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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1886)
THE RIXTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA. THURSDAY MOKNJ&G , JTJLY 8 , 1886. NlBWEll 17. BAD BLAZES AT BRUSSELS , The Great University Building Destroyed By Tierce Flames Yesterday. VALUABLE CONTENTS RUINED. . Mlnlmor Cox anil Oilier Americans ItniuiiictiMl nt Constantinople Homellulo Supporters Buffer Defeat Otlici A Destructive rire. mtissii.s , .Inly 7.-\PW | oik Herald Cable S | > orlal to the 111 p. ] A tenlbln liie which broke out ( o dny : it 1 o'clock de'tiojcd thegicalcr pnit of the Biustels university. It began while the Juiles of piotessors were examining the candidates for doctnrshlps 'J lie roof of the lett wing soon fell Initli ATI nnim.i : ( uvsit. ' 1 ho professors ninl students ruihcil to the llliran In the hope of snliiR the books lint what they succeeded In lu'culnir aio value less , being Incomplete. The largo cupola o\er tlm academy lull afterwards foil In , nianv of the students hnv ing a nuriow cicaj o. In a ihoil time IIIMIIJ tlie whole of the build ing wns In Ihmus. nml the liiemen only pie- fei'rvcd the light vvlms l > > strenuous efforts. two of them belnir severely injuied while doing tlielt duty. 1111 : I'ltr.rious roi.i i.rriov or Mivmiu.s was entirely destrojed. However , tuo Miiirlcal Instiiimcnls weio saved. An im mense crowd eollectrd , mnoim whom 1'ilncu Jleaudeine , the nephew cot the king , was piescnt. Thebulldlm.svvcio not injured and thu loss \\as gieat. It was enl > last ji-at the littccntli anniversary of the found.itiun of the university was celebrated } in A sriiA'sor roiMiDK.vcr. another great lire had biokcn unt unity this morning at tnc othci end of tliccltj and do- Btroyed a largo shoe factory , puttingS'/iO work- iiirn out of work. Tin : sr. MVSTMIY Is entiiely cleared up. The \ letlmas : i BliiL'lo woman , an assistant in n Hiussels ( .hop. She being piesnant , and wishing to conceal the tact , iiist went on a visit to Ullages , then returned to liiussels and requested - quested a midwife ( Hodelet ) to piaetlce abor tion upon her , agreeing upon a high price. The pitlcnt died dm Ing tlio opeiatlon , w hereupon - upon Itodelct. feat ing punishment , cut up the coipsowith the assistance of hei lovci ( Mar- qucllet ) anil disposed ot the legs , nuns and thorax in the iii.iiinci nlicadv , made known. As to the head , Mnrqueller , who has made a full confession , thinks llodelut binned it in a bto\e. Tuuicmr AND AM en 10 A. The Crescent Honors llc | > rcsontatl\GB of the Stars and Stiipca. CONST \NriNoi'i.i : , July 7. [ New Yoik Jleiald Cable-Special to the llii. . ] Minister Cox , the iiiembeis of the legation , the olhcerb of the Kerbeame , and ono liundicd of the clew vvein entertained to-night at a sump- tnous illnnei l > y the Impcrlnlts ndmiially at tlm house of the minister of Marine. Mum i Pnshavvas the ginnd master of the ccie- monies , lepiosontlng thu sultan. .Many cordial toasts to the prosperity of both conn- tiles were given , among others the health ol tlio pioslilont nml the sultnn. Gicnt en thusiasm was shown and hopes cxptcsbcd that the descent tlag and the stars and stripes would evci be found waving in filcndlv , unison. Keleienccs weie made to tlio great filcndship existing between the two countries. The table was laid in the sultan's apartments nt the ndmlinlty house. The \\holo place was tastefully diessed with lings , and Iho Mailno bind plnjcd select music. The building was Illuminated with a brilliant dlsplaj of lliewoiks. Dinner was Mined to the ciow in a separate apartment precisely the same as that given to thcoHiccis. THE GOVL3UN5U3NT Dnr Tlio JUnat Hope nf tlio ( Iladatoninns . Fails. LOMIOY , July 7. The last hope of the ( ilnuslonlnns' vote in the counties has failed. The English counties aio going unionist. Tlio counties of Somerset , Wai wick , llcre- foul , Derby , Denbigh and Shropshire , In which ' centers the nmleullui.ilote , lui\u ro- ti'iined consul vatives. Scotland continues ( ilail-itonlan. Numeioiis county polls have not vet been taken , but it is Impossible to te- \crt > o Iho defeat of the guvcinmcnt. The unionists mo conhdent of an ultimate strength of 1170 against JJJO. The consciva- tives are certain that with a compact phalanx of iiOO mumbeis Lord Salisbmy wlllfoima pin ely conservative mlnistiy. The torles at 8 o'clock had elected .125 can- dldates , ( ihidstoulniis I'M ' and unionists . 'I ho latest totals are 'JIO lories , -17 unionists , lit ) liberals and M Pninellitcs. The Usual Course Transposed. LONDON , Out. , July" . A gieat sensation wns caused hero to day by the announcement of the ( light to the United States of IMwnrd Jlanis a member of a piominont linn ot t > oltc- itors. lieside.i taking S-'O.OIX ) In eash , va- ilons fiiniN belonging to wealthy cliimts aio in pei Ions entanglement. 'Iho total Joss is not known , but Is supposed to bo about S40.0CO. It is bolluxed llarils is temiioraillv insane. A AVar Cloud I.OMJOV , July 7. Special dlsiatches ) ngrco In desci tiling the outlook In tlio cast as gloomy. The massing of Knsslan troops in llossaihih has caused gieat an\letv , The Dally Clnouiclu's eoiiespoudent at Constiin- tlnoplo sajs there is n genei-al bollofln Tuik- Ihh mllltarvciieles that win between and Aiibtiia will nut be long del.ijeil. llctnllatc. I.OVIION , July 7. Advices rccehcd say that on the "d lust , 11 body of Albanian Mus- M'lmnns attacked and pillaged several MOD to- negrln vlllut.'es , killing some inluibllmits mid fapturlnc a nnmbei of eldois. Tlie Montene- crliis lupnlscil the Albinlans , captmini ; and killing numbers of them. Oil Karinry Hiirnrd , I'Aitis , July 7. March & IJrothers1 oil fnc- toiy at Dunkorciuo 1ms been burned. The lo s -,000,000 , trancs. Fluthundied persons uio tluown oui of work by tlio lire. Cabinet Council Called. LONDOX , July 7. A cabinet council will bo belli Tuesday to decide on the com so to bo puibiad In x lew ot Iho result of tlio t'lettioiib. of Cholera. Hojir , July 7. Cholera ictnins to day nro us follows : Venice , 3 new cases , 1 death ; Hi Indlsl , is j now eases , 71 deaths : J.iilmno , 70 now cases , ao deaths ; San Vlto. IU now cases 1 deaths ; Tontaim , 70 now' tases , at deathb. Coal Miners Strike. i'liTSiuita , 1'a. , July 7. Two hundied oal miners cmplojed at llend's mine , utMc- Joiiald. ) 1'a. , stuiek to-day for nil ad\ancoof a cents per ton in mining rates. 'I ho mines nro clo.sid. A I. nnib l' ' .NAroLis , July 7 , At ltock\lllo to-day the democratic congressional con\on- tlon oftho Eighth district nominated John K. Lamb. Another I'nsgoiifjcr Cur. KANSAS CITV , July 7. The Hock Island haj cut the passenger into to St. Paul to 53 for " first class iclwte tickets. Ths | is a cut "St. OP TIM : STUIKI ; . Tlio Town of Lake Hojcottn flic He portorH nnd tlie Scabs Citurio , Jnl.v 7. [ Special Telegram to : ho Hi 1.1 'I lie Lake Shore companj con- limes to move freight without opposition from the striking switchmen , although pverj linln so moved his n guaid of aimed detefr [ lvc . Almost fury one In the Town of Lake sympathies with the. switchmen , nnd ihe new men. detectives and reporters come in for n 'nil shnie of abuse. An extensive Iwjcutt has been Inaugurated ngalnst nil of the men who go with the tnins , and nota tiadcsman In the > Utility of liio stork janls will accept patron age from them. Half n do/en reporters .who went into n small gioceij on Poity scvent'i ' street were Informed that thi'i could buy nothing , ns the people did not like It. Half a do/eu roslaiii.ints and ftloons exlemhd tlio leceptlon. nnd It was discovered that Miebovcott had been made universal In the neighborhood , "Wo ain't got nothing ngln jou rcporteis , " slid one doilei. 'but jon lind some thing to do with thum scabs , and we thinks It best to give jou nothing. Ineoiuse jou can't help It , but then If we sells > ou nnvtliliiL'jthei people won tbuj fiom us. " Someexcllemeiit was caused at the stock Miidsshoitlj nltui noon by the stoning of the Lake Shore tiain by the paiklng house cm- plnjes. Sticks and locks weie thrown , but no one wasstiuck. ' 1 hive of the mob were ( based Into n packing IIOIHC bv the police but no m rests weio unile. and the tinln steamed safety avvaj to Fortj-suventh street. AVOUKINtKOjlATiII. ! . Mississippi All Worked Up on the Lo cal Option VICKSIHTHO. Miss , , Julj " . ( Spcc'lnl Tcle- gnuu to the Hi i. ] There has not been so much excitement in veais ns there Is now In -Mississippi ovei the local option elections. The question comes ton vote In this county on the 17th Inst , Kvcijbodvls aroused and nt work on ono sldu or the other. The women andehlldten aicnn active element foi the piohibitionists and arc lending and directing the men. The piohlbltlon people nre welkins night and day , nnd have prominent nnd successful workers fiom other sections assisting them ' in thoiongh organl/ation , speeches , the lormlngof clubs , nud bnibecues In theli In terest me louiul nearly ovcrv day in cnch dls- tiict of tlio county. The nnti-piohibltion people are not Idle bj any means , but so fai thej ha\o not been so aggiessivoas their op ponents in oigani/atlon. Hut theii execu tive committee has asked that a division be given In thu public discussion , nnd If n favoi nblo tesimnse Is iccolved the excitement will bogieatlj incienbed. Some bid feeling is manifested , but so fni no violence has oc cmied. The Itnsc Dall Kccorcf. Al CHICAGO Chicago' 2 3 fl 1 1 0 fl 3-21 New Voik 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 II Kight Innlncs. Pitcheis McCormlck nnd Welch. First base hits-Chicago 22. New York L F.nors Chicago 1 ! , Isew 1 oik 11 , Umpire Ciinj. At Dirinoii Detioit 000110000 2 Philadelphii . .000000000-0 Pitcheis Huldvvln and Cascj' . Flist base hits Uetioit 0 , Philadelphia : t. Kirors DctioltA. Philadelphia 0. Umpire-Cusick. A i ST. Lei is St. Louis 0 03030000 G Ilaltlmoie 0 00000000 0 Pitchers Fontnnd Powell. Piist bise hits St Louis 8 , Haltlmoiu fl. Kuors St. Louis 2. Ualtlmoio 4. Umplie Kelly. Ai Cisri.v.VAir Metlopolltans . . .0 03100000 4 Cincinnati 0 3002001 * 0 Pitchci > Lv nch and Mullnnc. First base lilts Metropolitans 7 , Cincinnati 7. Lirors Metropolitans 4 , Cincinnati 5. Umpire- Valentine. AT Pinsnunn Pittsbuig 3 03000100 0 Brooklyn 2 00000000 2 Fiist'biso hits Plttbbnrg 12 , Urookljn7. I'liors PlttsburgO , liiooklyn ! ! . Umpiic liiadley. AT LorisviM.K Louisville 0 0022433 5 IS Athletics 0 2 Pitchers Hcckcr and Clinton. Fiist base nlts-Loulsvillo 21 , Athletics 7. Kirois Louisvillel , Athletics7. Umpire Walsh. Brighton Beach Unccp. BmoitTov 15ivcir : 7. , July Thrco-qnir- tcrs mile : Dizzj liinnetto won , Susie Foibes second , Li/zlo Walton thlid. rnno 1:18. : Seven-cichths mile : Lute String won , Matsh Redon second , Ihunswlck thiul. Time ! : ! ) . Seven-eighths mile : liiouu'hton won , Cntheail becond , Lmmot third. Time Three-auniteismile : Al IJeed won , Daly Onk second. Pcteislmig third. Time luU. : Mile : tlold Han won , Hello H. second , Goncial Monroe thlid. Time 1:11 : , Handicap , mlle and eighth : Kittle won , Frolic second , Hallot third. Time liW . Dwjor stnkes , nillo nnd half : PccKsklll won , Hen Pie/io becoud , J. II. 1) . third. Ti iiie-2-t2. : the Stockholders. CmcAfio , July 7. The hearing of the case of William M. Jones , of DCS Molncs , against John 1) . Alloy , ot Bostonami theDesMoInes & Minneapolis Itallroad compnny.bcgan hereto to day. The complainant Is a stockholder of the inlhond , nnd files his bill as well on his own account ns on behalf of the other stockholder , to compel John H. Allcv to pay to the toad for the benolit of its stockholders the pro ceeds of the sale ot 400 bonds ot the com pany by which he rcall/ed , it is claimed. & 100.000. Alley claims that his purchase ot L the bonds was In leallty to the advantage of thu road , the attendant advantages making the price pild bv him equivalent to IK ) cents. The hcailng will bo lesumcd to motiow. The Maxwell Cane , ST. Louis , Mo. , Jnl ) 7. Judge Vanwason- er , ol thu criminal com t to day , oveiiuledtho motion made reccntlyby Maxwell's nttornojs foi a now tilnl. As t-oon ns the prisoner lias been tontemeU an appeal will bo taken to thoMipiomoiouit. It this slmll piovo nn- sucecbblul the case wilt bo taken to the United States conit on the ground that the statolaxrwhich allows the prosecution moio challenges of Jurors than the defoubo Is un- constitutlojial. Chicago la a Sweat. Ciiic.Mio , ills , July7. At last there 1ms been n let-up on tlio almost Intolerable hent ot the last few dnvs , which leached its mav limuii jesterday In tUdeg. in Mio cool shade at the signal olllce. At 0 this morning tlio mercniy stood nt 7H deg. It continued to fall all morning , being only sevcntj-ono ( leg. at U o'clock , The heat joiterday was 10 deer , hotter than any day last jeai. Business Fiiilnros. Nr.w YOIIK , J uly 7. The failure of \ . IF. Heede , cotton bioker , was announced this nioiiiingon oxeluingo. ST. Louis , July ? . J. II. Lewis & Co. , commission merchants , wcro forced to sus pend business to-day on account of the nd- vance In wheat. Liabilities not known , but supposed to bo light. CIIIOAOO , July 7. John \V. Huinsoy , whoso failure was announced to-day , will pay 100 cents on the dollai. lie says ueoigoVIfson's \ llubllltles aio 30,000. A ChlcnKo lllnzc , CIUCAOO , July 7 .A lire tonight con Ginned a block of buildings In the business center of the city. The losses aggregate $70,000 ; Insurance light. Several persons weio prostrated by heat and are in a critical condition. Salmon Flshera Drowned. ASTOIIIA , Ore. , July 7 , Seven sulinon llbhcrmen were drotv ued during a heavy gale oil tluuutranco of Columbia river last night. 'Iho boats wuro smashed against thy rocks. ( \LM1CI1TY \ MERCY INVOKED , Heaven Help the Man Who Vetoes n Soldier's Widow's Pension , THUS A CONGRESSMAN PRAYS. A Itcd Hot Time In the House Over the .Pension A'otoes , AVhlch Are rinnlly Hurled In Coininlttcc. , A Day on Vetoes. WASIIINOION , July 7. The speaker laid befoie the house the twenty-one veto mes sages transmitted bj the picsldnnt jcsteiday. The lirst message read was referred , without comment , to the. committee on Invalid pen sions , but the disposition of the next mev sa e , vetoing tlio bill grantlm * a pension to law In L. Harrington , consumed moictlmc. Mr. Mntson of Indiana moved its icfeienee , nendiiiK which , Mi. Holmes of lown , stating that ( no rcfcieiico of the bill would bo the end of it , moved that Its consldeintlon bo postponed until Pilday next. Lost i ens , ! b ; mus , H2. Mr. Hnnovvsof Michigan moved to amend Mr. Mntson's motion by addlnc Instructions ie < iiiestiiiLf the committee on Invalid PLMISIOIIS to leport the bill and the niesMuic back Pri- dnv. dnv..Mr. .Mr. Jackson of Pennsvlvnnln attacked the veto policj ol the picsidcnt , who , ho de clared , was not actuited by nnj icgaid tor the worth or meiit of piivate pension bills. Ills lenson lei vetoing the bills was not that tlioyweie unworlliv. Ills IPI OII v\as nj > - patent on the face ot the messages , He was in s.vmpathj with the palt.v opposed to pen- sionlnc union snldleis and hu did not pro pose Hint any union soldlci should be pen sioned U ho could avoid It. It was said thu president meant light. He did mean light to plciso a ccitaln element In the eountrj , hut not right to ple.i c honest , loyal people. Mi. MeMillin of Tennessee The president has signed mote pilvato pensions than any other president in the same spice of time. Mi. Jackson And he hns vetoed ten times more good ones than all other piesldeiits put together. Mr. Pnrklns of Kansas nddicssed himself to the consideration of the piesldent's mes sage , nnd criticised the position taken bv thu president thnt the government should not assure Its soldiers nirnlnst iiuaiielbome propensities or unprovoked assaults. Mi. Matson thought the messages should be considercd carefully. Tlie gentleman on the othe ; side seemed ndvetse to eet at the presi dent. ' 1 be democrats weie determined thu president should have fail play , and thev would stand b > that position. It wns not fail piny to the piesident to undeitakc , upon Iiastj consideration , to pass the bill over his veto. veto.Mr. Mr. Bragg of Wisconsin said there seemed to bj nn idea In the house that It was the duty ot the piesident to vindicate his oflicn in Invor of the majority of the committee on In valid pensions whenever , in the excrcisu of the constitutional pruioiMlnoelvcn him , he examined legislation to see vvhethei 01 not it was piov ident and wise. It vv as charged that ho had perpetrated an outiage on the Ameil- can people. He ( Uiau'g ) maintained that the president was honestlv discharging tils duty when , In the exercise ot his judgment , ho sent legislation hick with his icnsons for withholding his approval. The house should act upon the question , not with iivm igo ical speeches , but with judicial and deliberate consideration. lie ( Ihairg ) wns glnil to lind that at last there vvnbaimui In the executive chait who had the none and coinage to plnco bis hand upon legislation when ho thought It impropei , whether it was a pension ( u i.dlioid legislation. [ Applaud on the dcmociatlcsldc. ) Congress had gone nltogethct too fu in the way ot pension legis lation. Mi. Harrows' motion to instruct was lost veas , 101 ; najs , Hi and the message was re- lerrcd to the committee on invalid pensions. Thn next message was ono vetoing the bill ginntlng a pension to Catlmiino V. McCar thy. Mi. Matson moved Its refcicncc to the committee on invalid pensions , and Mi. Biovvno moved instructions leqmilng the committee to repoit It bick on 01 betorc Monday next. Mi. Uiovvne ciltlciscd the action of the piesident ami In voked tiod's merev on the man who had the heart to veto a bill ioi the icllef of the widow of a man who died In the line of duty to IPS countiy. Hesarcasticallj rullivtcd upon the manner In which the cspeilcnccd soldlei commandci-ln chief of thcaiiny tiented Ids comiades. His excellency belonged to that class of men who , duiliigthew.u , werenfinld of nothing but dangei. but jiow hostood valoiouslj aimed , eap aple , with vetoes in his hand , between the nptortuiiato golillora ami the tieastirv of thoUnltiid States. Pi'es- Ident Cleveland would go down to posteilty as the gicat Amoiican objectoi . Mi. Congoi lesc-nted the langiiago used by thepicbldent , ns throwing sluis on the mo tives ol confess , nnd as Insulting to the union soldier Mi. Uiync look the same \.iow and sug gested that the democrats who stood by tno v'etoes vtyuld have thcirl malihoodeiy se"- verely tried. , i ill. Cannon icnd in the vetoes the story that while Cleveland wns president there would bo no luither pension legislation. There weio great questions in this country calling foi thu attention of the executive , jet the picbidont citishcd them all aside ami np- pdaied anxious to citer to nobody except that little solid knot that came Irouj the solid south. mi. _ Ho . . . wanted i. ii. , . to get ! r.Ai .1 their _ A applause. . . _ _ They cast tlio fiolld votes in nominating conventions. Thcio he stood looking through n gimlet hole with a magnlfv lug glass hunting for excuses , nnd hcaplm : cieiision on the heads o ( the poor men who lost their health in the service of thu ( onitiy. ) That was statesmanship. fAn- pkiusoon the republican bide , which wns ic- eolvedwlth aiisweilug nppkiuso nnd laugh ter liom thodemociats.l "Oh , yes , " continued Jlr. Cannon , "and I tell you that vou will have to defend it betoie Novembei. [ Kenevved applause on Iho acmo- ciatlcslde.l Tha gentlemen who mo clap ping theli hands can defend It. They have the kind of constituents who believe , in it. [ Applause nnd laughter on the lepubllcaii hide. | Vou will have to defend It bcroio No vember. These men , who aio entitled to their pensions , with their friends and with public opinion nml thoscnso of justice In this country , will send a congicss hero which will pass llic'so bills and othei proper pension leg islation over the president's veto. " fAp- plnuaonn the republican side. ] Mr. Watson diew a comparison between thu workot n republican and a democratic congtoss for the pinposo of pointing out that nearly nil pension legislation or importance had been unacted by tlio democrats. Only a few dnvsngo the republicans had tliibustered against the proposition to raise money tor the payment of pensions. The gentlemen In talkingnbont these vetoes forggt that nearly nil of these bills frnd been vetoed by n repub lican commissioner of pensions j cars ago. Mr. Weaver thought that no disrespect would bo shown to the piesident by nn- medlnto action on the veto , and ho theieforo opposed Its icferonco to the committee , The motion to Instruct wns lost jens. 115 ; nays 128 and the iiiessago was retened to tno committee on Invalid pensions. Adjourned. In tlio Hcnato. WASIIINOTOX , July 7. On motion of Mr. Kdiuunds U was oideied'that the senate meet at 11 a. in. , and for the next six davs , after the call for and disposition of resolu tions , the time remaining until 12 ; : shall bo devoted to the calendar , Every matter ob jected to tmll bo passed by and the debate limited to hvo minutes. The senate then resumed consideration of the amendments to the river and haibor bill , the ( wilding question being an amendment appropriating SIW.OOO . for tlie purchase of the bturgeon liny & Lake Michigan ship canal and harbor of refuge. Mr. Spoouer offered an amendment as a substitute. It appropriates 81.10000 for the , porpose or making free of toll Qonmieroo through the canal Arter discussion ot tha substitute the amendment was agreed to yeasHO : nays , 10. The river und haibor bill was then tempo ral lly laid aside ami the chair laid before the eeuato the message of the president \etolug - yT the bill ntithorlrlne t' < o construction of rail roads tin ouch the Indian tcnltory nml In northei n Montmm. The mesigc wns rend. Mi. Dawestnovod lo refer the bill nnd nies ; sngeto the conimlttt eon liidlnn nffnlis.ftnd he desired lo go with this lemarkablo message - sago a spctioiiof tile treaty which had affected the piesident so sc nslbl > . The motion wns ngieid to and the bill nnd message were re ferred. Ihfsen.ito lestimed ennshUrntloii of the nmendmcnt to the river nnd harbor bill. Without disposing of further nmcndinonts the senate adjourned UOTH GUUD AXI ) BAD. Crop UcDorts Which Show r.ud HriKht Prospects. ST. PAUL , Julj 7. The Pioneer Pre s will print to-morrow reports on the condition ot the crop from every liupoitant wheat grow Ing county in Minnesota nnd Dakota , nnd about one hundred counties In lown , Wis consin nutl Nebiaskn. These reports show the crop to bo In much worse condition tlmu In June , lbs * > . The dry weathei In May , which became quite a scveie drouth in June , lind n more serious effect on small gialn thnn was at lirst supposed and the Injiuy caused then is just now becoming painfully nppucnt. Thoi e had been v ei j little rain In the 111 st vv cek In Juno and no rain since seed ing time. The sections not nfTceted' by the diouth me thu Red Itlveralloy from Wnlmeton to ( iiand Folks , and the Northern Pacliiceountiy from liialnoid to lilsmarck. In Minnesota and Dakota south of the forty sixth painllel the weather 1ms been very diy , the drouth being peveiest in the extreme houthern eountles of Minnesota seta nnd Dakota , extending well down into noithein Iowa. In houthern .Minnesota nrra Dakota wheat wasbovvn in most eountles in dust , and rains since then nave been light nud not tieoiient enough to give the giound a good soaking. Durinz the stoollng period In May , the vventher was Aeiy diy. The intensely hot weather tlio past tun dajs has added materially to the Injuiv , as the giound was In no condition to stand nnv serious drouth. 'Ibe tesiilt Is that along the Winonn A ; St. Peter load tlnoucli nnd alone the -southcin divisions of the Milwaukee & St. Paul , thu crops nro literally drjlng up , and unless lalns como \.cij soon light erow [ of all kinds ot grams is the most that can bo expected In those sections. Itlsdonbttnl even vvhethei the | crops can be benelittcd now to nnv extent If rain should come. The stoollng pciiod Is lone since past and the ctops may now bo tak en" to biT at the best stage to bo obtained. Moio lain w ill simply pievunt them from getting back- vvaid , but will hudly impiovo their condi tion. The rains of Sntuulny night extended over those sections only whcie It was least needed From Cummlags , on the Manitoba road , t-outli and along the Noithein Pacific line noith of ( ! rnnd Forks , thcie wns no rnin. nnd Croat Devil's Like county is still siillcrlng fiom diouth. Not a.drop of rain fell south of the Minnesota rivfcr , aiuljdt that btm- burncd lotion is still parched muTflrj. ' A rAVOHAiun oim.oqic. NEW YOIIK , July 7. 'Iho following Is a summary ot the Itural New Yorkers' an nual ciop repoit : Fiom over 4,000 crop reports fiom nil parts of the country , the Rural Now Yorker concludes that the winter wheat ciop is , on the whole good , the probable yield being s.W.OCO 000 bushels against 212,000,000 bushels in 18Sr , with a Unlit incieaso In ncioage Spilng wheat lias been coiibldeably ) injured by diought nndbllght. The jleld will prob- ablv be HOOCO,000 btibhbls a nlhst 14000tX)0 ) bushels last xear. Thu total w heat eiopwlll piobably be 4.5,0X,000 ! ( ) bushels against ii.-.7,000l)00 , ) bushels Instxear. In oats thcio has been a slight increase in acieage. The crop hnti been considerably In- jmed by drouth nitt Inject pcst.s , and Will ptobably jield C00.t,00oa ) bushels against 1 000,000 iiuess : l Of i.\eaml barley there will bo excellent cions , on a slightly increase. 1 aiea. There Is a good stand of corn , and the outloojc Is excellent tor a line ciop. Of early potatoes the cion will bo heavy , and late potatoes arc piomising , especially In the west. A AVholo VIUnRC Destroyed. Mit.WAUKiiP , July 7. The Evening Wis- consln'.s Spencer , Wls. , special snjs : The cnliie himlet o ( Romeo wns burned nt 1 o'clock this nfteinoon , including n saw mill , planing mill , 5OCOCOJ feet of luinbei , store , Iioaiding house , and dwelling of William Vanhoosear. , si.50,000 : Insurance , 650- , 000. Iho woodsaieon lire and fiirthci par ticulars cannot bo obtained. Late advices are that eleven dwelling houses , one boaiding house , two laige bains , two warehouses , saw mill , pinning mill , two eai loads of Hour , 8,00-3,000 feet of lumber nnd 5 OOO.ODO shingles weie burned. The loss will bo fljO.OOO ; Insuinnce , 550,000. Sixty men aio tin own out < H employment nnd twenty- sovdn families left destitute. The origin of the tire Unnknewn , but is supposed to have cauzht from n freight engine. The woods south of Romeo nro nil on lire and inorj and' women are out lighting it as best thej call. Van Hornrs' mill nnd buildings are totally destroj ed. Ills losses are about 3100,000. Missouri Kcpublfcanst. ST. Louis , July 7. The republican stnto central committee met heio to-day. The resignation of Ohainioy LFilley was accepted' and General U. P. Grier , of St. Louis , vvas elected to fill the vacancy. AQOjmnitteconho Wornon's Clnltslnti Temperance union ie- Oiicstcdan audience mid presented n resolu tion declaring thu republican party of Mis- soml to belli I'avorof Hiibinittlng ton votoof the people an nuiuiidment to the state con stitution jiiohPjitlng within the state tlio sale nnd manufacture of alcoholic liquors. The resolution was refeiied. Sudalln wns selected as the jilnco nnd Snptejnber the time for hold ing the next lopuulfcan convention. They Want Their Money. PiTTsmmo , July 7. Iho nttornoyfor the Oakland Stieet Rallvvny company entered civil suit to-day against 0. U. W. Hidwcll , late treasurer of th'o company , to recover a elioi tago of 523fl3S.OO. The booics of the com- is claimed , show nbhoitngoof the amount stntcd , but It alleged on the behalf of indwell that his dcllclences and dbcicpau- clesatc thu work of n trusted clerk In the ollicu. _ Kansas Itopnhllcans. TornicA , Knn. , .Inly 7. The ropnblicnn btato convention met ths [ afternoon to nomi nate officers. The only contgst is upon nijditorand ticc.'itrer , there being no opposi tion to thuietuin of the other incumbents. J. It. Hollownll , of Cherokee countj' , was elected clialrnian , and W. Walton'becretarj - . Committees wore bbpolntcd and thu conven tion adjourned until evening. Terrible Suffering In Texan. TOUT WOitrir , lWr July 7. The suffering from the long drouth'In western Texas is unprecedented , rain | oany extent not having fallen In so mo localities for fourteen months. The cnttloaic starving. In many localities the pottlcrs are belling.their farms for uiero trifles and leaving tor the east In abject pov erty. Valuattla , Cargo Lost. WAIWITOWN , .N. Y , , July 7. The pro- pillor Oconto btritckn rock oil Fisher'sLnnd- Ing and sunk nt 4 o'clock this nioinlng. The boat will bo aitotal loss. It was valued nt 815,000 , The cftrgo of silk , cotton , ooots , shoes , etc. , vvauiniued at $ .000.000. Iho lessen on the cargo will bo ut least S-30D.OOO : pai- tlnlly Instiled. ' All Hands Lost. KEY WEST , Ja. , July 7. Two seamen who arrived hern today from Havana , report - port tlio loss of 4hp schooner Sea Cull , of Key West , and all hands , on the noith sldoof Cuba on Juuoity i ; Forest Fires. July 7 , Specials from the Interior repor't that forcat lircs aio raging nt several points. Nine uiltes from Foil du Laca largo force ot men have beoti lighting timber blades with buckets. "XVcathor For Nchrnnka , geuwally fair weather. CAN SOLDIERS GET JUSTICE ? Democrats in the House Show Their Ani mus in Sustaining the President. GRQVER'S COURSE DENOUNCED. ProopectR Thnt Clpvclnnd Will Hrpak All Voi incr Veto llccords Ncliras- Itn's Delountlon Solid SttstulnliiK the President , The Copperhead Shown Itself. WASHINGTON , Julj 7. [ SjK'dnl Telegrnni to the BIK. : ] After the exhibition of deniO' cnitlc hostility to pensions given on the floor of the house to-diy , there need be no hope by soldiers of Iho country for justice as longns the . picscnt partv is In power. N'umeious lenders of the domocincj , among them Clnlr- mnn Matson , of tlio commlttco nn invalid pensions , nnd the pretentious Uolmnn en- doised the vetoes of Piesidenl Cleveland nml voted to sustain him In Ids work of depriving soldieis , their widows ami oiphnus , ot whnt is Justly duo them. G ncral Browne of In diana , Hepburn and Henderson , of Iowa , Mr. Cannon , of Illinols.aml other piomlncnt republicans exposed the flimsy hypocrisy of these demagogues who pretend to woik for pensions , but who nro secretly opposing them. Yet the hypocrites spoke and voted with the president. Up to to day President Cleveland has ve toed cightj-clghtpilvatcpciislonbills. When ho vetoes eleven more ho will have vetoed as many private pension bills as the aggiegnto of nil the vetoes of eveiy class bj all other presidents. It seems that Mi. CIcvelind Is bent on outdoing thu whole iccoid of vetoes by nil ot his piedecessors , nnd not go outside of prlv ate pension bills to do It. It has been claimed by dcmociats In congress that tlm president Is justlilcd in vetoing so many pen sion bills because enotmous sums of monej , aggicgatlm : millions nnnuilly , have been voted away In spccliic or piivato pensions. It hns been ascertained that all pensions drawn by special acts of congicss nt thlstlmn amount to less than hall a million dollars n yenr-and thnt statements to the contiary aio biscM upon those greatly exaggerated and uniformly deceiving estimates made designedly by Commissioner Ulaek. Nearly all the pensionsginntcd Dy special act are lei only SB a monthand at least nineteen out of tw enty are for this amount. It Is learned that anunibcr ot times President Cleveland has dismissed cabinet meetings whether matters of national Impoitancc , such as the fisheries , financial , Chinese , etc. , woie being discussed to veto pilvate pension bills. Fur- tliei , it Is learned thnt the piesident Ins icllcd solely for evidrnce upon which to write his vetoes , on the briefs made at the pension odlco In thocnses wacn they were rejected. All these briefs weio wilttcn jears ago , many tw enty j ears ago , nnd none contain the no.v testimony In the cases , and all contain more 01 less ot new matter. A good deal was said to day , in debilo nnd In pi i\ ate , about the sneers , slurs and jocu- lai obscivationsof tlio piusident In his ve toes , and a good deal of feeling is being shown on account of them. These add Insult to injury , are wholly gratuitous , and show the flippant dlsrcgaid of Mr. Cleveland , not only' for the condition of the soldicis nnd these dependent upon them , but the cause they repicsent. "Ho is just like all copperncads , " wns hcnid n number of times to day. Rcpiescntatlvo Owen , of Indiana , a Iruo friend of the soldiers and just pensions , expressed - pressed tlie belief that thoie had ucvci been such bold woik on the floor of the house by the enemies of pensions as that of to-day , now M'jmtA.SKA viujinins STOOIJ. All of the Nebraska members were In theli seals in the house to-day and voted ami vvorked faithfully ngalnst the wholesale slaughter of vetoes in justice to the union soldiery their widows nnd orphans , and the giatuitiious Insults beliVp hurled at them by the president in the vvay Of Insoluht nnd lllppnnt obscivntlons In the vetoes. WlIATJfKUrlAhlCA OKTP , In the general dellclency bill , which hns been passed over by the house , aie the follow ing Itemi-ror Ncbinslta : Topavtho state of Nebraska for the sale of thu Indian icserva- tinn , 63.SOO ; to pay BheiiffOiebe , of Douglas , county foi expenses Inomred In aire.stliip counterfeiters when ho vv as not a United States officer , S'J15 , to pay the slito tor ov- penses Inclined in suppiesslug Indian hos tilities , S18 Obi. I'OsllMASTMSS AITOINTED. The following Iowa postinasers wcic appointed to-day ; S. 11. Lewis , Polk county , A'ice Trios. D. Nelf , icsigned ; Dank Matcldson , Uxcelbioi , Mapn0kacountv , Vice Win. Sheppurd , icmo\cd : Carts. II. 't ' , Rjmsfiy , Kissuth county , vice Jno. H. The iireslUent this nfteinoon nominated ChailesW. Stewart to be postmasterntAlmn , Neb. ; Thomas O'Shen at Madison , Neb. , and Sylvanus S. Wilson atCollax , lovva. \vrsi nnv roBTAi. cjjANpr.s. Tied H. fioxfoid has been commissioned po9\master \ at itoxtoid , Neb , mid Jacob T. llnndolph nt Kldgcdalc. A postoflUe has been established at DnlT , Urown county , and Stephen U. Nelson ap pointed postmaster. Au ordci hns been Issued by the postmaster general affecting the service on the stni mall louto fiom Hay Spilngs to SnTuln/ , Neb , which will ifermlt additional Hcivicotobo peiloimed on other than schedule days , pro vided it bo dqneb > bvvoin carriers in locked poiiohes and without expense to the dep.ut- niont. Changes have been oideiod In time sched ule of star mnll loules in Nebinska ns fol lows , to take eflect July IS : Pickerell to Adams-Leavo Plckoicll Tues dais , Thuisdn > sandbatiirdnvs nt 1 p. in. ; airlv oat Adams by 7 p. in. Leave Adams Tiiesdayp , Thin sdnys and Saturdays at 0 a. 111. : arrive at Pickei ell bj U m. Nnbon to Cowlcs Lcnvo Nebon Tupsdnvs , Thuibdajsaiid Sntuidn > hat 7 u. m. ; nrrlvo nt Cowles by 2 p. m. Leave Cowles Mondays , \Vednesda\saim riidnybnltip. in. ; niilvont Nebon bv , , a. m. Foil Nlohinia to Valentine- Leave Fort Nlobiamdnilj , except Sundnvs , nt8ao ; n. m , and 0W : ) ] > . m ; nrnvont Valentino by li0 : a. m. nnd 7 : A p. m. Leave Valentino dally , except Sunday , at 7 a. m. and ft p. m. ; art heat at Foil Niobraru b > 8 a. m. and 0 p. m. O'Counoi to Acme Leave O'Connor Wed- nesdnjsnnd Fildnvsat U a. m. : ariive at Acme by IS m. Loa\o Acme Wednesdavs and Fridays nt 1 p , m , ; arrive nt O'Connorby D p. m. In Iowa the following changes have been made ; Manchester to TJonticello Leave Monches- tci Mondajs. Wuilnebdovs nnd FildavH at 9iXa. : ) in. , 01 on arilvnl of mailtiain liom thu east ; uirlvunt.Vonticelloln.sI.xhonrH. Leave Montlccllo Tucsdajs. Thursdnyo and Satnr- 0aj3 at 9 a. in. ; aulvo ut Miiuchrstci by 'J p. in. in.Villanora to DoWilt- Leave Vlllnnora TiiPsdavh , and .Satuidajs at li'X ; ) p. m. : ar rive at DoWItt byi0p. : : : ! m. Leave DeWltt TuchUajs and hntuida > 3 at i p. in. ; nrnvo at Arlllanora by 7 p. in. N1'DI1\8KANB ( IV VVASIIINOTOV. Mrs. Hyioh Heed and A , L. Iocdof ! Omaha , are In the city. W , L. May , llsh commissioner of Nebraska , Is heie to. secure a lish exhibit for the ( tail of that state. HO has met with suecebs alieady and will secure an excellent displa ) , Ciloaco | Illotcrti on Trial. CHICAOO , July 7. Joseph Sugar , Anton Stomack and Peter Sovieski , emplojcd In llioMcCormlck reaper works , and who en gaged In thu riot otMayUl , In which four men wcro killed and fiom which the most serious e\enta of the day following obtained their Impetus , were arraigned for trial before Judge tiarnett this morning. Each Is specially Indicted for assault with Intent to kill , and some deeply Interesting finrratlves will coino out of the ev Muffle. 'Iho trial began at a o'clock , bomo slight trouble being uucoiiu- tcrvd lubecuilug u jury , siiiiti AXoiiiKU vuro. The Piesldent CJocH In -Mnlntivln In dian nights , July 7. The piesident todaj sent to the senate without hlsnppioval the bill giantlng torailionds the light of wa > through the Indian reservation In iimthcrn Montana. 'I lie ie ervation tefened to , the piesident s.ij s , " < lietches across thecxlremo noitheiii pirl ot Montana , with Hrltlsh Amoiicafoi Its northern bonndnrj It con tains nn nioa of over thirty thousand Mpmrc- miles. It Is dedicated to Indian occupaucj bj thetieatv ofOctobei 17 , is.\ " > . nnd nn net of congress ot April 11S7I. . No railroads nro within Immediate approach to Its bonn- daiies , nnd onlj one , ns shown b > re cent limps , Is under consii notion In the nclghboihood le.idlng in Its diieution. The suiioundine countiv Is sparsely settled , nnd 1 have been nimble to nsbertain th it the necessities of commerce or nnv public exigencies dcmnml this legislation which would ntfcct so scilouslj the rlchts and Interests ol the Indians occurring tlio rescivntions. The bill Is In the nature of a general right ofvaj foi railroads tinimgh this reservation. The Indian ooeupints have not given their consent , neither hnve they been consulted ictrardlng It , nor Is thcio any piovlsion in It for seem ing their consent or ngieemcnt to the location 01 conjunction of rallionds If the I'nited Stales must exerelso Its lidit of eminentdomiln ovei ( lie Indian tenltorlcs foi tlie geneul welfnie of the whole country. It should be done coiitlnuoush , with duo ic- gard foi the Interests of tlio Indian , and tone no cieater extent than the exlueneles of the public seuieo lequlie. " Tlio piesident then states that bills tending somewhat in ( lie di- lectlon of this peiieial chaiactei of legisla tion atreoting tlie rights of the Indians. ie- scrvcd to them n > tieaty stlnulntlous , have been piesented to him during the present session of congiess , vviiich hxvo icccivcd his leluctant approval , though he is by no means ccitnln that n mistake has not been undo In passing such laws without pro viding lor consent to such giants In the Indian occupants and otherwise iiioicelosclv guaidmg their lights and Interests. " 1 lioped , the piesidont savs , "that each of the bills as It received mj approval would be the lastof the kind piesented. " Uosajs , in con clusion , "The bill now before nio Is much nioro general in Its terms than tnoso which have picceded It. It ignores the light of the Indians to be consulted as to the disposition ot tlieii lands. It Invites n Kcnornl invnslon of the Indian conntrv. 1 am Impicsscd with the bellct Unit the bill does not ulllcientlyguaid niralnstiin invasion of tlie lights and distillbr.iico of the peace and quiet of tlio Indians on the icser- vatlon mentioned , not am I satisfied that the legislation moposcd is demanded b > nnj exi- KCIICJ of public weltaie. A Uailrond Orilcrcd Hold. KEOKUK , la. , July 7. Judtre l o\e , of the United btates circuit court , today oidered the Missouri , Iowa A Nebraska lallvvnj sold alter sixty dajs' notice. Nominated Tor Conirrcis. ST. PALI. , Minn. , July 7. Jolin LInd was nominated foi congress by tlie icpiibllcans ot tlio Second district to succeed Wakelleld , the present member. 4r An Interesting Question. ICcst I'otiit llcinibttcan. Theqneslion of vvhcro the fnttuo hog of Nebraska nnd the northwest tenitories is to bo insukctecl , is just now becoming an intcicsting question. AVIicn the Om.i- < hn stock yards w'oio lirst gpened up there vvcroplcnt.y''oipeoplcl oven ii the west , who freely expressed the opinion that Chicago would always ronuin the chief market of the country for live stock. That the business was so firmly rooted weio other people who thought differ ently. Sonic ot these lind faith that it could bo done , and they set to work to bring it about. They invested their money in Omaha , linn in the fsiith that : i long Fmnl for live stock is not the prollta- blc tiling. Although the Omaha ijlant is a young one , it is exceedingly vigorous nnd gives great promise for the future. Chicago live stock dealers nro ut length avvakcnhigtotho fact that the trade of the noithwpbt is slipping sway from them. Many of them are making investments ut the Omalm stock ynuis. and more will do likewise botore the present PC.I- sort is over. If it is economy toslaiiffhter iMttle in Chicago in mcfcronco to ship ping them niivotoNow Yoik , will not the sumo inlo hold oed betwen Omaha nnd ChieagoV A big day is in stoic for Omaha , but theie is one tiling she should do without delay , and that is secure to hoisolf ono noithwest railway ; one that 1ms interests in common with her. At iiTescnl Chicago lias gotthornihoitds nnd in order for Omana to icnp the full fruition of her picsenl labors in this direction , she must meet the raihoad omcigency. She can hardly alibi d to let the present go by without making a move in tins direction. The Old-Time Dudo. San Fiancisco Kxamincr : However model nil creation the cioatnro known us the "dudo" is in his own conception , it is something of a gratification to those whom ho iillhcts with Jiis companionship and presence to Know that other nnd cailicr generations have Biilluied with his kind. In 1850 , when Jenny Lind , the "Swedish Nightingale , " landed in Now Yoik , turning the cnthnsi ' astio crowds who thronged to incet her wcie many of this species , lint the "dudo" of mat day flouuslicd under the title of the "nxquisito , " and however indcntical witli the modern curiosity in mental characteristics , diilorcd materially in the style of his per onnl ndoinmont. Then , ns now , it is true , the high hat was his crowning glory , but it was of a dif ferent fihapo mid pattern , and sur mounted , not tlio mopped pate of ( o day , but u head covered w itli Inxui innt locks , to which the barbar'.s art imuaitcd whatever - over might bo wanting in the way of natural curlincss. Ho vvoro an enor mous block , with a bow of gigantic dimensions , while piojcct- ing above might bo scon this points of a high vv hite colarwithin which the head of the ere.Urn o was hot with such app.ii cut 111 nin.sss and inllo.xibillty ns seemed to negative the idea of a neck. His long-skiitcd bioadcloalli coat hung wldo open , displaying an expanse of white shirt iiout and a wluto brocaded bilk vest , lli.s pints : weio of a hrcad- clieck pattern , and lie carried gloves and an ivory headed cane. Ho cultivated no hirsute appendage except n mustache , nnd this the Illustrated Pictorial Pica- junooftlio date icfoired to aptly de scribed as consisting of lliiit liaird to the ncio , Attiicd In ( his manner , the cailydudo was a familiar liguroiipon liioadvvay and other fashionable tliuioughfaics of the day , his appearance being icndeicd | > .ir- ticiil.ii ly noticeable bv a peculiarly mincing gait , described as between u hhidllo anil a jiolkastop.vvlilch ho fecemed to icgnrd us tliu clowning feature ot his giaccs. As is the case with his model n ( lesecndcnt , thin ancient dandy bcliocd ho was the center of ad miration in what ever locality he chose to adoin with his pu'.sonco , and the iriepic.s&ible smiles which hid appealancooxcitcdhuaccepted with the eo m i ) 1.1 cunt consideration that they indicated the pleasure the graces of of his charming pcison alloi < lud tlio spec tators , "Verily , verily , there Is nothing tinder the ' ' new sun , OKT HOWE & Khitit'rf I'JIK rs ON Fu KM TUUE. 1610 DOLULAb SliU.r. ( THE DAY FOR LEGAL LIGHTS , How the Time Devoted to Lawyers Wns Spent at Orcte , LAW AS RELATED TO RELIGION , John 31. Thurstou TclN the Assembly All Ahont It In n Iieot tire- Other IntcrcNtliiK n\crcUca at the AsRpinhly. The ChniitaiKttaiiR | nt Crete. Cnmr , XeK , July 7.-Sp6eialTelernm | to the Iln : I Wo dunk , as It wore , at a foun- tnln whose suppl > Is Inr\liaui'lblo , cnch day biinglni ; Its own new Inleiests and plens- nies. Tills , lawjeis' dav. hns been ono of the best of the assemblj. A large numbei ot the piofesslon have been pieM'iit Tlia Lincoln excursion linln this nioinlng bionght n Inigo nddltlon to the grounds , mam of. whom cnmo equipped foi n plonkdlnnci In the giove. This place , with Its bcnutj nnd delightful shade , is nun ? and moio appieelnted as the vveathei becomes wanner. Hon. Jolin M. ' 1 htiiston and wife , of Omnlm , came In on the night train and will boguess ! ot Piesldent P. I. Post. Dr. Meiedllh , oC Hoston , milved lod-xj , also Mi * . J. Klleii Poster , of lown , the tcmpmm-e lectur-r. ( eorgo H. Pninee , of oik , nud ( JeorgoAV. llinlci , ot Weeping Wutei , nio on the giounds. The Inteiost in tlio assembly stool : continues to widen , ns Is shown by the iimount which is being sold. The Methodist denomination have voted to hold u ten' camp meeting dnilnic the month of Sopteiu- bei on the Cielc Chnulmupia Kronnds. A veiy pleasant incident took place t'lis nfteinoon nt the ladles' nilssiomuy meeting nt 4 o'clock in the giovc. The iiiembeis ot tlio society niescnlod their piesldenl , Mis. Dean , of South Hend , with a veiy handsome gold wntch nnd elisin. At 2 o'clock a selec tion fiom the Xellgh band opened the exor cises. John Unisby , ot raiimont , followed w lib a solo , "Dublin Uny. " Hon. John JL Tliuibton , who delivetod the mldicsH , wns then intioilnced with u few pleasant and appiopilato icmnrks by I1" . L Foss , who piesldcd at the meeting. .Mr. Thuiston's Mibject was "Luw aii'l ICellgirn in Their Kclutlon to Kadi Other nnd to the Piobleni of Coveiument. ' It wns n very able led mo nnd thmoinrliU enjoved by tlio inteiested audience , nothlni ; nince the openlngol the : ib emblj Imvliu : called foi so manj lemaiks of genuine pleasine. 'Iho law y eis' con feicuco at 3 o'clock was lull oC spiiit and enthusiasm. Al that meeting It was voted to elect a Nebiaska bat lie.ulmiar- teis , costing Sl.OOO. 1'iofessor blieiw In's clioius class opened the evening meeting , illss Lilian Hamblln. of Illinois , then sing a bolo , "I'll Poliovv Ihcp. " Miss llnmblin has eliaiito ot thn intislcat Mount Cm roll sculniii.vlllnolsandi ! ! her music adds mncli to the pleasure of the assembly. 'Iho lectuio by Di. Meictlltn on James A. Carticld nerds no woui in its lavof. 'Jho o who have any knowledge of the gen tleman willknowthat noonets better tilted to hold the Inteicst of an Intelligent audience. _ Ciop Prospects lit Scvvard County. SrwAim , Xcb , July " . [ Special to the Din.j Iho wcntlici In FvanI county tor the past Unco weeks has ueeti such that up tea a week ago crops looked quite promising , but novvcorn issuirciing lei want of lain. 1 tlio larmeibdo not uct any inln for ten days to come Sovvaid county will not lm\o moio than S3 percent of an iivcrago crop. To stnit with this spiinc being wet fnimcrs tlnongli- out the coilnij failed to getnven half a htnnd nnd with the present outlook It is far fiom flattciing. Kjois nil Inn vested and In the shock nnd looks line. Oats never pi omlsed a better ciop mid the acreniro islaigc.Vhcat \ , llko coin , will not fiom Lbe piescnt outlook make mnio than elglit Inislu'ls. and a giont many fields will not bo woith cutting. The reason ot tills n wheat is tliat the weather four weeks ago tinned fi dm wet to hot and diy and badly damaged the ciop. 'I lie aciengoot ililletthioughont the county ne\er waslargei nnd is looking well , but If no inin comes it will amount to nothing. Flais looking well. A gieat deal moio was so\vn this jeai than ever before. Most fnimem me now In the midst of their lajin. . The gio\vth of clovci and timothy was novel laiger. . The Celchralioii at Alnsworth. Ai.NawoitTir , Xeb. , Julj 0. | biteial ) to the 3rj.J ; Alnswoitli wns decked In the trap rings of pitrlotlMii on Satuidny. A large ciovvd wns in attendance at tljo celebiation. People ponied In from iiolghuoiing tovvna nnd thosiirroiinilfngcountiy. A SSOllag was ivvnidcd the pi eel net having the largest dete ction , a § 25 I'ns ' to the ono hnv Ing the next argcbt , and a 815 Hag to the ono having the ie\t. Jolnibtown , ( Inilield nnd Hnffnlo pre cincts weio the fortnnato candidates. The giand procession , headed by Sutlon'H band , iration by Hon. H. 0. Hroiime , of Norfolk , o.tsts nnd inusle , wns tha older of oxcieises 01 the loicnoon. In the nlteinoon music , lancinp , foot raring , liorho lacing , tuicet Hhooting , amused the people. In the ovenhifr lancing and luewoilcH. llveiythlng pasbcd otf successfully. Hot Weather t Alnsworth. AiJsvvoimi , Neb. , July 7. [ Special to ho HI.I : . ] The theimometergmged 10'i ° In ho shade lii'io jeitciday at U o'clock , The ntenso heat and diy wind uie causing sonio 'anxletv among the farmers. Corn Is looking ; excellent and growing lapldly , but will need rain soon. All small grain is looking well. nnd farmers mo preparing lor haivest. Ail things indicate a good ciop and a prosperous season foi Hiovvn county. Rohhorti AVorkliiK Crete , Ciurri' , Neb. , July 7. [ SpecialTelegram to the Uii : ; ] Some time this nioinlng the olllco of the Cosmopolitan hotel wasiobbed. 'Iho thlovcs bccured about yy In cash nnd n gold watch valued ut 5100 fiom the vest pocket ot the clerk. A numbei of bold lobbcrles have b < en com mitted line dining thu minimci nnd they aio giowlngloo miiiuroiib forcomtort. Ho Didn't Catch On. ATKI.VRO.N , Neb. , July 7. [ .Special Tele gram to the UIK. : ] A son ot J. S. Paradise , ten jcais old , was inn over by a freight tuiln while hn was catching on thar > nmo this after noon. His Injmles weio no soveio ns t * necexsllato the amputation of ono foot near the unklc. Minnesota Prohibit lonlsta , Sr I'ADI , , Julj 7. The piohlbltlon stnlo convention met in this city to day nnd placed a full state ticket In the held. J. J3. Chllds , of Waseca , was nominated foi governor nnd J. I'inkham , of llennepln , for lieutenant goveinoi , buth b > acclamation. Thu plat- lorin contains nothing more than an enun ciation r > f tha pi Inclplcs usually t-ct forth by n prohibition convention , but hoaitlly up- pioves what has been done In the past by ILo paily , and cxpiesses hope lei thu Ititiuo. An Antl-iJovvlsli Ulot. HitL'h-i.i.s , July 7. An nnti Semlllc ilol la icportcd in Dolgcnoff , In the government ot Mlsska. Thu Russian govcrnoi , at the head of a military foice , llnnlli succecdfd In 10- storing older. In the dlatuibanco twenty- thito pcihiins were liijmed. nine ofwl.ooi nio In condition. A I > onhlo VOIIK , July 7.- John Wainer , amid- die-aged C.maulaii who , with his son , has been lh ing ina Hat on Ninth Mieet lor thu pnst few inonllib , tills morning shot IIISBOIJ df.ul and Ihcn 1 lllcd himself. theiiime U known ,