Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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The Harvard Crow Defeated and the Record
Lowered Ton Seconds.
Gnudnur Defeats Teenier nt
ItontliiR Ilio Single Houll Hccoi-il
Chicago H.idly Walloped
Hy Now York.
The Vnlo-Hnrvnril Hncc.
NEW LONDON , Conn , , July 8. The elev
enth In ( ho niuntiil seilui ot fuur-inllo , eight-
oated , stralght-away race * , Inauguralea be
tween Yale and Harvard In 1S70 , was rowed
this evening on the Thames river course.
\ ale finished first In 20 mln. 41JJ sec. , beat
ing Harvard by boveral lengths. The Inter
est In to-day's race was greater than any pre
vious one for the last eight years , and trains
nnd steamers brought Inrte crowds to witness
It , The betting was heavy. Yale's shell was
the first to inovQ and Harvard was but
an Instant slower. Valu started
with thirty-live strokes and Har
vard with thirty-six i > or minute.
For SOOynids thostruicBlo was grand one ,
neither crew being able to gain any advantage -
ago , Then Harvard poked the noso'of her
boat slightly to the fiont. This advantage ,
however , was only momentary , Yale iliow
up on oven terms nt the first quarter and
slowly butstuadlly bcgnil to forgo ahead. At
this point Yalu was rowing In excellent form
and pulling a Ionic powerful stroke. Iliuvartl
was pulling the same number of strokes but
the Inlw.ird work was noticeably Inferior to
that of the Yales. The half mile was reached
In ! 3I'J : , and Yale bad gained n half length
the lead. The race for the next halt mile was
very exciting. Yale dropped her stroke to
thiity-fotir , but Harvaid kupt at thirty-six.
Doing tier best Harvard could not hold Yale ,
and wliun the mile lltv- was leached the stern
of Yalo's boat was just clear of Harvard's
bow. Tim enthusiasm wa.s now at a hlnh
pitch , and the partlsansofbotiiciows shouted
themselves hoarse. The mllci flag was passed
In the fast time or.l.OJK for Harvard. At the
mlloanda halt Hag Yale had added a half
length to her lead , and began to take
matteis moio easily , and dropped ilouu
to thirty-two strokes j > er minute. Harvard
still kept at thirty-six. Y'alo passed the two-
mile Hag In 10:1 : % nmt Ilnrvard 10:20. : Yale
ktipt ui | her long sweeping stroke In the next
hall-mile , and gained a half-length. At this
point , two and a half miles Yalo'.s time was
18:0(1 : ( and Harvard's li:17 : > 4. Harvard , be
tween ( lie two and a half and tltreo and u
half mile Hags , by running the stroke up to
' " thirty-i'Iglit.siiceeeded In ciittingdown Yale's
lead to two lengths. Yale passed the tin eo mid
n half inllo Hag in 18:4 : K , Harvard in
18ft % Yale now begni to spurt ,
thu fiist and only time during the race run
ning the stroke up to thirty-nine , while liar- was only pulling thlity-ilvo. Thu effect
was wonderful. Yale's shell innvod through
the water at a great pace and began to run
light away from thu Cambiidgo men. lltir-
vnid attempted to respond to Yalo's spnit ,
, . but the result was disastrous , causing
'two of their men to lose time and all clipped
their stroke badly. Yale kept up her spurt
the wholoot'tbolasthalf milonnd trained fully
live lengths in that distance , crossing th
finish Him seven lengths ahead of Harvaul.
Time ! JO:4l : 4. Harvaid's time 21OJf. :
Gaiulnur UoI'catR Toemer.
\ViNXH'KOJulv3. Oaudaur and Teenier
rowed a three-mile single scull race to-night.
Gaudaur won by six lengths In 1 ! ) minutes
8 4-r > seconds , lowering the record fortj'-six
The Bnso Bull Record.
Chlcaco . 0 00100000 1
New Yoik . 0 3 1 0 3 f. 0 0 * 11
Pitchers Clarkson and JCeofe. First base
hits Chicago 5 , Mew York ll. ! Krrois
Chicago 11 , New York.3. Umpire York.
AT iJirrnorr
Detroit . . : . : . . . . 'ir'ii 110102 * 12
Hohton . 0 00000200 2
' 'Pitchers' IJaldwIn and" Stcinmoyer. Uaso
hits Detroit 13. Boston f . Krrors Detroit
3 , Jloston 11. Unipiiu Curry.
AT PiTTHiiima
Httsburg . 0 0002000 4-0
Bnltlmoro . 0 0000000 O-o
Pitchers Morris and Henderson. First
base hits Plttsbtirg 8 , Ualtlmoro a. Krrors
I'ittbburg 2 , Baltimore 3. Umpires Curry
nnd ( ialvin.
AT ST. Louis
St. Louis . S 01100010 0
Washington . 2 o 0 0 o 2 0 * 7
Pitchers Klrby and Shaw. First base hits
St. Louis 3. Washington 0. Krrors St.
Louis 8 , Washington 0. Umplro Gatliiey.
Kansas City . 0 00130200 0
Philadelphia . 0 0000022 5 t )
First base hits Kansas City 0 , Philadel
phia , 7. Krrors Kansas City 8 , Philadel
phia 4. Umpire Connelly.
At Brighton Bench ,
HnidHTON HKACII , July 2. For two-year-
olds , thico-fourths of a mlle : Magyar won ,
Al Reed second , Falsehood third. Time
l:17K. :
Selling race , seven-eighths ot a mile :
ICrror won. Brunswick second , Peter L third.
Selling race , seven-eighths of a mlle :
Frolic won , Commander second , Gold Star
third. TInin-l:34 : > 4' .
Itrlghton handicap , for all ages , ono and
one-eighths ot a mllu : Weasel won , Valley
Torgo second , Nettie third. Time 1.V :
Handicap , ono and three-eighths of a inilo :
. ' Llttlo Dan won , Tolu second , Olivette third.
Time 2:24. :
Mlle : Hen Pryor won , IJHzzard second ,
I Florence If third. Time l:4tf. : ( !
Pool Rollers Fined.
. Run HANK , N. J. , July 2. Ten bookmak
ers were arrested for selling pools nt Monmouth -
' mouth part ; last summer nnd woie lined 3100
each by Judge Walling yesterday. Counsel
tor thirty-seven other pool sellers who weio
Indicted entered a plea of non vtiH contendro
umlairanged that the uame sentence bo in-
lllcted. The lines and costs of the forty-seven
men amount to over six thousand dollars ,
Monmoulh park association paying the same.
A llomb inventor Dying.
CINCINNATI , July 2. William Unities ,
widely Known throughout the country as an
Inventor and manufacturer of dynamlto
bombs , is dying nt Ills homo In Covington ,
Ky. It Is said ho has 510,000 worth of bombs
.Bidden on the banks of the Mississippi , be
tween \ | ckburg and Memphis , llu was
furnishing them to several foreign govern
ments and was negotiating with
Grceco during the recent war axcltomont
there. Ho lately sahl Hon. J. ( > . Carlisle In
formed him that ho hud about succeeded in
getting1 thn government to purchase his uat-
cnt for S150.090.
Ho BurlculIU Dead.
Lot'isvu.i.i : . Ky , , July 4. A special says
Ih Klllott county , Ky. , moonshiners who
were opposed by Mr. 1'arton In thomanu-
facturo of tintaxed whisky , burned thu Bap
tist church , to Ml'.lcli ho belonged , burned
his. house and also the dwelling
of three of his neighbors nnd
poisoned n largo number ot eattle.
Parlon , accompanied by his neighbors , James
Peimington , Tobias Cox and Samuel .Slater ,
wuittfnnnlni : for the Inrondiarles on Mon
day and I'omiuij upon two of them , named
jt'MHftivtily Simmons and TnrUlu&on , anot
them Uowu nnd Initial them ,
The Jlnlhvny 1'ostnl Clerk * .
, JNDiANAS' , , lnly 2. Thn ovccntivo
committee of the Hrutlicrliootl cf Clerks hold
secret meeting hero to-day , A ttlognin
wasfiontw PostmaMer iiomu-al Vllisnsklug
whether ha would nvelve n eomr.iltti'o auth
orized to prriont Iho grlnvaneos of ti * el-.ks ,
bnt no answer was received. U was dcei-lwl ,
notwithstanding Vilas * lalluro to answer , to
fifinl a couuuUu * or two to Wcu > hlii5t n for
A Htvltohnuiii fiuutenoeil.
CHICAGO . 'A fvutee Collins to-day
sentercpd J. Y , CVIIlns.M l-ak" " ? . ' here switch-
n'nn to tuhty days In tl.e rouuty fa.ll for In-
.orfuHng wi'.ii rhe binliu-asof that t"iii.iny ,
* i
est Miuicjota 53.00
xrcwtat ll"liurod's.
Her rtcnsons for Coming to Chicago
null Whnt She Kxpoots.
CHICAGO , July 2. It Is oxiK-ctcd that Miss
Cleveland will arilvo in Chicago within the
next few weeks to enter upon her duties as
editor of Literary Life , The negotiations
which resulted In her undertaking the work
were carried on principally by letter , In her
reply to the first letter In which the subject
Is broached , Miss Cleveland says :
"I quite agieo with your Idea , and could
not fall to have much enthusiasm In the con
secration ot my energies to'vard Its realiza
tion , While , however , my possible einb.uka-
tlon In such an enterprise as the llteiary
management of such n periodical would
necessarily Involve a sacrlllco of other plans
and Interests with my Ideal of the position
you propose to me , 1 could admit no conflict
ing or dividing Interest to Interfere with that
In a subsequent letter Miss Cleveland
says :
"Your letter has been carefully considered
by me. While I may not bo possessed of that
encriry and enterprise uhlchfs characteils-
tlc of the west , yet should I go to tesldo there
there Is no telling what personal contact
with your people may result In. Chicago
seems to mo to have a high do.stlnj as thu
western metropolis of ait as It Is now the
metropolis of commerce. 1 have often won-
dcicd why Chicago and the west did not suit-
port n dozen at least of nigh
class monthlies. I have heard so much of
Chicago. Its architecture , its boulevaids. Its
parks , etc. . that I am most anxious to meet
Its enterpi ( sing people. If I assume editorial
manaccmcut of your maga/.tnc , I must have
absolute control of Its'literary depaitment ,
and 1 must resign all other work , for I do not
atrrro with your idea that I could , while edit
ing the same , still pursue my piesent plans
and studies. I could leserve nothing of en
ergy In other directions. To build any specu
lations on that ground would be vain. "
l < 'cnialo Speculators In Grain Ihclr
Aptness in Giving Advioo.
Chicago News : "You would bo sur
prised fo know how many women were
actually speculating In grain in tlnscity , "
ham a prominent member of the oifo"n
board of trade , "i can remember when
then ) but half a dozen at it , but now the
number has swelled awny beyond the
do/.en limit. Oh , there is no rule as to
their domestic conditions in life. Many
of them are single ladies , borne are
widows and a number nro married.
" 1 will tell you of a little domestic epi
sode which happened only a few weeks
ago. The handsome young wlfo of a
prominent broker who docs business on
the regular board came into the ofiico of
a commission agent in the same building
with me. It was ju&t at the time when
July wheat was making a big jump.
You remember it reached 71) ) } cents.
Well , the lady said she wanted to buy
some July wheat , as she felt sure that it
was going away up. Her husband , she
said , was of u Uiflcrcnt opinion , and he
was an active bear on the regular
board. She felt uneasy about
it , and was afraid that ho would lose
heavily. She luul some money of her
own , and had come to the conclusion
that she would , unknown to her bearish
other half put it on the other side of the
market. My friend , the commission
agent , who know both husband an A wife
well , entered into the scheme with the
lady , nnd ho invested her money as she
directed. July wheat the next morning
went tti ) 8 or 4 cents , and the husband
across the street lost about all lie had.
The day following it went still
higher , ana the wife sold her
wheat a clear winner § 20,000.
She took her money home and gave it to
her disconsolate lord and master. 'You
laughed at what you called uiy foolish
opinion the other day,1 she said. 'I
placed what I had on that opinion , and
hero is the result. Now , don't be afraid
to take your wifo's advice once in awhile.
This is no fairy story. 'It was on actual
incident in the recent active operation m
Julv wheat.1' ' ' ' ' "
The gallery in the open board hall is
well filled with ladies everyday. A few
are strangers in the city , but the majority
are pretty speculators. You will see the
same faces there day after day. Some
of them are scanning the last quotations
on the blackboard and others are inter
viewing the four or live commission
brokers who have a monopoly of the
business with the ladies. Occasionally
one of the regular female speculators
will not put iu an appearance. She will
bo missed at lirst , and then forgotlct' ' .
Some day she will appear again , and
then her former acquaintances will recall
hor. "Why , wo have missed yougrcatly ;
whore have you been ? " And then the
same stereotyped reply : "Oh , I have lost
all interest in speculation nnd gave it up
long ago. There's nothing in it , you
know. "
"That'a a whopper. She lost on Juno
wheat and it made her sick. But she
couldn't keep away , and she will be dab
bling in itjoforo the bell rings ; you'll
see , " says one spiteful little sharp-eyed
woman to her companion And so it
was. The woman who had given up the
business was seen in close conversation
with her old broker in less than five min
"Oh , 1 have been about hero for two or
three years , " said a handsomely dressed
lady with gray eyes , gray hair , and u
dross. " 1 liayo become what they call a
hardened speculator now. My hair has
turned gray hero. I have been as suc
cessful as any of tlm women speculators
here , but that isn't much. None of them
has over made any money lo speak of.
I win and I loso. I use my own judg
ment. When I lirst came here I bought
nnd sold partly on Iho judgment of my
broker and what other advice I got hero.
Hut I .soon got over that. There is no
satisfaction m that sort of thing. When
you lese you are inclined to feel sore who advised you , and when
you win you are disposed to feel as
though you were indebted to them for
your success. I keep watch of the con
dition of trade , of the crops and the mar
ket , and I buy anil soil as my judgment
dictates. It is not a business a Jndy.should
have any thin' ; to do with. I wish Iliad
never learned what n margin or a put era
a cull wag , I would bo a happier woman.
My advieu to every woman is , keep out.
I wish please excuse mo. I must see
my broker at once , " and the speaker
hurried away down stairs , as a big yell
ascended from the wheat pit and tlio fig
ures on the board showed that August
wheat had reached 75 cents.
Queen nfthe Quill \\'nx Sho.
When Mrs. Stowo was in England
Queen Victoria sent her word that a cer
tain day she would bo pleased to sco the
author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin. " Mrs.
Stowc rcullcd that she had an engage ,
mont for thai day. But the queen would
sen her , nnd sent a ladj-in-waiting a
personal friend of Mrs. Stowus to make
thu necessary arrangement for an obser
vation. There wr3 to bo a pegoant of
some kind that day in which the queen
would take part , passing tiui hotel whore
Mrs , Stowovn residing , end the royal
messenger had agreed to place her hand
on thoauthoi'K loft shoulder to distin
guish her from those on the balcony as
the procession pawed. So Queen Victo
ria and thodistin uished American gaxed
at ouch other for ft fo\v moments in silent
recognition , but MM , Stowo was not
pleased that she was outwitted.
GKT HOWK A KKKU'S Piticis : ox Fuaxi-
TUKB. 1510 DOUOI.AS SntEE-r.
For Sah ) . Eight Nw Cottages of five
rooms each , within half block of street
curs , on easy payments.1I.VLI.OU
1510 Douglas street ,
rum : . 1510 JL > ovci.A8 SrnEET.
1'alnt and repair your wagoU
in lirst-clas ? shape
. . 't'irattun & Uaimmoml's , 1J15 llaraoy
Accomplished by the Speeders iu Yester
day's ' Splendid Racing ,
General Shcrmnii In Omnhn Haso
Hall Itnitdlnt ; Permits Several
Assault Cases Drevltlcs and
Other Local.
TliototiRhbrcil Speeders.
The first race of the association of
trotting horse breeders took place yester
day afternoon at the driving park. The
attendance was as largo as could have
been expected , because it is really a fact
tnat this meeting has not been adver
tised as it should have been by the man
agement. The gentlemen composing the
latter , however , admit that such is the
casn , and , by way of excuse , say tint
they nro young in the business , anil when
the next meeting comes around a year
hence , tnoy win make amends ior past
To-day , however , the attendance will
bo much larger. The programme printed
below is an evidence that it will bo worthy
of as many pcoplo as can bo induced to
attend both from a theme and abroad.
In connection with this meritorious en
tertainment is coupled the fact that the
races are conducted on the principle of
undeviating honesty and that Jookoylnc
and luppouroming will not bo tolerated.
Yesterday was , in many respects , an
excellent day for the sport. The sky was
clear , the air warm , though the dust was
volatile. It lay in n thick mantle upon
the track , and while it did not occasion
very great annoyance , its absence would
have been more appreciated thun other
The judges were Dr. Peck , of Omaha ,
Henry Fry , of York , and Judge Hayward -
ward , ot Nebraska City. The- racers
were called and responded promptly.
The lirst race was a trotting match for
T\VO-VI\I-OM : ! > .
First heat : Out of thirteen entries there
were but four starters. They wore Count
Wnldumur , Charles MeOormiek , Al.
Potter and Nelly G. The heat was a half
milo which was made in IcllJby Count
Waldomar. Chas. McCormlek second ,
Al Potter third , and Nellie G. fourth.
Second heat : Waldomar came in first ,
Nellie ( r. second. Al Potter third and
Chas. McCormiek fourth. Count Waldo-
mar took lirst money and Chas McCor
miek and Nelliu G. divide ! second.
In the first heat , free , for all , Van
Diiko got the polo , Aliuont Gift second
and Ethan Allen hung on the outskirts.
The last mentioned broke at the very
start and ran along for a little distance ,
Van Duke following his example ami
enabling Almont Gift , who had started
out a little behind , to gradually get into
the pole. Here ho kept during the re
mainder of the heat , at times leading
botli competitors with a kingly air and
pace. Van Duke broke badly frequently
and Ethan Allan finally lelt him behind.
The heat was easily won by Almont Gift ,
who was held back at the close to keep
Van Duke from being distanced. Time
Second heat : The stallions got oft' in a
line and maintained an oven front until
the quarter was reached. There Van
Duke raised in air , and Allen followed a
like impulse ; while Almnnt Gift shot
ahead. Each of the two first mentioned
alternated between breaks and attempts
to make up for lost space. These spurts
were noticeable for several . ; successful
"recovers" on Van Duke's part just as ho
was about to raise oil his feet. They
were also generally followed by sharp
contests between him and Allen which
the former capable of good speed , but
the latter of better staying qualities. The
race was virtually between those two ,
both going under the wire almost neck
and neck , with Van Duke on the jump.
Almont Gift won in 2:89 : } . Ethan Allen
second and Van Duke third , .
Third heat : Almont Gift kept a steady
lead throughout , sometimes as much sis
quarter of a mile. Ho made the double
circle without a break and would have
come down the home stretch in a manner
to have commanded the admiration ot
everybody his driver not hold him
hack to enable Van Duke and Ethan Al
len to make up about a quarter of a milo
and save distancing.
Almont Gift won the heat and race in
2:44 : , Ethan Allen second and Van Duku
First heat : There were eleven entries
to this race , but only six starters : These
v/oro Littleiohn , of Macfarland , Lincoln ;
Lida C , of Pylo , Humboldt ; Plfffibo-Hull ,
of Johnson , Weeping Water ; J. S. C. , of
John D. Croigbton , Omaha ; Coppcrmont ,
of Lovett , lied Cloud , and Dude , of Me-
Keith , North Platte. Before the first
heat Pylo lilca a protest against the entry
of J. S , C. , claiming that ho was four
years old. The owner. Mr. Croighlon ,
claimed that , so far as ho knew , the colt
wa.s not more than three years of ago.
"Ho had bought him of P. P. Shelby , now
of Salt Lake City , and had received from
him at the time of the purchase , a certifi
cate as to ills ago and whore ho
had been raised and by whom
brought to this part of the country.
Mr. Croighlon claims that the colt had
been foaled in 18 % ] and that ho Was just
three years and three months old. Ho
knotv a kick was going to be made , be
cause ho had got into n little misunder
standing with some of the drivers around
the barns. The judges appointed three
experts to report upon the ago of Che
horse in question and their report was
that , so far as they could see , the horse
was but three years old. Thu judges
then ordered the driver to tako-his seat
and get ready.
Pluubo Hull won the pole , Llttlejohn
second , Dude third , Coppormont fourth ,
Lida C fifth and J. S. C. sixth. Several
inell'uctual attempts at scoring having
been made , at length , a pretty fair start
was given. Dude broke boforu.ho .had
cone twenty feet , Lida. C pulling to the
lead followed by Coppnrmont. J. S. C.
shot ahead in a heavy steady
gait and gradually qrowded
Phojbe. Littlojohn and Dude to the right.
For a time Coppormont and Lida trotted
nicely , the former's nosp gra/.ing the tire
of Lida'sHtilky. in this relative
position until they ncnred. thn grand
stand on the iirat turn when Lida C's
pretty strides stopped into a break and
Coppormont forged uliuun. This achiev-
mcnt was greeted , with applause. Con-
pormont maintained un excellent gait
throughout the rest of the raco. Lida C
lost confidence in herself and J. S. C.
contested and won her plac . When near
Iho last quarter pole he overtook Copper-
mont by u magnificent spurt , and it was
thought would win the heat. Hut ho
passed the imigcs an inch behind Ida
rival. Lida C was third , and Dude , Lit-
llujohn and Pha-ebo worn distanced. The
time was S.OIJ.
Second heat : The Mart was made with
only Coppermont , J. S. O. and Lida C ,
in the field. The jtulga'd shout to go
knocked Conparmotit oft' his feet and
enabled J , S , C. to tnko the polo. Lida
O. fell behind gradually , and Copper *
mont broke almoit incessantly. At times
ho made excellent spurts , showing a beau
tiful and rapid unit , but displaying at
the same time au inabilitjr to maintain it
long enough to overtake J , 8. C. , who ,
while not trotting so rapidly as Copppr-
mont seoniod capable of , yet continued
on a steady trot twice around the courso.
Coppermont clotod on him down tiie
liomo stretch , but it was only for a ino-
incut. He broke , J. S , O. shot uwuy from
him , putaud under the wire iu 3 5i , Cop-
permont second and Lida C. distanced.
Air. Pylc , owner and driver of the latter ,
made no effort to ba.vo his mare win. Ho
kept her on a steady gait , which was
beautiful to behold , anil seemed pleased
when it was announced that ho had been
Third heat : Tho'raco by this time was
reduced to J. S. C. and Coppcnr.oiit.
The hnat was prcttv evenly contested ,
the first mcntionetl horse striking the
lead nnd keeping it up throughout. The
greatest distance between them at any
lime seemed to be about two lengths ,
and this frequently 'was' ' decreased to less
than half a sulky. J. § . C 's stcadv gait
attracted universal admiration , his circl
ing of the course being made without a
break , although it Deemed n * if the favor
ite labored under the elU-ots of a lame
hind foot. As the horses passed under
the wire Coppermont was nt J. C. S.'s
wheel. Time 2:53. :
Fourth heat : J. S. C. came upon the
track hooded , as ho had been in the
earlier heats. It seemed a pity to so
cover him up upon a roasting dav , but it
added considerably to thu sl/.u of his
head , and cave him almost the appear
ance of a full grown animal. The at
tendance feted him with cheers. When
ho started , ho took the polo with case ,
and trotted frqm the wire until the boat
was finished , with n regularity of gait
and seeming intelligence of purpose
worthy of admiration. Coppermont
lagged behind , sometimes aa many as ton
lengths which ho vainly endeavored to
close , J. S. C. trotted without a break ,
really giving evidence more promising
than hundreds of horses which , in the
past , have been given notoriety In this
part of the world Ho won the boat in
2:11) : ) , and the race in throe straight heats
after the lirst.
Everybody coined pleased with the
races. So far as they went , they were as
ftfast as could have been expected , and
there was no pool selling in thu stand to
distract the patrons. The programme
for the day will bo found below.
The directors of the association met in
room 42 at the Paxton last evening for
the transaction of general business. A
number of reports received and miscel
laneous matters discussed.
G. 1 $ . French and II. A. Cihndwick , of
Fremont , were elected to membership in
the association.
The following are the starters for to
day's race , with which the meeting of
the association will close :
Sister C. cli in , 15 il Culver. Omaha.
C.xptaln P , 1) ) h , E. Pvlo. llumbolt.
Ted Mc.Mnlion , by , O. J. Stiwell , Auburn.
Anna Rene. K. w. Maslier , York.
Emma KVllkes , M. C. Keith , North
; Iennic Cobb , b in , E. Pylo. llumboldt.
fitiss Masrglo , b in , K. w. Jlosher , Yorit.
Hnllldav. b h , J. 1) . .Macfarland , Lincoln.
Ethan Allen , b h , A. Thompson , Omaha.
JIacfarhiml , b h , K. Pyle , llnmbnldt.
S. It. Lalnont , b h , 1) . D. Johnson , Weep
ln Water.
Le Count , b h , D. T. Kill , Syracuse.
Hobble Uimbar , b \ \ , l. C. Itobinson.Dlair.
Cyclone , b K , M. 'IVPattick. Omaha.
Dick. Wilde , b h , E : Pyft , Humboldt.
The Union Pacifies Mvill , according to
an arrangement inadd1 by tins Athletic
park management , play a series of three
games with the Pjpkcils of Chicago , on
July 4 and 5. Cfno game will be played
Sunday afternoon' , amUtwo on Monday ,
in the morning ' .hndy afternoon. The
Picketts are all Iiret-chiss ball players'and
are known to compose ono of the best
nines in Cnicago7T > ha series will un
doubtedly be cTo o ; uidint resting and
should bo well patiwiii-ajd. .The follow
ing is thulbatting ordnrj
"Union Pacllics. Positions. Picketts.
Handle . -u ) lo.l. . . . Jackson
Salisbury . p . Painderville
1 1 ock well . i . ib . Cirrrd
Dwyer . 2b. . . . U.irroll
McRolvay . flb . Eager
Anderson . s. s . Merrill
Strode . 1. f . Jeiomo
Hi-.ind t . e. f . Lutiy
Cioodenough . r. f . Jamison
The nines from Lee , Fried & Co. 'a es
tablishment and Uector , Wilholmy &
Co. 's store will play a gaino this
morning at the Athletic park.
The Old Hero Passes Through , the
City on His Way to the Count.
In his "Half Hours with Great Men"
Bill Nye tolls of an interesting conversa
tion ho once had with General W. T.
Sherman. They were both engaged in an
attack upon an arrav of indestructible
ham sandwiches in a Union Pacific lunch
conn tor out in Wyoming. Nyc opened
the conversation by asking General Sher
man to pass him the molasses. General
Sherman repondcd that ho would do so
if , in return , Nye would overpower the
butter and sciu' ' it down to him , and with
this exchange of courtesies the convnrsn *
.lion ended. A reporter for the Bur had
' .aif Interview with General Sherman yes
terday afternoon which , while it may not
contain as much food for reilec-
tion as did -Nyo's , would make
, a , peed second to it in point of brief
ness. Attached to the incoming 4
.o'clock dummy train from Council Bluffs
yesterday afternoon was the Pullman
sleeper Elmwood. which contained Gen
eral Sherman and his daughter , who ar
rived from St. Louis yesterday afternoon
over he Wabash. The car was run on
the side track near the Union Pacific
donot while a carriage was being secured
for the general's use. The old veteran
"wjis seated at an open window , engaged
in an effort to appear cool. There was
no mistaking the largo head , high fore
head , small , sharp chin , the sharp fea
tured face , the closely cropped graybeard
board , and the cold gray eye , and quite
an audience gathered on the plat-
' 'form at a respectful distance and
sized up the general and the occupants
of the car , A Bui ; reporter attempted to
gain au audience witli the old hero , but
was politely , ynt firmly , restrained from
getting higher thiin the first stop to the
car platform. A change of tactics was
adopted. General Sherman arose and
walked leisurely down the aisle toward
the renr of the crtrV.When ho reached
the door ho met th admiring gaze of the
reporter from thpirdilr platform. The
gancral was visibl hlWcted. but ho could
not express his feelim- , as the door was
looked , and a sorfrj6lf'ili his pockets satis
fied him that somobQd $ else had the koy.
He was not to bo mitdono so easily , how
ever , and lowered ttibftVindow in the door
and oncncd the coi/ver. ation with ;
"Who are youv''i - j
"A BIK : reported Gifa . '
"What's the maVtirr'.with you ? "
"Nothing , sir"lKnsworeil ; the scribe.
"I just wanted to know if there was any
thing the matter of you. " Then realizing
that ho had put hW'fofit in it , ho recov
ered himself and smilingly made the
brilliant inquiry ; -r
"Is General hhormnn in the car ? "
"J don't Know. < nMaybo ho is , " replied
the warrior. "General Sherman and his
daughter are on their way to California.
General Sherman don't want to BOO any
reporters , " and with this nartiugshot the
good man sought the privacy
of thu more central part of
the car. Tim reporter withdrew
Jrom thu guving gaze of the porters and
other attendants us soon an possible.
About 5 o'clock General Sherman and
daughter were met by General Chambers
and daughter and a few others and taken
for a drive through the city. They took
supper at the Paxton and left on the
evening train for California.
Colonel Diokoj-'B Spoons.
Thieves broke into Colonel Dickey's
rcitidcnco at 2321 Dodge street , the other
night , and carried away three dozen
silver spoons.
A Mttlo Ton-tear-Old Olrl Unvlshod
by n Young Urutc.
About 7 o'clock last evening the little
ten-year-old daughter of Mr. Plembla , n
blacksmith who lives on Seventh street ,
near the Union Pacific bridge , was sent
to the ice houses near by to secure some
ice. Hero she was met by n young man
who induced her to enter the Ice house
for the purt > oo , ho said , of catching a
canary bird which was in the building.
Once inside the building the young brute
solxed the girl and attempted to outrage
her. The child's screams aroused some
of the residents of the vicinity who rushed
to her rescue , frightening away her
assailant before ho could accomplish his
fiendish purpose. The girl was taken
homo where she staled that Archil1 Rob
inson , tin * son of a uoiirhbor , was her as
sailant. The police were notified anil
succeeded in cflecting young Robinson's
arrest. The young girl''s face and neck
wt-ro badly scarred and bruised
as a result of her struggles with her as
sailant. Uobinson sluruily denies any
knowledge of the aflair , and claims that
the girl is mistaken. He is a young fel
low about seventeen years of nge and a
frequent offender- police court ,
( Tune Weather.
The following are some of the main
points in the report of Signal Service Of
ficer Pallock for the mouth of Juno *
Mean barometer , 30,907.
11 Itflust barometer : ! o.a3 ; ! , date 3d.
Lowest barometer ! i.O.T ! ) , date l-llli
Monthly nniKC of b.uoineter , .7 < W.
Mean temperature , 70.i
Highest tompeintnreOA-l , dale tllh.
Lowest temperature 17.1. dateod.
Monthly ranao ; of temperature , 4S.i :
Greatest dally ranie 01 temperature 29. < J.
Least dally raiifjo of tcmiH'rature 10.0.
Mean daily range of temperature 11.0.
Mean daily dew-point
Mi-an daily rol.illve humidity 00.1.
Prevailing direction of wind , north.
Total movement of wind , 3UiM tulles.
Highest velocity of wind and direction , 32 ,
Total precipitation , l.ficc
No. ot focuy days , 0.
" " clear " 1'J.
" " fair " 10.
" " " '
cloudy 'J.
No. of days nu which .01 inch or more of
niln or snow fi'll. ' ! } .
Depth of unnielted snow on ground at end
of month , 0 inches.
Date of thunderstorms , C , 14 , 27.
im rn.sisn ) T-J.T
isra w.r. , i V--Q 7:1.0 :
isr4 . . . . .r.uimj 71.0
1S7. " 70.0lhSl , 01.1
1S7C. OS.'J IbSl 7I1.J :
iftrr O9.i isso 71.1
1S7S 00.7 ,
Licensed to Spotul lUonoy Tor Build-
In K .
Building Inspector \Vhitlock issued the
following building permits yesterday.
L. P. Pruyn , six one-story frame dwell
ings on Nineteenth street ; $1,000 each.
C F. Lynian , remodeling dwelling at
203 i Davenport street ; $1,000.
N. Shcltan , two two-story dwellings on
Popploton avenue , ? i5,000 each.
Daniel McMillan , two two-story frame
dwellings on South Eighteenth street ,
$1.200 onch.
The Western Building association , nine
frame dwellings In Hanscom Place , total
cost , $15,100.
Edward Mnnnoy. two-story frame dwel
ling near Poppleton avenue and Duncan
street , $5,000.
S. W. Harbor , frame dwelling , 1707
Center street , * ; JOO.
Ellen Carney , frame cottage , near Fif
teenth street , ? 7r > 0.
The total of the day's work was seven
teen permits for buildinirs lo cost ? ol,750
i AliiUnprovolcoci ABsnnlt.
Two sorry-looking individuals ap
peared at the police station about mid
night last n'ght ' and gave information of
a brutal assault which had been made
upon them. The men nro Ole Nelson
nnd Hans Peterson , two Swede
laborers. They stated that they
were standing on Seventh street
near the B. & hi , bridge late last night , in
conversation , when they were suddenly
assaulted by two switchmen , who
knockeu them down nnd pounded tlicm
U ] ) in a fearful manner. Ono of the
men exhibited a fractured jaw , the result
of a kick , while both arc fearfully bruised
about the head and tacc.
Au Alibi.
Jailor Joe Miller has been summoned
to appear as a witness for the defense in
the case against James Kelley , who is on
trial in Minneapolis on the charge of
house-breaking. The defense expect to
show by Miller that Kelley was serving a
term in the Douglas county jail when the
crime with which he is charged was com
Pnrhnpa Ho Skipped.
Frank Degraw , a clerk for Hammond
in South Omaha , has been missing since
Wednesday. It is thought that perhaps
ho skipped out ho was financially fiat-
toned out and in debt.
Mr. Samuel Burns leaves for the cast
this evening.
Architect Mendelssohn has rctutncd
from liis eastern trip.
Mr.-K. Viorllng , of the Paxton-Vior-
ling iron works , will leave for the east in
a day or two on an extended business
There were thirty-night deeds and
thirty-two mortgages filed in the ollico of
the county clerk yesterday.
The dlyorcc case of Ada L. White vs E.
3 , White was uniued before Judge U'nko-
ley yesterday. The divorce is sought on
the grounds ot desertion ,
The County's Poor.
Tlo ) report of Superintendent Pierce
shows that during the month of Juno
twelve inmates were received nt the
county poor farm , ton were discharged ,
three died and two wore born. The total
number of inmates Is now sixty-three.
Whutthn Husband Considered "Sitoh
Inhuman Trcatinnn ns En
dangered Ills Ijlfo. "
A divorce case in which the Iowa f > u-
promo court has just given an opinion
shows that it does not require very seri
ous grounds on which to move for a dis
solution of the matrimonial contract in
that otate ,
Thu parties to the suit were firs joined
together in marriage about five years
ago , ono being a widower and the
other a widow. After eighteen
months of wedded life the wile ob
tained a divorce on the ground of "such
inhuman treatment ns endangered her
life. " In less than a year they were
married again , and soon after divorce
proceedings followed. This time the
husband was thu complainant , and in
turn ho charged his spouse with such in.
human treatment as endangered his life , "
He alleged that she applied to him "ep
ithets not to be commended. " that "BUD
refused to kneel when lie was engaged -
gaged in prayer , and on ono occasion
when he was so engaged in his
bedroom she came unnecessarily Into the
room and interrupted him" ; nnd finally
that she threatened him with personal
violence , The specification under the
last allegation was that at one time when
they "were seated at the supper > luble"
ho laid before her a "bill for a cheap , " whereupon "she struck it from
the table and finally threw U at him , and
that cither the paper or her hand struck
him In the eye. *
The divorce was granted by the lower
court , but HIP wlfo appealou to the supreme
premo court and secured a reversal of the
decree. The latter tribunal found that
"no bodily harm was done or intended , "
and declared that "this second matrimonial
menial voiituro should not bo lightly dis
solved. " "Wo reach this conclusion the
more icndily , " the court added , "as the
plaiiitifi' testifies ho lovivs his wlfo nnd
would gladly welcome her back to his
homo if she would do better ; while the
defendant InstltUw thai she loves her hus
band and would willingly live with him
if ho would reform.
Ho Ilni Ilecomo Only n Sweet Mem
ory of the Dfty.i ofr < oR Cabin
iUnti mtcn.
New Orleans States : Drar old-fnsh-
loned boy , wo wore one of you , but you
have disappeared. You are u thing of
the past and will live no more i-xcopt in
memory and song. Wo can see you now
in your summer costume in your blue
cottonadc pants buttoned to a short shirt
of the same m.ituriui , and in your little
white wool hat , the crown of which had
grown to a point nnd resembled a
miniature church spire. Wo can even
see , and am when you walk , thti
"llippity Hop" of the dirty and loosened
rags which cling about your sore toes ,
rendered nailless by frequent stumbling
against roots. 'Iho ' gob of sweet gum
sticking to the bottom of your trousers is
in the same old spot , and Iho large , ripe
boll on your chin looks as familiar as it
did years and years ago. Yellow olay
mingles with your unkempt locks , show
ing that you have been swimming in the
horsepond and diving your head into the
mud , but withal you are bettor looking ,
stronger , healthier nnd more manly Mian
the modern boy whose mother keeps him
in line clothes and white linen ,
and who knows not the joy
of going barefooted and wearing a
.stone bruise on his heel. Ilissmuoth and
nalo checks and dclieato stocking covered
legs may compare oddly and more favor
ably to your brown , plumb nnd bare
calves and freckled , tanned and warty
face , and his manners may bo easier anil
morn refined than yours , but wo will bet
on you ou the general outcome every
timo. You arc theold-fasliioncd boy that
made1 good men , as evolved into the
Wobsturs , Clays and Cnlhonns of this
country , but alas ! yon have mizzled ,
Your respectful demeanor , awkward
politeness , filial devotion , modesty and
blunt truthfulness have gouo. The bicycle
riding , whistling , noisy , impudent and
precocious modern boy , with modern
ideas and habits. 1ms crowded you out of
cMStonco and taken the place you once
so nobly adorned. The cows tonic home
at milkiiig timo. but you , with your raw
hide whip'nnd "budticking" suspenders ,
are not there. YOH are nowhere. You
are only a sweet memory , dear old-fash
ioned boy.
A Terrible Kick. "
Quito a fuss has been raifcd on South
Tenth street by a certain firm who have
recently opened up and are making
quite a howl. Some say the now firm
will not amount to much but it is quite
certain they have succeeded in getting
the masses of our people to talking about
their now store. It is quite evident there
js something in thq wind , 'ihoy are sell
ing goods for less money than can
be manufactured. V o understand
they have a regular chain of installment
stores. Their headquarters and principle
place of business is 102 Buttcrworth Ave ,
Grand Hapids , Mich. , their branch store ,
OK ) S. 10th st. , where the sign in front of
their building reads Omaha
Time Payment Co. , 013 S.
10th , Furniture , , Stpvps and Camels
on weekly or nionlhly payments. Wo
have hoard so much said of late about this
new and powerful concern , wo sent a
reporter to investigate. Wo learn they
claim that they arcs determined to work
tip a trade , establish a genuine install
ment store where everybody can go buy
on time small weekly or monthly pay
ments thev say they know they have a
good deal of competition , but arc deter
mined to work up mid do not expect to
make any money the first year , but to sell
goods just about what they cost to manu
facture them. That they will not allow ,
any concern to sell as cheap or on as easy
terms ; that they have six branch stores ,
one in New York city , one in Grand
Kanids , Mich. , ono in Denver. ,
Coio. , one in Salt Lake , Utah.
A Nobby Turnout.
One of the most unique and altogether
the handsomest piece of workmanship
turned out in this city for some time is
the new wagon for the Arnold Cooker
Co. , manufactured by the well known
carriage makers , Gratton & Driimmond ,
This novel vehicle is painted and var
nished up in a style that does great credit
to the makers , tlio bed resting on three
springs with light , cream-colored run
ning gears striped in carmine. The
lower and upper panels of the top is
painted iu Bruwstor green nnd the center
panel the entire length of the wagon is
in carmine as a background , on which is
a very handsome and true rep
resentation in oil colors of the celebrated
Arnold cooker. On the sides in front arn
oblong windows framed cherry and ap
propriately decorated. The whole is
surmounted by a Siiporbly finished arched
top. giving a very handsome efi'ect to the
general appearance of the wagon. Tlio
name of the Arnold Cooker company is
neatly painted on the sides and end in
gold and silver lettering , and does not In
the least mar the beauty of the work.
The striping and general workmanship
on this wagon is noknovrlogod to bo far
above the average and it is well worthy a
visit. It will be on exhibition at Gratton
& Dnnnmoiid's , 1U ! ) > and 1317 Ilarnuy
street , for several days , The Arnold
Cuokcr com piny have ordered all their
wngons to be made exactly as this ono is ,
thus proving that it always pr.ys to do
good work ,
Free Toxf nooks.
The question of furnishing the oity
schools with free text books will bo dis
posed of at the meeting of the school
board on next Monday night. A hirgo
number of proposals have been received
from the various publishing honitos for
the contract of supplying the required
books. _
Fourth of July Excursion lUica.
Reduced rates for round trip tickets
will bo nude to points in the B. & M. K.
It. , 1C. C. , St. J. & C. B. H. U. and C. , II.
& Q. II , R. July d1th and Oth , limited
for return to July Oth.
Ticket ollico 13i4 Farnam ilrcot , ami
depot foot of Tenth street.
Taking quality mm consideration , I am
S'illing LUMBER chn.iper than any yard
In My now ollU-o , Oth and Douglas
street is very convenient.
KiiEt ) W. Giur.
fourth of.luly
And any other day r-n account of the rushing -
ing biisfnc.'sm real eslaUi. If you want
K/buv / or s.'il real cstalo you must go to n
ronl "estate dealer of good reputation.
Lbt your property with
J. A. Lov < utps' ,
Heal Estate nnd LO.TI Pcnlnr ,
Ifm Faniam St. , Upstairs.
Telephone 7W.
Dr. Hamilton Warrcu. Koluvtin Physi
cian and Surgeon , Room C , Croimsu
block corner 10th and U.ipitol avtvm
Dayuml night culls pro.awtlv.m 'JtC'l U *
The Wheat Market Active and Excited at
Prices Considerably Higher.
1'rovlsloiiH Still Continue to Mount Up
in ft Nervous Sort of AVny The
Hoard AdjoiirtiH Till
Tuendn- .
CiitCAoo , July 2. [ Special Telegram to
the BI.I : Wim.vr Wheat was very nclho
nnd excited until near the clo o. Early ,
price * shot up. but at the adlournnieat of tlio
s-esslon they were easy and all but l.\o of the
advance was loit. Timid shorts , owing to the
holidays and nnfavoiablocrop reports , settled
up ontst.xndlnK contracts. August opened at
77J/C , nnd tlio range was TT rsVe , closing
at 77o. September opened at TiV , foil to
TSVfc , advanced to Tttjfc , and closed at 73J < R.
COIIN Corn was active and stroue , and
received considerable stimulation from
the advance In wheat nntl piovl-
slons and the appreciation ofQ
KC at Now York. Shorts covcied freely ,
and prices advanced ? fjiljjc ( from the openIng -
Ing , and held It at thu close , owing to the
WK shipping demand , vessel room bcliiR on-
K god for 500,000 bushels. August opened at
IW c , sold at 3t1 > < fioGXo ( ! , and closed with
SGJXc bid. September sold at yTJVC& c , and
closed at a.J , a H@ * c advance over yester
OATS Oats were active , mainly In the way
of Illltni ; shorts , and prices show un advance
of U@lKc. J uly sold at aSQ-JJi Uc. and closed
nt * 2D4c. ' August sold at 'JTC ' Sc and closed at
PROVISIONS Provisions were nervous and
a very lar o business \\as done In hoj : pro
ducts. A huge Incieasc In the stocks ot lard
occasioned heavy selling of that specialty
early , but the market proved buoyant and
advanced 17li ( < t'JOc , leaetlne later , nnd
dropping to a point bi-low yestenlay's closing
on a suspected attempt on the jiaitof the
lending bulls to lenll/p. Pork was alter
nately strong and \\eulc , letting iihe.ul
savagely nt ono time only to diop , under
heavy prosure , towmd the last. Smaller
sprciilntois , who have bren working Iho bull
side of the maiket , have been very fieu sell
ers lor llin pist two days. HIbs were .stinug
throughout and a net gain of lO lou Is
cluonicled. No session will bo held to-mor-
io\v or Monday.
cmoAo ijivia STOCK.
CmoAno. July 3. [ Spuclal Telegram to
the Uii : : . I CATTM : Tlio market to-day wns
quoted anywheio from slowand Imiely steady
on grasscrs , rough and ordinal v ho.ivy cattle ,
to lOc higher on desirable handy beeves. On
the whole n majority of people called the
market stronger , but there was not quite as
much buoyancy to thn market ns vesicular ,
Good Ii50 to UOO Ib cattle , snob as sold at
S-.flO ) ( < < ' .V.25 , would have sold a low days ago at
about 84.7n@"i.lO. The Kansas City market
to-day was . i@lOc higher , with only 500 cattle
of all kinds. Shipments of cattle liom hereto
to Iho Thursday wcio eompaintlvely
In me , hut an unusual pioportlon ot the eattlo
\\cie.scntrnst diii'ft for uxpoit. Shippeia
paid S4.3Va5.10 for 10i" to lOTi'i Ib cat-
le , taking anout ten cars of lT.r ! !
to 15.W Ib cattle for dhent export
nt Sr .00V.0. ! Ono lot of choice
1100 Ib Missouri beeves sold at 55.00. The
sales Ineluded 1014 to lillOlb cattle at S4.00M
I.JJO. with some 701 1 b Nebiaska stiws at
SI.-.1 ! ; ion to m * ll , cattle sold at S4.45r . .W.
wltli ioo : to i : o Ib cattle nt S5.lU ( < i.i.0.Vy ) : ! -
oinlnir meal-fed steers. lliWlhs , sold at Sl.POiy
5.00. A lot of 1214 Ib Wyoming still-led htcers
sold at S5.1",1 ! , and some other slillers bold at
85.o : > , averaging IS ibs.
lloos The market ngain was active and
prices fi ( < tlOc higher : mixed , S4.7.Vu)4.fi5 ) ;
heavy , S ! .85 < < Ml > 0 ; tmtdu-rs' pigs , } < 4..Vi@
4.90 ; light soi ts , S4.70M4.SO : 140 U ) averages ,
S4.70 : average-sot ISO Ibs and strictly yorkers ,
S1.75ii4.bO. ( !
Now York. July 37 MONKY On call
loaned from 11A to 0 per cent , closing offered
nt 1 per cent.
PlUMK MKKOANTII.B 1'AI'KU 4@"i " l > 0r
UrKitMNtt jCxciiANOE Dull but steady ;
S4.87 lor sixty day bills , and S4.8SK on de
GovnnNMiNT.s Dull but steady.
STOCKS Stouka were very dull. They
opened strong , however , prices generally
being higher than last night's closing. After
tlio caily hour It draggoil nncl prices fluctu
ated by fractions all day ixud closed heavy.
S'j ? cent bonus. . . AN. W 114tf
U.S. 4 8 preferred. . .
Now 4's N. Y. C
PaclllcO'sof W. Oieiron Trail. . .
Central Pacific . 42 Paclllo Mall
C.&A 143 P. , I ) . AK
preferred. . . . IM P.P. O
C. , B. &Q li'A Hock Island. . . .
D. , L. AW StL. AS. P. . . .
I ) . & 11. Q pieforrcd. . .
Erie C. , 51. AStP. . .
preferred. . . . 08 profeired. .
Illinois Central. 189 StP. AO
L , B. &W preferred. . .
Kansas A Texas. Texas Pacific. . .
LalceShore Union Pacific ! . . .
L.A N \V. \ , St , L. A P. .
Mich. Central. . . . preferred. . .
Mo. Pacific KIT Western Union
Northern Pac. . . : , > 7'f O.U.A N
preform ! . . . . oo.'a '
Chlcnuo , Julys. I'lour Quiet , but ntcady
and unchanged ; winter wheat flour , S4.i'Xi4
4.50 ; southern , W.7.V < 4.M ! ; Wisconsin , S4.oo < J4
4.2.1 ; Michigan , soft.sjiing wheat , bi.W : ! < il.73 ;
MlnncMit.i bakers' , Si.25 : < 4.7.j : ! : patents ,
S4.JOiiI.7.r ( > : low giades , S1.75Q7.M ; ryil
flour uiiiet at 3.aOf.W : ! ) in bbls , sy.33@1.50
In MicKH.
Wheat Active , excited and unsettled
within lilghor range , cloxlng 1'fc above yes-
teiday'h closu ; cash , 75)i ; Antjiibt Ttftct
September. 7HJf. (
Corn Active and ' -j'Wtfc stronger , closlncat
onthlde llgures reached ; eahh , 0c ; August ,
COJfc ; Heplomber , D7u.
Oits Steady but iiulntcaiih,20c ; j August ,
H7kc ; September. : J7e.
Barley Steady and unclianecd at 5053c.
Timothy Prime. S1.75.
Klnx Beed-Sl.OS > , ' .
\Vlilsky-S.14. !
Pink Acllvo ; alter fliiftiiatlng closed Ta
liplowyesteulay : e.isii , lO.lTJ ; Au
gust , SlO. ' . XdelO.'J. " ! ; ( icptember , 81i'JK@ ) : ;
Laid Actlvo Mid nnsuttli'il ; closed steady :
cMh , jo. . rij August , ( ! ( ; Septumbur ,
JJnttor I'lrmer ; cre.imury , Ifi lticX ; dairy ,
- .
Chieso I'lrm 5 full cream chcddais , 7CI
"Me ; Hats , 7CL 7/c ; Young Americas , 8XQQ
BKc.K'ZKllffillh'c. .
Hides Unchanged.
Tallow Uneh uiL'cd.
Npattcrnoon board dining July and Au-
JterMiliit.i. Slupmcnfs.
1'lotir , bliLs 0,000 7tOJ
Wheat , Im 11,000 JM.OOtJ
Corn , mi M'.W )
Oats.Du hfxw ( 107,000 ,
Itye.uu iwu
JJar/nv.bu / 1,00) 1,000
Notv Vork , July ! ! . -WlKal llceolptH.
llrWi ; oxnorts , 47'J.OOO ; spot , JtKt'i'c hliliei
nnd lu-i'.k iietlvo ; options upened very slronK
at lOU c ln'tter , weakf nod and ehuoa al k'c ,
leaetlon of JatJ ejiuigiiuled led , b'XifaTv ; No.
1 red. .He' No. i red , nominal ; Annual ,
dOaO'l at Wl'iC.
( 'orn Wpol. } a and options J4"@J-jC higher ,
closing with slight reaction ; roouliita i > 0 , ; K ) ;
exports. Hl.OOO ; iiigradcd > , SBiiiTo ; , .r. a ,
4UX < 217i ! ) In eloviitor , 47c dwllvcrcd ; August
do oit at 4.V < c.
Oji > > ( } uh < c : ii-ci'lrilH , 70,000 ! oxpoits ,
' ' wuiUini , : n > i ( < i-4X : ! ; ; white
I'clrjlcnm Finn : UnlN-d closed atCCe.
I'oil. Knier : : .mil iioic.itc : | trading ; old
imH. MO.'iiM0 | | ' < i uw mess. $11.50(913.00 (
liiinl Upeiiod : ii ! < ' ( . * o jjijinti higher link
closed wcjfli , and adx-wo inos > tlv loMj west4
rill -tiAtu oiml. YO.UV Allgllit , S'UKgT.lO. '
! ! utiur-iuiel but drm al lUiUlCc fucholco |
In buyers f * ' ivottcru