THE OMAHA DAILY BJEE : SATURDAY , JTThY 10 , 1880. OZEEE-AJ ? IHOIMIIES FOH SALE BY -IX- WK HAVE AKOUT 250 OI' TIIK CI1OI KST LOT § IiV OMAHA view i-urT , AND AIM : \ < > w I EMI : AUII > TO OATKACT WITH IMIlTIEh WANTINU UlfelKABLi : HOLIES , ON TIIK BIV'U MUTUAL. TEIUIS AXI > IMVMKRITS. The LOTS range in price from. FOR INSJBE LOTS. CONNER LOTS "AREaIIO © HIGHER , Will build houses worth $500 on a $100 cash payment , $800 on a $200 cash payment , $1,200 on a $300 cash payment , $1,600 on a $400 cash payment , $2,000 on a $500 cash payment , $2,400 on a $600 cash payment : $2,800 on a $700 cash payment : $3,000 on a $800 cash payment , $3,500 on a $1,000 cash payment , $4,000 on a $1,500 cash payment , WJR SIIAI..TL OXI/iT LEAVE THIS OFFER OPEIV TOR A FEW DAYS , AS WE WISH TO DO WHATEVER ISUIlLDlNft WE ARE TO DO WITHIN THE A'EXT SIX'JTl ( CO ) DAYS. si Located on the gently sloping side liill , facing towards the river , between Ittncr's brick yard and the residence of L. B. Williams the southeast corner of the addition being at Lake and 30th streets. The Red nnd Green car lines both run to within 4. blocks o oM.A.E3.A. : : : : The Belt Line Runs Just West of It. A Fine Brick School House is to be Built There , -A Church will will Probably be Built this Summer , There is now a Good Store on the Addition The View and Surroundings are Excellent , 60 good houses luivo nlroady been built and are occupied by the very best class of people. The now foundry is but a few blocks north of OMAHA VIEW , and it is ru mored that the North and South Cable road will run out 83d street in fc. this addition at an parly date. , i > The lota tire the cheapest by all odds in the market , and arc nil that could bo naked in point of beauty , The teimj arc such as cannot fail to suit nil , The atloution of all wanting homes is invited to our proposition , as stated above , Call on us for ninps , plats and particulars , and go out with us and see the lots. & Mill , Keal Estate , 1408 Farnam St , FAST FOLDING THEIR TENTS Ohautauqua Onmpcrs at Oroto Leaving Out door Life For Their Homes. THE FAREWELL MEETING TO-DAY. \Vliot the Uncle Island Has Hccii Se cretly Doing A HtooUuinu Crushed in Death nt Falls City Stnto News. Drnxvltig to n Clone. CIIRTI : . Neb , July . fSioslal Telegram lo the Jlii : : . ] Wobejlii to loall/eas xxo see the various preparations fet home KoiiiK on the grounds him neat the cud of this assem bly feast of good things Is. Sunday , Ju ly 11 a Hxo day i > oixlce of f-osjicl meetings beulns. 1'hesn meetings xvlll bo in chaiire ot the dlf- fi'icnt ministers of the state and a good time H expected. All on thegiomuls aiocoidlally Invited to remain. Mrs , ,1 , Klleii Fostei , of loxva , left this moinlng foi Toiicka , Kan , , xvheie she Is expected to speak. li. ) Alden with his wife ( Pans and son , lettthls after noon. Clam 13. Colby , of Beatrice , who Is vlce-Dtcsldoiit of the National Universal .StilTiaco oiganl/atloii , came in this morning , ' 1 lie Nebraska New s association have n reed , If a lot bo provided them , to put up a building enstliiK about S.HX ) fiiinhhed with a telegraphic liisliumcnt and operator. Tlio1 morning xxas idxeu up to the examina tion ot the children's noimal classes by their xnrlous teachers. Protcssoi Sherxxln tint thu finishing touches on his choiuscs and pax o his class some excellent advice for the tuture. The lecluie by Dr. Meiedlih on "Christ as a Teachei" xxas especially lei the toadiois. JIo says of this class ot xvorkers that belorc they c.m projierly teach the truths ol the Bible they must make those truths real to themselves. li. .Mcicdlth Isiieisonally and so dcenly interested In the subject of the nccessmj qualllicatlnns of Sunday school teachei-s that he never falls to bilnu the tiuth ot what ho says on this question light home to the heateis. The grand social and lilshu- mental conceit Iu the exenlng xxas one of the laient attiaetious of the assembly. Tlio ehoi ues w eie esjieciallv good. Among the special leatuies xxeio xocal solos by li. F. A. Itiekoi , .Miss llamllu and Mbs Coia ( Jates , a violin solo b > Fouest Cheeiiy , and a leclia- tlon by .Miss After the conceit a veiy hearty vote of thanks xx'as tendered the ladles ot tfio dining hall , also to the prislllent ot the assemoly , Mi. F. I. Toss. . A faicwi'll ' meeting xxill bo held to moiiow iionlM3' ] ( at s o'clock , which all xxill wish to attend. * The assemblx has been a magnificent suc cess , and all xvho attended this yeai will wlsli to come next yeiu. They xvlll be heaitily w elcomed. Tlio Itoclc Island's Secret AVorlr. Sinxr.v , Neb. , Julj 0. fSuucIal t > the Ih.K. ] A paity ot nine suue.xois lias hectr1 discoxercd in the Held thirty miles south of' Lodge 1'olc , Neb. , heading toi the noithxxesU Their destination and in xxho o employ are facts xx filch hax-e been kept sccict until to day , xxhen it became known tlmt they are running a line for the Chicago Ar Hock Island tallxvay lioin Kansis City to Foil Fetteiinan , in Wjomiug , xx-lieio the line xx ill strike the Fiemont , Missouri Valley t KIKIunn , xvhich is the tians-Mlssourl extension ot the Chicago cage & Noitlixvcstein. The Jtock Island stuxejois will inn theli line acioss the Union 1'acific at Lodge Pole , txxenty-txx-o miles east of Sidney , about the lilth of this month , thence noithwest ton point eighteen miles west ot Camp Claike , on the Noith Platte Hxer , which they xvlll eioss , and thence inn the line to Fctterman. This particular party began woik on the south sldo of the Platleiixci. A Stocknmn'H Fatal f3tci > . FALLS OITV , Neb. , July 0. [ Special Tele gram to the Hiu.j About hall-past thrco o'clock this afternoon , xvhilo the MLssouil I'aciliofieleht train was near the B. & M. ciosslmr at this place , a stockman by the name of A. W. Smith fell under the xvheels and had both logs mashed at the knee. Af the time of the accident the Injured man was standing on the top of one of the cats , which weie mo vingsloxvly , and was in the act ol stepping onto the top ot the nos-t ear ahead of him , when ho made a misstep and fell be neath the xxheols. lie xxas at once cat tied up town to tlio Union house In an unconscious condition , whcio he died in about txxo lioms. JJo has no near rolatlxes in this part ot" the countiy , except txxo mauled sistcis , one living nt Howe , the olher at Veulon , nine miles north of this cltx % They have been tel- and will be down at lSOto-niglit. : Failure atVi alioo. WAIIOO , Neb. , July 0. [ Special to the Bin : . ] To day W. W. Burns , proprietor of the Commercial house , failed In business. At piesont no definite statement of liabilities 01 assets can be gixou. His , crodllois are mi- 111010113 , and It is quite certain thuttho ; ciedit- ors cannot recovei more than a small pet- centago of theli claims. A Farmer's Arrest. OAKLAND , Nob. , July 0. [ Special Tcle- gian. to the BKE.J Thomas Conner , a xvcll- lo-do faimci , living llxo miles noilli ol Lyqns , \x-as ancstcd this afternoon by A. K. Wells , of this place , for sclllm ; inoitgaged propeity to the amount of Sl.oou , ilo xvas bmught hoio and gax'o bonds for his anngaianco to- mono xv. _ _ Tlio Ilroxvu Iiiipeuohiuciit. * Dus MOIMS : , la. , July 0. The senate met at 8x : : > a. iu. , Manager Cousins boginnlng' ' lils aigiiincnl on tlie part of the state and occupying the forenoon. Each statement made xvns folloxved up by a lonjj list , of Ameilcan and Kngllsh pioceilenU , sunpoit- ing evciy phase of the question which had been presented dm ing the trial. Mr. . Cousins xvas the youngest member of the last liousuof lopiosontatix'os , and his speech to-da > atti acted a largo audience. Kx-Sena- lor Bills occupied the afternoon In the clos ing aigiiment lor the Ills speech was devoted nioio to Iho geneial featmcs of the case than to the spocillc. The court ml- JoiiinedalOp. m. , wlthMr. Bills still oecu- pylug the lloor. Itishaidly piobablo that the aigumoiits xxill bo finished this week. Great Iinlmr DoinoiiHtrntlon. J o.vnox , Ont. , July 0. A labor deiiionslra- tion took plnco hero to-day In honor'of the delonates attending the qimdiennlal coin en- lion of the International Mouldois' union of America. The demonstration originated with the tr.vlos unions and Knights or Labor. Ox ertxvonty thousand oneiatlvos walked Iu the procoshlon tluoiigh Iho pilnclpal streets canj ing banuou and American and British Hags , the visitors occupying the posts of honor. The principal ft-atmes of the pro cession were wagons containing xvorkors at lliolr different trades , niachineiy In opera tion , and the presence in carriages of young women members of the Knights of Labor wearing badges of the order. This cxonlng Mcssi . Limy , of San Francisco , Trovellick , of Detroit , and MoFaddon , of Chicago , do- lixered addresses ooforo an immense auul- dice. A I > to ou WASIIINOTOX , July P. Senator Hotir , chairman of the committee on privileges and elections , iiirnlshes with icquost for publica tion the following : . . To the Public The published statement that Senator Loiran icqiiested tlmt the votes of the members ot the committee on elections as to the lux estimation Into the Improper means used. If any , in the election of Senator Payne should bo Kept a seciet , Is xxithoutany foundation whatever. Senator Logan made no such leanest , nor did any Senator on this committee make such a request. 1 do this by unanimous uuthoiity of the committee. [ Signed ) ( iKoitaK F. Ho.iit , Chairman Committee- Privileges ami Elections. _ Transcontinental Tliuo Sliortoned. SAN FitANctsco , July P. General Supeiln- tcndent Flllmoro elates to-day that the Cen tral Pacific lalhvay wllloo-operato xxltli the Union Pacilic to shorten the overland. schedule time. The decrease between hero and Ugdoii will bo one liqur eastward , two and one-Jialf hours xvestxvprd. The nexv time table goes Into effect July 25. It Is stated the Atlantic fa Pacitic xvill moot any reduction uiado oy other roads , IXmO.VANT AT HAIjLi. loxva's DclcRntlou Dcuouiico Action on tlioDcn Mollies Hill , W VsiiivoTDNVJulj'O. [ Special Telegram to the BF.K. ] Considerable Indignation Is being shoxxn by tlie liaxxkex'e delegation on account of the aqllon 9 ! Keiircpcntative Hall , of the I'lrst loxva district , on the Dos Molnos rlxer land bill , when It was before the house the other day foi pasirtgo oxer the president's veto. It xvas generally supposed outside of the loxva delegation that Hall was a friend of the bill , and this .Impression alloxx-ed him to do considerable harm. A member from Nexv Voik sajs that Hull not only did not xx oik for the bill , but did all ho could against It , and that ho ( Noxv York member ) xxas In part Induced to vole airalnst the passage of the bill bj repiescntiitluns made to him of Hall's position on the ineixstiie. None of ( the Iowa democratic members haxe any apology for Halls dodge , of the xoto on this bill , while all the tepubllcans condemn his course. xxtt.i xxoiti. ron its rxssvnr. ] Jeprocntatlxe Holmes of loxxii , xvlll make a xlgoi ous clfort to secure the nassaito oxei the pipsldenfs xelo of the bill to pension Kdxvatd M Ilaiilngton. of Foit Dodge. 'I ho piesldent xetoes the bill on the giound that Haiiliigton xvas Injuied In adilllcultv with a comrade. Ills friends say , and Major Holmes xvlll prox-e. that Han Ington acted In self-dc- fonso. and Is noxv lusniie and In an asylum. HAiAiii ) xx-A.vis lom : A .nuxii : . It Is learned today ou unquestioned au thority that Societal y of State Bavin d Is am bitious of seilnit iiiion the United States HU- piomo bench. U hen Mi. Havard accepted the portfolio of .state ho used all the means at his command to M-CIIIO the election of Mr. ( lia.x us Ids successor lei tlioreiualiidor.ot the unexnlied teim. More than that , hoassiiiod Mr. ( iiay that the same liillucnce should bo oveited to insurohlsie-electlon lor the full term , xvhich commences March , 1SS7. Butter tor this piomlso Mr Bayaid hlnisoll xvould endeaxor to succeed Senator ( iiay , for It has been an open .secret for months that he Is dlbsntislicd xvlth his piesont surroundings. Next to n seat In the senalo Mr , Bayaid would niefei a scat on the supiemo bench. He lias communicated this desire to tlie pies- Jilent xvlllilu Iho lasl week , and iccel\ed In leplytho asstiraiue that shnulil a xacancy occur oefore the close ol the piesetit iidmlu- Istnitlon his xvlshes shall be complied with. HAlI.ltO.YD LAXI ) I1IIAN1S. "It Is my opinion that thcio xvill bo no foiloltuiesof the Pacific laud grants by this eongioss" said an old iMhoad atloini'X' . noxv a member ot congress. "The tumble K" . continued ho , "that the lalhoad compa nieshaxo just ciiouirh filondsln the lioii o and senate to defeat the final passage of any bill. ' "Hut the senate has passed a bill , and It is noxxMivitoie the lioiifce , toilciting about three ntllllMis ot acies , " I suggested. "Tine , " tepllcd the statesman , "but tlio bill is amended so that u can m xer pass the sen ate , The house xxaiits to ioiteit all of the Northern Pad lie grants , or pictend.s that H docs , when it knoxxu lull well that it can r.tCivti ) ; make the senate agiee to it. Those nto Jhc-Uietics of theiailioad men in the house. .N'cai'b every mail in the house xx ho is makfjipr so much fuss about land foifeltiuos is afraid tJieio will bo forfeitmes. and exeiy one is de- niauding moic thyn lii ; knoxxs the senate xvlll giant. What mus | bflone \ ) to get back these uneained lands Inipiw meal xxoik take a little at u time , Itweeau'tgetinuie. I know thcao pictended enthusiasts ate saying that to taken paitof tlio giants Is to conliim Ihc' balance , and that theioloie we must foi felt at on < vtlme all xxo expect to foifet. Is another line of lo\yaigiimont bv the railroad , meiiibcis. The bill passed by the senate has a clause in It ' 'piovidjug that this for feiture shall Irt" nowise affect the other ] ) oitlons ot the grant or grants. Be- .sidcthe house can make that taint as clear and strong as it xvishes and tlie bonato xvill concur. But mark in > words : When jou sec a thl'iiibcr , or senatoi , either , clamoring for a 'Vleay sweep , " a forfeiture of all grants , to a load , you can set hljn doxvn as ahlend ot the load , and an enemy of the foifelture , llkexxiso a dciuazoinie. It has been tlm practice tif'flio Pacilic companies ' 'lor niariy years , and 1 knoxv Itbecauso it was- a long time my business to co so far aS to ruin legislation , ajid defeat foifi'iture alto- gclher. If wi ? e\cr get any land from the Pa- cincs it will bcl > y sjiiRll amounts. " OXKOOOI ) UtAIT. The country. Inespectlvo of paitv , should unite , in praising President Cleveland for at least one thing , eallinir a halt on the custom ot using the appropriation bills iu the bouse as a lex-erase to contiol legislation , icsulting in prolonging the lust session of a congiuss for from txvo to tour months , at a cost ol mil lions ol dollars. 11 Is believed that the first session of the next congiess xvill bo at least txvo months shoitei than this. To slioxv what can xvhcn It must be done , the house and senate , too , accomplishes the same woik on appiopriation bills at the second session of a cougiess in eight \\ceks that it loqiihes six or eight months for at the first session , ' 1 ho second session ends , by pro vision of the constitution , ou Maich 4 Is the reason. A srxiMin : itnsoni SCIIKMB. It Is amusing , the devices lluoxvn out by proprietors of summer resorts to cet an nil- vtiitlM'inunt by having Iho entertainment of Piesidont Clexelandand , vlfc. Having met with uniform icbulls by extending dliect in vitations , they hax-o been engaged In through coiiiiiesbiiieii , goveino-s and distin guished private citi/ens. The scheme Is to get Mr. and Mis. Cloxqland to visit a piixato citizen near a summer resort not xxell advoi- tlseil , and then hax-o the citizen take Ills guests oxer to the resort tor a tcxv da > & all at the expense ot the proprietor aforesaid. The picsldent Is not hasty in making icplles to invitations , and in considering them in quires Into the geography of the adjacent countiy. Wr.Sir.IlN' I'OsTAT. CirANOKS. Hnrilett Knoxvlton has been commissioned postmaster at Oldtield , la. , and Hobeit Alts- tin at Tama City , la. . After to-mon oxv Cedaivlllo xvlll bo omitted from the'seivlcoon the star mall route ox- 'tending from Piulrle Cdutio to Leap City , Chunccs have boon ordered iu the time schedule of the star mall route from Trenton to Brighton , la. , as tolloxvs , to take oiled July IS : Le.ivo Trenton Tuesdays , Tliius- days and Satindays at 7 u. in. ; airlvu at Brighton uy 12 m. Leaxo Brighton TUPS- davs. ThuiMlays and Satindays at 1 p. m. ; arrive at Trenton by 0 p. m , IMI.'iSO.VAL MKNTIOV. E. C. Webster , of Hastings , Neb. , Is here. The Pnyne Ueporta. Wnsni.voio.N , July 0. The sonnto com- jnltteo on pilxilcges and elections held a nieullng this moining ut which the icports of the majority and mluoilty In the Payne case xveieicad , but no time xxas allordcd foi dis eutslou nnd eunslderatloii , ami another meet ing w ill bo hold Dofoio they aio made nubile. .Troubles. DANVFLLF , 111'vMity u , The striking minors ot Giapo Crooftfira still In a. state ol Intense oxcltcniont'no'lii tuo report that no- gio irlners are to'JW 'flnported ' trom Ken tucky to take thelr < ffjaees , and It Is their in tention to keep ttroi fiiibstltutes from going to worlc. Pcrsuasftu ) Hy'vii bo used Hist , and U tlmt falls force y'fto \ \ ' resorted to. The. negroes will arrwe 'to-niorroxv luorning. Shei iff Turtle has ifilrty-livo deputies at the creek , who are unrtfr orders to quell any dis turbance The strlkefiS-jiro dotoi mined tlmt no one except thfiMgciyes shall work the mines. Serious trQjb-U anticipated. Tlio MI.LWAUKEU , JiflyTillain fell early this moining and ther piomlsos of good showers , liain is reported in many purls of the state and thcio. ' nos ] > diought Is at an end. In iriiuly parts of the state there lias been no rain slnco May 15. Crops have sulfered tcniblj so tar as can bo Icarnod. All forest fires that haxo laged Ui the noi thorn pait ot the state for borne ilajs past haxe been extinguished. < Ilo StretchoU Ills Strlnt : . KxoxviLi.u , Tonn. , July 9. John Lam bert , a printer by trade , xvas executed at Charleston , N , 0. , to-day In the ruesenco of several thousand peojilo for the murder of Dick Wilson , twenty months ago in Jackson county. Lambeit had been drluklng heavily the da } of the murder and had a grudge aealnst Wilson. Ho left a stareiaeut protesting his Innocence and charging an other person xvlth the murder. Sam Arolier fOLts , lad. , July ft Sam Arclier w 03 hanged at Shoals at 11:30 a. m. The criino for xvhich Sam Arclier Buffered death was complicity in the murder of Samuel A. Bunch on July U , IbsJ. The murder was the icsultof an old family feud. "SMELLS , TO HIGH HEAVES" Sorione Charges Made Against the Omaha Medical College , DEATH IN THE COUNTY JAIL. Hurt Iu n lluuaxxny Court Notes ItuililliiK Poriults A Man .Hiss- lug UrovltloH null Vari ous liooal Mutters. Sxxcet Scented I.aliori. A party of city eounellmcn , consisting of President lieuhcl and Messrs. Loxvry , Leo nnil Seluoder , accompanied by txvo rcpoi tors , one of them a representative of the HKI : , might have been seen toiling up the Tenth street hill south ot the ilenot , laboul txvo oVloek yesterday The parlj xvas bound for the corner of Eleventh and Puoillo streets for the ex press purpoio of investigating a horrible strnclt or rather medley ot .stenches- said to arise trom the dissecting room of the Omiiha Muilieal College building xvhieli Is being lomovod from the eoinor ot Eleventh ami Pierce streets to the cor ner of Txu'lfth and Pacilic streets. The residents in this vicinity say tlmt the ndor.H emanating fiom the dissecting room of the Institution aiu no.xious ami xx ell nigh unbearable. Arriving at tlie old situ of the medical college the patty ga/eil nt the ruins of the foundation ami wondered how and xvhere thov xx'ero going to oommeneo their investigation. Councilman behroedor xvas just about to smrgest that all hands niljourn to got a glass of beer , when Air II. P. Hirket , xvlio Jivoa in the neighborhood , put in an appoar.inco \-olimteered to show the party of city lathers something about thr grounds of complaint. Ho escorted them lirst to a Iur < ro pit in one corner of the foundation , whioli hu said the college in'ofessorsvero in thu habit of lltroxving the dead bodies into. This pit connected xvitli the difisccting room b.y txvo tiap floors and us soon as tho.tlissectors weio through xvitli the corpses , the Jm'ingled remains \vould be dumped without lur- tlusv ceremony into the ) > it Workmen eVoavjitiny on tliis spot had uneaitlicd the ' 'adavers of a largo number of in fants in all stages of dissection , asvoli US' lllo corpses of sovoial full grown subjects. 'J ho stench troin this pit was simply hor- rlljjfe , until it lintl been eovo'red up with thedirt. . K\cn then , at close r.ingo , it was appallfng. Mr Iturkol also pointed out a cornorof the lot invhich the meilt- cal college formerly stood. He said that he had witnesses to shoxv that the authorities xvore in the habit of burying their half dissected victims there a tew inches bcloxv the soil. The next visit xvas nnula to the medical college which xvan on wheels at tlio corner of Elox'cntli and 1'acirio streets , being in process of removal by Baldwin iUclim. \ . From the building , the doors and wmdoxx's ofxhieh were open , Mr. Hiiket asserted that the most iio.stril-roiuling stenches ) ) roceedeil , greatly to the detriment of the health ot the people in that vicinity. "There is the corpse of n man lying in there on tlio dissecting table noxx' , halt cut up , ( liscmboxvelled and trop.inned , which is almost in the last stages of decay , " said Mr. Birket. " 1 will slioxv it to you - "No , you won't , " said the foreman of the moving gang , blocking up tiie door way as Mr. Hirket and tlio city fathers " \vero about to outer the building. "What ! what ! " gasped thatgontleman. lrl'yo got orders to keep everybody out of this building , "said thu foi 1'iiiau coolly. lf ] guess tlio mombcrs of the city conn- oil have got a right to enter , " put in a city father at this fitnccniv. "That's alt light , " returned the fore man stubbornly , folding his aims. "I've got my orders , and I am going to obey thorn Besides tlmt , there ain't no de caying' corpse in the dissecting room. " mitMr. Hirket xvas Mire that there was. A short consultation xvas held , and it was agreed that the city council ought to uphold its authority. Accordingly a pphceman xvas sent for and about three o'clock the obstrupoious foreman xxas .set aside. The committee then made an c\amina- tion of the building , making disuovmic ? which xvero foi lowed by the en dilation of a petition , xvhich resulted in the call ing of a HDCciul meeting of the council w'hich was hold at 8 o'clock last evening. All of the aldermen were present except ( Joe Iman and Fold. President Beehol cu led the council to older and stated that the object pt the meeting was to consider thu advisability of declaring the Omaha Medical college a nuisance on account of charges xvhich had _ been made by citizens living in the vicinity of the college. Ernest Stulil , xvho lives near the college - lego , xvas first called upon to inform the council upon tlio state of all'airs existing at the college. Hu said that this nuisance had boon going on ever since Hie col lego xvas started. Ho lived in the tear of the building and last winter , one cold night , ho climbed out upon his roof ami looked ever the window into the ilissccting room of the college nnil there saxv the doctoru and students at work upon a subject. He wan in the bujlding a day or txxro ago xvlion they commenced to move it and saxv a part of a. subject dried up , lying on the dissecting table , with ribs anil bones and old clothes scattered around the room. Mr. 0. P. Birkott was then called out and detailed at length his knoxvledgo of the college ( lib- sooting room. Ho groxv eloquent in giving an account of the horrible condi tion of the ilissccting room xx-hioh ho pictured as "Jilled xvith evidences of dead mortality. " Ho said tlmt when the college - lego xvas located there six jearu ago it wtis with the distinct understanding that the dissecting room xvould bo kept in n condition tlmt xvoukl not give nsn to any unpleasant odorn , Of late the residents of the vicinity had been tioubled about it feat fill odor which has pervaded the neighborhood but could not trace it to its origin until on Wednesday xvlton the college - lego building was placed on wheels for removal to its new location , Mr. Birkot then vihitcd the place and found that the collar place under the building had been used as a placeto deposit the surplus llesh as it xvas cut from the bono.s of the subjects for dissection and that the htcnch xvas so noausceateing that ho couhl not sta ; near the place. The doors of the build ing were open and ho cntorod and xvont into the dissecting room. On the lloor xvoro scattered rags and remnants of clothing which hu thought had conm from dead men xvho had nox'or been ac corded a Christian burial. On the table xvas thq frame of n human being. ' 1 ho . head had been cut ofl'and tlio body dU- emboxvolled. All of the parts worn lying on tliistablo in their naked ugli ness , omitting an odor that xvas no.\ious and sickoning. Mi HiiKctt xvantcd the college removed outside of the city limits , The citi/ona x oui ! | eternally protest ngainot its roloc-itluu in the part of the city where it noxv is , . Alderman heo c.ald ho xvab astonished at the revelations xvhieli had been mado. Ho didn't think it possible that a class of educated people like the doctors of Omaha xvould bo neglect the laxx'3 of health ami decency as to cart dead people through the streets of Omaha in open houses. He thought it xvas a blanked nuisance and tin outrage. The matter was disposed of by a row- lution offered by Mr. Daily and adopted by the council that the matter of u nuis ance being maintained by the Omalni medical college bo referred to the board of health xvlth instructions to abate Uio same and liitve it removed beyond the oitv limits The council then ndjourned. TIII ; micToiis SIMVK : l > rs. Lcis-eurinc. Carter and Ayres , members of the Omaha Medical college , were soon by a HKI. rcpoi tor last oxen- ing. Tlioj stated in substance that thcio were no gummls for the charges mude. Last winter the college had a janitor xvho was caieloss and did not properly clean- out the dissecting room , but he xvas discharged - charged and the place tilled by n moro 10- sponsiblo pal ty , slnco which time there has boon no trouble xvhatexer. Dr Aju-s stated that the fuss had all been laisod nbout some specimens that belong to the medical museum , most of xvhieli xvoro prepared in Philadelphia. The boilyie- feiToil to , ho sahl , perfectly drv and had been painted , leadyto be placed in a ca o. oinn IN Tim corxTY , iAin. Career oCTom Ilojlc Urouglit to n Sail null Siiililou ICntllnH' On last evening Tom Boyle , a young man well known in Omaha , xvliero ho was born and real ed , died a fearful death in the county jail under the most distressing circumstances imaginable. Ho xvas arrested on Tuesday ovenlng while sufl'ering from an attack of Ueleriumtremons and placed in the oily jail. Here ho spent n night of untold agonies , lighting the imaginary demons that wore tormenting him. Medical at tention was given him without the de sired eH'oet and his ravings continued through the night From sheer exhaus tion ho became quiet on Wednesday and xvas sent to the county jail to sober up. Ho appeared to bo resting easily during the day anil on \ \ ednesday night , but Vcstcntay the reaction set in nnd it soon became evident that ho could not recover lioin the terrible ctTcots ot the dobauoli xvhieli had brought on the attack. Physicians wore poxver- less to aid him , and he .sank rapidly until 8 o'clock last owning , xvlion death ended his sullerings. He xx us at unco removed to tlio undertaking rooms ot lic\el fc Maul , xvlioie his remains xvore prepared for his Initial , xvhieh will take place at , ' 5 o'clock on Sunday afternoon fiom Hie rosidonoo of his parents on Chie-igo felieet , betxvcen Txvelfth and Tliiitoentli The deceased xxas a joung man but twenty-eight jeais of age. He xvas par ticularly bright , and for a number of years hold a position of trust in the freight department of the Union Pacilic. Ho loll \ictim to drink , how over , mined Ins own piospeets in lifebioke the hoails ot aged parents and brought on his oxvn bad and untimely death Deep sympathy pievails for tlio unfortunate young man's patents and brothers , who are so sadly nlllicted. $ : i ( > ,00r > In Inspector liitlock issued building per mits yesterday as follows- I'lank ( Sariotj , one-story fr.nue cot- t.iKe , Nineteenth sheet neai ideu : S l.SOO W. It Honian , one-stoiy frame cot- taiie , Twentieth sheet near Lake 1,250 Xatlian Shelton , tlnee-stoiy buck tenement block , Dodge near Txxenty-iointli 10,000 Nathan bhelton , tlnce frame cot tages , California stieet near Twenty-thl id 3,000 Jerome Kuch , txxo stoiy ftame stoie. Williams and Fifteenth sheets. . . 2,000 Weluor Kohl , txxo-stoiy buck stoie , f > 12 South Sixteenth stieet 1-tOO F. Wllhomy , t\xo-stoiv fiamc icsl- dence , on Noith Twenty-second. . 2,000 Ilaiiunn JJro smogai faeloiy , Txvcuheth near Doicas . - 2,000 Eight pel mils acrgieatlnjr. 520,450 A Jlan JllsHlncr. Henry Rohxx'cr. a young man who lives about eighteen miles north of Omaha , crime into the city on Tuesday to meet a lady friend who xvas oxneotcd to arrive on the averting tram from Grand Island. In the afternoon ho started to xvalk to the stock yards to meet the incoming train. Since that time nothing has been been of him. Ilis friends are gieatly alarmed ever Ins absence. Ho is txvontv- nine years of age , "i feet ! ) inches in height , lair complexion , light mustache and xvoro , xvheu last seen , .1 black suit of clothes. Any information concerning his whereabouts xvill bo gladly received by his uncle , Mr. Henry Hohxver , 1913 Mason sit eel. Couldn't Kalno the Mnvrlne Foe. Anton t'rak.i xvas urnMcd > esterdav in South Omaha charged XMlli being Iho father of an illegitimate chili ! born to the daughter of one of his neighbors. Ho wanted to compromise the mutter by marriage and the girl xvas willing , but as ho couldn't raise funds enough to get out a marriage license , ho xvas sent to jail. Hurt iu a Ilunawuy. While attempting to stop n team xvhich was running axvay xvith a load of brick near Elinor's brick yiud , yesterday after noon , Jamc.s liobslcr xvas knocked doxvn and run over , suslainiiig n broken leg. Mobster's team xvus also stalled by lliu runaxvay and wound up on Saunders Mrcol , after having collided xvith several cairiagcs and doing considerable dainago. Troops For Iloxvnn County , houisvu.i.f , July ! i. Judge Cole has rc- poitod to the govei inn , alter Investigating the condition of atfalii at Mnoiehead , Itoxxnn county , tlmt the assistance of troops Ib neceb- tuiy to the onforcoinentof law In this comity. ! The Judge bus asked the goveinor for hlxty men. Of these thirty go from hoiilsxlllo under ciiuiiiiand ot C'.iptnln C. .Mel'heiron. The pthen. xvlll KO lioin Lexington. The hiiiibxillu 'loops ' left to-imlit : for Itnxx.m coiintx , xvliero the xxarilng factions are-.till the Jaxv .liter haxing neaily Killed txvoolllcci * . AVoatlior IiiilloatloiiH. Wisconsin Pali vxeathei ; statlouniy tcm- jwialure ; vailablo xxlnds. loxxa mill ( Jener.illy fair xxoather ; btutlonaiy tempei.itino ; xailablo winds. , , { Illinois Local ralni , followed by fair weather ; 8tatlon.ilY teniperatiirei xainiWo xxlnda. _ I The Hop Crop Fulls. IjTifA , > . Y. , .lulyO. Hcimits from Mont- gomeiy county to the lleiald ohoxv that the hopciop In that count ) xxill bo almost a total fiiiluio. iMimy LMOXMTS nay that it xxill run pay to pluk the x'ines. Thoviuo uoiilidcnt that J good hops xxill tommand 01 miiiu. j 11 MALARIA. "If pnoplo couhl onlj knoxv xvlmt n splendid medicine blimnuns hirer Uc-fju- Jntor is there xvoiilil bo iniiiiy u physician xxithonl a patient and in .my an iiilermin- able dootur hill saved. I coiibitlor it infal lible in nwlaiul infection I hud lot many } yours been a unrlcul physical wreck fiom ; a combination ot complaints , all the out- groxvth of malaria in m > ejntom , and even under the bklllful hand of Dr J I' . Jones , of this city. 1 had dcsjj umd of over bciiiJT a xxoll woman again , bun- mons hivor Hu ulator xxas reeommoiid- od to me. 1 tried U ; it helped mo , and It iu the only tliliw that ever did me , any - * < 'ood I iiiTiCveicd in its use and um noxv in pel foct heulth. 1 lnoxv tlio medi cim > tur d me. and I alway < t Vi " | > U ; v a ruliablo 'standby1 in my family " Mas' $ l\u\ " ) & * , CAti ! di' . . Alu. WEATHER HOLDS THE REINS , And Lnck of Haiti Onuses Wheat to Tly High iu Chicago. THE DROUTH HELPS THE DULLS , A Day of Hnil Crop Itrportt 1'rom tlio Spring Whom Hojlon Corn 1'nlli to Kollow Suit Tlio Cattle MnrUut. CHICAGO QUA IX MAltKirr. Cniruio. .Inly 0. [ .Sin-olid Telegram to the ti : . | Win ; vi Wheat opened % o loxxei this moinlni : encl \\a\\n \ \ \ liom Ilio noitliNxiM and depicisod I'.ibh'Another fart tlmt litil an Inipmtnnt UIMIIIIR on etil > - Hilling tlio li.Hls ofaluo foi rally dentines \MIS the fcnoxxledRO that nbniit 1.000.000 husli- elsuf Auiu t , bought \e > leida.x morn- IiiB at v'upji o on aeioimt of V. . I. . lhx > er , would onine on the in.uKoU Dxvx'ei , xxho ] l a iceently elected member of tlio boniil of tiade , yesterday moriilni ; telegraphed tioin Now York , xxhero ho Is sojouinlng , bufoin the bcRimiing of ImsliHNs , to "Buy the oioj , " and Undeixxnod , lloxey & KoMnson under took to ovociito tlio oiilur. They sueeeded in buying about 1,000,000 tmxhelH at the top , and It was not until Into In the afternoon that thu biokersaud commission won who had sold the stuff rcnli/ed that they had boon done for , no innigin opliiif nut ui > . Ihxycr diopped suddenly tioin BlchU This nun nlni ; the wheat was sold out at 1-t tars' YC , entailing a loss of about SnOJO : , xxlilch falls nil tlioson \ \ liiid pioppily sold him. This deal 1m lboon \ \ cleared up , the maiket advanced , and ti tiding , which had at lh.-.t been eon lined almost wholly to August. hpiead oul tluoiigh othei options , The eotiiio of the nimkot xxas steadily upward lot the next half hoin , an adxniieo of I' Ufc bolng scaled , August selling up to 7lJife ) , September to bl > se and Octobot to W e. Advices fiotu the noithxxest again tinned hot , Diilnth whcd that the heat Intense and St. 1'aul telegraphed that a Uurlilcally hot xxaxo was sxxeenlngMiutli fiom .Manitoba , moio bllstei- ing than an > thing rerouted. Thu .lliu rlxei coiiespoiidi'iit wlied Koisluxv the jlold In feitilov.illo.x would not exceed seven bushels to the acio. Niuiioious dis patches xxeio lecelved on tlm llooi that the late i.iins In the bjiitng wheat cuuntiy had been local and that onlj slight iiillef had boon alloidcd in consuiiuence. The raint.ill had been rolloxxed by excosslxo heat , leu- deiiug the situition moio ciltlcal than oxci. At no tluio slnco damiee lojioils began coming In the ncxxs boon < > oiuiaii- iimuisly of injurv ( ociopsas to-diy. Dis patches and lettets pinned in lioin liuudieds ot points , and the bunion ot the tale told tlieieiu xxu-i the same. To ollsut this weio local ( . 'hle.igoshnxxeii. wliuh dampened tlio Siiiits of the bulK tenipoiailiy and in sniiil tin * idling. The market was atlui-led be.n- ishlj % c bj clouds that ovciliunit the head of L.iKe .Mirhlgan , bill ihoiO whosn vision w is not limited to the boundaiyot Cook cnunty weii'iindisin.ijt'd. Theio was vood , and at times , \i-tj Lime ti.tdlnt ; thromrrioiit tlie soi- slon , and the close at I o'clock was at ai < adxance , as complied with tlio last oludal 1 11 Ices \ostoidu , ot Ic foi August , 1 'rio ' lor Septembei , and l'4e foi Octohci. The fcellnc right at the close was oxceedlimly liulllsii , and xvitbin two minutes attci regular trad ing closed si ( ) c was bid lor August , i * ' moio than was olioied at 1 o'clock shaip. Clc.u- ingskieK licic had MOincthiiiir to do with the limine . but the uiKiuestioiiably serious outlook - look in the hilling wheat loiriun h.ul a hun- < liL'd tunes moro ellect. It outweighed local WRnlhoi iulluiiiiccs uiioimously. Cons biiceulatl"o.tradlujj in coin was of snuller olllmo to-day. Conipaiathcly speaking tlio folllim under this head was weakui than in whu.itas tlio anxiety felt coiiceiiiini ; the grouliig ci < ) | > Is not xvldc- Koading futtiies opeuud K'i1 ' 'oU and closed ' 4 ( < 84c lower tliau yestei- d.iy. J'lomlnent local houses woio tioo ICIPIS | rally. A good cash demand existed and loom wast.iKen for 'Ji/.i.OlO bnslinls. Thu featuio of the c.ih market was Hi mini ; uppiiccsfot "oil" giades under spiiiilted competition between u fowol the itimclpal bujois in. the taco ot the decline in contiacts. OATS Oats weie actlxcina si > eciilatixo way and the maikt't was inemilar and un settled. The opening prices weio C'Ol'iC below ycstvidaj s closings , and the latest bids lor. luly and Aiwubl woio H47 < > oil , witli .Septemler a bliado stungei. Sales weieat thooxtiomu lange ot SSUdiaOo for the lattei futuic. Cotintiy Nelling oideis were libeial. l'ju > VISIONS J'roylslons sold down uaily , but latei the whole list tuacted bh.iiplj in bjmpathj with the adxanco in wheat , .mil poll : closed .rj ( tOc higher than jestciday , laid lOc hichel , and libs iiKc lilglicr. xvlilch was 'JOta'JJ } ! , ! ' above the Inside pi icesfoi poik.12.Ko foi laid , and lOt Uj c toi libs. Lard blunwxl inoie steadiness than anj other line of the piodiict. Speculatixe business was only of modi-rate volumi' . thougli occasionally con- aideiable activitj wasiimnifostcd. O.v i HI : Ci'iui Wheat was stionger after the close anil advanced to snjfc for August , w hen it eased off to 79 ; c. I'uts closed 7S o , and callsat hlj c. OllIO-VGO | jIVI3 STOCK. Citic.voo , July 9. [ Special Telegram to tlio I5ii.JC'ArTi.i : : : At the Union stock yaids the receipts to-day as compaicd with last Filday slioxxcd an incicaso In cattle , a slight Incicaso in hogs , anil alaigo docrcaso Insheup. Toi the weul : thus far tlio ircoinls bhoxv an increase of 5,800 cattle , 000 sheep , and a doorcase of Jil.OOO hogs as computed with the. coiniSDondliigtlino last wuek. The cattle mat lcl to day XXMS quiet and unsatis factory , but the sliglit Impiovcmont In the disposition to buy heavy cattle noted j estei- day was not lost to-day. J-'ltio fat cattle o light welglit weie In tail demand and bold a shade stionger. The hog maiket was dull and tiilly lOo lowei than joalerday. Sheep holdtilowlj without change. The cattle re ceipts foi thediyweio 7.SOO , making about ) , WO foi the week so fai. Thcio was moio lllo than on any other day this wcuk , and ahllghtun tin n as compared with the past ThuiMlay. Vet thcioas no real adx'ance , and tlm outlook I- . not promising lor heller- . IJlL' Kxpuit SU'otn Kxtienu'ly low pi ices on this class , espt'ulally on bt.d" and undoslia- bio lots , has at last doxeloixjd a dgmand .sttlllclcnt to nearly cleai the jions. It Is said MOIIIOO hniight suventy-llvo to eighty loads Into jostci day xvlllilu the ruin ously loxv liuigo of Sl.WXif 1.00 for VXO to l.TOO Ib steers , an oc'asional load of fiesh maKIng 'i)0. ( ) The-u1 liaxo tjoen "luu'Is ol moiioy" lost in tins class of block this week. Medium AH compared with ycMeidny thuio la no change to noto. 'J his class hu : had to stand U.i nliuru of loss ihisweok. | ( iuihsy Mock IB J0@.0o lower than a week or ' Dihtillen Stock One consignment of 1'JOO to law lb sli-etrt bold at 8I.W. Toxaim Tno iecepU | today weio about folly cars Tiudo xvas dull at tint decline noticed a da > or tw o ago. Values iituW Wo lowei { than at the close of last wtok on com mon and thin htork. Cowhand lloifeis Common and lowprado cnniuiiKHtiick continues dull. llu > us prefer cheap Texan * . J'oorort old cows und fair canning stock ha\n dioppcd ( ) , tOo In a x\ror > . V dl C.ihes-baleior 111 , aveiagliiK about 150 llw. at 34.W. . hKxkers : and Feeders The trade In [ his . .Stock hus an ! il wuiiexxliat forailay or two nant and the chances now aio that piis xclll yo lox > ei HllipldliK bleers. iW : ) to J.MM Ilii. 8i.7v s.eo , is j to ii'Xlbi. ; ) Si.JO'ti.M ; .cm to 1 .0) Ibs , ti.7.YU' : ' . > ; htockers and lenders , . ' i teS.lM ; cows , bulls and mixed , bl-Vpy ; .7. > ; bulk. S .MVn.i.'i' ! bloti led sU ra , fct.okl SXJ ; tluoiigh Texas cattle , slow but ntcady at b'i.w.ei.8) ; bulk , ii.)0'ri.-r ( ) . lloribllecelits ) , 'AOOO , inal.lii108.000 for the week hit lai. The maiket opened slow , piletM weak , anrl chised S ( 10a lox\ur , with the bulk ol bile-sof mixed at S4.70 < M . / ' , slid ot heavy s-l.tfXj' I.b3. Light bold at 4 t5i l.M ) . ' ! , t H. horts cost SJ.W ) as agalnut i.M @I.Wjoteidn > i rough and mixed , M.iO < ( J -iTr. ' ) : packlni. and BlilW'l" } ' , . . . $ ? IIl < > alilwi ( } -l.7V. , tf > ; HKlitxvuiihU ; , fcf.lU .M ; ( kips , 0 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r liatniltonVorrbu , fioleuttq cian and burgeon , Uooiu 0 , Crouuta block corner IClli and Capitol aveau o.ills yromotlvatuiutcit