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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1886)
THE ( XMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , Jl LY 0 , I8SJ. ( PnOFESSIONAL CARDS. UKVIN'S & CHUHCI1II.I , , N-\V. Cor , 13lh and lotil < H SLs. W. J. CONNT.M , , 3133.11th SlreoL ( SKOUC5B , ATTOIINKY AT fi\w , Vntconcr's Illock , IStli nnd Poiiitlits. ( IKOUIJB S. H Ittfi Vnrnntn Struct. \Vll.SON , .t STIJATTUN , A.TTOIINKV" . romineiclid l.nw nnd .Moreiinlllo rolledloal ft ficclulty. | Oxer Murehunl's National Itatik. I. . I > . EDOI IFIS , Attorney at Law , ItoomS Criii/cr Illockdp | > o lte I'o lolllco. PHYSICIANS. o. s. iiorruA.\ : . i . , Physician and Surgeon , OFFICE. H.W. Cor. 14th and Douglas. Ollleo TeletihoiK' 4ki. ( Ili-ildence'reluphono 142. \V. .B. Surgeon and Physician OFFICE , H.W. Cor. 14th anJ Douglas St , Olllro 'I'cleidione 10' . . llesldeiice Telephone 503 JAMBS II. I'KAIIODY.M. U. , Phynlclnn nnd SurROon. Itepldoncc , No. 1407 Jones Sltect. .ii Illoek , Teletdione , r3ldenee , No. 135. wit. JAS. nncKRTr PllYBIOIAN AND SUIH1F.OV , onicc und Hesldenee , ? ' ! N. ICth St. , II. A. WOUU'.V , M. I ) . , Oniee 14\ll DndftP Street. Teleiihono 4 J. llii-ldfneo 171U Cnpltnl A\e. Tu VAN CAMP M.I ) . , nil Doilico Pt , l t donr wi t i > r P. O. Tnko ole Htor lo rooms 1M third lloor. Telephone No li' . lleMdcnccG ) N. 20th street. Telephone No. 30 I'.M. C11ADW1CK. PhyHlciau and Surgeon , Telephone MO. Oflico3I3 3. Htlist ' It. W. COXNKI.L , M. D. . Ilomccopnthlst , Oillco. ai3S. Htlist. Telephone53J. Dr. J.W. DYS ART MIADI.NCI M'KCl.Xl.IST IN Chronic and Surgical DISEASES. DfflceNWCor.12lhand , , Howard r. t , XKB'R. I SKA . 'IVli'phone 8J. ( Corrospontlouco sollcitctl Cp I'rcsoription.s and tidvicc by letter $2.00. _ Dentists. \VJIINNEKHY * KEIM , Dentists , 1314 FnrnamStroa RESTAURANTS. The Norris Restaurant IB Iho very host entlinr house In the city. Try It mid you will ho Bundled. lillUo. f ire on 110 Auio IC.TI unJ I ! irop ean A $ s-M commutation ticket Tor t3. Tickets for at meals ri.53. Hoard by the week * 5.J3. : Mcul9,25o each. 16th Bet. Douglas and Dodge Sis. MEAT MARKETS. 13th Street Market. Allklml.s or fresh nnd salt menaconst untly on liiind. Poultiy , Kami ) , etc. . In season. K. HKIIIIKUT/ Bo. 13th a ( root Shirt Factory. Omalia Shirt Factory , PH. GOTTHEIMER , Manager. Fine. Shiits and Underwear to Order. BOS Noi til 10th St. Templeton & Whitney , Doalursiu HARD ANU SOFT COAL D WOOD , Itot-U SprlnpN , IlllnoU , ItlUtoiirl uiul lowti SiH C'oal , OlHco 'J18 South Fiftcontli st. Yards Kiyhteuntli and Ir.ard sts. DUNCAN & WALLACE Plumbs , Sloam and Gas Fillers STEAM HEATIXQ A. A.OUJ OUJ , Kstlmntcsfurnlalipd , or nil call porionnly. ; AjfenlHtortUn Imporlnl Oua Mncblne. ilOdml It ) dJtllU HU. DiuiUia NuU o. H. I ITTIS : & co. , Wliok'BUlo And lletnll FINE CARRIAGES , Phaetons , lluguies und Itoud Witzouj.J po cent Biivcd In buylny of us. IO-UU' , Uunl SI , Onmhu , Xeb. Ilrtmch at C'ouueil UhiUs lu > vu. JOILV snmo.vs , FLORIST , All kind * of bedding plants for Etiln. < iiiiiiiousu : : oSTATI : ST , b loc ke North ofL U , WU'Jums' l 03IAIIA MVi : STOCK. Monday Evening , July r > . ( ieneral Very little business was transacted - acted nit the inatket lo-daj. The receipts of .U' ' letday and todayero oltlcmly In the ilnv. ilnv.Cattle Cattle Theiecre none In and nnthlnj ! doiuz. lliiRS The few load * receUcdvcro sold slumts at Saturday's price * . hlieep Tbcto \ > as nothing doing on the maikut. ICIIPTS : > X3 1000 Hliowlnt : tlie iirpvailini,1 prices paid for llvft stwk on tills tnnikct : CliDlco vtwrs , lira lo 1.WOtn \ . S1.00@4.y ) Clinlco Meeix , 1100 to 1HOU Iin . 4.25rt-4.C.O ( . Mrdllini Mceis , P..W to 1SX ) His . VJ.WI.Sl ) I'll ! llttlf steels , HI.V ) to lI'iO IDs . . . 4.00 $ U5 ( ioiid iL'odfrH , 1 ( XI to 1000 Ibs . a.MKs l.5 tifoil to cliult'O < ( * > and lu-llois. . . M.CiOwt.'i : > 1'alr lo medium cows and lielfur.s. . 'AWKii I.W ) ( inod to choinu hulls . i'V < j > ! .7. ) Cliolcu ll hl nnd niediuin lions , , . . . 4.0ifl.rfl : ! ( Sontl to i-linlcv heavy lmjs . 4.40 n I.OJ ( .nod to cliolei ) mised liiua . Fair to Kootl shot n sheep . Itepresctitatlvc Snles. twos. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. M . ' 'U 54.M TJ . 'Jlf. 84.00 7'J . - .MilI.W ( 71 . ' 0 4.IX ) (11 ( . 'JI5 4.CI ) f * . IS 4.W'i ( CS . 'J14 4.IX ) At . : f."J 4.1'ij llnntic nf I'rlcen. SliowliiL'llie hlL-licitniid louevt prices jinlil for mixed loads ot liois on tliN- market il'ir- Inc tliu past u\eii d.tyslth coiup.iratixe values : May June Mondav 28lh. . ! I.V > ( ( Tiu-Mlay aitli. . : W C"-1.C5 SUM ( < t\-M \ Wednesday 30 , J.o : . rtl/r. June July TlmiMlay. 1st. . : i.Vi.m \ 4.1 ! ! } " : & 1.40 l-'ildav , M . . . . ! . ( ( .ti.70 : Sl.,0 : ( < i4.(0 ( Sit ; in ilaj "d. . . . : t.r. < ici.m : ! : ( Monday f > th. . . . : I.M 0'-'i5 ' ' 4.35 ( .Ti.or All sales of stnpk in this marlcet are niatlo percwt. live weluht unliss otlieiwise staled , bead hues sell at V c per 11) lor nil \vclchK "SMnor , ho s welnlilns less than 100 Ibs noutltie. Pieininlso\vsaiu ; : docked 4J Ibj nnd iiass M Ibs. OMAHA AVaoljKSAMS 'MAUICIM'S , General "Markets. Monday Bxenlnir , July fi. Btini Snips \vete innile lodaj at 10'iillc , Hfi The teeelpt.s of butter lnut been nioti1 liberal the pa'st week , but tlieic Is veiy little of It that could lie graded as choice. There is u'ood deinand lor choice table butler , and packages tif all Mich are taken readily bv thelr.ide and at a little stronger juices. In terior 01 poor trades of butter are not \\antcd nnd Inivo tolw disposed of at a very low liKUte. Choice liesli table butter , lO l'Jc ; lair to Kootl , bwlOc ; infeiior , rcitic. ; F l'H'i.ritv ( Doth sprint ; i-hlckens and old fowls have been selling falily well this week. lai.fe ( hinitn ; chickens biinu mind pilces , but small M/es can hardly bo flven away. A few thicks wens leceived this week , but there is not mticli demand for them. Old fowls , per doSJ.T.yi l.00 ; spring chickens , large , per do/ . , S2.fiOi/l.75. ( ! Ciiiititns : : Iteceipt.s have been llijlit of late liberal supplies dm ing the next live or ten davs , Clienies , per li bushel stands , S7.00 ( ; s.OO ; per 10 ( | iiart drawer , Sl.Wiou. Oxioxs California , iier lb , n > ; c ; soutliern , pel bin i el , S4.00 ; bonthctn , per bushel box , Sl.W ) XKW POTATOHR Southern , per barrel , S.00lioinegiowni : ! ; | > er batrel , S2..W. CAIIHAOI : Choice home grown , perJjcrate , SI.Cda5.00. VIIIITAIII.KS : : Tomatoes , per W busbel box , Sl.OO ; wax be.iu.s , per } & bushel box , fiOc : string beans , per # bushel box , G'IO ; eu- cumbeis , per down , G0ific ; c.inots. per do/ . bunches , KKJUMe ; beets , per do/ , bunches , 'M@ " 5" ; celery , Kalamazoo , ] ior do/ , bundles , 40 ( : .0c. PIOH' I'KF.T. Tntrrj , ETC Pigs' leet , per bbl , S4.00 : do , } / bbl. 8'J.OO ; do. tier kit , Wii Lambs' tongues , per } bol , 83.2.r > ; do , per kit , S'J.MJ ; do , quart jars per do/ , S3.2."i ; do , pint jars per ease , 3 iloz. 80.75. Tripe , per } 4 mil S4.00 ; do per # ubl , Si.OO ; do , per kit IHJC. IHJC.KICJ.S AND DATIS ; Fiffs , layer. 4 lb boxes , tier lb , loc. iMtes , tnncy furd , U Ib IKIXCS , lie ; dates , Pcislan , 60 lu bove.s. per lb , lOe. Mns I'ocnns , large polished , lie ; pecans , medium , 'Jc ; KtiKlibh walnuts , He ; almonds , Tairaona. .Oc : almonds , Lanznedoc , ITc ; Itra/.lls , 1-c ; lilberts , 14e ; penuut.s , bniiil plekud , fancy Virginia , S ) < e ; peanuts , hand jilcked. choice VliKlnia , T e ; peanuts. loasted , ' 2c extra per lb. CIMII HOXBV Calllornia , t'c ; Califoinia stinined , 10c ; Nebiaska , choice , U@15u ; Ne braska , datk , 12 > i@jk' : . MAPI.I : SuoAtt Hrlcks , per lb , loc ; lienny cakes , jier lb. 12' < Tc. MAPI.I : .Sviiui' Bulk , 13 to 17 gallon kegs , per Kill , Sl.OO ; cal cans , per gal , § 1.05 ; hiit ; gal cans , tier gal , SI. 10. CIDEH New } oik. per bbl. $7.00 : < lo , half bbl. 84.00 ; dab. " nor dt > 7. < its , $2.75 ; Michigan Kilned , cer bbl. , "SO.OO. VINHOAH White wine. iJ17e : ; cider , 13 ( ffitTc ; bingle sticnyth , 12e ; I'ltovisioss Jlcataaro steadily mlvancltiff. The demand is biisk and prospects favor higher prices. Ham , l e ; oreakfast ba con SKcw'J ; clear side bacon.7lc ; dry salt sides , 7c ; bhoit rib sides , 01 < c ; shoulders. 7e ; mess potk , S12.50 per bbl ; dried beer- ham pieces. ir > e : lard , ticiees , fie ; 60 lb cans , OJ c ; 10 lb cans ( Kali banks ) (5 ( c : 5 Ibcatts , do , O o ; 3 lb cans , do. , 7' c. ] { inniis : A full assortment of bcrtlc.shas been on the market for the past few days , the average quality of which ranged good. Hed and blaeft raspberries , as well as blackberries , aic In good supply and arrive in bmtcr condi tion than In previous years. Strawberries irom Michigan ate cholco and meet with ready sale. Itaspbenies , black , per 2 Uusliel stand , SD.005 ? lO.Ou raspberries , black , per 10-18 fjmiit cTise , Si.COf : < slOO ; strawberries , per 10 qlfttt cTRft , Sl.TSf CvB ; bluSiiTrrlcr , | l r 1 bushel stands. S0.oo@7.00 ; entrants , per 24 . . . . . . . . . . .A .n nn 1 > 1 I > " ? O 4ft quaitease , S1.75@2.40. OIIAXOKS Slocks arc very nmcn reduced and the season Is about over. Theie is noth ing lot ton the market except Los Angeles- and tlio supply is not large. Los Angeles , LIJMONS Lemons are advancing steadily ; the supply Is slum and with hot weather bc- lore. us wo may seoextiemely high liguresyet very high prices seldom pievall befoiu July 4lli , but ofieucr come just alter the 4th , Kaney , per box. SS..10 : 5 box loin , 53.25. WAIKIIMI.'I.O.VS , Tlio llret car of the sea son has just arrived ; they aiu of a choice duality. Watermelons , per 100 , S3.VOO. ( JIIIIN : Ai'pr.r.s Lawn lots of green ap ples arecomlng in U bushel boxes by express , Tin ) Hist eat load of green apples In baircls will bo hoio about July 1. lurlne tliee.trly part of tlie be.tsoti the market fluctuatc.s rin- teiially and quotations therefore ate unrelia ble. Apples , red June , per Jtf bushel box , Si " " : green , pur K bushel box , l)0c. ) C.VI.froIJ Ii J iiurra-Heooliits are more llbcTal ni1 ! " " .f'sd ' nl"'s-r3 ' cau on rtllod more readily and w'l'tliletter block. Afc''utaUl'r ' crate , 4 baskets , Sl.ftO ; apncots , 6 crate lots , per crate. Sl.'Jfl ; peaches , per box , S2.2.V peaches , o box lots , per box , 1.00 ; plums , jicr crate of 4 baskets , $2.75 ; plums , G crate lots , per crate. fc'J.50. KANANAS Dananas are very good and \eiy cheap now. liannnas , per bunch , ns to size , 3iOO.j : .W. CuroAM'Ts ' Cocoanuts.perlOO , S.'i.tX ) ; less than hundred , per 100 , Sr.VX ) . JHANS : Infctior stock * . 7r > c@i.oo ; cooa clean countrv. Sl.iV41.50 : medium handpicked - picked , S1.SO(41.40 ; hand-picked navyMO@ Ki.ot'ti AND Jtii.i.sTUFr.s Winter wheat Hour , best quality patent , S.'UXl ; second riualltj' , S2.50ijJ.75 ( ; best quality spting wheat rtonr , patent. S sa-tt-iOO ; bran , 50c per cwt ; chopped feed , ( Wo per cwt : whlto corn meal , We ; yellow corn meal , bOa per cwt ; seiecnltiff , ( XJc per cwt ; hominy , 551.50 jtercwl ; shorts , 55o per cwt ; graham , S1.7o : Iiav. In bales. SS.OO per ton. Wool. Medium , l@l ! c per Hi ; flno heavy , 10Ci HnliintPJ iSc ; coarse , 12Ql4c ; burry wool. 2@5colf , HiDKb Gieen butchers' , CVfo ; green cured , 80 ; dry Hint , UMlSo ; dry salt , ifolOc ; damaged - aged bides , two-tliirds ptlce : tallow , Scft ( : > 4ej grease , pi i uio whltn , lie ; yellow , 2obtown ; , IWo ; sheep | > clts , 2. > @ 70e. au leather LKATIIKII I'linio slaughter solo leather , SaCaSic ; prime oaK golu leather. t0r ! { 3iic. bpper leatlier , per foot , 'JOiiy-iae ; i\em. kii,75tiAo | : oak kip , b.Xrf'Jto ; Vrench KII > , S1. X < U.U ! : hem. calf , Sl.W&il.lO ; oak calf , Sl.OOQl.2.5 : French calf. 81.25l.KV Morocco boot lejr,30 , < 23-Jc ; Morocco oil pebble , 243jc ; toppings and llnlncs , SiJ.OOcnlO.oo per do : . UIAVHAHUWAUI : : Iron. rate- , . S2.T ! ; plow bti'd.siKi'hil cat. t. 4u : crncibio steel , Cc ; cast tools do , 12 < i l8c ; wagon bpoke , j > cr set , SI.7rx < UOO ; hubs. IKT pet , Sl. ' ! * > ; felloes , sawexldrj. 51.40' longuts. caeh. 7V : ale * . eachTOo ; square ; nuts pr 11 i < ttlle : coil wile , In rai lots , $1.00 per 100 ilb * . Iron Nails , rates , 10 to 00. S1.50 : steel nails. VJ.05. Shot SI.W ; buchshol. Sl.V , ; otiental powder. lcj ! ttn.50' ) : do , half keg-i. sf'iOOr do , quatter kt'ns , "I.-IO ; blastlnc. kegs , t3. ! ; fuse , pet 100 feet. ftO" . Lead Uar. 5l.Vi. ( r.MN-TsiN ( In.-Whltelead. ( imalia , P. I' . , 7'e ' ; white lead , St. Louis , puio. § 7.75 ; Mar seilles giecu , I to .1 Ib cans. ! Me ; Trench zinc Cieen seal , lie : l'teneli.Inc. . red < eal. lie : French /me. Inninl li asst. 20c : 1'ieneh 7lin,7.'ceiinilllon : , American , IN * ; Indian to-e ( link , lie : Venetian ted. Cootc- . 1 H 111 I 1 1 I. I II ll | ; * ' 114 111 U dllllVlHillIt t \ Vintt't'mliH'inl. . . " , ! > : l.otileti hrnwii , u > Smr | li hio\\n , J'.jio ' I'ritiei1' ' * mineral , ; io. 1) . . , I' iMTi-WliIti' lend. S : lioiieninn. . \\liitinir \ , UV1liltltttt. ; . Kl ' latiiitilnck. | ( icr- iinintowii , lvc ! : InnipliliK-k , onliimry. N ? ; I'lif-siitti blue. .V5c ; ulttntn.irinc , ISvnn ; - il > Kc , blown. HI'tiinbor. . bin lit. lo ; nniliuf , law , ! ( ; sienna , bin nt , Ic ; sltMinn , raw , < ; IMtlimi'oii , uiMuiinc. iV : I'.irls an'i'ii , cum- tinin. 'J.V : I'litonii'iireon. N. Y.iOc ; ciiiotnu Ulceii , K. . 1'Verinllllon ; , ICinilHh , til nil , 70c ; taw ami bin nt itinhor. 1 Hi. rain , VJc ; law ntnl liiiMlblciiiKi , l-.V ; vantljki1 , hiu\Mi. Uio ; ri'lltiotl Ininpbliiuk , ! , ' < : cojrh blncl ; niul ivory bliifk. UV ; ilrop black , ICc ; I'russlnti lilui' , IUc ; iiltiiiiiniilno liliR1 , ISo ; cliroine L'R'i'ti , L. , > ! . A1) . , 1IV- : blind anil sluitier > rreuii , U. , M. .t I ) . . IlkI'dtls ; RICCII. Ibc ; Indian ted , ISc : Vvnotlnn n-d , l o ; TIHOUII Wo ; Anicrlrnncrmllllon , I. . JB D. , 'Mo : yellow ochre , o ; 1 , . M. & O. IX , ISf.Ruoil ocbre , IUc ; iintontilr > ur , Sc ; gtnlnlng ciilor. llirbt < M ! ( , daik ink , walnut , cliustntit anil ash.'e. . Dm ( is Axt ) CmMir : AI. < Acltl , raibollc , 'We ; will , lai talk1 , .Vfc ; .tni copaiba , per Ib , 4'e ; , M.issafias. jiof ll , H'c ' ; caliincl , per Ib , T.V : vliltu'liunliua , pec otoe ; clilnio- iorin , per Ib , f > 0e ; Dovoi's nowilers , per Ib , $ l , " > ; ( ' | Mom salts , iicr Ib S'io ; Klyci'ilni1. pnio , pot1 Ib , li < e ; trail , ncoUtu , per Ib , i0c ! ; oil , c.f-inr , N'o. I , pur trill. , S1..W ; oil , castor No. B , pur ( , 'al. , SI. Id ; oil , olive , per pit. , S1.-IO ; oil , oriLMiimnn , 5Uu ; opium , su.-lO ; ( ( iilnlnc. I' . AsV. . nnd K. AS. , pero/ , liiil.i > , Nliiin loillne , per Ib , $3.00 ; Milicln , per olOo ; Mllplmtu nioriihlne , peroS2.00 ; stll- plini , per Ib-lc ; htrycliulne , per oS1.H , : ) . VAHNMHHKS Harrels , per gallon : Fnrnl- ttiio , i-xtra , SI. 10 ; tinnltuto , N'o. 1 , $1.00 ; coach , cxtiaSUOroacli. ; N'o. 1 , SI.'JO ; la- ) niar , extra , S1.7 * > ; , 70o ; asplinlttun , \tjti. . .lisc ; shellac , Si.5'J : ' ; bant oil litiisb , * .SfiitiTS UoloL'tio spirits , 1S3 proof , SI. 12 ; do 101 pioof , SI.13 ; spirits , second nunlltv , 101 | irool , 51.12 ; do 1S1 ptool , 81.11. Alco- liol , iss prool , W. 10 pur wlno pallon. Kcills- tlllwl wbUklcs. Si.oociji.eo. ( iin bluiitled , Sl.r,0 ( < ( J.K ( ) ; Kontiicky bouibons. SO.oO ( < irt.on : ' , . , . lliMiivr > m v * * v/lifciiv/v \ line * , tin | jui luiif v it * * * * ( aO.OO ; domestic. S1.&V' $ < .00. Uumi , im- jKirted , Sl.ftOYnaoo ; NewKiigland , $1.7xc ; 2.00 ; domestic , Sl.25' < M.OO. Champagnes , ini- ] Kited , tier ease. % 2S.OO ( < i'U.OO : ; , pet- case , 810.00 10.00. l > ry Goods. PttiNrs American , 5'je ; Arnold's , Oc : Co- clicco , fie ; Manchester , lie ; Lynuui , r > c ; ( Hon- ee.ster. r > i < ; e ; Dmmell Jacquaid. fie ; Dunnell , flj c : \ \ Intifcur , ( ic : I'acltic.Gc ; lluimon , 4c ! ; Anchor Shirtings , 4Je ; ; Mcnimac Shirtings , iy v\ \ vik'iwlck. . IHTK ( Unbleached ) 8m. Magnolia , tOe ; 10 Magnolia , I''c ; s o/ . West Point , 10'c ' ; 10 1'olnt , V. e. BHOWN Uoriox I.awicnco LIfie ; Shaw- inut } , L. oo : Heaver Dam LL , ! > c ; Atlantic } , { t , lie ; Indian Head , 7c ; Wanchusset , ( iJ4e ; Ciown XXXtiJ < c : Clilton CCC , GcUtIca ; CCO 4i4e ; Atlantic P , ii c. TicKixub Amobkeag ACA , 12le ; Thorn- tlyKo OOO , 73fe ; Thmmlyko laucy , U'-fc ' ; Yolk. 10 > fe ; York latiev , 12Vc ; Millmry , 13'-oo ; IVail Klver , ll'/c ; Hamilton , 12e ; Switt Hiver , 0c ; ShetnoKct S , bUe ; .Slic- tuekct SS , fl'tfc ; Montank AA , llc ! ; Montauk 1JB , llci Omega , ACA , l.'ic. UITK ( eolotcdl Hoston 9 oz brown and brit ; > . lH'ai1 ' ; Boston O 11 brown anil drab. XXX brown and drib : , IIMe ; 13ostoti U 1' blue , HKc ; Waiieut Tricot , i : e. HLIACIIII : : > COTTOXS Farmers * cholco. KC ; Cabot , OVc ; Hope , 7c : Hill 4 1 7Kc ; Hill % , r fc ; Lonsdale , So ; Fruit , 8C ; Wama- .sntta , 10jc. COIIKT JKAXS Kcarsarec , 7c : Armory , 7e ; 1'eppcrcll , 7 } < c ; Indian Orchard , Gc ; Nanmkeas , 7c. CIIBVIOTS Amoslcoa ? , ciiecks,0 > .jc ; Amos , keaa. stripes , S' ' e ; Slater , stripes , & ; Edln- buifj , 0 } c ; Winttendon , stripes , be ; ( jlcn- io-e , 'Jc ; Otis , checks , 9Vc ; Otis , stiipcs , Oc : Hoyal. 0 fc ; Amoskeag : . napjied , lOMc ; Lu- rabook loltl , l-o ; Obcron , book fold , ll > e ; Kniimaiicc , book told , 12c. Dr.Ni.Ms Heaver Cteek AA. lie ; Heaver C'rcvlc Hll , 10c ; Beaver Creek CC. Ue ; .laiVrey XX , lle.JallrcyXXX ; , We : Jalln-y I ) &T , 1'J' c ; Columhlau. WKc ; Yoik , 13c ; York , fancy , 1'i' ' 'e : 1'vcrctt , JIayiuakors' \ blue and Lioun , TJ c. Grocers' Ust. Piciti.ns Medium , in bbls , 55.00 ; do In halt bbls , Si.OO : ; small , In bbls. SO.OO ; do In bait bbls , Stt.50 ; he.rklns , in bbls , 87.00 ; tto in half bbls , S4.00. JlATCtiKS I'cr caddie , ! S3c ; round , per ease , Sl.OO ; square cases , 81.70 ; mule square , Sl.lM. St'n A its Powdered , 7e ; cut loaf , T o ; granulated , fic ; confeclioners * A , oHc ; standard cxtta C. CfttO'i.c ' ; extra C , O feOc ; medium yellow , ( > % ( sr * .fc. Dinni ) Fui'iTS ' No /juartcr apples , In < , \s ' ' ' ; raspberries new , l ! 520c ; cuirants' ' asi cnruncs \ , now , 4J.ji-JJc. ( iitAfKins : ( iarncan'R soda , hnltor and picnic , r ' < jc ; eieams , 8)40 ) ; ginger snaps , 8'tfc ; cltv boda , 7j < Jc. SODA In lb papers , S.l.S.'i a case ; salsoda , kcc , per lb , i'4c. ' tjMtri'-No. 70-1-Kalloii KPPP , Sl.OO ; New Oilcans , : ! x < ? icc per callon ; Maple Sytup. } f bancl , httietly puio , 7t/o per gallon ; 1 gallon cans , Sil.'jJ iier do1/ . ; } { gallon cans , S5.'J5 per iY t Bi cT ffr * ' * * * * Mitror gloss , 1 Ib , fie ; Miiror gloss , : i Ib , .We : Mirror gloss , Olb , ( > Kc ; ( irave.s1 corn , 1 Ib , OJj'e ; Klngsfotd's corn , 1 Ib , 7c ; Klngsford'H gloss , i ) b , 7c ; Kinirs- fold's gloss , fi Ib , 7'ip ' ; Kinshfotd's pure , alb. CoFi'mis-Oidlnarygiaiies , IQi c : fair , 11@ lliic ; prlmo , Il } < jf < * f2c ; choice. l'Jl4lHe ! ; tancy green and yellow , lK ! ) < lUI'iic ' ; old K V- ernment Java , ! ioyJiX" intetior Java. IH'tf&J ' 20e ; Moeha , ' ( WJle' Aibucklti's roa tcif , IWc ; Mchaushlin's XXXX loastcd , 144c ! ; Dllwotth's , 14c ; Itcd Cross , 144'c. ' SOAPS Kirk's Savon imperial , S2.70 ; Kiik's satinet , 83.00 ; Kirk's standaid , Sii.Oj ; Klrk'Bwhlto Itusslan. S4.00 ; lllrk's White Can , Sd.50 : Dome. SHOO ; Washboaid , S3.10. CANNIID Coons Oysters , standard , per case. S3.40 ; btrawbeiiies , 311) per case. 88.50 ; rasDlieirlcb , aibpcr case , S2.W ; California pearfc , per case , 54,40 ; aptleots. per case , 84.40 ; peaches , per ease , 84,40 ; while cherries , per case , 85.tK ) ; plums , per case , § 3,00 ; blno- herries , | icreaso , S2.25 ; egg plums , < ! Ib , per ease. S'J.W ; pineapples , 3 lb , per case , 83.20 CANin.ns Uoxes.lOlhte , lOKc ; 8s , lOjrc ; IjnxCX , 40 Ib , lOoZ/fls , io , ' < C ) half l'9X ' , 20 lb KWc. T CANDV Mixed , O > ' i2c ; stick , OJilOc. { JAI.T Uray loads , p'er bbl. Sl.riSfAsliton , In saoks , S.UiS ; J hacks. Aston , B3c ; bbls , dairy , S2.W@-J.75. SPICKS ( irotuid lllack pepper , boxes , 'JO © .Me ; allspice. , 12@li > u ; cinnamon , l&i$2.- ; coye.s , Ct' c ; uln er , 15i ( Xi ; mustatd , 15@ 2.'K ! . TKAS ( itinpowiler , fair , 2037 ; good. 4WJt ! 55c : choice. OO T.'KI ; good Jmpjihil. 4U4to : ; choice , fiflM70o ; Young Hyson , good , .Su\gi5c : choice. Sog-Oe : Oolong , L'ood , a MOc ; Oo- long , choice. 40GuV : Kngiish bieaklast good 'eaulftlngs. ISc , FINI : CUT Hard to Heat , 70e ; Charm ot the Wc t , COo ; Fountain , 70c ; Golden Thread , OTc ; Favorite , OOc ; UttiU , 50c ; Iloeky Moun tain. ttc ) ; Fancy. I'ic : Dalsv , 40c : Noith Star. We ; food ! luck , We ; Our Uest , C2 > < cj Uood News , Me. Dry 1'Uinbor. IIOAIIUS. No , 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , Hand Id ft S17.00 No. U " " l'.1'14 audio tt 1S.OO No. 3 " " 12,14 and 10 ft 13.00 No.4 " " 12,14 and 10 ft. . . . . . 11.00 1IIMKNF1OS [ . AM ) TIUUI.IIS. rt'io ' t'i8 ' ' ft's ' n\si \ jis nju f tt'-jo : n ST 'iTw i5.7b Mw "iriw'ts.w ' wa Sxi > . . IVlUlSUJltitil IflW ) IT.OOi'OOO JI.CO . 18 , , , li.Hlil6.IiJr ! < .W 1G.W.17.5U 19.O ) 0 SO 2\10 15..V ) l. W IS.W IB.uu'lT ' M iatO JI.50 'II- , . . 1550 15.50 15 M 10.MTU M 20 W21 M . . . IS50ii.50 , 15fXUU.SO.17 hJ Ih.MilU.SU No. I. 4 , v 0 liifb. 1-i nnd K ft , , roil ill .No. 1. 4 .tOim-li/lUrf , . ioitih ; 1T.OO .No. - ' , 4 r.llieh2nnd ] 14 ft. , touch. . . 14.00 > 0. V , 4 \ 1 ! lltcll , 10 ft. , 15.00 A StnuJnnl. ( . . ' . . .J. . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 5-Inch clear . . . , < l..Vi ( i-lnchelear i U'O No. 1 l.'Jo l.iith 2.1 t'l.OOIIIMI. A Olnchliitu iilne , .savoo in. inch. ' ; ; , . 8R.OO CO Inch , . ? . : > o 1)0 ) Inch , i , ' . 1XI.W KCIncli , " : , 17..V ) " 'lot K A 13 Inch , . 1 s. , W , II nnd IB ft $ -10.00 H 1'i Ineli , " { ' (2.00 ( 0 12 inch , " \ > MM I ) 12 Inch , -i t < 2 are No. 1 Com. 12 ln.s. 1 . 12 , 14 and id "it. 1 MM ) No. 1 " " ' Hi , is nnd so ft. . iy.oo No.'J 12 ! lu. and Wit. , lfi.0 I'lsh. IIKIUIIMI- ! . _ _ " "HI1H'l lll yr Kt -1M KM IK1 M 11 Miinn' < S < t.Nnt 1/bfi M 8 ' . ' . . 'J n I t7 1 40 : > : M I.'tfu Ulh'd Kntiej 5 ( HI : t tOS 7.1 I Ki 1 ill , .Ml U I.'K ll'd sh'ro l"cy 6 00 a to , ' 75 I " . I ill U } 4' , " i nsu. _ _ _ ' " " - . HlU'lll IttiN O'lIUiNT > nll < l-"l\TlH M-W Hilt. I AU , 100 W fi'l 4(1 ( til IS II ) Norwi-jflHii I ' 1 I KKK Hi-r'nifi IS rofi r > ! i6 neil : ioy 70 . ft ! Nmuoxhin ; I i I I I KK Hi'li-'llifS H I" " TOS 4S 3 ( ttS M | . sr , Hrlilllntrs. jj 0j)4 ) 6J 4 tiJJJ w [ JM OH IX ) Htt KKUKI. ' "illhl il-tir llhls Iff llbl TKf MW ! I'lSII at ) 1W ) TO , il'J ' 40 10 llloater .Me .s. . . itTi Ol ) 18 in ) 111 - * > ! ' ( ' > 7 " 11 1 01 Kx No. t Shore. . , - t iKii ! > tan : i.ii ; > 101 tu No. 1 Shore. 1 ! > IW 0 M ) 8 ( )4 W3 ' .H ) I ID Med. No. 1 Shore. 1:1 : IKII 7 to , fi : ni : MS tn v. " " liny. . . . n iw ! o o r , 4-ii ; o : > 2 so 75 Iirjo : 1'niiilly. II O.V fi INIi 4 Vi'S ' 552 10 ( hi 1'ut randl.\ , 7 noi 4 oo a in' ' ) ! 70 I. IKK Klsll. lhl I"lP | Ki Kilt 40 IU | lt ) No , t White Pish. ( I ( X ) ft 40 ! 1 .TO Tro 1 f K ) 1'nmlly White I'lgh. ( I t l S 70 1 70 I "H ! fi'l1 r.'i No. 1 Trout . . : i 75 ; i : n s 17 1 H ) I'M 7 No. 1 Picket fl . S 00 1 0 1 I in1 40 lIollandliciilng.Vc ; smoked lutlTbnl. To1 , c ; Yarmouth bloaters , Die : new sculi-d licningi , tSTJlBUSHED USED IN ALL PAnlSOFTHE WORLD Uej and Prim on appllrntlon. Sold by lithe beil ( , > rrUci > liullilcrsund lirnler * . CINCINS'ATI. II. S . A. atilp AJlTcss. COO ( JIN. Mrs7Dr H N , , , Taylor Has hud n yenrs' hospital prnetiee ; ( rived Iho sumo pruetleo nnd treatment used in the lies hospitals. Kldiiy ! illceasos nil lilood mill sKIn dl-eusc a Bpcclalty. ( Tlccrut Ions , old M > IL > S , nil I fever sotes euicd. Trcntmont ) > v correspond ence Bollellcd. Oftice and Rcsldcnce-Nlo. 2219 California Street , Omaha , Neb. _ WOODBRIDGE BRO'S ' State Agents jro'sPianos ' Omaha , Neb. Hardware , Tinware , CUTJLIHIY , TOOLS A\ STOVES Special attention irlven to Spouting : nnd Job , lllHSuuudcrsSt. Legal Notice. fi BOllGK SINCLAIH und Ollvo P. Flncliilr. his VJT wife , non-regldont dufondftiitH. will tuko notice thai on the 1st duy or June , 1SSQ , Milton llindrix , plulnttll , herein , tllo.l his potltlon In the District Court of Uouglns count ) ' , Nebras ka , iiffdlnsl sal.l duremlantii , tnu object nnd prnyor or which uro to oampel the BpoclHo per- lorinimeo ot n written contract to convey to biild plulnllir Uy qnlt-elilm deoJ the loHo\vlny : lots In the toxvn ol Kloroncx in mid county , to- wit : Lot 2 , block II ; lot 2. Mock 82 ; lot 2 , block 2ft : lotH , Iiloek57. the con ldcrnllon lor which hart been fully paid hy said plalntllT to s.'Ud deVon - Von in o required to nnswrr snlu petition on er lieforo the 121 h dny of July , 1HMJ. Dated Omalm , June l."l. IS O. .MII/ro.N HRNDlUX. Phdntlir. Ily CONODON , CI..MIKSON & HUNT , HH Attor neys ino-ii-y-ic- ! ; i WHO IS UN4CCMIHTCD WITH THE CCOanjkPHV OF THIS COUNTRV Wll L SEC 0V EXAMININO THIS MAP THAT THE CHICAGO.nomSLfiNDa PACIFIC RAILWAV , . . , , , IIH Ulltl ( ' 111,11,11 f * 1IIC Ulli ? * lltlJ < cuntlilcnlal link In Hint KYttciit or Ilituiiv iatlon \vlilcli InVltf * nixl rncllttrit.1 ! * trii t _ . . . * letween Pltl * or iliotluullu ntl racinc Cunntf tt l aUutlic fHturltn niul l i > troiitu tounLlIroni polnta F.ttl , KoVtneix t nnj fjoutlionpt aii'l corH pondlUff points \Voil , Nglli | Hit und HiMilliUftt , The Crent Rook Island Route Oimruletii lt > patrnnt tliKt ( nun or i > rrion l rccu. rlty tfuilfrt hy Hlll , , ihoiniiflilv bullnfinl rnnit- Iwl. month Ir.icLn of c.iilinuoi ; , tKti r ll. mt , tuq . i route are Tranifi > rb at all roiini'CIiliif i in Unloq l'ci ' > ot . Mii tin ) un > iiri > iiM l rr-a Tialn Wwfeh ChlcuBn nJ The Famous Albert Lea Route DlllhCT tlVK. li flcnc n < t Kan. kikfe , lilnlircn oi nc < l lH-iwr n I'lnriniutl , Jiiillnn- poll * anil Lravritp.aDi | Vuiinrll Uluffi , Ken L Clly , MlnnpapolU mid bt. iVul.Viul lulf rninlUlo iiulnli. ( or ilctalltd liirormitiuii ca > Upi und fulilern , obtalnalili , , 01 well u < ilckett , nt rll iirlnclpal'llcVi t Olllrr In the L'ultad bUU'O olid Caiiiini ur by il- drotlng , H. R. CABLE , E. ST. JOHN , Pr 't & Ueu'l ' ' ( ' ' ' . ' M't'r , Kn'l T'ht & I'm. . * g't , Job Printing. IIEE3 I'JtINTJNti CO. , Job Printers , Book Diaders , And Dlank Hook Manufacturers. lOO-lOS South Fourtoeutti St.-a ] Flour and Feed , W.J.WCIJSIIANS& CO. , Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain , Manufacturerof w. J. Wclblmns JtCo.'s Quick Halbintf lluckwheal tlouruiid prof rictorH Omaha , City MUle , cor. fcth and I'urnaiu fatrceta. Oniuhft. Beer , KKATINCi. gent lor Anlieuser-Busa Brewing Ass'n ' Spcotal brundi 1'uust , Uudwolsor , iitliuigvr OM&HA KUWA&TUHERS. Bock Binding El ? . " * * ItrKSPHIVMNC CO. , Printers , Book Binders , And Illnnk Hook MnmifmMni r . N.i * . 103 and _ ia- < south Hill StU't , I'tnaliii. ' N'l I' . _ BridcesStCiint Pile Drivmjj. _ UAYMONM ) A- HlKfiiieri-s nnd ( "ontrnrtnrs. Brgcs , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving Iron Comhliintlon niul llono TriiM llrld ies , IMIInir nnd Oak Timber. IJtli t. , nenr Kniimtu , Telephone No 731. Cigars and Tob.icco. " " " " " " " " - MAX Miviu : : A. co , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , ( ill us n lid Aniiiiuni"in. | L'l.'i Id L''H Soiilh ttih Sticel , ICCOto 1ICI ratnainStieet , Onmlia Ni < t > , l.NTEII-OCB VN ntlAH TC1Olir. . WIST A nilTSCHKll , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And \Vliolcpnl i lenlri in l.i-nr Toluicrm Nos. ! 0s nnd no N. lltli sum. Onuihii. Nob. w. i. for the Stunufaeturers nnd Importers , Crockeiy , Glassware , I/fltnps , Clilnmojs lito. Olllee , : il" Soutb nth Stieet. Omnlift Nub. c. s. ( ioomucii t rb Afcnts lor P. A. Whinny 1'iiiiliuo Co. Children's Carrlagss , And Jcwctt'a Culubrati'il ItBrnitcr.tiort. Heu or prlco Hats. 1111 Rirmiu at , Oiri'i i. O. S. PKTTIS iV CO. , Wholsale & Retail , Fine Carriages , Ptinpti > n . Hnniilc niul llnnd Wniton" . 'Jil i > cr rout avi-dln l > uj\agot \ \ . IWHtn-nK. lr.iiil Mruvt , UniHli'i. NcMii > l..i. llrnncluit CnmiiMl HliiITs , ! . Cornices. Eagle Cornice Works. .lohn llpcnoter. Proprietor. JIiiiinrni.tnier of nalxanlred Iron and Oorniro. 'Ml Dodrc ; and 101 mid 105 North 10th Street , Omnuu , Nub. KDKMP1NU & liOU'B , Mnnufacturcraof Oi-uaiuLMital Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , rinnls , Kto.niOS. 12lhSt. Workdono in uny part ol the cuuntiy. Western Cornice Works , C. PPKCHT. Proprietor. tnlvnnl/cd Iron Cornleep. Kte. Specut'.s lm > pioved Patent Mctull'o glQ-light. uOb nnd 51JS. jJJth St. . Oiunlia.Nct. _ _ _ _ Doors , Sash. Etc. The Gat8 City Planing Mill. Door ? , Sash and llllnild. Al o nil Xliuli of tinning. Keroll und Stair oil > or o\cry de scription. Mnnurnuturcr and Dealer In Doors Sash Blinds Etc. , , , Mouldings , . Stair Hulls n ppcclallv Telephone No. 'J4- J..tli nnd .Muror t-tl. . Omuhu , Neb. Electrical Supplies. " L. W. WOLI'E i CO. , KluctriL-iaiH , Electrical Supplies , Mafonlc niock , Oinuha. Iluivlnr Alarm * . HrlK I'lio Alarms , Vcctrlu Mattlntr , Sjicaklin , ' Tubm , Iron Works. I'AXTON * VIKKhlNC IKOVVOR5 Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ion Stuirx , Kulllnir , Itollfd lleuins and Uinlers Stcnin UiiBlncs , Hra s Woik-Qoiieral foundry Machine ) and Hluck'mlth Work. Ollioe and Works , U. ) ' . Hy. and S 17th St. iron ard Nails. "OMAHA NAH.Mfn'AcrnuNa co , Cut Mails and Spikes , Flro Kails n Svlaity. \ . Ojnnlui. Nob. Safes. Omaha Sife Y/orks / , G. ANnnr.EN. Manufacturer or Klro and llurtflar Proof Sure * , Vault Doors , .lull Woik. Slintier.s nnd Wlio Work. Cor. lltli and Jaelson St . , Onnilia , Neb. V/ajronj / and Carriages. EEiabllshed 1S.V ) . A. ' . SIMPSON , The Leading Carriage Factory , HCflnnd UU Dodge Street , Ouiuha , Nob. Commlssloni Etc , M. 1HJKKE 4 , SONS , Live Stock Commission ( ieo. Ilinko , Manaifer. Union Stock YunU , S. Oiuuliu. Tolo.ihono 58 ! ' Union Stock Yards Company , OF OMAHA. Limited. John IMlovd , Superintendent. fjAVAUK & CUIKV : , Live Stock Commission Merchants. Shi , incuts of tiny and iillklndHof Mock solicit _ _ i'd. Union ht-ek Vnrdn.Uinnlitt , Neb. Lumber , Etc. ' ' IJOVIS HUAUFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lims , SASD , Doors , Etc. YnrdH Cor. 7th nnd Cor. Ulli uiul MANUFACrrUllING CO , . Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , MouldinusfttalrVoik and Interior Hard Wood rinlhli. .Ini-t opened , N K , cor. fcth nnd Leuvon- w orth Streets , Omalm , Neb. CHICAGO LWIIICn COMPANY , Wholesale Lumber , EH S. Ktb Bliect , Omuha , Nulj. 1' . Colpotzcr , - ' C. N. DIRT ? * Lumber , JtHh and California Street0 , Omnhn , Noli , 1'UED W , QUAY , lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Cor. Gtu und Douglas Streets , Omuhu , Neb , GEO. A , IIOAGJ.AND Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , Omaha , Nebraska. CIIAS , 11. LKK. Hardwood Lumber , War-en Block , Tancy Wooile , lliIJ o i.c. , H. W. Cor. Vth und UouKlas.Oinahu , Neb. G. P. LYMAN , Dealer In Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouidl5& JltUldliur Pupor , Etc. South 13tii iitroet , OQnaa. NcbruKku. Flih , Etc. N l-'ifsll ! ( > , ' EucceshOrs to Ickcn Sicmttcn i Co. Wholesale Fish Dealers , Importers of Toroton Ki li , Nos , SI1-U13 Jone * * = Btrr-t nnd k' 1'.Track.OmahaKub.-i , j Confection ry. F. I' . KAY & CO. . Manufacturing Confectioners , JobbPibCf KnilLs.N'ttb and Clari , I'aipam tit. , Ouiahu.'iel ) . HGl OMAHA JOBBERS' UiRECTQRY Agricultural Implement s , r ' rrAKLis. . oiU'Nnnhi r Anriv , \VlioKs. .0 Pciilpr * in Agricultural Implements , Wagons nnd IHiifKlrc.Otimha Nt'b. _ lMU'ltcHII.1 , 1'AUKKU , WlicliMli Diirirr 111 Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Hntrplc < . ,1 < nr M. , bet. Wh and n , Nib. Boots and Shoes. , . . 1-- . . . . . . \V. V. MOlfK A CO. , Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , JlllFnrmimPtrcM't.Omalin. Neb. Miinufnctorjr , Suinni.'i'StU'ci. lloatoii. Carpets. _ _ " " " " " " w > P. A. OUCIIAHn , Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , MMIInps , Curtnln tloocS. Ktc. , H Slioi-t , Olliiilili. N--I . Co.-J , Lims , El.- . Coat Coke , Lime and Stone. ) oc,213S. Ulli' t. , Onmlin , Nib. ViinJn , "Ui tuivl D * " NH11UAPKA , Shippers of Coal and Coke , SUP. Wtli St..Oinnnii , Nrl ) . . ,'rcMd'iit. ' ( Ho. f Tn : , ) Oro. VArrrtt'os. Poc nnd Ti ea . 3.11. lln.nruT. T.A. Ho.ui. Pioprletor. MniuiKcr , Nebraska Coal and Lime Company , OMAHA. NltlU.\SKA. : OIHcc , SH f. UlliSticct. Tclt pliono < . CEO. K. I.AiiAnii. Pii'i. C' 1' . ( iooiiv'AN.V.Pics. J. A. Sl'Mil III.AMI See. nnd Tu-ae. Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company , Jobbers of Uid nndot \ ioii | , li9S. 1M St. . Oinnlia , Neb OMAHA COA1 , ANH PllonfCU CO. Hard and Soft Coal , Eiclukivc dealers In llouldrr Coloiado Conl.517 I outli Utlibtrpel. _ CofTee and Spices. IJATICS. COLH vMUS ; : , Home Coffee and Splca Mills MTg Co. Colli'O Uoiihtris and HpU-o < ! nider . limn I IncluicfBor Unking Powder , rinvoiinc r.xtiiiBts Hlulnif , etc. Tryons cneejif our l-b pncltHirn lloinu Illcnd lloastud Coffee. 1C09 Howard St. , Cinulift , N'cli. CI.AllICK llltOS. .VCO. , Omaha Coffee and Spice Hills. Ten" . CofTee" , Splcivj. llakliis iMwder riavorliiR Cx tract s. I.nnndry Illun. Ink , ole. 111MU llnr- nej Street , Onmhn , Neb _ Commission , Etc. _ " " HKANCH & CO. , Wholesale Frnits , Produce , Oysters , 1121 KiiniHin St , , Oinnhn. Apple'-- Our < iwn , .ack- Ing Platt A : I < i Tlfrrr llriinit O.s > toi. , Hutlur. KffKf , Guniti , I'liultrj , Potatoes. _ _ - JOHN I' . FIiAVK , Genera ! Commission Merchant , Produce , 1'iovMons I'mils. I'lourund IVod , lOTi H. HtliSt.Oir.ahn , Neb. Consignment * folk-lltd. inndu Liroi' li. .Mf JOXALI ) . COMMISSION MERCHANT. 815 VJIh Stiert , Oinu'ia. Nub. Specialties : lint- ter l fr p , and ( 'hlckuii > > - _ " ' \Vir.DKMAN & CO. , Produce Commission Merchants. Poultiy , lluttvr , ( nino. l'rulti > , ite. : a.'OH. Mill St. , llniiili.i , Nobruitka. 11HOS. , General Commissioa Merchants , , Omnlia Neb. Conlgnm nla Solicited. W. K. ItlDDKI , ! , , Storage and Commission Merchant. Sw.ciu.TiCh I'liocfc. llntler KUK . Ponltiy Hint Ilnino , 112 & Hlli. , Omaliii , Neb. Tele- plmno No. 35j. \VF.KKH , V MIUAJtU > , Storage and Commission Merchants. I'oro.Vn nnd Doino-ilic l < Villts itxpcrlnlly. Kl- CKiint bloinnu t'uclllllcWnrnhousu and ofllco , 111 Noith lUtb ft. Telep'.iono 7T5. _ D. A. : iUUU3V , Commission and Jobbing , Ruttor , Kite * and Piodneo. A f nil linci of Ptone- vaio. Coni-lfc'nments tolioitud. Hit Dodvu St. , Oinnbii. " T. MOIiONV , General Commission Merchant , Ilntlcr , I'trirt , Clieofco anil Country ProduceBCII - onilly , SOU S. 12th St. , Omaliii , Nob. ' MCSHANK A SCIIltOEDKIt , Buyers of Butter and Eggs. ncfrlperntor nnd pneklnr Hoiiee , Htli Ic Lcnvon- worl.'i tit. , on U. P. It. J ! . THICK , Oinalin , NuU " " EMnbllsliPd 1870. 110IU31IT 1'L'EVIS , General Commission , : ilS. litb St. , Omnha , Nub. Bpeclaltlos Butler 1'KRb , Poultry und Ciiune. I'BYCKB nilOS. , Commission Merchants , Fruits , Prcduoo und Provision" , Onmlin , Noli GIUKKITM .fe THOMAS. fiii" > ' , mei > r fo IB T. ( in'llth. Commission Merchant , fini ! Tvliolohnlo dealer In country prodnee , frulia , butter , PBKB , etc ; . Ooodu on eonsleniaoMt H epeelalty. KUN. 16th st. , Omnljnj Nob. A. P. Scliaok. ) Produce Commission Merchants. No. 213 South 1. Ih Strcot , Oniahu. Nob. Dry Goods , L. ( IINSIIKIIO Ik CO' " " ] > uidcrsln Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Unoca , luieriH , Kmt > roldery nndVhltu C'oods. ' l , Oimilui , Nub. White Lead , CAJITKH WlllTK l.ICAI ) CO.i Strictly Pure White Lead. SOth St- , und U. P. Ily. Omuhu , Harness , Etc. WKI.TV A. I.ANimOCK , ManufuctuierH nnd Jobbcrsof Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware , TuifGoodj , lllankclH and Itobeg. H211''aru n > Kticet Oiuuhu , Neb , Mattresses , M. HULSE , Mattress Company , HnnnfnKlnrliiK li'ttrensiiH , llrddliiK1 , renthor Plllou s , Coin , Ku. ( tX-0 und l-'W I ' Dungms Strcel , Oniabn , Nfl/ / . Overalls. CO. Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans Puutti , Shli In , I'.to. , UUi undl'di , Nub. Lime , Cement , Etc. , J. J..JOHNSON &f' ( ) . , Manufacturers of l.linois White Lim\ And Shii > | irrs of ( 'fill nnd Coke , ( 'o.iivnl , I'InB ler , llnio , llnlr , Kiu > Ililtk DHIUI. 'lllu an 1 Bcncrliie | Olliei , Piuioii Imtrl Ulciihoiit Hi , I'uraumticctUiruia , ! , N braaj.u. JOBBERS' DIREQTGnV OMAHA I. vlll II CD , A' | Kunloif Building Material at Wholesale. IFtli Stiit unit n i < i Tin 11 Tunis , Uinnlil nriiMAN \vv.\rr , Wholesale Dealer in Lumber , 10th niul l/anl StiiM > t . Onwli'i V-tini kV " .1. A. \Kini.i.n. : . Wholesale Lumber Lath , , Shines , Iliilldliiir I'npcr * . Sn h. DOOM , HhiiiH. Mi ul * Inns. I'lrVi'ts , r > ft , Mine , Tinker , Jlnfi Omenu Nmtn mm Jones Oiunhii Mi > l > , y Millinery , id JobhoiaoC Millinery and Notions , IdHntid ixt4 tlnrney Stirct , Omaha , Votx Musitil Instrtinicrits. J" I'.DHOl.M f : KKICXSON , Wholesalers of Musical Instruments , ttemuiiy riuno. . VVi'ln r. Ueeker. llaliieinnj llrlf.'H- ' I'nuio-i , I'liennnl iiiiiis CluiMj Orj.xii * , 1U1 nnd 111) ) IMIi htrt'iit. riiiniture , Elc. Furniture , Bedding , Upll3ry ) Ulc. , KM , IMS nnd I'.ll ) luni.ini M. . HKWKY .VSIXINI' , Wholesale Doalcri In Farnltara , r.iinuiu Sticcl , Omiilni , Nub. C" - " - "t Groceries. U. 11. CIIAl'MAN' V IU , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Vobtuvo mid HinoUets' AiIIi'lrF , I''l * Howard HC. MUYIU : & itAAi'uu Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Sploet , CliruiH and Tobaccos , 1H17 and I1T I Ins Sticvt , Otnuhit , Neb. ' t [ WcCOItl ) , H11.\1)V.V l-OMl'AMT , Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10th nnd I'mimm Streets , Omnhn , Neb. 1'A.XTON , A U.AC X CO. , Wholesale Groceries nnd Provisions , Nos. 7U5 , 707,70J and ill tf. 10th St. , Oimtliu , Neb. Hardware. " \V. J. IIHOATC'II , Hardware Iron Steel Heavy , , , Bprlnps , rt'ii on Slock , Hard oed l.nmlior , 'to. ' IKWund Ull Iliirney ( .trcex.Oinahw , Null. _ EDNUY& G1I111ON , Wholcsale.lron , Steel , Wagon And Csrrla o W ' i Stock , llunvv HnnlwHro , lite. ISlTuutl K'l crtvcmroitliSSii-cel , Omaha , Null. " HiMinAinii : & TAVI.OU , Builders' ' Hardware , i Mechanics' Tools nnd HiilTulu Sculut. 110 } Ootiffr } llibStivut , Omaha , NuU. I.KI : , ruiKD'fc ro. , Jobbers of Hardware and Hails , Tin-waro , Sheet Iron , Kto. Accnttt lor llonu Scnles anti Miami l'o dr'Co. , Oumlni Nuh. " MII.TON ItOOlIllS & SONS , Stoves Furnaces Tiles , Ranges , , , Mantles , Guile * , lliu poodIct : und 1-'J : ! 1'ivr- mini Htirrl. " * HIXTOIl & WIUliII.MY CO. , Wholesale Hardware and Nails , Cmciton ateel Malls. Cor. 10th and llurncy Streets , OiD'ihn , Nuh. Harvesters. \VM.'liKltlNO ) : & CO. , CHICAGO , Manufacturer of the DeerM Harvester Goods , IVrlto toVn. . M. Lot-liner. Conund Oiualiii. IVeimonuUlU. Iron Pipe , Etc. A. L. STItANO COMPANY , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. St > nm. Witter , Hull" ay and Mlllimr Supplies , Et.V _ ' / ' ( ) , ! > - mid If-M Tin mini St. Omnlm , Nub. / " " j PUMP co , , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fitting , Menra mid Wutcir .Supplies. IIundqimrttTS fo ? Must Foost Co.'d Uoods. 111 ! 1 ' 1111111111 Street , Uinnhn , Nub. i ; Jewelry. UDHOI.M & r.UIUICSON , Wholesale Jewelers. Dcnlora In SiU-envaro , Diamonds , . , Clocks , Jewelers' ToolH mid .Mulcnal" , Kto. , 1JJ uiicl lui , lljth Street , ( 'or. Dc.diru , Oinului , Noli. | " Notions. 3 ? , ' VINVAUI ) A : SUIIMUOKlt. loluinrs in Hotions.Uoslary . ftGaats'PiiriilsMaj 633 ! 11KJJ and 1UJS l-'armun HI. , uinnliu.MuU. J. T. Robinson Notion Company , ; ) ( and 405 S. 10th M.Omul.a , Nub. * ' Dealers In Notions mm Cunts' Fur. Illbllllltf fiOOd.l. | Oils , Etc. CONHOI.lDATnr ) TANK I.1NK v'O. . 1 Wholesale Dealers in Oils , i Gnsollne , .Mien A.tlo ( Jrou' , ite. : A , II. Illshop , .Miiuiigi.T , Omaha , No ) > . < Pork Packing , * " " JAMKS K. llOVlC" ' Pork Packer and Shipper , Oiunhu , Nu" nsiiint , Packers and Provision Dealers , , Union Mitilfct , 1517 ] > oihr < ' 81 reel , 1't hoiiho , U. 1' . It. It. Track , Omalm , Nob. Tolu phone No. 157. Safes and Locks , ' " i' . Koviiit & co. Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s1 I'liu iiiul Jluwlnrl'innr Hiili'S/riiiii ) loclih , Vault * orU. 1U.M riuiuiin Hrc < ; i , Oiuuliu , Null Seeds. J. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Seeds , AfrrlcnltiiiHl , NVjrotalilo , IHo. OJd I'ollowa' Hull. N , W. Cor. lltli und Dudtfu St . , Ouinlin , NJ > .i Drugs , Etc. T1IK HOODMAN Wholesale Druggists , And Dealer In I'alntH , Oils mid Wluiluir Oinaliii.llob. , _ _ _ Wines , Liquors , Etc , _ . _ HAM & co. , Distillers and Importers of Wines And Liquors. Hole iniinufuctiirorB of Kcnnoilr't llast India lllltcid. 111 llnruuv btictt. Oiuiilm , Nt'b. _ _ . w. uun'CAN , Biictc'ssor to McN.tNAHA \ DIINUAN , linjiortort nndVliolf6iilo Dvulurd In Wines , Liquors and Cigars , 11 und SIC S. 1HU St. , Oraalm , Nub. Motions , ttc. ' ' li UIIAND1E3 k SON , Wholesale Job LOIS , Dry 0oods , Notions , ( Junta' Fiirnleliln ; OooJ * . ( iocds Horn Now Vork. TiuduKulos daily , Wi inn1 r 8 South IJth St. , Omuhu , Leather , Hides , ttc , > BLO.MAN IlltOI , Wholtsalu Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Saddlery und hhoo I'lndlncH , llidi-s , Wool , Purs , 1'cilts , ( itcnw , Tullow , , Uinuhu Nt-l.