Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1886, Image 1
I The Omaha Bee Receives all 1 HE OMAHA DAILY BEE.I Now York Herald Oablo tlio New York Herald Oablc Specials are Wired Direct to the Specials. . Omaha Bee. SIXTEENTH YEAR OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORNING , JULY 7 , 1SS6 , NUMJBEli 16. WILL THEY PULL THROUGH ? Laoubchero Fears the Defeat of tlie Sup porters of Homo Rule , HE OUTLINES THC POSITION. Jtnillcnts Must llcndcr It Impossible 1'orny Olio to Cnrrj On the GoicinniPiit Jttit Olnil- Mono The Kctnrni. Iinliotichrre on tlio Situation. Lnviios.Julj 0. [ Now Yolk Hciald Cubic Spoclal to tinHii.l Mr. Laboucheio'a opinion on the result of tlio elections f.o far IsRlven In this morning's Tiulli. lit' * avs : "The ( omities h.uo } ot to spink Will they pull us thioiuh ? I doubt It. Tno ngrlcul- laborer knov s anil cares little about lirl.uul , anil lie Is told that hul It not been lor tinliisli bill be , b > Ibis time , would ba\o linil fimanil throe aeics ot land. The land bill lias done us a VAsl AMOt'M1 or IIAItM. Thevcrj possiblhtv of tlio Irish landlords beiioflttlug at tlippxpunso of the taxpavei ha ? nllenalcd uiiny iioiu Mi. Gladstone. As things stand now it looks to mo as though the now imli uneiit w ill be IIIULI | like the old. The llbora's ' \\llt not have a decisive major- It } , nor the conservatives , oven with the sup- poitol thellbeialaiidi.Kllenl unionists , who inadu common cause with them. WlfVI Illl V Wit I. HU'I'I.N ? I suppose ! Lord Sallsbur } will bo Installed in oMUo and bo sunpoitcd by Ilaitlugton's friends and the memliers toi Bhuiiugham. Wb.xt then will be the duty of the i.idlc.ils'.1 To lender It Imp isilblo for anjone else tb in Mr. ( iladstono tocuiy on the government. This thej r.incislly do bj a stilct iilll.inco with tlu hlsh. Should the tones obtain the upper hand and attempt to piss a coeiclon act , the radicals mid the Iiish should light on until the } are suspended. This w ill lUtiNfi iiusiis roAdtisii. i'robably at Hist the torles and their allies will sij : 'dood ihld-iuoe , ' but they will soon llnd th'it it will bo in.wtlcally impossible for tlio house to legislate with one-tlilrd of its members excluilfil. 111liur declared tint tholilsh have a iilit 10 ni.sisr coi iscioN' , wo must back up their losistanee , should It bo attempted. The time Is arriving to take oir the gloves. " 'ihc News , impliullv , like Mr. I.aboncliero , ndmlts the defeat in a tablet printed , and sav s : "Jt would bi'nb'iiril to Ignoip the fact that In the EgUsh boiomjhs , mom especially in London , tlio gov eminent has lost hea\lly. Tlionumbois point to a moial defeat and show conclusively that the electors icqulre , In man } cases , fuithcr "mo to digest homo rule. The home ndei- > must therefoio Mick to thch gnus and do their beat to remove tlio piejtidicohlLh still pie\alls upon tuo * bubject. _ Parliamentary Elections. LOXDOV'unoO ' C. K. Lewis , consciva- tl\o , has been ie-o'c"tcd in Londomlcriy over Justin JUCaithy , 1'ainelllte , b > a vote of ] , b-.0 to 1,701. It the hist election the same candidates contested Ilio disti let , when Low Is won by aoto of 1,8.4 aicxlnst l.Ttn obtained by McCaitliv. 'Iho Ut. lion. Ceo. 1. tioscheu. on < i ot ( .ladslono's JMIIoiesl iimlonlst opponents , was dol.-.itcd in iho cast division Of Kdlnbmg by Wallace , ( can didate. ,1. Wilson , uulnuist , has been de feated In the ointrnl division ot KdintMiig. Sulhcil ind , unlonl-t.lnsbeen ic-eloctcdliom ( Jioeuockby a diminished mnjoilty. Chll- cleis , home sccictmy , re elected bv aoto ot : ! .ruj , against 'J.l'Jl ' over Putvis toi tlio to'ithern division of idlnburg. John Moile } , sceietary lei Irclind , was re elected from XewcRstlo-upon-tbc-Tj no , by a \oto oi I0 , ( > s.i , an Incieaso of V > 1 In his Vile. James Cral ? was elected as a Glad- Rtonlan to succeed Joseph Cowcu.who 10- tiied tiom publiolifo. Ato'clock : ) this afternoon the torles had made a net gain of thiilceu .seats , and had elected 1 IT candidate- . The unionists , at the Same hour , had elected fortj-ouo , the ( ilad- Montana cight-thiee , ixnd the I'aincllltes thirty-loin. The Pall Mall footle ( lilicial ) , commentIng - Ing on the ipstilts of the election , sajs : " \Vc aie boHten. 'Ibo total ofotos polled gives a cleai majoiit } against the minlstiy. The only question iimainlni : Is whether the Maiaais of balisbuty will not sweep the countiy. " 'Jho totals now aio : Conservatives , 210 ; unionists , 4.3 ; ( jladstonians , U ; Piunellitcs , TJniKs In Dnhlln. , , Iul > 0. The riot at the cousoiva- the woikmcn's club house last night was provoked by men in the club and they com mitted neaily all bleaches of order. A Cath olic pioccsslon passed the club house which vvaseiowded with men at the time. They attacked the procession with bottles. This attack wasniiswctpd with tlneats and some { tones. Tlio club house people then lltoially Fhowored bottles at the piucosslon and also Died n number of shots Into it fiom levolveis. Thn police sunouiided thu bouse , tot'liiKcontiol ' of the picmises and linally arrested sovpnly fiimates. It lias not been ascertained how many of the piocesslon wore Jiurt. but I In co of tholnjmed Catholics aio in d d } Ing condition this morning and twenty Otheis aie 1 } Ing helpless In the hospitals , all fullering fiom wounds inflicted by bottles 01 bullets. Theiolsa gencial leellngol Inillg- iiotlon ag.ilnst the Orangemen of iho club on tcoount of the attack. A not tollovvcd the llrst announcement of tie ) result of the contest between Lewis and Justin McCaitliy at Londonden v to day. The rouse ot the ilIstuiDanco was thodlscoverv , titter the election had been dcckued In favor of Luvvls , of n ballot box , Iho contents of which had not been counted. A iccount lollovved , which almost made the election a tie , giving It to Low Is by a majoi Ity of onlv UUCP. The police Inter- fciPd and attacked the lovallstswho assem bled In now of the hotel , tvheio Low Is was staying , mid weiu making demonstiatlons In rcliibiatlon ol his victory. A largo nuin- bor of pcitons wcio lujni-cd. There was much excitement In the city over the ntrnli. ' 1 ho loul mayor lias Issued n proclamation rntip.itlng the pcoplo to prescivo oriior. Ciowds are ( fathering on the streets ( n-nljrlit , ind the. excitement Is intense. William and jobi rt Long , brothers , and Archibald Crook- ilmnks. members of the Dublin Consoivn- ives vvoiklugmen's club , have been ro- iiaiuled on charges of flihitupon ; and wound- tig tno Catholic piocosshmists voatciday. riip other prlsoneis wcio Jlschaigcd. I here weio three counts In LcnOnndcrry. Iho second madothoeloctloua tie. Thothiul KavoMr , Lew is a majority of Hum Justin JUctarty has uiv en notlco that ho will demand ffiiiit'ny ' ol thii poll and , If necossaiy , a recon test of Ihe district. TUG 1'OI'irs POUTltAIT. MaKnlllocnt PnlnilnK of Ills llolinesa l ) > a YOUIIK AitlHt. LONDON , JulyO.-New [ York Herald Cable -Social to the Uri-Harry ] Thaddons , the young Irish artist who painted the portraits of tlio Abbo Liszt , Dollrozza , and other celebrities , which have been attracting much attention In London this week , is now pri vate ! } exhibiting a striking llfo size portrait Of Pope Leo XIII. Ho paliiled It this spring at the Vatican , w hero his holiness gave sit- tlups , a pi iv llogo which ho has rarely granted. 1 called at the aitlst's studio In South Ken- Elngtou to see the picture , which will shortly bo exhibited in the states. The pope has often boon painted , but never , 1 believe , in so natural and uimtfectctl a posa as the ono chosen by Mr. Thaddeus. "His holiness is Eliovvn scaled In his study preparing ono of the admirable Latin encyclicals which have won him the reputation of one of Uio greatest clajalcal scholars of his time. Ilo Is clad In vvhlto. He sits In his favorite arm clialr , IIPII In hand with Ills head bent slightly froward as though listening to some lltcrar } Inspiration. His delicate Intellectual features arc stamped with thought. Ono laud drops languid ! } beside him over the right knee. The aitlst has skillfull } dls- of the ted drap"iy. Around the pontiff's neck hangs a golden chain , termin ated with a cross. A white skull cap ciowns Iho wrinkled , careworn , lolly foiehead. 'Iho ojo * aie full of life and thoiuht. Tbo mouth , h } fai the most conspicuous feature ot Leo Kill's face.has a mote pleasing and rest ful expression than It usuall } wears. Per haps , lee , a moie liteial painter would ha\c shown the lines sand wrinkles morp , CVPII though b } V ) doing ho might have detracted fiom the calm benevolence so chaiacloilstlc of the pontiff. The aitlst shows his illustri ous model at his best. In many wavsthis poitiait Is the most satisfactory jot pnlntcd. * / * \ . . .tfiivn < . ( lll-j-l I. . . Another Intprcstlntr Day nt the Sun- lay School Assembly. Cnirr , Neb. , Jul } ( ' . [ Special Telegram to the Hi E ] The dav has pioved to bo one of much Intcicst and pleasuie. The weit'ior ' is still on Its good bchavioi. Aulvals sttll come in thick and fast. Among others aie ox-Commander M. V. Colctind wlfo , Jtinhta ; S. P. t > liliie.ox-adjt.eiieial ! , < i.A.K.uniata ) ; Qu iiteimaster N. C. lleniy , Fail mount ; H. T. Claiko , Omaha ; ox-Senator J. N. Paul , St. Paul ; Dr. Matthew son and wile , Lincoln ; and ( ioorgo W. llindley , Weeping Water. The Nollgh band , the second best In the state , is on thcRioutul and will st.i } thiou h the icmiinder ot the assombl } . The Piosbjtoiian Sund ly 'cliool of Lincoln came down on tlioexcinsion train. Of the lots of the assembly which are for sale , about llfty have been taken b } pat ties who will elect thereon cottages. On buuda } last Piushlcnt P. 1. Foss stated thattooich denomination who would ciect a peimancnt building to constitute head- qu liters , he would give the sum of S10 as a beginning. To day the denominations each hold a meeting , accepted the ueneious olloi of Mi. Foss , and ugieed to etcet buildings coiling S > 00. At the soveial meetings the Congicvation.xllsts laiscd 5400 , the Baptists no , the Presbvlcilans ! 00. 'Ihe Methodists and United Btctliien also look s'eps In the sinio dliectlon. The usual moiniiig oxeiciscs tookplaccat the regulai hour. Piotossoi Holmes ir.ue a pervlow of English history at 11 o'clock , which was unusually Instinctive. At 2 o'clock Kev. Wilhud bcott , of Omaha , held the cntlio attention of the audience dining his hue lectine , wllh maps , ot "England'slust Chris tians. " Just betoie the lectures. Mrs. Pal- kei , of LiiKoln , gave a leading , ' 'Kobeit ' of blcilv. " Fiank Boaid occupied the platloiin lu tliecvoning. and his lecture. "How to Use the Blaekboud , " was veiypiohtable as well as ontoi taming. At the close ot this lettiuo the annual cauip Ine sei vices , In ebaigeof Piol S. Holmes , weio celebrated. Ihe Chautauquans foimod In piocession at the Lincoln hcadquaiters and matched to the liio to the music of the band. After the opening by music and piajpr , P. D. Stcwait. of Hast ings , Kev. AcKiuan and T. 11. Lcavitt , ot Lincoln , made shoit and nppiopriato speeches , luteispcrsed wltli music and 10- sponsivc iftidlng by the C. L. S. C. The grounds piesputcd \cry pietl } appeaiauee , docoiatod as they woic , with Clllnoso teins , lUhted by the camp 111 o and coveied with the laige nnnibei of Interested people. The services closed with a piajei and bene diction b } Kev , A. E. Dunning. Adams County Prohibitionists. HASII.VCS , Neb. , July 0. [ Special to the BEI. . ] 'Ihocounty mass convention of pio- liibitlonists , hold In this cit } S ituiday , vvas a hugely attended gathering , many people being piesent from all pailb of the count ) . 'Ihe convention was held In the afteinoon at Cole's Paik. Aftei the usuil prcllminai v ex ercises and a carefully prepared address by Judge M. C. llestei , ol tliH city , thegathoi- Ing icsolved itself into a mass convention by the election of Dr. Fitch as chilimaii , and C. T. Hawaii as secietaiy. The following delegates to the state con volition weio elected : J. M. Pattoison , S. M. lloagland , James E. Hoed , Hobert Ash , L. W. I'm mentor , S H. Smith. A. N. Hall , Di. H. P. Filch. L. B. Palmer , C. T. Kuwait , Judge O. B. Huwct , Nat. Brass , J. G. Ha fettand J.V. . Shaw. 'Iho following resolutions wcio unani mously adopted : Whereas , The othei political p-utles have heretofoioiolusedtofiivoi the piopositlon to submit u urohlbltoiy amendment to the con stitution to a vote of the people , and om re presentatives In the legislature have voted against Ihe submission of such an amend ment ; nnd Whereas , Wo believe that their action In this respect Is not in accord nice with the wishes of the people , and tli it It Is expedient and the people should have an op portunity to give n distinct expression of theli will upon such nn amendment by a vote , In oulei that the populai voice ma } decide the legislative polio } upon a question so vital to thomatpihl Interests , inoinl and social wollaro ot tlio st.ilo ; therefore , be It Kcsolved , That \votondcr the is > uo of sub mission 01 nun sub mission of n piohloltoiy constitutional amendment , as tlio leading question ol Iho canvass , lor the election ot semtoiti and representatives to the legis lature. Kesolvcd. That the county committee , In the call and notice for ourconnty convention foi nomination of legislative candidates , extend - tend an invitation to all legal voters In the several townshlp . who fu\oi the submission of sneli an amendment and who deslio to vote cither lei 01 against it , to take apait In thn election of delegates. The convention then adjourned to the call of thu central committee. UanKor ? Inttovvson's Upturn. NOHKOI.K , Neb. , July 0. fSpechil Telegram - gram to the Bii : : . ] Chailcs P. Matthewson relumed last night via the Union PacIIlc train from Colorado , whcio ho has been foi thu past sovcial months , A full growth of beat d and ccglasscs so altered his appeal- anco that old acquaintances on the train did not recognize him. Ho is ill and con lined to his home. It has been known for some tlmo that he desired to come back , but many felt confident ho would never return. The dis position ot tiin people hero Is kindly tow aid film nnd his family has been accorded thu wannest sjmnatliy from all citizens. What Mr. Matthewson proposes for the fntiiio Is not known , though IIQ expresses a v\Mi to pay all claims In full. Some of Ihose claims have already been settled and the others will probably be satisfactorily adjusted , How Huliix Celebrated. Ewixa , Nt-b. . JulyO. [ Spechlto the Bu : . ] The observance of the nation's annlvciaary came on the 5th , and as the hour for speaking drew near people fmm tlio surioundlnc conn tij came pouring in. Oulei ot street panulo ; First , band ; second , G , A. It. ; thlid , temper ance cadets ; then people In wagons. The ex ercises opened vv Ith singing and prayer. The speaker of the day , Judge binaries , tiom Mail Ison county , was then Introduced. He 10- vioucd thu history of the country from the da.vsof 'TO to tlio present time , and spoke In glowing terms of the living as well as the dead soldiery , and gave nn eauicst tribute to thu eminent statesmen of the times. Ho was followed by Dr. N. A. Sackett In a s'lort but Interi'stliij : address , The exeiclses were varied bv music from the glee club and by the baud nil homo talent. Afternoon spoils suitable to the day and the occasion. Theie was a display of Ihevvorks In the evening. Toirlil Heat ut Wnhno. W.VHOO , Neb. , July 0. [ Special Telegram lo tno BKK.J The continued < lry weather aud hot south winds arc causing great anxi ety among the farmers. It Is feared the late out ; , will not Illl well and that corn will bo mined unless it rains veiy soon. At noon * above in the t > hadc , and Unlay it ia one do- warmer , DEATII AND DESTRUCTION , Pyrotechnic Patriotism Resalts in Plamcs and Funerals. FIRE'S FATAL WORK IN DENVER. A r.ockpt Ktuls nn lo\\n Youns Man's i\lstPiicp-Slx : Otlicr Kntnl Ac- clilcnts Pierce Foicst Pircfl Dpstrnctho Klrc In Dpnvcr. D Nvi.n , Col. , Julj 0 At 1:15 : this mom- Ing , as the people were going home from cel ebrating the national blithday , a fire was ills- lovoicd IiPthe Academy of Music and beioie the Iho department could get to woik the llamcs were leaning throuuh the building In half a doyen places , which afcw minutes later was one mass of Humes. The heat wns co In- toletable that tlio flio depailmcnt was driven fiom the front of the building , belfiR unable to stand the Intense It now be came evident that the Academy was doomed and the Hi omen devoted thorn- Delves to saving the llockj Mountain News building and the Good and McClln- lock blocks , which wcio adjoining The llames spread so lapnlly and the heat became so Intense that In less than fifteen minutes after the dKcovoiv of the tholiiu the wlip ol the Western Union tcl- cjiaph companj , whose olllco is lu the block dlicetlv acioss the alloy fiom the academy , wore melted In two and all seiUcedeMiojcd. 'llieoperatois manaccd lo 'avo the Wheat- stone and other valuable instiumcnts , though sevoial of the iclavs wcio destiou-d. Ono bundled ongliics could not have saved the building , which was a mass of ruins within an hour aftci the ahum was Klven. Thegioundllooi was occupied by busi ness houses In which scvcial men were sleep ing at the time of the lire , all of whomweie ic'scuid by the liicmcn except Tim Umldit , an old man roustabout in ( lie saloon ol John Kenneavj. I'.nilglit ictlred at 12 o'clock last night In an Intoxicated condition and was loigottcn till late. He could not bo roused. and perished In the llames. The cause of the liio Isat piesent unknown. As neir as could bo learned the losses arc as follows ; 1 * . S , Hughes , on aoadcm > ot music , S12' OJO , Insurance , SIO.OOO ; Koikj Mountain Xevvs { jJo.OOO , Insuiance SJ.SOO ; John Henneavv's saloon S" ,000 , Insu.ancc' M,000 , Solomon , clothing.TO ! ( , insurance Sl.'JOO ' ; I.i/.nasusTa\loi S.'J.OOO , no iiism- anco ; Cileedo block ; § 10,000 , Insuraiuo Three AcolilontH nt Anninosn. AN AMOS v , la. , Jul } 0. I Special Telegram tote to the Uu.j : During the celebiallon hcie jcsterd.iy a c.ucless boj tlnovv a IheciacKoi in the folds of a young ( icrmin lady's diess irom Lnrigworthy , which took luo and soon enveloped her In a llame of lire. Men shud- ing neai did all In their powoi tohclnherin extinguishing the llaulos , but weio not suc cessful until she was teuibb binned , audit is doubtful as to hei rccovciy. A young man fell fiom tjje sec ond-story of the opeia house , stilting Ills breast on a chunk of wood and this men n- Ing Is unable to talk. It is leaied ho Is hint internally. In the evonlncr , while the lirenorks wcio being discuarged , a voting man and lad ) weio drlvingon High Micadamt/cd sti-oct vvhen the Midland ttaln ran in , fiightonlng tlio hoiso , wniUi sprang ovci the embankment , bicalungliH neck and demoi allying the buggy , but done no daimco to the occupants. Tlio horse was valued at S X ) . The Deadly Ice Crpnni. ST. Louis , Julv 0. Dispatches from Coultcrvilllc , 111. , state that a mysterious and sei ions sickness oroko out theio on Sunday last and so fai the the pieclso cause has no't been leirncd. It is cstlnnted that fiom sixty to one bundled and llfty poisons In Coultoi- v illc and surrounding country arc sick , some of them quite sciiouslv. Two childien , Hesilo and Ada Wilson , aged icspcctivcly three and seven jcais , died Monday and tholi mother Is now quite 111. The phjslclan at Hist thought that the sickness was the icsult of some unknown atmospheilc cause , but since then it has boon generally attributed to mineial poison con tained In Ice cream and lemonade which was dispensed at a picnic on batmdiy last. A Uocket'B PrlKhtrul Worlr. Wir.To.v , la. , July 0. [ Special Telegiam to the 15ri.J : A most shocking Fouith or July accident occuired hcie duilng a private display of lirewjiksjcsteiday. A locket de flected fiom Its couisc , structt Josenh Koss , nineteen years of age , in the oje , cinslilng tlirough the head and exploding In his mouth. Ho died In two boms' . ICoss is the son of a prominent citl/cn. and was walking alone thosticet In company with a joiing lady. _ A FIcnillsA Criino ULTKAIO , July 0. Yesteiday afternoon Nicholas llaumann , a German living In the eighth piocinct , lilted his infant child fiom the cradle by Its legs and dashed Its head against the wall. liaumanu lied and has not been captured , li.uimann Is cmnlojed In tbo lumber j ant on the island and recently came hero fiom I'ennsvlvanla. Uanmann Isio- lioitcd by his neighbor- having been on a spree , but his wlfo denied ho was drunk. The police are ictlccnt about the case and the piitlculais cannot bo Icaincd. The child will die. Acotilnnts Near Dulmqiic , Dunucjc'B , la. , July 0. [ Special Tclesram to the 15in. : ] The thirteen-car-old son of W. J. LoQiuls was lacing acioss acul > crt with a nelghtior towaids the creameiy , Sun day. The wagon fell off the bridge. Loomls' neck was broken. Ho lived till Monday morning. Ills sister's arm was broken. John Klnnon was crushed tq death In a cave-In of a sand pit on the I ) . & M. railroad , below East Dubuqne , Monday. A rtnil Mnu Cnpturod , Oiinvnx.VK , Wjo. , July 0. [ Special Tele- cram to the IJiiK.J John Johnson , n bad man fiom Texas , has been liero several weeks qulntly gambling. Ho has a record of Killing a number of men. Last night A. 0 , Ware , shorllt of Mitchell county , Texas , noted as the s'ayer ' of Sam Bass , the tcrrlblo Texas desperado , quietly came here , arrested Johnson at a gaming table , nnd lettthls luoinlng for Colorado City , Texas , where ho lately killed Hen Lane. Bmnll Flro nt Ncllgn. Unucm , Neb. , July 0. | pcclal to the 13ji-.J ; A largo fiamo building bclonglne teA A Hupp known as the Star link , burned about'o'clock this morning. The fiuicaisht ! In the luteitor , noono knows hpvv , as there had been no liio In tlio building for several months and it was not lighted up the evenIng - Ing befoic. It was so fai gone when dls covered no effott vvas made to save It. Ad- iolnhiL' buildings vvcro savetlby haul work. L ) s aoout SrSrWu ; Insurance , gl.SjT. A IkCinlmlcr of JoCTorson Square , OAIISO.V , la , July a Durlngtho llioworks display last night a spark tired a box full of lockets , candles and bombs , and created a Mampede among the spectatois. Colonel Klnney had his clothes badly binned In on- dt'avoungto oxilngulsh the Hie. A number of people had their clothing partially burned but escaped seiious injury. Depot liullillnga Uurncd. MAIISIIALI.TOVVN , la. , July 0. ( Special Telegram to the H : i : . ) The depot buildings of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul load at Mason City burned last evening and the dlv I- sou | superintendent's headuuaners rendered unfit for use , The liic Is UiguchHobave originated from a passim ; locomotive. Loss about 214,0 < X > . The buildings were ver } old. Tlio Heat nt Onklnmt , O\M M > . Neb. . July o. ( Special to the IJji : | Ihc warmest weather ever experi enced here was to-day. The mercury was 109' In the shade Wo have had no rain for live w eeks. A'l grain Is suffering very much and pspcclnll > coir. The prospect In this part of tin1 county for wheat and corn before this dr.v spell was ncvei better. An Aw nine's TAtnt Flap. Pr.Aiiom , Kan , July 0 About 5 o'clock last evening an old awning upon which fif teen 01 twenty parsons congregated to wit ness the water works display by the fire com- pan } , gave away , piectpltatlng them on the crowd of spectators below. Some twenty men women and children were Injured and It Is leared some fatal ! } . DcMtructtvo nnd Fntnl Storm. J uKsosMM.r , l'i v. , July 0. News has just reached the Times-Union of a tcrrlblo gale at Apalachleola Wednesday , the 3Uth ult , uprooting tices , umooling houses and causing n loss of 340,000. The telegraph wins were blown down and six persons , four white and two colored , who wuro caught In the bay duilng the storm , lost their lives. Katnl Accident nt tm\nee. IHwvru Cm , Mob. , Julv 0. During the celebi atlon In this cltv jesterday , the eleven } ear old daughter of Mr. I' . C. Kdco was shot and fatallv wounded by a bullet from a tar get gun. ' 1 ho bullet cntcied thn forehead and pcuctiated the brain tissues. The prom letor of the shooting gallery lias been anesfcd lor ciimlnal eaielessiiess. Torpedo Honts host. P utis , Julv 0. Le Temps confirms the an nouncement of the loss of eight torpedo boats In n storm on the Altantlc. Fifty pei- sons weic drowned. Saturday's dispatch de li } ing the loss ol the toiucdo boats was based upon the statement of the minister of maiino lofeiilng toothc1 torpedo boats. Kixvnccs of Cliolern. Uovii , July 0. The cholera returns to-dav arc as follows : Bdiulisi , 11 now cases , 7 deaths ; Francavllla and Koutana , Ceases , : > - > deaths ; Latonlo.50 cases , SO deaths. Ono case Is leported at Venice. The Popull Koumno asserts that the official ligmcs ate lovvci thau the actual figures. Tlic restive Sky Rocket. Ciiicvno , July 0. Eckert & Swain's Homing mills on Canal street were damazed by Ino and the contents bv wStor to the amount of 570,000. The bla/o was caused by spaiksliom a sk } rocket which fell on the loot Sunday night. Insuiance , 505,090. Another tlilnzc. COIIOES , N. Y. , JulyO. Xoith'sstoro house containing cotton , woo/ and manufactured goods belonging to numerous manufacturers , Including Parsons &v Co. and Stillman , Urooks it ( "o. , ( bin nnd late last night. The loss will reach § 200,000. . Kidnapping Tramps Gnpturcil. On VM ) Isi AND N b .July 0. The gang of t tamps sixin number , , who attempted to steal a baby , have bcciij captured by the po lice attei a hard chase. There was n lively light between the police and the tramps , In vv nlch tw oof the latter were slightly vv ounded. End Tt.iHwaK Collision. x , J'uly (5 ( Twp express trains , ono from 1'dlnbum , Ihaoilier fiom Glasgow , came In collision yesterday nt FuIIwoocl Junction. Thlrty-fiyojierjons wcio injuicd. THE SPOIU7Ncf WCmijD. Yesterday's Uvctits on tlio Turi'aiicl Dlniiionil. CIIICAOO , July C. Washington Paik llaces Mlle : Bob Tlsher won , Hattoo second end , Cioveinoi I3ato third. Time l : 2f. Mutiiilspaid SMSO. Mile nnd cUlith : Spaldinp won , Joqulta second , Hoped ilo third. Time 1:50. : Mu- tuals paid S1S.M ) . Kenwood stokes , flve-elghlhs mile : Jim Moore won , Idghtaw ay second , Carey third. Time 1:02. : Miitualspaid SH Mile : Ada D. won. blr Jesse P. U. second , Mamie Hunt third. Time liil ) ( . Mutuals paid SiO. Mile and sixteenth : Ueaconslleld won , Jim Douglas second , Lcman third. Time 1:4'J. Mutuals paid § 21.20. At Jtloninotitli Park , o * MOu5lII i'AKiv , Julv 0. Haud'icap , seven-eighths mile : Oienadlcr won , Lans- dow no second , Portland third. Time 1:29. Tluce-fourths mile , two-year-olds : Maca roon filly won , Ittalala second , Kosallnd thlid , Time 1:1. : % . Handicap , thieocarolds : liock and Tlyo w on , Attoinoy bocond. Mllllo third. 'J line l-njf. : Slircwsbuiy handicap , all ajos : Tom Mar tin won , hast Lyniin becond , Tenbookcr third. Tlme-2HO . belling race , one and one-eighth miles , three-veai-ohls and unvvaidsi Adonis won , .Ice Mitchell second , Phil Lewis third. Tlmo li'fttf. ' Ilaadicap , all ages : Sandoval won , Ba hama second , Worfl , ! thlid. Tlmo 'J:3J. : The Bnso Bull Uecorct. ATCIIIOAOO Chicago . 0 02008003 0 ] ! oston . 1 0 1 B 0 0 1 1 V ° Pitchqis Flynn and Itadboiirno. First base hits-Chicago 0 , Boston 10. Kuors Chicago cage 0. Boston 0. Umpire Cm ry. Ar Dr.inoiT Detroit . 402200001 0 Xolv York . 0 0040400 6-rW Pitchers Smith and Kocfe. First bas'O hlts-Ditrolt H , Now Yoik 15. Kuors Do- trolto. NewYorkO. Umplic Yoik. ArSr. Louis St. Louis . 0 0000000 1-1 Philadelphia . OBiiaooo * 8 First base hlts-St Louis 4. Philadelphia 11. Ihrors St. Louis 0 , Philadelphia 1. Umplie ( jaffney. AT KANSAS CITV Kansas City . 0 1050030 2 10 Washington. . . , . ! oooosooo 4 Pltchers-7Woldinan and Corcoran. First base hits Kansas City 15 , Washington 0. Errors Ivansaa City li , Washington 0. Urn- plio Connelly. Colored Strikers Quieted. LITTLE HOCK , Aik. , July 0. Thursday last til ? colorcil laborers on the Tate planta tion , nine miles bcjovv on the Aikausas ilver , struck for an advance , In wages to that gen erally paid In tlio neighborhood. They then , bv Intimidation , prpvqntcd others from tak ing tholr places. * Thqshcillf was called on by the planters for protection and went down ear' * } esteiday. ABout two hundred and llfty colored mci ) juiscmulca train neighboring idaces began making threats that nobodv should go towork or beancsted. The shcilif attempted to arrest Gill , a ringleader , who icslstod and WHS eluitjbya deputy in both aims. During the afternoon n posse weat dovv n from Little Hocl ; Iieav lly armed , when tile Mterlir j-ueccedpd in dlspcis-lng tlio mob and av cited what tUreaixuicd to bo a general upilslncr. ST. Locis , July 0. The Post-Dispatch Llttlo Itock special states that the excitement occasioned by trie riot 3 csterday on the Tate plantation continues unabated. Neither the sherilj'noranymeinbois ' of his posse have returned , and It Is fcnicd moro trouble lias occurred. _ _ Street Railway Franchise Granted. CHICAGO , July 0. Tlio city council , at Us session lasting till past midnight to-night , passed an ordinance giving the use of La Sallo street tunnel to the Noith Chicago btreet Itallway company for the considera tion of $30,000 annually , the cost ot paving and maintaining the same , with lights , etc. , to be deducted from the auuual rental. The company Is composed principally of Philadel phia capitalists , C. T. Yeikcs being its presi dent. The action of the council Is considered very favorable tojho comjiapy. Weather For Nebraska. Fair weather , stationary temperatuu. WHEN THEY WILL ADJOURN , A Prospect That 8onxe ( { anil Honso May Oloso Early Thij Month , WH ? THE RANDALL BILL DIED. Ono of the Members of tlioVnyn mid Means Committee Tnlkn ou tlio Subject Tlio D'CIIIO- crnta Divided. An I'nrly Ailjonriuiicut Prolmlilo. WAHittNdTOM , July O. [ Special Tele- pram to the DM. ] There Isn. grow ing belief that congress nny manage to adjourn before tba close of the present month. Up to this tlmo the general impression has been that the pp.sslnn would not end before the close of the month. Just now , however , the senate has begun to exhibit some Interest In the ques tion of adjoinnment , and as this body Ins the matter practical ! ) In Its own hands , there seems some prospect that It may push busi ness through by the 15th orOtli ot the month. The senate has power to do this If Us membci * so desire. The house has prac tically clcaied Us of appropriation bills , and Uio senate can nisli them thiouqb In tw o weeks tlmo If It wants to. Of conisc , there Is plenty to do In both house and sen- ntoas long as they will stay , but the question Is l.ow little they can do rather than how much. JEI'.IIY MVHPin ' ? TAIII ) LOST. This morning's National Republican , In announcing tlio withdrawal of Iteprcbenta- tlv o Jerry Murphy from the race for the nom ination in the First Iowa district , because "ho found his opponents had gained too much headway for him to ouercome , " ob served that "tlio Hounopln canal has been the solitary card which he hns plavcd In con- mesb and ho thought U would alvvajspiovo n winning one. ' ' TUB \NIIAI.I. . uir.i- The house committee on wajs anil means to-day unanimously agreed to make an ad verse report on the llinda'l ' tailft bill. Toni - ni bt jour correspondent met General Browne , of Indiana , a loading republican member of thu committee , who said that this action settled tbo tiuill question for the jncs- ent , that the Randall bill would probably go on the calondai and bo passed over to the next session. Tlio democracy had , In his opinion , clearly demonstrated Its utter inca pacity to deal with ecoiiomlcqucstlons. With a majority ofovcr foity in the house , It had whom failed to revise the tariff. Mi. Kin- dallaided in the defeat of tno Moirlson measure , and the latter gentleman and his followers have now avenged themselves by stianglingthei lirst-born of Itandall In its cradle. The demociacy don't cohere. They agree upon nothing. On the subject of the cmrency they are worse mixed , U possible , than on tbo tanll. After all their promises , they vv 111 likely leave tbcbo questions where they found them. There was an Important part of the Moirlson bill that should have been passed , and might have been but for the democrats , who , with one exception , Insisted that the bill should go Into the house as a whole or not at all. That part of the bill regulating the mcthods of ad ministering omtori ir.vvs , as apart and sepa rated from the objectionable features of flic bill , would receive an undivided republican support. This sermi.itlon was i of used , and this part ot the bill will die with the rest. General Browne said further that the pilnci- pal objections to the piovislons of the Ran dall bill were , that It pioposed to repeal the tax on tobacco , cigars and bnuff , all taxes Imposed on tniit brandies nnd on splilts used in the aNs. Ho was opposed to tlio icpeal of these taxes while the nation hid topi ovlde tor the pivmentof pen-Jons 01 any othei pbllguirin giowlng out of the icbclllon. and the repub licans generally agiocd with l.lui. . The whibUey and tobacco foxes were ncaily equal to tlio penbioniolland tlie amount of Interest account , and ought not to be removed , and will not bo by republicin votes. He Ind othei objections to the R-indall bill , and pai- tlculnily to that portion which Increases the duty on tin plato and ready made clothing. ANOJ 111.11 111.ION Ol IKIlltOIt prevails among the "offensively paitlsau" republican oflice-holderb heio. They believe that vety many of thorn will bo made lo go just as soon as congress adjoin us andlhuli succcssois are chosen. So they are thinking about decapitation at any time after a couple of weeks. It Is undeistood that v'oiy llbcra ) modifications of the civil berv Ice inlcs are to have the selection of appointees to choose trom laiger lists , etc. A calculation of the chances mailo In the departsments since March 4.1SS5 , shows that not 15 porcentof the employes have been removed. AOOODPnU. tfF Is being siiQvvn In Hie house to pass some kind or a bill which wlllbegln the reconstruc tion ot the navy and It Is not Impossible that before the adiournmept ot the niCspnt ses sion tills wjll bo accomplished. The econo mists are being anaigned so lieicely by the countiy lor talluro to do mi } thing to protect the country aealnst foreign invasion 01 im position that they rear to lace their constitu ency during thp coming campaign. So strong Is the leeling that woik should uo begun on Iho navy , at once , that theio Is talk of. tbo passage of a bill making an appropriation for this purpose of HW.OOO or S'iOoo.oqo ' mulcr a suspension ot tlio rules. This cannot be dofie. lipwevpr , astheic is too wldo a dllfei- eiicfi ort tlie subject to Ri c any inoposltlon a two third's vote. I'ATK.NTfe ttt WHSTHIIV IN'V'UVTOHS. Patents were Issued for the following to day : Nutlnnicl Andrews and { J. F. Hilinap , Bcebo , . . . . . , J.-'ktlON , I.JIIIIVMII. A.llu | UUU4 UIIL.W1V ChailesC Oilman. of tunnels and poions caithcnvvaie , ( travel for bpdding ties in luidgowoik , pic. : Kiank A. Hovoy , asslinioi of one-halt to W. L. Ha- moy , Madison , Neb. , combined flour safe and sieve ; Aloxnndci W. Lau hlln , Biookvillo , la. , grip for stictchlugvlro ; Aaron 1'aik , Ottuirtvva.springlcss lock r.Bijant H. Swan , asslgnorot oiiP-halt to K. V. Burke , Atlantic , Ja.liairow ; William V. Tullord , Clinton , la. , attapliment for printing case .stands ; F.d- ward Wollv' . Omiuia , tlmo lock ; John 1C. Wilght , Coidon , la. , qulltlhg f ran IP. VTSIIUN i-osiAi , CIIAM.I s. Nelllo 1'ovvci has b'en commissioned post master at Barryvlllo , la. Changes have hcen oidcrcd In the tlmo schedules ot the Star mall ionics as follows : Mlddltberg to Salem Loivo Mldddloberg Tuesilnjs , Thin sdajs nnd Satuidavs at 1 p. m. ; arrive at Salem by 4 p.m. Ijpave SiiIcmTucsdajs , Thursdavs and Satuidays at U a. m. ; an h cut MhUleucigb } I'Jm. Nora to Hardy Leave Nora Tuosdajs , Thursdasand Saturdas at 1 p. m.airvo ; ! at Hardy by5HOp. ; m. Leave Hardy Tues days , Thinsda > sand Saturdays at7:80a. : m. ; arrive atXoia by It ! m. Wells to JunUt.'i Leave Wells Mondavs , Wcdnpsdajsand Frldasat 1 n. m.iaime at Jiinlata by 7 p. m. Leave JnnlataMon- daS , WodncsdaS and Fridays at 0a. m. ; ai- rlvo at Wells b } 13 in. Klnpston to Aji Loavc Kingston Tuos- dajs and Satuidavs at24'5 ; p. m. ; anlvo ut Ayrhy 4 p. in. Leave Avr Tnesdajs and hnturilasBut 1 p. m. ; anlvo at aKIngston by 2:45 : p. m. Tjrono to Wllsonville Leave Tiono In low a changes have been made as fol lows ; Ford to Palmyra Leave Fold daily , except Sundays , at 4 p. m. ; anlvo at I'alnivia by 0 p. ui. Leave Palmyia dally , except Sundays , at Op ; n , ; anlvo at Fold by 11 a. in. Bellevue to Maquoketa Leave Bcllevuo dally , except Hunihjs , at0 a. m. ; aulvii at Maquokcta by 8:80 : p. in. Leave Maquoketa dally , except Sundays , at 0 a. in. ; arrive at Hullovuiiby3SOp : m. HUhlaiid to Woolson Leave Hlfldand iajs. a ; . m. : ) . m. ; Hichlaud by 11:05 : a. m. and : > : 'i > p. m. ov roi.uirAi. m hiM'ss. Prosecutlinr Attorney Oy We'Illngton , of Decorah , la. . Is In the city on a political mis- Uon , but just what mlbsbdn it Is dllllcuU to ascertain , Wellington Is verv close moutlied anddocllno * to dlvuk'C nujtlilni ; rcgardhn ; his v Islt here , niucti to the aunoj auco of the Ion In congrcs0. (1 ( II 11 icsdalo , of L"Mars , li. editor of Ilip Sentinel of that town , Is In the city on some pilvato buslnc , rollTl'-MNTH WASIIIVOTOV , July 0. The senate today took up the bill to sccuro to the Cherokee rrecdman and others ( heir proportion of cer tain proceeds of hud. Mr , In gal Is , from the committee on Indian affairs , repoitcd a substitute for this bill. llappropilvtPsS7" > ,000 foi the put pose , and rtliccts how the amount slnll bo distributed. Tlio substitute was agreed to and the bill pissed. Thp fpiialo then piocrcded to consider thp amendments to tlioilverand hnrboi bill. 'Iho llrst amondmcnt that wasnnpstioiii'il > viu * the Item appropriating foi the pur clnse of Sturaoon Hay and Lake Michigan ship p-inal and harbor of lofuge. AflPi a lone debate the senate wont Into executive session and then adjoin ned. Iloitflp. , Jul.v rt. lYlltlom wcrp pre sented from Pennsylvania Kulshts of Labor isklue legislation to promote the Intel csts of labor. The morning hour having been dispensed with , the house went Into committee of the whole , Mr. irimmond In the chair , on the general deficiency bill. The end of the bill dav Ing been reached , the committee , lu ac cordance with previous arrangements , re verted to the paiagiaphs iclatho to the state [ lepirtment , Mr. Cannon criticised the bill for Its omis sions , which ho declared were pxtraoidlnarj. It omitted to appropiiato for the salaries of ministers and cmirges d' nfTalres for ISSS and i , the deilciencv bplinr S ft ! 8V < , and for do- licleucles ainountfnu' to fcVJ.OOO lor contingent expenses of consulates. This made an ag- groftato ot 5W.OOJ. and other minor Items would lecie.ise the omissions to 5100,000. Ho inveighed against the piacthe of making moaxro appiopilatlons for conllncont ex- peiipos ot consulates , and pointed out the dis repute Into which the United States fell among commercial nations by reason of the ihiiftsdiawn bv consuls upon Urn United States government behu iiituined piotcstcd and dlslionoicd on account of there being no fund with which to IMJ them. Mr. Bclmont called attention to the fact : liat the diplomatic ana consular nnprnprla * : lon bill nulled an appioprintlnn of { rl.V,000 ) , 'oi contingent expenses of consulates , ns against 5110,000 made In the bill of last jc.ii. Mi. Cannon otTorcd an amendment ap- riroprlating5t7.tOS : to meet the dcliclencios in : ho salailcs of uilnisteis and charges d'af faires. Aeiccd to. On motion of Mr. Bclmont the appropria tion to supply deficiencies In the contingent expenses gC I consulates foi the jear lb&5 wa.s Increased fiom S'-2ooo to 540,000 , and for the jcais 1 ! J and lbi)3 fiuiu&lUO ( to 8 7.145. On motion of Mr. Belmont the amend ments were adopted approprlitlnz various small sums to mcnt the special dellclonclcs in : ho consular scrv Ice. The committee then lose ami reported the bill to the bouse. Tlio Hist vote was takrn on the amdndmiMit ftir the payment of the Old Colony and PacIIlc Mall Steamship com panies for the transuortation of maiine ? to \splnwallinl833. It was agreed to yeas , 115 ; navs , 03. djourned. _ Pltr.-Jolm Nomlnntecl. AsinxfiTOV , July 0. Fitz-John Porter , late colonel of the Fifteenth Infantry , was to-day nominated to bo colonel In the armv of the United States. Ill making tbo above nomination Iho president says ! "In accoid- anco with the piovlslons ot an act of con- ress , appioved July 1 , 18S6 , I nominate the et'son heicin named for tipnolntmqnt In the limy of the United Stalest-Fit/ John Porter , Into colonel of the Flltcontli Inlantry , lo bo colonel in the aimy of tb6 United States , to lank as such fiom Mav H. IfeOl , that being the giadc in lank held by him at the tlmo ot his dismissal fiom the army. " 'Ihc pi csldent also nominated CaptalnThco- doroSchvvan , I'loventlilnfuntiv.foi assistant adjutant with lank of luajoi. Cap tain bclnv an entered the militao sou Ice as an enlisted man In 1S57. Ho passed throimh all the giadcs , liom gulvato to ichuontal nou-commlssloiiPd stalt ofllccr , and was ap pointed second nontenant in IbO.l. He seivcd In the lielddtiiiugthocnthcwai of the rebell ion , and in Ibi4 vvas bicveted captain foi gallant sot vices In tlQ ) battle of Chapel House , Vliulnla.andalthcclofieof thowai re ceived the brevet of major foi gallant and mciltoilous son Ices dining the wai. Ho lias rendered valuable and Impoiljint duties on stalf and In connection with the Indian ofllco , and so satisfactory In tne latter duties as to call for the very handsome lottpi ot thanks fiom the secictuiy ot the Intciior. Adverse to Uandnll'H Bill. WASIU.VOTOV , July 0. The ways and moans committee to day ordciod anadvciso icpoit made on the Itandall tarlll bill. Mi. Kelly moved to stilko out all administrative featmosof the bill ( Hewitt provisions ) , but tlio motion was lost , although How lit voted with the icpubllcans. Mcssts. Heed and Hlscock were absent. A motion was then made to lepojt the cntjrobyj adversely , and upon the roll being called , ajl the demociats voted In the adit math o , cai lying tbo motion. The icpubllcan members ab-ilalncd liom voting on the bill on the gioiiud that the bill contained meritorious tealurcs alonz with obic'ctiomiblo piovlslons , vvhlcli could not be disassociated with the motion. * Mi. Mou Ison will piepiro the adverse ropoil ou tlio bill , while the republicans will not make a icpoi t , 'liio coinuiittcu also authorised BuVkonildceot Ken report adv 01 sely Fmdjity's resolution deolarinit It to bo tUo BCiiRO of i ho committee that Iho revenue tax on tobaccd sliould ho lomovcd. These Voiced I'onslono. WAsiii.saio.v , July C. The house com- mlttcoon Invalid pensions considered tno picsldentlalveto mossaco at its meeting to day. Hcpicspntatlvo Conger called up the bill lot thoiellef of John Luco , whoso claim Is based , on Injuiles received from being tin own foi ward on the pommel of his saddle , but nftci discussion It was decided that thn bill did not embody tlio casa btrong enough to pass ovci I ho veto , and it was dropped. Piohabl ) all the vetoed pension bills , which oilglnatcd In the bpnalo , with ono exception , will bo lepotted liom tbo committee on pen sions with ipoiuinundations that the } do pass thu president's veto notwithstanding. Ono oxeptlon will bo coveted by a hew bill , the vetoed emu boliu defective In consequence of clerical auois. Gultoau'H I'roKo.ciilor Doail. WASHINGTON , Jul } 0. Pilvato tllspatclies iccelvcd in this city to-night announce the death at Mount Pleasant , Ja. , of Colonel Ucorgo B. Corkhlll , ox-dlstiiet uttoincyof thisdlstiict. Colonel rorkhlll served In tlio union army tluomli thn lute , and at the close of the icbell- lon WAS made dlstilct attoinoy lei ono of the judicial districts of Iowa. Subse quently President Hiios appointed him Unllpd blatps dlstiict attoine ) foi the Dis trict ot Columbia , which position he held until noai tliu close ot Picsidont A it inn's term , and since that tlmo boon engaged In the practice of law In this city. WASHINGTONJ.ily . The scnato has conlirmed Huch .Smith Thompson to bo as- blbtantsccietiry of the treasury. Now Yoik Dry Gooils SfarkPt. NLVV YoitK , Jul } 0. The exports of do mestic cottons the past week weio lr tl pick- akos , which makes Ilio total for the oxpluil poitlon of thoear VW.J19 pulacrcs : against 103MO jiackages foi the same time last } pn. fO'J17 lu li 4 , and t-\M : in Ibw , The maikcl has been moio ( pilot in newdemandiwniaii } bill eis aio still absent on theli holiday i'ur ( - sions. The movPiuent , however , was of good pioH | > rtions , asof thedally iccoluts a vci } luik'u peiccntago b being distributed on 01UCI3 , TWENTY-ONE MORE VETOES , The President Disapproves Another Big Batch of Fonsiou Bills , HE GIVES HIS REASONS FOR IT. A fipnuo of Public Ditty .Mnkcs Him Interpose to Prevent Partial anil Unjust nirts Monpy. Tlio President Dlnnpprm-c-i. 'W.vMiiNoiox , , lulj 0-Tiio pipsldont today transmitted to the IIOUM < his messaao announcing ills disappiovalof tvvcutj prlvalo pension bills and the bill providing foi the ? ioctlon nf a public building at D ilutli , Minn. The la t named bill Is vetoed , thp IHcsIdentsajs beeiuso heH cnllicl.v satlsneil ihat the building prov Ided for Is not imuunll- aloly neeessiuy , and Uo adds that not n llttlo legislation has hilolv been | ieifoctcd , and vcij likely moro will be necessaiy , to Increase crease- the miscalculations in many of the public buildings now In pioercss of erection. Lewis W. bcanlan Hied his declaration for ppuslon in isl , alleging that ho contracled chronic dlairlura In the Illack llixvvk war. 1'ho rcconls show that ho served from April IS. lij32 , to May S1' , lp-3. In vetoing the bill for his icllot thepiesident sajs : " 1 am lu- cllned to think ttwouldhavobcen a fortunate him ; If In this case itcouldbedemonstiatoil that n man could thrive so wo 1 with ehroulo tl.uihii'ii for hfty-two jcais us Its oxlstonco , n the cnsn of this good old gontlem in would prove. We should then , pcihaps , have less of It In claims foi pensions. The fact Is , lit .hlscaso theio Is nodlbibllity which can bo raced to foitydajs' mllllaij service of llfty- 'our j cars ago , and 1 think little If any moro nil ) mlty tlnn Is usually found In men of the IRO of the claimant. " In vetoing the bill uiantlng a pension to fiancls Denning , wlio claims that ho cou- i acted blindness as the result of rheumatism ncuirod In the bcrvice , the piesldcnt sajs hut there seems to bo no testimony showing ho noldiei's condition from the tlmo of his ll'charce to 1HM ) , n period of liftoen joins ! . rim pusideiil continues : ' 'Attur nineteen eais had elapsed slucu his dlHcharL'o fiom. he army , a pension Is claimed tor him upon he wiv shadowy allegation ol Incurring rheumatism while In the bcivhe , coupled with the startling proposition fiat tills incu- uatlsm icsulted , just pievlous to hH ipplication , in blindness. Upon a medical examination it appeared that his blindness was caused bj amaurosls , which Is generally accepted as an ulfecl.on of the optic net v e. 1 am satisfied that a fair examination of the 'acts in this justifies the statement that ho bill under consideration can rest only ipon the grounds that aid should bo fur- ushed to this ox soldier because he sowed in he arinj , and bci-auso a lonjt tlmo thereafter IP became blind , disabled atul dopendeiit. S'ouo of us are entitled to discredit or cxtiemo toudnincss nnd conbldeia- tlon tow aid those who fought tholr countrj's battles. These aio bontlmcnts common to all good cltlreus They lead tithe ] most benevolent c.uo on the put ol the gov1- ernment and di edb ol charity and mercy in life. The blatant and pilvato noisy pair-as sertion ot these who , Irom motives thai may well be suspeotcd , dcclaio themselves above all olheis fueiidsof the soldlci , cannot dis credit 1101 belittle the calm , steady and alToc- Honatoregaid of a giatoful nation. Legis lation has been at the present session of don- giess peifected consldeiably Increasing the ialo of iicnsion in cenain oasoci Aiipiopilatlons have also been inada ot laigo sums for the support of natlonil liouies whcio sick , disabled or noedv soldloisaio caied tor. and In a low lajs a Ilbeial .sum has been appropriated for he cnlaigcmcnt and Jncieased actomnioda- tlon and conV'pniunco of these institutional H this is no iiioio than should be done ; but with all this , and With the blundcis of special icts which have been pushed. L'inntliiir pen sions In cases w here , lormy p.ut , 1 urn wlllliftc to confess that s > mpathy rather than Judg ment IILS often led to the discovery of tbeie- .atlon between the Injiny or deatii and mill- tan sen ice , 1 am constiaiued by a sense f public duty to inleiposK agaliiRt establishing i pilnclplo and selthm u inectidentIUgli must iL'siilt in umcgulak'd , paitlnl and 1111- | ust gifts of public monc } , under the pietext ol Indemnifying these who sulleied in their means of suppoit ab an Incident of military sci v Ice. A 1110 TWO DAYS' wonic. Thopicbldent has been engaged the past two days lnpcisonall > oxamlulni : ML special pension acts , delivcicd to him Juno ii-J , which , by teabon of the time required by tlio pension uincau lo e.xamlne Its iceoids con' x'ining them , were only roidj on Saturday foi his consldciatlon. Ilo has carelully studied all the facts pi csented In the leports made by the congicsslonal committee. In eacli case and tlio special lopoits incpaiccl for his infouuatlon bv the pension buioaii , which nio Vciy voluminous mid complete. The ic- suit of his Investigation rs twenty bills vetoed and 1W approved and signed , on4 liaviin : bocn locallcd. Dining this session ot congress M5 special acts Imvo become lawa and ninety have been vetoed. Destructive I'orcst FIrcfl. ST. IriKAcn , Mich. , July 0. Tenlblo for est Ihesaic i.iglng along the line of the DC- tiolt , Mickluavv iV Mauiuotto rallioad bi > twcon this city and M aifiuctte. At Nuwlmig stoid-iy liO.OOO cords of wood , bolonplng to the Vulcan Pinnace company , bit i mil , and the fin naco will piobibly bo shut down In conbcrjuence. Uvcninlug Is vciy dry and the liic uUis thioiigntho woods with fcailul rapidilj. Tialns aio dla > cd , and crops aia binning uji lei waul of lain , Tlio QroyMtoiiii Iletrcnt. Kr.w YOIIIC , July 0. becrctaiy Manning and p.uty left Now Yoik jebtciday mornlnE for ( i ioj h tone to vlblt iSamuel J. 'lllden. It Is Manning's Intention to stay In and aiouml Now Yoik for seveial dajb and tholi to go to Albany. _ DjliiK I'or Want of Rain. CiiuiovoAV , Mich. , July 0 , All vegeta tion Is perishing for want of rain. For bov- cial weeks adiought has piev.illcd , and In many plaus joung fiult tioos aio dvlnit. Yesteiday the mercury got up to 107 , the hottest c.xpcilcnccd hcie. Its ctlms to bo mipcrablo , hopeless , e-infnspil , ami depressed In mind , very Irrlta- UP , langnlil , anil diovvny , H It a dlseaso r/iilcli docs not get well of Itself. H requires careful , persistent attention , and a remedy to throw off tlio causes nml tone up tbo dlgc-3- tlvo crews till they jierfoim liclr | duties wllllnely. Hood's ' Harsapullla has proven Just the required remedy In hundreds of cases. "I have taken Hood's Barsaparllla for djs- pep-ila , from vvhlcli I have fiiilTeiud two years. I tried imny other nicdkliies , but none piov tit FO satlsfjctoi-y us llooil's Barsapirllla. " THOMAS COOK , Diuth Utvtrlo Light Co. , New York City. ; ick Headache , 'Tor tlio past two jcars I have boon nffllttid with ( .cyero JicaUaihcs ami d > 5i > ei > . { la. I w is Induced to try Hooil'M Harhai < a illla , : nil Invo fouml ; relief , 1 tliecr- fully recommend U to all. " Mua. U. 1' . A.S.SAJII.I : , hcv > Haven , Coun. 2J Jim. Mary C. Smith , CambrMgcport , Mass , was abiiftercr iioimlysptpsla and blck head. aehc. hho took Hood's hursaparllla and louud U tbo bCbt remedy she ever Used. Hood's c Safsaparilla x Sold by all drtigKlsts. SI ; six for es. cnlby 0. 1. HOtm & CO , Ixiviell , Mass. IOO Dosoa Ono.Dolnr ! j [