Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1886, Page 6, Image 6

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.SATI'UIUY .MOIlNliNT. , JULY. : ! .
1 ( .lit mil liy minor In nny pnrt ( if tliocltj-nt
lurnty ccnlft jur week.
II. N.'i'ii/io.v
/ , - - - Malinger.
< : . No.
N'li nr CiJiTim No. SI.
Now York IMiimhing roniiisiny.
* Now summer goods at IJoiter'rf.
Ihe iianUof Hie city will bo closed
to day
Tin- police mnilu l)0 ! ) nrre.slM during tlio
iiMtitli ot .June.
The city ronnrll nicets in regular
monthly M's-ion .Monday night.
C. Al Hull loft liHtovi'iiing for I.
to.iii livrr n Fourth of July oration.
1'olioo oirolcs wore ipiiot vosterday.
Tlirco Irninps wore gathered in.
riui.MiHillcr .Mnsie company club play
tin ; lied Oak ulnb to-day at. Hud Oak.
Licutciiiinl ( allaghor lias returned to
l-'orl I.i-wN , Col. , his furlough having ex-
Tlio Iircwor1. ! < disp'ay will take place
voi-nc.r of Ilioadway and Konrtli Mroet to
TlioScollswood L ! < rhtwoi lits and the
jMclcalf HI-IH. ninus play at 1'arks Mill
The board of Irusti.'CH ol tli institution
for tin ; di'af and dumb is to incut hero
Ht'V. .1 l-'isk will preach al tlio Union
c'liiiiiul on Harmony .struul to-morrow al
! 1 o'clock.
{ Thc Mcthoilists had a happy social wu-
con hist cvi'iiinir at tlio rusiilcnoo of Mr.
J. I1. Caxady.
Iliiinrioh Klahn , of Ilarlan , and Kriko
Ijebiiiisc , of this city , mar
ried by Jn.ttii'u lliMidncks at his olljuu.
The infant child of T. M. AlcCniloiigli
dii'ti Tliinvday and was buried yesterday
al'loi'iioon from the residence on ave
nue A.
John nrcHiiahan was yesterday lined
for being drunk and disturbing the peace
in a house opposite tlie .Northwestern
The funeral of Winnie , the nine-year-
old child of Cy I'arker , will take place at
8 o'clock this morning and will bo , in-
turred al Logan.
Tliu Good Templars lodge of this ciiy ,
leave in a body this morning at ! l o'clock
lo celebrate the Fourth amongst , the lulls
near Crescent City.
The pri/e.s for .June drawn at the Mnd-
lor music company's store were by No.
: mt : for th lirst , No. 71 ! ) for the fcticond ,
and the third pn/c by No. 70U
J Preach ing by tlio pastor of the Haptist
church Sunday morning anil evening.
Subject for evening : "The Intimations for
( ! oed and for JCvil in Our Country. "
Seats free.
Members of the .Seventeenth Iowa regi
ment are urgently invited to be present
with their lamilies at the regimental re
union to be held in Leon , la. , August 10 ,
Hand 13.
Ollieer O'Bricn ' found a .suspicions
stranger prowling about ' '
at 'J o'clock
yesterday morning. Nothing could bo
proved against him and yesterday he was
turned loose again.
D'l'ho plans for the roof
. , . „ , , , . . , - . . , . . . , ! I..M.I ! complete - ' of the
ISIisa Homio Lyou , ono of the Bloomer
teachers , mot with an accident by the
breaking down of the hammock in which
she was .swinging. She was unconscious
for .some time , but is rapidly recovering
from all effects of the fall.
At the Congregational church last evening -
ing there was a rental of pewn. This
was caused by some changes made in the
appraisement of sittings , and hence it
M'tis deemed hotter in making the neces
sary changes to rent the pews all over
The danec given in Bono's hall last
veiling by the Ancient Ordisr of Hibern
ians was largely attended , The pro
grammes were uniquely arranged , and
. made much merriment. The music was
t'.xcellenl and the all'air enjoyable iu all
Jt is thought that one of tlio tramps
now in jail , arrested for assaulting Olli
eer 1'riee , was shot in the leg , and
is trying to conceal iho fact , lest lie
( should be convicted of being concerned
in the row. It is said that one of them
handles his leg in a peculiar manner , as
If it was sore , and tries to avoid limping.
The ease is to be investigated.
The tramps who made such a murder-
ons assault upon Detective Price were to
liavo had a hearing yesterday afternoon ,
but Judge A.ylesworth was called away
find tin ) eases went over to Monday. If
tlio chief participants in this riotous
ull'air do not gel a long .stretch in tlio
penitentiary- will be because they do
not get what they merit. Jt is a woudur
that they did not kill 1'rice. and it was no
lack of a disposition to do so on their
Thn Olohe last evening reproduces an
nrtlelu from ( ho Hir. : , which it comments
upon as bemgfavo'rablo to Council Kind's ,
but takes great pains to credit it to "an
Cmaha paper. " If it can find u line in
the IlEK which it can twist into the faint
est criticism of Council Mlnll's it takes
NDCclnl pains to make tlio fact prominent
that it is the IlKic which is trying to hurt
Council lllull'rf. Tlio other papers ape
the Clobu in this. The HIB : is ready to
Ktand by what ll .says , and those who clip
Council niull's news from it need not Iiesi-
tate to give it the credit in every case ,
There scorns a disposition on tlio part
of the city to try more experiments in regard -
gard to lire alarm systems , but to got one
which will surely answer tlio purpose.
Although the IJainowoll system is in geir use , and highly satisfactory in most
largo cities , tlio friends of the Uichniond
H.vstcm claim equal merit for it , and less
expense. AR the latter system is to bo
giuunntceil , and will not bo paid for in
full until after it has had a year's test ,
ite \ urged that there can bo little risk in
puttiugit in. Arrangements should also
bo mailo with tlio district telegraph com
pany so that the city could have advant
age of its two hundred boxes. As there
are to bo only twenty street boxes , and
as many would Una It convenient to turn
in n district telegraph alarm , tlio I wo sys
tems should bo combined iu some man
ner so as to get the benefit of both ,
Groceries , dry goods , tinware , cronkory
cheap. J , J. Stoker , 005 nppor Broad
Dentd lias an immense stock of wall
paper and room Mouldings which must
bo turned into cash , so down go tlio
prices at Hoard's ,
For Kiirly Closln : ; .
Some time ago thn clerks in retail stores
started u move for early closing during
the summer season , but little was ac
complished beyond the agitation of the
question Now comes the fruitage. The
business men and employers are now
taking hold of it and they scorn almost
unanimous in agreeing to close early. A
written agreement is being circulated for
signatures , fixing the time forclonng the
stores at 7 o'clock ,
Highest prices paid for county , tovn ,
city and school bonds , Odcll Uro's &
Co. . No , 1031'carl street , Council JUJuift ,
Some Puzzling Questions Arising About the
Paving of Upper Broadway ,
A Ititle Folk's I.invn PnHj Uont enClosing
Closing Itimlncss Knrly Tlie
All Around llio Town
Mil : Knlcrprlscs on Foot ,
The committee , consisting of T. J ,
Kvauc , ( . I" . Wright ami Samuel Haas ,
have returned from their eastern trip ,
but have not formulated their report to
the board of trade , and have little to say
publicly , It i.s understood that they were
well satisfied with the result of their trip ,
and that they will have n report favora
ble in most respects. The interests of
Council Mlnll's have so often been jeopar
dized , and some of its plans spoiled by
lee speedy publicity , that wisdom had
boon learned , and now it is the policy to
make no idle boasts but await actual
events. It is understood that there arc
some important plans being matured
which will cause a greati'hango.aililiiig to
the prosperity au.l increasing the growth
of Council Blulls.
The feeling is increasing rapidly in
favor of an indenendent wagon bridge
between tlio two cities , and a cable car
line , .so as to make intercommunication
easy. There is a good uroipecl for Mich
an enterprise being started ere long , and
iu connection with it will be a real estate
boom on bottom property , which i.s now
down to bottom prices. There are many
conjectures as to what the new Union
1'aeilic bridge will lie. It has been as
serted by many that it was not the illicit-
lion of tlie company to build a wagon
bridge attachment. Within the past lew
days there have been lifty-seyen-tool iron
stringers put iu place , which indicates
that the uagon bridge attachmeul is
really to be pul on , lor there would
hardly need he such a width unless it was
intended to have room for two wagon
'I he pu/.x.ling query scorns unsolved as
to how this wagon attachment can be
made practicable. If the partitions con
sist of open work the horses will be
frightened. If made close the wind will
endanger .such a structure. Hence it is
that many doubt the use of such a bridge.
The location also is not such as Council
Blulls people want. It is a long ways
from the business and residence portion
of the city. A bridge farther north
would bo more satisfactory , anil an inde
pendent bridge is what is still more de
U is expected that some announce
ments will soon be made of enterprises
which will revive even the flagging hopes
of some who have become disheartened
about the future of Council Blulls. There
is a general feeling that this city has in
the near future .some great changes for
the better. Certain it is that there has
not been for yours Mich a unanimity of
feeling and willingness to help push the
interests of the city , and with representa
tive men taking hold earnestly , occupy
ing official places , and working xealqusly
through the bn ine s men's organizations ,
there seems no reason for doubting that
much will bo accomplished.
.Stenographer and typewriter. O. Mun-
son , with M. F. Hohrur , over C. 15. na-
I'oomMoiildings Largest , assortment
and lowest prices at Beard's Wall Paper
The Pnvintf PH//.ICS.
The question of paving upper Broad-
wa-yMjoms lobe a pu/zling one. The
council has proposed lo pave upper
Broadway to Frank street , bill many cit-
i/ens want it paved to Oak .slrect. From
Frank street the nortli side of Broadway
for quite a distance abuts on tlio creek.
The cost of half the paving can hardly bo
tn.Ncd up to Mr. Conrad ( ieiso , who owns
the property on the other siito of the
creek , anil Iho proposition to tax the
whole cost to the property owners on the
.south side of the street seems equally un
just. . It has been suggested
that only the half of the
street bo paved , but this is also ob
jected lo. The citizens of that part of
'iho city , as well as some living else
where , desire to have the city pave , and
pay for the half aimttiugonthc creek , llie
same as it pays for intcrscelioiis. Another
puzzling feature of tlio mailer is the
streel car question. The citizens want to
have the tract ; u.xtended , in accordance
with the charter , and with thn promise of
tlie company. If the track is to bo ex
tended it should bo done al once , so as
not to delay the paving. The whole mat
ter has been postponed until next Wed
nesday night , and in tlio meantime the
fitreet car company is to bo interviewed ,
and the citizens talked with.
_ -
IJuy your fireworks of Claude Tonvilli-
ger , ill , Main St. Best in the city.
Go to the New York Plumbing company
any for garden hoso. They warrant all
they sell. Opera house block.
Happy VOIIIIK I''olkH.
yesterday afternoon little I. It. Ko'tirnr ,
tlio live year-old con of M. F , Itohrcr.
entertained about lifty of his little friends
lit the family residence. No , S.'il ) Vine
street. The hours were from 0 o'clock to
7 o'clock. Little tables WI.TO .spread upon
Iho lawn , and refreshments , games , etc. ,
caused the time to pass happily. The
gathering was n joyous one indeed , and
the youthful guests were most hospitably
cared for. In caring for the little ones
Mrs. Hohrcr was assisted by Mrs. A. T.
Klwcill , Mrs. ( icorgo W. Ferguson , Mr.s.
Van Bi nut , Miss Armour and others of
her friend. ' ) .
( ! o to Beard for room mouldings.
Smokers ! Drop in John Tcmpleton'
now cigar store , opera house block ,
Jloubcd While Drunk ,
Yesterday a visitor to tlio Bluffs from
come western lowa town , got too full of
tangle-foot , and while in this condition is
said to have fallen into the company of
a colored man named Brooks , who guided
him into an outhouse and there managed
to got away with a roll containing about
$05. Brooks was arrested on this charge
as was also a white man who was thought
to have had something to do with the
robbery , The victim was in such u
drunken coiiditionjllmt Ho , too. was locked
up. The olliccrs are investigating the
details , which , as usual in Midi a case ,
are sadly mixed ,
Go toBcar for room mouldings ,
Substantial abstracts of titles and real
estate loans , J. W. & K. L , Squires , 10
1'earl street , Council Bluird.
Henry Atkins lias returned from his
eastern trip.
George Hudio yeatcrday returned from
u business trip cast.
Ur. F. K. Thomas , of Carson , was at the
Vaclllo yesterday.
Charles Bono expects to start Monday
for n trip .to California.
John C Leo has returned' from Illinois , .
whore ha has somp largo railway con
Miss Rose C'rady , of 'Sioux City , is iu
1 the city spending n few days with
Joe Spaiildlng , thn letter r.irricr , haj
gone to Indiana to spend his fifteen days
John Wood word , who travels for
Kingsford's starch , came homo yesterday
from atrip east.
W. J. ll'incock and wife. F. K. Stubb.s
and wife and J. F. Kimlmll and wife left
last evening for Spirit Lake
11. S. Smullen Ims returned from Ne
braska , where lie has been working in
surance since his retirement from the po
lice force.
S. A. Harrison and wife left the Ogdcn
yesterday lor Milwaukee. Mr. Harrison
has the contract for building the railway
into Sioux City , and will return soon to
this state.
IC. . Baldwin hm returned from the
west. He reports cattle as in fail ndi-
tion , but there has been a great lack of
rain in western Nobra ka and northwest
ern Colorado.
Next Monday a nuiunor of the teachers
of the institution for ( lie deaf and dumb
expect to start for California to attend
the national meeting of instructors.
Among thoM ! who are lo go from here
are I ) . W McDormid , ( Spruit , (5. ( L.
Wyckofl and probably Superintendent
Hammond and wife.
Cnuso.u of the Severe Thunder Storms
ol' Modern Time * .
Klpctric Review : The researches of
1'rofo.SMir Von IVt/.old , ICarsten , Weber ,
and others have proved that , the number
of damaging strokes of lightningluis con
siderably increased during the last lifty
years , ami this inerea.-e cannot be ex
plained by the theory , that , owing to the
growing number of houses , factoriesetc. .
the number of lightning strokes increased
proportionately ; to the contrary , this
number ought to decrease , as every
building , even when not protected by a
lightning rod , effects an equilibrium of
tlie opposite electric potentials ,
and therefore ( lie number of
lightning strokes ought relatively lo de
crease with the relative number ot build-
iug < . This , indeed , is proved by the
fact that in tlio space of one year among
lOO.OJO . buildings there occurred but
thirteen cases of lightning strokes iu
cities , against twenty-three strokes on
buildings in the country. We therefore
have to take this natural phenomenon
from another point of view , and to consider - '
sider the ratio of damaging or other
strokes to the number of buildings in a
certa'n ' district. This ratio , called by tlie
Gorman naluralists blitsgefalir ( danger
from lightning ) , increased in the king
dom of Havana from 18U to 1832 three
fold ( according to records of iiiMiraucc
companion even live-fold ) , and other
countries show the same increase.
As in nature each phenomenon must
have its cause , tlie question arises : To
what cause is duo the above-mentioned
facts ? And this imestion not only is of
scientific interest , but also of great
practical importance , A great many
theories have already boon advanced to
explain this nhenomcnon ; among others
that owing to the decrease of the wood-
laud , houses are more and more made
the projecting points of a certain area ,
and therefore attract the lightning : be
sides , this decrease effects a greater rise
of temperature in summer , and , in con
sequence , more numerous thunder
storms. Others find the cause of it iu the
large increase of such constructions as
gas and water-works , weather-cocks , etc.
But this theory docs not explain why ,
especially , country houses , which com
monly lack these kind of constructions ,
arc mostly exposed to danger from light
ning. Admitting that these jcauscs may
\p \ sonjc extent explain Uio mci'ffflso 01
uaiigel" from ligmi.ufr : : , they arc not
sufficient to fully show The -urprising increase - '
crease of strokes during so hortivDorfod.
There must be a more general and funda
mental cause. Throug'i ' what can the
electrical intensity during a thunder
storm bo so strongly increased that a
larger number of ligntiiing strokes pass
oyer to the earth than was the case hcrc-
totnro ? It is not so much the increasing
number of thunder storms as their
greater force which produces the in
creased dancer.
As the main cause we now point out
tlie enormous increase , during the last
lifty years , of factories , railroads , steam
boats in short , of all constructions till
ing the atmosphere witli smoke , vapors ,
particles of dust of every description.
When we consider that every day
thousands of locomotives , thousands ( if
steamers go around the earth , that thous
ands of factories of all kinds daily emit
enormous quantities of smoke , vapor ,
and dust into the air , that , especially in
cities , thejlargo number of houses pro
ducu immense quantities of srnoko and
dust , the assertion will not seem incredi
ble that there is certainly 100 limes the
smoke , dust and gases absorbed in the
atmosnherp than was lifty years ago.
Already with the naked eye the impure
state 01 the atmosphere may be noticed ,
( io through the coal districts of Man
chester , England , through those of Pcnn-
Kvlviinia , tnroiigh the cities of Ksscn and
I'ittsburg , and you will notice a layer of
vapor constantly hovering over them ;
the air is lilted with foul gases , and every
object is morn or less covered with the
Mill ling particles of dust.
Those conditions being estabjished , wo
have to consider their relations to the
violence of thunder-storms. To give the
render a better conception of this relation
wo will briefly discuss the theory of the
thunder-storm and Iho origin of
electricity thereby developed , Friction
is nowgenorajly accepted to bo the cause
of the electricity in a thunder-storm.
Friction betwen air and particles of ice
( according to Luvine ) , or between air
and molecules of water ( according to
Andrles ) , i.s the main cause of tiiat
electricity. When besides these factors
particles of dust are filling the atmos
phere the development of electricity is
highly increased. It is the ejection of
fctoam and ashes common to tlio pheno
menon which cau.-os tlie thunder-storms
attending it to assume an exceedingly
violent charaelor. That the pyramid of
Cheeps is rendered electrical by the
whii ling dust of the desert 111113' 'iurt ' ) ! lj' | ( )
bo mentioned. It is nothing but the
frictions of the grains of sand on thn sur
face of the pyramid thatcauscselectrlcltv
The author of this essay claims that
the rapid , enormous and lasting develop
ment of electricity during thunder-storms
can not be otherwise explained than by
a purely mechanical cause aiialagous to
the mechanical force of the hydro electrio
machine. Now , as our atmosphere coiu
tains much moro dust than in former
years , the fact n * si be of great inlliieuce
regarding the intensity of electrical
phenomena during thunder-storms : from
the same reasoning are explained vol-
canio eruptions. That this increased
force cf thunder-storms must manifest
itself in the greater violence and moro
dangerous character of Jightnir.gstrokos ,
will bo evident to the reader. But there
is another cause t&'bo ' mentioned , it is
an established fact that air containing
solid particles has : i conducting power
in regard to electric currents for superior
to that of pure air. In our day , there-
foro. where these molecules of dust and
solid particles fill the atmosphere to a
greater extent , tlio latter bus become a
butter conductor , nnd'favors a direction
of Iho lightning strokes toward the more
impure layers in the vicinity of the earth ,
and therefore the carin itself ,
A special committee on railroad axles
lias reported that 'iron axles are safer
than steel axles ; that all cranks should
have the web.s hooped ; that asironcrimks
appear to fail after running some 200.0CO
miles , and -stool after 170,009 , il is highly
desirable that duty nhoulil ho taken ol ) '
and'not again used on pas-cnger engines ;
ami tlixt crank axles , propiirly
structed , are a.5 strong as straight
A Track that Slirnhk From tlio Sta
tion mid S ortcnjjiJ Dnjby I'ay ,
Hoslon Herald : Kvcry * newspaper
reader no doubt renumber. ' ? the gallant ,
though unsuccessful , attempt to save
General Gordon fromideath at the hands
oMhn Malidi , but few know of the hard
ships borne and tlie Obstacles overcome
by the British army in the Soudan. How
ever , I will not attempt to picture the o
discomforts and difliciiltics here. 1 will
simply relate an incident of the expe
dition ,
The advance up tlin Nile was made in
f00 whale boats. Kueh boat was in com
mand of u Canadian Mivageiir and car
ried a do/.oii soldiers , with provisions for
100 days. Sailing , rowing , towing and
carrying or portaging boats from duv-
light to. dark , iutersporv.'d with picnic
meals of canned corned beef and hard
tack , would be no more than it novel ex
perience for a week or two , but , believe
me , it gets monotonous in less than eiirhl
Some of the portages were short , lifty
yards lo a mile ; others long , from a mile
to lifty miles. Over the former the provisions -
visions were "packed" by ( lie men , and
over tlie latter by camels , the boats being
taken through the cataracts by the Cana
dians iu the mean time.
One portage , from Wudy Haifa to
Sarras , was so long that the British gov
ernment decided to build a railroad be
tween tlio two points. Fifty inilcsof track
ready to be laid , engines , cars , water
tanks and stations ; In fact , a complete
railroad was scut out.
The members of the engineer corps
had not , enjoyed a very large experience
in railroad building , and were not fur
nished with necessary appliances for
grading , etc. So natives , men , women
and children , mostly the latter , were
hired at a piaster ( live cents ) a day , to
carry sand iu small baskets and dump il
on llii' grade. When an obstructive rock
loomed up in front , they novel lliougl'tof
blowing it out , but won't around it. Such
a thing as cutting through a hill was un
heard of , and the only way any largo
heaps of sand were moved or leveled waste
to bury a piaster iu tlio centre cf tlie heap
and let , the natives know it was there.
Well , after months of hard labor the
track was all laid , but it did not reach
Sarras , by any means. True , Sarras is
only fifty miles from Wndy Haifa , and
fifty miles of track had been laid , but in
sending out tlie material numerous curves
had not been taken into consideration.
The only alternative was to move the
Surras station down to tlie end of the
track. This was done , and ( lie "last
spike" was driven to "Ilnle Britannia. "
by the band of the Forty-second High
Everything worked right for a week or
two. mil then , for some unaccountable
reason , the track began to shrink. At
lirst the cud was about 100 yards beyond
the Sarras station , but daily'tho track got
shorter and shorter till the end came
down in froul of tlio station , and before
long the station itself had to be moved
nearer to Wady Haifa.
This continued for .some lime , and , of
course , tlio annoyancc.of having lo move
the staliou every few days was very great.
At last , when it had been moved over a
mile , with no reason1 assigned for the
shrinkage , an investigation was field.
Engineers , brakcmen and track-walkers
were examined , but with no result. As a
last resort , a party took the morning
trsdn lo Wady Haifa to consult with the
authorities lucre and , lin l oul whether
the track was moving at that point. The
train was composed of a passenger coach
of the English compartment style , a
freight car , a Hat car , with water-tank
ami engine No. 1. This engine was built
many years ago , and , as it'had done ser
vice in England , India and at the Cape ,
h > V"i2 ; a good deal the worse for wear
in fact , iTwas urTca ! : xlo\in ; on ono side ,
and only pulled odd numbers. It did not
pull' 1-2-8-1-fi-O , etc , like our engines , but
groaned out 1 U 5 7 , etc. , making a
fearful noise. Two natives , with a hand-
pump , did duty as injectors , anil were
posted on the top of the water-lank ,
where they pumped for dear life.
Well , all went merrily for a few miles ,
and no important discoveries wore made
in relation lo Iho object of the trip until
a. largo curve was reached. The engine
did not run very straight. The engineer
was not at the helm , or else the extra ex
ertion on one side caused the old ma
chine to forget to go around the curve ,
and the whole train kept on straight
ahead over the desert , till the
clogged the wheels and brought it to a
The investigation party were naturally
annoyed at this delay , little thinking il
would solve the vexed problem. The en
gineer and lircman came back and
assured them thai a derailment was a
common occurrence , and Ihal they would
soon bo on their way again.
Then came the discovery. The crew of
fho Irani did not attempt to get it back
on the track again. They simply put
jack-screws under each portion and
raised it a few inches from the desert.
This done. ' all hands laid hold of tlie
track and drew it over to and under tlio
train , let the ears down , picked up their
jack-screws , blow the whistle and oil' they
steamed. Having ascertained that this
was a customary proceeding , and reason
ing that Iho operation increased the num
ber of curves , the investigators were not
long in deciding that they had found the
cause of the shrinkage.
1 have the largest mid most com
plete line oO
In the city , I am closing out
You will find nil the latest novelties in
lints , bonnets , ( lowers , plumes , tips , ribbons
bens , gauzes , crapes ami other styles of
rimming * .
Goods Must Be Sold ,
Best of Bargains ever offered. Call
md sue them.
J. J. BilSB ,
No. U28 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
. .
[ | J N' . Main St. , Council Blulls , In. , and
SOU S. ir.thSt. , Koom IU , Oimilut , Neb.
.Va-uifiiut liter's Apcm for tlio
Tents , Awnings. KoolFnq : Slate , Jlnii-
UOH , I'lnto and Window Uliiss , Show-
L'lisos. Elevators , ( Imnd ami liy-
Iraulie , ) Arc.
noNAUHr.v llc'Miti a'ruft , lifUvcun Kiirnuiii
uid Hiiniey , iu , wfrli tlio nlil til'KimrUUtii
ijiirlts . , obtain fur any ono n clmico In tht'jnut ,
m. I prc'enl ) iiiul ( He Tlulil enir.lillons ( n the Cu-
inro Hoots and tlioi's inuilo loorJor. 1'crfcct
> iuiefuclon !
\VlinU snto
Agricultural Implem&nts & ,
CniTlnKf * . l-to . l-"to. Council lllulT ! " . towii.
.Mnlie tlio tJrlirlnn ) niul Complcto
Hay Loader , also Rakes , Cider Mill & Press ,
COHN SIICM.KIIS AM ) I'lUSI ) ( I TTiil : * .
No . I'Ul , I'M , " I.YVi ninl I.V ) , Snntli Main Slriol ,
nil I J
Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Buggies ,
CiMTlfUfO' , nnd all klnl of l'e.r n Mno'ilmnT.
1100 to IIIU SoulliMiiln PtrCLl , OaiiL'il llluTJ ,
F.O. Qif.\snN , T. ll.Dni'dl. i , ( I > . ! ' . Witldiir.
I'ri'S.&Treiw. V.-l'ros&Mun. . M'omuul.
Council Bluls Haidld Faclwj ,
flnmrporatoil. )
cTsiif Axle , I'li'li , Slodifo nnd tf
i , of every ili * rrlpUnii.
wwnv > u uuLir ! * < V-'iVI\rr.l V t' . .
Carpets , Curtains , Window Shads ; ,
Oil ( "totlis , Curtain Fixtures , I'pliulstm-y ( JonJs ,
llto. No. 4J" ( > llroiidwiiy Council ' "
'fo , nri\
WholcMilo .UiblR-rs In Iho
Finest Brands of Cigars , Tobacco & Pipes.
Nos. SSMnln mul 27 I'cui-l Sis. Council
Fruit and Produce Commission Herchints ,
No. 14 I'o.trl St. Count ! ! ! IlliUIy.
Wholesale Druggists , Oils , Paints , Glass ,
l.s' Sundries. 1'tc. No.J Main St. , and
No. 11'cnrl St. , Council liliills.
M. K. SMITH & CO. ,
ew ail JY)3t'5 ) ) of D/y
Notions. Ktc. No.i. 112mid lit M-iln St. , Nos. Ill
nnd 115 1'oarl St. , Council HlufTd. Iowa.
t Ill'ITl * .
Wholesale California FwiU a Specialty
General Coiunilcm. ! . No. 542 1 ! roadway ,
Wliolcs\lo :
Fruits , Confectionary & Fancj Grocarlei ,
Nos. 10 and IS 1'varl SU , Council Illntrs.
anocKit IKS.
Jobbers of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Also Wholcsnlo Liquor Doalop . Ko. 118 Ilroixd-
way , Council Illnirs.
Jtnnu'nctnrcrs of nnd Wholmnlo Dollars In
Leaiiior , Harness , Saddlery , Etc.
No. K5Muln St..joimol ; ! Mil If , lowa.
77.17' . ? , CAPS. ETC.
Jobbers in Hats , Caps and 61)733. )
Nos.JI3nml3lt : Hro.idway , Cnuisll HH'N.
21 HA
Iron , Steel , Nails , Heavy Hardware ,
.Am ) Wood Stolc , Council Illnirii , Iowa.
s AXDrooi \
I ) . 11. MeUANELI ) & CO. ,
Commission Merchants for Sale of Hides ,
rallow.Wool , rolls , fi reiiin uml fura Council
HllllT.4 I OWIl.
Wholesale Denlora in
Illuminating SL Lubricity Oil ; G
P. Theodore , Airont , Council Hlutrs. Town.
LUMHKll , Wl.lXa , KTC.
Hard Wood , Southera Lumbar , Piling ,
) Mtiturlal SiHvhiltli'a.VholosaUi Lum
ber ol nil Kimlrt. Ollicu No. Klj MiUil St. ,
Council ItlulfH. Iowa.
Imported and Domestic Wines & Liquors.
Agent lor Kl. Cottlmrn'.s Hcrli Ilittord. No. U
Main St. Council IllutU.
foreign and Domestic Wiuss and Liquors ,
V , < W.Uuft St. . Council Itlufft.
gpct'lnl advertisements , such us Ixist , round ,
I'o I.OIIM , For S.ilo , To Itent , Wants , llonrillnv ,
itu. , vill lioliifcrled In this column lit tliu low
ntiiofTHNCISNTB I'KK LINK lortlio first Inscr
Ion and I'ivo Cents 1'or Line lor < mcli gubtu'immt
nst'itUiii. I.imvo advertisements ut our olllco ,
io. IS 1'ciil btiot't , near llrnatlway , Council
Illllfg ,
l\r.\NTKI > filiation as lioubelii'Oier | or to
IT liilio rue ; of lurnlblieil rooms. Address
( , Ili'o ollicu
II7"ANTI'.0 llurbcr , immouliittly lU No7 MO
llnmdu'iiy , Council liliillf.
L \f.\NTKIJ A peed ( firl lor nuncral liouso-
o k In pilVbtu I'liinlly. No.JO'J fourth-si.
jriim IUNTNo. : . Kid Pi'conii HVIMIUOJ Imnso
L1 of nUjht rooms. Miiblo , etc. Very dtblni-
ile N.I'.UodtroACo ,
N1OK H.M.I ; IVuil.conrocilonery and ei nr
L1 fctore ; ) > o e lon Kiven rijlit luvuy. In-
ulrd at lireiiibcs , No. 101Muliitl. . , Council
FOR KA I. II Old papers , In ijuantllius to uuit ,
u ( Itco olllco No. li I'curl blrout.
B. RJOE , M. D7
ilVPDpCor oibor tumors romorod wUbout
ifllUjDIllJ thoktilfoor drawlinroT blooj.
HROMC DISEASES or ail kmjo a Bp0ouur.
Ivor thirty yoafj' | ) i-itioj |
1'it.irl riiruat , Con icil MluXt
Justice of the Peace.
Office Over American Eiproii Coiuuay.
FIRST cim iff ray mm ]
IMiilillHlitMl III IS77.
2O,00'J Vehicles AnuiiallJ. I'Ntl for CufuloKiio , ITli'Ci , rrHgli
and T
Ilrloh hilldliii . nnv Jdnd inui i or m.ivi-il nn-1 Milisrn 'lion Rimr.tntcpil. .
Kr.inio houses true * * the licit In thti vr < tr. I. movoJ
803 liliglibh A.v.Mi'13 . aul Kijrlifc'i ' Sliusi , Council BlulTj.
- .
226 Broailtvay , Council Bluffs ,
is TO
337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa
To ciosi1 tlie sniiiiiu'i'slock lo ( iu > 'o\v '
Arc offering liarftnriis now cvci'i1 tiny.
Good Corsets for 50c worth 75c
Parasols for 75c and Upwards. .
Embroideries and Patterns , very
Cheap ,
Onlj a few of those Summer
Silks Left ,
Lace Flouncings in Spanish ant !
Oiiintilly Laces ,
'HiGiiiinr tlinn > ou over saw them. Fine
assortment for eratluation ilrcsscs.
Suuiplus sent \vlion rciiicstcil.
Choice pattern ? , good quality and
awust iirlucs.
Rpccial discounts to churches , tiode-
[ cs and clergymen.
larkness Bros. ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs ,
China. Glasswnro nnd
\V.S. lloinor&Co. ,
No. 33 , Muii St.Council UlulVi , la.
I l.nvp n our\ntity of round , .well cluniod seed
! uti : J uti-r : M ic-.U'nuiUi lU-uu-j. buvd ot llie
. . , . . .
i'l > orri > < . - ) iixiijuii'icu tciic.'td. X. G
n i.iiii t , co.
Dealers In Jlilcli Tows.
Nofi03 : iinl .7)0 ) K. Droiiihviiy.l'oinu-il HilV
Creston House ,
TiiiMin'ylnilL'l lit Cuiincll lllnM'f. Im1. III.T
. \ndnll nioiiuni Iniiiiiiv
U1S , : . ' ! " mid X'lH Mnln 1.
MAX ilOIC.V. IV.iji
I'incliPPS in State unit Keiloral Cum Is ,
Konnis 7 niulK SlniL'iirt Ulocl ; .
Star Sale Stables and Mule Yards ,
Oppo.-ltu Uninniy Dtint | ,
Hoi'M's tin 1 Mnlm Uopt I'on-tanlly on liuint
< for sii'.u ' r.t retail or in c.ulomU. .
) Order ? proindlly Illlod by uiwtruct on stmrt
notice , 'iioclc sold on commission.
i SHIUTiU& : IHJI.UV , I'ropilttofi.
Ti'li'iilinno NIL IU.
Knnnurlv of 1CIHI , SMX BTAIII.1'8 , i-orner
I Stli uxo. iiinMUi i
< 'lioi ic HMsplay of Iilt > t I'n
turns , All Ci
Council Bluifs
A Select Storlt ol' 'liotc-c ;
Xovcllic < In.
To be Given b.y Iho
At Temple Hall
S5citu.rd.ay Svcniner , J'vily 3 ,
Ticket Admitting Geiitk'uinn au'1 '
Ladies , $1 ,
Horses and Mules
For nil | uiiiu o . boiiKlit and .sold , IU luMill un < l
n Ict . J-iirfcro ijiimillttrb Hi j > til c' ( fioin.