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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1886)
10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , JULY 3 , 1886. LOTS , VACANT 3TOE. B"ST W. HI IMIOTTIEIR , . 211 S. 15tli St , , Over Sohroter & Conrad's Drug Store Houses and Lots. Vacant Lots , A good full lot , largo house of 8 rooms , 2 lota in Hillside , 9l,4oo each. ami OIKI house of 4 rooms , 3. 20th street 4 lots in Klrkwood , $ ftoo each. ( Jooil well tiudcluloru. Terms very easy I ) lots in Okahwna , $800 each. $ I.M)0. ) 3 lots in Terrace add. . $2,5 < > o each. Two houses , ono 0 mul Iho otliort 4o lots in llanscom Place from $00 to rooms , S. SOth ; easy tonns , $1,200. $2ooo. Full aero , good 0-room house , wells 3 lots in Himobaiigh Place , $ lfioo oauh. and clBtoriiH , 1'ark Place , $3,800 ; $1,000 1 lot in MeCormaok's add. , facing two cash , balance to flint purchaser. strootn , $2Coo. Nice cottage of ! rooms , Shinn's addi- 4 lota in Sunnyside , $ l,3oo each. tiou , near street cars , $1G , " > 0 ; $303 cash , Sacres in Ilinibnughndd. , $3Gonforall. balance $20 a month ; a bargain. 2 full lots on 10th st. , ? ! ) , ooo oauh. Good 4 room cottage , Shiuu'.s addition , 21ots in Thornburg , $ J5oo each , } block of street cars , well and cistern , 4 lots In Pelham Place , $ Goo each. cemented cellar , $1,050 ; $301) ) cash , bal 4 lots in Marsh's add , , $1,800 to $2,80 ance if''O a month. cuolt. Largo , olcgant , now 10-room house on ! ) lots in Heed's 8d add. , $7oo to ? 75o Park avenue , bath , closoln , all in line each. nhape , $ f > , OCO ; ono-third cash , balance 1 line lot in Sham's add. , $ looo , very easy terms. easy terms. Lots in Lowe's ' add1 , $5oo to $ Goo. Nice 0-room cottage , lot 51x107 , on. 2 lots in Parmenter , $ l,5oo for both. liiirnuy near Sotli St. , $ looo , easy terms. Lots in Bedford Place , $5oo to $ Goo. 12 cottages in North Omaha , 0 rooms 2 lota in Auburn Place. $25o eaoh. each , line location , 1 block from street 0 lots in Spring Hill add , , $ Uoo each. cars , $3ooo each , $2oo cash , balance $3o a month. Wl.xlSM , 0-room cottage , 17th st. , $2,5oo , Business Property. $ l,3oo cash , balance to suit purchaser. Full lot , 3 houses , Jackson st. , renting 23 feet on Farnam street. for $80 per month , ? 12ooo , very easy 11)2x11)3 ) ) near cor. Oth and Loavonworth. terms. plenty of trackage front , $12ooo , or will divide. Good C-room cottage , corner 17th and Lake sts. , ! ? 2ooo , S-Joo cash , balance $25 in2xlK ! , trackage front , near corner month. 13th and Maroy , $ loooo , or will divide. per 11 foot on Ilarnoy , right in the busi Largo , elegant house , full lot , all mod * ness portion of the city , good house , orn conveniences , on Douglas st. near $15ooo. 20th ; best bargain in the city , 50,800. 33 feet on loth st. , good buildings. This is only a partial list of tlie many bargains I have and if you can't find what yon want in this list , call and see me and I will show other property that may please yon. W. H. MOTTER , Real Estate Agent , 211 S. i5th St. , Bet. Farnain and Douglas Rooms 12 and 13 , Paxton Eliding , Cor. I5th and Farnam. Largest list of property of all characters , City and Suburban , Farms and Lands for sale throughout the state : Telephone 779. BUSINESS PROPERTY Nq. 128 A fine lot 00x183 on Jackson-st. , near 13th , very cheap at § 11,000. No. 172 183 feet1 square on railroad track. A line location ; a bargain at $ lf5,000. No. 110 A line Improved brick block , business property , on Ilarnoy st , $30.000. No C55 A splendid corner on Snunclora St. , 120 ft front , a bixrgnlu tit $4,000. No. Mi 2 Hi > loiidld full lots on Jones st , flno wmoUoubO or lobbing property , ouo a corner - nor , botli for f ai.OO ! ) . No. Wi A full lot on lltli st , , corner of alloy , tl burcruln tit 10,000. No. 1G3 A splendid business property on Saunders at , 120 foot frontage , anil $3,500 worth of improvements , all for $0,500. No. C43 A full corner lot on Howard st , partly improved with 4-story brick block ; routed for $8.800 per year. which can bo increased with a small outlay to $1,800. Only for a few days at $40.000. No. 477 130x190 on Lcavenworth-st. , close to Belt line , a good prospective business property , very cheap , $3,000. , No. 47D 2 splendid lots , corner 20th and Lako-st. , good prospective business properly. 1'or the two , cheap at ? 3GOO. No 511. Ono of the finest cornorgon Hiirnoyst. , such us nro Imrcl to get , $25,000 No 103. Ono of the cholc'ost corners on 13tn et. , nonr Mlllurd hole ) , | nr > uo No 108 , A splendid 001 iiur4ixlX ! on Hiirnoyst. nnd n bin-Ruin nt $ X0OOU No JB. A Ono corner 131x120 on Siumdora st , eoutli of the bridge , olioiip at $1,501 No Hi ; OnuoC the bust oornara on Saimdors st > , 120x120 8 mid i : front , a Imrgnln ut $5,000 No OIU. A splendid t'ornor. 0(1 ( luot front on Cum- liir st. , with - stoic * , u bargain at $10,000 H-'O. A uurncr lot wllU small build- on Doilgo st. ohonp ut f l > ,00l ) No 020. A cliolco business lot 03x130 , liouso 7 rooms , almost surrounded by stoics , o n Suun- dors St. , lorn fcwdnya only at the low price No 651 A oliolco corner lot and liouso on Suun cbonp ut fJ.lUO , IJIPIIOVEU RnsiDKNCE No 173 room liousoand barn , lot 33x140 , onlOth St. , $3,000. No. 171 Good iiouse and lot on Harnoy St. , $5,000. No. 545. A splendid property renting for $3,800 per year ; a bargain at ? 15.000. No. 31)7 ) Elegant house , largo lot , 10 room house , modern Improvements , two blocks from court house , $10,500. No. 108 A splendid 2-story house , 0- rooms , lot 00x140 , 1 block from car lino. A bargain at 4,000. No. 149 9-room house , barn and half lot , near High School , $5,000. No. 555 Lot8SxlS3 on California st , near 21st , 8-room liouso , south front , very desirable and cheap at $5,000. No. 460 House of 0 rooms , lot 83x133 , south front , on Webster , near 20lh st , § 5.200. No. 580 A corner lot , 152xCO , near High School , 2 houses on and room for 5 more ; when all improved , will pay 20 per cent on investment , $18,000. No. 40 1 A line south front full lot with house 8-rooms , shade and fruit trees , clcsu to a street car line. Terms easy and remarkably cheap at $3.500. No. 105 11-room house , modern improve ments , good barn , corner lot , block from street car $7,500. No 101. Acholcuconiorwlth 3 houses , 8 find 5 rooms , 3 blocks trom cnr line , n. bargain ut . No 1111. A flno oust front lot 00x140 , In Lnco's ndf with nluu IIOUHU , chuup at ftf.OJO No 117 An cleg tint U room bouse , east front on Qoortrlii uvo , ? 1,050 No51M. Bast front oa Ooortrtft avo. , full lot , now liouso H rooms , modern improvements , $0,000 NofiiJ. A clioloo south front lot SOxUS , liouso In nlco ordur.O rooms , on Howard st.ohoap , W.C50 COD. A obotoo east front lot 33x110 , house 5 rooms , fl,7I > 0. No 177. r.loirnnt Improved rosldonco property on Bu ilnrys two , THxllK ) , jlO.OOO No 60S , A full lot east front , U blocks south of BtMnryrt ave , 3 house * renting far $35 , u bar- Biitn nt J.l.iWO No Otis-Good IIOUBO nnd lot on Bborm an are ot Sir-W. oUoup at (3,000 No. COJ. n lots ono n corner , cast front , oil South , 10th St. , 5 room house mul otlior Improvements. Easy tuning nnd a great bargain at 1.000 No. UOU. A nlco cottage 0 rooms , lot lUxlX ) , cast front , 'i mlle west of I * . 0 , cheap ntfiJ.600 No 810 Asplondld full lot nnd 10 room liouso. on Hurt st. , noarSOtb.prlvo low at $5,500 RESIDENCE LOTS. No. J5 choice lota on Sherman avo. , from 52,500 to $8,000 , No. 80 choice lots a block from Sherman man avo. , from $1,500 to $18,000. , No. 100 choice lots in South Omaha , beautiful , on projected street car line from $450 to $800. No. 801 10 lots in Thornburg Place , from $350 to $550 each. No. 130 Lot on Virginia avo. , $1,250. No.169 Lot block 5 , Hanscom Place , $1.500. No. 501 2 elevated beautiful lota on Vir ginia ave. . a bargain for all , $2,200. , No. 418 Lot , Shinn's add. , $050. No. 400 A splendid elevated lot fronting llanscom Park , price low nt $1,800. No. 510. Four of the choicest residence corners in the city , each 183xl31.Such pieces are getting scarce. For price and terms inquire ut our oflice. No. 120 A moo lot on Park ave , and north of the park , and very cheap at $1,400. No. 150 2 east front lots north of llans com Park and west of Park avo. A bargain. Each $1,600. , No. 220 A choice south front lot in Uen- iso's additidn , $1000. No. 501 2 choice lots-In Marsh's Place $1,550. No 521. A tew clioloo lota left In Illllsldo No 1 nnd 2 , and { Q30 ; some - blocks fromntroct car on Cumlnir fit ; Cumlnir HI is goltnj to bo paved thin summer i > blocks beyond these lots , u bargain. No 653. Two elegant Jots , ono a corner , oqst front , In Shlnn'a 2d add , - blocks from car line easy terms for the two , $ -m ! NoB7B. 2 lots , ono a corner , east front , on Vir glnlanvo.2,00t ) No 480. A splendid property on St. Miiry'S ave , 132 ft square , corner of street uud alley , south front , $11.000 No 003. A choice lot on Virginia nvo , 81,100 NoGtO. Two elegant full lots on Park uvo , east trout and a bargain at $1,000 NoHTj. A cliolco lot on Virginia ave , $1,8CO NoGl. 1 oholco corner lot , oust front , on Vlr- Klnln ave , not far fioin Loavouworth , $1SOO. And Z lots next to the corner , fcl.COO No 20. A oholco lot on Park uvo , great bargain nfl.100 No 601. A flno lot In Lake's add , $1,700 No .83 , 3 of the choicest lota north qfCnmlnp stu oust front , flno etnulo and fruit trees , eaoli No 1P2LJ. 2 oiORunt lotson Virginia avo. north o f Loavonworth , ono a cornur , foe tbo two , 54,700 No ! )03. ) A oholco south front lot Iu HoJick's sub division , $2,250 No r > 79. A cliolco south front lot , 4 bloclis west of Park ave , nnd north of the park , f 1,230 No 240. i ! eplondld lots 2 blocks west of Park ave , and north of Hnnscom Place , ono a cor ner , a Krcnt Imwilii nt $1,300 No tots hi Oxford Plnco fiom $300 to $100 No 491. 3 beiiutlful soutti inul oust front lots In. Marsh's mid , near Loavcnworlh st , cheap , $2,300 and $2,500 cnch. No Lots In Hawthorn ndd from $500 to f900 No 55(1 ( Some oloprant lotson r.owo ave , " blocks eoutti of Dr. Morcor's ninnslon ; line vlovv , olORnnt place lor u line homo , nrlno Irom 1,00010(1,250. ACRE PROPERTY No. 403 10 acres near Tuttlo's subdivi sion , $3,500. No. 815 Acre lot in Park Place with 0 room house , $3,500. No. 417 A oho5icoaero lot in Tutllos subdivision for $3,500. No625. 15 acres 4 miles from the P. O , will dl vldo into 5 nero lots , ti bargain at (300 per uuro No. 37 acres fitono quarry and timber , 8 miles , from Omah , near railroad. A great bar gain. fl.QUO. No 538. 2 of the choicest acres In West Omalm uiuklnpr U lots , for a few days only ut the low price ot fO,503 TUC I HE Shown uii In Its peculiar romantic light Is ell woi th ( it luilng familiar to o\orl > ody , and u brief outline may Interest those who luivo not time to rend tlnough thomlnuthodo&urlptlon of u his- torlcul icoord. Yours two , when Omaha was a juoro Indian oiinip , and ourstriHits echoed fiom the war bonus ot ulld Indians , the chief ot a etarn ( that loomed whore our present high echoolHtandsllmd a wonderfully fair daughter fulled Malm , llelng possessed of many a charm , this Malm \\orshlppixl by the cruel Indians \tlth 11 iiirti ilevotlon , and especially , two yonntr Indians carried thin devotion HO far that It rlpenoil Into u warm love. One of thuso j oun limn vat mmnclully poor , but liitclluetuully rich , whllu tlm oilier was the poBsessotof worldly rk'tii's , but mentally poorer. Malm loved ilo.iily the tlrntone. but hurselilsh father liad made up his mind that tlio ghould marry the other ono or die. In tlio slleiidoofonomlld Biitnnior nlttht Malm and her trno lever tied , no- com | unlixl by ee\oral soldiers of the old stiirn that were In svmpatliy vlth Malm nnd her choice , and railed thenisol\os Onuunu or MaluiH followord , benco Iho name Omaha. They organUed tlunnsulved ami camiied near the ghoru of the Mhmnirl \ > hoio the present rail road bililKQ U located. Hosting upon such a ronmutlu foiiiidattiui , Omaha to day 1s irulnlng the admiration of the wliolo Union. Her pro- Cress him bet'it ustonUlilngly rapid and solid , unil her eltUuna lire noted lor thulr rollnemunt iviid liberality towuids every improvement. ThereI'oio \ > u Invltu eastofii pcoplo that IQVO plentyof flesh alrto come out and build tholr Iiomra In the Ualo Clljr. Head over llio biirgiiln lUt thU Mupk offered in real estate by otto of Omaha's successful business men unu convince youttelf. Improved Property. North j of lot 4. block 13 , K. V. Smith's add , with an elegant 7 room house , well , cistern , buggy shed , wagon shod , barn , choice fruit trees , etc , , $3,250 ; 81,000 cash , balance to suit. 4 lots 60124 , Isaaca & Sell's addition , with 7-room house , barn , etc. , ( barn alone cost $1,000 } 5500 barrela cistern , 100 bar rels filter , good well , fruit trees ; cheap at 18.000 ; S3X ( > 0 cash , balance on uusy terms ) . Lot -1(1x188 ( , cast front , south 10th st. 8-room brick house , cemented basement with wooden Moor , barn for four horses , well , cistern and out-houses , § 5,000 , ouo- third cash , bal. to suit purchaser. Lot 00x115 , on upper Capitol avenue , 3 houses with 7 rooms each , $0,000. Rents for $50 per month. $3,000down , bal.Byrs. Corner lot 00x115 , on 20th and Capitol ave. , with 0-room house In iirst-olasa con dition , $4,230 ; (0,500 cash , bal. easy , Lot 00x13' . ' , Davenport st. , with one 0-room ami ono 6-room house , $0,000 , , half cash , Lot 00x133 , cast front , N. 10th st. , with 2 elegant houses , $9,000 , one-third cash , balance easy. Full lot 0hl83 ( , on California Bt , , with nice improvements , $0,000 , one-third cash , balance 8 years , UNIMPROVED PROPERTY , Lot 10 , blocK 4 , Dupont Phco$700 ; § 100 down , $10 per month. Lot 10 , block 4 , Dtipont Place , $050 ; $100 down , $10 per month. Lot 20 , block 4Dupout Place , ? 700 ; $200 down , $10 per month. Lot 60x150 , Hanscom Place , east front on Virginia uvo. , $1,500 , half down , bal ance 8 years. Lots 40x140 , In Clifton Place , $1,200. . Lots in W. A. Rcdick's add. , f 750 ; $200 down. Lots In Dupont Place , $050 , $150 down , balance $10 per month , Hero is a good opportunity to secure a homo for almost nothing. Lots in Hanscom Place , f 1,750 , $1,030 cash , balance 2 years , Corner lot Ouxl8-3 , Chicago St. , ono 11-room house , one 0 and ono it-room house , stable and granary , cUtoru nad well , $15,000. Lofs in Sunny Sldo add , , from $1,100 to $1,300 , and also lota in Parker's add. from $ ar 0 to $000 , I hlivq also the liucst lots iu the iollowmg additions : Saundora & Himobaugli's , Walnut HUM West Cunpng , Uonneokeii'ri Addition , King's Addition , Kllby Placo. Orchard Hill , Lowe's First Addition , Uedford Place , Plain View , Kirkwood1 , ( Jarthauov i and the now second 'addition to Bedford Place , where a hoinui can be secured at extremely cheap ( igtires. Will have a now , beautiful addition laid out nuxt week , Come early and se cure bargains. Hoautitul aero property In the lovely Lovgron Park at $400 per aoro. Acre property iu different directions , within 3 and 3 ( miles from the postoflicc , $ -00 to $300 per aero. It will pay you to invest your money with us as we do not indulge in speculat ing schemes , but carry on a strict commission business , We invite you to call on us , and assure you a careful attention and honest treatment. J , A. LOVGftEN , Real Estate and Loan Broker 1504 Farnam st. up-sfairs. Telephone , 753 , MO'XOPOIA'S ' MIGHTY MAW , The Concentration of "Woaltb anil Power an Evil of Dire Dimensions. THE CLASSES AND THE MASSES. of Domain I'.ircolcU Out to Individuals Who Combine to Skill Xliclf Honofixotors nnd Defy the Mm C. HVfr/i ( n the /Mnntor Sctcncr .IfoiilMtf for Mostof the great fortunes of the United Status tlw e that are unduly great are ascribed to the rapid development of the means of transportation and the facility with which those means have bcou cen tered m comparatively few Imuds. The general sense of the nation is that this concentration of power , of wealth , is an evil , and thut it would bo much bettor if wo could have had the development of the transportation interests that wo have had with a greater dillusion of tlte power and. wealth that have attended them. The founders of our republic thought they were establishing civil institutions where enormous fortunes would be compara tively unknown. A hundred years have hardly passed certainly not a long tiniu in national life when the largest Indi vidual fortune of the world is accredited to the United States , and there are others that approximate this in magnitude , and man } ' of them dating back to loss than one-fifth of a century. In thu matter of private wealth , wo have clearly departed from the ideas of our fathers. In this departure is there adherence to the stem principles of republicanism with which our country started out , and have tho&o growths been fortuitous , exceptional , easily swallowed up in the general growth and prosperity of the country , so that the spirit of our institutions is unchanged , and are thos > o fortunes to bo dissipated in an early succeeding generation , and not to bo replaced by others of eijual or greater magnitude and greater in num ber ? The instincts of the nation are that danger lurks in any other solution of these inquiries than in the line of sup pression of causes that liavo made those fortunes uossiblo. Nor can the subject be dismissed on the ground that , in the de velopment of the use of the physical forees of steam and electricity that this generation lias seen , there is inherent this aggregation of wealth in few hands. The disproof of this is that in European countries that have enjoyed a like favor able development with ourselves in wealth , barring that which came from our virgin territory , sucli developments of the physical forces in their adminis tration and the accompanying emolu ments have not been centralized upon a few. These administrative ) emoluments , in the case of railroads , accruing to so few , may bo briliy summarized as follows : 1. The gratuitous distribution of stock to promoters and the construction of the railroad from the sale of mortgage bonds. and by defaulted bills for merchandise and labor. 2. Construction boards , corporations , committees , directors , made up of promoters meters who handle the cash realized Irom the sale of bonds and the credit which has been established for the prop- city , and who are practically irresponsi ble , as they report from themselves as constructors to themselves as proprietary directors. U. Express and other companies mak ing use of the franchises of the original company and its road-bed , and taking to themselves the oream of the business. 4. Rebates , drawbacks , and the various devices by which favored shippers are al lowed to u&urp the business of the road , or the bulk of it , in certain channels , and in which the profit accruing to them from payiug less freight is directly but the minimum advantage to them , as by it they may control tlio production , manu facture , and marketing , and real and speculative prices of an important com modity , and so , by eliminating competi tion and controlling speculation , draw enormous profits from the public that do not show at all in the simple handling of the articles sis f reiglit. J5. The property being corporate , and its ownership represented by negotiable stocks and bonds , and which have gone largely into the hands of the public , both bj the natural and inauimtlalcd fluctua tions which take place in the negotiable securities , those that arc "outbido" are at an immense disadvantage compared to tlio o that arp "inside , " and a perennial source of profit is at hand tor the "few" who have readied the advantageous posi tions. By possessing inside Knowledge of a number of leading companies , by making money in the loan market scarce or plcnlitul , Iho whole stock market can bo "raided" for the benefit of ono or more operators. 0. The wrecking , intentional or other wise , of valuable property through accu mulated mortgages and debts , and its reestablishment - establishment at a comparatively small cost to the now owners. 7. The consolidation of dillorcnt com panies ; those that are continuous on the same Hues ; those that are parallel and originally deiigiied to bo competitive , and those that radiate from a common centre or do the business of a particular section. To make ouo company of two or more companies , to cconomi/.o in admin istration , to make them probably more ollcotive , to eliminate competition , has boon generally unlocked for , and has added groatlv to the economic position and consequently to the value of the rail roads as paying properties. While the consolidation may bo meritorious , this has ailbrdod the chief opportunity for "stock- watering , " and is a Hold where Napoleons ot Itnance have specially dis tinguished themselves nnd enhanced their wealth. 8. The largo salaries paid high railroad olliclals is to a great degree only a legal- i/ed method of giving them an important uart of the emoluments received. Their positions being tree from the strain ot personal competition ami rink of capital. such as attend the business man , ami without the pressure of social expenses ami duties , such as rest upon the luirh government ofllclal , and frequently desti tute of requirements of export skill and professional knowledge , such as often command pri/.i-s of the highest kind , they are altogether without a parallel > remunerated po.sltions. Kleetrie , gas and other companies rep resent branches of transportation , of which railroads tire the great representa tives , and much in true of those compa nies that is true of railroad companies , and all stand on much the same ground regarding btilaiics paid to tholr high olH- clals and in their general cll'ccls In contrast to thenp advantages accru ing to railroad organuurb and managers , the advantages that are supposed to accrue by the organisation of railroad and all other Block companies , and to which prospectustia , however Haltering , arc oonlineu , are : 1. The prollt on the investment through rise in the value of the property , and div idends to tlioso who give valuable con siderations for slocks nnd bonds. 2 The indirect benefit that will accrue to other properties , and the public con venience and advantage that will bo derived - rived from tim operations of the com pany Whore legitimacy begins uud whore it ends in such organisation and manage ment is a question of casuistry in partic ular cases , but there has boon swerving enough trom whnt is legitimate to nnko it the startling and pronounced feature of American commercial life for the p.xU twentyliveyears. . As the result of such Illegitimacy , as the loading cause , what do we fitidf Wo find Polion piled on Ossa in the matter of private wealth. We lind the ideas of equality and sim plicity on which the government win founded stultilled in the house of their friends , Ao lind ftory 7.eal and many successes in making millions and multiples of mil lions , and the hardships of acquiring a competence , increasing. We lind a class that exceeds any class of ollicors in tlte government in tnn im portance of tenure and their power imporium in imporio. Wo find Iho individual less assertive than a generation ago of his independ ence , nnd the typical , prosperous cats Iho broad of dependence upon a cor poration , or controls one or more. Wo lind an important number of the influential members of the class that is and has been most Influential in this country since the organization of ttio govern mont , lawyers the only learned ulass active in niliiirs , ollicors of courts , the chief legislators and law-makers of the status and nation , the class from which tile judiciary is choien "re tained , " made comfortable In their in come year in and year out , without respect to the duties tnoy pertorm or the ollices limy hold , barring judicial posi tions , by the powerful transportation companies , Wo lind citizens , ofllcors , law-makers and judges overawed and corrupted by n power that yields no adequate subjection to the powers of the state. Wo hud a public senthnont alarmed at this situation , but almost despairing how to net helpfully. Wo find throats to deal with the matter summarily , and with precedents that it is the unexpected thalhai > pens , with knowl edge of the destroying power in human society of the ebullition of collected human pa sion , it is not the part of wis dom not to inquire into and to bo iudlu"- eront to threats : and such an in quiry is spec ! lly obligatory in n popular trovernmont like that of the United States. The status of transportation whether it is an all'air of commerce or the body politic , or part of ono and part of the other , and the ill-defined thought and lite uupronouiiccil action upon it marks the first point of the difficulty. Second , wo have a strong leaning to it as purely a matter of commerce , ' 1 bird , in the presence of a sentiment thai has at length reached public convic tion thai it is partially at least an alVair of the body politic , lias risen an embar rassment ol how to treat it as such. The embarrassment is greatly aug mented in the fact that wo are under a dual government of local and general au thority , between which the lines tire not clearly drawn , and which lias boon a burning question of politics , and many believe may be again fanned into a llamo. The civil war was latterly an affair of sections of the country , but the sentiment that led to it rested largely upon the question of local or general , state or national government , and manv have hoped that no serious point would over again in this controversy. While the railroad problem is not a matter wherein jealousy has been engendered between the states and the general gov ernment , it lists been viewed in the light of a matter between local and centralized authority , and so subject in some degree to the feeling or predjudice accentuated by the war , that was anterior to it. and tliat largely had its growth as a national ihsitp in the desire ot the south to potoct the institution of slavery. The result of that war was on the side of the general government as an ISMIO of local nnd gen eral government , as well as in the main issue , but on all sides the distaste is pro nounced for moro issues partaking of this character. From the view that transportation on the colossal scale on which wo have rail road transportation in this country , is in some measure u matter of government , it is plain now , and seems as though it might have been plain at any time , that it is too wide in its scope to bo treated successfully by the local state govern ment. There are two divisions of the subject from the national standpoint : The position of the government toward it as defined by the constitution. The general ground on which govern mental stands , making it necessary. Of what that action should bo , this paper does not aim to treat 1. The language of the constitution pertaining to the subject is , "Congress shall have power to regulate commerce with foreign nations , and among the several states , and with the Indian tribes. " Applying tills to railroads , the inter pretation commonly made is that where a railroad company's chief means of transportation , that is its tracks , extend from ono state to another , suoli railroad company comes constitutionally under the regulation of congress. The fr timers of HID constitution certainly hail no in tention pertaining to transportation in its present form that holns us to inter pret this clause of the instrument which they drew ; their intention only per tained to tiio wider generalization com merce , and must have boon suggested by arrangements ordinarily entered into by adjoining states that baa no federal bond. Such arrangements worn ohioily treaties , llonoe the constitution debars commer cial treaties between states. "Commerce among the states" is im- nionsoly wider in its scope than the moro transference of commodities or passen gers over the line of adjoining states. Any railroad or otlior transportation company that enters into tin arrangement with another transportation company for the movement of commodities or pas- sonsjors from ono part of the country to another ( and this can not bo done except by traversing dlDoronl stales ) is a partici pant in commerce among the states , and so amenable to the clause of the consti tution covering such an act. To claim that a transportation company must actually perform the act of transference from ono state into another is standing on the narrowest technical ground , and stands in a very subordinate and unim portant relation to the vital functions of commerce , ami would bo a poor Hung to real an important relation upon. The company that receipts for properly , or soils tiokoN to passengers , to go out of the state in which these acts are per formed , or which dolivon property and ttccopts pay for the transportation of such , which oanio from othgr transporta tion companies and from othur states , and whioh honors tickets for passtingt'iv ) bold by oilier companies in oilier Mutes , cnrtiiinlv participates in commerce among the htaloi whether its own prop erly and irack in wholly located in ono state or not. 2. The special .surprise that has taken plaoo in regard to railroad transporta tion , oulsiilo of its mechanical ull'ucuiainl tlii is true of ctlior to transporta tion ) , it > the tendency to centralisation of management of interests that at the out put appeared to have no special con nection or that were distinctly Hostile. Kailmadb sprang up at llr t in nub- Borvienco ot locnl mUiruMs , and Jiavo been welded and are being welded to gether in subservience of general inter ests. The logio of economy and public advantage has overridden tlioindlviduali- ties of men , the strifes Ot communilios , Iho ignorances and prejudices of the public mind. Kail road management be comes less and lens local , and moro and moro an nll'air dictated by even's and beyond the grasp of any Onii mind or any number of minds that can act in unison. The great names iu railroad atl'airs are not irreal by reason of overpowering genius , but by reason ot the consolida tions forced by events , -the elimination of the men representing the smaller in terests , nnd by Iho concentration of power in the hands of him who by l > u superiority over his associate. * or co potltors , or by something fortuitous , I L comes the representative of the combim < t interests. The public niintl ( lees not grudge traonllnary rewards and power to get unit great public service , but it i-iirnl1 ' to see such thrown by the hand 6fJ t ctimstnnco3 into the hands of actuated by personal aims. When < ti i a condition of things grows into a lional system , when in substance i . pircs in domain have been ] ) : irceled < < to n few imliuiihuiK when we su * , a lew indivduttls tire absorbing the jjti ' ing wealth of the country , ami iierh < . , more the past acquisitions ; when a | . tocraoy throntons to booomo great w t' ' political narties , to wield moro ) ) o and become superior to the chosen r scnUitivcs of Hie people , il Is high tin ; < sifl Iho character of their tenure , to m- nniro whotor wo have beeomo n niitlo i liombt tos I'uriosos In civil uflu- , whether the Kourth-of-July oral" v of past generations was a mere o\ . citation of Uio cerebrum a > I diahragm ) ) of budding orators or tin tionary wind bagswhelhor If 1'rovldi has favored infants , drunkards , > md i-1 United States , as 1ms boon intimated i j our Kuropnan fellow-men , has it. . i ' withdrawn or is it not rapidly withdraw ing. its favors from the United Stai - . . While Kuropoau nations have been grow. Ing toward a greater dltluslon of iv. > l rights , in the United States tliasoverig i r oitho Individual man has declined , ud wealth and a class that wealth eroa s have become known at the polls ind n the legislature ; and the courts themselv s tiio vary Ilowor of the virtue and intclli- gohco of the jieojile ire strongly charged . iu some cases with coiitamlnatiijn. ? L O UK CONGr.UlMU ) KLXT WKK1C. ] Don't dist'ust everybody by hawking , blowing and spitting , but use Dr. Sago's Catarrh Uomcily and bo cured. WILLIAM PITT KELLOGG. Ucinlnlsoeiicos or Ills Checkered Career. The Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia Kecord writes : William Pitt Kellogg looks sad. I thinks ho misses politics. Ever since lie determined , forty years ago , that ho would not bo a clergyman ho has boon in. politics up to his eyes. But now he has crawled out upon the dry land of real estate speculation , and lie seems lonely and regretful. Kellogg is a very inter esting character. Ho is a Vor'moiitor. you know , and has all the grit and wit HI the best of them. Ho is , and always has been , a very hai.dsonio mail o\- cepl when ho holds his head down. His curly hair am' ' his line mustache are whitening now , but his uyc.s are as bright and his complexion in as clear and fresh as over. I suppose this is largely due to tliu fact that Kellogg egg has always taken eight hours out of the twenty-tour for sleep except possi bly in ono or two supreme emergencies of his career 1 don't .see how he has boon able to sleep half the time , for his life lias been as exciting as that of u sol dier in constant service. If lie had not slept , however , ho would have diet } . An insomniac could not have gone through one-half his experiences. Few people re member now that Kellogg wan once on the bench ho is such a stalwart nartisjiji that it seems straugo that ho Mipitld evqr have been a judge ; but lie was chief jus tice of Nebraska when the war broke out through the friendship of DavlU Davis and Abraham Lincoln Thou Governor Yates appointed him colonel ot an Illinois rogimcut , and he fought his way to Louisiana to bo appointed col- looter of the port o New Orleans by Grant , who had commanded him when ho first went Into service From WOO to 187C lip hold the reins of Louisiana pol itics in his hands , and drove as ho pleased. In 1870 ho made Hayes presi dent. .John Sherman and Win. M EvnrU members of the cabinet , and , Stanley Matthews u justice of the supreme court ot the United States , to say nothing of the thousand and otic men who. got other places in consequence of his political burglary. In polities , however , the re ceiver is never as baa iis the thiet. In fact , lie may consider himself so njuch better than the thief us to gradually como to ignore him as a person ho would no't like to bo soon walking with. 1'olitlcally speaking , this , is about what happened in Kellogg's caso. The republican monkeys were willing to take iho chestnuts ho pulled out ot the tire for thorn , but they wanted as litllo to do with him as possible. Weil , now they ought to bo salibfied , for ho scorns to bo quite out of politics now , and Is quietly buying eligible building lots in Washington .iusl as ho was qulolly buy ing eligible builcliiiff lolcs in Omaha when Governor Yatcs called him to the war. You would think that ho had for gotten twenty-five years of his life , but ho hasn't. I wish lie would write what ho remembers of them , but ho won't. ' At least not just yet. _ The best regulator oi digestive organs and and the best ujipeti/.er known Is AIIKOSMII'U JilttorH. Try it but boxvato of Intltatloiin Got Irom your ciocor or ilntgulht the gcnulnt article , manutnuturcd by lr. J. G. U. Siegers > Sc Sous. Cowboy Illdcra. Huflalo Bill in the Philadelphia Nowst The Knglish style of riding a liorso , which 1 noticed is much \otjuoliurc , i4 very showy , it will not do for lonir dis tances. It is too hard on man and beast. Lot any ono try to ride a liorso fifty miles at anything lilcoVi pace in this man ner , and both ho and his animal will ho used up at the end of the journey. It is a constant pound , pound , pound on thq saddle , nnd the percussion in too muoh for a horse or u man to stand , The Hurl of Dunravon , and numbers of other noted I nglkihmon who hunted with mo on Iho plains , rode that way at first , but they soon saw , as ho said , "what bad form it was. " and learned to ride cow- bov fashion , "really to their own comfort ami thai of their .steods. "Wo arc all wrong In our ideas ot riding , Hill , " said tiio earl , when lie had mastered Urn Ameri can stylo. 1 feel sure that after Iho Wild West lias been in England throe months you will see a revolution in the manner of riding over thoro. How do wo got fiucli iwrfcct fcoatv Uy gripping our horne with our knees and legs , sitting low and accommodating ourselves to every motion of Iho animal. It becomes - comes hucoud nature after awhile 1 can toll every move that a homo intends mak ing after I have boon on its buck llvo minuloH. If you waut to KOO how Iho ait of perfect riding ) b acquired , watch our little Indian boys playing on I lie burros uud ponies. Mho in-lant Hie. } got near them they mount them. When limy are bareback Ihoy ] iae no way of holding llioinnulvcn on except I'J gripping with the Knee. Their legs are not loiigoiiouxh to catch under the round of llm aiiima. i barrel , and a six jcnr old youngster uii stick on like wax. 1'urify your blood , tone up the jstem , nnd regiilali ) the dlgtMiva organs ly taking Hood's Sursi.parllla. Suld by all druggibtJ. K-'l Interim of Muirlmoiijr , One of Gcorgu LuwU1 young men , when escorting homo u fair dunuu ) . asl.od her what sort of "money" aha liked bust. Of oonr u , iho blushing bo.auty In- bluntly suggested ' matrimony. " "Whul interest does , it bring } " inquired the man of law , "If properly invested , " ftiltorcd the charmer , "if properly invested , it will double the original block every two years. " _ There is no attraction like u beautiful skin. 1'ozzoni's Complexion 1'owdui given it.