THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : 'WEDNESDAY , JULY 7. 1SS6. SPECIAL NOTICED AdierlUemonts under thl ho d , 10 cent * per line for tlio llr t Insertion , 7 conls for each ub- Sequent ln crt'on , nnd fl.M n line per month. No ndicrtticmont taken for less thnn 23 cents for the Ilrst ! n crton. ! Heven words will bo counted to the llnoi'they must run consecu tively mid mnM bo pnld In nilrnncc All ivlvor tlBcmcnts must bo hnndfil In before 2 o'clock p , rn.nml undi r no circumstances will the. } betaken taken orillsconllnticd by telephone Pnrllf s advertising In thc. c columns nnd bar * Ing the answers n''dro ' cd In care ft TMK HBP , will pli > n e n k for n check toonriblo them to ( rot their letters , us none will bn delivered except on piO'.enlntion of chrek. All answers to nd- vortl cincnt boiiM bo enclosed In envelope" . O DMA II A I'lNANI'IAI. IX'IIAN ( i : Hirp- | i m red to mnkulnnns In nil ) ninuuiit.iin any klii'l AC npprovoil M-rnrlly. I.nrao eolliilrrnl lontu n ppi'clnlt.v. Al o on clmtlols nml ri'iil cBlnlo In iiiiiouiitsnnil Ilinolo null. I.OWIT rates , holler torin . nti'l protnptnr cprvlro limn nny loan HKPIIPJIn tlioi'lty. Tor fiirtlior pnrtlonlnM mil ill olllcoon thOKfrnnil Honp of the llnrkcr Illork. BOUMiivest corner of 1'nrnnm nnd IMIi 875 6l'iit : INT money loloan. J. J.Mnhnnoy , I60U Karnnm , 1U2J > 20 O.Niv : T ) MAN On rcnlrstnto. M I.urfUii It Co. , Itooin U. Wlttinoll I Hock. 149 TITONUVTO I < OAN Atlowpr rntoithniiniiy. O.1JL where clso In tboclty.onf iirnlUiro , plnnoJ , orgium , horpoM , wn oni , or stock of nny kind. llc'iioinhor. nt lower rntn < < tliftn nny olhpr loun exjinpntiy in the city. City Ionn fc Mnrtvnio Co. . room ! , " > , 1401 rnriiiini st , oppositj Pinion hotul. _ vn T\flNiVo | lonn on rocldonco nnd I'l iropcrty. Lowest rntni. C. .1. Cmwoll & Co. , Ilooin 19 , Iron Ilnnk Ilulldlnir , 12th nml Tnr _ _ _ _ MONKV to lonn by tlio midorslKiioil , who Ims the only properly organized lonn n oncy In Ornnlm. Ix > nn or f to to $ I,0)0 ( ) mnclo on fur niture , plnnon. orKiin , horsrgrniroii . innchln- pry , , \c. , wltliotit removal. No ilolny ? . All lnislno'53 strictly eontldontlnl. Ixinns 8O tnmlo tlmt nny part enn bo puld at any time , cnch pay- ippnt rpilncliiH the ro t pro intn. Auvnncpq mnclunn line walohos nml illiitnnnili. Vcrpon1 ? Blioiild enrufiilly conslilor ho thuy nro ilcnllnir will ) , iw iriitny new concerns nro dnlly comlnsr Into nvl li'iieo. SlionM you ticoil inonov , cnll and CPU mo.V. . It. Croft , Hoom 4 , Wlllinell llnlldlnir , IMIinntl II ninny. . 2.V to lonn on city residence property ' ( leo. W. Dny , UK ) Kiirmun.'O Gl'lllt rr.N'l' Money to lonn , Stownit V Co. , Itooin II , Iron bank , l.tli ntiil Qjno.nrm lo loun. midnnd iipwnnK P J.oivost nit os. Ilcnils , IStli mid PONRY TO LOAN O. V. Dnvlfl .i Co. Konl M Kpjtnto nnd Loan nccnts , 150j FarnnmSL p. ; ! ) ! M ONKY TO l.DAN"On peed securities. A Mcdnvock , room 7 llodlok Illock , 150V Farnam Bt. roNHv TO r.OAN On ical cetato nndclmt L tols. D. L. Thomas. 2iJ ! MONISY TO LOAN In aums of J200 nnd lip- wanls on flrul > rl/i83 ronl cstnta Bceurlty. I'ottor & Cobb , 1515 Fnrnnm Bu " 04 MONIIV LOANKO nl C. V. HcedA Go's. Loan , on furniture , plnnog , horsri , wapons tiornonnl property of all Kinds nnd nil other nr- .Helen of value , without romovnl. i)19 ) H. -Ith , over llliiEham's rommlssion store , All bus- i.c-ia etrlctly ronnOonti\L HUHIJIESS CHANCES. TTIOlt SAI.K Hnlr Intoiost 111 small laundry , J dolnL' irood business. Address A. W. , Ilee olllce. nmi 10 * FOKSAI.I. ; , Hour anl feed biislnoss with lease of warehouse , "hods , scales ote. I One ol the best stands in tbo elty. liood trade ustabllthtd. Hmnll capital roqulrod. In < iutro lit 1M5 Hurt street. 5 > S-U F1 Oil SAM : Now lurnlturo of n 12-room lioardlnir hou o , 15 boarders. Call li ! < )7 ) ' 'iibB 550-7' H ( ll'SIlS ' I.of.rarms.liiinils money loaned. Ilemls , l.'ith and Douglas streets. 471 TOOK : Hank In li\o Nehraska town. JL1 I'nperiPtalned If drilled. Addrp'M. . T. llnrliiw , Cashier United Ktatos National Hunk , Oimihn. ir > 2-ii : : 20hnioj block of 5100ouch of J ? the Wvomliiif Meat ( "orapany olThej-onno , AVj'IhU , stock Is , will bonr tlio 'closest imestlgntloii and is now paviiifr u ffood dividend. For further particulars address , II. H. T. . ruro Onniliii lloo , Omiihn , Nob. S71. ! NAl < l < On account of other business 1 w ill Foil my lee cream pmlor.s nnd confec tionery store lit 14.20 Douglas sti cots , nt low fig ures. If you want n bargain npply at once. It. 1' . Norils. " 27U hrriOIt SALK In n prospering llttln town in JL' lownot about 500 Inhabitants , situated on the (1. II. 1. A ; P. It. II. linoa Rood and complete butehoilnjrbirjlness will bo sold cheap , as the present owner Intends.on account ot his poor Iioulth , lo ire to California Far further in formation , address II 5. lleo olllco. l.\3J > "JI * Foil i\CIIAN : < ! U Stocks of ( foods of every klpdfor farms niul land ; also hinds to ox- cliiiiiiro lor poods. If you wnnt to trndo , no Dinttor ulna It 19 you have , wrlto , with full do- Scrlptlon , to C. tt. Mayno , Heal Estnto and Trust Co. , Omaha Nob. i'CO * | TIOIl SAI.i ; Several stock * of gooda , dolnca JU healthy business , ownership clour , satis faction Kunruntood ; terms easy , somn Oiuiiho perty tnVou In o.\chautro. ilUrslmll & la- , 1511 rnrnam st. 412 rouira. 177' lly the undor.slirnod nt Cumuih' JLpt Htroet car bnrn.blnekcolfivlth two white liliul fpot and whllo spot In lorohoad , nbout 3 ycnrsold , had pnrt harnosson. Win. Nowman. tOST. dJID.oo rnwnrd nnd noinio.Mlon.s nsUoil for the 'fioturn of my n.ipors ami key stolen from my loildeneo,2ftl ! Douglas 6t , last Thursday rao/iiiuir. Fred \V. Oray , 510-5 7 OST On stioct fiom 20th nnd Oak to Ons- IJ mopolltau.n pocket hook containing1 $ ; ) j. llnwardoftorcd for return to this olllco. D. A. Hart. 510-7 * LOST Tool bnjr from hloyclp. with wroneh and oil can. Plea o leave nt Collins , Ciordon & Kny'a store , nnd lecolvo reward. 4I0 ! To persons who wish to biilM n J. homo In Orchard Hill , I will pell lots upon jjajmont of the nominal sum of ton dolhii'a nnd Ijnlunco nt the end of llvo years. Intorott nt 8 per cent , payable Eiomi-nnnimlly. This Is the host oiler over made to nny homo-scokor In this city. Call and BPO mo. ( i E. Mayno , lleul is- : tnto nnd Trust Co. , S.VT. cor. llth ana Farnam. > OAHD-AndJodiln 3.ntaiJ N. 15th st. 120 tOAHIi nnd lodging : , fl a week. 1320 Jones' Bt , > tKUJyB" Foil HUNT Itoom und board for two. 1U13 Cuultol nva 142 AND COUNTY' Hands Iboujrh and sold. Oco. W. Day , 1403 Furtmin. 4b < J IIKNT Bijuaro Vlano , $1 monthly. Hoapo. 1513 Douglas. 3T1 Pill VY vaults and cess pooli cleaned by V. U. Abel , 1' . u. box 378 , residence 1U1 Citmlng. l 'JJVV and cesspools cleaned by 1 ! . Kwinjr , p * -0110x427. OlOjulylO * -flKNT OrgO)13 , fS pOr U10UIU. 1513 Douitlus. Hw" ! ' ' " 'NT A store mi a good retail strool. * - Apply thu Omaha Uoal listuto and Ixian Co. 187 F 10IIHospo Piano moulhlr. M3Douihi8.Piano Hospo , ! M3Douihi8. 373 rou - I"Otsl'nrni9Ijtnds money loaned , Hemls 16th and lou ) lai Btreots. 471 SAI.i : Wo Imvo a bunchlTr COO head - - lwo-yourH li | btoers. good cullio for gale. Blrango llros. , Sioux Clly. lowu. 1000Jy20 KAMJ-Ono 10-horeo upright boiler aim onglnovrlth llltlnira completo. A bargain , kn iitoniii laundry , lOJ B. llth st. ' H.VLK-1 pliino , furuliuro und hllcho go. 7178.1Uthst. 877 lOlt H.V1.K Kino second-baud uhnetou ciiitan at Slmptou'8. 7it TT i. " b'\.LII } 1Il > conuncts on s.iOO acres A ! flno tlllnblo land , cbmp for cash , or will ojc- change for flush sleek elolhlng und good bu > l- iicesnroperty. H. M. Woolmun. U. P. Town. ' ' ' Foil SALE Cheup. Iron columns nnd win dow cups suitable for front on brick build- log. i or partioulur * upply ut this olUca , 13 TTU year IOHSO on Bectiou . . . . _ 'and ' , 7 miles bouthuiut of Atkinson and i „ in lie t southwest of Km met. Holt county. Nob. Itcntalonly ( IS iMirxour. Hatcher. 0mid A ; Co. UltUougla * tiuot , MUlurd hoti.l block. 0uttbi : ! * * " < tat Foil SAM A oi'oud-hnnd 2 H. P.Shipman onginoandliollerby John C Kllncr , VotK , Neb. 181 FOHSAtiK 3'iunro piano , J5) , monlhly pay- * _ monK IIojpo , 1513 DqURlnv 271 i 1 fHlt SAM : 1'amUy horse A.llo po. _ _ _ _ P37Jyl3 _ Iron < AM : Match lonnT- and horios of al 1 kinds 'o sull cu'lomers at Sla - SMo Stnblos , Mthand I'umlng. M. C rum on , Prop. 270 WANTED-FEMALE ITE1.P. rANTii : > Scandinavian ilrl ns chamber innlil nt Pacific botol.CoT Pnclflest. 510-8' Wi , NriiT ostromTRlrIsnt 1814 Webster " I , II. Loomls. 511 fANTEo A chumbormiild in Windsor hotel. nr > . U TANTKIl A elil for prncrnl work ; irooil \vnar" . Suntlioni llutol.cur. Ulh nml l.i'iu- WIT. | yAXTKlJ-A lllHtS23 S. 21ft St. \\'A > t'tt : > ( Hi I lor general hau cnorlisoutli west curlier 22d and Muion sts. Coed wniros paid. 5'13-tO WANTii : > A competent , steady glil for Kenornl housework , 115 Jones hi. fill " \XTANTiII : rirst-ehiss bread nnd enko baker , > > N. II. eor. llith nnd Cnp.ltol. 6D1-C * VVANTiiJri ; | nt tlvo Garni hotel , 1010 Ma * V > son st. WANT1IU-A phi nt 022 N. imhst. for con- nil housework. Mrs. A. Trnynor. 6(51 ( 9Kood uiilsiittho employment lUN.lOth. 5MJ-7 nnd Gontloliipn wlshlntr a cdrroipondunt to send tholr nildrvss with Ktiunp to tlio Aniurlcnn Corrospondlnif bureau , box UK ) , Clarksburg , W. Vu. Mi-C ) W'A'KfTiR A Kood ( flrT SOY Snherol 1ToTiot . worn. Mrs.A.l'.Tukoy,2l41ChUiiBuSt. C21 Vl ANTKIJ Itellnblo mlddlo iiK d woman to ' tnkKcltartroof nn Infant , ono who under- stnndsplain souinx pioforrcd. Apply nt Mis. y. A. Slomnn , If U rarniim street. 513 " \I ANTI51l Olrls for flrsl nnd second work ' In pi ivnto families ; dlninsr room.kltrhcn , laundry and ehnmber fflrl , dish wnshcr. cjood cixiU lor prlMito Inmlllcs , ImnnlliiK hoii'oa and hntcM ; best ot witKes. Call at Omuhu Kmploy- incut Bureau , 1120 Kuinnm 81. ti.T-7 \\/ANTio : Olrl to do iruiiorul bnn'owork Ooo.T. rranilollX2l'JCiissBt. C15-U * - \ / - ANTiillrlfo'housework : ( who is wlll- > Inn to woik Inltlifiilly for treed wanes nnd prompt pay. Mrs. Coi belt , &JI South 1Sth Btreut. 518 WANTI5U A Fleady Kill for general house work. Inqiilio ut loom -J CroUjliton Jllock. 4'JM > * I7ANTHIaood cook , 710 S. llth ft. , irooil > > wiiBua. 47(10 ( * WANTii : > ( Joodfflr ! to do ironornl hoino- housework In Hiniill family : ? 4 per woolc. Inqulro looms Hand I ( Iranlto block. 1IM-7 \\TANTISD I/.uly a enls nctimlly clnar f30 ' dally with my wonderful entirely now patent rubber nnilortrarinpnt for fpinakM. Trl- umpliiint siieeef.3. A fconator't widow made SKI In 4 days. A minister's wife sold 1 ! ) llrtt hour. Minimal. Little , lloxll'J.Chicago , III. 421.7 * WANTUD lapood tirts for pilvato families wnses SH.50. J4 and SI. Oainliu ISmpIoy- menl IHiroiui , 11"0 I'm mun st. No eluu-tfea. 5U W ANTii : > A wet nurse. For particulars cull nt Dr. Leo's olllce , ( Ininlto bile. avi-30 Immedliitoly , n good cook. 413 South 10th btroet. J i a ( Ilrl ; B07S 21th sf 18.V23 WANTKIJ A comjietont trlrl for pencral housework. Apply ut 41U Convent st. 0V ) WANTIUJ Immodlatoly.a llrst-clnss coolt n 1813Dodi'osl. 805 "ITl/'ANTISO ! i" > younir Indlos nnd Rents to Vt learn telojfraphy. Prospects for positions whoncompetonlKOOd. Address W. J. D. room l.Crounso block , ICth st , Omnha. TJ8 " \\7A.NTKI ) A Klrl for gcneittl housework nt V > 2120 Sownr.1 st. li ) WAUTBD-MAI.E WANTKI > plifnr nnd tobucco pules.nnii to traol west , I rein Umulia. HI ? salary for good man. None but oTperlcneo men ncpd apply. .i\dJross , II 5S , lice Olllce , 55i5-10Q Two good men or Intolllaont ' schoolboys lo cnrry ranlni.r roi.los on Dally Ileo. Cull on Theo. Wlllliun , at 4 oYlocIc p. in. , In the city circulation depaitment. 500 WANTKU liookkccpcr for 1 hour every evening1101 Furnum St. 648.0 V\7ANTIU ) A bright boy about 10 years old. Apply at "Ileo Mull Hoom. 5417 WANTISO Pastry Cook nt Windsor hotel. 5TO AN ncllvo local nffcnt , who is nrriunliitecl with the Steve and Hindwaro Trade , to foil Mica , wholesale and ictull ; liberal commission paid. Address 8. Opponholmcr .V Co. , 00 Pearl St. , N. Y. r-20-fl WANTKU All liono-tt Intelligent boy , nbout 10 or 18 voiii-s old , to lenin the drug busi ness. A good cbnnco forth. * right imrty. Ad- drass in own hand writing H , 50 lloo ollleo. W ANTBI > To take chnr o of flrst class hotel. Inquire ut 1012 N. 10th. 621 0 ANTKIJ A man for delivery , 2204 1'nriiuin Street. . KO-0 WANTKn A broad bnkor nt once. North west corner Caldwell nnd Pier sts. No. 1002. ! ' . Horzo . 5227 * \v \ ANTKIJ-Ilarbor.Iniincdliitoly.nU'iipllllon. Call or address Juntos D. Sllnahuugh. 512- ! ) WANTED To employ u peed nctivo boy , 13 years old for ofllco nnd errand work. Address H fil , IIoo olllco , BlvliiBreloronccs. 40D- < ) WANT1C1 good moulder. JohnC. Kllnor , York , Nob. 4ca " \X7"ANTI5D Thicp hundred rock men , three IT hundred laborers. Good work , Rood pay. Apply to Chns. Ilolssellor 2'J mile house Olive St. llond , Bt. l.oulfl Co. , Mo. , o Jncob Jnyraus , Labadfo , Mo. Keuno Iliow. iioiistructlon ( 'o. , phlnf contractors Bt. Louie , Kuusas City & Col. It. K. 4C3Aiif 1 i7ANTil : > Two Cornice mnUors at onco. > ThcoHuetto&Bon , 1'remont , Neb. 430-0 * VUANTKI men for Illack Hills o.\tontlon ofll. &M. It. It. norir Ilioken How. 11. S. Albright , Labor Atroncy , 130j.'umum ) Bt , 1)03 ) WANTUO I'll st class brldjocnrpontoia for homo tntss work. This work will bo nil In our yunU nt f.envonworlh , and will hist throe nr four months. None but Unit cliisH Howe Truss llrldgo 1 miners ntod npply. Applications must ho made beforu July loth. A , J.Tullock , ong. nnd sui't. ' , I.cuvonwonh Kai.siiu. 201-jyT > A capublo boy to cnrry a borso route on Dally Hoe. UJ'J SITUATION WANTED. WANTlin Kmploymont at goncial work , Mrs. Itodcs , 2012 Cumin ? st. Ml-8" \VTANTin iy n good gonorul gook ( white ) , > T H situation on n flock farm , or with u ur- voylng party or rullioud'ouUH. D. Wright , City. tlll-B * WANTKU Situation by a young man as tonohorof Cross ocleotlu short hundhnnd. I studied under the author himself and Irom whom I have good recommendations. CIIIJUEQ the type wrltvr nadtavo Imdmuch experience i\i teacher In tlio public fchools. Address V. W , llcoolllco , Council llluOls , la. WANTiil Situation as delivery or private family hotel or anything to earn a living. Address H ST lleo ofllco. . 5I7-8' WAITTS. WANTKI ) Family and plcco washing , by doyen. Work guaranteed or no charge. Inijniro 412 N , 10th Ut- C.VJ-12 \\7ANTK"-Illl'8 ' on id residence lots in > Council Illuirs , near depot. Jlust be sold Adilrea-i M , Hoe , Council lllutfa. Two rooms suitable for u iihysi , clan'a olllco , conlrak locution. Dr. T. Wll- kins , ' & ! " lleo. 19V7 * WANT to buy u corner residence lot in Not th Omulia. Address H Ki , Hco oUico. Htulo prlco and locjtlun. BH-T" WANTKU I.ndlos and gentlemen to nt I end Vulontlne'aSlioithand una Typowrlllug Institute , Kxporltlun bulldlny. firrfaugl Ty.VNTKU A pentlenmu and wife , no cbll- 11 dron , would like a place to board and room In apilvutuf iull .Prluo not to much , of an objoot as sociability. Host of roferouoo given. Address I.citcr A , Patton houio , ' i7l-d * "ITTAKTED Ono large or n suit of unfur- f ' nlshod rooms In bUbinoss center nf oily , forsltH3ina | | upurtinouta. Address-H 20 , lleo Olllco. 204 WANTKU To buy u large sooona Hand of. flco eafc. A. Hoapo. KMJylS \rANTKU-Toama. T. Murray , 4Tt \\rANTKII-Short-nand work of all kinds by M J , U , Huyuos Si Co. , 1511 Dodge 8t , bOS WANTnn-SubJcrlbora for stock In the Omaha I.ORH und lluiljlnu lUMH-lntlou find the Mutual L-inn nnd Uiilldlnif atsnclitlon. Homes for nil eln-isos can thus bo purchased by monthly payments ; share * $1.00 per month , On which (3 u will bo loaned. Ollleo in i\poiltton : tmlldln ? on 15th street. U. M. Nattlnger. Pccro- I neil IUNT : A Inrjro hou o 11-ronms , nonr depot : aKo.1 room * forlluht housekeeping IlKIUlro 1112 South Dili M. 4D2-0- Foil UK.NT SI ( ire with 4 room * in tear , on paved street ; suitable for any business. A p. pl > on promises. 27I" > Cutulna'St. SisJjlO -ITiOlt HUNT The blllldWr.ow beltnr built I1 by lUrkcr llros , , on the eo-.ner of l ; h and .lone * . WfOfuet , nml four or live cleric ? biRli , will bo rented for hotel or wnrehouso purpose * , nnd bo finished to suit the purpose of loimnL C. I' . Mil ) ne lleul Kstuto and Trust L'o. , l.'itli und Fnrnnm. fill lt KIN : r foul. Hour nnd feeil wnrclioii e , - } nrds and si ulcs. Trade esUtblishod. Ono of HIP bo t location ! In the city. Imiulro nt luOSHurtttreot. . . . . . . W"1 ! " irum m\ ITesTdeTice o t 11) ) VoomCbani rrir" JC II horse.s , boautlful ground * . Loavcnworth nnd : t-1d St. , f VI per month. C. K. Mnyno llonl K tate A-TrustCo. , ISth nnd Fnrnnm. 7Jil TOR SCUT : HUNT Itooms nbovo Krocory. 1101 l-'ar- JL1 cnnm st. fiina ' 15ii ituvr rurnlsi'od rooms nnd Imnrd. 1010 Capitol nvnniio. iV)7- ) * 1IOU IIKNT Two newly furnished looms. JU sluzly or oii iillenl otn-o rooms furnlshinl orunturnlshed 710 South IBIh t. , live blocks Irom opera house. 5 < 2-7 * "J71OU UKNT Kliniislioil i-ooni lorono pci on JU Terms low , 202. ! llnrnoy. 4s-7 , * Foil IlKNT Two hnndsomely furnlhi'il rooms ; modern coiivcnlcncics > ; gooilloc.i- tlon. 1720 Cnpllol avo. ' : j 610-7 * Foil IIRNT A siiilo of nicely liu-nl'lipd rooms wllh gusnnd bntbt-nlso other i Coins , wllh or without board. Koforunco given. Cull nl G ± 2N.2Uth _ st. iSd"- Tp OK IIKNT Two largo i-oom * . foldingUOors , J ; oiitb wlndo s , desirable for four gentle men or nnm and wllo ; phiulod ft out yard , newly furnished orunlurnlshcd , 814 N. 17th Rt. Rt.OT3 OT3 8 * 7Olt IIKNT 3 nr 3 unfurnished rooms. 2111 Davenport st. Kllti * FOUllKXT I'lonsnnt S. K. louins uth board , 2310 Webster. . 'M'.ll-n ' * Foil KiNT : lllepantly furnlshoil hunt room with larpo bay window. wateiMilo'iet ' , bath- loom , clothes closet and othiu' coiivtnlon'ctfs ' ut 11121 I'urniim . ! I71 _ _ * A > 'TI31 > 3 room's nciir centcr.iit.ujity by d wife. 1'arU Jc Ton lor , 15i ! 71OK HUNT Furnlalied room. JSJlV CnF& St. 1 . IMJ-IIW * 171 OK Itr.NT Nicely fnriiHliod fniilt''nmins JL1 gultablo forono or two Kuntloiupii ; till mod- cm Iinprovoiiionts. HIT , Jones si ; Itl Foil HUNT XlL'o front room In hand-omc cottiigo , $ SpormontIi. 4t > H Walnut t , I'luht minutes walk southeast I" . 1' . de-pot. ,1Ki F OIS KlNT Weil-liirnlshod looms , only'llvo blocks Irom postollloo. 5J7 South llitlf St. POlt ItlSNT Choice ollleo rooms on ground lloor , No. 15QJ rurmun st. Ilujuh-oof .1. S. lUcharil-on. 441-JJ--J HUNT A suite of furnisliod rooms , JIJ with or without bonnl , foi man and wife ; also two rooms forKontlomon. U1U North I'Jth ' street. 4S4-7 * HUNT I'leasiint toomsto yountr cuntlo men at No. 1111 North -Jil. -Ibi-U F UUNISHlTo iornii"wlti7bo.ird. 117 y. ITtiu FFOK FOK KINT : Doslrublo furnished ioom < 3 at 1811 Farnam street. , " * 4 TT oininNT-FurTilshed room. 1707 Ca-s 'it. A ! 18.M2 * FOR KKNT Nicely furnished room for ono or two Rontlomen , at 010 N. 17th st. U7D "ClOU HKNT IjuriruiiilfnrnNliod front room , JS bay window and clo-otIU17 Chlentro. : > i0 ! Foil HUNT Nicely furnished front rooms en sullo or single ; piivutc luinlly ; g-u.s ; liuth ; 1015 Cap. nvo. au-2jly * Foil itHNT Furnished rooms , cheapest In the city. Apply at Itoom 14 , Anderson Illock , N. lUlh st , cor. Davenport. 174JJ--1 PK [ iiirr : ror iftriit noiisejiii.L'pinir.VoOms ; furnished nnd unturnlslied In lloumor's lllocKcor. llitflit and Howard Rt * . 01B FOlt HKNT Storr- room on llth st , near Fuinnm ; make line otllco , U5. .Urlck store , N IS cor. 14ih nnd Howard , $ .V > . C' . Ii Jlnyno , Koul Kstuto und Trusl Co. 833 'OJt H1SNT A suit of furnished rooms. 1011 California. SB FOU ICKNT An PlOffimt sulto of Mvo rooms. Apply with reterences , 10U7 Douarlim.74 > F OK Ill-NT Furnished rooms. Inquire. _ _ < Irii _ store. IQtli and DoiiKlas ant EOU III3NT Tivo store rooms on 18th street , Wntor , fjns nnd eowor connections. The C-RMayno and Trust Co. , cor. 15th and 1'urrmm. Sil THOIl ItKNT An oxeollont basement , 609 and JO MIS UltliBt. ; U stores on Uth und Douglas , uml2 stores on 2Jd and Cumins' . 1'iiulscii & Co. , FOU rtKNT-Dcsk room. Uush & Sclby.213 S. 15th Bt. 141 POIt BAI.E HOPaSS I.OT3. X A > iniiit : LOTS- Very olioap. nrynns JCoioom27 Pavton build. S-M T7IOUSAI.K Now flvo room flat , corner 22nd J and Mlainn streets. N. K. Adums. 615-12 * H Lots , I'lirmsJ ands money lounoil. Hotnl3 , 15th nnd Douglas Btrccls. 471 UjTsAiiK Improved larm , lolT atlos , JiW per aero. 75 acres in trcoson section line , 10) ) boiirliiHrorehnrd trees , CO acres nay ! anrt,20 "acres horpastuieU ) wlics liluh , 4 inut bottom.V. . Jones H21N. Slit St. _ B _ H OUSHS Lois , Furms , Land1) money loaned. Hem Is , Ifllli and Douglas Blieot'j. 471 HATClir.K , fAII > K CO.Mlllnid Illock , olfor the following special bargains : Ilcaullf ul U-rooni cottiio | nnd lot In "Idlowlld" 1"0 feet from street CUM ; well , cistern , city water ; gas pipes throughout IIOUFO ; hnrd wood llnlsh ; n ldobldowalk ! , fences und Mil Improve- monUtiow Thoroiiirlily furnished. Now lur nlturo and cnrpets.nAn Oitra bargain. All for the lowprlco ot $1.500 , Now 7-ioom boui > o with lot , njenly furnished ; barn , eislorn , well , oily wnter ; lot 00x127 4 , on Snunders Btieot In sjilendid location , 1 block nortli of ( 'umlng ft. . JO.MK ) . Iliindbomo corner , Dod o nnd 2fith St. , 132x140 loot , gr.inu'bargain nt 810,0" ! ) . . „ . . , „ Kplundld House nnd lot la''ldtowlld iidalJir ; ( ) ; nottly papered and pumtoJ ; very eotiuillij : , Nlcbllosldoncowlth S Ints.itoyi and Wcioltrorlb ; very cheap , $5,000. Splendid U room House und lot In Hanscom I'laco ; shade treesshrubbery , eto. , ? 5,000 House and lot , Clarendon uddltlonicasy terms , K1.000. Iicatitlful cottngo with 2 lots , In WiUnut Illll , JSfiOO. Nlfo 8-roora cottngofMi good lot In Omaha View , a splendid burguln , easy terms. $ l , 0u , Heuutiful residence lot on Hurney 20th , udJnlnlnir.ludK-o Novllle'8 block. ? . ' . ,000. 10BoodlotsIn Kllby Plae . $ I,0Wcacli. ( A beautiful corner lot 10J feet square , Pop- plotou and Virginia live , f.'l,000. No , 1 buriruln , 12eholco lots , tlio tlnest In llunsuum Plnco , S2UW to $2 100 eaoh ! easy terms. it ehoico loin , BoujlUrouts , In Patrlclt's 2d ad- tmiuii , f3uuu ; oasytormi : vorj * aoslrnblo. 1 beuutftul lot In lU'od'3 4tlr addition ! pn Lake Bt .bniKiiin. I,5'JO. : 8 lots In Wllcox'fl Ut nddltioncast , fronts , easy terms , $600 ouch. 1 lot und u hull Hces Pluco , PO.vllO foot , $ ( ,20) , Splendid business property on 14th bt. , be tween Doiifrlas nnd DoilifO , 3-story brick , * 18.1)00. ) Full size lot , DoJge , between llth und 12th , 511,000. 2i B ItVANri & CO. 5 Ambler lots nt original prlco. Itoom 27 Piixton build. cut 1J\OK SAI.K 14S ncrcs of coul land.gllualed < in Piitnum Co. , Mo. , wltnln n half mlle of 0. 11 , & K. 0. 11.1L ; joins Ion u line on thn north ; wllltrudo for Omuhu property , Addrosi J , H. Conrad , 1113 Doilifo St , Onmliit. B8Q HOUSIIri IxJts.l-'urnisLands monoy. loaned. llomlj , 15th and Douglm streets.171 \fATilNUVS AdUltlonTnour Vulnut Hill , 1 > 1 loia.SW for the next 20 days. Terms to suit purchaser. Alia acres In Washington Hill nnd bni gains In all parts of the city. J. J. Mahoney - honey , 1C/W Farnam. 103y2 | ] FOIt 8AI.K or Dxohaugo nt n bargain 60 acroa of nno bay land within 2)J ) miles of rremontvNoU B.A.Sloman , 1201 Douglas St. , Omuha.Neb. FOR SAt.K Two elotfunt east front corner lots In llurr Oak ; natural Bhido troui. Hatcboriodd iCo.,1216Douglas sirool , Jlillnrd hotel block Omahu , Nob. ( Ul OOH SALK Acio lots for ialoat 5200 iier -I ? aero , this ( and Is west of the stock yurds und will bo sold In aero orucro lots. Verj- cheap unU n rare bargain. IlpUlprd tc tjouor. 41U.6. irnou 8A1.K House uudlot in North Omabu , JL1 ono block from itroct car , cheap at $5,500. qg.Da\-U& Co. Ml-Jy 7 TT1OU SALK a auroa in Unrkulof * suo-dK'T Jelon. . cut front ; i tharoi In Omaha Dairy association1 two-seatod Ougay ; ffloobafb T chslrs. 2148. UtUel. Ml -I7IOII SAI.n rtJllftt ontht. . , near Nlclio- X ? Ins , at n bnrpnlu. , sachsso ! i I/nndcrgren , 3IT.rith M = > - ' Ifll _ _ JjlOlt yAl.i : Fnll lot on'Shcrmnn nvo , oppo- - slto for Ifeli iJoeitepot. Snchsjo & Lniidcr- 163 IJMMI HAM : .1 1iomo < to bn moved olt lot ! 1 will > e-ll eheap. The U II. Mn ) no Heal r tate nnd Trust Lo. J | 891 Tj'Oll SALIi A.i , > lvrooin iouso ] nnd" lot In X1 Illock Ifl. Wnlnil < Hill , nt $2.5)0 ; $ IUX ) cn h , linlancc monthly Hij iients nt 3 per cent Inter- oM. Cnll eon forlWi Is nbnriraln. T. W. Ill.ipk- burn & . Co. , head of 'St. ' Mary's mcnue. io. : : oi IISVN co7. sif sl4tb . VT HiKelby 1'lnqo : lots in rrelghton : lot < In lluu tliomp ; rhonpfr thnn nnyone. 40S OHClAlU ) II .rihitS ell on Ihclr Irfiw prices nnl'casy terms plvon. Call nt The C. E. Jlnyno nnd Trust Oo.'s ofllco nnd ( ret a plat a _ T-t-SII & Sr.l.HV , 21 8.15th St. , odor Vncnnt lot Knst front , corner Franklin and 31th . $ : * OwltU JSOctish Another . fllU Another. . 471 with J2"i down Double corner l mo'sniM . , 1,300 K front lth st. near Fair Krounds . GXn ) Ith i down 1 ! front on grade , Ihinscom plneo . IXW ( 15 front In Hanthorno , beau tiful . 800 F front Hnnscom place on Catherine st . Call for prlco 12 front Virginia nvo. , near Pleasant . , . \fM K V. amltli'siul 2.5(1 Bl.GCxUO 1 , < 0 Ambler p.iico . "OJ Hnmllton si nonr 1'oor Claim 1QM Arlington Double corner nonr cars . 1,500 Tester's add Jl.00 to . 1,71)0 ) St loU rust of cemetery , monlhlv payments . fincre.swost of Wnlnut Hill. I To porn & acres In llonflold . 303 ucr a 10 aorc < near South Omaha . . 2oQ per a Ci\132 ( Ilownnf whole nle Blto l".r)0i ) ) lin ldenei ) Pioporty. 10 room house nonr high school . fcTOu > fi " " " " . s,7Vl 3 room house , lot 03x110 Illondo st . , . 1-WJ Sewnrdiieur Snunders nice cottnge , lot Wl.xHO . 4.l8t)00 ) Nice 5 room cottnge , city wnter ncnr Cum Ings . 1.WO 6 room , now cottage , Pierce , $40)cn ) h , b.U easy . l.TTiO fl room , now house nniilot liflxins. j'ierco . 3,101) f > ii > oni house N 20th $100 ei\tli lull monthly l.SJO CottiiLO near Cumlng st. $100 cish , bnl monthly . l.TOO Hoif-n and two lol , Walnut III1 . 2'JOO 7 loom hou-o Phil Hheildnn und Ilivcrlh 4,000 tlroom house , ecllur , city \vatur , cistern , , . full lot on Park live , 12 fnint . i . :4. : < WO ! 1 room hou o , full lot In Hawthorne . . . . 1.2.V ) 1 1 uom cottngo lull lot , Virginia nvo . 2,550 4fd ltil h A : Selby. "I7TOU SAI.i : HousoII room1 * , lot SKI-'ll , terms J.1 to suit , small cash pa.ment $ . ' 0 per month , or will liaJo.n line bnrgaln , at Jl.iHU. 2 cottages in Walnut 11,11. new modern tm- piovoaients , 4 room" , lot r,0.\lU7 , fajOcasn , ' fc'M jier month , only $ lino. 1 eottiigeon tiraco street , neir21th : street , 4 looms. $201) ) cash , balance $21 per month. McottitKi'S nrnr Kill , 3 rooms , fcdOJ ca < h , bal- nnco $ in ucr month. leottauoon Saunders ( lient , 5 room' , linrn , well , cistern , shade trees , i200ci li , balance $25 per month , 2,500. H eottagci on Ohio street , new , fi rooms. fi'lie < o nro nicelv buill.bmo hluule trees , yard sodded , J.2HI , balance small monthly payments , a bargain at j-L'IOO. Wo Imvo houses In all parts of the- city that wo enn soil on small casli payments , bnlnnco to suit , llofnrc buying jon a home either for cash or long time call and see our IKt. 3 lots in Lincoln Place , n bUr bargain nt $400 cnch. 4 lots , just south of Omaha View , lav nlco , only $500 and S"QQ.'S100cush , biihinuo $10 per month. i f i 2 lots in Walnut. JUJ1 , only 5700 ouch , terms easy. iv J Ono lot In Iledfnr4 V'nee ' only $150. Wo Imvo lots lnucHi'ly , every nddltion to Oinn- hn ; also uuro pronoray. I'nrk A rowler. iKxeSbors to Hlirglns V Park. 1522 Douglas sti eS.- ' 430-7 FOlf SAIji : It slflenco propeity nnd vacant lots in ovcry addition In Omahu. Terms to sultpureliasor. AlsO' ; < Ieslnible buglnoss prop erty. Olbson , IjittoA J& Co. , Hoom 3 , Witlmol ! Illock. t ; - . . . _ ira TfTIOIt HXOIl.\Nil'i.- oino ( stock drv coeds for JL ? O-iiahn property , , Aichor It 1'ltcli , 218 S IJth st. _ , ; . ; : , _ 403 _ TT'Olt SAI.iCorner on Jackson st , business , JL1 $10,500. A rnw b.nrt'ttin , Call soon. Mar shall & IiObeck , 1511 Karnam. 61 ! ) T7UMI SAI.i : Or Trdo linprovd nnd unlra- JLi. proved InndsiuiFiirntH and otior western counll&s. AdJrosir.SVju. SInrowl , . .Arrtprthoo , FurnnsCo. Nob. lu , ' ' ' ! " ' 273 "IT1OU SAr.K Nii'o n-ronnt'bousc and 2 corner JO lots In Walnut Hill ; ! cash , bnl. to suit. Cnl Martin 110811th ht. 4C3 TitOK SALi ; A bargain In Ambler Tlaeo lots JL' for u few days. Hnllou Hros. , 1510 Douglas Street. 43S.7 IHAL KSTATi : BXCHANGfi All cbisso lot' property and goods bought , sold nnd exchanged. City property orty for 1 111-1113 und wild lands. Wild huulsfor goods of liny kind. Will exchange - change property lists with \any liable ( Him doing "business nn/whero In tlio United Slutes. A luriB list ol olty property always on hand for s.ilo or oxehamro. All bright & Ayleswonh , telephone VKi. 218 8.15th BU Omaha Nob. Acrs Property u ar City. Lois for Sale in all parts of City. EASY TERMS S. S. VAN BEUREN , 220 S. 14th. Lot 104 x100 Corner on Hurt St. , 1 block from pn\rmcnt and horfc-cnrsj house of 5room , wcll , cistern nnd lote of friiiW. J3.DOU worlh IMX ) . Ilonm aud K lot , Uawthorna , JtfTj , worth $1100. S8 feet on BouRlas el. , JI'W. Corner Micieo on Campbell ( t. , near Cilihvcl ) , 10 room house , nliadc trcta , frulU , Ac. JtXXW , wbu \vauU ti bargain. VAN DEUREN , Douglas nnd 14th Sts. Men nnd women to start u new buslncbS nt tholr homos , , , EASILY I.EATINED IN AN H6TJB. ; We to 50c. an Hour Made Daytime Evening. Bond lOo for n pacXago of samples und 21 working samples to commence on. Address ALBANY SUPPLY CO. , Albany , N , Y. - LOTS $700 to $700 , $200 casb , baH-2-8 Yrs 3 blocks Irom King St. Can 8.8. Vitf JBeuren. 220 8. (4th ( To Whbrp'ft May Concern : SKALKD Propo < 3ul4 will bo received by the undorslfc'nod uplu.l o'clock p. m. , July 10th , IHNi , for the folloivliij ; doscrlbcd piece of lund , lo-wll ; Commnnclnir seventy (70) ( ) foot west from the N , W. cor. lot 4 , block 165 , city of Omuhu , thonoo west DO feet , tlicnCtrEmnh 111 foot , more or loss , to tlio 'i section IlnfillKituooii N , ii nnd H. H ot Hectlon 22 , T 15,1L 13 east , thence oust ! JO foot , thence 1101 ( h 141 feet , uioro or IOFS , to the plncu of boginninif. jV.lCSOiri'HAHD , City Clerk. jyi'dOt 3IMI-KOVK1) JiAJpIS , Hlltlor Co. , KnnS. . tor sulu ; 58 nlf < ? dliy lots. HI Dorudo , Knns. , forsulo. I'.uoh' fih-JT'H ( well adapted to grain und stock ; rich soil ; all plow or piuluroland ( no wuslo ) . Title porfvn.ViHi warranty dood. The lots uro smooth , iJfljulilldliig lots , only Ii mlle north of P. O. lYfttifSlTS to f,17 : > . Teuchersi , cleik4 , nnyoni ) wliaMVliOJ n cufy i > roperty that wlllUoublu In 1 yoAKbhould buy lots In HI Dor ado ; population 11,00.1 ; the jiretllestclty In Kun- aiin Terms cush , Addros * U. W. Case , Kldoru- do. Knnjua. Knnjua.CHAS. . R. LEE , AX1 > M'A SOSTOCK. . ALSO AGENT TOH 1'AIMIUET FLOOICI.VG Aiul AV OI > SW. Corner 9lti and Douglas St SOME VIRGINIA DUELISTS , A Tow lamous Shots nnd How They Won Distinction. A. Treasury Position fop " tie Dcst Shot In tlio South" Pn co JIc- Cnrtj's . Itccord UIOUllo- ntnl tlip AVIies. Hioliuionil CorrospouuVm'o PliihiuVlphln TUMPS : 'I'hcrc i n wi'llroimdi ! < l rumor In circulation IH this city I lint Captain I'ajjo McCnrty , thp most noted duelist in Virginia , is to IIP appointed cliiuf of di vision in HIP treasury dcpartmunt in n few weeks. It this should ho true , HIP ailiuinistration will Imvo at least our stanch defender-- ilcfemlor , too , who can prove the administration 's' loptrlnrs orthodox by apostolio blows and knocks" or hy unerring pi-tol-sliots , which are Still morn pll'cotivp. Captain Page AlcCnrly lias boon for ton yours the bright particular star of a'.l believers in tlio 'Voilo. " Ho ! sri ] < gnrdud , nnd justly * as tlio bust shot in the south. lllh record fairlv entitles him to the repu tation. In the Co nfc dora to army he was the lioro of Ilia roginipnt oil account of his wonderful markHiiinnship. Only onp man could compare with him , and this was his nuxt Intimate friend , young Lieu tenant Alorduuni. Those two otlicers fought tlmiujruout tlu > war toguthnr , and were eonsiderod sis trlends of the Damon and Pythias order. Surrendering with Lee at Apuomatto.v , they rottinii'il to Kk'hmond. McCartv going into journalism - ism and Morduual into the tobacco liusi- nos. Their friendship continued as warm as on the battlefield until both inut and loved the sixmo woman. Then tliev lioi'Aine such bitter enemies as only wjiilom frlemU can boc-onio. The .story of the duel between them lias often been told , After a great deal of.prelimliiary bitterness and recrimina tion Mordeerxi walkedj into the uioruUuitl club rooms one niglit and slunpVd'JMo'CnTty in llio face. Next day they sjtood before each other with pistols. The nim ot botli was perfect , but Mor- ilecai'ft btillut struck a metal cigar in I\le- \ Carty'ii pocket and only intlietcd a wound in the Mioulder , wliile AleCart 's bullet .went through his opponent's heart. Tlio woman for whom they fought is now a Richmond matron with ichildren. . Another duel in which McCarty also broil ht down his man lifted him to the eminence which he now enjoys , nnd whether the eminence be good "v'bad no one has attempted to deprive him of it. Another famous iluolist of this city who js on the road to political promJienco is Captain lleirno. editor ofthe Itinhmond State. He will nrobaly stanjl for con gress this fall , and if ho does lie is sure of election , for tliero is not a more popular man in Virginia. Mr. Heirno. Mas had more than his share of expei" " in tlie "Held of honor. " He has had shots at lliddleborger , at the late Dnfl . of Stall'ord county and at two r l-o other followers ot Aluhono. HofJJ * always coino out unscathed , though i. . r inilict- iiiir serious injury on his opponent. Two years asio he "chnllongeil John S. \ \ ie , late candidate for governor of Virginia. The latter accepted. The date and place were fixed , but the police got wind of the afl'nir and the duel was declared oil' for the time being. Soon afior lioirnc left , Richmond in the direction of Washington. The same day Wise started south and all Virginia was thrown into excitement by the rumor that they were going to meet at Charlottesyillo and had gone in opposite dircptions in.ordor to allay the suspicions of tlio police Every day for weeks thereafter special telegrams worn printed in tlio State purporting to come from the .scene of action and the circulation of the paper was nearly doubled. Enemies of Hcirno began to hint that the whole thing was gotten up with a vjew of advertising his paper and that it was ho who was sending all those thrilling specials. Whether this was the case or not lioirno and \Viho turned up ia Richmond one morninc safe and sound and both ox- presAcd surprise that there had been any talk about their lighting a duel. Senator Riddlebcrger lias had the unique experience of having engage ments for two duels on tlio same day. At 8 o'clock one morning ho mctlicirnc just outside of Richmond and after an ex change of .shots , in which neither was hurt , ho crossed over into an adjoining held with his seconds to have a .settle- mont of his quarrel witli George I ) . Wise. Tlio elements interfered however. A heavy rain fell and after it cleared oft' the ammunition of the hostile forces was found to be so wet as to bo unlit- for use , so , with a glare at each other tnoy re turned to Richmond by dillerent routes. The police prevented another encounter. George D. Wise is now in congress. His reputation for marksmanship is second only to that of I'ago McC arty. The most remarkable thing about these Virginia duelists is their exceedingly gentln appearance. Take , for instance , McCnrtv. In appearance ho is the typical theological student. His deep blue eyes art ! almost feminine in expression , while his manner is that of the most 'polibhcd of the "F. 1' . V. " lioirno resembles him in these respects , and the Wises are nearly the same. Riddlcborgei , it is true , looks a little warlike fiomotimj' vbut ho does not 'Seem like a Iiro-C. m 1 > th'j any inohris. JIaJford Sauce kept by A 1 grocers. Ask for It. Of the 800 prisoners in the penitentiary on IMackwoll's Island only three refuse to go to church. These are Most and his companions , Braunschweig and Sehonck. Most is the son of 11 sexton and once saim in n choir , 'but now 1m says he hope.- , the sac-rod chalices will bo used as drinking cups at public wine fountains , the churches turned into concert hulls and theaters , and the priests and 1111113 stran'gted in the belfries. nontnit'Bllnlr ( Jrawor All who are JJALU , all who nre becoming IIA'Ll ) , nil who do not want to lie bald , nil who nro troubled with DAXUUUKK , or li'CHLNd ot the scalp ; should u e llciiton's Ilnlr Grower. KIOIITV I'jcn CIXT : of those using it have erown Imlr. It never fulH to Eton the liulr from tailing. Thrnuirli sickness nml favors the lulr sometimes lulls olt in n fihou , tJme-nn < l although the person may Imvo rrmmlnod bald tor years , If you lisa HIMI- ton's Jlnlr Grower according to directions you are sure of a growth of hnlr. In hun dreds of rasas wu Imvo produced n rood Kiowlh of Hair on those who have been bald nnd glazed for yeais wo have hilly substan tiated tlio following facts : Wo grow Hair In 80 cases out of 109 , no inattor how long bald. Unlike other preparations , it contains no sugar of lend , or vegetable or uiiinnal poisons. Ills a sixxUllo for falling hnlr , dandruff , nnd Itching of the scalp. The Jlalr Grower is a Imir food , nnd Its ompodltlon Is almost exactly like the oil which supplies the hair with Its vitality. DDUHJjt ; AND TJUl'UC STRENGTH. When the skin is very tough and iinrd , nnd the folllco is apparently eltoctually closed , the single strength win sometimes fall to rench tno papilla ; In such casft.s the double or triple strength should bo used in connection wiih the single , using them alternately. Price , siiiclo strength , 81,00 : double EtiunKtli , $2.00 ; triple strength. & 3.00. If your druggists have not got it wo will bond It prepared on receipt of nriwi. BENTON HAlll GROWER CO. , Cleveland. O , Sold by C. F. Goodman and Kiitin & ( Jo. IStU ami Uouirlas. 18tb and Cumin ? ) Aii nocidont befol ! an athlete in New York on Saturday in a somewhat queer way. Ho was participating in u running broad jumping , and liud just made Ins leap , twenty-two feet nnd n half-inch , when it was noticed that he was unable to straighten lib urni. An examination wa ? ntado.mtnpdi.itely , and It was discovered that his loft arm Itixd beeVi dislocated by the jar with wlneli ho alighted upon making tin ) jnnu ) . A sure euro for Blind , Uleeillntf , Uohlw Mid Ulcerated Pile- ? has bcea discovered by Dr. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , calleil Dr Wlllinms' Pile Ointment , A single box had cared the worst clironlo cases ot y. > or SO years smndliie. Vo ono need sutler flvo mimites after npplylmc this wonderful sooth Ine nuHllclue. Motions and more harm than pood. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment n ) orb the tumor' * , allnyi the Intense Itdilng , ( p-utlculixrly nt night nftor pettlnc warm in bml ) , nets as n poultiee , elves Instant relief , and is prepared only for Pile * , itching of private pans , and for nothln ? elsci. SKIN IlHMASiS ; OtrilKI ) . Dr. Fnxzler's Mncle ointment cures ns by mixcle , Pimples Ulaek Heads or Grubs Hlotchos nml EruptloiH on the face , leaving thesnin ele.irnud ucantlftil. j\\-a \ emesltch. Salt Kl-enm , Sore Nipples , Sere hips , and Old Obstlnnto Ulcers Sold by druggists , or mailed on receipt of CO cents. Retailed by Ktihn & Co. , nnd SHiroetor * Coiinul. At wholesnlo bv 0. F. lioodmau The several slono records of "en"rly iii the heyenth century lound Intoly nt I'emiupiid , Me. , are not regarded as nov elties in Pemaquid , A correspondent of a Boston paper writes "Last year n Hat stone , n few yards from tlio northeast bastion outline of old Fort William Henry , was uncovered , cut into the face of which was the 'broad arrow' of roy.-il English title , a symbol of government ownership , and 1041) ) inscribed below. Some of the ancient mast pines on the Damariscottn have been found marked with the same undent symbol of royal ownership , on and the site of the ancient Sheepscott farms , the New Dartmouth of the old country of Cornwall , 1(10-1 ( , of the Pemnqiiid country , the broad arrow cut in the rock has also been found. Relics bearing tlio dales of 1000 , 1010 , HWO , have been unearthed sit and about Pemnquld , and obviously related to civili/.ed occu pancy of past history. Pridn goes before n fall. St. Jacobs Oil will euro a pain after a fall. MAIM : nv MAGIC STANCH C'O. PHILADELPHIA , PA. FINEST and BEST IN THE WORLD. NEEDS TTO COOKING- I'i'oduciiic : a rich , beautiful (5LOSS ( and STIFFNESS. No Starch yet introduced can bo com- pnri-d with the 31 ACIf. ? One pacliasre will do the work of two pounds of ordinary starch. BoM under ciinrnntcoorilioiniimifncturors. SLOAN , .JOHNSON it CO. . Wholesale Agents , Oimilm , Neb. Dotlce. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. S.Clnycounty , Nob. , will irvel\o jipon bids July I ) , l SO.'ut 4 p. m.nt tlmoflloo or tlio District Tronsurur , lor tliosali' < > l $ IOriKI of Its bonds In ( IciioinlnutloiiH ol' $3.U c'liPli. llonilb run 15 yfinsItli oitlun | nflerllvu yrnrs. Inturi'tt 0 per cent , pnjnhlo seml-mmunlly. Tlioilglil Is n rrvcil to reject iinil all bids. .IdS. UK1UK Dlroctoi- . Jn2iil8t ( EBWA1&D KUEHI , , MAC.ISTKIl OK PAMIYSTUUV AND CONDI- THINAMST.IW ) lentil stieet , between Furniim nnd Hnrney. will , with the nld of guardian spiiitfl , obtain for nny ono a glance In tlio past , nnd present , nnd of certain conditions In the fu ture Hoots nnd shoos mndo to order. Perfect satisfaction ffunrautocd. P. BOYER & CO. BUALKltSIX and Ml Work. 1020 L'uruam Street. Oniiilm , Neb. THE CHICAGO SHORT LIP OF Till' - ChicapMllwaukee&StPaulR'y | , ' THE BEST ROUTE Fra mm and COUNCIL BLUFFS ol TI3CE TWO TUAINS DAIf.Y I1KTWEKN OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS Clilcrtfifo , ANIJ Milwaukee , St. Paul , Mniiciiioli8 ! ] , Cedar Itaplils , Clinton , Dubuqiic , Davciiport , Jlouk Islniill''rooi ( > ort , Kockford , Elprin , Madison , JunoHVillc , MeloitViiionn \ , l ii Crosse , And all other important points Ktist , Kortboimt nnd Soullieiist. Vor through llcjkcts cull on the Tiokot Afent nl 1401 Knrniim htreet ( In Puxton HotelJ.or ut Union Pacific Dopot. Pullmnn Kleeix-rsandlbo finest Dining C.irs Inthowoild uio run on the main lines of the ClllCAIlU , Mll.WAUKBK Hf. i'AUIj lUll.WAV , and every attention Is puld to passengers by com ( eons employes of tlio company. It. , ( ioncinl Mnnagor. .1.1' . TucKtin , Apdlhtnnt ( ionerul Manager. A. V. II. ( JAiii'BNTj ; ! ! , Gonorul Piissonger and Ticket Asnnt. GKO. K. HKAFKOitn , Assistant Oonorul Pussun- gor and Ti'dcet Agent J. T. Ct , vine , ( juneral Stipcrlntcndont. Carrying thn llolglum Hoynl nnd United Blatoij Mall , sailing ovcry fc'atunliiy Bofweon finiwerp g New York TO THE RHINE , GERMANY , ITALY , HOLLAND - LAND AND FRANCE , BPHINO AND SUMMRIl 1IATKS : Ralon from | OD to (100. Ujccur lon trip from $110 to J1BO. Second Cabin , oiitwniil , til ; .d , t4 > ; uxi'unlou. $ UO. Bleunigo PI ut low rnlofl. Peter Wright A : Kens , uoncrui Agents , &J Hroadwuy , Nuw York. lloiux 1'uinlt , UJ1H 1'amamst.i Paulson k Co , 13 Knnuim et. : D. O. Kroomnn , KUI Knnianiiit HAMBURG -AMERICAN Com.pan.3r. A DIHMtrr UNU FOIl England , France & Germany , Thn Btomnshlp } of Ibis well Uuown Jlno urn built of lion , in wulur-tlght coinp.irlinuiils , und lire furnished with every roqul lto to inukj the piUfBago both nufo and agreeable. They curry thu United Stules und European mulls , tniil lo.ivo New Vork Thureduyi and 8aturd yi for l'l . mnulh. ( lyOMUUNj.CUurbouir.d'Altla and HAM- llcturiiliiij1 , thi 8leHmersloa o Hamburg on Wednesdays and .Sunduys , via. Iluvro , tulilMir piis eiiL-or nt goutlnimptoii und I ndon , 1'irst oiililn $ 'iO , * OJ and 875 ; rStoerago * JI. Halhouil tlcl.ot s from Plymouth lo llristol , t'jir- dlif , London , or to any place In the Couth or England , I'll ! ! ! . ! , btuonigo from JItiroj'U only onafor. Mr.rtHWU . _ i Onnrral Pa'senxcr Aguitta , tl Droadiriiy , NunYurie ; Wushlngion und \ Cluuilgo , HI. Railway Time Table. < TAH.\ . ITio followlnjr l the llniii of nrrUnl.andile pntturoof tralniby Central StufldlinfTlmo at ihp local depot * . 'lYalns of the p. , St. } ' . , > J. A O. Airlionnd depart fnitn tlirlr ilriioti coniorof Hth nnd \ \ elntfrstre t. ; trnlJH QVtno II. * > f. r. II A Q. nnd K. C. , SI. J. ft C. Ifijrhni the II. .V M depot hit others fiom the Union Paclflo depot. TUAINS llrldiro tnilnj will lon1T. < . \ \ dcnol nt 0 iM- 117 : iVfcW : S : < -S\V : lltO.0,1 11 W i\ inIII 00 ivo--i : : ro 2-co-aW : iu.oo-a ooano oao 700 11:10 : p. m. l.ravo Trnn lor fnrOmnhn nt 7 II Tl'1 ! * P3 | < 1 I1IO10 : ! ! 11711:3 : ? it. Ill : IJ7 I 2 M " 87 3.W3.nT -I : ! ! ? - . " . .W0:43 : -7. ) ; iO--3DO- 11:5' : . ' p. m , roxxicmn : MNUS. Arrival nnd departnro of iriln < > from the Tramrer D'pot nt Council lllliltai IIUIMIIT. Knnivn. Ulir.MH ) , HOl'K 1SI.AM > & 1'MlriC. 11 7:1 : 1 A.M. | DDilSA. M 110:15 A. M. 1I5BO : i > . tf , CO:4J IM. . | UTW : ) r it. CIIICVHO & NOHTinTr riin : II ! ! % . * . M. I DIMS A.M. C it:4Ar. : M. I IJTrtfl P.M. cine MIO , ntmi.iMvroN A QUINCV. A Pi5 : : \ . M , | A ni 110:431- : . II HVO : i > . M. I A7uK : ( M. rilK'AUO , MII.WAftaK ST. t'Al'U Al':1. ' : * > A. M. I AUHv. M. A 0:401M. : . I A70JP. M. KANSAH cirv , ST. jot : ft cou ciii ni.uvrs , A 10:110 : A. w. I DO:3.iA. : M. CRiMl- . I ABiMl > . II. WVIUUIt , f.T. r.OUIS t PACIFIC. AiUi : : > p. M. I A 0:30 : P.M. CITV ft A7tC : A. M. A Oitfi A. M. A 8:25 : p. M. AtiiSOl' M. Arrho. I1. M. I lrACirilT b:20a : . TlWft .Denver 5oa : r > : Uia . . . . 11:00ft : 11 , A M. IN Nllll. S:10a : Jtull and l-.xiur-'R. 0:40a : . Night Kxpro ? . I0:40n : " ' " Dopnrl , 'SOl'TtlWAUn" . Arrive. A. M. i' . M. 131181)1'10 1'AOf.FlC . Ilitv I5xpre < s. UMObl. .Nhrht r.ipiesx 'K. ' C. , ST. J. , V tU. . 0SOu H:45b : ! . Via I'latKmoilth. Dcpnil. NOUTilWAItl ) . Anl\c. . . I' . M. I C. , ST. P. , M. $ :15a : | rMOU.\Clt ) i' Onkluiul Aitximmod'n IVptrt. " r.AS'TMltD. . A. V. I' . M. I ( ' . . It. & O. II.W A''n t'lntlMiiniltb. NOTI ! A , t riling dally ; II , dully except Sna- ilny ; C , dally except Saturday ! D , dmly c.tcopt Monday STOCK VAIID THAINS will lenvo r. p. depot , Omiihn , nt 0:40 : 7:35 10:00a. m ; 2:00 . ' 1:115 : 4H : ( r.2.S:00 ; : p. m. , Paellle ISxpiess , S.-20 p m. ; Denver Kx0K : \ a. m. ; Local Uv.i:0' : > | i. in Leavevtock vards for Omaha at * 7:0r : > P0 ! ! lln : a. in : 2iir4il : ; ! ; : : ; 0OV : SJO : p. m. Atlantic IJx . lo S. O. Tam : m. ; Ohloawq Kx. , If. S. O. fil7 : ( p.m. ! Local Rs , lo A O. IDi.'il.n.Ui. ; Mo. Pnc. U.v.le. S. 0. 07 : p. in. ; Mil M. P. lk , 0:09 : n. m Kicupt Sundny. * FORYOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN ONLY St IIY 1'OSTPAIU. i : TO KHOW THYSELF. nrbftniiteilVllilltT. Honroni nmt rhrnlcnt nabllltr rremninrelo"llnaln Mnn , Krr0rn "f vouth , nnd tha U.ntol.1 inlBOrlm nuiiHtni from ui.llscrotlon nnd or- L-oni'Ol. A book for ir ur in in. 701111.7 , nililillo-ilpjutl nnd oUl. it.rontiln.iUiprf cTiiit'.on romlj noulenml rhriinloiilBOnfpj.c icli'ii. " or wlilcli Inlnvnliiiible. Ha fouiul lirtlin antlior vvlin . Binprlflnrofor il ra ill piduiT.-oliUily ; never i.nfim > fell totlia lot at nnjr imyi'lrliin.Ti.'l ! | . IKI ) . bniniil la bnuullfnl Kronen ran * . \i. OHihosfpilrrivort * , ft.11 'k.cunrnnle.o.l to bonflner i-rurklu ercryecn-iH , Itior.irjr andprorai. cion'il thnnnnr other wortc In this rimnlrjr for 11.5) . -nrtho nionor will bo rnfamt In nvory In lancn. Hrlua onlr fl by mall , postpaid , llluttrntm iwniplo , . ) )3. pendnnir. Uold mcilnl nwnrdod tlio author 1 > T thn Na > tlonnl Mc.llcnl Assocl.itlon. to tlio lion A I > . nii-ietl , nml nionduto omciir * ot tha bonnl tha rcinterlsr.i' ppocttullyro-fcrrcil. , . Thosolonooot l.lf ! worth moro to tha jrouinrnna oilildlo-ncod men or Mil * BOnitrntloii th in nil tlidxuM iulni'1 orcnllioriilaiiii'l ' 'ho ellvcmilnoi at MooJa comblnod. H K. Ohronlclo. ThoS'-lcni'oo.t Ufo polnti out thn j-oclti HIH ! aUlcfc. .nnils on which the oonntltiUloii nml hnum . .f mn > ir nyonimmnii Imvo beoa Jalnlly wrecked , -iliinclieslor ITSo clcnco of I.tfol of Kn'Htcr vnlno thnn nil I'll mcillrul works publUlioJ In till ) cuiiutrlor tlio iml U ) yi'irs. Atlanta Constitution. Tliosolcnooof UfolJ amnorlJ nml mtiUorlrtrait- , I J on nervous and pliyalonf doblllly. Uotrolt Kraj Afldromtho I'oibody MoJIonl Instltuto. or l > r W. U. 1'iirko r.No. i llulltlnuli utroot , llanton , Musi. , The mny booonsulloUon nil .1190.190.4 roqulrlnitikd Inad orporf- cnco. Chrimtunii'l ' olHlnuta ahe.lsuj that Imvc U it- lleil tlio skill of till otliurpliyttirmai a specialty , dual trc.ito'l Bvicccufully without aa i ustuncu of fallarj Mention Umnlia UJO. I'kE Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago. The only load to tnko for Ios Molnes , JInr- shulllown , Cedar Ituplds , Clinton , ) * > , Clilca- ( ro , Milwiiuken anu all points oast. To thnjioo- plo of Nebraska , Colorado , AVjonilng , Utuh , Idaho , Nevada , Oregon , Washington iind Call- fornlu ltnllnrHKUicrloradvnntnKOsnoi | possible by nnj1 other lino. Among n few ot the numerous points olsiipd- rloilly enjoyed by the patrons of this ronn Iio- tween Omiilia und Chleugo , nro its two trains n day of DAV COACIUIH which nro the fliiofl tlmt hiimun nrt und inueniilty eiin crouto , Its PALACi : SMilll'INQ ( 'Alls , which uro models of eomfort and elcgimco , Its IpAItUlt DUA\S IN'O HOOM f'AHS , iin urpaascMl bv nny , airl Its wlduly colohrnled PALATIAIDININt ! CAIIS , the oiual of whleb cannot bo found clsowboio , At Council lllnlfH the trains of tlio Union Paci- Ho Hy. connect In I'nlon Depot with thosoof the Chicago \Northweslorn lly. In Chlcnifo ( ho tnilns of tliln Him mukecloso connoutlon with those of nil eastern HIH-H. 1'orDotioil , ( . 'olumbiiK , IndlaiiiipollH. rjnclii- null , NliiKiuu 1'alls. llulfiilo , I'lltNliurg , Toronto , Montionl. lloston , Now Vork , Phlladolphlii , Hal- tlmnrr , WiiKhlnglon und nil points In the oust , nek the ticket ueorit fortlekntH vlji the "NOHTHWnSTHHN , " If .xnuwiRh the bostnccommodailons. All ticket agcnlt , null llekets via tills line. SI. Ht'OIHTT. H. 8. HAlll , G nurnl Mnnugcr. flon. Puss , Agoni. CHICAGO. H. A. DISBROW & CO. Wholosalu Manufacturers nnd Dealers In Sash-Doors Blinds , , , , Mouldine , rino Hurd Wood Interior Finish Mantles , Cutintri'H , Pew Kudu , 8V11OLL WOJtJf and TUJIXIXO , Jicdlni-H In ' Jlitildlntl J'ifiict ; Main O 111 re and I'uetory at l.yoin , lowu , Giro S Warerooms Cor. 12lli & hard Sts , Notion to Coiitruolors , SM.Al/KD proposals for tlio bulldlnarofn court liniito undjull In BJtiilu'U'o , Crook county , WyojuliiK Territory , und for furnishing the rait- terlid lurthu coiibtruoilon of the HIIUIO will l > a roeelved by the uomml'nlonora of wild county upl ( > 12 o'clock noon on Tut-tduy , Joly tlli , A. D. 18xl. ! nt hich tliuu the propoeub will l ) oponcilln public. Plans und apuoillcatlonx for laid bulMIng may bo ouu nt thn nillco of tliu county olork on and utter May 20lh , IbK'l. llliN must be uo ampnnlod bv cerllllod oheoX for IVO , oran nppiovedbond for lllo amount , us u minimum ) of good taltli Thu Kiunly conimU ioner icscrvo Iliu rljht to icijrct nny ornll bldf. Illds iiuifct tin directed to John S. Harper , County ( TlnrK , Hinidunuo. Wyuuln , und un- ibimoil ' 'Piopoduls for lluildlng'Court Hoiua unit Jail. " Ityordcrof tllc Hoard of County Cotnmtsslnors. JOHN rt. | | A HPKH , County Clrjk Biind iH-o Wro. Mity Dili , IBsO ,