Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1886, Image 1

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Laloucbero Urges Filibustering Tactics by
tie Irish in the Commons.
Do I.e seps nml Ilia P.tnntnn Company
Lose the I-'ronch Public's Confl-
tieni'c HoiilniiKcr'H Illitary
Law I' urciun
' SoliPttio of Defense.
LONDON- , July H.J n. in. fNcw Yoik
Hcinld Ciible-Speeial to the IJr.r.-Last |
week I cabled Mr. Laboneliere's plan of sell
defense lilah obstnictlons in the commons
snppoited by the ladlcals. Ho leluins more
Specllically to the plan to-ilay , saying : "Weio
1 an Irishman not one vote would 1 give In
favoi of jnstlie being done to Knglishmen
until Kngllshincn wcro prepareil to do
justice to hlshmeii. Tlio only thine nccos-
saiy will bo that each of the olchty-six liish
ninmbcrs take but little inteiest In the alfulrs
of the nation.
m.inrvrr.uivo TArnrs.
Wo must do our best to render it Impossi
ble for any gou'inmcnt to govern so long as
licland's ' wrongs bo not lemedied. When
ever eoeieion , tlio irovernment power , is
adopted , let oveiy vote he challenge , ! nnd
pieceded by an e\haiistlvo illscitssion. Pio-
vlded thot tlio ladleals act cordially with the
Irish , I defy any piocedmo rules , trained by
the mind ol man , to tender It possible for
the paillamentaty machine to work until jus
tice bo done. "
SI.VIISMIN : ; err or m.unt. :
Mr. Laboucliero states that Loid ( iranvllle
is so htokcn in health that he will forthwith
retiio fiom public lite in older to live quietly
at Walmer. Loitl Spencer , who Is also much
out of health , intends to decline active paili-
elpatlrtii in public alfahs. Lord Hoscbcrry
will succeed Loid ( itanvlllo as the liberal
leader In the lords.
mi : itAiofvi ci.un itiiicriii : .
Mr. Lahoiivheie pooh poohs the Itatouni
club , reminding tlio Tiuth loaders that
I'tlnce Hlsmaick was asked by a liiend what
Germany contemplated to do in regard to
Datoum. lie replied , " ( iermany will have
nothing to do with Knglish cats and Knglish
clie-ttnnts. " Knssla's enemy is Fiance , not
ICn land , and the c/ar is boycotting it as n
pnnishnient for the expulsion of tlio Oi leans
princes. It Is proposed tnat the Kussians
sliall bind themselves not tc
visit Paris , Cannes , Nice or any
place in Fiance , and a mot d'oidic to bo sent
about that com tiers wlio disooit themselves
In thatcoiintiy will cct into disgrace.
IHB Aiiiit'i'T nr-rAinuin :
from Paris last month of seveial members ol
the impciia ! tamily was caused by the
emperor's older to quit Fiance. Tlio cmpeioi
of Anstiia amlthekingsof nenmaik , Sweden
and Italy ail lavoi tliec/ar's piopos.ils.
i.vsi'jnt.\o HAT 1 1 , i : FIKI.DS.
The ciovvn piinco of Italy has just been
maUIng an elaborate inspection ot the
battle iieldf of tlio Fiatico-deiman war. lit
was at Met/ for some days last week
which Is refill ( led as a deliberate insult tc
the .French government.
l.Ollt ) TAIIINS' SCAJfDAT , .
In a short paragraph this moinlng the
Truth invite.- ! Lord Cairns to putfoith a pub
lie nnd DQicmptory denial of tlio bcandalou'
allosations rife in society. Ho intimated
after tlio rupture that ho should send Mis'
Grant's fathei the bill tor the jewels ho sent
her , when the lady wrapped eveiy gift In n
brown piper pucel and sent thoin to the
noble lord.
_ _ _ _ _
Do Lessens JJOBCS the l'iilllc Coull-
dcncc in Hin Solieino.
PAISIP , Julyi-Novv : ! [ Yoik Iletald Cabh
Special to the IJnii.J Uy the publication ol
tlio minutes of tlio cntito proceedings and
coriespomleneu of tlio Panama bill commit
tee , no little light Is thiovvn on the leal slti
ntlon of thoafiaiis of the Panama company
Iteertainly looks as though a moital blow
may bo stiuck at the company , when Leroy
Itenulicu'spicdlctlon might bo ic.UUcd , tha
it would end In tlio most
OKIAVJ.IC ri.VA.vriAi. nisASTnn
filnco the days of the John Law M'ssissipp '
bubble. Fildaylast , as was cabled , M. 1) (
Lessops ictiestcd ( | the president oC the conn
ell , M. DoFrcycinet , to withdiavv the bll
utliorUIng a literary loan , on tliu ground
liat Hie company did not choose to put ui
with thogood pleasiuo of the committee and
remain In suspen so three long months. Tin
next moi ning all the papeis , which liav <
made a business of supporting the Pannnn
company from the statt , oamc out violently
attacking and thicatcnlng the comniittco
roil ci'j.i'Ain.i : XUOI.IICT
of duly and even worse. "The committee , '
they Bald , "does not scruple to leave tin
Panama market a prey to stock lobbing din
ing tine.months. ) . The bondholders am
t-hareholdsrs , who aio at the same time elect
ors , will assutcdly foiget the way In whicl
Ihcso deputies have looked after their Inter
ests when the ptopor time comes. "
No doubt , however , the comniittco was act
Ing with a hlRliFeiike of Its gicat rcsponsl
blllty. Thopiomotoisof the canal seem U
have expected to find the members ot tin
In their hands. Foi Innately lor the public
the French government were men who hat
mmioroal gilt In their composition. The ;
inopeil ) di'tormlncd to learn something. It
their icpoit of the Mh Inat. they requestei
the Panama company to produce for Inspcc
tlon pertain documents , Including the deed 01
concession by the Columbian governmcn
nnd six contracts , which , accenting to D <
Lf'sseps ami Dingier , comprise all the works
iicccssaiy to complete the canal.
A. i.uTi.r ovr.usiaiiT.
The deed of concession was sent , but De
Leesopa neglected , for good reasons knowr
to himself , to fend the contracts icqulied
TAI eo days later the committee , being with
out the con'ucts , vvioto again to Do Lcssep :
lortli'jm , icquestlngthata balance sheet ol
the company to the end of Juuo bupiepaici
for examination.
in : i.r.ssii's : PAID NO ATTHNTIO.V
to this , but t Imply leplled that ho had with
drawn the request for peimlsslon to Issue t
lottery Joan , aud at the same time sent a clr
nlar around to the shareholder declarlnt
that ho Intended to Issue an ordinary loan
Without pilzo drawings , for the tanu
umount- < , oooooo , francs.
TIIK cojiMnvni's : : Dnmstoxs.
The commltteo Immediately held a Una
meeting , the minutes of which they placci
on record ; iir * > t , as to Do Lcsseps not havlnt
enabled them ( pour des motifs qul'l no hem
npparlcimUpaadorechoicher ) to report or
the bill ; second , that It was not a fact tha' '
they bad any desire to adjourn the rcpoi
until next session ; and , third , that if the bll
bad been presented so latu it was not theli
fault , but rather that of the Fiench covcrn
ncnf , which had only laid the bill on tin
table on Uio Hih of Juuo last , although tlu
company had made the requtu > i
which the bill was Intemlfd to uthoil/c so
long ago as the 2-Mh of Miy , 1S .
CAjV HI : iAi n TUP. vioxr.v ?
It certainly seems rxtromclv unlikely that
De I.o eps can raKe < VX ) 000,000 by mums of
an oidinary loan williont prl/cs. Light Is now
tin own on many points which nave been al
lowed to roiu.dn hidden away Irom the pub
lic eye. Attention lias been cilled to various
Impoitant lawsuits pending between tlio
company nnd the contractor. It ho been
pointed out that now contiacts Involving the
payment of i:0OJO,000 francs havu been
signed slnco Oilober. Three-fourths ot the
loan of CiOO.OOO.OOO fiaiies would ba swallowed
up long before the piobablo leiminatton of
the canal , In running expenses , iiayment of
Interest , icqulicmcnts wf tlio sinking fund ,
etc. The balaiirc sheet , if produced , would
have shown that
iiiiu vsn w VSAM. ooxn
notwithstanding that the . ' 5,000,0'JO advanced
only a few weeks a.o at 10 per cent by tlueo
banking houses , of which the founh and last
nay ment Is aiieady called upon the shues ,
was pledged In advance us security. Is there
uny more ptobahllitv tlml the loan will betaken
taken up than tlio last Panama loan hsucd
yeaisago' , ' Witli the piestlgeof Do Les eps
still unimpniicd , and notwithstanding the
guarantee then olfeieil by a powerful syndi
cate , onc-lllth of the amount of the bonds
could not be placed and lemain in the hands
of the company.
I'liiur coNTitiBNcr. SHAKIX. :
It Is Inipos'lble to doubt that the dilllculty
is a thousand fold Ineieased , since the conll-
denre of the public s now pictty well
shaken. The company can baldly expect to
Hud again n syndicate of bankers to iruaraii-
tee then-Issue of another loan. De Lcsseps ,
hovvevci , Is appaiently as plucky and confi
dent as over.
xnnif.s HIM/ .
The Organic Military Mcnsuro a
Great Political Act ,
\Coinnci \ luhtui. ]
PA ins July 13. [ New York Herald Cable-
Special to the Hii.J : : It is inteicstlng to
know what Impression has been created In
Germany by General lloiilangcr's organic
law. Notlilngcouldattractsomnch attention
as a bill ol thus kind at the present moment , ,
when the situation Is still somewhat sttained
and in the pic-ent state of mutual obseiva-
tion existing In both countiics.
Geimuny Imagines that she Is directly
aimed at bv all military measures discussed
in Fiance , and still moio so when , as in tlio
piesent case , the measure is ono of geneial
oiganization. And thus General Uoulan-
ger's law , pailicuhiily since the favorable re
ception it met witn in committee aud which
parliament appears to icscivc lor it , has
been smitinl/cd , picked to pieces , turneil
andretumcd In eveiy sense. Every vvoid ,
paragiaph and clause has been weighed , and
it has been sought to discover the principal
object of the bill , or what is called on the
other side of the Ithine , the "secret"
or "best seeiet. "
Tin : ciiiM ! : VNS sTiiiunn UP.
In a woul , I do not think that sineo tin
last war anything has occinred in France
which has so stiued up public opinion In
Geimany. A Gentian diplomatist vvhc
knows his couutiy tald tome , "Tho Uoti-
Ianer bill is for us , In tlio piesent state of
our iclations with tlio republic , a matter ol
gicat impoitancc. It Is1 , pel haps , the com
mencement of a
jfnwor.nnR OK THIXOS. "
In speaking thus this pei.sonnee gave ex
pression to an idea which , although as yet r
little wavciing , is taking loot in the minds
of the masses , and it will not bo long befori
it becomes settled and takes toi in completely ,
Tlio following Is thofoim which will soon
bo given to tlio Idea by public opinion ami
which hasjalrcady been pioduced In the Ux
Ga/ette do I'Allcnni no and Du Noid Ux :
A iiiA'UNdurri. unsiiiu.
"Convinced , as wo are , and as it Is the In
teicsl of tlio policy of Berlin that wo shouli
be , that tlio desire for revenge is at the bottom
tom of many heails in France , wo expcctei
fiom a populai democratic and lopubllcar
minister , such as General Boulangcr , a bil
which would be In accordance with these
aspirations. "
"Whether real or supposed , such was the
belief In Heilln , and I oven think , " said my
diplomatist , "that such was the dcshe
Piinco Ulsmarck well knows that ft Is
Tin : 1'i.iH'BTUAr , TIHIIAT
of being attacked by Fiance , the hoicdltaiy
enemy , vvhlcli has made the cmplro of Oer
many and which keeps the unity compact ,
Ho also Vnows that as these threats of ledress
tend to disappear tlio artificial union of the
Gei man states , shielded by the two hcndut !
eagle , loses its cohesion. When it was seen
that , Instead of a plan of disguised attack , 01
n mcasino Implying an idea of lovenge , Gen-
eial Houlaiiger submitted to parliament , am
pailianicnl adopted , at least in principal , :
law of simple defense , the people asked and
still ask themselves how much tinth is there
In the
ruins OF AI.AHVI
which aic daily being given vent to in the
Piiissian piessand In the Prussian mllltaiv
circles against French dissimulation and the
incessant threat linking in the bicast o :
Trance. This question , which the pcoph
ask themselves with the plan of Itotilange bo-
foiuthcin , lias resulted at Hist In doubts ol
the sincerity of the ctles of ahum , wblcli
doubts take alicady the lei in of an appease
It now depends on the debates which ante
to take place in the Fionch paillament foi
tills appeasement to become positive secu
rity. Thusconsldeied , General Uoulanger'i
proposed military oigaiilo law is a great po
lltlcal act , which lus already produced happy
results In Germany. These happy result )
may become Inrulciilaulo If the French par
llament know how to appicciato their values
ON TO THI3 1'OfjE.
The Arctic Kxplorcrs Start Brings
Up ICecolcctlons.
, July U. " 3 n. in , fNew Yoil
llendd Cable Special to the Uun.J The
morning Post has a leader on Arctic advent
ures. It begins : "Tho announcement that
a new expedition has started for the Atctlo
regions to llnd tiio North Polo awakens a nos <
of recollections. The two explorers now on
their way to tlio whitenoith aio sent on tlielt
pet llous mission by the proprietor of the New
Yoik Herald , It Is not too much to say thai
hundreds of men in this country and Ii
America will envy tlio solitary voyagers. , '
After a succinct and plctutosquo lovicw ol
all previous Aictlo expeditions the leadoi
concludes ; "We Invo scientific authority f 01
the statement that to teach the exact snot 01
the tiaitli's sin face known us the North Poh
is not a feat ot scientific impoitance , yet vv <
feel ceitaln that as long as thujo Is a Nortl
Polo to ba leached udvoiituiousbplilts wll
seek to leach it. It Is no less ceitaln tha
many will polish in the attempt , but , atte
all. man can die but once , and the example :
of hetrolsm which the history of Arctlo ox
ploiatlon has handed down liavo tliulr vahu
not to be measured by tlio coat ot oven thi
lives ot mauy bravo men. "
" The Cholera llecoril.
HOJIK , July 13. The cholera return s for to
day are : Brindlsl IU new eases , 48 deaths
Fitntaua , 73 now cases , 'M deaths ; Latano ,
S5 new cases , 13 diaths ; Sau Ylto , 17 iiew
cases , 4 deaths.
Morrison Replrs to Hisrock's Lcatling Ques
tion in Boss Tweed's ' Stylo.
IIouso Discusses the ncsolittlou
to Aiiply the K\cess to l'aj'l K thcS
Debt Other CouKrcsbloual
WA IIINOTON' , July 1 ! ! . Mr. Lowly of In
diana , from the committee on expenditures
in the tieasnry department , icpoited back the
icsolittion calling for Information from the
s-ecictary ot the tiensnry as to the leason for
the falluio to luvestlgute the chaiges of fraud
against It. D. Lancaster , the present surveyor
of the poll of St. Louis
Mr. O'Neill of Missouii , said that < o far as
Lancaster was conceined ho hud at all times
couited the lullest Investigation , and tlm
judgment of the people of St. Louis was
that the olllcer had been guilty of no Inten
tional liaud.
Mi.Gloverof Missouri , said that ; so far
fiom Lancaster desiring an Investigation he
had refused to make nn anidavlt purging
hluiselt of fiaud for reasons that might well
be smmiscd.
Mr. Lowry hoped the icsoltition would bo
ariecd to and oil ponied upon the doubled
wateis ot St Louis polities.
On motion of Mi. Hyan of Kansas , the
senate bill w as passed autlioiizlnt ; the socie
tal j of war to ci edit the state of Kansas with
a ceitaln sum ol money on her oidnancc ac
count with the general government.
The house then icsumcd consideration of
the senate amendment to the legislative ap-
piopriatlon bill , The .senate amendment
ichitlve to tlio publication ot the iccbrds of
the it-bullion was concinrod In , with the
amendment reported from the committee on
uppiopilatiuns tor the publication of the
papeis iciating to the ilefense in the ease of
Flu-John Poitcr. This concluded the con-
shleiatlon ot the amendments and con-
leronrc was asked upon the amendment
which had been non coucurred In. The Iloor
was then accorded to tlio committee on ways
and means.
Mr. Harris of Geoigia , on behalf of that
committee , called up tlie bill amending sec
tions ; uj ) and ! Jifi3 , revised statutes. It bub-
stltutes lor section " > 'Wi the following :
Section " 3U All manufactured tobpcco
shall be pntnp and picpared by the manu-
lacturers for sale or temoval , tor sale or
consumption in packages of tlio following
desctiption , and in no other manner : All
snuir In packages * containing one-half , OIIP ,
two , tliree , tour , six. eight and sixteen
ounces , or In bl.uldois and in jars containing
twenty pounds ; all cut and granulated to
bacco , all let use clippings , cuttings , shoits
and sweepings of tobacco , In packages con
taining one , two , tluce , tour , eight and six
teen ounces each , except at the option ot tlio
manufactuicr cut tobacco may be put up in
bulk packages containing ten pounds each ;
all Cavendish , plug and twists tobacco In
paekaire.i not exceeding two bundled pounds
net vvclu'ht ; and eveiy such package shall
have pi in ted 01 maiked theieon the inaiiu-
facliuer's name , place ot manuf.ictun. icg-
Isteied iiumbei ot mamitactory , and gioss
weight , the taie and net weight of to
bacco In eveiy package , piovided that
these limitations and descriptions of pack
ages shall not apply to tobacco and snulf
tianspoited in bond for tixpoitation and ac
tually cxpoi ted ; and piovided , further , that
line cut , shoits , lofuse. scraps , clippings , cut
tings and sweepings of tobacco may bo sold
In bulk , as material and without navmeut of
tax , by ono manufacturer to another inaiui-
factmer , as for export under such restric
tions , inles and icgulations as the commis
sioner ot internal icvcnuc may pieseribe ;
and piovided , tuithcr , that wood , metal , pa
per or other material may bo used .separately
or in combination for packing tobacoo.
hiinIT and cigars , under such icgulatlons as
the commissioner or internal lovdnue may
Section 3303 is made to read as follows :
No manufactured tobacco shall bo sold or
ofleied foi sale unless put up In packages
and stamped as proscribed In tills chapter ,
except as sold by retail dealers from pack
ages stamped as piovided in this chsptor ;
and ovoty person who soils or ofleia lor sale
any snutl or any kind of manufactured to
bacco not so put up in packages and stamped ,
shall bo lined not less than SSOOnoi more than
8.r,000 and imprisoned not less than six
months nor moro than two yeuis.
The bill was passed.
Mr. Breckeiirldgo of Kentucky called up
the bll ! repealing section 3,131 , leviocd stat
utes , providing for tlie npbotntmcntof iuspec-
tqrs of Uibuccio and cigais and providing for
the Inspection o tobacco , cigars and suulT.
It provides that manufactured tobacco , cigars
alin snutl may bo removed for ospoit to for
eign countries without payment ot tax under
such regulations , and the malting ot such eh-
trics and filing of such bonds and bills of ladIng -
Ing as the commissioner of internal revenue ,
with the approval of the secietary of the
treasury , sliall prcsciibe.
The bill was passed.
Mr. Hewitt of New Yoik called up the bill
amending section 5 of an act to amend the
statutes In regard to the immediate tianspor-
tatlon of dutiable goods. Passed. Ity this
bill the existing law Is amended so as to pci-
mlt moichandlsa to bo carried by express
companies in pouches , ns well as in safes
and ti unks. and also when cnidcd and
sealed in such mamici as shall bo pieseilbed
by the secietary ol the ticasury , to bo cairled
in oidinary cars instead of separate vehicles
provided for the purpose. By the existing
law a passenger's baggage Is not provided
tor. The pioposed bill will permit suci | baggage -
gage and ellccts to bo cairled oy cxpiess com
panies In the same manner as other mer
chandise may , in accordance vvltli the exist
ing law , bo carried , and the provisions of the
existing lavv'B aio made applicable to routes
which aio bonded for both land and water
Mr. Kelly of Pennsylvania culled up the
bill amending the statutes In relation to the
Immediate tiausporlatlon of dutiable goods.
Passed. It amends the statutes so us to allow
merchandise liable to spceilie nites of duty
only to bo cnteied for Immedl.tto transporta
tion , without appialsment , to any ot the parts
mentioned In the seventh section of tlio act
of Juno 10 , iboo , although the same may upt
appear by Invoice , 1)111 ot lading , or maul-
lesto of Importing vessel , to bo consigned to
or designed for other of said poits , when the
consignee at the port of receipt shall make
application theiotor to the collector , giving
thu name of the pei.son at the depot of desti
nation to whom no desires thu meichandlso
to bu consigned ,
Mr. Moirlson called up and the house
passed the bill icpcallns bo much ot section
83H , lovlsed statutes , as allows to colh'ctois
of Internal revenue commissions on tax col
lected on distilled spirits.
On motion of Mr. Morrison the bill was
passed leducing to $ 50 , with nn additional
53 for each poison employed in making
cigars , the amount of bond to bo given by
tliH maiiulactuiers ot cigais.
The hou-o then went Into a committee ot
the whole , Mr. Crisp of Geoigia In the cliulr ,
on the joint ics61utioiidiiectlng the payment
of the surplus In the treasury on the public
debt. Tlio following is the text of the leso-
lutlon ;
That whenever the suiplus or balancuin
the treasurv. including the amount held for
the redemption of United States notes , sliall
exceed the sum of SIOO.OOO.OOJ , It shall bo.anu
Is hoieby made , the duty of the secretaiy ot
the treasury to apply such excess , In sums
not less than per month during the
existence of such surplus ot excess , to thu
pay merit of tlio Inteiest beailng indebtedness
of tlio United State ? , payable at tuo option
of the government.
Mr. Moriison said , counting the icsci veil at
5100,000.000 , theio was btlll a suiplus In the
treasury ot SIOO.OOJ.OOO. Of this amount
S2SOUO,000 was unavailable , being made up
of fractional coin , so that all tills money that
would bo reached under this lesolntion would
bo about buventy million dollais. It would
make pioiluctivo that which was now tin-
piodticlive , and unless It would do something -
thing towards making money a little cheaper ,
It would suv the goverumuut something In
Interest ; and more than that , it would take
away some of that temptation which led men
to vote huge appropriations and make Im
provident expenditures. Ho crltloliod the
rtipcitof the minority aud denied the state
therein made that the effect of theresp-
lutlon would UP to shako public contidenf'e.
Mr. Moriison adinlltcdi that he coulit
conceive that It might bo that
for a voiy hort time 5100.000,000
might po lbly be ticnrhcd upon. 5 > npjm e a
call was nude to-day * when there was Sill- )
000,000 In the tieasury. and lonioiiow
$1,0X1,0)0 ) of receipts was not enough to meet
to-inmrow's obligations. The SIO > ) OOO.OLM re
demption fund might have to be trenched
upon , but only lo a veiv mnll amount and
for rt very short time. Ho aigned that S10J-
OiO.COO was a stiflleient redemption luiid. and
pointed out tlio fart that only 810,000,000 was
licltl Iu tlie ticasury to enable tlio govern
ment to redeem national bank notes In ease
of tlie failtne of the banks , and In conclusion
ho denied that the punmso or object of the
resolution was to place the country on a sil
ver basis.
Mr. lliscoek , or New York , offered an
amendment providing that nothing In the resolution
elution shall authorlrc tlio icductlon ot ot
payment of any part of the 5100,000.000 reserve -
servo set apirt for the payment of United
States notes 01 Internet heating Indebtedness
ot the United States. He then proceeded to
submit an argument In opposition to the
resolution , declailm : that It had been brought
betore the house by the action of a demo
cratic speakei , a democratic chairman ot the
way sand means committee , and a demo
cratic chairman of the appropiiatlou com
mittee , against tlie nmst emphatic protest ot
a democratic administration. Tills was no
disagreement on Hie matter of mere detail ,
Thedllleienco was as widoas that between
the two gieut political pat tics , and this was
un attempt on ( Impart of the leaders of the
house to lorce tin ) payment of the national
debt nnd obligation In sliver to
finro the government In Its financial trans
actions to a silver basis which the admlnls-
tiatlon eaiiiestly and deteimlnedly teslsted.
Tills was a declination that United State *
bonds should be paid In silver dollais , and
the vvoild would so understand it. It was
practically impossible to e\.ccuto thu joint
lesolntion without using silver dollar * nil ol
them , probably because all the surplus wn
In silver , lie did not hesltato to say that II
was a violation of the law to pay the bonds hi
silver. They could not have oeen placet' ' ex
cept on the assurance on the paitof tlio ad
minlstiatlon that they would bo paid In gold ,
What had induced the domocraUa paity here
to untagonbc tlio admlnistiation which II
had placed in power.
Mr. Monison suggested , In reply , that Ii
wns noiieof his ( Hlscock's ) business.
Jllscock Is that your only answer ? Is thai
the only answer the democratic leaders ad
Vance why they have departed fiom theli
administration'"N'ono of our business" is
quoting an expression which was used mosi
tanionsly In the city of New York. At best
In adopting the landing resolution
congress would be trying a very dangcroui
experiment , one that niicht bilnt
disaster and inin to her people , and ono tha
tlio administration felt jnstilied In advisiiif
against and opposing. No ono doubted tin
patriotism of the picsidcnt and secretary o
tlie tieasurv , and ho congiatnlated them fo
follow ing so closelv in the footsteps of theii
lepnbliean predecessors on this question
President Cleveland was gteater tlian tin
paity which had elected him.
Pending fuithur discussion tlie comuilttci
rose and tlio house adjourned.
The Senate proceedings.
WAsnixoiox , D. O. , July 13. The chai
laid before the scnalo resolutions of the con
vcntlon of republican odltoi's of Ohio urglnj
investigation of the charges as to the electloi
of Senator Payne , and two other memorial !
on the same subject , 'itefened to the com
mittco on privileges atuj elections.
Among tlie bills on the calendar passed wa :
the follow ing appiopriating S2j,000 for f
monument at Stony Point , New York t (
commemorate the lev olutionary baltlo heie ,
In the cvcninir the senate lesumcd cousid
ciation of the r vcr and harbor approprlatioi
bill , the pciidinc amendment " being tostriki
out the provision to'pievent "tho dumping o
dctritursfroih hydmidic minis Into the Sacra
mentoor Feather rivers , California.
On motion o Mr. Heaist the text wa'
ftnther amended by adding tlio words "ant
avainst mountain banks. "
The question was taken up on striking oir
tlie piovision directing legal proceedings te
prove nt the dumping of detritus. Tlie pie
vision was shuck out yeas , ill ; nays , 10.
The next Important amendment in the bll
was to Fitriko out the piovision for the im
pioveinent of the Mississippi i iver and to in
soil those repoited by tlio comuilttci
on commevce. The whole amount of the ap
piopriatlon for the vatlous sections of the
river is 52,9JO , < WO. Alter a long debate tin
senate proceeded to vote on the aniendiuenl
offered by Senator Ingalls to the effect thai
the imi > iovciiicntot Plum Point and Lake
Piovidenee leachosiihall bo confined to the
complete repair and maintenance ot the
levees in those readies to be of two feel
abovotlio flood ot 18SJ and to the complc
tlon of permeable woiks ot contraction , mil
this Is not to pievent the construction ol
revetment woiks where tliu banks me caviut
at Gieenville reach. Delta Point and ii
front ot VIeksbmg , Memphis , Hlckmaii and
Columbus. The amendment was rejected-
yeas 18 , iiaysiii
Mr. Hanison moved to amend tin
piovision authorizing the lepalr and build
ItiK of a levee by adding dm words "but nol
below the i caches ot the livers which are being -
ing Improved by them unless necc/wary / tc
pievcntor close an injurious crevasse. "
Mr. Glb on opposed the amendmcni
as being rtt variance with tlio judgment ol
the commission. After discussion the
amendment vvashdoptod and then the amcnd
ment leporteu by tlie commltteo was adopted
Mr. Halo moved to shlko out secttoi :
two wiilch declares It unlawful to empty ot
unload ballast , stone , rubbish or 01
mill waste of any kind into any palt , load
stead hhrboi. haycn , navlgablu river or wa
ters ot the United States lor the impiove
ment of which congiess has mndn or may
make appropilatloiis , or into any trlhutuiic *
theieof. This lie said Was oxeiclslng a jutls
diction never attempted befoio. Ho was noi
piepaicel to go t > any such extent. Sotnethlm
hiiil to lie left to the state.
Mr. Hutlor suggested that the motion tf
sliiko out bo extended to sections lionit ! too
they all applied to the same subject.
Mr. Halo assented to tlio sugu'CBtlon.
Mr. Teller suppnited Mr. Halo's motlor
and charactciked tlio proposed legislation tv
the most oxtrfcordlnaiy ho had ever known ,
How anybody with any recant at all toi
local ilgfits could favor It ho could not con
celve. Mo thought It absolutely Indefoiisibli
and without justliicalion.
On motion ol Mr. Hoar the words "to the
substantial Injury of navigation" wcro In
soiled In tlus section.
The amendment nf the committee , re
stilctlng the application of bydraiillo mln
Ing was agreed to. Mr. Halo's motior
to strike out tlio second section was post
poned until all the comniittco amendment :
vvero disposed of. .Most of thoremalnlni
amendments pioposoJ bv the commlttci
vvero mere correctlousof phraseology. Thcj
were all agreed to. .
Mr. Halo renewed his motion to strlk <
out section U , and it Was areed to yeas , 2T
nays , 1-1.
On motion of Mr. Conger a provision vvai
Inserted authorising1 the secietary of war ti
establish batbor linns to places where the ;
have not been established , and also to cstab
llsh lines within which deposits of matciia
mav bo made wltliout Injury to navigation.
1 ho bill being cnufpleted ns In conimittei
of the whole was foiwtod to the senate
uitliout acting onfho amendments th
senate at midnight adjourned.
No Deoisioji Itouchcd ,
ECiucAoo , Julyia , jAtthe meeting of th
managers of all the western roads to-day llu
pioposal of Mr , Cable , of the Hock Islam
load , to form a pool , was received , but n
notion was taken. The pioposal nmdo to re
store freight rates was not acted upon ,
The discussion of Mr. Cable's pronosltloi
occupied most of the afternoon. The 1111
nols Central road was the most energetic ob
lector to the plan , and was finally lowaidei
by seeing It voted down. The opposition o
tlio Illinois Central ami the dlctrustof ic ]
icsentatives of other loaels owing to the nov
city and magnitude of the proposition nr
responsible for its rojectlou.
Illchbliulers1 Keatcnco Stayed ,
ST. Louis , July 13. Judge Van Wnggono
Issued a stay of execution of sentence upoi
Cldo Uooui and Chio Chlajck to-day.
Nebraska and Iowa Weather.
ForNebraskii ami Iowa : Fair \yeather
stationary temperature.
Bcor Oarnago ftt Tecumseh Kesnlts in the
Arrest of Miuiy Citizens.
Death of nil Kstefincd Uesldcnt of
Kottrni'y A AVifo Heater Sen
tenced Additional Crop He-
ports Nebraska News.
Tccutiifsch's AVIUl llcvcl.
TKcr.Mf.nn , Neb. , Jnlj W. [ Special to the
HKK.J Tccumsch has been nil upsldo down
for three or four days last vast , and all be
cause of prohibition. Tlio saloons wcro
\oteJ. out at the last city election , under the
Slocumb law , and many cltl/ens who in
dulge their appetite and wish to keep cool
have been seoiulnc beer by the caso. Tlio
custom piew tosucli propoitlons that prohi
bition was falling to prohibit , and thn tem
perance council , In Its nairow wlsclon ,
pasted an ordinance called "tlicgillon law. "
The provisions of this ordinance make It un-
nwful for any person to ha\o In his posses
sion , at any ono time , over ono gallon of
boer , liquor , etc. A large number of the good
cltl/cns concluded that this was carrying tliu
question too far Into Afilca , and pioposed
to celebrate the biithday of an ordinance so
presuming and withal so virtuous. Accord
ingly a wagon with a liayiack for a bed ,
drawn by four hoiscs , was occupied by the
brass band , two largo wagons tilled with citi
zens , three buggies and a half-do/en horse
men foimcd a procession and , in the daik-
ness of the night , marched proudly
and grandly through the sticcts and
avenues of the painfully pious town. TIJC
band discomscd mnslcof soothlngswcetncss.
The long and solemn pioccbsion drew up to
the mayor's residence , stopped , and the fu
neral march was rendered In a manner so
solemn and sad that the dogs in the Immcdi-
ate neighborhood fairly Ifowlcd. IJcforo
quitting the mayor's homo a monument ,
bulldcd of beer bottles needless to say empty
beer bottles was left standing for the morn
ing sun to kiss. At 12 o'clock the crowd dls-
noised , the music ceased , and Sunday
Monday morning the mayor ( \V. 0. Jolly ) ,
swore out warrant * for the arrest of sonic
liftv persons , among whom wciu our best
and most prominent citizens. Thlity-twu
warrants haso been lead up to this evening ,
and mote will bo seived to-mouow. Alatge
crowd of cm ions citizens Knthcicd at the
court house to-day to hear tlio testimony In
the llrst caso. Tlio police judge stated that
any attempt to Intimidate the court would bu
resented , and tlio county jail would be Illlcd
with loafers , were any attempt made to in-
teifeio as lie understood there would be.
The prisoner , B. linllln , nleaded not gtilitv
to the charge of boisterous and unbi-cmfy
conduct. IlcniyIlawoith , A.SimnMmand Ka
( iiist ( part of tliescrenaders ) , swore that Mr.
Hnllin was guilty of notliinc ; that he used no
loud language , and that ho acted In c\cty
way as n gentleman. L. C. Chapman ap
peal ed for the prosecution , lions. Appeljet
and Osgood for the defense. After a very
short time the prisoner was released witn
"no cause for action. "
Had it not been that the law and older clt-
i/en composed the ciowd , and had not the or
dinance been ; boin of stubbornness , the mat
ter would have been of inteiest. As it is , it
is a great and glorious faice , and while the
mayor is generally level-headed and sensi
ble , In this ulaco he IMS placed his "foot in
theliie. " Poor old Teouinsoh will never be
behind in startling sensations. Tlio remain
ing cases will bo heard Wednesday.
AnKstccincd Citl/.cn's Death.
KKAIINKY , Neb. . July IS. [ Special Tele
giam to the Uin : ] A deep gloom was cast
over tlio whole citv to-day over tlio iccoipt ot
a teleciam fiom DansvIlie.N. Yannounclng
tliodoath ot Dr.C.T.Dildine. For the past yeai
ho lias been failing , and gettini : no relief ho
concluded that a trip to hUold liomcat Dans
vllle , N. V. , would help him ; but gettini ;
theie , he never iccoveied any. This mom-
Ing at 1 o'clock ho bicathed hi !
last , passing oil quietly. After taking n
thoiongh medical couisc in both this country
nnd Kuiope , he came to Kcainey in 1874 with
out money and with his professional caicci
all before him. He soon proved to be an emi
nent physician , and his professional fieivicc ;
were In great demand. Uy close attention
to business he had accumulated a goodlv
amount of pioneity , and was just icadyt ?
live In case. Ho was for the Instten veim
physician and surgeon foi tlio H. AM. and
Union I'acliic railways. IIo leaves
n wife and two small chlldicii
The remains wll | bo intoned in Now Yoik ,
A mass meeting was hold at the city hall anil
Was largely attended td-nlcht. Coneial Con
ner presided and Dr.V , Vf Vance acted a
secretary. Iteninrks omiilatlng the deceased
weie matin by Mavor Calkins. II. A. Mooie ,
Juan lioylo , J. 1" . llartman , jr. , C' . U. Finch ,
K .M. Cunningham . II , Savidge , Iev. ! At
kins and others. A committee on icsoliitions
was appointed to icpoit tinougli the news
papers of the city.
A Malicious Tjio Nailed.
LINTOI.N , Neb. , July W. Some malicious
mcddleis In Chleatio and Now Yoik , In
older to Icisen the Inteiest In the foithcom
Ing Iiisli National Icaguo convention , pretended
tended to have received information by eabli
fiom Iieland that the delegation from th.3
pailinmentary party promised In the cable
message which Mr. Hairlngton , M. I' , , or
behalf of Mr. Pamcll , sent to President
Kgan of the Irish National leano some days
ago. Mr. Kgan cabled Mr. Haulngton thi ;
moinlngand leceived piomptly the iullow-
ing reply :
Uinu.ix , July 13. To 1'atilok Ej < an , Trcsl
dent Iilsh National League , hliicoln , Nob.-
The report that tlio deputation Is not going ii
n malluloii'i falsehood. Some mrmbcis ol
tlio delegation aio alicady named. I wll
send you the names of all In a lew days.
( Signed ) TIMOTHY llAunifuiojr.
Nebraska City Kojolces.
NKDABKA. CITV , Neb. , July 13. [ Specla
Telegram to the Ur.n. ] This has boon at :
eventful dav for Nebraska City , In which the
barnacles wcro laid on the shelf by his honor
Mayor Larsh , aided by some of tlio laigesi
taxpayers In the city. In shoit the water
works was can led by a vote of 000 In fnvo
and -10 against It. Our city Is jubllaut eve :
the result. To our ellleiont mayor. Dr
Laihh , U duo much of the ciedlt , standing a
helms the brunt of many missiles sent out b'
the opposite sle. ! ( To-night our city Is lluhtoi
up with bonfires in honor of our pluck1
mayor and tlio icsult.
Konohcd their Quarters ,
Four ItoiiiNflox , Neb. , July 13. fSpecia
to the Uii.J : : Company 1 , Second Intantry
Captain Miller commanding , reached her
this moinlng and weio dlscmbaikcd Iron
the train within a stone's throw ot their quai
teis , The now company takes tlio plueo o
Company C , Fourth Infantry , which left las
week forldaho. LicutonantCoIonoI FlctchPi
will command the post and will probabl ,
superintend Its icbtilldliig.
Fatal Foollnj , ' With a Pistol.
FJHEND , Neb. , July R [ Special to tin
r.K. ] About0 o'clock last Jame
Druska was toying with a thlity-twocallbc
Smltli ik Wesson the weapon was accident
ally discharged. Tlio ball took effect abou
one-half Inch under the lett eye. Dr , Wai
son was Immediately called , but at thi
writing is unable to locate the ball. Ihusk
Is a young man. a liohemlan , about twcnt\
live years old. His chance for iccovciy 1
A Wife Heater Sentenced.
FniKND , Neb. , July 13. [ Special to th
HKE. ] Yesteiday Ferdinand Arndt , a Uci
man , was lined SM ) and cosU , aud commute
tp jalj for thirty days , for beating his wife ,
who ha * not been living with him for some
time , with an iron hoop , and striking he ;
with .1 halciiot. Aindt appeals the case and
gives bonds In M.OOO for ids appearance at
I > ukoSliiioou | Ttnllocl.
XF.HIUIK.V. CITY , Neb. , July 13. [ Special
Telciram to the HIK.J : Duke Simpson
had at last procured bail and was liberated
from Jail about noon to-day after being
In there four weeks or better. Tht bond Is
810,000nnd the following aio his bondsmen :
II. P. McComa's , Henry F. CadyV. . 11
Dillon , Louis Dunn , Dr. N. U. Larsh and
W. T. Catla. _ J
Drowned in the Missouri.
PiTT Mut TH , Neb. , July 12. [ Special to
the UKU. ] Last evening a boy about thirteen
3ears of age , MJII of G. J. Stevenson , an cm-
Dloye of the H. Jfc M. lallioad. was drowned
while bathing in tlie Missouri river. The
body was recoveied.
KIcUcil to Death.
Ax'nrnx , Neb. . July IS. A son of Thomas
AVilllams , aged twenty , was Instantly killed
by a kick from a vicious horse , yesterday.
Additional Crop llcports.
\Slnrlulstothc \ llcc\ \
8HF.1IMAN rot NTV.
Lori1 CITY , NeU. , July 13. ( Special Tele
gram to the UEI : . ] Your eoircspondent lias
Intel viewed upward of one bundled farmers
ftom different portions of Sherman county
In the pist few days. All agree that the
small grain eioo Is the best ever raised In this
section notwithstanding the drought. Coin
is safe If lain comes within live days.
KIIAMU.IN cor.vrv.
Kivnmo.v , Nob. . July W. Two weeks and
no tain. Hye all light , oats damaged
sllehtly ; wheat one-halt short. Corn in tlio
south halt of the county In good order. Fur
ther north the eiop will bo light. We must
have lain in a week 01 the coin crop will bo
very light. A good lain will make a crop
PONCA , Neb. , July 13. The dry spell ot the
past thieo weeks has not seilously affected
tlieciops , but will bo bad on corn If it eon-
tin ue.s much longer. Wheat , which eaily in
the season promised an abundant yield , has
not tilled as was expected , but will still be an
average crop. Itai ley unit rye are In harvest
and a good crop. Oats will yield well.
AvitonNeb. . , July W. The dry spell has
continued tor two weeks. Corn is looking
well and with a good rain within n week
\voiihlboanaverasociop. Wheat is bailly
damaged by chinch bugs and drought. Oata
and other small gialn are in good condition ,
with promise of a fair crop. The farmers are
not dlscoiiiagcd at present prospects lint real-
i/o that unless lain comes boon the ciop will
not be an average one.
mixA * COUNTY.
OAMintUKin , Neb. , July 13. Wheat and
oats aie all light and this weak will about
finish the cutting. Corn mil , other small
irrain is all right it wo have ran In a few
days. Yes , a good soaking rain would bring
tlio crops oni all right. Tlio outlook for
wheat is bettor than it lias been for years.
The farmers are beginning to look a little
Investigating Their Kemoval by Com
missioner Atlcins.
WASHIXOIO.N , July 13. Charles A. Cleve
land , of Anadarko , Indian tcrtltory , Indian
tiader , was examined by the senate special
committee Investigating the appointments to
Indian traderslilp. Ho stated under oath
that some time piinr to the expiration of hi1
license , S. M. Jackson , n brother to Judge
( then senator ) Jackson came to Anadarkc
and notified the witness that lie ( Jackson ]
had been licensed to trade there , lie pro
posed to witness a paitneiship into which
Jackson was to put ins license while Cleve
land was to fuinisli the capital , c\peiicncc
and good will in addition to doing all work ,
the piolits to bo equally divider. Witncs *
was told It hodid not acquiesce in the ar-
langemcnl his right to tiado would
be taken away , Jackson claiming to have
sntliclcnt inlliicnce at \ \ asliington to liihi.u
this about. Witness declined to enter Intii
tlioanangemeiit and In course ot time lie
was notified by the commission thiough tin
agent at Anadarko tint his license would
not bo extended beyond n tixed date , then a
few weeks distant. Witness came to Wash
ington and laid the matter befoie Commis
sioner Atkins , but dlil not succeed in getting
the older of lemoval ievoled. : witness
closed his stoic on the date lld and began
the lemoval of his goods. Ho could not tell
what th" lo s would pi eve to be , but thonzhl
$8,000. Further hearing was postponed till
next Thuisday.
Ilo Is Detained l > y Ills Ijady IJOVQ on a
Criminal Charge.
Niw i OIIK , Julv 13. Colonel William 11 ,
Glider , who Intended to leave Now Yoik this
altcrnoon and join the whaling schooner ,
Eva , at New London , Conn. , and proceed or
her way to the coast of Ciecnland , and after
wards undertake to find the noith pole , did
not leave New Yoik , as ho was detained
on the charge of stealing a Sl,00 (
bond on the Manhattan Klovatcd railway
company. Sally Adams , a piofesslonal swim
mt'i , was the complain ant. She said shoguvi
( illdor the bond In robnmry , Ibbii.asking bin
nt thosamo tljno to lind out if itwcio goo <
or not , and had slnco been able to get pos
session of It. The pilsoner denies tlio chuigc
and minor has It ( hat thoiady who Is fond ol
( llldei , has had him anested to ] > iovent hin
goin away.
Tdvcry Stable Uiirnctl.
CIIIOAOO , July 13. A livery stable on
Thlitlcth street between Michigan and In
dlana avenues , owned by T. K. Mori is
buiiicd this morning with cloven hmses
Pctei Smith and wife , Chailes Smith uni
James FJaiinery , employes of Monls , mill
lodging over the stable , had to jump fion
the secoiid-stoiy vvlmlow. Charles Smitl
had his back broken. Ho was taken to tin
hospital where It is said lie cannot iccovcr ,
The otlieis also sustained bioken limbs. Tin
cause ot the tire is unknown , IAHS ctlma
ted at 570.030.
Wind , Mull and Hnln.
Jo 1,11ST , 111. , July 13. Ono of the heavies
wind , hall and lain stouns ever ex
peiienced here occnired this evening. Tin
wind blow a gale and the hall fell so as ti
covei thogtound. Thobtones langedln sl/i
horn hlckoiy nuts to apples nnd did consid
eiabledamage to coin. Tlio rain with vvhlcl
storm ended was much needed.
The Wllncsu Wouldn't Answer.
ST. Lot is , July ll. ! Kdvrnrd Dammen , i
witness befoio the fiaudJuiy which Isinvest
( gating thochaiL'c.s of bilbeiy jind corruii
tlon , recently jnefeued against certain mein
bers of the house of delegateswascommittei
to jail tliis afternoon for retnslng to lespon
to eel tain questions , the cotrect IIIIHWOIH t
which. It is understood , would bo most dan
aging to the cases ot the delegates.
Thn Tuuncrs Go ( Jut.
Hosro.v , Mass. , July 13. The great strlk
or lock-out In tannetlc-i and currying shop
at Pcabody and Salem was fully Inaucuiatci
tills morning. In accoulance vvltli a vote o
the Knights of Labor at their meeting la'
evt'iiiiii. the men i of used to goto woik in th
shops wheio a notice ot the iixcciitlve com
mittiHt had been jtoated , The order atlcet
3,000 men , who aio now Idle.
The Conuo Country.
Unnu.v , July 13. Heniy M. Stanley ha
ar lived here. Fiunco and the Congo fre
btuto will submit their disputes courernin
the Congo frontier smvoy-s to the arbitiatlo :
of Switzerland.
Another French Impulsion.
PAHIS , July 13. The entlio Fionch eatuiH
agreed to the decree expelling theDuhot
Aumale from France.
TLo Brown Impeachment Trial Results in
Favor of the Accused.
llrovvii to lie ItcliiHlntcil To day Mur-
tlcrcr Trout Captured In Dakota
A Idttlo Wreck Other
lovvn New s.
The Trial Kiulod.
Dns MOIST. * In. , .fitly U l'ln entire Any
was spent In laUlnp a final vote on the tip-
pcachiuciit ot Auditor lliown. Theievrio
tlillty counU to the Indictment ami tliu rolt
of jho entile senate was oallrtl on cacti. 'I'M
vote * for conviction inured liom ono to fit-
tccn on tlio dlflorcnt coiiuK Tin OP times
theio weio lUtcon MHiatora who voted Kiillty.
These vvoioon the aitlclcs chaining Uiovvn
\vlth icfuslni ; to elvo up his ofllco when sus
pended ti > the Kovomor mul continuing tenet
net as nudltor and tor his appioval of Actmuy
Tail's ' chaises for the ovimliiiitlon of thty
Iowa liHiiiauco companies. Altogether
tvventy-onodllfeient persons voted tor con
viction. Ottheso thliteen were icpubllcans
and eight weio demociats. Thcio not being
tvvo-thlids of liftv senatois voting guilty ,
lliownvvas acquitted and will piobably bd
reinstated to-iuoriow. The tiial has lasted
eight weeks and cost about thirty thousand
Murderer Trout Hooked.
Sioux Cm\Ia. , July in. ( Special Tele
gram to the ifr.r. J Tunit , the nnnderer ot
Ktl. S. Hatch , wascaueht todayut 1'ukwaua ,
Uak. City Marshal Ciiambeilaln , < it Dakota.
telegraphed hei e early to-day that ho Ihoimhtj
lie had Tiout , and asked for a Rood do cili
tlon of him. This was at once t-ont. Tiout
was making his way to a f i lend near I'ukv
wann. lie woio n blue blouse and was close
shaven. Sheriff McDonald left here y ester-
day. ho having Icaiucd that the fnultlvo wns
In that section , and no doubt has his umn nl-
leadynnd will bilnir him burk to moiiow ,
This news brought lee cold-blooded murder
fiesh In the public mind aualn , and a very
cicat deal of feeling is beginning to bo ex
A Onliniitio Attorney in Trouble.
Urni'Qfi : , la. , July R [ .Special Tele-giant
to the ldr..l : 0.V. . Hogers , ix piouiliicnt
nttornej of West Union , Is being examined
hero , charged with using cigar btamps twled.
lie claims the superintendent of his factory
did it without his knowledge , \\ldch IH de
nied , nnd that It Is malicious piobccutlou
brought by a saloonkeeper he cntuiccd pro-
hlbltlon against.
Militia iu Camp.
MAit3ii\iji/inwx , la. , July 13. ( Special
Telegiam to thu Uii.l : : The olllcers of th6
Vlisticgimcnt , Second btlgaue , are attend
ing a chool ot uibti notion , beginning this af
ternoon. ( icncral liecson , commanding the
Sccoiid brigade , has albo recommended thia
] iacc ! for the encampment in August , which
piobably settles matters.
Trains Wrecked.
Iowa , July 111. [ Special Tulo-
eram to the Bri : . ] A head collision between
contiuction and gravel trains yct > teiday
afternoon at Woodbmh demolished the en
gines and tun cars , Xo ono injmcd.
lluiiinn Boincs MoroilcBHly Srjneej'.otl
nnd Hviotctl from their Humes.
ST. Louis , July 13. Thosltnatlon at Giaio
Creek , 111. , whcie the mlneis aio on a strike
for higher wages , becomes more seiiou.i
eveiy day. Tlio Milkci.s aio dcteimined that
no laboieis except themselves shall woik tba
mines and the opeiatois mo just as deter
mined they NY 111 conduct the business with
out Inteifeience or dlclution fiom any body
of men. Alorcoof thiity-livo deputies are
constantly cnarding tlio pioperty. A largq
nnmbei of plantation ncgioes were hioughc
liom Kentucky last week to take tlio strikers'
places anil icmalned at woik unmolested
until ye teiday. when an aimed mob
ot iCO white mlneis matched to tlio
mines and demamteit that tlio uogiocti
hlionld ictiiin whence they camo.
Alteran extended pailuy tlio colored iiitin
marched to Danville , wheicthoy will consid
er tlio ndvlhiblllty of continuing at work.
Mcnntlino mines 1110 Idln mid the strikers aio
Inbilant. The mining company have ejected
Irom tholr houses all of the strikers and their
families , in all about a thousand men , wom
en and chlldion. Those who have no money
tobiipply their wants have moved
into thn woods anil built huts , wheio they
live In tile most abject poveity. Many have
baiely enough clothing to cover them and tlio
pittance doled out by the unions bcaicoly
piovents starvation.
Despite the ( iiaphlo Cicck Coal and Cokgi
company's eifoi Is , the last ot the neproos
who have been w 01 king In the mines loir to-
dny , linding it impossible to woik. This
leaves the fatilkeiH e.shentlully mastcis of the
situation , and notwithstanding tlio HhriHl'fi
nlfoitsand ( no company's confident attllndp
but little wink can Itodono in the mlni" < , ovmi
witli machlnuiy. It is said moio evictions of
miners nio to follow soon. All Is quiet at the
mines this attei noon.
TIIIC piiKFiini'.Nr roNTii.vmcm
Cnicvoo , July IS.In an intcivlow to
night with the picsldcnt of the ( itapo Cieck
coal company lie stated that the dispatch
fiom St. Louis Ba > Ingan armed foico of UOJ
men had matched to tlio minoi and de
manded the negro mlneis to retmn to the
south is Incoriect. Xo violence lias been of
fered the new men by the old iiilneis. > Innv
ot the nogioes have been induced not to
woik but detachments ol now men au * being
bioiightin. TluiMatomont tlmt all stiil.oirf
have been dlhinlHsed by the company and
ejected Mom their IIOUSCH Is collect. Some
of the Kashvillomlneih weii ) Induced to ic-
tm n to the sontli , thtli faio being paid by the
old men.
ss I'anllne Is No More.
UKUI.I.V , .inly 13. I'lincess Pauline , 'pt
Iteiio-ij jhjcji ess ol Wmtciiiburf , , Is dead. tjj
Hood's Sarsaparllla
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Hcnilor book containing nddlilonil cvldtucc.
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Hood's '
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ICO Doses . .Ono Dollar *