Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1886, Image 1

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    I Attention is CaMed to the BOO'B HE OMAHA DAILY Tip tfew Yorfj'"Hawif ' Qft
pecial , Foreign Oahlc News ToDay - rrnrns Ojnalift 15& are . Wired Direct to the
Justin MtOartby Reviews tlio Situation as
Been From tlio Emerald Isle.
How Ho Views the Defeats and Victories of
the Last Two Days.
Ho Descants on tin Prospect as it Appears
From Scottish Heights ,
Jllch-Tonoil lloMiors ItcliiR
to iliintlco For An Old Crlino The
Cotitis' Gin-don Party mid
Koynl Hall.
iMcCnrtliy Ilovlcxvs tlic Sltiinlion.
lAX < iFoni , July 11. [ N'exv York Heiald
Cable Special to tlio Itni : . ] "Uotuxvull is
doxvn , " says Claverhoine In Scotts , "Old
Moitnllty , " "and many apietty lelloxv xvith
him. " llothwctl Is doxvn In the elections
liciunnd many n pretty felloxv xvlth iloth-
well , ( ioscheii Is down , has been Hung clear
out of hl.s saddle at Kdlnburg. Ticvelyan Is
doxvn as an Irish member and home ruler. I
am bound to rejoice over ( ioschen's fall. He
was a xvoiso enemy of tlio IrMi cause bj far
than Chamberlain.
Kvcryono knoxvs Chamberlain to be an
ambitious politician , In your American MMIHO
of tlio xvorda man determined to succeed in
paillamentary life to succeed honestly If ho
could , but to succeed any xvay. tloscheti , on
the other hand , goes in for rugged indcpeiid-
once ; professes not to earo a rap for olllcc ; in
fortho Independent JCimlish pilnclplo only.
1 don't say that Is my opinion of ( loscliun ,
but it Is liio common opinion. Ccitalnlj It is
the opinion Ooschen likes sprcud abioad con
cerning nis political character and purpose.
Thcrefoio , when ( ioscheii spoke up against
Gladstone and homo rule , a certain class of
persons declared that doschen spoke * In the
voice of Kngilsh piiblicopinion and XXMS Kng-
land's fe.uless and prophetic guide.
OI.AII or oosciinx's HKKIJAT.
1 cannot help rejoicing that tlic Kilinbuig
constituency , xvhieli elected Go chen a texv
months ago by a largo majority , has rejected
Mm now by a majority still larger. The Issue
xvas distinctly homo nile or no homo rule.
Goschen pronounced against homo iiilo ; his
constituency have pronounced against him.
Another oretty fellow doxvn Is Kir Chailos
Wllko. lam soiry for Hllko. lloisahome
micron principle ; has been forever so many
years. It must have cost him a keen pang to
separate from Chamberlain on this question
ot homo rule. They xvero txx'o stiomr , close
friends when the ( Hailstone government was
formed In 18SO.
CIl.XMIir.ltl.AIN IX Tim CAIlIXr.T.
Uilke , then a man of far gieater mark than
Chamberlain , refused to join tlio administra
tion unless Chamberlain xx'as offered a place
In the cabinet. ( Hailstone at first demurred.
Ho afterxx-ards azieed to Dilke's teims for
the sake of securing Dilke , so Chamberlain
became a member of the cabinet , xvhilo Dilko
xvas content to hold a position in the admin
istration outside the charmed ciiclo ot tlio
cabinet. Ullko rose to a cabinet ofilco In
good time , but It is to his credit that ho prc-
fencd his lilond befoio himself ami lifted
Chamberlain by one push to a place It xvould
otherwise have cost Chambeilaiu ycaid and
years to attain.
xow Tiinr SUPAKATK.
Dilko goes ono xx-ay , Chambeilaln another
Dllkoont of pailiamciit , Chamberlain in ;
Dilke the victim of an unproved accusation ,
the scapegoat of the British nubile In ono of
xvhat Maeauloy called Its "periodical lits of
. " whatever Is -
morality. Nothing prox-od
acalust Dllkc , only a man said a woman told
him something. That xvas llio xvholo story.
That xvas the icason xvhy the public and the
publicans of the Chelsea xvould not elect
IHlkc , not because ho xxas n homo ruler.
Yet another pretty fellow doxvn n veiy
pretty felioxv , too-is Joseph Cowen , of New
castle. Coxven Is not conqueied. Ho meiely
fulls out of the ranks , drops behind , not
being Inclined , or rather not able to carry
arms In the light any longer. Coxven Is In
feeble health and tailing sight. Ho Is com-
psiatlvely a young man in political life , but
of modest , sliilnklng teinpei.imont , and not
qullo content xvith the recent xvay of manag
ing political affairs through the caucus. The
house 01 commons loses In Coxx-en ono of Its
veiy Illicit spc.ikois ; more thin Hint , ono of
i rs oiinATKST on.vrona.
I nm notsmo If Cowen Is not one of the
very best of great KngUsh orators , n thorough
friend of Itolaiul and lieUnd's popular
causes In the ilaikost d.iys , oven a better
friend us the days giexv daiker. Wo thall
nils * him in tlmca to como , bo they never so
promising and pi ospcious. For the hour , I
Btipposo the xvlll
XOT in : Ai.Toor.Tttnn i'iiosi > inot's
FOfaras Jtol.ind la concenied ; but Ireland
may bo xx-ell contented. Her cause Is safe
and she can till'oul to xvalt still n little longer.
Homo i ulo must bo carried. No administra
tion led by Salisbury or any other can at
tempt to cany on the business of legislation
until tlm homo mlu question Is settled.
The alliance biitxvcon Salisbury and the
pecesilonlsl-llburaU cannot last. The txvo
bets will soon fall out , and xvhen conserva
tives nnd liberal bccesslonlsts fall out , honest
jiieu that Is , homo rulers net thelroxvn.
iJJo Socs Iil lit AliouTTin Splto of Uurlc
ai.Asaoxy , July ll.-Now [ York Herald
Cable-Special to .tho ] lii.J : : The defeat of
the government threatens to bucomo a rout
EO far us KiiKlnnd Is concerned. Gladstone's
appeal for justice to Ireland and iccoiicilln-
tlon xvith tlto Irlbli pcoplohas been nnsxvered
by an uninUtakablo icfusal. Uut Scotland
nudVnlcs , to their honor , have pronounced
In favor oficaco and Justice. Uoxvcver ,
thcio la
oxi : OI.KAM oruorn
amid , the shatloxvs of Ucfoat. The popular
vote In Great Jirltaln In favor of liomo rttla
has been onormoiis. Ono million Urltlsh citi
zens Lave recoided their opln'on ' lu thoballot
boxes that Ireland should bo granted homo
rule. This marks clearly the gieat stildcs
made by.thc homo nils movement , aided by
the public opinion of the xvorld. When the
number ot voters xx ho haxo declared njainst
{ Jladslono'splnn Isexauiiucrt , Itls found that
only cloven hundrcy thousand have declared
ogaiust that particular form.
A chnuKo of 0110 vole In oxviy txveity-onr :
voters xvould Lave wulo homo nile tiiu
ant along the xvhole line. When OIIP looks
back to the state of ptibllo opinion in Great
Britain on this riupstion only txx-o jears ao
theprogipss made iecuis marvellous. Speak
ing hero to day xvlth an experienced Scotch
politician , he slitcd that in his belief the
triumph of home i tile xvas certain xvithln a
slioit period If only the Iiish people keptcopl
under and proved themselves capable
ot Intelligent sclf-contioi ,
MOID ; it > fcATiox
From xvhat I have ohseivcd during the
progress of the clectoial campaign In Scot
land I nm convinced tlic working classes
need only a little more education on the sub
ject of self-goveinment for Iicland to Induce
them to suppoit a satisfactory scheme for
cstnblishliiK a parliament In Dublin. Had
the election been postponed till October Scot
land would have given a majoilty ot fifty
Glndstonlans Instead of a probable majority
of tlility. Owing to the slack trade immense
numbers of workmen had changed their resi
liences , causing a great loss of votes to the
popular party.
now srnoi.t.ox XVAS LOST.
For example , in Stiollox. ' division over
eichtcen bundled men had changed their
homes , their residences , and the greater pait
could not bo found. The Gladstonlan can
didate xx-as defeated In this division by only
olghty-nlne vet s. I'orhaps the most lomnrk-
abie tact about the election is that notwith
standing tlio freii7.ied appeals to the British
public to save tlio empire , tlic total poll in the
present contest Is fully 3D per cent lower than
In the last election ovun on the side of the
victoilous party.
inr. SMAI.I. x'OTn AcrouxTP.n roit.
This is accounted for , llrst , by the loss of
votes oxvlng to the abstentions of discon
tented liberals ; second , the loss of votes by
xvoikingmen's icmovaH , as just stated. As
I picdtctcd , the principal losers In the pics-
cut light haxo been the xvhig seceders , they
living liteially smashed between
ho Gladslonkui radicals nnd the
torles , entirely to the piolit
of the latter. Tlio feeling against them In
the liberal party is bitter , and also xxhatls
popularly knoxvn as
" . . "
Onnll sides ono hears declarations of ha
tred and promises ot x'enij'eaiice on all the
sccedeis nt the next election , which men be
gin already to look lorwaid to , apparently
toigetful of how many tricks the torics may
play on their simple allies by the aid of llart-
Ington the news of xvhoso electlsou Is just
icceixed and Chamberlain.
The lories are noxv in the position they
intrigued \\Ith the Irish party at the last elec
tion to scenic.
scenic.TUB SOMI ) I'AllTir.S.
By an alliance \xitli I'ainell Chuichlll and
Salisbury could noxv contiol tlio destinies of
the British empire for seven years. The txvo
really solid paillamentary parties the toiies
and Parncllitcs have now a xvorking inn-
joiity of forty-txvo over both xvhiss and radi
cals. Sixteen Parncllitc seats remain to bo
tilled up , xvhiio the lories me still incieastng
their majoilty. Tim combined Irish and
tory paitles probably have a miijoiity of
sixty over all sections ot the libeial paity.
On tlm other hand the unionists and torles
only ngiecd on dctcatinc Gladstone's propo
sal. They aie ceitaln to break upon a sldo
issue , xvhilo against the combined liberal and
Irish the lories xvlll bo Impotent.
Tiicut OXI.Y iioi'i : .
Thcicfoio their only liopo for a long lease
of power tests ou conciliating the Irish people
ple and establishing an alliance xvith the 1'ar-
nellites. Tills xvill not take place Immedi
ately that xvould bo too shameless but prob
ably befoic six mouths Salisbury xvlll bting
In a homo rule measure calculated to secure
Irish support. Tlio central fact ot the situa
tion xvlll bo the tiOO mcmbcis elected by Eng
land , Scotland , Wales and Ireland on a di
rect homo rule issue. ,
That fact cannot bo ignored by any consti
tutional statesmen. Tlio Irish cause is more
hopeful than It seems xvhen judged by elec
tion ictuins. JAMUS
British Press on Whether tlic Premier
Will Kcsl ti or Not.
I.OXDON , July 12. fNexv York Herald
Cable Special to llio Br.i : . ] All the morning
papcis are naturally discussing xvhat Mr.
Gladstone Is likely to do "stick" or resign.
The Chronicle ( radical ) bays as to homo rule :
'Wo understand this morning , troin those
xvho aio usually xvell informed as to Mr.
Gladstone's intentions , that unless the torics
have n majoiity over all patties , xvhlch is
somewhat problematical ,
iiu XVII.L XOT r.nsiax
until a noxv house of commons dellnltoly pro
claims Its xvant of confidence in him. "
The Tciegiaph contends as to the premier :
"It is suspected by some of his enemies that ,
taking advantage of the divisions In the
ranks of his Iocs ,
in : wn.i , nr.rY TIUM
to unite and him him out. The otIo.ucUo of
the Kmrlisli constitution Is tint xvlicn n min
ister pioposcs n gieat scliomo ho must , xvhon
defeated upon It , icsigii , dissolution being ,
In fact , an appeal fiom tlm parliament to tlio
people. " II fi XVIM , IlKSIOX.
The Nexvs , hoxvcver , hopes thus : "Wo
liiiBt Mr. Gladstone xvill lesign Iftheiolsa
clear majoiity against him In his Irish
policy. Ho staked his afllclal existence on a
just and uuulent policy towaid thu Iiish
people. "
The tin co tory papers naturally advlso
resignation. _
Tlio LSnroncKs COIUIH' Garden Party
and tlio ICoyal Hull.
LONHON , July 10. fNexv York Herald
Cable Special to the BKK.J Baroness Coutts'
garden party yesterday afternoon mid the
state ball ut Buckingham paluco last evening
wound up n patilclan xveek for the "classes , "
xvhilo Henly rcg.itta xvas closing the pleblan
xveek for the masses. The day was autumnal.
A Ficnch xxTltcr once said that London's
Bummer consists of three hot days and a
thunder shoxvor. These are noxv over. Neaily
three [ thousand guests , between half past
thrco and sunset , stormed nnd occupied the
picturesque twenty acres of the historic
Coutts' subuiban retreat , contuiics old , called
Holly tiodgo , on tlio xx'estxvard slope of High-
gate Hill , overlooking on ono sldo London's
forty miles square , nnd on ( lie other tha mini
exvauso of Berkshire.
From the top slope , froutlng the house , the
yloxy of the giounds nbotit 0 o'clock picsented
exhilarating landscape effects. Trees of nil
kinds , xvhlspcrlng ol I'm ' time of Queen Ann
and the Georges , xvcro decorated with the
Burdette-Coutts colors , Westminster blue.
Far stretching xvns the undulatiuii green
Sivatd , altcmatcd xvith countless diamond'
shaped tloxvcr beds , xvith tents and maiquees
nt convenient dlstaoccs ,
A siorr.cY cr.r.xx' .
IJveij"\vhei-o xx-cro groups of Indies , xvlth
cay , varied dresses of all colors nnd liuss ,
canylug parasols und fans that created count
less prisms In the suullght. Attcudlug ou
these xxcro bishops , sub-deans , noblemen
nnd commoners , bankers und spend
thrifts , philosophers and mashers. A guest-
could scarcely cross any path or lluxor ou the
yielding Uuf xxltlumt encountering the
beseeching gnze ol au anxious lluuky , eager
to pour forth the raiesl xvines or dispense
the daintiest dl lies that profusely abounded.
Meanxvhllo tlm chtter of silver , chln.i and
glass and many animated voices disputed
acoustic urfiilowinauce xvlth the full Cold-
stream band.
THE omvrs iiinivnn. :
On n tciracc near by. in the mammoth con-
scrxatory , the daughter of Sir Frauds
Burdette , and her husband that baronet's
latest succession In parliament received , the
baroness assisting , shaking hands gracefully
and xvlnningly xvith each guest , he xvoarlng
an American suit of xxlntc duck , and turn
ing tiuisnis Into cpigiams as he passed each
xisltor to his pi hate seeietary , Mr. Mnlnxvar-
Ing Diuistan , a recent dramatist , xvho con
cisely became , a guldepost to the avenues of
mi : iiAitoxn's'cosifxin.
The baioness xxns plainly costumed
almost xvithout ornaments , nud look
ing as serenely phllnntnropic as the "femi
nine Peter Cooper. " She xvas once desciibed
to be by an American tiaxeller in xvilting n
book. By twilight the groundsxveic deserted
and a laigo portion of the guests xvcro drlxiuc
axxav to exchange their brilliant xxalkiug cos
tumes for toilets.
In the cxcnlni : , the royal ball , the last ono
of the season , lacked the presence of the
queen , but all the oilier loyalties xvoro pres
ent. The large saloon presented some very
gay pictuic" , as the court mounting ceased
three days no. It xvas notable that the at-
tendaneo xxas more limited than exerknoxvn
belore and the election excitement , peihaps ,
accounts for this ball having been a spiritless
and perfunctory otlalr.
run 1'
The programme Included four niiadillk's ' ,
nine xxalttxvo iiolkns , txvo lancicis , nnd a
concluding galop. The royalties foi mod
principally the opening quadrille , entitled ,
" ! M Prince Charman"aiid In this Miss Cham
berlain and the Countess of Kosebciry had n
OOUSTKSS iiosnnr.itr.Y'fi TOII.IT. :
The latter xvore a skirt of xvhite satin ,
draped with line xvlnto silk and tulle , covered
xvllh tracings of the finest spidcr-xveb cm-
broideiy and gold thread. The train xxas
plain xxldte satin , trlmmea xvltli pulliiigs of
xxhlte gold and tulle. A pointed loxv bodice.
xvlth folded "V" shaped beitha of the same
tulle , and xvhite leathers in the hair and diamond
mend oinaments completed thcaltlic.
Miss Chamberlain \\ore a xvhite tulle , the
entire front covered xvith bouclettes of crystal
and pearly beads that formed like a billoxvy
mass of crystal and snow. The features of
this coxvn xvere the dainty little pits and tulle
llouiiccs , on each of xvhich xveie tluce roxvs
of the nai loxvest ribbon. These xvcnt all
around the skill. The plain tulle skitt had
no oinament except thiec xvldo tucks of It
self. The ttillo xx'as over xvhite satin and the
loxv pointed bodice xvas finite simple , xxitli a
ciossxviso drape of the xvliito jetted tulle.
Miss Chambeilaln , liguiing in tlio opening
of tlio loyal quadiiile , managed a train
dressed with simplol.ouis Quince btylo and n
side xvienth of led loses.
Many thought this moic than rl\-alcd the
dress of the Princess Louise of Wales , xxhich
xxas of xvliitc tulle , dimmed xvith ribbon and
pink moss roses. The corsage xvas of striped
faille , trimmed xvlth roses and tulle ; orna
ments. diamonds and pearls. Mis. Chamber
lain \\oio a pale hellotiopo satin and brochc.
The fiont xvas draped crossxvise xvith xvhlto
point lace. On the one side xx'as a complete
panel of lloxvers and purple vclx-et xxater iris
orchids and plush belles do units. A pointed
bodice of hcliotiopo bioclie xvas trimmed
xvlth white lace , and on one side draped with
purple iris xclx-et. A bouquet of lloxvers
trimmed tlic other sldo.
xvoie acoisagoof xvliito and silver brocade
ox-era jupeot xx hlto poult dc sole , veiled in
xvhite and silver tulle , and looped xvith
bunches of xvhite ostiich feathers. The head
diess xx'as a tiara of diamonds and ornaments
of pearls and diamonds.
xx-ero Mis. Willis Pomcioy , xvho xx'oio xvhlto
satin , the petticoat entirely embroideied in
gold , a pointed bodice xvlth a plastion of the
same embroidery , and tor ornaments diamonds
mends and pearls. Also , Miss Winsloxv , xx'lio
xvoro a xvhite tulle bkht in largo box plaits ,
tilmmod xvith n broad satin band nnd silver
frlngp. Each plait xvas held doxvn by a sin
gle xvhilo lose , and a xvido sash of blue faille
nancalse fell at tlio sides overn lloat of xvhite
tulle. The bodice was icmaikablo for its
gracefulness and originality , It xvas of the
ncxv French style called "Diane Chnsseresse , "
of the Louis VI. period. It xvas mndo of
xvliito satin , lichly embroideied in silver , cut
high on ouo snoulder , the bodice coming
under the other shoulder , whlcii xvas fiilled
xvith blue faille , thus giving the Diana cioss-
eut to the eoisaia- . Also ,
xvho xvoio a peculiar dicss. The skht xvas of
xvhlto satin broche In llttlo lings , cut in
leaves over a lull llouucj ot xvhlto tulle. At
the bottom , bctxvcen each leaf , a diop of seed
peails , and over this up to the knee xveie al-
tci Mate diaplngs ol xvliito tulle , caught at in
tervals In Watteau drapings. Pastells of
crystal beads , xvltli centre ot seed pearl , were
cmbioideied all over the jupon. The back
xvas a simple xvaterfall of plain tulle. A
pointed hodlco of white satin xvas caught over
the point xvlth the same mnteilal. A soft
xvhlto band ot mlrobout feathers cio-sed the
hustiiom the lelt shoulder , fastening to the
skirt. The other sldo xvas ornamented xvlth
tulle nnd moss roses , a fexv loseu being xvorn
In the hair , nnd ornaments of diamonds.
> ius , riuii'a : xvonu
vclonto Krancnls of the tuio hellotiopo color ,
n plain train and skirt , rather pointed , and
outlined xxlth a fringe of heliotrope , metallic
beads and silver spangles. The dress xvas
open In Jront over a jupon of antique brocho.
Copied fiom the real Pompadour old pattern
xveio stiipes ol brocaded lloxvers , falling fiom
tiny bakcts on n ground of creamy xvhlto
satin. This petticoat xvas cut In tabs over n
full mid shoit llounclngof xxhlto lace nnd n
scaif of heliotrope fuillo vclonto cominc from
the back , and xvns carefully knotted at the
side. The ends xvcro tiinged xvlth beads and
spangles. The trimming of the pointed
bodlco xvas of tallloxvlthnsmullbasquo folded
over little leaves nt the back. Inside the
loxv bodlco n fold of velvet of n deener shade
came close to thn bust and drapery of Louis
Qulnz broche crossed the front of the body.
Diamond ornaments xvcro on the corsage
fiont , xvhlcli xxcio pleiccd by a gold dagger
xvlth n hilt of lubles nnd diamonds. The
short puffed sleeves xvero entwined xvlth laco.
Guilty Wrotolirs on Trial For Crime
Committed Kltrlit Youra A o.
ANCONA , July li. rNexv Yoik Hernia
Cable Special to the Bnu.J A crime xvhlch
eight years ago set all Italy in n Imiient la
again causing intense excitement throughout
the peninsula. The trains fiom Homo nnd
Florence Imvo within the last few days
brought hundicds of people to this dirty ,
bustling little seaport , and the local bonifaccs
nre rapidly making their foi tunes. Ordinary
business hero seems at a standstill , and the
one nbsoiblns subject is "II 1'rocessoDlo Mil-
Honl , "
ii ouo at the most curious ou record , On
llio 10th of October , 1S7S , the Bancn Narlon-
nle had to semi three portmanteaus tilled
with bank notes from their branch office nt
Ancona to their Geneva hunch. The tolal
value of HIP nojcs xvas fjOO.OOO lire , of xxhlcli
0,400,000 xxcrc canlnlned lu ono gray poit-
or accident , three bank emplojcs , the
cashier , called Melllni , a clerk named
Albortlnp , and Taiighcrllnl , a porter ,
xverc detailed to escort tlic notes lo their des
tination. In duo tlmo the cscoit started xvith
their ticasure. By next morning the three
portmanteaus reached Genoa , xvcre opened ,
and their contents examined. The txvo llrst
were lu aider on opening.
A XIAT snisTiTimox' .
In the thiid , hoxvexcr , xvhlch should have
contained 2-IOO,0W ( Hies , It xvns found that a
number of pieces of xxood had been Ingen
iously substituted for tlio packets of notes.
The weight of the valise coi responded almost
exactly xxlth that announced. The vnlue ,
alas , xvas nil. The neatness nud nudnclty
xvlth which the lobbcry had been committed
made It clear liom the outset that It must
haxc been planned by the bank olllclals ,
xxhilo the ease xx 1th xvhich the plan XXMS exe
cuted showed there must have becntoxcral
srst'irtox Fit.t. ox sr.vnx rnnioxs :
1,1-Vdorico llaccarlul ; s , Mollinl ; a , Tang-
hcrlinlI ; , Quirlno Governatorl ; 3 , Kugenio
Paccapello ; 0. Plctio Camlilucci ; nnd
espetlally on 7 , Audica Loreiizettl , xvhoso
biolher , Kdatdoxvas InthcsecretHof thobanlc ,
and knoxv the notes XYCIO to bo kfor\vanled to
A I.I. XXT.Itr. AllllK TEn
but xvhilo tlio prellml nary Inquiry dragged
on in the usual sloxv Italian fnshlou , Bacca-
rini , xxho xvas unquestionably ono of the
pilme Instigators of tliocrlme , slipped through
the lingeis of justice by dying ; Mellln ) ,
about the same time , XXMS icleascd ; and nt
the trial in Home , Loienzettl , xvhom public
opinion had fiom the first branded as guilty ,
xvas , thanks to the mysteilous leniency of the
judges , nlsoielcnscd ; xvhllexvlth the rest of
the prisoners the unhappy porter , Taugher-
llnl , acainst xvhom tlio evidence was quite
unconvincing , XXMS sentenced to txvelvo
years at hard loboi.
of Indignation and killed Tnnghcrllnl's
mother. Befoie she died , hoxvovcr , shoxvroto
to the minister of justice dcnouuclng Lorcu-
zetti. After his ncqulttat Loreiizettl rctuined
to his natlx'o toxvn , Ancona , xvhere he found
himself shunned by Ids neighbors. Ho took
every precaution to avoid giving the laxv any
pretext for icurrcstuig Iiim but xvas not quite
cautious enough , for
that ho had been paying heavy sums of
money axvay to a number of people , among
them the xvidoxv Baccnriul nnd a xvldoxv
nnmed Morelll. .Morcoxer , Taiiglicrllni's
lileuds , xvho traced him day nnd night with
the tenacity ot sleuth hpunds , discovciei\hat \ {
he xvas strangely Ultimate xvith Mine. Govcr-
natoii. Knch ficshdlbcovciy xx'as brought to
the eais of the authorities , detectives xvero
quietly set to woilc , and fitadually over thirty
people xveie entanglctl to the toils of the po
On the 27th olfaune'of lost year. , the chain
of evidence being thought 'copp'ote ' , L'ofon-
zctti , xvho Is nn'Ancona mcichant , M me.
Morelli , Plerini Ln zaro , a student , and Toirf-
maso Lopez , n brilliant young barilster , ho
had defended Gox'CinatoiI at thotiial and has
moie lecently become famous In Homo
tlnough his amoious adventures , his prodi
gality , and above all , his champlonsiilpof the
notorious ITofcssor Sharbaro , xvero aircstcd.
Thiity others , moro or less Implicated , xvero
also anested , butox'er half xveio released.
AiiiiAiaxnn ron TUIAI *
Finally sixteen prlsouevs xvero ou Wed
nesday biouglit up for trial hero charged
xvith being principals and accessories as to the
robbery of the 2-100OQO Hie , or receivers of
the stolen money. Hours before tlio doors.of
the court of assizes xvero throxvn open a sing
ing mass of people besieged tlio building
clamoiinc for admission. The court room Is
very small and xvas cioxvded to suffocation.
I had much dilllculty In lightins my xvay to a
Loud and lieico Impiecations xveio Inx-okcd
by the mob on the head of Loieiuetl , Lopez
and Goveinatorl , tho' thico chief prisoners.
Many teats xveioshcd over tlto pitiable fate
ol Taiighcrllnl , who Is noxv on all hands ad
mitted to linve been Innocent. The indict
ment Is a perfect monument of patience and
gives an elaborate explanation of the xx'ny in
xvtiich the lobbcry XXMS committed.
The crime had evidently been planned by
Baccarlnl and the txvo Loicnzettls. On the
19th ot October , 1S78 , Edvaido Lorenyctti in-
foi med his biotherAndica that the BancaNaz-
lonale xvould txvo days later dispatch the notes
to Genoa. Knowing the quality and xvclght of
the nolcs , and having seen the poitmantcaus
in xvhich they xvould bo packed , Kdvatdo
had n portmanteau ot exactly the same sl/c
made nnd tilled it xvith blocks of wood. On
thoevening of the 201h of October the three
portmnnteaus xveio put inton cab. EdxMrdo
Loieiizcttl , Tanuhcilino and Albeitlno got
Inside the cab. Caccarrlnl , Govcnintoiinnd
Andrea Loienzettl lolloxved them to the sta
tion In another cab , carrying xvlth them .tlio
portmanteau xvith the dummy treasure.
Baccarlnl seems to have got out nnd en
gaged in conversation xvlth the cashier , Mel-
llnl. xvho xvas waiting for the Genoa train.
AVhllo the cashier's attention wns thus di
verted the portmanteau xvlth the xvood blocks
was. quickly substituted lor the other con-
tnlnlng tlio notes , xvhlch In the contusion
and lluny of tie : moment xvas easily re
moved by Haccailnl and transferred to An
drea Loreiizettl , xvho carried It to Baccailni's
house undetected , Theio , nccoidliu ? to the
confession of Govrrnatorl , llio accomplices
iivinij : > { rm : IIOOTX- .
Lopez' share In ( ho crime dales from the
first trial. Ills client ) Governatorl , had hid
den his part of the plunder , but after his con
demnation ho revealed the hiding place to
Lopez , xvho in leturn for his secret gave him
n valuable piece of paiifr , pledging himself to
hold the sum of f > 73BOO Uro in trust for Gov
ernatorl , and on no account to spend the
money , But Lopez
At the first opportunity after ho had laid
hands on the stolen notes , his lioinan lady
loves soon helped him to squander them.
When the pilsoiiers xvcro biouglit into court
all eyes xvero Instantly turned to Lopez. Mis
fortune has xvorked sad havoc xvith him.
Instead of the dandy , xvlth neatly-tilmmed
bcnid ana gold eyeglasses xvho once cut such
n dash iu the gaidens of the Villa Borgcsc and
on the Plnclo , xvusaxv n pale , ill-shaven , hag-
gaid creature. Ilbpillor xvns made all the
moio conspicuous by n black coat and gloves.
Fulrlno Governatori , xvho xvns brougut out
of jail to stand this noxv trial , seemed much
moro nt his case nnd smiled iiuliilcrently
while the indictment xvas being read.
nmong xvhoin xvere several xvomcn , nre of
very commonplace appearance , except Lingla
Morelll , xvho is rather good looking nnd xvas
caiefully drejssp.d. Ouo huiidied and seventy-
txvo xvltnesses xvIU ba called during the trial ,
which Is not expected to cud this mouth.
A COAMT1ON PUOfOSl- : ! ) .
Salisbury Makes Overture1 ! to llnrt-
inqton to Form a .Mlnlftry ,
LOXDOX , Juno II. Lqrd Snllsbmy has
made oxcrturcs lo f.ord Hartlngton for ( Tie
formation of n coalition mliilstiy , xxhose pro-
erammo shall Include n local Roxeinmentblll
for Ireland , Scotland and Kuglnnd , n labor-
ei's allotment bill.cmpoxvcrlnc rural laborers
to ncquUo small lioldeis , tlieicfoim nnd e\-
tension of the aitlsan's dwelling net , Includ
ing the dueliliiKsof farm laboreis , a nipasitro
for the cheaper tiansforof lauds , and llio ap
pointment of n-select committee to Inquire
Into the administration of tlicgoveniment of
India xxlth the view of giving
the unlives Incieased local contiol.
If Lord Ilartliigton consents to
the formation of n coalition ministry tlio
cabinet xvlll lucludo Mr. Gosehen. Sir lipury
James and the Duke of Argylp , but not
xxiiATi.Aiiot ciirm : iiiiXK1 * .
Laboiichere , In an Inteixlexv to-day , said :
"I am confident Gladsione xxlll resign and
that tlio conscrvatlxes xvlll take olllce. Any
coalition brtxveen the toilcs and unionists
cannot last txxeiity minutes. Chambeilaln
and Caluc arc the only txxo xxorth mentioning.
The liberal aiisps fiom Gladstones
failure to make the land bill clear , the radi
cals not seeing the loieo of buy
ing out the Ir.ndlouK The cry of
three acres and a cow.has not done any good.
It xxould have been better to haxo talked of
"half nn acio nnd n ealf. " The laborer
xvould understand that. I do not think the to
rics wlll.Mdopt the homo rule policy , it
Is not to their Intere to settle the Irish
question rater than to keep It open. The to
nes duped Chamberlain nicely but lie does
not see It. They xvlll thioxv him ox'er xxhen
It suits their purpose. It xvlll bo n long time
beforPtho Irish oucstlon Is settled. U cannot
possibly bo settfedbj the next parliament.
The counties knoxv nothing of the question.
When they have been educated Gladstone
xvlll xvln hands doxvn. This Will IIP the great
xvork ot the radicals in the immediate Inline.
Parliamentary Elections.
LONDON , July 10. Ut. Hon. George Otto
Trevplynn , xvho , xvlth Chamberlain , resigned
fiom the cabinet to oppose Gladstone's Irish
policy , has been defeated as a unionist candidate -
didato In Hnxvick for parliament. In the
last election Ticvelyan xvas icturncd ns a
liberal fiom llawlck xvithout opposition.
This year John Dillon stumped the distilct
against him , denouncing him for his opposi
tion to the picmler's policy toxxards Ireland ,
and pointing out the unreasonableness ot
Ticvelyan's attitude In vlexv of the fact that
no had been chief spcietaiy for Ireland and
by actual obseivatlon Knoxv the merits
of the issue. The result has been that out of
n total of 5,010otcs polled In Haxx Ick buriths.
O. L Broxvn , Gladstonlan candldateiecexcd !
a majority of thiity , obtalninn'.S'ii to 2,4ttt
hCcmcdby Tievelyan. The announcement
of the result has produced a sensation
throughout the pountiy , Llbeials aio noxv
predicting that Hartincton xvill also ho do-
leated In Hosendalo. The Laneashlic elec
tion takes place next Monday. In the last
election Hartineton xvas letuined ns a liheial
by a majority ol 1,883 in a total poil of 10.2SA
His opposition to the government's holiio
nile policy Induced the liberals to ask Davitt
to contest Koseiidalo. Davitt hesitated and
linally declined , assuming that Ilartihgton's
attitude XXMS purely patriotic nnd
disinterested. Subsequently the lib
erals and Paniolltcs found reason
to sti'-peet Hnrtinston's opposition to
the premier hnd nn ulteiior purpose and at
tlio last moment they deteinilned to contest
the district. Hartincton's opponents do not ,
however , make public their occasion for be
lieving they xvlll bo able to give hiili the fate
of TrPVclynn.
The torics nnd unionist combined hnvo
beaten Timothy Healey , Paiiiclllto In South
Londonderry , Thomas Lea , tlio unionist
candidate , receiving 4,737 xotes to Hcaly's
4,029. The entire poll XXMS 9lW , votes , n Inll-
ing off of 515 fiom the last election.
Hitting the French Cable.
PAIIIS , Julv H.-NcxvYoik Ileiald Cable
Special to tie | Br.n.J Lo Matin , in its
pinclpnl aitlcle , Is losponsiblofor the folloxx1-
ing ugly hit against the management of the
Fiench Cable company : "The dlstuibanco
xvhich took place about a foi ( night ago at the
general meeting of the Fiench Cable com
pany has had ono good elfect. It has called
attention to the founders of the company and
to tlio contracts xvhich they have made xvith
Knt'lisli companies and the strange commis
sion they locetved therefor. It has also called
attention to the constant concessions they
have made to the English companies and
which they wish to croxvn by the abandon
ment of their right lo refuse to join any longer
in their ruinous cable rates. It xvas
high time , In the interests of the
Fiench public and the shareholders of tlio
French Cable company , that attention xxas
called to the quiet xvay In xvhlch the com
pany has been managed by this group of
financiers , xx-ho arc so xvel ) knoxvn by the dis-
astious collapse of various companies xvlth
xvhich they have been connected. But the
nlaim hns been given , Investigation is being
made , and justice xvill be done , it is to bo
hoped , before thefailuie of the French Cable
company xvlll have to bo added to the sombre
list of the failures of the following com
panies , viz : Chumln de For d'Orleans et
Chalons , M. OPonver Queitier , Tramxvays
du Noid de Pails , M. Charles Lecesiic ,
Socicto Flnnnclere de P.uls , M. Dinangel ,
Giando Compagnleld'Assnialitc.s M.CIemcnt
Simon Union Generate , M. L. Riant and the
Comto do Circourt. "
Turkey SoiuulH the Poxvers.
COXSTAX-I ixori.n , July 11. Tlio various
Tuiklsh diplomatic loprcscntatlvcs abiond
hnvo been ordeicd to ascertain ( ho vlexvsof
thopoxvcrsln icgaul to the Batoum allalr.
A poitlon of tlio ministry maintain that Tur
key Is entitled to summon the aid of Eng
land , by viituo ol the C neAs convention ,
on the gtound that the action of Itussla
threatens tlm sultan's A&iallo tenitory.
A MutlnoiiH Mate.
PAHIS , July 11. iN'oxvYork Herald Cable
Special to the BI.E.J A telegram from
DankliU announces the nirlval thcio of the
British bark Exile , Captain I'carcp , liom
Now V/oik , with the mate , Nelson Fielding ,
in irons for stabbing the captain , who , though
sovciely wounded , Is repoited out ot danger.
JIoxv Ciiolorn Scored.
Iloxin , July 10. Cholera ictuins to-day
nrn : Brlndlsi , 10S nexv cases , 4 ! ) deaths ;
Lnkano , 2S noxv cases , 8 deaths ; San Vlto ,
15 now cases , a deaths ; Fontana , 5'J ncxv
ay deaths ; Codlgoio , 13 now cases , 5
deaths ; Venice , 0 now cases , U deaths.
ItohclllOHH Outlook in Mexico.
ST. Louis , July 11. A dispatch Irom
Bioxvnsvillf , Tex. , says : It is reported that
General Maillnez and his allies , Senors
Itamfrez and Idas , distinguished Oily of
Mexico editors , xvho icccntly nrilvrd hcie ,
having Iravclcd disguised oveiland , nro
quietly uuying up nrius nnd hoi cs. The
Nlgicto movement , xvhilo premature , may
hnvo some significance. The federal govern
ment , on account of stringent tax hn\s , dull
ness of trade , nnd llio pooi xxay In xxhlcli nil
employes of capital uio paid , isdailj loslni ;
prestige , nud about the only thing noided to
cicnto trouble is that a btiong mini shall stop
forxvard for the dlatTccted to rally ou. Martinez -
tinoz apparently desiies to be this man. hut
it Is n question H ho has the requisite
Couldn't Walt Kor a Trial.
MOIIOAX , Tex , , July 11. While the pro-
llmlnaiy trial ot Sydney Davis ( coloied ) xvas
In pioiriess heio yestcidny moinlng a mob ot
500 overpoxvered the couit and took Davis
out and hanged him. Ho outraged ono of the
most respectable women in Bosque county.
_ _ -
HaUonl Sauce-it is delicious. .Sohl
Additional Nebraska drop Reports Show
Damage by the Drouth.
Pnrinprs Generally Feeling Kino Over
the Outlook Some KnvornMo He-
ports Krom Iowa nml the
Country at
The Crop Outlook.
lothr Uec.l
llA mxo , Neb. . July 10. Prospects for
small mains vcryjli.scour.iglug. Wheat xety
sliuit , r\c ditto , bailov fnlr , oats \vill make
lalrjleld. Faimcis tool discouraged. Tlio
lust tain xvas .limp yo. It did not extend
M'ry generally thioughout the countiy.
lun ! : now would help oats ntul coin. Corn
Is In good condition.
iiuuT rorjjTY.
O VKI.JL.XD. Neb. . July 10. \\re have had no
rain of iinv consequence since corn xxus
planted. The eaily rorn Is suffer
ing most , and will nniku nothing to
si wak of. If rain does nnt rain hoon
there will not bo an a0111150 crop. Kaily rain
will brlnir the late corn outnll tight. Wheat
will not nvcineoiiiutu than seven bushels In
this \lclnlly : many fields will not bo cut nt
all. Late potatoes xx 111 not nmount to any-
thlnij. From the present outlook larmois aie
tecltnc badly. An increased acieagcuf coin
was planted this jear.
Pi-.xiiKi ! . Neb. , July 10. The weather for
the past ten days hasneen un iuallliedly hot.
The early corn and llax are sale , but unless
rain conies soon the latter eiopsvlU fall.
Harvest has commenced.
Loxo VISE , Nob. , July 10. The wind has
been trom the bouthwest for nine days past ,
and as n consequence it hits Improxcd the
wheat and oat crop. The wheat crop was ex
pected to ax'erngo ' twenty-fix o bushels per
aere , huton account ol the xvnrtu , dry xxea-
tlier the average won't ' bo ox'er seventeen per
acre , Coin is not improved. The fanners
arc not discouraged at the present prospect ,
and they say that If It rains within a xxcek
that everything will revivoacaln mid that the
loss xvlll scarcely bo tell ,
AISSXVUUTH , Neb. , July 10. Early wheat
Is not affected by the dry weather , but latff
wheat Is not tilllne out well ut the ton ot the
head. Bailey ami rye are ready for harvest
and heavy , not olTocted by dry weather. Oats
aio about an average crop , but would have
been much heavier If It had rained a xveek
ago. Corn Is groxviug fast anil on good
giound Is notnflected yet. Corn is In splen
did condition. The dry spell lias continued
two weeks. Nothing Is affected as yet , ex
cept crops on poor soil , or soil pooily culti
vated. An abundance of rain within a week
would bilne the crops out all right. It looks
noxv as though xvo xvould getsa per cent of an
avoiage. Farmers are generally hopeful.
The outlook Is not dlscouiaging.
ScnuM.rn : , Neb. , July 10.Wo have had
no lain since the 27th of Juno. During most
ot this time a hot south' * cat wind has pre
vailed.Vhcat will not bo more than : i half
crop , partlv owing to the lateness of. the
spilne. Oats xvlllbe light in quality , If not
short in quantity. The corn crop aset is not
materially injured , except , perhaps , the late
planting. A good rain within n week xvlll
bilng it out considerably. Potatoes will bo a
shoit ciop. Caidcus are suffering sovcicly.
EDGAR , July 10. Small grain has suffered
bjully ffom mo drouth ill this part of Ne
braska. There has been no rain in tins sec
tion for txvo weeks , during xvhlch tlmo the
weather lias been Intensely hot and dry.
Barley and rye aio harvested but Is not more
tlfaii two-thirds ot a ciop. Theft ) xvas but lit
tle fall xvheat sown ; what thcio xvas yielded
about two-thirds ot a crop. Spring wheat
and oats are very shoit and are being de-
stioycd by chinch bugs rapidly. Unless rain
coiucH soon but little urnin xvill be hat vested
on account of chinch bugs. Corn Is not out
of reach of nclp , and it rain comes soon may
yet make n aood orop. Farmers are very
much discouraged , though thcystill entertain
hopes ot a medium corn ciop.
FAinrir.i.D , Neb. , July 10. Wheat xvill
make about one-half a crop , barley about
three-font tl'6 , and oats a good ax'ciago yield.
Dry weather In thoeaily itait of the season
injmcd small grain most. Wo had good rains
In the latter patt of .May. Since that time it
has been diy , no lain at all since June US.
Coin is looking xvell In spite of diy xveather.
It"xvo get lain In a loxv days there xvill be a
good prospect lor nearly a lull crop. Lately
chinch bugs hax'o made their appearance In
largo numbers and aio doing considerable
dnmace. Faimcis , as n inle , are lecllng in
good spiiits over the crop prospects.
SIDNEY , July 10. No xvheat. Coi n on nod ,
n. g. : on old ground , all right yet , but needs
rain. Oats , millet , bailey and llaxseed need
rain , but xvlll stand soinu time yet without.
Dry ncaily a month , except light lalns In
dillei cut sections of the county. There xvlll
On 75 ptr cent of a crop , except on sod , wheio
there xvlll be comparatkcly nothing. Am
xvell satisfied this county xvill stand long
drought. Home aio discouraged. but a majoi-
ity ol settleis hax-o great laith In Cheyenne
Donnrc COUXTY.
NOKTH Dr.xn. July 10. AH ciops in this
vicinity aio sulfei Ing gieatly on account ot
the drought. We have had noialn to speak of
foi over thie.c xveeks. The fai mers are feelIng -
Ing very "blue , " and say if the present
diortght holds on for a xveck or ten days
longer the crops xvlll bo cieatly damaged , II
not completely destioyed.
CiiAimox , Neb. , July 10. The condition of
corn and Small grain lluoughout this section
Is lair ami other ciops the same. It has been
exceedingly dry lor over two xveeks nnd a
lain xvould hell ) the ciopoiulci tullv , but
up to this tlmo they are unhurt. Still , If no
lain should full within a xveck or ten days
riops ot all kinds xvould bo sexeiely injured.
The piesont indications show that crops xvlll
bo equal In quality and quantity toanypio-
vious year. Faimeis are wishing tor inln
and should that ( .ill within tixxeek they xvlll
bo elated at the piospects.
inxn.v COUNTY ,
I'O.NTA , Neb. , July 10. Wo have had no
rain heio tor three xveeks , still the corn ,
xvheat and o.itfi look well , but aio beginning
to show the xvant of a good mill , which , It xvo
get It in \veekor so , xvlll Insino tint people
ol this county good crops. Unless xvo have
lain shoilly the jieldot cioiis xvlll bo25per
tent U'bs than tlm ax'eiago. Wlnlothodioutli
causes i.irmeis to tear , bllll thuj mo hopeful
that the copious summer showeis tor xvhlch
Nohiasknls icmaikablo xvlll htlll como and
Instill now lifo and vigor Into the
Bi.ooxijxf.Tox , Duly 10. Kaily xvheat un-
Injmcd. Late xvheat boains to show the ef
fect of excessive heat. Corn In Borne places
xvlllbuaialluio. Barley and rye xvlll bo an
average eiop. All grain has buffered some ,
The diy spell lias continued lor txvo weeks ,
An abundance of rain within a week would
bilng ciops out all light. Candidly , 1 bellevo
the yield of xvhcut in this county will be but
sliu'htly 11101 o than 50 pur cent of an average
crop , corn about so per icjit ; other ciops not
injured < o any extent , Faimcis , or those
xvho know how , inu ti listing In God und
praying Jor lain ; othci.saro cuislng.
( iAQH COl'N'lY.
BIUTIIICE. Nob. , July -Small Kraln Is
being harvested tapldly. As undo xvheat la
Setter than last year. It la noxv over two
weeks slncu xvo have had any lain and eomn
classes of ciain and pAstuio land l < stilleiliiK ,
Think thcio xvlll bu about 'S per cent of an
axciago ciop. Most laimeis have old coin on
hand and fuel liret rate at proopecto foi better
pilcc.s. A lain xvould licit ) thlnu's xciymuch-
WXMOIII : , Neb. , July 10.- > \ heat ib being
haixestod and xvili boa fair avouijio crop.
Oats have buffrrcU mory fiom llio diy xxeuther ,
Wo have had no lain In thn flection for two
x\eek& . Coi nis not sxiQViing much > i-t. Jfxvo
get u good rain in a fuxv days coin xvillcoir.n
out nil right. l'umert ' ; > are feeling a lltt'o '
anxious , but a good rain xx ould jcbtoru thtlr
x\ontud \ vhccrluliu-ss.
itAiiLAK cot-xry.
Ai MA. Neb. . Juij JO. tlHUeM has begun.
'I ho small grain of all kinds is auuvu the
average in both quality and 'iiisnliiy. Coin
looks txcecdl irly : XM-II , srood and of
llncxioxvth , w had plenty ot tain about
ten ihiysunu. 'i'ho xveather at pii".i nt i xcr *
hot , andKiiould itc'mtinuodiy ' for avrek
loiii'ci coin xvould bo mite1) ) dani'i ' ed . >
eu nrc goaerally Vicll aatb.icd x\th | t'njmb '
ont outlook. Tlieie arc plenty of noxv vo-
tatoe1 * oti the nmikM , ntul of cnoriuotls
growth foi the time of year.
itotTcorxiY ,
O'Xnit T , , Neb. , July 10. Fanners arc feel-
edNcoiiMced oxer the cniitlnuhl di-outn.
The ptospocts three xveeks ace were the
line-t for a full icturn exer seen In this
county , but tl'o hot xvlnds of ilibiin t tliieo
xveeks Iiave dried up xegotation ronsddora-
lily. Should xx P have rain xxltniii the next
ten days there xvould bo Mill a line j lehl ot
corn , as the coin Is so far adxnneed as It
shades the gioiintl , and therefore iclalus
moisture. As It Is the crops xvlll yield a T5
percent ciop.
KIMTH rorxrx' .
OOAI.AM.A , Neb. , .Itilv 10. The weather
has been very xtarm lately , but coin Is not
Milleiingaiiy yet. It xvo Imxe ralu xvllldn a
xxeek xvo look for a large ciop. K\e H betiiff
harxe.sted and the axcrnge Is very good.
Nothing ts sutreilng for lain , and liiim thu
piesent outlook xxe > e\i > i'rt a large j lehl of all
cereals. Faimeis are jubilaijt over tlio prospect -
pect , the laiufall being heavier than they ex
I.ANCA.STII : ! rot NTY.
I < ixcot.x. Neb. , July 10. Wheat and oats
are Injiuedbj the dry weather. Haileygoojl
and b.Miitr harvested. Karlycoin has siill-
eied but little yet , but late com ts being
paiehed xvlth the I ic.U badly. Fiom present
indications the coin crop In this section xvlll
fall short : ! 0 per cent fiom the yield of ayenr
ago. Jtaln needed badly for loot crops.
XAXCI : rov.NTY. 3
Frt.i.r.m ox , Neb. , July to. A four weeks'
diouth has damaged Nance county crop ? .
Wheat xvill bo light but ot coed quality. O.its
and corn xvlll tin n out well If It tains Insldb
of a xxeok. Tlio extreme heat Is commencing
to curl coin , and unless saved by timely
lain It xvlll not bo over halt a crop.
Ur.XOA , Neb. , July 10. ( 'tops ofdlftcrcnt
kinds aio talr. although If tlio dry spoil holds
on tor u foxvdays loncerthny xvlll be iriate-
ulally damaged , Fanners aio beginning to
feel despondent over the xvay the xxcnthrt
phophetsaie ticatlnc them , but there Is tlmo
yet if a good shouer comes soontoglxua
lull ciop.
OTOI : rouxTY.
VAI.MYUA , Neb. , July 10. Tlio yield or
xvheat is xeiy good. Most of tlm ciop has
been harvested. Oats aio looking fair , but a
lain live dajs ago xvould haxo ineieasoil the
ucre.igo'-X ) per cent It has been txvo xveeks
to-daj since xvo haxo had any rain , although
xvith an abundance of rain now , the corn
crop xvould not bo matci latly alfecied. With
out It In a tow days the corn xvill bo cut
shoit. Faimeis ure still In good splilts , at )
the prospects for a uiln In a few days seem
Srnoxisurua , Net > . , July 10. The exceed
ing dry xxcathur of the last lour xveekn baa
very mateilally Injured all small grain , out
the coin ciop can stand several days of dry
xveather yet xvithout very greit loss. A good
rain In a foxv days xx'oulil give coin a boom ,
but small grain is too matured to bo
benelltted. Tlio per cent is almost ccitain to
tall beloxv an averairo crop In i'olk county
this year. Fanners aio Icullug lather blue in
vloxv of the prospects , In fact all business Is
feeling the pi cssuio and cveiyono talks of
haul times in Htoie.Vo have liad no lain
hero for nearly four xveeks and every Indica
tion points to a continuation ot the dry
xveather. For the past xveek the theimomcter
has averaged neatly 100" in the shade. 3Iost
ot the time the wind has blown steadily tiom
the ssouth , but vestcrdav changed to the east
and to-day Is bloxving liom the west.
, Neb. , Julv 10. Tlio dry
spell has continued lor txvo x\eclfs , but so far
has not materially Injuied xvheat , corn or
other small grain. If lain falls In the conrao
oltlnenor lour days the outlook xvlll ho
blight for good ciops. Tlio 1 aimers are still
in good spit Its.
McCoou , July U. Corn ) xvheat , oats and
rye are in line condition in Ited WlllOxv ,
Hitchcock and Dundy counties. There has
been no "dry spell" heie. There have been
heavy rains at shoit intervals during tlio on-
tlie.sprlngand summer. Uptodatoliavolmd
lix-c days of hot , dryxxcatner. If xvo Ijavo
lain xvilhln tendaysoveiytlilng xvill boloVoly
as cropinospects xxeioiiuxer bettor. Farmeia
do not fear drought.
IMMANOI.A , July 10. The yield of xvheat
xvill bo average or more. Oats s6xvn late xvlll
bo a little shoit , owing to diy xveather In
spilne. Wo haxo had noialn slnco thoUSth
ult. , but , up to that date rains xxcio fluent
and copious. Cannot say that xvo arc having
dioiighlhcic , but hear of it east anfl xvoSu
1'ieseiit piospects point to n fully avor.igc.
If not Incieased yields in all cereal and loot
ciops. in ticqiicnt trips IhiotiL'h the coun
tiy I ilntl farmers satisfied xvlth the present ,
but a little anxious about the future. No
crops aio sulleiiiig lor tain , except lute
planted coin.
SAl.lXi : COl'XTY.
OIIIITE , Neb. . Julv 10. Wheat and all small
grains are so tar in good condition , diy
xveather not Inn ting tliem at all. Corn Is
looking Kood. If dry xveather does not con
tinue too long , theio xvlll bo no serious dllli-
culty xvlth corn. It looks as It the crop xvlll
bo of the average.
Rm > CLOUD , July 10. Coin doing fairly
xvoll. Wheat and small grain about an aver
age. No damage to ciops on account ot dry
xveather. Plenty of tain so tar. Fanners
have no reason lor complaint.
Youif , Neb , . ,1 uly 10. Chinch bugs aio
xvoiklngon wheat and other small gialn.
Coin looks fair but some of it Is tinning to a
yellowish shade. Squash and melon vines
mo wilting and hugs xvorklng on them. No
rain for nearly three xveoks. Ifo huvoiam
in a fexv dav.s thoio xvill not bo a thoit-
ago on an ax-eiage crop. Fanners J < : ol blue ,
knowing that the ciop xvlll not bo an axciagu
one.YOIIK , Neb. . July ! , The condition of
tlm corn ciop In York county Is good not
withstanding the diy xxeather ot the tixo
xxeeks. Oats xvill ho an iimiiunso crop.
Spiing Is an c-nliic lalluio The crop
xvas very short and wli.U icmained is being-
lapldly dostio.xed by chinch bugs. The diy her has had a ( linia''lii ( : ellcct on xvheat
and coi n. Winter xvheat and other eiops are
good. The Yoik county ciop xvlll aveiago
about GO pur cent ,
Ilininox , Neb. , July 10. Coin Is In need o
rain , The diy xveather has continued for a
nuiiod ot txvo weeks and moio. Small grain
In general Is suflei ing for want of lain , A
rain any time xvlthlu a xveek xvlll help tlio
coin In its glow th and deslioy tlio chinch
bug noxv playinc havoc In many Holds. Most
of the small gialn failed to ( ill out by leasou
of the dry weather , and Us production won't '
leacli that of last year by ono-half. Our
fanner filcnds mo somewhat dlscouiagcii
over the piesent outlook Jor piospects of a
good corn ciop.
ix xvisnxvN ; : IOXVA.
MI.SDTN : , la. , July 10. Tlo : piesent out
look lor crops of all klndr Is not as good u ?
It xvas thiity days ago , The bailey harvest
Is under headway xvith n lair yield and good
qiMlily. 'i'ho chinch bug and nist uro damaging - .
aging the xxheat to Homo extent. Coin Is
belter than lor six yoara past , but Is needing
lain very badly. Faimtns aio iccllng vuiy
conlldent , though all ngieo that II lalndoca
not como xvilhln one wools the corn croy xviU" '
bo short ,
SMUNANDOAII , Ia.July 10. In this vMnlly
xvlicat is being ImixcMcd , the ticicauo ami
yield being about txvo-thiids of a full flop.
Corn xuis planted two xvoiiks late , but Is well
advanced and looks well , but begins to need
rain , The acreage of oats and tlio yield
uroriilsed is about ( > 0 per tent , liny Is n
heavy crop , niostlj saved in line coniUtlou.
Ono light shower has fallen xvithln four
xvpekB. 1'lenty of rain xxithln lour or II vo
dajs xvould liibiuo corn and other irroxvlm ;
ciop-- . I ; pen the xxhoio laimnrs iccl on-
nir COI N'lllY AT I.AKOn.
WASIIIXOTOX. July 10. The July rcpnt
of thu ngilciiliura1 buicau says the ax'dago
condition , Jul > 1 , of xvlnlmxvheat dccllucd
fiomii,7 toi'l.v. ' , aiid sjuing whuit liomU to
ti3. lo | avwato of coin 'very slluhtly do-
cllned In the mulilloMntei and In Maiyhind ,
YiiKinia and.Soutti ( 'arolliKi , with toino in.
rrosi'M' ot olhorsfatejof the soulh. In thoOhlo
j alley thopcieagoh.neaily the F.amoas In 1W > 3.
\Vesfof Dm Missis , , lpd | Iholiiciea't Is heavy ,
In Kanias,50 ! pei cent ; Nclua'l.a.10 ; Ir.lota : ,
Ki. Tlio tjtal incic.tso Is \ > y per t > ; nt , or
or about tuo and otic-half million acres.
( ; oin ! Kilo on the Atlantic coasi iroia wet i.ijhl. and slowmmliwtlon.
In many section ) t.ic seed lotted und re-
l > iaiitiiig bccamu asc.'otiy. : Instanu'H nr&
rttioitcd of jiUntMig th i co linicf ,
jft thcio is Ktsio-ajly a i.i'r ' ( tiifta-
tiiii , and t:3 ) : I'K'jj ' Is glowing , unit
IK dlb.Vl \ ! i icism.iblo JvJy xvcAthcr IP
will m in a fall yM1. II Ims tttfeictl o.ilto.
us mui h ou the gulf const , xxi'cio ' uut airj urn