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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY-"BEE : THURSDAY.-'JULY 15. 18S6. THE RESULTS OF THE TRIAL , Auditor Brown Notified of Ilia Acquitttr and Resumes His Duties , THE TRIAL COST OVER 330,000- Tlio \ olliij ; on tlin UifTeroni Counts In Detail ( Ji-nln IX-nlcr.a Klcot Ulllcers ( Jtlior loxvn Btnto NCVVH. Itrown ItesiimcH Ills Ollloe , in sMoivi , .hily H.-Seolal [ ] ) Teli-eram to tin1 Mi i | The Impeachment trial of .lulin \ , Hi < i\\n niiilitor , Is over and Its verdict Is nciixiiii , two thlids ot the senate liaviui ; faiU'il to vole foi uenvlctlon on any one aril- cl < i the lii'1i'tmi.'iit. ' r.iL-lit wci ks ago to < lnj the trial bc .in. The oiiil liiint. jtreat relief to moio prisons than Mi ISiuwn. The moiniiiK of the last day brought mose visitors than at any time < bir- Ins the.sessUin. 'I lieuiilei of the spimto ic- qulicd that a snpaiate toll call should lie tak en on each ot the tldi ty counts of the Indict ment , and as there-wore lift ) s-enators it ie- quired the calling of Iran names. This con- Hiimcil the whole day and the Intoiest RIOVV moro Intense as the end approached. The clerk would read cadi aitlclo ami Lieu tenant ( lovernor Hull , who pteshluil over the sennto , would then call the names , and caeli--onatni would tiso ami answer Riillty 01 notnullu. When tlie call- Inir was finished , the prcsiilent would say : "Senator two-thlids of thishiiily not having \otcil for convlctlnn. I duclnre that this sen ate has adjudged .lolin L. Miown not Kiiilty of the charRi ) contained In this at tide. " Pur- ItiK the lirst MX roll calls there was nut a sin- Klo vote lei convli-tlon , but the sevonlhni- tlcloof IhO Indictment leleired to llrown's al leged bnliery by the Ilioincr cniint.v . , which ho evamliicil and pioiKiiuirt'd solv ent and iceclved a loll ol SIOl for Ids ex penses. On this aitlcle theio vvereten votes lor conviction as follows : Jilomu , Casey , Chuesvboio. Dodge , Doml , Cault , llendei on , .lolinson , Uiuleiwood , Wolson. 'llio next , iiitldo cl ht , wits fiuhst.uitlally the tame , makliiR the eliaiue on slluhtlv dilTorcnt t'loiinds. On this theie weio eleven voles foi conviction , the s.itnu pel suns voting Kiillty as before , except Wolson , and two mote votliiKutillly namely , ( ilass ami Scott. 1'ioin then on till aillclvs sixteen and sevvn- tcen vvcie icached thcie vvasa scnttcrlm ; vote 'tl convlrtion , nuiliiK ) from 1 to 11 , hut on those at tides which clmitred Miown vith le- fiislni ; to recoKiil/u the governor's oiileis of Hiisuunslon and continnliiL' to cxeielse the duties ot auditor and denjlni ; the Koveinor art-ess to the audiloi..s cillleo when hedesiied to examine the aiidlloi's hooks and accounts , theie were 15 votes tot conviction , the same on each count , as lollims : Itloom , ( 'aid- well , DodKe , Doml , ( ilass , lieu- ilci-son , Johnson , Pairott , ItclnlKi'i , Jtobliison. Scott , Swaiioj , Undt'iwood , Whaler , Wolsoii. Tlieievvasa diopiiini ; off then till the Ivvcnteighth count was le.u-'ied. ' Tliiscon- rii'inncd HIOVMI lor allow iiitf Actuary Vail to examine the Iowa Iiisinniici.'companies with 'linking extoitlonati ! charges amimnlliii , ' , lor lie oxamlnatlon ol each comp.iny . to over 1'JUOO. On this count there weie fifteen sen- Alois who voted lliovvn guilty as lollovvs : Jlloom , linnllck , Caldwell , Cair , ( Jusey , Chcsehoro , Doilire , Doml , Ciuill. < ila"s , John- BOII , Paiiott , Unduivvood , AVhaley , Wol- fcOll. fcOll.On the thirtieth and last charge which was Bimllai to the twenty-eight , thiiteeii voti-il lor coinlction altogether. Dining the several ballots twenty-one senatois out of. fifty voted for IJmwn's conviction. The additional names that have lias alieady been mentioned are Casey , Ches- baio ( Janlt and McDonaiigli. Of these twenty one , thirteen wcroic ] > ublfcatis and eight weio democrats. As soon as the last vote was announced and It vvas ° evldiiit ! that there was not two-thiuls of the Minute iorconvli'tion lirovvn's ti lends eiowiled uiound him and tendered their con- 'I'liinn WIMO " " "iiM onstratlonsoi nppioval or' msappioval , but cveiybody looked happy , that thu longiiiat WBover as counsel and com t were ncaily worn out witli ( no eight tedious weoics that lhn > had spent with the case. Piovislon made toi picnarlng a toimnl older of acquit tal which will be submitted to the governor to-day , when he will probably at oiicoie-in- Htato mown in the auditoi's olllce , wheie ho will set ve out the six months yet icmalniiig in his term. In talking with many of the senators after the trial was over there was a genuine and lreelyexpiov cil opinions that Drown ought to bo censured for maiiv of Ids nets and ought not to take this venllct as ono of np pioval of his course. Many ol thosenatois on voting would explain their votes and nald while they voted not guilty they did not wish the vote to be taken as justllicatlon ot litown , but they hesitated to icsoit to ox- 11011101 penult } as impeachment with the dis- rrrai-o and stigma attached to It. liiow n goes- back to oflico , technically at vlndidated. The exDcnso of his tilal will amount to S0,000 : ! , and the people , iiiospective ot paity , lire hoping that this will be their last experi ence with an Impeachment court. TIII : rot-nr AiuoimvH. Drcs MOIM-.S , la. , July 14. [ Special Tole- iram ; to thollKi : . ! The Impeachment court iidjourncd sine die this morning atternnan- linously passing icsolutlons complimenting the Impnitlnl rulings of Lleutonat-dovornor Hall. A icsolutlon certifying to Hrovvn's ac quittal was presented Ooveinor Laiabeo this morning. At 11 o'clock to-day President Hull , of Iho impeachment court , delivered to Governor Lnuibeo a copy ot the lormal acquittal af Au ditor Diovrn. The latter was at once iclii- Btated and took charge of the auditoi's olllce , fiom which helms been absent about tinee months. The total cost of the Impeachment trial has been computed to TK9TING \liaustlvo IC\porinunlH with ( ' ' ' Car Coupllnn. ; UtritMKnTo.y , In. , July if. Tlio gicat freight car brake test under the auspices of the National Caibullders' association was be gun hoieyesteiday. A section of the Chicago cage , lliulliigton it Quluey tiaclc about eight miles In length and Including various curves and grades had been sulcctod lor the test , rive car brake companies have entered tor the contest the Westliiplionso air brake , the Ilamcs vacuum brake , the Kate brake , the Ameilean driver uraKo and the \Viddi- lluln & Mutton biako. K.u'h company fur nishes fifty fieif.'ht cars with their appll- unco.s attached. 'Ihe tests are to bo made under vailous conditions of loaded and empty cats , at vaiions rates of speed on levels and dc.-ccndlng gindes , Hiidden stops , etc. Thn cai-sare titled with ihnanlmclers and olectilcal and other apjiatatus will bo at tached , and very tlioiongh sulontliio tests . -\vlll \ bu made that will bu ot great vahiw to the lallway ami sclentltlo world. The oxpt'riinonts will occupy a month or morn of continuous woik , and are to bo icpe.itcd hero In April , ItteT , liicliidlnga iccoid ot woik done by the cars In the Intctlm. The work so far has been chiefly preparatory , and Includes gravity tests and experiments with common braKcs , tost- . .Ing of engines anil other juellmlnary data , Doatrnotivo Fires. Crn.vrt Jt.vt'ins. In. , July H. fSncelnl O'olcgrain to tliollii.J : : A lire hroko out In Honnoy'b hlorn at Traers , this morning. Twenty-four business houses vvcie buineil. J.oss & 1COooo ; small Insuinnco. A Jiro broke out In Humbert's ill UK store , in ( Vdar Falls , lids nioinlng ami tmmcit linen Imsiness houses and two dwclliiiicti. hosspiobablyS'JJ.OOO ; paillallv Insiucd. Siwutancoiis combustion of gasollno twlng ihawn by a clcik. eaiucd the liio la thu Hum- belt company's dtug nteio at Cedar Falls. The WuU'iloo llio diip-utment nuiveil by 8icclil | : train. Four bains , two dwellings nml tvvoagiiciiltiual imnlciuiMit wurehousc.s vvciGlnuned. Loss , s-'fl , " 0 , ncntlj covered by' msuiaiice. The llnmhi'it company , fflvviihinifSons. t1 , F. Poid , S. W. Hauls , niul Pt'ler Johnson aio thi ; looscis. Gi-atnincu Consult. Dr.sMoixrs , la. , July . [ Special Tclo- ifram to llio UKI : . ] The state a-soMallon ot xmln dcjlcra continued Its session today. Ill thu morning thu membois look a siicclal to the Intvinational dIMIIIIery and In- itf. Afterwanls llm follovv. elected for the cinidtig ycai : S. V. Silllm.ui , of li ) ilolnes ; Tlce-i > roldcnt , Chailos Stuart , of Audubun ; iwiotarj. K \ . Abbott , of MarshalltovM * , thM urrr U Molt , of los ) Mf > ine < ; tmard of litpctms ( " S Mrovvn.of Tama ( . itv T. K Itnlncs. of A Moons ; M M. M < Tarl-md , of DCS Molno . ( ieorpc lleatmi , of PorrM. ; . Jurvisof Carioll. Mnnj matteiS of Interest to men In this line of business wore dNcnxsed relative loiatet. insiii.ince. the Harper patent and the vniloui methods of liaiidllug Iho dltfi'iont kinils of giain to note the mwstuio lit foi handling _ Trout In tlio Frying Pnn. Ktnt x CITV. la , . July 1-1. [ Special Tele- 1'inm to the Iti.i .1 Shcillf McDonald IP- tinned llils uvcidnif , having In his charse Trout , tlio murderer of Ild.S. Hatch. Alaigc ciovvdwas at tlio depot oxiK-cting to get an opimrtunlty toscc him , but hu was taken elf thn train on the outskirts of the city and ( julrklv driven to jail to avoid the crowd and any possible collision. Coiishlcinblo specula tion N now rife will be the out come. There aio thoio who would prefer Tiout h.ul osciiiicdiatlici than totakeolniioes of certain tilings b.lngmado . imnlic at the tual. It Is liitlmati'd that viuioiis piomincnt Parties will be brought into unenviable no toilcty. _ Quaraiitino In Invvn. SiorxCITV , In. , July U. | hj > cchl Tele gram to the HEK.J Dr. H. M. Nicholson , as sistant stnto vcft'ilnary siiigeon , mid Dr. Millings of Lincoln , Nub. , haveicconnncnilcd to the aiithoiities for the saletv ot public health of men ami antma's ' that districts vvhuie the disease now known to be outhiox hai existed he < iunrniitlned at once. The quar- nntliied districts takes in a huge iiait ot the \vcstcm portion of HIP city nnd the gateway liom Dadotn. The ( iiiaiantlnc will he made until ielea > cd fiom the ic < | urcmcuts ! by the state aiithoiities. The local authorities do- elded toobej 01 deis strictly anils-elected lour pattoliucn to have cliaigo ot the district. A Priest rrlglitfnlly Injured. Driirgfi : , la. , July 1-1. [ Special Telegram to the Mi.n.J K.UIicr Kiiompcr , pastor ot the I'ntholic chinch In Ceuttal , In this county , started this morning with a team to haul a load of lumber fiom Poos/la to bo used In building a church. The team ran away and tlnew him over an embankment , lie was frightfully , and it Is Ic.ucd lalally , liijuied. Ho was unconscious < < hoiusaltei being pickoil up. Illswoist injinvis a deep fiac- tuied wound at the base ot tlioskull. Ono of hiscaiswas neaily toin oil. and a fearful gash was made in Ids lace. His condition to-night Is it'jiottuil vciy lluttor Dealers Fall. C'ruvu I ! VIM iis , ! . , .inly H. The liimof William Hill A ; Son of Snrlngville , near Cedai Itapids , one of the largest cicamcry liims in Iowa , failed foi FSO.OOUto day , caused depiessioii ol the maiket by iiitioducing biiltei mo and oleumaigarino. Tliis failuie elosoi littceii cieamcile- Ijlnn aiidJoncs counties that last \ear inid ) tlio tarmcis nearly SJOD.UW. The him has been seiiously emlMnassfd several months , hut delnvcd as signment , boiling lor the passage ot life olco- maigailne bill uiuln levhnlot the hatter in- dustiy. Sovciifoon Porsonq Polsonoil. COISMMI , la. , July II. [ Special Telegram to the Jii.i. . ] Seventeen jicisons weie poi soned atone ot the hotels heie jesteiday. They weie taken with violent ictchlng In the stomach , which soon tianst'ormcd the hotel into n hospital. Some physicians pio- nuiinccd it ai.sunlc poison , but others think It was something acciduiitally Intio- duced Into thu laid used in cook ing Dieaklast. All have fully iccoveicd. Iowa Conventions. CIDAII IlAi'ius , la. , July 14. [ Special Tel- cgiam to the Mii.lOne : Inindied Knights ot Labor aic attending n convention hcie. The democratic convention this atteinoon lenomlnatcd Hen Kicdericks unanimously. Itnllronil IJrldgo fJurncil. PnrscoTT , Iowa , July M. [ Special to the jjiiK ] . Five sections ot railvvaj wuio biuuea jesteiUaysuTnat trains were badly delayed. The .luryStill Out. CIIKAOO , July 11. The jmy in tlie case of .Minnie Papln , azainst tlio Daily News lor alleged libel. Is still out. The ease has been on trial for nearly two weeks and occasioned considerable Interest owing to the chaiacter of the evidence pioduccd in couit. Tlie plalntill's name was used in connection with that of hut employer , which was tlio occasion of tint suit. The statement was made ( lining the nftcinoim that the iury had found for the defendant , but this nfterwaul moved ciion- cous. _ Kansas Prohllm Nominate. Kjiroiu.v , Kan. , July 1-1. The st.ito piohlb- ition convention assembled this moining at the opera house. The committee on organ- ! /atlon tepoitcd , and H. C. Yroomnn , of Osage county , was elected chaliman , and M. Tasuiot secretary. The committee on resolu tions' icjioil was nnlmously adojted. ) It makes quite a lengthy document ami has fif teen resolutions. Tlio following candidates were unanimously nominated : For governor , C. H. Draiiscombo ; Lieutenant Govinnor , T. W. Huston ; secietaiy ot state , N. H. K. Lane ; for auditor of state , C. II. Laiigston ( colored man ) ; lor attoiiwy-gencial . S.Valte : ticasiuer , William Crosby : superintendent f public schools , .Mis. D. 1 1. Sultbert ; asso ciate justice , K. H. Priton , Umporln. Killed liy IjI July tl. A hpe"Ial to the News fiom Pena , Tex. , says : Last night dm Ing a heavy stoim about twenty miles south of hmo the hnu = e In which tour women w cio sleeping was sti tick by lightning and nil vvcie Instantly killed. Wheat Destroyed liy Fire. Minciiis : ) : Cala. , July 11. A liie to-day destroyed C. Holfman'H vvaichoiiso , contain ing r..OOO tons ot wheat , also live cars laden with wheat. The loss is $ r > iOOJ ) , principally by C. II. HolVman , M. fioldiimu , L. Decktoid and Chillies llemey. The llio Is bolloved to have been incuiiiliaty. MOTHS. Ovcrfi.OOO teai'liei-rt are attending the ses sion of the National Teachers' association In Topokn , Kas. At a meeting held In the public squaioat Callao , Pciu , on Sunday uttornuon , it was ic.iohed to petition the govciiiiucnt to take Immcdlato btcps tor ( lie e.xpulslun ot Jesuits fiom I'eiu. Captain Mnilano 15altctcs has anlvcd ot Tombstone , A rlHe states that ( ieionlmo and Ids hand evaded Captain Lavvton , and are now doubling back towards Atlzoaa. On Sunday last the Apaches killed two Mexicans at Ciuupor I'latcr , and fern Mexicans near Topache. An Oiango lodge In Coal Island , a small village In County Tjionc , was attacked Monday night by u number of moil belong ing to tno National league. The attacking party weio armed with rillcs and kant up lire for two liouis on the lodge , police belli : ; pow erless to Interfere. The residents of Mount Pleasant , Mich. are excited nvcr the fact that United States Marshal Ponne.ll , of Detrojt , is thcie serv Ing papers In the e.w.-t commenced tor alleged ircsspassers upon govornmeiit Indian lands. Cases have been commenced against several alleged tiesspassfiH which consists ot thon.s- nndi of doliain of valuable tlmbor taken fiom the lands. A train cauylag MX ) Orange exeui-ilomsts fiom Kingston , Can. , on the Oiniid Tiiink , after passim : Cumberland , Tuesday morniii ; : , ran into an obiiii'.etion iil.ued on the track on a shaip curve on an embank nient hlty feet high with a ilvor at the bet tom. The train was not derailed , as the engincin . . .athu ob-tmeUoi ) In tlmo to chock thu speed somewhat. It wait , howovui , a nariow u.i'-.ipe. The Orangciucn claim it was the work of tlicli enem i- > . The Mcichants' club , rpjiri'scntins a capi tal of 51:10,000,000 : , met iu Vnvr Y oik Tuesday to Idii n Kick on the freight club.-iticatlon houtli and west , ltc.soluuon.-j weio iiassnl icclllii that tlio tariif on cottou U as hlgli as im silk , making It Impossibli > for New fork ineiclLints to I'ompoto vvlllitliOMiot the west and south ; all aiipcalsi to trunk Hues IIHVO FO far piovetl Irultlcss ; that a com- niitco bo npnu ntcd to nr.ikii a final appual. audit thUottoit will cot UYA ! ! , notion be nt once begun to test the nupttion In m t of the L'uitul States. CljlA ii < AM ) IlttKAICl.NO DOW.X. I'lio President Sliovvs tlio Strain ol Ills Hnul Work. W vsniXf.ioM , Jnlj 11 , [ Spiclnl lelcRiam to the Hbi.j. ThP piesldent l showing the cllwt'i of the haul work of tlie long e slon. He Is working vciy luiid , Indeed. Nobody could accomplish half he dop vvllhont haul work. The result Is that he Is going to break down ptcttj soon If coiiRies' docs not get away nud give him a chance to iceupciato. Otcouisotho'sowlio see him daily do not olnci vo It o elo ely hut those w ho only come and < co him occasionally observe It teadlly. A gentleman who lias been hcie , and who holds n very close consultation vlth the president whenever ho Is in the city , s.ild after an Interview witli him that ho was siir- piisedtosoc the piesulcnl looking so badly. 'He has not the appealance of a well man , ' ' ho Mild , "llisilcsh has n llabby look and feeling , ami it would not surpiKe me to see him bleak down any time. He docs too much vv oik himself , and the lirst thing he knows he will hio.ik down Just as Manning did unless he Icaras to let up on the details ol his woik. " \vi. Tniv : I'osTAt , nr\xoi : . A postollKo has been established at Sun shine , Lincoln county , and Charles 1. Ittch- aids appointed postmaster. The name ot thu postolllco at Hentonvlllo , la. , has been changed to Folsom In respect to Mis. Cleveland. Postmastcis in Iowa have been commis sioned ua follows : Petci J. ( iallagahci Weston ; Ilutln 11. oWagcis Ugden ; llauy Yawnishte , Coatvllle ; Oicat C. Waling , Clearlield. The pustotllcc nt Athol , Stoux comity , la. , has been discontinued. The mall goes to Pnv toisonvillo. Changes in tinio schedules otNcbiasicastar mall loiites have been mnde as follows : Clay Ccntie to Harvard Leave Cla > Cen tre daily , except Sundays , at 10a. ni.aiiivn ; at Haivaid bj W m. Leaves llaivarn dally , except Sundays , at ! iU : ! p. m. ; or in clo e connection with the railway mail ; uiiivo at Cla Centre bv 30 : ! ! p. m. Madison to Butnett Leave Madison Mon days , Weduesdavs and Fiidays at 1 p. m. ; ai- ilve nt Lmuiiek bj ft:30 : p. m. Leave I'-mciick Momtavs. Wednesdays and l'iida > s at s P. m. ; aiiive at Madison by 10u : : ; p.m. Leave Kmeiick Tuesdays. Thuisdajs and s , a. m ; aiiive at Ilinnctt Tues- da > s , Thuisdajs ami at 1 p.m. ; nnive at Kmeiick by fi0 : ! p. m. llairington to Ced.n Ilapids Leave llar- ilngtoii Tuesilavs ami Satuula.Vs at 1 p. m. ; in rive at Sp.ihtlng bv 0 p.m. ding Tucsdavs and Satuidays at 7 a.m. ; in- live at llaiilngton at tu in. Leave Cedar K.iplds Monda > sand FiiiLiys at 1 p. ; ii\e at Spaldilii ; bv C p. m. Cams to las ! ett Leave Cains daily , ex cept .Sundays , at 1 p. m. : aiiive at li.issctt bv1 p. m. Leave H.isocttdadv , except Sun- ilayi , at sa. in. ; aiiive at Camsbj 11 a. in. erIn In close conned ion with tlie railway tiniil. r ivn. si uvici : VM > I'oi.iuis. In connection with his eiicular to federal olliceholdei-s winning them against paitioi- p.itmg In the iippioaching camji.ilgns beyond the exeiciso ot thelt liancliise , Picsidcnt Cleveland will speak ot the matter of re moval in avv.iv intended to put a stop to such woik as Ins been done by the po tm.isteis at Indianapolis , llaltimoic , etc. The piosldunt will oulei that theie shall be no changes made in olllce on account ot political likes and dislikes , andthat icmovnls lor "olleiisive paitisaiiship , * ' teim has been geiiei- allj accejitcd , shall cease. He means to in- auguiate modeiation ami make as neai im possible as lies within his power the piefei- meiit In olllce on account ot political bias and to remove politics liom the govcinmuiit sci v lee. The lollowh.g Iowa postmnslcis weio appointed : J. K. Tucker , Ilopeville , Claik county , vice A. II. Adktna , icmovcd ; ( icoige Cnmitbull. Follets , Clinton county , vice ( ico.V. . Powell , resigned ; Tho- . J. Snoilgi.iss , Kmeison. Mills county , vice W. ll. Applegnte , lomoved ; Peter Kimhle , Al bany , Davis county , vice D. ( ! . Doiethv , ie- signed ; It. F. Alust , Angus , IJoono county , vice A. P. McAnailv , removed. Till ] SPOUrTxG WOItljP. tei-uay'H i voucu on mu lui-r uno. Diamond. CIIICAOO , July 14. At Washington park the weather to-day was lather cool , the track was in fair condition after tlio rain and the attendance was good. One-eighth mile : Calapi won , Beitha C second , Sailoi IJoj thiid. Time l:0fi : % . Mntualspaid 511. 0. Seven-eighths milo : Louise won , Our Friend second , It-co thhd. Time \lffi. Mutiialsiald | iii.f : > U. One and a qnaitor miles : M'yrllo won , Hei- togas second. Idle Pet thlul. Time -i:13i/ . ) . Thiee-Qiiarteismilo : Hellantliiis won.Tony Pastor second. Little Joe tlilid. Time ltrj/ : . Mutualspaid V2S.30. Mile : Aniiawan won , Tlchco second , Miss Xelson thlul. Time 1:1'JJ4. : Mutuals paid S1I/X ) . Tholtnsc linll Keooril. AT Cl.Vf'INXAlI Hiooulyn 1 00000000-1 Cincinnati 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 * f. Pitchers McKoon and Feuy. Fust base hits Hiooklyn 5. Cincinnati ( i. L'nois Clu- clnnati 1 , IJiooldjn U. Ump'uc U'alsh. AT Sr. Louis St. Ixmls 0 fi 1 0 0 0 < 3 0 0 'J Athletic 1 Pitcheis Hudson and Atkinson. First base hits St. Louis If , Athletics ( i. Kiroih St. Louis 4 , Athletics 0 , Umplie Itradlov. AT LOUISVJLI.K llaltlmoio 0 00000900 0 Louisville a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I ! Pitcheis Hcekernnd Klhoy. Fiist liaso hits Louisville 0 , Daltlmoio " . Kirors Louisville ' - ' , lialtimoie t ! . Unipho Kelly. AT ST. Louis Chicago o osoaoooi o St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 'J Pitclims Claikson and Minphy. Fiist base hits Chicago 7 , St. Louis 5. Kirois Chicago ! l , St , Louis 5. Umpire Connelly , AT KSAS Cirv Kansas Cltv 1 000000 1 " Detioit. . . . . ! i 0I a 1 5 1-17 Only seven Innings weie. plajcd. Fiist base hits Kansas City 8 , Detroit 17. ICnor- > ICan as City 10 , Detroit . L'mplrc Crane. A r Pi i rsiiuno Vittsbuig..0 0 4 Metionolitaii 0 0010000 0-1 Pitvlieis Hnnnlhal and M ays. Fiistbaso hits Pittsbtiigs" , Metroolllans.r | ) . linois Pittsliiiigs lMctiopolltan4. Umpho Valen tine. tine.AT AT Piiir.Anni.piiiA ( lame stopped by lain at end of lirst half of foiutli Inning. Scoie Phlhulclphias 4 , Uos- tuna 0. Tlio llio Gruiiilo Hoornnlzcd , DINVIU , July 14. This afternoon . Ilallett , In the United States com I , affirmed the sale of the Denver & liloOiando railway as made last Monday , alter which articles weio Immediately filed with the scciotaiy of state Incorporating the company under the name of the Donvci & Illo Ciando rallioad company , capital S7i,600oao : , 545,000,000 ot vv filch Is common stock and the lemalnlng § 2.000,000 picferred stock. This evening at n meeting ot stock holders lioorgo Cappell. Adolph Kngher , It. II. Mlnturn , ( icoigoT. Wilson , John J. Had- lirci. John L. Welsh , Theodoio H. A. Tiomp , W. 1C. Jackson and D , Jl.Motfatt weiocliosuti dlicctois. Aftoi adjoiunmont the dliectors met and elected W , S. Jackson president , ( ieorgo Cappell vice president. J. W. ( jjlluly , treasurer , and U'lllluin Wagoner sccrotaiV. l'OWJ)12UIjY ANU KtJSUYIIKAn. 1 lin ICiil hts Do Not Want to Itob Tlio Indian of Illy Inmds. WAMII.NOTOX , D. 0. , July 14-rSpccial to the Uri : . ] Chief IJusliyhead ot the Cherokee nutlon has received a letter fiom Mr. Pow- dull ) Inicgaid to the knights of labor peti tions which have boon coming to congress by the hundredsn.-Ving for the opening of the Oklahoma and other unpwiipiod lands In the Indian territory. The grand master writes , ' The petition you speal ; of were never snnc- lloneitiiy mound wore never presented to the executive board o ( tlio Knights of Labor. You aio right In what vou pay regaidlng the duty of members of the Knights ot Labor. It Is not the Inten tion or teaching of that older to rob any pco- plu of tlii lr lands. 1 have furwaidcd your communication to our a 'i'nt at Washington with distinctions to look Into llio matter and ael fur the general aider in tha matter of ad justing the matter on this basis ot Justice. Assuring you that no steps will to taken bj Iho ciiieial onler r.f the Knights of I abet that will IIIJUIP jour iicoulo I remain etc , T. \ . Pow in m v. , Another Cut , to Otnnlin. Cine vcio. Jalj 14.-.Th ISock Island frc-ight depaitineiit made an average reduction to day of 40 per cent In fif Ight rate * to Omaha , Including all clashes In the cut. The rates put in force me : I'uM claso , .Ooj second , iOe ; tlilid , Uic ; fonith. 1'2'v'tiftli. ' . lOo ; class A , l.'c , and U , C and D ilOe , These i.des me made open and billed tlaj. Ihe llock Island claims that Its compcliUiis im\e been making thc o tales for a month past , The Koso nfthv Sancttim. Ciur voo. .July 14/ - Iifrltlng n letter to her pnblMicr piepaiatoi'y to assuming her oditoiial ilullos , ilss' JUno Kllzabolh Cleveland sa > s ; ! am taking some e.iio to he absolutely eeitaln of what 1 write. 1 mean toiather addicss myself to my roiuilr.v women ntnl my literary country woman aiid make my talk veiv simple mid eaiuest and simeiu. 1 sliall igiioie gieat ci itics altogether. ' Cominlsslon Donloro I'a II. MINXI ; vi' 14. 1 > . L. Hail tV Co. , commission dealerat -AVJ llennepln avenue , made an assignment lo-d.ty to A , M. Diess- lei. Liabilities about i" o,000 ; estimate as sets about Sil.OiH ) . Tlioic.iieno heavy Min neapolis eiedltoi.s , tlie indebtedness mainly being to paitles In Puiiiisvlvanla and New Yoik. Chli-aco patties hold claims lor about 50OIK ) . Rnverninont Suits I'oimncttccd. ltinon ; , Mich. . July 14 , Summons lor live government suits in the cases of timber land fiauds have boon scived and tlility moie will bo seived Inter , on the stiength of the iccent lepoitof Indian VgentM. W. Steven- ' , who has dlseoveicil cio < s Inegulailtles In dealings witli the Indians owning laud. The Treaty Signed. LONDON , July U. The extindition treaty between 1'nglatid and the United Stntos has been signed. Among the clatiios the ticaty ptovlde-i tor the sinienderol djnamito nils- cieaiits. N'cliraskn mid Iowa Woathnr. For Nobr.iska and lovva ; tail weathoi- fol lowed by local laius ; statlonaiy tcmperatuie. - 1 llrevitlos. A plat of Washington Hill was hied in the county clerk's ollice yesterday. -Sovcnleen deeds and twenty-two mort. Ka c.s Were ) ) laced on record yestcrday- Tlie county commissioners will take up tlio retaining wall ( | iiestion a ain to-day. A trade mark of Jlaiirer's Own Beiir was filed in the county clerk's ollico yes turdtiy. Vupt'am D. C. Kinsman has been .or dered to Fort Iiobliison , Keb. , on public business. The coupty commi-sioners were on- gaffed . \psidL'day in auuitimjand allowing small clttiuis. .Indfjo - ivJoCulloch has commenced hon okeopin < r , having occupied . pleas ant home ntiil'-JO Decatur street. The dininir room attached to the regu lar "Q" train is no longer brought to Omaha.It is now Pitched oil'at Plaits'- Miouth. ] \ , ' Eight men of the , Nine United States Cavalry ( colpredcvnio.jn ) yesterday from Wyoming and immediately proceeded to Jlellcvue to interview- bull's eye. Parties liom Chadi' n , Rapid Cifvl Ainsworth and liuliulo , ( iap have nmde applications tor static for cxliibits in the exposition building dliring the coming fair. fair.Mrs. Mrs. Joanna ? Jlarjcvvood has appealed to the district court from the award of the appraisers who ns > ouscd her damages by the condemnation , of the Belt line right of way at 530' ' " IJyron Heed Iraij ftjoitonioncod ; the erec tion of a brick blo'cu off Thirteenth street. DeivvuiiiilVo. . ui' < JUT4ujH | i oli. The building will- have .Ja M ifcttt ixty- six'fcet , aiid for , the IRscilts'will 15o but one-story iu height. . Second Lieuteiian ) , Charles" "II. Noyes , of the Ninth infailtry , has been mlievcd froni duty at the Hollcvne range in con nection with the department rifle compc- tion , and ordered to report to his com pany at lortD. A. llussoll , Wyo. Paragraphs , W. T. Seaman left last evening for nn eastern I rip. General .ticket Agent Morse , of the Union Pacific , went to Chicago last even ing. ing.Jfrank Jfrank D Mead is still confined to his bed , and it will probably bo a week or more before ho will be able to bo out. Postollico Inspector Hrovyn went out to North bond last evening , in all proba bility moro for business than pleasure. The Hon. A. N. Furgnsou returned yesterday from Waterloo , where ho had been attending some important litiga tion. General I'anssengor Agent Morse and General Ticket Agent Stobbins , of the Union Hitoifiu , went east last evening without any private car display. Conductor T. P. Hobb has returned from a visit to his family in Michigan. It is rumored among his railroad friends that he will soon be called upon to step up higher. ( Jcorge W. Smith , late of the SionCify Journal , is in the city. Mr. Smith has recently - contly purchased the Stanton Democrat and is one of the promising young jour nalists of the state. 1 Mr. George Wcttenglo , wife find daugh ter , of Pittsburg , Pa. , are yistiting John A. Wirth and Mrs. Adelina .John , of Omaha. Mr. Wettonglo is heavily inter ested in coal and oil near Pittsbiirg , and for many years was pavement contractor and helped lay the pavement on many of the streets of Pittsbnrg. Harry Doiiol , ticket agent of the Dur- lington , left for Spirit Luke last evening and will accompany Mi's , Douel , who has boon at the lake several weeks , on her re turn home. A special car has been char tered ( o briuir home the fish that the rustling agent expects to catch in the next few days. The Hon. Church Hovvo and the Hon. Pat O'llawcs , both candidates for the congressional nomiiuUion in the First district , were follow passengers to Lin- coin last night. Tin' ) ' main object of their Visit is to attend the ; mooting of the oom- nntteo in that city to niglit , which will decide on the time nvid filaco of holding the next congressional donve.ul.ioii. A Heavenly' ' mossing. The thousands of Oinahnns v'vho looked eagerly to the hcij'j'qns yesterday after noon when the indjqations of rain wore so promising , iniiy liiul consolation in their disappointment jntho , fact that out- country cousins vvfliV i | > ere fortunate. A heavy shower is roi > oipd | ; to have visited Waterloo and othp'r , pojts of the county , giving the much needml relief to the farmers. The next attraction at Athletic park will bo a game of ball on Sunday next between the Union Pacifies and the Denison , ( la. ) club. The Dcnison's have boon organi/.cd for four years and hold nn easy championship in western Iowa. The game will bo an interesting ono. Why Is It That the sale of Ho9d's Sarsaparilla con tinues at such n rapidly incrcasi..g rate ? Itis 1st , Hecausn of the positive curative value of Hood's Sarsaparilla itself. yd , Because of the conclusivivovldeneo of remarkable cures eU'ected by it , unsur passed and seldom equalled by any other modleine Send to C I Hood it Co. , owell , Mass , for book containing many statements of cures. SOCIALISTIC SP1TEWORK , The Alleged Cause For the Ohargea Agains * Matza tind MoBride. AFRICANS GOON THE WARPATH. A R\K \ Sky Pilot-Ail Kn lnc Derailed A Legal Tilt \Vholosnlo Denials IJuttillitC Permits Other Iioonl Nous. The SoclnlUtH * ItcvetiRO. The police arc somewhat worked up over the charges made by representatives ot lltimboldt assembly K. of L. against Sergeant Mut/i : and Olllccr MoBrlde .it the council mooting Tuesday nlcht , in which the removal of the ollieors is toques- ted and an Investigation of their acts in arresting Frederick Milliard and clubbing him for resistance on Friday night laM. Sergeant Matza said to a Br.r. reporter last evening"The facts in the case war ranted every move that wasinailo in the arrest 01 Hullurd. lie owns ] two houses down near Kcstler's hall , onu of which hu rents to a fellow. Thn touant has no access to his | ) laeo except through Bill- lard's jnul , and on Friday this was denied him. A quarrel uro-u and wasattracling a crowd , when Ollicor Kennedy came up and tohl Milliard to keep still. As soon as Kennedy had gone Itullard grabbed a big knife and chased his tenant into tlie street , where thev were quanolling when I came along and told liullard to keep still. Ho rousted and 1 arrested him for disturbing the peace and turned him over to Mcmiile , while 1 went to call the patrol wagon. Milliard was not on his own at all , as the com plaint to thi ! council alleges , but in the slrqct.hile. 1 was after the patrol wagon Itullard broke away from MeBrido and tried to get into his house. .Mae and I caught nim just at the door. Wo were pulling him away when his brother-in-law made a break lor me and 1 had to let go of linlhml Mill iard then tried to get away Irom Me- Mnde and Mac hit him over the head. There wore live orMX hundred people in the .street at the time and the atlair might have lesiilted in a riot if the ollicors had not taken as prompt action as they did. " "Tno complaint charges yon with hav ing annulled Milliard. " "That eliarao was made out of spite- work by Mr. Kopp , who , yon know , has marked socialise tendencies. When llau , the anarchist , was licre we thought Pacsons was in tlio city , and I watched Kopp very closely lor a few days thjnking that Parsons would show up with him if he was in the city. Kopp got on to the fact that I was shadowing him and complained to the marshal , and has been working ever .since to have me bounced from the force. Ho belongs to the class ot men who hale everybody connected with tlio enforce ment , of the law , and 1 consider his charge against me purely ono of spite work and 1 think the Hnniboldt assembly K of L. has been imposed upon in being led into making any such a charge. Mill iard was not .seriously hurt and 1 do not fear the result , of the action of the police committee , to whom the matter was re ferred , " 'inn ANAitc'iiisrs' ur.vr.Nr.i : . A prominent member of the police force , in speaking of Mat/a 's opinion of the chargeaid last night "Pete is about right too. These blanked anarch ists never let up on a fellow when they go for his .scalp. Their headquarters now are out at Kuho's house , as yon know. Well , some timn ago , when they were first forming here , they innde their headquarters in n well known Thirteenth street saloon. The .proprietor , who is a first rate fellow and a good citizen , objected to their meeting or nven loafing around his place , and finally lircd the whole bunch of them. Since that time the gang has been alter that man's scalp. Ho receives threats of destruction of his place and personal in jury almost every day. Jle has u stack of letters and po tals which have been sent to him. I s.iwone ot thorn yes- tot day. It was to the ctVeel that the writer would like to meet the saloon man outside of the city. ' 1 would cut your heart out and cat it for supper , ' is the closing of the threat. Some of that gang ought to get a little Chicago law , " and the otlicer gritting his teeth placed ono hand on Ins pi tel pocket and started down Thirteenth street. A DISTINGUISHKD SKY PILOT. Short Talk AVIth tlio "Well Known Re- vivnllst , Uov. M. AV. Munh.ill. Some one has said ( and it would be safe to bet a pea against a pagoda that it was a woman ) that "good looks make a splendid armor for a revivalist to fight his battles in. " If thi * bo true the Hov. M. W. Munhall , of Indianapolis , Inil. , must be the champion of the arena of conversion , for but few men have been more kindly dealt with by nature than ho. As | ie walked up and down the depot platform last evening af tor the arrival of the Denver train , swinging his natty little cane , a stylish straw hat jauntily sitting on a splendid head , covered with raven locks , and a form that is not often met with in a crowd , covered with a well fitt ing and fashionable business suit , the casual ob-orvor would not take him for a cleric , but rather for a man ot leisure , on tlio way to take in the pleasures of the season. In conversation he is the Mini ol affability , and if any ono can capture the religions ontimonts of the boy.s ho certainly tainly is the man. Indeed , during many > earo of rcvnul work ho has "been among the most successful in that calling. Mr. Munhall has been in Denver for the pa-l month holding a scr ies of moetinjr-i which aroused the entire community , lie numbered 800 converts whom he deems truly reformed and any one who could christianize that number in Denvnr needs no further endorsement us a great worker. Ho is on his way to DCS Moines where is family is spending a few wecK . "Why don't you come to Omaha ? " was asked. "For the same reason" said ho smil ingly , "that I did not attend Mrs. Mark HopKln's reception on Neb nill when 1 was in San Francisco. " "What is that may 1 ask " "Because I wasn't invited. " The lev- crond gentleman aid he would be hero some ( lay and undoubtedly if'ho did come ho would do great rnival work , for his success during the last fifteen years-has secured him an enviable reputation. Ho also expressed a great desire to spend some time in this1 city which has .so changed , he said , from a mere mud hole of a low years ago to ono of the hand somest cities of the west. Then the Itcv. MeKaig. of this city , is an old college friend of his , both belonging to the Meth odist denomination , lloisalsoaoquninicd with the Key. Mr. Har.sha. Mr. Mun hall loft for the east last evening. Tliey Deny JSverythliijr. Judge Wakely was engaged yesterday in hearing the caseof the heirs of Isaac Kdvvards against John L. Webster , the executor of the estate. The heirs con tend tlml Webster has made unwarranted charges In closing up the estate and deny liij claim to if DM commission on sain ? made. They also dquy the right of the executor to pay Byron Itced $ yr,27.7fi ( in commissions for .sale of real estate und also claim that then * is a larger sum in the executors hands than $1,095.43 as re ported by him. WAU IV AFIllCA. A Tilvoly SorntipitiR Mntoli Uctwocn Two Colored Cltl/ciin. C. Green , ono of the good naturcd col ored waiters at the Millard hotel and Joe James , alias Paddy Kyan , nNo colored , occupy adjoining houses on Capital avenue , near Klovonlh street. The water supply for both houses is fur nished by ono hydrant , the use of which has been forbidden by Ilia owner of the houses for street sprinkling purposes. Yesterday evening Kyan came home full of whi k.v. ami commenced sprinkling the street from the hydrant. Air * ( Irooit poke to him in regard to the order , but was told by Kyan to attend to her own business , ( ti-oeit then oidered Kyan to put up the hoe and was cursed in return by the Inebriated coon. As ( iieen "was startinu to his work the quarrel wa- < renewed and re sulted in an asquint upon him by Kyan. A free-for-all light followed In which both combatants were more ] or less injured H.van came out Vtith a bleeding arm. niul alleged that ho. had been knifed by Green. The cut is by no means u serious one. Green ha * been arrested , Kim i no On' tlio Track. As engine 17 , which pulls the evening train on the M. & M. to IMnttsmonth and the Lincoln and Denver nassongors to Oreapolis , was coming out of the round house it jumped the track. The consequence quence was that before It could be rein stated the hour 7..V > had ai lived , anil the train that should ha\e letl at li . ' ( ) did not iret away until the first named hour. The incoming tram could not come in until nearly two hours after time ; the Chicago , Burlington iV Qmney was do- jayed , and there was weeping anil gnash ing ot teeth. Everybody was mail , even the politicians on the way to Lincoln. Church Howe nnl he hated to wail when theio was nothing to wait for. Pat O'llawes remarked that he didn't earo as long as he got to Lincoln in tune for bioaktast. and a general einpyling of \ials \ of wrath occurred , all tor .some thing that couldn't have been helped. A LcKiil Tilt. Judge McCulloch's court v\as the scene of a lively bout yesterday afternoon be tween Attorneys ( ! . W. Shields ami James Mot toll , o\er the court's disposi tion of the case of McVeigh vs Green. This is a ease to recover rents and pos session of pi operty. It was dicided once in the district court , and upon this ground Judge MeCulloch refused to give it a hearing. Aftersevcral meH'cetual at tempts to get the case before the court the attorneys commenced a spurring among themselves over points of law. The spat giew into noi omilitios and ended in the refusal ot the judge to hold stakes on a 100 bet allured by the nit or- m-y.s Tlio intiMc was enjoyed by the spectators u I'crimts. Inspector Wlntloek issued building per mit * yesterday as follows- Frank Peveha , one-stoiy linme cot tage , 111 ! ! U'illi.iiiis stieot . 3 500 Kate Jank.isKi , onc-stoiv fi.mie cot tage , r.mum , Thirty-third . . . 1,000 \V. A. James A : Son , one-.story li.inio cottage , .Seventeenth stieot , neai B. , tM. tailway . ii50 Cliailcs ( , two stoiv dwelling , Klghtccnth , between Ma son ami f'.u-ilic . 1,500 Kuunn.uci it ( instils , tr.itno stoic , cor- nei ot Sixteenth anil Williams . COO Five permits nijgieKating . Stf.MO Kallroail HrUlRC Burned. The railroii'l briitgo over ono of the Nodaway rivers near P-roseott , In. , nbuut oighty-livo miles from Council Itlufls , was burned on Tuesday , which was the cause of the two hours' delay in the ar rival ot the fast mail and regular passen ger trains over the Chicago , Murlington ite Qnincy. They were obliged to run around by the Humcston & Shcnandoah route anil thus reach the Mlull's. Yester day a temporary bridge was constructed ami evcrythsng was in apple pie order. He AVas Only Talking ; . St. Louis Republican- rather re markable little episode occmred m a broker's olliec in St. Louis the other day , going to show that sometimes oycn very acute gentlemen do not know how well they are off. IA- Judge L. and cv Judge M. were discussing the bad times and the general lotrogrcssion of civili/.atiou , Mr. L. mak ing the point that the legal business in St. Louis was going to the dcmnition bow-wows , when the discussion took such a shape that Judge L. declared with much asperity that if anybody would give him sjWUO.UOO in cash the unfortunate purchaser could have everything he owned in the world. "I'll just take you on that proposition. " said Judge M. "Mr. Campbell , would you mind stepping out and gettlnjr me a certified check lor sf'JOO.OOO while Judge L. and I settle this little aflair ? " "Certainly not , " said Mr. Campbell. A counlu of sheets of foolscap were produced , and in entire earnestness the two gentlemen began noting the goods to bo transferred. There were united Slates bonds , state and county securities , and private claims so long that three pages of foolscap were consumed in unumcrating them. At the middle ot the third page thotwohundied-tliousand- dollar limit had been passed , and still the old cross-esamlner kept discovering now property of Judge L. , who began to be acutely unhappy as the process con tinued. "Any real estate in thn country ? " ' Yes , a farm up the river. " "How many across v" "Four hundred , worth about $10 tin nore. " "That adds $10,000. Well ? " "Jlohl up , Judge. 1 don't know that I can include the farm. You see , there is a sort ot a claim on it " "Oh. never mind that. 1 just buy your interest. " "Come 10 think of it. I don't believe you will. It wouldn't bo fair to load you iii ) with all this unsalable propel ty , and 1 iriioss I'll ' pull out ol the trade and com promise by setting up champagne foi the party. " Which accounts for the good humor which IWB recently boon so marked in St. Louis giib-light circles. Tlio A oino ol' Grout noss. Chicago Herald. "Jf 1 was worth as much money as Mob Gurroll , " said a Mai- timore it Ohio tiain boy , "do you know what 1 would doV" "Htm a railroad ? " queried the brake- man. " ' " "JN'awp. "Kace horses ? " "Nnwp. " "Travel in Yurriii } " "Kawp. " "Yacht ? " "Nawp. " " " "Uhattlienv" . "I'd hire liftcun uf the best buo ; bill players in the United Svntes , nay 'em * fOOODa piece , take 'em round the coun try by special iniin , and knock thn st'illm' out of all the champions in tlio business. Tliat'n what I'd call doin' MJinoin' for one's country , but none of our rich men seem to have any desire to have their names handed down to pos terity. " _ _ < _ Kor Kent. Klogaut brick residouco , ton looms , modern convenienceSt. . Mao's avis. Dr Graddy , 1101 Faru.un M. Whitebrcastnuti.v7u ! , fi7n 1-t.r 1 u the cheapest aud U - > t fuel M.JJ , 1'irU. Co. , JJ14 buut OS THE FROSTIER 50 YEARS , V Jim Bilker , the Oldest Scout iu tbc Rocky Mountains. The Dfiyi When Whisky Was $ JJil n Gnllon niul Powder $ : tn Pint Indian "There is jn l one man living now thn t I remember as being hern when I lirst came into this country , " s.iid old Jim Ma ker , the pioneer frontiersman , to a Den- Mil1 rribuue-Hepublicnn reporter , "thai ! old Sorrel , a Frenchman , who lives with the Indians down on \ \ iml ilvcr. He is about my age Yon iu I come hero when I was very .voitng. I'd be a young man now U it wasn't for the fact that I v\a blowed all to pieces bj ( lie bursting of a gun at a I'te < amp about Ivvout ) IIvo mile * up Cheiry crick in ' ( II. And then I've lately had both sbonldeis fractured trying to drive ome of my bronchos to n wagon. Hut I'm getting belter uM the time. Folks think I ought to be a hun dred years old beeau-e I've been lime , so long. I didn't like to go to school binlc in Illinois when I was n boy , so I ran away and went over to St. Louis and joined Dripn's party , in thocmplov of the American Fur company. 1 enlisted lor oightivn monthWe were not enlisted as soldiers are , to go into battle regard- les , but we agreed to defend the compa ny's propeity and light Injuns if neces sary , looking out tor No. ! lir.-t. rnit n MI N IN 1111 : i-viirv. "There were eighty men in our party and we began hunting and trupnme beaver over in the Teton ba-in This was iu W , and all this oountri was Mex ican territory then. I soivcd my tinio out and v\ent bacK to Illinois : md came out again m Ml us a'skin trapper'for Frappe il"d Mridger. MJ outfit was taken care of hor-e , traps , etc -ami I was paid $0 apiece for he.iv or skins. They were then vvoith * 5 a pound It was n d d poor man tint couldn't mnko $ < ( ) a dav on all average. U hat did we do with our money * Well , we got rid of it. yon bet Alcohol was ? ' ' . ! a jrallon , but we put ; n a gallon ol water and brought the price down to § 1(1 ( Kvervtiling at the lemle/.voiis that what the headquarter quarter- were called was sold by the pint Powder vvas $ .1.1 pint , collen $1.51) ) , sugar the s.ime nru-e , and so on Hut a man's gilib then w.i > m hi > ammunition supply. When I stalled out , no matter whether for three da s or thi.'o months , ! neyer took any grub along 1 shot and tiappcd all 1 wanted to cat \ \ by , I'vo come near starving several times sineo the game run out. \ \ ell. as 1 was saying , the boys would get rid of their money , drinking and gambling | hen I'vo known some ot them to | > : lBdi | as ij-150 lor a squaw. rn.iniM , vv mi iiir "Shoitly after I came out heretic second end time we vyere camped oh the very creek where I live now - Snake river wo called it then and there \vc had a lively light with a part.v of about rUO ) Sioux , t heyennes and Ariipahoes. The Arnpa- hoes didn't do much lighting , but they urged the others on There wore twenty- three in our party , and I can frivo you the names ol every one of them. Old Frappe was in command. The Indians made about lorly charges on us , coming up to within ten or htteen paces of us every time Their object wan to draw our iire , but old Frappe kept .shouting , 'Don't shoot till you're sure. One at : i time. " And so some ot us kept loaded all the time. We made breastworks of 0115 bor.ica and hid behind * .slumps. Ora Frappe was killed , and ho was the ugliest looking dead man I ever saw , and 1 have seen a good many. His face was all cov ered with blood , and he had rotten front tee h and a horrible grin. When he was killed he never fell , but sat braced up against the stump , a sight to behold. Well , when the light was over tin ro were about a hundred dead Injuns. There were three of our parlv Killed ? A v i in MAN- . Maker is one of the most modest men in the world , constantly holding himself in the background. It is said that ho was one of tlio giittiost of 1 lie defenders of the camp in the above battle , und phned no small pait in the success of the day. He admitted killing four redskins that ho was positive about. "Were there any other noted men who participated in that battJeV" inquired tha reporter. . "Noted , li 1 , " said the gilm old scent abruptly. "I wasn't noted. I was nothing ' ing bnt'a greenhorn. " After the reporter had made profuse apologies the old man was induced to continue. "Well , alter that 1 went down into Ari/ona. There was lots of beaver in Ari/.ona in them days. I1 or the first lifteen or twenty years I was out here I never staid more than a week or so in a place. I never settled down until ' 5 ! ) when I went to farming over here on Clear Creek. I knew as much about farming as the devil does about running a saw-mill. I opened up a coal bank aud brought in the lirsl coal that was over teamed into Denver. It sold then for from -fIfl to .f.'O a ton. In Tr > J wan chief scout with old General Harnuy in the lii-nl war the United States had with the Sioux Indians. In ' 7. ! I wont up on Snake river where 1 live now. There was no one there then , but it's pretty well set tled up nowMy shoulders are a little out of shape * -o I can't hold a gun to my shoulders , but I've got a greyhound that is a pretty good hunter lie will go out and run an untolono down every time I give him the word. " The old man has participated in Indian scriminage innumerable , but wan never senoiinly wounded uxcopt by the gun bin sting above referred to. He got all ready to die then and.wan moceeding to maki ) his wijl when some of his frieiulH cheered him up with the leinark that he shouldn't give up. "Do yon think I'd butter JIVL , " ho "Why , certainly , " was the reply "You are good for a long linin yet. " "Well , then , by , J'lf live , " said the old frontiersman , and ho did , tlion li ho still a deformed jaw , somewhat hid den by his stubby gray beard. or ini. "i.i.A'iin.itsrocKi.Mj" OIIDKK. The old man is a typo of the frontier * mini of the "lealhorstocking" older , a clii&i of men often read about , but seldom seen in these da > .s honest and modest , and poi'foctlv uiiasMiming. His parting admonition was. "Now don't go and write me up as onn of the greatest men of the country , for 1 ain't. Don't mnke add d-d fool of me , for I won't stand It. I'vo never had any Sundays or holidays , AVhen I've felt like doing an.v thing I've ' done it. regardless of days. > iovv 1 urn resting and taking it ea-y. " 'I IIP ( 'iirtliliT skipped. ST. Lot-is , Mo. , July It The 1'iovldent S vin < a bmk closed its ( loin * to-diy nud nmdu an assiRninunt. Almond M. 1'homii son , rnsliiui , lias alsioiuleil. Thu liabilities oxiei-'l the iissnts by i 10 , < ! 0'J. ' Thump-on Is a Hi.ubiiiti ) ot llaiviud collide , and * mce ho has laid Ids lOsponMuh' posil.oii In tnlsdty hiubien jojjudi'U asa m.uiof ioi ; UK jiitcx ; lily. HoisiiOsiileatut ) the JluiV4rd ululiof this city , anil ol tinImht , ana i * DiomliieniKnisht TCIUI.IHI. Ho announced hU IntmUlon the Ifltioi pan uf lust week or iu-fiinii > aiiyiii Urn f ijht r.i\.di > to ll.u Mate iincAiiiiiifiit ) | at Sw.i't bianij- . , aim U vyas iruiit-i.'illy ui > ) > o'd that lie was theio. Au- vlmtoliom that point , ImwHver , slant Hint nu JKIK jiavi-i l > wn nrai thn cam | > and It i HIIJI- pnwil ho Im * joined tlio nnny ol iloniuU- ms < n C.iuaila. N nil ' ! i , iu n tel Idnuwal- rai..u < < > bi-.i i iiul i ill i ( * I living' , f , I , , ! HUII IIIM h K own to bpe'-iilate. T'n ii uirsuillu o.i'ilv Invu pctitioiifd l < I a ueci