. ( | The impeachment trial of Atielite Itrown of Iowa , after drilgging its wear length for eight weeks , Was finally imde with a verdict of acquittal. None of tli thirty-six counts of tliei articles of in pcjichmcnt were sustained , The yereln will be generally reccivcel as in accore anco with the facts. Auditor lrownw : unfortunate in incurring the dj.sploasui of Governor Sherman' iirsl in refusing I confirm Judge McDill's appointment : railroad commissioner : yiel later in ii , * . * nttttflt lvlurid oxuminalion of insu anco business in tlu > .8t/t0i .no wig 0 stinato auU perhaps nol.i Vifny'a who i maintaining his stand , lUit there has bee no evielence to show that he was union : bto to impeachment. His forcible n moval from ollicc by the bayonets of tl militia anel the unceasing warfare wage upon him by interests with which 1 came in conllict in the elischargo of h olllcial duties , have naturally increase ) his following. There was a prcvailin feeling that the anelitor was persecute ho ran foul of the schemes < men who wore disregareling the law fc their own personal profit. Mr. Ui'own's ' acquittal carries with his restoration to ollieo. Ho lias still si months to serve. Whether he will a | pear before tlio public as a candidate fc ronomiimtion , is the question which i now agitating Iowa republicans. Man of his friends urge such a course "to con ploto his vindication" but a largo nun bor fear , ami with reason , that the pec pie have become so tired e > t the controv cry that they will gladly see Mr. Hrow retire ) quietly from public gaze for om ycar to come. A Soiinil There is a soiinel and substantial basi for the continual lirmness in the real of tate market in Omaha. That basis i the rapid growth of the city in popuhi tion and wealth , and the steaely incrcas of the wage uarners. Tliero are few idl workingmeii in Omaha. Tlio shops milh , factories anel foundries , the rail roads anel public Improvements are em ploying more men this summer than eve before , Steaely wagns for workingmoi means a steaely growth for the city when the workingmeii live. It only needs a short elrivo aroune Omaha outside of its contro to convince tin mostsoeptical that the numerous transfer , of real estate are by no means principally speculative. There are Iiunelredsof sinal collages going up in every direction most of wliieh are buili by owners of tin lots on which thoyatand. There will hi more homes built by men of moelorate moans this year in Omnha than eivcr before fore In its history. ' Many others are arceteei for intending purchasers on tin monthly payment plan and still otlion for renting. Tlio surest evidence of the prosperous growth of tho1 city is Hie fac that five hundred cottages could bo rontoi lo-elay if tlie-y wore ready for tenants. Of course there is ft .speculative elo incut in thu real cstato market , as them Is in every other markot. 'Men ' will speculate ulato in dirt jiibt as tney < vill in wheat Hut gooel values in both are good values in spite of speculatbrs nd bogus boonv iind intendeei improvements which nevoi inaturialixo. As a mutter of fact sinal fortunes have been mailoili city property in Omaha within the p ast two years bj iiion who pleelgoel their faith on Omaha'1 iirogrcss , and who invested wisely withir i reasonable eliatanco from the center 01 ho city. Tliero is no reason why the irosont aelvanco in prices of good roa > state should cease until property in Jmalia Is proportionately as valuable as ironcrly In St. Paul , Minneapolis ami tansa ? City. A MILLION votes tor homo rule. That s the pregnant fact in the Irish situation , six years ago not a single homo-ruler o-day more than jwo hundred member : ) f parliament pVeulucel to thq principle if local autonomy for Irolanel , Six ears ago not a vote cast in Knglanel , icotland or ' .Vales on the issue of Ireland for the Irish , today a million bnlln elroppeel in Hie boxes lo register approv of a momentous political change. AN Iowa man in Washington tohl tl OiYtc that Iowa's population had d e-ivascel somewhat during the la l tv J-ear-i , owing to the Dakota vrnvc. 1 has e'vldetitly overlooked the prolnbilic ora/.o , which has e-aineel a great mar people lo move out of the state. IT has taken several weeks lo seen' ' nine jurors in Hie Chicago anarchist inn der cases. At this rate the anarchists a : liable to die of old age before the concl sion e > f the trials. There isn t much ela Lrcr of their necks stretching hemp , Tin ; czar ot Kussia has prespnte 100,000 francs to M. Pasloiir , His roy highness probably expects to bo lute * viewed by a mael elog , ami has paid tl great Paris doctor his fee * in advance. HMMIOAU earnings for Juno show hanelsome gain. Workingmen's oar : ings for the same month are not as e couraginu. As usual , the rallroaels g < the cool one ! of the poker. Dii.'s ) ) resent aeldress it. No. Wall street. Ncbraskans will now I able to account for any sudden court slons in Hie stock market. LAST Sunday's prayers for rain hai not yet succeeded in opening the lloo gates. Try it again. Tin : cool wave is refreshing , but twenty-four hour rainstorm would 1 more so. AMONC5 THU 1'OICTS. Lucy Lincoln , the poetess , was once a ml hnnil. Kiln Wheeler Wile-ox Is about to publish new volume of poems. Swlnbuine lecelved 2M from 11 Lonelon Times 1'or his iiietilcal attack o Olailstexi. l.aely Tennyson secretly prefers olive Wendell Holmes' poutiy to Tenuy's ; but si don't elaic say so. Pool Tennyson never introdtire > i.Uhvi Into his verso. He hate's them , but accepts pass when he ean eel one. Olhe-r Wenekll UyljiK-s lines not take ai lOC-k Ijj iho ll//.io's ! blooil ifpon the flo story told by the guides to Holyiooel 1'alac Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes has been ta lilt ; notes In "IMIna , KcotlaS daillii ! ; scat lie will enjoy his notes ambioauanro at h leisuie. MKs Katheiiiie Conway , an eelitoi'In.1 n sl-tuiit on the Iio- > ton Pilot , Is , like her chic John HoyloO'ltellly , a poet and a suholai and aeeomiilislied itio- u liter. llaiel Ijlncs for the Ifnwlccycs. t'lilcigo MaH. The iiupenclnnent of Auditor llrow eif Iowa , is on the home stiutch. This trl and the diouuht luue made luenl lines lortl llawkeyes lately. Conuosltinn of Political I'arJies , Uiide jiJt tn tli Ciiilnni- All political I'aities aio maele iipof fox * ami geese about 5 , < ! K)0 ) ccesc to one fox. The DIITercncc. fetentlfleAmfncfin. ' Who is that poor , old , lapsed Inokii . " "That's inventor child 1 mail , p.ipa ? an , , iiive'iits entiiely now ways of . favinj ; tlm money and labor in the pioeliiptlon of usefi ntticlos. " "Who are UHIM * Riiiitk'incii v ? lil iolil cluilns and diamond studs t ! aien't invcnlois. are they ? " "No , denr ; the improve' the machines the other man I ; vented. " \Varnlnfr lo Kaslorn Oh-is. I'Mlailelitliia ttecoiil. Some qucur individual typos are developt on the upland piairlcs of Minnosota. The ; was Henry Young , who the either day , alti a linnl letusal from a girl he hud icpoatocll asked to mm ry him , dellherately shot her I elcath anel then killed himself. What Is tl use of inviting eastern yomiK women top west and get man led when sue-li fatal onto talnment as this may bo loicoel ui > on them'.1 The nijjccst Ploco of News Yet. A Sluruliu tlic latccf-Sc'iator Dili' ! * . They have some < > ilgliialchniarters in the ; West ViiBlnla mountains. Once I heaid ically eloquent sermon at a church ten mile noith ot'thejiaik. Hut you can Imagine m siupilio when , in the mUlst of a bui t e rheiorle1 , the loveiond oiator clnKpeel h lumdb in ecstacy above Ids head , anil , liftln ids eyes lieavenwaid like a saint , excl.umeil "ilv liit'iidrt , all the \\oild shouted for jo wlu'ii thRKOod news of Christ's bnth llashe over the whes. " 1'orfeotljHonest. . An official of the St. Louis ens coinpnn was le'cently on the witness stand In eoui In a ea'-o of shnulnr. The slander consistev In eiellliiK a man an Idiot for selllnu'a ! ! hlsin stock tor fear that electiit'Uy would bleak u ill the ( iii.s companies. "Has oleclilclty Interfered with the vain if your gas stock ? " was asked. "To a slight extent. " "If yon weiiei to lose half your patrons ivould your stock still pay a dividend' . " ' "Ueitnlnly , sir. Wo should Himply Incrcasi ho hills of the other hall' to make up tin ilellclt. " _ Sullivan A. Thronoely. 1'hllaiklphla jVciti. iVcep , JJostonlans , lot the teai-s lain aioiuid your liuget sleek cars I luhum ye liavn loved to honor ow ele-clarus IIP is a gonorle lo will leave you to your sins , -cave * your e'ommon , le.ivo > emr beans , 5ay liuewoll to t'teioketel stieets , \Ks Id- , hand to Imnko heata , Mil adieu to Intclle.'ctual A'eimi'ii who h.ivn much henpecked you all , CM his hand to llaiv.ud fair , \nd the nietiilij | ic nil' iVIilrh has made you all such frlnkeis iVhen it whistles tlnoiisli yom \vliiskcrsl T\vo of OlileiaKo.H Hrunuli OIlleH. ' It is'now many years since Kansas Clt. iiilulged in a fever of joy over the cstab idhment of packing-housos there bj 'hicago firms , and prediuted that at ne. lisliint elay the whole business of hoj lacking woulel liavo boon traiisfurruil hither from this city , It was not fai rom that time that similar expectation : : vas ineliilgeel in witli regarel to Kast St .ouis , ami now the people of Oniahi : lave caught the Infection , They have t tli'.it tlio establishments of Armour , ? uUem Morris. Libby , ami others in tin Ircnsed-beof biismesa are to be given uj : u Chicago and ree > iiencd at what forms hu initial point of thu Union Paeifio rail- oad. It matters not that the parties lamed emphatically demy having taken , ny steps toward sue-h a transfer , or hav , ng any intentions to move. Omaha h ubilant , and they say the price of cornet ots is going up at a ratei which would lave maele the heart ot ( Jeorgo Francis 'ram jump for Joy luul It occurred when 10 was dabbling in real estate there Jl s nut impossible * that some1 of thu persons eforreel to , or otheirs , will iiltimatuly ele- Ido on cutting beef at Omaha for traus- lortation eastward It will bo a wonder t' they elo not. Hut it is unlll.t ly this city fill bo deserted by them on that uccguut The two places on ttio bnnka of the lissouri will ha\e to content tliemselyvb i > r many years to come with containing branch houses owneel in Chteago ar operated borders from headquarters I this city. Omaha itself is but a Missouri rive branch of the great meliopolis of II wost-ChicaCo-atiel Kansas City another bouah freun the parent sten lleitli e-illes an * in the main operated I telephone trom Chicago. Iillnrnry Xoti"j. Preibably the- moil active phase in tl : formative condltlnu wliieh wo call Aniei lean art is the movement in progrei throughout our western eille * . In S Louis a new art imi > eum sunple-mcnl the work ef ) a most e\cellent art scluio Tliieago , witli eili/eiis still li\iugwii wiitohtnl ( he Indians depart , Is bulletin ten- her art institute a new museum. Th money is renely for art iinneuiii > in Ml waukeeand St. Paul. In Minneapoll there is an art school of ambitious plan I he "llrst white male child born in Km sas" is trustee of n statei art associalioi Over a million dollars have been given t the art seiwol am ! museum of Clneinna within the last six years. An article b Mr. Kipley Hitehcoek , in the * Augii' ' ( Vntury , eicierihcs the prese-nt aspe > el anel the future possibilities eif "Tli Western Art Movement. " It will be em of the illustrated features of the "Mie summer Holiday" number. The evee-lleneies of "The Missing Mriih or , Miriam the Avenger , " by Mrs. Kmm I ) , K. N. Soitthworth , just 'piil'lNied b I. B. Peterson it Urothe'i-s , are manv an jjrcat , and it is erne of , if not the best , ei the whole , of Mrs. Soiithworth's popuhi proeluelions. For the brilliancy an point of her conversations , the ea n an su'rlt | of her narrative , the -.plondid an graphic character ot her descriptions r natural ce'iie'ry , anil the general powe ami originality of her conception * , sh occupies the front rank among all Amei ican writers of tielion. The nmral is a excellent om * ealeulateel to elo geiod ti all its readers. The story intens-ely in terersi.ig and aboiinels in alltheexee loneies of its author's vivid ami plctiii csque genius. J _ Selby A Moran , principal of the stem graphic institute , I'niversity ot Micldgat ; Ann Arbor , has iueil a valuablelitll volume entitled "One Ilumlreil Valuabl Suggestions to .Shnr'lianel ' Students The aim of this work is te > reniler as.ii.- tanee to 5tudents of all systems ot shorl hanel by a series of sugsestienib eonciiri ing important facts , only a few of whiu have * ever loiind a place in any te\t imol yi-L facts which every stiu'leiit shonl keep constantly in mind. As such , it i believeel that it will prove espe.ciall\ > I , . , , ; t ; ; thht jarfie class ot hUuiunt who are undergoing .1 ooui > e of self-it striiclion. Since that which lias bee written heretofore , in the same line e the present work , has been eonline almost wholly to court ami newspapu reporting , moro attention is given t amanuensis reporting , a now branch e the profession which has. of late year ; lar outstripped all the others , both in il numbers anel its requirements , implicit of expro iem lias been kept constantly i view that the book may bo used by'th student for general elietation work si soon as all the principles are learnee Mr. Moran is his own publisher. August ISuttcr. Dr. Crafts , at , New York State Dairy men's as.-ociation : Wo are eiften ted that June anil July butter ispriinu whe August butter fails ; then it grows bettei in September , and soon. Why is .Inn ' abd , lnly butter boiler than Au'giTU bul te rV ISeeause the cows have gone out i [ lie fresh fields anel have liael pure tjras in abundance. The How of milk is ii creased , and we readily churn bulle from it in about half the time in .Inly tha is required in the winter time or in othe seasons. .This is because of the Jim llso , not as gooel , 11111 ? take its place. The dairyman shonl have a crop of winter rye , and feeel tha with his corn meal , ami carry it lhrou < ' ' the month of August Cows fail in mil more in tlio month of August than in an other part of the season. In the inonl ! ol September tlio catt'o are alloweul t sweep over the meadow anel arouiul th corners of the fences where the mowni' ' machine elid not reach. Tlio rcmeely i to feeel corn meal eluring the month o August. Il would cost a trille over 1 ecu per pound for feed and extra trouble , bu the butter yield would bo kept up. I the rye gets too ripe before August hav a crop of clover for the cattle. Whei the rye gets nicely started , cut it with ; mowing machine anel a seconel crop wll soon bo ready. in .Japan. Corrcspoiiilonce New York SunKvor inn here ) has its large square tank of ho' water , feel from hot mountain sprinirs plear as crystal anel peculiarly invlgoral in" to thu tired traveler. AM.0011 as had finished my dinner of rice anel O\ ford sausages I asked fe > r the bath , am rt-as modestly cpniluctcel by the same Jumpy , swoet-voiceel little maid to a large rotnn at the front corner of the house faciiii ; en ) two streets , which upon inspec' tion I fomiel to bo the bath , anel , much te ; : ny dhconccrtmcnt , it was inclosed on : ho street sides by slat- , only , open tt ivory paper's gaze. . On my 'objecting .o bathing in public the innkeeper hnn i curtain of thin white e'olton cloth irounel the outside anel placed u Japanese icre'on so as to cut oft' the view iroin the nsido. Thus protejetcel I plungeel boldlv n , and hael the most perfect hot bath eJl ny life , notwithstanillng a boy or two ' to raise the curtain anel pnepm. 3ne real war-whoop was , howoveir , iiiough to riel mo of any further elis- iirbance , and 1 recommend the baths of iltinioiios'uwa unreservedly to the tired ravelor. Thi ; KiiHt Thrown In. Washington Critic : "Darling , " saiel a oung elepartmunl clerk to a pretty Seorgotown girl , whoso waist his arm on- ilrcled , "what elo you think your papa voulel say il I we > rn to usk him fe > r your mud ? " "I den't think ho'd like it , liar- y , " site lispi-el. "No * " he said in dls- uay , for he thought liu wai very ele > nru vitli the old guntloman. "No'Vliy \ " 'Hee-aiiso eluiir " she smileei uity" , my , ) , 'ho wouldn't want his only elatightur inn- ilatcd in that niaiinur. ASK for all of no , Harry , and 1 liavo it vaguu suspicion ou'll get mo mlirhty quiuk. " Hurry ; ave her a .sijiuni/.o as big as a dimi ) mu- itiini anaconda , anel saw the father nu\t lay in a most Micuus.'iftil mannur. 1. Oberfiilder has anpealrel from the 'oreliet ' aganisi hiin anil in favor of < ; . S ioodrioh , aniounting to . * U70vit ! ; eo ts AsSgis * MOST PERFECT < ' > Aiiirjouii lime , .r Alum PHICZ 8AW10 POWDER CO. : IIICACU. ST. LOUIS CSJ-1'EKKY DAVI31 , jgl PAIN-KILLER is ni.i'OMMr.NDiu : nv t'lij.Mcluii * . Muiui 'r < i. Mi iniinrlns , Miinngc Of fllrttn II MVoik < luiis | , I'lilllliellOllil , Neir iin llopunU in nurl , oroi ) > liiuljioij ln-i-o vlioluia i H nttiiil , TAKES INTKIlNAl.t.V IT WII.I. UK rOUKI ) A NT.VB VAILI.SU CU1IK foil SUDOHN COLDS , CHILLS , PAINS IN Tl IK STOMACH , CHAMPS , SUM- MKK AND HOWF.L COMPLAINTS - PLAINTS , SOUK Til 150 AT , &e . n\TKHN\ , IT is Tin : MOST rurcTivi : AMI HKST MNIMENT e ) > 1.M111I ioll I'fltlMl SPRAINS. HRl'lSIW , RHKMATtSM NKt'UALUlA , TOOTI1-AC11IO , 1HM5NS , FUOST.IUTKS , iVc. Prices , 25c , , 60c. and $1.00 per Bottle. FOR SALE BY ALL MEDICINE DEALERS Cjy Bownro _ of ImitatioiiB. , ( J Kebraslja national BanK OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Paid xip Capital . $260,000 SuplusMay 1 , 1885 . 85,000 H , \V. YATI-.S. Pre-ecnt. ! ! A. E. TOIT/VUS , Vice President. W. H. S. HUOHK3 , Oaslilor. , . W . V. MOU3K , JOHN S. COI.MN9 , U. \ > . I'Any , LuwiaS. UUUD. A. K. TOIV.AI.I.V , BANKING OFFICE : THE JRON BANK. Cor , 12tli mid Faranm Stroots. Oononil JIuuKmjf liusiiuuj gyffiijmj * * cssazea IJlioto VITAI.ITV Is fiillwr. Ilialn IMtMM'U ivnj r.\IIAIISTKI > ol-l'owpi 1MII..M \.l' r.l.Y WAST ( Ell may nml a iwrfecl nnil reliable oinu In th . unnnH luoitipii ) uiifcxA.i. itrM / s.- * ; Tm 7. pnp 'raml inrdlr&li > ndunipm iiUiV < i , rlH.i. . C'Dnfiiltv lion ( iiiili-pni'livinall ) null rlx pirliant ilocton I'ltliU CIVIAI.E AliC/JCr. / No. 170 Fuilnn Stroel. Now WOODBRIDGE BRO'S ' State Agents FOR THE Omaha , Neb. Tansill's Punch Cigars n-pro Blilppoil durinn tbo imst two yonm , v.itllotit n drnin. . tiirrfiiniirpnijilny. Noothc IIOIIRO in tliu 1701 Mean trutu- fulh uluKnHUoUasliowlug. eno ) nKout Idonlrr onlrl wniitcu In onch towu. SOLD BY UADIM5 DHUCCISTS. H.W.TflMSILL&CO.,55 Slate St.Clilcaflg. 017 St. < : ! inrlcH.Sr.S ( . f.oiils.Mo. Arrgaliircra'lu&tQor two Medical Collcgoi , 1m been lonfir eLHnRa In tbeBpccUllrcktmentor OHKOMO , Ntnvovi , . Atnt and HLUID Dimmi tbannnr olh r I'bjilclan luBl. Loull. ai city I'tpon ihoT AoJ nil old rc | dffitti know Nervous Prostration , Debility , Menial and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and olhcc Affec tions ol Throat. SUIn or Bpnes , Blood Poisoning , Old SorCS and Ulcers , trt treated whli unparalleled BIKCC.I , on laKit irlrtHIOc prlnclle | > KnMr. ITU.loly. Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , Excess. Eiposuro or Indulgence , viiicii product IODIO oru. . rollowlDg cflceti t Dervuu.ocii , diLHilj. dluiDrn or ll tl anddcreetlrglatmorj , pliuplti on Iho fucf , i > b > il ldic > r , arcr.loulollie luelclror femalci , coofuilon et Idiai , eW. , renaorlnz MarrUgo Irapropor or unliippy , ati p rm.ncnlly euc.J. I'.uipaioKSO | .ap ion ) the abele , 6nt lorealed corelopo , rruotofiiiy addrma. ConiultaLlaaator * Occur bj rail ! frtr , Invliod and itlcUjc unj DIUl. A Poslllvo Written Quarantoo ( iron laertn nlilo aie. lltJIclne icot evcrj nlerj ty man ore 260 PAGES. FIKE PLATED , c1t&t elotb n-1 rill ItloJlttfr , itt lcd ti r * > Oo. IQ | to ' c ° or eurrtncj. OTIF Jifly vor.el.-rfil pea pictures , trur lu jifo , artlri nouthefoltowltiii * ubj--cif - who iim > - tatrry. wtiouat. wtiy , t nubooel , woraaa. liejod pli. ii leal flccuy.ctrpjis ofc ila'r nnr.1 xaus.thc ( lift. , niolTDtnf iiK'Tn. ' 'jTbuia married lolog/orrftireeinctlcu or cooUmpUiftiK mtipilact tboutl rt. .4 It. l * ( .rlir 4lUoa tame , ( , c veryfla , Adtlrt-B < tto ( jr. irtjttler ' DR. IMPEY. sar , 'rnctico limiU > d to DiHonsos of the YE , EAR , NOSE AND THROAT IHtcil fe > r nil forms of defectlyo Vision. Arlillciiil Eyud Inserted. o. P. DAVIS &ca lebraska Land Agency "CHICHESTER'S ' ENGLISH. " Tlio Orlfhuil and Only < Jriuiliiot < Btfc nnlulwt i Ufiiftl'i * ) M * > wtraof uorllilvM IinlUtlcsf , lDJIt jriaM' ] Lu LADIES. At * " * ' l > r vffl t far MCI. | < hrt > tf > rJii rntEH Ir'ftD'l Ukc nu otti r ur Kvion i rL.cutar in trtltf It ) nturn Di ll * * < ; ltUit ) iUr < ' ! H mlonl < ! n. Mold tiy ltrnctl t ri rr > t . Aik tm ti-r i.riil * un C uti > ro ut J'lU * . Do you -want a puro. bloomIng - Ing CoiujiloxioH t U' so , a .HU' tmnliraliniiK of Jinunn's JfAONOLf A HALWL will gnit- ii'y you lo your howl's eon- toni. fl dop.s away witli Kal- linvn ss , Jtwlnoss , Pimples , JUniclios , and all iliscjisosand IinpiTi'mjtions oi'llio sliin. It ajujo ol' heat , liilltjiio niul exIt - It makes a lady oi1 TIllKTVnppPiirliHiTWKN- 'J'Y ; and so nulural , yradual , and ixtrlocl are ils oiltmls. iliai ii is iniposhihlu tn tlolocc Ha upiliitiau. ] ( : ;