JL . "The " ) % York Herald Cable HE The Omaha Bco BeCotves the Specials are "Wired Direct to the Omaha Bee , New Yoik Herald Oib'e ' SpeoUls. I SIXTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA. SATURDAY MOUSING , JULY 3 , 188G.-TWELArB PACES. NUJMBEK THE IfTLE ! / WAXES WARM. The Despciazo Struggle Tor anil Against Irish Home Rule Progresses , TWO NATIONALISTS ASSAULTED. Dnhlln Unl\cr Iiy Htiidonts linn Itlot mill Pi event Panielllto Speeches Gltdstono Klertecl Troin Ije ( Opinions oftho Prcaa. PnillnniPiiinry Election * . LONDON , July n 1:40 : a. in [ New Yoik Herald ( ' .iblc-.Spccl.il lo the Hir.l-All : the morning papers pass by eveiy topic brides thu GlcKtlon ne\VH. Kach side claims that yesterday vvasa "Ulaek 1'ilday" for Its oppo nent. The Post , that last autumn on the lust return day rang the death knell of Hie Par- ntllltcs this moinlng says : "In Ihe face of theselesnlts , wo ask wheie are the lorty M-als which Mr. ( Hailstone expects to snatch irnm the lory party1,1 Jt Is never well to ciovv before one Is out .if the wood , but It seems fiom vcstetdav'sietui ns they are rapidly be- tomlnginvthlcal. " Tlio Tclegtaph claims that the geneial ehaiaeterof the retuins Is undoubtedly fa vorable to the stippoiteis of the union. TheCl'ionlele Invites attention to the faet that the union aalnsate exclusively ruiallsH and the mlntsteil.il gains cxe.uslvcly cities wheie the Irish vote is l.uge. The News says : "The gtext flzht be.an yesttiday and lias not gone badly foi the gov ernment. Mr. ( il idstone Is lighting with ono hand tied behind him , owing totho whole' t-Rloil'-st-itlon ' of fnlr weather hieiuK Hut Mr. ( Jladstoue , tlius partially disabled , Is strongci than any three other mon in full pos session of their stieneth. His unshaken neivoand splendid pluck aio everyvvht-io animating hlsMippoiteis to tlie light. " On the othei hand , the tory .Stand- in d begins Its leadci : "The icstdts of yester- d.xv's pollln. aie higlilv eiuoui.iging to the unionists. Thu net gains , it Is ttue , aio not considerable , but the balance Is distinctly on the right side. It must be icmembcrtd that If the unionists hold theii own , 01 lose less than 111 teen seats of the e they held at the dlHsolntlon , Mi. Gladstone will have been cleleatcd.1 The 'I lines completely loses Its temper and attaels Mi. Gladstone in eo.use terms. It , however , claims "thu election was decided vcsteiday , though giving no conclusions. The nmueilcal advant.ucs to elthei side ate very enconrgliig to the unionists. Kai fiom olTciing anv indication that Gladstone is going to sweep the couutiy , as hlsliicnds have been piedietin. , they show that even with thotiansfei of the liish vote ho baiely holds Ids own in the boroiit'h. " now mm I-ASSI-D orr. Gladstone has been leelected foi Mid lothian. Up to 1 o'clock tills iittciuoon tvventj-two toiles , nine unionists , twelve llbcials and tlneo Parnellltes have been elected. Parnell and Mam ice Healv. ( I'aiuelllte ) , have been leelettul to icpie- fccnt Coik City In the commons. They vveio not opposed. The most desperate eketoral stiugnle be tween thu ( iladstoncitcs and the unionists ended to day b > the utter lout ol the l.ittei .in the p.irliamcntaiy diatilct known as Leith- binghs. W. Jacks was lelmncd to the last ] ) .n llament as a legulai llbenil by a mnjoiity ol 3b70 in a total poll or SS , > IO votes' . Ho opposed the homo lido bill but was , never theless , consldcicd Invincible in ids dlsttict and was nominated in the piosent canvass ac ) a unionist to eouttnno Ids opposition to the piemlei's liish policy. Jacks' hostility to Gladstone nugeied thousands ol Scotchmen ot Leith , but they lookid upon theli opposition to him ns hopeless , and weie tumble to obtain n cm- ilidatc to oppose him. All tho-e mentioned lor the : si.it deilined to inn. The toiles. In oidct toemphasl/e the unionist opposition to the ptemler , withheld opposition , and lelt tbo Held cleai to Jacks , so lie might go back to the commons with ix laigelv Intie.iscd urn- joiltv. At the lust hour allowed by the law the lllieial manages ] nominated ( ihulstono hinisi > ] t us their ( .uiditl.ito. Thus equipped ( iladstoniaiis went tovvotl * This was so dlecllvo that Jatks became sc.ned and todav wlthdiew trom the held ; leav Ing thu Lc.ith membership to Gladstone , w ho was elected without opposition , This , with his Midlothian distill i alvestlie prcmlci two seats in bcothxnd. Ho will perhaps < boose to sit foi the hitter and sele < t a lella- blumauto lecoiitesi Lelth with thoassni- aiice ol hiu cess. At I this attci noon fifty-one conservatives , ( en unionists , titteen ( iladsloneltes and seven I'.iiuellitcs had been elected. P. J. Power ( I'uinelllte ) was elected to lopiesent the east division \Vateifoid. \ . Mi. ( Jitln was elected lot Kilkenny and Mr. rill.citon for Galvvay. Piitilck baislield and Hugh Johnston , tuo Pnint'llltes , who uudeitook to contest the two seats belomilm ; to Dublin unlvcrMtv iigalnst lion. David Pltiukett and lit. Hon. Hughes Holmes' , both lonseivatlves. who had them In the last pirllament and weio noinlniited lei them In the next , were jeeied txiul hooted to-day vvhcncvci tl o > went by students of the unlveislty. The latter at ono time attempted to mon and diivo tlio homo nileis out ot the dlslilct , which Isa gieit lory stionghohl. I'lunkttt , tiownvet , pievciited the contemplated out rage. Tno I'aineilltes stood ( belt giound nnd made a pliuky contot , althotmh the btudents and toiies thwaited cu-iy effort on thopait ot the candidates to inike speeches by diovvnlng their voUcs with gioatis and hools. Mr. Siisileld's scarlet gown was pulled away tiom him and tlnown to the mob , who tout It Into small pieces. 'IhoKtudcniH thtevv lotten o cs at Johnston mid batsiicld. The eonsei v.itivo candidates vainly begged that tlie nationalist candidates ho given a lalt heating. The students , sing ing "God Save the ( Jiieen , " kept up mi up- 10,11 tm thiee houis. 1'lnallv , bv a show of hands , tlio provost declined riunkett and Holmes elected. Tlio poll , howcvei. was do- nianded , and the piovost ordered tliat the poll be taken next week. At Up. m. lifij-two conservatives , seven teen GladstonlanK , ten unionists , and eight Parnellltes had been it-turned. 'Ihe tcntuio of to day's polling is the great niimbei of abscntations. In neaily evoiy case thu votes am cieatly leduced In number , It m feaied that to dav'w polling will depress the liberals. The icturiis up to 1 n. m. show the election of t'b ' toiles , : > 0 Gl.iiMonluns. W nulonlsu and U Parnellltes. Tlio Jesuits of yesteulay's elections Jndlcato nothing eleaily oxcent the close nalineot the contest. The union- Jsts maintain the lead owing to the number rctuined without opposition , 'llio letutns fiom botomhs ; so fur contested show the bilnneu of the parlies , ( iliidstuno'M deniin- clttloii of the unionist landidatu at Caillslo prodtue , thu it-tin n of the ( iladstonlan nominee , but Mi. t'alne , although opposed by tlie- opposition Inlluemo of the piemlei , sue- ) ccdedlu llniiow , Ihe latest total of memliers re turned are : 1 < > iics. ipj ; tnilonlsti , , 14 ; llheials , Si\ . Mr.Calnphas been 10elected lor Uaiiovv by 1-iOJ miijdltj. ril.VMlll III.AI V T VI KsOAIN . riiamberlidn , hpcalvlni : tit Illunln lnm : lo- night , tnld ihcy weie asked to tuist the pf o- jilc , bu ( I he in oi ile vveio being tiicKcU. Ic- ! L'lalltti : Olftdsfono's statement that the masses vveio with him , Chambeilain said lie illil not believe the democracy had gone mad. .lit- did nut think the i > copte of Lugland , out of jiuro palely of hunt , vvoiiki tun the vast . ' Cbanibcihln willes ; "I do not brlloro the torlfrj ars pledged to coercion , f bellove the lory Ie rter , are vv Illlng to go much fin ther In the coercion of local t'overnment foi It eland Hun hliheilo. " ai.AtisioMJTo iuv. v\ii.srr. : . plai'dtotto bus Issued u manlU-Mo to the WeloUelectort In which lie says ; "Thn Is L ( ioi thA tlrst nor the truth tlmo that tin. ories have lalscrt a aj of ulaim and pre- Ucleu the ruin of the empire. Thiv 'ave ' eo dt U all Ihetrllvw. They haitlvvijs ral od tliat cry when tho'o creat and peed measures weie jioiiosed which have made tlioncp Illustrious tneieform of parlia ment , the abolition of the coin laws of sla very , of religions tests. of clinreh ratec. and of the li Kb church , the freedom of burial Itfvv. tlio defense of tenants' rights , an1 many other peed me.TSines. Which did they give to you ? Wldeli did tliev not oppose and cry down asdestiiietlve of the constitution and the thionc , of icllglon and of prosj critjV" Gladstone has telcctailiod as follows to Thomas O'Connor : "I shall watch join combat In Llvcrjioril with gnat inlnrcst. I hope tin- liberals will vote to a man lei stippoitlng the nil im portant and absoibing policy ot the go v em inent. ' ' DI-III I- VIM t ) ion nt ontxin n. ( ieorfie Keynocli , the nrlndpal mcmbor of litelar c rllle linn in lilimiiighim , who is the ton c-indidate for Astou Minor , in a Bpcech last nltht stld If the loyalists of Ireland weie obliired tonpix-il to arms , ho himself would be mepiird to contribute , within forty-eight hours. 10,000 ns good rilles as vvcio evci made , together with ' . ,00n,00 ( ) cartridges. 'lids lennrk vas received wllh deafening enters by Ids anditots. Hot ion Ailstorrnoy. LoMON.Inly ' . ' . In the dlvoico cn eel Lady Campbell against bet Intsbind , Loid Colin Campbell , htth son of the Dukoot At- gyle , the defendant to day applied tothedl- voice couit lot peimlsslon to have stricken from tlio plalntilT's pe'ltlon the | ) aiagiaplis charging lihn with "adnlteiv vith persons unknown. " The com ) it-served decision on the piavei foi a loitnU'ht , ami in the mean time will lead the. whole coiicspondenee and nil iillldavlts sulimitted by Lord Colin Camp bell in his suit to substantiate Ids chatges that Lidy Campbell has been guilty of adulleiy with tlie Duke ot Marlboioiuh , Cliiei Fire Commtsslonei bh.uv , and others. Pnrncll's Body Ouard. Lovnov , July 2. Painell iccelves Ictteis cvoiyday menanclng htm with hijiny or as sassination for his eltortsjto "dismember the einpiie. " He has not , however , solicited police ptotectlon or called public attention to Ids pollens position. He Is cscoito 1 everj- wluielie Koes In Ids campaign work by a bodyguaidof iieis'tual ' Inends , all stalvv.ut voting lilshmen , who say thev leel pcisonallv able to take c.ue of him and themselves. AtTiiIrs in Servla. VIISTVJuly' . Advices fiom Hcliado , tliecipit.il of Scrvia , say that the Servian peasantry generally are liotiiig. They rc- lused to pny taxes levied since the unsuccess ful war against Hulgarin , and ill treit tax collectois. Thcit hostilitv to Milan's gov- einment Is continually fomented by the op position party. Spinning MlllH Itnrncil. LONDON , July - ' . The Wa'son spinning mills at Klddermlnstoi were destroyed by tiie to ill ) . The loss Is S" > 00,003. One thous and peisous weie thiown out of employ tnent. Victoria Uc % lows the Troops. LONDON , July 2 , The queen to-day ic- \levvul the t mops at Aldershot. The weatlier was bright and clear. The town was ciovvdcd. THR AXAUOIIISTS * JUUY. Some ofthc rireil Jurjnieix 'loll Why They Won't Serve. CinrAOo , July 1. [ Special Telegiam to the Hi i .J The accepted juiois for the tii.il of the indicted anaichlsts aie not pctmlttcd to lead the newspaper accounts ol the scenes novv daily enacted , or talk to icpoiteis. With tlie talesmen excused , challenged peremp- toilly for cause , or otherwise "Hied1' ttom the couit loom , the case is different. Some of tliCfcO latter cou veifio ficcly coiicenilng the piospeetivo tiial. "It's a cleai case of 'you'll bed d if j on do , and you'll bo d d il you don't. ' No matter what kind of a vei- diet Isioached , the jnroison that panel aio bound tolind themselves In a sweat box. I see the bailiffs appear to think that the news papers ought not to publish the questions and answers , au it gives the talesman a tip. But it doesn't toqulio a nowspaparto pound com mon sense Into a man. Von sec Paisons and Spies cveiy day taking notes , don't yon' . ' You suppose , at least some of the papcis , ha o piiluisliuij the statement , Iliat tlli'y aie prep u Ing speeches to the olfnt the jury at tlie close of the trial. That's all llubdtib. 'Ihov aie makinir memoranda of the names , residences , mid dcsciiptlon of tlio juivmen. What forV Why , 1 believe the conviction ot any of these lellows maiks the jtny for no llttlo trouble. " "No- " said another talesman , "If all the annri hlsts ol Chicago vveio cooped tip In that court loom , theio wouldn't bo the least dim- etiltv In securing a gocd jury. Hut tills ttlal won't end the mattei. you maik my wouls , the fury Is bound to disigteo. ' ' "I don't want to sen o on the anaiehtst jmy , and I don'tc.iro who knows it. " eon- tided a young business man who had been dismissed. Ton ste , also , that 1 am not alouo In niv MOWS. Dangei' . ' Ot course there's dangei to any man and any man's business who signs a verdict either way. It's a kind of semi-political tilal , you Know. About two bundled and eighty men have faced that question so tar , and you see the it-suit live accepted juiois. " Tnlkinc Independence. MOMIIIIAI. , July 'J. The Canadian Inde- ocpcndcnco debate was resumed In the Young Men's Kefoiin convention , yesteiday audit was moved that coushlciation ol the question of Canada's Independence be post poned until next jeai's convention. The motion vv.is can led. Hesolutlons weie adopted stating that this convention is convinced that a settlement of the respective llsheiy lights between Canada and tlie United States will not provcsatlsfac- toij unless the policy ofKnglandin negotia tions is based on the recommendation ot the Canadian govoimuent ; piotesting nynlnst tlio encioachmentH of the fedci.il govein- ment upon the lights ot provinces ; dcdailng that the lights of the piovlncu of Manitoba under the Hntlsh Not Ih American act tochaitei tallways within Us boundaries should not beinteifeied with ; no member , .solli llor 01 employe of n corpoia- tlon seeking 01 tecelvlng land or moneys , subsidies oi other pecuniary advantages fiom the government shall be permitted to sit or vote In , paillamenf that this convention is htipnuly in ( avoi oi u ticaty of iceiproclty with the I'nitul States. A motion to abolish the senate was can led by u voteol M to SI. Itesolntlons tavoilng the appointment of n boaul ot arbitration weiu also passed. Another Aineiiuan Vessel Scl/ed. U.vi.ii'.vx- . S. , Julys. A telegram fiom Shelbourne , Nova Scotia , to-night states that the dominion crulK-i Toner this afternoon foi mally seUed the Poi Hand lishlng schooner City Point , which was foiclbly detained at blielbouino for an altegid violation of the jlsherles treaty. The vessel Is to bo taken Intovvhaif at once , but the authoiltles will await instructions from Ottawa before stilp- pl uglier. HAUFAY , Jul > 3. Consul General Phelen has iccolved Intelligence that llio sel uie of tlio Portland lishlng schooner City Point at blielbournn was caused by her captain allow ing two men to land with their clothlinr before - fore hoiepifrted at the custom house. Tno vessel has been placed In dock awaiting or ders Irom Ottawa. ICUlcd by n Desperado , CIIUVI-NNK , Wyo. , July 3 , [ Special Tele- Kiam to the Hii : : . | Deputy Sherltr Dave lj > jd , of Johnson county , was killed on the 1st on Powder river by a noted desperado , Sam Baker , Lojdvvent to Uaker's house to Mimmoii him ns n vv Itncss against an alleged horsethk'f. Bakei's wife opened the doot. Lend bU'j.ped In and Baker shot him dead. Baker surrendered to the onicers and claimed the Mlllng was done through a mistake , it be- In--'night. Ho supposed that Loytl was one of hUcntmies trying so get the beat of him , fourteen Mres Lost. Wtr'Ki.i ito , July 2. As n result of the -adlollUloii ! jctturilayfour cenloittholr HOW THEY DEAL WITH P4YNE Two Reports ou tbe Alleged Bribery by the Ohio Dooclla Senator. ONE WILL HANDLE HIM GENTLY. And the Other Will bo Pierce and DC- niinclalorj Indications That Sen ator r.xlr Will lie Dcrentctl Capital News. Those Htlticry Oliarges. W.tnxiToN ( , Jnl > 2. [ Special Telegram to the Hi.r.J Intense inteiest is shown In the foithcomlngieporls of the senate com * mittco on privileges and elections on the hi Ibcry case against Senat ir I'.ivne , of Ohio. Mr. I'ogh , of Alabinn , is preparing the ma jority repoit. It will be an ailisilc plcco of whitewashing and will hold that no evidence was pioduccd , oilier than ciicum tnutial , and that that was not strong , nor of sufficient collusiveness to w.xiiaul an Indictment b > the < -enatc 01 oven the consideration of a proposition to Indict. The nilnotlty repoit will be a stioug nno , compilslu < a full and teise levlew of all the tcstlmonv picsented to thocommtttce and all the coll.iteial evidence promised in event an Investlg.ttion Is or- deied. It will contain much new mattei , will be veiy lengthy and deal with the "Loodlt-rs" of Ohio , with ungloved hands , benator Sherman , ex-ovcrnor ! I'ostei and Kepiesentatlves Littloand nntteiwoith , of Ohio , will contiUnite to it , and ij will be the lieieest and most damaging arrangement ever undo of a great and eonupt political combination. As soon as Chahman Hoar letinns from Massachusetts , which will bo some time next week , hMvlll begin his com pilation and will complete It a'j ' soon as pos sible. Both of the reports aie anticipated with much iiilctest hens as they ate in tended to have a powciful political effect , not only In Ohio but thtonghout the countiy. run wn t. UK iti-A iI.N. The latest advices from Nevada at icpubli- can hcadquattcrs hero indicate the election of a it-publican Icglslatuio. This means a republican successor to Mr. I'.tlr , and will oftsct the loss of Mr. Haitlsen In Indiana , wheio the Icgislatino to be elected this tall will , almost to a eeitululj , be democratic. Fair is in Nevada now aoing what ho can to 'ccure his rc-elejlion. lie s.ijs he will spend SWO.OOO , If necessai } , to succeed liimsell. John \ \ . Mackev Is heading tno opposition to Fair. Miickey ( toes not desire the soil Idui- scll , but Is detei mined to boil I'.ilr. Should ho succeed In doing this It is expected that ex-Scn.itoi btevvart will bo chosen as Fair's suicessoi. HONEST rroni K vni : OI.AD. When the president sent woid to congress that that bed > must nu.inge its date tor ad- iouiument and lix its business so as ( ogive him plentv ut time to e.uelullj examine all ot the bills passed beloro signing them , a good dexlot complaint waslu-aid liom both demociats and icinbllcans. ] bim.e they h.ue hid time , however , to think ol thesuzKes- tion , they take bettci to it. Heietofoie theio have been twice ave , live or t\vcnt > times as many bills pissed dining the last tow Itoins ot a session as the cldet executive could lead , anil neeess.uily he signed man } width did not meet Ids appioval. Kveij- thlng was postponed tint could bo until the exp.rliiKhoui , andth.it bcc.uuc the season foi ctooked lecislallon. This Mi. Cleveland pio- poses to bieak up , and the honest people aio glad ol H. wn n SIM-POUT TIII : iMtnsini.M1 , The demociats In tlio hoiisa and senata have snow n tlioli Ictltv to the adiiiinistia- lion by iclusing to assist the it-publicans bv passing bills ovei the ptesident's veto. It was believed that thov would no with the ic- publicans when it came to the pension bills , but thoi icfuse to do so. They eudoise tlio piesldeut's vetoes and will reliain ( tout help ing to undo what ho has done.Vlien the pensionbillsweienp.it hist tlio democrats votid lot them , almost nulveisdly. Now that the bills have been vetoed thev'say that they cannot impugn fie motives of the presi dent or luteifeio with his pieiogttivcs. 'Ihc lepnblh.ins aio smptised , disappointed , in dignant. TIM : rtnu.vcii WIDKXS. It was icpoitcu on jlonday , when Mr. Kan- dall inttoduccd Ids tanII bill , that.i compiom- iso had been eftected between him and Mr. Moulson , wheieby the lattet would scctiie tonsideiatioii ot tlicnicasuie , but itislcaiucd now that the bieach between these men is bioidei and moie maiked than at anytime hcietoloie , and that there will not onlv not beiepoited the liaudall bill , but that Moul son w 111 cut It all to pieces and lepoi t a Moi- il on bill somewhat a la Pennsjlvanli st > Io. The ft lends ot Mi. Hind.dl sty th.it it Is an Insult toi Mr. Moiiisou to woik the bill ovei and lepoit it gieatly modified , and that it would bo moiolespeetful to not touch It In the committee on vva > > and means. I he bill will not come ti ) ) in the lieu o at all. wi'siEUN' POSTAL cir\xoi : . John A. Williams has been commissioned P'isimastoi at Covlngton , Neb. , and I * . IX Finch at Fliichfotd , la. A postollito has been established at Ken nedy , Chenv county , and Iavid , I. 1'ierco appointed postmaster. An older atkcting the seivlco on the Rtai mail lontetiom Ueaver Crossing to bewatd , Neb. , was issued today as follows : From Jul ) li ? , embrace and end at T.uuoia , omit ting Sevvaid , dcieaslng ( the distance seven miles. Then Inue.iso st-rvko to six trips a vv eek. Cliingcs have been oulered as follow sin the tlmu schedules ot the bt.n mall iciutes In Nebraska : Willow Spilngs to Old Leave Willow Sjulngs dilfy , excojit Sundays , at 1 11. in. ; atrivo at Old by 5p. in , LeavuOrd dally , ex cept Sundays , at a o. in. ; anivoat Willow bpiingsat Um. Uisiiiaickto West Point Leave Hlsmarclc batnidays at 1 p. in. ; arilvo at West 1'olnt by 4p.m. Leivo West 1'olnt Satmdajs at Da. m. : anivoat Uisuurckby Urn. Heaver City to Danuiny Leave Heaver City Mondaj s , Wednesdays and Trld.xvs at 1 n. m. ; anivoat Wllsonvlllob.v Op. in. Leave Wllsonvlllo Mondajs , WednesdajMand Fti- da j sat la in. ; an ho at Heavei City bv 1'J in. i.eaveVilsonvlllc I'ue.sdiM ) , ThuisdavB and butnidajs atO:80a. : m. ; anivo at Danbury - bury b > 1'J in. Leave D.inbury Tnesdavs , Tliui > dis ; andSatuidajs at 1 li. in. ; arrive \VHsoii\lllobj \ 03) ) p. m. Ililln Anproved. WAsni.vmoK , Julj 2. The president has appiovcd the diplomatic and coiisul.u appro- ' piiiitlnn bill ; the act authoil/ing the henl- son and Washlta Valley Itailtoad companv totonduct and operate a lailway through Indian territoiy and a number of pilvato pension bills. lie also vetoed one private pension bill. 'Ihn house coiumltteo on In valid pensions resolved to pass over the presi dent's vetoo the bill granting a pen sion to Andiew Wilson of Now Voik Lawler to-day reported the measure back to the house , giving notion that It would be called uj > io-inonow. It appears fiom the lopo't of the committee- that Wilson was dratted Into the atmy , notwithstanding his allegation that ho was snlleiln Irom deaf- ne s and an cvo complaint. In the sen leu ho contracted [ iheumatlsin and kid ney disease. and on which ho based his application. His application was rejected by the pension bureau on thegiound that ho was disabled betoio he cnllsted.whlch was also the reason for the veto. Tlio coni- mltteo take the position that under the eli- cnmstanccs the govemwcnt U stopped fiom setting up n claim ot in ior disability. Law- ler. member of the Invalid pension committee ) , also icpoited back a bill gtantlne a pension to C. W. Slier , with lecominendation that It bo passed over the piesldeiit's veto. This Is the case of u Louisville policeman whoso appli cation for a pension was on the { 'lonndof beluga dependant patent. It was denied by the pension bureau ou the gionnd that the dependaucy of the claimant was not estab lished. Oliolora Appears.1 WAsmxu-io.Y , July 2. The Marino Hos pital bureau received Information through the state depaitment that six deaths from cholera occurred at Dune ami four cases and two deaths at Flume , jestcrday. iinusty ; SIIAKCX UP. Frightful Cxploslon nt the Atlantic Powder Works. MonitisTowN , X. J. , Julv 'A A teirlble explosion - plosion took place this moinlng at the Atlan tic Cilant I'owdcr works , situated between McCalnsvllle and Drakesvllle , New Jersey , resulting in the lo s of ten lives and Injury to ten 01 twelve others. The explosion took place in the mixing house. Thcloisisnot known nt pu-sent , but will \cryheavj. . The concussion wnsfcltdtstlncllj for twenty miles mound , and glass In houses five miles away was shattered. The cause of the ex plosion will iirolnbly nnvor be known. A double foicc ot men began work at 7 a. in. today , so Hint business could bo suspended fiom Saturday until 'Iticsday moinliiK. The explosion oecinred In the mixing room. The building was blown Into splinters and frng- incuts of the bodies of worKmen were picked up f > 00 feet fiom the < cene. Some pieces w ere t.iken Irom the branches of a tieemany yards away. ' 1 he latgest portion ot a body > et found will not weigh llfteen pounds. An Immense excavation was niiido where the building stood , and the devastation Is appai- ent forr X ) tect ineverj diiectlon. The following Is a list of the mon killed : Chailcs Jackson , Joscpli N" . Klniier. ( U-oigo Ammciman , Oeoixo Ilinbill , Theodore llrjan , Chailes Mllbinn , ( leoigo King , .lolin Smith , and twobiotliers named Lanbach , Ttin Tlio Proscoutlnn Occupies tlio Day With Itchuttitl. DrsMoivi.s , la. , Jnlj 'i. In the Impeach ment couit to ( Hy the tliuo was taken up b > the piosecutlon in rebuttal testimony , calling as a witness Mis. Laura Uenj , aclorkin Auditoi Hiowu's ollk-e , who heaid thocou- veisatlon between Vail and Ajics , in which Vail said ho only p-iid Ids clerks S ! , while ho chaigcd the companies S" > , because thoj vveio Incxpei It-need and lie was obliged to teach them. 1) . W. Smith , a lotmer deputy state treasuiei , testliied that the warrant to pay foi the fcTO postage used by llrivvn was paid by waiiants drawn on the eleik fund. U. r. btewait , Hrovvn's denitty. testllied totho dlf- teient anionnts lecefved bv him and what at- r.xngement Hiown had made with him for an incicase ol salaiy. They made a sum total of 84,770. while the salaiv allowed bylaw was 100 , per je.u. Of this amount ; it70 : was received fiom bulk examinations. He also testliied that the wariant stubs were un intelligible as far as stating explicit ! } the KIndol seivlceloi which they werodiawn. The VetPi-ntiH * llctinlon. Four Mvnisov , la , Jul > 2. The reunion ot thesoldleisof southeastern Iowa , held at this place to day , was one of the largest evei known In this pail ot the state. An address of welcome was delivered by Hon. J. 1) . M. Hamilton , and a icsponso by lion John Irv in , of Keokuk. To-night dllfctent amuse ments will bemovldcd and to-monow ( Jen- eral Worth will deliver an addiess. Kxcut- sioits aie hero from many p.utsand the citj is thronged with visitors. o National Teachers' Convention. Toii.uKan. . , July 2. [ bpecitl to the I > KI.J : Tlio National Council ot Kdneatlon will"hold Its session In Library hall , this city , commencing July 8. Theoidciot exercises will be as follows : Thnisday , July b , atb p. in. , Larkin Unnton , L-L. 1) . , head mastci of the Hostou normal school , will pi > a tribute to thecharactei and educational services of Dr. John I ) . Plill- btick , for many jeart , the supeilntcndent of tlin Hoston schools. Friday , July 0 , at9a5 : n. m. , the lepoitot the committee on clementaiy education will bo read on the subject of text books In olc- incntniyschools. Ati : p.m. tlicjeport ot the committee on city school systems will bo given on the subject of "Pupils Classiiica- tiou , Lxauilnation and Promotion. " On Saturday July 10 , at U.0 : a. m. , will be niveu theiopoit of the committee on techno logical education ; subject , "Pedagogical Value of the School Workshop.1' At . ! p. in. , report of committee on educa tion of girls ; subject , "Technical Ti.xlning ot ( Ills. " Monday , July 12. at 9 : ! > 0 a. m. , lepoit of committee on higher education ; subject , "lllghei Institutions Keiudied. " At ! ) p. in. , icport of committee on peda gogics ; subject , "Tho Function ot the Public bcliool. " Boj cotters Sentenced. Nr.vv YOIIK , July : ! . The convicted bojcottcis on Tliclss , piopiietoi of a conceit g.uden , weie ariaigned in court today foi sentence. Judge Hauett inado some strong icmaiks to them on the lawlessness of the cilmo ol which they vveio convicted. Ho said this was a violation of the peace of a countiy that welcomed foreign born citizens ; to a conntiv thatoftcied fiecdom and ptlv- ileges of light ; Miey had violated public lights and opinions , and their ollenso was not short ot blackmail. 'Ihe dlstiibution of ciiculars beloio places at business was a conspiiacy and was punishable as such. Tlieh conduct. It unpunished , would lead to savagely. Thej may have been misled by bad advice , but their counsel should have lebiiked them. They did tiso money tor their own advantngo and this palliated the clinic. Wo aio told tli.it it lias been the custom to lob in thatman- nei. He would not Iui ) > ese the full penalty ol the law as they vvcio woiklnumen. The jndgo then hentouced Paul \ViIt/lg \ and lleiny Holdoif to two jc.iiriand ten mouths at haul Jabot ; Michael Stioh and Julius Itosciibeig toonoveai and six mouths Im- pilsonnient : Daniel Dauenliauscr , the most violent of bovcotters , got three jcars and elglit months in the state piison. Another PciiHlnn Afuto , WASIIINOIOX , July 2. The piesident to day letuincd to the house without approval the act granting a pension to William Hoone. It appc.us that Uoone , who had never made application for a pension to the pension of- llce , enlisted In August , ibn-j , was In an action of November of the Fame year , and was taken prisoner and at unco patoled. Dining his paiolo ho took piit in a Fourth of July telebr.ttlon at Amora , III. , In 18U3 , and was tenibl ) Injuied by the dlschaige ot a cannon which he was assisting to manage. In lovlewlng the case the president sajs lie is unable todiseovct any illation between the accident and mllitaiy scHvleo or any leasnn why the pension Is granted as pio- posed by this bllL There should not also bo pensions granted to any ot the companions of the claimant vvhochfinccd tube injured at the same time. Swelling the Parnoll Fuuil. DIITJIOI J.July 2. When the second read ing of the home-ruin ib'lll was defeated In parllament.lt was promised that 31,0JO would bo sent as campaign expenses foi each Irish mcmbci voting foi It. The following cable dispatch was fentfiom hero to-da > : " To Parnetl ; Five thousand pounds more transmitted to join trustees.ho league In Ameilca moro than made good It.s engage ment. CIIAIU.KS O'Kui.nt , Tteasuiei. " This makes in.ouo or SbS.OOO sent by Dr. O'l ! illy within nweek , or Sl.OJO foi each liish member who \ote < l with Parnell tor the second leading. The IJIeht Hour Jny. WASiu.voro.v , July 'J. The Hist coni ] > - ttoller of the treasury made a decision that when a laborer , workman or mechanic em ployed in any of the executive departments mo teqnlrcd to work moro than eight hours a day they are entitled to extra compensation foi extta woik , nnlev thctels a contract with the head of the depaitment to the con tnuy , The decision applies ( n only the three classes named and not tocleiks and other employed. For the Mississippi Coininlaslon. WAsuixf.io.v , July tJ , Senatoi d'ibaon tonlay submitted a proposed amendment to thosundiy civil appioprlatlon bill to aupio- prlato SlOO.OOOfor the salaries of traveling and olllco expenses ot the Mississippi i\cr | \ commission and the assistant tugiutcis undei U. , iX INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT , Kearney's ' Great Oanal Flooded With Water From the Platte , DETAILS OF THEGRAND SCHEME. Its PouotH Until I'or Practical AVork niitl Pleasure Close ofthc Genoa Indian Training Soliool Ttic Clirxutnu < | unns. Tlio Kearney Canal. KBAIWIV , Nob. , .July 3. | Sicrl.il | to llio Hin : | The meat topic heic uoIs the canal Into which the water was let a few davs since , and tlio old tmlea niul nonelleeis ! have been foiecd to acknowledge , by actual demon stration that water will run down hill. Having sho\\ii that the scheme is a success , thcpeoplc In the vicinity arc u.itinally very enthusiastic , nnd populai opinion Is that Keainey Is on the edge of a boom , such as never has been it-illzed In the hlstorj of the west. And this Intcinal Impiovcmcut Is In directly the caiiso of It. Youi coi respondent diovoout and m.idca pci'-on.il o\ainlnntlon of tlie working of the ontcipiisc , and lonnd It to bo a much linger uff.ili than Is supposed. In fact , It Is ix gigantic deal and l vvoithy of inoio consideration than the people have Riven It credit foi , The c.ui.il leads oil fioni tlio Platte ilvci at a point sonic sixteen miles nbo\onnd west of toMI , Is about twenty feet wide and four feet deep As It leave ? the ilvcr It bc.us to the north and follows Its course along the blutfs of the 1'latte valley. At sevoial points along these bluffs thcic aio "canj oils" or * 'di.ivvs ' , " setting back some distance , and the canal ciosscs these. In so doing a bank of eaith Is thiuwn upon the lowur side only , which allows thcwjter to till these "dr.xws" and In some casts the water sets bick for two miles with 'an ex treme depth of about hfty feet. 'Iluio are three of these large canyons , near town , which serve as resetvolis , and will holdast amount of watei In icsctve , which iibsmes a complete success niidei any possible need. Along the line of the c.ui.il tliere arc constructed ' 'oveillows" that will allow nnv sin plus watei th.it m.iy comedown these "draws" to escape withoutcntlatinet- Ing the embankment" . These "draws , " as they till with the Platte il\ei watei , ate \ciy pltttnesiiue , to siy the least , and aio the largest - est hikes found In thestatc. The ou nlon is expressed that this w ill some day , in the neai lutuie , become famous us a smmnci icsoit , foi the facilities for boiling , bathing and llsldiig me lenlly fascinating. The state lish commission have leeontly stocked these lakes w ith thousands of youngsters , and largo cat and other \.ulptles havo.ilready been caught as they tun in fiom the liver. Mi. 1'iank , who has the key to the canal In his pocket , Ib iccelvlug inoie applications for watei power than hecan accommodate , and many otitcrmising manufacturers aie soon to locate In Keatnoy. bo much demand lor power has caused the management to con sider the advisability of making the canal laigei , stud no doubt the tnptcity will be doubled in another jeai. Muenciedlt Is due thepiojeetots.ind pusheis of the scheme , who me all Kearney men , foi they have slm- plvdomonstiatcda point that other towns along thoilvci may take advantage of. In following the gieat enteiilse | up to the Likes.i distance ol two 01 thiee miles , we pass the great lefotm school. The Holly water works company have lecently pin- chased a one-third inteiest in the canal , nnd the people aie voting foi city watei. bevoral USlalciijfates" are being put in along the line for Iilgatlon purposes , and the wholoar- langcment picsents an air ot stability and common si use which will give moiemibstan- thl suppott to the state than any Inland Im- piovcincnt thus tai dc'linoiteil.j Graduating Good Indians. OI\OA : , Neb. , July2. [ Special to the IJp.r.J The closing exeieises of the Indian training bcliool at this place were held In the main eliool loom of the building. About two bun- died invitations \\ciosent out to ft lends of the Institution , and when the opening hour auivcd the largo loom was Idled to ovei- tlovvlng with an aupioclotlvo audience , many having driven Irom nelghboiing towns , among whom vvcio about twenty peisous fiom Columbus. At 8 o'clock the oxciolses commenced , and a veiy entertaining pio- giatnmo was well tendered by the childten. who , by tlieh piolieiency In speaking 0111 language , and tlio able manner In which tnuy piodntcd the orations , songs , cssiys , etc. , showed t lie careful ttainlng lliey had icccived tiout the faculty In charge of the school. These childien have only been at the school toiiitilllo ovci two yeats , and the change that has been made In their appearance and dcpoitntcnt since coming hero Is iciimkahlc , as when they anlved here they were almost in aptlmcv.il state , a largo number of them not being able to oven speak the English language , and nonoot them hav ing an > edu cation vvhatovci. Tlio man clous changes wlikh have been made show that out gov ernment Ins a gtent work to do In elv Ill/ing these watds of tholis , and theio Is none thai will redound MO much to their credit when executed. In the end the countrv w ill bo the gainer by it , as the ehlldicn , when their edu cation Is received , will become ublu to sus- tnln themselves and fully qualified to cope with the duties of lite , while the bent-lit they willdciivo therefioin is incalculable. A l.iruo mead of praise should boawauhd Superintendent Chase lor the manner In which huhas conducted thoalfahsof the in- htilution , nnd also to the tcaeheis who have so ably assisted him In the discharge of the atduotib duties to which they have been as signed. IJut the care and attention which theylnvo bestowed upon them piovolhat they uro enlisted heattlly In the woik , and thai they ate ably ( jualilied to 1111 their posi tions. New buildings aio soon to be elected , and It IB honed that the proper olliclals will boon t.iko the ncccssaty steps to have tlio bullditu still further onlaigcd and give the youus Indians who are giovvlng uji in the agencies a chance to bt'enmu law-abiding clt- i/ensoioui gieatieiuiblic. Tlio Day at Crete. CIIKTI ; , Neb , July ' . ) . [ Special Tolesrnm totho UKK. ] The outlook this moinlng for the assembly Is still vciy eiicoui.tglng. The weather signal ptomlscs us good weathet , and Itceitalnlv isas sunshiny and cool as one could wish. In enthusiasmminilH'iHaml Inter est , the assembly continues to increase. The eaily moinlng train biought many new ar rivals. Haclcmen vveio over beforu 7 o'clock , bringing w Ith them additions to the Dumber aheulyhero. The ic/nlar ually meetings will begin In earnest. The platform for the music class was well lillc.l at the appointed hour , led by Mr. 1A. . Ulcker. .1 thoronzh alul capable leader. At 0 the Intermoillato noiinal class was opened by Jtev. J. I ) . Stew art , frank Beaut then Uu ht them In MA Interesting way for a blunt tiiiio. Ho Impicsscd upon thelt minds the fact that theio w010 two district classes of boys the good and Indttstilous , and the la/y and shirking boys. Ho strikingly Illustrated his point by a specimen of each of the two kinds of boys , di.ivwi on the blackboard HO true to life that they evoked a goo.l deal of Iiu0'hter , jetjustiiscuitalnly uudo all feel theilllferenc't. ' Ho held the clojo attention of the ehildrcti horn beginning to end , "I'ansj" took chaise of the primary class , assisted at the blackboard and oignn by her son. The noimal hall was lilloltolts utmost capacity and peoplociowdid about the door and windows eager to hear and BCD this Inter esting siMukoi. Jlei volro was clear and dis tinct , and she captivated the heaits of tlio chlhlien by her inteiusting and winning manner. Uev. A. K. DnnninggAvn his class a blaekboaiil evcrelso on tlielilo of ClnUt. WAfJocIock p. m. the graduation suivices of the t1. L. S. 0. took place Itev. A. K. Dunning made the open , ing piayu , iitui which Piofebsor ti S. Holmes pir c-ntci1 - the ccitlilcates to the gr.nluites with appioprlato romarlllio prmlmtrs who were present were lllla K. Klce. ( tcorge A. .loplfn and Anna Marks. ( Vrtlflcates wetpnlio tobeglvca to Mrs S ( ' . long\vorth , ( loodrirh 11 Hurlbut nnd Kiuiiia li Kellojtg , all ot whom vveio unable to bo piesenl. Dr. I.vman Vbbott gave the addros * . sub ject : "The Demociaoy of Learning. " It was a tieat foi all who hid the pie isiito of listening to It. He laid very little stress on the ineto teehnlcal , as it is often called , book education , while the hltrher and better edu cation waslettont. Ho closed his addioss bv urging all who were not alieady members ot the ( . ' . I , . S. C. to become so. At 4 o'clock "l.un " talk > gave a , not a lertuio , to the primal } to.irhen In the glove. Kev ( leorgo T. Allneeht. of Omaha , super intendent ol thocriiian ! inNsions who ar rived on the grounds vesteidiiv. received a telegram tell'iii ' ; him of the sudden death of Ids little sou. He. with Ids wlleand son , Imd biielj time to leieh the train foi Omaha. Kov. A. Iliuss , Ids wife and two childien , came on list night's train A meeting of the stockholders was held at the pavilion att o'clock this afteinoon. At the opening of the evening's service , Miss Coia ( Sales , who Imslouz ta'mht ' niusle at Donne college , sane a beautiful solo , "Illid of the Mountain , " Mi. 1' . I. I oss. iiiesulent of the asscmblv , then gave the people . .xeiy coidial Invitation to' visit ( lie oWivatory connected with Ho.tuo college to night after the set vice and Inspect Hie heavens tlnougii the largo trlcscnne. Tlioleduio then given bv li. livmixn Abbott on " 1'ho lndustil.il devolution , " vvasgi-und. \\asall\e ques tion tieated in a live manner. I'ltomiAMvii ion io-viniiiiovv. 1'iavei servhe at ? : . > 0 H m.atalk ; bv li IA man Abbott on "The Old and New The- ologj , " ntb o'clock : chains class at the sime houi. Theilllleient not mat classes take up the lemalnder of the moining. Mis. Alden ( "Taiisj" ) will lead an unpublished Mon , il lustrated bv Ktank Heaid at the blackboard , at ! i o'clock p. in. Mrs. Alden's talk to the pilnmij teixcheis at 4 o'clock. Chants 10 hears tl at the suite hour. I.eetuie with views up the Khlne fiom lierlln b > Chatles K. liolon. _ Chiiu'li HIIJH Dnniage Wlieat. Cm sTi.n , Xeb. , July 2. ( Special to the UKI : . | Mho ( hineh bugs have been making gtc.it havoc with the spring wheat. Some ilulds aie eutlrelj destroved , otheis gieatly damaged , and scaicelj any lett untouched. When the biurs get thioiuh with llio wheat thev attack ad join in , ' cointields and are dam aging them to some extent. Hi. i vmi.nr , Veb , Julv 'i [ Special to the Hr.i .J 1'iospccls for nlf kinds nl ciops.uo good with the exception ot wheat , widen the chinch bugs aie taking to some extent. HI.IIIIOV , Neb , .lily 2. [ Special to the Bu.l : Ctops have needed lain badly foi some time until hist Satuiday , when a co pious downpoin eame to theh icllef. Wheat is sutlciiuj liom tliedepiedatlous of chinch bugs , many Holds having been taken entirely and not consldeicd woith harvesting. Coin Is grow lug ilnely , and although sninll for the season of the yeai bids fail to make a good crop. Store llublicil. 15iATtici : : : , July 2. [ Special 'lelegram to the Hi K. ] The drug store of Clancy Smith at this place was entered by umglars last night. 'Jhestoio was thoroughlj ransacked and a couple of do en bottles of line Ihmois , seveial bundled eigais and about twentj-hvc dollais In cash taken. The lobbeis gained entiance tlnough a cellar window. No cine as jet to the peipetiatois. After the HnniiO'N , Neb. , July 'J. [ Special to the ISr.i : . ] A oiotlici of iili Owens , the Ijnthcd rapist , who Isa respected fanner llv In ? six miles east of Hebion , icttnned fiom Iowa last week , where howasnt the time of the hnching , and , it Is said , has detectives at woik looking up the Ijncl'eis. Ho says he will use up Ills two fnims tracing and bilng- ing tlio Jjnehcrs to imnishment. Can Celoliralo IVItli Spirit. Kinnni-.s-sAN , Neb , July 2. [ Special to the lii ? : : . ] A great tiuio Is expected hcio to morrow. With a piospeet of a bountiful crop and geneial good feeling the nationil annlvoisaiy will bceelebiated with the usual splilt. Wcallier Poi- Cenetallj fair wcathei with stallonaty teniciatuie. ] Rates ICslabllslied. Ni.w 1'oni , , Jnlj U. Tlio trunk line exec utive commilteu and e < iiiui.il jnssenger aaents of lines east of Chicago , held a joint meeting lieio to dxy. Tlio question of i.des cast of Chicago w as discussed and an acree- mentwas eiitcicd Into , dating July 1. by which full tales will bo maintained on all loads this side of Chicago. If the wcstein roads dinoso to cut tlnough i.lles , they will have to pay lull late east ot Chicago and stand t'io ' loss. The Haltlmoie iV , Ohio com pany wasdisciissed but no action was taken. Othei business oLaioutlnc iiatuio was tians- atted. A'Svv indlin Drnninier. Nivv : Yonic , Jnlj ' . ' . A young man named Clatk , claiming to icj > iesenl Joidan , Matsh tCo.of New Yoik , Is cndeavoilng to con sign millinery and laney goods to inllllneis and diess makers In Wisconsin and other westein states. When ho takes an older ho informs the eiistomei that tlio goods will bo shipped In a walnut case , and he collects &IW in advance for the ease , tltu same to bo t.xkei : out of the account .liter the sales are made. Aflet the ease is p dd for ho Is not heaid of again. .Joidan , Matsh A ; Co. nevoi heaid of his exlstcncn. A ninul ; ItuplHt Hunt ; . CiiAtir.oi n : , N. 0. , July 2. Fi .ink Oaston ( colored ) was hanged to-day at Salisbury In thepiosoncoof a laigoeiowd for i.ipo upon a whlto woman sonio weeks ago. Ho as cended the scallold with a linn step. Aftei the singing of a hymn and prajer , C.aston confess d thotilmo in a rambling speech and asked the Hheillf to exeento qnU kly. His neck was not bioknn bj the fall and ho stiangled to death in eighteen minutes. The cnlpilt showed no signs of feai. 'llio li.ivarlan Cnlilnot Mt'Mf ir , July S. 'llio cabinet , of which Ii. Ilaion J. Van I < uU Is piesldent , has le- slgned , Care for the Children Cldlihcn feel the debility of tlio cluuglng seasons , even more than adults , and they be come dots , pecvUh , and uncontrollable , Tlio blood should bo cleansed and the system lav Igoratcd by the use of Hood's Karsajiarllla. "Last Bprlng my two children wcio vaccl. nntccl. .Soon after , they hi uko ( ill out with run- nlut.sores , go dreadful I thought I should losu them. Hood's Buroap.irlUa cured them com pletely ; and they have been healthy cvtr since. I do fed that Ilood'tt bnsaparllli saved my children to me. " Jilts , 0. L. XitoMi'so.v , West Warren , Mass. Purify the Blood Hoods Simparllla Is chanoterlzed by three iicculljiillc3i Itt , the combination ot remeillil agents i 2d , the proportion ; 3d , the proem of inuring the active medicinal qualities. The result Is a me dlclno of unusual strength , effecting tuics Jdiheito unknown. Bend for book containing additional evidence. "Ilood's Harsanarllla tones up my system , pin lilts my blood , Blnrjitus in > nmntltei , and MtflllS tO llUkU IIIQ OVir. " J 1' . lllOJU'dClh. .UeKUtvr ol Deeds , Lou til , Mass. "Hood's BarsnparlllT beats .ill nthci * . and northItiwclulitIniinld. " I JUijii.xoro.lf : , 1-013auli btrttt , New Voi k City. Hood's- Sarsaparilla Sold l.y all ( JniKglsts. | Islxforf5. Madr onljbyai.HOOD & CO. , J.o rll , Ma's. IQO Doses , Ono Dollar. The Senate Fimlly Passes tlio Leglslativo Bill After Much Discussion , TALKS ON THE CIVIL SERVICE. The Ilouoo IeclIcn That the O < neiti nictitVIII Not Pny Tor Dunks I'or Vlslto IH ( u the Xaval Aundciny. In tlio Scnntc. W.vsittvjioN.lul.v ( 2. I'ho amendment to tlie legislative apprnpilntlon bill for an addi tional clerk lor the civ II setvlcc commission was opposed bv Mi. Vance , who lenmrkcd that If the commission was un.xb'o ' to do any meie btisue.ss | it would be so much the bet ter. ter.Mi. Mi. biiilsbmy looked upon the civil scrvlco oommlsslon , fiom beginning to cud , as n useless piece ot in ichlneiy. If he hxd his wav , ho would n p'al tlio law. Mr. Vooi bees said ho luul never bet-n fey the law , slecplugor waking ; but while It was a law. ho would tieat It laiily and irlve It a lalrchancc. If theie was any good In It , ho hoped the good would mine out. 1'ho fact would be made m tnlfest In due time and the people would piss upon It. Mi. Ingalls did not \\ondei at Mi. Voor- hees being in lavoi of tlie civil seivieo law IH admlnlslcied by the demociatle puty , and heiimdcd limn a statement ol the cominls- slouei ol p-usioiis that out ol seventy-seven men appointed by him under the elv II service rule , seventj two wcio demociats and the othei live \\eio ot unknown politics. Ho had no doubt that II the eleiieal toico of tho' ' commission Imd been sulllelent the politics oC theuthei live \vould \ have been found out and the men would have been Icmocrats. Mi. Vootlieesd'-tended the commissioner of pensions and commended the practice ofi thetwogreat p.ntlcs of putting thelt own ad- hctcnts intoolllce. Still Ins would no moro cut down tlie foico of the civil service coin * mission , or denv Its means of giving the sys tem a fair ttl.il tlrm lie would vote to cut oft supplies Irom an ami ) in the lieid , even if ho did not appnivool the policy of vvai. The commission was discharging Its duties , and he was tor upholding its hands in n liberal and piopei splilt. Mi. Hairisoii siid that if the civil servlco commission needed any additional clerical hell ) ho was willing to give it. It It should be tound , howcvei. that ( he olllee was In some wa > admin steied so as to give it a par tisan tin n , so that while things vveio pioinls- ctiously and fairly thiown Into the mill , nothing but demoenitlc tesiilts came out , i ( would be timeenouh then to iitiangc the commission and hold It to a just lesponsi- btlity. Mr. Haw lev said that the interests of the countiy demanded a lesoluto and peislstent attempt to icicli immovcmtMits in the publlp service. Altci a tluec-yeai's trial , ho bof Heved the bill was stioniici now In tliu uublld icsncct than It was when It was passed. It wits tone expected that Mich a law would bo Imporkctlv executed. Messis 'lellei and Dawes vveio In favor ol the law , and Mr. Call ommsed it. 'Ihe dib- cussion then closed and the amendment was adopted ! iO to 11. Tlio au endmeiit increasing the salaries of the assistant tieasnrei at It.iltimoie , and also at Hoston , beyond tliu amounts In the house bill , gave rif-o to another discussion , but they wcte linaily.agiced to. ' 1 lie amendments inciexslnu the compensa tion of the commlsbioiiei ot pensions fiom 4000 tofl.COOwas icjected-ai lo .T. The vote was subsequently iejeluded nnd the amendment agieed to without division. A like amendment as to the commisslomr ot p itenis was agieed to 'Jl to 1 ! > . The amend ment Inci easing tlie compensation ot the solicitor of the tie.is.my fiom 51,003 to (51'JOO ( ' vas u-jected. All amendnienls being voted on , the bill was passed. 'Ihe senate then took tin the ihcr and Imr- boi ap ) r.ipiiation hill. Betoio the leading ol the bill was concluded , li. Kustls called up the icsoliitions in connedlon with the death In this clti , on the llth ut Mnich hist , of Hon. Midi-xel Hanahan , a icpiesentatlvo fiom Louisiana. Attci the dellveiy ot enlo- | glcsonthe life nnd charactei ol the de ceased by Mesbts. r.ustisand ( ilbion ihoie'-o- lutions vveio adopted and the senate ail- joutncd till to-moriOw , The HOIIHC WAfiiiNiTOJulys Mr. Pay son , fiom tliocomnilttcc on public lands , icpoited back the bill forfeiting lands gtanted to ceitaln soutlicin states to aid in the constiuction of i.ilhoads with the hcnato amendment excont- Ingtho Onlf Aibhlp Island 11111101(1 ( from the teims of ( ho foilcltiire. M r. Pay son said that the committee leoommended ( oncnircnto In the amendment The Hill , as amended , would foifeitthu lands oC six railroads , audhcthouchttluitBlic-sovcntha of a loat was bettci than no bicad. Mi. Anderson opposed concnricnce. Mi. Weaver cndoised Mr. Anderson's re- maiks and favored sending the bl'l ' to p con * feienco committee. Mi. Adams thought that the amendments should bu non com uried In , as ho paw no ic-nson foi excepting the ( inlf .1 .Ship Inland lailioad fiom the operation of tlio bill vvhlCli applied to othei lallio.uls In UMictly the snino condition , 'Iho amendment was agreed toM \M \ to ! ! 7. On motion nf Mi. Cobb the senata amend ments vveio non-umcuired In to tlio bill re pealing tlio me cmptlon , timber cultuio and dcscit land laws , and MI-SSIS. Cobb , Mtono ot Missoml , nnd Payhon weio appohrsxU 83 fonleites. . The house went Into commltteo or the whole on ( ho geneial dellcieney bill. Theio was nogoueial dcbatuand the bill was lei th- with lead foi amendments , Mi. C'aunon oileied an amendment making an appiopilatlon foi the najmenlof claims of the Pacllie Mall btexmshlp eoinpiny tor the transportation ot tioops to I'anam.i In June , 168T ) . He maintained that It was llio duty ot congiess to pav thlselaim , which had aeeiued by IIMSOII of the otdoi oi Piesident Cleve land , nndei st dnle , M-nding ( loop * to Pan ama to pint oil tlie pioncuy of Ameik-an citl- /eiiK. Not to piovldu the apiiopiintlon ] would cast u CUIIHUIC upon the nrctddont. 'Iho amendmeut was agiccd lo TO to13. . The clause nuking an iippiopilutlon of Suitor dellcieney in thu o\peuscs or the bond ot vlHltotn to the naval academy in June , lvv > . bavins been u-ached , Mr , liurneri sent to the cleik's desk and had read a voucher submitted by the dlsljuinlug olllccr of Annajiolls giving an iteml/ed statement of the extmiiHes Inclined. Mr. Dlngley otlend an lunemliucnt ] iio- \idlng tliat nonool this sum , oi otlmr appro * pilnllons made by congieiH foi thu oxpcnst-a ot the board ol vlsltom , Hindi bo used to pay lei intoxicating Ihiuois. 'Iho amendment was adopl'1' ! fl > t < iU. ) . After iinibliiiiK loitj-thifc < if the hundred and nineteen pagesot the bill , the ( ommlttoo lose and the IIOIIMI tooU a leiess until H o'clock , the evening session being foi the consldeiutlon ot pension bills. KVI.Nl.Nd fil.hhIUK. At Its owning session the house got into a dcad-Io ( ] > , and without tiaii-acliii ! any business , at 11. r > adjonrncil. Vrrdlcl A nlnHl Iho U. P. OJII.M.NM : , Wvo. , , July 8. ( Special Tele gram to tliu lli'.is.j A ypcclal verdict was lendeied tudty In the cnAOS of James Mo- lirhle vs the Union r.icIllcallowlngMtiIJiido 8r,0K ( ) foi an Injury icieivod while In tbo deli-ndant'ri emplo ) , lint snlinilttiiuiinestlons ot law to the com I. xvhlch will not uc decldbil befoieJnly 11) ) . Mclhldo was pualyid and loat Ids sight by a heavy weight bolng allowed to pies4 down on him In the ma chine simp lure. A HljrtlHInr Dies. MIN.NT. vioi-oi.is , July - . ' . .1 , A , piesident of the National Millets' i on of ihu United M itus , dll'd ul hid cottugo i1 I i1 o MlMttonlut till" . incHiliiir. DeulU ni c.i iM'il oy ( .ituoi In the bovvulj , front i c > . i.b has. iifcn tulltilu 101 a loin ; due/