Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1886, Page 3, Image 4

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A Light Day in Trailing on the Chicago
Board of Trade.
Advances In Corn , Onts and
I'rnvlslons An Oiiiiilni llrokcion
Cr < is Tlic Cnltlu
Ciiir.uio , .Inly 14. iSirinl | ! TeU'Riam to
f.ic IJt'.l--Wni : ] AT Siiveulathu Interests
ilhl not distinguish themselves to-diy
liy tiny ( k'f-hled notion oneay
or the oilier , though ilimit ? the maj'jr
jiniiiou of tin * sos ion prices averaged u little
licttoi tor the bull iuteiosl'i than the > eloped
last nl { lit. 'I'lieetoii situation has become
10thoroughly nihcili uil Hint flesh advices
on this suhjei-t full to ntti-.iet the nip.ismu of
iittention foinioily bestoweil on Still ,
they eontiiiuu to crime In , colou-d allotnately
rosj niid blue , and to rceeUo a ruilnln pel-
attention , ' ( 'lie latest Is lioiu n
opiosontatKo of the Mllli'is' asso-
elation \ > ho is " ( toliiK" the country in noitli-
\ > e > tin D.iKota and repotls tliu cn > | >
\vlllnote\ceod one-tlilid the a\ciaie nnd e\on rains now w111 not tepalr tliu damn -
n i > alteady done In-the drought. Till * t.ilk
Induced mute 01 less bii > liir | on speculative
lu-foiiut by local paitn-s , which ill times , pai-
tlniliirlj eail > in tliu uioiniiiir , helped lo hold
: lie tnniUut up , hut u | ri > od shale of ] iuiehases
eaiiuout Intel and e.iiHi'd uioie or ks of
leni-tioli. As on jeMcidav Aiiuiist Client
opened e\aetl\ \\hcieliclo-ed 7Vi' . ANitliiu
haltjor thce-iiiniteis | ot anlioiu It hail eased
nil'to 7DV , but the mnikot ] > ullel ( ll-ell out
ol this int befoie noon , nudltoiu 11 to 1-
o'elock iniizuil | tiltcs Mi-mlj mound
KV , sellinc at ono tlmu as hinh
us Ni'jc. Then le.ill/ln tinman and
juices sliiiniied ( ill to " ' .I'HC ' , \\lieio they stood
at 1'Jji.O. Tliu elose at 1 o'elm-k wnsiinut | and
oaiy. Tin- volume of trade , is hno HUMUS
hnuy , iind in tiniilicnrc ol aiiythliiK to in-
dlice oulslde ttadlliK , ns e.uiied on almost
wholl > bj oieinlois | It wasnotice.ibly
a day inhich "pluu eis" kept out. I'uts
weieal > < ) iit tliu only sustaining cause until
shoitl ) lieloio 1 oelovkhen the maiKet
\\asluoltciioii the u-poited Iniluie ol thi ;
I'rovldent bank al St. I.ouis , Aimnst nlieat
dioiiiiiiL' | toTt't- and c-loslnt : al Tti' c iniUc-d.
One luoKei teloKiaphed his linn from Omnha
to-di > : "Noaiipeaiauce ot lain. Wheat is
damaged lu Nebiaskabeyoiidiucoveo There
\\lll not bulialf aciop. Corn Is.snlfeiInland
i.snlrenilv Miinewhat injined. "
Cdit.N Coin was in lieavy receini llOcniH
\\hieli affected fix ) oien'in ] r ix little bo'A"i-
Ishly. feepteinher stalled out at HJ caualnst
the rlos yesterday at I0140t-in'1c. After advancing
' it . ! ' .l * and
vancing tHO'/e ( , sllllupedb.icU to > c
closed slow.
OATS A Rain ot ? icas , made in Septem
ber o.xts. about as milch In sympathy with
coin as fiom puichases.
I'ltovistoNs Fair stieugtli prevailed in
l > ioIhions , hut trade was inclined to he desul
tory. September poik opened at fe'.i.QTk , ad-
\anced to ? 10.10 , reacted all litly and closeil
Ci'itii,2:2."ip. : m. Wheat Mas lather anlpt
on the cuib , with the fooling a sliade easier ,
bcliiB qnot.iblu at this wi itlnj : at 7ic ! for Au
gust. I'uts , sfc ( , and calls ' ' .l @ 7'J4C. ) It
\vas reported lalnini ; in the northwest.
.Inly 14. fSiccial | Telegram to
the UKI : , | CATM.K The hll'ht ( improve-
inent lute last week started a ijood many cat
tle fiom a distance , and the lOtLCirx ; advance
in piices Moiulny bioiiKhl in ; ; good niaiiy
rftitlo IToin ncailiy iiofnis , and so to-day we
hail quitoan ocessno inn of native cattle.
The variety and quality was large , and there
wcie liberal offerings of neailj all grades and
descriptions. The general market was very
I much weaker In tone , and many bids wore
hill-of'i'ic lower Jlian > csteiday. Uujcrseie
finite InulfTcrant and moved very slow , well
knowing tliat tliev would get wliat
they wanted without showing anv
anxiety. I'liccs on an average wuio 15e
Io\\m. " One lot of very prime cattle sold at
8.1.15 , and they weio about as ( 'ood as
cattle bold yestciday at S.:50. : Then-
was a very large yoluino of
business done , liit ) a good many cattle uero
loft unsold. The maiketelosed veieak. .
Shipping steers , iMJ : ( to i.oo ib-s ,' ' @ " > .l'i ;
1200 to it50 : ibs , si.oo&M.ix ) ; u-iO to law ibs ,
SU.T.'XnM.S. ' ) . Among the .sales weiolUXo-
biaskas , I'JTT Ibs , nt fcl.bO. About : ! ,900 Texas
cattle weiehero to-day , making 1,700 for the
week thus far. The geueial market was
weak and pi Ices wote'JO@oulower : ; than List
week. Thuianu'O was lower than yesterday ,
thouifh in ices went \eryune\eu. One. lot ol
Will Ib Texaus sold at $ W > . Late yesterday
W Nebiaska cows , mi Ibs , hold at Si.H ( ) .
About 1,0M ( ) Texas cattle ani\ed too late lor
tliemarKet , and ( lie close was veij weak.
HOUR Trade was ( aiily active with an nj > -
titin ot aHtiong r e on liest solid pointed ,
lleet cornled mixed ? 4.bOiC. ( | . 15 , and ura&sy
stock ol the same averages S4.iy 'iiM.70 ; best
lieavy , SH.K ! ) ( r)0 ( ) , and light 54.
Nmv York. July 11. MONEV On call
SB ranging from to % , closing at 2
per cent.
J'uiMK Mr.ncANTii.E I'AI'KU 4@j per
Snii.ixn : : iCxciiAxnK Kalily active nnd
unchanged ; S4.M1 { lor sixty ilaj bills , and
S4.bS on demand.
liovKUNMiiNrs ( itncinmoiits were quiet
with In ' .4 per cent hlulicr.
S i oi'Kh-l'lio opening ot htncks wascomiiar-
atively higher , thn advance langliig liom 't , to
Ji pereont. Omaha was down Jic , N'oitli-
ein 1'nelllc pietened 'i per cent.
ami Union I'.u'llio ' per cent. The
mailcet was dull and featureless through
out the day. being alteunitely Him and lieavy ,
nnd finally closed steadj near the opening
lip ; m es.
BWcontbondH. . . iC. . W
if. S. 4Vs iC.N HO
Now4'H N , Y. 0 . 105 %
l-aellloO'sof ' - . . Oieton Tian. . . ajk
Ceniral 1'acillo . I ? 1'aellloMall . fi-Vr ,
O.&A I' . , 1) . AeR .
prefi-ired . . . 'r. ' i > . c .
C. , I ) . A-Q Kock Islann. . . .
! > . , 1&W ist. u &s. r. . . . -J4
l nieferred. . .
Erie. . , 51.
prefeneil. . . . T-J.'fl preferred. . 1S3 138 St. V. ifeO 4.c
I. , ll. A\Y I ! ! } , piefeneu. . .
Kuiihas&Toxas. ! fl Texas 1'acltie. . . twt
J.uKeShoio K'I Union 1'acllic. . . 5-0H
J..V 41'4\V. | \ , St. ij. & 11. . 17 4X
Mich. CVnlral. . . . 71 i preferred. . . 80
Wo. racltic ItX'.i , ' Western Union fiftM
Northern i'.io. . . 'J0 i 0.U. fc , N 107'i '
prefuned. . . . SO' . , !
.Inly II. Flour Quiet anil
fiteady ; southern winter wheat , S4l.ri < S4.5Uj
Wisconsin , ? .UHs4iri ) ( ! ! .Miehlgan S4 00jf4.Mi ( )
Mift spiliig wheat , fet.MK : U ( > ; .Mlniiusota
bakei8\fci.W : > < 'if4lO ; patents , S4.lOfl.N ) ; low
grades , Sl.7r .cj.7.'i ; ijo Hour , fc'l.'J.'iC . ' ! .r)0
WheatKalilv actlvo ; a\eiaged lower on
dull cables , Kppoils of rain In some .sections
nnd | iio-H'cts | of larger tecnipts at winter
wheat maiket. No. Scash , 7r e ; July77 > 4U
August tij ) , ; .Seiitember H ) > H.
iVnnWeaUer : Xo. 'i cash , iiijj : July , 7 :
August , ! 1 > K ; September , Ui > U-lfio ; No. ' . <
jellow , : to'4e : No. : t , ai' e ,
Oath Quiet and steady , NT , 2. cash , July
and August.-M'ic ' : September , ' "J ; ' .
Ityo-Qulet ut 55e for No. U.
llailej S'oniinal alfiSc.
Flax Seed-.Seaico : No. 1 , 31.10 > ; .
TlmothQuiet but lUml'ilme ; , S'.07S
1'oilc Mess , moderately active ; advanced
UJ'ijO. ' but i > ilces not supported ; cash
JfW.lKKftii.ltt ; August , StUHXa'J.b1,1) ) ! , ; September
. .
Lard Fliiuer ; cash , $ fl.K > ( < if > .00 ; August
O.OJ'uSil.ft'i ; Seiitember , bO-W ( 0.75.
Hulk Mrats bhurt rib bldus steady ; cash
$ ( l.0 ; boxed meats steady ; diy salt slioul
dors , 3V. < K < iO.OO ; short clear sides , SJ.7Xi. ( (
liuttei Khm ; ereamery. bettor Inquiry fo
lowei grades at IfiKo ; dalry , ' < ilU c.
Egffi ICiislcr at Isc.
Cheese Steady ; cheddnrs , peed to fini
eieam. 7 > io ; Cheddars , flats , full cieam , U ii
box. 7'll7 > 4c ; YUIIUI ; Americas , -I it
Wlltilea Heavy dry salted fully cured , 8i4c
Usht , Wc ; damaged , 7Uei bull hides , 5c
ilr * salted , Hrtl > : dry fl'iit. Sf'iUc calf j
Inliowhi vnnntrj.i : if ; No. 2 , So ; cake. '
Kcvclut * . Shipments.
rinnr , li'iU ' 1-J.OOT 1SCUJ
Wheat , tin 41.000 21.000
Corn.bit .Vtt.oio nM. ( > oo
Oat , bti IKs-.oixi -7.000
Kjo.o.l 2,000 U > CO
Harlvi.uu Kiwi ) 0,000
New Voi-k. Julv 14. Whtat I'coeints , ; psuorli , wViOO ; spot shade lowet ;
options opened l'fifcl\c ' lower , later ad
vanced ' { Wjp , afterwards declined ' { Ml1 * ! * ,
closlnir heavv ; uugindcd red , S7iisi ; ; No. i
led , W e ; No. 2 ird , August , closed nt
( orn spot , ' .fni.'r lower ; opened V'I'-te '
lower , closing dull anil heavy ; i.veiiil" . < ! ' . ' .
OX ) ; expoit.o , : iViOO ; iiPirradeiK 4sf 4HSc : No.
Auitiist el'i-ed aMi ( 4c.
Oats ' 4i"'iiC ' lower ; receipts. 41,000 ; e\-
pints , , i ; mixed vvestein , 85yi > e ; white
vestcm. 401'Mfie.
IVtrolcum .Steady and unchanged ; t nlted
CllsPl ) | at liVaC.
1'ork Dull and unchaticod : old me1 : , ! ) ; now mess , vii.2ViMl.G2'j. '
Lard Opened at about 5 points hlu'lier ,
elo ed we.-ik with advauri ) p.ullyliMot : -
rin steam , spot , fciWiai3i5 ) 6i August , W.JU )
Uutler ( } met and unchanged ; vvo tciii , lo
O'lijtfl' .
riicesr Tirm , closing tame ; westeiii , 7 > 4
C"T- .
Iteirsj-Kmn , lair ilemanileslein ; lie-h ,
MiiwiiiiUcc , Julv 14 Wheat Lower : , ii"e , ; August , r'vSeptember ) ' : , f > l'i.e. '
Coin Hull ; No.-J. : ! r'd/Jso '
Oals Active ; No.J , : ' - .
KM ? SfMioi' : : No. l.iit'jc.
Uailc'V- Dull anil lower ; Xo. 2 , filJ.ifiZGJo ,
1'iovlslims Illyher : mess potk , easli and
AiiKUst , V.UKJ ; September , S10.IX ) .
Ciiioliuintl. , lul\ II. Wheat Kasior
and lowei ; No. U led , 77'fe. '
MIOIIR nml lil hei ; Xo. C , mixed ,
Oats Stionf ; ; Xo. 2 , mixed , rc. ) Kit m ; No. 'J. Mijfe.
I'oikl'iitn nt felO.H'i } .
Laid Slioue ut SO.MJ.
WhlbkN ( jnlcl : sales , fijrt battels of lin-
Ishrd floods on a basis nl § 1.07.
tMliinoapoils , .lul.v II. Wheat Unset
tled and vu-al ; No. 1haul , cash , NIC ;
August ; si',11 ' SeDtemhei : hJtr Oeiobei ; No.
t noithein , Kio , e.ish ; 71 ! ' M An iisl : 7e
Seplemher : 7.e ! ) ' Octoliei ; No.noitliern ,
7-'ce.ish ; TU'ji1 ' August.
1'lour Quiet : patents , SI.40i/M.iO ;
IteeelptsWheat , TH.OOO bushels. .
Shipments Win-ill , 1H.030 bu ; Hour , 1 , 10
St. Ioni , .lulv It. Weak ;
Xo. 2 ted. easli , 7S'-e ' : August , V.l'ie. '
Coin Weak and l W-e lowei ; mixed ,
ash , : ! ! ' , e : Ainrust , ir.'i.e.
Oats \Veak \ ; Xo. U mixed , cash , 32 c ;
\ULMIst , CTc.
K > e-SteadvatWc.
i'cr-SteaiU-j ! ' 5 ! ' . 5o
Whisk > - < 1.07.
tilvci-pool , Julv 14. Wheat holdcis
Ifer lieely ; wintir , dull. Os , 1''d ;
spiing , dull. Os , UXd ; llom holders otlci
teely ; extra Xo. t spring wheat , S s , : td ;
orn spot nnd tutuie .simply , latsc : new ,
lived , nml July , Is ; August , 4s , ll'ijd ; Sop
ember , 4s , id.
Chicago , Julj 14. The Diover's Journal
reioits | as follows :
Cattle Hecelpts. lO.KOO ; weak. 15c lower ;
hipping steeis , Sl.70(33.1.1 ! ( ; stockers and
eeder , S'i.2" > ( " : ! .sO ; cows , bulls and mixed ,
51.50(1 ( ! 8.73 ; bullc , S2.2-X 2.7S ; slop-fed
tccrs. Sl.f)0ii)4.iO ( ) ; tlnoiigh Texas cattle ,
eceipts , nearly I.O.X ) head , lower ; common ,
S240.i ( t.OO ; griod , Si.00as.75. : : ;
llozs Itccelpts. 17,000 ; active and good , "c
ligher ; rough and mixed. SI. I54.50 ; pack-
ne and shipplntr. S4.bOijO.OO ( ; light , 54.CO@
.05 ; fddps sf'A2Jai.iO ( :
Sliccp "Kecclprs. IJOiV. steady ; natives ,
* 2.00fS4.-10 ; westerns. & :3.00Ba.75 : ( : Texans ,
S2.0Jg.00 ( : ! ; himbs , per head Sl.2'ia4.00. (
St.Ijoui'i. July 14. Cattle Ueceipts.8,000.
shipmenlb , 1,500 ; fairly actlce ; 20 lower :
good to choice ; snipping SUiO@4.UO :
ommon to fair. 83.7 : ) ® 1.4. ) ; butelieis'
teeis ,' > : cow.s and belter ,
' -
Hogs I. _
active 5cliiRS
54.504.bO ; li ; _ . . .
ereamciy , 1D@1CC. ; dairy , 10@15c.
Kiinsus City , July 14. Cnltlo Kecclpts ,
2,700 ; shipments , 10,00 ; slow ; weak :
choice , S4..riO@ .CO ; common toinedinin , S3.UU
fiM.V i stoclieis , S2.iiOnt.25. ( ; ; leeders , SS.So
( Si.70 : ; cows , S'iOO'i8.if ! ) .
JIoss Itcccipts , 1,150 ; shipments , 1.700 ;
choice , heavy ; steulyar ; c lower ; ( 'ood to
choice , S-1.55ii.l.75 ( ; commoti to medium ,
554.0@4.50. !
Toledo , July 14. Wheat weak ; closed
steady ; easli , ssifc.
Coin Steady ; cash , SSc.
Oats Nominal.
Wednesday Kxening , July II.
Cattle The leceluts\xeie hugcr Unlay than
'or some time and the maiket was lalrly act-
\e. Value-siemaln about steady at loimcr
IliKis The i eceipts woio not heavy but
ibeial in eumparlson with what other maik-
> ts aio getting. The quality of the hogs did
lot axerago as good as jesterday , but they
sold higher than the same hogs would have
nrought yesterday. The demand xvas good
ind oxeijtlilng was sold eaily In the day.
SHI.KITheie are none on the market.
Cattle 000
PrcvnlliiiK Prices ,
Showing the pruvntliiiK prices paid for live
stock on this maiket.
Choice hteertf , Hi-'jO to 1500 Ibs S4.r,0@4.70
Choice ateeis , 1100 to iOD : ; Ibs 4.-J5it4.iX )
.Medium steers , lir 0 to IS.0 Ibs. . . 4.2.riVitl.SO (
Fat little steers , 10.W to 11.00 Ibs . . . . J.lKK'U.M
( iooil leeders , WO to 1000 Ibs : t.5oriM.7,0
Coed to cholco cows and liolt'eis. . . li.OOiii.TI : !
Fair lo medium COWA nnd liuUers. . 'J..f.U , < it.on ;
( iood to eholco bulls 2.'i" ) . < i ,7.ri
Choice li ht and medium hogs. . . . 4..vXio4.r > 0
( iood toeliolcu he.wy boss -l-dOoM. ? ! )
( looil lo choice mixed IIO.JH -I.S'iMI.OO
Fair to KooA shorn sheep 2.50(3 ( . 5
1ciroHOiitutivo Hnles.
Xo. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
20 1141 81.40 SJWI 1 ! 3 S1.05
! i'J VJWJ 4.55 tS 12bO1.05
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
51 2IS ! SJ.50 5 ! ) 252 SI.OO
72 210 4.50 .05 240 4.00
7U 171 4.52)4 ) a1) 2SS l.CO
07 ; ; 0.1 4.55 141 221 4.CO
li'J 2215 4.55 TiTi 201 4.60
05 - . ' J'.l - Ca
4,5-ltf 270 4.U ( )
71 2.VJ 4.57JJ 57 IJO'J ' 4ari
150 . . . . " .JO 4.57H 5 Bi5 4.C5
151 ! > . ? 4.57M 58 BCU 4l
01i50 4/AJ M 258 4.05
Tiinow ours.
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. I'r.
1 fXX ) 51.00 1 400 4.25
llnngo of I'ricoN.
Showing the hU'lii'st and lowest prices paid
for mixed loads of hogs on this maiket ( Vn-
IIIK the past seven d > s , with comp.irntlvo
value.s :
Juno July
Wednesday 7th 81.45 W4.C.O
Tliuihday bth. . ; t.70 @T,75 4.2'j ( n4.2..Jf .
Kliday , Uth. . . . 3. < U * @ 1.77 > $ 4.2.5 (24.45
Satlllday , llltll. a.W OjH.70 4r M4.50
AIollil.iv. 12th. . 3.70 ( SS.7S 4.45 ft4.fX )
Tuesday. IStli. . ! ) .70 ( T < : i.75 4.W ( a4.70
Wednesday 14lh ! l.05@a.70 4.50 ( gj.ia
Showing the number of cattle , hogs and
hheep shipped duriuc the past tweuty-luui
No. Cars. Ut. Dest.
b O.K. AQ Chicago
10 Mil Chlcaao
7 N. W Chicago
No. Cats IU. Dest.
4 Jill Chicago
15 N. W Chicago
0 U. . &Q Chicago
Ijlvo Stock snlos.
Showing the numlH'r of cattle , hog ? , and
sheeji puichased by the leading bujeis to
day ,
O. II , Hammond & Co 37C
Trcmain A : Tiemaln tn
John Itoth 2C
lions. '
hodman & Hothchlld IK
Anirlo A. Tacking Co 45i
ChukUios . . . . . . . 105 ;
All sales of stock in tins market are made
M'rrxvt. 1li e weight unless otherwise stated.
Dead hoes soil t HP per Ih for all weight * .
"Skins" or hois weighing less than lee Ib *
nox-alue. Pregnant oxvs at o I'OckC'i ' 40 Itjj
nndtiagi SOIbs.
Notes. .
Hop-- Oil -xild.
Cntllo < teadx.
A .stronger 'iog ' inaiket.
The axeraire i eceipts of cattle aie on the In-
ciea < e.
J. It. 1'oiter , Itliilr , was lieieand nuuketcd
n load ofoif \ \ * .
M. II. liodw ell. Madison.vas anioit ? the
\isitoisattlie > aid .
I' . Me.Maiius. Hancioft , was heioxltl' n
load ol butelieis'stnll. .
V. I'aupol. Hlalr. eanip In lo ilaj and mar
keted a load of eon. led Mui > i3.
hitter > V : Fin/ler , Wayne , were both in
lo-da.x and sold two loads of hogs.
11. J. llcndtleks. Columbus , was at the
xanls ami marketed n'lnad of cattle.
t ! . II. Hammond .v Co. ate killing iiearl.x
tlnee liundieil liead ot cattle per day.
W. Ha > , a lieipient shipper to the yards , in today and sold , i hud of hogs.
Dave Andeison. Columbus , was in to-dav
and sold a load of hoi ? * and a load of butchers'
Mi. Meliilo-di. of Melntosh tButton. : .
Cliapmans. x\as \ licie and sold txxo loads ot
pat lie.
A. I ! . Kouden , of Louden A : Stnltlt , I < onp
I lt\ . was ammiu' the shippoth who weio In
toda > , nud sold IXMI in ids ol luus.
' Alt Kepoilei. ' ' said an old eallle sales
man. "vim uia > just lell cminti.N shipiieistliat
it thov'pay an j tiling lor old cows noxv tiiey
xvlll lo e money. I he folks in the country
cannot besln to ieili/eho\v cheap the cows
nml helleisaie selling , and they ale ninth
lar mole at homothaii lieie. ' ' Drovers' Joiu-
nal ( Clikago ) .
Suppies'-liig cattle sales generally fails
shoit ol the ptirriM' . l-'or instance , a man
will haxe a lienl ol eattle sold for less limn
he expected , and letuses to haxo made pub
lic. r.seuliddj at once suspeels that some
thing is tinmattei. . and teg-
ulailv publMii'il , would pass unnoticed , all
hands set tn woik to lind what Is wroni : and
all about it when Ills snppiesscd. People
who \\atit to know , alxxajs llnil out \\liat the
cattle In ought , aud iiianv pel sons who would
otlieiwise beiiiditietent , talk about It aud dig
out the l.iels snnpl.y because ! ho owner tiies
to hide them. Sometimes when the first lot
sells loxx the ownei wants to siippiess the/
sale and sell tliu iciiiaindei to MMIO one at
home not in possession ol the facts , lint as
n title xx hen sales go out "p. t. " interested
peiions cenetalli conclude that thcie Is a
"nlitgei on the leuce" whetlici theielsornot.
Dioxeis Journal.
Goncrnl Markets.
Wednesday Kxcnlng , July II.
Koos The bulk of sales aic being made at
lU-rinn Thcie Is a , cooil jlcimuul for
cnoicciaoieuiiucr anu inc rccciUt , mv n t
heavy. Poor bulter Is iCoelvcd in ivbTiuu.inco
and has to lie -old at xeiy low pi Ices. C'hoieo
packages ot extiu choice butter aic picked up
icadily and at piices even higher than the
quotations given toi choice butter. At this
season ol the xcai , even choice Imttcr shipped
in banels becomes almost worthless bctoio it
is lecelved on the maiket. The \\aun wcatlier
melts it dow n until it Is little hcttei than oil.
Seveial bairels leceived this \xeeK wlilch
\\ould haxeeoiumaiided 10i- per Ib If in tubs ,
had to he sold at : ' @lc. Choice liesli talile
butter. 10 : lairtoaood,7nScinfeior ( ; ! , l > Mic. (
Ciusiai : rnll cicam elieddai % single. SUftB
9o ; tnllcieam twins , vj ; tjoung American ,
IDc ; S\xis , imported. 2V )27c ) ; skim Hats , 4@
lie ; hlmbuiger , JJQil2j ; bride , 12al4c ( Sxviss
domestic , 12'10c. ' (
I'ori.iit'i The spiinp chlclicns received
ax-eiaged Iniger Ihis week than List and haxu
commanded hotter pi ices. As the dltleienco
is so in size and qualll > it is not easy to
gho an e.xact Quotation ( hat will lit all caVe .
Uld fo.\xls have-been selling iaiily well at
nnolations ; choice large towb hive been tell-
ItTg as uigli as 5S.OO. A few clucks arc" occa
sionally iccehed , but there is very little de
mand lor them. Old fowls , per doz , ? 2.ffi ;
spiing chickens , large , S'.75n'MK ; ) ; spiing
chickens , medium sixes , 81. " > 0 ( < M.25 ;
chickens , small , not xvanted ; ducks ,
2.25.Cxunxoi : Cnoiee nome giown , per doz ,
50f70c. (
S Tomatoes , per Jbu box- ,
. - .
ciCri.rnv A small amount is coming in , but
Siloes not sell \ciy last. Shippingstoelc , per
o50c. .
ONIONS Southcin , per bbl , SI.OO ; south-
em , per tin-box , 51. SO.
A I'lM.i'.s Choice fiesh icceipts of shipping
stock have been selling faiily xxell. A good
many aresliipped in tliat ate not suitable lor
lesluiiincnt and such stock lias to bcdisnoied
ot to peddleis or the local trade at lower
pii-esthan those rpioted. Choice shipping
htoi-k , iwr bbl , SJl.oOdi'J.OO ; choice shipping
stock , pel box , T5c@Sl.oy.
C Yi.troiiNiA Km us 1'cceipts aio more
libeinl and outside oideis can be lilted mine
' *
per crate of 4 baskets , S-i.50 ; plums' , ft ciate
lots , yei ciate , 82.BA ; JJaitlett , pel box ,
BANAXA IJananas arc very good and
very cheap now. Uananas , jci ) [ much , as to
size , S2.oOai.50. ( :
COCOANI is Cocoanuls.perlOO.fc.'i.OO ; less
than hundred , per 100 , ? 5.r,0.
BKIIHIKS lied i.ispbeiries , peril pint case.
St.75M2.00 ; black laspbeiries per 10 quart
ease , SU.MWS.75 : blackbeilies , per 2-1 quait
case. $ ! UXi.75 ) : ; blucbeiries , per hiibhel
stands , S. > .00.
LU.MOXS Receipts are light and demand
brisk , owing to hot weathei all over the
country. Kancj lemonsaieiiuotableatSlO.CO
uer box to-day , while lair to good are selling
atS'J.OOe'WO. ' A luithei-advance Is antic- !
WATKHMI i.ovs Per 100 , SI55.00.
Kins AND D.vir.M Figs , la > er. 4 Ib boxes ,
per Ib. iCc. D.ites , t.iney f.ucl , 12 Ib boxes ,
lie : date . Pcisian , 50 Ib boxes , pel Ib , lOe.
Ni is I'ccans , lame polished , lie ; pecans ,
medium , He ; Kngllsh walnuts , lie ; almond- ,
Tairairona. 20c ; almonds , Langucdoc- :
Ilia/Us , 12e ; lilbeits , 14e ; peanuts , hand
picked , fanev Vimlnla. Ki e : peanuts , hand
nickedcliolce VIrginia , 7j jepi-anuts ; , roasted ,
2e extra perlb.
HO.M.V California , 15e ; California ,
stialned , lOu ; Nebiaska , choice , laiKNe ! ( ; -
hiasl.a , dark , I'JJjdSKie.
.MAri.KSi'fiAii Bucks , jicrlb , 15e ; ticnny
calces , perlb , ll ) < e.
MAI-I.H .Sviifi'-IJnlb , 14 lo 17 gallon lpgs ,
per gal , SI.OO ; gal cans , pel gal , 51.01 ; halt
gal cans per gal. SI.10.
' 1111:11 : New York , per bbl , S7.00 ; do. halt
bbl , > 4.UO ; Ciab , pei doqts , 82,75 ; .Michigan
lehned. per bbl , ( jil.OO.
VIM-I.AH Wlilto wine , l.T < I < 17c ; cider , lit
@ 17e ; slnglo stienuth , ! : ie ; triple stiength ,
! > ( < KQc.
1'ios' Fim : , Tntrr , KTC. Pigs' feet , per
yt 1)1)1 ) ) , P4.00 ; do , i bbl. 'J.OOdo ; , pei kit , t)0c. )
1limbs' tongues , pur ' & bbl. , per Kit.
82.50 ; do , quart jars , per doSS.'S ' ; do , pint
jars , per case , 2 do/en , , $ O.T > . Tripe , per ! <
lblS4.00 ) ; do , pei } 4 liul , 2.00 ; do , per kit ,
PitovisioNs Meats are steadily ad vancini : .
The demand is brisk ami piospcets favor
higher piices. Ham , 12'ije ' ; bieaklast bacon ,
Wii Ue ; clear side baeon. 7)jfi(8c ) ; dry salt
Mueh , "ti'Jjislioil ; rib sides , 7e ; bliouideis ,
7c ; mess poik. S12.50 pei bbl ; diled heel-ham
plccrs , Hie ; laid , tierces , Cc ; 5'-b ) | cans7e : 10-
Ibcansiralrbanks ) , 7 c ; 5-lhcana , do , 7'ie ' ;
tl-lb cans , do , 7" .
Nnw I'oi AIOI.S lloth southern and homo
giovMi aiu hclng sold on the maiket , but
stock is not nunlng vciy rapidly. Houthein ,
per bbl , S1.75 ( 2.00j homo crown , per bu ,
50e.HKANS Inferior stocks. 7VCSI.W ( ; good
clean eountiy. SI,2.0(141.50 ( ; mulliim hand
picked , 81.SOOT1.IO ; hand picked navy , 81.40 ®
Fi.ot-i-.Axn MULSH Krs Winter wheat
Ilourhcst < | iialit } patentKS.OO ; second quality ,
5J.riOi-.75j ( best qiialily spiing wheat Hour ,
paiciii. S..40ii2 ( 50 ; bran , . ' * IK.-I cwt ; chopped
feedOOc pei cwt : white coin meal , 7.V ; yel
low corn meal , ftfc per ewt ; bcn-eninguoc
per cwt : hominy , Si.50 per cwt ; slioits , 55c
per ewt ; crahain , tl.75 ; luiy , In bales , 37.00
7.50per ton.
WOOL .Medium , Ifii7 ( > l8c iCi ) Ib ; fine heavy ,
KKiJHe ; light. 12 tl5c ; coaise , 12f ( < Ucj bniry
wool.2u5e ( oil.
llmr.s ( Jieen butclieib'.fi'ap ; green cured ,
Sc ; dry Hint. IKSiito ; dry salt. UC 10o ; damaged -
aged hides , two-thirdb pilce ; tallow , < ! .iJ4c : ) ;
gu-ase. prlmo white. ! ic ; yellow'Jc ; blown ,
Jfc" sneep pelts , 2575c.
LKAinrit Piiino slaughter solo leather ,
( E'St.c : prme oak solo leather. : X4 .V ,
leg , 80@-i2c ; MoioccoollfK-hble , 2 JtB2c ; top
pines and linings , CG.OO u 10.00 per dui.
HBAVV llAitiWAii.-iron : , rates , 2.25 ;
plow steel , special cast , 4c ; crucible bteel , Cc ;
east tools do. ij ! S ; ; W.IROIsiioVp * piriel.
tl. Kn-i.00 ; ImK.Pir 'Bt. { ' l- . felloe *
div 141) : Tongue * , eacli 'C axles.
each. iV : Mpiare nuts , pel HI. ; < "i ' ' .roll
chain , per Ib. < XtfU.'e : niillrable. Oyiv : fron
wcdees , o - : rlowb.di , ( ' : liarrow teelh. \ < - .
steel , TtsS't lint ( Ion's llAi e lioes ,
P4.40 : Iturdcn s mule shoes. V40. Itarbed
wire , in eai lol . St.ixi JH r lot ) Ibliml
Xall" , tales 10 to Mi. * . ' 5'J : stet 1 n.iils. i-.a % ;
Shotl'O ' : ImeKsbnl.l.s'i ; oilental
powder. Legs * . ! ' > 0fo4.i > 0 : do. half Keg * .
iO.CW : do. ( inartei kegs. S1..MJ. bla llnu' , kegs.
. : ' . . ! : fu-e , per HO leel. 10Lead Hai. I.K\
ix ( Hi. White lead. Omah.i. P. I1. .
7l e ; white lead. St. I .mils. IIIIK7. . * * > : Mni-
seilles jripon. 1 to Hi ( an.Oc : I lench 7lnc
t'icen < eal. l"c : 1'ienchine ud M-sil , lie ;
KleinInc. . in.iinish l. 2ic ) : I'leuch
zinc. < 5i- : \ , 18r : Indian
led. inc ; lo-e pink. Ur : Venetian red. Took-
sinX2\e : \ pnetlju led. Anu-ricau. IV :
led lead , 7' ' , e ; eliiome xellow , genuine , VUe :
clnomeiellow , K. I2c ; ochte. loehc'le. ' ! ! e ;
oclne. I-ieiich. 2Vochie. . Ameilcan. l'e ' :
Winter's inlii"iil. - „ " , p ; la-high bioxxn. 2'jn ' :
Sp'itiHi liioxMii'.e ' ; Prince's uiliieial , : ie.
DnP.xixis White lead. S- : Kicnchinc. .
12e ; Paris whiting. - JVwldtiuv. : . gildeis1 ,
1 4e ; whiting , com' ! . I' ' e : lampblack , lier-
maiistuxxu , 1-'e : lamplilack , oidinai ) . N- ;
Piusslan blue , .V > c , mil amai ine. lsexand > Ke.
btoxxii. > r : ntnbei. liuiiit. 4e : ntnber , laxv. 4e ;
sienna , buint. 4c : > ileiinii. raxx. 4c : P.iris
uieen.gennltie. 2. ' - : Pails creen. common.
' -Je ; clnome iricen. N. \ . , -'Oci ehiome gieen.
K , I''e ; xeimlllion , Knglisli , In oil 70c ; m\v
and burnt uiuliei. I Ib cans I2e ; i-ux and
buint siuiinn , lie : xandjKc. Inoxx n , : IP
lined limpblack , l''c ; conch black nnd ixuis
black. IGo ; diop lil.ick. lOe : Pins-Ian blue ,
40c ; iiltramatine blue. IBc : ehiome green , L. ,
M. .V I ) . , HV : blind and slmltet u'leeu , I. . . M.
A 1) . , HV : Pails mecii , ] sc ; Indian led , llic ;
Venetian ml , ! > < ; Tuscan , 22c :
veimillion , I , . A1) . , ' . ' ( 'c : > elloxv oclne , t'c ' : I , .
M. ix1) . 1) . , P c : good oclne , Ific ; patent
diyei , sc ; graining cnlor , llehtoak , dark oak ,
walnut , c lie-Unit ami ash , l'-\- .
Dnrns AMI I lli.xiirvi s- Acid , carbolic ,
! Uc : acid , taitailc.S'kbalsam ; copaiba , pel
ll , 4' > c ; bailt , sassiitras. poi Ih , lOe ; c.ilomel ,
perlli , 72e ! cliinclionidla , per o40c : eliloio-
lorm , pel Hi , 20 c : Diner's poxMleis , per Hi ,
tl.W ; epsoiu salts , pel II. . : i' e ; glxceiine ,
pine , per Hi. isc ; lead , ncetate , per IN.JOc ;
oil , castor , No. 1 , per gal. , M. 50 ; oil , castor ,
Xo. 2 , per gal. , M.40 ; oil , olixeaiei :
oil niL-aiiiiuin , ' > ' ) { ' , opium St.)0 : ) ; iUiiiiue | ,
P. AW. . and II. > x ; b , pci o70e ; potassium
Iodide , pel Hi. W.OO ; salicln. pel oI0c ; sul-
plnitu moiphine , pero2.'XJ ; siilphin. nci
Hi , -trjchnine : , IHTOSl.W. .
VAHMHIIFS Hairels , per gallon : Kinnl-
ture. extia , Pl.lti ; fuiulttiieo. . l.&l.oo :
coacli extia. 81.40 ; coach , No. I. S1.20 ; Da-
mar , extra , S1.75 ; Japan , 70o ; a-phaltum ,
extra , 5Sc ; shellac , fcil.OO ; haul oil linlsli ,
hpiiniCologne sphits , IRs piool , S1.12 :
do 101 pioor , SI. lit : spliils , second qualitv ,
101 ptool , fl.U : do iss proof , M.ll. Alco
hol. I'-s pioof , SJ.10 per xx lite gallon. Kedis-
tillcd whiskies , , l.OJfiCl.01. G'.n. blended ,
I.OJ i(2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons. i2.00nrt.OO ; ;
KenluckvniidPenn.s'.xIvaniaijes , fc2.00@fi.riO :
liolden Sheaf lioinbon and' rye xxlil-kles ,
S1.60vS.03. lirniidles , imported , S" > .OOC .S.oO ;
domestic. 81.W@1.00. ; Ulna. Impoited , St 50 ; nomestr ; , i.wjn .oxi. cnnmraRnc * ,
imported , per case , 2S.OO@UOO ; Ameiicaii ,
per case , SlO.00@lii.00.
( irocers1 Ijist.
Picin.nsMedium , in hols , Sb.OO ; do in
.Kill . bbls , SD.OO ; small , in bbls. , S8.0o : do In
lall libls , Sil.fiO ; gherkins , in bbls , 87.00 ; do
in halt bbls , S4.00
M-vimi : ? i'er caddie , USe ; round , per
? ase , Sl.00 ; squaio cases , 51.70 ; mule sqmue ,
St'OAiis Powdered , 7ac ; cut loaf , 7'e ; , fiJi'e ; contectioneis' A. Okc ;
standaid o.xtia C , OfnfiifcextiaC ; ; , 5'V'ccf > 'Mcj ;
medium jelloxvj S faO' c.
Dmr.l ) Kni'irs Xo 1 qnailcr apples , In
evaporated boxes Si'/olOe ; bi.ickbeiiies , boxes.
gi C' Mc ; iieaclie.seastern , } " < ( ( > ' < e : peaches ,
exapoiated , 15 > iC < * 17p ; Salt hake , nexv , 04
Me ; laspbeines , new , lf ! 20c ; cuiiants , 7' <
@ 7Mc ; in lines , nexv , 4J.a4f , ( ! < ' . ( Snnnjau's soda , butter and
Iilenle. , SJie ; cieams , H'p " ; ginger snaps , S1 - , 'e ;
drv sona , 7' c.
Son.v lu'lo papers , 5.J.25 a case ; .s.ilsoda ,
\CL' , per Ib , 22'4e.
xNo. 70 , 4-galon ! Kegs , SI.OO ; Xexv
doquint ; cans , SD.OO.
STAHCII MirroV gloss , i n , n ffj
fcUO , lULIIil , M l < l lliM klUtlMU O ll
H'c ; McLauchlin's XXXX roasted ,
Dilwoith's , 14 > 4c : Ucd Cros. . 14'.ic.
So.xt-s Kirk's Savon impcilal , 5f2.70 ;
Kuk's satinet , SH.OO ; Klik's standard. S3.05 ;
Klik's white Itussian , S4.00 ; Kirk's White
Can , SC.O'h ' Dome , 83.UO ; Washboaid , ? : ) .10.
benle.s , per case , &J.25 ; egg plums , -'Ib , pei
ease , $2.50 ; pineapples , 2 Ib , per ease , SI1.20
'CAXI > IIS : Boxes , 40 Ib Cs , 10c ; "s , lOe ;
boxes , 40 Ib , 10 01 , Os , 10)4e ; halt box , 20 Ib ,
10'4e. '
CAXDY Mixed , iM iSUSe : stick , 6KC OK > ' .
SSAI.T Diay loads , per bbl. 51.50 ; Ashton ,
in sacks , 3i.P : 5 ; Vf sacks , Aston , > vc ; bbls ,
dairy , S2.CP@2.75.
Dry Goods.
PniNi'S Ameiican , 5fc ; Ainold's , Co ; Co-
checo , Cc : Manchester. Gc ; Lynian , 5e : Glou
cester. 5'c } ; Uuiinell Jncquaid. Oe ; Dunnell ,
5' c ; Windsor , Be ; Pacillc. Cc : liaimon , 4Jic ;
Anchor Shirtings , 4 > a'c ; Meiiimac .Shillings ,
45ic : Berwick , lu.
DITK ( Unbleached ) 80 . Magnolia , We ;
10m. Magnolia , I2e. : So/ . West Point , lOJ c ;
Uot. West Point. 12'4e. ' , ,
Uiiovvs Con ON l.awioneo LI. , 5c ; hhavv-
mut LL , 5c ; lle.iver Dam MJ , 5c : Atlantic
Lh , 5c ; Indian head , 7e ; WauchuBsel , OJfc ;
Crow n XXX. 0.e , Clifton CCC , lie ; Utfca
CCC. 4'4c ' ; Atlantic P , S.'ifc.
TicKiNiis Anioslseai ! ACA , 12) ) 0 ; Thorn-
OWI It IV 111 i * Vi" OlUJlliuUCV O , * J i w WU J"
tucket KK , 'Jjrfe ; Aloiitauk AA , 12c ; Montnuk
UU , lie ; Ome'gaACA , We.
1)1 nt ( coloied ) Boston 1 > o/ blown and
dial ) , lM > , e ; Dosion O II blown and dial ) ,
XXX brown and dial ) , HHe : Boston O P
blue. llj e : Wan en Tiicot , i5c.
Ili.KACiti.i ) CorioNs Kaiineis' choice ,
fli.e ; Cabot , i.J.'e ; Hope , 7c : lllil 4-4. 7Hie ;
11 II J { . me ; honsdale , 8c ; Fiuit , icVnina ; \ -
Coiir.r JiiANB-rCearsaige , 7e ; Aimoiy ,
7e ; Peppciell , 7'C ; Indian Oiclianl. Oe ;
Xiiumke ag , 7e.
Cniiviois Anioskeisr , checks.O'Jc ; Ainos-
keag , slilncH , HXJC , Slater , stripes , be ; hdln-
ImigWe ; Wlilttendoii , stupes , fx- ; ( ! | en-
lose'JcOtis ; , cliccKs , 'JJvc ; Oils , stiiiics , e ;
Itoyal , ( ; ( ; Amoskcag , napped , lOMo ; J.u-
uiy , bookiold , 12c : O bcron , book fold , llic ) ;
Knduiance. book told , l'-c. !
Di.MMs-Ueaxer Cieek AA , lie ; lleavei
and blown , } sa ,
. , , Tliri'll'f ! II'Nyr llhlb PlH Kts
HSII. tm , M ta 40 i jj , u
III n's S I. No 1 J/li'S ' fiflT Si " VI I li" 1 tO Kl , 47
i/gn ( iiirii riiiic-y.i . w.t cio 7r > i tv > i : i ) M v ,
\Jx It'll > VroT'y5 _ ] W : i OJ 2 ir. ! : M , V ,
_ iMrolirtiii MM ) . _
i HliTQ'r Illils 1'iills'or Klli
HSU , jyj i ] 00 w M 1 ( , jo JJ (
Norwo lan
lli ii vn lit | | I I I I I I
KI > K lll't'llfe-s 12 ( OD.KIS 003 SOy 70 W )
NdiuA'jInn 'I ' I i I I
n on oos 1&3 av m 75M
h HO \ 50 4 OJ IiOll ( K ) M
KclB . . Ib 01U W 8 60 1 M ) U W I Ml 10W
Holland Heirlncs , now W )
i'ull Wlilto hoop I 10
MAlKHtH. _ _
llalj llblsyr llblsl'fs Kls
ju i 11K ) 'JO , 60 40 I 1-J 10
Illoiiter MDS JlToi IToO Kiiltl O 7 : ! " " 60.1 9
Ki No IShoio1 l J | i W ) 113011 ao 5 10 , [ Ijl.l 7 HO lliU.V.1 Wi i IHll Ojl
" 5o" lluj. " G oor \ , 45 a in 2 r > o |
Lu nrrainiiy" ik ) fi l < i'4 & .VJ 05 2 10' 74 ! Q
ru'-'I'inillj . ' 7 OU 4 00 ul liTi-J Oi 1 ' 0 CJI 0
To Bridge Contractor ; ,
PIl'JPOs.u.s ' wm bo lecchcdon or bofoiu
Hainuliiy , Jnl ) 'Ith.lor Ihu brldsIiiK ol 75
nillcb ol iho ciiorennu \ Northern Itulhuiv.
HncciU-utloiiH ni tun juirtleulura nmy be. oh-
ohtiiliud at the ollli-o of the nudei-fane-l , tn
\\boin nil pippoa.ijg niut bo fonvnidcd not later
tluui the ul.Dio niniu'd iluie.
J. J UltUWN X CO. , Ohej cnne , Wjo.
Bridges Sleam Pile Driving ,
U\\ MOM ) < t I AMl'HI.1.1 , ,
I'ligiiippM nnJ Contra tor * .
Brges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron < niiiMiinllim IIIKI llnuv Truer llrlclci's
rillni.Miii.ltink rimber. IMU gt , ni-iir Farnnni ,
Telephone Nc.Mt.
Ciga.s . and Tobacco. 7.
MAX MP > lilt \ CO ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
Clun nnd Atniniinlt HI. iMA in SKI Smith 11th
btr < i-t. Itttl lo Itr.'t PHI imtn Irtrl. dninlin Vili.
iMUMVl \ > Cni\it TMTIIUV.
\\ixr \ nHT.-riuit. :
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
AuiMVlinli'fiili' Ii.ilcr ( < In l. ' : if Toli oeo . N
! 0 > nml DON 14th StiiiM.Uiimhn. Nib.
" .
V."U 11K,11T ,
Agf nt tor the Miinufuoturers iitnj tiuporttrd ,
Crockeiy , Glassware ,
Clilrnie > 8 , r.unnicti. . : il > Sputlritli
ft. Nob.
r. s. r.oonuini * co
Agent" lei 1' . A. Wlillni1) Cntiluyu Co.
Children's Carriages ,
Ami Jewell's t'olebiatel Heliitrt'r.uoM. Senor
or price li H. tin ratiiim t , O'tinhn ,
Eagle Cornice Works.
John , Pioprlvtor. Muiiiifm furor tif
n lMin(7 ( > il Ii-iii nml t'ornlfo HSt Uoilru nml 101
nml lt Xoiih Utli Slrtef , llmnlm. Neb.
MnnuruetUH'-ai'f Omaiui'iitHl
Galvanized iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , rimiN , lite , : il s. lth ; : St. Woritdono
In tiny port ol the country.
Western Cornice Works ,
( \ iM'KCIIT. Ptnprlelor.
Cnlvan7e ! < l 1-ou Curnleca , Clo. hJjieeiit'H I-n-
liniMil I'lilent Meliill'c Ski light. fcOSmiJ 51 a
Ktht . Uiunliii. NoL.
Doors , Sash. Etc.
_ .
"x ' "
The 'Goto City Plfin'ng Mill ,
Doors Pnsh nml Illlmli. Aluo all klmk of
Inrnlii ) ; . . riiill iinil t-tnlr nuik ol u\rrj < lu-
rcilillon. |
Slanufncturcr nml Deulurlti
Doors Sash Blinds Etc
, , , Mouldings , ,
Jlalls n ppocluHy Tvlmihono No. TO
loth nyj iluiuil : i. . Omuhii , Neb.
Electrfcal Supplies.
lTV.VOLIR & CO. , Kli'ctrlduns ,
Electrical Supplies ,
tluvoniulllnttlc , Oinnbu. llurplaiAlarm - , , llclU.
lie Alarum , P'vctrlu Muttlnir , Spi'iiklnt ; Tubas ,
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work
ion Stnlip , Itiillinir , llolli'il lli'iiins mid ( linlci-s
Bteam Ilntflues , Hra B Work , Uonpi-ul rnumlrr
Machine and Illneksinllli WcrU. Ullioo and
V\'ork , U. 1' . Hr. nud S 17th st.
iron ar d Nails.
"Cut N&lfs arm Sp
Tiio KiiiH r Spr tl'iltv. Omnli.1 , Neb
Omaha Safe Work
M K w r t'li n ami llurulu. Pie > r Onrr- ,
. nours \ , Jnil Work. SiiuttcrM nml Wlro
IVork. Cor. Utli and Jackson Sts. , Oinalin , Nob.
Wagons and Carriages.
EMulilislioil 18 : > S.
A. ' . SIMl'fcON ,
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
34C9 nO UU IJoilffo Street , Omaha , Nob.
Commission i Etc.
31. HUKKK & SOX ? ,
Live Stock Commission
( .en. Ilinkc , Mana i-r ,
Juion Stock Vuiils , fc > . Omaha , roll * ihriie CSS
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John 1' . lloyd , t-upcrlutomlent.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Gblpmuntit of iinv nml lUlkinaioC block bollolt
, eel. Union bU.ek YnitN , Omuha , Neb.
Lumber , Etc.
* '
'LOUIS miAiFouD ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Limo ,
Gaeli. Peers , Klc. Ynids Cor. Ttli and
Cor. Oth uud
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldings Stair Work nml liiiurlor Haul Wood
Kiiilbli. Jiibt opencil. N. 12. cot. 8ih iinil I.emon-
wortli Sticets , Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Lumber ,
(14 S. llth Stroel , Oinalm , Nob. K Colpot7er ,
C. N. IJIfcTZ ,
Lumber ,
53tb nml rnlirorni.v Ptn-ets , Oinnlm. Nob.
ntEO W. ( JIIAY ,
Lime Cement Etc. Etc.
Lumber , , , . , .
C'or. Ctb aud Doiiyius Micotti , Oinalm , A'c
( li0. ; A. HOAGl.ANI )
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Oinalm , Ncln-utka.
" '
" "
CHA9. II. IKn ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wnf-rn Ftoclt , Woorls , IlrWgo Tliubcr\
ic , iS. W. Cor. Uth nnd Uaugl.i , ( Jniulii , Neb ,
a. r. WMAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , MoaMis&Si
1'upcr , Utc. Poiilh 13tli Stitset , mmil.
Flih , Etc. _
BENSON risiiT'oT
6uefF"Ors to IcUen Sloinsfen & Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of r iroluii Fish , Nog. ! ill-'iJ | Jonei
issSlf't nnd k" J' . Track , umuho. Nub. . . _ ,
Confectioner .
v. r. FA v & co. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbuisot Kiults.X'iNand 1211
Faniain St. , UmahaNub.
Lime , Cement , Etc ,
J .7. JOHNSON A : CO. ,
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
Anil Fhlppeisof Coal nnd I eke , Coinont , Plus-
ler , lime , llulr. Klro llrlck. Drain , Tliu and
HUM fr I'ipu. Olliie , I'talon hotel , telupliono til ,
Kiirnum MicctJuiah ,
Job Printing.
Job Printers , Book Binders ,
Illunli iiiok Munufuuururs. IOC lub South
1'ouit d ci'lli btree
Agricultural Implement s.
J-.V1U IN I'ld'NOnlMT ! . MAHriN ,
\ \ lioh s e I > cnlcr ill
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
iiiul Huppl ) , din hi : Nil" .
Clll III Illl I. PAUkKK ,
\VhoIts.\U 11 nler in
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Cinrinet nii'l Ilimpli . .1i niFt , bet. lull ntnl
liuh.i'mahn , N.M > .
Uools and Shoes.
" "
w. v. MOIM : A. co. .
Joboers of Boots and Slioes ,
J ll rnrnnm Street , Oiniihii , Neb. Munllfitciorjr ,
fmillll T Stieet ItOHtOll.
. Carpets. .
v. ' " " „ „ *
P. A. oncium/
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
HMtlnirs , furtnm < im > , ' . iu > , U j vatnani
Pliwt , On.aim. Nib.
Coal Lime , Etc ,
JI.S-TW. iiKnroui'T
Coal Coke , Lime and Stons.
Oflifle , 'M . Hlh-t.Oimihn , Nib. YiirJs , PUi
mill 111ellpOlt StlietS.
" " : .
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
SHS. lath Pt. , Omiiiin , Net.
OKI. l''l < rM I , 1'i-csUl-mr.
C5ro IHTTPUsoS. See. uiutTii'ii" .
J. II. lit i.nHIT , 1' . A. HAM it ,
I'rcip'ielor. Mumper.
Nebraska Coal and Limo Company ,
ORlri' . X'I7 S. l.ltli Mreet. Toll phone IJ.
Gro. I t. titACll , Pre . P 1' C5iHiiiM\vV 1'rca.
.1. A. Sl'.Mimt.\M ) t-CO. IIIKlTieilS
Omaha Cos ; , Coke and Lime Company ,
Jobbers of l.anl nml oft rim' , iWS. lolb bt. .
Oniiihu , Kelt
OMAHA TOA1. AN1 > 1'IIOm'Ci : CO.
Hard and Soft Coal.
FjiclitBlvo dculv-rs In ItniiMvr CoIoinJo Con ! . "I"
Mllltll lltllMllUt.
Coffee and S ices.
SVTKS. CPU : & Mii.r.s ,
Home CoITes and Spies Hills MTg Co.
Cell to llniwleis nml Spli-o IlilmleiJ. ininiii
fRcturi'rgof lliikiiiffl'otMlc-r , riiivonnn r.vliaols
IllnhiK , ule. TI-T 0110 oa o of our 1-16 imcknvn
llninc Uli'tnl Koastrd CoHee. 1G09 Iloittml M. ,
Cm Mi u , Neb.
CI.AUKE rtllOS. 4.CO. ,
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Ten' . Cvo , Ppiofits , DiOiltu fuwilcr Kliirorinir
KxliuctR , Lnmulry llluo. lull , uto. Uli-lu Hiir-
ney Street , Onwhn , Neb
Commission , Etc. _
' "
"lIHANCH & CO. ,
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 l'uniumSI.Omnh.l. Apples Our own i.aclt-
IHK Vlutt 4 : < > ( .Tiger llr.uiil O.vMeis , lluttur ,
Kpfs , liaino , 1'onlliy , VoliUofS. _
General Commission Merchant ,
flioiince. I'io > Minis , 1'iiiltK , riour nml 1'eed. lltt
S. Dili M.Oifinlm , Neb. Coiisl iuiiunts sollci'.oa.
KiUtnns inudu momnllv-
li. AUDON'AU ) .
815 Kill Flieel , Oimi'ui. Neb. Specialties : Uni
te r r.zx * , nml Clucuuiij.
Produce Commission Merchants.
I'oulti } , Hotter , fiiinio , Fnills , itc. : JE.'OP. Hth
St. , Omuha ,
ieneral Commission Merchants ,
IIUUJ > oi1oStrcot | , ( > iiiiilin , NcbiiisKa Couslfrn-
nirnth HollcltcU.
Storage and Commission Merchant.
Sl' : I lii'iic , llutter Kirirs 1'onlliy
iinil Oaine. 11-J S. lltli. , Uaiali.i , Nob. Tt'lu-
phone Xo. J'if > .
\V K K K S A. MI lil - A 11 P ,
Storage and Commission Merchants.
roicfrn mill Domestic ! 1'iiilts a spec-tally. I'l-
ennnl MOIIIHO fiullltli's WniclioiHo anil olllcu ,
10 Noilh IJlh bt. Telaphonu 77u.
n. A. unu.r.v.
Commission and Jobbing ,
llnlli r. HJJJS nnJ l'i oilnco. A full line of Stone-
ivaie. Coi'tiBiiinenls tolleiUU. 1111 UuiUu St. ,
Omul u.
.M < PHANI : & P < intor.nini ,
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
llc'rlfrc rater nml I'lieklin.HOIIMJ , 14lh X Leaven-
TTiiilh bt. , on U. 1' . It. IS. U'l.iclc , Uiiialiu , Neb.
Kstnbllshed 1R70.
General Commission ,
I11B. Htb St. , Omuha , Neb. Hpecliilllea Iluttor
I'-K" ! ; , 1'oultiy mill Uninu.
" *
rr.vncR iiuos. ,
Ccmmission Merchants ,
1'iulti , Vn-iluco ami Provisions , Omnlin , Nb
Sucoi'sstorrt to IB me OrlllUh ,
CoMissi.n Merchants
Ami luUnilo ilealiun liounli ) pruiliieo ,
linlla , I niter. lUfD o'e. Ciiio Noiiconsl nnu nt
it rpeclnllj. . 'J ) N.y'.th M , O imtin.
( Succes oi-n to A. 1' . Pohao'c. ' )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. 213 South Till ) Stteot. Oniiitm , Noli.
Dry Goads.
L. ( JlNSlllIltC It C0.r
XVholcG'do DualeiHln
Dry Goods , Hosiery , notions ,
Lineup , s , I'ml'mlilery ' nndVhlto
JIC'U Douglas Mitel , Omului , Nub.
White Lead.
Strictly Pure White Lead.
_ SUthbtnnd U , I' , ily. Omuliu ,
Harness , Etc.
MHIIII Tui tin ci H and Jobbers of
Harness Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
Turf lioods , IllanUolK and Itolioti , 11-1 I'urimui
Slieet ( liuului , Neb
n. M. IHTLSK ,
Mattress Company ,
Mnnufncturlnu Mpttresses , Hcdillnx , Teathrr
1'illourt , Coth , Klc. 11:00 : nnd l-'W DuunliH Blici I ,
Onuiliu , N ( 11.
Overalls ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeunsrantshhliln , lite. , 1IW mull < Jl Dougln , Uiuu.'m , Neb.
Beer ,
Agent for Anbeuser-Busa Brewing Ass'n '
Fpcelal brandsI'mmt , Iludw olbinIlilnncor. .
Generallnsurance Agents
211 South Thirteenth Street.
OMAH \ I Mttni ro ,
Dc.ilei- \llKludiof
Building Material at Wholesale.
IfltSli el mid i on 'ni n Ti tick. Onmlrt
( t : M\N 1 > W YTT
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
n > th iMl/nnlSlii < i > t l > innhn NebnKVn.
J. A. \ \K1iniU.l ) ,
Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shinglas ,
tlullilliiff rnpi-r * . Snli , Duort. IlllniU. Miin1 <
IUjri. 1'leKi t , ] \ \ , Lline. I'lniter ,
Ldiient. Nlntn nun .lone , liixinhii Neb
" Mi.llincry. I
i : ) ,
tinpottcrs iinil Jobbctsnt
Millinery and Notions ,
12irifi'.iil I'-ll llnrney Micet. Oiniiha , N'eh.
Musicil Insiriiments.
Wholesalers of Musical Instrnments ,
FtelnxMty l'lnnn ! , Xeher \ , Decker , Unities mid
llll't.'s ( I'liiiuiv , I'l-fiimi '
101 HinllKI lilli Hi eel.
Furniture , Etc.
Fornitara , Baill-ij , U.A ) ! ) . ' / Vr
I'.tc. , ISJO. 1.MS nml 1SU liuimiii Stieet ,
Wholesale Dealers lu Furaltnra ,
I'm mini Slieet , Onmhn , Nub.
Groceries ,
U. II. CHAPMAN' ii CO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Tobacco and Smokers' Ankles , 1217 Howard St.
" " "
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
Pplcw , CIiirH ( ini'l I'olmceos , 17 | | ntiit 13HIOOU
his Miri I , ilinnhn , Nob.
llU'Oltl ) , HIIADY A COMI'ANV ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th and I'm mini Klioets.Omnhn , Nob.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
NOH. 71U , 707,70V nml .11 tluth St. , Ouiuha , Neb.
Hardware ,
" * * " *
W. J. llltOATCH ,
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
Bprlnpp , \ \ iiiron StooK , 11 imluoil I/iiinlior , cta
Kill lliirney Micev , Ounilnx , Nob.
IDXIY : : A , ( iinnoNT
Wholosalejron. Stenl. Wagon
Uu nrihvu W * 1 Stock , HcAvlM1" " !
: ie. lx-17 uinl 'Torfli Hirt-ul ,
Neli. \ TAYLOH ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
Mechanics' Tunis nml HiUTuloScHlos. H05Dou |
liib Hlivi't. Oiinihn , Nob. /
1.1:1 : : , nil uo \ . a ) . ,
Jobbers of Hardware aud Kails , Tinware ,
licet lion , lite. Airunts for Ilowo Scales anil
Miiinii 1'owdcrlo , Omaha Not ) .
" '
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
SInnlles , Uiulcv , llni-s RO'iiH. is.'l mid 1323 FI.P-
itirrou : & WIJ.HKLMV co. ,
i\ \
Wholesale Hardy/are / and Nails , \ \
Emcuon steel Mnll . Cor. loth and Harnejr il
fell eels , Om-ilm , Neb. tj |
Harvesters , " . ,
\\SL nnnniNo & CO.ACHICAGO ,
Munufuetuicr of lUo
ueenn ifarvesier uooas.
( Vrlte to Win. M. Ixi liner. Qencral ,
Onmha. Tr'ephonoplO.
Iron Pipe , Efc ,
Pumps , Pipe and 'Engines.
StJnm , VViitei , ltull it } mill MllllnirSuppliesEta1
VM , ittJ iinil lf.4 I'm iiuiii bt. Oinnhu , Nob. i
i.L i't MP co. ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fitting's ,
Stcniii anil Water Supplies. HenJiiuartora fo'
Must I'oobt Co.'u tiooilb. 1111 rniimui Btveot ,
Uiuuhit , Neb. i
Jewelry. . . ,
" " "
iiIIOL.M ) r.llll-KSON ,
Wholesale JovpUrs.
Ilrnlors In HlUerwnio , IHAinbiuls. V/ixtchan
Clocks , Jew i lei h' 'ImiU nml MatoriuK Ktc.,101
uinl 11(1 , IMIi Hhccl.Coi. lcil o , Omaho , Nub.
Hollons.HosIar&GaatslFttrQl5liUl . Good
1000 mid MM 1 minim St. , OmulniNub.
J , T. Robinson Notion Company , {
< ( nml 105 s. intli St.Omnha , Neb. I
Wliuff-biilo UculL-iD lu Notions mill Uonts'Tup.
nlshlriif ( JooCs. _ _ i
Oils , Etc. '
' * " "
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
GflFolInu , Jlli'n Axli ) Ore.i i ! , lto. ! A. II. Ilbhop ,
MliliUiier , Oinuliu ,
Pork Packing.
Pork Packer aud Shipper ,
Oinidni , Nchui'ka.
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Olllre , IJnloii Miukct , I.M" Doil < o til rent. I'ncklntf
hoiihu , U. } ' . It. It. Tiuck , Oinuhu , Nob. Tolo *
pliono No. 157.
Safes and Lochs , (
" " " "
1 > . IIOYKII & CO.
flgents for Hall's ' Safe ft Lock Co.s1
Tire anil lluritlar I'looT SiileH'l'lnio Locks , Vault *
nnd .lull woik. I'JM ' I'mmini Miect , Oniahii , Nvb
_ _ _
" " " " ' " "
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Seeds.
iVinlciiltiiial , Vetrr-lnlilo , IHe. Dili ) Tullowa' 11.ill ,
_ N.V. . Cor. lllh unit IJodKo Kt . , Omtihii , Nc.1) .
Drugs , Etc ,
_ _ _ _ _ . f . * *
'TIIK r.oon.MAN n 11000" SV
Wholesale Druggists
And Dealer In 1'iihilK , Oils nml
Oniulm , Utli.
Wines , Liquors , Etc
n nit A , ro ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
Anil Lliiioii4. | Hulu iniuuilncliiiri-iif Knniiif ,
Liibl Imiui iiitit-itf. IllIlnini' ) blieelOmV
i.r.i ) . u. i < ij , , , ! . , ,
to Mi-N'AMA.iA A Hi M AV , Imporifc
nml VVhoksalo Ileiiloni in
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
mainline K. llth St. , Oinuhti , Nob.
Notions , ttZT
' * '
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry fioodB , Notioiu , ( Joins' Ki4inl hlnff Ooo.l/ " |
( jonil irnm Now Yoik. Tunic bulos daily. < if\\ r
em' ' r-OS South Utli 1:1. , Ouniliu ,
( lour and Feed _ _ " *
Wholesale Fluur , Feed and Grain ,
Mftnufncluren of VV. J Wclslmns & C'o.'s QuUVfe
llu ini ; IluiKwheut ( lour uml pr jmielof UtjinUjK ,
City Millu , tor tth unj I'aruam KlrcoU , Omab , r > t