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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1886)
rm DAH-V i-rum ? .irn/v F1NANCI-VU . York. Jur J.-MoNET On call . . . . - nt 1M(32j ( IT < I'imic AIUICANT ; 1'Arr.n 4(35 ( per tent. KXCIIANOE Firm anil iin- riianged ; 64.87 tor fclxty day bills , niul S on elcmnnil , ( iOVKUNMKNTS Dull hilt StOftllj' . STOCKS There was very llttlo business In stocks until Into In the afternoon , when Western I'nlon ' eave a jump unit rose to/J5r < " Gfl" < , nt which price It closet ! fn\ornhle. I be earnings statements of the St. 1'mil nntl Noilhern 1'aelilcgavo them a cooel standing on the list , nnd St. 1'iiul was seeonil fu\orile In the day'H dealings. Western fnlon oneneil nt Gr > * anil was moderately ncthe till Die afternoon , when It became very active niul the close nf the market was ainleUt great excitement , The lensoiiB glxen for the moxc- incntvcio various chief among the stories being tnc minor thai there hint been ft con- fi'iencc between the Western Union and iho Jlaltlmorc * Ohio companies mid another tliatn largo Inokcrhael been caught with n short Inteiest of ii.uoo , share's ; nnotlier that the pretence In Kutemc at the same time of .Meisrs. Depow , Flelu. Canett. Cieorge ! ( iouhl mul render , Indicated soim'tliliit * remarliablu In thu stock. London brokers wcie calel to have boon heavy bu > ers. Krle preferreul also { alncel > ) [ jmr cent , The Kxchangc will not open until Tuesday. STOCKS ON WAT.T , STIiritT. Bacmitboua-i. . . iuo * < iu. AA. w n. ' U U. S. 4'4's JllJi'l , jireferroil. . . 14U I-nclllcO'snf 'ft * . . laiV ( Orecon Tran. , . 31 Central 1'aclllo . 42J < JTacllic Mall U.&A H3 I' . , D.&K nref erred. . . . 1.1 0. , B. AQ Hock Islann. . . . liV ! J ) . , I , . & \ \ St , L. AS. F. . . . ! il D.&U. O preferred.I'.i1 , Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. , 51. AiJt I' . . . UU preferrcel. . . . 7U'i | preferrcU. . V-I5 Illinois Ce-ntral. 130 St. V. & 0 4S' ' J. , U.&W IS3pieferrea. / ; . . . Kansas ATcxas. : ! /Texas 1'aclllc. . . J.iilteShoro " Union 1'acilie. . . \V. \ , St U As I' . , Mich. Central. . . . prefcrnsu. > lo. 1'acllic l < M-4 \Vcstern Union Northern I'.ic. . . ! W O.K.A N prufened. . . . Gl , * E STOCK. Chlcnco , July a. The Drover's Journal reports as follow.s : Cattle Itecelpts , 800 ; steady ; shinning .tcern , S-I.OOy0.40 ( ; btockuis nud feeders S-.U" > ( ; cows , hull * anil mixed , Sl.AO ( 1.00 ; bulk , SU.'i" > (2l."n ( ; thioUL'h Texas cat- I'loX's Uece'lpts. 11,000 : fancy hogs sold fie higher early and closed dull ; rough nnd mixed , S-l.MX'tM.'X ) ; packing nnd shr ' " " S'.8Uitr.00 ( ; ; light , 54.50 4.1)5 ) ; ' ' 4 , 0. 0.Shcci ) Kecolpts. 1-tOi ) ; very dull ; natives , } 2.00i4.S5 ; Texan s , S2.CO@i75 ; tour ears Inferior Texas culls , fi < Jo cacTi. Knn-ias City. July 3. Cattle llecclpts , 1300 ; shipments , 500 ; slroniraiul fairly active ; good to choice , S4.50(34.h."i ( ; common to me- dliiin , S3.50@4.40 ; Htockern , sa.73 < ay. 0 ; feeders , st.f/J(7cJ.OO : ; cows. 5iOO(7rn.40. ( Jlocs-Kecclpts , H.OOO ; fildpnients , 2,400 ; opened , active and r e higher , but closed weak with tlio advance lost ; ROOI ! to cholee , 84.40&0 4.W : common to medium , 34.00i .4.i5 ! ; jilps , 3-Cattlc Hecelpts , 100 : IXIIS , 52.40(34.Ol. ( IJogs Hceelpts , 1.000 ; slilpmonts , 1,000 ; aellvejKood llglit weiclits liiuher ; InitcherV and best heavv , S4.7054.S5 ( ! ; mixed , Sl.l.X"1 4.70 ; Hunt , S4..10@4.7ri. * f. Ijtvcrnool , July i ! . AVbeat Quiet bill > > steady , with tlio demand improving. Coin Dull nnd In poor demand. OMAHA IjfviS STOCK. .Saturday Eventne , July ' ) . Cattle Tliemailcet was < iuiet ( o-day und no ) much doing. HORS Tlio market was stionper ; to-day nnd nctlvo. The receipts \vero very liberal * for Satinday , and uvcrythliiK sold. The demand was good and the competition among tins buyers stronp , tbeio not belli- : enough hogn " to supply them all , 5" Mlicoij Thcro was nothing ; doing on tlio limiket. V.ECr.ll'TS. Cattle aw JUogs 2100 Irevnlllii2 Sliowlric tlio prevailing prices p.xld for live Block on tnisuiaikct : Cliolco steeis , 1KO ! to IfflO Ib 54.CO4.SO Cholco btecrs , 1100 to i00 : ! Ibsl.W&)4.TO ! ( ) Pair to medium eows and heifers , . < ! oed to choice bulls Choice liclit and medium IIOKS. , . . . 4.30@l.ftO Good to chnlco heavy IIOKS ; < M.n ) ' Good to eboleo mixed ho B 4.i."i@4.r)0 ! ) k' Fall' to good silioi n hheei : ! .50 < < i3.i' ; ) ' Itcprcticiitntivo Sale.- ) , .sri'r.ii.i. No. Av. I'r. nf. 51 : wo 4.r , winiKits' sri'i'jft N'e ) . Av. I'r. 0 l.OU * ) .75 HI'AdS. Js'ei. Av. I'r. > 'o. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. Xo. Av I'r. 1(1. ( . iion . No. A v. I'r. No. Av. 1'r. S-l.-fi fll Jii7 Si.W 1SRI 1.40 M ) 7'J 4.M in 'jo 4.4(1 ( 151 S-i-J 4.50 111 1711 4. -ij' IU aw 4.5.r. Cii ) IMS 4.45 70 -50 4,00 4 'J4I 4.4i. 70 y.r,7 4.CO 4ft7 . ' 4.4.1 51 ! l 4.CO 74 . 4.-I71 ; 01 i.'S' : ! 4.00 4..W III 'J5S1.00 fil 4.50 Ha ti co ol' I'r ices. Showinc tlm liiulicst and prices paid for inlxod loads oV lmi" on thN nmiket il'ir- ' In tlui pa t so\en days , with comparathu values : Jlny ,111110 Satin day tii'tli. . : ! .I'M ( : i.0" > 4,00 ( W4.10 Monday ! Nli. . SI.M ( ' ? 3n. ' > 4.00 ( ifl.10 Tiii'Mlny iMlli. . : ! .5. : i.OO Ci4.iiO AVYdnoday 'M , ' " ' Juuo 'July Tlmi > da\Mht. . il.S'i © ! . ' ' Kiidayid S1.U ) oi.70 : ) S liM ! ) " ( iv4.'X ( ) Siituidayiid. . . . : s.4'i I.ivo Stock Union. Showing ( ho number ol eattle , hogs and f-lieen piurlmt-cil on tlio market Unlay by the Jeadini ; buyot * . Hammond . , . , , 87 nous Hail. Hios . 17'i Lobimin , V llothschlld . .m J Uyllielilld . : m > J. r , Miulrcs iV Co . iiltr Wray * Hall . : ' ,05 iSheeley V Co . 105 Blilpiuonts. Showlnc ; | lm number of call It' , lie s and MH-yp bhipiied dining tbu past twenty-four IIIIIIIM. c.vrri.i : . o. Cms , Itt. Dost. 1& . C. II. iU } . Chlrajto IIOflH. No. Cars Itt. Dest. 'J . N. W . flileaijo ' . > . Mil . . .Chicago } 'i . . . C.U. A.-Q . Chicago 11 . K.I . . UoMon k in this market are made fv percwt. live weiirht uulu-is otlmrwlso stated , fvA Dead hess sell nt Jtfo i > er Ib lor all weights. A "hklns , " or hogs welRhlng loss than 100 Ibs noalne. . 1'roRuautsowsaio UocUed 40 Ibs Notes. Hogs eoiitlniio to advance. Six buyers took hoes to-day , Klsselbach & Co. , Shelly , sold hogs. The hog pens \\ero cleared early In the day. , J. ( J. Hall , Uuda , disposed of two loads of hogs.W. . W. Weyant jr. , Ucrmnutown , was hero and sold hogs , S. Jl. Klwood inaiketed75 of caltlo fiom lliula. U. H. Silver. Sutton , was In to-day with liogs and cattle , Clifton it lor oy , Mead , uiaikctedjaload * 51 hogs to daj. 8. R. Hlack , Kearney , sold a load ot hops on to-day's market , Clark , Heaton A Co. , Wcston , marketed two loads of nogs to-day. Chat. Kcdlon , North Loup , was hcte to day and marketed two loads of hogs. E. W. Murphy , of the I'owder Itlver Cattle companv , North 1'latte , was looking around the yards to-day. F. 11. Paris , book-keeper for Kennan & Hancock , live stock commission , Chicago , was a visitor at the jnuls to-day. Fuller ik I' . , riillorton : tlieUcnoa Klor.itor company , ( . 'enoa : 1' . McMullen , l.vo i s : Me- Klderrv iV.MeDonald , Mis-ouri Valli'y : Stewart - art & Kiedeilek , St. Paul , ami Mu'lsucr V Taylor , Slieltou , sold \wx \ . J , L. HiaL'gins , Kansas City , has eon- lieeteil liliu elt with Teinpletou .t I.ovn. Mr. Itrat'fiiis is nn old lUolock man , bavlin ; been In the business for lifteen jears or more In St. Louis and Kansas City , Amonj ; others marketing ho s weio Ihefol- lowlni , ' : IAnilei oii & < "o. , Mend : U-ten- berg A : Kiusli , VV.dini ; HOOMMiV Kepler , Doicliestei ; C. I ) . Moore , llaivanl ; C. L. ClMinplon. l ) < ircbester ; Unlike & Titus , In land ; (1. ( W. Ilauaid. Tom Poweis , of Sutton , was In to-day with 1.10 niPid fed steers , the linest bttneli tliat lias been In the y.nds tins season. Part of them were weluhed up and averaged UiOl ixiunds This Is tlm Hist shipment ol his own teedlni ; that Mr. I'owets has made this season , lie has CiO liLT.d In all ho has led. OMAHA WIlOIjKSAIjB MAI11CUTS , General "ilnrlcets , Saturday Kvenlnir , July B. Rons The maiket was steady to clay at lie , UuiTnu The leeoipts of butter have been menu liberal the past week , but thcio Is very little of it that could be giaded us choice. Theio Is ijood di'iuaiul for eholro table butter , and paeka * cs of all such are taken readily bv the trade and at a llttlo stroncer pilces. In ferior or poor Blades of butter are not wanted and have to be disposed of at a verv low ligme. Choieo fiesh table butter , lO@r'e ; tair to good , SftlOe ; Inferior , il@Ca fil'ofi.TiiY Both spilng ehlckeusand old fowls have been telling lalrly well tills week. Large spring chickens tiling good pilces but small sizes can haidly bo men away. A lew ducks wen * K-eelved this week , but theio is not miieli demand lor them. Old tnwH , per do'i.7. . * ( fii.OO : ; spring chickens , huge , per do/ . , S2.50'J.75. ( . . CniiHHis : : Hceelpts liave been light of late and demand veiy brisk. We look lor liberal supplies dm ing the ne\t live or ten day * . Cherries , per ! i bu.sbol stands , S7.00JM.UO ; per 1(5 ( cpiait drawer , S1.7.X'f-.00. O.vio.vs California , jier Ib , 3' ' c ; southern , per band , S 1.00 ; southern , per bushel box , Nr.w POTATOKS Southern , ncr barrel , S.00hoinegro\Miier ! ! ; | | bairel. Si.50. CAIIIIAOI : Choice hoiiiL1 grown , pcrJjcrate , . , . Tomatoes , per } 4 bushel box , SI. 00 ; wax bean.s. per % busliel box , GOe ; htiing bans , per W bushel box , COe ; cu- eumbcis , per dozen. C0@75e ; earrots. per do/ bunches. 'iifftoOc ; beets , per do/ , bunches , 20i ( ? 25i ; : celeiy , Kalama/.oo , i > er do/ , bunches , 40 CJ50c. Pins' Knur. TJIJIT , J'TC 1'igs1 tcet , per Jf bDl , Sl.OO : do , 'a bbl , S2.00 ; do. ne.r kit , Me. Lambs' tongues , pcrjj , bbl , SH/il ; do , per kit , S'J.50 ; do. quail jars per doSS,23 ; do. jiint jars pel case , doS0.7. . " > . Tripe , per "i bbl S4.00 ; do per VblI , SJ.OO ; do , per kit 'Kj ( * Kins AMI DATHS Klgs , layer , 4 Ib boxes , per Ib , Via. Dates , Inner lard , W Ib boxes , 14c ; dales , Persian , 50 Ib boxes , per Ib , 10c. Nurs Pecans , lai go polished , lie ; pecans , medium , Uc ; Kngllsh walnuts , 14e ; almonds , Tairagoua. 20e ; almonds , Laiiiruedoc , 17c ; Hrn/.ils , lte ! ; lilboits , lie ; peanuts , hand picked , fancy Virginia , 8Jie ; peanuts , hand picked , choice Virginia , 7'2e ; peanuts , roasted , iJe extra per In. COMII HOXIY : Caliloinla , irio ; California stiiilncd , I0e ; Nebraska , choice , 140150 ; Ne braska , claik. la'seJlite. MAI'I.I : SUCIAU lirlcks , per Ib , 15c ; penny cakes , per Ib , 12' < , c. MAi'i.KSvuur 13ulk , 13 to 17 gallon kegs , per -Mil , Sl.OO ; cal cans , per gal , Sl.Oo ; halt gal cans , per gal , SI. 10. CiDEit New } otk. per bbl. 57.00 : ilo , half bbl , S4.00 ; Crab , per < loz cjts , 5f2.7o ; Michtcan rolined. porbbl. , SG.OO. VINEOAR White wine. ! SciB17c ; elder , 13 ( a > l7c ; single hlieni-tli , I2c ; triple stiongth , J'IIOVJSIONS steadily ml vanclnpr. Tlm demand Is brisk and prospects favor higher prices. Ham. 12c ; oreakfast \ \ - con S ) c ( < 0 > : clear side bacon , 7 * c : diysalt bides , 7c ; f-lioit rib sides , O'fc ; sbomders , 7c ; mess pork. S12.50 per bbl : dried beef- bain piece's , IGo : laid , tloices , Oe ; 50 Ib cans , Ojfic ; 10 Ib cans ( Fairbanks ) OJ'ac : 5 Ib cans , ito , OJJc3 ; Ib cans. do. . 7'ic. ' HCKISIKS A lull assortment ot beiricshas been on the maiket for the past low days , the uveiage quality of winch ranged good , lied and black raspuenies , as well as blackberries , mo In good supply nndiurlvc in letter condi tion' than In pievious years. Stiawbenles from Mlehlgan aio eholeo and meet with , , , , . . , . . . . | ! II I 111 * * ; * w- " .i | ii/i.i. lu. , utnL . t ijuart ease , fr : > . . * iOCii.7j : : laspbeiries , red , per 21 ounitcaue , ? : i..r)04.00 : ; laspberries , red , per 24 pint ease. S1.75ff-i.OO ( ; blnckbenles , per 24 quail qua ) t bushel qnai t case , OIIAX I : I Stocks are very niucn reduced and the season is about over. Theio is noth- Inglerton Ihe market except Los Angeles- and the supply is not largo. Los Angeles , Sti.00 ? ( j7.00. LI.MONS : Lemons are advancing steadily ; thu supjily is short and with hot weather be- foio us we may see extremely high ligurcs yet very high puces seldom prevail bolero July 4th , but oftener eomo just alter the 4th. lfancy. per box. S3.50 ; 5 box lots , S3.2. ) . WATKIIMU.OXS , The first car ot the sea son has -tiit arrived ; they aio of a choice ciualily. Watermelons , per 100 , S85.00. ( linr..v : Ai'i'i.KH Larfjelots of green nn- jilcs imteomlng in "i bushel boxes by express , Thn ill st carload of gi eon apples In barrels will be hero about July 1. Dining thccarly part of tlio season the market Iliictuatcs ma terially and quotations thoieforc are unrelia ble. Apple. . , ted June , per % bushel box , Sl.OO ; gieen , per > < f bushel bov , iKK * . CAi.iron.MA Km irs Ileeoipts aio more liberal anil outside eiders can bo tilled moie ii'adily nnd with bettor stock. Apricots , jicr ciate , 4 baskets , Sl.W ) ; apncots , 5 crate lots , per crate , Sl.ii ; peaches , per box , S2.t5 ! : peaches , 5 box low , per box , S3.00 ; plums , porcrato of 4 baskets , § 3.75 ; plums , 5 cruto Jots , per crate. ' . ' ,50 , HA.NAVAb Hananas are very good and vciy cheap now. llanana * . , per bunch , as teMp M/p , S2.00i..V ( ) . CofOAXi'TS Cocoanuts.per 100 , 35.00 ; less than hundred , jxsr 100 , S5.fiO. iriANS Infeilor stocks , 7r e@1.00 ; jrood clean country. Sl.'iVttl.M ; medium handpicked - picked , gl.WMl.-IU ; hand-picked navySL40@ Ki.orit AND aiir.i.sTuri's Winter wlieat flour , best quality patent , S3. 00 ; second quality , S2.50&W5 ; best quality spiing wheat tlour , patent.2..r.OY52.CO ; bran , 50u per cwt ; eliopped feed , fi" > u per cwt : whlto corn meal , i"0c " ; yellow corn meal , 8)c ) per cwUbcicening , coe per cwt ; hominy , 81.50 per ewt : shot ts,55j ( per ewt ; graham , ? * l,7a ; huv. In bales. $3,00 per ton. \Vooi , Medium , UKglSjpcr Ib ; line heavy , lOCffllci : llglit , 12i5l5o ( ; coauu , 12 < < 14e ; butiy wool , 2S ( , " > e oil. HIIIKS ( Irceu mdchei * , ' , C'-c ; green cuired , So ; cli ) Hint , lIMliio ; dry salt , U lOc : dam aged hide's , two-thirds pilco : tallow , 3(3.3,140 ( ; grc'aMi. pilmo white , ; i t ; yellow , -V ; biown , IWe ; shfiep pelts , 25@T5o. ail leather Lv-ATiinn Prlnio sianhtcr solo leather. 2& < ? 33c : Pilmo oaic solo leather. MM Site. bppor leatlier , per loot. 20' < j2w ; hem. khi , 75ub5c : oak kip , bSO Joe ; Trencli kip. < $ l.Mtfl.8i ( ; hem. calf , Sl.00d5l.10 ; oak calf , S1.00641.i1 ! : Kienchc.ilf.51.2.X S1.85 ; MOHK-CO boot leB.yoiia-Jc : Moiocco oil pubblo , 23a3Joj ( topplnus und linings. SO.OOIO.OJ ( perdoz. llr.AW llAituwAiu : Iron , rates , S2.2"i ; plow bteel , special cast , 4e ; eiucible steel , fie ; east tools do , ItoilHo ; wapon spokes , per set , 81.75(33.00 ( ; hubs , per set , 81.2V lellocs , saw 1'iT dry , 1,40 ; tongues , each , 7scs : axles. e.ieh,75o ; Miuaiu nuts , par Ib , 7 ( < ? lle ; cell chain , per Ib , C@12o ; malleable , OGjSc ; Iron wedges , Oo ; crowbars , Oo ; barrow teeth , 4c ; spiing btct'l , 7 ( < ibo : Huulen's horse.shoeb. i-4.40 ; Huulen's mule shoes , * SAO. Barbed \vlie , in ear lots , $1.00 uer 100. Ibs. Iron Xalls , rates , 10 to Co , S2.50 ; steel nails , S2.U5. Shot-Sl.f-0 ; buckshot. Sl.bSj oriental iwwder , kegs , S3.50aM.OO ( ; do. half kcgu , 52,00 ; do , quarter kegs , S1.50 ; blasting , kegs , S3.3. * ) ; fuse , .per . 100 leet.50c. Lead liar , Sl.ui , Krench zinc. In vainUh a t , 20o ; French zinc , 75cernillllon ; , American , Ihc ; Indian ochre , Fiench , 2jfo ; ochre. American. L . . . Winter's minenilJ'jo ' ; l.ehlx'h brown , 3 > c ; S ] > auhii brown , -'i ; o 1'rluco'ci mineral , Se , Drr , rAtKTS While leael , 8c : Proud * zinc , 12c ; 1'arls whitlne. 2Sc ; whiting , gilders , l ? -Ahitlng. : . com'l , I'K ' : lampblack , ( ler- inantown , tee ; lampblack , oulltiRry , So ; Prus-Man blue , "Be- ; ultramarine , IN ? ; van- djke , brown , fee ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umbel' , raw. 4e : sienna , burnt , 4e ; sienna , law , 4c ; .Paris gieen , ucmilne'J5e : Paris green , com- moil , air. ehioniegi ecu. V. Y. , 20c : ciirome crecii , K. . lie : vci million , Kuullsh , in oil. 70c ; law and burnt umber. 1 Ib. cans , 13c ; i aw andbtti'it sk-nnn , K'eaudyke ; , brown , lfe ! : lellned Inmpbl.ick , ISo ; coach black anil l\oi > hlaek. Ifio ; drop black , ICe : 1'iiisslati blue , 40. " . ultramarine blue. lfk > : ehiotue cum , 1 , . , M. A : I ) . , lik1 : blind and shulier moon. L. , M. A : I ) . . KVParis ; green , lie ; Indian led. 15c : Venetian ud. ! < ; Tifwan ? .Vj American \ermllllon , I. . iV I ) . , We : yellow oelne , l e : L. M. vV O. I ) . , ! Viooil : ochre , lt"c ; iiatent dryer , Sc ; m.iining c.dor. liclit o.ik , ilaik o.iki walnut , chestnut ami Dun/1 AND ( "iir.Mtr.vt.Acid , eaibolio , j ; aeld , tartarie * , Mo ; copiiba , per Ib , 4V1 ; Inrli. ntras , per Ib , It'e ; calomel , peril ) , Tic ; elilni'houlilia , pjro/ , 10.eliloro ; - form , JUT Ib , fA * ; Dovei's iiowdiTs , per Ib , 81,83 ; epsoiu sails , per lt > ii c ! glycerine , puic. per II ) . IS' ; lead , airlatc , jierlb-Oc ; oil , eailor , N'o. 1 , pnr gal. , 51.M ; oil. enMeir No. 2 , per gal. , SI. 10 ; oil. olive , per gal. , S1.40 ; oil , oilirauiuuii. .We ; opium , SM.40 ; quinine. P. > fe W. and K. & S. . per oS0c ; potassium Iodine,1 , per Ibf.i.OO , saheln , per m , 40e ; Milplmte moriihlue , per oz , S'J.flO ; sul phur , PIT Ib Ic ; strycliiilue , per oSI.30. . umii'riie < * eries VAUNMSIIUS Uarrels. per gallon ; Furni ture , extra , SI.10 ; linultuie , No. 1,81.00 ; coach , oxtru , SI.40 ; cemch. No. 1 , Sl.'O ; ln- mar , extra , S1.73 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltuiu , extiu , Me\ \ shellac , SU.53 ; haul oil linlsh , tii'iniTS Colocno spirits , 188 proof , 51.12 ; doiui tnoof , * } l.i : ' ; spirits seconel qnalltv , 101 proof , SI. 13 ; do l-sS proof , 81.11. Ale'O- hol , IKS pioof , S'J.10 pur wine eiillon. Hcdls- tilled whiskies. SI.0001.50. Ciln blended , S1.1HX > W.OO ; Kentucky boutbons. Si Kentucky and Pennsylvania rye-s , 5'J. ( ( ioldon Slicaf liourbon and ije whiskies , S1..VX-3.00. liiaudlus. Imported , S.\00i8 ( 50- domestic. S1.30 :5.oa. : ( iins , Impoited , S4.50 ( uO.uo ; domestic. 81.8.Vii.00. ; Hums , im- poiloci. S4.50i. ( .00 ; NewlJngland , tM.7. " > ( g2.00 ; domestic , S1.2o't3.0il. ( ' Chaiiipairnes , itii- ported , per ease. 23.00(334.00 ( ; American , per case , SlO.OOcji 10.00. _ Hry OooilB. Piu.NTS American , S-fe ; Arnold's , e"c : Co- checo , ( ic ; Manchester. Oc ; Lyman , 5e ; ( , lou- cestor.5lic ; Dunnell Jaciuaid | , Oc ; Dunnell , 5)40 ) : \ \ linisor , Oc : 1'acllic , Be ; Hnimon,4' ; Anchor Shiitliigs , lj > jc ; "tleinmae Sldrtlngs , 4'e ' ; Herwlck. . 4c. unit LL , 5c ; Ucavcr Dam LL , 5c ; Atlantic LL , 5c : Indian Head , 7c ; Waucliusset , OJ/c ; Crown XXX , OUc : Clifto CCC , Cc ; UttcA CCC414c ; Atlantic P , ftj < fc. Ticulxii * * Amoske'ag "ACA , IS'c ; Thorn- dvke OOO , 70/0 ; Thorndyke lancy , 9 } c ; Ymk. lOKe ; York tancy , 12'ic ; Milbury , ii'.c : ; Pearl Iliver , ll > ao : Hamilton , 12c ; Swltt Il\er ! , fioShetuokct \ S , 8Uc ; She- tuckct SS , li'n'c ; Jlontauk AA , 12c ; ilontauk Hit , He : Omega , ACA , I3c. 1)1 ru ( colored' Uo * > ton 0 oz brown and br.ib. 13' 'c ; 1o.-iton ! O U brown and drab , XXX brown and elrab , li e ; Boston U P blue , llKc ; Warrant Tricot , ifle. Hi.iAf : IIID : COTTON'S Farmers' choice , J c ; Cabot , 0 j'c ; Hope , 7e : Hill 4 4 7J < c ; Hill % , Oho ; Lonsdale , &u ; Fruit , 8c ; Wama- SllttU , KlJiiC. Conirr Jr.Axs Kearsarge , 7c : Aimory , 7c ; Pcpperell , 7 > ic ; Indian Orchard , Cc ; Naiimkcag , 7c. CnnvioTS Amoikcag , chocks , OV c ; Amos , kcag. stripes , bUc ; Slater , stripes , i-c ; Edln- burg , ll > , c : Wlillteuilon , stripes , be ; ( 'len- uise , ! e ; Otis , checks , O c ; Otis , stiipes , Uc ! Itoyal , I13fc ; Amohkeag , nappeil , lOlic ; Lu- ray , book told , 12c ; Oberon , book lold. ll ) < Je ; Kndinunce , book fold , 12c. fancy , 13 > c : Kveietl , 13c ; Haymakers'blue and blown , 7hc. Grocers' Iilnt , Piciu.ns Medium , In bols , 85.00 ; do In hall bbls , S3.00 ; small , In bbls. SO.OO ; do in lialt bbls , § 3.50 : glrerkins , In bbls , 87,00 ; do In half bbls. 84.00. MATriin * * Per eaddlc , 2Se ; round , per case , Sl.OO ; square cases , 51.70 ; mule squaie , fel.2. ' * . St'OAiis 1'owdered , % c ; cut loaf , 7o ; granulated , 0c : conlectloners' A. o)8c ) ; standaul e\tia C , COifi'ic ; extia C , 5 ( UOc ; medium yellow , 5iBa5 ; ( > ic. DIIIKD KitriTS No 1 quarter apples , In evaporated boxes , 8@c ) ; blackberries , boxes , CIIACKKIIS ( "arnean's soda , butter and picnic , SJfjc ; creams , bie ; ginger snaps , SJ c ; citv soda , 7Kc SODA In ID papers , S3.2o a case ; salsoda , keg , per Ib , tt2fc. hYnfP No. 70 , 4-galion Hess , Sl.OO ; New Orleans , 35(3ific ( per gallon ; * innle ( Syrup. K bairel , strictly pute , 7i-e p--r gallon ; 1 gallon cans , sSWi per doz. ; yt gallon cans , 55.25 per do/ ; quart cans , S3.00. STAIIPII Miiror gloss , 1 Ib , Cc ; Mirror Ordinary grades. lOKc : fair , 11 ® ni-e , ; prime , \ \ watechoice \ , I2ij' ( i3 c ; lancy green and yellow , 13HiMlf ( < * 5 old -rov- rrnmcnt Java , SOco.'Silc ' ; Intoi lor Java. 10 > iiOo ; Mocha , 2-t24c ! : A i buckle's roasted , M'.j'c ' ; MeLaughlln's ' XXXX roasted , 14 > 4c ; Ullworth's , 14c : Ited 'Cioss , SoAi'.s Kirk's Savon imperial , S2.70 ; Khk's satinet , S3.00 ; Kirk's standard. 53.0 > ; Kirk's whlto Uiisslan , S4.00 ; Kiik's Wliito Can , S < V > 0 : Dome , 53/K ) ; Washboard , S'UO. CAXXF.I ) ( Joois ) Oysters , standard , per case. S3.40 ; .strawberries , 2 Ib per case.2.50 ; raspbcrile * , , U Ib per case , 82.25 ; California pear. ' , per case , Sl,40 ; apricots , per ease , 54,40 ; peaches , per ease , S4.40 ; white charring , Cj.r > .50. UAJTDi.ns Uoxes , 401bCs , 10t < c ; 8s , lOi e ; boxes , 40 Ib , 10 oz , Cs , lOjfc ; half box , SO Ib , OANuy Mixed , Oi rtJ12o ; fitlelr , O lOc. SALT Dray loails , per bbl. 31.55 ; Ashton , In sacks , $ W ; > { sacks , Aston , 65o ; bbls , dairy , & 'J.X'Si75. ( Si'iP'-rf ( Honm ! HIack popper , boxes , 20 @ 'i.'o ; ulloplce , ISQlOc ; cinnamon , ; cloves , 15CiJ5c ! ; lngor , 15CVj ; mustarel , ir @ asc. asc.THAU ( lunpowiler , fair , 2017 ( ; jrooil , 4 ! Me : choice , ( ! 0@7fk' ; gooil Imperial. 40 ® Hie ; choice , COJi,70u ; Young Hyson , good , : ; choice. 50i ( 70c : Oolong , good , ai@40c ; Oo long , choice.40@00p ; Kngllsh breakfastgooel. Tea hlftlngs , ISc. FI.NI : CUT Hard to Heat , 70c ; Charm of News , Me. Liumbor. iioAitns. No. 1 Com. s. 1. s. 12 , Hand 10ft S17.00 No. a " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft 15.00 No. 3 " " 12 , 14 and 10 It 13.00 No.4 " " 12i 1J ami 10 ft 11,00 FK.NTINO. No. 1 , 4 , t 0 Inch , 12 and U ft. , rough..S10.50 No. 1,4 & 0 Inch , Id ft. , rough 17.00 No. 2,4 & flinch , 12 nnd 14 Ft. , louuh. . . 14,00 No. 2 , 4 A0 Inch , 1C it. , rotuh 15.00 DIMENSIONS AM ) T1HIIKI13. n'lo ' ft'is ' ' ft'-s ' 12 ftjn ft'20 - ftjsi ft 'Xt 10 wiwib Iwo'iIEo'i7.M ' ) nlfio'iaiw ' lfM 15 09 IS ( / ) , ! ( 00,17.00 , 00 2I.OO 15.51) 15.ft'J 15.60 18.li017.IW l'J.60,20.60 ' 2.TIO 15.IY ) UI.M ) 15 M 18.M ) , 17.50 ' 0.69 L'1.60 Silt 15 50 15.50 I5.M ) 16.50 17..V ) 'MM21 M 1550 l5.5fl'l6.50l8.5ol7.5'l8.COill50 ' ! ! ! ! 611 l.\U I.US , l.ATII. A * Standard S2.C5 5-inch clear 1.55 evinch clear. . , l.os -NO. 1 . . . . . . i * . . . . . . . . . > . . . . . , . . . . . . , , , , . l. .J Lath 2.23 I'l.OOItlXO. A 0 Inch , whlto nluu 83.5.00 no inch " " a-j.oo C Cinch , " ' 2S .50 DOlneb , " " 'JO.&o EOliich , " " 17.50 STOCK iidAiins. A 13 Inch , s. 1 s. 12,14 and 10 ft. . , 840.00 H12 inch , " " 42.00 O 13 Inch , " " " , . . SO.OO 1)12 inch. " " 23.00 No. 1 Com. 12 In.s. 1 s. 12. 14 and 1C tt.l 8.00 No. 1 " " " 10 , JK and 20 ft. . 18.00 N.O , 3 " " ' 12 , l1 and 10 It. , 10.0 ' rish. nitrii _ _ _ . . fiu , ! nii-f in-or mail - 1\t- " * ' , , OT , rn no w 40 t u 10 Mumi' st.N'e > i l/b fio.i 25 s ti ; i fit i 401 n to I. B-O lllb'il I'nnev 5 ( W ! 1 WJ 2 7"i I M 1 fll * > > 4 * . "i ( V D 01 2 75 I . 'M I H > i HI 45 Q'r llliN I'n'N ' or Klti Noiirr-rln-i | , I I I i I I ' KKkller'litr * 12fl ( ) MS - > 01 ! 30" 70 . . . . ft * Kl Xorwonlmi i ' ! ' ' I | I ' KK iioiT'i-i-fcii o.ei oi5 isn a-i : , i . . . so , ; : > llrl-'llln * ' . S > 4 5M OJ'J .TO l l . . . Ill1 fll 'iftliN ll".ll iinlr . IHils Kt llloiiter Me" sir , 0118 00 ID Sin 0i" ! H 1 M Kx No 1 Shore . ; . ' ( u > I'-'M ) 11 : i ) M IK ) . * . 10 1 Ul No. IShoif. . . is ( HOW i > I'M M ntr ) i | ( | Mod. N < i. 1 Sheri * . 1.1 ml 7 CO , (1 ( ilM ) .V.-J ID M liny. . . . .11 . no o co 5 4'nn.i2 , * , ) * ; , l.nrce I'nnuly I Or r , ( M 4 .V.S , Vs 10 rfl rm iMmii ) . . j.- . ' v e ) 4 ooajfts ! o : . i w w I.ALK HCIlT " --v , ic. , . Hf llhKiir HIil * I'l-lKl-j cw FIFII. , w , rj < ( , ,0 , , No , i While Tisl ( i oo "i 40 : i : * oi : in "w to Kiimllv Whlto risli. . n Ol S 7111 7lil ( .Vi W 51 NO. i trout ; i : ; i ; 1711 MI , 57 i.J IJIekeuJ . . 2 ( Kl I N ) I ; * ) 1 in 4'l 41) ) lfoTlandlierrlngMc7smoked halibut , lo'e : Yarmouth blontcis , U'je ; new scaled lii'iiingN Sheer grit saved tlio lifo'of Churlos Mn- lone onmliiy lust week , at l.-i"i > os * i > , Wis. llowns thrown iiiulpi-n ruihvnv oar , but uuuiu".el to catL'h thu axle and linld on until tlio train WHS stopped. Xutxvith- stiinilin his unities were pulled out of joint anil biiell.y bruised. VThcn nni dcX , wo gave hftt O.Mtc : " , Wbcn Mia TTM a Clillil , she cried for Castoria , When ehibccamo Alias , she clnng to Oastorb , W bau ole h vl CUlldion , obe Rare thorn Caatorir , 1'aris. Ky. , is to huvo a confoileratu monutnent forty foot high and ton feel square at the base. Jt will cost $ iOOU , anil ? 1,000 in funds has already boon sub scribed. On it will bo. tlio inscription : "No nation rose so wliito and fair ; none fell so pure of crime. " nenton'Hlliiie Grawer All who are ! HA LI ) , all who aio becomlUi ! HALD. all who do not want , to tin b.ild , all who are troubled with DANDRUFF , or l I'CHINU ul ( ho scalp ; should use Hiiiilon's llairiio\vcr. EUIIITV I'xu CI.VT : of these using it have KIOWII hair. It never fails to stop the hair Irotn tailing. Throueh sickness ami levers the hair sometimes ( alls oil In a shoit time , and although the person may have remained bald lor years , If yoiuiso Uen- ton's Hair Glower according to directions you are sure of a growth of hair. In hun dreds of cases we have produced arood prowth of Hair on these who have been bald and jrlazed for years wo have fully substan tiated the following lacts : We BIOW Hair in W ) eases out of 100 , no matter how long bald. Unlike other prepaiatlons , it contains no sus-ar " of lead , or vegetable or mlneial poisons. It Is a specific for fallliiR hair , dandiuir , and Itching of tlu * scalp. ThellairOroworis a hair food , and Its omposltion is almost exactly like the oil which supplies the tiair with Its vitality. DOUULiE AND TR1PLK STRKN'OTH. When the skin is very toiicli and hard , and the lollice Is apparently eltcetually closed , the single stretij-th will sometimes lall to reach tne papllld : in swell eases the double or triple strength should be used in connection with ( he single , lisiuijlhein alternately. Trice , single streni-th , S1OJ : double strength , S2.00 ; , triple strength , S3.00. If your druggists n-ivo not got It wo will send It pi spared on receipt of in ice. 13ENTONHAUI GROWER CO. , ' Cleveland , O. Sold by C. F. Goodman and Kuhn it Co. 15th unU Douiflas. 18th nrrl Cumlntr * , Legal Notice. / - < EOHGD SlNCLAIfl and CJItvo P. Sinclair , his V.T wife , non-resident dcrondnnls , will tiiko notice thiu on the 1st d y of .lime , 1S3U , .Milton Hundrlx , plalntlir , hovoln , IlluJ his poiltlou In the District Court nl Dousing coinny , Nobrus- Ku , against B.xld dori'iidiints , 110 ohject and piHyorof which nro to oDinpel the spaclllo por- lorminico ot n wrltton contract to convey to bilid plaintiff ny qult-clilm dec'.l the following lots in the town of I'ljro.'ieo in said county , to- wlt : Lot 3 , block II ; lot 2 , block Jr. ; lot 2 , liloslt 2(1 ( ; lots , block57. the con-iilorntlnn lorrhleh hna hocn fully paid by said plaintiff to paid do- Icndunts. You uro required to answer sale petition on er before the 12th dny ol .luly , IbS'J. Dated Omnha. Juno 1st. ISHil. MII.TON HENDIlIX , I'hllntllT. By COSOUON , CI.AHKSON A ; HUNT , lll Attor neys mo-l-Mi-lOCl WHO II UNACQ MINTED WITH THE CEOOnAPHV OF THIS OOUNTRV WILL OEC OY EXAMININQ THIS MAP THAT THE The Great Rock Island Route Oiiaruntor- r tro - Hint censn of pcrronnl Bern- rUy aroi(1 d liy a holld. thuioiittlilT Ijall-rtrd rond- be. ] , tmonlli track ! of "niitliiiionu itril rail , tubituM- tiill ; built culteru niul lirlilKrn , lollluKfork a > near prrfri'tluli AJ Ilinaan rhlll inn nmko It. tlu * ulftv uppHjiicc'iof p.-itrnt Imllrn.l'liitCoimanmUlr.ljrnUrH. ami that viActlnt * dUciplliio wblrli coTeini tlio nine' Ijcalup.iratlonnf all It * tialni Oilier | icrlaltliof .lili roiito nr Tmiirfrii t nil cunnerllnir i > olniii In Unlun Di pou , ami thu unoiirpiEM'd cuufbrti auU luurlC8 or Iti TiuaeiiKor nqvlpmcit. 'the Fait Kitirrii Tr l litlurm Chloico nnil P orj. . ( < ouncliniuir..Kajiin city Uovpmv'iii , SSj Attlllmil aie uoinpo.eJ of well tenHlatirl liimly IMC iioUlen-a l ) y UoncliM Maitnlilci'iit I'ullmaii I'alicfi blefiei | of Iho jalcst IIB-II | ; | , an.l niinluon | jjlulnic Cam , In which oUhuntaly < nnk d nn-iil artli liiiuly calcn. I'fturi'piiClikMiiiu null Kens ( 'ltv nil Atililrwi are also run tbe Ui'lAratud KCcllnliii-fhalr Cai > . The Famous Albert Loa Route If Hie direct and favorlto linn Ijetwtirn Clili-aRoand Mlnnt-aiiolliaiidHt. 1'sul , tvliero ronndrtloni arumailu In IJiJonlJe.oUfor | | all point * In itu , lirrltorlm and lirllUli 1'rovlmri. Orcr thl route I ntt Kipreta Trulni are niti to tlio wateilnLlil.ircn. . tuiiimrr r - Dorw. nlcturaique | or > llllr > , anU liuiillnir anrt tlhlilnu rrrnumliof Iowa and illnnesotn. It In al-o I ho mobt dtilrablo route to tLo ilcli wlieat Heidi unJ | > u lorU land ! of intprlur Inknt- > htlll anolhir' MSB. Tla Bcnica and Kan- kaVrc , lm bi-cn oinc.l l > * .twtfii rimlriiutl , InilUn. niiolll and LalayriU- and Council IllurlB , KanrCHCIIr , laimcaiii.lIianilKt Kiiil and Inltnncdlate iKilnlt. Jor dttallfd lafonnallon tre tla-w nril roldrn. cbtalnalil .a w . | ( a lli'Uet , at rll uilnclpal Ticket Otlli-M In tbe United BtaUoud i.nad i vr by od drtxlilff j j H. R. CABLE , E. ST. JOHN , l'rci.rl & Ueu'l M'K'rUtu'l T'kt a , 1'aei. Ae't , " CHICHESTER'S " ENGLISH. Tlio OriRinnl luul Only ( iciuiliio. > flak andalva ; ! HflUble. Btwartor-rvrthlri. * ImlitlUAO. Ifi4Up Datite to LADIES * Aako r llruffcl-t M Cblclif.trr' . RiiftlUband tax. no otlicr.or IocloM i < | . & > ui a , fur ffticaar ! in tttUr brt'turn mid ] . Wlapi ME PAPER. cfilcht.Ur tLf.nlj. l fo. , 1111 ij JIullUon tviuure. I'lillado. , ! ' . Sold bj DriiffrUU cfcrywli r * . Ak for ' 'Chlrhtv tor * LiiAUau * ljiHjru > ltl 1'JIU. 1 alicnout s. Job Printing , KKKS I'WNTmn CO. , Job Printers , Book Binders , And Illunk IlooV Mnnufacturera. 100-10S South I'oiirteciittj Stro ) Flour and Feed , W. J. WKLSIIANS & CO. , Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain , Mnnufacturcrtsof W. J.Welbhans iCo.'s Quick ItaUln ? lluekwheat Hour and | irnnrletoinOmaba City Millo. eor. fctb uud r'uruumBtroet3 _ , Omahn. Beer , M. KEATING , gent lor Anlieuser-Busti Brewing Ass'n SuccUJ brunJ3 1'aust , UudweUcr , Krluucor milk fMUFA&TUHERS , Book Binding , Li' , Printers , Book Binders , Alnl tllnnk IIooW linuf'ii' * "i r . No' . IM mid _ 108onlli lull ttivt v , i iimliii , Nib. Bridges Steam Pile Drivmif. It.VY.MOVI ) * CAMI'HKM , , lnif ! liner * niul Coiitniotor * . Brges , Roof Trnssaj , Steasi Pile Driving lion Combination an.l HHMU TIIIKS Uilds.T < , rillmr nnd ( Ink Timber. Hlb 91 , iieiuTarnum , Cig-s ( nntl Tobacco. MAX Min till .V CO , Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos , nm,3 nnd Ainmutiii'Mn. SIS to SjriSoutli llth Wjirl. | i 0to ITS I Mrcct , Olil.lliil. X l.STiit-OiTiNCin.\u : WRST A , Manufacturers of Fine Cigars , And \VlioloMiln Dcnli-Kln i.raf Tobaivm. No , ! l and no tI'lli Stii'i-t. Oninlia. Ni'b. \V. L for the Manufuelurprs nml Importora , Crockery , Glassware , Lnrnpe , Chhimcys , I'.lo. nniei > . JU S-eull nth .5 , , . , . ! , ii , , , , ii * \ub. C. S. ( JOODKICll A CO Agents lor F. A.Vliltue > Ciu-ihuo Co. Children's Carriages , And Jewell's Celebrated Kernner.itor . Pen or prlco li'ts. Hl > 1'arium t , Uniihi , _ o. s. I'irrris & c ( > . , Wholsale & Retail , Fine Carriages , I'hnttoii' . Nucule * ami Uoiil Wtmniix. 70 i > er lout laicclln bviyliia ot " 1 M 1HO-III2 , lianl Mi eel , Onrili'i. NctniKkii. Drancli nt Council lluT ! ! . Umn. Cornices. Eagle Cornice Works. .lolm I3pcnotcr , 1'ronrletor. Jlamifai lurrr of Gidvanbcd Iron mid Cornlro. .rj.f l > odro and 191 nnd 1C5 Noitli 10th tftreot , Omaha , Nub. & 110I.TK , ManufuetmcraofUrunnictitnl Galvanized iron Cornices , Dormer Windows , rinals , Ktc. , ' )10 ) S. 12th St. AVorkdono in nn/ part of ttio eon n try. Western Cornice Works , C. Bl'ECHT , TronrUtor. ( inlvunlred Iron Coinlco0. Ktc. SpeciU's Im- l.rovt'd 1'atcnt Motall'e.SkyllBht. W ! > and D1US. Kth Ft. . Omiilm. Net' . Doors , Sash. Etc. fiielate City Pltn'.Eg ME Doors , Push ami llllnih. Also nil kinds of turning. Stroll nml Stair wortc ol every de scription. A. 11O3ENI1CUV , Mnmifacturcr and Dealer InDoors Sash Blinds Etc. Doors , , , mouldings , . Stnh * Itidls n specially 'Tele-phono No. ! > J.'itti and Maruv tit . Umuliit , ! \ ' < b. Electrical Supplies. L. W. WOLFE & CO. , Electrician * , Electrical Supplies , Mnponlc Block , Omnha. limirUi' Alarm ? . l-'lre Alarms , P'oetrio Matlln j , Spealclnir Iron Works. PAXTOK & VIKllljlNU JIIOV WOU'vS Wrought and Cast Iron Building WorK ion Stairs , Itulllnsr , Itollud lleums and Girders Steam Kujflncs , llrass Work , OOIILTU ! Foundry Machine and lllacksmlth Work. Ofllce and Works , U. T. My. nnd S ITth St. Iron n ; d Mails. "OMAHA NAILJU s-DHArrumNO co. Cut Hails and Spikes , Flro Nulls n Sp I'r.ltv. Omaha , Noli Safes. Omaha Safe Works , G. ANDHTK1 * " . Mnmifnctiircrnf l'iroiml lluijjliu-Proof S.xfc- " . Vault Doors. .lull Woik. Shutter * and Wlro Work. Cor. 14th auil Jackson Sts. , Umnhii , Neb. Wajrom and CarriaMs , Pd IboS. A.T. . SUIl'SON , The Leading Carriage Factory , JdCDnnd UU Uodgo Street , Ouiuba , Xob. Commlcslon , Etc , it. JiUMICR & SONS , Live Stock Commission ( Jco. HuiKo. JtanajiT , Dnlon Stock YardJ , S. Oimilui. Tolo.licno G83 Union Stock Yards Company , OK OMAHA. Limited. John F. lioyd , Piiporlntondenl. " BAY ACE & ( JltKKM , T Live Stock Commission Merchants. Bbl | meiits of any nnd all kinds of Mock solicit I td. Union bt tk Vnrdd.Oniahn , Neb. Lumber , Etc. " IX5U1S DnAll'OHD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Bash , Doors , Kto. YarilR Uor. 7th und Cor. Uth mid Uouelao. 110I1N MANDrACTtnilNQ 00 , . Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldliiue , Stiilr Work and lutuiior Haul Wood Finish. Jubt opened. N. B. tor. Btb and l.uavcn- worth Streets , Omaha , Neb. CJI1CAOO LUMIJEK COMl'ANV , Wholesale Lumber , 8H S. Jlth Strict , Omuhn , Nol > . F. Colpetzor , C. N. Lumber , 33th nnd California Streets , Omnha , Nob. I'HEl ) W. GIIAY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc. Cor , Ctb uud Doutrlus fit reel t , Omahn , NoU. GKO. A. IIOAOI.AND Wholesale Dealer in Lumbsr , Omahn , NtlJiiisku. CHAS. It. l.r.U , Hardwood Lumber , Block , Tuncy Woods , llrlilgo Timbers , rf. W. Cor. Uth uml Uuuyluti.Ouuiliii , Neb. O. F. LYM.4N , Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Bulldliu- Paper , Utc. South 13th Streetojsa-ifc Kcbrabkiu n.h , Etc. N' FJSH C'6r 6ucccF.-ois to Icken Slemsseu Ic Co. Wholesale Fish Dealers , Importers of Torel n FUh.Kos. ail-013 Jouel * = - - vStrr - > t nnd ' 1' . Track. UmaUtu 'ub. - . - . Confe ctionjry- 1M' . FAV it ( X ) . , Manufacturing Confectioners , Fainrtm Su , Umalia.Seb. OMAHA JOBBERS' DIRECTORY Implement s. ' I'AUUN , OHr.XtifWlT A : MA11T1X , Wholes. .t IValrr- Agricultural Implements , Wagons . . N' 'b. mul Huron - , Omr.h.i _ _ _ 0111 HCIHM. I'M.KKK , \ \ hi * ) , sale * 1) nlrr in Agricultural Implements , Wagons , mid 1'iiirirlt . nH. . , bet. Vtli uiul Urtli.uiniilin , Ni l > . Uooti and Shoes. _ * " * " - Wi v MOIKIro. : . , Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , Mil Fun-urn Piroct.Oinalin , Neli. Mmiufnctory , iUHiiiiir * Street Ito-itoii. _ Carpels , _ _ . _ , , " " " v " " " " " p. A. Oltl'llAimV Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths , Mnttlntrs , Cuitnm d.uu . Kir. . Hi ) r 8 ° treit , Onmlm. Net. Col : , LiuiEl1. , . Coal Coke , Lime and Stono. 2'yS. Illh" , Xb. . VurJs , nnJ l ) . . . Shippers ot Cnal and Coke , SUP. Kht-t..0iunim. ] | Ni'b. ( IH ) . f. Towi.u , rrrsitlrmt. Cm. V.mrii-oN. s"u > . iiiul TIOIII. J.H. llr-uin-T. 1' . A. lUi.i it. ri-oi'-U'tor. | Mani Nebraska Coal and Limo Company , OMAHA , NT.miASK \ . Olid * , ' . ' 17 S. lillli Miei't. Ti'li phoneIJ. . CLO. 1' . Ii.uiAim , l'ii' . ( r ( .ontivvs.V.riea. J. A. Si'MUui.VM : > Hie. urn ! Ti ens. Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company , fobbi-isof iiiinlnml < oft eon' ' , .TO S. K'tb ' bt. . Omiilin , Nub OMAHA COA1 , A\'l > I'HOl.UCl * CO. Hard and Soft Coal , EiclutlvoileuU'rHlii HouMev Colon-do Co .1 1,21V ( until lih ! ttrcut. _ Coffee and Spices. r.ATKS. ( ' ( > ! , ! : vV MILK1 * . Home ColfGB and SplC3 Mil' , MTg Co. Coffee HOHHIOIS ami Siiloe ( lriiilir : < . miiii.i fndiiicroiiriliiljlmjl'owiler , riiivorim * \lri\ots Hilling , olr. Try 0110 cu e of < mr l-n > piiokiuMi Iloniulllend Hoiuted Cutfee. Iti'JJ ' Howm-1 fct. , Cuniliii , Ncli. CLAIIKK HUOS. i CO. , Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills , Tea .Codecs , KplocIlnl.liu , ' m'Uei I'luvorlns IIitiiiclH. l.iiunilry llliui Jnl. , ilL1IH1U llur- nvy Street , Oiiinha , jNob _ Commission , Etc. _ ' nilANCII & CO. , Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters , ] 1M ! ruiuiim St .Omiiliti. Ajiple"Our own | . . ch- lup Vlatt & Cn s" 'I'ljti-r llrand O''btcis , Huller , Kftrp ( , ( innus 1'imllr. * , 1'olatoi1- . " _ Genera ! Commission Merchant- , Prodiieo'ru\Hlon . Fruit * . Flour anil 1 eeil. KB r. Mtli Kt.Omilm : , Neli. Conblffinnentb sulior.bil. It. MclJONALI ) . COMMISSION MERCHANT. Blu 12lh Strei'l , Uma'ui , Neb..yioi'Inllloi | : Hut- _ _ _ ter Kitiis mull lilcia-n-- WIKUUMAN 5. TO . " Produce Commission Merchants. J'oultry , llutter , ( Itiiiio , Fruits , Hie. : S08. 14tli Ft. , Omiilm , : LD iiuos. , General Commission Merchants , J40CDofljoStrsot : , Omahi Nell. Consltfiimonls \V. U. ItlDDKI.U Storage and Commission Merchant. Si'LCiAi.TiiCliriK' : . llulU'ir.en * , 1'ouitry niul Omni' , lia S. litli. , Oinulu , Kob. Tok- pliono i"o. UJj. UJj.WIKKS WIKKS : & MIM.AKD. Storage and Commission Msrciiants. Foro.'Kii ami Doiiimtfe 1-Vnltsn iii'clnlly. Kl- tvunt btoniK-o I'lU'llllio. Wun'lioiHu uiul ollicu , JUoilli J.'Jlli tt. Telep'.iono 773. _ _ _ 1) . A. : itMI.KY ( , Commission and Jobbing , nutter , Kens imu I'loduco. A lull line ofplono- 'Viue. Conslsiimunts bolicltud. Ill I JoJfo ) St. , Omubn. 13. JfOIiO.NV , General Commission Merchant , IHittcr , Kw , Clieew- mill I'mmtry I'milut'oguii- fi ally , SOU S. litli St. , Omuliti , Neb. " McKIIAIii : A > ( HJtOMDint , Buyers of Butter and Eggs. IteTrlsrerntor mul I'lirldtiir llom n , Mtb .V Lcnvun- norih St. , on L' I1. It. IS. Tracl. , Oimilui , Neb. fM.iblMieil IS70. HUIiUlIT l'L'1'VIS , General Commission , S. l < lh St. , Omiiha , No ! ) . Hpculaltles Hutlor , I'ciiltryuml ( liimo. 1'KYCKH IIUOS. , Commission Merchants , I'm Its , I'mlneo and Vrov ion" , Oimibii , Neb ( JItIKKI'1'11 ATHOMAS. . Ptin < .c sorn tn is 10 f5rl"'lli. ' Commission Merchant , nnd wluilcMlodealor Itic'ountiy prodiioo , fruit ? , butter , vfgf , etc. Ooodn on vmisfeuinunt ipeclAlty. : tWN. 10th ct. . Oinulin , Nub. KIHSClIHl'iAUN & SONS , ( Suci vpfur * to A. 1' . Sclni'jk. ) Produce Commission Merchants. No. 213 South litli Strcot. Omalr.i , Nub. _ Dry Goods. _ _ _ I * GINSJIIIUO * CO. , Wbolrs.ilo Ilciilcrsln Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions , Unena , Lacrg , lliiiliioldcry niul Wliltu C' JCCOlJoiiflnsHtiert , UmulM , Nob. White Lead , CAHTKK WH1TIJ hKAU CO. . Strictly Pnre White Lead , t'Oll : HIuiul U , 1 > . lly. Oinulm , _ Harness , Etc , WI3rTY & JANIIOC'K ( , Mamifuctiircrs and Jolibors of Harness Saddles Hardware , , Saddlery , Turf Goods , llloiikcts and ltobo.4. It''l Fiuniuo . Nub- Mattresses , Mattress Company. Mnnufnctiirliik' Mntlrcsaos , Ileiliiln ? , readier J'lllowtf , Cots , Ktc. rM und I'Mt Douf IU3 Street , Oinnbn , N b. Overalls. Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans I'uutB , Blilils , iio. : , 1KB auJl'Oi titrtiot , Uiuuhu , Nub. Limo , Cement , Etc. J. J..JOHNSON & CO. , Maiuf actarj3 of nimh Y/hite / L'm3 ' , ndHbi | > peisot' Coal nnd CoUo. Cumenl. 1'las r , I.HUD , Hun , 1 ire lliifk , liiaiu , Tile uud wvrl'lpe. Olllco , 1'avton Hotel , It lfihouohll | ' t , Uuiuun , N OMIA JOBBERS' DIRECTOR ? CM AH V I. "U . , co , Do.iler * In A * ! Kiml'ot Material at Wholesale , il . > o i K'i > tl Tuii-V. iiriiM.vv i > n vrr Wholesale Dealer In Lumber , tOlli ami I : iii1 " "Ui-i'is. li'imlri S'thia\n. .1. A. w.\iinn ; : . Wholesale Lumber Lath , , Shlngl33 , tUillilim- I'lipi'i'-i , SaMi , Don ; ' * , lluniiMo Initc , 1'li'Keti , r > M * . lime' , r.nMer , ll f i O mem. Nmin nun , loiu' , DiualiH Neb. I .sa Millinery , , " v"t. "t. oiir.urri.ui.i ) , * * Millinery and Notions , Illnnnd l.-ll lltiriiey Sti-ot t.Onmhn , NVlx Musicil Instruments , liDIIOI.M .V I'.HIi I'SON , Wholesalers of Musical Instrumojts , Etehittiiy I'uiiio * . W-'liM * . 1'rt'kor. Ihilni * * and Ih IKIM I'mtinrni'Kiuil Oijri'ifi , llmso Orjr.ins. 1U1 mul 10.1 loth flicot. _ rurnittirc , Etc. ' c1 1 \ ii.'i ! : ' i- : t"\ ! Furniture , Boiliaj , Up'jjljHirers Kte. , MM , I.NNniul ISIU lani-im lieet , ( l.nnhn , 11UWHY Wholesale Dealers la Furnllin , l- ' i IIIMII SI i eel , Omahn , Neli. Groceries , . . . 4 * K. II CHAPMAN t CO. , Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigars , Tob.teeo and' Aitu le , 1-17 Howard SC. MUYKIt \ liAAI'KK Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas , Splciit , ( .lKnr m l Tohiii'c4) ) . 1117 ; and IHI'J ' Dou/l / Ins tftt eel , itnnihii , Neb. ' ilLCOIII ) , lllLVDY & CO.MPAN1. ' , Wholesale Grocers , Corner 10tb mid rainnm Htieeiii.Onmhn , Neb. * 1'A.VTON , OALLAlillKK i : CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , Nop. 7Uo , ,01 , ' , / } mid 711 f. lUlb St. , Omahu , Nob. Hardware. _ \V. J. HHOATl II. Hardware Iron Steel Heavy , , , Ppilnps , tViutnti t-'loek , llmilnnod I.innbor , ota. l Ulnml i'll : llnrney Mieex. Omiiha , Nub. * " IIOXKYA C.lltllON , Wholesala Iron Steel , , Wagon And Carrlaze Wood Slock , Heavy llniilwnro. Kle. li'Kiuul I''l'J l.ciivumtoith Strecl , Omuhi ; Ni-l ) . JllMKnAUCII A 'I'A VIXJH , Builders' ' Hardware , ' Tool-i mid Ililirnlo Sfulei. 1403 Ooutpr t , Omaha , Nch. MH : , niiKD .t ro. , Jobbers of Hardware and Hails , Tinware , Sheet Iron , lite. Aircnts for Ilimo Genius und Mluuil 1'owilcr Co. , Oimilm Nub , ' MH.TON ItnuiiUS & SONS , Stoves , Ranges , Furnaces , Tiles , Muiilles , ( jialcltris's jooil * . YXi ami I' ) . ; . ' lu'.iii Ml eel. nircTOU & . wn.mi..MV : co. . Wholesale Hardware and Nails , I'mcison Slcol Mnils. Cor. lOlh mid Strode , Oic'iliu , Ni'b. Harvesters , WSI.'lJKKIlINO & Ce . , < IIltAdO , MuiHiti.ctuier of the Deering Harvester Goods , ( Vrlte to Win. il. J.orhiicr. Oancinl Oin.ilia. Tc'c'phonu tilU. Iron Pipe , Etc. A. I. . STUANO ) MI > AN\ , Pumps , Pipe and Engines. El-nm , Wiiirr , llulluii ) mul MlllliiB Hiip | > 1lc , Itjj tt.1l , ! C"J mul'I Farnuin St. Omiiha , Nub. I " curitt'iiii.i ' , PUMP ro. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , ' Steam nnd Wutcr Supplies , lleiuliiuintur * feT Must roost Co.V ( Juoil.1111 I'uinam atroot , Uiuuhu , Nrb. i | Jewelry. , iiHOI : ) < M le KIIICKSON , Wholesale Jewelers. Dealers In Sllvwwmo , Dlmnomls , V/iitclu ' L'loekx , .lowi'luis' Tools nml JliitnrliiH , Htc. , ID ] iiiut im , IMh i-li-j < jt , Cur. DoUye , Omahu , Nob. $ VISVAHD & SOU\hiKU. : . Olltll'18 III notionsIloshry , &G3itslFiiral3lilii ] Gooi lUOi mid 10W I'm nam St. , Omaha , .NuU. " J. T. Robinson Notion Company , < M\ \ and la'iS. Ulb.St.Omabu ) , Noli. \ Wlioleaalo Deuleis in Notloim mid dents' Kur lieioils. Oils , Etc. i " * CONSOI.lDATr.l ) TANK MNU , ' ( ) . , ] Wholesale Dealers in Oils , ' ] Gafollne , Mica Ailorrru ) > , Htc. A. II. Illahop , MiuiUKcr , Omiihii , Nob. i Pork Packing. ' " " - " jAjii'M i ; . invn7"J ) J Pork Packer and Shipper , Oimilui , Ni.brasKii , f 11AIUIS& ( riHUKIl , Packers and Provision Dealers , OnU'e , Union Market , 1517 Doiltro Btrei-l. I'licltlnu IIOIIKI , | J. T. H. It. Tniel , , Dniuhn , Nob. Tolo phone No. 157. Safes and Locks. I' . HOVKlt & CO , Agents for Hall's ' Safe Lock Co.s1 Tire nml Dun-lurl'ioeif Hafos.Tlmo l ) oksVai. . . , Bml .lull work. J'J.'U 1'itrmim Mrcvt , Ormiliu , Neb Seeds. " ' " J. HVANS , ' Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seed ; . liiriliMillunil , Vc'potabln , Kithi.I ( rellown * Hull. N.V. . Cor. lllb nml . Kt Omilhi : , Neb. ; J3 Drugs , Etc. I TI1K ClOODMAN DHUJ ( CU Wholesale Druggist' , , And Dealer In 1'nliitfi , Oils ami WhuJotr ( ll iv Omahu , Jlub. , 4 Wines , Liquors , Elc , , 11,1:11 : & co. , Distillers and Importers of Wines Anil Iliioi-rt. ] Hold immulucliirura of Kcnne l/'i 1'iibt InUlulIllteiij. till IliumBtrcct , Omiiha. Noh , _ " _ _ lil'O.v , in KfAN , Successor to MI-NAMAIIA & Diwt'AN , Importo * * ! uml Wholu.iilo Duiilcrs In Wines , Liquors and Cigars , 14 mid-ill S. Uth St. . Oiimliu , Nub. Notions , tit. " " ' ' I'llIlANDU3 i SON , Wholesale Job Lots , Dry Ooiiils , Noions ! , Grills' riirnUhln ? noo.l * . ( Jocilu 110111 New Voik. Tnulo buluu eluily. Ul\ am < ' 08 South 13th St. , Omabu. Leather , ( tides , tie. _ _ _ _ _ BLUM AN UltOS. , Wholesula Leather , Saddlery Hardware , Eaudlcryai.UHhoc'rinJIiifS , lilili- * , Wool , u/l , 1'eltS , UU'iifoTallow , l'lc.Oinubn , Ni-1.