Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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niM ri'i i T/mn it/\t tM'iIP. . " '
A Liglit Day in Trailing on the Obi&ago
Board of Trade.
Advnnccs In Corn , O.its null
Provisions An Onmlm lirokcr on
N'nlii'.iHkji'H Crops-Tlio Call to
Mnrkrt lowor.
Cmruio , July H. iSiwcial TeU'giaui to
t'.ie ltni--Win.AT : ) Spwtilatlu ! Inteies-ts
iliil not distinguish themselves to-ilny
by ntiy decided action one vvay
or tin1 oilier , though ilimiit the major
jiniiioi ! nf the session prices averaged a little
better for the bull Interest i than tliuj closed
last nl { lit. Theciop slt.i.itioii has become
so thoroughly adv-dti'-ed that flesh advices
on tins subject fall to nttrart tlio inoasiiHi of
attention miniGily bestovvulon them. .Still ,
they continue to come In , eoloied nltoinately
rosj niul blue , ninl to receive a puitnln ] > ei-
footage of attention. 'I'lie latest Is liom n
traveling ropH'senlatlu-of the Mllh'is' asso-
elatlon who is"ooing' ' the country 111 noilh-
west 'in D.iKotn anil repotls th.U thu eini |
will not ex-cecd otu-tlilnl tlio avcuige ninl
tli.Uevon rains now will not repair tlio dam-
ngpiilieadydono by the drought. Tills talk
induced mote or less buj ing on speculative
account by local paitles , vvlileh nt limes
llcnlarlv eaily in the moinlnir , helped to liohl
; he nntiUot np , but a goodshaio of | > inchases
A earn .unit Intel and eauseil moio or les of
it'action. As on yesterday August wheat
opened < ! \aetlv when1 It closed 7U''e. vithln
Imlljor lliee-uaiteisot ( | anlioni It had cased
otTIo 7"ie ! ) , but the nnilUot pulled It-ell out
of lids nit befoie noon , mnl liom 11 to 1-J
oVlouk i united quite sti'.uly niotintl
Ke ) , selling at ono linns as
as "Mi'je . Then icali/.lng Pcjan and
prues sluiniied oil" to "UV , vvhoiu Ihey stood
at 1W.U. The eloM1 at 1 o'eloel ; was ( jiiiut and
ejsy. The volume of tiiulo bv no means
heavy , and In the ab-eiirc ol niivililni ; to In-
ilni'c oninlile liadliiK , vvas iMiiieil on almost
wholly b\ local operalois. It was noticeably
u day'In'which "iilun cis" kept out. I'liti }
wcu'iilNint thu only sustaining cause until
slioilly belon > 1 nVlock , when tinmaiket
was biokeli on the icpnitocl falinio ol tin ;
I'rovldent bank at Si. l.onis , Anmist wheat
diopiilni ; to 7l'c nnd closing at 7 ! > ltc asked.
Olio bioker teh'Kiaphed Ids linn fioin Omaha
to-d.i ) : "N'oappenranci1 of rain. \ \ heat Is
damnRedin Nubiaskabeyondiwo/eri-
iv 111 not behalf a crop. Coin Is .sulTeilns and
i.salrcndv somewhat injnied. "
COIIN Coin vv In In-avy receini- _
whlolialTi-ctcituo openint u little boiVr-
Isldy. Su'liti'inber 'tin ted out at : tJ54'c against
thu rlo.sci vesterday at 0'4't-40nfc. ' Alter nil-
vanuliiK tote e , It slumped luck to.'i'J c and
closed slow.
OATS A sal" ot'c ( was made in Septem
ber , ' nbont as mncli In sympathy with
coin as nom local imicliases.
I'ltovisioss Fair stieii'tli ( prevailed In
plovihlons , but trade was Inclined to bu desul
tory. September poik opened at fc'.Wji , ad
vanced to ? 10.10 , i carted. sllKhtly and closed
( jnlet.
Ci-iin , 2:3."i : p. in. Wheat was rather quiet
on the cnib , with the frollnt ; a. shade easier ,
iiL' qnotiibU ) at this writing at TUo for An-
Bust. Vnts I , 7.sliic ; , and calls Ti ! ( 7 ! > ; i/c. It
was tejiortcd lainlni ; in the northwest.
CIIICAOO , July N.- [ Special Telesram to
the UKI : . | CA-III.K The slight Improve
mt'iil lute last weekstaited a iood many cat
tle from u distance , and the 10 < i < l" c advances
in pi ices .Monday broniiht in a. KOOu rimny
Tatrio n-oin ncartiy pofnis , and so to-day wo
had quito an excessive inn of native cattle.
The variety nnd quality was large , and there
vme liberal olTeritiKsof neail > all gtadcs nnd
, ii uriniiims. The L'uncial market was YCIJ
quite Inaiffcront and moved very slow , well
Knowing that ( her would get vvha
they wanted without showing anv
anxiety. 1'iices on an aveiage were 18c
lower. One lot of very iirimee.ittlo sold at
S.r > .l.r , und they weio about as good as
cattle sold yesterday at Sfr > . : ! 0. Thci
v\ns a very lame yolnmo ot
bnsinciss done , but n good many cattle wcro
luft unsold. The market closed veiy weak
.Shipping steers , 1S50 to loOOlbs ,'ffl' ' ,
1200 to 1CO ! Ib.s , SUMicl.GO ; yr.O to I'JOJ Ihs
S..7r ) > @ 4.Q.'i. Among the s > ale.s were 11) ) Xe , 1' . ' Ibs , ntl.bO. ! About : itoO ! Texas
cattle weie hero to-day , making 1,700 for UK
week thus tar. The general maiket was
weak nnd pi Ices wcro : ; o@oo ; ; lower than l.ts
week. The ranito was lower than yesterday
though prices worn very uneven. Onu lot o
10. > ( ! Ib Texans sold at SW > . hale veslerdav
IK ) Nelnaska rows , ) 1 Ib.s , sold'at Si.tKJ
About 1,000 Texas cattle anlvcd too late lo
thoimuKot , and the close wns veii weak.
R Trade was lalily active with an up
turn ot a strong fie on best solid cointed
Host cornlcd mixed ? -I.MCf0M5 ) , and grassy
stock ot thosamo aveiages .sJ-t.ii.ViM.70 ; bes'i
heavy , SI. 0ii5.X ( ( ) ) and light
New York. July 11. MONEY On cal
IB ranging from 1 to ' - " s , closing at v ,
per cent.
1'itiMK MnncAxni.E in 4@j per
cent. iCxoiuxon Kaiily active niul
unchanged ; S4.WJ ! { lorsixty day bills , nm
S1..SS on demand.
linvKic.vMKNrH ( internments were qnlct
\ tltliIs ' 4 per cent hither.
S i ochh The opening of utockswascompar-
atively higher , the advance Hinging liom ' ( , to
fipercont. Omaha was down Jfc , Notth
IMII 1'aclllc piefeiied ' 4 pur cent ,
and Pnion Paellio ' per uunt. Tlu
market was dull niul featureless tli
out the day , being nltciinituly Ilimand heavy
itnd linally closed steadt near thu opening
8W cent bonds. . . I00si,0. ' , AM.V \ . 112'4 . '
- < i\
preferred. . . . 1M ) 1 > . r. C
C.n. , ty . im4 : Koek Jslann. . . .
I ) . , U &W . I'-'O iSt. U.\cS. \ K. . . . .M
It. C ! ! moferred. . .
' " " '
Erie ; ; . . . . . . c. , il , &SU1' . . .
prpfericd. . . . 7-J'4 ; | ' nreferred. . 123" iia : 'St. ' I1. , to 4'j ;
1 . , " . ' - " ' . l.'Vil inefeuea. . . 10S * > 5
Kansas it Texas. 111 ITexas racllie. . .
S. " > ilJnlonl'acllio. . .
41I4HSt. . L. & ! ' . .
inch. CViilial. . . . 7-1 i preferred. . . SO
Mo. I'acllie . NMS'iVstern \ Union
Northern 1'ao. . . W 4 0It.As N 107'i
prcfeiK-d. . . . 50' . ,
Chicago. .Inly H , Kloiir-Qiilet and
Meudy : soullHirn winter wlicat , S-l.l.rK !
Wisconsin . . , WOfii-ur , ; Mlehigan S4.00M1.0 ;
Mitt siiilng , 5t.M : > ( g4.10 ; .Minnesota
lal.ersSWk.M.IO ; patents , SI.IO&M.M ) ; low
giades , S1.7. ' ( i'J.75 ; ijo Hour , W. ' a.'I.W ) .
\ \ hcatralilv nctlvn ; uveiageil lower on
null entile * . Itcpoit.s of nilii In some .sections
and piospects of larger lecnhits at winter
wheat maiket. Xo.'cash , 7rjA j JnlyT'Lu :
August" ' * ; .September HJ ) .
101 n-Weaker : Xo. iicash , ! ! | ; July , T'tf ;
August , ! ! * K : SentcmUer , ay U-lGcj Xo. ' . '
jollow , .MjV. Xo. it , : a 4ft
O.itN-julei ( ami bteady. X. 2. cash , July
ami AuKust'Jlil4 ; Sopti'inbprJf ,
Jtye-Qnlet at Me for Xo. U.
llailev Somlnal ntfi-'ic.
Flux Hceil-.Scaico : Xo. 1 , S1.10V.
Hmolln-Qulet but Ihmjl'iime , . < JJ.07@
* .iO ,
1'oik Mess , modeiiitely active ; advanced
but Vil.i'i's not supiwrted ; cash ,
ard Firmer : cash , Sfl.5r ( < ? ) ; Augu
.OSjfwfl.a-S ! September , gfl.w , ' ( sft.75.
Hull .Meats bhort rib bides btcadr ; cash ,
$0.X ! ) { Imcd meats steady ; diy sail shoul
ders , 5.ttK o.OO ; short clear bides , SG.70 ®
Whlsky-Qulot at SJ.12.
Uuttor Finn ; creamery , better Inquiry for
ewer ( jrradesat Ifiko | ; dnlry/jSlUfc ,
Ks-1' si'J .
Cliceso Steady : chcddars , peed to tine
m-ain. 7Jic ; Cheddars , Hats , full cre.un'Jin
bo\ . , ' | ( | > se ; Youiitf Americas , -1 In
{ Ullules Heavy dry salted fully cured , 64e } ;
Ustit , UKoj Uamaswl , 7 e ; bull hldesl "
ilrv s.illril , tfcfflV : dry fl'nl ' , SHUc calf I
Aiii . Srt'O ' " ilfacoii" . We each. t
InllcivvIn cnimtr > .H't ( < ; No. 'i , ! V ; cake , '
SYf 4r.
Receipt' . Shipment ? ,
U'hent.btt. ! . ! ! ! ' . ' . 4VKX >
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
JlhriW.bu. . . . . . . . . . \.OM \ " ! oo
Now Voi-k. July 14. Wlitnt llccelnts ,
1T1.2M ( : exports , wr"iOO ; spot slude lower ;
options opened 1 'jtfti ' Vc lower , later ad-
Mtf.ccit 14"inp , alterwiiids declined ' ( fiU'sc.
closing heavy ; uuginded leil. SToZsli ; No. 1
led , ( K1 ! * ! . ' ; So. tt ird , August , closed at
' " 'V1'orn . . .
( orn Sjiot. ' .cn''o ' lower ; opened ' 4f''t1je
ovver , closing dull and heavy ; i.velpls. . -
OJO ; I'xjioits , : ts'iOO : Mtunidfil-iviMOUr : No.
j , ii'4 ' ( M74f in elevator. 47'4@le ! alloat ;
liM'il aNli 4p.
O.Us ' 4rii'i' ' lower ; receipts. 41,000 ; ev-
( mils , 'i ; mixed weslcin , Sfiyi ' > e ; wbllo
wesielll. 40-M.V. , . ,
IVtrolonm Steady and nnehanged ; I luted
closed at ( VI i.e.
I'nrk Dull and nnehaiiL'od ; old me ! ,
o.attiuu.riji , ' ; new mess , < ? fll.r.Jli.
Lanl-Opened at about ft points hlu'lirr ,
closed weak with adtalico pnitlylo t : west
ern steam , spot , i0.b'JJa ( Z0 5 ; Aniii t , t .iK )
tiiitter-uict ( ) and unchanged ; western , 11)
i i } < c.
ciieeso Firm , closing tame ; westein , 7'i
C'7 4- .
Kggs-Firm , fair demand ; western liosh ,
' /iUV.
Milwaukee. Julv 14 Wheat Lower ;
ct.sli , 7i"4c : August. 7'v ! ) ' : September , M'l.e. '
Coin Dull ; No. a. : i7'i/Jso ' ( :
Onls AetUe ; No. S , Me.
IUe-Sraicc : : .No. 1. ill'jp. '
IJ.uletDull and lower ; No. 2 , fiWiufftc.
i'ro\lslons Higher : mess poik , cash and
August , * ! i..KJ ; Seiitembei , SIO.W ) .
Cinolnnnil. Julv II. Wheat K.islcr
aiulloweiNo. : . Sled , 77'ic. '
Com Miong and higher ; No. 2 , mixed ,
O.its Stiong : Xo. 2 , mixed , "A'c.
live-Finn ; No.J. . .V.IJ 'c.
I'orkrum at S10.C.2K.
Laid SlioiiK at SO.'JO.
WhiskJnlel ( : sties , ( Wfi barrels of hn
Ishrd goodi on u basis ol SI. 07.
MiimiM iiolls. Jnlj II.VIieat UMspt-
tied and ueal. ; No. 1 haul , cash , Mtc ;
August ; M' ' i1 SeplPinhcislc : ; October ; No.
1 noithein , ? rc , cnsli ; 7i' ( ' > , ( ! Augn't : IN ;
.September ; 7U'.c ' Octobci ; Ao. ' . ' , noithern ,
I''c e.ish ; TJ'jC ' August.
Flour - ( inlet : jiatonts
bnkeis. .
iiereipts-U'hcat , 7r,001 bushels. .
.Shipments-Wheat , 1S.OJO bu ; Hour. 1stO :
St. I.otiK Julv II. Wheat Weak ;
No. 'J ted. cash , 78'-.c ; August , ; ! i'c.
Coin Weak anil I' ' di-'e lower ; mixed ,
cash , : > ! ' . , ( : Aimust , ; " . 'cc. '
Oats-WeaU ; No. 'J mixed , cash , 324'c ;
Amriist , 27e.
Uje-Stcadvat Wr.
I'orStMniei''iSo. ! : ! ' ' .
lard-K sv , ( JO.W.
\Vldsky-S J.07.
fjlvcriiool , July 14. Wheat holders
olfcr lieelvtlnUr ; , dull. Os , I rid ;
sluing , -dull , fis , OKd ; Hour holders oiler
tieely ; extra No , I spring wheat , a s , ! td ;
corn siot | ninl lutnio supply , liirsc : new ,
mixed , and July , -is ; August , Is , IP d ; Scii
tember , 4s , Id.
Chicago , July 14. The Diover's Jouinal
repoits as follows :
Cattle ItecelptR. 10.100 ; weak , ISo lower ;
shipping steers , Sii.iS o.lfi ; stoekers and
feeders , S2.2X ! I.S0 ; cows , bulls and mixed ,
51.BOi ( < a.7. ' > ; bulk , S2.-i'iC 2.75 ; slop-fed
steers. Sl.riOiN.)0 ( ! ) ; thiongh Texas cattle ,
lecelpts , nearly 4,0X ) head , lower ; common ,
S2.400i.OO ( ! : ; good , Si.OOf : Jl.7S. :
llozs Itcceipts. 17,000 ; active and good , oc
lambs , per head l.'jridU.OO.
Si.Ijoui . Julv 14. Cattle Itcceipts.8,000.
shipments , 1M > 0 ; fairly actice ; 20 lower :
good to choice ; shipping 8UW@4.uo :
common to fair. g.7.rOSI.45 : ! ) ; buteheis'
. ,
ncthoflc higher ; bninhH . " . .ivir > c ; mixed ,
8l.50CrW.bO ; llgliLSLndDM ? ; butter steady
creamery , 15@lt > c. ; dale * , lO lOc.
KattBUB City , July 14. Caltlo Kecclpts ,
2.700 ; shipments , 10oo , ; slow ; weak ;
choice , S4.fiOii'I.GO ( ' ; common to medium. Sli.iio
( aM.15 ; stock eis , S2.Xin ( ) .Sj. : ieeders , SS.W
fei.70 : ; cows , 5a.00ra8.'f > .
Jlogs Kccelpts , liiO , : ; shipments , 1.700 ;
choice , heavy j steady , oCc lower ; good to
choice , S4.5jV1.75 ( ; uomnuiri to medium ,
Toledo , July 11. Wheat weak ; closed
steady ; cash , 'tfjfe.
Corn Steady ; cash , 3Sc.
Oats Xominal.
, , , Wednesday Evening , July II.
„ m
Oatlle The receipts went linger today than
for sonic time and the maiket was fairly act-
he. Valuof , lemain about steady at loimer
llocih The receipts woio not heavy but
Iibeial in comparison with what other maik-
ets arc getting. The quality of the hogs did
not average as good as jesterday , but they
sold higher than the same heirs would have
brought ycsteiday. The demand was gooil
and oreiythlng was sold early In the day.
SIII.KP Theiu are none on the market.
Cattle . fioo
Hojrs . . . li-JOO
1'rcvnilliiK Prices ,
Showing the prevailing juices paid for ll\o
slock on this maiket.
Choice steeis , It50 ! to 1MM ) Ibs . S4.r.O'N.70 (
Choice steeis , 1100 to i0) ; ; Ibs . 4. ' , ( < t.4M
Medium steers , 1250 to l.01bs. ; . . 4.2Ti'U. ( ' . ' > 0
Fat little steers , 10.10 to 1150 Ibs . . . . .UXKtf-U'S
( ! oed Ieeders , t X ) to 1000 MB . H.500N.75
( iood to cholco eows and holfeis. . . : i.0u < ui.i :
Fair to medium cows and hollers. . 2.,0 K : .OO
( iood to cholco bulls . 8,25l 'J,7.'j
Choice liglit and medium hogs. . . . . .Vi .do
( ! oed to choice heavy hogs . 4.riOiiM.70 (
( ! oed to elioico mixed ho s . 4Ji'i/t 1,60
Fair to good shorn sheep . 2.50v ( j.5 ;
ItciircHcntatlvo Sales.
Xo. Av. 1'r. No.
M . 1141 51.40 20 ! )
! ID . 1'i'JS 4.55 i3
Xo. Av. Pr.
51 . ! S5S fl.CO
72 . 210 4.50
7 ! ' . 174 4..WX
07 . : ; o : > 4.51 ,
( K ) . S.W 4.55
G5 . ii-i ! ) 4.574 }
71 . 2.VJ 4.57 } , '
150 . 2.JO 4.57K
151 . 'JIB 4.57 '
51 . 'J50 4.00
TII now
No. Av. 1'r.
1 . X ) 51.00
Kanso or I'ricos.
Showing the highest and lowest prices paid
Tor mixed loads of hogs on this maiket ( Pil
ing the past seven days , with comparative
values :
Juno Julv
Wednesday 7th 81.45 < < M. < V )
Thnisday bth. . .70 0 .75 4.2 j < a4.2M <
Fliday , Uth. . . . : i.U ( > 8'i.77K : i.K © 4.45
Katuulay , lOtli. H.ft.1 ( n .70 4.W ( , f4r > 0
Mondav. mh. . .1.70 o > : ' .7.5 4.45
Ttiesilay. 18th. . ! 1.70 rii.75 : 4W W4.70
Wednebday 14lh ! i.C5 < ga.70 4.50
Slilpinonts ,
.Showing the number of cattle , hogs and
sheep shipped during the past twenty-lour
Xo. Cars. Kt. Dest.
h . 0. 15. AQ . Chicago
10 . . . .Mil. . . Chicago
7 . N. W . Chicago
No. Cars Ht. Dest.
4 . Mil . Chicago
15 . N. W . Chicago
0 . U. H. &Q . Chicago
Jjlve Stook snloa.
Showing the number of cattle , hogs , and
sheep puichBbed by the leading buyers to
O. II. Hammond A Co . 370
Tremaln & Ti email ) . , . 97
John Hoth . . . o
Jtoos. *
l.ohman & Hothchlld . , . 100
A nu'lo A. '
I'aclung Co . 45'i
Claik llios . .
v-iv- . 1057
All sales of Block m tins market are made
tier cwt. live weight unless otherwise stated ,
bead bows M.-H nt V Vfr lb for all weight * .
"Skins" or hops welshing less than lee IDS
no value. Pregnant sows arc oocUC'l 40 11H
nod tings SO Ibs.
.Notes. ,
11 of all -old.
Cattle steady.
A stronger'iog ' maiket.
The average lecolptsof entile nre oil tlio In-
.1. . 1'otter ' , Hhilr , was heioand nmiketcd
a load oC liog < .
.M. II. Dodwell , Mnilteon. was union ; * the
viMtoHiitthp yuuU.
I * . Mr-Manus. Hancioft , was hcte With n
load of bntchets' stuff.
V. t'nupol , Illair. camp In todaand imtr-
i leted ; n load of rot t. led steer ? .
Miter , fc Fia/ier , Wayne , vvcro both III
to-dity and < old two loads of hogs.
11. J. Ilcndilcks , Ciilumbii * . was at the
yaidsnud marketed a'load of cattle.
G. II. Hammond & Co. ate killing nearl.v
thiee bundled head ol callle per day.
W. Hays a lipqwn * shipper to the yards ,
was In to-d.iy niul sold a load ot hog $ .
I Live \ndeisoli. Columbus , was In to-d.iv
nnd cold a lo.ulof hogs and a ol butchers
.Mr. Mr-lnto-di , of Melntosh . .v.Sntton. .
Chapmnus. wnshcioand sold two lo.uls of
A. \ \ . Louden , of Louden \ Smith , l.oup
Cltv. was union i : the shippeis vvho vveio In
lo daj , nnd sold two loads ol ho s.
' -.M'I Uepoiler. " said an old cattle sales
man , "von ' ma.v | ii t tell counliyshlipeistiint |
it thov'iuy auj thing for old cows now they
will lo-e money. 1 lie lolks in the country
cnunot betiln toieall/ohow cheap the cows
nnd helleis are selling , and they are vvoitli
Inrmoient homo than heie. Drovers' Jouv-
nal ( Chiuigoi.
Suppiessing cattle sales generally falls
smut of the pmi'o-o. For Instance , n man
will Inivo a held ot cattle sold lor less than i
he expected , and ielu es to have made pub
lic. Kw'ixbody at once suspects that some
thing is the mallei , and while tlio sale. It ieg-
nlaily published , would pasn unnoticed , all
hands set to woik to Dnd what Is wronir and
all about it when It is suppiessed. 1'coplo
vvho want to kno\vnlvvajs lind out what the
cattle brought , and many peisons who would
otheiwise heiiidllleienl , talk about It and dig
out the liiets simply because the owner ties
to hide them. Sometimes when the llrst lot
sells low the ownei wants to supples * the
sale and sell the icmainder tooiiie one at
liomc not In possession ol the fact' , lint as
a Pile when sales go out "p. t. " interested
peiMHis ceneially conelude that thcie Is a
"nlggei on the tenets" whether there Is or not.
Diovers Join mil.
l Markots.
Wednesday Kvenlng.Jnly 14.
Kor.s The bulk of sales aie being made at
lOo.H'LI in K Theie Is a , coed ( lemmid for
ciioicctabieuiuteranu tnc rccci'y'ti. : u.n i. .
heavy. Poor milter is iceeived in iibuudance
and has to be sold at very low pi Ices. Cholco
packages ot e\tia choice butter aie picked up
readily and at prices even higher than the
quotations given tor choice butter. At tills
sea on ol the year , even choice buttershlpjH'd
In baiiels becomes almost worthless bcloiu it
is received on the maiket. Thuwaim weather
melts it down until it is little better than oil.
Sovt'ial hai rots leceived this week which
would have commanded 10c per Ib if in tubs ,
had to bo sold nt : ! < u > lc. Cholcn table
Mutter. 10vlairtocood : , 7ri sclnfi'iior ; , Swflc. : Tull ctcam cheddais. .single. $ * < , < &
Oe ; lull eieam twins , no : tjutinir Amcileaii.
10c ; Swiss , imported. 2'i W7c ; skim Hats , 4@
fie ; Llmbniger , JJ12a ; brick , l'Aa4c Swiss
domestic , I2'rfirie. '
I'ori.iii1. The spring chickens received
averaged larger this week than last and have
commanded better prices. As the dllleience
is so great in sie and quality it is not easy to
give an exact quotation that will lit all cases.
Old fowls have been selling lahly well at
quotations ; choice large lowb have h en $ ell
[ itg 5s fiiph as 5\oO. A few ducks are occa
sionally leceived , but there is very little de
mand for them. Old fowls , prr doz , ? B.7S ;
Rinlng eliickens. large , fe'.75'rH ! ( ) ; siiing
chickens , medium si/es , 31..0aJ.25 ( ; spring
chickens , small , not wanted ; ducks , S'-.00@ !
o o
C.umAoi : Cnoice homo grown , per do/ , > :
Cii.ritY A small amount is romlng In , but
it does not Fell vciy last. Shipping btoek , per
do30c. .
ONIONS Sonlltern , per bbl , SI.OO ; south-
cm , per bu-box , SI. 50.
Ai'Pi.Ks Choice fiesb irceipts of shipping
stock have been selling fairly well. A good
many are shipped in that aie not suitable lor
icshipmcnt and such stock has to bu disposed
ot to pcildleis or the local trade at lower
pries than tluibu quoted. Cholco shipping
Htovk , JH.T bbl , si.oO : ( y.M ; clioice shipping
stock , per box , I5c@51.00.
CM.IPOIINIA Fui irs ISccclpts aio more
Iibeial and outside outers be filled moie
leadily and with better stock. Apncols , jier
crate , 4 baskets. 51.50 ; apiieots , 5 ciate lots ,
per crate , 51.25 ; peaches , per box , S2/5 ;
peaches , 5 box lots , jier box , S'2.00 ; plums ,
per crate of 4 baskets , S-.50 ; iilunis , 5 crate
lots , per crate , S--5 ; Uaitlett peats , jier box ,
UANAXA Uananas arc very good ami
very cheap now. IJ.inanas , per hunch , as to
size , S2.00fi-i.50. :
COCOANI- Cocoanuts , per 100 , t" > ,00 ; less
thiui hundred , per 100. ? 5.r,0.
nKiiniKs lied raspbeirics , icr21 ) jilnt case , ; black laspbeiries per 1(1 ( quart
case , Sii.OW3.75 : blackbenles. per 'Jl qnait
case. SU.fXai.75 ) ( ; ; blueberries , per bushel
stands , S5.00.
LIMONS ; Keceipts arc light and demand
brisk , owing to hot weather ail over the
country. Fancy leinonsniequotableat SIO.CO
uer box to-day , vvullo lair to good uro selling
atS.00 ! ' ' . ) .5i ) . A tin ther advance Is antici
pated. : Per 100 , SoS.OO.
FKIS AND DA'ir. * Figs , layer. 4 lb boxes ,
peril ) , lOc , Dates , fancy f.tul , 12 lb boxes ,
lie : dates. Persian , 50 Hi bo < ce& per lb , lOc.
Ni is Pcc.ins , laigo pollshe.l , lie ; pecans ,
medium , 'Jc ; JCngllsli walnut-i , lie ; almond- ,
Tainuroiia. 20c : almonds , L.ingnedoe . , 17L- ;
Hiiuils , I2i" lilbeits , 14c ; peanuts , hand
picked , fanev Vliglnla , sjc ? : peanuts , hand
picked cholco \ Irginia , 7 } jo ; peanuts , roasted ,
icoxtra peril ) .
lloxr.v California , 15c ; California ,
strained , lOc ; Xebiaska , choice , lltil'iu ; Xo-
braska , dark , 12 ( caie. : ;
. . . ! , perlb , fie ; penny
caKes , perlb , ll ) < e.
-M.M'i.i : Snt p ISnlk , 14 to 17 gallon kegs ,
per gal , Sl.oopl ; cans , jicr gal , 51.01 ; halt
gal cans porgul. SI,10.
Cinnii Xew Yoik , per nbl , S7.00 ; do. half
bbl , r4.oo ; Oiab , iiei doqts , 52.7,1 ; .Michi/.in /
leiincd. per bbl , jril.OO.
VI.NTC.vnVhito wine , ! P C 17c ; cider , 111
@ 17c ; single stienu'th , jfc : ; triple stiength ,
Pins' : , Tnii-n , Krr. Pigs' feet , per
} j bbl , P4.00 ; do , bbl. S'J.OO ; do , per kit , U0c.
J/aniDs' tongues , jier > , , obi , & ; t,2.1 ; do , per kit ,
S2.f > 0 : do , quart jars , per doSV.'S ; do , pint
lars , per ease , 2 do/.en , > Si.7Tiipe ( , per M
bblS4.00 ; do , per } 4 bbl , S2.00 ; do , per kit ,
I'IIOVIRIONS Meats areslendllyadvancniL' .
'Ihe demand Is busk and piospccts favor
higher | ) iices. Ham , 12l < ; c ; bacon ,
Si.rf' ( o ; clear side bacon , 71/u8c ; dry salt
Mtk'b , < teJff ; short lib sides , To ; bhoiudei.s ,
7c ; mess poll , , Sl'.nopei bbl ; diied beel-ham
pieces , l < c ; laid , tierces , Cc ; , V-lbcans7c ) : 10-
lb cans (1-nlibanks ( ) , 7Jac ; Mb cans , do , 7'io ;
: Mb cans , do , 78xe
Nnw PorATor.s Hoth southern and homo
giovvn aio being sold on the market , but
stock Is not moving veiy rapidly. Soulhein ,
per bbl , 81.75 ( 'J.oy ; homo grown , iier bu ,
SUi ! .
IJKAXS-Inferlor stocks. 75c@Sl.OU ; good
clean countiv. S1.2. ' > ftil.50 ; incdliiiu hand
Picked , ; hand jilcked navy , 81.40 ®
Fi.oi-n AMI Mil i.sirrrR Winter wheat
* * * / i t/iii ijt\tii | Itn
- v w tier ewt ; st'ieenlng , uuu
per cwt : hominy , Si.ho per cut ; shotts , V > c
per ewt ; cinham , S1.75 ; hay , In bales , S7.CO : .
\Vooi , .Medium , ir iso perlb ; fine heavy ,
lK ( < U4e ; liglit. I'JiftlSc ; coaise , 12 < 14c ; bmry
wool. 'Ju5o ( olT.
HuiKS-ieen ( ! butcbpis'.r.j.e : greencurpd ,
8c ; dry Hint. 11(5 ( i.'ic ; dry salt , DOUOo : dam-
acen bides , two-thirds price : tallow , Sfas c ;
giease , prime white , 'ic ; yellow'c ; blown ,
"c bheep pelts , 2. ' > @ 75c.
LEATIIKII Pilmo slaughter solo leather ,
i)8is ) } : ; prmu onk solo leather , iXXi/Slk- !
i.-ja ; i-rencii calt , 51.2.V < 11.KS ; .Morocco boot
IP * , ' . aCKc ; ; Moiocco oil jK'bble , 2NMB2C ; top-
Pinsrs and HniiiKs , SO.OOji'lo.00 per do .
HKAVV llA invAii : iron , rates. S2.25 ;
plow steel , special cast , 4c ; crucible steel , Go ;
cast tooHdo. U , < 1S. . wasolswkcs / ' tursel.
. . . - .
savvrd div * < 1 4U : innitu ( > . eachl ; ! tvis ,
each. ; v. sriujtrc nuts. i > ei lb. ! i"i . roil
chain , per lb. fXl'-V : mnrteable , 0 .s : . ' 'Oil
wedcM , ft" crowb , < t , < " . harrow troth , tc ;
spring steel , 7WS- : Huldon's llftr cMH > ps.
S4.40 : Ituiden's imilo shoes , J : , .40. Harbcd
wire , in i-ni lot . SUM pet 100 lbliort
Xnlis. rates , 10 to Mi. > . ' VJ : sted niil : . i'.iV , ;
Shotl.'iO : buckshot.I.s.1 : oilental
powder , l.i'gSi.MiivM.oO : do , half Kegs.
S'J.OJ : do. ( inaltoi kec- . ? 1..Vi ; blaMIng , kegs.
Sn.i'i : : fn-e. per 100 teel. 10Lead Hai. * l.k\
tin.--\Vlille lead. Omaha. P. P. .
T'.je ; wliile lead. St. I.mils , pme. * 7.'i : Mnr-
M'lllt'x giren. 1 to i in inii-j.Oe : 1'icnch/liic
fU'i'ii cil. : l"c : French /ine ud senl. lie ;
Fieucinc. . in vitnlsb nsjoe | : Fioneli
zinc. , & : vnmillion , American , ISc : Indmii
led , luc ; lose pink , 14c : Venetian led. Cook-
sonV''V1 : \ ftietiaii ted. Il4e ;
red lead. 7'jc ; i-liionu1 jellow , genuine , VOe :
clnome jellovv , K , 12c : oclne. loeho'lc. ' : ie :
ochie. I'lciich. 2\e : oclne. Ameiiean. l' ' e :
Winter's mln iil. - .ir : l.clilgh luown.2'e ' :
Spanish blown , 2 < , : Prince's mlneial , Jic ,
liin PAINIS Wlilte lead. S- : French /.Ine.
12e ; Paris wliltlng , 'J'.cliltlnir. : . gildeis' ,
1'4e ; \\liillnif. eom'l. ' f . lampblack. ( ! ci-
manstown. l-'e : lampblack , oiillnary. V ;
I'liissi.ui blue , . " > " * : ultiamniine. lse\niidyke. : nnibei. biiint. 4c : uniler. law , 4c :
sienna , Intuit. 4f : sleinni. taw , 4c ; P.uis
gieen. genuine. 2.Paris : creep , common.
22c ; ehioine tneen. N. Y. , 20e ; elnome gieen.
K. I'.V ; vennlllion , Knttlisli , in oil TOe ; law
nnd burnt timbei. I lb cans. I2c ; mw nnd
bin nt siennn , Ucninl.Ke. : . . liioNvn. iie : : IP
lined hmphlack. 1'Jc ; coach black and ivoi.v
black. lOci iliui ] black. lOc : Piussinn blue ,
41V ; ullraiuaiinelilue , 18c : rhiomo green , I. . ,
.M. iV 1) . . UV : blind nnd slmttei uieen. I , . . M.
& 1) . . Hie : Parisiriei-n , is- ; Indian ted , ! . % ! ;
Venetian icd. He ; Tuscan , 220 : Ameiicaii
veimillUin , I. . A-1) ) . . 'J'c ( : vellow oclne , t'c ' ; I , .
.M. AO. . 1) . . 1Hgood : ochre , 10e : patent
dtyei. se ; grnlnlng color , Ilghtonk , dark oak ,
wnltiut , clii'stnut and a h , 12c.
Ditt-ns AM > ( in.\nr\i.s-Arid , eaibolie ,
JUc : add , tnitatIc , site ; balsam copaiba , per
HP , 4' > e ; balk , sassatrns. per Hi. lOc ; calomel ,
per 1 11' ' , We : chliichonidln. pero4 ( e : cliloio-
lorm , per ll > , 20 e : Dover's powdeis , per II , ,
Sl.'jri ; epsom salts , per Hi. : i' ' ; e ; glvceiini' ,
puie , per Hi. I'-e : lead , acetate , per Hi. 20e ;
oil , castor , No. 1 , per gal. , M.6'J ' : oil , castor ,
Xo. 2 , per gal. , SUO ; oil , olive.uei gal. . > I..Hi :
oil oikanniim , .Vc ) ; opium : i.u : ; ; < | ulnine ,
P. iVV. . and K. V S. , per o70e ; potassium
Iodide , per Hi. S'UX ' ) : saliein. pero40e ; sul
phate moiphiue , pel o/ , 2. . ' > 0 ; sulphui , per
lli. 4e ; stijchnine , peroS ! . : ) .
VAIIXIHIIKS Bairols. j > er gallon : Fiinil-
ture , extra , SI.10 ; furniture , So. 1. frl.OO ;
coach extia. 51.40 ; coach , Xo. 1. SI.20 ; lamar -
mar , extra , SI.7.1 ; .lapan. "Co ; asphnltnm.
exlia , obc ; shellac , s'l.flii : haid oil linish ,
Si'iniis-Cologuospirits. IRS jnoot , S1.12 ;
do 101 proot , Sl.lil : spiiits , second ( pialily ,
101 pioof. t5 ! . ! . ' : do l s proof , < -l.ll. Alco
hol , I'spioot , Si. 10 per wine gallon. Hedis-
tille < l wliiskles , > i.o.f ) < ct.OT. Gin , blended ,
f ? 1.5 ) < i2.0.1 : Kentucky bourbons , S2.XK/n.oo ( ;
Kentuckv and Pcnns.v Ivanln lyes , 5f2.0@O.M ( ' ) :
Holden Sheaf boiubon and rve whi-kios ,
S1..10 ? .OX Drnndies , imported , S."i.00a8.50 ;
domestic. S1.W@'J.OO. : _ Ullj3. Impoited , SI.W
( ; noniestJc , i.wtrr9.oo. cnnmragnc- ! ,
Imported , per case , Si2S.OU@'U.03 ; Ainciican ,
per ease , S10.00 ( < tli.00. !
Grocers' IjlRt. , In hols , S5.00 ; do in
half bbls , S.0i : ! ) ; small , In bbls , .S6.00 ; do in
halt bbls. Sil.fiO ; gherkins , in bbls , 87.00 ; do
in half bbls , S4.03
MATr-in:1 : ? Per caddie , SSo ; round , jicr
case , SI.OO ; snuaiecases , 81.70 ; mule siiuaie ,
C5j or ,
St'dAlss , 7Ve ; cut loaf , 7'e ;
giaiiulaiod , OJfc ; contcctlonei.s' A , OV < e ;
standaid extia C , OfnPi'jej cxtiaC , 5'Vct.l'Mc ( ;
medium 3 ellow (
] ) IIIKII KiiriTH No 1 onaiter apples , in
evaporated boxuts , S's/rfOi1 ; biaekbeilies , boxes ,
S OWHc ; i > eache.scastern1 > < fV < < e : peaches ,
evapor.ited , l.l'-jn,17c ' ; Salt Lake , new , 04
feie ; rasibiiiies ] ; , ne'vv. ' KKniOc ; cmiants , 7' <
@ 7 jc ; m tines , new , 4.1 > , ( a ; tpfe. Onnivfau's soda , butler and
picnic. , S o ; cicains , K > e ; ginger snajH , &J , 'e ;
cltv sfmn , 7' ' c.
SODA In ID papers , 5i.2oii ; case ; julsoda ,
kcir , per lb , yilfc.
t > Yii'i : > No. 70 , 4-galIon Kegs , SI.OO : New
Oileans , : iSo)4Gc ) per gallon ; Maple Syiup , yt
barrel , strictly pnie Toc per gallon ; 1 gallon
cans , 6'.2.1 ' ' per doz. ; M gallon can.s , $5.25 ] )0r
5JVc ) ; Kinssford's bulk , 4e.
COFKIIS- : : Ordinary grades.10s4'@Uc : fair ,
fancy green : md yellow , IS' toDU'le ' ; ofd government -
ernment .lava , 20 i2 < ; o ; inteiior Java. 10'i , , '
20o ; Mocha , "JC 'lc : Arbucklo's roastecn
14'c ; MeLauirlilin's XXXX roasted , 14hc :
Dilworth's , I4 > , c : Kcd Cross. 14'.rc.'s Kirk's Savon impe'ilal , $2.70 ;
Kuk's satinet , 5:1.00 : ; Kirk's standard. 83.05 ;
Khk's wliito Kiissian , S4.00 ; Kirk's White
Cap , 50.5' ' ) : Dome , S3.UO ; Washboaul , 8:1.10. :
, , , . ,
4.40 ; peaches , per case , 84.10 ; white cherrle.s ,
per case , 35.1K ) ; plums , per case , SH.fiO ; blue-
berrlef , per case , S3.25 ; egg plums , -j lb. i > er
easn. S2.50 ; pineapples , 2 lb , per ease , 5 .20
& 5.50.
OAXDI.KS Boxes , 40 lb Cs , lOc ; Ps , lOc ;
boxes , 40 Ib , 10 ofis , lO e ; half box , 20 lb ,
10'4c. '
CAXIIY Mixed , 0 , ' ii2c ( ; stick- , 8K < 9ltfe.
bA I.T Dray loads , per bbl. Sl/w ; A.slfton ,
In sacks , SS.35 ; sacks , Aston , Nlc ; bblf ,
dairy , 52.li2.75. (
Dry Oootls ,
I'JIINTS American , r.J c ; Arnold's , Cc : Co-
cbeco , Cc : Jlanehrster. ( ic ; Lyman. So : Ulou-
ccstpj-.flKe ; DiinnellJneiiuaid. ( io ; Diinnell ,
S'af ; Windsor , Be ; Pacillc , Cc. : Harmon , 4tfc } ;
Anchor Shittings , 4)ju ; Meiiimac .Sliiitings ,
4J c : Uerwick , lu.
DITK ( Unbleached ) Sot. Magnolia , lOc ;
lOo/ . Magnolia , I2e : a m. West Point , lOlrfc ;
11 o/ . West Point. 12'4e. '
. . HIIOWN .i I i r C'orrox . * . ii.- . Uiiwronco 11 _ . . . i t Ll r- _ > , . Ge ; iT Shaw- A i _
, . .
dvko OOO , ' ) < < . ; Thorndyke fancy , o ;
oik.10.iie ; Yoik lancy , I2 tfc ; Mllbiny ,
iyc : ; Pearl Kivcr , HKe ; Hamilton , 12o ;
Swift Itiver , flJi-e ; Shetncket S , H' ' c ; Shc-
tuckct H.S , ! > ' < , 'e ; Jlontituk AA , 12c ; Montauk
BU , lie ; Omega ACA , We.
DITK ( coloiod ) Boston ! l o/ blown and
diab , : ! ' ; ; liosion O 11 blown and dnib ,
XXX brown and dial ) , lljtfe ; Boston O P
blue. 11'tfe : Wai i en Tiicot , iflc.
HI.KACIII.H COTIONS Fanneis' choice ,
fi',0 ' , ; Cabot , ( i-4'c ! ; Hope , 7c : lllil 4-4. 7 0. ;
Hill K , rr'.c ' . ; Lon-dale , Sc ; Fiuit , t-e ; Waiua-
Conirr , liAVR-Kearsiirgo : , 7c ; Aimory ,
7e ; Peppeiell , 7'jC ; Indian Oichaid , ( io ;
Niiumkc ag , 7e.
Cinviors : Amoskcas , checks.O'.Je ; Amos-
keag , stripes , ssjc , Slater , stripes , be ; ICdin-
buig , .M c ; Whlttendon , stupes , K < ; ( ilen-
lese , Oc ; Otis , cliecks , U } < jc ; Oils , stripes , Do ;
Itoyal , fl ie : Amoskcag , napped , lOMo ; Ln-
ray , book told , ISc ; o boion , book foUl , lljfe ;
Kndmance. book told , 12c * .
Di. VIMS Heaver Cicek
I-IRII .lll'i'H'f II'NgiIllilb I'ls KtH
IIBI1' , ) glKl , 100 W 60 < 0 ; Jl ! 1U
iicn'uS't.No i j/ii's ' m J Ta t71 071 * < o KI"
I/BO ( iiii'ii rantti-d wi : ooa 7r , i M i | n w v ,
( (
IH-R'lTl'lllils if ifhls I'lilfs'or"Kits
SW I 100 W M M I IS 10
KKK ller'nifs 12 W6.3) ! > 00.1 30,2 70 . . . SO
Nonveslnn i ' I I
Kh lll'iT'lliJSll ODfl 0)5 ) 153 ffi'S ' fB . . . 75
HllMlillff. i 8 ( iU4 &H MS 'M\l \ DO . . . . 75m
llcls . . IS OOU MS CO ! KI3 W ) . . . . i 1 10
Hollaml llcirlncB. neii- . SO
" " 1'ull VV'lillo hoop I lu llbls Ur Jllila I'K Klb
j 2JO UK ) IW I & 'J 4U "
Illoator Mo s.iTo" ' ; ) is 00 'Haiti ' ft" > 7 : ) (0,1 , 0
Ki No ISIitiiuJl Ms \ 101
Jlt'dNo.lShoi-o.TJ Ull 7 ( W 111 a M s IHI I ji\ \
- 60" in , , . n iflio , ( 4. ' ) U 05 S MHJ \ \
I.a arramlly. U u ) 5 i 4.V,20J210 74 &
ra''I''iiullv . ' 7 0(1 ( 4 00 i.l lAa Oa 1 ' 0 OJ ( 0
To Bridge Contractors.
J.s will bo iccehcil on or before.
J tintiiiday , Julj 'Itb.lur the lirid inj"I 7ft
iiillcb ol" Hio L'licyoiuiu & Northern Jtnihuiy.
piiccllliMtiou , u id lull particulars may Ijuob-
olitabxil at Hie ollU'd ol tbu unilo.n.iItiL"l ! , to
vvlioiii till piipo94lg iiiii't liu torwardcd not later
than the ul.oio iiiuucd duic.
J. J. UUOWN * CO. , Cbeyenne , Wjo.
s Steam Pife Driving.
It.U MOM ) . ( AMPHK1.K.
Brges , Hoof Trusses , Steam Pile Driing
Iron coiiiMiintloii mm Hm\e Tnis ? llildjc .
I'lllnir niiiHlrtK limber , l..tli > l . uwir Knriinni ,
Tclepliime Vi. 7.M.
Ciga.s . and Tobacco ,
MAX MTV. til : A CO. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
nnn ninl Atmiiunti < m. SI5 to IKt South IHh
Stn 01. IIW ) to lir.'l fiiinuin lrerl , Oiiiahd Ni ! > .
l.sTi.n-Oi'i IN Tumi I'vnoiiv.
Wl.s'f \ riMTM'HKU.
Manufacturers or Fioo Dinars ,
Aliil Wliole.cnkDivilei * In l.raf Tolmecoo. Nos.
'os nnd llo N. Hlli tin't , ( liniiliu. Nvb.
" " '
V.'uvituiir ,
Agent for tbc MnnufiK'turors ntul IinpottcN.
Crockei-y , Glassware ,
Latllpn , ( hlimo > t ) , Olllie. ill ? , OllU < 1'tltl
Stii'ft. Onmhft. Ni-U.
Ajii'iit lor 1' A. Whllnej I'nuiiixu Co. I
ChlldTGn's Carriages ,
Anil Jewell's folflifiite t Heliiiri-'r.linri Senor
or price ll l . Ull 1'arium t , O'liiiht.
Lornlccs ,
Eagle Cornice Works.
.loh.'i Kppnoier , Proprietor. Xiiiiufni.turcr of
( Inlvmilml Ifin and furnlro. iyt : Doilpi * anil 101
anil UiTiXoilli latli. street , Oninlia. Nt'l , .
KlT.MPlNd i. I101.TK ,
MnnufcutuiorHof Onntiucntal
Galvauized iron Cornices , Dormer
\Vltulo s , rimiN , iie.il08. : : UltliSt. Worldlonc
m nn/ part ol Ihocountry.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. til'ECIlT , I'niprlelor.
Cnlvanl/vil Iron ( "iitnlce . Klo. SjiocittV l-n-
liioxid I'alctit Mcmll'c ' Ski-light. MS nnd A1U8
rail St . Oiualin. Nrl. _
Doors , Sash. Etc.
" " "
The "ilale Ciy : Plan'ng Mill" .
Doors , Pnsh mid lllliul" . ANo all Mmls of
Mirtilii ) , ' . Hi'ioll uiul tnlr v\oik ol ovrry ilo-
eeilpllon ,
Manufacturer utul Dciilurln
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Ktnir Hulls n ppoclully Telephone No. 92
lath nyd ilnruy S't . . Oiualui , Neb. _
Electrical Supplies.
"iTw. WOLFR & CO. , Klvctriclat.1 ,
Electrical Supplies ,
ck , Oinahu. llurfrlur Alurrus , Hells ,
io Aluiins , Wcttlu Muttlnur , Speaking Tnboi ,
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building WorK
ion Slalrp , Itilllnjr : , Itolled Ilennis and Olnlei
Btcain KiiKiiH'H , ItrasB Work , Uoneral roundry
Mnclilno nnd Hlacksmllh Work. Ollloo and
Works , LT. 1' . Jtramis 17th St.
lion ar cl Nails.
"Cut Kaifs and SpSesi
Viio Kails r Pprlaltv. . Oiniibn , Xob.
Omaha Safe Works ,
0. AXDKI3P.N' .
J a vorK. nmitters nnd VVIrtj
S s. , Omnha , Nrb.
Wagons and Carriasjes.
Enalillshcil 1H.M.
A. \ S1M1'.SON ,
The Leading Carriage Factor/ ,
] < C9nnd UU DiHlgo Street , Ouiulm , Nob.
Commission , Etc.
J > . nuitici : & H
Live Stock Commission
Can. Ilurkc. Miiiiinjer ,
Union Stook Viinls , S. Onmlm. Tolc ilirnn 533
1 Union Stock Yards Company ,
' Limited. John 1' . Iloyil , Supcrlutonileiit ,
SAVAtiK & UllEKV ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
ijiiiR'nlrt of any and all kinds of block bollolt
cd. Union bti.i'k Vnrild.Oinului , Neb.
Lumber , Etc.
" "
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Basil , Doors , Etc. Yards Cor , 7th uncl
110HN MANUKAC'ruitlNO CO , .
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldings , Stair Work am ! Interior Haul Wood
J'inleli. Just openoil. N. K. cor. 8th und l.vavun-
M-ortU Stieets , Omaha , Null.
Wholesale Lumber ,
tit S. UtU .Struct , Omaha , Nob. V. Colpot7cr ,
C. N. 1)11/1 %
Lumber ,
53tu ninl California Htri'f ts , Omnlia , Nob.
w. on AY ,
' Lnmber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. Ctb anil Dou iua irtic-nto , Onnihu , A'cU
< ii:0. : A. HOAOI.ANl )
Wholesale Dealer in Lumbpr ,
Oinaliii , Nelirutka.
" " '
CHAP. It. I-F.n ,
Hardy/ood / Lumber ,
Wnffn Plock , Woods , Ilridge. Tlinbor\
ic , s. W. Cor , Vth and Uoiiil.i , Oiiiali , Neli.
G , 1 , LYMAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
IJalldlm : 1'upur , Dtc. Honlh
Flih , Etc.
Slirref-ors to HlPinsccn & Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Jmportorfl of roruiRii . , No ? . 911-illll Jonei
c = , Sire | ixnd k11 % Track , Omaha. Muu. - ,
F. 1' . KAV As ( JO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbcisot l''iultsNiits anJ Cigar1211 )
Farnain St. , OinahaNcb.
Lime , Cement , Etc.
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
And Shippers of Coal and Coke , Comunl , Plug-
ter , llmo , ( lulr. Kin ; llrlck. Drain , Tilu und
BuMcr 1'lpo. Ollico , I'uxton hotel , teluplionufcli ,
Kiinmtn Mi out , On'ali , N
Job Printing.
Job Printers , Book Binders ,
Uluntk liiok Munufuctururs. IOC luS South
Fuuil c cull ) Stree
Agricultural Implement s.
1'AHl.lN OHKMiolttT A MAHTIN ,
\Vhol < A o Healer * In
Agriulturdl ( Implements , Wagons
mnl llupfili < , Omaha NtK
Ull l ! < Ull.I. PAKkKK ,
IV iiK't-
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Cniriivre nit'l ' MnirRli . ,1 < ne ft. , t'oi. I'lli ami
loth , Omaha , Neb ,
Hoots and Shoes.
. "
' " " " '
\v. v. Mot'si ; A ro. .
Jolioers of Boots and Shoes ,
, Srb. Mann factor j- ,
Street lUwtOH. _ _
Carpels , . , . , _ ,
' ' ? . A. OUCH AHli/
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
* ! , CurtniH dnm1" . . 14H ) I'Arnam
JMrnet. Olii.lliil. Nob.
Coal , Linio , Etc.
Coal Coke , Lime and Stons.
Office , i'lSf. ] Jth''t..Omnin. ! Nili. VnrJs , fHl )
inn ) lir.reni > oititu-ets. ? _ _ _ .
" M'.iiRAsuA ,
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
814B. 13lUPt.Oiumm , Ni'ti ; , , .
C.FO. C. Tmv l.l : , I > rcBlJp > nt.
GTO. VrrMioi * . Mx1. umlTiciis _
1 " II < m 1 1 , HIT. F. A. ,
VropT-'lrtor. Manner.
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
ORlnSI7 S . litth Mrect. Tell phone 19.
Br.o. I. luu < ! iil're . C r C.oumnv.V I'res.
.1. A. frMiritl.A.MI SCf. IIIKl '
Omaha Coa ; , Coke and Limo Company ,
Jobbers ot ' . .aril and ' "ft coil' , A ! ) S. lull t
Oinnliii , Noli
Hard and Soft Coal.
rxflviHlyo tlcaliTsIn llniililcv rolonulo Con ! . " 1 ?
toulh IHIiHuct.
Coffee and S ces.
" " "
Home CoH63 and Spici Mill ? MTg Co.
Collet' lloiisiei.s ninl SpK-c ( lilaili-i-J. miinu
fnctnruisof lliikitiK-Powder , I'lavouni ! Uxtraols
IllnhiK. olp. Try otio ca o of our Mb pncKHKO
Ilomelllcnil Hoastcil Coffee. 1609 llowniilfct. ,
Cintliit , Neb.
riAUKE tlltOS. iCO. ,
Omalia Coffee and Soice Mills.
Tcfift ' CXMTfH1 * ? i > iofAi nuliltiA P wrtPr VltifArinff
Kxtii'iutR , Knumlry lllun. Ink , to. Hli-lo liar-
nej-StreetOmiOiHi Neb
Commission , Etc.
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
11S1 1'lirnuiu "I. , Omiilin. Apples-Our on n i.
IHK I'liitt At < > . R Tlper Itranil Ojsters , Hutter ,
Kpua , Oiiino , I'oultiy , Votiitoes. _ _
General Commission Merchant ,
I'lodnco I'ltivMons , rriiltb , Hour anil ' ' * ; : . . '
? . lllh St. , ( . < ! r.nlin , Neli. Cotisluimionts Bolloi'.eu.
lii'tmns , Hindu promptly-
If. MtOON'AU ) .
81512111 PI i rut , Oma'iil , Nob. Ppjci.iltioj : Hut-
ti r I'.Z'fH. mid Chlc'Kun. , .
Produce Commission Merchants.
roultiy , llntter , fiiuno , 1'nilts ltc. ! 2.HJS. 14th
St. , Oiuuhu , Nebraska.
ileneral Commission Merchants ,
MWJ Doilfio Plrcot , Uinnlin , ru'lmivka Cotislfrn-
W. K ItlDDKLI , .
Storage and Commission Merchant.
iKh fhci-ci' , llutiur Kua1'oiilliy
ninl Oiiinc , US S. Hlli. , Oiunlia , Xob. Telephone
phone .Vo.yir : .
\VKKKS . "L " .MII-I-AUI ) ,
Storage and Commission Msrcliants.
I'orc.'jrn ninl llninotlu I'rults a * pi-c'lnllv. r.\- \
CKiint MnniKu fac'llltlos Wiirclioiuo ami ollico ,
10 Noith 13th st. Teloplionu 776.
i ) . A. : R"IH.KV ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
liutlrr. K KS nnJ I'lOiluco. A full Mm1 of Stone-
nuc. ; Coi'slgninciils tolluHuJ. 1111 Duiltfu t-t. ,
iAj'r : & . ci
Bnyers of Butter and Eggs.
Itc'rlct rnlor ami J'acMnr ! loiiMi,14lli .V Lcavon-
St. , on U. 1' . It. IS. 'J'lauk , Omaha , Nob.
n < lalillslu < i1 IfiTO.
noiiincr I'L'i'.vis ,
General Commission ,
TUB , Htb St. , Oinulia , Noli. Ppuclnltlcs lluttcr
ruullry mill Ciiiint' .
rnrnci : imos. ,
Commission Merchants ,
I'riiiti , I'n'Ouco anil I'nivlfioua , Oinnhn ,
Siu'ccesorrt to iHinc ( irllllth ,
Comissi.n Merchants
Amivli.ilcnilo ilralciv li > 'oiinlry
Irulta , I ulicr. mua.o'u. ( ioo Uoiii
a iiii | > clnlty. iK ) M. Mth t l , O niilin.
N & K
( Sucfosoia to A. 1' . Sohao'c. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. 213 South 1'ith Stioot. Onmlm , NTol > .
Dry Goads.
i , . ( ; iNsmit : ( ] A co.r
Wholesale Jloulcmln
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Unonc , Jji , I'uiiiroJilery ami While C ooi
J ( ) Douglas htrtot , Oiriuh/i , Ncli. " *
_ White Lead ,
Strictly Pure While Lead.
Mill SIami U , I' , lly. Oinuliu ,
Harness , Etc.
Wi/l | ; V fi , IANIUOCIC ) ,
Minuifiicluioib aiulJobbcra of
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Turt ( jooila , lllankulH ami lloliuti. Ilu'l 1'urimta
_ _ _ StK'i't Oinulia , Neb.
_ _ Mattresses.
13. M. nrrSK ,
Mattress Company ,
Manurnclurlnir Mt'ttroHsc-d , lleilillnx , IVnthrr
1'lllown. Con. , lite , jaw unU 12W Juuela4 ) Slicr-t.
Oinalia. Nrb.
CO. ,
Manufacturers of Overalls.
Jeuns Tunis , HhlilH. IIio. , 1ICM ' and 1 VI Douidu
Agent fo ? Anheuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n '
Bpeclal lirands : I'liuel. Ilmlw oltur , llilanpcr.
211 South Thirleentu Street.
OMAIl V t. MilII CO ,
l > cnli'r ( \'lKuul-iof
Bnlldfng Material at Wholesale.
IMLSti Tl nnil i 01 ' : i < 0 'hook
M.HMN n \ \ Y vrr.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Zl'th ' niitll/niilStieetv Onmlm Nelini1
.1. A.V V.KITin.11 ,
Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shinglas ,
lUlllillnp 1nper < , Sn-li. linn : * . IIMmK "
Imrs , 1'll'Kits Po-I" , 1.11110 , I' ! '
( . ' ( mem. Nlntn mm , lone , Oivmlm
Mijlincry ,
i. ,
Importers niul Jobbersnt
Millinery and Notions ,
id 1111 Iliirney Slrerl.Omnhn , N'ch.
I Instrmiionls.
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
Flelnvviiy 1'liinns , Wclior , lleoker , llalncs mill
lliltt-'s I'liuins. I'l'i'itnid Oijriins , llm o OrKillld.
101 anil 1KI 10th flieiM. _ _
_ Furniture , Etc.
Fornitnra , BsiJI-ij - , UWu ( r
V.\e.\SM \ \ , 1AW in ul IS1J t'liitmm Stt rut , Dinning
' ' " " * " '
Wholesale Dealers lu 1'urnltura ' ,
rainnm Ptu-ot , Onmlm , Nob. _
U. II. CIIAl'MAN fcCO. ,
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars ,
Toliai-co niul Smokcis' Aitli les , U'I7 llownnlSt.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
-l 'I'olnii ens , 1,117 niul 131V DoUff >
llfCUItt ) , 1IIIADY& COMl'ANV ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th nnd I'mnnin Htioets.Omnlin , Nob.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Noo. TUT ) , 707 , 70"J and 711 P. loth St. , OmaliD , Nob.
Hardware. ,
" "
W. .1. IIHOATClt ,
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
BprlnpB , IViiinm Stock , lluulnuoil I.uinbor.ot *
" "I ami IMI ! Iliirney t-lio'v Oniulin.J'iob. _ _
IDNIY : : \ oiiiiioN ,
Wholcsalejron. Stefil. Wa on '
Ami CnrriiVK wi"'T VTloct.'TlfcftV'H
Ktc. 1217 uml lil'i uavuii'TOithStiuc' ' "
Neb ,
lIl.Mr.IlAl'filt \ TAYI.OH ,
Builders' ' Hardware ,
Mt'clmnics' Tuols nnd IliiITulo Hculos.
Ins Stivet , Omiilin , Nub.
" '
1.1:1 : ; , runi : ) \ ax.
Jobbers of Hardware aud Nails , Tinware ,
tiliUL-t lum , lite. AxontB forllowo PciUcs iinj
Miami 1'o ilor Co.Omnbu Nob.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
SInntlus , CiiuK-ii , llrn a no'd . 1K1 and 13U FM *
nam Mi i ut.
itiirrou & wiuifiLMy co. ,
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Etncison Steel NalK Cor. 10th niiU Jlurncy
Harvesters ,
' \vii."hinitiNo & co. , CHICAGO ,
Miinufcutlircr ' of llio
mmifal'vester UOOQS ,
Write to Win. M. IMI liner. GencriU
Omaha. Tc'cpnono Oil ) .
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Etjnm , Winer , Italiuiiy and MllliiijrSnpplles , Et3 (
_ 'f ' 0 , V l und 11.4 IMII mini bt. Oinnlm , Nob. i
CIiritL'Illl.l. 1TMI' CO. , " "
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fitting's ,
fitcam and Water Supplies. HeaJnartors | fo
Mi t roost Co.'s Uoodb. 1111 I'liiiiuin Htriiut ,
Oiuuhu , Nub.
l .
" "
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dealers In Hllteivvuin , Iiliunomlg , TVntoha
CIocUs , .lenders' Tools and JlaloriiiH , Kto. , 101
mnl 11(1,1Mb snxvl , Cor. DCUKO , Omidm , Nub. ,
Notion j. 17,1
VINVAltl ) t .SniMUJHCIl.
. OtlllKIS III
Notions , HosiarGaats1 Furnlshlaj
1000 anil lUJ ; ) I'linmm St. , Umahu.Nub.
J. T , Koblnson Notion Company , I
4H ( mnl IDT , h. lOlh St..Omaha , Nob. ' I
WboK'tnlo Uculvru In N'olIons unit ( Jcnts11'lip.
nislilntr ( JijDi'H. ,
Oils , Etc. r
" "
Wholesale Dealers in Oils , ;
Onfollnu , illi-a A.xli ) Grease , Illo. A. II. Illshon ,
Mmuiffur , Omaha , Neli. ,
Pork Packing' .
.IAMUS u. novn , ,
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
_ _ _ Omaha , Nebra Un ,
Packers and Provision Dealers , (
pnin.- , Union Mat kot. 1,117 Doil to Struot. I'auldnil ( l > ,
lioiiho , IJ. I' . Jt. U. Truck , Ormilm , Nub. Tola- | -1
phone No. 157. I . ,
= = 3 \ \ \
Safes and Lochs. * U
1' . IIOYKH & CO. " " " i !
Agents for Hall's ' Safe ft Lock Co.s1 '
riioiimtlliirKlarl'tonf HuleHTiim > I.oksVniiltt ;
nnd Jail work. 1KU ( Kiirimm ttieel , Onmlm , Neb
Seeds. il
" " " "
J , WANS ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
rh-iilniiul , Yi'K liililu , lUc. Odil Tullows1 I1UI. ;
. W. Cor. IHIi mnl Uoilifo St . , Onmlm , Nc.n.
Drugs , Etc ,
And Dealer in I'alnlH , Oils nnd Window till
Omaha , Jli-'li. ,
_ V/lnes , Liquors , Etc
n iit : A. co ,
Distillers and importers of Wines
Anil l.iipioM. Solu iiiiinnlautiiifr&or ICunm
) .iibl Jnillilllttfi : . 1113 Jlainey
ijl'.o. . i/tf\'f'AN , \
to McNAiUiu .v , Ii ) M * v , ImporieU
anil VVhoIiMilo Dcaloiiiln
Y/ines / , Liquors and Cigars ,
Sliuiui I'lO H. Hlli St. , Oinaliii , Nolx
" " " " *
Notions , LtcT
% "
' I * nitANDIKS A. 8O.V ,
Wholesale Job Lots , )
Dry Roods , Notions , Onnts' l'\irnUliln , floo.l ,
Oo'.ilB Irom Now Voile. 'J'nuU tuloa Uailjr , ( , / (
BUI' r < i South Utb St. , Ouiulm. _ -
flour and Feed. ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain ,
Unnufacturerror W. \Vclslmii5 & Co.'i Qulstf ll
llabinirlluikwlieut llonruni ) prupucloriUmnU , # 1
Cay MulK. tor. tth unJ I'aruaia Klrcot * . Oma'j , \f \