Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1886, Page 11, Image 11

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Offers for sale the following bargains in Omaha property : ' I
Tlio finest lota in HANSCOM L'LAOK , originally reserved by Mr. Hansponi , atul now first placed on the market as the choice resilience properly of Omaha. Elegant i-ast front lots , splendid comer lotsj just on jjrauV Slugnlflcptit view , near street cars , park , and surrounded by
beautiful homos ami n splendid class of people. Over thirty substantial house * coating from $ ' . ' ,030 to $10,000each , will bo built this season in ttio immediate vicinity. Will soil these lots at L'UICES AND TKUMS THAT IMjACU L'llHM WITHIN' TllH UKACll Of Al/L who desire "Hand-
tcme Homus , " And for investment , these lots cannotbu excelled , as their location , natural advantage * and the greatnumbcrof costly houses to bo erected will came them to advance rapidly in price during the next sK months. Al.-o otlVr 8 bcatitiful east front lota In Marsh's Addition ,
IK nr corner 25tli and Leuvcnworlli , one block from street cars , pavement , St. Mary's Avenue and church , covered with fine shade tree * ; each $2K)0. ! ) Seven line east front loU In Loavenwortli Terrace ; two blocks from Holt Line railway depot on Loavenworth street ; lots around are selling
for f TOO to $300 ; can offer these lots for a few days only at f310 each. Two south front lota in Clifton L'laco , tnreo blocks from street cars , onu block from Leavenworth street , with its proposed grading , paving and Cable Line , covered with large oak and maple trees a big bargain -tho
t\V" at t'-MOO. Eight lots in Burr Oak , convenient to street cars and railroad , at $800 to $000. Two lots fronting south on Leavenworth street , each 01 font front , one a corner , will bo valuable business property in one.year , the two for f 1,500. Two acres in West Omaha , will make ton
good lotB , high andsightly location , splendid neighborhood ; lots beyond : ire soiling far $1,000 and $1,200 ; can sell tlio two acres if sold at once for § 7,000. Some nice lots in Hawthorne , near Thirty-third and D.ivenport ; the nearnoo of these lots to center of town make them
cspecallly desirable investments at $9.)0. ) Five lots , one a corner , on Lowe avenue , near Dodge street , high and healthy location , splendid place for a home , very easy term ? , only $1,103 each. Six lots in Hartford I'lace , just this bide of new M. P. depot and canning factory , cheapest
property in tlio market , only $ TOO ; $10 down , $10 ppr month. Two loU , 0110 a corner , in Shlnn's 2nd addition , if hold quick , tlio two only Sl.GW. A few choice loU In Ambler I'laco , Thornburg , Kast Side , Clark's Place. Walnut Hill , Washington Hill , West Knd , Orchard Hill and other
favonto additions. Also offer a largo list of improved residence property , ranging in price from $2,000 to ? G,000. CAN OLTEll 1'OU THKKEXTTEN'DAYS THE FINEST EKU1T-1100M COTTAGE AND EAST FUOXT LOT IN IIANSC'OM 1'LACE , ON OEOlKiIA AVENUE ,
ELEGANT NElGHlJOKIlOOD.CtLT AND CISTERN WATER , A PERFECT GEM OF A HOME , ONLV $1,301) ) If SOLD QUICK. Also several six-room cottages with cistern anil city wator.slato mantels good location , only fi.'WO ; $250 cash , f'25 per month.11foot front on 1 Campy ,
between Fourteenth and Fiftecnh streets , at $2,000 ; first-class location for business , 00 feet on Howard , uoar Thirteenth street , onlv § 18,000 ; easy terms ; splendid site for wholesale or warehouse purposes. 105-foot front on Capitol avenue , next to Masonic IMoeic. is spicndld business
properly and rapidly improving ; has eight brick stores all rented ; can make this tlio bargain in Omaha It sold soon. Also oll'er two sections of choice farm land in Howard county , near goo.l railroad station anil St. Pan I , the county scat , a town of 2,000 Inhabitants. No better soil
in the stale ; can plow every acres ; urrounded by a good class of pcoplo and cultivated farms. Can oiler this land for the next thirty days at a low figure and remarkably easy terms. Tlio above are a few of tlio barg.Uus I oiler for salo. Investors , ami especially parties from ouUldo
the city will do well to consult the list of property I ofl'er before buying elsewhere.
A Nemesis Which Has Pursued Its Thou
sands to Prison and the Gallows.
Krom the Records
of VVUcoriHln Narrow KHCI\IIO
of an Innocent Alan.
The criminal who argues that ho is
nufo because no ono saw him commit the
c-rimo , forgets that circumstantial ovl-
donco is a Nemesis which lias pursued its
thousands to tlio prison and the gallows.
Had the 1'ieller case in St. Louis been
one in which men could testify that they
H.uv the killing donetho sensation would
have died out in a weok. It depended
upon circumstantial evidence alone , and
us link after link has been picked up to
make a complete chain the whole coun
try him been intoroatud. The records of
crime in every hlate show that where cir-
utimstanlial evcdenco is soloy depended
on , a terribly strong case can bo made an entirely innocent man. That
this has been done time after time we all
know , though in the great majority of
cahcri the real criminal gets his just de
Some forty years ' ago there lived in
"Wisconsin a farmer named Throop , who
was a widower , with a daughter fifteen
veiirs old. The man had a good reputa
tion , and his daughter was a great luyor-
ito in tlio neighborhood. For some time
previous to the occurrence which caused
his arrest , Throop had not been on good
terms with a farmer named McWilliams ,
living about a milo away , on account of
chuuiuio committed by cattle belonging
to the latter. There had been a lawsuit ,
and Throop had said , in tlio presence of
witnesses that be woulu like to put a bul
let into McWilliams. Ono day about
noon the catllo broke into the field again
mid the daughter notified her father , ilo
was terribly enraged , and , as ho started
to drive them out , took his rille along.
'The back end of the Hold bordered on n
wood , and tlio daughter saw her father
ilisaiipcar among the trees after tlio run
ning cattlo. Soon thereafter she hoard
i shot , and was alarmed for fear
that her father had carried out his tiireat.
In about half an hour Throop came
homo , pale and agitated , put no his gun ,
and sat down to his dinner without a
word. The feirl was crying , but ho didn't
Boom to notice it. After the meal was
eaten he hitched up a horse to the buggy
and drove away , saying that ho might
not bo back before sundown. Ho re
turned at 7 o'clock , and the daughter no
ticed that ho was in much bettor humor.
Neither referred to tlio affair of the cattle
tlo , and the evening passed oft"pleasantly. .
Two days later , Throop meanwhile pur
suing his labors around homo , the sheriff
appeared and arrested him. The farmer
wa.xat supper whoa the ofllcei ; entered ,
and it was afterward put in evidence
that Throop turned deadly pale before
the errand of the oilicer was made known.
When told to consider himself a prisoner
ho asked what was the charge , and the
sheriff replied :
"For tlio murder of Henry McWilliams.
Ills body was found in the woods this
afternoon. "
Throop was terribly agitated , but he
protested his Innocouqo , saying ho hud
not seen the man for a weekAs ho was
taken awnv ho whispered to his child ,
who was clinging to him :
"Say nothing of my chasing the cattle
out. "
Tliis was overheard , by the sheriff , ami
at tlio proper time was used , to tlio pri
soner's confusion. The daughter was
convinced of her father's guilt from the
llrst. The blundering sheriff did not
take away the rillo , ami ho had no sooner
departed than the girl inspected it , to
find that it had been recently discharged ,
in hopes to exculpate her father , she set
about and cleaned and loaded the gun.
In the course of a few hours she was pit
under restraint and Interrogated. lo $
Having that anything she could say
in regard to tlio allair would react on
her father , she determined on silence ,
and not ono word could bo got out of
her as to the events of the past three
duy.s. Throop vigorously denied tlio
kifling but was obstinately silent to all
other questions. The prosecution then
began to work up its case of circumstan
tial evidence , and was fortunate train
the start. A person came forward who
saw Throop leave his house , gun in hand ,
to chase the cattle. Two persons nllirnied
that they heard the report of a rillo.
Several people had hoant Throop make
threats. The cleaning of the rillo was
charged to Throop , and made to look
ugly against him. Tlio silence of him
self and daughter was proof sulHcicnt to
most people that ho wasguiltyof murder.
Court was in session and the accused
was speedily brought to trial. To his
lawyer ho divulgcdtho episode of pur
suing the cattle , and ho admitted' firing
at a heifer and missing her. The shot
went over her and entered a beech tree.
Ho gave his solemn word that he did not
see McWilliams that dav. When ho left
the honso alter dinner it was with the in
tention of going to tlio town several
miles away to consult a lawyer in regard
to a new suit. Ho did not lind the lawyer
in his ollico , and on iiis way home lie got
to thinking tlio matter over , and made up
his mind ho had boon too hasty all along.
Ho even had some thought of going to
his neighbor ami holding out the lian I of
reconciliation , but ho was restrained by
the lateness of tlio hour. This feeling
accounted for hjs changed conduct whoa
I HI came homo.
The awyor wont to the woods and
found the beech tree , and dug out the
bullet. Ho also found that the lawyer
whom Throop went to see was out at the
hour specified. It was strange , however ,
that while scores of men in tlio town
know Throop , no ono could bo found who
remembered having seen him on that
Mr.s. McWilliams affirmed that her hus
band had left the house with his rillo to
hunt squirrels in the woods , and she had
never scon him alive again. lie had boon
shot through the head. What had become
of his rillo ? Tlio prosecution intended to
charge Tliroop with hiding it. The de
fense had no theory about it. though they
might ask why the body had not been
hidden as well. Any theory of suicide
was out of the question in the face of cir
The case was called with a strong prejudice -
udico against tlio prisoner. The prosecu
tion put in all its evidence , circumstan
tial and otherwise , and itseomed to everyone
ono a clear caso. lloforo the defence
opened an event occurred which had a
most important bearing. A stranger was
arrested in a town twenty miles away
while trying to dispose ot a rillo with
McWilliams' name engraved on a silver
plato iu the stock. Ho was brought to
the county seat at once , and whoa the
right pressure was brought to bear on
him ho made a confession. Ho was
a traveling clock tinker. Ilo had
been drunk two or three days
bufore the shooting , and lii.s outfit
had been lost or stolen. Early on the
mornins ; of the shooting ho stele a couple
of lions from Throop , and wont into the
woods and made a lire and roasted them
for his breakfast. Ho was asleep when
McWilliams stumbled upon him. Evi
dences were at hand that ho was a thief ,
and the farmer ordered him to pick up
and Icavo. McWilliams threatened him
with hisjgun and ho closed in to wrest it
away. In the struggle tlio weapon was
discharged and tlio farmer was killed.
At the same instant another shot was
fired , but the tinker did not sco Throop.
Ho at first throw down the gun and ran
away , but afterward returned for the
gun , thinking to sell it and proquru another -
ether outfit. . .
There could bo no doubt of tfio truth
of the tinker's story , and Throop was dis
charged from custody and the other
party put on trial. Ilo pleaded guilty ,
but judge and jury accepted his version
of the snooting ami ho received a eo m
paratively short sentence. Hut for his-
action in carrying away tlio gun ho would
probably have been set at liberty.
Kures Koughs Komnletely Red Star
Cough Cure. They never come back.
AVIuit Fnlso Hair Costs.
"What is the longest piece of hair 3-011
over handled ? " was asked of a San Fran
cisco dealer in hair.
" 1 sold a piece of hair in Now York to
Mr. Diblcs , a dealer there , that wa.s
seventy-four incites long. For this 1 re
ceived § 20 an ounce. There was ten
ounces in the piece. He made it into a
switch and sold it to a customer for § ? . ' > ( ) .
I have some hair now that Is fifty odd
inches long. " lli'.ro Mr. Sicardi sh'owod
the reporter a tress of dark brown hair
that reached from tlio shoulder to the
floor when hold perpendicularly.This , "
ho said , "is worth § ' . ' 0 an ounce. "
"Costs something , don't it ? "
"Uniph , that's not a circumstance.
Here is a packet of white hair lift it. "
It weighed a ton , comparatively speak
ing , as it was a very small bundle.
" 'f hat , " ho continued , "is worth § 50 an
ounce , wholesale. "
"Tlion you can slow away a good many
thousand dollars' worth in a.small store ? "
"Well , 1 should smile. There is a row
of switches hanging there that you could
pack in a small valise that are 'worth at
least § -,000. There is a shelf full of
small boxes of hair that is imported in
small rolls ready to work into wigs , etc. ,
that are worth on an average § 12 an
ounce. "
A Most Ijihoral Offer.
The Voltaic Holt Co. , Marshall , Mich ,
offer to send their celebrated Voltaic Belt ,
and Electric Appliances on thirty ( lays
trial to any man alllioted with Nervous
Debility , Loss of Vitality , manhood , &c
Illustrate pamphlet in sealed envelope
with full particulars mailed free. Write
thorn at once.
An Argumentative lloportor.
San Francisco Post : Mr. McUoborts ,
now editor of the Leeds ( England ) Mer
cury , was at ono time a reporter in this
city. Ho was the most argumentative ,
and at the same time the calmest , man
that over struck the town. Ilo would
stop work at a fire to argue. Mr. Me-
Roberts was on his way homo early one
morning , when an American sud
denly poppcit up with a pistol , leveled at
his head , and said :
"Throw up ' yer hands ! "
"Why ? " ask'ed Air. Mcllobcrts , undis
"Throw thorn up ! "
"But what for ? "
'Put up your hands , " insisted the foot
pad , shaking his pistol. "Will you do
what I toll you ? "
n"That depends , " said Mr. MoRobcrts.
"If you can show mo any reason why I
should pit up ma hands , I'll ' no say but
what I woell ; but yer more requaist wad
bo no justification tur me'.todosao absurb
iilthinir. Noo. why should yoo.a complete
stranger , ask mo at thts , 'oor 'o the
morniu' , on a public street , tab put up my
hands ? "
"Dash you ! " cried the robbor. "if you
don't quit guyin' and obey orders , I'll
blow tlio top of your head oil'l"
Keep Quiet !
And take Chamberlain's Colic , Cliolcry
andDhiiTluua Remedy. It cures pain In
the utomaeh almost instantly. Got a 25
cent bottle , take nothing else. You will
need nothing else to euro the worst case
of Diarrhiea , Cholera Morbus or bowel
complaint. This medicine is made for
bowel complaint only and has boon in
constant use in the west for nearly fifteen -
teen years. Us success has been un
bounded and its numo become a house
hold word in thousands of homos. Try it.
Its Growth hi Chicago to Colossal
Chicago Times : Twenty-ono years ago
thirty of the freight cars owned by tlio
Union Transportation & Insurance com
pany were rebuilt under the direr-lion of
W. W. Chandler , then and afterward ttio
Chicago agent oi the company named
May 111 , 1805 , one of tliOMj ears , carrying
ten tons of butter , started from this city
for New York. That was the very begin
ning of the refrigerator-car system , and
of a business that lias grown to enormous
and rapidly increasing proportions. In
those days there was almost no dairy
business "west of Michigan and Indiana.
People said that good butter could not bo
made of milk from the prairie grasses.
No doubt the eating of weeds ami 511-
llavored grasses by the cows did much to
prevent success in the dairv , but the
drinking of impure water and breathing
the font air of filthy stables did more ;
and tlio entire want of means by which
butter could be carried in good condition
over long distances quickly did most to
discourage the butter-makers of the west.
Mr. Chandler argued that , with proper
facilities for marketing , the quantity of
butler produced would increase year by
year , and it was probably to that convic
tion that the refrigerator car system owes
its existence. The experiment of Ibpj
was so satisfactory in its results that in
18SI1 the number of "ico-houses on
wheels" was increased to oighty-oiijht by
the company , which for ten years enjoyed
a monopoly of the business of carrying
butter , eggs anil some other perishable
property from the west to tlio Atlantic
status. t
_ One hot day , cnie of the first thirty cars
fitted for tins trallio was \'isited by two
Chicago packers ! They stood an instant
in their shirt-sleeves , perspiring , on the
platform of the freight hoiido while the
doors of the car wore opened , then
stopped into the car. The metal walls
wore covered by frost two inches deep.
Ono moment in that low temperature was
convincing enough , and as they hurried
out ono of , the visitors remarked : "I
don't sco any reason why incuts can't bo
sent to New Yoik in such cars as well as
butter , if the temperature can bo kept as
low as this. "
He was assured that as long as ice and
salt could bo obtained the car could bo
kept cold enough inside to freeze any
thing placed in it. A few days later a
larger party of packers inspected , tlio
cars , and the idea of summer packing
was born. Before that time all packing
operations had been crowded into a few
winter months , to the necessary incon
venience and cost of all concerned. Now
millions of hogs are packed during the
warm months of each year , ia Chicago
alone , and thousands of tons of fresh
beef , mutton and pork are sent from the
great live stock centers to every impor
tant town in the states east of the Mis
sissippi and to Europe. Twenty years
ago onl3p thrco railroads connected Chicago
cage and Now York. Now each of eight
great lines1 offer incomparably better
facilities than those three then had for
transporting freight swifty , cheaply and
uninjured. During the vcar ended with
December lust nearly 8(5,000,000 ( pounds
of butter went from Chicago to the east
in refrigerator cars. Much of this vast
quantity went to butter the bread of Eu
rope. An average of fully eighty car
loads of dressed beef for each working
day of 1835 loft Chicago and Hammond ,
a suburb of Chicago , for the cast. All
tills , was safely preserved by refrigera
tion , not only on the way to the seaboard ,
but also much of it on the voyage across
the ocean as well.
As illustraVuiir the growth of tlio
dressed buof traffic of Chicago , it may be
stated that in 1831 there were shipped
from Chicago and from Hammond a
total of 498,000,000 pounds ; in 1835 Chi-
caffo shipped 405,500,000 pounds and
Hammond 110,500,000 pounds , making an
aggregate of 570,000,000 pounds of beef ,
or 28,280 car-loads of ten tous each. That
number of cars would make a train 180
miles in length , each two rods represent
ing thirty-two cattlo. These facts indi
cate a somewhat , simple fulfillment of the
prophesy uttered twenty years ago by the
pioneer maker of refrigerator cars , who
then declared thaflrosn beef will yet betaken
taken to Now York at all seasons , safely ,
regularly and in considerable quantities. "
To what grand magnitude theio branches
of business will grow in the next ten or
twenty years no man living can safely
foresee , nor can anyone tell what inli-
mnlo connections with the domestic
economy ot the people that growth may
have. Even now the farmers living near
towns remote from Chicago , St. Louis or
Kansas City may cat to-day of a steak , a
roast or a tenderloin fresh Irom the very
bullocks that a few clays ago wore fatten
ing on corn at the crib by the farm
house , and were sent a thousand miles , it
may be , to bo slaughtered and separated ,
part to be eaten in European homes and
part to bo consumed in hotels , restaurants
and private houses widely scattered
throughout the states. Already a num
ber of slaughter houses have been estab
lished in the very midst of the pastures of
the plains , each "of tlio houses having its
chill-rooms' and its side-tracks where
- - , re
frigerator cars will await their cargoes of
beef grown on the gras round about. It
is even confidently predicted that the day
is near when men will no more think of
shipping cattle long distances alive than
they would now think of shipping sash ,
doors and blinds in the form of the pine
logs in which those things were originally.
Nothing more painful than a sprained
ankle , which can be cured by St. Jacobs
_ _ _ _ _
The Singular Story of Silent .Toe.
In the year 1807 a young man named
diaries Miller left Hartford , Conn. , for
the west. At Buffalo ho foil in with a man
calling himself Henry D.xvison , and tlio
two traveled to Chicago together. Miller
had about $300 in cash with him , while
DavKon had only a few shillings loft
when they reached Chicago. Thelormor
intended going to Colorado , while tlio
latter , who said he was a butcher , de
cided to remain in Chicago and work at
his trade for a timo. They took quarters
together in a cheap hotel , and , to further
reduce expenses , they occupied ono bed.
On the night before Miller was to Icavo
for tlio far west , and as they were about
ready to go to bed , ho took out and
counted his money. Ho had $2)0.50 ! ) , and ,
knowing that his companion had but a
dollar or two , he handed him a $10 bill.
"I won't take it from you except as a
loan , " said Davison.
"That's al right , " replied Miller. "I
shsll write you , and whenever you can
spare it you may send it along. "
"But you don't know me ; wo have boon
together only a few days. "
" 1 can toll a square man on sight. Put
this in your wallet. "
While Miller was rolling up his money
Davison got up and passed behind him.
All of a sudden Miller lost consciousness' .
In the summer of 1809 the writer was
ono of the inhabitants of a mining camp
on the Purgatory river in southern Cole
rado. One day a tenderfoot reached our
camp. Ilo was a veritable scarecrow in
general aopoaranco. Ho hadn't a shilling
in money nor an ounce of outfit , and
when wo came to question him it was
discovered that ho was only "half baked. "
Ho gave his name as .foe , but ho hud
nothing else to toll. When asked what
his other name was , where ho came from ,
how ho reached us , etc. , he looked from
face to face in a vacant way and shook
Iiis head. Wo wore not the kind of men to
turn a nhap like that 10930 to be scalped
by the Indians or to perish of starvation.
Wo made him wash up , put on the gar
ments wo contributed , ami after lie had
got a square meal ho looked and acted
like a duVoi'ont man.
One of my two tout mates was an old
surgeon from Ohio , and , as we had
roomy quarters , he suggested that
we take Joa in. The suggestion
was adopted , and he was installed
as cook and laundryman. Ilo was a very
willing hand , and when his work at the
house was linished ho stood ready to help
us at the mine. So far as speech went ,
we got no more out of him niter a month
than on the first day. Ilo called every
meal Mippcr. He called every article of
wash a shirt. Every day iu the week \yis :
Wednesday to him. I could say to him.
"Here , .loo , fetch a pail of water , " and
ho would take the pail and hurry away ,
but if I said , "Now , , Joo. what state do
you hail from ? " ho would stand and stare
at me with open mouth. The miners
played many a joke on him , and some of
tlii'in pretty rough ones , but nobody ever
saw him get angry. When wo found that
ho would not answer questions put to
him verbally , we tried him in writimr.
If , for instance , wo wrote the query ,
"Whore do you live ? " he would take tlio
ueneil , as if about to reply , but before ho
could make a mark the idea would slip
away from him , and ho would sadly
shako his head and turn away. One day ,
when ho had boon with us about six
weeks , 1 entered the tent and saw the
surgeon cutting Joe's hair , which was
very long and nnkonipl.
"Say , I'm right about this fellow , " an
nounced the surgeon ,
"How ? "
"Why , I've had an idea for a month
past that lie lost his memory through an
injury to his head. Here's the trouble.
Ho has received a blow right here , and a
portion of the skull is pressing on the
brain I'll warrant ho was us quick
witted as anybody before this hurt. "
"How long ago was it inflicted ? "
"A your or more. An operation by a
skillful surgeon would restore him to his
right mind , "
While that might bo so , the chances for
it wore extremely dubious. Wo wore
charitable as far as our means would
allow , but wo wore all poor. When Joe
had been with us about two months a
minor was ono night robbed of his' little
hoard , then a second was robbed of his
provisions ; a third had Iiis revolver
stolen ; and men came to us and declared
their belief that our Joe was the guilty
person. Wo could not believe tins , bpt
agreed to watch him. For several nights
wo took turns at spying , but , while ho
did not Jeavo the cabin , another theft was
committed. For a month wo wore com
pletely upset by the mysterious doings
around us. On two occasions some one
prowling around at night was iirod on ,
but ho got safely away. In spite of all
wo could say , the suspicion kept growing
that our Joe was the guilty party. Wo
lot men into the cabin to gee that he did
not leave his bed , but it so happened that
on those particular nights no deviltry
was committed. It was suggested that
lie bo driven out of the camp , and when
wo refused to countenance any such step
two thirds of the camp hold aloof from
us , and reports wore circulated to our
Ono morning a minor , who was sup
posed to bo the richest man in the camp ,
was found weltering in hiri blood. Ho had
discovered a man in his tent the night
before , and had boldly clutched him In
the struggle he had been stabbed iu throe
places , and was severely though not mor
tally wounded. The surgeon was called
to aross iiis hurls , and in his presence
and that of a do/en others tlio wounded
man declared that he had reoogni/.ed his
would-be assassin as our Joo. All of us
hud slept soundly that night , and while
we believed in Joe's innocence , wo could
not be positive that ho had not left the
cabin. The minors knocked off work and
went growling around , and about 10
o'clock in the torenoon a rush was made
for our cabin. They had determined to
hang Joo. The three of us got out our
revolvers to defend him , and the angry
mob was hold at bay on the slope for a
few minutes. Wo had placed Joe inside ,
and had noticed that ho did not seem a
bit alarmed. While wo were holding the-
mob and parleying , Joe climbed out of a
window on the other side and was run
ning away when they caught sight of
him. Such notion Boomed conclusive of
Iiis guill , and pursuit was instantly mnda
and a hot fire opened. Joe ran straight
for a cliff about thirty feet high , andus
he icached the brink ho threw up Ids
arms and went over Wi picked him no
oil' the rocks sromingly dead , and the re
venge of the crowd was satisfied. An
hour later , when the surgeon announced
that Joe still lived , there wassomogrowl-
ing , but no one interfered with us as wo
bore the bruised and broken body to out ?
cabin. It seemed to me that he was com
pletely smashed , although he had no
largo nones broken.
On the third dny after the accident Joe
opened his eyes , and we saw that he was
conscious. Twenty-four hours later ho I
asked the surgeon where ho was , what
had occurred , and why Davison was not
there. Then wo all know that our Joe
had got Ids right mind back It was a
week before wo questioned him. Then
we learned all 1 told you at the outset.
The last thing lioroiuemboivd was count
ing that money in Chicago. For two '
years he hud been like a man in his sloop , i
\Vhon the camp got hold of nil the par
ticulars ovei'ibody was Miller's iriond ,
and particularly so as the real thief was i
finally discovered and punished Miller
remained with us until sin-lug , and then i
set out for the mines on tlu > upper Arkanj j
sas with some of our boys. In a camp
not twenty miles from u.s hi > saw and
identified Davison , who had been there
for a year , The minors would have
lynched llu > fellow , but ho out slicks too
rapidly , and a week later his ( load body
wa.s found in a gulch two or lliree mile's
auay , where the Indians had tumbled it
after securing his scalp.
The Floxvcr .Muila. :
Maude , in Chicago News. There is a
pertect mania for llowcr wearing now ,
and a very charming mama it is , too.
Every othe'r girl you see on the street , al
beit she in laden with care and parcels ,
has a big bunch of jacqueminot roses on
the front of her bodice. You must by no
means call those pets jacqueminots ,
thoughj as I have written them You
must simply say jacks. That's the cor
rect thm It argues a kind of familiar
ity with them , as it were. Agrealrotorin
lias come about in the forms in which
flowers are sent to girls. Don't you ro-
meinbcr the dreadful bouquets , with
their do/.ens of buds , all exactly the same
si/.e , shape and hue , impaled upon
toothpicks , which vour men friends
used to send you ? Those monstrosities
are forever dead. Now a cute little
basket arrives. You open it , and in the
bottom , lying upon a b d of cool , dark
leaves , are a mass of long-stemmed roses
or lilies of the valley or rare orchids. Is
not that over so much sweeter and
simpler ? And have you hoard about the
conserved flowers , which are so expen
sively delicious and so deliciously ex
pensive ? You can now buy at a swell
confectioner's a pound of conserved rose
leaves nt $7 , or a pound of conserved
violets lor Si ! ) . They lookiind lasto like
.something heavenly , and if a box should
be sent you bo sure and don't say any
thing about fools and their money. 'I
had a melancholy oxpcrionca with those
rare conserves before 1 know what they
wore. I received a box of confectionery ,
ami on top was a layer of pink
rose leaves , made , as I imagined iu my
gross ignorance , of gla/ed paper , 1
thought they made a very pretty top
dressing , as it were , but I swept thorn
into the waste basket along with the
string with which the box was tied. On
meeting my friend next day , 1 thanked
him or the box , and ho asked mo how I
IIkeil the conserved rose loaves. A ter
rible suspicion crossed my mind. I
struggled for HoU-possession and said
they were beautiful , but I hadn't yet
tasted thorn , I got away from him as soon
as 1 r.ould , ran homo , and flow up stairs
to the waste basket. I found two tiny
petals tlio housemaid had thrown the
rest into thu ash-heap. I fished out thcso
two and ate thorn with profound relish.
I have not had any ooncorvod flowers
sent inn since. Fortune seldom takes
but ono rebuff.
s s : s is .A. 7 33 3iT CT 33
11 14 05 11 u
186 feet on 24lh st. , corner Douglas , m A sa. . 0)s
$23,250. ,
a K , s R , fe ts
44 feet on 24th , near Favnam , $0,600. , 5" o Si i * W V , Si ruxanu
0 0 0) ) 0 ruxanum
Lot on Dodge , corner 26th , 50x148 , earn
$3,600 , ,
Lot on Dodg ) , 60-feet front , corner ,
$3,000 , , rn
i 8.
48 feet on 26th street , near Dodge , 13 O
$1,600 , , ftft
1 V .
6-acre lots in Farnara Part , $125 )
per acre , Easy term ? , 5 * = tq
fe !
3 " 3 &
Stock of clothing and furnishing ! ft M
gcois in good location for sale or exchange - $1 01
- (0 ( ID fcJUUUWu
change for Omaha real estate , t s
r i > 8
SclilesingerBros , CD J
Real Estate Dealers , B P
1018FARNAMST. V 33 XT O IT .A. "V JtT 03