Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1886, Image 1
HE DAILY BEE SI XTEENTH ] YEAH , OMAHA , THURSDAY MOHNJLNG , JULY 15 , 188G , NUMBER 23 FRENCH MASSES GALA DAY , The Tall of the Bastilo Kenrnnberetl nntl Duly Celebrated , WET WEATHER SPOILS THE FUN. Thp IMfttis or the Iilhnrnl Socntli'fs lu online Ireland Stated ly ? "Mr. ( Soschou Other Korrljju News. 1'Veuoh I'es I'AiiiH , VIA HAVIII : , July ll.-fNow Voik Herald Coble Spncial to the HIB. : | Hepubllc or no republic , I'.aslllu or terror whatdocs It mailer when I'aris Is bent on plpasnro1/ The lllh of July or the 1Mb of August who could tell the difference so far as the enjoyment of 1'ailslatis Is concerned'Hoth have served as ptetexts for national icjolcing and 1'ails will niako a holiday any day it the sun shines. Without sunshine even the llth of July will not make her met IT. ' IT ItAINHI ) 11AP.I ) heio to-day all the foicnoon. Many curses wcio mntteii'd as good icpub- licatis , wlio had snout half the night adorning their windows , awoke this morning to limitlicirtrl-coloissaddened , their lanterns loin , their tilumphal aichcs being giadually washed away by the steady downpour. In the ilclicr pails of the town the rain did small mischief. The I'aris classes had not gone lo any pains todccoiate. Tliey never toijkkiiidly to the 14th of July. But to tlio niass feHio .bad weather lo-day meant bitter disappointment. Tlio commem oration of the taking of tlio bnstile is essen tially A j'oi'Ui.Ait nn : : . Tosco it you uuist go , as l went , to tlie busy hives ot Hcllevllle , Mont Maitiuand the Marois. Theie tinicpnblic is a name to con- jino with. Theie , in fonner years , the na tional leto has been both pictuiCMpio aud hcatty. mi : vviATinit : : ci.n.vns. At noon the weather mended. The sun peeped out and workmen In blouses and work Bills in their Sunday best began to bustle about tlie Kauboige. evidently determined to make a gallant eilort to depiivo tlio ailsto- ciatsof the pleasure ol pioclalmlng the Icsti- val a failure. TI" : Ti hcselRed the doors of the Or , ' , " ; ' . , Theatii ! Krancalse , and other theal'i - . { . . the peiformanco of woiks ( more or less elevating were vroinlscd "fiee giatls for nothing. " As usual the patrons of these eiitcitiilnments wcicehleny ot the shop keeper class. The quvricr seems to light shy of free theatres. Ho prcfeis dauclnc and climbingsieabcd poles lories' * of mutton lo all the attractions of "La Xulve , " "La Dame Ulaneho , " or "lcs Horaces. " TUB OIIASIU : : : POLK MANIA. 1 never saw ( iiiltc i-o many gieased poles In ono city before. Hound about tlio Chateau ( t'Kati there were regular forests of them and thousands louiid innocent and inexpensive amusement in watching the pcispiring Htiugglesof eomputtiois for tlio juicy prizes. THI : DA.NCINO. Tim iinnnliid jvas far more halt heaitcd than usual , for the sheets wcio damp anil slippery , whllolhn keen north wind which blow would have cooled the vivacity of even Mile. Cliillo UP ( iaut. to DANCIVO L'NTII. DAYMQIIT. Toward nightfall , under the luflueneo of ii repeated petits vcrrls pnr le/.iu , the dancers warmed bj-tlio cry of "I'lace , messieurs et iiiesdamcs , pour lo quadiille , " made readier icsponse. Open air balls in front of the opera and bourse were kept up with great spirit tfll past midnight. Tlio decorations In tlio Taubomg Saint Dennis and thu Kuo du Temble were \ury pretty , though less elabor ate than on lormcr occasions. iiAim TIMIS : ANO NO MONIJY. As it icspectable dealer In tripes a la mode ue caen lominded inn this atteinoon , "les iemps Hont durt , " and woikiiigmcn have little to spend on bunting this ) car. On the IJoulovard Saint Maitln tlm chief attraction was tlio cfllcy o .Camlllo Desmonllns har anguing the ucoplc. The gyinuasium tlm couplu of hundied yards away , was charm ingly adorned In tlie taste of the Louis XVI poiiod , with trellis woik covered with tiny cord. COSUHKN INTUUVlKWni ) . lie Tells About the I'lans For Govorn- liiK Ireland. LONDON , July 1' ) . [ Xew York Herald Cable Special to the Hii.J : Although not ic-electcd , Mr. Coschcn ictains his place as llioactne leader of the tiiplo-headed llait- ington , Cioschen and Chamberlain icvolt against Mr. ( il.ulstonc. .Mr. v.oschcu seldom penults himself to bo Interviewed , but ap- pieclatingtho Impoitance of Ameilcan pub lic opinion during the coming parliamentary stiugglo wltli the Varnellltcs , ho consented " to outline to me the main points of 1 < TUB UMOXlsl' IMIOilltAMMK. M- I found Mr. Cost-hen at his home In I'ort- land Simaic , Itegent's 1'ark. Ho was not discouraged by the Kdlnburgh defeat nor exhausted by Ids many campaign speeches. On thocontnuy , lie was full of cneigy and lie legarns this ulection as one of thu mobt iNrorii\niNi : I't'in.ic IVINIS : : which liavo oceuued for many years , lu answer to a cpieMUm legaidlng the possi bility of Mr. Ciladstono combining with Car- nell to obstuict all legislation , Mr. ( loschen said : ' * A coalition ? Vcs , that has "been alieady announcoct. lint as icgards the obstinctlon coalition , I must own that I do notieadlly assent to the Idea that Mr. Glad stone would adopt Mr. 1'arncU'a past tactics as well as his policy , At the same time I must confess that Mr. Gladstone's latest tiltorancus with icgard to obstruction by the nationalists in fonner years .seem to mo at least wanting In foice. OIlSTIllTTJOX TACTICS cannot , In my opinion , loieo Uladstonlan liomeinUuipon the unionists. Legislative obstruction would disgust parliament mid discredit the Gladstone-l'ainell paity in the country. An election forced upon the coun try by such tactics would icsiiit In an ovei- whelming unionist majoiity. Whether thai majoilty would bo a conservative or unionist or liberal , depends upon the degree of atiength that those parties show in icslstlnu' tlioseperutlst tactics. If Iho piesont parlia ment cannot conceive that , the demociacy , DOW the power In England , would see will equanimity the postponement of all legisla tion for Kngl.uul and Scotland , ow ing to the obstruction Irish tnctlca. Ol late Iho elec lions show ono thing clearly , and that Is thai the English consUtntmpIcs nro not prepares to sunender to IrelanR AllSTiNTON.SI : ! I'llOM VOTINO , where not acconnled lor by thoajio of the voting legbteis , is ponerally duo to strong party feeling. Many liberals could not biing tjicm&elvcs lo vote con ervatlvo , but onk not support the policy dictated by Mr. 1'ar nell. 1 can form no idea us legaidb Iho probability of dynamite outrage . I ci n only express my opinion that any attempt to maU force a tactor In thu Irish question wll roilRluly lead to .strong meabuiosof jeprcs lou. Those who tlaow a doubt on the prop U 4 Xcty of giving thu I'aiuuilltca tlio coutiol o he government of Ireland on th'1 ground of lie existence of revolutionary conspiracies , vonlrl in the eves of the public bo proved Uht. and have their opinion stir-ngthcned i > the re\lval of eiime. You nk whclh ° r hcunionKsare homn rulers'.1 1 reply that IIO.MI : Ufr.i ; is A Mtit.iinvo rnn.vsn \hlclieoversthey.iaxitniim of indepcndpnt larllameut and the niiuinrim of snob local elf government as everjbody URICCC tobe- tcslrable. I consider the main point on \hlcli tlie unionUts woic tmpqspU to thj Uladstonian bill was the abscncc'undor It of invtegularlzcd or effective control over the rl h legislatuic and e\ccntlv < > . Oladstortc's illl provided for neither such an authority as he United States supreme court to decide on ho unity of legislation nor Midi on authority if the federal executive. 1 do not believe hat tlio American public would fin one mo- neiit tolerate such a paralysis of the central executive in any Ameilcan state , as would lave icsulted in hulaiul liom Gladstone's plan. I am not piepared to say upon what uodel thu unionists would plan a home rule > ill. 1 do not admit that the unionists , as a tody , Would Introduce a home rule bill nopprly so called. They wo'ild be preimed o delegate an impoilnut patt ot the func tions of parliament lo I.orAl , itoDiis : nit would not be piepa > ed to make Ireland a latlon no more than you wouhi be prepaied o make Xow Vork a nation. That is the es sential aud Insepcrablo illlTerpnco between IIP unionists and Mr.l'.unell. Most unionists me anxious to eeiitr.ilUu and lecoustruct ocal eovernnicnt In all imts of the king- lorn. 1 piesiime you would not deny that ojal dlfleicnces justify certain degiees of sjiccial treatment. The device ol local self giivernmciit to be given to Iidand must de- tend largely upon the spirit shown by tlie lish In the lutuie. The unionists would not for instance be piepaicd to sunender the coutiol of tlio Irish police to who ic- rardcd eilme as a legitimate means of aglta- lon. As reg.uds American sympathy lor the I'arnellltes , 1 uan only suppose that the Vmericans have had no oppoitunlty of tak- ng other than A surnnKiciAT , vir.w of the case , and that they have at no time read our speeches or studied our points of view. The Americans have been led to be- ievo that Ireland is oppicssed ; that she is a soil of 1'ol.ind , whcr ° ' in fact she had been reated with cxtiaoulinary long biiffi ing , vhllc attacking England and English statcs- iieu with the llcrcst and most outrageous in- ectlves. I feel eonlldcnt that such a system of organized conspliacy and rebellion ascx- sted liom Douesal to Coik would not lave been tolerated so long by any other civ- ll/ed government , and certainly not by the United States. AMKIUCANH HAVU IIEHN I.EI ) TO llCMKVi : liatlieland demands only such independ ence as that enjoyed by the Ameilcaii slates. They do not aeo that .vir. Paincll demands v hat the Americans v\ould never grant In iny slate namely , that It should be a sepa- ate nation and that Mr. Parnell would abol- bh all elective control by a central executive. 'That theie is a fundamental difference of ievvb about property , about contiact , and lie many principles which lie at tiie very oundatlon of society as existing between the 'ainellites and the bulk of Englishmen and Scotchmen , such as does not exist between my one state in the American union and aiiy other state ; .hue tin-re is a vnrv laigo mlnor- tin Ireland which looks with passionate lislikeunddiend upon such a government as iladstoiic's bill would establish , and widen he minority , under that bill , England would lave no effective means ot protecting fropi njustice ; that the position of Great Britain owaids lioland , as the head of a largo , struggling and heterogeneous empire , re quires the concentration of executive power U tlio ccutie , such us is not equally es sential in a homogeneous and uubiokcn territory like the United States ; JT1S NOT SVFKICIK.NT done to consider the icsnlt of a separate Icc- islatuie , and especially of a separate oxecu- ; lve , in Ireland , such as would all'ect the rela tions of Gieat linttain and Ireland. It Is necessary , also , to look at the consequences of such a division as effecting the empire as a whole. Yes , I think the land question is at [ he bottom oC thu whole agitation. That larjd question once solved , the agitation would ladually die out. lam not piepared to con- lido In you how 1 , as ono member of the unionist paity , would wlbh to deal with the land question , but I may say that I see no in superable obstacle teA A SITTI.U.MR.NT : or THIS ( JUESTION in a manner Just botli to the landlords and the tenants , If such a settlement was under taken by the government which the I'.irnell- lies know they could not upset , and which liad a decided majority of the English people " In concluding the Interview Mr. Goscfoon aid : "I consider It o.xtienioly satisfactory that the appeals to class prejudices and other e'cctioiiccrlng methods hltheito almost un known In English politics , have failed to achieve their objec . The success of the gov ernment at the polls w6uld In ray judgment not only have Invohcd disastrous iC iHs ) as iczards the relations of Ei1-- , id and Ireland and to the prosncrlty of Ireland , but would have been the worst omen florn almost every constitutional amlsocjal point of view. The new democracy would have becndcmorall/ed at the very commencement of Its cajcer. " Mr , Goschcn did not wish to discuss at pres ent the unionist policy toward either the ( iladstonlan or lory party , as ho thought it would be some days before the political situa tion was clear enough to enable anyonn to foresee thocomso of events. An JIKt.orlcal Slono. KMS , July 13. ( Now York Herald Cable- Special to the HKI : . ] Un the promeuado flouting Iho Kursaal , a small sqnaie stone blab minks the place where the famous fail ure of the Benedlltl Interview with the emperor - peror took place in 1870. It Is about eighteen inches square , beat Ing a Flmplo Inscription , thu picclso date standing " 1S70 , July I ! ! , ! > ; 10 n. in , " At Otlils morning the sounds of cliper- Ing were hcaid on the promenade and ten minutes later faithful hands deposited wreaths of loses and the emperor's favoilie kornblumo on the stone , with the printed copy of these verses of which the following Is u free translation ! That ours was tlio vlctory.'beatcn the foe , Wo need not learn ffom tlip stone , IJut why wo have Von and vvlfat iviado us owe , To that we now otl'er this ciown , A word , an appeal from a enllant prince , ( Jolt mil iinis with bonoiablo arms ) , Ono nation , ono8\vordouo man and onohost Put this btuno hero mid vvais stdru alarms. -MoriU [ Oswald. Tlio Utter Is a minor poet In Hhlneland. Crowds of people wandered round the stone all day. The empeior himself never went near the stone , but avoided It In hU walks. nrltish Election ISchoes. LONDON , July W T. M. Itealy , In an ad- dics-i to the Irlbli Rational Jeaguo , bays al though Irlblininn arc disappointed over tlio result of the olectloiii they aio not despon dent. The defeat Is lempora y , Coalition goveinmont , Iin contends , cannot e.\Ut three monies. Slxly thousand dollars have been received by the ticasuier of the I'arritll parllament- aiy fund ( u the last two weeks. IJp lo midnight last rtight the lories ai.d . iriionlsts had eleolwl MO members of parlla- n.ent , the UladAlonhtus 'Jll , It Is bald Loid SAilsD'ary VilU accei't ' Harllnctmi's home rule scheme. His plan involves HIP maintenance < > f the supicmaey of the imperial pidjtninont. By it p owcrs ore dplezatfcd , not stitiendpied , to local coun cil" , while the Imperial parliament reserves th" light lo rev lejv Die auion of tlie eoumils. nnd al n HIP appointment of Judges and con trol of Hie legal admlniftiatlon. The I'.ir- - - " " ' " ? - . this the end. . . _ measure . _ _ _ . to . , . . i i i. 1 * < i. lull The'vviU } acoopt iiothlng shoil ol the Glatlstoi , . Mr. IMiifell nas Written n letter In which he ( leiio'inrcp as untrito the ftiUrinenrs ot ? L6r'd llaitlnctou that tljc Jijfh NfUional IpaitclpJ niYttPtMv iflf llicfentans ofnier - Ita. "I fiavo nevfl- had any con\nijiiilcalon \ { with tin Ieadai > ol such oicanUdtUTJv says raiuell , "or accepter ! any ulli.\nco with them. 1 do nol even know who 1)16 ) lenders aie. No union of the National le.iiuo and the fonl.ins has cvci boon proposed. If su6h pioposal had t'vcr been made 1 should never haw con sented. 1 have always siiccpsslully endeav ored to keep the National league within the strictest bounds of legality. In spite of the unblushing falsehoods wmcli have partially and tpiiiporarlly frttMrnled the moderate asiinitloiis of Iieland , the Iti-h people will continue to maintain a peaceable and legal aspect , declining lo afford un > pretext tg Lord Hartlngto'i or his toiv allies toiesort to thn brutalities of coetc1on. ' Tlm'1 lines , commenting on Parnell's de nial of Loul Hurtinuton'.s asstntlon that the nationalists were in loaztic with tlio fenlans , sayi"I'aiiioll's denial's aie pmc waste of breath , it seems ripces ary to lomlnd him that while the Mniquls ol Hart Incton is a man of unblemished honor and veiacily , 1'ar- nell < iult 'recently was convicted of having deliberately and icpeateuiv ainrmed that wbleli he knows to be lalsp. " ThpSlandaid snys : " 1'atnell carries his jirolestallon ol innocence to ab uid lengths. I'lic oupstion ho oughl to have avoided is whctnci or not he has avalle 1 himself of the services 01 monies ot extiemists , To accept money trom tcnlans and lo then disown , is not conduct which commends Itsclt to hug- iishmcn. ' ' Irlsli HlolH nnd DtTHUN , July 11. Uurinir tlio lioting In Ilelfast last night between nationalists and orangemen , four taverns and a number ol dwellings vveio wi coked. The police and soldiers chaiged the rioters seveial times and at last succeeded in dealing the main street. In the byways , nov\over , , dangerous knots of men aio linking and tears ol a iciiewal ol the dlstuibauco are enU'i tallied. Among the wounded last night was a it Is thought he cannot locover. A constable and many oivlllr.nsieceiveds soyoie wouiuK This morning tlio head constable \Valciloul loiccd a piivato soldier to attempt the arrest ol tvvooiangemcn inthcr.and son. The father shot aud Killed holh cons'ablp and soldier. The Situation ut Wateifoid Is serious , the streets aie patrolled by police and cavahy. El glit tnousand OrnnKcmen of Sidney have cabled to England lesolutions denouncing l\ifl \ proposal to give lioiuo inle to Ireland. Toiies liavo gained the middle Licstorshlre fiom the liberals , electing E. DoLyle , con- berVdtivo , over J. E. J. Forcii'on , Glatl- btou'tiih. The toi ies have nlso gained cast Itenlievrshlre , Scotland , wheietlley defeated M. H. Shaw Stevvait , Gladbtoirjau , iruntlnfttou.slilie , wliere the ic-clectlon of .1. Cbotc. jr. , ( iladstonlan , has been defeated by the election ot Sinifli Bairy , conservative. The city is quiet to-day. An investigation shows that moat frf the'iichling wa" done be tween the police and the Oiangemeii , the. Ut ter assailing the ofllcgi.s becausBtbeymeveJu- ed theOrangcmen from attacking Carholirs. I'olictiman Oarducr , who was icpoitedlcillcfj , J3 not dead , buthe Is fatally intuicd and is lyiitg at the point ol death. Two civilians named Ma.eWaters and MHcKIroy weio shot dead. Fifteen persons are still in the liospi- tal .snlTeiing fiom dangciousinjuiies received during the riot last nigllt. Stic Needed Alpine Air. LONDON , July It. A decree us ( of dlvoico has been granted to Baion II. UeWorms against his wife , Frances , ncc Von Todesco. The plaintiff's allegation concerning the lady's criminal relations with Daiou Meron In Tyrol were fully proven. The evidence allowed that tlie baroness made exceptionally long sojourns on the continent for Inconti nent purposes , obtaining her husband's per mission to go away from homo by pretending she was suffering troui ill health , which ic- Qiiiied Alpine air. She gave Merou , $100,000 to use in few years. Hctoie this Uaiou Meron was inn state ot poveity. Baron Do Worms has been avvaidcd the custody oi his three childicn. The Duke and HU Cnrrmjjos. LONDON , July W. Tlm duke ol Westmins ter has replied loGladslone's attack on him for giving the use of his carriages on election day to carry voters to the polls In Chester In the of U. A. Voibuigh , a torv , against B.V. \ . Foster , M. L ) . , Gladslonlan candidate lor ic-electioii. Gladstone , in a letter to Ur. Footer , characterizes the duke's conduct as an act of "Classes against the masses. " The duke says : "MySctlon at Chester was simply an exniesslon ot my foimer opinions , aiul consisted simply of a loan ol some carriagcTa. pr. l-6stcr tilil not qciuplo to abk lor a loan of them at the last ejection. " Tlio Sniallpov Plague , SANTIAGO , Chili , July H. The smallpox epidemic U growing wor = o everyday , ami HID diseafco proves fatal in CO or 70 per cent of the number of persons attacked. Satur day and Sunday last twonty-sovcri cases of smallpox wore sent to Iho hospital. Gosolicn Will Get n Scat. LONDON , July H. It is expected that J. G. Ilubbaul , ono of the conservative members of thpicity of London district will resign for iho Purpose of enabling Goschen to sccuio a seat. N13W YOltlt'S IIOODI/lillS. Ituiuorn That t he Court of A ] > pcalu AVill Hclcaso .Jachno. Nnw Yonji , July 1Special ) [ telegram to the Br.i : . ] Polltjcal and personal filends of Alderman Jachno of Iho liftli waid , of whom ho still lias many , are jubilant over the icport whispciod ftom month to car dining the past few days that thu judges of the couit ot appeals liavo decided to set aside tlio conviction , llfchnrd S. Nowcomb , one ot the lawyers who defended the lioodlcr , admits that he has heard and that lie credits the repoit. "But , " Bald ho , "tho Irlends ol Jachno aie foolish to let this news be known , It will but injuic him and provoke tl\o \ J ndges , and U will certainly eiealo a gieat scandal if Hio public J.-ani ! that there has been a leak In the couit of appeals by which ono of their decjsions Is known befoio its olllclal pro mulgation by the couit. " "it decision bhoiild bo In Jaohne's favor , IIQW soAi ) botoio ho could be at llbei ly , if he gels ball'/ " "Decision * Is to be announced on the 27th of July. It will beat oueo sent down to the lower couit In wbjch the verdict against him was lendeied , An authenticated copy ot the decision will bs quickly sent to Sing Sing ; r d Uio nuthpiltics theio will transfer him to 1 Hi this city. We will applv lor ills icleasn upon ball , vvhlch iiuist , of courte , be giantPd. Tlio bail will be of mciely nominal amount , tor HIP decision of the couit of appeals will sine ) } be based upon ti.o opinion that the IjiUlctuient was founded ubon iho wroiig pjiuuto ot the code Instead ol upon the cou- polldated ciarj ) r act. There l.s no reason y\liv Jachno should not bo at libeilyupon the SOtfi of July , Odd Fellows' Celebration. BwOMiNrrox , III. , July U. Five hundred Odd l'o.lio\ys and several bands caine tq Blobinlngtoh to-day from vailouj'parts 6t the/ state to witness the coienionius inoIdiMit to laying the coiner stone of the new Odd Fel lows' temple , which will bo u foui-3tpry pressed brick and Btouo sliucturc , costing SW.OOO. Theio was a paiadw andGaud | Mas ter Phelps liad charge of tlio coiner stone ceremonies , wnioh occurred at 3 o'clock , 101- low'Pd by an or-ition by I'ast ( Jrand Master J , J { . Millar , of Caseyville. Threatened lain red need the " ' The Telegraph Consolidation. NEW YOIIK , July H. fSpecial Telegram Ip the BnB.J There nro new reports that the \Yestern Union and Baltlmoio \ Ohio are to bo consolidated. The agieemcnts have been made forborne time , but wilj not bo mane Uuuwu imbUcly uutil every paper Is signed MORRISON MAKES HIS MARK , heat Victory Tor the Man From Illinois in the House. JOINT RESOLUTION PASSES. The House Decides In Favor of im pending the Surplus by a Vote of U07 to (17 A Great Discussion. The Admlnlntr.itlon Reproved. WA nismoy. July U. Bills were pas ed ncipnsiiig to ViVJ.OOO the limit of the cost of the pnblin biilldingat Galvp'lon and nppio- SlOOiOO , for a public building at Osh- The house then went Into committee of the whole for the consldeiatlon of Iho suiplus ru-olnllon. Mr. Mnnlson of Illinois olTeted the follow- ng unciuimont : Tinsuiplus or balance herein referred to shall be an available surplus asceitained ac- coidUig to the loim of the statementof the L' nltcd States ticasuier , of the assets and lia bilities ot the tieasuiy of the United States , cmplo.ved June SO , ISSQ. The ie-oluton ! , Mr. Hewitt said , ptovlded ; hat whenever the surplus exceeded $100,000- 000 , calls for bonds should be made. The re sult would bo that if theio was 5101,000.000 , suiplus the call muslbo made , and thus the rpseivc would bo reduced to S91COO.OOO. If the gentleman from Illinois did not intend that , lie had bolter modify the language of the icsolutlon so as to piovidu that when the surplus i cached " 110,000,000 there should bo a call. The genlleniaii Irom Illinois based his advocacy of the iPsolution on the saving of intciest. Assuming that 100,000,000 was Iho amount which Mould have to be paid out , tlie saving in interest would amount to about S'-J/i'iO.Coo. 'i'lc | gentleman said it would loleaso Irom the treasury . 100,030,000 , which would goto tho'channels of tmde , give employment to 100,000 men , and suppoit ll.V 000 people. The gentleman was too lamlliar wiln tlie piiuciplcs which governed business nol to know that if this act should impair public confidence tne saviiie ot Sf'-Vi'ai.OOO would be a case ol saying it at the spigot and wasting Italthobunghole. Instcadot giving employment to 109,090 incti , 100.000 men would bo dismissed fiom emplovmeiit on the very Jiistd.w tllat the public icali/.ed that , under ( he action of this icsolutlon , the siaullitv of the treasiny vv ! ; i inrpaiied and Us abilifj to meet its obnuatldlis was underndiied. Such a Oonsidejatiou as the saving of S-,2X ,000 was trl\fi7g ( \ in conmailson with tlie danger and tliattirimiice vvmoh Yould lesult If the tinal transailtiohs of llje government were seriously Inipfilied by ti6 | opnratioiis o the icsolution. Tire gentleman vvus rnlntaken In supposing that the relcTise of this iiioncv from the tioasUly'wouId put a single mail to work. Thoie Was to-day Idle in New York nvmo than SC5.COO.OW unemployed capilal. It that capital could be made piolilablo it vvYmld be ciiilo ] ) > cd. It tliis , $ ii. > ,000,000 came from te | treasury It vvould not be given to men 'w ho vvein short of means. It w6uld bo paid to bondholdeiH , who would simply pocket the , proceeds. Ho did not consider that biich action of the conimitlco on ways and means and the committee on rules was a declaration of war against the adii inibtia- tion. If tliu resolution shquld be adopted , hp\vcvor , ho should regaidit as a vole ol a Want ot contidcnco in the policy ol tbe ad- ministration. The democratic Vart'y believed In honest mony , and the president of thu TJnlted States , whonho accepted the nomin&- < tion of ids pau ' ' 3J3-ii1 > fmocfi iujreiy OH tlin dpJ rcftKtnl M' ° PIa'fori" ' ' o wenti Into etaryfi o llPtetr it in A broad anfl jcnerous * decl ri\vjgEiautt \ the president re garded ills promstto ! observe the declaration of the platform' to bo as binding on his cgnscicnco , and notion as was his oath to sunportth6 constitution aud maintain thn laws of his country. The president ball never lett thp country In doubt as lo how ho considered that platform. The masters df finance had benini lo prepare for the hour of danger and collapse which they thought would bo inevitable. lie knew three ot the gieatest Institutions of the city of Xew Yoik Hie vvould not iiamo them lest hu should bring down upon them the condemnation of jess enlightened men ) , that had accumulated moio than 5'-ooo,000 in gold as a mcuaialion tor tilts change tliey thought was coming. Mr. Warner Did the Change cornel1 Mi. llowltt It' did not , thanks to the gov ernment of Cleveland and the magijiticent administration of the tieasiiry depaiunent , which has cairied its fame all over the vvoild. In conVlusion , Mr. Hewitt thus summed up his objections to tlie ie. elution : "Four uioiitha after Its pass.ige the country would be brought back to the ronilitioii in which It had been on tlie ( tlvpf March , IbSS. and gold would b'o witluQwn | tiouj cliculation. The inomeut that ocifAiibd , millions of men would lo'so their daily tftiiployuiont. Then a demand would couio for giecrtljacks and the long struggle tor sound cuirency would end in liat money. Ot course. , when the country had passed tlnonRh the valley of death , which once it had tiavelcd with'tears and lamenta tions , made wiser by the aullering taught by bitter cxpeilance , it would slovvl > rotnicu its .steps to a basts of honest money-.tlio money Jefferson to the present had insisted was the only monov tot ( lie people ; the best money- money vVnlcli ineabined all other money. Gold was not too good for worklngmcn , not lee goQiJ for orphans and widows , not too good for thocUf/cn who wished that justice should bo established and maintained 111 this land foi oVeY. " Mr. Weaver of Jowasahl the only trouble wllh Iho icsoltitioii was that H did not i/o far enough. It simply said , in clfoct : "Como , Id us set up $100,000,000 lor any emcrgoncy that may aiiseand pay tlio balance on our debt. " Could theio boamoio conservalivo or icasonable proposition made ? Ho con tended that the bonds were not Intended to be payable in gold only , and charged that the bonds had shiiked taxation lor a qnaiter of a centurv. Mr. Hundallof Pennsylvania said Ibis was not a silver question at all. It was a question whether wo had ilioney in the tieasury un disposed ot , and agamst which Ihcio is no legltlmato claim , lo the extent of . or 3100,000,000 that nilcht bo used In tlio liquidation ot tlm public debt. Cons\ess \ pio- posf d under this le.solutlou to do just what it had done when it icdiiceu the public debt S1'JOOOCK,0X ) ( ) , just vvliat was done whflii f4-iro.6oo ( ) tfaie paid In on account ot the sinking fund In the last year , lie had no hesitation in saylncr that in his opinion tlie greenbacks In the ticasury to-day were pciftctly adequate for the liquidation of the dob.t to thu full amount pioposed. The goverfimeht could pay It vvltii less than the amount of giccnbaol-'s that tlicioeio to-day lu the treasury. Ho felt assured that within the next tidily daysuftor the ifist payment HIP iccoipts tiom eTustoiitfl aud otner somccs would nut monev enough In tlio treasury tn handle another Slo.OjO.OOO of tlio debt Hist as they Imd han dled thu tilstS 10,000,000. Mr. 1'ayeon of Illinois paid there was In the United States treasury a balance of SiOo , . OOO.lwo , lor vvijlch there was conichsedly no IIH < . Every dollar of It repiesenled thoiicqul- sitlon of toll and laborot this country. StandIng - Ing uzalnst It was a debt subject to interest that vvo might pay : and yet because there wcio tcaiful forebodings aiuj lugubrious apprehensions of vvliat might puiuii'pscouie. about It a portion of this money was iispd. tlie liouso was simply asked Ip ijaiid still and bum Iho candle at both einlj ! . Mr. Biecken > kl o of Kenlucky expressed the opinion tliat the go\criimcnt had Hie oi > - tlou ol paying the bonds In gold orelhCr. All that It WQildbenecP6saiy | to do if tlie joint icsoliitloti blioiild bo enuoted vrould be to cjuiiigo the security of national banks. 01 cyniot ) tluMO wo'ild bo some tontraction of cuirenci' how pinch ho did not know. He believed that gold and silver should be kept toTytliPr it polsilile. Mr. MoKlnley t'f ' Ohio said that this resolu- .tion , coming as * it did trom Hie demociatlc 'utaioilty iuono bianch of the goveiument , adili'cssea to the democratic exc-cn- Uvu in control of another branch , waA to say the least , exceptional and lelnarkable. It was a proposition coming fiom the majorltv of Hie committee. on vvays and means wliU-h WHS in political accotdYithlfie picsidcut , uud uudoubtcdiy would receive that approval of the majority on the other < IdP of the clifliuber. It was a ptoposition to compel the president and SPC- tetary cf the treasuiy to do that whlcji they hail anvav > had HIP power to dele do that v\hlch ihcj now had authority to do under section ( woof the act of March ; t , 1VM. Yet. In sixteen months of democratic ndmlnlstia- t Ion , tliot administration had called but S-V.CKK'.ooo ' of govcinuiPiit bonds for redemp tion. It leaves outstanding SHo,000OOJ ; or live per cents extended , ifow known ns " per cents , which are rodpcmablo at the ) ) lcas- UIP ol the irovpininent. In issi , with a sur plus of i 100,000,0.x . ) , the republican secietiny of the lieasury had called In SU1,00.000 in good bonds. In l sj. with n uipliis of 6inc,000ocothc rt'imbllcan secrctaryhad called In S17i ! . < MO,00i of bonds. In ISSH , wllh a sur plus of SlS-I.OOO.itt ) . thPiepubllcan seciPla'-y had called In SSii.OlW.COJ of bonds , and , In 1SS4 , so.OOOX)3. : ( ) Tin lopublican p.iit > had aveiaged lu the last four v ears SIW 0 0,000 every slxteert months , whlli1 In the past six teen months thedciiiocialic ) iul.v hail made a rpcoidof but S'so.uOO. Wny didn't the ad ministration of Giovc'r Cleveland pav out tbo balance lu the tieasuiy on the public debt ? Some gentleman on the other side in eontl- deuce with the administration ought to ex plain why the secretary did not exorcise ilio discietlon given him by the law. Ho ( .McKIll- ley ) believed It to be a wise discietion to per mit the oulccr havlngeliarno of HIP adminis tration of the flseal atlairs of the government to call bonds or withhold the call of bonds when the. condition of the public ticasury permitted or demanded ono or the other. Thcrefoie , unless Hie amendments oflprcd were adopted , he vvould lecl constialned to cast a nezativc vote upon the icsolutlon , Of course , the icpublicans could not prevent the demociatlc p.uty trom voting to-day want of confidence In Its own administra tion. They could not prevent II fiom voting a vote of condemnation upon tlio president and ills secietiuy. That was what the icsohi- tion meant. Think of It ! The ippublican of the treasury presided over the liscal allalrs ot the government fiom 1ST ! ) to isj. During that time tlie democrat lo party contiolled the hou-e for lour years. The IP- publican secretary of tlm treasniv exercised Ills discretion , aud the house , with a laigcr dPinocrallc majority than tlio present one. never thought of taking that discretion avvay from him. Mr. Morrison The gentleman Is mis taken. Mr. Mclvinley Did you ever pass a resolu tion , compelling the secictary ot Iho treasuiy to pay out the suiplus'.1 Mr. .Mori Ison I Introduced a joint resolu tion and sent it to the committee on ways and means , and it never got out of the commit tee. tee.Mr. . McKiuley-Exactly. [ Laughter. | Air. Morrison And 1 olferedit in tlio liouso and had the suppoit of the gentleman from Pennsylvania ( Randall ) , ami we were kept from passing It by a point of older from that side ot the house. | Applause on tlie demo cratic side. I Mr. McKlnley But > ou never passed it. You had control ot the house. \ on had con trol of the committee on rules , 'i on could have fixed a time lor consideration as yon did now. Yon Had a larger majoiity than you have now. Whatever you may liavo done In convention , or attempted to do on thelloor of the house , one thing is ceitatn ; you never did adopt a i ( 'solution lakinii that discretion liom a republican president and secretary. Mr. Morrison I was prevented by the co operation of the democrats with that side of tuo house. Mr. McKlnley That is , the two wings of tlie democratic paity weie n'ot in harmony at that time [ ranjjhterl , and ono wing , with the aid ot thn republicans , piovcnted you liom taking the statutory discretion away from thu secretaiy. But now , when you have the president and secretary of the treasuiy , both of the democlatlc party unite In denouncing them for not calling in the bonds , and absorbing the surplus. [ Laughter. ! " Suppose this resolution passes the house. Suppose It passas. the senate. . To give it any sOrt Of force itmilSkliavn tlm aui'roynl ( ' 4.V- : president or tlio United States. Our asking by this resolution that the president shall do . "vvliat for sixteen months lie lias refused lo do , . lie will lay down the pen , which with him has been miglitierthan tlio sword [ Laughter ] , and will use thai pen for another purpose. Ho will veto your bill and the surplus will remain In the tioasurv. 1 only want to say. In conclusion , that I liopo thu .amount I offered will bo accepted. It seems to me ab solutely demanded if this- resolution should pass. Lot us save that 8100,000,000 reserved fiom cncioachmcnt. Let us say that 8:110,000,003 : ot tlm piomises ol the national govern men t shall be kept seemed ; and if wo do that , and adopt the amendment giving the bccictary of tlio licasurv a fair woilcing bajance , which any business man or coipora- lion would keep , then your resolution will be harmless , and it will be spaied the veto ol the president of the United Slates. I Applause. J Mr. Keod of Maine saw In the lesofutlon a meie political game. Mr. Hendcison of Iowa favoied the icsolu- lion because it enforced tliPiepublicaii pippo- sitlon that tlie democratic party had deter mined that pension bills shqjild not bo uassed. He waln Invor of paying out tlie surplnson the public debt. Mr. Morrison closed the debate In support of the joint le-olutioii. IJe denied that the resolution was a condemnation ot tlie admin istration. It lelt Iho question of rescivcn In the statutes that which it was to-day. If it was law now that S100,000,00u was to be le- servcd , it would bo law alter tlie passage of the resolution. The gentleman Horn New Yoik predicted that HIP counlry was going lethe the bad if fe7,000OCO should bo paid out of the ticasury. In issi the surplus reduced to &l,0)0Ka ( ) ( ) and no harm had come to the countiy. .Nobody had lost faith in tlio government or in the treasury to keep its pledge * . Was the gentleman taluing lor the democratic party to tell him that -70,000OM more was ivquiicd in the treasuiy because this was a democratic administration ? If ( he people had confidence in the Covernmcnt in iS'iJ , vvlion tlicio was a republican admlnlstia- tion , and the surplus had gone down to S100- OOO.OJO , in God's name should thov not.have faith in it to-day when it had at its head tills good man , Cleveland , about whom so many Ulco things wcio .said , and whom nobody thought iV'C ol tlian he ? [ Laughter and applause. ' ) The genetal debate then closed and the live minute debito began and ran on without in terest foi half an hour. The amendment offered by Mr. Mouibon this moinlng was adopted without division. Tlio amendment otfuied by Mr. MoKlnloy yesterday was in jected 101 to vv. ! . A number ot other amend ments wcie otlcicd and lejectcd. An amendment olTciod by Mr. Giosvenor of Ohio , pinvldlnc that nothing In this act shall bo coiistuicd lo convoy to Iho public an > doubt as to the wisdom , palilotism and integ- iltyot the president or tlio secictary ol the tieasmy , was titled out on a point ol order. Mr. McKlnlov ot Ohio moved to recommit the Joint icsolutlon vv llh Instructions to tlio committee on ways and means to icport It back with the amendment pievionsly ollered by him. Lost-yeas , 118 ; nays , 151. Tlio Joint lesoliitton was then passed yeas , ' 'Orj nays , 07. The lolloping is tlio vote In detail : Yeas Allen ol Mississippi , Atkinson , Ballentlne , llaikbdalc.HaniP.sHarry , Bennett , Blanchaid , Bland , Bluunt , lioxlc , Bragg , Hrecklniulgo ot Arkansas , Hicckiniidgu of Kentucky , Biowno ot Indiana , Blown of Pennsylvania , Hi mum. Humes , Burrows , H > num , Cabcll , Caldwcll , Campbell ot Ohio , Candlcr , Caunon , Cailelon , Catchings , Claidy , Clements , Cobb , Compton , Conger , Caner , Cowels , Cox , Cialn , Ojl p , Croxton , CnJUerson , Citilln , Ciitcheon , Daniel , Dai- Davidson of Alabama , Davidson of S'oitli Caio'liiui. Gios\enor , ( iuonflicr , Hale , Hall , Halscll. Hairis. Hatch , Hendeisoii of Iowa , Henderson of Illinois. Hendcrr-oa ot North Ciuolln.i , Hepburn. Hcibert , Her man. Hill , llirc.s , Jlltt , llalinon. Holmes , Hopkins , Howaid , Hudd. llutton , lion , Jackson. Jolnibon of Indiana , Joliuson of Noith Caiolina , Jones ot Ala bama , Jones of Texas , Kelley , Kliii ; , Kleiner. LaiToon , Lafayette , Lalid , Lailam , Lavvler , Lelevre , Loie , Lov- nilng , Lowry , Ljnun , Maikhaui , .Maitin , Mahton , Maybury , ilcAdoo , .McComas , Mo- Cicary , McKenna , McMillan , Mcllan. Mills , ilolfalt , il or trail , Morilll , Moirlson , Mouovv , Muiphy , Nral , Neece , > eBley , NelsonO ales , O'Neill ol Missouri , Onthwalte , I'ayson , 1'cpl , Perkins , 1'urri , Peters , I'ettibonc. 1'ld- cock , 1'indar , Plumb , Price. Handall , Itegati , Iteid ot North Caiollna , lilchaidson , Kiggs , Itomels. Itoncll , Kvan , Sadler , Sayies , Ses sions , Show. SlugletQU , Skinner. Syinter , SlnlUnccUr , Steel , Stc- veti < wi , Steward of Texas , St. Martin , Slone of Kentucky , Stone of MI onrlStorm.Sttalt , Stiublc , Swopp. Tarnspy , Taulbce. J. M.Sny- lor of Tcnncs-ipp , Thomas of Wisconsin , , Pennsjhania , \\hilpoi Minnesota , ) J HKln- ; , Willis , Wilson , \\inans , Wbealfoid. . AVoodbuinaud Woilblugton.-52i8 l 'SJ Navs-AdAiusof Illinois , Allen of Mas- - rhusetK Baker , Hclmont. Urniicham. Hliss. Hnund. Houtclle. Huck. Hunueil , Hiuloinh , Hultrtwoith , FcllC.imiibt'll , J. Campbell , Campbell ot Pennsylvania , Collins. Davis , Dibblo. Dlnglov , OOVMIPV , Dunham , I'.ly , llv.ins , Kvi-ihari , , Fiudlev. Fiee- ger , ( fiout , llaydpu , Havncs , Hewitt , Illes- .itid , Iliscoek , James , Joliiisouof New Yoik , Kctcham. Lclilluek , Llndilpy , Little , Lone , MahoiiPV , McKiule.v. Meiiiiim. Millald , Mil- liken , Mitchell , Muller , ( UNvlll ot I'cnti'vl- \anla , Osboine , Parker , I'avne , 1'lerce , Heed ot Maine. Kiec. Itoekvvell , Saw.vcr. Sujmonr , Smalls , Spooncr , Stcwait ot Vliginia , Slono of Massachusi'lls , Ike Swlnhuine , 'laylor , Oiillnvaite. Woticr. West and Whitney. The lolnt lesolulloti now goealo the sen ate. Adjourned. _ Proceedings of the Srnntc. WAsiuxmo.N , ! ) . C.July U. Tlio following house bills passed the senate to-day : For the establishing of additional aids to naviga tion at the mouth of tlie Missotnl river willi amendments. Mi. Logan intiodncod a joint resolution di recting the secretary ot war to accept the Iced aim conveyance of tlio land known us : ho "Uiightwood tiaet"ncar Chicago donated jy the Commercial club of Chicago for mill- Iniy purposes. The sonatp then look up HIP rlvpr and har bor bill and Mr. McMillan , who lias charito ot it moved an older that HIP bill ho recommitted to the committee on commerce with Instiuctions to amend it as voted by the senate In committee ol the whole , evcopt that In each Item of the tlll ) and aggnvato there bo a icdiictlon of no percent ; that the committee amend the bill tccordlngly ( and not otherwise ) and report the same complete toithwlth. Mr. Butler otlcicd as a substitute for the proposed Instructions a proposition for an- jiroprUtlng 810,000.000 , or a ? much theieof as MII bo Judiciously expended dining Uio fiscal yeai by the sccietarv of war for tlm Improvement ol livers and haihois , Mr. Logan opposed Mr , McMillan's motion , which was finally withdrawn , and the senate proceeded to vote on the various amend ments. Tlio amendment proposing to appropiiato S : ! . " > 0,000 for the puicliato ot the I'oitage Lake canal and Lake Superior and lion company's canal was agreed to jcas , : tj ; nav , .1. 'Iho imcndiucnt In lelatlon to thu Calumet river uas agreed to ; the amendment accepting the grant of tlio Illinois aud Michigan canal , mil for the construction of tlie llenncpin canal , were adopted yeas , 27 ; nays , ISO. Without pioirressing further with tlie bill .he senate adjoin tied. KKKP OUT OK Cleveland Issues nn Order to onico. Holder * to 'I'll at Kffcot. WASHINGTON , July H. The following ex ecutive older was issued by the piesident this atteinoon. EXECUTIVE MANSION , 1 V/ashlngton , D. C. . July H. J To heads of departments In the service of the general government : 1 deem this a proper time to esneeialiv worn all suboidin- iites in the scvciuUlopaitmeuU , and allolllco hpldcre nnd"e.r . tlio'Ke'neral go vern men t aca ! ust UllljT ; 43 II1U U11IU illlllr 4UUVL due to the government , but they shifald scru pulously avoid , in their political ctlon as In the discharge of their olliclal di r , offending - ing by a display'of ofllclal partizafij hip their nojghbois wlio have rclallons with them as public ollicials. They should also constantly lomeniber that tUcir party friends , liom whom they have iccelved picfcrnicnt , liavo 1191 invested them with the power of arbitral lly managing political affairs. Thpj have no right as olllco liolduis to dictate tlie political action of this paity associates or to throtlle the treedomof action within the paity by methods and practices which pievect every useful and justifiable purpose ol paity oiganlzatlon. The inlluenco ol lederal olliccs should not be lelt in tliu manipulation of political primary meetings and nomliintini ! conventions. The use by these ollicials of their positions to compass this .selection us delcratesto po litical conventions is indacent and unfair , and a piopcr icuaid lor Hie propiopiicties and icmilreuientsof olllclal place will also piuvcnl theii assuming thu active conduct ot the political campaign. Individual intciest and activity in political affairs are by no means condemned. Olllco holdPin aie neither disfranchised noi foi bidden the exercise of political piivilcges. But their pitvilegcs aio not enlarged nor Is their duty to paity In- cicascd to pernicious activity by olllce hold ing. A just discrimination in tills rcgaid between things a clti/en may piopeily do and tlie pm poses lor which public olllco should not bo used , is easy in Hie light of a correct appreciation ol the icliitionslilp between tlie people and those entrusted with olllcial place , and Ilio consideration oi thu neccsiily under our lorm of government of political action lieu liom political coercion. Youaieicqucsted to com municate these views to those lor whose guidance they aio Intended. [ Signedj Gitovr.i Whisky IMcn'ri Scliciucs. OuicAdo. July 14.Tlio distilleries foim- Ing Ilio'pstein Ex'poit association were well ippipsenled at the meeting held hero to-day for the put pose of discussing the op eration of tlio iccently oiganl/.cd Ameilcan Purchasing and Leaslngcompany. Enough subsei lotions vvoio repoiled made to take the $200,000 of stock for which thn organisation was incorpoiatcd. A draft for these subscrip tion ! ) was drawn and made pub lic In cash , and deposited In the Fiist National bank until the election of the company's olliceis. will occur at a meeting to no held in Chicago , August n. When the election shall have taken plaeo the money will be turned over to the tieaMircr , fiom which linn ; the actual operatons of the company will dale. The capacity continues at Us per cent , I'lices aio 81.07. Tlio July as-cssmmit of four cents will he made lo paj Hie closed houses for Juno and July. The Cashier Skipped. Sr. Lei is , July 14. The 1'iovident Sav ings bank closed Us doois to-day and made an assignment. Almond B. Thompson , cash ier , has absconded. The liabilities exceed the assets b > 310,000. The amount ot Thompson's bond was SSO.OOO , signed b > Chailcs S. ( irccley anil the cashier's lather , who Is a wealthy letiied liquor dealer. They are icsponsible , of couisc , lor the amount ol tlio bond , which , together with tlie apparent assets , mom than equals the bank's liabilities. W. H. Thomp son , ( lie lecoiver , says the bank has been caiclully managed anil low H any bad loann exist , and it is his opinion that the deposit ors will bo paid in lull. No DncUioii K Cmr.Uio , July U. The managers of Iho v\ostein loads held anothei fruitless session to-day. I'lcsidcnt Cable , ol the Itock Inland , left tlie city , but his place at the mentlng wan taken by St. John. Manx all pioposingaievlvalof tliu Western Fieiuhl association in snme bhapH or other , vveie in- tioilueed , but were invariably delealcd li > thu opposition ot Hock Island and Noi ihwcstprn. Without making any progress adjoin nmciil was taken till to-moiiow. Maxwell Sentenced lo Death. Sr. Lot is , July 14. Hgh : M. Hiooks , alias W. H. Lennox Maxwell , convicted ol iiiiu- di'iing Chailes Ailhnr I'lcllcr , was sentenced this moining to bo liungcd August " 7 , Ibbii. Ono iluror Wnittcd. CuioiQo , July H. in tlio aiiiuchlstcases to-day the .state and delenso accepted johu Gienlor and G. W. Adams , making eleven . and onlj rciuirin ono IUOIL i cum- BENKELMAX'S ' BAD BANKER. ; President Brker Skips to Canada With 8100,000 , Belonging to Others , AN OLD MAN ARREST ED FOR RAPHtl Tlio Iiavv Hrenlts Tp n Drue Store Par Dcht Another Legion of Ancient Order or ITnlted Workmen I''uucral ' of < Jcorcc Gooa. DIsastroiiH Failure. MiCoou , Neb. . July n. ( Special Tola- ; pram lo the HKI : . 1- The I.inly County bank of Bunkclman fulled to-day. Kclzcr , the prrsldenl , sklpued to Canada and took vvltli him about one hundred thousand dollars In * funds and scentilli-s. Husliiess men nnd , * fanners feel the loss gie.itly us many have lost HIP last dollar ihcj had on piuth , Several homcsteadcis had their lilt o all In the bank and WPiP to ptovc up to-dav. Many will , , ' have to abandon tlicir cluinis. The greatest i excitement prevail * . Hel/erhad transferred1 , all his available piopcrtj to his wife bcforo * \ caving. Eastern banks nnd lluns lose * heally. . _ 1 Funeral of < ! eorjo Oooii. Pi.\TTsMcn m , Neb. , July II. ( Special to the HKI : . 1 The luneral ol George Gees , son. ' of HIP pioiuietor of Hie City hotel , tool : placd this afternoon. I'hc sudden and unexpected deniiso oi Mr. Gees on Monday , ot typhoid pneumonia , was a sad shock to his acquaint- * ancp.s lu Hiis city and Omaha , and they gatheied by the hundreds to attend Iho funeral and pav the last tilbutc of respect to ' his remains. Tlio Llcdeikrans , Hm Knights ot 1' ) thins and oilier local organl/atlons , of which the deceased was u mmiilicr , and ft huge delegation of li lends liom Odiahn , attended the seivices. * Thu deceased attained his uiajorlty lost September , llo was born in Sihlc8\vlgi Holslein , Germany , Setitcuibcr 21631 ) , and' ' came to this counliyUtllhl3 parents seven years later. Possessing a gener'SUs otid waim natuie , he diuw aiomikl him scores of friends , whoso qllcctlon and conipantony shl ) > lie retained lo tile last. Iin Was 4 nephew of Mr. Veter GODS , of Omaha. Heat nud Crops. HOSKI\S. Nob. , July -Special [ to Hip Bit : . | I'lils has been another hot day ! Steady hot weather has icicncd supreme rtow for tointeen days , if It cbntliiiies dry longer the Iniury to crops will bo .serious. Coin looks well as yet. Kyo ixnd barley nrj past danger and good. Oats on sod ground will be shoit , and a small eiop : on old land lair. Tlds is linn weather for Hie ImymakeVs and a large amount is in stack. Early potai toes are a small crop. Tlio hot tliy weather has bleached out tamp grass llelds , but prai rie grass Is green and will makfl a fair yield. Olio , Neb. , July H. Wheat aiid nats pionit ise a fair yield , although dry weather has prevailed tor seven or eight weeks In parts ot this spctiou ol country. Corn is well ad vanced for thetlme ol year. If wogottlmely rains coin will be cood. Charged AVith Att'Miiptod Rape. NIIIIASKA : Cm- , July II. ] 8pecial Teh > giam to the UKK.J William Starring , aged sixty-tivo years , and an oljl elrtyiiu- this placp , was arrested iliifniioViTtrT on.n wan * , rant sworn out by"ilr8. LlzfcloElzer , charg i Ing him wllh assaulting her little four-yrir- ) , oldMaiightcr with ( ntuit | to commit jifliio. iJraTnTntTnrrniin' yutuu u tnffYiveisinevitir , tjiialltUo glil aud other children and lifirlhe' them on his lap , but denies any criminal thought or act , and says it is a blackmail scheme. Lost Both Hands , t FKKMOXT , Neb. , July H. [ Special to Iho Bin : . ] A man named Mike Maban had both , his bauds cut off by a tiain at tlie Fremont , Elkhorn & Missoml V.illcy depot to-dny. . * Hu was lying under some cars standing oil the side trackt and when limy were pulled out by HII engine he was seen lo emerge wltu his 'lands ' ( rightfully mutilated , lie has been working for the company forsomo ttrno past/ and was under the inlliiencu of liquor. > Now Legions orV. . O. U.V. . Mr COOK , Ncb.July , H. [ Special Telegram to the HeiJ A legion of select Knights A. O. U. W. was organi/.ed licio last night by ' Diiiuily ( iiand Commander Johnsoii.ot Holdj' icge. The legion sfaits out with twenty- live membeis lully iinifoimed and enuippeu. , . Commander Banta anil Comrade llijlkcn , ol | ' Holilrcge , assisted in Iho pioi'ccdlngs. Xearlnj ; Coin plot Ion. Onn , Neb. . July li. [ Special to the linn. ] The new railroad fiom Noitli Lotip to Ord is about complclPd. An app opriato ccloba- : tlon of that event is in contemplation for th < 1 23d lust. Valley couiily Is ono of the Btailk counties ol Ncbiaska. it has an cntciprlMng and indiisliious populatloji , ; nd with cheap / transpoilalion Its pi ogress will bo grand. Bcl/.ioi ; L'illH and t'ojioiu , MrCooK , Net ) , , July 11. [ Special Te'.o- gram lo the BII ; : . ] W. C. Caldwoll'8 dnlg slock at this place was attached for lent to day. Hecanlod a stock of sfl.OOO. PcHtructlvo Storinq. Pirr'nt'Iio , July l'l , A severe electrical and wind storm , accompanied by raiifand hall visited this section eaily this morning doing great damage to fruits aud cercalfe. 'i'hc storm broke over the city about B o'clock and eontiniieJ without abate ment for three hours , and dur ing that Hum tlio r.iln fall was ono and one-half hihcpg. Along thu Ohio liver , between StcnbcnvlllR and this city , the storm was particularly beveio and tho'ctfcctfl of It aio shown In ruined \\e\du \ \ \ ot wheat , oats , corn , grass mid ii'ults. Small houses wcio lilted froni their founilations , bulldiiiL's iinioolcd , foiicos and lices blown down anil outhouses torn to ) ileces. In the ' 'Hy cnllniH and basnmenta VVPIO inundated but no sciioim damage re sulted. No casualitics icpoited. ( 'UK A no. July 11. Last night's storm was a uvi'ic one on HIP lake. Notwithstanding the seveilty ot HID sloim theie were compar atively no accidents to vessels icpoited tills inoiiifnir. lr/i IIOIT. Mich. , July ! ) . Ye torday'a Btorni In this nelgliboihooil was very seveie. Laiguhailnlonus cut down coin and other vegetation , whllo leaves and branches wcro loin liom the tices. In Sprlngwells the damaso was i spt dally uivat. Sovcral houses and b.uns wcui stitick by lightning and two burns binned to Iho gioiiud. Florists afsgL , lejioit heavy losses. liain v > us badly ncpdctl/ but the storm did sevcial Iliuiisand dollnra damages In the subnibs of this city. The stonn wasgcnuial thiougliout the btalc. Mnxwoll hontonntMl ( o Dnatli. ST. I.oi is , .July II. Jlutfh M. Brooks , all s \V. 11. Lennox Maxwellcouiivtcd of miiider- \i\K \ \ Clmiies Aiihur 1'iellcr , was rtniitenccd this muinlnt' tobu hanued August ! 27 , 1 > 0. Maxwell was brought Into couit , by outer ot Judge Von\\'nu'ncr \ , by two dc'imllos. IJo appealed less hopuful and Indllfcrunt lhau ho did ilinhu the tilaland before his conn- M'l b motion lor a ii-heai in ut his easy was denied. Ho has alno grown paler and wcaro a caiewom air. He has nut eiiliicly lost hope , lujhaju , for hn Mill bus t\\o < 'lrmccs toe catpo by appeals to tlieht.itu supii-mu coutt. 'J'lilti hope stood him In good Mean to-day and. when buntcnce was proiiunured the uxjircs- hiou of Id.s lace clwim'i'd s tii'ely at all. The motion fur appeals to the Mimemo couit will bellied in a lew uayb. Acres of Crunborrloh Itulnod , MII.AI KMMh. : \ . , July H.-Two bun dled acit'.nol ciaidcnio- tlio vicinity ot Tomali , owned by J. 1. Ca t > of Haciiie , It , lt , cutate , and Jiidtie Itjan , havu been , mined lithe ! ii'ceut toinsl lues. Loss tistli nmti-1 . .uO.IK.U It will take eight or ts | VIMIIJ tin the \ 1111:5 tu triuw