Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : .WATVlTOAY , JULY 10. 188(5 ( ,
Now York. , ! uTy H.JMoNT.YOn call
eisyat 1r _ 2 _ percent.
I'HIVII ; Mi.tif ANTILI : 1'APr.u 4 < & 't i > er
STttm.iso ivcitXfin : Dull : SJ.W
for sixty diij Mils , nud ? ' . < ? on demand.
( invMt.NMi vis ( jtijci and unchanged.
Kifif K Mods ojiened uiodpratel * . tlnn ,
but tlio dnj's business was very dull. Prices
advamcdstcrdll.v uulllafteruilddaj.vvlipii the
buvinc rxlinusU'd ll'-olf and tlio market ba-
eauip ( "ctiPiuely dull and iiiiccs icUli'd
slow I j and closed Mead } . Pliers cebflially
show declines , although nonuof the active
INlnrudown moic than fractionalatnouiils.
8cent ) 1)011(1' * . . . lUO'i C. it.N.V 112'f
U.S. 4'4's 111 ? . pipfcnud. . . l ! | Ht
Now 4's 1KJ , X. V. C 1U" ' ' *
I-ncllicC'sof "J'i. I.i > Orecon Trail. . . JW'
Central Pacific . 41 f Pacilip Mali r < J-i
C.AA m P..I.VcE SI' *
i.rcforred . . . . M P. P. C
C. , II. , fey I'M Kock Islann. . . .
1) . , L. < VV 1. . AS. F. . . . "li
WiV jircferrcd. . . I. ' ' *
' ' ' "
Kfio . . ; ; . ! ai',0. , 51. &st. P. . . Wt
prefprred . . . ( ! i prefcirud. . I'M' .
Illinois Central. SS1 j St. 1. i\t O -I'1/ '
J. , It. AVf I'Pn iirelorieu. . .
Kansas ATexai. " ( ) ' < Texas Paclllc. . . 101 , ,
haku.Slmro > 4UnionPacillc. . . .
' IfiH W. , St. 1. . .V P. .
Mich. Cential' . ! ! ! 74 i preferred. . .
Mo. Pacific W' ' , Western Union
Kortlicrn 1'ac. . . * fl ) . O.11. & N
preferred , . .
ClilcnKo , July l . Flour Quiet lint
steadyivvliiti-i wheat fit ) : south-
cm , W.UWfi-U'i ' ; Wisconsin , , S'OOfnlM ) ;
JMiehliiisof ( | spiini ? , SXiOirtl 1.7.1 : Mliiuesoln
bakeis' , * . 'Of 4.1U ; patents , S I. JO@4.K ) ; low
piades. 81 7.V 'i.7'i ; Hour , qnlct , { Jl.iX'j ' )
a.M ) in lui lull , S .ttVrtt.SO : In s.iei s.
! i6e ; Aintnst , :57ti-lfic : ; SeptciiihPi , iWll-lflc.
Oits Weak and lovv"i ; c.ish , ! ili MOe ; Au
gust , lis ' > , ( ; Scplcinhei"Jc. .
I've Knsv nt 5x3 < iOu.
Unilev QiiuHati/'c.
Tlmotliv Prlmu. S'i.02.
Flax Sml-S > 1.10''il.lO' ' . .
WhMcj. SU . . ,
Poik Artlvo , nnsuttlod nnd mc-giiMr ;
pasli , SU.fW'.osiUh'i : Aimubt , i".ii7 > _ niU.iO *
SpiilenilH'i..l.Ti ' } . & . ' . * . * .
LaidIo or and closed nt outside lisures ;
cnsh , Sil.'T- * August , SO/iO-hp-itember , i .W > .
Hulk .Mpnts hhoultleis , Sfi.MW-'i.b.'i ; short
clem , Sll.fjOfn.fMj ( ! shoit libs fc'i.KK'HU-y. ' .
Mutter-Firm ; eieamerj , iswiil } . * dairy ,
Wit\\Mc. \ \
Clitutu Finn nnd steady ; full oeam
rluddius ( ! jtf ( 094'o ; Hals , I' f ( 7c ; Vomit ;
Americas , h
littles Ile.ivy diy salted. fully euiod , s- e ;
light , 'J'ie ' ; ilam.if-ul , 7'.fc ' * bull hides , c ;
rtrv altPd , ll ( < Ui < " . iliy Illnt , i14e : ! ( : calf
kiiiv Kiiin c ; dcatons. f > 0e each.
Tallow In uountty , < % c ; No. 'J , He ; C.IKC ,
4 ' 4 * "
Itecciptx. Shipments.
Flnur , bbis . 7,1 OJ
Whfnt.bu . y.WK ) ) . , , ' ' -"HH
Com , mi . S.TAOOO : ! H , oo
OalHlll . 70,000 UNOOO
Ilj..UU . 'J.OOJ 1,000
Jlariin.bu . l.OOJ 1,000
Now York. .Inly . Wlitnt HccPlPts ,
ftV ( ) ° : pxnorts , W > , : toO : spot H < Wc lower , but
fnlily nctlvu ; options opened n shade lower ,
ntterwaids niled stionuei , nd\anced l ( 1 } e. ,
closing linn ; unmaded led , 70@SMjc ; No. 1
red , ! ) > ; No. S red , Wic , 1. o. b ; August
closed at KHi.p.
Corn Cash lots rather weak and dull ; op
tions a shade p.islci and less acthu ; locelpts
00,000 ; oxpoits , 14,000 ; uneradpd , 40 ( l7c ;
No. 2 , 47Wi7Mcileli\eied ; Anuu&t elosinu at
Oats Lower and dull ; iccoipK 52rXK , ) ;
nxpoita , bOO ; mixed westein , a-lQiUsc ; white
western. : ; .IC' < ,4 le.
I'etroleuni Steady : Iiultcd closed
Polk Itnthci easier , with moderate busi
ness ; old mess S10.M ) ; new mess , Sll.'JS ®
ll.M ) .
Laid Ojicucd weak , later athanced 8 or 10
TmlnlH , elosliijj lit in ; western steam , spot ,
t0.05Q 07M ; AllfllSt. SO. < XG.O'J. )
llntter Finn on choice grades : western ,
c.u Dull and weak ; western choice ,
s Firmer and In fair demand ; western
itcsli ,
Mllwaukoo , July 0 Wheat Strong ;
cr.sli , 78c : August , HKs ; Septembei , We.
Corn Firm ; No. 2 , Z ( > } ( c.
Oats Sc.ucc ; No. SfflM4c.
Jtyo Dull ; Mo. 1 , ( ; ojc.
Jiarluy Quiet ; No. 2 , nominal.
i'rovlslons Weakei ; mess poik , cash and
July. 811.45 ; August , ty.M.
Cincinnati , July U. Wheat-Quiet ; No.
2 led , 77e.
Corn In good demand nnd higher ; No. 2 ,
mixed , : > se.
Oath StioiiK ; Xo. 2 , mixed , : ile.
K > c In fall demand ; No. U , 5'Jc. '
Poik ( Jnlet at S10.50.
Laid Kasy at S0.70.
Whisky Finn at SI.O" . _ _
nilnnciipollN , July ! > . Wheat IriPiriilat ;
inoderatu IradliiK ; Xo. 1 haul , cash , 77J c ;
August , 7ic ! ; Spntumhei , sfi' ' c ; Oetobei , t Je.
.No. 1 noilhein , cash , 74 > se ; Am'iist , 7ni- ;
Septemhor , 'fl e ; Octohei , 7'c ) : * So. " not th
em , cash , 7le ! ; August , 71' > , c ; beiitembcr ,
T.ic.Flour Fli inly held ; patents , S4.10 < SI.GO ( ? ;
bakers , sa.40rtii.M : ) .
Jieet'lptsVhcat , 77,000 bu. ; Hour , irx ) bbis.
Shipments Wheat , 0,030 , bu ; Hour , 15WX )
Ijlvorpool , July I' . Wheat Poor de
mand ; No. U winter , Cs 7d : spiln ; ; . Cs id.
Flour Poor demand ; St. Louis family ,
7s 4d.
Corn Pool demand ; now mixed and eur-
lent month , Is li ) < l ; August , Js Id.
Toledo , Jul.sVheat . ! > Juegular , closed
lower ; cash , THQbO c.
Corn Steady ; cash , . " > S } e.
Oats Neglected.
St. I.anJs. July 0. Wheat Kxclted ,
unsettled , but higher ; No. a red , cash , 77 > fe ;
August , bO e.
Corn Finn ; No. 3 mixed , cash , 32Kc ;
Auuust , : / ( .
Oats Sli eng ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 3lJ.c ;
August , aijfc.
Poik S10.M ) .
haid-Steadyat Sil.l1 ; .
KuniiiN Oily , July ! ) . Wheat Lower ,
No. 2ird , rash , oa e ; Anirust ( i.'c bid , ( He
H ked ; Seiitember , ( lie hid , ftfc nsUed.
Coin Steady ; No. 2 oash , ' . ' ( ij c bld,2r'4c '
osked ; Auirust , 2t o ; SeptembeiOe. .
Oats No. 2 eashJlJ e bid , 2ijse : ( asked.
t Now OrlcaiiH , July t ) . Coin Steadv
mixed , ! 2-l4e ( ( ; ) el low , 4Cfe'J7c ; white ,
Oats Stionj ; nnd hlirher at ! > © ' .0c.
Corn Meal-ijulet at b'J.lB.
HOB Pi odUL-ts Unsettled but ccneinlly
* .
L ( :
Hulk Meats Shoulders , S0.15 ; long clear
and elearilbs , SO. 15.
1JV10 STOCK. *
, July t > , The Di over's Join nal
lepoits ns follows :
Caltlo Herelpts , 5,700 ; a blmdo steadier :
hhlppliiK bteeis , S3.75S5.aO ; stocl.ers nnd
leedem , S'J.iV3.tK ! ) ; eiiws. bulls and mixed ,
eLMMiitf ; bulk.'i.nuOiU.'J.'i : through Texas
rattle , slow but steady at Si.ftO'f " 1.00 ; bulk ,
llo.-8-ltPOi'lpts , 'J5.000 ; lOo lovvpr. ,
lull ; iiuutli und mixed , S4IOC(4.7.'i ( ; pack-
JllLMHlil hlillipllli. , Sl.7.ViT-l.t5 ; light , Sl.-tO
Sliwp Itwelpt.s. l.fiw : sloady ; natives ,
8SOU.u-4.00 ; Te\ans , 8l.&ia.ou ; Jambs , i > er
Kniisas City , Jul } 0. Cattle Itwcipts ,
J.iXW ; blilpiiicuts.ri'JOi ' good , HriiiurundfidilOc
lilglipi : iood to eliolci' , S4.i.' : _ ' > ; common
to luedlum. a.0 ( ! < < _ 4.15 ; htockeiis , SiiXXiJ
u.-'O ; feedeis , J-a.'SOtnIUO ; oovvs , S'J.OO.ii'S.'J.'i.
Jlocs-ltecoipts. 7bOOj bhlpmenlB , 8.000 ;
pm-iii'd Mendy , but So low err elosiiiBvvitli an
Hdilltioiml dtx-llno of So ; KO < M | to choice ,
4Sf.M ( < 4l.'K ; common to medium , 84. 4.60.
HI. Ijouls , July 0.-Cattlc Itccelpts. 700 :
shipments. 45'J ' ; fairly active and steady ;
coed to cliolco bhippint ; , Sl.70fe5.10 ; com-
boil lo fiilr , 54.01X41.50 ; butohMs1 hteere ,
jH.60@l.l-5 ; covia and helfcru , S'-ViXalW ) :
UiroiiKh 'IVxaiig , S'J.54. a.
Ilceolpts , 'J.fioO ; shlpincnts , 1.POO :
fairly aetho nnd lOe lower ; butcbcis' and
best Inravv. 4.75SS.l)0 ( ) ; mixed , § 4.40 < < i
W light , 84.60 4.70
Friday Evening1 , July 9.
Onttle-Tho tuaiKet was < julet and there
uas not much doing. Thu iecept.s | wete very
tight nnd not enough to make a maiket ,
UOKO In spiU ) of tU dccliuc lu tlw mar
ket the rccelnjs contlnno to Iicrc4 | e. The
unfavoisbleieporls trnni thepAst this worn-
IHK , indlcxtlni ; a lower and weak mniKct < lc-
sulJpd In n lower market here. II was some
time In-fore ( IIP buers and aleMiiOii could
roine together , the tormtr ( Iciimiuiliijr lo ci
prices while the latter weie finally drter-
mlncd to keep prlres up \pslcrda } 's ratiKO.
Verv fpw loads chanced lunds until nfter-
nooii. The market Is still hlchhcie In pto-
iiortion to other maiKets ; mixed hogs .old
liere tiMlay within . .5cof what thesameijratlt'
was brliiRinc In ( "lilciRO.
.Sheep-Nothing dolnp In the inatket.
lions . 4100
Cattle . . . JOO
Showlne tlio prevnlllng prices paid for live
stock on this market ;
Cliolco tcei s , la'-O to 1500 Ibs . S4.CO$24.sO
Choice steers , 1100 to 1)00 ! ) Ibs . 4.35n ( . 0
Medium steers 12.V ) to 1 ! X ) Ibs . 4.2.M l4.5i )
Fat llltlo steers 10.V ) to 1150 Ibs . . . 4.00 ,4.5 :
( lood tecdeis. tux ) to 1000 Ibs . : t.Van. ( " )
tlood to choice cow s and heifers . a.oor I3.25
I'nlr to medium cow s and heifers ! .V > f33. < )0 )
( Jood to choice bulls . J.iViJ.J.7. ' )
Choice llttbt and medium hogs. , . . . l.JWAl.ii'i
Ciond to choice lica\ hogs . d.ilVii 1.45
( ! oed to choice mixed ho s . 4.3.Xl.H !
Fair to good shoi n sheep . 2.50a.3.2.ri (
Itcpi'caontntlto Sains.
< ows.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pi.
1 . 777 ! S..CS 0 . 1010 Sf.UO
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
0 . WT Sl.'i" > ( . 240 5 ! . : ' $
ci . ini.aiK ' . "srt 4.,5 :
7 ! ! . - " . ' .I .i- ' , t.VI . ItiJ l.5 ! !
7:1 : . ' . ' 37 4.IK ) fil . 't i 4.r : >
7H . 1W1 4.IW til . a.V > I.T.
0.1 . 'J ll 4.30 5 ! ) . 270 4.I11
fB . ife2 4.IU ) 5'l . 279 4r :
; : t . 'r,4 4.w : io : ; . 24 % 4.i5 :
70 . 2-.1l 4.0 ! ! 71 . 24't 4.T >
111 . ' -ai 4.3) fa . 2.V. ) 4.L- ! |
C8 . iST 4.o : : 711 . 240 4.3' .
cs , . an 4.u : ) i . . . . 1111 4.w :
7U . 20S 4.ilO CM . ' 0 4.35
Wl . 2.5S l.Pfl 71 . 1I 4.3."i
51 . .50 4. : ) (3 ( . Mt 4tt !
tfi . .7. t.m I4i . 203 4.JH
5H . 2.1'J 4.1.0 Cfi . . . . WO 4.7'j' ; ! '
( 7 . 221 4.0 ! Oli . 2.V.I 4.40
3 . 0l \.K/ \ } f > ! ) . 1X17 4.43
r,7 , . 2-JS : 5 . : xa 4.121- .
01 . 2IS 4.ttJi : 119 . 270 4.lrj
Ilanuo of 1'ricpH.
Showing the hluhestand lowest prices p.ild
for mixed loads ot hogs on this maiket d'n- '
ing thu past seven days , with comparative
values :
Juno July
Flldav , 2d. . . . 3.60 (63.70 ( 5UO ( rfil.CO
Saturday : id . . . . 3.45 ni3.iM ) - \ ; n t4.0o
Mondaj 5th. . . . 3.55 $3.05 4.55 r < M.05
Tuesday Oth. . . : i.02'i ' ( 3.77K 4.t5 .75
Wednesday 7th 4.45 ( jjvt.OO
Thursday bth. 3.70 @ 'J.75 4.2.-4.2.-.K .
Fiida > , lst . : i.OUij@1.77J4 4.25 OM5
Showing the number of cattle , hog3 nnd
she)1 ) ] ) shipped during the past twentv-four
No. Cars lit. Uest.
as . K. I . Chicago
3 . II. I . Boston
8 . X. W . Chicago
80 . Mil . Chit-ago
; ; 0 . C. , JJ..tQ . Chicago
All sales of stock in this miiket nro made. .
per cwt. live weight unless otherwise stated.
Dead hoes sell at Kc per Ib for all weight * .
"Skins , " or hogs welching less than 100 Ibs
no value. Pregnant sows aio ducked 40 Ibs
nnd siags 60 Ibs. _
The blgcest day on hogs the vauls e\ci
Mr. liaker , rremont , was In and sold
hog * .
S. H. niaek , a well known shipper ot Kear
ney , was In to-day.
C , L. Hint , of Heynoldsit Hint , Cential
City , was at the yauU to dav.
A decline in eastern ling markets caused a
coricsponding decline hcie.
The bujers icpresentlnc eastern houses
made heavy shipments to-day.
JlmFiazIer , Columbus was In to-day with
n load of hogs and two loads ot cattle.
Mr. Ficdiick , ot the linn of Stuart & Fred
rick , St. Paul , was heie and marketed hogs.
Oiecn & Meeker , ( Jirenwood , were both
heie to-day with hogs , which they sold in the
Thoiueio about 7OCO hogs In the yards
to-day , including the flesh receipts and those.
being held lor shipment by eastern packcifl.
The stock yiuds weie crowded to their full
est capacity to yard all the hogs.hen the
additional pens aie completed they will bo In
better shape. _
General Markets.
Friday E\enlng , July 0.
Kor.s The maiket has held up reumiUably
well the past week , and the m.ijoiity ot sales
of fiesh stock weie made at lie. The past
t wo da ) s them has been a tendency to bieak
in ices , and the maiket Is nccoidiiiirly lower.
While thi > receipts aic not laige , the demand
Is light and stocks imms slow. J > girs , stiictly
lu'hli , candled , K@lO'-iC. '
Hi i rr.u 'Iheio is a peed demand for
choice table buttei and the iccclpts arc not
hea\ > . Poor butler Is icceived In abundance
and has to bo sold at veiy low piiccs. Choice
packages of extia choice butter are picked up
icadllyandat piices even higher than the
quotations ghen tor choice butter. At tills
season ottlm year , even choice butter shipped
In bands bccomcsalmostwoithlcsHliutoio It
is iccclxed on ttie miiiket. Tiiuwaim wcathei
melts It down until It is little better than oil.
tic\cial barrels icceived this week which
would hate commanded lOcpci Ib If In tubs ,
had lobe sold at ! ' @lc. Choice fiesli table
butter , lOc ; lairtogood , 7sclnieilor ; , :5 : (
Cuni.sK Full cieam Cheddars , single , 8
Do ; lullcri' , twins , b'-jjw ' ( : young
Ameilcan , WrtlOe : Swiss , iuipoitcd , 2V < W7c ;
skin Hats , 4@c ! ; Llmbuigcr , Il ( > l2c ; bilck ,
Pori.iiiY Thn spilng chlclcns : reeel\ed
nseiaged laigei thin week than last and have
commanded better prices. As the dlllRiuuco
is so great In sl/e and ( Hialitj It Is not easv to
gi\u an exact quotation that will lit all cases.
Old fowls have been selling falily well at
quotations ; choice large tow Is have been sell
ing as Idch as S'VX ) . A fuw ducku nre occa
sionally icceived , but theie Is very little de
mand lor them. Old fowls , per doi , VJ.75 ;
spring chickens , large , S'J.75i3.oo ; spring
chickens , medium sizes , S1.5Cai.2"i ( ; smlng
chickens , small , not wanted ; ( lucks , ii.W@ (
' - ' . -5.
5.UKIIHIKS A lull assortment of berries has
been on the maiket foi the past few da > s , the
average quality of which langed good. Hed
and black laspuenles , as well as blnckberiles ,
aiu in good supply mid arrive. In butter condi
tion than In pievious years. Strawbcirles
from Michigan aie choice and meet with
ready sale. Itaspbcriies , black , put 2 bushel
stanuSU.O\ilO.OO ; laspboulcs , black , uer 1(1-18 (
bushel stands , S' ,00 ; cunants , per . . .
quart case , S 1.75(22. ( 10.
LKMONH The market Is booming ; the
supply Is shoit and with hot weather oo-
foie us we may see extremely high ligurcs j et
very high prices seldom pievall beloro July
4th , but oftener come Just alter the 4th.
Fancy , pei box. S9.0tX ( { ! > . 'iO.
UAIIIIAOI : Choice home grown , per crate ,
S 1.00 5.00.
VioirAiu.vs : : Tomatoes , per ) < bushel
box , Sl.lX ) ; wax beans , per } { bushel box ,
OOp ; string beaiiF , i > er } 4 bushel box , COo ; cu-
cumbeis , pei do/en , 00a75 ? ; carrots , per do ? .
bunches , 35i7)0i ( : ) ; JjeetK , per doz. bunches , ao ®
25c ; celery , Kalamazoo , ] > er doz. bunches , 40
Ai' fresh receipts ot shipping
stock have been selllm : fairly w oil. A good
many aio shipped In that nru not suitable for
mshfpniPiit and such stock has to bu disiiosed
of to peddlprs or to the local trade at lower
prices than the e quoted. Choice shlppinc
stock , per bbl. S3.00i < . ' { .50 ; choice shipping
block , per box , 7Sc@S1.00 ,
NKW POTAIOI.S Hoth southern and homegrown
grown nro belli ! ; sold on the market , but
stock Is not moving \eryrapldly. Southern ,
per bbl , S1.75Q3.0U ; homo grown , per bu ,
75c ,
Cii.irtv ; : A small amount Is coming in but
ittlocs not 6011 very fast. Shlpplngstock , per
doz. We
Pius' FKKT. Tnii-E , Eio l-igs' tcct , perf
bbl , 4.00 ; do , li bbl. 82.00 ; do. per kit , We.
Lambs' tongues , perk bDl , 83.25 ; do , per
kit , tiSO ; do. quart jars per doz , 85.25 ; do ,
pint Jara wr case , 2 doz , 86.75. Tripe , per K
Itbl 84.00 ; do per bbl , S2.00 ; do , per kit
Kios AND DATKS Figs , layer , 4 Ib boxes ,
tier Hi , lOc. Dates , taucy tard , U Ib boxes ,
14o ; dates , Persian , 50 lu boxes , per Ib , 10&
1'ixians , largo iwllshed , He ;
inpdntm , 9c ! Dngllsh walnut" . 14c * alluouiK
Tarragona. COe : almonds , Lancitcdov , Ke ,
/lts l c ; tilberts , 14o ; peanuts hand
plcKwl , fancv Virginia , 8\e ; pean.its hand
plckPd , ohoUo Irplnla , 7 0 ; pc.tnuts.
loas-tcd , 2c extra per Ib.
Co vii HOXKY Cnllfouiln. 15c : Callfoinla
stialuCd. lOc. N'cbm&kn , cliolce , 14 ( < ? 15c ; Ne-
Vrajkn , dark. 13X0 inc.
M \fi.r. Si OAK Bricks , per Ib , 1.V :
penny cake ? , per Ib. 12 > ip. ,
M.v I'M * . S-i ut i' Hulk , 13 to 17 gallon Kegs
IH-r pal , bl.OO ; gal cans per gal , S1.05 ; halt
gal cans , per gal. 51.10.
CltEH-New oik , per bbl. $7.00 : do , half
bbl , 54.00 ; Crab , tier do/ fits , S'.7"i ; Michigan
refined , pec bbl , SO.oo. W'dto wlnp ISyKc ; cider , n
single strciigth , 12c ; tilple strength ,
OMOVS Tullfoinla. per Ib , 3'e ' : southern.
perbatrel , S4.00 ; southetii. per bushel box ,
51. 50
I'liovistox's-MealsaiP steadllj udvanclnp.
Tbp demand is biisk and prospects favor
higher prices. Ham , VJoll'-'aP'.oreakfast ' ba
con sJ i'C'UUclcai side Incon , 7' , ( * xiii ; _ \ salt
sides 7fi * 1vp ; shott lib sides. 7c ; shnuldeis.
7c ; mess iwirk. ? 12.50 per bbl ; dried beef-
ham pieces. Ific : laid , tleiccs Op ; 50 Ib
pans , 7c ; 10 Ib cans ( Fairbanks ) 7Se , ; 5
Ibcans , do , 7'c ; 3 Ib cans , do. , 7\c.
WAII.IIMI lovs , The first car ot thn sea
son has juit ntrl\ud ; tliev anof a choice
uuahty. Watermelons pel 100 , Si5.00. :
din I s Ai'i'i i-.s-Laiijc'loU of giecn ap-
plesixfecomiiii ; In ' . bushel boxes b.v pxpipss.
J'lie Hist i-ai load ol green apples In bane's
will be here about .lul > 1. Dining theearlj
part of Hip. easiii ( the market fluctuates ma-
teiially and quotations thcrefoie are nnrella-
blp. Apples led June , tier 'ii ' bushel box ,
Sl.OO : gicuu , per ' - , bushel box , We.
Cvi.irousiA Fui ns Kecclnts me mom
llhcial and outside otdeis can be tilled mote
icadlly and with better slock. Apneots per
crate , 4 baskets , SI. 50 ; apncots , 5 crate lots ,
per elate , 51.25 ; peaches , per box , * 52.25 :
peaches , 5 box lots , per box , S2.0D ; plums ,
pel crate of 4 baskets , $2,75 ; plums , 5 crate
lots , pel PI , tip. 52.50.
HANANAH liananas are very good and
veiy chenp now. Bananas , per Imnch , as to
sl/p , SS-OOicT-rLW - ) .
COCOANI is Coeoamils.pci 100 , fiSOO ; less
than bundled , pei 100 , $5.50.
UIANS : Intel lor stocks , 75c@1.00 ; good
clean eoiiutrv. S1.25itl.50 ( : medium handpicked -
picked , Sl.'M(4l.40hand ( ; picked na\.vcl.40.i ( >
IM.OI it AND MIMSTI FPS Winter wheat
Hour , best qtullly patent , S3.00 ; second
quality , S210ii0..75 : best quality spillig
wheat limn , uatent. Sa.f.oraa.00 ; bian. We
pel cwt ; choped | feed , 0. " > o per cwt ; white
coin meal , ! Xo ; jellow corn meal , Nc ) per
cwt ; seieenlng , ( ic ( ) per cwt ; hominy , $1.50
pel cwt : shoits , ft5c per cwt ; graham , Sl.T.i ;
hav. In bales. * HOO per ton.
\Vooi. Medium , 10fClwc jier Ib ; HUP heavy ,
llKuMe : Hunt. 12fif"u ] ( ; coarse , 12@14c ; buiry
wool. 2 ( > 5p oil.
HIDKSiieeii ljutcheis' , O'.jc ; giecn cuicd ,
8c ; di > Hint , HC'13cdiv ; salt , tolOc : dam
aged hides , two thirds pi Ice : tallow , JVrfilt c ;
giease. piimc while , 3c ; jello\v \ , ac ; brown ,
l c ; sheep i 'lts , 25@75c.
ad leather
LKATHKU Prime slaughter sole leather.
S&a.'Kic : tirimo oaK sole leather. SOfifSlte.
t pier ) leather , per loot. 2ri2Ac ( ) " : hem.
hip. 7.y 3c : oak kip , 85C4'J" c : "French kip ,
Sl.OJc51.2.hem. ; . calf , 81.03(3)1.10 ( ) ; oak cult ,
S1.00l.a5 : Fieiichcalf.S1.25@1.85 ; Moiocuo
boot leg , : iO Al.'c ; Motocco oil pebble , 2 ® 32c ;
toppinusnnd llniiiL's. 30.00 10.00 per do. ' . .
Hi.vHAIII > V\.VUI : Iron , rates , S2.S.i :
plow steel , special cast , lc : cniclble steel. Oc ;
cast tools do , ; wagon spokes , per set ,
S1.75W3.00 ; hubs , per set , 31.25 ; telloes ,
sawed dij , S1.40 ; tongues , each , 75c : axles ,
eaeh,75c ; bquaie nuts , psi | h , 7@llc ; coil
chain , per lo , ( i@12c ; mallcabic , CfeHc : lion
wtdgps , Oc ; crowhais , Oo ; harrow teeth , 4o ,
spring steel , 7 ( > ' < c : liuiden's hoiscshocs ,
S4.40 ; liuidiMi's ' mule shoes , -55.40. Hat bed
whe , in cai lots , 81.00 ucr lOOdbs. Iron
Nails , lates , 10 to 00 , 53.50 ; steel nails , 5.0\
Shot 81. 50 ; buckshot , Sl.S"i ; oriental
powdei , kegs , S3505M.OO ; do. half kega.
i2CX , ) ; do , quarter kegs , cl.50 ; blasting , kegs ,
S3.G ! ; tnse. pei 100 teet. 50c. Lend li.u. 81.05.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha , P. P. ,
7c ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , S > 7. 75 ; Mar
seilles gieen , 1 to 5 it ) cans. UOc ; French 7lnc
gieen seal , Ito ; French ylnc , red seal. He ;
French ylnc. in vainlsh asst , 20c ; Fiench
7liu. 75ccimilllon ; , American , Ibc ; Indian
led. lOc : lose jtink , 14c ; VeVictian icd. CooK-
sou's , 2'jc ; Venetian led , A
c ; chiome yellow , cpnuiup , 20c ;
lichitiiif ; ? . com'l , I'-tc ; lampblack , ( lei-
m.iutown , l-'c ; lampblack , ordinary , he ;
Prussian blue. r > 5c ; ultramarine , ISo ; van-
ilkc , blown , be ; umber , buint , 4c ; umber ,
ia.vv.-lc ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; sienna , law , 4c ;
Pai is fiiecu , eonuiiie , 2. > e : Paris green , com-
inoiiiJculuoinupceii ; , N. Y. , 20c ; ciiiomo
Kieen , K. , I''e ; vermilllon , Knidisli , in oil ,
70c ; raw and burnt umber. 1 Ib. cans 12c ;
raw and bunt sienna , I'.Yandyke ; , brown ,
13e ; rclincd lampblack , 12cco.ieh ; black and
Ivory black , Kic ; diop black , U5c ; 1'iussiaii
blue , 40c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome
crecn , L. , M. & D. , lOc : blind nud shutter
Krcun , L. , M. & D. . lOc ; Pails Kiecn. IHc ;
Indian red , 15c : Venetian red , tic ; Tuscan
! ! e ; American \eriulUion , I , . & D. , ! iOc ;
yellow ochru , Oc ; L. M. A : O. 1) . , Ibejcood
ncliiu , ICio ; patent dryer , be ; graining color ,
llclit oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and
ash. I''c.
Ditrns AND Ciii'viiou.s Acid , caibo
JHc ; acid , taitaric , 5ic ; b.ilsnm copaiba , p
Ib. 4"c ; baik , b.ibsafras. pei Ib , lOc ; calomel ,
PCI Ib , 72c ; ehlnclionidia , pur ot , lOc ; chloio-
form , per Ib , SOu ; Dovei's powders , per Ib ,
Sl'i" > ; epsoiu salts , per Ib 3'iCc ; Klycniine.
pine , per Ib , ISc ; lead , acetate , per Ib , "JOc ;
oil , castor , No. 1 , per gal. , 81.00 ; oil , castor
No. 2 , pur al. , SI. 10 ; oil , olive , piT al. ,
51.40 ; oil , oriLMnmini , 5c ( ) ; opium , S-'i.40 ;
( luiiilnc. P. is , W. and U. it S. per o80c ;
potassium Iodine , pui Ib , S'i.OO ; salicln , pei
o40c ; KUlphato morphine , per oS2. . H ) ; sul
phur , per Ib 4c ; btryclintue , per oz , SLIM ,
under Kiocciles
VAHMSIIUS Baucis , per gallon : l uriil-
ture , extra , SI.10 ; lurnltuic , Xo. 1 , Sl.OO ;
coach , extra , S1.40 ; co.ich. N'o. 1 , Sl.iiO ; Da-
mar , e\tra , Sl.T. ) ; jnp.iu , 'Oc ; asphaltum ,
p\tra , 5bc ; shellac , 8.1.53 ; haul oil iliiiih ,
Si'iinrs Coloino.SiIiitslbsS | pioof , 51.12 ;
do 101 pioot , Sl.ia ; bphlts , ccoud ( piality ,
101 proof , Sl.W ; do 1 * > * 1 proof , bl.ll. Aleo-
hol , Ib8 pioof , S'J.K ) pur vviiiu gallon. Hedis-
tilled whiskies SI .00 1.50. ( iin blended ,
SLriO4. . ! * ; Kentucky bouibont > . s..oo G.OO :
Kentucky and I'cniisylvani.i rye.s,8-J.OO > 0..r)0 ;
( ioldeii .Shc.U boiirlmn and no whiskies ,
Sl.W\ii.OO. : Hiandies. imported , S5.00Q850-
dnmcstlc. Sl. 0' < iM.oa. ( ! lns , Impoitcd , 84.50
( iiO.OO ; domestic , S1.2.y/ii.OO. / : Hums. 1m-
ported , S4.50I&S.OO : New Cngland , SI.7SCai3.00 ;
domestic , S1.25C'M,0 ( ) . ( Miampagnes , im
ported. per case , S2S.00@3I.00 ; American , pei
case , SIO.00 10.00. _
Dry OooilH.
PIUNTS Ameilcan , OJtfc ; Arnold's , Oo : Co-
chcco , Oc ; Manchester , ( to ; Lyman , 5c ; Olou-
cester. 5J c ; Diinnell i1.icUinrd ( , Oe ; Dnnncll ,
5) ) < o : \ \ Iniisor , Co ; Pacihc , 6t- ; Harmon , 4 > c ;
Anchor fahii tings , 4J c ; Mcrtimac bhlitins's ,
4 > < c ; Ueiwiek. 4c.
DUCK ( Unbleached ) 807. Magnolia , lOc ;
10 Magnolia , 12c ; 8 oz. West Point , lOKc ;
10 oz. West Point , 12'fe.
IJnow.v Corro.v Luwicnco LL,5o : .Shaw-
mut LL. 5c : Hea\er Dam . LL , 5c ; Atlantic
- -
dvKo " OOO , 79"c _ ; TliorndjKo lancy , tiv.'c ;
"i ork , lOXc ; York lancy , 1'JJac ; .Millmry ,
Klc ; Pearl lllver , lU.e : Hamilton , 12c ;
Svvitt Hlvei , nycShctucket \ S. bj c ; SliP-
tucketbS , UK ; Montauk AA , 12c. ; Montauk
nil , lie ! Omcfa , At'A , 13e.
DUCK ( colored ) Uoston 9 at brown and
biati. lM > c ; Huston O II brown and drab.
XXX blown and drab , llj c ; lioston O P
bluu , ll'fc ; Wai rent Tricot , 15e.
Ili.iAfiiKii : COTTONS Farmers' choice ,
} { c ; Cabol , Mc ; Hope , 7o ; Hill 4-4 7' c ;
HillK , " ? ( o ; Lonsdale , be ; Fruit , 8c ; Wanrn-
blltt.1 , 10C. .
Conur JEANS Kcarharco , 7o ; Aimory ,
7c ; 1'eiipciell , 7 > ic ; Indian Orchard , Oc ;
Nanmkeai : , 7c.
CIIKVIOIS Amoskcac , checks , 0 > _ c ; Amos.
Icca-f , stilpcH , 8'c _ ; Slater , stilpes , be ; Kdln-
binsD'fe ' ; Wfiittendon , stripes , be ; ( Jlen-
rose , tK ; ; Otis , chcckh , O.rc ; Otis , btrlnes , Ocl
1'oyal , OJ/o ; Amoskcatf , napped , lOVe ; Lu-
ray. book fold , 12o ; Oberon , book fold , ll } < o :
Knuuraiice , book told. I''c.
DIMMS Heaver Creek AA , lie ; Heaver
" " * '
frcdc U L
.XX ,
PICUI.KS Mpdluiii , In bols SA. 0 ; do lu
half bb > 9 , S3. 00 ; mull , lu bbis , SO.OO ; do In
halt bbis , S3.50 : gherkins , In bbis , 87.00 ; do
in half bbis , Sl.OO
MATrm.s Per caddie , 28c ; round , per
rase , Sl.OO ; square ca&c * , 31.70 ; mulu
& 1.2.I.
Powdered , 7c ; cut loaf ,
granulated , C 4t , con fvt.oners' \ , 0c ;
statidaid p\ta ( ' .OtoflV. : cMi.t lS' afV :
medium \plkw , 5V" < 5'jp.
DniiD l-iuiT" No t quarter apples , In
, blackberries boxes.
. ' .
evaporated , tt'jftUTo ' : salt Lnkp. new , C1 ,
fi7e ; inspbcrtiesinew. HV 20c ; currants 7'f
r ( < 7'ic : piunes new , 4'iC4s4'c. '
1 nu ui HS darneau's soda , butter and
picnic. vc ; cicams , s'ac ' ; ginger snaps. sip ;
Itv 'oda. 7 > , b.
Ho V In In papcis S J.2o ; \ case ; al oda ,
kcir , pei Hi , 'JJU"1.
a in r.Sl. . 70 ( 4-gallon Kes , Sl.OOj NPW
Orleans ! ! ( * $ Ge pei gallon ; Manic Sjiup.f
hauel , stilctl ) piuo. 7M- per gallon ; 1 gallon
cans. MI.TI pet do/ . ; } gallon can , S5.25 JH.T
doquait : cans , si.oo.
irvisr ii Minor gloss , 1 Ib , Oc ; Minor
gloss , : ! Ib , Vv , , ; Mirroi gloss , 0 | h , Oi - ;
( 'raves'com. . 1 Ib , 0 , c ; Klnsrsfoid's corn , t
Ib , 7c ; Klugsfoid's glo" , 1 Hi. 7e ; Klncs-
foid'ginss , 0 Hi , 7'ie : Klinsfoid's pine , 31h.
< \c : Kimrsfoid'sbull , , 4e.
Col i hi * < -idiiiaiv ( ) ui.tdpo. 10' ' e : fair , 11V ( ?
ll'ap ' ; prime. U'j'Sl''e ' ; choice. 12'4 ' ( < fl3'4r ' ;
fanej UIPPII and \ellow , laS'n'U'jc ; ( ild pov-
pinment Java , 'Onl'JiK' ; interior , ! n\i\ \ . lO y
20c ; Mocha , a-irfile : Aiburkle's ruastul.
14e : McLausldin's XXXX loasled , H'JC ' :
Ddwoi lhs. 14c : lied Cross. I4i4e.
So\i's Kiik's bavon imperial , Pf 2.70 ;
Kiik's satinet. * 3 ( H ) ; Kirk's sUindatd. { * : * . ( ;
Kirk's whlto Itu-slaii , 5-4 00 ; Kirk's White
Cap , SO.W : Dome , J-U : > 0 : Washbond SH.IO.
l\\sin ( Jooiis Oysters , per
ins . & .i.40 ; strawbenies , 2 Hi pel ci o. SJ.W ;
laspb.'iilcs , a Ib pur case , tJ.J. ' > ; Calilornlii
peats , pel ea-o , 4.40 ; apricots ) iei ease ,
* 54 0. peat lies , pei eas-p , S4.40 ; white cherries ,
per ease. ? 5.'JO ; iiliims , pel case , 33.00 ; blue-
lieiiies lercasi$2.25 ; cgi ? plums , Jib , ppi
easp. S2.oO : pineapples , a Ib , tier ease , 53.20
( a5,50 ,
CAMII i.s- Boxes , 40lb Cs lOWc ; H 10'4c ' ;
boxes 40 Ib , 10 oOs , 10fc ; half box , 20 Ib ,
r\M ) > Mixed , tli/.itlp ; stick , OTilOc.
M\I.T Dray loads per bbl. S1.5'i ; Ashton ,
In s.u'ks. S'l'tt ; . sacks , Aston , * < 3e ; bbis ,
dahv , 5. 00(32.70. (
hi'in s ( tiouud Black pepper , boxes , 20
( ffi'J.'e ; allsulce , U@lh ( > ; cinnamon , isfiiaac ;
cloves , 15jRi ( > c ) ulnger , l5fnAc ; mustaid , 15C/B
25e.TIIAS ( iiinpovMler , fair , 20 37 ; good , 43(5 (
05ccholpp. ; ( kKi5c ! gooil rmpeilal. JOrSU'ic ;
choice , OO nOo ; Young Ihson , good
choice. 50C 70c : Oolong , coed , : r < jlOo ; Oo
long , choice. IOTiiik" ( ( ICngiish break fast good ,
: X ) ( i40c : cliolet1. 50" < i0.ic : .Souchonir , good. 3u
( iltV ; choice , ! tt 'f45c ' ; Japans , fail2Vtts ; ( :
good , , ! .Vfi45c ; choice , 55 ( < t'75c ' ; Tea dust , 15c ;
Tea siflings IV.
FiMjCi-i-llaid to Beat , 70c ; Cliaiui of
tlio West , OOc ; rouutaln,70c : CJolden Thread ,
07cFavoilte ; , OOc ; Buds , .We : Kock ) Moun
tain. BOe ; Fancy , 45e : Dalsv , 40c : Noith Stai.
"iOe : ( Joiiil luck , . Vic ; Our Best , O3' ' e ; ( ! oed
News , 55c.
Drr Luinbor.
No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , Hand 10 It . S17.00
No. 2 " " 12 , HillldlO ft . n.OO
No. 3 " " 12 , H and 10 It . 13.00
No. J " " 12 , It nnd 10 ft . 11.00
\NI1 TIMlliUS' .
i2 ft n rte fis ft 'so ' ft'-a ' it 24 ft
15 60 15.M ) 15.00 Ifi M 17..V ) 18 JO 19.CO
Sx H IX ) 15 00 15 00 16 00 17.00 SO ft ) 2I.U1
L'XS 15.5J H Sl ! 15 50 10.50 1 ? 50 10 50 2Q fiO
2vlO ,15 , 50 15.60,15 50,10.50 , 17.50120.50 21.50
2x12. ' 15 50,15.50 , 15.50 1C 50 17.V,20 ) , M 21 50
115 Ml I5fial5'ri0il0n0 | . ) 18.H ) 10.50
No. 1 , 4 A 0 inch , 12 and 14 ft. , tough . .810.50
No. 1 , 4 & Cinch , 10 ft. , lough 17.00
No. a , 4 tl Cinch , 12and li it. , icimli. . 14.00
No. 2 , 4 i0 hfrll , 10 It. , roiuli 15.00
siiixai.r.s , I.ATII.
li-inch clear. . . . . . . ! . 1.55
0-inch clear..1 1.05
No. 1 , . . , ' l.'Jo
Lath -
A 0 Inch , white pine .Sin.oo
B Cinch , " ' " . : u.o < )
COInch , " .
DO Inch , " ' , , ' ' .
BO Inch , " , " . 17.50
A13 Inch , s. t s. W , 14uud 10 It S40.00
JJ12 inch , % > * ' 42.00
O 13 inch , " , " " ; .oo
D13 Inch , " . " " 2 3.00
Xo. 1 Com. 12 in. , s. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 1(5 ( It. 1 H.OO
No 1 " ' * . ' " 10 , is and 20 ft. . lb.OO
.No. 2 " ' * ' . , ' ' 12,1 * . and ION. 10.0
Munn'sSt.Not L'h Bno:2fl2 : 117 1 71 40 5' '
1/BO CJIb'il runc3,5 , on'il ' 002 75 1 K 1 3J W ) ,
I.V K'd Sli'iuFcyls 00 : i OJ 2 "fi 1 55 1 30 50' '
Urls 111 llbN.Q'r IlbN Palls or Kits
M > W IISIl.
- 00 | 100 OOJ K ) 10 j 15 li 10
I l V" ' , ' * tJ i
KK Ileu'lurVll , ' 030 DOS
MA-KKIU.r ) , .
Itlils Ilbls Qr lllils KK (
MIVV 200 ! 100 IK ) | 53 40 ; 10
Illoiitur Mus' . KKKJiuToo 10 avi ) o7 : to i PI
fcx No. 1 Hhoro 24 0012 Mil 380305 101 40
No. 1 Shoro. . 1800 0 f.O ' PVMIO.I 10
. . No. 1 . 1.1 U ) " * ' "
.Meil. Shoie. 00 7 U LKJU , M,3 ' , U/
* ' " liny. 11 03 U 00 5 15 3 Orj'2 .10
I.iiro ruinl/ ) . U 03 4 S5l2 55 2 10
I'nt Knndly. . . 7 00 ! l U.-.2 05t | 70
ilf [ IltilsQr Ilbls l'l . | Klii
SBVV | 100 110 | JJO 40 12 | 10
No , I Whlto riuli. d M , 5 40 a HO 3 70
Fumlly Whlto Klsli. 3 00 U 70.1 70 1
No. I'Trout . 3 715 ] : i Si S 17 1 80
No. 1 Picket P ! . . 2 Ofll 1 HO.l JIG 1 10
c ; hiuoKed hulibul , 10 > _ e ;
Vnnuoulli bloateil)5u ) ; new hcaloil Iienlng * * ,
The Croat Rock Island Route
i uf tlm latrU ni l > blgti , and inmrtuou * IMnliiff
; hltii Ulx , lately mukrd nwula ar Irfmnlv
c-atcn He , . ' . . . '
twr.uC'lilr. ll < ) unj K.n.niC'ltJ and Atillllba
10 alfo iun the LelJibrttlp. ! lUcllnliiu Choir C r .
The Famed Albert Loa Route
ll tbe illrret and fi'ollta Ina lietnun ClilroKO And
UlnneapolliiiiHlHI. 1'itiil , vrhnro roniiK Ik.m am niarto
In Union liepoulur ull polntu In tlm Tcrrllorltii mul
lirlildi 1'rorlu' t'- . Over tlili route K .i I'ninta
Train * aie nin to The waterlnir tiA ) < ep , auininer to-
ort . | ikiiireniu livMllths. an.l Imntlnir end rtnlilnti
riiuniU uf | Wi ann Mlmuiioia It I. aim tlio mort
Jrflratileriiutu UcUnheat luldl uud | > a toikl
hllll anoth r HUtK'11 LIKK la Sfiuea nrt Kan.
kakia , lia tirtn uiwlled Lrtween Clnrli n ll. Indian.
apolia anil JLarat lt - . anil Ciiutuii Ululft , KantttCllr ,
Illunrapolli and bi I'aul anil liitrroudUii ; i > lut
lor detailed Information re > Map > and roldern ,
f'iV ' > lnAble. a yell a ; ticket * , ( , Ml iiriucipal Tl. k <
onh in the fulled butca aua Loiiida : ul ty ad-
die ln { .
1'rco't ft Oiu'l U V'r , Uen'l T'kt & I'MI. Apt ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Onpital $500,000
Surplus , .100,000
Herman Kountze , President
John A. Crolghton , Vie Prusidont
F,1L Davis , Cshlec
W. 1L Metguler , Ass'4 Caahlei
_ BridgesSto m Pile Driving.
' ' "
IUYMOV1) A ( 'AMlM'Kl.i ,
Kujflneirs mid Contrnctor * .
Brges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron CoinMnntloti mul llo\to TrtiM
I'llliiir nnd ( ink Timber. IJth ji , ucnr
" Cigaisand Tobacco ,
MAX Ml \ Hit A CXI. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
films nnil Ammunition. 21 : , to . ! Ponth 11th
Mill 1,10CO to 1024 I'ltruntn Mud , Oniali.i Nc > i.
\V KST .V ntlT.cllKI * ,
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
"holi'snh * IValrti In I.i'Hf Tobiiccn * .
nnd IION Utli tn ct.Oiiinlia , Nili.
V U UHKiHT , "
for the Mnnufuuurera nnil tiui > ortors ,
Crockeiy , Glassware ,
Oilninr ) * , Kte. ( lllleo , i ; Smith nth
r. s. noomtint \ refer
for K. A. W hltne > Cmilnga Co. s
Children's Carriages ,
And .lewt'lt'a ColubintPl Itclrlifpratord. Senor
or jiiico ll ts. 14f > ri n m t , Omiht.
Eagle Cornice Works !
.loli'i I'jicnoler , 1'ropiietoi. MunufHi luror of
Ciihiint/iMl Mini mid Coruli t > . ' . i llodco mid 101
nnd IPS North 10th Street , Omiilin , Neb.
I'l'KMllNCl X 1IOI.TK ,
Mnnuruotuio-soC Omunivntiil
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , Vlnnlii , Hie. , UtOS. 12lh St. Woikdono
In iin/pnit of Ilieioiintry.
Western Cornice Works ,
C , 8PKCHT , Proprlctoi.
tiiilvimlzcd Iron Coinlces. Etc. Specut'i Im
proved rulont Mc-liiircSkjllglit. Mte nnd filOH.
U'tliSt .Onmliii. Nrfc. _
Doors , Sash. Etc.
" Tiiif Gate Cily Plcn'rg Mill.
Doors , Snsli mul Illlnd ? . Also nil kinds ot
turnliiK. Scroll und Stair vvoilt at uvery do-
" "
JInnufacturer nnd Dealer In
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Btnlr Hull * n Rpcolalt ) 'I'clciihono No. U
15tU and Murcv Pti .Oinnuu , Neb. _
Electrical Supplies.
' L ! W.'WOLFR A : CO. , Klcptrloli-n' ' , "
Electrical Supplies ,
Ma oiilo lllock. OniuiiA. UurRlnr Alarms. Htlh ,
FIiu Aliirins , P'eotrlo Mnttlnv , Spvnkiiuf Tuboj ,
Iron Works.
I'A.vrov , ; VIKKMNU nuv ) WOHK-J
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work
ion Stnlri , Kulllnir. Itolled Ilcanis and tlndord
Btemn Uiifflnes , llrosB Work , ( loncrul Foundry
Machine nnd lllacksmlth Work. Ollloo and
Works , U. ] ' . lly. : iud S 17lh St.
iron a ; d 1'ails. '
Cut Hails and Spikes ,
I'lro Nulls f i''nllv Oinnln Vrb
_ _ _ _
Oniaha Safe Works ,
Mnmifncturcrof Tire mid llniRln : Proof Snfoi ,
Vnult Uuors , Jitll Work. ShuttcrR and Wlro
Work. Cor. lltli nnd Juultoii SIB. , Oranha , Neb.
Wagons and Carriasfes.
E-tublMied 1S58.
A. ' . SIMPSON ,
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
KCVnnd Ull D&Jtso Street. Omubn , Nob.
Commlssloni Etc ,
Ji. iiuuicn .v SONS ,
Live Stock Commission
Oco. Iluiko , .
Union Stock Vnidi , S. unmln. Tolo > hcno B83
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John I' , lioyd , Superintendent.
| SAVAGE * ( JltnKtf ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Shli mciilH of mi ) and ullklndd of stock solicit
, cd. Uuloubf. tk Yards , UmuUa , .Nub.
Lumber , Etc.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime
8aei , Deere , Ktc Yards Cor. 7th mid
Co I. Utli mid
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
MouldinKs Stnlr Work nnd Interior Hnrd Wood
Finish. Just opened. N. 15. tor. bill mid Louven
worth Bticetc , Oimihn , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
811 S. llth Street , Onmlm , Nob. 1' . Colpotzcr ,
c. N. nnrz
Lumber ,
jSth and Callfoi nla Sti cct , Omalm , Nub.
runi ) w. aitAY ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor , Ctli nnd Uout' Slriuts , Oiunbn , Nib.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Omnhn , Nebitibkn.
" "
ciiAS. u. MB : ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
Wnpen Block , Woods , llililpo Vlmbcra
&cA. . W. Cor , Ulli mid liiib'hHiiiuihii ( , .Nch.
0. F. LYMAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Monltifigs ,
iluildlnv Paper , Ktc. South l
Fhh , Etc ,
" UE.V80N FISH CO. '
6il ( rci-i-orK to lk < > n Hlcui hon & Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importora of 1'orolKn Plsb , Noa. 011-JH Jonoi
= = rbtirn Wld v * . P. Track , Oaniha.'ob. . _ .
F. P , FAV .t CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbci s of Fi nils , N 'Us ' uuU Clears.
i St. .
Lime , Cement , Etc.
.1. J. JOHNSON & CO. ,
Manufacturers of I > ! inis ) White L'.me ,
And 8)ilppcr8 ) of I mil und Coke , Corncnt , Plus-
liar , I luio , llulr. Kite llrlck. Uriiln , Tlio nd
BjHcr pipe. Ollleu , Pitxton betel , tclephoiio til ,
I amain Hrcet.Oinnli , Nebriifku
Job Printing.
Job Printers , Book Binders ,
Jtnd ItJuuk llbok ManufuelururiL 100 103 . < x > mh
i-'ounoeata St-Jj
Agricultural Implement s.
1'Aitt.iN' . mtr.viHuti r & MAHIIX ,
'Whole * . cDcnlfMln
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
ami lluprie" , Onialia Net1.
" "
Cllt l' ( Hll.l , I'AHKKU ,
WlioUsdi-Duilor In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
! 'i"l lluruli * . .1 < n-i > Pt , but. Olh and
lOtli , Oiililiu , Not' .
boots and Shoes.
W. V. Mdl'T. \ CO ,
Jobbers of Boots and Slices ,
1411 Vnrniini PlHot.Omilia. N < Mnnufnctory ,
SmmturStucl tlmlnn
' Carpels , _ _ _
F. A. OUtllAltn ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
nRd , curtain tlooc ! . HIP , US * Varnini
Street , Oiiit.ho. l . , Lime , El < * .
' ' 'lKKlMV. jFIl'ltI\ ? ( )
Coal Coke , LimO and Stono.
Offoo , 21 J S. lllh I. , Oiimlm , Nit > . YarJs , Ml )
anJ I irI upon Streets. i
NT.nit.vsK A vrn , co. ,
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
S14S. KttuPI.Oniann. Nob.
. * . I'rcslilout.
tl to. I , Tovri.t ,
OKO. rTrrn-.ON , HCP im
J.ll. llfi i.r.iiT. r. A. JtAtcit ,
I'rop'letor. MIIIIIIKOP.
Nebraska Coal and Limo Company ,
Oltlr,217H. llithMicct. Tulciihono43.
Oio. r. I.vnAnii.l'ipo. C r ( loonvuN.V 1'rcs.
J. A. Sl'.SDFiti. VMI t-cc. nnil Ticas.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
JobbcisoC * , uiilanil uitt con' ' , XX3S. U'tli ' St. ,
Uninhii , Kill
Hard and Soft Coal.
ExcluMvo dealers In HoviMpr CokirnJo
t-OUth Hill blK'L'l.
_ Coffee and Spices.
Home Coffee and Spice Mill ) M'f'g ' ' Co ,
Cotlpp llomtpis mul Splfo ( limdirii' mimii
Rl'owilcr , riuvonuc xtincM
Illuliifr , otu. Try one CRSO of o\ir Mh pncknco
llnino Illend Itoaotnd Coffoo. 10)9 ) Hovuml bt ,
Cm ilia , Noli.
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Ten- . Coffees , Bpltr * . Hulling I'jvuler I'lnvorlnir
Kxltncto. Lnunihy llltio. Ink , otc. 1411-lu llur-
iicyStroc't.Oiimliii , Neb _ _
Commission , Etc. _
' "
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
1121 1'mimm . .Omulia. Apple * Our own i.ach-
ItiB 1'lnttiVr.i s Tl cr 111 nnd Oybtuitf , liuttur ,
Kpgy , ( Inmo , I'oiilli j , 1'otntoes. _
General Commission Merchant ,
Produce , Pioviblons , Fruits , Flour uml IVeil. ICVi
3. 1 Itli Ht. , Oinnlm , Neb. Coiibiauiuoiits bollcitcd.
HoUirns nuulo utoiuutlv-
i 12th Street. Oina'sn , Nub. Spool illlos : Dut >
ter IVicg , ami ( hlulivus *
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , lluttcr , Onmo. IViills , 1'tc.'OS. . H 111
St. , Oniiih.i , NchniM.a.
General Commission Merchants ,
HGCDodgo Street. Omnhn Neb. Consignments
w. K.
Storage and Commission Merchant.
Si'LCiAMiKs Cheese , llutter KeK * , I'oulliy
nnd ( iiiiiio. Hi 8. Itth. , Oiniiliu , Nul > . Tclo-
phone Xo. JJj.
\Vir.KS : . \ : MIl.LAKl ) ,
Storage and Commission Merchants.
KOIO.'RII mid Doinostiu I'liill" ll | ) oc illlly r.l-
cirnut Btoiiwo fuclllllQ VV'iiieliousu and olliuo ,
It ) North Ulli st. Telopliouc 775. _ _
Commission and Jobbing ,
flutlcr , KrftH nml I'roduco. A full line of Stouo-
viu < \ CoiihlgiimLiila tollt'itj < J. 1411 Uudtu St. ,
csiiA.'ii : &sciiHonnnn ,
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
Ilcrrljrcratornnd ] 'aklnirlloii8n,14tli\ nvon-
woith St. , on U. 1' . It. It. Tiaolc , Ointiliii , Nob.
l 1STO.
PUl'VIS ' ,
General Commission ,
2I1S. Utli St. , Oraiilm , Nob. SpecliiltloH-Iluttor
s , I'oullij nnd Uuniu.
Commission Merchants ,
, I'rcdnto und I'rovlsiuni , Uinuhn , Neb
( IMKI'Tl'll .V
frUICPbMIIR III IS II" flrlllllll.
Commission Merchant ,
and VTholosHlodealor In country produce , frnll.o ,
unlter , cjrps , PIC. Goods on cnnslgninont u
cpucihlty. a-W N. 10th St. . Oinnhn , Nob.
( Succos ors to A. P. Solino'c. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. SIJ Bouth Street. Omaha , Nob.
_ _ Dry Goods. _ _ _ _
I. . filNSlUUtO A : CO. ,
Wliolosulo Jlualorsln
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Linens , I-nccs. Knil.ioidcry mid Wliliu C OO B.
t , Oinuii/t , Neb. '
White Lead ,
Strictly Pure White Lead.
, and U , ] ' . Ity. Omuhu ,
_ Harness , Etc.
Miuuifiicturci H nnd Jobbers of
Harness Saddles Hardware
, , Saddlery ,
'lurf ( ioodd , lllankutH mid Italics , llil I'uumio
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kliu t Oinnlm. Nob.
Mattresses ,
'i : . si. IIUKSK ,
Mattress Company ,
Mniinfnctmliik' Mi'tlrct-K , Ilcddlntr , IVnllirr
] 'illiu , Cold , itc. : UX1 und J-IM lliniKliiM Jjtroct ,
Unmliii , Neb ,
JU _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ Overalls ,
CAN ! IIID : M.\J7t'rAcrru ? iNa co. ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
.Slilils. I'.tc. , 11U. icull 'Jl Douglas
fau-ot , Omii'm.Kulj.
Leather , Hides , ttc ,
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Eaddkry mid hhoo riiulliir | , lll ( ' ( c , Wool , Cure ,
1'cltP. ( iicato , Tallow , 1'lu. , Umuli.t Nbt.
Beer ,
M KBATIN ( } .
gent for Anheuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n '
SjKxlal L/runJj / I'uujt , lluJwuiSLc , Ki lander
OMll \ t Mill UU
Ioiler < tn A1 ! Kin Is of
Building Material at Wholesale ,
IFIliSli ( tiitul oiii rnc u Tnuli.OainhK
UI'.HMAN 1 > \ VIT.
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
ICtli amllfiril lippi * Om.ilm
j. \ wun u i D ,
Wholesale Lumber , Lath , Shingles ,
tlulUllliK l'nicii | > . itavli , I * " > < III mill , Mottll
Ittup , 1'UM'H , Po . | . Mini PlNMiT. jlftf
Cdunnt. Nlutn iinu ,1i > iit < -t nivi.thn Nib.
Millinery ,
i oiiKlti n in M
Millinery and Notions ,
ISl.ln'.ul l-H Hnrni > Snei I Onmlm ,
f" - i - . - y Inslriinipiils ,
P.DHOl.M A. iUll : k > OX ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments ,
Fli'lnwiiy I'liuids Wi-lur HcoUor. llnlnn * niv
llil M riiiuiw , I'aoAiuxl Diiriui' * , I lm o
1U1 nud U I
Furnittiro , Ec. (
( Ml \ 151. VM MII
Furniture , Bedding , Uptol'tor ) !
P.te.l2Jll , Ulisniul ISIJ In mini 'Kiel , Onmtin'
Dr.VVUY XhlON'l * , j
Wholesale Dealers la Farnltara ,
I'mmim Strcut , Oinnhn , Neb. I
c = -z . =
Groceries. i
K. 11. CIIAP.MX V tU ,
\Vholesale \ Fancy Grocers , Cigars , '
Tolmixx ) uml Smoki'ia * AttMrs , 117 Howard St ,
Mivtit : : .t uA.u'Ui * |
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , '
Spill * , Cirurn ( nnil Toliuvo ) , 1:117 : und I'lll ) IK > Uj |
his HticetOniiihuNeb. j
ilcCOlll ) , IlltADY .t COMPANY ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th iiul 1'urnnni Streets , Omnhn , Neb ,
1'AXTON , GAMiAGMKU .1 CO. , j
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , i
Nos. 705 , 707,7CKI nnil 711 S. 10th St. , Omiiliu , NoUt
Hardware. '
" " " " " " "
Heavy Hardware , Iron , Steel.
Bprlnjjrs , tt'iuron Stock , lluulwcoil 1/umiinrota
law nnd 1211 Hmnoy etien , Utniihn , Nob.
" "
iiNiv&GiunoN : : ,
WholosaleJron , Steel , Vfafion
Ami C rrluro W ' 1 Slock , Heavy llunlwnro , I
Ktc. 1217iiml 181 eiWin > oilli Hltcot , ,
Builders' Hardware ,
Meclmnlce * Tools nnil lltiirnlo Scales ,
lus Sticut , Uinnlia , Null.
i.i'i'.ntn-n.vro. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware.
Sheet Iron , Ule. Audits for llo o Scnlea niiii |
Miami Ponder Co Onmlm Neb.
Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles ,
Slnntk's , CiiuloM , llinss Rooily. IX. ! nnil 1J.IJ l'f\r. |
llEfTOU & WILIliiMV : CO. ,
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
Emerson Slccl Mulls. Cor. Kith nnd liarncy I
fell ( els , Oir-iliu , Ni'b.
A. CO. , ( .1I1CAGO ,
Manufcctiuor ot the
Deerini Harvester Goods ,
Wrlto to Win. > I. Loiliner. Conornl Apoutl
Oinnlm. Tr'L'phoiioOtO.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
Elnm , Wnlrr , Itnlluny mill Milling Suiipllcs , nt
VMVKl iiiulWl Tin mini St. Onmlm , Nob.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fitting ,
Elcnni nnil Wnter .Suiiplles. llciliimrluis : | loll
MIIM Koost Co.'s Goods. 1111 I'liinaiii Htroot , !
Oiuuliu , Kcb. ,
Wholesale Jewelers.
Dcnlcrs In Sllvcrunio , Dliunonils , Wntohifr
ClotKH , .lcv el'r ' TooU nnil Mutoiinl * , I'tc. , 101
und 101,15th SMect.Ojr. Dodge , Onmlm , Neb. ,
ns in
Hotionsll33i3r/ ,
1UOO mid IDJb I'm nmn M. , Oni.iliii.Nou.
j. T. Robinson Notion
Wl nnd 4li5S lOlli Ft .Omul.a , Neb.
Who/'tulo / DualeiH In Notinim nnd ( Jents' Fur |
( ii Ollt.
Oils , Etc.
CONSOI.lIATii ) ; ) PANIC LINK Co" , j
Wholesale Dealers in Oils ,
GdEolIno , Mien Atlo ( iieiiMi , I'.tc. A , II. Illsho. ) ,
MniKijit'i' , Oinnlm , Noi ! ,
Pork Packing.
" " "
.IAMIIS i : . novn" '
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Onmlm , NulniuKti , '
HAititia it nsiiiut ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
Onioc , Union Mm kot , IB17 Doilwo blronl. Pucldnjjr
li < iino , U. P. It , Jt. Track , Onmlm , Nob. Tolo.
liliono No , l.r)7.
Safes and Locks , '
" *
1' . IIOYIIH & CO.
( j
Agents for Hall's ' Safe ft Lock Co.s'
Hro iiiidlluiKlar 1'ioof BiifuB.TInio l.
ttiidJiill < nk , JU.'U 1 iiiii.un htieet , ( Jiniiliu , Neb
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds.
il. Vi-Kuliililo , lite. Oil.l . I'ollow * ' Hull.
N , AV. Co i. lltli anil Dodco ht . , Onmlm , N ( Ii. '
Drugs , Etc ,
Wholesale Druggist' ,
And Dcrder in Piilntc , Oils nud Wludoir
Umalm.Nol ) . ,
Wines , Liquors , Etc
n 1:11 : & co. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And Mi-norf. hole niniiuliiLliirorii of KiuinoJl'f
1'iin Jndlii Hlllf'iB. 1114 lluuiey Hlrtel. Uniofm ,
i. vv. JM K * AN ,
Sutteesor lo McWAM VIIA \ Ii'.v ) ' ( AN ,
und VVIiolugiilo Duiilors In
V/iu6s / , Liquors and Cigars ,
_ tmiml aid H. Ulli Bt. , Oiuulm , Nou.
Notions , tttT
' U iitANIU,8 : & 80N ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Dry CoodP , Notions , ( Inns' l-'urnlsliln
( i'jr.clH fioni New Voik , 'InidobJles dull ; ' .
inn1 r 8 Boulh Utli HI. , Umtibu ,
Hour and
w.j. wii.biiANS : i co ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grala ,
Manufacturer ! of W.J. Wol.liaut * . ( > > . ' * y
Ualblnir llutku bent Hour nnd proiu Ittora Uii'tiUa.
t'lly MU1 * . tor. fctU und 1'uiniim tlrtU , Oumlia-