THE OMAHA DAILY 13EE : WEDNESDAY , JULY 14 , 1880. SPECIAL NOTICES. _ Adurtl itnonts underthls ho id. lOi-pnlspir line for HIP nr in oi ion , 7 cuis for cneb sub- Btrriupiil in'cri'on find f l.SO n linear month. No advertisement tikon for 1f s limn Si cent * for the lr t Insertion Bivrn words will lie counted to the line , tlioy mint run consftu- tltolynnd tmntbo 4 > nld In mhnnee. All nUcr tlsimonls mu t bo hnndpd Jn bnfoin 3 o'clock ji. in , mid timlrr no ciretini lnnres will tlioj betaken taken or dlscontlmiPd by ( otophone. PnHli ad\trfl lngin thp i > rolumns nnd Imv- In * Ibo niwturs nJdrMWil In rnro of Tlir Ilir. , will plenso n k fnr n cluck tnonnblo them in net tliPir lcllor , ns notir will l > n delivered rstopt on prostitution of cluck. All nu'wors to ad- 'i monts should bo enclosed In envelope * . TO 1OAW-MOMEY. . HirUMNR A. IO , I'M Douglas St will MI. jou money on Imprn\ed tnrms In PniiBliis ( MSS H11er , | , Surpynshlngton nnd Hurt eountics. itt tl o lowest rnlo of Inter- til. ( all nml si o us. J * _ " lu . LOANF.D-On wnrPhou p rrpeipts. MONP.V . ilinninmK wntchos , etc. II. C. \\hltioinho , Itooin I , 1.01 Douiflnsst ( VS3 WP. ( into cheap money onion * time , In'nny iiumillty.toloanon Insldo city pioport > , or farm lund. Marshall * Lobeck , 1511 Farniun st , U2.J nvr money to loan. It. C Pnttrrpnn , GPKR . < > I9 IJlh and Dnuglns. _ _ _ _ ONHV TO LOANAt lowest rates or Inter M est In minis or f200 nnd upwards on farms nnd city piopeity K .1. Dnr Jt Co. , S.Crouu- BH'S bloik , so coi Cnpllnl ave und Ifitu it. OMAHA riVAN'l IA M\CIIAMSKIspro- : o ; Pined to mnko lonns In nny nmoiint , on nny kind of approved fcccuilt > . Largo collntoial lonns a rprclnliv. Also on hntlpls nml rnnl rslntn In nmountsnml lltnpto suit. Lower rates , buttnr ti'rin , nnd piompter pervlco than any loan ngpney In the city Per further particulars ; rail at olllcion Iho ppcond Poor of the llnrker lllock , eoulhwcst corner of Inrnnm nnd iMIi cfs. " < n PKR CKNT money tolonn. J. J. Mnhonoy , 1509 Parniim. iuj20 _ 7)NTY ) TO LOAN On ronlPStnto. Olb on , M Lnrcon & Co. , Itoom 3. Withnoll lllock. 148 ONKY TO LOAN At lower rntpsthnnany where ol o In the clty.onf ilrnlturo , pianos , organs , hoisos , wagons , or Klock ol nny kind Ilpuioinber , al loner rates ( linn any other loan company in the pity. City Loin & Mortgngo Co . room IP , 1101 I'nrnam Bt , opposlts Pnxton hotil " "T TATOSKV lo loin on lesldonco and business .l'i pioiiotty I/irtest rnlps 0. .1 Caswell A , Co , Itoom IV , 11 on Hank lluildhiff , 12th and Far- rmm _ _ _ I'- " . : \ to loan by the undorslgiipd , who has MONi\ the only propoily organised loan ngnnoy In Omaha I onn ° or $10 lo $1,01)0 ) inndo on lur- nltuie. pianos , oignns. horses , w ngoiis , tnaehln cry , ic. without romnxal No ilolnjs. All business nil Idly confidential Loans so m ado Unit nny part can bo pilld nt any tlmo , cue h pnv- mcnt reducing the iii't pro ratn , Advamos rrmcloon linn watches nnd diamonds Persons Fhnuld carefully conslilnr who thov nro dealing with , as many new rimceins nro dally coming Into existence. Should you ncod ninno > , cnl nnd NPO mo. W. It Crort , Itoom 4 , Wlthncll llulldlng. 15th and llainoy " ' Tflo.ono to lonn on cit > residence pioperty $ GPO. W. Day , 1410 Piirnnm 2W _ . CP.NT Monov to lonn. Stewart A fo , CPP.H , Iron bank , 121 h nnill'iiimim fgl f 30,000 tn fo7in. Sums J.7W nnd upwouK Lowestintos. liomls , IDth and Douirlas sts. 5S liNKV TO LOAN O. K. Davis A Co. Koal Batato nnd Loan nscnts , 1605 FarnnmSt , MONP.Y TO 1 ) AN On good nepiirltio1 } . A McOavock. room 7 Hcdlok Dlock , 1509Farnam Bu _ -'tli TO LOAN On real estnto nndohnt MONKY tola. t ) . L. Thomas. 28J MONHY TO r-OAN" Inaums or J200 nnd up wards on first-class ronl cstnto security. Totter A Cobb , 1515 Farnam St. 204 ' ON1SV I , < ANii : > atrTr. Itccil & . Co'B. Ixiin ofllco , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons personal property of nil kinds and all ether ar- ticlesof vnluo , without removal. ai'J S. nth , o cr Hliiifhiun's Commission storo. AU bus- HOBS strictly oonQdontaU ! Wi ' DUBIHliSU CIIA1ICES. TmOll 3AL13-Tho wholn or half Intereft In n ' . , JL ? ooil wholesale and lolnll liuslness In the pity : wood location and cheap routs. Addioss , 1.8 , lleo olllco. 771-17 * TT7 OIt.sAM : A well ostnblUhed newspaper in Jl' n llvo Nebraska town. Address lock box J.'O.SL KdiuinlNiib. 7.n on SAI.K ( liocory business ; a lully ifUlppod ) | and stocked lltst-clotis uiocery siness In Rood location for sale : will Invoice $1,700 to $ ,001 ; will exchanRO for stock or Omnbn Itoul Hstnto. Ilo 'gs i. Hill , 1 103 I'm nun : POIt SALn-PUoshaicsIlattloor UcttyMiurir RtoclchoboFt linostment in the city , pay- In ? lioni . ) to 1 jiorcent per month ; Rood rca tons loreiJling- . Apply to H. 71 , llooofllco. 7U9.13 * _ H OIl'jKS Lots.VarmB , Lands money lonnod Iloinls , lr > th and Uonnhis streets. 471 TTlOlt SAI.i-ltnnk fu l\o | Nebraska toun JH Pnppr riilitliHid If dcslied. Addu" " ) M T llarlnw , Coshlor United States National Hank ( Jmiihii. _ _ 4" > 2 13 TTlOItSAI.i : 20 shores stooh of $100 curb of JP ( ho Wjomluxr Meat Company ol Chojenno \\'y. 'Ibis Flock Ii flrst-divs , it ill boar the clown Invest Ration and Is now pajlmr i Kood dividend Porfuitliui paitlculiusmlilrcbs (1. II. T..caro Omaha lleo. Onmha. Nob. 271. TTIOn HAT.i : On account of otbor business : Jwill pell m > Ice cream piuloifl and confec tionery etoro nt 1420 Hoiiglin streets , nt low Kit tires. If you want a bmgatii apply at once. 11. 1' . hen Is. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 273 TTlOlt HALK-ln a pioiporlnc llttlo town li J.1 lonn nl about 600 Inhabitant ) * , situated on ( ho O II. I iV P. H , II. llnc.n ( food and comploti bnti'lieilnK buolne ? ' will bo sold cheap , us the iiroKont ouner l.itpiuU. on account of hlspoo lionllh , ( o nn to California Tai furlhor in foi million , address Hfi , Hoe olllco. 1D2J > 21 TJIOII i\UIIANOK : Stocks of Roods of ovcry JU1 kind , for farms and land ; uUo lands to ox chiiniro for iroods. If you want to trade , no matter \\hnt Ills you hat o , wrlto , with full do- torlpllon , to C. TI. Mnyno , Heal Uetato and 'J'riiHt Co. , Omalm Nub. -Otl _ " 171 ( > lt SAMI Several "locks of woods , dolncrn J- healthy business , ownership clear , nails faction ffunrnntooil ; terms easy , some Omiihi broperly taKen In ci.\chatio. ( MurBhnll * Lo- liccli , lOllJ'arinun bl. 412 tOBT. IO T flrnvpaiiol. Llbeitil reward Tor ic J tu in to 1JJU So nth 51 h. TO7.1.1 * IO.ST 'lool bn r from blojclp. with wrenol * nml oil cm. Ple.isoloiuo al Collins , Ooidoi fcUiij't * stoio.unil leceho lujuml. 4JO PintSONAL-flOO monthly pront. Ileautlfu pholo rapli pnlntliifr taught free. Mia Christie , 1511 DmiKliis. 7U1-10' ) : , - , wlshlmr for domostl help hhould call at 11 ! ) North Ifllh st : BOO Bills will bo fuinlslicd. Nebraska Umplojmon 74 PI5KSONAI.-Wnnto.l-An nrtlvo pnny with poiuo ( Hpltal lo tnko Imlf Inloicst In nn og- tnhhshcil light , protltablo HIU ! healthy business , \pry centrally located , or buy out the business. Cull nt Mooru A Co. ' real ostutu ollleo , 1512 Pur- mini ft. , Omaha , Nub. Md-u PKRSONAI. To pursonswno wish to bulltl n homo in Oichard Hill , I will soil lots upon pat mont of the nominal gum of ten dollurn and Imlimco in the pud ot Ihojenrs. lntenst nt B pnr cent , pujnlilo toml-annunlly. This Is the br t otrer over made to any homo-ioekor In this city. Call nnd RPO me. ( J. B. Mn > ne , Heal Kv ttita and Trust Co , , S.W. cor. 15th sna Fiu-iinm. BOAEDIJTO. inoit RKNT-lloom nnd board for two. 1613 J ? Capitol ate 14J I'lCI ) A few moio boarders | u prhtito family ; nso | Imvo ti nlco fiont room to rent , riiinUhed. Iuiitln | < 403 Kstabroolc block , lid lloor. oral shoo store. 410 N , Itith el. ( XL 1,1 T JOAUD-AtTdlodirlnas.ntaa N. 15111 Bt. JJ 124 monthly pront , See pertonal col umn. 7V-.13 " \VrriTjoungiiionaiid : ludlos of ordinary < ' ability us si onofraphers lu from CO to U ) o ItooiuTIron bank. 7U8-15 SCHOOL AND COUNTY Ilon'ls 'bomrh _ and sold. Uoo. W , Day. 1IOJ rarnam. 4tO Ji ! ; ltl V R1unf ° Wa"0' * monthly. A Hosjio , 1513 Dougli ? . 273 1'N'i' ' : Org-ans , SJ per month , ilospo , Jjoutilm. yfi FA"lNf7 ( A Bto.oon a , jjooj ioti\ll street. 7JJ , Apply tie Omuha llotil Uatulo and Loan A t'CTlON Nvevllloll nt public auction fin lV 11nirsjlnniormnit < itj o tlntk , ( lip follow nif hou'cholil poods Ono grand plnno , $ "n)0 : p linlronm pels , worth from J5J to ? JO > ) ; onp I Ir-lionrd , woith fl" , ; In ds ntnlhoildmir , dlnlntf o < nn nd kltchon furniture nnd carpoU , nil to i old without tescr p , nt 214 S ICth , corniT nrnntn t. A. w ( . otrnn X ( o _ li ? 14 TOR IrOH "AIjKobrup , onoipnn pond pontpssuit. abip for dell\erj nr bwpgj ( cam. Imiiilro of H. A Marsh..Ol North IClh l. Tip _ 1J1IAIIY CHIIlllAUKS-At girnlly rwlucod lj tirlies , nt the W Cent stoic , lAXi Pnrimtn St 77S-11 [ T\OH \ SAI.i : Two thorouuhbipd ingll : li Mas- I ? tiff pups , nt llui Douglas St. 701 Hl Trum IA 1.1 : Piiio'tccoiul liatiu plinttonriifnp J.1 nt Simpson's. 714 > , Ponies Ponies ltnpro\pd tock , VO odd head tor sale at Hi lil o Ynnlfl. " * "bl-lfl TllOK SALK Krcsh milk cons nt llridgo JJ jnrds,4 poll SALU-A good W horse power engine I now ( o be seen In good worKlng Older , dust In old in two \tcpks to make room foi n nigpono Inqulio for n bargain nt the flour nlllof John M. Dials & Sons , Sciibnor , Neb. ? 75 on pa y piijments ( Jno 7H oclnxo o ( iinnil Nimro | ln ( ewooil case (175 on $10 I'luno JJV ) on pa ) incuts at Hospu'a music rooms I'll I Douglas M 01J Aug. 7 J-TCI'.NT AND 10 CUNT ilepai Intent of the in- " ' cent store Isciowdeil with bargains. 77-M4 Jl llemls 15th nnd DonglM streets. 471 Ifltfll "SAl.l : Wo imve n iVutToh of ( XSlioul ( wo-onr-old steers , g.iod cattle for snlo. Strange Ilios , Sioux City , Iowa. lKOJj2) ( ) HOrsi'.KP.I'.PlN'l goods of p\prj diseiiptlon at > < i to ' , less than any competition at the Ml cent stoio , I OU Parnnm 772-14 Foil SAI.i- : ! piano , furniture und Lltrho range 717H. linhet 877 FOR SAI.I' 11. It. pontrncta on 2,400 neros flno tillable land , cheap for cash , or w 111 ov- thnngofoi fresh stock ilothlng nnd trnoil husl * ne"spioieity. | II M. Woolmun , L' P Town , Lot Apt , DencrJunctlon. . Colin nilo. 731-Jjll FOR SAI.K Cheap , lion colunvns Mini win- dow caps suitablefor , front on brick build- Ing. For put tlouhirs apply at this ollleo. 8I.J ( lOCIINl'S for a two gallon wafer coolei. ' J worth t20) , only attl.o . O'l-cont ' strip. I 01 Pnrimm. 77H TjTUU 8ALIJ OH TltADC-Onc tine laigo oliusi- J-1 mil conol horse : H jears old. 10 him Is hlgli , weight I'lOd , well brokon.good d "position , will ti nil'for two Himillar boiscs. llatchor , ( ! add \ to , Mtlltnd hotpl lllock , b70 FOHSVI.K Sfjtuiro piano , ? .T ) , monthly pay- inoius. _ IIospo. 15lil Douglas. 271 O CHNT-5 for niustnhlu ] | w Imlon frrcenspnh JO at ( ho U'icontHtoro,12tf'l IMiniiin. 77H : SAI.K Mutch loams nnd horso' of nl Foi kinds to suli cuMonioi.-i at Stm Sulo Stables , SOth and Cumlnu. M. Cannon , Ptop 270 WANTED rEMALE 3IE1.P. W /VNTill > ( HrT for tteiieral "Tionso woik , Mrs. Hammond , 015 Virginia n\cnu . MM4 * 2 Klrls , ono for chamber wont and wnltitDrat the tables , and ono for laundry woikbcandlnavianpioforrcd. Atlnntlu Hotel , 101 hM. _ MM 15 * \\7'ANrni > Youiif ! ladles nnd tfontlomon who lontemplat'i the study ot slinitliunil to know that ttio nit Is acquired with the steno- Biupn In ono-third the tlmo rcqulied bj thoold mpthods. Call and oMimlno the sumo. Hooins 7 and H , lion banU-U. W 11 ikcr. 7BVI5 WAN I iiiA ( ilrl fbrifonoral housework In u family ol two ; ( food wnses ; apply to Mis. W. 13. Annln , 1403 Stiorman avenue , hond ol Clark St. MJ tATANTIIU Liullos and bojs to Instinct In i i uoolckccpIiiK. Pltiiatlons. Itoom 5 , lluslt- man block. J. 11. Hniltli. 777-11 * rA > Tin A peed general eoixnnt , Kngllsh Protcstunt profoiioO. 22111'icico btrco ( . 770-1T $5 per week for a competent oook i nndlaundtoss. 230B Famam. Mis J. M. Thurston. 775 WA > TID : A competent Phi for gcnonil houbonoik. Mis T. W. IllaoKbnrn , .Id cottiiRO uoith of Loavcnworth , west sldo Colta\ street. 771-15 WA > TKI > A younp hxdy cashier. Ilofi.r- cncoioqulicd. Address 1. I ) . , cnto Hoc 7bb \TTANTJD i\noi : loncort dmtng room girls to go wostoti litioof I'nlon ' Pncllic rallwn > , Wages J20 per month , npplly nt ofllco , 71't Cth stieot , Paelllo Hotel Co , 78J 15 WA > TK1 > Olil for general housework ; good wag08,2511 St Mtiiy'rtiivn. 7U8-13 WANTKD A girl for goncra ! bousowoik ; good wngcs given. At uorthwost ecunei Hamilton and Vicr sti eot. 770-14 * T\rANll'.l-Agirl for light liousewoilt. Ap- > > pl > B 12. coi.2adiuid Douglus. 70J14 V\rANTiD : Tlnoe ( 'lrls , one cook and two T ? fort'cncial hoiisonoik. Wairos $11 to $ lf n month , must bo traoil help. iaglo : liou-o. 414 southJUtl Btreet. 7 V10 * WANTKD A girl for general housenoilc , must bo a good cook ; permanent place , wajfcs $ iM ) per ook. Mrs. C. i1. Patloison , 1J2U N. 20th St. 7fiO-14t W ANTPl ) A Cook , woiiuiu proferrod. Now Knghind rostuuiunt , 413 Douglas St 704-14' WANTKD An evpoilonced saleswoiimn lot dry ood8. Appl ) ntoneo to O'Donnhoo& Shorfy , 15thst , no\t to the po.stolllco. 7.1' ) \\7AXTiu nirUfoi pilvnto families , pooi cooks nnd kltchou glils , dlnlne room am chiimber Blrln : best of xuiiri'B. Call on Omiilu I'm ploy m out lluroau , 1I2J I'arnam r-t. 71 ! V\'ANTKO--An oxporlcnoo fflil for eoiicui house noilc In siniill family ; apply to Mis. A. 1) . Hails , 1718 DnugojSt. 725-13 * WAJ ' lliitton holb jnakora 1112 Pm- mim : , up guild. 72U-1.1 * ANTKIl Olrl for gbnornlhousework ; ap ply I 2403 Fai num St. 727-U WANTIID A cook nnd nurse girl. P.irlor Ho liuiraiil.l07Nluthst. TO1-14' WANTUii-rivo salesladies , H03 Dodge st. 713 vASTli > A peed comprtont girl to d > > oral housottotk. npply at ISIS Douglas stieot. 710-10' W ANTHD 2 dining : room girls at Danbniim'a lObtnunmt. 1511 Farnam. bSI 1,1 _ \\'ANTJI-A good gill by Mm. N. J.IMholm. I ) Call at Hdholiu & Kilokson , opp. postolllco. VrAJ Tii : > Dish wiuhoi , chambermaid am T > dluhur loom Bills nt Occidental Hotel. T\rANTin-A : alrl for irtnond howe oik at i' No 1'JIS ' Capitol avenue , OS : \\rANTKi > Two good glrla for first nnd BOO IT and work in prhato family : good wages tor competent help. Apply Immediately at I.T Baiiiidera at. , cast aide , oor. Sowaul st. 670-1 ! ! * A woman to Jo general houto- ' work ; a rood cook preferred , 1818 Wpb- Btor. OjO W ANTKD A girl for general bousowoik nuiBt go to a countiy town. 1011 Wobstoi 041 A girl for gcuaral bouaoworkat 1712 California st. 1)25 ) QIils to make o\orolls. slilrts ' nml Joanspants. O.uillola 51f 'g Co. , cor llth nml Douglas , up stairs , COU-aug. 7 WANTKD A gill to do general liousov.'ork Uood place for thu rlgh ) gill , Bll N , 171U St buh\ con llui t nnd Cuuilii ' . Cb ! ANTKU Oiil for gcnoialhouao work , A. o. P. mil st. 57ii chambermaid atMndsor WANTKO A good Klrl for general housa M'OUi ; must bo a ROOU cook , washer and 'inner , llwJ Doualuj St , 577 WANTii : A wet nurse. 1'or pnrttculars call at Dr. Loe'n olllco , Granite blk. 5. > 30 WANTKII Immediately , u ffood cook. 413 South ItUh Btroot. 325 - ; 807S 24tb ef W . 185-23 WANTK1J A compoJOnt girl ror jjonorn housework. Apply at 4,10 Qonvont st. t 53 > -TinmoJl.itcly.n first class cook a 1813 Dodge su ' bJ5 25 young Indies and jents to learn telegraphy. Prospects for v ° 3ltl ° i" when competent , gooi. AUdross W , J. D. room J.Crounso block 10th st , Omaha. 733 HEtr. vyANTJ.'D-Firo SRlcsmoa , tit 2403 Dodges . " \VANTr.D lee men on the Cheyenne k > > Notthern , frtofnrp ; no onico fct % Apply o .Inuips Kentoti , nt o Connt-ll's plnco. inth St. , Omnhn J .L Ilniwn contractor S0713 * WANni : > Kho Plgnr mnkors ( hnnd work tnpti ) . ItiQiiIro Uoorgo K , Otxlfrcy. Pre- mont. Nob. 70-tO W ANTnn Men , Womrn nnd onlldrpn to look through our sto.k nnd not postndoti the bargains. 119 Lent stnrp , Uo I'arnam St 772-14 ANTKD-A good blacksmith nt No. R23 \ \ South Ttli sfi ost. ' 5 Ml * T\ANTKT ) Two compoknt nl < i tnrn who i ' nro thnrouplil } n < Nilntitrd | ! llli the gro- ; pry business ( looil ipfprencps rcinilri'il. Moj or A. Schurmnnw holosnlogrocers , Pi emont , Neb. 730.14 " \\TAN11311-A man wlih fJVl.iO In enlarge n ' well p > Ing established bu incf > . Cnll In ntnlnir after 7. or nddioss , Oco. Vf Whlto.N. V. coi. Ininnui nnd ICili. 7H'.U * \\rAMiTir-lWiT Cook'ntitid4oi"lioiol f 6 \\7'AVTii : Thtpp hunilrod rock men , ( hrco > hundred Hhorrrs Hood work , peed pn\ . Apph to Chn . -pllor'9inllt' ) bou u OlHoSt Itoiul. St. Louis Co. , Mo , o Jncub Jn > intis , Lnbadio , Mo. KI-PIIO Ilios. Construction Co. , fcf com motors St Louis , Ivunsni Uitj \ Col \VANrKD Winon for Illnok Hills oxtonllon > of II AM II. It ncnr llrokon How. II 8. Albright , Labor Agency , 13OT 1'urnum st. 8"iS \ 7ANTK1) Ding clerk , ltooclort ittuirglst , } 12th and Hmnuj Sis. , Omuha. 7S2-UI * w ANTnn Young nmn to itclli PT ' tttko unroof liorso. Apply * 09 cent stnro V.'JtfKoi mini st. Ml SITUATIOH WAITTBD. WANTKt ) lluntlon bu lady stenographer nnd typorltprol nhlllty nnd o\pi < ilPinu ) Addros Mmlo.cnro Ilor 4in HCi WAN'I i : l'o ltlon lu clonk department , Konerul dr > ( foods or lieu eliPipor In hotel lo mlddlo-iiKO 1 woiiitm of u\porionto und roilncmcnt Mis 11 , Hot fi57 , Oinnhn , 8Ji ) WANTIID Ocoiip.illon In ollico. ttoro , or on loud by mi mpirioniol bookktcpc'r nud eiilosniun from now until Hoptoinbcr : ( jcod loluiuncos. AddlosS I 10 , Hooolllvt1. HO II * VVTANTIII ) lly yoiimr mnn Fltuiitlon In ' jfroeiTj stoio ; lllliiff to\\ork ; for smnll Hiihiry. Atldross Clllbort Oulc , Contuil Ilolo ! , Ulh uml Cnss. WJH * VX/'ANTI 1) I'oslluiti us honkkpoiri orolirjt TV lii ctuci'ryMlorc : lm\i > hailnxporlpluo ill oich : ppiiic ( iiiiuiiiior r.nill h : Ko I poninun ; losiiiuiiiondntlun fuinlsheJ. Isimo Mjers , city. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W.niisirmiTioir : In joun ? iunir ii Ktoceiy More ; nno > unr's i \ - I orlmtco AUiliPS II ( W , llro tillleo. flBVIH' A\rAM' : il tsituntli n by u Scoteh fflrT , IIPI > - i otul bonst'uorlt In ftuiill fnmtl ) ; must Im nirood liimllv ; | ifcs ( ! per week. Applx U'JI ChioaKoslClt > . 7,11-11 * \\rANn.D I'lxitinn.y \ n j OIIUK mini In > ' Mhnle'itlo hoii'-c ; t\\ o joins oxpti.cnoj' In billing and shipping , best of iolciciiocA.I . - Oic- 1 ; lire 711-11' "I \TANT LI -Sltimtlon bv n jounp mini us > > bnnk'ioopor in In itorooroUci * ! hpst nl lelPioneos. Aildio a I I , Hoe 711-11 * "It'Avrno 1'ojltlon bystoudj youuiiuniln M hole nip hou e : can tninlili bpst ol rccomniondiitlons Adclio s U 07 , Hoe oll'et- ' UJ7-1J * \\7ANTni ) Situntlon of nn > Kinit , piadtinto IT < > rbuslno > q collcRO nnd InwbOhool. Can AMIto allot t hand Address H 00 , lleo. 010-13 * V/ABTS. \VANTKU A partner with small capital to it Invo't in n flood pajlng business. Ail- Jiois 1,17 , lleo ollleo. WS 13 * " \"V7"AN"Tr.O A Mil of Hunk Vnult Uoots. Ad it dre-sJ.\V Ai , . I. Sinlies.C | > niiicUniiiirhla WA > 1I1 ! > 1'uinl hoJ looms. ltd bourd , for 4 gentlemen ; central location : ( ionium fiinlH ) profciicd. Address III , lleo Olllco. fc03 14 * TVTA > Tii : Kiorjono to tlmt mono } TI can Lo s.u oil tij piiiclitislntr housekcopliifr poods nt Iho P9 icnt btoto , 1-V ) rntiiiun. 772-11 TyAJiTI. ! ) To Iluy asmnllsecond-li.ind nfo , > Kailfm.ui Luis , 1033 I'nriinin St. 70 \\TAM'1J1) Ilo.nd 'J\\o joutiif n non dosbo ii day boaid in IH-t-phtss lace on North Sido. Addiossl I , Ueoollloo. ' " ' ! : i * _ _ WAM'KIJ Piimlly to adopt n pill biiby about two weeliB old. 1'or p.iitleulais address I 7 , 13oo oftlco. 700-17 * . ) \VA\TnD ; FuTiilshoifroom I'tid board. ATT > dtcss wllh tuims , 14J2 Fiinam rtioot , Itoom ! 1. 'S'J-H * \\f ANTICD To lunt lor ( crmot YOIUN. ic"sT ' deuce of about 10 rooms in doshablo to- rnllty Stalilo and giounds procried. ! Ad- di ess T. 6 , lloo Onico. 757 XVANTKD To meet demand for competent Ti bnnkkpopord I w ill Instinct two poisons and wait until situations nro f mulshed Ilusb- unin block. J. 11. Smith. 778-H * WANTKSi-Pnrtnor with f'SCO cash ( o ngngo In ic'tnllplioo business inlito town In N' < - biasku. Address , for threediijy , I , fl , lleeolhpp. 7'iM4 WAXTKD Ono largo fninlshod room , or two unfnrnljhoil rooms with bonrd in prhnto family. ( Jood location. South or Far- mini btrect , west oriUtli. Address 1 ; i Ileo of- Hue. 747-13 * \717ANTIUJ Apuielmspr. Btiloon business In 11 city of Heatrlio. the bo t location In the city ; thrpo peed bllllinl tablesono jiooltnblo , bur nnd bir fixture * . Inquire of llmcrio I.onif- tin , Iloatrlco , ctr. , for purtlcnlms WJ.1T * V\7A > TIJI ) A jtooil house on monthly pay- i moots. Address HC' > , Hoe olllco. G53 , TXT" A NT Hi ) To buy a nioo residence or Rood ii bnlldlnif lot In u deslrublo location. Ad dress H , LO , lloo offlco. CSS , WANTin T.adlos nnd frontlemen to nttonil Valentino's Shot thnnil and Typcwritlnff Iiibtltute , Kxposltlonbnllillng. 6-J-uual WANTED Ono larso or n suit of unfur- niihed rooms In tiuslncBa confer of city , forslooplua : apartments. Addioss II SO , lloo Olllco. _ an W ANTI'.n Tobuy alurRosoconu nnnrt of- Ucu Biifo. A. lloapo. \\rANTKU-Tonma. T. Murray. J ? _ _ _ 473 WANTJJD Short-hand work of all kinds by J.J1. Haynes & Co. .1511 Dodge at , bttl WANTKD Hubsoilbors for stool : In ifu > Omaha i.onn und nulldlni ; assoolutlon and the Mutual Loan and HulldliiK association. Homes for nil uhu os can finis bo purcluisod by monthly payments ; sliatos 81.00 per month , on which J2JO will bo lonnad. Olllco In bulldln ? on IStbsticot. G. M. Nattliigcr. Sccro- tnry. rooma furnished ; W per month. TTIOH I.KAflr Wo have cloven ncroi on IT. P. JL1 ii ii. trnok.WJ irpt fiont : will loiuo nlloi puitloi llvo yours. Ilodford fc Souer. 764 T/lOK HUNT lly J. n K\ und A Co. , now 10 room -L' house on St. Mury'd uvo. , all modctn cou- vcnloncos. Cottaifo near St. Mary's avciiuo. Store " ( loots and collar , onijtb st. J. U. Evans A Co. 738-13 WANTKD To buy a 6 or 7 room house In nice neighborhood on monthly payment . Addic3Sll72 , fourda > s. 721-15 * FOItSAIK-Now7 room house,2 > 17 Davon- port Btroot , with lot , barn 2'xin. coal shed , out Uousos , oto , city w ntor , cistern. l'i Ice 53.WW Inquire on promises or of JI. liuike& Sons stock janK B „ 711 FOUICKNT Nine room house with all mod- crn oonvcnlonooi. Aurou , Calm , Bon & Co , 13 ! 1 'arnani Btrcot ey > _ T71O1S UKNT llrlok Btoro bajotnent and Si ! J-1 story. UtU , Doufhii utid Dodge. J. II. Hvaii3&C'o. _ . P70-1 ! 77 OH HUNT Six room homo : B.W.cornorSUh -U nnd iioavcimortb. 0. 1' . Davis & C/q. U76.1. F OllllKNT-S-rooraoa houeoj Inqulro 2310 Cnpltol nve. 077 TjlOR ISKNT A seven-room lint JL1 between IClh and 17tl ( . Omnhit lloal KsUito & Loin Co. , lloora Si , Withnoll lllock. 004 oi : JCKHT The bulldlu ? now iwlnsr built by Darker llfos , , on tlio corner of ILtli niul Jo'ies , CttxnO foot , and lour or live storloj high , will be rented fur hotel or warehouse purposes , nud 1)0 llnlsheillo suit tin ) purpose of tenant , C. K. Mnyno llcal L'stuto aud Trust Co. , lith and rurnara. 834 I ion HliM1 Iteeldenop yf 10 rooms , burn ror 1 U horses , boauliful giounds , Loutcnnorth nnd 'JM M. , $50 per month. C. R. Mayno itoal KstitBA : Trust Co. , lith and Farnam. 7 d rOB StEHT-KOOMB. l HUNT Furntshodboii room with use of oarlor. 1511 California stic-ot. 749-U * F JtKNT Ono nonly furnished room ; L ? control location , nultablo for ouo gent , ts per month. Inquire Kaufman Ilro3.lUJ Turn- am St. 778 " 171011 KKNT-.ffow five room Hat , comer 22d J nr.U Miami MrooU. N. 11 Adams. 545-17 * fr\ Olt HUNT 1'urnlsliod looms and board JJ 1017 and 1019 Capitol avouuo. Fort nUjjTF trnMiol rooms , sultnbl-c f ( mnn and w Ifo'or } ounp men. t02 S mth - - 771.15 * rjlOU RiNT-Twelve rooms , tie cor 20lh nnd L ; Plorco Inqjllrt pn premises 713 ID * [ TMJll UU > TTTwo Turiii iToil rrToniii ultti Jc board , for four , gontlcmon , 1512 UH\PII- port. _ . J 7I1I itKVT fuf/ii hoil or unfurnished FOR rooms ; Unndjf. ' 0 S ! tlgt , 730-14 * < Oll IlKNT tiurffv furnlshiil room , 4 Con- IT vent street , uoaf.Et. Jlurj 's in cnuo. TT KKNT VtitnlMied rent room : SiM'nlr- X1 \IPW t , bk cWfrum St. Man's uvo 015-15 * HUNT - ' 4torf looiiig on corner Cumins IpOU 1 nnd B.W. flOiiUh House , rooms titr. 22,1 nnd tsnril , ? 2"i. 'Iho C. K. Mnj no Itoal IXnto nnd Tiust Co. M 5"7 moil ISKXT Klegnnt furnWipl rooms. 22) I7OH HUNT Nicely turnlshod room. 18JO [ _ llpiittlns 578 17011 TlKXT Doslrnblo furnlshpil rooms nt L1 1PI1 Fninnm street. _ < JSl _ _ Irvill RKNT Nlcp'.y furnished room for ono 1 or two gentlomun , nt 010 N. 17th i > t. .173 FOR RKNT Large unfurnNhpd fiont room , baj window end closet , 1017 Chleajro IM IIOlt RKNP Nlcolj lilrnl trpd li'ont roams A pultnblo foronaor twogctitlcmon ; nil moJ- etn Impiovenent . 1415.lanes st 111 FOR RKNT Choice ollloo rooms nn ground floor. No. 150J rarnam st , Ing.ulioor .1 , S. ltlchnnl on. 4llJiS _ ijMHt RI'.NT rurnlshod rooms , cheipest In J.1 the city Apply at Room 14 , Andnrcon lllock , N. I0th sU oor. Dnonpot t , 174J)21 T71O11 ifUNT Vor llsllt lioiiKptcoopllltf , tooins JH funil'heil und unfuintBhod In Jlrt-mot's Illoau , cor. Klglitjuid I lowijrd . i)18 ) _ Stinft room on llth st , nonr 1 Parnam ; makp flno olllco , S-"i. Hrlck store , N P. oor 14tli and Howard , $55. V. ! : . Mayno , Houl nslato and Trust Co SJJ oil RKNT A sultof tttinlshod rooms 1B11 California. 804 TT UliXT An olosaut sullo of i J. Apply with iprcreno-'j , 10117 Daughw. 745 [ Turn RKNT-pTlriMshel rooms. ltiitliro | FOR llKNf Ulognnt iurnlshud looms. 1S11 Capllol monuo. 71X1-1 ! ) FOR RKVT Tnoslore looms on int'i street , Water , as and Rpunoonnuitlons. . Tlio C.UMiijno and Trust Co. , oor. 15th nnd Parnnm. 8.'l FOR IlKNT rnliirnlshu.l moms for lintiso Keeping , 1012 Noith Sixlpoiith "S-lt * J71OR JIKNT 1'uinlahod rooms with board , FHl ( HUNr Anotcollont bnsometit Vllnnd r.USUllist ; .1 stoics onUtli nnd UoimliU , niil--toie.ion JJJ and Cinnlng' . I'atibun &Co , , lMJI'irimm. _ S37 _ r FOIt Ui.M'-IoBk ) tooin. Hush A 8olby7stS S Ifith Bt. 141 rnu aa.r.B-nou3Bs TTlOli SALK ll > M. I , HUirlnq A Co . IWODoiiff- -L lassLtWjclH ) coiner on ICth st , lit a buijf alii Itold within ton dass I'llio 8JO.COO. AUo 1IW rt , abixrfalnon.lii.ksonst ( lloth these will only be on the mm ket foi ton iluswho.n thev ivlll bo udvancod. WU5 TTiOltSAIjH Wo hu\o Plxtcon lots in Haw- Jl ; thorno addition that wo will sell : bo t and phpiipost Insldo piopei ly In Omalm. lledrord A- ? ouui 753 FOR SAtii : On ton\ent st , eoiucnliint to street earn , i-.t > > iMhou \ n In ( rood order , lot " * fect , oatt trorit , ro\ir d with trnltprloo * OJH , on oii \ torjn ? . . ( IliN p'aco is n lurKiiin. Amos Heal K-tnai tsouey , 1507 rninam Rt. ln- ci 730-UO i. OK SAM : 11 ( > f < fat front on principal aio tine of Amhlocprutt ; a raiabarHUln. Call on or a Idicis Dan'dV. \ YOTIIIR : , clt > . 75S 15 * noic TtA"lia.AJLN'-S. liTcornor llth and HovMUd sis , UHvB'J foot , nt the very ipas.on- able pi ieo of $ 3,000 , .Viaduct will soon mnko this properly much nlffher. Hutchor , Gndd Ac Co. , MUliud hotel hloiL 7SM4 _ _ _ Foil sAI.i : Two ton acre lots in 1'iorsoii's biibdhlson.'ll'Oi ' . . 1'arnam st- 7.11-14 SA S1. MIAN. 110.1 rarnam street , Pnxton Hotel lliiitclitiRen : i : < tuto UroKor. Loans iiOKOtlutiul. Abstnicts furnlshid. A luw barffa'tis.whluh it would bo well for those soolUiiKtlimcd investmcnta In inside bust- noi-andicsldotiact5rciportvto carefully ln\os- turuto before puiplwstav i r.uiiuniPtfeot oHp 5lto court house , Htl33 with house ot 11 ruiiina , renting lot fCO per inoiitb. This IH a rare O | > portinity. | T.oa\cnwprtb sttcct I otnor lot OlxlCS , house 11 rodins. irnlii for SfiO per month. Only 58,5X1 , J-.W ) cash , balance tosult pnrehasei. Loaxcnworth 8t noil4 21st , lot 5)xt&2 ; house rcnlltiK for 30 uor month ; cheap ut J1,50J. Ilftrneyst * coinci lot ! Wxl7 : opposite coint house ; btihiness property. ? 10,000 lliunoj st. within one block of couit house , lot .L'-tlTJ : cheap , fJ.-'OJ Hiun6y t. neat2)th ) , lot 50\307 ; beautifully Eitutitcd for residence , ? fiG03 Ilnrnoy st. noar'JUt , lot BO\I67. $ f ,000. Hnrnoyst. near Sift , lot 4l\120 , jtood house and barn , rents for $ J7.50 , only ? 1.51W. Hurnoyst. near 21st , lot 3Jxlfl ) . nnd 50vl54. with hoiiFi and barn , rcntini ; for SW per month , nil for $1,600. 20lh at near St. Marj's uvo. . lot 40\120 , house C rooms , $8,000. 70S ) & PATTERSON'S subdivision HIMErAUOH& Is the moatdesliablo aubiuban propctty to this city. 723 S" "Al'lISSK &TAKIKRniKNha\o for sale : CflxfiOcor. ( ) on lower Lon\cnworth S7/-00 Lots In Amblpr Place S400to COO Lolb In li V. Smith's add . . M5JU to 2.COJ i' lot " " . . . . . 1,000 Cor. lots Mlllard ft Caldwollg add , St\l ) ) . . .m oo to 3,400 Tine east fiont lot,00x114 , N IBtlist . 2,000 ] "nII lot Omaha View , fiiulod , fenced , trees and shitibs . . . . FOO Ix > t 50\U7/t , Sblnn's M add ( Chaios ) st ) . . 1,003 Selected lots , Saundcrs A Himobuugh'sadd . . JfXXIto 700 IJomiUrul aci-o lots , Patterson Park , 3Ji miles from court house fljj to 450 PIfith boU Williams nnil Hlckorvf,0\HO. . 3,400 Cor business lot. Military u\u 450 WIlcox's Ut add , 2 lots 500 each a lots COO ouub Aoio lots In Hydopurl * $275 to itCO IxitH on Haundois st. near Holt Line depot , ouch . . . 1,0X1 Lots In Plain Vlow , Insldo 500 ; cor f'OOtO .7W Ixitsm llqdloid pltLC . . . . . . . $411010 ( XX ) South trent lots on lluitlotto nt Sniiniler.s , fl oOto 1,300 T.onvonworthst , near Pniknto.CQxHS. l.tOO Lots on tihormun n\o opp. Blto tor licit line depot . . . . f.1.000 to 7,000 49 acres line \ii Kin pi alrlo In Oakland nt. 20 701 Hnihsru If LHiidcrgien.117 S 13th st. fO I1KITKH investment than Himchaugh A i 1'ntterson's subdivision. 723 FOK s A IK Two business lots on Hamilton St. . Walnut Hill , ono block from Dolt Line ilopot , at u bargain. D. 1. Huyden , 15111. _ Doun > 78U-10' _ " _ F INH IlAIinArN-N."w Karmim and Ifcth st * , Ob.vlLj loot , $ CO0)l ' ) ; lfooii \ \ miiuo 25 per contpioflu Hutchnr , ( ladd & Co. , MJllaid hotel block. 732-1 * _ PO 1 1 Tj XOIlANJK flOUOstooUdr ( > goods for O nulm property Archer & lltch , 2I S 15th st , 405 ItKLT I.IM5 and viililo line III both run to Hlmobautrh te Patterson's aubJIiblon. 720 H Gadd GaddIf If Co , , Uiltdid Tlotol niock , offer the following spechl turgalns : llenutlfulU-ioonf cmfugo and lot In "Tdlan-lld" I'X ) foot from stieot cam ; well , clstorn , city water ; BOS plpoa throughout houno ; hard wood flnlahn&tdesldowulk. : ; fences nud all Improve ments now TftorVJiitUy furnished. Now lur- nitura and carpotui Ih extra bargain. All for thu low price of 1 500. Another Splendid llousonnd lot lu Idlowlld forl,000. 8-room house , frayi Tgood lot in Omaha View , von- cheap at $ i.W I 'Ihroogooa rosjAWls , Cliloaco street , with 132\li > wJ foot , a doculoJ bargain at 611,00) ) . ( iooJ8.rooui house n o corner 12th and 1'lcrco streets , thoroiighteni\irI'W , bbl cistern , chimp at f 3,00. ) . l ith ut utifljirt will makothoso lols alone this value es.&TJ cash takes It all. HOIIPO nnd lot in l.'arker's nddttlqn , f 2.F03. Very doalrablo finlficrty Oass and 20h at , 9 good houses wltb/.CJAHjuds 140xU3 toct " " " ' barpnln , ? J7,000 ' - Neitt house and 4 , 0 lots , In Walnut I1U1 , a bart'tun for u Bhoi t if me , & 100. Six bonutlfnl lols In "Omaha Vlow , " very slBhtly nnd nttrnuh o. f W ) to tun ojch. tsix i-holoo lots In "Woat Bide" at { 100 each on caur terms. 4 lots In Thornburjr placof IV ) and. $500 each. Cbolcolot , Hnnscoin place , tl , < VX ) . I/ots In Manhattan , liodford place and ether choloo additions. Acrosln Cote liillllnnto , Ilrlghlon and Ken- Elnglon. \ cry cheap and oa > y terms. lieautlful lots la llcsni volr addition anil Kllby Place Oyor ono-half ucro In Hartman's addition , splendid for manufacturing , with trackagclaij nlcoly , atilir buifialii at tlS.OJO. Pine business property on 16th street. Bplcndl 1 brick hotol,20 good Ion n town. Con f 1U.OOJ , f J.OOO takes It. Above uro only u few of the man } bargains vohti\o , Ifyouwlsbto buy property , cull on 119 If jou i h to sell , list j our property w ith Hatcher. Gqjd 4 Co . Mlllard hotel block CIS POIt SAF.K Nowsnmllhouso Inpimihu View f 1,050ury ; binall emit pujinciit. Tnou. OUon.SWS. llthst , , Cfi'JIQ. 1 I IMKIIAI'OH * PATTKIISOKS subdn nlon I I is tbo be t the cliPiypst. the llm-st U fni ps the cast nnd south II Is bv the depot. 1C OJ'aUPTSonJIitlijinUJoiiRhu. * _ 1 I IMKIIAI'OH * VATTKHSON S subdivision ' I'l adjoins ft est SidP , where the cinninir fac tory and now dppot nrp loentod This ndditlon liuson the south iilo of 1 eincnwnith st , Lcnv- oim orth Is now being guvlcd. After till * ticct Is all prndcd prices will be adMini-wl. Huj now nnd pet first prices. 11 C. Pnttprson , Iflth" and Douglas -T IMVTKKJ'OX cnn be found nt 1107 l Mownnl street , whpro he run snpph a few loaulors ; would bo plon od to sen his old frietiil- 781 17- LIIAVEVWOIH H llfSIM M'laec-tlU'inp- * mi tin1 llelf Line lor MarolioUMis , miinu- ln < torlp < or stibutb tnn-s. Voi pili-es iincl pint > poj. W. ! , ot.'mi , on prcmNos nt oios lnir ol 1 oittmnoitlt ftiert and Holt Line 01 (1 W. llakpr , room 7 , lion bank "Ul-li Foil SAI.I : 1 lnp i > rpK ! lieu P aTnnt-a"mp sfiT Me ( nn blocks from Omnium and l th ; ( oiemovc. Ihco < > l eii.IS S 15th 8 ( . COD-lO. TUMI SAI.K Impnnpd Inrm , 1R ) acres , 73 I ' nerps In crop , in nerps timber , UU beirlnir fnoliiitVl trees. U ) acres imv land , 20 acii'shoj ? pnstuio W. Jones IUI N. 31st st 517-iuig4' f7IOtls\i : 3 ni-riM in llnrknlow s suinllvl- JJ slon.cost front ; 4 slmreJ In Omnhn Dilrv nMoclntlnn , 1 two spnteU buggy ; 4 line bni-bor ohnlrs 214 S. 131 list CT1 { . : - on Kthst. , nrur oio. Ins. nt u bar iiln. Stichs-to .V I.nndcreron , 3178. Ulh Bt 1RI _ 171O11 I' \ M ; Full lot on Shcrmnn ix\o , oppiv JP lto ror Holt l.hiiKlupot. hioh so \ unndor- 13thst. 10J ) III1.I. loU sell on tholr OUUI1AIU I/owjilco < nml IMV lornwiflvon Cull at The C. R. Mil ) no und Ti tt t Co.'s onito nnd uot n plat -Ji R C. l'ntti'i on U tlip'olo intent for lllinn- bntiRh A IVKoi-son's subitUI'lon. ? ii Foil .i.Vl.n Cooil 7-iooin IIOIKO with rnllnr , ci < tiutnclt } "Uti'i nnil burn , 'i lot , S.t.'TOj ( nqtllro on pimnleos , M7 ln\L'iiiort. | tiTS FOIt SAIiK Ono or tlin tlnoH noio < In West Oiiinliu.lUOJ. ( 'Ibu C. n , Mionn ItciU Kstitlo nntl Truit Co M3 _ " "I' nii SKU.-I r } on fl nut to by or soil retii pftlnto , It will pay jou to giro usucnll. Hush * Sollhy,3l8S IJIh-t. GVJ _ _ _ nAl.Kii"to tniokn-Jo on the U 1' . trnok , con- tiiillj loo.ucd.n biirir.iln for ? 15OJJ. .1.1. . 11 ICQ A Co. , lUth mid Douxlus _ C71 FOimALK I'lnotiow tioupo.lot 7" > tlBO ; south side near Tenth and llrownpll Hall ; $1,000. M cash ; ens } teims ; Marshall & Lobeck , 1511 Fainiim StCut _ _ this out. 681-1J FOR SAl.K Oi I'vohancu for pltvorsubur- ban lmpio\cd or unlmpiood piopeity , or pcni'iul uioi , hiuiill-e , H ) nrioi ( .Ml nml WJ ) oC the Ihiost Nebraska puiltlo land In Nnnco conn- ( x , S'lebsjc Ar Lnndcrgien117 ! S. Kith &t , Oma ha , Nob. 70,1 1OR s\in Kcsldonco pioperty and vacant lots In ovcry ndJItlon In Omnha. Terms to sultpnrehaser. Also dpslrnble buslnnss proi > - prtj Gibson , L i-8on& Co. , Itoom 'J , Wltmioil I llock _ _ _ . 15J " I VIIONKVS Ailillllon , neir Walnut Hill" _ . I lots $100 for the noit 'M da > s. Terms to suit putohiism Also IIOILII In Washington Hill and bargains In all puiU of tbo city. J. J. Mahoney - honey , IOT ) Parnam 10ay23 | FtH s\ti ; or cxclinnj o nt u ncrcs of fl null 115 lund \\Uliln " ' , inilci of rronf.nt.Nob. S A Slonmn , liOTDauirlu * Ht , pb. 37U TTlOlt SA MI-SCO ncros 1 mlle f rein Wntotluo. JL ; with Iwoflrst-chKS hoiisoa , Btnblcs , wlnd- inill All fi'iicctl. TUMH nnd tit f4Q pur iioto. co A L indoi grun , 017 South 13th street 704 MllAlT.H A I'A'niJIl'OX'S now Hiibdl- \Hlonl4tho Unest piopt'ity ever placed upon ( ho MiailvCt , Itlmi-iimm boon oauiillod. Hwlll noxcrbo oxcollocl. Iluy now. It. C. 1'nt- tu 13011. 7-.l A SKI.HY , 213 . 15tb sU , offer Vacant lots Knat liont , corner Fianklln and 3Ith f > 5J with $50 cash Another HOT Another. 471 with SJ5 down Lot on lllth street 3WO Abuipilin in Amblei Plai o , lots . . . . . . 175 13 ftont 17th st. near Fair Krounds 500wlth 23 down 15 front on prado , Hiiuscoiii place 1,003 Kfiontln Hawtlioine. beau tiful . . . . . SOO 13front Ilunscom place on Citherlno st . . . . Cnllforprioo 13 trout VliKtiim ave. , near Pleasant . . . . > . 110 feet trout on Hnrnoyst. , splendid losidonceslto. . 0"i01 Lot In Pullium Plnco 710 Amb'crpinco . . 503 Hamilton st near Poor Cluiro l.OJO Arlington Double corner neui cms. 2 lots 1,530 Foster's add $1,0.10 to . .1,700 24 lots east ol ccmetciy , monthly piymcnts Lot on LoHMinwort bt . . . 650 Two lots on U. P H. II. ttack and near 17th street , for both 8,090 lOaciesnour South Omaha . 230 per a C0\132 Howard' wholesale site 1C.M HoHidenco Property. 10 room house nonr bl h school ? "i,030 5 . . . 2,750 3 room houeo , lot 00\110 Hlondo st . , 1,200 Nlco5 room cottage , city w utor noiii Cum lops . . . . 1,930 5 room , now cottage , Plorco , $100 cash , J > al . . . 1,750 8 room , now house and lot fiOxl(13. ( Pierce 3,103 House and two lots. Walnut III ! . . . . " . .KM 7loom house Phil Sheridan and llworlh 4,000 U room house , collar , city vratcn , c toin , lull lot on Park mo. K front . . . . 4.000 Sroom hoiifco , full lot In llawthorno 1,230 4 room cottaao full lot , Vlrplnlu uvo „ 2,530 3 loom houso. HOffgs A Hill's odd. , Sii'J cash and J20 per month . . 1,000 Fust fiont r > room cottapo on N. 20th St. . . . 2,030 Houses and lots on monthly payments In nil pints of the elly CIO Hush A Bolby. FOB SAf.K-Tvro elegant onst front comer lots In llurr Oak : natural shade tioos. Hatchor , ( ladd & Co. . UK ! Douglas street , Mlllard hotel block Omnlm. Neb 894 HALVacro tniekuxo on the U. 1' . t rack , cen trally located , n bin aln for $13,000 , , J. L , HleoA-Co.lUth and Doutflns. B71 HOUSKS Lots.rarms.Limds . money loaned. Ilomis , 15lh und Douglas stioots. 471 SALJI 4o acres eunoth unbroken prat- POIl lie land nenr Oakland , Hurt county , at S--0 porncio Sai-hseo & Landoriirin , OlTBouth lllth sticot 705 TH13 I'lUCHs of } { | mobaugh Patterson's bitbdlvislon lots nro ono-thhd lower thnn any other. Th3 terms nro Iho best , the lots mo thochoupoft , thopi-otlUwlllbotho luifost. It. O. Patterson , 13th and Uoualas , 7 , ' < i SACHSSK k LANDKUOIIKN huvo for sale , 'J room house ami lot , 20th street near St. Mary's nvo , $500 cash bill , mollily5,000 Vine cottugo and lot , 17th Bt. nour Loavon- woith 1CX ) Tor. lot , Horbnch's 2d add , with 2 houses , barn , cto . . . . 4,400 Half lot , Hotbachs 2d add. with C room bouse , barn , oto . . . . . 2'JOO Hal ! lot.coi.Horbach'sSd add.with Giootn lioiifio . . 2,201 Half lot with R loom house , P. V. hmith'B add $ -50cash , bal. $ . ! > per month 2 00 Pull lot , K V , Smith's add with llrst class liou-o . . 3,23 } 1'ull Kit , 2 houses nnd barn , South uvcniie. Itaigaln . . 3,550 Lot6jxl5)I.owOB ) 2d Jil. near Academy or the Sacred Heart , with eotlngo 11(0 ( 2,500 nxl2Si ( , Pattorson'a Mibdhlsiontlth house and Improvements tworlh S700) ) . 1,333 Lot OixlH ) , Hurt strpot. near Arnrtcmy of the Kucroil Houit ; brick nouea woith . $1.800. . 2.COO oMAirA vinw- I.ol w Ilk S-itory 8 room house , fruit 11 ocs , shrubbery , oto . 1SO ) IM witb now II loom bonso. etablo , oto . 2,030 I/.it with 4 room house , bay window , 2 porches , ( woith $ 'JJO ' ) , well , fences , traoa nnd bbrubscry < honp ut ? 1,50) ) ; cash down 100 , balance $ 5 per month . . . Pull lot and flist chiss It-room house and yoiy flno Improvements , Slilnn'ssecond ndd.icalbaignln . . . 2,5M Wlli3o\'ibccoinJ udd , full lot nnd D-room house . . . . 1,500 Eaundors etroot lot , with extra well , built and furnished 4-room bouso , ute . 3,100 Full lot In Plninvlow , with now 8-room house , cheap 1,7)3 ) Pouth lOlh strvot ( IConnUo' Sc-eondndd ) , jot Mf ! ( i , good 5-1 oem house , liirii , shod , WP | | , vpry'niuo fencoii , shiulo tiees nnil\ers cholco . . 4,093 20thftieet , nT.rCantcllara'l-lll , with cot tage * . Ono half cash . 130 2 full lota on HiiunUers gtreit , with two story U room haiieo , largo burn , clo . C.COO Ctnirlei btitet , coiner , l"0-IJ7i ! , with 0 loom houBo , worth SI.-UJ , cto . . 11,500 020 uoros , ( Ino farm land , near Waterloo , with Miry line improvements , ut $10 per acre . . . . . . Sachsso & Lundcrgren.1.13th ! ! ! ! St 700 TT\on \ SAI.E-22 foot lot , 6toro bulUliijr nud JL' house furnishing goods , cheap for cn h H. A Delunoy.illl t'umliKf bt , ( no II Ix > tsParmsLands money lonned. S Ilomla. 15th end Doughn gtreetn. 471 . "TOITSKS Ixitfi.Fariiis , Lunds money loanoj , Iterals , 15th and Douglai tuccts. 411 IJ ALT acre tracKago on Uie IT P track , con- II trally located , a bargain for SIS.OX ) J. I * lilco 6. ( Jo. , Ulh and Douglas. _ C71 TTIMKI1ADOII ft l'ATTKnBOXra new KiibdI- J i. vlhlon Is now placed on lunil.ut. It O. l' t- terou , Ulh anil Uouelas Bt , VZ ) 37\on \ s VT.r Or orfhuntro for grmrsl mer- chnmllsp 200RctPs fnnly ) | ImpitmM land lit Soulhprnliiwn. iidlolnlnif county seat nml rajl ro nl , In DpcolMr county. Hns a flno 8-rnom liotuo. In tw burn , W-fWtshp < ] .gool1wrll , s nnd running wntcr ; Ifti lipplo lue , theirlps , Krnpos pc SnrbMoi. I.nhrtrirciini7 ( * Hth st , niniilin , Neb. _ _ _ 70J FOR lr ) Trn lo linprovc ! nntl unlin. pro od lands In Kiirnn nn I ol lor wosioru Address > * 'm Slmoral , Ar.xptnoe , JS'ob. _ r _ 27i _ _ > AI."I : NTcofi room house niitl S vnriior .L1 lots In Walnut Hill : U cujh l > nl. to suit CnlJIartln lilt's 1 lib st. 4(13 ( _ poit SAI.i : I housps tnlio rnmisl off lets. I will cll cheap. The C. K. Mn > no Hi al K'tnto nml l'i u ( I o _ _ _ _ _ 1)t V Nti,11 jnuwls'i toluiiKe lots of monej , ! - > In HlmcbautHi A. Pattersons snbJH islon Mnntifncturprs nnd Dealers in l ) Mouldings , Pine Himl Wood Infpifoi Finish s t\ntiiirri > , I'cu' J-'inlf , SVHOLI , iroiiK ttmi /J < vfri'i In Jin lltt I lift 1'apci' . MnlnOrfleo nml 1'aetorj at I.joii" , lown , ODlcBYarcroom3 Cor , 12th Si Izard Sts , CHICAGO AWD Oiaha , Council BMs And Chicago. The only rend ( o ( nko for lnj Molnos , Mar- slmllloun , Ccdui Iluplds , Clinton , muv hlcn po , Mllwuukeo and all nolnts east lothepeo- plo of Nebraska , Colorado , Wjotnltip , Utnh , iilnlio , o lldll , Oiojron , WnshlfKton nnd Cali fornia It offers supei lor advantayes not possible bj unyothet line. Among a fownt the nunuirous points ofmipiv iloiltycnjoyiilln the patrons ot this toad bo- tw Con Omaha nnd Chlcnso. in oils two trultisa ilaof DAY COAOIir.S which uro the llue t ( hut human nrt nnd ingenuity can ereuto. 11 * 1'ALACK SLKHPINO CAHH , which ino models ol eonifoi t-uml olcpinco ItRl'AHUllt DHAW- IXH HOOM CAHS , un nrpii - . ( din nm , nnd Its wldelj celohratod 1'ALATIAL DININO CAltS , ( booanalof which cannot bo found dfoulioio. At Council lllulls the trains ol the I'lilon I'aci- He Uconnoet In 1'nlon l > npot with those ot the OhltiiK" A-Noitliwestorn lly In Chlcnifo ( hn triilns of this Him mtiko close connoctlon vlth tho-pol all aiiMprn lines 1 01 Dotiolt , Columbus , Intllnntipolli ? , Cincin nati , Nlnitnrn Kulls , llulfnlo , I'lltsbiirir'loronto , Montionl. llo ton , Now York. I'lilladolphla , Hal- tlmoio , WnHhiniiton nnd nil points In the east , nsktho t'ckcl ' nuont fin tickets \lutho "NORTH WKSTI'.RN , " If you wish the best accommodations. All ticket iiBonts ell tlcKolsla this lino. M. IIUOHITT. It. S IIAIH , Gotieinl Miintipor , (5en. I'uss Acont CHICAGO. THE CHICAGO SHORT LINE -OP inn- THE BEST I5.OUTS f0fi [ ! OMAHA ad COUNCIL OLUffS ol TWO TUAINB DAILY IIKTWIIKN OMAHA COUNCIL DLITPP3 AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Coilnr Jlnplds , Clinton , Diibnquc , Davenport. Jlock Islanil.Freeport , llockfortl , Elgin , Madison , Jtinosvlllo , Ueloit , AVinona , La Urossc , And all olhcr lmporant points Kust , Northonst und Soutlic.tst. Per through tickets call on the Ticket Afront at KOI Tarii tin Etieet ( In I'HMon IIotuD.or ut Union Paeltlo Dppot Pullman bloopcis and the finest Dining Card In tlio world mo run on the main lines of the ClIIOAliO , MlI.WAUKEK i. Si. I'UJI , 11A1I.WAV , and ovcry attention Is paid to inissongois by courteous employes of the company. U MII.I.FII , ( lenpinl Manager. J. P. TUCKI n , Assistant ( lonernl Mnnnttcr. A V. H CuipKNTKn , Gonornl Pas oiijfor and Ticket Aien ( . Oto. E HRirroiiD , Assistant Ooncral Passenger - gor und Tiokot AKCIII J. T. Cli tint , OoneriU Suporlntondont. Legal Notice. GEOnGUSlNCLAIllundOllvo P. Sinclair , his \vlfe , non-resident dofnndants , will take notice tl.ui on thu 1st day of Juno , IteU , Milton Hendrix , plalntllf , hotein , lllod his petition In the District Court of Douglas county , NobniB- 1m , tiff ill nst said dolondanu , tin ) object nnd prn ) or of which lire to OQinpcl the spcelllo por- formnncu nt u written contract to convey to Hald plalntllf by iUlMlaltn ] deed the following lots In thu town of Ploronou in snld county , to- \vlt : lKt 2 , block ( I ; lot 2 , block 2J ; lot 2 , block Ufl ; lot ? , block57 , the consideration for which Inn been fully paid by said plalntllT to BHid do- londants. Vou 1110 required to answer snla petition on er hofore the 12th day of July , IBM. Dated Oinnhn. Juno 1st. IHH8. , , , MILTON HKND1UX , PhUntlff. Iy ! CO.NQUON , OLAHK.SON & HUNT , HU Attor- uojs mo-iJ-D-lB-SS HAIBDRGA1ERICAE E'aolcot A DIUECT LINK VOH [ England , France & Germany , 'Jim steamships of this well knonn line uie built of Iron , In wutor-tlKht coiiipiuuionlH : , nnd are furnished with ovnry reaulailo to milk * ibu pai-Bago both Mifo and agieiuiblo. They curry thu L'nitod Slnlns and Kurojiciin malls , und lo no Now Vork Thurisdaya nnd Biturdays for I'lw- mnulh , ( IXNDONChorboUffPAJtlb ) ( and HA.M Itiiturnlnpr , the uteainers leave Hambuig on Wudnosdojs nnd Sundays , via Iluvie , taking nasseiigoiHUttsOuthainpton and lmmnii ( , I'll it cabin $5f ) , tm und 275 ; HtoeingoSiX Itiilhond tickets from PJj mouth lo llrixlol , Cur- illir. London , or to any place In ( ho South of Kmrliind , l''HCU. ) hteorugo fiom Kuropo only EM. 3cnd for "TourM ( in/olte. " ( All. HICHAHD&CO. . General Pasjengcr Agonls. 61 llron.Uray , New Vcirk ; Washington and ( A Uhlcugo. III. To Bridge Con raetcri. "pltOPOs ! U/3 will bo received on or I ororo Brttiiiiluy , July 21th , fur the bridging of > > miles of Iho Choyunno i. Northern Ituihiay. Bpcoifluillons and lull purtlculiiid may bo oh- obtafnod ut the otlko of fun uiidoiOirne-l , to \Uiom all proposals miutbo lor.vaidcd not Intui ( linn the nbn\ tunned duto. i , J. JWOWN \ CO , Chuyfimo , W ) o , Jyltdlt _ _ Union National Bank , O2T OOivJ : .Z-Z . . 20G Masonic Bjk.H.YCor . / , Cap.Av , & 16tli Paid un Capital , - - $1OO,000 Authorised Capital , - - COO.OOO ArcounU tel Idled. Jntorrat paid on time do poslti ; collections inn lo Innllp-iilk of the wen , nnd having piotldul ilio Impost und bt'Mt vault In the L'ity. mi.ull i.'i cho > nlii.ibo ! iiitiv'ct on Prompt altrtiition will bo { , ' ) > on to ill to tu. Jr.o. W. Hopuwit , Cashier Wx. W HAiisir.Prceldciit. i F ? V WNO ii ciiaj : * * ri > * M 'Me tc a CHV cf TH , CO hTDyvi Ll tie BT Cxtu s sd TM < u t > tmr T it CHIOAQOROOX ISLAND a PAOIFIO RAILWAY Hrro oiioMti inlml ivmltl , u nti < 1 ilo tvlMlonta nO frin tp l linn I t nnl Wnt nl Initial niul If r- tulnixl r Int r < m tlliili > the inoit lni | > oruil inl f rontlnenlrtl link In tlint * vcin < f thr iicti tlAn t t Mim which UiTiii i ml u , mute ttxTvl < d it ltnt oii rliio * of Iho AtlAnif ftnJ I'tHlilr tv * M l nun th * > Iftvorll * * nnil Iw l loutn In an 1 Uo NtitliPA t nntl cntlifA' * ! unil corrpp nnd The Cront Rook Islnntl Route Oniii nti > m In imlruiK ) hifrnio of i-frronnl tcciv lilt Mlonl l l > r KnlM OiiMMiiahlt Imllxlnt ro i | . oili IMcliB of viMilinuouii ttrM rail niUtiu- lltciilTrti < nmt iHlOnMt rolling dock no nr r IMitffotlon m hunmn nHIII > nn iiiitk * It , lh mttti opt llMicrof p tfMI linltrr * rlnirolliimllhl lr br kid that i > i clnH ( > ll < rtplltii < whlih potf ni thr pr o- tlful opnrntlnn cr nil lu tl ! n < Olirr ipfvilMIIrt rt hu roini , nn > Tr n rp | at ill c-i'tinoctlriu point * In Jnlon I ) , tKri" end lha nnfiiiiuf fd comfortf AttJ uiurlixnf III r iinne r I inlpmo'it 7hf fHKt Ftrrrn lr lni l , twrrn rhlctcn ni1 PrarU , Uonnnll Illult * K n n flt l Tnn < r < ! iii | Inii npo r 1 of wrll irnlllnt il , nttflv 111 hiilMrrnl I > T Cui h , Mueniiicmit iinimnn I Uc Mf l > rr of th Inlc.t i rf III hlcl ! cUhornt lni > l > > IK Mtuil U tw nChlo irniiiiil k n i > uiit > lra tun I fit , CfMiiHU-,1 iKClimr Cun. The Famous Albert ton Route ' It ttio direct Mil fnrnrlti * line letwrtn CblrigoiinA Mliiii siMtttKnndst 1'nnt\thern cniiiirrtlonn ftrnmndw In t'nloii llpimu ( or all poliiu In tlin TrrrlloiVi nnd lirlllsh IToVInrix Otr this twit * Part fArm Iralnt no run to tin , nteilnir tilnrrn. ininmtr r ortf nlctiimqiKi lociilltlra. ami limning anil n hlna frrniniiU ot lima nnl )1lnnri Jta It ! nltrt the mim Jrilrnhlf nmlvtp ll.c . rlclj nurat nldi unit j itor l Unt ( Interior inVof , Will luiotlirr hlKHT MSB LnVi-r , hM lirrn ' " H. R. CABLE , E. OT. JOHN , I'rw't & Um'l M'R'r. Otn IT XtC ! $ . tg"t , "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " Tim Original nud Only flcmitna. : inilmi < iiibi7tVlI AJaiEbV > * A > k'c l riiul > l tor Thtthrntcr' . ricTl.hT' ! nj Ulo no olhn.rr l ok > M l ( tftinpil to u , far vrllcalftr It Ittttr hjr rctnrn mklu NAME PAPER. Mohe.t.r < 'hrmlral On. Qlfl \Iott uii tqnnr * I'bllndn. , ! * flolil hj l > rncatt rTffryuhrre. * ik frr * * Chlf-hc * ie4 rnatliD" Pcan mml Illi. T k uootbiff. YEB & CO. . and M Work. 1020 Fiirnam Street. Omaha , Neb , A STANDARirMiiiCArr\VOIlR : FORYOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEH ONLY SI 11V 11. VI I , , 1' < J TIA1I ) . iM.usruvTn'K. SVMIM.I : ntui ; TO AT , mm THYSELF. nrliauBtpit Vllslltr.Norroui nml PhTBlonl Dolilllty PrcniatnroDifllnnln Mnn , Krrnr of Youth , nnd tU nnlold mlsorlos rninltlnitrrom Imllsrrotloo nnil ox , cpfrtf. x book for n or num. ynimir , mliMlo-nrort nniloliL HconnlnilioprrB < -ri't."in | for nil nrule iml chronlpn | > oiipps.p < iphni < > otwlilrti li Inrntniililo. Sa found by thd niitliorwlinno oiuiirlniipo for Zl ro nit puctins | ) rot ibly nuvor ixuorofoll to tlin lot of nur iinrFlrlnn' . > l | > acns , lumnd In lioiiiitiriu Kroncti mu * ' .i. onitiosHOlr < i\or4. fi " 'Ht , tfiinrnntefil to tionllnor workln nvcrjrBOiisn morlmilpjillltomrr ima prafu * clonnl tlmniiny other forK In this country fortM3 , or the money will iio ref nntl In every Intlinco. Irli3 onlr II by mill. | io lpnl.t Illintntca nimplo. ili MnHnoiT. llolilinOlRln ( fiiril il tliBnuttiorDrtlis Nv UonnlMoillcal AKHoctiitlpn , to tlii ) lion V. I' . Ilmell. nnU iijnnct itoi omcors of the boinl tha ro iilirli rl' tlipUfullyrofcrrnJ . ThoSclenpoof UP' ' , worlh morn tolh rnun anl niuiiitti.'o ! IIUMI of tin HOiiorntlon thin 'ill Hi o col I mtnon or inlllnriiln n-na tlio sUvcr nilnOl of Noraitj combined M V riminlclo. aiioS'lriippof Wfopolntsout ttio quick. KHiiUs on which tlio roinlltutlon nnilluiuei nt nnnr nyouim nmn Imvo boon I.itiilly wrocnod..Muncliojtor ' /ho clcnco of I.I foi iot ixrontor rnlno tlumtilHH nicillial works inibllslioilln thli country forthOiuK Mlxnrs - Uhmtii ( ' "iiMltntlon ' /lio cloni-'oof l.lfols iifniiorti nml nmtorly tr 6. I'o on ncrvoin anil | ihynlm ( dobllity , UolroU Ii'roi Add'rooBlho I'oilio ly Mullonl Institute ) , or Dr W. U. Pnrker.Np.4 llulhlmli strout , Holloa , M ai.who inar uuaoipjr enoo. Chronlonnil obilnuto illio.isos tlmt Imvo Inf. tloit tlin skill of nil otnnrimyiiciiin ] u apocUlty. s ] 131 treated Biiccoisfully wiluout au nalanco of Cutlur J Mention umulia UJa. Cnrrlii.thonclfliim ( Itoynl nnd United B tot 03 Mull , Bulling every haturdiiy Between Mwerp & H@w York TO THE RHINE , GERMAHY , ITALY , HOLLAND - LAND AND FRANCE. 6PUING AND SUMMI3U llATESt Sal nn from ( ix ) to $100. Hxuiiralon trip from $110 to tlR ) . Second Cabin , outwnid , tin ; priinnld , J45 ; oxcur/tlon. t'JO. Stonra o passaia at low rales. Peter Wright & Sons , uonoral Agents. 55 Urondn ay , Now York. r Hour ) I'uiiJt , I.'IB Km iinm St. : Pnulson&Oa , 13 1'iiriiiim st. : D. 0. Preoman , 13I ! I I'mimmst. Time" OMAHA. Tlio lollowlntrls the tlmo of orrtvnl nnd de parture of trains by Contra ! Htnndiird Tlmo at thu lorn ! dopotH. Trains of tlu < C. , St , P. , M. in. O. auho and dopuil from tholr rtopot. eoinqrof Utli and Webster Htroota : trains on tlio 11. $ SI. C. II. * Q. and 1C. C. , SU J. A. C. U. Irotn the II. fi. M. depot all others fiom the Union Pacific depot. mtlLGr. TllAINB. llrldgo trains will louvo IT P. depot at 0:35 : I17.3V8:00B,40H.50II10.0J : - 11:00 a in , : 111:03 1:20-1-50-2.00-3.00-114:00 : : .00-5. IKI ( ; 10- 7.00-11:10 ] > in. I.oavo Ti uiiofor for Omaha nt 7:12 : - lS'irt > : 'W 0.4. I110a" : > 10J7ll:17n : m ; IJ7 2IJ ' . ' 37 : ( : : ) 3i7 : : 4 : ar 5.50 :42 : 7,20 7 .50-8:50 : llWp : in. in.CONNKOTINO WNI33. A nival mid ilepiuturo of trains fiom tli Tiiinsioi Djpot atCuunuil lllutls : iiri'tnr. Aitnivc. ciucAao , HOCK ISLAND * i-Aciiia 117:15 : * . M. I I ) 0.15 A.M. It 0:15 A.M. I U 5:30 I' . M. (3(1:101- : . I I17.IWI- . OIIIOARO & Mnmitthsrr.i H , Iin-llA. M , I DUI6A. : II. (3 ( 1) ) : 10 P.M. I H7Ur.M. CIIIUAOO , iiuni.iNiiiON ii. AUi6A. : : M. A . 15 A. I. I ! (1:40 : P.M. HlllJOl' . r. A 7.00 I' . M. CIIICAOO , MIMVAUKtK It HT I'AUU AO ! ' , A > [ . I A 0:15 : A.M. A 0 40 l > . M. I A 7.0'J ' | > . M- KAItHAH CITY , 8T. JOJI & COIJM'IJ. III.Ul'KU. A 10:00 : A. u. I Dn.riJA. M. U b:55 i > . M. I A 5:111 v. u. M-illAbll , tT. f.OUia & I'AClflC A3.0ai > , M. I A8:30r. : 5J. sinux CITJ- . A7UiA.M. : I AD.COA.M. A 6r : > r. tl. I A B:50 : r. M. Di-part. \VP. \ > rWAHD. Airivc. Dejiait. NOUniWAHD. "A ! H. l i' . M. I C. , hT. P. , il i O. I . \ . u. i r. M. Bl&i1 hlouxClty Kxpun * ' 6:1 : I fl.450 OuWlniKl A.roinnn rn lJ..xft ( JJeimit. JfAS'lWAIII ) . " "A.M. r. M. I 0 11.7 , V . _ _ 0 031 V a I'lutlomoutli v.rul 7:11 } NOT ] ' . \ , u-nlns dully ; it , diillr except Huu- iluy.O. daily except butur.lay ; D , daily ex opt Monday BTOCIC i'AItU TIIAINH nlll IOIIVP IT P depot. OuniliM , ul 0:40-7:35 : lll.UJa in : Sjl ) Jtolui ; ; . : : . ' ) - * : p in , PuclSlii I'.tpiois. : p m. : Denver P.r. , 10CJ : . in. , I/ca | Kr.,6UJ p. in. Lu.ucHoil ( jurdfl lur Oiniihu at * T:03 : 90 : 1I'U n m : S:5lia5 : : : - 4 : - . ' 'SrW p. m. Ailnullu Ki. lo H. < X TTi a. in. ; CUii UU-D Kx. . Ii , i. O ' > nr , p m . I-ocul Kx , lo il O , 10.51 ii.ui.i Mo Pae. JJj. , IP , 3O. . 5:47 : p. m i 2d M. P. Ku l.G'JlLlll