Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1886, Page 7, Image 7

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A < hcrtl cmours"TTn < lfr this lio'.id ' , 10 ccnlA per
line for the flrct Inecrtlon , 7 cents for each subsequent -
sequent ln ort on , and n line per month.
No advertisement taken for loss thnn 23 cents
for the first Insertion. 8o\cn words will bo
counted to the line ; they must run consecu
tively nml must bo paid In advance. All mlvcr
tlscmcnts must bo hnmlcd In bnforo " o'clock
p , in.mitl undtr no circumstances will they betaken
taken or discontinued l > ) telephone1.
Parties ndicrtlMng In thpsu columns mid hav
ing the answers mdrcs ! cd In care of Tiir. HEE ,
will plpn'o n k for a check tornnblu thorn to got
tholr letter * , ns none will bn delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers to nu-
vcrtl ninciila linnia bo cnclospd In pnvclopp * .
' : OIINT money toloan , 3.3 Mahoney ,
6J'iil . UEJ)20
ONIW TO LOAN On rpalistnto. Ollnon ,
M Larron .V Co. , Hoom 3. WltlmcU Illor-k. HiM
ONIIY TO LOAN At lowr-r ratesthnn nny
whore else In the plty.onf urnlturo , planns ,
oifrani.hoiftos , wagons , or stock of any kind
Ht-member , fit lower rates than nnv other loan
oumpnny in the rlty City Loan , V Mnrtgmro
Co . room 15,1404 I'nrtiain at , opposite Paxtoti
hot. I. _ WT )
rpm ; Omaha flnnnclal oTChangolsproparoil to
J. make loans In any amount , on any kind of
approved poturlty. Largo collateral loans n
piflnliv. Also on chattel * nnil real rutnto In
amounts and tlmo to milt. Lower rates , bolter
terms , nnd prompter conlco than any loan
Bgnney In tlio city. For further partlPiilars call
office on the fpcond lloor of the Harkcr Illoolc ,
outhwcst corner of Fnrnntn nnd 15th ftrpots.
MONKY to loan on rcMdonco
property. I o wc t rntn * . C. .T Caswolt &
Co. , lioom 10 , Iron Ilank llullillng , 12th and Pur-
num. KB
MONKY to loan liy the unitcrnKno ! < l , who ha ?
the only properly owntilrcil loan aucnoy
1n Omnha Ixian ol J10 to fl.OOi ) made on fur-
tilturi' , planoi. orKiui' , horsrs , wnifons , inachln-
cry , , Vc , without rcmoMil No cloluyft. All
hiiKlnoM Ktrktly rontldnntlal IKJIIHS no tnmlo
that any tmrt cnn ho pnld at any tlmo. each pay
ment rmlnclnB thn co t pro rntn. Ad-nncrs
mndoon flnn watrhos and diamonds 1'crnons
ihould carefully i-onslclor who thor nro dpallnp
with , nn many now concerns are dally coming
Into oxlMonoo. Should you need monnv , call
and PPO mo. W. II. Croft , Hoom 4 , Wlthncll
llilllillnBIMh and Hainoy. _ 2. > 8
no , pee to man on wiy rcslilonco property
( leo. W.nay , 14C1 rnrnnm. ' 5a
PHH CKNT sTonoy o lonn. Slouiut A Co , ,
0 Itoomll , Iron bank , 12th and 1'ni-nam. CSt
:3Oooo : to lonn. Sum * TVX ) nnd iipwanK
$ Stnitus. Ilomls , 15th and noughts sti
" "
oNn\r"rb T.OAN o. r. Tavi ) * Co. Real
M Estate und Loan aponts , 1WC FarnnmSt
ONfir TO oAN On Rood Rociirltios A
JlcOnvock , room 7 llcdlck Block , IKWFnrnnm
8u " _ Mi _
ONKY TO "l.OAN On real cctuto and chat
M tols. O. U Thnnina. 'Ml
MONKV TO l.OAV-In aums'of J200 ami up
wards on tlrnt-clnss real estate security.
Potter & Cobb , 1615 Fnrnnm 8u 84
( INKY LOANliiT nfcT Fitted & Co'B. Lonn
offlco , on furniture , pianos , hews , wagons
penonnl property of all Kinds nnd all ether
tlclrsof value , without removal. 319 S. , 1'
over Illnghmn'B rotnmisslon store. AH bug.
etrlctly oonfldontnl.
H iitTSKi Lots , I'm ms ianUs money loaned.
Bonus , Hith and Uouglas streets. 471
I poll SAI.K-A onn otoiy hulldliiMr , Jlfixll
1 good corner , duo location , w ell adaptiil for
BtoniRO , fiiriiltuio , livery or cnrrlniro rppo l-
torjInvorahlo ; Ica o : nuo opportunity for nny-
ono looking for such hoslness Addiojs for particular
ticular- ! 43 , lleoolllcc. 478-V
WANTii : > A tionornl ugcnt for the State of
Nebraska nnd loun lor the best line of
Rpei'laltlos , to bo Bold through nifoiits , o\ei put
on the maikct. Call this nftrrnnon or occnlng
ut Co7eus HiiU'l nnd see aiunplos and learn par
ticulars. 1' . M. Van Kttpn. 407- *
\\7ANTKI > ( lontloman partner , active or
Bllent , with Binnll capital , In u business
whoio money can ho quickly mado. 1'Ieuso ad-
dicis H,4ll , Ilco ollleo. 4U5-2
rpT iXjFl'ANrTr 3IO acres tinirapio\eil lanil
J18 miles southwest of Hustings , Nebraska ,
for stock of llnrdnnro or general mrrchamllfio.
Aildr9 > > 8 It , care /Hector , Wllholmy & Co. ,
Oinftlinfyqu. . _ . . . 4M.5
TT'Oll tfAri-or triido | In a lioomlng town
1. n hotel , the only hotel m town. Address O.
Ii Erltkdon , Potlor. liliejenno Co. , Nob. 405-2 *
TTlbll SAI.i ; Dank In llvo Nnlirftbkn to n.
J Pnporictnlned If doslrod. Address M. T.
Hallow , Cashier United States National Hank ,
Omaha. _ 4ri2-13
TTIOIt .SAI.i : Oro\clianio tor good ultypiop-
J. orty , meat market doing good business , m
good i mining order , In ono of the best localities
InOninha. Address II. nu' . Hoe ollleo. DTD-U
TTIOII SAI.i : * o sliiuos Mock of flOOoach of
X1 the Wyoming Meat Company of Cheyenne ,
Wy. This stock Is llrst-clasH , will bear the
clotiust Investigation and Is now pajlng n
good dividend. Kor further particulars address ,
(1. H T. . CHIP Omahn Boo. Omaha. Nob. i7l. !
TjllHl HAI.K Otl account of other biiBlnoss 1
J will poll my lee cjoam parlors nnd confec
tionery store nt 14.M Tiouglaa Htipota , nt low fin-
urex. If you want n bargain npply nt onco. U.
! ' . N orris. _ 273
T71O11 SAMC In n. prosportng llttlo town In
JJ lowanf about 600 Inhabitants , situated on
the C. H. I < t P. It. It. line , a good and complete
him liorlng business will lie sold choan , ns the
jiro-imt owner iJtcnds , on account of his poor
Iioulth. to fro to California. For further in-
lei million , artrtrcgs 11 S. lleo ofllco.
FOH F.XCIIANUK-Stocks of goods of every
kind , for fnrms nnd land ; nlso lands to ex
change for goods. If you want to trade , no
matter u lint it 18 you have , write , with full do-
tcrlptlon , to O. B. Mayno , Itcal Kstato and
TriiKt Co. , Omaha Nob. 200
" 171OH 8AI.H A flrst-clags bnkcry , restaurant
J. nnd confectionery ptnnd Inn town of 7,000
Inhabitants. Inquire of 1' . p. Kay & Co. , Omaha.
T71OII HALU Severn ! stocks of goods , doing n
J. ' ncnltby biiRtnoss , ownership clear , satis
faction guaranteed ; terms oosy. porno Omnhn
property tnkon In exchange. Miustmll .t Lo-
liccu , 1511 I'mnam st. 412
TOST A pair ot gold eye glasses , rinder
J will bo liberally i owardod by leaving sumo
nt I'lilon Ticket olHcv. 1401 I'm num. 47.1-il
SI'llA\'Kl > OH STOI.HN Small Hrown
ninio. whlto ling uiound right baud foot ;
Tnxim brnnd on left hh > ; rtmnnllo lln'ler. Win ,
1 Wortliyj Himt HousiOfortl Oimilia. 474-3 *
T3T HnseaU'R purk , a daik bay IKIIVO : f 5 60
* rpnuidfor loturn to corner of "Oth and
Urllovuo. 4TO 3 *
QTHAVKI > prom IMh nnd Pli-rcu Sis , dark
O sorrel horse , white feetwhlto face , lame In
rlylit foio li'jr , Honnnl forieturii. 378-3 *
T OST Tool lunr from bicycle , with wipneh
JLJ nnil oil o in. Plonse lcau nt Collins , Gordon
k ha's felonnnil rocplvu reward. 4K : )
X 11. Carper Is wanted Immedi
ately at the St. Jaiuus hotel. W. M. lloio.
468 3 *
I > I.HMKA1.'iuitol.toltnow nhoia Frank
KouUo or Pnnih Koukle ll\i < . Call 2128
10th kt. Any Information will bo thankfully ro-
olvod by her sklor. 4'iS-3
TlKllSONAT. To perbonsTTtio wish to build n
I homo In Oi chard Hill , I will soil lots upon
pitjineiit of the nominal Bum of ton dollarg und
Imlaiu'O at the end of llvo ) oars. Interest at B
per cent , pajahlo poml-nnnually. This h the
bc t otft-r over made to nny hotno-seokor In thl
city. Call and B O me. UK. Mnyne , Heal E * .
tntu and Trust Co. , aW. cor. Uth ana 1'urnam.
ttlOO monthly cariioO. llcautlful jihotoffrnphy
I' piilnting taught ft oo in ono hour. Tew
.Ml * * Christie , 1514 Douglas.
BOAUD-And lodulnjrg , ntaa N , 15th st.
_ _ _ _ . . _ 130
"lUAiii > and JoJaliiff , fi n week. liW Jonttt st.
* > *
- fflOJjb
_ _ _
"nW { } Hi'.NT-itooianuj board for twa ion
J. ' Capitol mo Hj
unit sol . OOP. W. Duy , It031'ariiam. 4 0
If10. } ' 'NT-Squaro 1'lano , tnonthty.
JL' | | oi5i > o , HIS DoUKlas 373
Pit IVV nulls nnd ix-ss pooU cluanod by V. U.
Abel. V. O , box ins.ra.idi.nco 1910 Cumlng ,
_ _
"P"vv ! " tcssjiools cltwnoJ by E. Kninjr , I >
f Oflaxja. _ 6iujui > iu
t'f CJTORAGK-'Westprti Transfer & . Storage Co ,
1 * * > -J coruor Uth atvl Nichols st. , ar prepared to
ic-cul\o and htor nil klnki of houvohoM good )
tito. ; VJ
> > f per month , jlojpo ,
0 > 1OO raonthly
Foil HUNT A store on a good retail street.
Apply the Oainlm llcal Kstalo and Loan
Co. 167
100 monthly arnoJ , sco personal column ,
3tt-3 ! *
UKKXT Sqiiftro I'lnoo 13 monthly. A
Ho'pc. 1513 llouglaj _ g78
II rsis Ixits ( 'arms , Lands mowy loaned.
Ilomls , 15th nnd Douglai street * . 471
liATK T'oTijniiiirbugrfy 8. W. of fair
triounds , in Plalnrlow. Mis. lltn llntos.
fl M.K A good nnd safe fiitnlly her o ,
1001 South liUU st. U. K. Lymnn. ' . !
SALE We hove n bunch of IWOhond
.1 ? two-year-old steers , Rood cuttlo for iulo
Strange Ilioi , Sioux City , lown. 1UOQ)2J ]
JTIOU SAI.i : OMO 10-horio upright bollor nn I
J- engine with flttlnir complPto. A bargain.
Nebraska Steam Laundry , 103 S 14th t. 7J
17IOH SAI.K 1 plnno , furniture and kltPho
JL1 range. 717 S. luth st C77
"TTUm SALK rinosocond-hnnd phaeton clienp
Jnt simpson'fl. 714
Tfjfou S.Lli Tlrst class lunch counter and
JL' all fixtures , dishes Ac. complete with gas
Movn Good ftnnd. Will sell cheap for cash.
Inquire nt 12.1 N. 12th fit. 4"i-'J
SAI.i : It It contracts on 2,400 acrca
flno tillable land , chi np for cash , or w 111 et-
ohangofor Hush Block clothing and good busi
ness property. H. M.oolman , U. P Toun ,
Ixit Agt , Denver Junction , Colorado. 7'il-Jyll
S offer tor sale BOO choice two-j car-old
stceri. Stiaujro llroj. , Sioux City. In ,
Foil 8ALI : Cheap , Iron columns ind win-
Oowcnpsmiltablo for front on brick build-
Ing. For pnrtlouliirs apply at this ollleo. K13
Foil SALH 2 year loise on section good
land , 7 miles southeast of Atkinson and 4
miles southwpstof Ummet , Holt county. Neb.
Hontnl only S4S per ronr. Hntchor. Gndd & Co. ,
1210 Douglas stioet , Mlllnrd hotel block , Omahn ,
Nab 801
SAL ! ! A' sooond-hand a 11. P. Shlnman
euglnonud bolli-rby John 0 , Kllnur , votii ,
NCD. 181
FOHSALU Square plnno , S.V ) , monthly pay-
mums. Hospo , 1513 Douglas. 271
SAI.i : familyhorao A.Ilospo.
FOH SAJ.rMutcli toiiini ? and horMis of nl
kinds to suit customoia at Star Solo Stnhlos ,
SOth nnd Cumlnir. M. Cannon. Prop. 270
WA lITwo : kltchon and two dlnlnir-
loom gills , Now Unuinnd Itcst. , 141B Doug-
Ins st. " JT3-I1' _
ANTiiOood : -prlvnto
BOOd wnio4. m S. ! ! 3dstioot
; "ANTin-riIrlat2IH.N. : Ninth stloPt. bet.
Cap. m o. nml Davenport. : ) ; -5
\\rANTii : > Oootlff rlto do ironarnl hoii < o-
> > hoiisi-nork In small family ; $4 per week.
Inquire rooms : i and 1 Urunlto block 4IH-7
l\'AM'iu-A : 8lrl. 1133 X lllih St. 4VJ-2 *
"I'srNTI'D A girl for gonuial housonoik.
V > 007South 20tli street. 4SK1
" \\TANTii : > At oticon good rest lurant cook
nt IJUDolgostieet. ' "
\yANTT.D J ldy ngenls actually clear ? 2J
dnllv with my wondailiil onMroly new
p.itnnt lubber uiidoijrarmeiit foi females. Til-
iimphntitvttccucg. A Sonntor's widow mndoSW
In 4 days A mliiif.tor'8 wlfn. Bold lit flrst hour.
Madnm I. Llttlo , Box 443. Chicago , III. 424.7 *
w VNTIIO f.ooii servnutglrl ; good salary.
Kill St. Mnr > 's nvo. 4i > , "i J
WANTKD A ghl for general housework In
famllv ol two : nochllilien. N. W.cornpr
Colfux and Michigan sts , 1 > I block west of Turk
live. A. H. I'ltch. 420
\\7ANTno Apood cook and gonuinl house
girl. , 100J i'arnam. . 4111-3
WANTHI > 4A'"vrot nnrso. MVor panleulnrs
call nt-Dr. tKBvs ! OUlce , Grnnlto blk. 33.T-UO *
ANTlTl ) Gals to make shirts at Ciinllold
M'f'gCo , cor Uth aud Douglas ; up.stalrs.
WANTKIl Jeans pants rankers nt Cnntleld
Mnnufiictnring Co. , cor. llth nnd Douglas ,
up stairs. 3J7-.I
- from n to 15 j cars old to delight
light houbuwork. 5J3 I'lc.isnnt st. 4.5 *
ANTKD A woman to cook.wnshnnd lion
Call nt 1711 Hainoy. Whlto piofcrred.lrili *
WANTJ : At OT4 Cuthotiiio street , nurse
girl 14 to 10 years old to utsist lit the caio
ol tmall children. Good wages. 45'Kl
WANTiD : Sewing glrlsto work en overalls ,
shirts nnd Jeans jiantc. Cnnllohl Mauu-
fncturlng Co , llth nnd Douglas up stulrs.ltXKI
WANTnn Immediately , a good cook. 418
South IGtli street. 3J3
: i-Glrl ; 80781th 8f
WAIsTKI ) A competent girl for general
housework. Apply nt 440 Com cut st. UVi
\T7"ANTKI > Immediately , ! ! first-class cook n
1 V 18W Dodge bU H)3
WAXTii > S3 young ladles nnd gents to
learn telegraphy. Prospects for positions
when compctPiit.good. Address W. J. D. room
1 , Crounso block , IBtli st , Omaha. 7 .1
\ \7ANTii : ) A girl for general houscnork at
> > 2I2J Sownrd EU IMS
Itiieklajois aim tendeis , cor
IT Grant and Colfiixorlniiilio K. Larkin , ex
position building. 4W-.I
ANTKD-AeoodiuouIdor. JolinC. Kllner ,
Yoilt. Nob. 401
WANTKI > Three hundred rock men. three
hundred laboiors. Good work , good pay.
Apply to Chas. Hols ollcrUU mile hou o Ulho SU
Iload , St. Louis Co. , Mo. , or .Jncob .Tn > raus ,
Labadlo , Mo. Koenu Bros. Construction Co. ,
rlilof contractors St. Louis , Kansas City & Col.
H. It. 4i8Ang ; 1
WANTKD A llr t-clnss foreman for Can ou
ter woilt. Will pay llrst-class wngesto the
right num. Apply nt cor. of 31th nnd Dodge st.
J. U Gladden. 4.U'J
\ 7ANTii ) Two Oornlco makers nt once.
Thee Iluctto & Sou , rremont. Nob. 430-0 *
\-\ANTKD 50 moil for Hlnok HIIU oxtontlon
of 11. .1 M. IL H. near lliokon How. U S.
Albright , Labor Agency , 1301 rnrniim st. DU3
w ANTKD A good grocery clerk ; city refer-
01100 roouuod. AddieSj 11 33 , llueollko.
_ _
WANTKO Tenmstors , bridge curpuntor ,
pllo drlvpr men , bcntlon men. Call nt SOU
South 10th fur trnnsportatlon and Informution.
| 311.3 *
_ _
WA "TJI : ) Two onorirollo men to solicit ;
good salary or eoimiilsslon to the right men.
A. J. Wood , 14U3 Dodge Btiuut. _ J141O *
WANTKH First class bildqrocarpontors for
homo truss work , TbUwotlc will bo nil In
our > iiulJ at Loaveuu oith , nml will last throe
or four months. None but Hi > t class Howe
Trus-sllridgofrrtuierBiiroil npply. Applications
muht liomadu bufoio JulyMtli. A. J , Tullouk ,
ung. uud supt. , Leuvonworth Kiu.Sfta , 304-jy7
WANTKD A capable boy to cuiryuliorso
rout eon Dally Una 0 9
ANTii : > Place as tunt on town paper
near Omnlin. Will Invent n llttlo money If
iieecBgiry , Address 11,84 , Hoe ollice. 413-3 *
\lrANTKIi Sltuntionln wholesale houo by
' i young man of gootl oducatlun ; salary no
object. Addicss 1 1 ! I7 , Hue ollleo. _ atpTt' a
\X7ANTKI } A situation ns clerk by a } oung
it mnn quick nt fgures ; can talk KnglUh
nnd Gorman nnd Is willing to work. Address H
4V , Hoe nllleu. 435-3 *
PoRltlon in grocery storojadrlrcss
i i II45 , lleo ollk-u 470-2 *
'VVTANTHIi Voiinir man wants position of
11 any kind , rormor occupations , teacher ,
traM'ling wilesiii'in , member of tbo bar in two
status , llfst roteroncos t'hon. AdJruss H ,
box 11)41 ) , riumont.Nob. 400-5 *
\irAXTKM-A gentliimi" wants pleasant
T ' room nnd iKmrd in private lumlly. Ad-
dro s II ID , I lee ollleo. _ 457- *
V\7A > ( Tii : > A barber for Saturday nnd bun-
dayM nork , 723 Lonvouwoith ift root.
WANTKlt To lent sin till btorn for tobacco
and confectlonniy about July l , b ; sin-
le lima. 8Q5 fouih lUtlu Hoburtson. 48KJ
\\7ANTKU--Hlds on fia rosldonco lots hi
> Council IllutTj.Ticnr depots. HustbosolJ.
Address M , Ueo , Council HHitU. iji-u
\\7 A T Ol ) A party to take a whole or half
' lull ro t in building , und tunning K good
hotel , in u now town on Uui G. I. X W , C. rail
road. Appl ) or ftddross C8. lilUon , Algernon ,
A.VNTi ; | ) Itcfliiod slntrlo gontlcinan dcslroi
il fimilohod room lu prhato family , with
binru pruforrud. Stntoterma. Iloferoucosfur >
nlshcKl. Addro > sH 41. HooolUco. _ 437'Ci * _
ANTKITcams for railroad workj $175 a
la > . 1 S.lbrlsht. . Labor Ajreuoy. 139d
' m tt. ya
WANTKU-Subscribors for stock In the
Omaha Ixian nnd nnlldln ? association
nnd the Mutual Loan nnd llulkllng association.
Homi'1 for all classes onn thus bo purchased by
mpnthlv payments ; shares Jl.OO per month , on
which | 3JO will bo loohoil , office In Exposition
building on 15thstreet. 0. M. Nnttlngor , Stern-
tnry. 314J > Jj
WANTED Ono largo or n suit of unfur
nished rooms In huihiPBS contnrof c.ty ,
for1oolng | apartments. AddroM II 20 , Jleo
\\rANTKn A largo furnished room , nt n
ii reasonable prlro , iibiroeiitio part of city ,
by two toting men. who sleep day time Must
be well furnished and roaionablo. Addrnss 117 ,
lleo offleo. 172
V LTANTIIU To buy n largo socotiu nand of
} flco safe. A. Hospe. t OJyl8
w , VXTii : > Teams. 1. Murray.
> Short-ntmd work of all kinds by
J. H. Hayncs & Co. , 1511 Dodge st. tstt
'TTUfu TflJ.N f-llmnooT ronrag'oiT : M ne\r ;
Ju _ Pcwanl. livjulroon nromlirs _ 41H-.1 *
ItllST Hrlck Motp-roomonroilrtrontli
FOU but. Doiiglas imil Uodifo on HIP nlloy.
IIKNI' A linu < o with .1 ttlro looms ,
South 18th , suconil housu from I'loioo 8t
4M 8 *
3rUT Itr.NT A fiirnlslicJ c-ottixno In ROOI ! lo-
' cnllty ilitrlinr July nml Atiuun to family
without chllilrnn Itont W . Antucr iiilckl | ) .
Aildruo II. 3U , Hoc ollleo. 4.11.3. *
FUit ItKNT-Slvrnnm house , IS minutes
unlk from I'ostoillco , street cars ono bloolc
Will soil fuinlturo Totsumo. . Aihltcs' II 40 , Hoc
o en. 4JS-3 *
nnil KI T Store with 4 ronma in roar , on
piived street ; siillublu lor any buslnos. Ap
ply on proinl ' os _ 37V > Cinnliiir * t. _ . JJylJ ! _
-rpOu'llllST-Tho btilMlnsr nn\f bolliR built
1' liy D\rknr : llroann tlio omiorof l.Hh nnil
Jonc , ( jOxfpct ! ) , itnd four or flvo Morloi hltrh ,
wllllioruntoil forhnlul or nnrphoiiso pnrposoA ,
nnil bollnlHlicdlusilltthepiirposooCtonimt. C.
K. Mnynu llcal Kjtiuo niul Trust Co. , 15th nnil
rnrnnm. 811
"ITtOll UiNr : Ilcsliloncoof lOroonn.bnrnlor
JJ Ulioisop , lioiutiful Krounils. Lonvcnwortli
nnil "M si. , ? V ) per month. C. 15. Mnyno Hnnl
IMiilo \ Trust Co. . l' tli unil 1'arn am. _ 2ft
T1OII ISI'.NT PHIlor"an"ti bmlr < > oin liitiilshod ;
F -oof pinno , linilllro 2UJ Ciildwoll 470-S *
371 OK HINT KloTant front loom , flist floor ,
lor one or two gentlemen , all nowl > tuin-
Mii'd. 131S Capitol live , 407-3
Illixr llnmlinmo trout room with
lioard tin two. Very Comtottably , I5ul ) Kar-
nniii. 4K1 ( ! *
neil Kivr : Nliply turuMiud rooms mid
' bo-mi , . ' ) ) N. llth st. 401 2
HUNT jfien fiout room In hniidsomi ;
3TVO11 . ftii | > r monili.4 < M Walnut si , eight
i n Imil caw.ilk soiithoiist I' . 1' . depot. 40. " )
l Oll KIJNT A to M , desTrnble rnoin , nortir
wo-t e irupr D.iMtiport ami 20th Htients.
s iviisomiblc. 4 * > 0 *
T oil UKNT Wi > ll-itirn'Hhcd toonn. only l\\o \
J.1 blocks fi om iiojtolllco. OUT South IMH St
TTIOK III5N1' Tnnfiiriilshol rooms' slnslo or
JU' on siil'o ; mocurn conveniences , on1)tli )
iicnr St. Mary's n\cniio. Knqulro S. W , on.
IGt h nnd Do life , nrug store. 4'17-J
HliNF Two suits of fnrnloliPil rooms
Jalso t lurnlxliod rooum HUltnlilu tor IIOUMJ-
Iteepliii ; puiposc' , puity lantlnif lutanl the
people the } icntof AddtCsalll' , Hoc ofllce.
.WJ- ; ; *
TTinit UKNT Ollleo ntul desk room. 1'ioiizoi'
-U Itlock , oust 1' . O , rooms I und 5. 47U. , )
Tmoil UKNT 1'urnUlied loom , MS South J l.'nd
IJ J.V-2
UKN r Two hnndromo tin nlshod rooms
moiloincoiuoniiMieos , best location , 1720
Qjp. me. yiW *
" | 71OlllliVT : Newlj linnlshoil trout room.
JL1 MllSt. Mm J's live. 4'M' '
roil KiNr : Choice ollleo rooms on pro ntul
floor , N'o. 15OT Kurninn st. Jnqulroof .1. S.
Itlcluitil-oii. 4 11-j ) " _ " . )
Foil KINT : A suite of fuini-hcd IOOIIH ,
with or without hoard , tor man anil nifo ;
nl so two rooms lor Kcntlcmen. OW North 1'Jih
blicet. 4H4-7'
[ 71OK liix l' I'leasant rooms to > ouni ; frnntlo
JL ? men ut No. nil Nouh-Jd , , i § -4ffj < J
FOU KKNT rmnl hoil rooita forinuif-rson
Terms lo\c. 2"2. ! llniney. 4S7-J ; *
UKN1SHED loom with boatJ. 117 S. 17th.
415-U *
T7OIl UiXT Nicely furnished rooms , mill
JD Dodffe St. . 4'5-Jt ;
KKXT Dotlrahlo tiirnlshoJ looms ut
1S11 I'limum stieet. uM
HKNl' 2 n calv iiirnl hol rooms with
modern conveniencesrofeieucu ; : , tuiiilipd | ,
at l'J-1 Knrmim st. 374
HUNT Furnished room. 1707 Cms Ft.
Foil lb.i-12-
"ITIOH lliVT Nicely fiiinished 100111 for ono
J-1 or two gentlemen , nt 010 N. 17th st. 373
fTIOll HUNT Largo unfiiriiNhed front room ,
J bay wlnJow nnd clocet. 1017 Chicago. 3Cfl
FOH KKNT Nlccfy fuinishod or unfurn-
I < hcd front rooms , private family. al4 N.
17th st. 851W *
roll llKNT rurnlsheU rooms , southwest
coiner lUth and Chicago. 2tJ-jyJ ! *
TTiOH HUNT With board , neatly fuinlshed
JO rooms. 1710Cas3streot. U71-J *
Foil HUNT Nicely fuinlshed front rooms en
suite or siiiglo ; prlvuto family ; gas ; bath ;
lGlSCap.a\o. SUSJIy *
pioil llKNr Kuruislicd rooms , cheapest In
JL' the city. Apply at Hoom 14 , Anderson
Illock , N. Ifith St. , cor. Davoupoit. 174JyUl
| 7lOliTli ST NIccly furuishol fiont room ,
JL1 siiltublo forono or two gentlemen : nil mod
ern Improven.enls. < ; or. 15th nnd Jonea.l door
westof Dr. Poabody's otlico. 111
TTIOll HKNT For light housekeeping , rooms
JU fnrnlsbiMi nnd unfurnished In lleemer'8
HlocK.cor. L'lght and llownnl sts. ! ) I8
TTtOJl HKVr 1'iiiiililiuJ rooms and Ural-class
JL ? day board ; roferenco. 101J Fainnm strijot.
_ _ .1303
FOU HKJfT Stern mom on llth st , near
Farnam ; maku tine ollice , S.'i.
Urlck store , N IS cor. lltli and Howard , $ V .
C. 1 { . Mnyno , Heal Rstntu and Ti list Co. B03
OH ltiNl' A suit of tuuilsuod looms. 1011
California. Sfa
Foil HUNT Ono trout loom very uiioly lur-
nlshod ; 3117 Webster St. W7
Foil HUNT An olegnntsulte of two rooms.
Apply with releroiices.lH ) " Douglas. 745 _
I poll HUNT VurnMiud rooms , liuiulru
1 drug store , 10th .ml Douglas. ( xtl
Foil iti\r TWO 4(01-0 ( looms on Ht'i mr"ot ,
Water , gas nnd dower connections. The
C.IlMii ) no nnd Trust Co. , cor. 10th und Furnam.
_ _ _ _ _ _ | _ Ml
Tmoit ItlJNT An oxcolleiit basomont.l und
JL ? nils Uth St. ; U stores on Vth and Dqu las ,
nudS stores on 3Jd anU Cumin ; ; . Paulson & On. ,
151J Farnam. - bit
OHliiNr-Dwk : oom. Rush * Soluy.SW
S. 15th Bt. HI
HOUSKS-Ixt8FnrmsLatuls money loaned.
Hem Is , 15tli and Doiiirlas ticcti. 471
TTHHl S.VI.K Nice 6-room house und 3 coiner
JL1 loi.s In Walnut Hill ; > 4 cash , bid. to suit.
Cal Martin , 1IU.S Uth tt. 4CJ
Kf ) . K. ( IIHSON & CO. , 217 8 llth Rt. Ixita
iuKolby 1'Uco ; Jots In Ciolghton ; lot * in
lluwtlioino ; cheaper than 1111)0110. _ < iij
T7UNIJ lot Kllbv place , nuarDodsu street , fSOU.
JU G r.ih a m & : I U n a wiu 4770
OU HAI.K-II nstxllby Place Lots at ? h.'i
A. P. TuUoy , PJOt rariiam st. 30.1 :
1-MHJ SA1.K 141 notes of coal laud , situated
In Putnam Co. , Ho. , wltnlu n liulf milo 01 o.
11. i lv.l It. H. ; Joins Ion ii line on tlin north ;
willtrndo tor Omaha prnparly. Address J. H.
Conrad,1411 Dodge St. , Omaha. 040
I LOT 3 , Blk. 4 , KilbyT'Ueo.SlTLu , Graham k
J Uuimuu , Crc'lfhton block. 4774
Lotnrarms7LaniU money loaned.
Hemls , 15th und Doujjlm btniuts , fl
$5i"i will ptux'haso a Piet ) Cottugo home , 4
l.ii go looms , gilt paper. cUtern nnd city
water , and wjthlu u block of struct cars. C' ll at
oneooti J. B. Bmlth.attynt law , Jacobs' block ,
cor 1M\ and Cupltql n vo , _ 41M *
G OOIHot Virginia avuncar Woolwort , ffSUO
Gnilmm & Honnwa , Creighton Uiock. 477-3
TTIOIl SALK-Kull lot on 17th St. , near Nicho.
JL1 IrtJ. at a burgalik Sucusso & Luudcrnron.
0179. Wth et 101
"ClOIt CAI.K Full lot on Sherman avo. , oppo-
J- Bite for Holt Line do)0t. ] Bacliso icLander-
S ron , 317 B. 13th st. lu ]
- . ouses o o moved o ots ;
J ? will sell cheap. The C. E. Moyno llcal Kitato
x _ _ 691
ijAOH SALli The flnest twunty-non' tract of
land on Leavenworth st. for a fuw days.
by Thoo. OUou,218 oouUi rittccnVh-it , 373-3
OUSII * SIIKRllpw15S.15thst. , offer v 8
J-Vcant lots.
Kost front , corner Kcanklln and 31th
. . .Tn . JMJwith (60 cash
Another . . . . .TAU.1. . O'JO
Another . > > * . 475 with ? 2"i down
Double corner Logo's add
Y front 17th sCnclir Fair
grotimls . ' / . . . . . . GW.wlth So down
11 front ou grade , Iliui'com
plnco . . .f > . .v , . . . 1,000
H front In Hawthorne , beiut-
tlfiil . . . 7. ' . . . . X )
F front Hanscoitt plftco on
Cathetlne st . , , . . . Cull for price
H front Virginia uvo. , nonr
Plensfttit , . . . UViO
1' N . Smith's lid S3d St .GCU10 1.IM
Amb'or ' piiico . . WJ
Hamilton ct iipnf.PoorClalro
Arlington Double i coiner
near cars . . ! . . . 1,100
liter's add II.MM to I J
24otso ! cemetery , 'monthly
r.ncrcs west Walnut Hill . 17i porn
T > acres In llonilold . . . . IMi ) ptr n
10 nores noiu South Omaha . V > per n
COtliCiUonnnr ulmlp nli i > lto IS.'XM
Itesldencn Propeity.
10 room house near high school . fiOiW
5 . r' ' . . . 2,7',0
3 room liottcc , lotMnllO niondost . . . , . 1'JOO
Seward near Sniindors nice cottngp , lot
00x140 . 3,000
NicoC room cottage , city water neai Cum
iugg . . . Ii50 !
G loom , new oottago , 1'iorce , $100 cash , bal
cnsy . . . 1,750
8 room , new house nnd lot ( H\IH < < . Plereo 3,100
n loom hoii'o Nlltrt $ . cash bill monthly 1,800
Cottimo nonr Cumlng st. (100 cash , bat
monthly . 1,700
HOIISP mid two lots. Wnlnut till . . . y.VOO
7ioom house I'hl ! tilietldau nnd llwcrth 4.00U
'Jiooin lioii'o , collnr , city water , clstcin.
full lot on I'm knvu. I ! front . . . 4A
3room hou e , full lot In llnnthorno . . . l,3."i )
4 room cotg , lull lot , Virginia nvo . . -V'J
401 Hush A Shelby.
13"i Tot ! < , iarnisl.nnds money lonue.l.
J 1. llnmls , IMh and Douglas street * . _ 471
HATCH ilitrnAfur S tTorTl iTiTard ' iFoTo"
Illock , otter the follow Ing special bin gains :
lloiuttllnl u-toont eottago und lot ln"ldlo\\lld"
VO feet from sticct cars ; well , cistern , city
water : gas pipes throughout house ; hard wood
finish iisldo ; hldewnlk , fences and nil Improvi-
montsnuw Thomughly furnl liid. Nowrilr-
iilturo and carpels. An extra bargain. All for
the low price of $1500.
Now 7-iootu hou o with lot , nicely furnished ;
barn , cistern , well , city water : lot iWxl27l < , on
Siuiinluts stteet In ppleiidtd location , 1 block
noitliofCiitiilngBt. , $ u.r > uo.
Hand omo coinci. Dodge nnd 28th St. , 132 140
foot , bai gain at f Wfln.
Hplendld Housonnd lot In Idlowlld nddlllnn ,
nowij pnpored ntul painted ; very complete ,
v4 , " NJ. )
Nice ItrsldciKO with U lots , co'iier Park avo.
\\imlttoith ; very Oicnp , S"i MiO ,
bploiiilld U room House anil lot In Hiui&com
I'liicn ; sliiule tiei'n.shiiililioiv.eto. , $ * > , OJO
Hoiivoand lot , rinrttuloiinildltloiisu.isy terms ,
? : i.nw.
Itenutlful eottao with 'J lots , In Walnut Hill ,
S2.VK ) .
Nice 8 room cottage With gond lot In Oin-tha
Vlow.nspli'ndll bin gain , i-nsj t'ims SI.1 * ) ) .
Ilpnutlliilioitltli'iici * lot nn Hnrne > near. Oth ,
adjoining Jinluo NeIllr s blot k. Sn.iKM.
10 geM IntK In Kllbj I'l act$1.000 on-h.
A beautiful conn r lut 10) ) loot sijiiiuo , Pop-
plotnti mid Vlrgl lift a\e , f 1,000. No 1 bariralu.
1 choice lots , tin llunst In Hiiu > c > > m Place ,
f .WO to ? Ji)00 eao'i ; IMHV terms.
iieholciilots , siutli Ironls , In 1'atricVn-d nil-
dilloii , f-l.'iOO ; ens * terms ; vorj do-lr iblo.
1 biNiiitllnl lot In Hi-cil's Ith addition , on Luku
st , biuviiln , # l/i I ) .
Slots In Wllcov's 1st addition , east fionts , easy
tot ms , SCOO each.
1 lot mid a half Itces Plnco , tiO\14 ! ) foi > t.S , " 01.
SpleinlIU business property on 14th Rt , bo-
tnoi-n Do iglasauil Do < lgo , It-story hi luk , SIH.tXjO.
Kull si/o lot , Dodge , but v. ecu llth ntul Uth ,
SI 1.0 JO _ _ ! ; - . ) "
rpllltr.r. nno lot-.KIbj Plncoadd near Dodvni
J St. , b.u gain at S'TO. Giahnm & Hcniuui 477-J
\IAllONijV'.S Addition , near Walnut HIlTi
111 lots 5J03 for ihol next U ) dnys. Terms to
suit purclmsoi. | Ah'l ' nercs In Washington Illll
mid bargains in ijll parts of the city. J. J. Mil-
honey , r > OT I'm mini. ' 10iy2) : |
C OHM'.H lot oh 'cuming St. Cuonp , $2 , " > 00.
linlmm X Bennwi ) , Cieishton Illock. 477-3
T.OT fO\ir7. ! SftTim > s 2ili & .W. Giu'inm &
JLJilemiwa , Creightoti block. 477-3.
FtH s.VLi : o'r erctiau0 at n burg-iln 8)
acres of llnu hay land within Ui ; miles of
rroincnt , NeU B.A.liloiiiiin , I''O ? Douglas . t. ,
Oman i.Neb. , . . _ 270
FINK corner. I east fiontItli st. one blk.
fiom St. Muiy't n\u. , vhoap nt W.OOJ ,
Graham , t liomiwn. 477-i :
FOlt S.VL1J 'liflro I'lo nnt east frout coiner
lots hi Itnij- , ( ) ; ik ; niilural shxdo trees.
Hntelier.Gndd A-Vo . L'iilDduglas street , Mil Innl
botvl block Omahii. ' No > , --BUI
BUSINnssGrttM pn Dodgy street. Grout
bnrgalu at $ UOtr ) . Giahnm A : IlPintwn ,
Crolghton b o k. 477-J
FOH SAI.i : House 4 looms , good barn ,
Icncod outbuildings , lots lUOxlSi , > S cnsli ,
bnl. to suit , enl > S..OiK ) .
House IS stiuy , le icoil , cmtein , etc. , on 17th
St. . ? riO cash , bnl. monthly , )
Cultiuio o rooms , 1 block fiom rod cars , 2
blnuks lioni 011111111 ? , SAVi ) \ , bnl. (20 per
nimth , only Sl00.
Common rooms in Shlnu'sZd additionfenced ,
lli-t class jiluco , 2 blocks Irom fall cut cars , f 1'JOO
casli , bal. to suit. $2soo.
3cottnpos , 2ntoiyDrooms , fruit lot , seeded ,
on grade. eWorn , modern Improvements , on
Hamilton street * 2 blocks Irom street cars , $ JOJ
cash , lull. $2 i per month , ? 3,2jO.
Cottngoli rooms , well , clstein , bain , lot 50x153 ,
gl.UOJ. HlTgliis & _ Paikirii Douglas. 'JQ-2
/ tASS STHKI7P , 31xlT2 house 0 rooms' near
vyjolfcrson Square , $1,000. Graham & Hminwa.
171011 SALi-Splondld rull-sl7Cd business lot
JL on Lcavonwortli stiL-ot , with trackage. A
gieat baignln nt the low price of JI0.50J.
Nearly all of went half block 22 , West Omulia ,
i'lflM. Above two bargains only foni few da ) B.
Hnlclicr. Guild A Co. , Wlllard Hotel block 4L'-tl (
AHOAINS-l will sell lots In Thomas &
Soars' addition Joining South Omaha for
the month of July nl the following prices : Cor
ner , s'XW ; liisldo , Si" > 0. Small payment at tlmo
ol sale and small monthly payments. Now is
the lime t' > get b-irgnlns In South Omaha.
Do you want to trndo > ottr city pmporty for
an BO aero farm near noity i.nd iiillroadt can
ghc IJOucios If < losrpd | ; all liniirovod.
1 have tour small places I will soil on monthly
payment * ) , ranging from fl/jfll ) to 52,000 ; small
piiMneiit to bind bnrgnlu.
1 have n plnno and n top buggy tn trtulo for
ronl estntii , or cheap for cash.
You Willilud Itto yourintoicst to como und
.see us IIj [ on wlah to buy or sell Sears , 15th
FOH UIXT Nicely furnished rooms nt Mis.
McAllsland' " , HllHownrdst. 480-T
I710K nAI.K Aeio lota for gilont J2JO jipr
J- acre , this land is uostol the hiock yaidxiiud
will ho sold inaeioor 5-acro lots. Veiy cheap
nnd a rnro baignln Hedlonl tt Holier. 41.J , < ) . '
BAHRAIN , line Jot , rust fiout. Virginia IIMI. .
fftX ) , Uraham & llcniiuu , Crolghton bllr.
477-3 -
. i\w\s : A. uo.
Jn. Hargalns .
Husliiess ,
ltci < idoiico
Houses for s.alo on monthly payment * .
Hoi es
to suit
_ 30l 5 _ .K II , Ernns i. Co. . 1M3 Dodgo.
OltUllAltnilll.l. lots sell on tliolr mnriu.
Loupilcos und rusy terms gion C.ill nt
Tlio c. 1 ! . Mnyno and Trust Co.'s onico nnd get n
plat. - ttis
_ _
TTIOIt SALE A lot with now houto nnd bars
- - 1'nr prieo dll'lul joining vuo tut ground on
Saundcid struct , llallou llros , IGIU Dougluu
. 431.0
81 reel.
_ _ _
VOlt SALE-Ai'A&mlnlii Ambler Plnco lots
Jforufowdujs. . Hallon Hros , 1JIO Douglas
Bticot. 4H.7 !
\\n-VrWAIID jf-'gn ' forsolH buignlns In
lit uses und liiui Call nt Chas. J. Itjau's
Heal I'.ntato naeneyJwjnerof Morcuran dLowo
nyonuo. _ _ xl-l
FOH SAM : House nnd lot in North Omnlin ,
one block fr 0i fctroot car , cheap at J'l/yw.
O.r. Davis ACo. _ S71-Jy 7
SPKCIAL. ( iood lionto , nil Improvements ,
full lot. east ) frout , Hlilnu's add. , ei.luo ,
( Jruliuiiii : Heimwu. 477-.I
FOR SALK Sc ftU.oholooat Kllby Place lots.
ttSloach. A S.ffii.tKoy , 13)1 Farnam BU 111
T71OII sAl.i : OrtraUo lor unimproved prop-
Jert ) within two miles of Llty , a line modern
house of U looms , well , cistern mid Lain , beau
tifully llnlsliul inside ; lot f-JilSJ , Jouited ono
block from tormliins of rdH nndsrecn car lines.
a il. Eaton OIJS. Uth st. _ _ J73I > ' : L.
GOOD lot on Do L/o ft ncur i7th St. , cheup. ut
t J.OOU , Graham \ Ileiiuwu , Crclghton bit.
_ _ _ _
T7IOII SA1.K Itosldonco property and vacant
-L lots In every addition In Omahu. Terms to
suit purchaser. AUo doslrable bualno prop
erty. Gibson , Larson Jc Co. , Hoom \ViUmoil
Illock. 151
lHt K.VCII.VNUK iOono block dry goods for
O-iiuuu property Archer & Fitch , ai8 a
_ _ _ _
Foil S A 1. -Corner on Jacki-on st , business ,
flfl.MO. A ruro bargain , Cull soon. Mar
shall & Lo4)0ck , 1511 Fnrnam. _ ' 649
JOT on Georgia i > ronuo , 81,100. Gmham it
-I Ik nawo. Croighton block. 477-U
Foil SAI.H Or Trrtlo-rlmprovfcl uu4 unlnT"
provoJ lands In Furnai aud otior western
counties. Adlroij Win , Slmoral , Arapahoe ,
Neb. 875
TTlon s.vt.n 3 nuros ( n rtarkRloiv sun-dlvl-
JJ lone , st front ! 4 shares In Omnlin Dnlrr
nxsoclatlon : 1 two-spnted buggy } 4 flno burlier
2143 , l h t. CPI
flno lots Crostonndcl SK100 enoh , Orn-
JL ham X Honawn , 477-1.
Railway Tim 9 Table
Tno following Is the time 'of tirnral nnd do-
purturoof trains by Central Standard tlmo tit
tlio local depots. Trains of tlm O. . St. P. , M.A
O , arrlvo mid depart from tholr depot , corner
ot 14th nnd Webster troots , tnilnson the 11. A
M.C. . n. 4 IJ nnd K. C. . St. J X C. II. from the
n. & M. depot : nil others from the Union 1'nclflo
llrldgotrnln willieavo I' . I1 , depot at fli5 !
H7As.CWM : : < 0-S.50-IllOW-llUO ! a , m. . 11
lnO : 130-l , W : ! :00-:00- : ) : 4:00 5.0 J 3 : J )
C:10-7:00-lllOp. : ! m.
t MVo trnnsfor for Omahn nt7:13 : ISIS B:19 :
-n 12-U iuat-n : K-ltM'B. m.'l:3-2l3- ; :
-2.7--3:30-JJ7 ! : l:37-5.3)-0l.J-7.3J-7 : : : -
Sfia : UsKJp. m.
Anlvnl ami ( luniirtiiio or tialiis from the
traiisfiTilopol nt Council lllutls :
DKPO'T. AtllllVB.
cnicAdo , HOCK JSI.AMI & rActno.
It 7:15 A. M I IJOili A , M
II I il6v. M I IIS : Up. M
Cd:40P. : M I " 7:00 : p. M
lit ; i5A. M i D9 in A.\I
Ui:40r. ! : M I H7:00is : M
cittiuao , nunuNUTO.v & QUINCV.
A D.3. ' , v. M i AS:1\- :
} C:40i : > . H HO.Mr. . M
I A 7:00 : r. M
0:11.1.11 I Dill A. > l
8-4'Jl1. M I 7,00r. M
KANSAacirr. ST. JOB & COUNCIL nt.urr * .
A 10. OU A. U I D il : . ! > A. M
20 0.00 ' . . . .ViaPlBttsmoil h. . . . | V:20 : I 7 II
NOTi : A.nnlnsdallj ; Il.dulh oveept Sundaj ;
C , lall > except Satuiday ; D , Dallj except Mou-
will IcnvoU. P. depot. Omaha , nt 0:40-7:33- :
lOUJn m : JXO'i ) : ( I0j ; 5:2Ti-S:00 : : p. m.
L'nolllo i\prpss.H:2i : : ) p tn. ; Denver lv. ! , 10:33 :
a.m. ; Local it."i:0 : : > p. m
Le no stockMinis ; lor Omaha at * 7.0'i 'J:30 :
ll : ' a. m : 2rt , l:3.'i-l : t-tl.UV-'Sio p. m.
Atlantic Ux .loH. O. l-.Xin m. ; Chicngo r.x. ,
IP. B. O. 0:07 : p m. : Looal Ux , lo S. O. 10:31 : a.m. ;
Mo. Puo. IIx.,10. S. 0. 0.47 p. m. ; 2d M. P. U\ . ,
O.ODii. m
i\uppt : Sunday.
Carrying the nelBlum Iloj-ul anil United States
Jluil , sailing every bnturday
Bdween Antwerp & Hew York
Salon from $ W ) to S100. Kxeurslon trip from
$110 to S1BO. Second Cabin , outwaiil , ir < ;
r > ; o.cnrliii. . $ 'JO.
nt low rates. 1'oter Wright A. Sons , uoneral
Agents , 53 Itroailway , Now York.
llniny I'tinlt , 1 ' 1 rainaiuEit. : I'aulson it Co ,
13 l''nmam St. ; I ) . O. I'roomuii , 13JI Kniii.uiiht
OF Tin :
Ehicap.Mitaute&St.Paulfi'y . . '
from mm and COUNCIL BLUFFS o !
AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , 3iniicaiolis , Cedar Iluiiids ,
Clinton , Diiuiiqne , Davenport ,
Hock Island , Free jiort , Itockford ,
Elffin , lla'lison ' , Jniipsvillc ,
Heloit , Wlnona , La Crosse ,
And all Other Important points Kast , Northeast
and Southeast.
For through tickets call on the Ticket Agent
at 1401 Kurnam street tin Pnxton Hotel ) , or ut
Union I'aclllo Depot.
Pullman Sleepers and the finest Dining Cars
Ititho-wotld nro run on the mnln llnoiof the
Cuioulo , Mu.wti'hEK .t ST. PAUL HAILWAV ,
and every nttnntlon Is pnld to passengers by
courteous employes of the company.
II. MILLHII , General Manager.
J. I1. TircKi.ii , Assistant General Manager.
A V. H CAIIPENTWI , General Passenger and
Ticket Agent.
PKO. E Ilnuronn , Assistant General Passon-
Ror nnd Ticket Agent
J. T. C'LMtK , Goncrui Buporlntondont.
Artificial Limb Manufacturing Co. ,
UncoriXHUted by the State of Pcnsylranli )
ry _ Member of
'liich has
Arlifldal LPJJ.
Adjustable Lacing Socket
The most coinfoitnblp nnd
diiinlilolinili , nnil the iioui--
cstnppioach to the natuinl
member ol any Indention
of the nc > ,
Wo mo aiithorl/iHl to
imil.o limbs lor soldiers on
govcinment orders.
Willo for oitaloguo ,
which gives a full ito < crlp-
tlnn ot tliofo legs , with mi-
moioiis eertllltutca Irom
peisons lulng thrin ,
Wlion patrons cant visit
our eslablUliineiit wo lor-
waid blanks to tnke mcua-
Artificial Limb Manufacturing Co , ,
NoW ) I'cnnBI , I'lttsburg , I'n.
J.V , THOMI'cOy. BPO'V nnd Iliislnpsa Managrr
Omaha , Xobraska.
Capital . $500,000
Surplus . 100,000
llcrninn Kouutza , PrtisideuL
John A. Croighton , Vice President.
F. IL Davis , Cashier.
W. IL ileicquler , Ass't Cashlot ,
snnio.vs ,
All kinds of boddlnff plnnU fur sale.
fiui.v : : IIODSK oiv STATK ST ,
b lee la North of L U Wil'lams * rosldeneo.
1611 Dodge St. , Omaha.
A Superb and Saiutly Modal for Omnlia
Mlllioimiroa ,
Ho Sports tlio Nnmo of < 5oortfO Siultli.
Is Woitlt nnj Millions nnil
Don't Pay n I'cnny
of Tn\cs.
criKo Mall : Them was n Inll nutt
exceedingly graceful lookttijj man about
15 > cnrs in tlu > party of tliu-L-lors of the
St. L'inil whlcii rorentlv wi-nt ovortlmt
toad. 1Kvns Peter Giultlos , a ditoetor
in the St. 1'aul anil ChiraRo , HiiilhiRton
ntul Qnliioy raihoatls , rx splcnilul man uf
business , the almost ab iluto controller
of a \ ttst sum of money , elm er ns a lalkor ,
elegant in manners , nn all-round man of
the world ; but famous not in hU own
right , but us an agent of ( Seorjjo Smith
I'otur ( Jetlili" ? has $1)0,000,000 ) ol his chief's
money In two of the granger roaiU the
St. I'mil and Chicago , Hurlington anil
Qtiinoy Ho has $50,000,000 of his chlet'.s
money Invested on this side of the water
Whenever 1'oter Ueddes goes to the other
side of the water and meets old George
Smith the two chuckle over the fact that
not n penny of taxes Is paid to the United
Stiitosor nnv other governmeitton all that
$50,000,000. , Smith's is one of the big
secreted fortunes of the world. The pub
lic has hail no knowlego of it , yet his
wealth is so great that not a hun
dred men In tlio world , probably not
fifty , rank In money strength aboui him
Ho made his fortune Here nt Chicago
l ow many know that ? AYhoeMTMiw
his name in nny of the popular lists of
mil Immures V Yet th'i books of tlio St.
Paul and the Durlingtoii railroads shows
that ho owns $80,000,000 bonds nnd stock
of the former , and $10,000.000 bonds and
stock of tlio latter. Smith began bunk
ing on Clark street in iav > with & 1.000.
Ho is now 7U years old and a bachelor.
It is said that 'ho oven lives at n London
club instead of nt n house of his own , so
ns to moid ttiM's. Peter ( Joddcs was a
ulork in the Clark street bank. After
ward ho became its manager. Ho is not
a voter , cither Like his chief , he doesn't
want any citizenship. At New York
now ho liiis n big ollice and a score of
bookkeeper * . They are all busy taking
care of ( ieorgo Smith's fortune. Tliei
have plenty to do , too.
Most men Mho were in Chicago in tlio
early war days know very well what
George Smith's bank notes worn , nnd rn
member how they were pri/ed above the
other "slumptail. " Leinando Jones
tells how he stood in Smith's bank when
a prominent furniture man of ( lint ilaj
came in with n note for renewal Old
George Smith looked at it , and refused
to renew it. The customer afterward
told Mr. Jones that ho skurried around
folly-eight hours , and got the money nnd
paiit the note. As he was leaving the
bank George Smith , ns unconcerned ns
if ho didn't know that the fellow lind
been breaking Ins back to raise money ,
sttid : "JJy the by < Mr. - , couldn't you
use n little money in your business ? " Old
George Smith wanted the paper in liih
bank paid when it came due. .Each
transaction with him was n now one.
Ho wanted no renewals , wouldn't have
anything to tlo with extensions.
Allan Pinkui ton , now dead nnd gone ,
was a farmer until somebody inspired by
the credit of ( ieorgo Smith's notes ,
was led into counterfeiting them. Allen
Fmkorton sit at work ferreting out the
criminal. He was successful , nnil , backed
by the riea Scotchman , started his new
business of dotectinc crime. He made
himself , n everybody knons , rich , and
won h reputation ns the cleverest catcher
of crooked people in the world.
Alexander Mitchell represented George
Smith at Milwaukee. At first the former
wont to Milwaukee tohclpgct out Smith's
notes , which , when ho came here , were
recanted with suspicion A great many
farmers brought grain into Milwaukee.
At ono time a good many more traded
there than at Chicago Mitchell used to
go up fem hero with the money in a
small satchell. and to bring back receipts
for grain. The busincsi ( intilly grow
very large. The bank established by
George Smith as the Wisconsin Fire and
Marino Insurance Company's bank , a
lumbering title , which became Smith's
bank in the mouths of everybody , is now
Mitchell's bank , the richest in the west.
I suppose that every other institution in
this country might break nnd yet Mitcli-
ell's bank bo sound. It is Mitchell's ; und
Mitchell is worth $20,000,000. Smith nna
Mitchell , although both Scotch , although
both made their money together , al
though both wore partners , nnd
although both for yenrs lived and
slept together over their bank , were
very unlike eaeh other. Smith was n
miser with Ins money. Mitchell has al
ways boon very liberal nnd broad. When
the young man married his handsome
wife and the oldest decided lo leave busi
ness nnd go back to the other side of the
water they had in accounting. There
were millions of dollar.of stocks and
bonds and cash to divide. It wns nil
done nnd there wns mich n shaking of
hands and congratulations as naturally
would follow on finch an occasion. Smith
stopped and said thoughtfully : "lv ! the
by , Alok , there are the boil clothes up
slnirs. " So Mitchell , who had never
thought 01 the old quilts which they had
both slenl under in the room above the
bunk , inventoried ( horn at ? ! J and put
thorn down nnd divided. That was char-
r.clorlstic of George Smith , who to-day
lias $51,000,000 Invested in tins country ,
$1511.000,000 in two great western roads ,
nnd who docs not pay a penny taxes.
Hn Hull to lo Bo.
Detroit Free Prchs- Among the
excursionists sitting on the city
hull stops yosteidny noon to eat Inn
chcon woni n young fellow who had u
Wido-uvnko : look and n girl in a pink
dnibS who insisted on holding his hand
and lopping over on his shoulder. Two
or three gentlemen observed tlm situation
nnd hulled for n second look. Their
smiles were noted by the young man nna
he released himself and came to them
and said :
"Gentlemen , let mo explain. Did
cither of you ever llvo in the country V"
"No , " they replied in chorus. "
"Then you don't understand the coun
try girl. She requires to bo loved after a
certain fashion , Shu wants n practical
reall/ation of the fact that you lovn her.
1 might tell her how much I adored her ,
beginning now nnd talking until duik ,
but slio wouldn't rcnli/o it n tenth part as
much ns if I mil my arm uroiind her nnd
let her bend drop or my shoulder. Tlio
one is talk thii other cold facts. "
"Exnctlj that's so , " remarked the
gentlemen ,
"When n city girl IB in love him con
ceals tlio fnet. or tries to. The country
girl is only too proud to give it ir.Miy
Yon saw U3biiieivinghnn | < is , You'vugot
( o Miieiv.o | n country girl's hand about t > o
often or shu'll imaglnu you've got mad
about something. "
"Kxactly that's fro , " obseried his aud
"You may hnvo noticed ( hat I fed her
crackers and shu fed mo chccMO. il must
liavo looked veiy silly to you , but that' *
another phase of country courtship. If
you'd claw oil' , the girl woulu imagine
that you tell above her. 1 tell you , gen
tlemen , I've been courting coiiutiy gitU
for the last ten yean , , and I'm givinir i < > u
a solid pointer that there is only one cot -
rcct way , nnd this is it. "
"Exactly that's so , " replied the gen
tlemen in chorus , nnd they lifted their
hats to the girl and wnlked oil' .
Lownrlucs , good gr.ulus and a siju iru
deal . Central Luuibur Yjird , 13lh & C tLa
A siMi't.i : vioir\tti : : K ,
Yet powerful In It * nrttoti to biiHd up t > nd ro *
stet o the waste ! i-nn tries and glut tone
nnd \ l.uu ! to nil It * powoi s
"t nn * attacked with innlnrlal fever In tlio
sutnmrisor both P-tUnnd M nnd hpciimoery
much loilnord n Ib'sli ami n y mo i Is thai cht
1 wnul'l ' 0 o 1 was Induced to tiy Simmons
Lhi'i H ' .dilator , ami I'limmnnml Improvlnirnt
mrp. llcfnti' taking thioi' bottles of Hegiilntor
1 wiisontlrelv welluf maimlnlpol on nnd luxvo
not had nn atlnek of It sinep. , . , Mv non
hi il n sou < n > nltnrk of dill ) * , and 1 ( fi\\c him n
fuw ilo < i < * of ll Kiilntoi. which voinul toly cured
him. JOHN T. c n MM-KLI , . 1'opliu Mount , Vo.
Nntlco to Com motors.
Sr.Al.15D prnnn nl * for the building of n court
hoiifo nnd jiiil In Sundiincp , Crook coilltty ,
Wjomlntrli'ri-itnrjnnd for ImtiWilntr tto ran-
tcrlnl for thn constrtictlon of the inimu will bo
roceivi'd by ( ho commissioner * of nal.l coiuitv
up to 1J uVlork noon on Tue ilny , .luly Cth , A.
1) . 1 < M1. nt wliloh tlmo the proposal * will bo
opniuMIn publlo.
I'lnno nna fiproitlc'ntlon * for ; nld hulUlttiff mny
bp FUOII nt the oilk'o of the oounty clerk on nnd
ntlorMnviWth , 1SS1.
Hid * must bo iio'ompnnlod bv ocrtltU-d oltook
for P 0 , or nn npmovod bond for HKo nmoutit ,
n H Kiuirnnlcuot uul fnlth
Thu touiity cotntntianuiA reserve
to rojrct any or nil blilf.
Hid * inii' " ! bo tllredtnd to John B. Hnrper ,
County flork , Sundnnco. Wyon.lne , nnJ i > n-
ilor < , [ " 1'roposnla for Uulldlnir Court lloilso
llyo'rdir of t lip Board of County Comml * lnera.
JOHNS. llAltl'KH. County t'lork.
SuinlnncoSo. . Jlnr Uth , ISM.
iM.uaruvrt/ti S.VMI-M :
KxhdnitnilVllilltT.VrrTOli unit PhrnlpM I > ihlltf |
Pr m tnrelo''tlnoln MHn , Krrnr of Vrwthnnd till
nnlold tnlierlo * roMillln < from m < ll crotion nnA. ox.
ci'unot. A. bnnk Mr o-iir mnn. yonriK , mlclalo uol
Mid old. . MconUilin Uiiutiicript'.orn for nil ( icut nii.l
chroiilo < llK\ni > u , iiirhiii. of which | InvnliiHbl . JJj
found l > y tlionntliorvlin o AlDorlonrofur U yo rjj
Mirhiiminiimlilr never ncfprn foil tntlio lot of anr
\mysli-liiiu , > rlpiuc-i Imiinil In bpnntlfnl Kroncli nun-
' . , . emtios nlroTi'rt , fu" 'lt , imriiniotio lioaflnor
workln pvorrPOniMmpclmnlpnl , llturarjr imil prorai *
CJonnl tlmiinnr nthor worJi In this rnuntrr foril-H
or the money will iio rofiuid In ovurjr Initnnco. I'rl '
only IJ bjr ranil. ivntpali : Ilimtrntoi nnmnin. six
5endnow. UoM meiUU nrrtoil UIBiutiorhr tin Nv
tlonul MoJIcnl AHOclnttnn to the lion A 1 * . llhull
nmlii"nnlHtn offlonn of the hoirrt 1113 rcnlorliri'
unoctfullr roforroil .
I ho Sclonro of MN ! orth moro to tn T0 < in < nn I
inMrtlnnuoilmonnf thl * KCnnnitlnci tlimi nil llioiti > l J
niliiPH ot rnlirnrnlnnno tlio eMvArmtnui of Nor.idu
coniblnod 8 K riirorjclo.
'I ho s | once of t.lfo iwlnts ot tha mcks
nmUoii which the oonMltnllon unillmuM C ninnf
n j OIIIIK nmn Imvo bean f lUlly w i ickojMiinclioitor
' The MI-IIMICO of Mfolsof croitcr vnluo thnniillt'ii
tno < wiirlM DiiblUhort In tm > rountry torthopiu
( U > i < p < AtliiiitiiCoiitlltiitloii
' /hosclnmoof LlfdlJ a iuior'i nnil nuwtorlr Irml.
l o on nervous unit physlwil iloblllty.Uatrolt Krai
AdSresntho I'oihoily Moillonl Instltvito. or I > rV. . tt.
> * arkorNo. Illulltlncti ntraot , lloiton. Mii8 . , wlio mil/
te consul toil on nil Ulseiitus rojiilrln akll In nil orporl *
c'lico ChronlOHiiil nlnlnnto uMoisoi thru luvo bit-
lle.l tlio rklll of nil otnoninriicuiiii u upacUlty. Sajl
trcatoit Kvicccssfiilly without nu niuinca of failure
Mention Oiuuha U ju.
Oraalia ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago
The only road to take f jr DPS Monies , Mar-
hallt ownCedar Itaplds , Clinton. Dlxlo. Clilongo ,
Milwaukee and nil point * oust To the people ot
Nebraska , Colorado. Wyoming , Utah. Idftho
Novada.Oiegon , Washington and California it
olfers superior ndvuntag-os not possible by any
other line
Among a few of tlio numerous polnw ot aupo-
rlorlty enjoyed by the patrons of this road be
tween Omaha and Chleugo , nre its two trains a
day of DAY OOACHliS which aVe tbo IlnoU that
humnn art nnd Ingenuity i-nn erento. Its PAL
ACE SLEEPING CARS , whlcii nro models of
comfort nnd olognneo. Its PAUIXH DHAWINQ
HOOM CAH8 unHiunn sed bv ttitv. ana its wide
ly coiourntod PALATIAL DIN1NO OAIW , tlio
equal of whiah ciinnot bo found clsowhoro ,
Al Council HlulfH the trnliis of the Union Pnci-
fie Hy. connect In Union Depot with these of the
UhiCJiffoi Northwestern Icy. In Chicago the
triiliis of this line make close connection with
these of all eastern Hues.
For Detroit , Columbus. Indlnnnpolls , Clnoln
nntl. Nlagnra Falls. Uulfalo , Plttsbtirjr. Toronto
Montreal. Hoston , Now York , I'liUiuleln'ila , IlaN
tlmore.WaHhlngton and all points in thaoast , aju
the ticket iigont for tickets vlu tlio
Ifyou wish the best accommodations. Alltlolcot
vla tl"s " " *
TlivaiK013 it s. HA
Gonoru Manager. Goo , I'tiss. A
England , France & Germany.
Uhofateainshlpsof this well knona line uro
built ot lion , In water-tight eomp-iitiiiuntri , and
aio furnished with ovuiy icipilslio to makd th
piusagu both nafo and ngroeablo , They carry
the Lniloil MiHiiSiinil Kiiiopnim mulls , und jexvu
Ni'W V'ork Thursdays nnd Saturdays for Plr.
mouth. ( LO.NlONCl.orbouif1PAHI3 ) ( nnd HAM-
Hi'turiiing , the steamers leave Hamburg on
Woilnisdn ) > s and Kiiudaysla. . Havre , taking
pas-piigeisntboiithiunptuii nnd London.
First cabin $ .7) , ? < > ' nnd $75 ; Htconiifii tit.
Hnlhoad tluketd fiom Plymouth lo HrHtol , Uar *
illlf , London , or to any plucu In Ilio Houtli nf
Knulimd , I'ltKi ; , BtoeriiKO fiom Kuropu only
fS. ! Bi-nd for "TourltitGii/ettc. "
Geneinl Patibonuer Agunts ,
81 Broadway , Now York ; Washington and La
balleKts. CUIctlgo , III.
and Jol ?
1020 L'urimm Struct. Omaha ,
SCHOOL DISTHICT NO. 2 , Clay county , Noh. ,
will lucuho open bids Jily | D , ISSu , at 4 p.
m , nt ( hoolllun of lint District Tiuiuuror , tor
tbuHaleot t la/dint It * lionds In donomlnutioua
offVJOeiuh Hondirilli 16 > imis wild oullon
nfli > rll\i ) years Iiitimsl 0 ptr cent , pnnblu
soinl anniiallx. Tliorjglitls lu nivrd lo loji'ct
iindallb.d' . JOS. ( illll I { Dituulor.
General Insurance Agents
211 South Thlrtoflntli Street.
Legal Notice.
GKjHt.KSINCL.VIItnndniivo I Plm-l-Hr , hit
tkifr , nou-irsldoiit duroiiUniilg , will luUo
niilKii tU.ii mi the li ( d.iy of JUIHIHiii , Milmn
Ikinlrix , plulntitf , hoiuin , hii ) potltti u In
tlm DJstrkt Court of Doiuhu couiiiy , .Nobras-
Ia , iigaliist aulil dufnn Iniil * , tin ubji-it nud
in n ) ur of wUluh aru l < oimpi'l ihcupc Irio pur *
formatiLo nt a nrltlnn i.onlr.ict tn con cy | o
Hitld philntllTliy ( iiilt-t'liiitn ilco I thu fiiilouln ;
lots In Ilin town of I loio icn in KKd niuiity. to.
w It : Lot a , bl > k U ; lot - . blot- , . . ' . ' . lot ' . ' Uoi ! .
" 0 , jotf , bloi-kGT , it ° coiulJenitlnii lor which '
lias boon fully paid by Mud flHuliV | to 4lJ ( ! < ; .
Vou uiu inijuliid lo uiuwcr julu put * < on ou
or buforo Iho 1'Jlli dny of July , IK 6.
DrituaOaiiilni. Jutiu Ut. 1WI.
ll > Co.snuja , CHK O A : HUNT , His A'tug.
J1CJ il 1UU IJ If'-i