Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    ij ; , < s Quiet nnd wcnk ; Wc-tcrn , lCJ4ct
14'c. '
Milwaukee , July 2 AVhcat Un ct-
ij . ' < li cwli , ? o4o ; August , 77j4cj September ,
Corn-Firm ; Xo.2 , M c.
( ) Bts-StronK ; No. 2 , ! c.
Hjc-IllBlicrtNo. l.OOc.
Hnrlov-btvaily ; No. 2 , nominal at 48c.
I'ro lslons Illglicr : tilths port , cash aiul
July. 10.35 ; August , S10 45.
Clnolnnntl. Julj 5. Wheat Stoatly ; No.
2id,7S } < 70ciie\v ; , 77c. . .
Corn In light demand ; No. Q , mixed , HO
Oata-Qulot ; No. 2 , mixed , 20' ; < %
K.\e Nominal.
I'ork Finn nt SI0.75.
I.ard-Dull at 50.23. , .
Whlhkv Active but ln\\or : * t\\c \ \ * of
vines , Sl.ttl ; sales of 7 ib.iru-ls of llnlshed
goods on n bnsis of Sl.0.5.
. , July 2. Whrat-KxrlttMl
nnd hlL'Iid ; No. 1 hard cash , W'nc ' ; August ,
7 ! < o.Scit-inlxr ; ) ( ; , 7ts'c ! ) ; No. 1 1101 them , cash ,
74 c ; August , 70.Suptcinlxr ; , 7-'c ; Ao , 'J
IKII tlicrn , rash. Tip ; August , Wio.
Flour I'll inly hold and inllh-r H disposed to
fulvnnct- prices ; iiatvnts S4.iXn4.f0 ; uakei.s ,
ecelitt-Whpalolnoo | bu. , ll.flCO bn ; flour , 22- ,
WX ) bbls.
Chninbcr Adjourned till Tui"day.
KniinnH City , July 'i Wheat lllchcr ;
No. a , cash , oij ! < je hid , tAv asked : Aniriist
OOUfc bid , ( iC cnsKvd ; bei > teinbuiiw > 4f.irfi - .
Corn KttfiiiKci : cash , U6h'c bid , . " > ! , 'c
n kcd ; Auirusl , ' 'Oj.
OatsNominalJieblil.22c ; nskcd.
Ncxv Orleans , July 2 Corn Dull , weak
nnd lower ; mixed , 4i l3o ; jellowli , 7c ;
whltb , searee nH'Jc.
Untfl-.Stf.idv at 'Vk > .
- Corn Meal-Quiet nt 52.05.
llojr 1'rodncts Slronc anil limber.
Pork 810.H7k.
Janl ? r.y , .
Hulk Meats Shouldeis , S0.23 ; long clear
mid clear i Ibi , S0.2Tj < gO.i7. :
Bt. liOiilH.E July 2. Wheat Strong nnd
liiuhei ; No. 2 red , cash , TBc ; July 71'iki1.
Corn bteady ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 0 >
, ,
Onts Slionu ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 25c ;
August , 2.ric.
Kye Neglected.
t WhlBky-Uii'.cltlednt Sl.0 1.03.
l > ork-Sttoiiat ( { IU.7n.
J.ard-Kliin at SO.10. .
Hatter Uuiet ; eieameiv. ! C@lCc ; dairy , 11
Kxchangc adjourned until Tuesday morn-
Tolcilo , July 2. Wlieat-IIIgher and
Btcady ; cash , K ) ( S.'c.
Corn Steady cnsh. 37c.
Outs Dull ; Seitember ) , 27c.
Lilvcrtiool , July 2. Wheat Demand Im
proving ; new No. 2 winter , Cs Gtl ; bin Ing ,
( .n nd.
Flour In poor demand at 's 4d.
( 'orn In poor demand ; spot and July ,
< f ( Id ; AuKUtit , 4sId. .
Chicago , July 2. The Drover's Jomnal
rcpoits as follows :
Cnltle Hcccipts , 4,400 ; Bhiniiing steers ,
84.00M5.5U ; stockers and feedeis , S2..V.W
4.83 : cows , bull * nnd mixed , 8l.r.or < 14.00 ;
bulk , $2.CO@aiO ; tluouith Texas cattle , jy.OO
@ 4.00.
Hoes Ucoplpts. 22.000 ; excited nnd ir.c .
bleher : rough and mixed , 84.45i4.bO > ; paek-
IIIK and hhrnplutc , S4.75fe4.lK ) ; light , & 4.4'X ' j
4.85 ; hklps , ii I.W.
Sheep fleceliits. 4,000 ; dull and l.ViW.e
lower ; natives , S2.00rf-l.50 ; TCMIIIM , 81.25 ®
D.OO ; lambs , S1.00@3.'X ) pur head.
Kansas City , July 2. Cattle Iteceipts ,
rXX ) : shlpmonts , HOMO ; acthe and fKalOc
hltflier ; good to choice , S4..r < 0@l.7.rt common
to medium , & : ; btockeis , b2.75fe3.iO : ;
fcedcre , S.1.4CM4.00 ; cows , S2.00 , : i.40.
IIocH KeccTptt ) , 8,450 ; .shipments S.3GO ;
strong , active and 10u lilgliei ; good to r.holce ,
J4.60 ( 4.n5 ; common to medium , S4.V ! ' 4.-'i ) ;
plpsl8J. : oeS4.15.
St. liouis , July 2.- Cattle Hceclpts. TOO :
elilnments , 100 ; ncthe and linn ; good to
cholceiihipplng , S-4.M ) ( 'i.3 ( ) ; common to fair ,
f .00@4.6. ' . ; butchers' .steers. S.i3C : : < aUO ; cowb
and heifci.s , S'-.7.X'-T.O.'i ; throiigli Te.\aub ,
$2.2. 4.40.
Hogs Hcccipts , ,200 ; sldppieuts , 1,000 ;
notlvo nnd liluner ; Imtcheih' mid liest henvv ,
S4.704.b5 ; mixed , S4.J5 : ( T4.7 ( ) ; light , 5j4.40yt'
4 * t U *
l-'riday Evening , July 2.
Cftltle Values rem.iln about tlin same as
yc&toiday. Choice stock sells tnlrly well , but
poor , thin MulTIs Mow.
Hogs The iccelptsuio llbeial to-day ,
though not quituup tojesterday's. The mar
ket opened active and higher , trolng btill
higher as tlio day nd\.ineed. Tim demand
Miis good nnd the eompetition among the
buyei s. strong , theie not beliiL' enough hogs
to supply them all ,
Sheep One Miinll hiineh was sold to-day ,
but the maiKct continues \t-iy dull and slow.
Cattle . 100
lions . 1 00
Sheep . : . ' 00
11 01 MS ! . 50
Prevailing 1'i-icon.
Showlnctho piuvnillngpilces paid for live
Block on tills ni.iikut :
Cholco steels , UCO to 1500 Ibs .
Choice bleerrt , 1100 to 1 ! M ) Ibs . .
Jledium steei , li' > 0 to 1H,0 ! Ihs . i.2T > ( ) M.50
Fat little hteers 10V ) to 11 : K ) Ibs . . . 4.00WU5
Oood feeders , VOO to looo His . : ! .r)0r < ? : ! .75
tiooil to choice cons und helfeis. . . 8.00y , : ! . ! > 5
lull to medium covtsnud heifers. . 2.50i.OO :
( Jood to choice bulls . 2.2. ' , © i. 75
Cholcu Ilirht nnd medium hogs. , . . . mtfi
( ! o d to choleti heavy hogs . 4.40V I.OJ
( oo < l to cholcu mixed luwa . 4.U,4 ! ) | >
Fair to good slioui slieei ) . 2.50a3.25 (
Sale.s ,
of I'rlccs.
Rhowliifrtlie liluhcst nnd lowest prices paid
for IIIIM-U - loads ot hnpion thlhnmrUet tl'ir-
IIIK tlio past hovcn dajslth comparnthu
values :
May Juno
riMaysstii. . . . : i.ii.'i ( < f2i : ) ; : ! ' . ( ( n.o7) )
Kntinday 2tth. ! , iJ..V > ( ti.'U'O 4.00 W4.IO
Monday 2bth , . 'J.V > &it.ap ; 4.00 ( gl.10
Tuesday ixnh. . :1.M : jJ.C5 ! I.H ( ) ( u'1.20
Wi-ilncsclny : , 4.03 ( i na
Juun July
ThurbUny , Iht , , n.5' Q1.CO 4.2Ji ( ai.40
rild.i-'d SiW ) ( . (3.70 Sl.'JO ( cf4. (
Iivo Hlook Hnle.s ,
Showing the number of cuttle , hogs and
Uicei ) piuclmsed on the muiKet tonl.iy by the
leading bujcih.
Jlaiiiiiioiul . 143
( Inik Htos . , . b l
Kohiuan & Kotlibehlld . aio
J. HJ lichlld . , . . . 154
j I'&iiuimi & co : . : ; : : : . . : : : : ; : : ; : : : : : : -jn
Jhinls iV Usher . , . 55
Showing the number of cattle , hogs nnd
slicep bhlpped during the past t\umy-four
No. C.II3. lit. jest.
5 . N. W . Chicago
No. Cars lit. Dost.
15 . .N. W. . Chicago
All sales of stock ju this market are made
. 'regnaut sows are UookeJ 40 Ibs
and stac W Ibs.
Cattle quiet.
Everything sold.
llogsrliniblng up.
C. C. Clifton , Wnlion , sold hog * .
Kour buyers took 152. ) hoes to-day.
It. liimictt , Osceola , maiketcdhog ,
0 , Kudnt , Norfolk , marketed a load of
A. W. Trumble , Mlllaulas nt the ynrds
nnd sold ho ? .
A. Flint , Kenrncjvwns here nnd mnrkctcd
121 head or sheep.
II. A. Temnletonvasat tlie yaids to-d\y
lookingnftei feeders.
I . Ander on , Mead , disposed of n lo.ul of
hogs on to dn > 's maiket.
Oitcnber tV ; Kriish , Wahoo , soldn lo\d of
M hogs on tinmai l et to-dny.
Mr. I.ill ! , of CnHtldy .V Hall , Itovenii'i , enmo
In toilnj and maiketeda load of hog- * .
Theie is apiiari'iitly no eid ; ol tlio hich
piir-es which btijcis are willing to pay for
hop * .
CnstldviV II. , H.ncniKi : Ja . D.inlcy , Vsh-
land ; J. llm-k , Viele ; K. K. M.iillu , Kali-
mont , nnd t'pdike \ Tltm , llanard , nKo
sold hogs on to-dn > 's imitUct.
Dow line , V Piircull , Noilh lleud ; H. S.
iills * . V nterlnn : Win l-'in/ler , Wa\neSIi- ;
let .V F. . Wnjne ! \ . I ) , heais , ClalKs ; II. I ! .
Faulkner. I'liini Cicel * ; II. D. Kevuolds .V
Co. , Noitii Hi-nil ; Sluatl , \ : K. , St. I'mil ; J. A.
Mooie. ( Jlljbon , sold
General Mni-lcctn.
Friday leonine , July 2.
Lees The market wns notqnlii ! so SIIOIIL'
todaj nt lie , The receipts of huller h.nebeen
nioie llbeial the pnst week , but Iheie is u-iy
little ( d it that could be paded us choleu.
Theie is good deinnnd lor eholoo table buttei ,
nnd packages of nil such nio tnken readily bv
the trade nnd nt ii little stumgui pilees. In
tel lor or poor trades of butler are not \\antcd
ntiil have to be disposed of nt neiy low
tljruu1. Choice liesli table butter , 10@l2c ;
tnlr to ioiilN'ClOe ( ' ; Inferioi , . " ( uOc.
i > > I'ori/im Doth spring chickens nnd old
to\\ls Imve been selling tulily well this week.
\M \ 0 spiiii ! ; chickens brlnj ? irood pilce" ,
hut sninll si/us haiiily he given nwny. A
lew ducks were iccehed this week , hut there
is not inui-li ileinand lor them. Old fowls ,
per do/ , S'-.75M.OO ! ; spring chickens , laijje ,
pei do/ . , S2.50.i2.75. (
Ciir.nniKs Heci'lpts ha\c been ll litof late
nnd demand veiy brlslc. We look for liberal
supplies dm Inutile ne\t live or fen days.
Cheiiies , per 2 bushel stands S7.0J@y.UO ;
per 10 quail drawer , SI.7oCi2.UU.
O.s'toNs California , per Ib , 8l o ; southern ,
per ban el , Sl.OO ; southern , per bushel box ,
Nr.w I'OTATOIIS Southern , per barrel ,
Si.dOhoiiioirro\Miiei : ; | | b.urel , Sl.ii' ) .
C MinAdi : Choice homo-Blown , peuicrate ,
Vi Tomatoes , per Jrf bushel
box , Srl.OO ; wax bc.ins , per bushel box ,
OOe : stilus bails , | er } < bushel box , COo ; en-
cumbeis , pei do/en. OOtaTSc ; eanots. per do/ .
buneliL-s. 2.Xcc."Oe ; beets , per dobumlies 20 ( < i >
25icelciy ; , Kaliuun/oo , } > er do/ , bunches , 40
Pins' i < iir. : Tinri : , Krc 1-igs' lect , per }
hbl , S4.00 ; do , M bbl. S2.00 ; do. per kit , UUc.
Lambs' tongues , per } bbl , 83.23 ; do , per
kit , 52.50 ; do. quart jars per dor , 85.25 ; do ,
pint jars per ease , 2 doSO.75. . Tripe , per ' j
bbl 54.00 ; do per { bbl , $2.00 ; do , per kit
FIG I AND DAT r.t Flis layer , 4 Ib boxes ,
peril ) , Kic. Dates , fancy lard , 1A Ib boxes ,
He ; date * . I'ei.sian , 50 Ih boxes , pur Ib , lOe.
NITS Pecans. lniio polished , lie ; pecans ,
medium. He ; English walnut * , 140 ; almonds ,
'I'lULicona. 20c ; almonds , Lnniriicdoe , 17c ;
Hin/ils , 12e ; tilbiMts , lie : peanuts , hand
picked , fancy Viifiinln , h'se ; peanuts , liand
picked , choloo Vhpinin , 7 > 4c ; peanuts ,
loasled , 2c extia per Ib.
CIIMII HOXIY : Cnlitornia , 15c ; California
stialncd. lUe ; Nelnaskn , choice , 14tOc ; iNe-
binskn. unik , 12' ' @It- ! ! .
M vi'i.i : SVCIAIIHilcks , per Ib , 15c ;
penny cakes , per Ib. 12Uc.
M API , K Svjit'i' Bulk , 13 to 17 gallon kegs ,
pei ral , Sl.OO ; Kill cans , per gal , Sl.Oo ; half
Kal onus , per gal , 81.10.
CIDEH New \oilf , per bbl. 87.00 ; do , half
bbl. Sl.OO ; Crab , per do/ ( its , § 2.75 ; Miclilcan
refined , per bbl. , SO.OO.
VINKOA.K Wiito wlno. 13iiil7c ( ; cider , 13
< ? ? 17e ; slnclo sticiiL'tb , 12c ; tiijilc hticnstb ,
1'itovisioss Mentsaie steadily luUnucIn ? .
Thu deinnnd Is brisk and piospeets tmor
liiKlier ) iriees. llnm , I''c ; menktast ba
con SJ cCi' ' ; clear i > ' < lo bacon. 7'&c ; uiy salt
sides , 7c ; shoit rib sides , Ol c ; shoulders.
7c ; mess pork. S12.50 per ubl ; diicd heel-
hiini pieces , Kic : lard , tieices , Oc ; .W Ib
cans , ( l > ( jc ; 10 Ib cans ( Faiibanks ) fljgc : 5
Jb cans , do , G > fc ; 3 Ib cans. do. . 7' ' < c.
Itiiuiis : : : A liillnssoitincntot betrlcshas
been on the maiket foi tlie past lew d.ijs , tlie
average quality of wlucli landed toi > d. Hud
nnd blaekiaspoeiries , \\cllus hlackbeities ,
aio In oed supply nndnirlve in bjtter condi
tion than In pievious Ktiawberries
from Jlii-lilf-'an nio choice and meet with
ready sale. Kaspbeiiies , black , per 2 bushel
btuini,3i.0 ! < * uiu. 10i.ibpheiliesblack , nor 1S ( !
iitart ] diawer. S-Vii ; laspbeilies , bluck , per24
( junit ease , SS.rAii3.75 : iiispbeiilcs , red , per
21 qnai tease , * t.'iOtl.OO ; raspberries , led , per
34 pint ease8I.75C < 2.00 ; blackbcnies , pcr2l
( limit case , Si.XirolOO : ( ) ; .str.iwbenies , per Hi
quait case , i 1.75 1.25 ; blueberiies , jier 1
bnsliol stands , .sO.OL'ir.OO ' ( ; cuuatits , per 21
quart ease , il.75fti2.40.
OUANOKS Stocks arc very mucii reduced
nnd the season is about over. There Is uoth-
ItiKlefton the maiket except Los Aiireles- (
nud tlie supply Is not Inrge. Lo3 Anirele.s ,
LKMOMS Lemons nro ndvanclntj steadily ;
thebiipiily Ihshoitund with hot weather bc-
foie us wo may see extremely high injures yet
very lilgli iirlces seldom pie.vail before July
4th , but offeucr come just after tlio 4th.
Fancy , pei bov. 88.50 : 5 box lots , S8.25.
\YATKUMII.OXS : , Thoflibtcur of tlio sea
son has just mrived ; they mo of n choice
duality. Watermelons , per 100 , 3:15.00. :
( JiiKKX Ai'i'i.r.s Lnriielots of Kieen np-
nlcsaiecomliii ; In % bushel boxes by express.
The titstc.uload ot ( 'ieen apples in bnirels
wlllbu heionbout July 1. Durinc thuearly
paitof the bc.ison tlio market fluctuates ma-
teiinlly und quotations therefore aic unri'lla-
ble. Apples , red June , iier } ft bushal box ,
Sl.OO ; Bicen , per H bushel box , UOc.
t'Ai.iroiiMA Fut'rrs Keeeints ni more
llbcrnl and oulsldo orders can bo tilled moic
lendlly and with better stock. Apileots , per
crate , 4 baskets , 81.50 ; apricots , 5 ci.ito lots ,
jicr cratP , 81.25 ; jieaclies , per box , S2.25 :
peaches , 5 box lots , per box , S9.00 ; plums ,
perciato of 4 baskets , 88.75 ; plums. 5 crate
lots , per crate. S2.50.
li.v.vAXAS linnnnns are veiy coed nnd
veiy rheap now. Jiananas. per ounch , us to
si/e , S2.00@t.50. :
CUCOANUIS Cocoanuts.pcrlOO , S5.00 ; less
than hundred , per 100 , S5.50.
UK A NS Inferior stocks , 7V.@I.OO ; goon
clean country. Sl.'X nl.M : medluiu hand-
nicked , Sl.iJOfflMU ; hand-picked nnvySl,40
11.01111 AND Mn.LsTUi'KS Winter wheat
flour , best ou.ility patent , SH.OO : second
quality , S2.f > 0 ( ( . ' .75 ; quality sprinir
wlu-nt ilour , nntont 82.5 ( ) ( "J.CO ; bran , . "iOo
per cwt ; chopped feed , C5c per cwt : white
corn meal , Wo ; yellow corn meal , Mo ) per
cwt ; screening , ( ioc per c t ; hominy , si.50
perewt : shorts. 550 pur cwt ; ( 'i'aliam , 81.73 ;
hav. In bales. SS.OO per ton.
WOOL Medium , itiglbo per Ib ; fine heavy ,
KXifUn : limit , 12 l5c ; co.irhC , 12@Hc ; hurry
wool , 2Ci,5c oil.
HiOKh ( itet'ii butchers' , OJfc ; preen cmcd ,
80 ; dry flint , llcJi:5odrv : ; salt , felOc ; dam-
nyed Iddcs , two-thirds pi Ice : tallow , H@ic : ; ;
giease. prlmo whitii , Ho ; yellow , tic ; blown ,
1 cisheep ; pelts , 25@75c ,
ad leather
LKATHEH 1'ilmo slaughter solo leather.
CSi'ii lc ; prime- oak solo leather. IWiJS'Jc ,
V.w' ' rJtci | | > . . . w t.ti ' . . . i. " . " > .
boot leg,30'32e : Moiocco oil pebble ,
toppings and llnhiu's , S0.oo > ilooo per doi.
HIAVV ; JlAiiuwAiii : Iron , rates. S2.8.5 ;
plow bteel , special cast , 4u : crucible steel. Cc ;
cast tools ilo , I2@l6o ; wapon spokes , per set ,
31.7UW ; hubs , per bet , 81.25 ; felloe
saw fd dry , 81.40 ; tongues , each , 75o : axles.
eacli,75o ; Equnro nuts , par Ib , 7(3 ( Ho ; cell
chain , per Ib , 0@12u ; malleabie , 0 < ' < i-So ; lion
wire , In car lots , $1.00 ner 100. Ibs. Iron
Nails , rates , Id toCp. ? 2.50 ; bteel nails , S2j C5.
Shot-51.Wj buckshot. 51.b5 ; oik-n
powder , kegs , sasoc i.OO : do. half kega ,
S2,00 , ; do , quarter kegs , 81.00 ; blasting , kegs ,
S3.35 ; f use ! [ per 100 feet , SOc , LeaclHar,8l.M.
TAINTS IN On < Whlto lead , Omalia , P. p. ,
7Vc ; white lead , St Louis , pure , 37.75 ; Mar
seilles gieen , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20o ; French zinc
reen seal , IJc ; French zinc i , redbeal , lie ;
rench zinc. In varnish nsst , 20c ; French
zliu , 75c ; veriullllon , American , Ibc ; Indian
red. lOc : rosopluk , 14o ; Venetian red , COOK *
sou's , 2fc ; Venetian retl , American , 15/c ;
red lend , 7Ko ; rhiomo yellow- , genuine , 20ct
ehjomo yellow , K , 12ceroc ; , rochellc , Scj
orhre , Trench , 2Jfc ; ochre. American , 1' c ;
Winter's mineral. 2V ! Lelilgh blown , - " < c ;
Spanish brown , 2'j ' ; o Prince's mlnenil , ! ! < .
Ditv Pvixrs White leail , Sc ; rn-iiclinnc ,
12oj Paris whiting , 2'e ; whltlnir. glldei ,
l ic ; whiting , com'l , l' ' < e : lamplilack , ( ier-
mantown , l2e ; lampblack , ordinary. Sc ;
Piusslaii blue , "wr ; iiliiaiiiniitip. IV : Ann-
d\ke , brown , v ; umber , liuint , 4e ; umber ,
i nw,4c ; sienna , uurnt. le : slHiinn , raw. 4e :
Pailsgieen. genuine. 2V1'mls : pieen , com
mon , 2-Je ; chrome green. Y Y. , MOc : eiiiome
picen , K , , 12eeiiiillMon : , l'.nglih , in oil ,
70c : raw and liuint umbel. 1 Hi. cnii" . 12 < - ;
tnw and burnt sleunn , 12oaud ; > ki > , biown ,
l"o : relined lamiiblack , 12e : conch lilaek and
Ivory black , ItV- : drop black , lie ; I'liHsiin
blue. 4e ( ) ; ultiamailnc blui1. iv ; ehronie
u'leen , L. , M. V I ) . , HV : blind and Miutiei
gicen , L. . .M. A ; I ) . . ld < " , I'aiis gieen. iv ;
Indian led , IV : Venetian led. H1 : Tu > eau
2-.V ; Ameiicauermlllinn , L. & ! > . , 20c :
jellow ( M-tiie , Jic : L. M. .V O. I ) . , is- : good
ochie , UV- ; patent ; giaining i-oloi ,
llirlit oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut nnd
a-h. 12c.
Dm nxvn Cni.Mir M. Aeld , carbolic ,
! ! .V : neld , tailaiie. .Vic ; balsam cnp-ilbn , pet
Ib. 4V ; ii.iik , sv * , iiras , pei Hi , ioc ; calomel ,
IM-I Ib , r.'o : cliinriiontilhi. pi-i o/ . tOichlni ; it-
foim , pel Hi , .VV ; lou-i-'s ) tmwdt- : * , per Ib ,
Sl.-i'i : I'pioni Mils , per Ib 'P.c : iil > eeiine.
pine , pei Ih , l e ; lead , aect.ile. per Ib.'Oc :
oil , castor , No , 1 , per gnl. . S1.50 ; oil. eaMnr
No. 2 , per gid. , 81.10 ; oil , tdhe , pei mil. ,
SI. 40 ; oil , tirliratimun , 5o ( ) ; opium. Mt.40 :
quinine. P. tV W. and K. AS. . pet oM - :
potassium Iodine , pei Ib. two , snltdn , pei
o/ , lOc : sulphate morphine , peros2i ( ( ) : snl-
pliui , pei Ib le ; siijclinlne , pern/ , -si.'io.
iiniiei giocerles
V \n\tsiii s Dititcls , per gallon : ruinl-
tuie , extia. I.10 ; tuinltuie , No. 1 , Sl.iK ) :
conch. i-Misi , SI. l > ; coach. No. I , tfl.-.ii ! ! ) .
mai , evtia , $1.75 ; Japan , ? 0i > ; asplialtum ,
extra , 5S- ; shellac , S.5.50 ; litiul oil tlnlsli ,
M'iniis ColoL-nosplilt ! ' , Ib3 prool , J51.12 ;
do 101 piool , , | . : ; spliits , second quality ,
101 pi oof , SI. 12 ; do 1 > > S pioof , il.ll. AleO-
hoi. iv , nioofi.IOper wluo unllon. liedis-
tilled wliiskies. ? 1.00(11.50. din blended ,
SI.50.t2.00 ( ; Kentneky hoiitbons. S2.00 < ( iO.Hl ( :
Kentucky und I'ennsjlvania ijes , S'J.Xvn0.50 ( ) ,
( iolden .Sheaf lioiubou and rvc whiskies ,
S1.50C < W.OO. lliaudles. impoited , ' . ' . .OOicisw- )
domestic , ? l.ovrf.J.i : ; > . > . ( iins , impoited , fSi \ <
C'ifi.OO ; domestic. Sl.25fiKJ.00. Hums , im
poited. S4..Vfrf\Oi ) : New England , f l.7.'xii2.X ( ) ;
domestic , S1.25C'I.Oi ( ; ) . Clmmpaiiiies , Ini-
potted , per ease , St2MX ) ' < in.OO : ; Ameiicau , per
case ,
Dry Gnoils.
PIIINIS Aineilcnn , 5' < jc ; AuioldX Cc : Co-
chcco , He : Maiichestci. Oc ; l/inati , TM- ; ( ! lon-
ecsler. Ti'.ji1 ' ; Dunnell Jncijuaid. Oe ; Dunnell ,
Ti'vc ; \ \ Iniibor , Oc : Pnclilc , Oc ; llaimou.ijc ( ;
Anchor Shillings , 4'io ' ; .Meuniiai ; .Sliii tin M ,
4'c ; Iteiwick. 4c.
lf ) ( K ( Uubleaclied ) 8 Magnolia , lOe ;
10 Magnolia , I2e : bo/ . West I'oint , 10' :
Hlo/ . West Point , I2' ' e.
llnowx Coi ION Lnwiencc LL , < V ; Shaw-
mut LL. 5c ; licaxer Dam LL , ou ; Atlantic
LL , fie ; inilian Ik-ad , 7c ; Wauchiisset , ( P4r ;
Ciown XXX , fiWc : Clilton CCC , Oy ; litlea
OCC4'4c ' ; Atlantic P , . ' c.
TiruiNds Amoskeag ACA , 12'jc ; Thoin-
dvko OOC ) , 7a.c ; Tfiotnd > ke lancj. li'je ' ;
Vork. 10 > ic ; S ork Innej , 12'c ; Milbnn ,
ii'c : ; IVail UUcr , ll'c ; ll.Imillon , 1UV ;
Switt Hivei , 0.c ; hhetucket S , 8He ; .She-
tuckct.SS , ! i'/fc ' ; Slontauk AA , 12c ; Montauk
IJIJ , llci Omega , ACA , 1 % .
Dt-ric ( eoioied ) Hoston 0 o/ brown and
luab. Kl'oi' ; Uoston O U brown nnd drab ,
XXX brown and diab , ll'je ; Uoston ( ) P
lilue , llj c ; Warrent Tricot , 15c.
Il.iAriir.i : ) C < nTos Fnrmeis' eliolee.
} < c ; Cabot , OJfc ; Hope , 7e : Hill 4-4 7'e ;
Hill % , Op4c ; Loiisdalc , Sc ; Fruit , c ; Wiuiin-
siitta , lOJ c.
Com/r JiANs--Keatsir : e , 7c : Aimon ,
7c ; 1'cppeiell , "iic ; Indian Oicliaid , Co ;
Naumkc.i , 7c.
Cnr.vio r. Amoskcag , checks , ! i < e ; Amos.
keag , stiijies , h1 , e ; Slatei , stripes , t-o ; Ldlu-
burg , ti' ' c ; Wliittendon , stiipcs , N ; Cleu-
lose , He ; Otis , checks , ll'jc ' ; Otis , snipes , He :
Itoyal , ( iVc ; Amoskens , niippai , lo'i.c ' : Lu-
iny , book told , 12c ; Obeiou , book fold , ll' ' c ;
KiKlnrance , bonk told. 12c.
UIIMMS Ueavei Cicek AA. lie ; Hciuer
Cicek 1JH , lOe ; IJea\er Creek CC. Uc ; .Intlrev
XX , lie : Jatliey XX . . U'c : Jalfiej D.tT ,
12'a'u ; Columbian. 12'0c ; Yoik , 18c ; Voik ,
fancy , i : > J e : Kveiett , We ; llaymakcis' blue
and blown , 7'ie. _
Grocers' Jjiot. Medium , in bDN , S5. ° 0 ; do in
half bbls , S.1.00 ; snmll , in bbls. SG.OO ; do in
liniriibls , Sil. oO ; gherkins , in bbls , S7.00 ; do
in Iialt bbls , § 4.00.
MATCIII : Per caddie , 2Sc ; round , pei
case , § 1.00 ; sqtiai ceases , § 1.70 ; mule Mjuatc ,
i Powdered , 7e ; cut loaf , V ,
granulated , 0e ; conlectioncis' A , C , ' ,
slnndaid extia C. CnOihe ; extia C , . : "
medium yellow , 5 ( ! i5'vc.
Dinni ) Fiirns No 1 quarter apples , In
evaporated boxes , JKS'Jc ; biackheuies boxes ,
8J4 ( < ? bjfcpeneheseabtein,4 ! ; , ( ! 'l5ftp ' ! ; peaches ,
evaporated , l.r ilc ; Salt Lake , new , ( V > {
( it7c ; inspbernes new , l'A ,20e ; cmiants , 7'
6$7 c ; mu lies , new , 4 ' < , ( < < ; Ijfc.
CiiAr-Kiius Gnrneaii'.s sodn , butter nnd
picnic , 5' ' c ; cicania , Vic ; glnsci snapsh' ' .e ;
cilsodn , 7l e.
SODA In ID papers , S-i.23 a enso ; salsoda ,
kca , per Ib , 22' ' c.
ftYIH'l' No. 70 , 4-gallon Kegs , Sl.OO ; Xew
Ol leans , : ! Sa)4ic ( ) ( per gallon ; Maple Sjiup , } 't
b.urel , htilctly pure , 7ue per gallon ; l gallon
fans. S'.2"i ) per do ? . ; X gallon cans , S5.25 per
do/ ; quart cans , § H
Sr A urn Minor gloss , l Ib , Oc ; Minor
gloss , It Ib , 5Uc ; Mliror gloss , (1 ( Ib , G > e ;
< ! itves' ; t-orn , 1 ib. fi ) e ; Kingstonl's oorn , 1
Ib , 7c ; Klnghfoul's gloss , i ib , 7c ; Klntrs-
loid's gloss. 0 Ib , 7l e ; Klngsfoid'b puie , : Mb.
5J c : Ivimrstoid's bulk , 4c.
CorFKKS-Ordlnniygiadcs.lOJ/i'c / : tnlr , llTa (
HKc ; pilme , l" " ' '
liincy green nut
eminent Java'J
20c ; Mocha , 2-Jtfi4c ( : Aihucklu's roasted ,
14' c ; McLaunhlin's XXXX toasted , 14Jfc :
Dilwortli's , 14c ; Hod Cioss , ll' ' c.
SOAPS Kirk's Savon imperial , S2.70 ;
Kitk's ' satinet , SU.OO ; Khk'.s standard. 3H.OV
Kirk's white Hnssian. S4.00 ; Klik's White
Can , S0.50 : Dome , W.'JO ; Washboard , Sit.10.
CANXII : ) COODS Oysters , stnndaid , per
ease. S.40 : ( ; strawbeirles , 2 Ib per ease. S2.50 ;
raspbenle.s , 81bper ease , 32.25 ; California
peait , per case , # 4,40 ; apricots , per case ,
s'JMO ; peaches , per case , S4.40 ; white clienies ,
per ease , S5.5K ) ; pliiniH , per case , 8U.GO : blue
berries , jiorease , $2.25 ; egg plums , -Jib , pei
ease , S2.50 ; pineapples , 2 Ib , per case , 3,20
@ 5.50.
CA.NI > I.IS : Hoxcs , 401bfis , lOVc ; 8s , lOJ/c ;
boxes , 40 Ib , 10 oz , Os , lOJ c ; halt box , ,
IA'NIV ? Mixed , OJ ( il2c ) ; stick , ! > ( fi > 10e.
h.M.T Dray loads , per bill. Sl.r' " > ; Ashton ,
In sacks , $ .t.5 : ! ; J-i sacks , Aston , b5c ; bbls ,
dairy , S2.0P@2.75.
SPICKS ( Jiounil tllnck pepper , boxes , 20
@ 22o ; allspice , I2@10c ; cinnamon , It > f < $ i5c ;
cloves , ISfiidc ; Kinuer , 15u25c ; iiuistnid , 15CJ
2' c.
c.TIAS : Ciinpowder , fair , 20S37 ( ; good ,
long , choiee 40@00c 1-Jngfisb bre.i
, 'i innj : ifii ii u uit . | U iu-3t f nut I ,
30C < i40c ; choice. rOQtKkSoiu : . good. HO
( ji45e ; choice , ; I5045c ; Japans , fair , 25C'5c { ! :
good , : i'iC45c ; choice , 55 ( j75o ; Tea dust , 15c ;
Teaslfling.s , ibo.
KINI : CUT Hard to Heat , 70c ; Charm of
the West , OOc ; Fountain , 70c ; ( lOliien Thread ,
( I7c ; Fn\oiite , OOc ; lluds , SOo ; Itocky Jloun-
tain. 50c ; Fancy , 45c : Dalsv , 40o : North Star.
fiOc ; ( lood luck , 55o ; Our Best , O. ! ! c ; Good
Xc\\s , 55c ,
Dry Ijumbor.
Xo. 1 Com. s. 1 , s. 18,14 and 10 ft S17.00
Xo. 2 " " 12 , 14 and 10 ft 15.00
No. 3 " " 12 , 14 and 10 It 13.00
No. 4 " " 12,14 and 10 ft ll.OJ
Xo. 1 , 4 tfc 0 inch , 12 and 14 ft. , rough. . .810.50
Xo. 1 , 4ikOlncli , Ifl It. , rough 17.00
Xo. 2 , 4 A0 Inch , 12 and 14 ft. , rough. . 14,00
Xo. 2,4 A-0 Inch , 10 tt , . rough 15.00
l2 rtll ftla ftl8 ftsOft22 [ ftjl ft
ilTw IsJb'TfiiM ' iaM ili&O I8.N ) Iffiw
i.'xd .15.1IU 160)150' ) 10 00'l7.iOLXlKL'I.UO ( (
SX8 15.5) ) I5.B1 r .M18.WT.Ml | ) | .a)2U.50 )
2x10 15.10 IS.TO 15 DUlfl..VlT.BU2a5021.H )
Sxli 15 & 0f15.60 15.50 10.V)1T..V ) ) 20.50,21 , 60
xibx . . . . Il550.l5.60 l5.50llU.5017.60llH.fiOlm | ! )
A * Stnndaid S2.C5
5-inch dear 1,55
0-inch dour. . , , 1.05
No. 1 1.25
Lath , , , 2.25
A Olnch. white pine. . . , 35.00
U flinch , " " , : t3.oo
O Olnch " "
, 29.50
DOIncb " "
E Olnch. " " 17.50
A 12 Inch. S.1B. 12,14 and 10 ft 840.00
H13 inch. ' " " 4i.X ( )
O 12 inch , " " " 00.00
1)12 Inch , " " " . . . . . . . ,2 a.OO
No. 1 Com. 12 in. , a. 1 s. 12 , 11 and 10 1U & 00
No 1 " " I Y 10 , i. nnd \ ) ft. .
No. 2 " " , ' , ' U lX and Ifi ft. . lb.O
It l Qr Tllih I'M Ktx
no So to \ : iu
.Mnnii'ftPt.Nol ibS yi : | 2.12 i"7 " 1 I.T 1 to
OltiM nine. 5 m 1 002 75 I .Y. 1 3) )
Xiirwculnn I | I i I I
Iler'Uff 13 " 30 .VIS < ' _ ' ' t
kMJ \ 9 II : ) ,0 Wl
Notwejlun I 1 I
KI > tii-irnirsii ntomn 4 30'i-j : . ) ' w ; : .
s ixi 4 6 > 4 _ w - : io l - ! > uj - _ . _ _ K _ " 1.0 .
n" " tllhUH-llf'r . ( . Kl
NPW il „
Illoutei Me x. : Lin I ) ir TI I' ' n ' : n 1 li.'i
IH Xo. 1 Shore ' . ' 4 IK ) ( „ U } 1 1 U I D ! l ' < ID 1 40
No. 1 Mime. | i O" ) a no s ivi 4 sin 111 l III
M M. No , I Shore. ll : ml. ; (0 ( ( I 3-.1 . Ms ! M Kp.
" Ilin. . . 11 IU ( HKl ft 4.1 .1 01 2 VI 7.1
l.nriiiriunily. . ! i ( ) . " . i i I XiS iV.S 10 ( V >
" t'nt ramll > . . _ _ . _ 7 JM 4 DO IJ.'i 2 O'i I 71) ) iVi
I.AM. I Hit.
Xo , 1 While ri-sh. 0 IM . > 401 ! : . ' 0,2 , 70 ief
I'nniiK Whlto I'lsli : i miJ 70 I To1 1 M M
Xo. I Trout . ! l 7'i ! Vi. 17 1 so
I I'li'keiel 2 IM 1 ID 1 Mil II
lloilaudlicirlngVic : smoked halibut ,
\ armoutli bloatcis , D'w : new sealed lienlng- ' ,
Ht'lllIAt' .
All cliisu lOf mopoil\
niul fioods lioillint , folil
iinilou-liimutMl. City prop
i-rlv lor fin in1" il'id wlltl
InmK Wild luml form > oils
ol nnkind. . Will M-
I'hunuu piopeilF HsH w ith
. . . . . . reliable. Hi m do'mr '
lin-liiois- . ' here In thu
fulled Pinto * . A luriTB list of'city propeitv
ul a.\s on hand lor silo or exolninire. All
bright i A.xlesworlh , telephone TV.18 S. 1.1th
ft..Omulm Nob.
ArroiinUnrn.-itikpp < , Mi-iclimt ! ! in < li > tlii'riisollclteil.
Collo-tloim I'ruuiiitl ) JIiulc.
S. A. KEAN & CO. , Bankers ,
< Sticcc or In 1'rcttnn , Ki-nn & ( ' I
3llltilcliul , 1C. It..1.ix'ill unil otliri'lliinUe.
Hl-nil for I. Nil.
To Whom It May Concern !
; , ; ) I'ropo nls ill lie it-ielveil bi tlio
SiAIii signed up to 4 o elooK p. m..lul10th ,
ISM , for the follow Inif dt-sei Ilieil pleeeof lunJ ,
to-\vit :
roiiinieiiL-hiK BO\ II(70) | ( ) It-ot west ttoin the
X. W. cor. lot 4bloiU I'M. elly of Utiinhu , thelicu
west Itoicet.tiiencosoiitli UlKet , nioie or IVM" ,
to the -j fc-ctloii line lietwoan X. lt mul S ' . ol
ScLtlon22 , T in , II. Hoist , tliiiilL-o < st JO leot ,
t'n-nen ' noith 141 Ccot. inoio or li-B , to tlin plitee
i 1 lieghnilnjr. J. II POl'THAIII ) , fit } llcrk.
\NnnnuoiAs Smr.r.ri
Capital Stock . $150,000
Liability of Stockholders . . . . 300,000
Tlie enl } reif ulur Mivhir ! < hunk In the stnto. Five
pui-ccnt lntcn.- t palil on deposits.
OiivC. Ilaiton. Trcsiileiif : , T. .1. Iliown. Vlco
'I'le-lilent ; I. . M . lli-nneit , Miinairlu ; 1)1- )
ieeor.loliu 1 . Wlibiir Ciisliior.
Flour , FG8d , . Hay , Lime , Cement ,
Piici-s Ki-asonnblo , ( iualit.y ( liiaranlooil.
Orilcru 1'iilud Promptly.
Teli'iilione . 801.
505 Unit Stroct , Hetwuon loth stiul lUlh.
Jlen mid women to Btiirt a now Inisinoss at tht-li
We to SOc. an Hour Mxde Daytime Evening.
.Semi lOc for a paukntro of Mimples mid-II
\\oikhih'samples to coiiiniunco on. Aililie-.s
_ _
3l.1iritOVI' KAK.MS , llntler Co. , Ifiins. .
tor sale ; 5(1 ( iiiue city lots.'A \ Dorado , Kmio. ,
lorsalo. K.ieh liiru1 is well iidi | > teil to Kiiiln
mul Hock : ticli eoll ; all plow 01 pu-l-.iitiliind ( no
\Misto ) . Title ncilLL-t. with \\iuriuiti ilceil. Tlie
lots me smooth , nice Imililliiir ION , only 'i mlle
noith of I1. O. I'rlce , 4-17.'i lo Wi. 'JVnclieie ,
cli'ik < , HIIJOIHvlio \ \ Nil's u sulo piopeity tlmt
Mill ilonlilu in I , flmnU buy loti in 1.1 Dor
ado ; population UMl , I ; tlio prettiest t-ity in Ktin-
nih TVims ciish. Adtlicss I * . W. C'nec , KMoia-
do. ' "
The Croat Rock Island Route
ir lak ) l\
bllll Bnuiiiir lilULqr LINK. rUScnxaamlKan.
kakt-'t * , lm bien upeurd t > rlwt-en t'lmlnnnll , liullan-
W."L' ' ' i * . t'oiincll
. ! (
ijrritK.anit Uluffr KuniitCIIT ,
, . . .
( I Ht 1'ml ' Anil luti i iic..l ( . iiin * *
1'rsi'l A Ucu'l Mte'r o < n-l T'Kt i ! ' . Ag't ,
Job Printing.
mu3 : iMUNTixc ; co. ,
Job Printers , Book Binders ,
And Filnnk Hook Manufacturer * . 100 lOd South
I'ourtocntti Stroj
Flour and Feed ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain.
Manufacturer * of w. J. Welbhaiib A. Co.'s Quick
Halting lluckivheni Hour nnd proprietors Omalm
City Mllln , cor. 6th and Farnutn Streets , Oiuuba.
Beer ,
gent for Anbeuser-Bush Brev/lng / Ass'n
Special brund * fault , UuilnuUur , Krluugur
Book Binding Etc. PHI vn N o ( r > . ,
Printers , Book Binders ,
And Il'ntik ' Hook Mniinftu MI ! . No tCK
_ W SUMitli lllli t-tr , „ Uiiinliii , Nib.
_ _ _ Bridges -Stesm Pile Driving ,
I'nir neers mid Contuutoi .
Brges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving
lion Combination and Ho i < Trii" ItiliUtcs ,
Plllnir mid link Thnbci. l.'itli si , ni-ur I'liiiiani ,
Teleplione Ni.711.
, . „ Cigars and Tobacco. v
" "
MAX MIiu : ; , v co ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
nunmul Aluiiiiilill-'iM. SIS to 2 1 South lltlt
Stint , lrt.uto UCI I'm nmn Stit'i-t , Onialiu Vc. ' ) . VN Till 411 1' KTOHV.
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
Amif hull-vile lenl-ii ) - In Leaf Toliiiceo1. . Nos.
; i > anil Hi ) N. 11th Mrri t. llinnlni , Ni-li.
Affcnt for tlio Manufueturcrs ntul Importer * ,
Crockeiy , Glassware ,
Lsmpi , Clilimie > , I'.te. nniee , .I'T ' Sputh llth
bticct.Omuhn , Nub.
C. S. nOODUKMl , t CO
Afents lor T. A. Whitney Cmrlimo Co. a
Childrea's Carriages ,
And Jewell's Celebrated Ioln ( er.itori. Senor
or price Hsu. Hl" > P.irnam i. , Omihi ,
o. s. 1'irrns & ( xv ,
Wholsale & Retail , Fine Carriages ,
I'lnii tmm. lhik'iii' unit llniiil WimimM l -r rent
mted In buylncnfMiiw lllO-ni. . iu"l fclu-i-t ,
( lauilm , N
llrmuli nt Council Illuirn. lnvrii.
Eagle Cornice Works.
John Kpcnoter.Pioprletor. Manufai Hirer of
( I'nhunl/.i-il Iron mid Coi nice. l t ] ) oclio ; mul 101
mul 105 North lath Stteut , Omitlm , Neb.
Mnnufrctuior.iof Omnmi-ntnl
Galvanized iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , Tlnals , lite. , 310 S. 12th St. Workdonu
In an/pailof thi'iountry.
Western Cornice Works ,
r. SPKCHT , Praprlotor.
UnlvanlKd Iron Cornlees , Etc. Hppont'i lm
linn 1 Patt-nt Melidl'ubli ' light. Mb mid 510S
J' 'th St. . Omulm. Not.
Doors , Sash. Etc.
Th/Gata City Pkn'cg
DOOM , Sa'li and Illlnds. Al < o all Kinds of
turning , nell inul Stair noik ol o eiy di -
Mnnufocturer mid Dealer In
Doors Sash Blinds Etc
, , , Mouldings , ,
Stnlr Hulls n ppectnlty Telephone No. 'M
Jjlb Rii.l MIIICV . * ! .Umulin , Nb. .
Electrical Supplies.
L \ \V01PK & CO. , Electricians ,
Electrical Supplies ,
Masonic Illock , Oinnliu. Durclar Alunnf. IlclN ,
I'iio A laiiii ! ! , V'cutilu Mai t In f , Spi-aMiij Tube < ,
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work
ion Ktiilri , ItallliiL' , Hollod Heains and Uirdors
Stcmn KiiBines. Ilra-a Work , General Koiindry
Mrtchlnoand lllneksmilh work. Olllco unil
WorkU. . ] ' . Ily. and S 17th st.
fron a : d Nails.
Cut Hails and Spikes ,
Fire Nulls p Sxialtv. | . Omaha. Neb
Omaha Safe Works ,
Mnnufricturerof 1'iiomid Ilniitlur PmurPirix ,
Vnult looie. ) Jail Woik. Slinlleis mid Wiio
Work. Cor. Uth mid JacKt-on Sth. , Oinnlia , Neb.
Wacom and Carriages.
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
HOD and UU Dodue Street. Oiualm , Nob.
Commission i Etc.
Live Stock Commission
< lro. Ilin ho , Mamufer ,
Dillon Stoek Vunls , S. Omaha. Tolo.ihuno S82
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Limited. John F. Do\d , SnpeilntcndeiH.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Shlj ments of uny and all kinds of stock solicit
i cd. l/nlon bt t'k Vr.aU , Oinnhu , Nob.
Lumber , Etc ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
8Mb , Doors , Ktc. Vftida Cor. 7th mid
Cor. Dili und Iuugli3.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldliurs , Stiiir Work nnd Inleilor Haul Wood
I'liiUh. Jiibtopuned. N. K , cor. UtU und l.uavcu-
worili Btiectti , Oniubu , Neb.
Wholesale Lumber ,
{ S. 14th iitmt , Oinahii , Nob. 1" . Colpounr ,
c. K. DIETS ;
Lumber ,
j3th nnd California Struct" , Oinnlm , Notx
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc.
Cor. Clh and Dout'Ius hlici-lt , Omubu , Nub ,
Wholesale Dealer ID Lumber ,
Omiiha , .Ntliniskii.
' " "
CHAS. It. I.KI ! ,
Hardwood Lumber ,
"nfcn Ptock , Woods , lliiilfo Viinbor *
4u , r ! . W. for. Uth nnd DoiiKlat.Uiiuiliu | .
0. P. LVMAN ,
Dealer in Sash , Doors , Blinds , Hooltibtfs ,
Uulldliur I'upcr , Utc. South 13th
Flih , Etc.
6ui ci-fcbors to U-kt-n hlciiitgon & Co.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
imjortors of rorelirn 1'Ibli , Nos. 11-H3 ! Joiioi
tebtrft und ' J' . Track. UmiiliiuMub. . . _ * _ - .
K. P. FA V & CO. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
JobbeiHof Krult'itb ' ' and Cizui * .
Faiiiaui iiu , Uiualu. kb. UCI
Agricultural Implement s.
\MioliR o Dealt r In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
mill 1tuiririo ,0iunli i XeK
fin m mi. i. i'AiKiit ; : ,
VUioli 1. Duller in
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Cnrruijrt- * HIM ! Itnaclt" " . .li n.-s st , , bet. I'th ' niul
1 tli.Omalm , N > 1 > .
Hoots and Slices ,
* " " " * * " '
W. V. MOt -i : A CO. .
Jobbers of Boots and Sees ! ; ,
1(11 ( Pnriinin Street. Omulm. Nrli. MlMlllf.-u'torj' ,
Piniiiii.T trccl. ItoMon.
Carpels. _ _
' * *
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloihs ,
MMtliiiis , Curium Hoot' * . Ktc. . 1MI rnrnnin
i'ltocl , Uttiiihn , Not. _
Coal , Liros , Etr.
' ji'Kvw. nr.nrouivT"
Coat. Coke , Linio and Stone. , ilB i % Kllr t.iOmnhn , NiK Vurils , "tb
Illkl III .t'llpOllStUetil.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
KHS. KlliPt..Omnim ! , Xi-b.
< ; H > . r.Towr.K , I'rosldint.
GTO. l'.rrru oy , Sec mul Tri-as.
3.11. Hri.i.ntT. 1' . A. MM til.
I'loprietor. MiumKo
Nebraska Coal and Lime Company ,
. "li y. llitli Stu-el. Telephone 43.
Gl.0. K. I'AIIUIII. ] 'IC . r 1' CUODMIN.V I'lta.
.1. A. Sf.Mirni M > Pec. niul Tu'iiH.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
.foliU-is of Uiml mul "ill ion" " , VJ8. loll ) fcU
Oumlin , Neb
Hard and Soft Coal
Eiiluure OciiK-rK In Honlilor Colorado Conl.SIT
ioutli HtliMrtut.
_ Coffee and Spices.
ATI-is. CCI.IMILK" ; .
Home Coffee and Spice Mill ; MTgCo ,
Cllllcll ItOllateiS ItlliJ fpll'O UuiltlerIllllll I
iHCtmcrHof linking1 Powder , rmvoinn KxlrncW
Illiilng , etc. Try one CHSO of our 1-tb pncknco
Homo IllonJ ItoastcJ Codec. 1GW Hu milfct. ,
Ciiialin , Xeli.
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Tin" , Colfeos , Apices , Hiildiin i' nuler I'luvorlng
Eitinets , l.mmiity lllnii Ink , oto. JIH-lb lliir-
ney Street , Oimilni , Xtl > _ _
Commission Etc.
_ _ _
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
HIM nirimm St. , Omulm. Apples Ouriiwn i-.ick-
if I'lalt Act > s Tlirer llrniiil O toiS. Jtuttor ,
General Commission Merchant ,
frounce , l'io\lslon , I'l-nlts , 1'lour mul I'eoil. 105
? . 14lh St. , Oii.nhil , Nc-li. loiifcijiimuiilbtulluUtu.
It. MtDOXAl. , ! ) .
515 l"ih Strcrt , Oiiiii'.ni. Neb. Spi'ei.iltios : Ilul
lev Kiric < . undChUJii-iifc *
\vnii.MAN : : & co. , '
Produce Commission Merchants.
Poultry , liutti-r , nniiio , Knilts , Ktc. SUS. ! 14th
St. , Oiiiuliu , Nuhiiihhn.
\visTKHFic-u : ) nuoa ,
General Commissioa Merchants ,
3/CCDodffO / Strict , Omnhfi Nab. Consignments
\ \ : K. uii > mii : , ,
Storage and Commission Merchant.
Si-icJAi.iii's : rlieei-e. Duller l trs , I'oultiy
mul ( iniiie. 11s. } . lull. , Uiiialu.Tfcb. Toll-
phone So. JJj.
\VJRKS : .v MIU < AKD ,
Storage and Commissioj Msrchants.
KOIU.KII mul Domicile. ' Hi nils n > podiilty Kl-
i-siint stonitfo iiicllllios Warohousu nnj oillcc ,
10oitli Uth tt. Telephone ) 77i. _ _ _
D. A. : iUHUJY ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
flutter , l-Virs ana Prodiir . A full HDD of Slono-
mint. L'oiibl iiiiL ! < nts bulicitoci. 1111 Uuiluu tit. ,
General Commission Merchant ,
nuttci , KWKS t'heeuo mul L'uiintty Priiiliit'occn.
j-iaiij , auu a. tith su , oinaiiii , Nub.
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
ncfrlBcrntor and I'ncklnp IFoupo , lltli & U-tvrcn-
worth St. , on 17. p. It. li. Tinck.Oinaliii , Neb.
Kstnbllslicil 1STO.
Genera ! Commission ,
S11S. litli.St.Omali.i , .Vob. Specialties Huttor
b , Poultry mul Uiunu.
Commission Merchants ,
I'rulta , I'rriluco ( inij Piovlsions , Omulm , Neb
Mi"e ficni < i to In ! ( irlnitii.
Commission Merchaat ,
niul whdlesnio dealer 1 toiintry prndiico , friiltR ,
biittc r , I'lifrs , etc , ( Joads on coiislmmmt | u
gpLt-lnlty. ISM N. 10li ! St. , Oumlin , Nob.
( Biiecossora to A. P , Pclinclc. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
_ No. 313 Boiith 15th Street. Omnh.l , Nob.
_ _ Dry Goods. _
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
Uncnfl , i-iicoH , Kinlirulik-iy mul Wliito C'OOQB ,
lCOIouala ( Mifct , Oinulm , Neb.
White Lead. _ _
Strictly Pure White Lead ,
Hill ; SImul U. P. Ily. Oinuln ,
Harnest , Etc ,
MnnufiicturoiB ami Jobbers of
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Tu11 Goods , lllnnkets and Koh < > . 1U1 1'iirimiu
btiiLl Omulm , Nub.
Mattresses ,
Mattress Company ,
MnmifncUiriix , ' .Mattresses , llnl.llnsFonthcr
1'illowb , < 'otg , it : . UUO and law lloiiflas Struct ,
Omulm , Neli.
Overalls ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jsaiia Puntb , Plilrln , I'.te. , IKt ! ii-iurvi Doiiflij
Btincl , Uuwim ,
Lime , Cement , Etc.
,1. J..JOHNSON & CO. ,
Ma nuf acturers of IU ! White L'me ' ,
j\nil Sliipioisor | foul mid Cove Cement , Plus
lor , l.liuu , Huh , I Ire Hilck Dinio , 'till mid
t-eui-r - Pipe. OMIeo , Pn\lon Hotel , lull pliaiit'bll ,
li.nuiiii . ttitu , Omubu , KuUru.'ka.
OM UlI Mill l < d ) ,
Icnlci4ln All Kindof
Building Material at Wholesale.
Ifth Stitt nnd oil Vnv (1 ( 1'iack. Onmlm
- ?
Wholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
Will nnd I/mil streetsntnalin Nt lim > Xn.
.1. \ w vMirn in.
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , Shingle ,
IlnlMlnv Paper * . Snili , Doni" " . III.IKMoul4 !
lnp . I'likeli. I'l'M * . Mine , Pu ! tr > r , Hiifv
Ct mem. Ninth nun JuiuOraahn Nrli 4
. . . _ * * *
Millinery ,
t intioi tirs nnd Jobbers o (
Millinery nnd Notions ,
151,1 nnd ivlt llnnii-y Sluel.Oinahii , VeU
t- - "id lnstriini"-ils.
i : noi.M .v. iitu : K-SOX ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instruments.
MeiiiMiiy Pianos Weliet. Deeker , llainc-tntiil
Ih-lt"i Pituiof. PnvKHiii Ou'anx , \\nso \ \
ll'l ' and I HI 1Mb Mioet.
_ _ _ Furnituret Etc ,
CII VU/-N sil \ I-HI'
Furniture , Bedding , Upiibry Hlwi rs
itelVO : , l nndl-IJ I'a. in. in Stu
Wholesale Dealers in Furnitin ,
fmnain Sit ret , Omulm , N'nti.
Crcccrics ,
, .
- J
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigirs ,
Tobaivd mid Sniokeia' Atllelis , 1JI7 IlimnnlSC.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
fc'plces. , CiKiirn mid Tobiu-co- ) . 1,117 and Ul'J I3ou
las Sti i-i't , i tmiiHa , Nob. _
ilcCOHI ) , IlltADV.V COMl'ANV ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
Corner 10th niul rniniun 8tu-eih , Onmht , Nob.
PAXTON , aAl.LAClir.H A. CO. ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Nos. 7UA , 7U7 , 7W and 711 S , 10th fat. , Omnlm , Neb.
_ _ _ _ _ _ 5
" ' " " "
'w. j. IIUOATCII ,
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
Eprlnps , rt airoii Sleek , Harduoml l.umbor , ct < w
1-uymul l lll Hainey Httvov , Ouiulin , Nob.
' "
iiNiY : ) : A : OlllllON ,
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon
And Cnrrhijro AVood Stock , Heavy Hardwares
Utc. J217 und 1210 Lcarunwoi Hi Mi ITI , Omaha }
' '
Builders' ' Hardware ,
Mechanics' Tools nnd HiilTulo ScaleH03 Ioug
Ilia Stiiut. Onialia , Neb.
MI : : , i-'nii : & . co. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Blicet Iron , Ute. Am'tils for Howe Senlt-s unil
illaml Ponuir Co. . Omulm Neb.
Stoves Furnaces Tiles
, Ranges , , ,
Minnies , Unites , llrat-'i RooiK ] „ - ' ! mid I'i-'J FM >
nam btieet.
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
nmcison Steel NnlK Cor. 10th and Harncy
, Oiii'iha , Neb.
Manufr.ctnror of the ,
Deerin Harvester Goods ,
to Win. JI. Loilmcr. Goncnd Agent ,
Onialia. ' .
'JVepliono (110. ( i
Iron Pipe , Etc.
J1 1 , . STItAKG CO.Ml'AVY ,
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
SI 'nri , Wiiior , Unll ay nnd Milling Snpjillcs , r.ty
VM , 'JKi und V l l-'iunum St. Omalm , Not ) . |
" '
ciiuitciuiJjruMp co. ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fitting , L
Etcnni und Water Supplies. Ilemlipmrtors to7
Hunt Foost Co.'a Goods. 1111 I'liinani cStiiJOt ,
Omulm , Nub.
Jewelry ,
Wholesale Jewelers.
IJcaleiB In Silieiwaio , Diamonds , V/iitcliJ9
CloLlis , Jeneleih' Tool ) mid Maleiial-i , ICIc. , liJ )
unil ItCI , l.'itli ' SI i eel , ( 'or. lcdso , Omulm , Nob. J
Notions-El ? ;
olmcirH in
Hotions.HosUr&G3ats'Furaislilnj . Good
lUUD nnd KM I'aiiiani fct. , Omulm-Null.
J. T. Robinson Notlou Company , :
Wnnd \ fi ( : , S. KUh .Stnmhn ) , Noli. \
Wlio/osulo / Ueult-is In Notions unil Gents' Flip.
nlBhln Gooils. |
Oils , Etc. I
* *
Wholesale Dealers in Oils , ,
Onfollne , .Mien A.\1o ( liensn. Kin. A. 11. Itlshop ,
Jlaniitrc-r , Oniiiha , Nub. t
_ Pork Packing.
" '
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
Omnha , Nelnaskn
Packers and Provision Dcaiors ,
Onire , Union Maikot. 1517 DodKO Slioet Pae'tln ' ?
bpiiho , i ; . p. it. H.Tiw.1. , Omahi ; , Nub. Telephone
phone No. 117. .
Safes and Locks , <
" ' " *
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s' '
Tire and IHirelar I'loof Hiilus/I'liiiii I icl ; ' .V
and .lull < iik. KTM J'nitmiii blicetJimilm ( , Neb
_ _ Seeds.
J. EVANS , '
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Seeds ,
API icn 1 1 n nil. Vegetable , Hie. OJd I'ollo\/i' Hull.
N. W. Coi. Uth nnd Dod o St . , Omalm , Ntb.
Drugs , Etc.
- i
* *
S '
Wholesale Druggist' ,
And Denier In I'ldntH , Oils and Wltnlonr
Omuhiiul \ > . ,
_ Wines , Liquors , Elc ,
II.IIU & CO. ,
Distillers and Importers of Wines
And I.liiiur | . Bolo iminntactiiroiH of Kenno ly'l
Kuit linllu Jlllloid. Jli'i lluniey aucot , Oinufia ,
Nub. _ _ _ .
il'.n. iv. m/NOAN / ,
Ellcccssor to MeNAMAlU .V DII.M. t.v , Importfrfl
and WholeMilo Oe.iiura in
Wines , Liquors and Cigars ,
. lllli St. , Onmb.i , Nub
" " *
motions , tttr
. . DIIAMDins A SON ,
Wholesale Job Lots ,
Pry Rood' , Notions , fSenls' I'lirnlsliln , ; nro.U.
( Joodn Iroin New Yorl. . Tiadufalci il.nltJI
mil1OS Soiilh lUtb St. , Oranlu.
Leather ttc.
" , i _ _ "
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
todclHrj und ! box I i'UK" ' ' ! . Ill les U < n I , ! uri , > , O' rtlu J\ul.