Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1886, Image 1

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Justin McCarthy Tells of the Struggle Toi
llome Rule in Ireland.
AVI ml nml Water Stand HeUvccti the
1'olln nud I.noiiKh Votes to
Carry the Illrutlon In
Ills I'nxor.
AMicro McCnrthv I'ousht.
l'ssi Kii i.i.x , Jnl } K [ New Yoik Hcrali
Cable-Special to the lli.r. . ] Peihaps > inn
itadcis feel an Interest in a low details ol
the elei tlon campaign In Ireland by om- ti
the thick of the struggle. 1 am hero In tin
county I'eriiianagh , on the shore of Lang
homo. I have come fiom Merry City , when
I have been miitlng a haul battle , lo lint
m j self [ i i tin ned here unoppo-i d. 1 hav e no
been elect ) d for Deriv at least 1 am not of
liclaliy dot lured elected and my opponcn
Is declared the winnei by a majoiltj of thiet
\otes. At tlio contest In vombor 1 wai
twtntj-nlne behind.
( osMiu i.i i ) v riuAT i'iti/p.
'I he cltv of Ht nj Is one of tlio great pibc
for which tlio liish nationalist most oageilj
stiove. Only of kite > eus was It possible fo
the nationalists to attack an } gieat Orange
strongholds In Ulstei. In the last election' '
we decided to attack Deny and the wcsten
division of Helf.tsl. We put up In West lel !
last om champion oiator , Sexton. My col
Icaeues asked mo toeoiitest Deny , which . '
clhl , with the icsult already told. Sexton wa <
nlao deleated thciobj a small nnjoiitj * .
wn I.WIN MM 11 MP.
Wo woic well content , foi we had foum
that the Orange stiongholds had only to bi
attacked once airain in oiclei to bocaptuiecl
Deiry Is one of the most inteiestlng cities li
I1 eland , u'iitcd with walls , solid and stiongai
those of Jerusalem , pietuicsquo as tlie wall' '
ofCbestei. 'Ihecltjhas gi own ( outside tin
walls , whcie there is a gnater populatloi
than Inside. ' 1 he latter Is almost exclusive ! ;
Piotcstant and Oiange , but outside tlieie ha
grown up a great Catholic populatloi
thoroughly national.
JIIP. wouKivoMr.v's vorr. .
llecent legislatiim , the leform bill } car be
fore last especially , has given votes to tin
woiking classes cveivwhere , and thus en
abled the nationalists of Deny to stain
boldly up to encounter their oiamreoppon
ents. Nothing exceeds the bitterness of the
Orange tooling against the Catholics and na
tlonalists. Happilj , under most conditions
Oiangcmcit and nationalists do not meet
The Oiangenien keep tlieli own quarters
the nationalists have their own league roon
in the heart ol the national quarter , so then
is no ov'itso whatever for Orangemen ti
come in their way.
now vions Ann STAIITI.D.
Tlie nationalists , to do thorn justice , neve
tr } to Intelfeio with the goings on of tin
Orangemen , but in election times the ilva
ciovvds aic biouglit Intoclaiiseiousproximity
Tlie court house vvhero the v cites are countec
ami the icsult decknecl is in Iho prlncipi
bticet In the Oiango miaitcrs. from which ai
Oraniio mob two jeais ago tired icvolvcrs a
tlio ( lien lind ma ) or of Dublin , , belli )
n nationalist membei of parliament , ho hat
dared to come and dclivei a Htciaiy lectmeli
Ciuious , the hotel wheic the nationalls
\lsltorsstav.ison the same sticet with tin
Orange hotel , a few doors upon the othe
bide. Theicfoic the two crowds are biouglv
dangciousl } near. Orangemen como dowi
from ono end to cheer the Oiango camlldati
at the Orange hotel. The nationalists stican
up fiom the othei to hear their candidate at
the nationalist hotel , both crowds eager ti
get ne.u the coiut house to hear the declara
tlon of the polls.
A u utmr.ii KIH CTPD.
The space between the two crowds Is kcp
by a double hauler of soldieis , with lixei
bayonets. The whole savors of the strange
the exciting , the nlctuiosquo a very pilnfn
scene. As 1 saw It last autumn , so 1 saw I
yeslcidaj' . Wo know on the clay of votlnt
that ttiocontcst must bo a close question , of i
few votes meicly , and the excitement kop
up to a fearful stialn.
IIOTINCI ron nrivroucT.JinxTS.
Wo know a vessel , 'Iho Harvester , was a
sea on the way to Dciry and had on bean
sixbtmdy nationalist sailors , electois o
Dcrry. longing to give their votes tor tin
nationalists' cindldatcs. The Haivester vva1
expected early on the morning of thoelcc
tlon. The inoinlng passed and she was no
Sighted. Noon came , no Harvester. 'Ihlnl
liow , Inour mliid's ao , wo watched the horl
ran for the ship to hi Ing our ft lends u ]
horn the under world and filends whosi
coming wo knew would give thubattlo to ou
Ainiivni ) TOO I.ATH.
Hours passed. At last The Ilaivcstcr wa
sighted. Vet a little , and her stout seamoi
Avcio ashore. Hut , alas , out stout nationalls
mailneis came just too lain. The legal hou
for polling had pa sed , and wind and vvavi
gave the victor } to tlio Oiango candidate.
JUMI.N McCAisiav.
HorscaiicH Krom tlio OIIRO After lie
( UK Tonlhly Miullutod.
PA ins , July 8. [ Now Yoik Herald Cabli
Special to tlio UKI.J : The iccent Knglish
men who , accenting lo Fiencli tradition , ha
bltually attend the performances of lloi
tameisln hopes of seeing tlio lions dovoti
their masters , came veiy near having thoii
wish giatlllcda couple of nights ago at tin
Kaho delNully. mdoll.tho famous lion tamer
has as usual pitched his tout at thocornci o
the great palish lair , whore his bloodcurdling
ling performances had boon duvvlni ; uowdi
nightly. When ho had
to face the foui fieico lions with whom hi
rerformed , the people noticed that Hldoll die
not seem himself. No wonder , for he wai
EUlTeilng from a tuddon attack of ihcumatlsn
nml walked with diniculty. All went well
howovci , up to a certain point. He had pu
the four animals tlnough theli pacoj , thrc <
had lelnrned to the adjoining uigo , am
Uiuell was alone with ono
his bliow bwast , named Sultan , whic !
boean Its career by biting n rustic's arn
oif homo } eai-a ago. 'Iho boast his
nlwasbccn hard to manage , llidoll wai
nbouttomakehlin stand on bis hind leg !
when the tamer btumbled fiom rhcuuiatli
l > alu , falling piono. In an Instant tlm
foftcnlng its teeth in his neck and arms. AI
EoeincJ over , and a simultaneous cr } Jf hot
ror arose fiom the audience. Several womci
fainted and everyone but Utdell and an as
tlsUnt , who was providently near , lost tbcli
hoadf. Uy a tremendous effort of uiuscti
RiidwSlI the lion tainer
aurt strove to hurl Uie nilgtity ma3 awaj
from liliu. At Uiosame liutaut , the assistant
catching up along lion tipped pole , wade ;
determined IUUEO at Sultan , who , hcmlini
With va\n \ , H-lcaicJWs hold und eutcicd tbi
next door to reflect on the slluitlin. Uefor
the beast eould sprine at him again Uldcll ,
sinr.AviiNo vvnn IIIOOD ,
dragged himself lo the outer door of th
cige. Meanwhile all the animals in th
minairc no hid i\l ed thcii peculiar eiie-
miKIng the place lildeou-i A doctor presen
ntouce altendfil to the wounds , seventeen I :
number , hut none immediate ! } dangerou'
Illdell at once olTeied to re-enter the cage I
complete the pel foi mance , bat tlio publl
Mapped him with shnuts of "asscv , " "a se/
( enough , enough ) , and ho ictired for a woe'
or ten dis to olitain rest and nursing.
TIM ; iN ijis7TiincrioNs.
( Indstoiio Undaunted lit tlio I'noc ' u
UiiH.ulsriicldi y IliMurnH.
LONDON- , July K Hetuins received up to
o'clock this atteinoon fiom parltamcntar
elections show that , lie conservatives , I
unionist } , WO ( lladstonlans and 03 Painel
lies ln\o been elected.
Totals at this hour ( midnight : ) Conscrvn
lives and unionists , .M : ( iladstnnians. It ) '
' 1 he conservatives , in oidei to obtain a worl
Ini' majority IndeiKndent of the llbera
unionists , must cany s > ( ) i the 17-1 lennlnln
seats , anil It Is consicleied Impiobible thf
thej will succeed In doing so. Tlu > ( ilu
stonlans lelv upon a collapse <
tlie conservative unionist coilitlon who
Loid bnllsbmy takes olllce , and thev aio ce
tain that the consul vatives cannot dominat
the lioiisu of commons unless the unionist
civorerute w itli them. It is lepurted in goi
ernnienteiielc' ( lladstdiie is ileteimiuc
to wage n ceaseless biltlo In patliani'mt. Th
political lead.'isot even putv anticipate
jierlod ol unpiccedentccl ] ) aitlamontarj cot
lLsso 's a
The 1'i-liim Donu.i Will no Woddci
Next Week.
LONDOV , Jul } 8. [ New Voik Herald Cabl
Special to the 15u ] It having bee
iiimoicd that Mine . Nilsson's maril.ige wit
Count Casa Mliamla was biokcnolf , 01 r
least imletinitel } postponed , I asked Ut
diva whethei the report was tine. In icpl
I icccived the following note :
Di.u Slit : Thcie Is no tiuth whatever 1
the leport jou mention. As soon ns th
license fiom Itomo has reached us , the ma
liigo will take place. In case the llcon
docs not arrive In the couisc of the week , tli
ooromoii } will bo postponed till Septembe
\villtlion \ take place In Madrid. Will jo
kliull } have the false irpoits coriectcdV
Truly joins , CIIIIISII.M , Nn.ssov.
On calling on Mmo. Nilsson tills afte
noon , Ilcained the clvilmarriagoonly Is t
take place , In the presence of fifteen ortwcnt
oHho Intimate friends ot the bride niulbiid
gioom , on Monday or Tuesday next. See
alter tlio Count and Counters do Casa M
randa w ill stall for tlio continent , with Mim
do Casa Miranda , the count's daughter ,
spilghtlj , intelligent , graceful girl aboi
tw enty years old , whom Nilsson adopted son
time ago. _
Preniirinu to Sail.
CovsTANTixoi'1,1 : , July 8. [ New Yoi
Herald Cable Special to the BKK. ] 11
Impeiial pi luces visited the Kear age this a
tcrnoon. Admiral Pranklln will bo admlttr
to a faiewell audience with the sultan t
moirow. llo will sill to lejoin the flagslil
nt Sjia on Monday , and proceed to the I'll ;
cus , where the Kearsaie , p.utlng compan :
will take a eruiso round the Levant coa :
provlous lo icturning to Constaiitinop ;
about October.
i U'nlos.
Loxno.v , July 8. Kioting broico out th
afternoon in Caulilf , Wales. 'Iho polic
chaiged the crowd and wounded ovci on
hunched persons. Twenty of tlio Injuie
were seriously hint and weio convced I
hospitils. Ovvhu to the excitement tl
ninvor has prohibited tlio meeting wii ieh w :
to have been held to night to celebrate the n
tin noi 1C. J. Heed , liladstoiiian , to pail I
inent. The police will bo ] ) ioaecuted fc
using undue v lolcncc.
Ycstcrday'd Cvcnta ou the Turf an
CHICAGO , July 8. At Washington pai
the weather was cool and the attendanc
Three-quarters mile : Wary won , Griscll
second , Marge third. Time l-.r > , J < . Mutua
paid SG.bO.
Mile and half : Lizzie Dvvyer walked ov (
the course , tlio non-starter being liuchanai
I'nclcvvood stakes , mlle : Estiella woi
Ach second , Pine K0 third. Time 1:181 : :
Mutuals paid S10.70.
Mlle and quarter : Leman won. Alleo sci
ond. Joqulta thiid. Time 2 OS'4. ' Mutual
paid S2.tX ( ) ) . Tlio w lunei was bought in at a
advance of 51,003 ,
Threo-quaiteis mile , heats : First hcat-
nieaiier w on , Klolso second , Nora M. thlu
Time ll'f. : ( ) Mntuals paid SO. CO. Sccon
heat Gleaner \VarSlgnsecond \ , Uloit
tlilul. 'L'lmo 1:17. : Mutuals paid SO.OO.
Kxtra lace , tin eo-qtiai tors mile , heats
Ooveinor Uato won , Tommy Cruise secom
Untquo third. Time 1:17 : . Mutuals pai
5.F,50. bccond lieat Unique won , Loiii |
second , Tommy Ciulse third. Time 1:1 : !
Thiid hoU Unique won , ( iovernoi liat
second. Tlmo 1:18. Mutuals paid 83.0
Jloiiinouth Park rtaccs.
MOHMOUIH PAIIK , July 8. Handicap , fe
ullages , and ono one-fourth miles : Joa Co
ton won , ; i-il/abcth : second , Thackery thlu
Timo-2rJf. :
Koi twoearold a , three-fourths of a mile
Hanover won , Onoko second , Hoi d'C '
thlid. Ti mo-l:15 } .
Monniouth cup , onu and tin co-fourth mile1
MKsVoodfoid won , Kast Ljnn secom
Ten Uocckei third. Timu 3:07. :
Moniiioutli oaks , oneaiid one-fourth miles
Dcnv Diop won , Cluiity second. Tlmo-
tJ : 10 * .
Handicap , for all ages , ono mlle : Klectrl
won , Grenadier second , Poitland thlu
riino-1 : ftJJ/ .
llamllcaii steeple chase , for all ages , shoi
course : Jiuchu won , Abiaham sccom
Woilh thiid. Timo-aJl. :
The llixao Bull Kccorcl.
Chicago . y 00014020
D'-trolt . 012000010
Pitchers Claikson ancl Getzoin. Das
hits-Chicago It , Detroit 7. Kirois-Chicag
0 , Detiolto. Umpire Connelly. Tno gam
was vvllnes-ed by 1.2,000 people.
Plttsburg . 1 10308100-
litooklii . 0 01000000
Pltcheis Galvln and Poitei. Uaso hlts-
Plttsburg 13. Ihooklvn'J. llnore Plttsbur
3 , Urooklii ! ! . Uinplio Bradley.
Cincinnati . 0 SllOOOiO
Metropolitans. . . 0050001 o
Pitciicrs-Mnllano and Mays. First bas
lilts Cincinnati 10 , Metiopolftans 8. Erroi
Cincinnati b , Metiopolltaii ! . 0. Umplro-
A'i Lorisvir.i.E
Loulsvlllo . 4 1 n 0 .1 l i 3 l-l
Athletics . 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 3-
Pltcliers Kamscy and Kennedy. Has
hlts-Loulsvilhi lb. Athletics l > . Ihrois-
Louuvlo2 | | , Athtctlcb i. Uniphe WalcU.
A r ST. lo ma
st. LouU. . 3 0 1 1 0 0 S 0 0 1
il.iltliuoio . 0 00000000
Pltchois-MtCliuuIs and Kllroy. Uuiplr
KaneasCity . 0
St. Louis . , . , l 0 0 0 1 3 0 0
Pilchois-IJojlo , Cahlll and Whitney. Ua
plrc Maplcdvmo. ,
Cfioliua'a Deadly Work.
Rosir , July 8. The chok'Ki returns for t (
day are : Hrlndise , 130 UVT eases , -(0 deaths
Knntnna , W new rose ? , 10 deaths ; L&tlano. i
eaaffs , ai deaths ; San vleto.27e.iscs , 4 deaths
Vcnkv , 1 iiewc&so , U deaths ; Codlgaio ,
ncvi.isc , 1 death , audbuvoial cases in th
of Oologua , 1'uduaaud Vicouti.
Republican Editors Gall Loudly Per Invest !
gation of the Payne Bribery.
The- United Stnlci Sonnto Must Purlf }
Itsc'M' 01 1'roTC tlio Chnrcs (
1'nlsc-Ohlo Will 1)0
Editorial Mot Shot.
s , Ohio , .Inly 8 Tlio lepubllciii
editors of tlio state met nt thereDublloin staU
hcadquirten nl lla. 111. , there bolus ; seventy
llvorechtcied iiiul others came In on Ilic nooi
tmln. Tlio object of tlio convention Istc
take some action expressive ot their view <
on the rcliml uC tlio United States sen
ate ( o ordoi nn Investigation ol
tlio election of Scnntui P.ijnc. 'J'lio con
\elitlon oig.inl/cd by electing Jaine ;
M. Comic1 } , of Toledo , cliaiiman , who ap
pointed the following committees : Itesoln
tions-M. Ualstcad , W. S. Capellar. Clmilei
K liildvvln , J. , .John llnpley , Lcc
lliiseh and Daniel A. Isndd. Peimanentoi
ganlatton ot icimbllcan editors D , 1)
Taj lor. W. C. Ljons , C. K lionbrakc , if. is
Wilson. T. C. He } Holds.
Telegiams woio lead from a. largo nuinbui
of cditoislio wcro iiiiablu to bo piesent , expressing
pressing svnipithy with tlio movement
amontrthcm IMwIn Cowlos , of the Cleve
Kind hcadei , who said : " L'ho lepubllcan !
of noi them Oliio unanimously con
dcinn thu action of thu Unltec
btates enato In condoning tin
biiing of the senatorial nomination foi
II. 15. Pa } no ; that justice to him icqulre1 the eh.uges should bo Investigated , am his bilcnco in not demanding an itu call
Cation sneaks volumes , and , if Innocent , hi
should clear Ids name from suspicion.
1'hoconvention adjourned to ll0 : ! p. m ,
when the committee on it-solutions submit
ted tlio following :
To the Senate of the United States : Tin
republican edltois of Ohio , in convcntioi
assembled , icspuctftilly repiesent that tin
circumstances preceding and attending tin
election in 1SS4 ot HeniH
Pa } no to tlio United States senati
trom Ohio induced a iirm bellol in tin
public nuiul at tlie time that his eketlon was
accomplished by tlio corrupt use of money ,
Developments since liavu continued this
boiler , it lias b"come the settled convictlor
ot tlio people ot O.ilo tiiat I'.ijuo holds hU in tno senate as a result ol
bribery. It would bo dllllcult to find
a \vell-lnloinied person in the , state to sell-
ously dlsinte | the tact. These convictions
aio not the icsultof paitism iceling , lei it i ;
notorious that the accusation of coiruptton
01 U'imtedwith persons , of opposite political
opinions tiom ourselves , and jet the inllu-
enee ot money and tlio power of paitj dis
cipline ha\e , in moit eases , caused them t (
detend , i.uhei todenouiieotlicsechaigei
llrst made bj themsohes. Your memoiial-
ists-,11110 the geneial conviction. The tai-
icaelilngovils of the situation aio inanilest
Kediess can onh come from the senate ot the
United States , and wo theiotoio respectfullv
and eaincstly leqiicst that thu sen.itn will
dnect an Im estimation to be made , believint
it will establish tlio charges ot bubeiy and
coniiptlon loiinallj presented by the Ohlc
senate and house of icpicsentatives
Kxpresslvo of the coin lotions of the
Republican editors ot Ohio aic
the enclosed resolutions and an addles1
adopted , and \\e ask that the senate shal
vindicate the chiraclei of the state , either bj
dealing up these ) chaigcs or bv puritvlni !
that bed > iromtho presence of the inembci
eounptlj' elected.
Itesolvcd , That It isdeclarcd to be ihebcllel
of tlio niembeis of this convention , and thoj
so charco tint the election ot Henry 13. Pajnc
to thosenatoot the United States was pi oeinei !
by the eonnpt use ot large sums nt mom1 }
tiirnUhctl and ilisbuibedby the acknowledged
agents and leprpscntativcs of Mi. Pajne :
and tliat tills convention luithci declaies it'
belief that an investigation by the senate wit.
substantiate this chaigc , and thov aie nol
avvaro that the fact has been In any diiect and
lesponsiblo way denied.
Kcsolvcd , 'Jhat the senate commlttco on
privileges and elections be , anil it is heiebv
ieiucsted | , Jo act lavorablj upon the cominut-
cation ot the nicnibeis ot the Ohio delegation
in congress asking for a jecounlderatlon ol
the vote Wheieby the committee declined to
lecommend an investigation of the election
ot Mr. Payne , and also to take into'onsidera-
tlon the linal communication ot Keprosonta-
lives hlttlo .mil liuttci\\oitli , otleiing fmthei
evidence of hitbeiy In the election of Mi.
Pavne. ami finther vvulghtlei icasons for In
Kcsolv cd , Tliat In case ( he senate committee
on privileges and elections adheres lo its ie-
poited decision , the senate of Hid United
Males be requested to taKe this decision ol
Its committee on pilvilcges and elections Into
consideiatlon and ievers.o it.
llesolvcd , That It Is suggested lo the senate
of the United btates not to Ignoio its time-
honored custom and ttnn liom Itsdooir
statement which comes so fully suppoited ,
prefeulng the cliaigo that one of its seats in
that body was puichased with mono } n
charge wfilch , If ignored by tlio senate , must
untavorab ! } Inlluonco the icputatlon ot thai
bodj Itself.
Itesolved , That It Is the riu'ht of the people
ot the state , nml vital in clmrac-
tei , to have an Investigation Into the sena-
tpilal fclt'ctlon ' therein , tfhen the sanuEi <
charged by repicseiitafivo and lesponsiblc
authoritv. as has boon done in this case , tc
have been accomplished by bilbeiy or othei
con tint means.
Kesolvcel. 'lhat a copy of these icsolntions ,
attested to by the olllcors of this convention ,
bo tiansmlttcd to the piosident of tlio soiv
ate.Tho foregoing resolutions weio supplo-
mcnted by tliclolloniusmcnioiial , addies ed
to the scnatoof the United States :
The republican editors of Ohio , assembled ,
vv ho consider tlio mattei of ginv o concern to
their state and to the nallon , ask theattcn-
tlqn of the United States senate and ol the
cnuntiy to the bilef piesontatlon ot the ease.
For the llrst tlmo In the lilstoiyof the republic -
public , a state , speaking tlnouch Its legisla-
the and other equally responsible accredited
agents , piofeiiing before the piopei commit
tee of the national senate definite and well
supported charges of wholesale brlbeiy In
thu pinclmso of ono of hei seat-.In thosenate ,
has , KO fnr as the committee on pilvilczea
and elections of the senate can decide , been
turned away and icfused the opnoitunlty
which she sought tomaUo good the chaitfes
of bribery by legal pioof. Tluough accredited
leprcsontatfvcs the state has asked the
Benato commltteo to reconsider thu advcisc
declb on , and vv Idle awaiting Its action , we ,
ns citizens of Ohio , propose to bo heard. We
maintain that thu senators of tno United
btates hold their seats at the hands of the
states , acting through their respective legis
latures ; tliat these latter bodies form ihc
proper channel of communication between
tlio state and scnato In all that pertains to the
Integiity oflts seats In that body. No In-
6tancohasct arisen In the history of the
senate vvhero specific and well buppoitcd
charges01 bilbery In a bonatoilal election ,
piefeircdb } tholcglslatuio of n state , have
not been pioperly Investigated by the senate.
In fact , so zealous 1ms the senate been of its
own Integiity and honor , that It has hereto
fore promptly ordered an Investigation upon
thomeiiioilalofitscltlicns , and In other cases
upon the memorial of Individual members ot
the legislature chaiglpg fraud In the senator
ial cRctlons The chaigothat thereat ot
Henry H. Payne was purchased by the cor-
nipt use of moiiry b.y Ids Immediate agents In
Duylng the votes of the members of thft sixty-
eighth general assembly of Ohio has been
made before the national senate and gujV
poited belorp Its committee on privileges and
elections with such authority , dlioctness of
slice-location and showing qredltablo nd con
vincing evidence , ns has never before licen
broiigirt to nenatorlal attention In any cause
w hlcu the record of congiesa discloses. This
vv 111 appeal1 from the follow lufe facts :
} ' Upon Hie finely prlutp charges that
fifteen members Of Uiolccislatuiov > hlch had
elected Mr. Payne had been paid money for
tuelr Votes. Tlio nousfi of repreeeintatlves
of our state hereupon ordered an Investiga
tion into tbo ciiQ ot IQUJC o ( Its ueu ers vvho
bad been members of the former legislature
and who were ninonc the e elmrged vvltl
Imv ins received bribes.Vldlo this commit
tee did not llnd evidence to prove the charge' '
niralnsl these particular members , It dl <
tiansmit evldpuce to the semte of tin
United Slates \vhlch iMnbll'hed as strong i
prlmi facie case of fraud In the election eMi
Mi Pajnoas was overlaid before that bodj
In anv similar cn c.
J. The Mate cential renubllcan commltlci
of our stale , at a mectini ; called to eotisldci
the mattei , passed resolutionselmr.'Iiip. upov
Intormatlou nud belief , tliatthe scatof Pajiu
was purchased , and rcfpicstlng the senate U
Investigate theeharee , mid appointing Hepre
sentatlvc.Iohn l.lttle , of om slate , to apprii
befoio the senate committee , In belnlf ot tin
lepnblicansof Ohio , and present the proof-
upon w lilch the grave charges made Ind beer
.1. The semte of our state , acting for Itself
fuitniilatcd delinltediamcs that the scat ol
Mi. Pajuo wasbouu'lit , declared ii'a onsfoi
Us belief , and forvvaided them to ( lie bcnat (
with the request that an Investigation wluli' '
be ordeicd
4. The house of lonrrsentatlvcsof Ohio , fol
lowinc thocx.tmploof the Ohio senate , am
aUluc for It ell and In addition to the rep u
of its committee , passed a lesolutlon chare
Ing brlberj in Pav tie's election , and also ask
lin ; the MMiate the < amo investigated
5. Kepresenlatlvo LHtli ! appealed , aicoid
ing to hlsaiipolntineiit , Dcfoictliescnatecom
mittee omuivileges and elections , and In j
statementof uniiuunl sticnuth and cleaines'
showed thit there was abnndint pioof t (
lustllv tlie charges which had been forwaidet
liom Ohio. At latei healing slio called to hit
assistance llepreseiitatlvoltuttervvoith , ofoui
tale , and eicli , In statements of great loiee
laid beloie tint scnato commlttco r
mass ot additional evidence , tlu
chauctei of which propeilv staitlcii
tlio coutitly , although it seems to nave fallen
dead upon n noi tion of the committi e. ' 1 hi1
was no less than an oiler to piovo , by legal
evidence , hi case tlie senate would atloul
Ihem an oppoitniilty bolote a committee ol
investigation , that Oliver A. Pavne , son ol
tlie senator , < ontilbuted 3100,000 iovvaids tin
pincliast ! ot the scat fet Ins father in the sen
nte ot the Unltoa .States ; that David K. Paige
one of tlienianageisor the Pajno election ,
took S6\OOU , either of tlie above sum , or as ar
Independent sum , to Columbus lei use In tin
pmcliasi'ol members In the icglslntuie. am
that John It , McLean , of Cincinnati , paii
8100,000 to heln secure votes lor Mi. Pajne
Desides this , Messrs. Little and Untlervuntl
piesonted muiv pi oofs tending to establlsl
tliobiibeiv of various membeis of the legisla
tine which elected Pajne.
0. Tlie colleagues of Messrs. Little ant
linttciwoith , seeing the public statement
tliat the senate committee had decided toic ?
poit against the rc < picst tor an Investigation
addiessed communication to the scnati
( .ommittec , VNhlch had tlio aiipiovalof bpna
toi Sheiman , dcel.uing thoii beliel In UK
charges of bubeiy brought againstPajne
and tlie furlhei conviction that they cou'd ' hi
established by Investigation , and asking toi
a leconsidcrition ot t'io ' case at the hands ol
the committee.
It is theiefore submitted to tlie committee
on pilvlleties and elections , to the senate am
to tlio people of tiio United States that , wher
this show ing , and om state thus speaking
and thus ulliiming iliiough icgularly ap
pointed and responsible lopiescntatlves , has
alight to a lull hearing undci oath foi it >
witnesses beloie the seiuto commltteo ol
investigation. In case the showing thu >
made and tlio lequestthusfounallypiesentcr
and stionglj supported , me not deemed sulll
cient to jitstity nn investication , it will seem
dltlicnlt to eoncelvo under what ciicnm
stances one can obtain a hoaiing when
chaigcsof bilberj ala made.Vo tlicrefou
lequcstof thesenato that In its foitliconiln *
leport liom Us coiiimltteo on pil\ lieges and
elections. It vv ill determine and announce foi
the beneht of all the'states the forms whtcli
must be complied with and the condition1
which must exist uefoio the senate will pro
cecd in an Inquiry toucning the piuchaseol
ouo of Its seats. Iftho senate icqulies fur
ther action than Juts'been taken bj thfiOhic
rcpubllcins , it will bo Iuteie3tliig nnU in-
structlvo to Vllio country toItntnv
what its roahiic'iionts can be ,
If the sums named by the Ohlc
lepubllc'tns as coriuptlv used to elect Pav nc
aienot snlliclentto secure an Investigation ,
it becomes important to know what limit ol
expjiidituie mustbo icichcd in onlci to cs
tablish a pi inu iacie case of sunicient sticngtl
to liistnean investigation. It has been pub
llcly anuoiinced by ono senator w ho oppose ;
the investigation tliat his opposition is based
on the tact that the monej used to purchase
Pajuo's election was expended foi caucii1
votes mid not toi votes on thelloorof flu
lciislatuio , and that the senateeannotnndei-
take to Investigate the caucus. If these reso
lutions be adojitcd by tlie senate It will pio-
claim that heit-alter the open purchase ol
caucus nomination by monev will bonobai
to the undistiubid occupation ot a seal
in the senate. T\\o other senator
have declaied that they opposed
tno investigation because It doe :
not appear that Payuo was a party to the
coiinpt use of money. This , In other woids ,
Is to declare that a man's , agents , including
his neaiPst lelatlves.may go among the mom-
beis ot the state legislature with a supply ol
grcenbicks and buy a senatorship with as
much fiflcdom as ho would puicliasc the fmi-
11 } supply of coal orpiouslons in maiket.
Finallv , in adding om request foi an In
vestigation to the nunv already before the
senateund committee , wo expiess the hope
that Ohio lepnblicansmay icceive tliat con
sideration which is justly duo to the giave
charges which thev make and which wo fully
endorse , and that the scnato w ill not fail tc
see that lU good name is Involved In the
question Dicsented foi Us decision.
[ Signed. ] M. HAI STT VD ,
Cincinnati Oommciclal ( Luctte.
W. S. OAriMH.t.Eii , Manstleld News.
Cuv.nrr.s K. HAI.HWIV ,
Mount Veinon Jlopubllcan.
J. P. Tar.xr , Ocnova rimes.
L. HIHSCII , Ohio Sontaagst.
I ) . A. l uiii ) , OhloTiibune.
JOHN HOPI.KV , Hucjrus Jouumi.
Commltteo on Itesolutlons ,
This icport Is sinned also by eaeli of ( lit
soventvlive edltois in attendance. Othei
editors In Ohio bj telegraph ask tliat their
names bo signed to the icsolutlons.
The reports of the committees were unanl
moiisly adopted , after which a permanent or
gani/atloinvas nlfected by the Udoptlon of .1
S. J. Fllckfnger. of the Ohio Journal : trcas-
tuer.T , C. Heynoldt ) . of thoAkioi ) Iioacon.
An executive committee \vns elected , con
stituted of J. M. Comoy , M. Holstcad , 0. M ,
Nichols and C. r. B ildvv in.
Altei tlio editors adjourned they called on
Cioveinor Forakcr In a bodj' , Thogovcinoi
mode a speech In which ho endorsed tlm no-
tlon ot the convention , ami icviowed bilgllj
tlio occasion lor sucli action on their pair , ot State. Koblnson , Mr. llalsteail
and others also inniln speeches.
Anutlior Conl Syndicate.
ST. Louis , Mo , , July 8. The second at
tempt to form a coal syndicate In St. Louis ,
embracing tlio mining Interests In southern
Illinois within a radius of lifty mllns , liaf
proven successful , and aitkles of incorpora
tion have been Coin-aided to the sccietaiy ol
state oIllinois. . Tim incorpprators are C. J ,
Urandall , K , 1Donk and Kdward Devoy ,
Tno capital stock Is 85,000,000. It is said tc
be held by St. LonUnion who are in the syn
dlcate. The combination takes in all mine"
in southern Illinoi with the exception ol
perhaps half adozeif.
A Tclc rapti Hull.
Nr.w YOIIK , July 8. In the two million
dollai suit of llecplvei Kauisvvorth , of the
Hankers' & Meichnnts' Telegraph companj
against the Western Union Telegraph torn-
piny lor destruction of the plalntm 's wlit-s ,
Judge Lawrence to-day , In the supreme
couit , denied tlio motion of the defense tc
dismiss the case.
lye House Hiirnctl.
AI.UAHV , N. V. , July 8.-The Ice house belonging
longing to the Knickerbocker companj
Of New York , located on Jplllo island , aboui
four miles below this city , burned last night
Two engines In the building and nearly one
hundred thousariel feet of lumber oil the
dock vv ere entirely binned.
Nomination ICopoitetl Adversely.
WABiiixerrotf , July S. The. senate com
uiltjoo on commerce to daj'repoi ted adverse ! )
on the nomination of Herbert T. IJeccher tt
be collector of cmtoinsat I'oit Tov > useud
\Y !
Ohautnuquans ntOreto Enjoying Thcmsolvc
in Spite of Hot Weather.
A Whole Drove of Ho s Killed liy tli <
Went Crops liclng Scorchcil
Simpson Still
Per linll.
The Crete Assembly.
CitrrrK , Neb , July 8. [ Special Telcerair
to the ur.r.J Warm weather and warm Inter
cst continues unabated at tlio nsscmblnm
It's larc attractions still continue to drav
numerous arilvals fiom the outside world
The lawyers' business meeting iitthoclosi
of thu lectuioof last evening resulted In tlu
formation of an oiganlzation to bo callci
sembly , " with an atilhorl/ed capital of 55,000
SaWot which Is to bo raised at once. Dili-
ccis woic elected ami a commlttco appointed
to chaw up a constitution and bylaws.
'I ho question of temperance and tlio Intel
csts of tlie dilution occupied a proniincn
place In the cxeicises of the dav. Tlie ad
dress this aftcinoon I > > Mis. J. llllen Poster ,
of Iowa , was a giand appeil for temperance
She argued the liquor tr.idlo not from Its
moial.its sentimental standpoint , but Iron
its economical side , bho lalsed the qucstloi
of Us expediency , stating that intcmpeiaiicc
detracted matcilally fiom the value o
the national Industries by rendering
the men engaged in these liuliistilcs less I
foi tlieii woiK. bho closed hei lectuie wltl
an earnest plea for constitutional pi < ihlbltion
i'lie ehildien's mccrng at 5 o'clocl
was onu that will long bo ic
membcied by them. Piofcssoi Slier
win's class sing them a glee , and a Miss
Paiker , of Lincoln , i celled "IJobollnk. " Hei
wondeilnl Imitation of tlio blid dellglilec
all. Dr. Dunning , Mi < . J. Kllcn Foster am
Dr. Meredith each lmpios oil some good les
sous on the minds ot the little folks in r
, vei } pleasant wa } . It is icgiettedby all , am
especiall } b } Protocol S. K. Holmes' noiuia
class , Unit daiiceious illiiess in his famllj
competed him to lei\e this atteinoon lor hi !
homo at Plainlield , N. J. A half hour con
ceit under the ch.iige of " '
"Hiightlj tlie bunliglit Cllmmcrs" was giver
bj Miss Gates , ot Hiownvillc. Poiest Clienej
pve anothei of his delightlul violin solos
Ihis gentleman has become vcij populai
with the assembly audience dining his stiv
The concert part ol the eteicises closed witl
a lecitation by Miss Paiker. Kiank Uvaul'i
Icctnio on the "Mission of Humoi" closce
the piogiammu ol tlie day.
State Firemen's Tournament.
FituMOM , Neb. , July 8. [ Special to tin
BIE.J The local committee of aiiangomonti
foi the State Firemen's tournament , whlcl
conveneshcre August 24 and continues foui
das , are completing the details of picpara
tion. Kveiything points to the complete sue
cess of the tournament , and om citizens hav (
raised 5,3,000 to be distributed in pri/cs nm
to defray expenses. Tlmconinilttce have jusl
completed tlie list of pri/es , piemlums , etc.
as follow's :
First Day , August 2t Reception of visit
ing llicmcn ; grand parade ot luenicn at
p. m.
iwSocond-Day. Augusta's. Forty-one second
hose race , UnO a. in. ; lust pnze , S150 ; second
prize , SlOO : third pii/e , S75. Foitj'-six second
liook and laddei race , 2 p. m. ; first piUo ,
SIM ; second pi be , S100 ; thiid prize , $75.
Thud Day , August-0. Hook and laddei
race for companies that hav o nov qr contested ;
! i:50a. : m. ; hrst prl/e , SUO ; second pii/e , 3V :
thlid pri e , § 5 ? . HO-.O ince ioi coinpanlef
that have UPVOI contested : J p. m ; Hrst pi/o ,
S100 ; bccond pibo ST'i ; thiid pii/e , 510. ix- :
hlbitlon Pomplei laddei coips : 7 p. m. ; foi
the companj making the llnesthlbitani ( :
pcifoiming its woik inmost effective manner -
ner , pibeSM ) .
Touith Unv , August 27. Exhibition ol
watei woiks 10 a. m.
Afternoon of Fouith Day State race foi
hohk and ladder companies : Flist pruc , S10C
and belt : second pii/e , S100 ; thiid pibc , s" < 0.
Luldcimen's contest : Pii/o S'O , cold badge.
State race foi hosp companies : Kirst pri/e ,
Sioo ami cnit ; second pii/e , S101 ; thiid
pi I/O , tno. Couplers'contest for best coup-
leis : Two gold badges , SISeach.
Himpsoii lu Search or Bail.
NnniiAfcUACiTy , Julv 8. [ Special Tcle-
ciam to the HKIThe ] latest move In the
mattei qt D. W. Simpson , kite treasurer ol
this conhry , Is the dlschaige of Ills attorneys ,
Messrs. F. T. Hansom and K. F. Wan en , and
the employment , as the Pic s of this city
sajs , of Hon. T. U. Stevenson , A. S. Coles
and Gco. W. Cov ell. This mov e Is made , It
Is siumlsed , in tlio hope that these new at-
toinoys ma } bo moio foitnnate in obtaining
ball forliim. ThoUir man haslnteiviewed
Mr. Stevenson , who by the way. Is one of
Mr. Simpson's bondsmen , and ho denies that
hohas cvei boon retained as a counsel and
says ho could not bo consistently , being one
of Hie bondsmen. Simpson was seen this
inoinlng bv the 13cc icporter , but lie
refused to bo interviewed. The
commissioner have not as vet made any set
tlementwith blmpson , and reliiso todosd
until moio light Is thrown on the somewhat
intilcato woik of the tieasuier's lecoids tot
thepist twoljeais. The discharge of Mr ,
bimpson'h attuinosand tlio employment of
now ones , as the former wcio two ot the
bilghtost lawyers in the state , places a new
pli.iso on the Simpson case , and Is npt to
make people think that all Mi. .Simpson is
aftei Is ball , which lu all piouabllity no will
not got.
DIe From Hont.
FKKMOXI , Neb. , July 8. [ Special to the
UKU. | The extioino heat of the past few
davs has been destrosslng and ovci } thing Is
buffeting tor rain. The most seiloiis icsuli
from Iho heat was suffered Tuesday byV ,
S , Drown , a well-to-do farmer living In tlu
central patt of this county. Ho had on bane
twocarsot fat hogs which ho had sold a low
days befoio to a Nlckeison buyer. On Tues
day ho started to ctrivo them to market , r
distance of .six or seven miles. Itoforolu
had gone half way the fat poikois vvcio ovei
como with the licit and only nlnu out of UK
whole drove of IIS head survived. Mr. liiowi
sustained a loss of about SI00.
A Talk : on Labor.
LIXCOI.X , Xeb. , July 8.-SpecialTdcgran [
toliioI5ii.l F.Y. . Fogg , of Michigan , ad
diesfsedalargoaudiencti of laboilngmcn It
front of the goveinmcnt building to-nluht on
the question of Knights ot Labor. Mr I'ogj '
Is n convincing speaker , thoroughly convei
sail t with the labor question and the dim
cnltles that exist between capital and laboi
ami his speech was closely listened lo niu
frequently applauded by It's ' audience. Mi
Fogg has lemalned in the city since the at !
under the solicitation of bis labor acquaint
unces hero who wished to hear him again.
Pushing the Work ,
LINCOLN , Neb. , July 8. [ Special
to the Bin : , | S. H. H. Clark , of the Missoin
Pacific , was outo\cr the line cast fiom thl.
city to-day and reports the work makliij
rapid and satisfactory progiass. The road i' '
being graded and tracklaylng has been com
pleted for n mlle and a half out fiom thl :
place , and the Ifitli of Aiurust will see legula' '
trains running on this line bctvvccn OmaU :
and Lincoln , Mr. Clark bad In his company
making this Inspection fiieuds of the ioai
who wore In the city.
Fremont's Water Works Squabble
FJIKMONT , Neb. , July 8.-fSpcclal to tin
UKJ : . ] The water vvoiL's squabble still con
f iuued , At the last meeting ol th1 city coim
ell a resolution was pnssed giving the con
tractors tcndijs to complcto their workae
cording to contract < ir their bonds would In
foi felted. Nothing has boon done slnco am
their time1 Ins expired What will be the out
come remains to be seen ,
llorso Thtof Cnptiirett.
SfiifMruob , , Iul } 8 [ Special Tele
gram to the Hrr 1 To div John Spodnek , .1
j oitng man of about twenty , was brought In
from the noi them part of the county and
Indeed in jail on the charge of horse steillne ,
He was traveling nnitli and had In bis pos-
psion a mno and colt which bad been stolen
out of the pasture , of James Hill list Satur
day. In default of bill Spndnek will Ian-
guHi In the county jail until the next term
of thodlstiict coutt ,
Hot Woiuhcr nml Crop * .
V u f.NTiM , Neb , July s [ Special Tele
gram to the Hoi1. 1 uneasiness is being
leltheieby fauucislniegaul to crops , owlnj
to the continued extraoidlnary heat. It has
been for a week from 1CUJ to 100 ° . The crop ;
never looked bottom week ago , but com ami
oils aio snlTi'iltn ; , and If rain docs nnt fall
within tlio next lew days , will piovo a tall
I'ort Nlohrnrn.
Neb. , Jul } 8. [ Special
cram to the Btu 1 ( ieneial Crook Is lieieln-
spccltnc Tort Niobrara. llo was waimtj
welcomed bj thoolllceis of the ganlson ami
c ti/cus , whoiogrclted he could not remain
longei to receive a public demonstration In
his Honor.
They Tell n DlfTcroat Story Prom Mr.
I lIA Al > OLl July 8. C. C. Meado.
chief clcik , and K. FKobb , Recietiry of the
lliothcriiood of Postal Clerks , have prepared
n response to tlio statements of Postmaster
Cicnoral Vllas. In substance thej say tliat
the postal del ks expected veiy geneiallv on
the incoming of the present administration
to bo icmoved ; that In such anticipation ,
some icsigncd , olhcis got their houses In
older to go ; that Postmaster General Vilas ,
by his ciicuku of March 31 , I'-Hl ,
gave thorn to understand expressly
that there should bo no removals
without cause and none for political causes.
Soon , however , theii faith was shaken by re
peated and frequent removals ot good men
without cause ; that by icason ot such re
movals Incieascd work was imposed upon
them. They woio icqulied , in addition to
their legnlar and oneions duties , to teach the
new men ; that new men weic elton promoted
meted OVPI them- that In some Instances
these new men weie given leave of absence
to devote time to political woik without
complaint 01 icbiike , while old
cleiks were being iciimved for alleged
political work done } ears betoie ; tliat they
lelt they were being Imposed upon h\ having
additional duties ami woik put on them , and
bv lavorltlMii slio\\n In many wavs to the
now appointees ; that they had a pride in the
clliciency of the seivlee , and found that those
things tend lodestiov that etllcicncv ; that
they objected to removals being made upon
sec lot clnipes unknown to them ,
and to which they had no oppor
tunity of inplvinc or being heard ;
that tlieli oigatil/atlon was founded upon
these things , looking to tlio good and elli-
cienc } of the public service , and to ptovent ,
it possible , its dostiuetion by constant and
licqtiuit lenmvals without ciuse ; that nmlei
the piotessions and promises ot the post mas-
tei gcneial , tlio public would infer that the
icmovalsweic made on good and sulHcicnt
cause , thus leaving a stigma on the person
iivmrtv'ed , and unjustly so : that the sense of
then protest was tbat , In justice to those re
moved , thev only asked that the cause of re
moval should be made known ; that wldlo , as
publiesei vants.they recagni/cd tlieli duties to
the public , and luithfully and /ealously pei-
toriued them , foi pioof ot which they point
with pride to tlie sen ice Itself , they lelt tliat
as men and cltl/ens they weie entitled at
least to tail ami just consideration bv the
postm.istei geneial ; that what they did was
not in .111 } spiiic ot Insubordination 01 ob-
stiiictiou , but , on the conlr.iiy , was in the
hU'hest inteiest of tlio postal sen Ice , on
behalf ot the public , and in
then own interests as men and cill/cns
wishing the good opinion ol the public and
the maintain , moo of the high clliciency of
the postal service ; that they Intended to wait
upon tlio postmaster coneial and submit
these things to his consideration , when ho
hurriedly lemovcd a large nunibei of eleiks
Without , heai ing. This they believed ho did
lo avoid beliig confronted with his iccoids
ol icmovals.
Resolutions Adopted and n State
Ticket Nominated.
Torru v , Kas. , July 8. The republican
state convention icassemble-d this morning.
The committee on icsolutions reported back
asctof iesolutinns which had been relcrred
to them , lecommendlng the passage of the
platfoim as originally lepoiled In these
dispatches and they weio adopted with but
ono dissenting vote. McBrldo Introduced
a icsnlutlon vesting in rallioid commission
ers additional powci to icgulato the rates.
etc. , asking that the inlcs bo suspended and
It bo made part of the platform. This is the
same resolution adopted by the lepubllcin
paitj tvvoveaisagi. ' 1 he motion wasdcleatcd
- ajesllnavs200'3' ; ' . The state central
committee ) was then tnosrn.
The nomination of ofllcois then begun. D.
M. vallentlno nud ( ieoice ( 'handler toi judge
of tlio Eleventh Judicial district weie put In
nomination. YallQiitlnu was selected by n
vote of Sd'i to 17. ! . Tlio nomination w as made
unanimous. W. 1 ! . Smith , of Atchlson ,
placed John A. Mai tin In nomination for
gov 01 noi , ami h was declaied elected by a
ilslng vote and tlueo cheers. Lieutenant
( jovwnoi A. II. Hlddln nml Secielary of
htatoL. H. Allen weio also icnomlnatcd by
acclamation , ( lovonoi Mai tin appc-aicd and
addics-ed the lonventlon , altei v\hlch aic-
cess was taken foi an liom and a half ,
RiTho convention leassembled and piocccdcd
lo the nomination ol tieaMiici. On the liist
ballot candidates iccehed voles as follows :
Howe , l20 ! > : Notion , Ay.inmilton \ \ , OU ;
htovei U ) ' < f ; McChesncy. y. % ; Gieenr .
At thoafteinoon hosslon the ticket was
completed as follows : Tieasnrei , II. Hamil
ton , of { Miininei coiintv ; audltoi , Tlmotliv
McCaithy , of Laincdj attoinov general , S. U.
Uiadfoid. ol Osage ; Hipeiintendent ol
fchools , J. H. Low head , ot liouibon , aftoi
which the convention adjoin ned.
Swept Ity u Torimdo ,
i : , July 8. Captain Alkerjy , ol
IhoUritlsh steamship Konilowoith , which
anivedhoio to-day fiom Poit Antonio , Ja
maica , lepoiHthaton Juno 27 the Island was
swept by u toinado which created havoc with
thopiopeity of the natives and caused a los
estimated at SWO.OOO. The low lands weie
inundated , and ( ji cat fields of banana tucs
weio devastated , Cable connections weie
destroyed and many vessels woio loin Irom
tlieli mooringAs ! , tai as could bo JcaincJ
no lives weio lost.
Hoadj Kor HIIBIICKH | Acnln.
NEW Yoiiic , July S.-Kx-pjcsliloiit Arthui
was to day elected president of thoboaidol
dlrettoisol tlio Aicado Hallway company.
Ylco Pi csldent Smith ftiteci to tlio meeting
that ho had just lecclsed n telomm fiom
Aitlnir stating that ho was vciy much Inv
piovod In health , and thai 1m expected to take
an euwgetlc pait In the allaiis oftlmuniv
pan } , 'iho ( ompaii } la to build un under-
gtoiiiid lailwaj on Jiro.ulvvay.
K. of It. I'lcnlo.
Henri' ncovgo Assembly , K , of L , arc
miUur ; oxteiisivo preparations for then
pienie , to bo givou at I'aplllion pn tinl
iiutsij' , A splendid inogrammo lias been
aiianpcd , foot rocos , fut men's races ,
ladies' r.iccb anil oilier i aces boinjt iiinoii
the features of the days' bport 'i'bo ox >
curslonUtsivUl Jeavo tlio J'nlon ' P.iclhi
depot on a special ti.Un at 8 30 o'clix k on
Saturday moiniiij , ' , rctuinniH : ut 0 o't-loc1.
Sioux Oity Folico Scotuitig the Country Poi
Hatch's Murderer ,
Th" nefpnso HottliiM Its AtcnmoiH lo
tlio ilrouii liupcaetimrni Trlnl
I > CIISOII'H | Postonioc I'ljjht
Units In IlUnvs.
-the Murderer.
SIOVN CITY , la. , July s.-fSpcclal Tec\ )
gram to Iho HKI. ] The topic ol
conversation hero to-da } Ins been the piob-
ablecapluro of Muideier ( leoigo A , Trout.
Half a do/en ofllcers are on his tiall , but un
able as vet to eaptino him. The whole conn. )
try tlnough which ho Is tiavelini ? has bcon j
n | pi Neil 'nml the people will assist in Iho
se.ueh. Tiout Is In n nigged , tlmbc'icd conn- '
Uy , atroidlng aheltoi to the fugitive , hcnco
the delay In takimihlni Itiiowtiirnsoulthat
the diniculty between Hatch and Tiout leap
ing to Iho murdei was not linaneial matters ,
but \vomin. . On mimcious occasions theAq
men have been known to Indulge In lieatccl
quariels ovoi n eeitain wonun of the eltV
Onl } a fovv evenings befoto the tragedy , a ( '
quanel of this kind almost resulted In blows.
' 1 ho mother of Hatch Isstill hc-io , hut declines
to state wliethei hei son wasevei niirrleil tc ?
the woman goliii * undei tlm nnmu of Mr * . '
Hatch , 01 not. Hutit Is eeit.iln that thoioarei
facts in icgaid to the social relations of thofi
pm ties that will , when divulged , give a now
color to the whole nllnh. i I
„ Auditor Ilrovvu ,
Dps MOIXES la .July 8. Tim opening ot
tlie Impeachment tiial this morning found all
tlie senutois present but ono. A few mo
ments aflei 0 o'clock Mr. Lehman opened the
nicnmcnt on tlio part of the defense. The
first hour and a hilt was gl\en to a gonoial
lev-lew of the case , and whether It was pcssl-
blo totiy lospondentb } tlicinles laid down
b } Managci Uall in his opening aigumont oC
} esterd.iy. He was willing to take the artf-
cles ol impeachment , ono wr one , and rim
tlnough them as they weio fiamcd by thor
house ot rcpiosentitives. In all the rcspont
dent Is chaiged with wilful and connptand
wrong practices in pot foi mini ; tlm
duties of auditor ot stato. Ho dcslruOl
tlio respondent to bo judged with that )
view , wi.cther the acts which had
been proven , and which ho admitted the lic
ensed had clone , were done with that motive.
Hut he objected to his being died on the
gionnds of a mistaken Idea ol law 01 an In-
terpictatlon oC law , which did not agree with
the Idea of the managei. He wanted the
light to bo kept to tlio level 0,1 which It was
stalled. He then went tlnough tlio eniho
thirty mtlclcH , answering the arguments put
loithb } the mosecntioii ol } esteid y.
At the close ol his speech the senate nd
loin ned until 80 : ! Friday moinlng , whefli
Mamigci Cousins will speak , followed btf
Counsel IJIIN , and Mamuel Wcavei to closa
tlio speeches. ' 1 ho argument will probably
take the lemalnder of the week.
A Veteran Kntally Injured.
DunuciiK , la. , Jnl } 8. [ Special Telegram
to thoBr.r.l Ucorgo Wiley , an inmate ot
the soldiers' homo nt Milwaukee , has been
visiting In ibis city , and to-day ontcied the
stables of the Bennett house and was kicked
bv a vicious hoise. liaclmlng his siuills
bieaklng libs and Inllietlng lataFinjuiIcs.
Viciously Assaulted.
Dr.MSON , la. , July 8. [ Special Telegram
to the UIH. ] Amurdcious assault was made
on A. 15. Keith by James Williams this afternoon -
noon over the postonica affair. Williams H
a giant in stieiiKth and attacked Keith fiom
behind , without wainlug , giving no oppor
tunity of defense. Keith was seriously but
not fatally Injined.
Fatal Sunstrolco.
CLINTov , la. , July a [ Special Tclegiam
to the ULIJ.J Jesus Monten/cn , a Dane but
a few months over from Fatheilaml , was
siinstiuck while woiking In the Imivest
field and died soon aftei.
_ _ _ _ f
Tlio Chnrjro Ajuliint Tlipiu Clmnuccl
to Conspiracy.
Nr.w YOKIC July 8. The trial of the scvonr
teen Dohcmian boycottcis of Mrs. LandgraC
the baker , was continued hero to-day. Tlio
court room was crowded vvlth sympathizes
of the pilsoners. The prisoners watched thb' '
proceedings Intently , although uttcily nnoblo
to understand a word said. The Hist witness
wasMorlt/Naglo , ono of MIB. LandgraPa
cmployas , who Identified the defendants as
the bocotters. Ho vvoikcd for Mis. Ltvndi
graf when the eighteen Uoliomlans called and
demanded that she stop work. Tncro wuro
only Germans working in the bakery , Iho
Uohcmlans having boon oidercd out. The
other witness identified the prisoners as the
bocotters , detailed the ciicunjstancos of
their vlsil and told of their hav ing distributed
the boycotting circulars The witnesses
wcio cioss examined , but not being positive
In theli Identification of homo of the boycot-
teis , on behalf of these the counsel for the de
fense moved for their dlschatgo , Tim coun
sel lot the piosecntlon said they
had pioved no overt act against
the men who called on MIH. LandgraC
foi the liist time. Judge Hanett concurred ,
with this. HaIng the men who called the
liist tinio had committed no crime , mid there
vveiu other delondants who had bcon Identi
fied as taking pai t in cither tlio Hrst or second
call ot the commltteo 01 of distributing circu
lars. Thcsonicn JnilgoDanettsald ho would
dlschaigo. Tlie innn weio rnlcasqd and dis
appeared out of couit VCTV quickly. The
counsel lor clofoiino then moved foi the ells *
clmigfl of tlio othei defendants on other
ciounds , but this was denied by the couit.
'Iho pioseciitlon elected to drop thu other
counts mid ti } Ilia icmalning pilsoneis on
the grounds of conspiiacyonly.
Tito Iilorly ot' the Press.
Ni.w Yoiiu , July 8. Editor Schcvltseh , ot
the Yolks Xeitnn , against whom it is
thought the giancl jut } will llnd an indict
ment , based on his cdltoiiiil donunelatoiy ot
tlio jniois who convicted the Tholss boyeot-
leis , called upon thetllstilet attoincy to-day
In refnienco lo the matter , Maitlne told him
the subject wlis uii.Ier consldciatloli. Subsd-
qucntly Schevlt sch statc < l that In thoovent
of his bclnif Indicted ho would likely uecuro
tlio set vices of Coneial Duller to defend hliy , ,
"The Issue will bo , " said lie' , "omt as to vvliav
jmoih In the aillclo complaim < d of weio rfr-
fened to In theli capacity ol public olllclala
altei the tennlnation of theli case , und tlicjr
pilvatochaiailei was uotbiought Into ques
Tlio Olilmmo .Strikers.
OIIIUAOO , Julv 8. The striking hvvlliliincn
on the Lake hlioro toad have Issued u ciuu-
hn In which tlioy condemn tlioinioit''il ]
switchmen , and nlso icqiicst the u&sistanco
ot all good people , e peclally business men ,
to refuse to sell anything to those * men. At
Armour A : Co.'splato this inoinlng the tiali't
men put In eight e.irs'to bo loaded. Two
ganf ; ot men i el used to load the curs and
wciodkscluiifcd. They applied foi employ
ment at thu Chicago Packing and Piovhlon ,
company and weio rcusecl. A number of
caipenters working at Swift & t'o.'s now
hnuso this motnlng were set upon byaciowtl
of men and driven awa } . 'llio pcillec woio
called and aiicstcd tliuo ol tlattaiklutf ( ;
I'uty. _ _
Charities nud Cm ri-ollons.
CnicAGO , July 8. The thirteenth national
confuemoof eliailtlcsnii-l collections wlJl
bet held In SI Paul fiom July is to SI , In
vil ( lions have been oxlendcd to tlio govoip-
i > ! - > of a l slates and tfiiltoiicn 'o bo PJC cut
rnd i iiuinbi't lui c M'ccuteeL