Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1886, Page 9, Image 9

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JE suras JUNE ,
Tim gifted nnil well-known atitlioic. s
LIIHIG : co 'S
llcnclitcil nio greatly. I was in a very
li.ihnnstcd condition \\hcn I begun itsinjj
it , and lia\c improved so much , notwith
standing exacting work , that I am grati
fied to htuo nn opportunity to testify to
its value. " *
Killings of Harper's lln/nr.
" 1 linvo derived so much benefit from
it that I linvo foil jnstilied in rcpeutudly
coinmending it to my friends. "
Hoom. liitfSSWirK , N. V , , Tiiiu % , 1&0. "
. Did mo irooti ,
KUU'hV 110UT1I.
Gen. FRANZ SXGEl * ,
"llenclltcd mo most wonderfully. "
Of tholloyal lliitisli Hille- * ,
Is unquestionably superior to any tonic
that I liitvo tried. It bonollted mo as
none has oxer before. "
"foreign and native physicians men
of undoubted learning and of tliu highest
order of intellect , indorse its wondrous
powers. N. Y. Dry ( Joods Bulletin.
Cuitain unscrupulous druggist1 ? , who
nro trying to take advantage of the Lit-
big t'o.'s reputation , endeavor when
L1KB1U CO.'S '
is called for , to foist products of their
own upon unwary purchasers , and to
which they have given artfully woidud
names well calculated to deceive. 15e-
ivarq of btic.h tradesmen I If they will
cheat yoiT in one thing , they will in
others. Such men wilfully risk life by
putting inferior compounds into pre-
pcriptions. The only safe rule is to deal
\vith men who honestly and unhesitating
ly give what is called for. Remember
nlso that the Licbig Co. oilers no cheap
preparations. It oilers only honest i
poods nt honest prices. It has never
eouglit to cater to cheap tinde , and docs
not want to. It dcsiu- only the custom it
of those who want quality and nro willIng -
Ing to pay font.
The L'obig ' Laboratory and Chemical V/cr / ! < s
Company. Manufacturing Chenists , NewYcrk
Pails and Lcnlon. New York Depot , 38 Mur
ray Slrcet.
Her Majesty's Favorite ot
For the complexion and toiler. Pi ice
$1.00. i'atroni/.od by royalty and Ihe
nobility. "Exquisite , " says the beautiful
Sind gifted actress , Lillie Langtry.
J- *
Wo ' b T0 tliu facilities , iipparnlus nnd remedies for but
Ilia'mnccaf ill treatment of every form of dlsuiuo - '
requiring clllicr medical treatment , nnd
Invite all to como nnd Invcatlnato lor Iliciuvelpes or
correspond wllh us Ixinit oxnurlcncu In treating of
cones liy Idler rnnlilcs
us to treat many cusun
clnnllllcnlly wllliont Bcelnir Ilicm.
Will I'll I'OK CIHCULAIt on doformltles nnd
Union" , Club IVot , ( liirraluro of Iliu hplnc , 1)1 H-
KASHS OKOMIC.V , 1-llcs. Tumors. Cancers , eyes
Kpllep r. ICIiluoy. ICjo , 12ar , bkln. lllood auu ull
i : ix Ar.r.R .
. unit ull kind * nf Mcullciil uud every
Apillitiicc9 | , mnnufactiircil nnil tot MI In. npnit
The only reliable Medical Inslllulcmalilng cnstle.
Private , SpocIaH Nvorrvois | Diseases -
Al.T.rOVTAOlOU-l AND I'lI/JOI ) niSnASKS.from
nbbioTtr cauiu i > rnilnr > cU , eurccitifiilly trrau > .l.
V IL can rcmuMi gyibllllla | roltoii froiu Clio tyiilcm
without morcurr.
New rcrtomllvn trcnlmont for Ions of vllsl power , vlnitor
mil tiuii-ult imir Kuml nniuoniul poet-ofllco nditrcfr
plainly wruioniicln u ntuuip , and no will oead cnrd
you In plnln wrnppur , our
Jir.lIA , , M . 'KM" ' , h/1'IIII.I-J. CONOItKIIIKA ,
auNn-O.UUINAKV01lUA > B ,
vr send lilstorjr ( if J oi r ciii.o for un opinion. gifts
1'crfonii unub ito visit in may ho lritc < I nt their
IiomoH. by tori'eJi nilonro. Mi-fiirlnps nnd lustra. ing
nc-n'.Vcmt Iir mall or Piprcai riKCtlltKIA' 1'ACIC.
J5I1 KIIOM OI1S15UVAT1O.N. no marks to Indicate.
coiitentHcri-oadcr. Onu personal InterrloiT preferred nrtisU
If lonvcnlont. llfly rooms for the ttccommodntlon
of palU'iKn. llounl
nml nitcudaaco at routonaulo
tirlco. Address u | | t 'tl-rs to
Omaha Kcdloal & Surgical fusllfufo , There
Cor. J3lh St.and Capltcl Avo. , Omaha , Neb. she the
Templeton fi Whitney poems of
Dcaloisin crowns
ICoi'li Surlnys , Illlnol- , , onu
loxva Si t'l Coal. "
Olllco918 South 1'iftcoiitli st. nm
VunlsKightoontli niui 1/anl sts. to
WAf/I'KK W. M'XOII , V < < > . , large
lea Veaia1 ICxpork-nco.
313 S. I2tli Si. , B't , Fafnam and Mamey , for
( a nw.uiil matti'css cians
lonovutlii-f u
- spoo-
nlif All oil' ( lout'
piampth nnl at
' lonao every
t' .
riin *
viuroniptlr attouiU-U to.
n OIVX.1T. A Oalck , lVrm press
fjfuiA f.rj l iUubao.l , liclaill/ n . rt r- 1,000
tlKput II * I'riM f * . lto k e * nt cale4 cylinders
The Diva's Mansion in iho Welsh
; rnlRyNosVlicro Slie IH Spending
Itio lloiieymoori AVIth Her \o\v
lluslmml , Nloollnl ,
Ran lY.ineiMVTall. Tin-telegraph has
nlrendy announced the mauiage of hi
li\a Adelina uilli thu teiuii- , la tie-to
Xieoliui , on Thuisd.-n , the Ituh instant ,
it Swansea , .South Wales , ( 'oniplimcn-
nr.y invitations to tlii > ceivinon\ were re-
icivid by o\eral parties in tills cit\and ,
among others , the 1'aride < 'iinea , , who
sends to the C-ill thu annexed de-eription
of the piima donna's inagnilieeiit resi
dence lie writes his peiiounl ob-er\n-
lious of lliu Intel lor nirnngcmeiits of
LYalg-y-XcH , having Milted tliu place
ilurlng a foi mar tour of Ktiropo.
About onu liiimlied miles fiom London
uid twenty from the city of Swansea , in
that pint of Wales sloping toward the
south , in ii picturesque elniin of moun
tains , IK situated thu majestic and beau
tiful castle of ( Yalg-y-Nos.
This ancient hlruUir.j < , in tlie style of
the lifteenth century , belonged to nn old
nnd noble Knglish family It was bought
SIN years ago by Adelina t'atti , who , by
means of taste , e\R-iidituro ) , and adorn
ment , has made it a homo for the social
aces. It is in this ictieat , whiehslauds
isolated and many miles trom every
center of population , that 1'atti remains
the greatest pait of the yeur.
Although \otir humble 'cnant liad the
pleasure ami the honor of spending n de
lightful and never to bo-forgotten j ek
there , lie limlsit dillieiilt to d-ciiljo ( Ins
Msitj for this IGIM ; > II , lie piesents > ou
with n faithful picture of the < -astle ,
reserving lo himself the light of hinting
only at more puisoiuil matters.
Jn tliis Kden aio often mel men and
women of high biith and piofound learn-
mir.for hospitality which can be e\teiided
to fifteen persons at the same time is ex
ercised tow.ud all > \ith liberality and su-
pieme delicaev.
Niimorous liot lieu es oiler fruits nnd
liowoisof cver.v kind , liile the stable- ,
me provided with superb lior * < ? s , which
the diMi handles with the skill of an
Ama/on. Nor are canitiges of every
( leseiiption wanted , one of which alwtij- ,
stnnd-s nailing tin- guest at tliu station at
IJrng-y Jfos. The kennels contain tnuntj
paeks"of hound- , and in the iioultr.yaid
aio pheasants and everj kind ot fowl.
In the kill-hen * , kept with extreme
nealncsi nnd order , the most appeti/inir
viands mo propaicd by skilltul cooks ,
and the cellara tiirnish the most exfin-ite |
wines and Illinois in the world.
The castle is built entirely of stoneand
stands on Die slope of a mountain which
ises at the side ot the principal entrance ,
Opposite the castie is another mountain
of similai shape , but with more genial
outlines. This , with the former , mikes
valley tinough which Hews a stream
with rapid current , fertili/mg the soil and
adorning the landscape.
I'lio woods full of birds , the little lakes
and the stream abounding in lish , the
gardens eximlmg sweet perfuni"s , the
exquisite -\oidure of the nuiteiro between
the stream and the castle , to which one
mounts by a bioad staiiwa.y , as well as
the musical tones of the clock in the
tower all , all this luxury of nature and
art contrasts stiongly with the < le-
sorted rooky mountains that stir-
round the resilience of Madame 1'atli ,
and presents a pictmo that one cannot
readily imagine , but when once seen can
m-M-r be forgotten.
IJut who can give an adequate idea of
the graiuleui and beauty to bo found
within these walls" There are two din-
ing-halls , one lor winter , the other for oi
slimmer. The lirst is famished with
princely 'uxiiry ; the second , with its
plate-glass windows , fiom which one has
hue views of the adjacent country , is as
blight as an ctcinul spring.
Near these two moms is a magnificent
conseivatoiy in which one can walk at
nlcnsme , while in the center ot the
castle is a spacious reception room , with
iiihiio ot exquisite taste , upholstered
with deep blue bioeude , ombioidered in
gold. Tliis mom is adorned with pie1
tiirt-s , oriuntal draperies nnd rugs of
giuat value , as \\ell ns many jewels of
ice- all being piesenls whieli the divii
reeoi\ed dminglier.siilcndid career
career of such timmplis nnd honors as
only have expurionccd. The benuti-
tnnkard of gold fiol with brilliants ,
the massive golden laurel mown
ornnnicnlcd with diamond stars , both ot
which supurb gifts were given her by her
entliiisni'stic ndmiiers li\ \ San Francisco ,
there , testimonies of their aH'cction
good will , nnd Pntti can nay nothing
.1 world ot kind things about San
l-'raneiseo nnd California.
Among the jewels is n casket of silver
artistic workmanship , n gift fiom her
fellow students of the Vienna opera
troupe , while birds of pnro gold with tlim.
or nibies , n small piano inlaid with
precious stonca , nnd thu choicest fans ,
albums , pictures , nnd artistic woiks of
soil nnd of great value , form n
. of thu collection of the lady ot the and
There is nlso n grand Sleinwnv in the
rue-option loom , nt the doors of which \
two hgiiieb carved in wood by n
Kloruntino nrtUt ; these o\tend to thu with
in n guninl and respectful innnnur A
.salvors , in which he piiocs Ids visiting
The boudoir of the diva logics like a A
littlu bov , with its lose colored
blue furnishings. Hero st-imis nn .
upright piano of Nitmwood , while on tliu sultan
hang nologrnphs nnd pictuics , nil ot
, from fi lends. Nor nre there want
poi traits of nil thu erowm-d heads of
Jauope , ns well ns of the most renowned or
and musicians. Autographs nnd
subscription- , tinder these show the I high diess
consideration in which i'atti is held , warm
are also water colors painted by
diva herself , which testify that were hmil
not thu queen ot song , she might liltezn
distinguished herself in the icalm
painting. satin
Albums and pictty little knicknaeks ,
dedicated to herself , ribbons , neck
, ( lowers and a thousand other the
me to bo found everywheie.
Speaking one day at a table as to whether
remained anything in the world to upo\or
Patti which she hud not leceived , One
ignor Nicollni said ; "Theio is only of
thing left , and that is an elephant. " tells
"Simply bccausu she has not yet been to hit , ' .
, " I icplied , "but if it weie known
that thu madame desired one , 1
sure thov would have the honor of in
presenting if to her without obliging her loops.
make the lonir journey to the land of
white elephant. " iiindo
Tliqre are ul o two
rooms containing billiard tables of drapery puffed.
value. Billiards are the favorite
diversion of Signor Nieolini , and it is pe ly
that he spends his uxenings , While one
ladies ami gentlemen amuse them plllll
with the game , they listen to as
harmonious musio as one could desiie , with
an orchestra of one hundred musi They
could not render more exactly frills
sort of musio than does the grand Hlack
orchestrion made in ( ienova at thu ex Bias *
order of the diva , at the co t of uvcnini nro
Italian lite , to bay nothing of 100
each , costing 600 lite , on vvlioro
are wiilK'l ) the notes of each mu JifliK'o
Sffi composition by means of
raised , points.
Slightly elevated , but jet making a part
of the oilllard-room , is Ihe card loom ,
containing another giand piano Hero
plajing for monc is forbidden , accordIng -
Ing to the t'xpre-s ' desire of Madame
Patti. who. ltowe\cr , prefers billiards to
i other "line , and in Mgnor Xieoliui
has a "killful master.
In this wav , with btlllanls , cauls and
listening to excellent music , as well as
the bon mots of Patti. which are ne\er
wanting , one pi . . .ea cliaiming evening.
So far , we IIRMJ deseiibed oni\ the hr t
lloor , which , \rith the eor.senatory , is
lighted by eleclrielt . while , in the rest
ol the castle , ga matte on tinmviniis Is
u ed , and exeiy possible i-aie i < taken to
: nol l the danger of an i-xnlt > ionVo \
will now pas ? to the second lloor , whue
, ne the dilfuient bedroomin which ,
though furnished with simplicity , one
niisM" ; none of the conveniences that ale
requited by persons accustomed to all the
comfoits of life.
Tlio bediooni of Patti is tippstiled in
bliieish gray embelh-.hed with uold and
the luniitiire of inlaid ro-ewood 1- , in
common with neirlyail the furniture of
the castle , surmounted by her monogram
and the coionel of a m.iiipiis , while her
diessing loom is n pcifcct lujou.
Signor Xicolini'saiiartment is well fur
nished , and the walls ate hung with pic-
luics of g line and li li The great waid-
robesaio full of every possible gear in
vented for hunting and Iishing , for thcso
two pursuits , with billiards , arc .signor
Nicoliui's pnstitno. The giounds and
lakes belonging to the castle no' siill'icing
him. he has leased seven square miles ot
laud and live miles of the liver , in older
to have alone thu light to limit and lish
there The \cry day ot no depaiiuie
Signor Nicollni caught , before m. > < % , > es , a
i.ilmon weighing twenty-live pounds
The life one lends at the uastlo in its
union ol joyousness and tianqnility , is
one vvh'ch ' 1111113 have wished lei but few
can obtain.
[ Tntil noon each one is master of his
mv.\ actions , he can go wheie he pleases ,
do what he likes , or older any kind of
food or drink ( nought to his an.utint-ills.
These mmning horns aregcnei.nlv spent
by i\adamo \ ( Patti in answering letters ,
reading , embioideiliig , painting and
inu' ot this last we will say noth
ing The guests all unite at the noon re
past , anil one can say that the day has
now begun , sjneo thn gieat star ( the
Patti ) illuminates it with her piesenee
This is also the time when the mad ar-
lives , ami there is aiw.i\s some news to
talk over fiom that world on the other
.side of the mountains the woild which
seems no longer to have any connection
with the guests of C'rag-j Nos.
Afterward some go lor a diive , otlicis
to lish , or to the little neigliboiing Ul
lage , ictm ning at half past U in time to
piopare lor the 7 o'clock dinner , lull
dress being the i nle , and now the guests
descend to the boudoir , wheie Patti
punctually ; itlives , elegantly dressed ,
and adorned with costly jewels.
After dinner the .
guests goto the iccop-
tion loom , and altei wind to the billiaul
loom , where they aio entertained with
music , convei > ation , billiaids , and moie
than all by tlie grace and intelligence of
the diva. Midnight is the hour tor ictir-
ing , to be followed bj another dav al
most identical witli the pi eroding. 'Iheic
are about foity domestics employed eon-
slantl in the c.istht , and the service is
entirely Ilnglish in its rigor and especial
The lew and scattered villages in the ' Is
neighborhood aie poor , and the \illapfcrs
vciy ignorant. Patti is known b. > tnein
by no other title than the "Lady of the
Castle. " She has Ijcslowed her chaiities
so often on the peoplelor miles aiound
that they have a special \eneiation for
her. Although a veiy few among them
have lieaid whutn. foitnne she h.i&g.ntied
bjf her gift ot song _ , tliey noveithuless \ \
give no credence to it
When at the station of C\\i\x \ \ y-Nos , 1
took leave of the diva ami her guests ,
thanking her tor her generous hospital
ity , no less than for the kind invitation to
return soon. J telt keenly the mistoitnne foi
of toregoing this existence , to which i .
had so quickly accustomed 1113-elf , and
which many icasons hindered me Irom Is
piolonging , notwithstanding the cour- ol
tesly expressed wish to detain me longer.
The stars and stupes of America lloating 1 > \
fiom ( he ilagstntl of the castle , as amailc
honor and a salute to that land tow aid
which I again turned my lace , now my
adopted country and my home.
Commencement Day.
Oiliiiittiin fI"i > alili.
I'o-d.u ( he stiipplliii ; graduate
Dotn learnedly discuss
Those problems deep ol chinch ami state
Whivh stump theiestol us. are
With modest licms ainlhnmbln haws ,
' '
( 'lie oiatoi pHM-eeds
To ( ell us now to ehamc our laws
And him to niciiil uiu ciecds. To
In lonesot thunder lie declaics
The hoiu is now at hand ,
When tiiln rimiiiiK unaw.iie pav
Hangs tin eaten InK o'oi Ihe land. the
And then ho paints In hn id hues next
Om List iiiioapliii | | ) doom ,
No time lie isivcs to paj om dues
Or may , 01 choose oin tomu.
Vet In themoinine > ou will find than
The country sale and ( ice. pla
Kvcn jou may nsU. If you've thu mind ,
The senloi wheio Is he'.J
* ness
n ONI : v rou JHK I/ADIIC.S. Mr.
Straw . coloi and olive me used In roinbinn- ber
Ktaiidno Is tiiiiiiuoil with galleon or with
wateied silk.
Liht ! blue , ecru or cream fabilcs have Potter
stiipcsof hilght red. : es
Satin duchess skills nro weiu with bodices
drapcilcsot cscuii.d Kiciudlno.
Casliinoro and canu-l's hair soifje are sei- sons
\lccablu nmleiials foi tiau'liiifr costiinies , tarm
liatlsto and /ephyi diesses me tilinmed nnd
bauds lit white or coloied einbiouleiy. ous
Iteinbiandt hat of fancy stiaw has tor
only tilmiium ; a laiiru cluster ol mi
new mntcihl has hands of diawn work tion the
alteumtlm ; with stilpes ol satin , silk 01 ti lee
.Mis. S. S , Uox has boon piesontcd by the ing
with "thegiand coidon ot thu Older It
Chunket. " lowed
KvenliiK toilets nio now of the new eobred ILsh
gicimdlnes , with designs outlined with gold htairubj
steel tliiead. tiinates
Velvet Is civlntc way ( o vvatoiedsllk foi
IrliiiuilnK's. The sllK seems much less
than t'tu ' velvet. Ills
Theclmmplun hiwn tennis pli > erot Ku ' - Joinph seemed
Is a .Miss Dod.ol Itoelileny , who Is only son.
yeais ol n' o. siippoit
Crojiu do chine ami silk nuulln have silk 01 Joseph
ntilposalteinatln with dosU'iis of de the i
blossoms or sprays.
Low-cut bodices nio boideied about thu u.njeil
with lolls of gnu to oi ciepo Ilnlshed at Vienna
shoulders by bows of ilbbon. toner
Holgo nnil C'cni nio the fnvoillo tints In M-ciiio
opun-vvoilv talnlcs. These m.iteilalsaiumado son
\ sill ; of the same or conliaslhm color. ropolitan
of ( ho most tr > lm ; inoiiients In the lie ( Thu
ain.iiiled limn is the Hist niuht that ho .Slgnoi
his wife that ho is going to a loila't : meet- \aiy
Souiu of the new bordered nmtcilnlsfor Scalchl
costumes h.ivo lows of graduated iiiseitlou '
coloi . ; others a.iyo the blilpca of liny cnseinbhi to
Lawn nnd cambric diosses have the klits
with nariow iloiiuc'cs , with shoit of
In front , that at thu back being Dauviay
. embri
Checked ctamlno foiius the bodice and dra laiiio
of skills of the pluin iii.itt-ihl. When London
of tliocheckbb white the skiitmiiat bo Iluwaid
VIII(0. (
Dodlces of double net , closely uuibiohleicd ber la.
\ \
crystal oi steel , aio veiy beautliiil.
are quite plain or me ti limned with
ot lace. cut.
tulle liohus , cmbroldeicd with cut- "King
- will
beads of nil
resembling Jevvels
, Qiiesn
worn about Ilia
open-necked Liudlci's
or played
; driMses. KVJ
tlio futnihcoof nrcstaiuniit In Pusth , Suncy ,
jouiii ; Juillt-s nrcpinployed , is poatc-d a to bo
n-adlii : " ( j ut lenioii aie u-ijiit-stotl ( o -
nh tnln from 1 Is-iiu the waitrtsw on ( hr >
staii , ns this Is a fruitful source n [ liriak-
nitts niul linpciha th" seivloe- ' . '
1 hrce of Iho lonU justiees of Knglaml have
ikciilcd tliat lovm let lei i belong to Ilicir
writer * , who. In c i > t of e < triiienieiit ! , nuij
dennnil tlicm hick
Miss Mlspah HiTcklnridire. the ikiuehtcr of
Ih member or coiru.of : ; ( hat n line fiuin
Ke'itit'-k > Isstudiliitr law. and will CM-HI-
ti'illvpiaitlco law with IK-I fntlici.
U'uUil fabrc * are at in-iili infavoras
evei , am ! nnieof t n- new fabncs me sumptu
ous In ehoet. Tulle is pit npletelv coveii'd bj
heads of old cold , Iirnii7e , jet o. i-\iiii-l.
' 1 he .yoiuit : lailies of Smlih eolleje. Vorth-
nmnton. aie cninp'lled to eariv sma'l ' am-
inell.i-i In onlet ( Osvve thcniAhi's fiom ( he
ineh worms tint infi'.stlbe elm < of tint town.
Snoit mantlex , lltlin/ closely nt the bu-k ,
me eoveied wilh held eimrildci ( > . The
fronts are > inllJOIKP , and ( lie ends me
oinnmented with IxjniK ( a sels orbowsof
A bonnet of fine Milan stinw has the dla-
dciii ftoiit covered with piufed s.ipplihe bine An nlu'rclle nt dinettes titd with
Knots of uml/e coloied ribbon velvet ( onus
tlie lilninilii .
TuiliiiH will be worn throughout Hie sea
son. I'ho n"vv shapes mo ijr.Kefiil and ho"
coming. They are suitable to most places
and ocoasloiiK. and can he mnde as simple oi
elaborate In i-fK-ct ns the vveaiei pieli-is.
Alls , Lovejov. wife nf M ioi Lovelov nf
Betlu-l. Me. , while luliiil , ' leeently 111 Ihe
lakes , eaiisht the I.UKi'st liont evei
hooked hi n In the > evatiM. . It
welched eiirht pounds nine ounces.
A picttydress suitable for gulden parlies Is
of blue muslin with n delicate hini-he HKIIIC.
The lloiiiR-es arc eds't-il bv the selvage In Rold
color. 'I his method of n-tliifj the selvage ns
trlminltig Is becoming quite ccuer.d.
M aiitles foi win in siuiiiuci ( lavs inn of
riinntlllv , lulled lined , with nme slilinmei-
insr since illk.ind tnuiiiied with n pioliisloti
ol Chiiiitilly Into or tlu-v me ninde oi bio-
cadcd ya.Kullinand tilmmeil with uulpuie
Vniilnids aie now shown in so g\o .i ,
n vniletv ol ( oloiiiiK and desiciis that they
ceitiiuuiid theni'-elves to every per on ol
taste. Theli exticnm llnliliu-ss lenders
them especially attiactive toi inld-nmmer
A tea-sown of CUM m colored Slelllrnne
opens In fiont ovei a bodlie and pelllcoatol
liiiipiolse blue sntln veiled in clouds ot idin.v
cieam lace. llitlit-rsMcot the front Is ed ed
with 'nil jab ) ts of the lue. Tlie back has
full folds niinnged In ic-dliiKdlo style.
No litisslnii Imlv can travel without her
husband's "onsent to her passpoit , but the
Aiistilans have no suc-h one-sided business.
A derive has Intelx bcun paed in thelatlei
countii to the ellect no mauled Ui-
tilnn subject shall leeelve n passpoit without
the ex pi ess ennsent ol his wife.
Pu > ft' ser IeniAt ! Mlelmr-ls dean of the
Woman's collt'KC and piotessorot the I'icnch
lnngiiaeniid ! liteiatme m the Noithwestern
unlvcislty , is n piomisln st-hoinr , and has
been elected a inoinbei ol the M > ilcrn Lnn-
irunee nssorlnllnn of Ameilea. ot which 1'ies-
Ident C.iitei , ot Williams college , is piesi-
dent , and Prntcssoi Hlllott , of John IInKins |
imlvcisily , Kseuetniy.
To Gladstone.
Keep coinage , ( ! lidstone , lei thv cloiloii-
.Sin render not to this misguided Mltrht !
Both Tinth and Itlglit abide in tnist with
( lice.
And thou maj'st yet aetpiiro the vlctoiy.
Keep courage , Cl.idstone ! Koi these lojal
The aim shall signal seivii-e del ;
And men sh ill i.ilsu. In liie-nni } ol thee ,
An aioh ol pialse to span theinight ) sea. '
Kccprouiaue , ( il.ul4lonSI ( Foi thy powerful dl
slasgciiii.r'ncnth'tlio ' vl oi of thv blow ;
'Tis not vouehsated to all us 'tis to tlii-o
To nnd a deleat -victory. .
.Aecordiiiij to late lettefn , Mr. James Lew is
lias made the hitol Daly's compiny in Lon
don. ci
Theic Isn piobdnlity nf Mis. Itiekal ) } , Hie hail
plow of the late Man.igei John KU-kapy , ic- we'
tiiining to thor > ,
.Mine. Jndie's profits in her eight inontli'H me
Aineiltan trip wviu S&UOJ , whllo Manngcr-
Ur.ui ni.ule nothing.
Mr. CliniIe1'ope ! > tofiy lojtltlinnto dimna
twenty week- , , opening m M. Louis the
l.ittei paifol September.
SlKiioi Ua\elli istndi in- , ' English , anil , it -
stiil , will appeal next sua-on In Hie tanks
the Anieiicin ( > i > "in coiniiinv. man
Invitations to the Hist , ( linnci to be ehen
Mi. lleinj Inlng have Ill-en IsMied in old
New Yoik city. The date Is August II , and
UelmonicoN th Place. nnv
Mi. Lawn-nee Bauett has ensured Mr.
Clurlcs Uanou , late of the Hestm Miisi-mn and
eonijianv , to no Ic.ullnir male snppoitot Mr. the
Edwin Ujutli next season. with
Mi. Ileinileh Conield , on his letnrn fiom it
Europe , will prnbahl ) encaco Ml-i Lama
Bellini as pihn ! donna or tno "dlniv Union" yoni
company , which he ami Mi. Cail lletrnmiin 0
to send out next sea-mi. seem
Osmond Teaile. tliu gicatest of favorites ing
with new Yoik IlKMtrt'gociwill hoecu to lege
thioiighunt tlio United Mate- , next scnsnn In
apovveitnl ( linimi entltk-il "Man to Man , "
qiioto play , hfb " own iiluait'Olo y , It K a * ' { 'loi- you
Kobeit Buchanan's new play , for which
Colonel Sinn ot the liiooklyn theater , Is to
Sfi003 , will he n hi li society comedy of
older ol "Tho Jilt. " It will bo put on
bcptemboi for a New York i nn.
Lillian Leo eiiKaucd hjV. . J. Seanlan as
lending lady tor next season , is scaicely
twenty jears old. This does not indicate the
qualltv ol hci nctlm ; , however , any nioio
it Indicate- , the ijiialltj ol Mr. Scnnlnn's
> s.
Mi. Thomas \ \ ' . Keene Is at tiioscashoie.
lleliasentliely iccoM-rcd liom his se\cio ill-
of last winter and Is ns well as ever ,
. Kecne begins n stalling tour of the
principal cities In I'lttsbing , ! ' . , on Octo
lli'inv E. Abhoy , with Ids usual keen hcont
forilch liiunclnl pastilles , has olfi-icd his
eilnl sen ices to Mis. James Bioun
, tlui wealthy New Vork amateur nct-
s , who is eiedlti-d w'lth a desire to appear
Messis. Charles and Thomas Joffprsun , Iho
nt Mi. Joseph Jeltei-on , h.uo leased a
In Massachusetts nn diccnwood lake ,
have imltud the niembeisot the " .Sliad \
ofn ( iieat City" company to spend the
miinmci theie with them. the
Mm i lie , Ilastrelter Is nt odds with the
Anieilcan Opcin compinv iimnii cmcnt ; lint school
dhpnti ) is eindnally naiinwln to n ijiic's-
ot teims for next M-IISOII , and the catita-
will probablj nnd nodllllcnlly In sign
n contiact at the piopoi tune. nnd
was In 1W1 ( that nctiosess wore first al
to ninke theh npjie.ii.inco on ( lit ) Kng- 1W
slii' c , nnd then ( hey weie putted ofV Iho
thooiitrairrd ainllence. The iintoi-
wuie nieinhcrs ol' n I-'ienuh c nnp.iny school
had attempted to establish thcinsuhci In
lilacUlrlais , ycni
Mr. Uobcit L. Downlnirand not Mr , Six
Dowllng , whom Mr. J. 11. Mack has Ynlo
to In the " ( SJadlatoi" next sea
Mr. Downing wus fniuiuily the leading tion
In MIS < Mnry Andeibon nnd Mi.
Jellei'on Ho will , of couiti1 , play Ings.
old of Spin laoiH.
Iniinessario IMiniind | ) . fitanton has en- Jnpnn Ilia
Mine , hcliioedci
lljiiiistncngcl. with a
soprano of lj. ' note A
> st'j , and a now
, also 1 rinn Vienna. JIu nlso hoiu ] < , to lished
Jleir.Schott for thb forthciiiiilnisea Boston.
of ( ieininn uH-ra | at the New York Met
opcia house , trom
Italian opera season in London , uniie
L.igo'a mainigomont has thus f.u been Thei
successful. The prma doiino nriiaii setts
to the London public , except Mine. novel
; and the "otarhjitom" having been
aba'iilonod , Kieatci perlccllon ot detail and ommoiids
Is attained , lleroid'o "Xninpn" b ally
beiuodiiced shoitly. Font
Ilnydcii has completed the details
the loithi-ommg tour ot Miss Helen
, vvhli-h begins in Boston next bept- P.
, and includes enga.'cments In the the
cities only. Miss Danvray is now In nnd
in consultation with Mr. liioiison of the
In iflatlnii to his new piny , which
sliopioduccsat . the Lycuum theatio Decem eye
hen "I-au-.t" leaches the end of Its Lon institute new
run , of which tluuu are no signs at iires- Mrs.
It will bo
followed by Shakespeare's established
Henry the Klghth , " in which Jiving coutinunt
phiy Caidlnnl Wolsuy and Miss Terry iioiii
Katharine. Among the I2S parts lllth
bv Irving In the three j cars tic foi o At
ho had occasionally played the Kail of
In this a , so that ho may be said imiversliies
almost on sptaklu ; ti-uub with his next PiJiKcton
luipt-uouullon ,
T he \ U-lory of Lrjte.
"riievuton Uiiilne ! iiiolh | she ,
"He ( HUM me. tint I know :
Heart fKcniii I. nn I j < ) V tu-io
Ills h.nuhty liesul brought low. "
"TheIilorv N ndn ! "iiiotlili | ( < ;
"Mio loves mi Is plain ;
1 in ' imlle In-ill whole , nnd spoil 'twill be
'lo iii'c ' h-r - d
sWi-e ! ddiln. .
"Ah"rhi'ckled !
Cupid looking on
With vvli-l.rdost de-l.'ll ,
' moil.ils both nio gotip
'Ihe vk-loty I t mlnel" '
It Is repoiled Iliit Ml-s l.oiiKo Dillon w 111
hoitly be tiniHtoiim-iI Into Mis. Clt.iile *
In New u ugh , V. Y. . n wi ( Ming rrreiillv
ocetured nt iiilduUM on n lawn with -iX )
gue N hi attend nire.
Humors of the inedible miiilittcof .liisltrc
iiay , of ( lie I'nlleil Stiti-s supivineronit , me
dim-lit in H'u-diiiiirton.
The PIIIKO-.S Kll/ib.'th of MXC
about to espouse one of ( heons of the
4'l.llld duke of " ' ! : - . ( ' ! | .
Dining the > i-ir | ss ( . i.ii'iT divutces nnd
2sJl Mjniatloiiseu - - In I'l.mce.
Dniin ; the same yoai { > li. " > " > 'i niuiiacs were
Lx-dov. Cnstav Koci HIM of IlllnoN onnor
the nio t pio-ninent dennam In the west.
( i-lehiated reienlly hisgilden wedding. He
IsseveiKy-seMni yc.u-s of age.
A couple were lerenlly iniiiiedln Lewis-
Ion. Me. , who had their wedding day et
loity-slx ve.iis .140 nnd have beeii in love
with e.u-h othei ever since I'lm bible's
mothei iiieventcd the maiiiae until death
reiuoved liei fiom the scene.
London Tinth , In eniiiliiniiu thu
tint .Miss ( ii , nil's nmuincc with Loid Calms
his bei'li hi oken oil , adds " The Plinco of
Wideband ( ithei It lends ol the young l.uly
wi-iee died In to advise and decided tnnt an
amicable dissolution ol Ihe beliotlml would
be the wi-cst eonise. "
A Vennont couple went to the jnison lo
lie manic. I. ( iold Ihey had none hut the
parson 111:1 ccd to taken eeilnln nmoiint ol
hoeswnx toi his fee. Bi-loie purroimlng the
( eiemonv the thrifty domino weighed the
wax nnd found it ( ell shoit of ( he ngiecd
amount. Tliecniintiyman had
nomine , and
becoming alaiincd , lie pleaded : "Well , p.u-
sim , lake " the wax and main ns as f.u as It
wilt go.
A wedding at midnight is something new
nnd novel. An niiali of ( his kind took place-
iicai Win vv luk , Oiange county on Wei. IKS-
day of last week. The eonti.u-tlng patties
weir Clinics Williams , ol PiduiMin , V. J. ,
nnd Miss llauiet Almeda W.iteibmy , i.f
Oinngc county. The rr.iemonv was pei-
foimrd piomptly at the midnight hour at the
le-ildenreot tholnide's jiaients. The gionm
and his hihlcniiivcd \e\vbuiir on'lhuis-
dav moining , tlu-n ciossi-d the nvci to I'lsh-
kill Landing and took a south bound tialn
foi New Yoik.
A train.
His holies were high and his heart web light ,
He hummed a loiiinlel.iy ,
Poi on th.U atleinoim he mU'lit
Sio two hise ball clubs plav.
Jiut SOJD tl e lain tell , overhr.ul ,
\nd | hen liewept and gnuned ;
Lite was a , ens this he read :
"t'he ball g.imo is postponed. "
A Hank inovcmriit P.I wit'i a stiap.
Peispiiatlon is having a great nm at the
thcaties these nights. "
Mollo foi pi-isons who picsrivu fiilil - 01
I'They can , who think they p.m. "
A piess dlspibJi .innomiees lint ( lie "In
ins aie lieing hemmjit In. ' ' Wouldn't it be
bettei to fell them1.1
"Is it ti lie. ' " asked tlis piofessoi. "tliil a
lio.nlione pl.tyei saved tlie life ol Piedeiirk
theCieat' ' ' ' "It Is , " rejille 1 the stuileiit. pi
" '
"HovvV" " 1'iedeiiok killed him. "
"Whv don't jou mount n clean colhu.
Blown' ' i mount onu tluce times a dav. "
Yes , " leplicd Blown to the swa gonng
Jones , ' biitcvciy one's mother Isn t a w.isli-
worn in.1
A icminder "Well , good-bv , old man. We the
a high old lime m dear old Pat is , hadn't
' ' ' '
. 'I'o mo it seems like n die nn. ' ' "ho il
would bo to me , old man , il you didn't owe
ii : fi.iilcs. " . _ ,
- -
i'n"f 'aid HHliTTriu-k jnt'ihii ' , who always
hadhiseais ouen , but sometimes jrot tilings (
slightly mived , "does a 'vvlnskei cocktnil'
mnkoyoin mustache glow. " ' "No , my son , a
Itmnkes join hail cuil , ' ' was the solemn
They weir talking nbout a rcrliln rnllioid
who is not ( he most affable person in the
woild. "Pshaw , " said one , "lie isairgulni
hen. ' ' "Course he is " was
, was ( he piompt hci
answer , "hecm lay moi-1 lihoad ( lack ( ban
man in ( he eoiintiy. "
The b.iby was doubled up by the cramps hci
yelling nt the i.ite ot a mile a inlimti ) ns
lather nnd motfiei stood OM-I the nib last
the laud.i-iiim bottle between them. "No , new
Julia , " he said , gently but Iir nly , "you pom
out ; Hint child is glowing so much like
mothei that i t.m't liust myself. "
Coach ( lo college athlete ) Your muscles
solt , nnd vein whole system iieuls ton
up. Aieou d ) inking any thing' ' Col
Athlete Vet adioj ) . Couh hinoking "M
excess' ' College Athlete No. Coach- to
Studying' ' College Athlete Lr yes. a little. a
Coacli ( indignantly ) ( Jieat heavens , mando ,
want to lose the i.ive'.1 "
The Sonji of the Open Car. ion
Oh , w lint delight ,
On n soft June night , 1
To ride in nn open car.
You can stnnd the expense
It's only live rents-
No mallei iiow poor you nre. rame
Just live inn seat she
Makes Ihe l.uo complete muse
When yon lido in nn open car , . It
Hut some people gieen
Will stand in between ,
And so get uii-jiop-u-l.ii. dien. child.
In the two lem pews
Yon iii.iv smoke. If vou choose , III.
'Tis the i do ot the optm car , cs'i
But you'll heal , I'm nti.ild , she
Someliissy old maid with
Say , "Oil , that horrid cigar. " The
ISntgeis graduated twenty-six students. Mm1.1" lershe
The Nevada State Llbiniy contains 'V > 00 which
There nio 10,000 coloied bchool leachcis In
Cornell ( X. Y. ) imheislly will open a law little
In . of
Pilnceton gindimted 115 students nt Its last mothei
eomiueiKciiient , room
Hobaitcolle.'e U to linvo n nowgymnnslnin while
alumni hall. no
Flftv-soven of Yule's gi initiating class of nnd "But
will study Inw. rhild
Coinell Is to Imve the most complete law line
in the country. yon.
Foilv-foin gindnites wcio cioimd out ( his long
nt Syniciisu univcislty. The
thousand vohimei ma added to the him
llbi.iry annually. Pictty
Itenevvrd rumors ot Dr. McCosh's irslgnn- Ihiiiuli'i
tioni Pilncrton me ciinenl , ramo
Detroit lias thlity-fonr public school build- again his
. Cleveland has nenrly sixty. with
students In the noimal schools in was
hnvo begun to wcai loreign clothes.
school foi tnlnlng Is to bo estab
In . Japan undci ehaigo ol a lady liom
Sovontt-rn young men gi.idmted last week IIO.MI
the John C , dieun sc-houl of scli-nco nt JdiiiiTs
o ni e 00.000 volumes In the Massachu have
stale libiary at Boston , nnd notono ial
ainon , ' thorn.
'Thoconfoienco commltteo of Hat vaul rec- who
expulsion from college us the pun- cnt
lor cheating nl examination. changed
times amonih \illiollcpiloslsof her
thudloccsoof New Yoik mod and dUciiss simpiy subjects In the Lathi tongue , how
T. Bainum was the guest of honor of named
recent.oinmenccment at Tnlt'.s college , ever
was ns lull of lite nnd good spiilts us Hetiiin
" "
"boys. and
SonntorStinford Is said to cast n covetous been.
upon ( ieiieral Frauds \Valker.ot \ the prisoner
of technology , for picsident of his Arnold
California iiidvt'i lly.
. Jonas , n wealthy Kmjlish lady , who swoid ceived
the liibt normal school on this
nt Osrtcgo , M . Y. , ircontly sallfd Point
Liveri > nol to tauu part In iho twenty- pointed
annivL-ianiy of thu school. kees
present the Imsl endowed colleges and Ohio ,
nre Cornell , Ynle , Columbia , colonel
, John Hopkins , Huv.iid nnd Ohio
but Him ngiiitvrat ( < nnii'iilliicoui'i '
lltlle ovci ? JoOJOdO , , \ > iierco.- - ) the the
Ctiml"f Hie mmcjsiilcs ol OxfMd ( find
Ctiml in l.iiglnnl. Is iH-aily
" Of the 40 ? limn who m\kc npcongus * , only
"s < nro m me ( d with ( lunches.
'I ho cost lo the p IM- , In rioating nnd roil-
Ihmingnii Anii-iiein caidlnal Is said to hr
f-r > 0 ti.
It Uest'matcil thai ( he total onst of HIP new
Uimi.m Cathi'llr ' i linii-li of ( lie s.ini'd Hrnit.
Monltii.'ilir. l'.iii < , wlilb' 'J UK ) ii\v ) lianrs ,
01 CI.IIKI.O ) ) .
The l'n , beilan ! ihmvhiM In Mnivhind
me nuilnling a rh.mge In ( he s ate'e roiHtitn-
lion's provisodclmiliiK ininlsleis liom hold
ing seats in ( he IrgMntmc.
'I he Conni-cllcnt dlorr 'iii run-
untlon , leri-ntlv .New Haven , de
rided by thi i lose \ote of IH. toKJ npn n t ( he
ndmlssjon of Iny inrinbeio lo tl o standing
Slnre the new sol Ihe minder of BMiop
Hniiniiigton by n native king In rcnlril
A tile i lias been eoiitttnied , the chinch mis
sion il ) . soclt-lv has leei-ivcdlwetih - - < lx olfen
of s-i\iv ( | , loin fiom unlviisilv and liner
liom ptofcssloiinl mm.
\ si"c.d ) | appeal is m.ulo In Mi.ilf uftlic
Kplsi ixiaid of doiiii-stlr nnd toieign mis
sions which needs lo lecelve MW'.Miofoir-
"si ptrmbei 1. In ordri lo close Ihe ye.n with
out debt. ThN mpilicil um is almost inn-e
times the nveiairr iirrlptof the ( oui-sp mil-
Ing pel UK ! In iiccnt yeais
Thrie , ite U Piotestaiit rliinrh idliires In
New Mexico , brlniigln ; . to tlie dllleielil de
nominations as toovMrlhodlsl ! ! LpKrnpal
PI , ( ' | ( ( South , , Pirsb.vterhll
1 , ' , I'loti-siant ilpisnipiil . ; . liiiitlM ' . ' . Thus
In a triiltory loveiing nn atra of Ji-i/iMt
sipinto mllis hngei Ihan all the New Kng
land Chiles with Nrvv \ oik mldcdwilh n
population ot l ? ! , ) ) , tlicienir but U piotest
ant cli in ch ed hires.
In I'tnli the Cnnrirg.itiounllsls liave foul
cliinclii's , nine minlsicis- and v'10 mcinhiis :
the Biptists two clmivhes , two imiiisti is nnd
17(1 ( niemliris : Cathohrs loin rhnuhrs , s\ |
pili-stsainl . so nieinuris ; 1 pisroiialiai" ) fciu
chinches , s\cn ( mlnlstei-s and nil mriuhcis ;
Mitliiidlsts scvi-n - rhiurlies. tlmliuii mlnls-
toisnnd 'is ] mrmliris : Piesby trrlniis twelve
chinches , louiteen mlnisteis and W inriii-
IK is ; Lutliciaiis one mhu-slci and
10 im-mbirs , total , Ililitv torn c'nnihrs ' , tiny-
Iwo mlnlstiis and' . ' , i'is ' J.
\roidlng ( to the Neuo Xiiuchei Xeitung ,
the Moimoiis have roiniiiunltlrs In twenty-
0110 diirrientItiis town- and villa.'i" ol
hvvll/eil.ind , among these being Brine. B II ,
( ienevu. .Srlinllii.iiienVliitrillini \ and /u-
lirli , with a total ol (110 ( disciples , Includnu
Iwrnly ri ht rlduis , sixteen pnrsts , thlity-
tom teachots nnd eleven nssMmils The
same pipri uigrs the immrdinte taking ol
steps n.nlnst Iliuspicidtngol tlieiit , wliich
nhcady numbris.evrial women's aid iocl-
( 'tics and Mindaschools. . His liom Brine
t the s.iintsdiirct theii missions Indci- , not iblv those nt .Stntli.nit , M.'iinhcini ,
Ludwlgshntrii , Munich , Bcilm nnd l\lel.
CIlv r.irson "Coing ( o have the fever Ibis
yen' " Coiiuliy Paison "No
; my longie-
gatlon can't alToid it. "
"John , my son , let the holy bible be a light
upon thv jiith. " "Mothei , irplli'd the bin , I
should think that was maklne light ol sicied
There Is an or.anlsl in Noivvlcli. Conn. ,
who leads mii'icM > nccniately nnd who , it
is alleged , ncaily h eke the ihoir up one
Sunday by playing a lly speck.
Kislcin young l.uly do wrslrin joung
man ) "We wrie disappointed in not getting
raids to his sistei's wedding. Mi Biir/y
"Well ci , slstei didn't piny any , but some
ns bad a little SJ limit ultei ( lie ministci
got invnv.
Intlmsu ti.nes ol "money lying idle" we
liearol a man in NewYoik who , when he
altrnds ehuicli , occupies n prw the lailhcs.
Itoni ( hr pulpit to save the liiti'ie-t on his
monev while the collcutois nio passing the -
ite lot conti ibutions.
Mooily nrvrs nr Icctrd nny oppoitunlty in
Pleaching. He went Into the dtv toinsuie
his hie. Having done so. he siid : " 1 have
nsined my vvielchod body but \\Iio is to in-
sine my wielvlici ! soul' " A in.ittci-of-lne
clcik aiisvveied : "Om Mi. ' 1 hompson , o
mcdcp.ittmcnt , will seeattei that. "
M'.my of the npostles vvrio hshcini.iii , hut
you can lend the bible tlnou'h nnd nevri
nnd wlieioono of them nils up nehaptei ot
1,5JO welds , telling how it took fein lioms
and n lialUt -l.uil-iv-U < iMiiiicj * tiout with n
nine ounce iod ot spilt ua'ntioo. Indeed the
lu Inigcst lish ser > in ( lie bible vvns told bv
man who , so liu as wo know , never caught
hsli in his lite , lint was inther taken in Ihe
lust time he went tose.i. The sameitilu
holds f oed unto this day. The man with the
smallest slilng tells the biggest story.
A woman who has ariy irllgious husband
at the Incntcfnst tnbleono molnlnr when
husband's piayei was longui dinwn on
than Usual. A Auspicious smell ot ovridone
biscuits was v.nfted slowly but snioly tovv.ud
oltartoiy bhu wiig lcd and
twisirdand thought of hci bisLiilK , and at
when hci husband stalled ot ntirsh on a
tack , lo which then * seemed no end , she
staiilul ( the good limn by saving : "Loid , '
John , cnt it short ; I've in thu oven. "
This woild Is full ot disappointments.
imnia"ciiil ( a hveycai oldgnl"l it.nled
m.iko my dolln bonnet , and it's come out
pah ol pants. " f Now Oilcms ricaynne.
Sninll boy dialogue nt a Boston dims :
, Pntsy , vv h eh would you rathei , thnt
hltItoittei ] | ) ] ) ) mouse was n iiinnin nflei
or tliu lyeiiovvscihoss'1 "By golly
Mike. I'd ratlin It was Iho knngnioo , 'cause
could get inside and lide. "
The four yrai old dmuhter of olio ot our
Amrilcan prnrsscs.ns passing a rliinrh In
London Ihe olhei day as n wedding nartv
out. Slie annimiiccd lolu-i niiisuthnt In
Intruded some day to he mauled. 'Ihe %
lebukrd hci lei mentioning such an
Impioper subject as matilmonv , and told lici
was ( pilte on Ihe cauls that she might never DR.
many. "Oh , but 1 must many , " irplied the
. . " "I must have a lather foi my chll-
Hon. James C. Uobln on , of Spiin.'jield ,
, hnsn lltlle gi.iiidnnghter whoso govern-
Is n st.mch .Methodist. A few months ago
visited a convent In Indiana In coinpmy
nn aunt and ( he hitter's little daiigntci.
last mentioned ( hlld told one of ( he sis-
that site vvns a Catholic , and the sister
piously exclaimed : " Cud foi lli.itl"
tinning to Mi. liobinson a gianddaiu'h-
Impilird : "And little one , ,110
" " '
. "I'm a Mefodus , thank ( iod foi th.U ! "
astonished hci aunt 113 much ns It
amused the pious slstei ,
During the ten I fie thimdi-i-stoun that
over Washington one day lensntly , n
N-y cat-nlil buy llvliu in Ihonoilh pnil
Iho town was awakened , and called lo Ins
, who vvns hitting In Ihe diavvlng-
down-st.ilrs. Shu sal with him n little
, nnd then told him ho need hnvo
leaiH , because Cod look rare of little boys
would not Jut Iho lightening hint them
( iod Is In hcnvon "
way up , irullrJ tl-o
"Yes , " irpllrd the mothei , "mit ho is
, too ; hi * Is stay ing light.In the room with
He run piotict von , but I can not. As
ns ( iod Is hen * yon mod not bo afinld , "
child was ipdi-ted , nnd Iho mothei lei t
nnd went hark lo the diawlng-ioom.
soon them came imothci chip of
' , when the boy. craw Hug out ot bed.
to Ihe bend ot Ihn stairs , anil called
, " do yon want , ( IcoigcV1 ' ni-kcil
mother. "Yon come up heio and Slav
( iod nubile , nnd let mogutluvvn-staliti , "
thuicply ,
Hot in n Jonathan.
Buffalo Courier : One cannot help won
how many of the bride's family
in" the historic
; name of Hotiiin < L
were present at the nuptials of
Archibald I'oi bes and Mei s. Many
hoaid tlie story of how , in the colon
davi , Jonathan Alol s com led n iri '
rejected him , but whom the pcisist-
lover told to .send for him if .sue over
her mind , how she did change
mind and sent him a note beaiini'
the words , "Return , Jonathan , n
no u-turned and man led her , and
their first child , Itutuin Jonalhati ,
since which tiniu thoio has been u
Jonalliiui Mei - , in the family ,
u vorj dislin uished family it has
. One Hcturn J. .Mei s was Liken
at Quebec vv hilu serving under
, was a i evolutionary colonel , ic-
thu thanks of congicsa and a
, distinguished himself at Stony
, emigrated to Ohio and was ap
b Jellerson n cnt of the Cluio-
Another , his son , was a judyo in it
Louisiana and Michigan , a brevet
in the aimv , war governor of
in IH. 1 1 I'nitt'il Stak-SM nalor and
poitm.istcr'fin / ril A thud. niph < vr of :
Just , was a lawyer in
DAVIS1 ftj
1 < 111.4 OMMr.MU.D HV
I'lij l > , Mnii iii * Ai | < * ionni c Mniniftera
of I'm ini K * , \\oi k iidM | VI intutioiii ,
Kin-M-i in lln'lMl | ( in < .iui t i\ij-
lioih ooi1nio n lid has
OVCI p\l'H \ II Illllll.
TMil N IMI IIV1 I > IT III , IH' nil \ > SRVH
l\n IMI i rue ton
srnnr.N roi.ns , CIIIM , r\i\s IN
Till : STOMACH , CKV.MI'S sr.M.
TllltOA'l1o. .
t l-l Mil > Ml UN VI I V ,
IT H 1111 MIKT 1 rlllTIMM III-T ll'IVirvT
OS I MIDI Kill ( I | | | \ < !
si'itAixs ' , imrisKs. itnr.IIISM
XEl'UM.dIA , TOO I'llC1IH ,
Hl'IINs. ' I KOM Hll'l'.S , v , .
Prices , 26c. , 50c. and $1.00 par Boltie ,
: ? " Beware of Imitations. , , u 2
Nebraska National Bank
Prtirt up Capttal . . $200,000
SuplusMny 1 , 1885 . . . . 25,000
A' . K. , Vieo President.
W. U. S. I1U11III-.3 , Oi
. . . . . , .
\v. v. MOU.IE , Jotiv S. COI.MNS ,
U. W. YAIKS , WI-S. lli-.Et ) ,
A C. Totv.viiN.
Ooi. Ktti nnil FarnmuSt roots.
Ocnt'rnl llun .Iti-r Iliisiiuuj L'ri iui ; l.
( HiofoITA1.1T1 Is 'ni'iip. Prnln 1HIAIM 1 > nnil
J MML'nll in.rl'ouci IMII , ' IV I IJI.I.lV.SIN
tkl > nmy flnil n pnTiHt in 1 toll il > U curn In 11 n
Drlitlnau. ! I > . f'rnl. J I. V > ( I \ I I Hii. I.rani . i
CIVIAI AUENCV. tia. 174Fullau btroet. tievt VorlU
„ . -.innil/'rui" / on upplldilli-ii
nlllbi lietl Cwrtlii ! : ' IIiilln-rM nnd In
f'7N-lNNATI. I'.A. .
Mrs Dr H F
, , , , Taylor
tins liiul : \onrs1 i
lioipilul priiptii-p' * lve ? the
f-nnio pinctliu ! iui < l Ireiitnient II PI | In ilie liis
liopjilluls , Kidiij ilNca'-u' ill liluod nnil Blilii
dlsciisisn t < prLlult\ I mi * , oM Mirennd )
feviTMints cilud 'I'li-illliionl l >
> lone-point-
cuio solh Ili'd.
Oftico and Rcsitlcnco-No. 2219 California
Street , Omaha , Neb ,
State Agents
Omaha , Neb.
I'inctice iimited ( o Diseases ol the
llttetl for all /'onus / of defective
Yimou. Artillclul Eyes Inaerted. _
And utliern mircilnt from
tloljlllty , f iliitiinlln c
'Hi-cuke * , pifimiture
f jounff or did nrfl
' / u ' ' ' - * ' "
' " ' < * fnnii.UB I lictro.
MniMirllo llrll TliuuMinili
cro vrfa HI tn In 1Ii I'nlun ' hioo l > n iiinnl
Klrclrlil ' V l ) iJiftunllj fell ] > mild iinri M > IU 1O
eiirt ( W'liola family can \ ( nr Bniuu lutt l.ltttrlo
Hiifpt-nKurlicfli-a . Hliliinale Ixlts A\uld wnrtlili frvlin.
lUI.ona and hoirtis niliipaliliu Kl trl > > Tru t > for
IluMurr. 7"0 cuwl ' .
In'Hn. l-inil Hninfiiruinilllet.
| | | )
017 f ! . < 'JmrIrsHIK . J/ocil-V.JIO.
Arrsulnriradutttof two MedltialPolIre'1' , ! * l > ea I
tDBC Jln IlioipceUI irentmcotof Cn IHIO NIBVOUI.
ud HLO ti lniBAt ttianitar othrrl'bTilcUa lam.
aielly i pcr heir ( > n4 ll olire.ldcnNKUow
Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Artec-
lions ol Throat , SUnorOonca , Blood Poisoning ,
old bores and Ulcers
, ore tmtcj it an
uuur | ! iti < i
turret * , on Uricrollfle
| prlnelrle * . Sarelr l-ftv tcl/ ,
Diseases Arising from Indlscrcilon , Excess ,
Exposure or Indulgence. nMdi imdue. I0mo ru *
an4 tcllo drreetlre lij ciricln ntriouinc.i , del IMir , dluiDcii or > ifJ
memory , rlravlcion tUe f re , pliTiletldeci/ ,
fttiriloD ( elbe ibrlelrof friutle * . eonruIo cf 14 i , ! . ,
rcudorlnff Marrlaao impiopcr or unhappy , * f *
Krtuinroily cured I'aiapbletim I * ' * > ° n ide nlj < .rf , ICB !
HKlrd lurclo ) r > , freeto any dJrul CuniullBllcaAloN
Ceecr b/ mull ( ree.lnvlud Hiid trletlenOdeiitm. .
A Positive Written Guarantee
clrm in cirrjc .
rtlle cue. ilellclag ccct crtr/ where 17 Qall or eij ren.
900 PAGES , FITfQ I'LATKO , etefict cloth ml rill
llodliv * c led fur SCo In | oitjpcorcurreoej , ( Jrvr llrtjr
vnniirful f raplcturrj , true toll ! j Lrtlelcioutte following
uljrctit Iio mif ciirrj'i wlionot. nfijrj p iLliOod
tool iibjr | ldfc r , el ottofctl.l * woman *
neu'lexceji the ph j ,
lology crr nr dHcilcn , tnd ,
cian/ inure lLo d [ irilnt
coutcuif Utlntt mtnlr lcuiq ri"d it , J1 irl r tdlilori
nine , j > | * r * * ofr , Jifiy JdJrr < rf-o fir Vl ltrt *
Do you Avant n pure , Jjlooni-
Ing G'oiMjiloxlon \ Ji' so , a
I'ovf nnjilications of jragan'M
il'y you lo your Jieart's con-
tout. It docs mvay ivith Sal-
lotvncss , Jtodiicss , I'iuuilc.s.
IMolcJiOH , and all discuses anil
fmperfocUoMS oi' ( lie skin , li
overcomes the ilushod ajjjicar-
nnco of lioul , fatfgno and ox-
Htomeiil. It makes n lady of
TIIIIlTr appear but TWliN-
TY ; and so nattiral , gradual ,
and jicrfcct are its oH'ccts.
that ft is iinpos.silIo to dn < " *
application !