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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1886)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , JULY 5 , 1880. GATHERED IN THE CITY , An Omnlia Business Man Arrested for a Coiifitlcnco Sharp , KICKED BY A VICIOUS HORSE. Slow \\ork on tlic Viniliicl A Myste rious DiHnppRiiranoo An Afternoon - noon Kli-o Police NOUM , OildH and Hilda , I2to. llo XVnso : "Coiifhlcnoo Man. " One of thu inMildc.sL nion in Omaha nn .Saturdayvas Mr. ( Inorgc W.eincit , the wi'lllknowiigrocoronCniningslrcol ' | And the trouble all arose in this way Mr. Woincrt wont over to t'ounuil Mull's l''nday ' to transact a little private bimnoss. In tlio afternoon after ho had finished up his business , hu wont down to the depot. and awaited thu starting of tiio one o'clock dummy for Omaha. While sit ting hi the depot. ho trot into conversa tion with a young man evidently from the country , who" said that ho was going Omnha. The yoiin" man wa somewhat "green" and Mr. Weinert took particu lar pains to enlighten him on several topics. Tim ruilie had with him u friend. who was struggling against a strong ten dency to sloop , and who would ever and anon close his- eyes and lireak for the "land of Nod. " Mr. Woitiert pro posed that the three RO to n saloon and got n drink , which might have the ell'ect of keeping the sleepy man awake. They were just leaving the depot platform. when a big policeman stepped up and placing Ills hand on Weinert's shoulder , said : "Como alonir with me. " "What for ? What have 1 done ? " nsked the Omaha man. "Never mind , " returned tlio copper tightening his grasp , "you just como along with mo. " "Hut won't you let me say something ? Can't I explain r" " " the noliee- "Kxplain nothing , was - man's reply , "you eomo to the station with me , and then you can talk as much as yon please. " And the C. 15. copper hustled Ins pris oner oil' to the station at a lively pace , refusing to allow him to stop on the way and establish his identity. When he arrived at the station ho was turned over to the marshal , who listened to Mr. Weinort's explanation , and at once saw that a serious mistake had boon made. The Omaha man was released with pro fuse apologies , and sent on his wiiy. not exactly rejoicing , however. Mr. \ \ einert fiweajs vengeance on that policeman , and if any way ever presents itself , he "will get even. " THIS UOHONIdlt'S I10USI3. Ho Tries to Furnish a Job For Hit * Muster. SalurdayBNathan McGraw , a young man emplovcd aa foreman in Mentor's livery stable on Capitol avenue , was kicked by n horse and sustained injuries which m.iy prove fatal. There is some question as to how the accident hap pened. It seems that McGraw wont into the animal's stall to throw the harness on him anil in some way frightened tlio horse. A moment later ho was found bleeding and unconscious a few foot away from tlio horse's feet Ho was picked UD and removed to Dr. Wood's ollico where his wounds were temporarily dressed. Thence lie was taken to St. Joseph's hospital , where ho is now under tire care of Dr.MoKcnna. Jl was found that his skull had been frac tured , ami that in several other places his head was injured. His leg also sustained severe contusions llo is now delirious , and the physicians think that there are grave doubts as to his recovery. Mc Graw is a young man twenty-seven years of age , and was to have been married in a fbw days. The horse was owned by Coroner Droxcl , and has always been considered a gentle , tractable animal. MYSTERIOUS DISAPPKA RANGE. A Man Leaves Ills Wife niul Sends a hotter to Ills Brother. Sam Hall , a man residing in the north ern partot the city , recently disappeared. His wife and child alone were aware of the circumstance , until a few days ago , when Hall's brother came into town , with n letter from the man who had gone away. The fact could not longer bo con cealed and the agony which the wife had HUll'ored in silence , soon found ex pression in erica and tears. The letter is as follows : OMAHA , June 24. Hrotlicr John ; Can you or will you do me a favor ( the lasl perhaps I Bhull over ask of you ) . If you can , como to Omalia and KO to 2-07 ! l/.ard street and ask lor me , and 1 will make all right In tlio iuttiro It I can , ami If I cannot , do lor mine the same ns 1 would for yours if positions were reversed. SAM HAM * The letter was directed to the brother at Chelsea , Jowa. It reached him on the 2th ! ) , and ho immediately took the cars and caino to this city. Tlio envelope bore the postmark of South Omalia. Where Hall has gone , or what induced him to deliberately run away , leaving Ids family unprovided for , cannot be bo told by any body. Tlio husband's brother oil'ored to take Mrs. Hall and child to his homo in Iowa , but she declined to go , preferring to work out a living in her own behalf. JUDICIAL DOINGS. The ItiiHlncsH Transacted Hoforo JutlKCB Novlllo mill AVaUcloy. The jury in the case of Frank Hoyil , charged with stealing jewelry from James MoYeagh , remained out all i'ridaylnight. mid Lou Grebe , the bailllV , kept an eye on their room during their imnrisanmont , Saturday they reported a vordici of guilty , and Groboeet to work to got his rest by stealing Intervals of sleep when ho was not bothered by the reporters , The case of the Uuv. Mr. Wooilboy against the management of the openv house was given to the jury Saturday nt 11:80 : o'clock. There will bo no business transuded in cither court to-day. The celebrated Mulhall-Shinrook case will bo culled before Judge Neville on Tuesday morning , ODDS AND I'J.VDS. Bti-ay Leaven From n Reporter's Nuto nook. "You think those Hashing ornaments which that lady has around her pretty neck are diamonds , do you ? " said an auditor In the lioyd on the first night of the "Mikado" by the Gran company. "Well , they're nothing of the kind. I'll venture the assertion they didn't cost her ? 10. Six years ngo 1 hnit three shirt studs which all my friouds admired , - mired , mid dozens of them wanted mete to ell , lint I preferred to keep them , They wore beauties , really , and I did not care to par ! com pany with thorn because of the attention they commanded. Well , I was a little more free with money then , and I had run up quite a bill at one of our liv ery stables , amounting to something in the vicinity of one-hundred and fifty del lars. The proprietor of the stable , ! guess , Ju\d become a little nervous and one day taid to mo that he allow mo § 200 for my studs and take out the ( litter- unco between that amount and and my account , in trade. Just the day that 1 had refused $75 for one of the beauties , and after considering the proposition , I concluded not to accept It. If I had accepted , how inueh do you ex pect I would have made' Just $1UI. It's a fact. I bought those 'diamonds' for just six dollars from a jeweler in this town. They passed for diamonds , but there l n't one man in n dozen who can't bo most cruelly deceived when ho goes purchasing diamonds. " "Talk about tax-shirking , " said an old resident and manufacturer , a few days ago. "I don't believe in it. I have re sided hero for thirty years. When my taxes were low , I paid them. When they wore high I paid them also. 1 never went before the board of equaliza tion in my life , until last week and then , let me tell you how got 1 there. 1 was compelled to go in order to s.itisfy a man who either wanted to liavo his assess ment reduced or mine increased. To do either of these ho had to lie by saying he had receipts trom mo showing that he was paying mo rent for a i ieco of my ground' which n tenant used. Now that man never paid a cent of rent , though the property In ques tion 1 permitted him to UM- . until lately , when 1 paved it and refused pcrmisMon to my friend's tenants to drive over with their wagons. Thus shut oil' , tlio tenants wanted their rent re duced $80 otherwise they would move. Now tlds reduction in rout , my friend agreed , was evidence of the depreciation of Ids property and considered : is a ren tal which , all along ho theorized had boon payiUK mo I Did you ever hear of tliii like' ? There are a great many crimes done in the name of liberty , but not one- half of the shames have been written which have been in the name of tax- shirking. " " 1 wish that something could bo done to call the attention of the city ollicials to the disgraceful way in which the burglars are running things at present , " said a citizen to-diy. "Up in my part of town the central portion half a dozen bold robberies have taken place within the past three nights. What wo want and must have , and ought to have , ns taxpay ers , is better police protection. Not that 1 belong to that class of grumblers who are always blaming Marshal Cummings for all this lawlessness. The blame rests directly with the council , and indirectly with the mayor. The fact is , that tlio po lice force of this growing city of Omaha is not large enough by half. There ought to be at least thirty more men on the force , brave and experienced men , who arc capable of doing good _ work. There is no citv of Us population in America , so far a3"my memory serves me , that spreads over as much territory as Omaha , and for that reason it takes nn unusually large force to cover it properly. The idea of trying to protect tlio city at night with a force of fifteen policemen is ridic ulous. A complete reorganization of the force , under a board 01 commissioners , with an increase in the number of men is what is needed , and without delay. Marshal Cummings has been trying for the last year to secure that very thing. And 1 want to say in conclusion that as long as he has no voice whatever in the personnel or size of the force under him , it is ridiculous to blame him for the inade quacy of that force to cope with the crimi nals which are Hocking into the city. " T.owcrltif * the Assessments. The only result of the recent Head per sonal tax investigation is that the com missioners have decided to lower instead raise sonic of the valuations. The as sessments of Paxton , Gallagher & Co. , V. M. Stcclo & Co. and Tootle , Maul & Co. wore lowered , and in other instances the same measure will probably bo taken. I'uxton , Gallagher & Co. , wno wore as sessed at . * aoOUO personal property , will now bo quoted at ? W,000. D. M. Stcelo & Co. wore reduced in assessment from § 10,000 to $25,000. while Tootle , Maul & Co.'s assessment was changed fromt $50.000 to ? 3j,000. Only one assessmon was raised , and that was at the request of the properly owner himself , W. ,7. lirontcli , who requested that his personal prone.rty bo assessed at $5,009 instead of $3,000. _ It May le Counterfeit. Mention has been made in the BEE of the fact that S. Lehman , the lower Farnam street pawnbroker , had pur chase a silver dollar of the .series of 1801 for ? 100 , the coin on account of its great rarity being costly. Now it develops that there is some doubt as to the gen uineness of the coin. Col , Lmlding of the army headquarters who Is an export neumismatiht has carefully examined it and while ho is not positive as to its being a counterfeit , ho has grave doubts that it is gonnine. Mr. Lcnman has become alarmed and has sent it east for in spection by an export , who will make the necessary thorough tests. Quito a num ber of these socallcd rare coins are said to have , been sold hero and in Council Bluffs. Notci. The bids on the First National bank building , which have been opened , arc now being assorted , and the contracts will bo let on Monday. Senator Paddock has given orders that another story shall bo added to his new building which is now being erected on Douglas and Klovcnth streets. This will make the structure live slorios high , and one of the largest and finest in the city.Messrs. Messrs. Barker Bros , have also given orders that smother story shall bo added to their hotel on Thirteenth and Jones street , making tlio strueturo live stories high , with ground dimensions of 00x88 Rota Ticket. 1 ho young Philander , Oscar Julii , who arrived liorol'ri day after having been robbed of all his money on the train be tween New York and this city , left Sat- urpay for his destination , Carbon , Wyo. The Union Pacific ollicials hero telegraphed his friends at that place and a ticket was telegraphed back , with cash enough to enable him to subsist on the road. A. O. II. Election. There was a full attendance at the meeting of the A. O.J1. ; Friday and the following ollicers were elected : Peter Dowdall , president : Thomas F , Uronnan , vice-president ; Michael McCarthy , re cording secretary ; B. Mater , linaneial secretary ; John Pliolan. corresponding secretary , and James Connolly , treas urer. AViintf ) HI * Revolver. John Kammorllng gave a Smith & Wesson revolver to John Anderson on BouthThlrteonth repair. When ho called to get it , Anderson claimed that he had given it to a man who had called for it. iCammorliug has had a writ of replevin issued and proposes to make Anderson make good his loss. Judge Bcrka issued the writ. For Church 1'urposoa. J. II. Douls and wife , for 0,800 , have deeded to the 1'Irst Gorman M.E. church the lot on the southwest corner of Klovcnth and Center streets , with the understanding that it is to bo used for church purposes und bo under the control of the board of management of the Ger man Methodist Kpiscopal church. Fred Piekons , chief clerk of the post- olbVu , has gonu to Chicago on official business. SIXTEENTH STREET VIADUCT' . Why the Union Pnclllo Has Delayed Jin Erection. The contract to build the viaduct at Sixteenth street was let some time ago to Kuymond & Campbell , and although n great deal has been said about the work being begun Immediately , the only thing thus far done has been the digging of a liolo on the line of the proposed strueturo. Some time ago , by way of explanation for the tardy commencement of the undertaking ' dertaking , 'it was stated that a change had been made in the chords by the sub stitution of iron for wood , the cost of which was shared by tlio Union Paeillo and II. & M. roads. It was thought that when thai was effected the work would progress , hut it has since been confronted with another dillicully. These delays are annoying to the resi dents on the street both north and south of the track , as well as injurious to the business of many ot the merchants of the city. A Br.u reporter looked for the cau c of the delay Saturday and found that it originated with the Union Paeilie. This roail has tour tracks crossing Sixteenth street , but they have come to the conclusion that tliuao.willuot be sullicienl to accommodate their bust- ne.s.i. They intend to increase the num ber to twelve and on these do all the switching necessary to making up of trains tor both east and west. Jn order to lay those tracks , the road will have to till up quite an amount of the yard to make it level In some places ihu fill will bo as much as twelve feet. With such a'till iho road would not have the clearance of twenty- two feet which it requires between the track and the bottom of tlio bridge. As a consequence to got this clearance , the plan of the viaduct will have to be changed , raising the road bed about ten feet. The plan with this change has al ready beed made. It will afford an easier road in which to travel , because , in the old plan , the viaduct sloping from each towards the tracks , at the rate of three feet in 100 , gave a fall of liftoen feet. In a great measure this will be done away with in the new plan , and the roadway will bo more on a level. Tlio plans mentioned have been made by the Union Paeilie , and are , it is under stood , ready to bo submitted to the city engineer. As soon as he ap proves of them work will bo commenced. The expense of this change , both in the material to bo employed and other matters , will have to be borne by the Union Paeilie , because the road had accepted the old plans and specifications and are entirely responsible for this change. Saving the Roys. The work at the Buckingham among the intemperate is being prosecuted faith fully by the friends of the cause , who , though few in numbers , realize the truth that souls are saved "Not by might nor by power but by My spirit , saith the Lord of hosts. " The Sunday , Tuesday , Thursday and Saturday evening meetings are hold reg ularly with a good attendance , when from one to six sign the pledge and start on a new life. It is a common occur rence to hear men say , " 1 stopped in here a week or so ago just to hear the music and came around to-night to sign the pledge. " They had thought the matter over and resolved to leave their cups. Last Sunday evening the meeting was led by Mr. Jonlin , secretary of the Y. M. C. A. and the singing by Mr. Nichols. The attendance was ubonl sixty ; six arose for prayers. It is generally known that the rent was raised Juno 1st to Sl'.i3 ! dollars per month for fourteen rooms including the hall. Expense of ice-water barrels about $10 per month. " ' Donations received during Maynnd .rune arc acknowledged with thanks : llalph Gaylord § 5 , Mrs. Ada Walker ? ! , Mr. Callaway ? ; JO , Mrs. John Morroll $0 , Dewy & Stone § 10 , Mrs. Byron Heed $0 , North Congregational $5.50 , Mrs. Milton llogors $10 , 5lr. H. G. Chirk § 5. Mr. T. J. Beard § 3 , Mr. Ballon ? ' 3 , Hev. W.Scott $ .25 , Dr.Leiscnring * 1 , Mr. J. T. Bell $10 , Mr. Peirce § 1 , Mr P. L. Perinc $5 , ( Jeo. P. Bemis JO , Mr. II. T. Clark * 10 , J. A. Simdcrland $10 , Kuhn & Co. * 0 , P. C. Hincbangh $10 , Krastus Young 0 , Wm. Marshall $5 , Goo. S. Graff § 1 , C. S. Raymond mend ) f3 , O. P. Seward $0. Pledge cards asking for a monthly donation for six months have been presented by the pas tors of the city to their people. The re sult has boon favorable where canvassers could bo secured and the report up to ( Into is as follows : Baptist church $30 , per month , St. Mary's Avenue congre- fntcd § 25 per month. First Presbyterian M per month , First Congregational $10 , United Presbyterian $3.50 per month , Unitarian $ , ) . First Methodist $10 per month , I < ricnds$3.7fl per month , Reform club $10 per month. Miw. JOHN T. BULL , Sec. W. C. T. U. For Sale Drug stock m a good live town in northwestern Nebraska. Popu lation 1,000. , Address G , i33 C. , Omaha UKI : . _ Attaching Cor AVnijcs. Justice lierka has issued an attachment in favor of James Duschatko against Trostler , the oigarmaker. The son of Hie former was an apprentice in the em ploy of Trostlor , and the latter kept 50 cents per week of llio boy's wages , ac cording lo agreemcnl , for two years and nine months , making in all $72 , the amount for which the atta chuient was served. Wanted A situation as pressman. Host of references. Audress U 50 , lice ollico. Jliiildhif ; Permits. Permits to build wore issued Saturday by Inspector Whitlock as follows : * A , G. I ngram , two story fame dwell Ing , 1017 Dunne street , $2,000. , J.-C. Porrigo , two story fra mo dwell Ing. 11)9 ! ) Georgia avenue. $ .3.500 , 11. G. Hutlor , frame dwelling , Pierce street , 800. GOOacros land in I'liavcr county , Nob. ' to sell or trade for morciliandiso. Addre ss John Linderholm , Oil S , lOlhSt. , Oinuh u , The Unary Case. The taking of the evidence in the case of Patno larj > y who was arrested at the instance of Head & Co. , for selling mortgaged property was concluded be fore Jnsti co ik-lsloy Saturday. The case will bo submitted on argument to-morrow. Opolt's Hotel , Lincoln , Neb , , opened March 15th , lirst class in every respect. Commissioner ' At the county commissioners' ' meeting Saturday , Mr. Holurcgo , of the B. & til. , said that that road had use for the abandoned telegraph ofllco at the stock yards and could not allow it to bo used as a jail. _ Wants Ilia Commission. John Murphy , the horse dealer , has had a black horse of Ins attached for $8 , duo Simon B. Clark for a sale made by the plaintiff , Judge Bcrka issued the writ. Iho Rank Clearlo s. The bank clearings for Saturday were $727,814.53. For the Week , $3,030,131.01 , , lircvitleu. ' Councilman Goodrich returned Sat urday froniElmira.N. Y. , whore ho has- been with Ids wife for fcovoral weeks back. Mrs. Goodrich will visit in Klmlra for bouio 'time and the councilman that the premise of liny and grass Is tlio poorest that that part bf .the country hrts experienced in years.-because of want of rain. Hesnys also that Jio has not seen a drop of rain since ho loft Omaha. 8YIiVAN IMiKABU KIM. K.tpcrlcnccd 1 > y Hie Onmhn Turn Voreln nnd.Fcldids. The picnic of the Omaha Turn Vcrcin took place yesterday afternoon in Brandt's park. It was one of the most delightful picnics ot the season. The park mentioned comprises the eastern part , with all the buildings , of what has heretofore been known ns llascall's park. It is a happy mixture of upland and val ley , with 11 beautiful intermixture of shady stretches which invite tlio pic nicker to retreats both shady and pic- tiii'csaue. There were about a thousand people on the grounds during tlio after loon and the time was spent by them lalronizing the various features of imuscmont which tlio manage- nent had provided. Delightful nusie was supplied for the duneers.whilo .ho cane-fakir and the refreshment stands appealed to those who did not care to ompi the heat upon the floor of the dan- ors , ' 1 here was also a delegation of the rurn-verein present , who afforded quite in amount of entertainment to the large iltendanee. The athletic achievements ) f these young men were warmly ap- [ iliiudcd , especially those of Mr. Kum- nerow , the director of the clas4 which were most liberally appreciated. Besides these there was a race for a hundred yards , the first prize of which ( ? , ' ) ) was won by Samuel Stevenson ; the second ' ? ! ) by 1) . K. Eletcher. The prize for the mining long jump , a gold watch charm , was won by K. B. Whalen , J'he distance covered was seventeen feet seven inches. The inizo for I lie running ugh jump was won by C. Grommo. This gentleman's jump was the highest ever undo in Omaha , being live feet three nches in height , and won for him a silver .vatcli . , The picnic was enjoyed by tlio argo number pres-jiit until it was con cluded at dusk. Kali Notes. General Superintevdent Smith of the Jnion Pacific lias issued the followingor- lers , taking effect nt once : Traffic having boon resumed on the iimnison district , Colorado division , tlio 'ollowing ' stations have been reopened : Pitkin , 17-1.7 miles west of Denver , as a regular freight and passenger station , with Mr. K. Robieson as agent , Gunnison , SOl.O mjles west of Denver , is a regular freight and passenger sta- ion , with Mr. G. W. Howe as agent. Baldwin , 310.-1 miies west of Denver , as i regular freight and" passenger fetation , with Mr. E. L. Mollit as agent. Baldwin Mines , 31 ! ) miles west of Den ser , as a passenger station , with Mr. J. L' , Cnmmisky as agent. The name of Tiblpw Station , on First dirtrict , Kansas division , 10.3 miles west jf Kansas City , is this day changed to Homier Springs , on account of sulphur springs recently discovered and the de velopment of that point art a health resort. The name of the postoflic will soon be changed in accordance therewith. The Eleventh Htrcct Grade. About fifty southsidcrs met at No.1 engine house on Saturday evening , with seven members of the city council , to nlk over the matter of grading Eleventh street. Each property owners had a ) lan of his own and objected to the plan of every other man. IThe result was that i wrangle was inaugurated which lasted until nearly midnight- when an adjourn ment was taken. The question of irad- ing is still before Personal Paragraphs. ll. L. Cope , of Clarlada , la. , is in tlio city.J. . J. M. Crosby , of Fullcrton , is in the city.K. . K. L. Raynolds and wife of Lincoln , Sundayed m the city. E. W. Black and wife , of Platlsmoulh , wore in the city yesterday. Hon. Charles Wearo , a banker at Cedar Rapids , la. , is in the city. C. L. Pallerson and Charles Brown , of Norlh Platte , arc in the city. John Williams , of Kearney , was in the city for the Fourth of July pleasures. C. J. Moulton , of Louisville , ICy. , ana L. A. Sayre , of Now York , arc at the Mil- lard. lard.Alderman Alderman M. II. King and Mr. M. llignoy , of DCS Moiucs , are at the Ar cade. C. J. Smyth , Esq. , leaves to-day for Lincoln to attend lo law business before the supreme court. Hon. Joel Foster , of Montpieler , VI , , is in the city visiting his two sons. G. II. and G. W. Foster , both of the Omaha National bank. Walt G. Wilkins , ticket agent of the Missouri P.-icilic at Si. Joe , and Robert Wells , of the "Q"alSt.Joe , Sundayed in Omaha , stopping at tlio Paxton. Frank Graham , connected with the stale doparlment , with headquarters in Lincoln , spent the Fourth in Omaha yes terday in company with Sam H. Allen , They wore shown around the cityin truly metropolitan slyle by Col. A. A. 1-orks. Gasoline and Coal Oil. J A. Fuller & Co. , cor. 4th and Douglas s. . Army Driers. Under tolcgraphio instructions from the adjutant general's ollico of June UO and July 1 , Private Mitchell E. Hayes , company Iv , Fourth infantry , is trans ferred lo company B , Second infantry , relieved from duty as a messenger al hoadquarlors , and will report to the commanding olllcer al Fort OmahaNeb , , for duty. Private James Uelanoy , company E , Second infantry , Fort Omaha , Nob. , is detailed tailed for duly us messenger al neud quarters. POWDEI Absolutely Pus-e = TliU powder novcr vnrlcs. A marvel of pur Itystrength utnl wlinln monoss. More CCOH omlc-ultbim tb oiilliiiu-y kind * nnil cannot be ( .old ia Competition with the luultitiulu of low test , tliort weight iiluui or iiliosphuto powders Sold only In i His. HnVAl , UAKIKO POWOKit Co 1C3 Wull St. , Now York. The Day AVe Cclclirnto. The celebration commenced on Satur day , Omaha was spared from any spread eagle "llliction. flits anybody heard from "Judgo" C'ooloyV 10.000 nicotiiip \Vymoro. . The small boy and the sanguinary firecracker - cracker make a terrific combination. The A. 0. It. had n glorious tune at llascall's park on Saturday afternoon and uvcninj' . The Oimdia Turn-Vereln were out in full force yesterday and had a grout mooting at llascall's park. There are lifty-three inmalos of the city jail who will wind up their celts- liration in Judge Slenberg's court this morning. The coppers have been kept busy since Saturday noon taking care of their drunks. Tliere will be a vacation of the courts lo-day , the banks and many of the busi ness houses will bo clo. ed. The Union Pacilics and the Chicago Pickotts will Dltiy two games of hull one at IDiUO this loreuoon and onoalihiJO this afternoon. Hni a 11 Hlazc.i. At B o'clock yesterday morning a lire was discovered in the engine room of the Jnion elevator on Twelfth itrect , near .ho Unloa Pacific tracks. The lire boys responded promptly and POOH stopped the llamcs , Tlio daniago was about ? .VJO. While the liroincn were at work on the ilevalor , another lire broke out in the mi-cment of hlndcnholm's store room on South Tenth street , doing but slight lamage. About 10 o'clock last night a bla/.o was liscovercd in a pile of old papers in the collar way on hleveuth sitivi-t under the American express ollicc. The depart- mint blew it out with one stream. The only serious damage was tlio welting town , by nn accidental shot , of Ollieor Carroll's now uniform. W. T. Kelly , formerly one of the most lopular condnetors on the Union Pacific mil now rondmaster at Chadron , is in own to spend the Fourth of July. The tame of the gentleman as an astronomer on his great achievement in discovering Venus some years ago are still fondly ro- ncmbercd by many of his old friends lereabouts. Real Kstate Xrnnsnurq. The following transfers wore filed July 2 , with the county clerk , and reported for the BEE by Ames' Kcal Estate Agencv : Caroline Stevens ( widow ) to John O Hogan , lots 7 and 8 blk 'JO- * , Omaha , < i o-S Ada P Drake and others to John J Jlrtr- Un , lot 14 bile 5 , Drakes add , Omaha , w d ( jl.WK ) . Xorman F Kuhn ( trustee ) to The Public , sub-division of blk A Reservoir add , Omaha Dedication. Mntliewbon T Patrick and wife to Laura L Cook , lot 8 blk 2 , Patrick's add , Omaha , w d-S-iOO. Miitthowson T Patrick and wife to Elnora Ulnklcy , let 7 , blk 'J , Patrick's add , Omaha , w d S400. Henry U llarti ( single ) and others to Ilal- seyV I'itcli , n of lotO. blk S , KirkwuoU ndd , Omaha , w d SoOO. HIchardT Matt Ice and wife to John AV Harnes , lot 21 Terrace add , Omalia , w d SG.OOO. State of Nebraska to D 1) Doyo , n w X of s e ' 4 bee 5X5,10 , IS , 40 acres Douglas Co. , w d SilK ( ) . Max Winther and wire to John Wuelhrich. lol ll , Wlnther's sub-division of lot ( X ) , 8 B Honors , Okahoimi , Douglas Co.v d Sl.OOO. Max Whither and wife to Edward WIttiK and wife , lots. Winlhers sub-division of lot CO S K Hogcrs , Okalmma , Douglas Co. , w d Sl.ijOO. Frederick Drexel and wife to James Yore and others , lot 10 , blk 10 , Walnut Hill , Douc- las Co. . w d gOOO. C S Raymond and wife to F U Norton. lots 9. 2'J and 30 , blk'J , HimebaiiL'h and Patter- sou's sub-division , Douglas Co. , wd SI.OSO. Lena Quick and hiihband to Andrew U Moore , lot 7 blk 42 ! ) , Graudview add , Omnha , w d S.VX ) . A It Swan nnd others ( trustees ) to Adcll.i Kalibli and others , lot ! , blk SO , Sotilh Omaha , w d § " > c- * List of letters roniaining uncalled foi in the postofhce for Ihe week ending July 2 , 188(1- ( r.EN'ri.n5iEN's LIST. Aycr AV K Anderson W Ame K K AiiKevine L J a Anderson A Alters .1 Abraham J Allen ( r A very C m Allaboutli ; F Atkinson ( ! B Uooth G lllood A G liond H 1) lieidloK Hriilges U lioltoii 11 II ISooky L Hiirnctt K Hai nettOrtS Hi-own FA Hrislit'.vood O 1C Hi-chtel T Hrockhait II Huck W El O Hrcsec C F lironcr A Urine V rKlmn A HailiyJV trley J Dennett. ! K IJisheoV II Hill W U IJaructt W II Hlnsley F Itiown J K Hai-hinan G Mutt W Drown \V \ H Jironghton .1 Charles C L Chester 0 S ( 'rowley in Cole m L ( ! ) aj'bo-irnoI T Corey U Ciimminu'sJ Connelly J 2 Clark W Cabell W K Cadogan W F Chrscbn F. G Corey KJ Cornell ,1 J Craiu J Case It Crane C A ClIIKlllill O Collins O in CodyO W Corwin 110 CiverllO Cook J K CumG Coo ( S Chase G W Conovcr A J Chaniller J O Clifton J H Cavaiinuh PT Charles K L Cnstcrday ItF Dlmran C K DIckhon K O DIIIIK H Douuell HV \ DclaroV S Davis FL Doyle P Dorriss O H Dietel H Miiy F m Daley II Jiileii ) 1) KeUels C m JCiiiluiliin C KlloryP Katon J KvausT B Knirh'seh W K Fin ley C Flesliman Hios Ford S Freomcnr U S Freeman IIV ( inilleiiiont i : A Gould W ( iillandll Goolo W II O ( inrven .1 GromsellJ ( iarncr J A Gift J It ( iale L Gran G ( ircnburcO P GiibblHJS CalDiiry W J ( Jillii-soii F ( loodt'ellow J Haitley W Uardim ; 1C Halt.I Illslc-yL O Hall A llaydenT m Hanson T 11 nut TT HealfcoU W limit II m HirtO Haitman G Hnlloyll 0 Hiislen O Bti T IlassDH mr. Iluiitoon ntty m W Hall W P Hoiilans m lloiiklns H Haley T Henick LC llnrdGS llaiiu's.l H Hanover F S Hardy it Co Hooker C llemy F Hanover F Hammond./ / HalenJV Jenks 1C II Jnckson W J Irvine J A .Jones F D .lekyll G F JollusA V Ii'iispn J JeiiKou It P Kelluy'l'm KoL-hlor 1C Kehov KH,3 KllmentW KhkY H Kinsley F Klnney in Kent J in Knnpp 0 I ) Kennedy D Koimedv E W KcIU-y O Kalbon O Ko.MiWk P Luki-r Littell J Lnndwclir K LliitaiiTJ Lorpiismi T Leon T P Lanfenbtingerll Laiifcubergcr J Land HA Land H W Lo\\ci AH Lone H Lant ; W Mulder H Maitln J J D Makery O U ilcCoimit't B Mattin J McCluio S T McCau S Marsh C K JI oral no in McC'oul 0 J Murplo H U Moetuer W II Meyers J U Mnruan J Mills J " Mai klntosh J F Martin J W" , , MooinK MeLeiinan W E Mct'urky F Mares F L 3IoiirpeJ. Martin W C. E MAYNE , LEADINS REAL ESTATE Di LEIi , s. AV. con. ir tii A\a > FAKvn , OMAHA , Property of every descriptio for sale in nil juris of th t pity. L\ndq : lor ? ain In county in Nebraska. A complet sot of AiHtra-'H of Titlo.-tof D.iugl.-n County kept , Maps ) of the City , State or co unty , or any other inforni.uion desired furnished of charge upon application. M. BURKE & SONS , LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , Mnnnjrer , UMOH STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NEB. UKFEHENrES ! Merchants' and Fnruu-M' Hank , David rilv , Ni'b. ; Koarur-y National Hank , Ki-.mii'y , Ni-b.iCciltiinmH State Hank.ilumbtm.Ncb. ( . ; ' Mi-Dniiald's It.vik , Noilli PlntliNeb. . ; Omaha Natlnnal Hank. Omnha. \ , l . Will pay customers' dratt wllh bill of ladini nttachttil for two-thirds value of stock Display at their warerooms , 1SOS and 1307 Farnam Street , Iho largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to bo found at any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces tlio highest class and medium grades , Including 8TEINWAY , FISCHER , BURDETT , STANDARD , S LYGP &HEALY Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the lowest living rates tor cash or lime payments , whllo the long established reputation of the houoo , coupled with their most liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affordg the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by poaslblo defects In materials or workmanship. LYON & HEALY , .305 4 1007 FARNAM STREET McKay S MeKinucyF P McViekerDTi 'McKarlauu 1 * Me Dcrmott J , 3 McCarthy J P McConiiatichey J McVlcker U MeHritloP' .Ml I i-r A McKarland L McCamol .1 F Milliard II McKay I ) 0 Misley 1 > O N01 ton Wti MdlverW .N'icliollsJ Noel W H Naicross M A Nelson \V m Noil-is WJ Olson 11 IMckard 1. B Pat ton in I'ailsurW I'hcck Bios I'lyeant O . Plymouth US I'omroy 1' P Peterson P 1'ald ti 1'liitt Km Polite \ " Perraton W E 1'robcrtV Palmer tV ! 1'arKcr J in Petterson A Perkins C S 1'lnher K I'helps ! ' J Pridey J ( Jiinrlet A Iticc inr lingers II W Jtnuson ll Itay N C a KlBKcrt M. Jtayj II Koerb ( ? W itohcnbcry W Kofrers W Ktipcn .M Jtlcliaids F liubinson 11 Jtliorcr in Kent O ItiUiilolph Ir ] toil.s : ( W m Uobinsou 11 liliRlmrd 1) K JtlclianI < ] liobbiusJ Keeil C ! ii 3 JialstonJ U Itosier T II J JHeharUs U llankin A Jtaingc A O Jtliueii J KobeitsS J liiithJ U Itay N C ! Straight J W Slonk O Smith W Stevens P A C Swiumathuw E Kclienpp A jnbin S A Sulmutfc mr. Sweet C li Schndty E Stanley J A butetV Kclirocfer II KelburW W .Smith A J Schonteld U Shiner A U Stephens A J iSiuil" " ! ) 1C Stcun A J Smith J Sale J in Scott m SlfilerJll SiUou 0 tiUallurecn C Klcillcrup C Stevens N Stillborn W 15 bticklHr J Shannon HC ! SawtellS Swiuihon N P Stark t ! .Smith A Sullivan J Sims W U Sheridan.I W TlmriseU B Strickland P E Thelen CJ Tides L Taylor V A Taylor W IJ Taylor J 11 Tiavers.I U Thompson ( J Taylor 0 TlmiiKi * W Tookey J VosiiiiKh 11 Uhler m Wostcott K K Weisoman J T Wells.I Vv Wilson J m AVihaiil J Whaloy H Wllcox in W 3 Warner A 0 Walbury A 1 AVfells Ur r | Wlllman Wiijtcrs 11 AU Wl/fistonom / Womlwuid Li D AVahl 11 While ( J L Walker O White B WlnppP V Watson 15 n AVannon m Wilcox C W Wai listen II m WillKou 11 L AVauarV Winter 1) Wi'.stern Show case 3 Wheeler H While WHS Wilcux m K Xlmmermuu Jj LAWKS' LIST. Andeison U Becliinan miss in lieanetle mrs liowermau miss L Blomll Dyeis miss J Boivhert wrsJ 1' I5iier mis Km Bates inrs ,1 Bailey mis J V 2 Cody mrs in Christian mrs J Clianle K Croiriui miss J Cotton mrs I < " I * Coolto miss N Clllton mlssll Clover mrs K Carroll A Calkins mrs A Came miss in Oaur miss m DeCore miss B Diiiett N Duncan miss in Dorm lie miss C Dili s miss O DlUIL'ICt llllbS II Dover mrs L Douiflie.rty E W Kui n par A Kilield mis lj I'Vnner mlsa O FnllcimibCIi KiiiL'ld mm A m ( iilMJIl ) I1IIS ( Jill nibs K Cillt-ttmrsO m ( iaiiiion miss K UasMitt mrs C K ( Jumbles miss A ( iarrutt m . Halo mls C S Hapgcod miss K Hawaii ndbs B Jluilman mm K Ilnniormtss U lloiaii mis S K Hennessey miss m A Hide nirn m P JUilcldiibOiimlss a HutuhliiB niles S Johnson mrs J Johnson miss A Junes miss in Jonea HIM S K-3 Jolmcs mrs II D Klehuluiurs A Klatt hiles I' Kcoie miss m K Kcllar inra U Lauer mrs L Larson mlfis A I < o bdon mrs m Luly A Lyons inlns J Jt'.smm ; mrs in Iuneliirg miss Loreny m mibS A Lovejoy mlBS K Lovt-joy P Lartiou miss 11 U Lyncn mrs I ) G Lyiuan miss K Mattii-o mrs H T McCiilnloy mrs m Motiovern mrs T McKoy miss V Mathewsuirs 0 Mantiismli-s H Mulhcarn miss U Mttrrls mlfis L Myerii mrs 11 Malurovo in Murdock miss J Madison miss C Murray mrs P Nldever miss J jS'uwiimn mrs L Olson Miss K IMerco miss P Pfalllni-rL IViH-rssn nii&sO Pioiist inlfcsS K I'hlmis miss L Plckard mrs O J 1'lilh.s mrs 0 Peterson m Prderson miss A O Itlley A Hnsst-11 H I'elnwith mrs in H < iberlH mrs in O Kobe-its miss It Husk mrs W Kay nibs A Kumon S Smith mrs J Slmw miss .1 Khca miss m.i Stout "lisa / Scholty miss W Scobuy A Schroder mrs J Siocke mrs w Sturltl mU $ in Side inrsV \ A Smith miss A Til i in I Trenhall in L 1'allman miss A Wlbeiir mrs S Woods mrs K Wood mif-sN AVoodnilfmrsED Watson mrs B L Wilson mrs K Wlnlincr mrs W Woods wls I ) Wei Is mrs II L Winslow mrs K I ) AVood mrs 11 Young mrs roi'irrii ci ASS MATTnit. Mifs A Lagcrqulst II CCilletto S Gardner Miss X Wilson AV Dcliuckcr 1'A Olson J N Siiydt-r N C Nielsen II B Hodges C. K. COIJTANT , Postmaster. I'crsonnl. Architect Mendelssohn has retutucd 'roin his eastern trip. Mrs. John O'Kecfio , of Creston , la. , is n the city visiting friends. A. Moinburg , of Max Meyer & Bros. ' establishment , has gone to New York. Helen C. Ilumcarrlveu hornoJJSattinlay rom Alma college , St. Thomas , Canada. The Messrs. II. ( I. Ilarte , John II. larte ami H. P. Drexel mid the Misstm -iiioy V. Droxcl and Kiuma Loncrgnn. went to Chicago to celc- jratc the glorious Fourth. fempleton & Whitney , Dealers In HARD AMD SOFT COAL AND WOOD , ami Bowu Sol'l C'oul. Office 818 South Fifteenth st. Yards Eighteenth and Ixard sts. .Tinaj - w i i-- - > ei' & , . Cor. 13UiBjnEEranilCAI > nOLAVE. vein TIIH Titi'JATMw.vr op AM. CHRONIC AND SUKGiOAL DISEASES. AND WAKurirroiu uy BRACES AND APPLIANCES IOK DtfOflMITItS , THUSSfS. AND CIECHIIC DAUEHIES. Wn IKIVO thn fucllillcn. apiiaratun uml rcmiMllei for Hi n Miccc93liil Irculnicijt ul overs' tuna of dUeiitn requiring either nieillcnl orBiirttlcul truatmunuuml invllunlTf ) coma imil Invcrlluuio for llieiii ( 'lvc > ur lorrcfponcl wllli im. Ixiim experience ) In truullnx cnocn hy Idler onulilc-r to treat munf CUMI * Btlcnllllrully without Hcylnc them. , warn ? KOH nuan.AU on qpfom.uiM ami Ilrace , Oluli Kort. Ciirvmuro of the hplnc , HIS- 1'ASHd OK WoilBN. rilen , Tmnor , CiincuM , Cat rrli.llrnnrtiUl , lnli nllwi.Rlrelrlr tyj'iirahrilf. jijli'l'"V. | KMney , ISyu , Kar. Skin , JllooU unil all -llM , IMIAI.E1IN , 1IIIAI-EH , Trii e > , und all kinds of Mnillnil uuU Al'iiliunct'fl ' , muniifacturnl and for aln , Thoonly reliable Medical Instllulomaklng Private , Spaolal to Nprymis Blseasea . . nhutuvcr cuuiu iirodncuil , iurre i < nilly trralL-J. We cmi roruoTB gjplillltla poltou Jruui thu oymvDi , . , . . , - , fc tiniiit ; forl ? "nfvltnl , pn r. AU. COMMUNICATIONS CONHllUNTIAU Cull end commit uinrnaiid imniomul po t-ollleoHd < lrefi- plainly wrltli-n-oncloni fctaiup , uudwowlll luutl yOUpnRIiIVATPIC1i-RCrUl.Af7 TO MEN W' ' ? ' ! ! lillTrV nii'OTKNV'V KVI'IIII.IS. fJllNOHItlldiX. I KI'T VAI If'onni I. KrillUTHHK. AND M.I , 1) ) HIJAVKSOKTIIKfdliklTO-UlllNAUVOUUANB. vt ecnil lilHorr of your cans lor un opinion. Vanon uniililu o vlnllu * m r I'utrcuto.l . nlltolr liomcii. by corresponcloni-o. Nedlj-lnc * and Inttrii * inuntsKPiit by mull or nxiirmi Hr.CIIH15lV I'ACK. l" ) KHOM OIISHItVATIO.S. no limrks to Indlceto coritcntiorn-ndcr. One ic fnul Interview preferro.1 If ciitiTOnlcnl. Klfty rimmi for tlio uccnniuioduUuu , < > f patient" , lionnl uml ntteiiduuce ul ruusonubla b'mahadMedical Surgical Inslltufa , Cor,13thSt.anaCapllolAve. , Omaha , Neb. TBRAKEN SPRING yEHICLES. IN USE. OVER 400,000 rffsu. ItldhiB Vehicle muilo. llldo * . Kiuulnu. TLo HprTnuK li-nal Lortc f . . .i-.iitutu tbo iKt > ( ttioycoiTy. . - , - . ' lo i.iuuli roiiiilry loud' , n 1IIH 'llflVI uI < .lIunuriH-lliri-d limlr ! , . . uli icutilot : t urr'u-j ' llu.Mprw uuU IJt-ttU