Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1886, Page 4, Image 4

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OMAHA Omen. AND 01B i-An MAM ST.
Krw VonKOmcr. Itoow CO.TnintiNR HLMI.DISO
Published every mornlnifcTC' > pt Sunday. The
cnly Monday morning jmpor puLlliliod In tlio
( tote.
raiM < i nr MAII , ;
Ono Yenr tlO.m.Tliren .Months ! . >
BtxMonths 6.00Ono Month 1.0)
Tni : WKBKMT HFB. rubllslicd r.vory Wcilnosilny.
Ono Vcnr , ultli promlutn JS.on
Ono Yenr , without pieinlitm 1.21
Fix Montln , wIMiout premium W
Ono JIoiitlion trlnl 13
connGSFonnr.Ncr. !
All cornmiinlcnltnn rclntlnfr to news nnd eiJI-
torlnl tnnltrrft Miould bo udtlrosscd to tlio Uni
son or 'nn IIKR.
IltJRtSERfl T.ETTF.flS :
Allbuilnrro lottery nnd romlttnncm shnuM lie
nadres-Kl to TUB HKE 1'uni.isitiNO COMPAXV ,
OMAHA. Drnft * . clipcks nml po tonioo order *
to bo iimdo pnynbloto tlio order of tlio company.
Sworn HlntciniMit oTCIrotilatloti.
Stnto of Nebraska , I .
Cotintv nt DniiKlni. ( s > s *
( Jit ) . It. 'rzscliuckscci't.iryot ( tlio UPO Ptil-
llshinu comimiiy , ( lees solemnly nwcar that
tlio notunl clrcitlntlon of tlio Dnllv llco
for the weekending Juno 'Join , ti-bO , was ns
follows :
.Saturday , 12th . 1 . * W )
Monday , 1-ltli . is.Jirn
Tuesday. Ifilli . 1UI7J
Wt-ilncMiny. 10th . 12,050
Thursday , 17lh . 1'J.tWO
Friday , IBtb . 12,000
Average . l'J.'J35 '
( ! KO. I ) . T/.HCIIUCK.
Subscribed ami nworii to bcfoio 1110 this
StJllulnyof Junu , 1SSO. N. ] ' . Kiir :
[ .SKAI. . ] Notary I'ubllc.
( ! io. ! B. Tzschuck , being Ilistduly sworn , do >
Two1 ! nml says that ho Is secretary of the Uco
Publishing company , that thu actual averaeo
dnlr ) ' circulation of tlio Dally Hco for the
month of January , 18SO , was 10,373 rnnlus ;
for February , ISSfl , lO.r/Jo conies : for Maich ,
XS.SO , 11,037 copies ; for April , 18SO , 1J,1U1 !
copies ; tor May , IbSC , 13-liKi copies.
Oio. : II. Tzsciircir.
Sworn to ami subscribed bcfoio mo , this
SSthUnyof June , A. 1) . 1880.
N. T. For , ,
[ 8KAi. . | _ Notary I'ubllc.
Our SpooinI Cnblo Service.
During tliu your from July 1 , 1835 , to
July 1 , 1880 , tlio regular circulation of
the Daily HER 1ms Increased by over
4,400. This increase n one represents a
Junior number of subsjribers than is embraced -
braced in the total circulation of any
other dully in Nebraska. This generous
patronngo is largely the result of the
costly improvements made by tlio rub-
Ushers during the past year in tliovay ot
lightning presses , stereotyping machinery
nnd other equipments which have enabled
us to produce a truly metropolitan daily.
iluch of our rapid growth must
Ijo credited , however , to our in
creased facilities for the collection of
telegraphic news by special service at the
principal news centers. The BEE , how
ever , has not yet reached the limit of its
nmbition , wliioli will slop short of nothing
less than being In every essential the
4 qual of the great dailies of Chicago. St.
.Louis and San Francisco. To this end
wo have , at an expense much greater
than the cost of the entire associated
press scrvico of Omaha , secured tlio ex
clusive use of tlio Now York Herald's
( special cable service , which ex
cels by far any other for
eign news reports in the world.
The only ether papers In America that
enjoy this special privilege are the Boston
jlcrala , Chicago Tribtmo and St. Louis
Qlobe-DcmocruL Under this arrangement
all the special cable dispatches collected
py the Now Torn Herald in foreign coun
tries will appear in the BEU on the stuno
morning that they are published in the
'great metropolitan dally of New York.
Our patrons , and especially those who
take an active Interest in foreign affairs ,
will appreciate the enterprise which wo
liavo undertaken with a view of making
'jho BEU the equal of the best American
Now that the base ball matches and
lioat races are over , the colicgiato year
In America may bo said to have closed.
TAX equalization in Omaha consists in
lifting the burden from the shoulders of
the rich and placing it upon those of the
poor. _
THE toy pistol will Imvo thu oar
of the public to-day. It will also
probably have some of its eyes and lin
gers. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TO-DAY and Monday will both bo cole-
Lratinl us substitutes for the glorious
Fourth. The calendar is unusually good
to doctors and undertakers in this year
( Of praco 1880.
AN Arapahon mother loads the muter-
juty record of the season with "four-
plats , " Wliou it comes to crops Nebraska
la right In the front rank the baby crop
'by ' no mouns excluded ,
TUB Van Wyck boom is growing with
'the ' crops , When the cornstalks tower
nmong Nebraska fanners' homes thu
Snnutor'd boom will bo discovered keep
ing right along with the procession.
Mu GLAOSTONU is elected from two dis
tricts of Scotland , One leading homo
ruler is certain to take his plaeo in the
next parliament , cither on the treasury
bench or in the ranks of the opposition ,
laborim : men are protesting
over the employment of cheap foreign
labor on the Norway water works.
Laboring pien are beginning to see that
our tarill' protects everything but honest
MOUIJ small grain than over before ha
l > con sown In the fatate this season. Our
farmers will try tlio experiment of winter
wheat sowing in drills botwnon the corn
nnd using the btulksns protection against
excessive cold in winter. Diversified
crops are thy coming farm bonanza of
Nebraska. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
SoMKoftho railroad ringstcrs and or-
pan grinders are greatly distressed be
cause tliov four the senatorial contest is
iotto be a perfectly harmonious struggle
% ithin the republican ranks. Their
Crocodile tears over this unlocked for
.contingency are very , edifying. A per
fectly harmonious senatorial contest , if
ttvur discovered , should bostufled and put
Inn glass case fur mugwumps , instruo-
As to Mnrslinl Ctitnnttnci.
For fifteen months Mayor Hovd has
been trying very hard to got rid of Mar
shal dimming1 ! . His objections to the
marshal are almost entirely of a personal
character. Cummings was an active
supporter of the late M.xyor Murphv. Mr.
Boyd wanted a marshal who would be in
active sympathy with his own aims , per
sonally nnd politically. On the theory oi
the spoils system , Cuniming.s should have
been dismissed when Boyd came in. On
the principle that the ofllccs nro
not personal perquisites of the mayor ,
Cimnnings could not lie removed unless
ho pioved himself to be unfit for the place
by reason of dishonesty or neglect of duty.
Tlio council took tlio latter position
They have steadily refused to consent to
the removal of Cummings unless the
mayor can show sulllelent cause. In
addition to this reason , the republican
majority also ( irmly declined to become
a party to any .schema that had for its
object the subordination of tlio police
force to the political ends of the demo
cratic mayor. From a partisan stand
point this position \vns also well grounded.
And now the mayor comes forward
with a now proposition , namely , that he
will appoint any republican as marshal
whom the republicans In the
council will agree to confirm. The
only grounds which Mayor lioyd
nssign.s for this demand is his personal
dislike of Cummings anil the suspicion
that Cummings is disposed to make light
of his orders and misconstrue their pur
port. Tlio majority of republican conn-
cilmon ( Incline to go into this bargain.
They decline to assume tlio responsibility
of the appointing power , which is vested
entirely in the mayor. The charter Him-
ply makes the council responsible for
consenting to appointments made by the
mayor. The council declines to relieve
tiie mayor from the responsibility for the
proper of the functions of his
oflico. For thorn Cummingii is a good
enough republican and if ho has to go ,
they do not feel bound to upnly the boot.
They want a bettor reason than personal
dislike before they consent to a change
and they want the mayor to lind a bettor
man than Cummings before they lot
Cumminas go. Where is this bettor
man ? There tire doubtless many in
Omaha who would make excellent mar
shals if they can got along with the
mayor. But these men do not want an
eight months job at the waltry salary
which the marshal draws.
But wo are told that Cnmmings does
not enforce tlio ordinances. Where is
the man who will take the contract to
enforce every ordinance now in force ?
Would Mayor Boyd do it if ho wcro the
marshal ? Does ho notcxpectCummings'
successor to shut ono eye on social evil ,
gambling , high license regulations , etc ?
The mayor himself has peculiar ideas of
susponuing some laws which ho regards
as objectionable or impracticable.
How can * n marshal enforce
laws in the face of the mayor's
known position on these tender questions ?
Then conies anothar point which the
mayor has overlooked entirely. Up to
this time all his schemes to get rid of
Cummings have been laid with a view of
securing two or three republicans to join
the democrats in the council and confirm
the marshal's successor. Mr. Boyd has
treated tlio democrats in the council as
so many pawns that ho could play on the
political chess board at his pleasure.
Now , when ho comes to order these dem
ocrats to fall in with his now scheme of
a republican marshal , what will these
democratic councllmon do ? For them
Cummings is n good enough republican
and they see no advantage in putting him
out to put in a more radical republican.
The fool friends of Air. Boyd who con
trol the editorial columns of his organ
have made It difficult for any decent re
publican to withdraw support from a
man who has been mercilessly abused be
cause ho happens to bo a republican
workingraan. They have concocted the
most villainous stories , bulldozed grand
juries and resorted to methods of warfare -
faro which would make even the most
lukewarm friends of Cumraings resent
tlio outrage. This is why Mayor Boyd is
not likely to succeed in displacing the
marshal , even with a better republican.
BhortoniiiK tlio Tltuo.
The decision of tlio managers of the
Union Pacilic to give the patrons of their
road a fast train service equal to that of
any in the west in the way of equipment
will bo gratefully received by tlio people
of this section. Slow coach railroading
is played out. It ought to have disap
peared long ago , not only on the over
land route but on the stretch of tracks
between Chicago and the Missouri river.
Tlio traveling public of the east long ago
demanded and compelled the trunk lines
to shorten up their time between the
ocean and the lakes. There is no reason
why the traveling public of the west who
pay heavier rates of farq , should not re
ceive equal consideration.
The now fast train of the Union 1'aciflo
will break the lea of slow railroading for
faster time on all competing transconti
nental roads , If the Burlington is to
hold the Denver business itmustmake tlio
same time to that point as the Union Fa
ille. Tlio Northwosto rn , too , on its Elkhorn -
horn Valley Hue must meet the faster tune
to competing points. It will bo the In
auguration of better railroading so far au
time connections are concerned in
Nebraska ,
There can be little doubt that the now
fast train will soon force limited express
trains on thu Iowa lines. There is no
reason why the slow conch time ot
twenty-two hours should obtain between
Omaha and Chicago whilst thu time be
tween St , Paul and the lakes is eleven
hours shorter with a distance only fifty
miles loss. A fourteen-hour schedule be
tween the Missouri and Chicago is one of
the certainties of the near future , It
piust come , and the road which in
augurate * this greatly needed change
will reap the bcnolits of public apprecia
tion and a lieavv public patronage.
lie World ,
The house has been asked to add an
item to the sundry civil service hill , ap
propriating if 100,000 to meet the expenses
of the inauguration of the statute of Lib
erty Enlightening the World , Liberty 1ms
already enlightened the world btilli-
cluntly upon the niggardliness of Now
Yorkers and it will now ke able to throw
some light on the lavishncss of house
Qommitteos of congress when the inter
ests of the cast arp involyed as against
these of the entire country.
The history of the gift of Bar-
tholdi'n fctatuo and the subsequent
efforts to secure it a pedestal
and appropriate surroundings ought to
bo mortifying to American pride. France ,
in n fit of enthusiasm , subscribed the
money for the statue In a few weeks.
New York , who is to profit from the gift ,
struggled through five years before it
was able to collect the few thousands
needed to build the foundation on which
the gigantic work of art was to rest.
Then tlio country was drummed through
the columns of a Now York pauer and
the dollars and dhni-s of the poor called ,
for to supply the deficiency caused
by the niggardliness of the rich
of the great metropolis. The ped
estal is now finished , built not by
Now York , but by contributions from
the whole country. The treasury is ex
hausted , and congress is now appealed
to for an appropriation to pay for the
expenses of receiving the French visitors
and suitably inaugurating the statue
which is to forever omblomati/.o the
friendship of the two old allies in the
work of founding the American republic.
Chicago would Imvo raised tlio entire
amount needed in two weeks. Anyone
of half a do/.en other western cities would
hayo drawn on its own resources nnd
accepted the gift without cal'ing ' on
others to assist. It remained for the
wealthiest city in the country to raise
half the sum demanded by general sub
scription of its neighbors , and finally to
appeal to the whole country through con
gress to appropriate a sulliclont amount
to enable them to completu the job. The
house of representatives acted wisely in
rejeeting the item. Now York can now
put its hand down in its own pocket or go
without brass bunds and decorations on
the day of the celebration.
THE BEE is in receipt of. almost daily
enquiries asking information about the
status of tin ) bills repealing the preemption
tion and timber culture laws , ami ques
tioning whether entries can M.lll be made
under the statutes named. Neither law
has yet been repealed , and filings are
consequently still received nt any land
office in districts whore public lands are
available for settlement. The order of
Commissioner Sparks suspending filings
was revoked some weeks ago. Hoth the
senate and house have passed a bill re
pealing the pre-emption and desert act
nnd limber culture laws. The measure ,
which originated in the house ( II. 11.
7837) ) , was discussed hist week in the sen
ate , loaded down with amendments , and
on baturday last was reported to the com
mittee on public lands. There is little
probability of its resurrection during the
present session.
PUESIDKKT EO.VN of the Irish National
league has received a cablegram that
Michael Dnvilt will attend the conven
tion of the league at Chicago as Parncll's
representative. The one-armed Irish
patriot will receive a genuine ovation.
No Irishman is bettor beloved by Irish-
Americans than the man who has suf
fered for his country in the dock and
dungeon wliilo upholding the nationalist
cause. There will be a hearty welcome
given to bravo and honest Michael
Now that the sidewalk question has
been brought to a focus and the legal
opinion of Mr. Council has officially in
formed Chairman House of his duty , let
us see how rapidly he will proceed to
clear Farnum , Douglas and the other
business streets of the man-traps and
platforms which arc a disgrace to a city
ot Omaha's pretensions.
SENATOR VAN WYCIC'S absence from
Washington , according to an exchange
which never speaKS a coed word for the
senator , is seriously endangering the
safety of the Knevals bill. This is a false
alarm , but it is a singular tribute to the
senator's strength , coming fro man organ
which never lots slip an opportunity to
stab the general in the back.
WE hear nothing of the proposal to
move the stockyards and union depot to
Seymour park. The combination of
these interests with these of Fort Omaha
would doubtless give that delightful
suburb a greatly needed boom. At pres
ent ono can see more park than any
thing else in the vicinity of Dr. Miller's
pre-emption claim.
THE anxiety of Mayor Boyd to get rid
of Marshal Cummings amounts almost
to insanity.
THE council to Tom Cummiugs : "Don't '
you go Tommy , don't ' go. "
Other Lmuds Tliuu Ours.
The first elections for tlio British par
liament have taken place , The results ,
however , decide nothing. Out of the
eighty odd constituencies which have re
turned candidates , by fur the greater portion
tion wore uncontostcd by the Gladston-
ians. Twenty-three of the contested
seats returned home rule liberals , Tito
opening elections in Scotland do not as
yet indicate any serious defection from
Mr. Gladstone's leadership. The pre
mier has been returned from two dis
tricts , either ono of which lie will
have the option of scrying in parliament.
Midlothian is still for Gladstone and liberal -
oral Scotland will feel tiio influence of
the loyalty of that influential and wealthy
section. The most Important contests
are yet to come and the early part of the
week will probably decide the issue.
One tiling seeing certain and that is that
a ministerial success , if gained , will bo
by a slight majority , As party nnd fac
tional lines nro now drawn , a majority ,
however small , is likely to prove n work
ing majority ,
The manifesto of tlio exiled count of
Paris is a clarion call to the royalists to
agitate for the pvurthrow of the republic
and a menace to France that the Orlean-
ists will joon develop onqugh strength to
make good their demands for a restora
tion of thu throne of the Bourbons , The
count declares that " ( lie monarchy , tra
ditional in its principles , modern in its
Institutions , " alone can restore order ,
secure political and religious liberty , repress -
press disorderly men , rebuild the public
fortune , give "our democratic party a
strong government , superior to parties , "
and add "a stability which shall bo for
Europe tho'pledge of a lasting peace. ' "
To crown his open threat against the re
public , he promises to bring about this
return of tlio monarchy , "with the help
of God and of these who share my faith
in Hit ) future , " closing thus : "The re
public is afraid ; in smiting mo she lifts
mo up. I have couUdonco in France.
At the decisive hour I shall bo ready. "
This oppn detiaupe 1m ? thorpughly
qroused tl)0 ) Left and ( ho proposition is
now pending in the chamber of
deputies to expel nil thd members of all
the branches of the Honaparto and Bour
bon families from Franco.
% .
There nro renewed rumors of another
Russian loan and the 'largo ' export of
gold from this country to Germany is
said to bo in anticiPutibn of heavy de
mands upon the Gorman bank from that
source. A largo loan by Uussia means
heavy demand for the military establish
ment nnd no ono familiar with the his
tory of the empire and the
wisiics of the c/.ar's advisers ,
doubts that such .demands portend.
llussia Is Itching for war and with war
for increased territorial atrprandi/.omont
The ambition of the czar is two directions ,
ono towards the Dardanelles the other
toward India. Toward which he proposes
to move first is the question which is
agitating European diplomatic circles.
The ono moans a general continental
war , the oMier a contest to the death with
The operations ot the British troops in
Burmiih are carried on so quietly and in
such n desultory way that little notice is
taken of the moro or less constant lighting
which is going on against the Dacoits , or
organized namlils of the country. Never
theless the losses of the English are a.s
severe as in many of the skirmishes in the
Soudan , < f which so much was said. In
a recent engagement .scon of the British
were killed and twenty-three wounded ,
and the worst of It is that the lighting
cannot bo nude decisive The Dacolts
are bushwhackers , and are likely to con
tinue their disturbances for many years ,
and nmko Burmah a very expensive pos
session of the British crown.
* *
Another outbreak against the French
has taken plaeo in Madagascar , and tiio
troubles will probably once more bo re
newed. Jingoism bus been very costly
for Franco in the past few years. The
Tunis , Tonquin and Madagascar colon/- !
ing schemes have cost the republic in
money many times moro than it can ever
make out of them , besides causing tlio
loss 'of thousands of the Hewer of its
armies. This ought to convoy a lesson to
its statesmen. Justice and fair dealing ;
toward all peoples , oven weak and semi-
barbarous ones , are always becoming in
a republic.
* *
The Ottawa Mail , Sir John Mc
Donald's mouth-piece , continues to deny
that the dominion government lias re
laxed its measures for the protection of
tlio Canadian fisheries.
Work progresses favorably on the delimitation -
limitation of the Afghan frontier , but tlio
"exchange of maps" between the Russian
and English commissioners will probably
not take place before' ' August.
Prince Louis Napolepn la makini ; a tour of
Japan. ,
Emma Nevada Is llvjiiff iquielly with her
husband In Pails. '
Ex-Mayor Jacob of Louisville , Ivy. , Is an
applicant for the Persian mission.
Luke P. Poland of Vermont , has finally
discarded his famous blue coat and brass but
tons. i i
Lieutenant Schwatka has ! gone to Alaska
to write up tliat country for a New Yoik
newspaper. '
Henry Wattorson , placing a patriotic palm
upon his waistcoat , declares that our cookery
beats the British.
John I. Blair , the railroad millionaire , has
Rlvon 820,000 towards founding a professor
ship at Princeton college.
Atulran. the French composer , lias enRaged -
Raged to write the score of. a comic opera
based upon American life.
Kx-Picsdcnt ! Arthur has gone to New Lon
don , Conn. , to pass the summer , hoping
thereby to regain his health.
General Low Wallace has settled himself
permanently at literature as a profession , at
his home In Crawfordsville , Ind.
It Is again announced that Miss Maud
Banks , a daughter of General N. P. Banks ,
will go upon the stage next winter.
Ysoult Dudley , whoshotO'Douovan Kossa ,
will bo taken care of by her friends in Eng
land , it Is said. But O'Donv.iii's mind feels
much easier ,
Mmc. Jfodjeska Is thn wonder of timid
women at Monteioy , Cal. , as she dives and
swims In dazzling costume in the waves of
Monterey bay.
Ex-Sceietary Hamilton Fish is generally
pointed out to English earls and people as
one of our lineal American gentlemen of the
olden time.
.Senator Stanford says that he has had to
feed tramps upon his ranch the past year at n
cost of abuut 8300 a month , and all the time
in need of good work hands.
Mr. John Itussell Young Is convalescing
from an attack of Illness at Hastings , Eng
land. Ho Intends soon to go to Switzerland ,
wticio ho will spend a month or two.
Anent ox-President Ilnyes' children : Webb
Is a trunk-maker at Cleveland ; llurcluird Is
pactlclng law at Toledo ; Kutheiford Is payIng -
Ing teller of a little savings bank ot Fremont ,
and Fannie and Scott are at hcliool.
Thcio's n Difference ,
/fiittawl ( V . ) lleiakl.
Isn't It about time to draw a line between
the Miitesuwn and the politician ?
Not AIucli.
Smoke'- Look hcie , Isaac , this cigar that I
bought of you won't draw. Isaac Von't
iliaw ? Veil , do you ubbp e IVo glvin' away
Migtlon bumps mlt dem jife-c.imt Vl
Advice I'roni nu JSxiiitncnccd Quarter.
Mobile ittatittf.
The secession moveimmt | | i Novla Scotia Is
booming. Having hajl some experience In
this matter , wo would advise tlio Nova Sco-
tlans to don't. i
lrplmly | In Arizona.
Albany 'ftwci.
An exchange says that " ) i race of Imlrless
Americans 1 $ probable. " Where the In
tended race Is to take place Is not staled , but
It will prpbaoly occur out In the ArUnim re
gion after Geroiilmo has caught our army.
Some seem to think that colleges can turn
out newspaper men by Hlmp'y ' delivering lec
tures to the young gentlemen > vlo | have jour
nalistic aspirations. They might as well
found a nautical clmlr to icel off bailers ,
Van Wyck's Work.
l'litta < llf > lla ( Tiinet ,
Senator Van Wyck may not be able to rc-
clcct himself to the United States senate ,
but ho seems just now to bo netting In gomoof
the kind of work that icalsnnatora bhoujd bo
proud to do. Ho secured the adoption of an
amendment to the JfortU P.icllio land giant
forfeiture bill which will make tlio land upon
which the road nnd its btatlon houses , ma
chine shops and other buildings tire built
taxable Just as other real estate is taxable ,
' { 'ho Nebraska seuutor has been very ellluleiit
of late in mittUii ; land grant legislation Into
serviceable shape. The land gr.uit roads
may defeat his return to thu senate , but they
will Imvo haul work to undo some of the
legislation that ho has succeeded In getting
tluotigh during his pioscnt term.
The Hnso ItAl ! Umpire.
All labor arbitration
Can quickly settled bo ;
A savior has the nation
Tiio hn $ ( > -b.ili umpire IIP ,
Though greeted with dissenting frown.
No end of strikes can ho put down.
AVe Never Spcnk ,
DWe never speak a.s wo pass bv ,
Alt hoiiKli a tear bedims his e\e ;
I know he thinks of when ho'wtoto
His name acioss my three months' note.
Wlmt They Take.
llivtnn Com Jcr.
John Bull in the motnlni ; takes soda and
brandy ,
Andiieli "airati'nrf" fornnooner ,
Hut the festive Canadian
And blue-nosed Acadian
They take the American schooner.
Ono oftho lllrs. of Ijtfc.
Said tlio widow , mendacious young Mrs ,
1 ically don't know what a Krs.
The lover , In haste.
Put Ills inn round her waist ,
And niomptly , but innily , said , "Thrs. "
f -
Simply Awful.
The men of olenmnrcniinn
All claim their nus-iU lawful ,
But on n nearer \lew 'tis seen
That tills Is blmply "olVul. "
Cast Awny on a Desert Islnud Twenty
Years Ago , Ho COIIICH Hack.
Philadelphia Letter ! When Mrs. Alary
Maxwell went to the door of her little
coltugo up in Get/.lein street the other
night in response to a sharp knock on its
panels , she found without a woatnor-
beaten man who implored for shelter.
Mrs , Maxwell , a kindly por.son nt heart ,
who lived there with her only son , John ,
who is employed as brakunmn on ( lie
Heading railroad , and who was soundly
sleeping upstairs , felt a sympathy for the
homeless wretch ami told him ho could
sleep on tlio louniro in the kitchen.
For twenty-throeyoais the good woman
had been hoping against hope for the re
turn of her husband , who , after the close
of the war , and only a year nfter he had
mude her his bride , him sailed away for
China on a merchantman engaged in
tr.-ule with the land of the Celestials. Her
hair had turned white through worry and
anxiety , and her fnco was lined with the
marks of premature old ago.
About a month ago she visited a for-
tunc-tidlor in the hone that she could
learn through her whether or not her
husband was still alive. Thoseeress told
her to look into n largo glass globe , and
there , to her astonishment , she saw the
figure of a man clinging to a mast , while
the waves of thog ocean seemed to bo
beating around him. From this she in
ferred that John Maxwell , sr. , hud been
wrecked at ben , but whether still living
or dead she could not iumgiuo. Wlmt thu
fortune-teller told her gave her no lighten
on the subject and .she was as much in
the dark as ever.
V > hen the man asked for shelter she
thought perhaps her John was asking
shelter in some far distant land , nnd re
membering tlio golden rule she could not
turn the follow away That night she
dreamed tlio love of her youth came to
her , and when she awoke the idea sud
denly struck her that perhaps it was lie
who had thus providentiallv come to her
very doors.
Hastily dressing she hurried down
stairs , only to find that tlio stranger had
departed without waiting to say "good
morning. " Half an hour later , while she
and her boj' wore seated at tlio breakfast
table in the homely little kitchen , there
was another rnp at the door nnd the youth
went to open it. The lodger of the night ,
without waiting for an invitation , forced
Ids way in.
"Mary ! " lie shouted , catching sight ot
the white-haired woman at the table , "I
have come back to you ! "
Tlio next moment husband and wife
were looked in a close embrace , while the
son , with a dubious look upon his hand
some young face , watched the procoodinir
with interest. The story was quickly
told John Maxwell had been cast away
on ono of the islands of the Pacilic.
There for five long years he had lived in
Crusoe style , subsisting on the game and
fruits at hand and living the life of a bar
barian. When at last rescued it was by
an English ship bound for Capo Town.
Arriving there penniless , ho hud found
work in the diamond mines of South
Africa ,
A long sickness followed , leaving him
half deranged. What followed lie 1ms little
remembrance of , until about six months
ago ho tound himself in ono of the chari
table asylums for the Insane in England.
He was dismissed from there , pronounced
cured , and ho immediately set about re
turning to America in search of his wife
and child Reaching Philadelphia in Jan
uary , after working his way across the
Atlantic on a sailing vessel , ho Bought in
vain to find some ot his acquaintances of
the days of his youth. Failing in this he
secured work on a schooner engaged in
the coal traffic between hero and the oust ,
and lived while on shore in a cheap lodg
ing house near Port Richmond.
Finding himself without monny on the
night in question and having no plaeo to
sleep , he Knocked at Mrs. Maxwell's ' door ,
little dreaming that his wife and son
lived within. When Mrs. Maxwell loft
him alone In the kitchen ho picked up an
old book oil * the manteliiicce , and by the
light of the lire in tlio cook-stove at
tempted to read.
The name on the fly-leaf attracted his
attention. "MaryMaxwell"itread. , Her
book I
That it was his long-looked-for wife ho
feared to believe , ami after a restless
night he started out early in tlio morning
to Inquire among the neighbors for par
ticulars of the kindly faced lady who
lived in the little ( Jot/.ioln street cottaire.
What ho heard convinced him , and he
hurried back to claim the love that had
remained true to him those many years ,
Ho Won't Pay ft Clinroh Iclt.
St. James1 ( iazotto : The following is
a copy of a letter received from Mr.
Ittibkln , in reply to a circular asking him
to subscribe to pay oil'tho debt upon
Duke street chanol , Hlchmond :
BiiANTWooi ) , CONISTO.V , LancaHhlie , May
10 , IbaO , Sir : I am sconiliilly amused at
your appeal to me , of all people in the world
the precisely least likely to give you a tar-
thing 1 Jly lirnt word to all men and boys
who care to hear me js , Uiin't get Into debt ,
btiirvu and go to heaven , but don't bonow.
Try lirst begging J don't mind , If Its it-ally
needful , Mealing , But don't buy things you
pan't pay for ! And ( if all manner of dubtorh.
pious pcoplo building churches they can't
pay for io tin ) mont uetcatnulu noiinuiihu to
me. Can't you preach and pray behind the
hedgeor Inn sandpit , or In a coal hole ,
lirstV And of all manner of churches thus
Idiotically built , lion chinches art ) the
namiiablcst to me , Andolull ( lie se.'ts ot
bellovt-r-s ( n any ruling bjiiilt Hindoos ,
Turks , Feather Idolaters , ami Mumbo Jumbo
Log and Fire Worshipper who want
churches , your modein English evangelical
fcect Is the most absurd , nnd entirely objec
tionable and nuciiduuhlo to me ) All which
they might very easily have found out fium
my books any ether i > ort of sect would !
buforo bothering mute wiito to them , Ever ,
no\citliolcss , and in all this miyluir , your
faithful suivaut , JOHN
Local 1'ooiiliaritles ,
" 1 can always toll whether a man is
from ( he castor west , " said a Washing
ton hotel clerk.
"How do you do it ? "
"When ni | custom man registers , ho
says , 'will you kindly direct ftio to the
barf A western man iayrf , 'whu > o's the
bar kept utJ1"
FJro works , Flagetc. . at Max Meyer
& Co.
Senator Maudorson Offers nn Explanation o
His Position in the Matter ,
The General Kxprcsics Surprise nt the
1'osltlou Taken \ty the Hoard of
Trade nnd tlio llco Hla-
Itenfions ,
Senator Mundersoil i\i > 1nhi9.
20 , 1830.-To the Edllor of the
have noted with intieh surprise your ac
lion at a late meeting of the Oiunln
board of trade , anil the editorial com
mr-nt of tlio Ur.r. upon tlio bill to remove
the silo of Fort Omaha. The matter can
not bo understood by you , or you would
not have taken the eotirse you have
whii'h Is ono prejudicial to the best inter
csts of Omnlm and tlio slate tit largo. I
care little for the relloction made tipoi
my own motives , having been lon
enough in public llfo to reull/.o that over
n strictly conscientious performance ol
duty will not permit ono In legislative
station to escape calumny , but 1 do
care for the success of a measure that
means the advancement of the public
sotvice ami much resulting good to the
community and state which 1 have the
honor in part to represent. I will give
to you tlio reasons that prompt mo to so
believe , thinking your material Interest
in Omaha and your desire to act fairly
when a subject is fully considered by you
will prompt tlio speedy undoing of your
adverse action.
The placing of a largo military post nt
Omaha , instead of tlio small garrison
usually kept there , and scouring Its per
maneney by enlargement ami expendi
ture , was no new subject to mo when I
came to the senate.
years ago , when tlio proposition was
mnuc to build the large brick building
now used as a hospital at the fort , General
Sheridan sent for mo to say that of tlio
eighty acres of land used by the govern
ment but forty acres belonged to the
United States and the rest was held by
lease ; that no permanent buildings of any
description could bo erected until tliero
was compluto title in the government to
the whole eighty acres. At his suggestion I
undertook to obtain such title nnd com
menced action in the courts looking to
that end. After the expenditure of much
time and considerable monev for the
matter was attended to witfiout fee 1
succeeded in procuring the title
desired , vesting tlio fee of the land
in the United States by the deeroo of
the court and the deed of Mr. Kount/e.
The title was approved by the attorney
general , and tlio expenditures , resulting
in tiio erection of the largo brick building
tiio commnndintr officer's quarters , etc.
were mndo by the war department. My
recollection is that neither in the deed
f r the original forty acres , nor in the de
cree , nor deed for the hist tract , was
there n suggestion of any reversionary
interest In the event of a change of loca
tion or abandonment of the fort. Hut
before taking any Men in the direction of
a bill , I endeavored to inform mysoif
upon that subject. Among the numerous
persons from Neliniolcn who were In
Washington early in the session ,
with whom I talked upon the
proposed removal ( and I received no
discouragement from one of themal
though my recollection is that you wore
One of the number ) was Mr. Benjamin F.
Smith. Realizing his large interest in
tins welfare of Omaha , 1 asked him to
talk with many of its leading citizens
concerning tlio change of location , ex
plaining fully to him as I will to you
thn reasons inducing it , and I asked him
to look especially to the matter of title
and refresh my recollection. Ho wrote
mo : "All nro much pleased with the
probable success of your bill for the sale
of lort Omaha and establishment of anew
now and moro commodious one not far
from the city. 1 Imvo ascertained satis
factorily that the government title to the
prcbont eighty acres is undoubted. "
Now lot mo go back to the reasons
which prompted the introduction of the
bill and show you the necessity for the
proposed change. For tlio last three
yours when I have spoken to General
Sheridan of my desire for the improve
ment of Fort Omnlm , ho lias insisted that
it was not well located , being too near
the town and not on a railroad. Ho
made thib same fitiggcstion to ( ionoriil
Howard , who last siimnuir invited mo to
go with him to .see a piece of land of
about 000 acres owned by the South
Omaha Land company , which they pro
posed to trade for the land occupied by
Fort Omaha , the government to
remove or soil the buildings. The first I
knew of the mtittor WIIH this Invitation ,
and after viewing the land with General
Howard , I told the parties making the
oiler that the war department had no
power to nmko such an exchange upon
any terms , and I did not believe uongrobs
would consent to such a trade. The mut
ter came to nothing. I was then persist
ent In urging General Howard to nut
forth strongly in his report the necessity
for the repair and extension of Fort
Omaha , and procured Messrs. lcdford& !
Saner , real estate ngonts , to see whether
any land could be purchased near the
post so that it could bo enlarged. They
reported that suitable land could not
bo had for less than from ? 1,000
to $3,000 per acre. At last General How
ard ascertained that eighty acres of land
west of the fort , in the hills , could be had
for about ifUO.OOO . , It was suitable for a
rillo range , but not for buildings nor for
drill purposes. Ho made the estimated ,
Purchase of land. S 23,000 00
Company nmiitt-r.s 27&iu oo
Klvescls ( iilccrs' ) quarters : ; ou.o 00
Itepalr of old muirtors -i.ijOi ) . ' !
Itepalr of load , etc ir > , ( wo on
5100,101 43
Armed with this , I called upon ( ienunil
Sheridan early in the winter. Ho wild ho
would not recommend a dollar to repairer
or extend Fort Omaha in its
present location , and urged strongly tlio
inconveniences of the bitualion. llu said
thoru was no railroad leading to it and
the transportation of officers , men and
supplies to and from the depot nnd thu
government corral was slow anil very
expensive. Ho further biiggested that
ICO acres or oven 200 acres was much too
small for the permanent military station
that ha hoped to be ablti to establish at
Omaha ; that 1m believed in reducing thu
number of western garrisons and making
them largo ; that tlio post was lee near
thu city of Opiahu for good discipline of
thu men and the hind too valuable for
such uso. Wu hud several intui-
Views , and at last it was determined to
urge u bill , substantially based upon the
bill to sell Fort Urndy , in Michigan , for
the purchase of a now site .and the erec
tion of n new and enlarged fort. At 111 *
request 1 dnnv anil introduced Hie bill
a copy of which 1 hereto attach. It wu *
referred to the war department , and In
April , 1BSU , 1 received the favorable Jetton *
from Secretary Endicott and General
Sheridan , which will be fpupd attached
to the rujiort of the uomniiltt'iS ' im njili-
"airs , of
subject to their exposition , , but it
to tlio measure that 1 should strip it
of some of ( lie untruthful and unfair
statements mude concerning it U is un
qualifiedly false that any .special piece of
land is intended to bo purchased , The
bill provides for the purchase by the pec/
rotary of war of land , "within a tjlstaneo
of ton miles of the city of Omaha. " Jt N
untrue Hint it is to bo "ten miles floutl.
west of the city of Omaha , Nob. , " lor it
Is to bo suitable land Avithlu ten nil It'- .
limit. Numerous tracts are to b.o fou1. :
from three to ton mlles distant , anil en , ,
1 behove , bo purchased at fM ) to $00 p <
ncro , Ills untrue that the land of any coir-
jmny or of any Individual is In view , \v
less I may except lands near Hullovuonow
u ed I believe as u rlllo range , sugeos ! . I
to mo very lately as illtcil , by Colo. , , i
Henry. 'I his must , however , come m
competition with all other lamln , ah > : 1
think the secretary of war nnd the r-f
fleers of the army will co to it that tin n-
Is no "job , " either In tlio pttrchui-o ol t <
nowslto or the sale of the old. So fai
I am concerned I am ready to leave I ! < '
question to the citizens of the commit" ) ; <
who Imvo witne.-sod my dally walk it I
public Hfo for the last eighteen yo.-1 ,
whether 1 would pro.stUuta the h an
itlueo with which I Imvo boon lumen ' ,
by the advocacy of a bill in which I IM i
the least nrivnto Interest , or would pi i
mil mysoif to bo the tool of any HC ! of
speculators. I have had no lulte i
from , nor communication with any si1 !
with reference to the bill. Ilia perlu.p <
duo to Dr , Miller whoso mnno U me
tioncd in your paper as having hail MIII "
thin } ' to do with the matter for nu1 to
say that 1 never heard from him direct Iv
or indirectly upon the subject until a few
days ago , when , at Westl'blnt , 1 recohc'l '
a telegram from him asking the iirohn' ' > ' '
futo of the Fort Omulm bill. This v s
the occasion of my telegram to him 8t -
ing that the bill had pnssod the HUIKH- .
Ono remarkable fact to mo is that t' o
jiapers.of Oinalm Imvo not KOCH litto put -
llsh the bill and report. It is a matter upon
which the people desire all possible light
that they may docidc , not only upon thu
merits of the measure , hut also upoit'tha
conduct of thc-lr representatives.
I hope yon nniv see tit to publish thU
letter , unfortunately long ns it is , with
the accompanying documents , that all
and especially the board of trade may
ho fully informed. I have faith in you to
beliuvo that when fully informed upon
the importance of the luea.iuro , unit of
its great good to our growing city , you
will iiive it your support instead of youf
The policy of the war department i ?
"lower garrisons and larger ones. " Otlu r
cities arc putting tluunsulvos in .slmpo
to take advantage of this plan of action ,
Chicago is urging a largo post there and
oilers the site. Denver linn caused a bill
to bo introduced appropriating $ SJM > , tKX )
for thu erection of a military garrison ,
and offers ( HO acres of Innd frt-o of cost to
the United Statos. Those bids are now
Imforo the committee on military nfi'uir.-f.
Do not permit Omaha to ho mUfod , The
present snmll garrison uiust bo s-til- )
stnntmlly enlarged within a nhort tlmo
by some suoh project as thnt contem
plated by tin.- , bill or some rival city will
bo quick to take advantage of our ticglect
and blindness to our best Interests. I
sound the note of alarm ! Pray
do not permit the petty Bchonios of
small men to stand in the way
of our advancement 1 I will bo glad tp
give to you or any other full information
upon any branch of this matter , and hopn
that you nnd other good friends of
Omaha will lend n helping hand.
Very truly yours
What She Was to Say.
New York Tribune : 1'anl , live years
nld , had been poking at the range mid
Jtirned a hole in his sleovo. Ills mother
said : "You will surely catch nfirc , and
hero will bo nothing loft of you but tt
ittlo pile of ashes. \ \ hat will I say then ?
At onoo 1'aui replies : "You will say ,
Kate , shovel up those ashes ! ' "
An Incomplete KMHHV.
Country editor ( to assistant ) In your
editorial on the murder case , Mr. Smith ,
you do not make use of the expression ,
forging tlio links in tlio chain of evi
dence. "
Assistant Xo , sir ; 1 forgot it. Shall I
stop the press and work it in ?
Country editor Certainly.
And AU I tolling and Hcaly Skin and
Scalp DirieaBCH Cured by
"PSOHIABIS , oe/onw , ( otter , riiiffivorm.llclion ,
JL pruritus , scald licnd , milk cruHt , ilumlruff ,
jnrborB' . linkers' , gioecns' nml wiiHlionrouiun'a
tcli , nml oVury npi-ciou of Itohlnfr , burning' ,
sculy. pimply humors of tlici Hkiu mid snalp ,
with loss or linlr , uni positively cured by Outl-
cmnitlio ffrcut fililii uuio. iiruf Ciltlimrti 8oup ,
in oxnulty | f klu boautltlor oxturnully , unit Cutt-
ourn lli'solvcnt.tlio now blood pitrillnr tutor-
nnlly , wla-ii i > h > blclnus and nil otliui-lomedioa
I , John J. Cuso , n. D. ? . . Inuliiir pruotlcrd
iontbtry in tills county for tlilrly-llvo yearn imU
H.'lllt , ' WI'll llllOWM l ( ) lIlOHHIUHlB llUlOllllOlllB , Wltll
avionto liclputiy wlm mo nlllluioil ns I Imvo
jcon I'orllio piiHt twelve yoinn , tcsiil'y tlmt thu
Cutluiira ItijiiiuiIloH cured mo of I'MiriiisIs , or
Bfiily hliln , In oltrlit iluvg , iiltur tlio ilootnis with
whom I huil consulted gave mo no liolp or oa >
coiiriwniiient. JOHN J , CASH , ! ) . 1) , 8.
Nun Ion , N. J.
Your Cuticuru Ilumuillus performed a won
lot-fill cuio lust i-umiiioroii onu of our oust om
ers.iin old Konlluinnn of Hovcnty years of iitfo
who Bilirori'dvltli n fi'Mi-fully Unt riwlMKirnu
tlnu on lilh bum ) anil Im-u , nml wlio Imd trlod m
remedies uncl doctors to no purjiobO.
J. K , SMITH & Co.
TuxiuUnnn , Ark.
U.K. Carpenter , Ilmidoreon , N. V. , euroit o
| i8ii liisls or loprosy.ol' twouty yoftrj * Hliuidlnffl
) > Cntlciiru llomudli'fl. Tlio tuo&t wonderful
euro on record. A diistpiuilul ol scnlos full
'nmi him iliilly. Hiy.-tlcluns mid Ills IrlomU
hoiiKlit lie mubt tllu. Cure sworn to lioloro a
iittluo of tlio poiico mill IlencluiRon'H moat
iruiuliieiitolll/.eia. |
Rsolil by till ( liiiHirUU. 1'ricu : ( Jiillouni , fiO
ctH , ; Itcsolvmit ; fl.OU , Soup , ! i5o. 1'iepuml by
tilt ) J'OTTliU IlllUd ANDC'IIKMIOAI. CO. , IllMlOlI ,
Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases. "
"DTP ft YYTIr'y tlio oomploxlon mid nldii by
JOJaJKL U uBlnjj Uio Cullciini Soup ,
CKIinTTN TilK HACK , Btltoll lu
tlio bide , crumpx , slioolinif mid elmrp
pnbiH , ilumimitlu , nuuritlglo , mid
hciulie iiulns , anil ( ivory nxt rmU
pulumi'l uolio cured l > y Iliu Cutluiira
AntM'ulu Hunter. A nuw ami per-
to to juiln , 5u.
, , Agent ,
1318 Dodge Street.
Special Attention Given to Warming and
Ventilation of Buildings , Public
and Private ,
The 111535 Airt WAHMJ5II lui nn oi\ml on
lit ) imuiict tor po ( ir 1" 1'0'ithiff unit KCONUMY
N 1'UKI , , Imrd or mift uual VVa curry mull
iouol Kurimuot , mid UeiUlii Stovurt , Hot Ait
( iwlnU-rt ) nml Vuntlliitora. would bo pluubml
o mno thobo In mint nf such Hoods to cnll mid
Vxmnluu them. Tin work of all kinds , rooting
iiulCtnittoihijr obtlmnttii Klvun , mill all norm
O. I" . DAVIS & CO.
Nebraska Land Agency
Qeneraldeilori In ll ul Kstate and lleil HiUt *
s , lUOrYruuiu t. OuittUn , u