8 TI1E OMAIIA DAILY BEE : MUDAY , - , iSSG. GAllIERED IN THE CITY , Julins Fe&tner Arrested nnd Jailed in Ohi- cago-'Partictilars of the Affair. NEW MAIL CONTRACTS LET. A Hiiilinml'R StrniiKC llsniipcni-anoe -The Iluhlo Cnic AKiiln Army Notes Small Jlnrslnrlei General i'olluc nnd Court Nous. Tltroxvn Into Prlion. It tiansiiircil yesterday tlmt.hilhis Vcs- ( ucnvho lins rucuiveilan uncommon &huo : of the public attention lately , has been nr- iT lctl In ( . liiiMgo for dobt. Tlml nmlor the laws of Illinois any such thing .should be iiossitjlo is surprising , but It Is nevertheless true , as Mr. 1'cstnor'H friends arc propureil tel l > rove 'J'hn story of the nfl"ilr : as given to a Mm : reporter b.v u frlutul of the family is this. Wlillo in Chicago ° his wedding tonr about two months n o , Mr l-'estnor saw a magnificent xitlu'r In the show window of a large music store. Jlc dotprminetl to become the owuur hereof without further ceremony or delay. The music dealer know of the young n.an'rt father , and when Julius ap- iiro.iehcd him with a request to buy the y.itlior on credit , hn allowed him to take the instrument. Before leaving Chicago lie momihed faithfully to remit the price of tin * instrum-nt , ? -l'W , so soon as he should reach Umuha , upon the eloio of Ins wedding tour. As is well known Biiic-o his return here ho has h.id trouble1 , both in his family and business iilKiirs , and tins been in no position to pay this o bliiiiilion A day or two ago ho ob tained .some money from his lather auit started for Chicago. Hero ho was seen by the music dealer who had .sold him the x.ither , and that gentleman promptly had him arrested. The nominal charge ngalnst him is supposed to bo that ot obtaining goods under false pretenses , but it is a very doubtful whether such a charge will be admitted by any court , ns a ground for criminal action against Fcstner. He lias been released on bail and N. J. Bnrnham of this city has been sent to Chicago to adjust the dilliculty. One of the friends of Mr. F. C. Festner the father , said yesterday that gentleman was deeply grieved over this matter , as also over several other escapades w.nich have brought the son into unpleasant notoilety of late. It has been no secret for a long time that young Fcstner i s mentally unbalanced and his father ex presses a determination to place him in a private asylum , with the hope that a cure maybe allectod. Mrs. iScitlm Foitncr who has applied for a divorce from him , will probably secure one without contest on liis part , as no answer to her petition for separation has yet been filed. CHANGES AKOUND. Sonic Now Ollloinls In the Store keeper's Department JCall Notes. Yesterday important changes were an- nouneed in tlie btoro-kcopers department of the Unioir Paeilic. The circular on the Maine provides for the abolishment of the olliees of assistant general und division falorokocpor. Mr. J. J. Burns retains ills position as chief of lire depart ment , but C. W. Pratt is made store keeper of all divisions with J , P. Pringlo and J. H. Stalibrd , as his assistants. Air. K. ( J.Conno r is made chief Inspector , vice C. II. McKibbin , who is made engineer of tests. Mr. II. U. HodgOs is made chemist. Car Commissioner Thompson who re turned Wednesday from Chicago , said yester day at out the fait limited express soli erne : "Tho limited express will tin- don btcdly bo put on , though just exactly when we are nnableo t say as yot. Some of thn roads whose olHclals 1 consulted in Chicago seemed to favor it while others no not. Still tlio plan has assumed defi nite shape ami it is safe to bay that it will be carried out. The particulars as to time of running the express , etc. , have not yet been determined. " I.1MITUI ) ACOOMODATIONS. Wednesday evening the 0:10 : o'clock dummy for tlio Hinds was detained iforty minutes at the Union P.icilio dopotby ; ; a freight train of thirty-live cars , which ex tended almost from Sixth street to the bridge. The freight was unable to enter the yard at this side. Track number one was occupied by a couple of Union Pacilie cars ; track number two was hold down by n M. P. train ; number tlireo ac commodated a freight train which was out in two nt Tenth street ; on number four was another freight likewise split at tlio hamo thoroughnr ! ; the overland passen ger was on number six waiting to buck over to the Hind's to start across the con tinent , while on tlio remaining track , tlio block yards dummy blocked up the way. The Council liluils dummy was crowded , and it contained , an extra ear- also. Nearly every person on board was destined to the east and bent on catching the trains across tlio river. The latter , however , were telegraphed and waited nearly half an hour. The overland was behind just about tlio same length of The impression of nearly all the rail road men who were spoken to about the matter by a Hii : : reporter , was that the yards are lee binall to accommodate the bnormous amount of trallio which the Union Pacific now enjoys. At the pro- bent time , Iho yards have but ono en trance on the east , while they have two on tlio west. Tho.latter are not in so great demand as those near the bridge , and yet tlioy are too far away to allord immediate relief to a biiddon influxot trains. When the new bridge is completed - plotod , this annoyance of blocking trains will , in a measure , bo avoided. The structure mentioned will have a double track and enable the handling of nearly double the number of trains now used. It is probable also that the yards will bo widened by enlarging the via duct at Seventh street to the same width as the yards , thomselvcs.and by In creasing the tracks on the western outlet across Thirteenth street and no to tlio double track to four instead of two which are now there. Some of these changes will bo ollected. no matter what may bo done with reference to proposed now freight and passenger depots. NOrr.S AND I'KHbOKAl-S. The morning newspaper which an nounced the arrival of Division biinorin ; tcndent Wurtelo in Omaha , and printed Borne startling utterances of his on the fast train scheme , Is a tntlo ' 'oil. ' " The gentleman is not within 000 miles o ! Assistant General Freight Agent Tcb bets , of Kansas City , is in Omaha. The travel over tlio Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul under tlio cut raio is mm : enormous. The road runs out two sec tions to each of its two daily trains , am fiomo days these sections number as main us thirteen ears , The advantage wlucl the Chicago , Milwaukee to St. Paul ellen Is that of u straight fine to Chicago of $ 'J which means that no rebate is n-.quired The nlHco Hi the Paxton hotulis throngei u I most from morning to nteht , and tin assistance of Andy Hqrden Is often de nuudoU by Mr. Carrier to supply tin vuah. Chief KiiiictYr ; ; ) Ullukonsdorfcr of th Union i'.uihu went we t last night wltl a party civil engineers and will bu ubsou ( or snmo timo. Thr local freight olliccs of the follow \j roads vr U close Monday July D , 1680 on nccounl of the legal holiday. No freight will be received or delivered on that day : B. A : M U II. . M Scott , agent. C St. P M. i\sO. . C C Burdick , agent. Union Pacilic , Missouri Pacific , Chicago cage , Milwaukee and St Paul ; J. M. Ouslcr , agent. Constable Stein Still TlilnUs lie IB Ititlilo's Murder. Constable Stcn has received a letter from a party in a town in this county in forming him of the fael that a few days prior to the murderof Chris Huhlc , a man answeriiiir to tlio description of Fielder , with ttnhle and still another party , was mot by the writer of the communication , anil that a talk waa-indulged in between the latter ami tlio p.iity by whom the letter was written. Mr.Stolngavo a Hin : reporter the name of the owner as also the name of tlm town nenr which the talk took piace- Hut both of these are reserved tor the prcMint. Constable Stein says further that In- knows that on the day ( if the murder Fielder was fuiind in a dUie- putablo house of this eity whieh Unhid used to frequent ; fuither , that on the same day , both ( if them are known to have gone out on the prairie and slept on Hid grits * , until toward evening. On the day after tlio murder Fielder again visited tlio house of bad repute mentioned , and remarked that he felt lonesome because he had not seen his partner , mean ing Uuhlo. At the Si'ino time ho changed his dress and left the place. Mr. Stem also claims to know what Fielder did on Thursday , which fact , in conjunc tion with the others that he has in his | josii" > Moii , seine of Fielder's clothes , leads him to conclude that ho is on tlio track of the right man. Fii-lder is now in Missouri , where lie is to answer to the charge ot bigamy and bribery. Ju.st as soon as theo > matters are decided , Mr. Stein will be ready to again bring him to Nebraska to answer to the charge ot murder. The constable further states that when ho accused Fielder of tlio murder of Hulile , he bo- eame pale and trembled like a leaf. Subsequently , when Fielder was dis charged and Stem told him that lie waste to be held upon the charge of forgery nnd bigamy , Fielder remarked that lie could easily Maud any of these but that ho could not stand iho accusation of mur der. der.Mr. Mr. Stein savs that the young man , Siddels whom lie bunt to Kansas to ap prehend a certain suspected party lius not returned , and it is quite likely that ho will remain nwav , because , aMr. . btoin says , he succeeded in getting about one- hundred dollars without returning an ermivaient. NEW CONTKACT AND "WAGONS. The CliiuiKL'H niTccteil In This Iloapect VcHtcrilny. Yesterday a now contract was entered upon between tlio United States postal dcp.irtincnt and Woodleaf brothers , of Ottawa , Kansas , for the carrying of the mails to and from the depots and the postofiico. Under its terms the contract ors are compelled to furnish an adequate supply of drivers , horses and wagons to accommodate tlio requirements of tlio mail at tlio present tune , as well as any increase which may be required during the next four years. For this service thn contractors receive ? ' . ! ,1)00 ) par year. This is a very small amount for the work performed , and is urged as a reason for the maintenance of the mis erable outfits of wagons , horses and mules , which for years back have been disgracing the government by handling its mails in this city. Wood- leaf Brothers were the original con tractors tour years ago , but they lot it , and afterwards it was bub-Jet to that dc- greo that it is a wonder that any person could be found to acknowledge the ability to make a livinc out of tlio beggarly pit tance received for the work. Hut all these old rattle-traps have dis appeared , and in their stead have come two beautiful wagons of regulation size , of the second and third grade. One ot thebo is new and weighs 1,000 pounds , the other has been lobuilt and weighs 1.200 pounds Both have como from the shop of Ed Mcadiber. Tlio horses are also new , and so are their har nesses nnd drivers. Just how long Woodleaf brothofb will retain their contract this time before subletting would bo quite interesting to the people of this city , who are anxious that there shall bo no more disgraceful caravans used on the streets in tlio carrying of their mail. W. II. Woodleaf , ono of the contractors , said to a reporter last night1 want to inform the people of Omaha through your paper that wo arc in no way re sponsible for the manner in which thn mails were handled during the pabt four years. It is true that wo hail the con tract for the delivery ot the mails , but by permission ot tlio postotlico department wo sub-let it and the department no- copied the sub contract , which took from ns any and ail control of the service. 'Wo had no control of the matter , and no right to complain of the manner in which the borvicp was being performed. Yet I did complain. not only to yoiu local authorities , butte to the department and asked of the de partment to oust the sub contract and place us In possession of the service so that wo might perform it to our own credit and tlio satisfaction of your citi- /.ens. They decided to do this. J like your citj and like your people , and the few of them that 1 have had the pleasure of becoming acquainted witli have treated mo in the most courteous and hospitable manner. 1 wish to say farther that their good feelings shall not bo outraged by not now pcrtorming tliu service in a first-clasb manner. " Intending purchasers of buggies or buckboards will bo studying their own interests in pnyinir a visit to the Liniuger & : Metc.ilf Co. carriage repository. GHAND i'lCNIO AT Hnsuall's Park'on Saturday , July iird , by the A. O , II. Society. The Pic-Nio which will bo hold on Sat urday next by the A. O. II , Society at Hascall'H Park will be ono of the most enjoyable nnd best conducted which the committee can make it. It is well known the A. 0.11. always aim to make any thing with which they are connected a perfect success and no trouble or expense in tliis case will bo spared to give iumiho < ment to those attending nil that it should bo , enjoyment of the best and most agreeable kind is assured and they guar antee the best of good conduct and re- spcntabilitv. As the day is a half holiiluj in the U. P. shops the com mittee wish to extend a cor dial welcome to the families nnd friends of the employes to come oul in the afternoon. A very line programme is prepared , including dancing and othci iricans of social good time , lloffman'f splendid orchestra is engaged , and tin veteran caller whom everybody like : ( Frank Dopow ) will bo on hand , lionet all are assured a thoroughly enjoyabe day's amusement and social Intercourse A special body of deputy sheritls will full powers will bo present and maintaii order , FO that unjbpdy forgetting him self or disposed to bo quarrelsome , wil Jind they uro in iho wrong place , Till lias always boon the aim ot the society to guarantee good older in .ul pf tho. many social gatherings they bniijj about , and < m this octsvslon they will bi equal to all emergencies. Come oVury body und have a royal ijood time Satuf day and briujj your lAuiil along. GOIMJ ONI : 1110111:11. The List or Prominent Scholars In the I'll Idle Schools. Superintendent James , of the public schools , has received from the teachers of the various schools the list of pupils in all the grades and these who we're and those who were not entitled to an advance in grade. The BEI : prints the names of those scholars entitled to go into a higher grade next year , the respective giadca being these which the pupil occupied last year. c r.VTiut. SCHOOL. Seventh ( iinde Kdwnnl Ticemaii , Stella Mount. Kmil Siiiul , ( ii.u-o Iet\\llei ) , Ilnttle ( tetschnmii. AI.ij baruent , ( ins Stephens .k'vde. Amleison , Kate I'.uriH , Kthte Denlson , f-allicTtikey , Kennev Dlllln . Minnie htulil , Ltldlo Tin lor , Lll.i Alexander , Maud MeClmc , Willie Wolsh.ius. Muttle Sluiie , rioteiifc ( ieillch. ( Anile ( ir.df , I'icd Diruk- eniulite , InUMIIIH , Cliailes 1'i.itt. Pc.nl llaittimnVlllielmlne M.u inlclinel. ( ieuine Crandall , H.ivinolcl , C.ulMuu , Lcd.t lluip- ster , Maud Kiuttl , , Jcs-.le Bjine. M.uj MIU. Olive Mallej. Willie Me\d.ini , May Walker. Winnie Wallace , Anna Smirk , Ci.ice lleinen , Haloid ( , opt'l.md. Wilton ( "lowl. tiank Moi-kdnle , Allic Itnbeit , IMi.ir Ciowe. Bert lU'.ud. O-eai N'usl , Katie l'o\\- eis , Anton Me.sei , John KilKoi. Kll.i I'cm- inan , Aland ( iioss. Cum Mc't'iinilINi , Thuimis limit , lliilth Parker , ( iemx'e Hess. Cluules llel'-'iilii , Anna Jlinmate , Kred Amlic\\x. Hlrdle Van Kuieti. Uimh .Manning , Will Ahmensoti , Gnu-c Vamlennai , KloiaMoevet. William Convin , .Jessie Meiilman , Minulu lleoliel. Katie Wood. Charles Waid , Delia Kelly , Kob llajes , .JoMMiliMmnut.ns. Sixth ( iiodeC.ulos Colt'iimn Kied Nell- son , licit Woodman , Vleioi Paul , Kdiar ilnhif-uu , llouaul Llpsey , ( iooiue ( iillicit , Waltci I onel.iml , Max ( .loldsinitli , Chailcs S.iNldie , 1'ied Shim on , duoigo Miner , Maik I'olaek. Ilenrv C'laik , ( ieoi u Amleison. Al- boi t Schmidt , Pram-ice li > tHer. . Willie Klll- iran , llemy Allen , Chailcs Bnlbaek , Uluulcs Van Com I , Maiiiaiot Itniun , Helen Smith , Anna MncU , Lulu Dol.ui , Ktlie .Milestone , Jennie Mooic , Mattic Keiliy. Katie .Smith , Anna Yatet , Pearl Piatl , hiinmi Paisuns Maud Pardons , Sadie Ivi'llev , Itosa Kestner , Tina Schmidt , Ada Mone , .Mabel Hennl , Tom llliick\\ell , ( ieornie Piencli , P.mnle Frnholl , Allioita tireen , J.i//ie Mitchell. Oeitnule Sa\\lill. Addle Tu/.nd. Anna llennksoii , Plnkey Uov , llalph ltichaidsouiille : Delimit , Aillnir AuL'ell , Li//lc McCaithy , Tllllo L.tr- son , Minnie Lehman , Kva Manchester , Imo- gcnc llei , Ida Hell. c.v s scitoor , . Sixth ( iinile Uita Waul , Lawrence Stein , Alma Pclei- . Allen Ktdkcuei. Delhi M.nk- \ \ < ol , Maij Peteison , M.uj Kastle , Chailes Whltmarsli , ChailcsVood , Maiiie ; Bennett , Willie Monioit. Nettie Hineilj , IMIIb Sclmelde\\eiiid , Came Kit -h.il. ill , Bessie Flieman , Ollle Fit-email , Julias lloseinviog , ClaiaMuntoit. nonni : TIIOOI. . Sixth Craile Willie Bia-hler , HennloGlns- boiir , John I't/lei , Lulu llmt , U.dsv Tat- hot , Anna I.niMin , Kdvtii Lhisyy. Maimie biioiil , Ma iiM'iipli.Iiny ( ierke , Chaik-s Wiele , Minnie ( .iuuulim , 1/atir.i .Mark , Picl- sand I'oneiy. t > uunth Grade Joseph liii'-chstein , Alice Gaily , Minnie Slnlei , Lcl.t Mai.\ille , Isaac Holton , Jamie Nil. I'AHXAM SCHOOL. Sixth Giade JSImuiv Coirireshall , Wht Tlioinpson , tieor e le/ac ! , Susie lluntoon , Ida ilojeis , Janet Steplicnson , Abet.ino 1'etciion , N'oia Domjlicitx , Helen Slmrjie , Walter Clnmmnn , Annie flajs , Harry Finn , Kajette lloiton , Minnie Lewis , John Clnisteii'-eii , 'J'inaliasiau-.scn , bophia Gioen , Lena Millci , Walter ( ioodiicli , ll.ittle OI > ur- felilo , May li.uisoa , Oeui c T\iit'Il , Clmiles Wilbur. Insall Kecu , Kugcrio Muuilij , La\\- icii ee Wateis. beveiitli ( Jraile Kannie CnsppMiall , Will lloaglaud. Li//.li ! Kcllman , Came Thomas , liollm Smith , Giacc Caitei , Lette Chmoliill , Alice Itoberts , Uoia Giol ) , 1'i.mlc Alexander , UAltTMAX CIIOOI , . Sixth Giade Annie ( illicit , Geoiie lioss , Kddie Blaek. Kllen JolniMin , Thuie Poll , Will ( Sileb , I'lienie Antlci.son , Jolin liien- nan , Uesaie Dunn , Mucgle Jioey , Maggie Bicnnan. i/.Aitn scnoor. . Seventh Grade Stcll.x Htce , Kva Jordan , Mary lleizo , Flank Welmer , Kay Wdkcr , Lewis Leedt-r , Jennlo .MmliUi.x , James-Hob- bins , Albeit Given. Julia SchwjiitKssitJ Mael.cy , IClIa Uonnei , lilnnuhe Dohertv , Xettie Baker. Tlllie Clnistensoii , Sophia Cailson , Nellie Holmes , Samuel Anderson , I , ilia Ghcn , Italph I e.ieh. Bessie Late > , Nettie Itcdman , Anna Shields , James liin- iiui , Klsie Plumb , -Mu\ ; Green , Jennie Kin ; , ' , Stejihcn Ltidlow. John liecbe , Minion Smlloy , Alvlna Knuler , Brewer MeUague , El nest Hael , Allied Seville , Minnie Heed , Coiey Iioliinson , Nicholas Backus , Bessie llaiHiiiond , Jessie Svvislicr , Swan Anderson , J illicn Maroon , Hugh Thomas , Charles Hotels. Kmma Blakelev. Mabel Dnteher , John Wissler , lA7\a \ Koinf. Besaic Dutclior , KatoPytci. Sixtii Gi.ulc Stella Oim , JIaurte Donahue , May Moitcnscn , Jennlo Lampsott , Soiilila Mailenheimer. Willie Bartlett , Minnie Dae- lion , Jullii Itonerts , Kalph Mondy , Coia Nci- dl' ' , AinKiibliiion " , Nettie Sherwood , Maud Wallace , ( ) > c.u Kiif'lei. Jennie Marlcwood , Sophia Sellnei , Anna Thomas , COM Mitch ell , Katie Hnmiiliuiy , Kddie Mathias , David Waill , Cieoigo l-rnst , Alice Hathaway , George Bnmnei. Caiiio Raidner , Vic-tor Muuneche , Stella Dallei , Kmest llaveily , me/ Arnold , Arthur Krnst , J.uucs Keiris , Annie Plekanl , Stella Slade , S.uali Walters Hnttlo Cmtlss , Hanv Qiilnn , Frank McCune , Fannie Cane , Mablo Hale , Kd Lucas , Uluulcs Brewer , Li//io Satein , Chailes Snenccr , Herbert Kob- Inson , Adle I'at-Kaid , Muiy Wick , Iicno McKeir/ie , Ktta tiiown , Charles Monlson , Luella Johnson , Xnlu Tiuckey , Albert Kn - land , Phillip Aiuleis , Gertie Cllll. Addiu Abialiams Fied Kinsey , Fiank Haskcll , Jlertlia Newman , Hthel Like , ( luoiue Osc- lieiibiini , Kddlo lUiodes , Lattlo Thomas , Willlo Poteison. Charles Althous , Chailes Kelly , Cora McKeiule. I.O.X'O SCHOOL. Sixth Grade Bcitha Mallette , AnnaSmlth , Kdiia Ilobertson , Calvin Pllmiiton , Allied Peterson , Miugaiet Coldln , Klva Gainer , ICmma Anderson , Bessie Hart , Krnest 11 ad der , Lawienco Hoirman , Henry Frltsuher , Snslu llapgood , WHIio Wclda , Leo Hamllu. I'Acirio SCHOOL. Seventh Or.iUo Angelina Hanson. John Sjiaflord , Tllllo Stecle , Jennlo Hubbard , Louis ICiUvaids , Maud Miller , Jane Golf , Chailcs Peterson , Kstber D.iycnpoit , Motile .Mills , Noia Norman , Lydla Stott , Samuel Kllni ! , Molina Malllii'Hon , llemy Itencke , UessioFairell , Itieliard Butler , Minnie Carey , Kmma Kimpp. Kmma Johnson , Fred Smith , John Coltey , Frank lele\tn : , Mary Smith , Oscar Quick , Wilson Claik , Kddlo Lowiy , Willlo llobeits , Chailcs Hard and Lama Mattson. Sixth ( iradc Fannlo Flood , Casten Smith , Cora Swniibon , 1'iank Norlander , Fiank Honza , Kdwaul Knit. Delia Ho an , Louisa Johnson , Geoio I'ieionnct , Anna Paney , Klla SualToid. lloniy P.isgorshclrno \ \ \ As- tletoul. Lama Kdwaids , Luella Edwards Philip Nester , AdaGllmme , CharlesSunhlad , KsthorSwansnii , KininaMiltlmr , Kddlo Me- Hiiffli , Freil Cole , John Gianey , Fred Jnlm , Suslo Challls , Jane Benson , Jonnlo Stltt , UOSQ Koslcky , Stella Cowls , Mamie Ouann , Anna Johnson , Loulo BolFcn , Itoso weeks , Jennie Fiost Aii nstA KuipKc , Frank Mc- Kenna. HOLDING ui TIM : LOT. The Wall to ho IMa'cecl Around the County IullclliiK > The county commissioners yesterday awarded It ho contract for the Inmbo to ho used by them during the year , amounting to about fifty thousand feet , to George A. Hoagland. The price of oak was about twenty-four dollars and lifty cents and that of pine about thirteen dollars per thousand feet , Yesterday Messrs. | B. A , Fowler , Honrv Voss and Crcedon & Latonson submitted plans of the proposed retaining walls of the court house lot , in cluding stops nt the northwest and northeast corners co.xl chutes , driveway and other features. The plans arc easily understood , that of Fowler being the rnoro elaborate and re quiring an ornamented entrance ut the two corners mentioned , such ; is is now in front of the main entrance. The others are not so elaborate und doubtless less expensive. The commissionco will not award the contract until they shall have decided upon the plan which is most sat isfactory. The bids will then bo pub lished. Permits for Itullillnus. "I wish , " buid Building Inspector Whitlock to n BIK ; man j-cstcrday , "that 3'Q.u wjjulil impress unou bunders auil contractors , ns well as all people intend ing to build , the ncccsilty of procuring a permit before they commence work , 1 want to got the new order of things in augurated as soon as possible. At pres ent people scorn a little slow in realizing the change which the now ordinance has brought about. Builders and contract ors should remember that the law makes them amenable to n line if they go ahead with the erection of a bouse for which no permit has been issued. " The piece s of oblainiitir n permit is a very simple one. The architect or con tractor who has the job makes due application for a permit for the building which i * to be erected , presenting nt the stuno time plans and specifications theic- for. The inspector examines these care fully and If they conform in nil re pects to the ordinance and to n common sense idea of safety , the poimil is issued. Mr. hillock , outside of his oll'ce ' duties , has found time to inspect quite a number of the larger buildings in the city. Tenth Anniversary. The tenth anniversary of the maniagc of Mr , and Mrs. C. C ! . Hunt was cele brated last Tuesday evening at their res idence in Walnut Hill. A largo number of friends responded with lots of tin and were rewarded \\ith a splendid ovcnlnijN entertainment which lasted until 2 o'clock the next morning. The following ladles Hud gentlemen were present. Mis. L. II. Bamlvbiirir , Mr. and Mrs. K. J. O'ileaine , Mr. Buckly. MM Martin Canoll , Miss Itaiiiscy. Mr. ami MK .1. Howies , Mr. and Mii. William Mathls , Mr. and Mis. Aaiou Uriel , Miss HOP ] , Mis. , f. 1) . Campbell , Miss Canie Campbell. Mrs. . .lameCimiibell , Mi. and Mis. A. J. Hunt , Mn. P. K. Camu- belland dausjbtei Canie , Miss Lillie Don. Mr. William A. Ganlnei , Mis. K. Holts , Mr. and Mis. John W. Lj tie. Miss Kmma L > tlc , Mis. C. P. Taw-in and daughter Mary , Mr. Geoino Goodwin and imtthei , Mr. anil Mrs. Stuart. Mr. and Mis. Kanotte , M. and Mis. It. 11. Walker. District Court. In the district court yesterday , Mr. Kstelle liled an information against Jas. O'Connor for the cmbc//.lcment of lifty- live dollars from ( . } . A. Lindqucst on the 10th ot last .May. John llockstrasscr filed a petition yee- tordavrto compel Milton F. Lander to comply with bis contract and ell him a lot which the plaintiff had agreed to buy. The trial of Pr.ink Boyd , charged with the robbery of a watch 'from James Me- Veagh in May last , was in progress before Judge Neville yesterday. The case of Walters against Markel iSr Swobe , was arjrued yesterday bolero the jury by General Cowiu for the plaintiff. and Messrs Ogden and Savage for the defendants. Clar Holder ami ThnnZcs. Wcdnc.sd.-iy was the thirty-eighth birth day of ( jeorgo A. Joslyn , manager of the Western Newspaper union of this city. It was remembered by the employes of the institution and improved , by presenting to the gentleman a very beautiful rind chastely designed meerschaum cigar holder. The speech of presentation was made by Krnst Bross , to which Mr. Jo - lyn i t'lilied that he had never b"cn pre- s'entcd by employes with anything before , that ho sincerely thanked tliu men now in his employ for their kindness and promised to treat them fairly as ever tor the future. Fire HotncR. Chief Butler says that the new engine house on Saunders and Cuming streets will not bo finished until the latter part of this month. It will not bo occupied until the asphalt paving of the thorougb- farc irf completed. Tlio prdjcct of building a now house for the Nc 3 engine company is still in an indefinite shape. The lot , therefor has not been secured and Mr. lUitler says that at present there aio no prospects of obtaining one in a central part of the city. up Stunps. Street Commissioner Meany has been missed from the business part of town for some time back , and when asked by a Bui : reporter , yesterday as to the cause of it , said that the opening up of icw streets and the grading of others % opt him and the force of men at his command pretty busy on the outskirts , opening u wavs to the additions , pull- 'ng up stumps , and in several other ways ooking after the ways and means to make the peregrinations of Omahans a matter of safety. Rip Van AVIiiklo'u RcarciUlon. Yesterday at John Brandt's hall there was held a meeting 01 German citizens which resulted iu the formation of a German-American club for the cultiva tion of the old-timo and interesting game of nine-pins. Twenty members were enrolled , and on Wednesday evening of each week a meeting will bo held at Mr. Brandt's park , attached to Hascall's ' old one , at which n number of games will bu contested between the hours of 7 and 12 o'clock. A New Blall .Delivery. Mr. E. J. Edwards , who for some time back has been acting as clerk in the .jeneral delivery of the postollico in this city , has resigned. His place has been tilled by Loyal L. Mole , late of the firm of Lnwton As Mole , job printers , and foe- morly an attache of the postollico. Ho entered upon the duties of his position yesterday. Great Attractions. Omaha theatre goers have great treats In store for them with the opening of the coming amusement season nt Boyd's. An idea of the nature of the attractions maybe bo obtained from the fact that Edwin Booth , Sarah Bernhatdt , Kobson and Crane and the Boston Meals are all booked for appearance in ono month. Frightened HurRlnru. Mrs. Clark , living on Fifteenth and Cnss streets , was surprised about hall past four o'clock yesterday mor ning to see the bond and shoulders ( gof n. gman protruding into lior bedroom window on the firsl floor. She waited a moment , nnd then seeing that the fcllow oyidently hud bur- ghrious intentions , hire screamed. That settled the business. TTfo would-be burg lar hastily retreated nnd scampered up the street. Small Burglaries. Burglars broke Into the house of Fred W. Gray on Twenty-fourth and Douglas Wednesday night and stole a snit of clot hes. hes.It was also reported at police headquar ters yesterday that sneak thieves en tcrcd the residence of Gcorgp Fiegon baum on Soventcci th and Chicago am stole some at tides of minor value , Opolt's Hotel , Lincoln , Nob. , oponoi March 10th , lirst class in every respect ColebratliiKtlio Fourth of July And any oilier day on account of the rush ingbusincsa in real estate , If you wan to buy or sell real estate you must go to a real estate dealer of good reputation List your property with J. A. LOVfiHKN , Real Estate and Loan Dealer , 1G01 Farnam St. , Upstairs Telephone 703. Don't pay nig prices or lumbar but buy cjiuup ut Bradford's. ONOLiU 8AM'S KCONO3IV. t JJnconics Innllcst In tlic Army 11 end numbers Transferring TroopR. General Crook yesterday received a tele ; rnm from the war department concerti ng the change in tlio number and pay of clerks in the ' adjutant general's depart- ncnt , which the new order of things will ) ring about. The number of clerks in bis dipnrlmenl of the headquarters' ser- ice will be reduced by two , and the pay vill be as follows- There will bo three grades of clerks and tlireo grade * of pay. 'he chief clerk will reeeho ? li.00 , two ssistant chiefs 1,100 each , and nine ssistunt clerks will receive a salary of 1,000 each. The number of vlll be reduced from four to two , and heir salary will bo $7 ° 0 a jear. No liangcs im\o yet been announced for the lerical force of the other depnitmont * To morrow afternoon at precisely \ ! 10 Tclock , Companies A , B. C , 1) , E , F , (5 ( , 1 , I ntttl K , of the Fourth infantry , will cave Fort Omaha on their march to mother department. A. B. F , I and K ompanics go to 1-oit Spokane , Wyo. ; Companies C , 1) . K and 11 , with the londnuarlcrs nmHiand of the regiment , \lll I'e removed to Ctrur d'Alene , G company goes to Holso barracks Idano. Of these companies one will t-ome from jonxenworlh , one fium Fort Hobinson , wo Irom Niobraia , and the other live vill leave the post at this point. ( J.com- inny will remain in Omaha barracks mi ll the arrival of ! M infantry under the command of Colonel Wheatou. The companies at the fort will march lown Stale to the Belt line road , \\lioro hey will find in readiness a tram , thn lrt ever run over that road , upon which liev will embark. They will be ill awn o the government corral , where the ears vill bu attached to the special Union 'acilie train , which will bo there \\aiting or them. The companies from the west vill be met at Ficmoiit. The soldiers ne to be In the ears at 1 ! ! 0 p. m. , and lie oio S ! ! 0 tho\ , will have left Omaha be- lind them for maio a day. Tlio Campti Hi * nro Golnfr. Yesterday after an incumbency of ight jcars and six months a collector of his port , to which was also added the miior of custodian of the properly of the Jnited States at this point , Mr. John Jumpbcll resigned bis office into he hands of his democratic suc cessor , Mr. 11. C. Jordan. There vas no money to turn over , nothing except the books , papers , desk and other nrnitnre of the department. Mr. Camp bell returns as poor as when ho issued ho ollico , so far as the salarv of the same s concerned. Mr. K. C. Jordan will im- nediately be asked bv many of the em- jjoycs to nut the building in a decent condition and supply them with things for which they have long been crying. Heal Estate Transfers. The following transfers wore filed Juno 80 , with tlio county clerk , and reported for the BBC by Amos' Real Estate Agcncv : Mattic Field Mai tin and husband to A n- hew Ilenrv and otheis , est 0.1 feet of It 'J-l , blk 1 , Millaid J'lacc , Omaha , w d-S70i Alice O'Uonnhoo ami husband to Mattlo Field .Mai tin , \\o-it 60 feet ot It 2 , blk 1 , Mil- hira Place , Omaha , w cl Sl.KOO. Lucinda Randolph to WUIiam W Binirlmm and others , Its 1 to b , Foibes' subclmsion , Douglas county , w d J-SOO. llattie < ! Wood and husband to Chailes orbett , Its 20 , 21 , ± 2 , 2 ! ! and 21 , blk2i , West Side. Omaha , wtlOOO. . John L McCacue ami \ \ ife toWilliam dim ming , lln 33 and : jl , blk 1 , llimcbau.li's add , Oiiialin , w tl-i-'tiO. Jacob Kochenthal and others to Simon jttlimitn.'cast 33 feet \\est02feetot lot 8 , blk 162 , Omaha , w d-SI.OOU. Sophia Lehman and husband to Jacob Kochenthal and others , i > ait ol It 4 , blk 122 , Omaha , w d-S23,000. Lena ( Julck and husband to Francis D Cooper , It 1 , blk 4M ) , Omaha , q c 550. Kiancis I ) Cooper and wile to Lena Quick , H7. blk 12'J , tirandlew add , Om.iha , w d 8KW. Alfred II Comstoek , sincle , to MiilNon Bottoiil , 111 blk Sand It 20 blk a Ambler place Omaha , w d 51,200. Dexter L Thomas and wf to D T Oilman , It 20 bik 0 Kilby place Omaha , w d S8.Y ) . Hell's of Jacob S Sliull to William 11 Van Noy , It 17 blk 7 bhull's 2rt add Omaha , w d- Sl.UX ) . Frcdlc H Davis and wf to Clifton R Mayno pat tof.lt 2 Capitol atlil Omalii , w d Sil.bOO. Patrick J I'liee. sinu'lo.to Joseph Archlbild It 1 blk 11. I'aiker's add Omaha , w d S .OOO. Joseph Lels and wl to Omaha &S W lilt Co , part of It 0 llartman's add Omaha , q c $1.00. Auirustus Kount7C and wf and others to OcorheU Hathbim , It 1 blk 8 Plaimiew. Don-las Co. , w (1-S2T5. A 11 Swan and otheis , trustees , to John B Bolrn , It 12 blk 01 , South Omaha , w d. & 275. Win A L Gibbon and wt to Christian Halt- man and otheis jiart ot swif ot nwjf sec 21 , 15 , ii : , Douglas Co , w d 50,000. \Viu \ A L ( ilblion and wt to John P Hawk ! ins pait ot swW of mv yt sec 21 , 13 , w , DOUR- Jas Co. , w d-S ,000. , Andrew 0 Moie and wf to Peter Christensen - sen , It ' .i blk 171 , CJiand view add Omaha , w a _ . ( ! corue Kaill. single , to Charles Kaufman , It 1 blk 2 Weiss' subdivision Douglas Co. , W ( I OW. , , Louis Schroeiler , trustee , to Henry Swslo and otheis , Its 1 and 2 blk 1 Cleveland place , Dorians Co t w (1-52.200. , , , , wTllI.il Cobmn. sneilfT , to Joseph J Nohes Its 1 and 2 blk 70 Cicdit Koncicr add Omaha , blieiill 's Uced-S1.7i5. : Richard Steliblns and wr to Henry I ) Rhodes und others , ItUblk a O'Xeill's sub- dlvision Omaha , w d-SUOO. Maty C.Butler and hush to John A Me- Shane , ltli ! , 14 and 15 blk 0 Spring hill Douglas Co , w l-Sl,300. Willlnm Cunmiliip , sln.'le , to .John T Wei U , Its & ! and H4 blk 1 Hlmebaiia'h's add Omaha , wil ? lt > 00. Miiigarct K Hopkins and Inisb to Lafayctto Coltrln , w 100 It ot e h ot It 4 liaitlctt's add Onmhii , w d SV > 00. ( ieoiKO W hocan and \\C to Mary Donovan tte ot it A blk 1 , I'aiker's add Onmlia , w d SI 700 " Albert 31 Clarke and wf to Xarlmrlali Thoinnson , w imtof It'Jand lotablk' \Vcst \ Uiiiiiha , w d S-,5'JO ! , U .Joi-sten amilfo to D C Pattcison. un divided H t MiutlHS feet of lot a blk V ' , bhiiin'smldtoOiiiaha-S470 DC I 'at tei Mm and otheis to the public , JoestonshUixllvisionot Us laud a blk 15 Shinn's add to Oimilm Dedication. Louis Peterhon ( blnuln ) to MOIUMI .Sorcn- son , lot 1(1 ( HaiUrr'ssiibdivlslon , bco l , 15 , lit Douglas countj fcJViO. .Moiten SoieiiMin ami wlfo to lieu \v. Sehialilt lot Hi liaikcr's subdiviblon sec M , 1ft. w Douglas county fOSO. l-\crt : \ . smith and wife to Daniel Uroslus , loth 5 and 0 , blk 14 , E. V.tJmltU'Haild.Oiaahu , WJeiurR.ConklhiB and wife lo Fiank W. Bundle , lots 1 _ and a , blk a , Richmond Doug- aKlle/crVorAxfoul and wife and others to Oluiles Woortwprth , lot 7 , AxfoiU's add. , 0BaimicrJlSei2 ° 5ii l wife to John Ai.dilt . andotheis. n } of lot 1. blkH , Iiimrovciiieut Association mid. . Oiiuihad SJo-l.Ui. Dexter L Thomas and \vf uml otliars to Jcipinn H Paiiotte , h e } /of n w U of n w h bee 515 ia Iou las Co.w d S V ° 9- , , * „ John Kclluy , Jeiome U IMirott and wt to s o " of n w tf nt n w M sec 5,15,13 Douglas wf and ofhr-rs to Mmv J Graham , lot 15 blk 0 Kllbj Place add Omaha , w d 5830. _ Personal I'nruBraplis. Mr. nnd Mr . C. K. Kmcry have gonwto New York. SberilV Connelly of Valentino , is nt the I'axton. Jeff Bedford and A. U. Soncr are in Chicago. F. Frcdcrickscn , of Grand Island , is at thoCunticld. F. P , Uebbauson , ono of Colfax conn ty's successful farmers , is in town fo r i few davs. Mr. Gco K. Crosby , secretary of the Ne braska Implement company , has gone cast , accompanied by hid wife , ilr. ami Mrs. J , M. SuritU of Tckuurah WHOLESALE DEALER IX- AmcricanWatclics ateSa Materials. the li'/ltliiKitcjcn'cli'y { traitc M. BURKE & SONS , LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS , OHO. ttUUKE , MnnnRor , UN/ON STOCK YARDS , OMAHA , NED. KErEKKXCKS : Merolunts' and Farmers' Hank. la\i I Clh , Neb. ; Kearney N.iHon | an5Ki'aine ] > , Neb. : I'olmnbiii Sfito Ij.xnk. Columbus , Vi'1) ' . ; Mi-Donald's Hank , Xort 1'lnttP. Nth. ; Oimih.x Nntlniml H.inlx Omahn. NYb. \VI1I pay custotneis' dr.Ut with bill of ladini : uttnchud for tuotliluUaluo of stool : C. E MAYNE , EAI &L ES § . W. COK. 15111 A\'l > , O.1IAII\ . Piojicity ot every description for s.ilo in all juris of the city. Lands tor sam in countinNebiaska. . A complete net of Abstracts of Titles of Douglas County kept. ' Mas ) of the City , State 01 county , or any other information desired furnished of charge upon application. lapsed through thocity yesterday on their way east to spi'iid the summer. Mrs. H. C. Kimhall , who has been1 visit- ng the family of Mr Max i\ltyer \ , has gone to her homo in New York. Miss Addle H Potter , of Titusvllle , Pa. , s visiting Mrs. C. S. Carrier , one of her ilil schoolmates. She will spend the summer here. Mrs. A. L. Anderson is n guest of Mrs. A. A. CJibi-on , on her way home to Slip- shone Falls , having spent live months in Chicago. Mrs. 12. B. Shearman and her son \Vil- otte , and Mr. Kugene Satterly , of Klgin , 111. , are the quests of their friends , ( .5. W. . .ogan and 11. L , Stanton. Mis. 11. E. Gunner , accompanied by Mrs. Thomas Trunborth and Mis. Alfred Vinoy left on the 2ld ! nit , for England on a three month's visit , sailing fioui New York on the 2Uh. ( DFrank Hull , the accomplishol and cllicicnt cliicf clerk of the Paxton , has etnrned from several weeks' visit to tfow Kngland. Ho is much improved in appearance and has entirely recovered Tom the rheumatic attack with which he was uH'ected at the time of his departure. For Sale Drug stock m a good 01ive own in northwestern Nebraska. Popu- ation 1,000. Addicss G , 35 C. , Omaha HL-E. j BreUtle * . Will Wilbur went east last night. Dave Bennison , of Bcnnison Bros. , has gone east after his family and will re- ; urn about the 20th. Mrs. Ma\ Mover is very much better i ml her physician thinks that there is every chance for her recovery. _ Charles Sccnst has taken the place of Frank Osborn , the genial young teleg rapher of the C. M. A : St. P. , olliee in tlio I'nxton , who iias gone cast on an e.\tcn- iled trip. 'Ihc Turnvercin will give a grand pic nic on he\t Sunday , July-1 , at IhiFcnlt's pnik. Pri/.es for athletic contests will be jiveu and altogether the all'air will a pleasant one. Messrs. S. M. Willov , , ) . E. Smith and U II. Wheeler have been appointed rep resentatives from Nebraska l edge No 1 , to the session of the grand lodge at Hast ings ne\t fall. Harvey C. Murphy , the little grandson of Mr. 1'J. 1) Pratt , aged fifteen months , dictl.yesterday at an early hour nt the residence of hu parents , corner of Twenty-second and Lake streets. 'iho newly organi/ed minstrel com pany , under the management of C. A Burt , of this city , will appear at Mahcrn , la. , on the evening of July a. They are styled "Sam Gardner's Minstrel Co. " Mrs. .1. G. Tanner and daughter , Miss Ilattio , mother and sister respectively of John M. and J. W Tanner , of the World , arrived \\ednosday irom Nevada , and will visit hero for some time at the homo of John M. Tanner. It is reported that Ike Glover , the col ored pugilist who was so badly worsted bv Jesse Smith on last Sunday night is moio dangerously injured than at lirnt supposed , llisiaw.it is said , sustained iv comminuted fracture , which has af fected some of the arteries of the neck , and may prove fatal. Smith , the victor ious pugilist , has gone to Unbundle , to look torn light theio. Kcoplnc OIIPII Alter JMIlnljlit. Marshal Cummings appeared before Judge Stenberg yesterday for the arrest of thico saloon men , C. II. Higgins - gins , John O'Donahoo and Henry Horn , berger. The charge against them is open after midnight. llcsultcU Fatally , C. T. Lindegrcn , who fell from a brick building on St. Mary's avenue the other day , sustaining uovero injuries , dicd Wee- nesday , after hours of lingering agony. His funeral occurred to-day. Lindegrun was a man 50 years of age and leaves u family. _ Wanted A .situation as pressman. Best of rcfeidices. Address ( } 50 , Bee olllcc. Suing Goos. Mrs. llaclmol Hurnateln. who figured in a police court case recently , charged with having assaulted Peter ( Joos , IIUH brought suit against Mr. Gees for fc5,000 ! damages , for causing herancst on the abovu chargo. Special Call to the Members of llio A. O. II. Kocioty. The regular meeting of the society on Friday ( this ) evening , will bo for the purpose of electing ollicorsand transacting - , acting other o-ctra important business The members aio hereby notified to at tend without fail tit 8 o'clock sharp. By order of the president of the feociety , The First National bank , and other Cluea"o creditors of Sloman Bros , tiled tin answer in the Ui'ttl ! iSt tesli0rurt11 > 'l0'tJ [ ' of fraud on alleging the old charges , pay ho part Sf tT.o . members ol the lirm , and asking execution of judgment against them. BCOaorcs land m Ilmyer county. Neb , to Roll ortnido for merchant uo. Address John Lincierholm. OH & _ UMSt. . , Omaha , Miss Nora O'Connor ban returned from North Plntto and will hereafter reside in Omaha , Miss Doiicrty , of the forinor place , H friend of Miss O'Connor , left for Kansas City this morning. Arrested nn Actress. Constable Kilgorson arrested yesterday Corinno DLce , a Doting Qwomaii iviug out ut the stock yards , on a justice \\iirrant. The specilic complaint mada against the young lady is that she pro cured in credit a $100 diamond pin from i'Mbolm & Kiickson , and pawned it afi ! Moohlc'sestabli linient on lower Farnam utrect for § 1B. Coiinue Lee was formerly in applicant for histi ionic honors and was left here stranded bj the Craig com * edy company. \ . Absolutely Pure. This pnwilornoicr < tf. A mnr\cl of puft > ty , htipnutli mill ttliolosoiiH'iio s Muro fcoff- o ill leal tli-m tlio oiilhiury UiluN mid cnuuottui told In tdinpolltloiMMIli tlio imiltiliido of 1 ( > V4 osl , hhoit olflit ilium < ir iilio-plnilii pomlore ! old ony | In ( an" . ItoVAl , llAKIMi l'o\MEK CO , 4(18 ( Wall St. , Now Yoik. ' ron THE TOFATMrNT Or AM. Chronic Si Surglczil Diseases. DR. NIcMENAMY , Proprlotor. , hulctu juar * lliniilinl HIM 1'rlvulu rruulco We lime the faclllllfs , pmrutu | * and rtimcllrS for the snrcfi"fiil trcnliiiont of ciory form of dli < ra o refiulrliiK cillicr mrdlcid or ciirKlcal trrntmrnt , mid Itnitoalltouiinc unit hivcutlK-ito for tin mtlvt or cotrcipoiidllli . Long cxpcrlviiLB In trestJ Injj ciwitiy letter nritilos ii" to treat uiany cane * ECicntiflcnlfy without rcln | ; tliim. WlllTK roil flltCL'I-.VU mi Diformltlcj ana llruco , Club FcLt , tiinntmr * of tliu bplnc , VOXBI . I'llt-i. ' CancCTf , DmiAnri or * . 'riiirurji , Catarrh , Ilroiicliiuc , Inlinlntlon , Kliclrlclty , J'arnl ; > ! , Kpllcnsy , Kidney , Kye , Knr , HUlii , lllood uud nil turglcnl opcrntlone , UHlTeili-it , In/iBlo" , nrncm , Trum < n , anil nil Ulml of Medical und burtleul Appliaiiccii , mfiU. ufncturrd and for pale. . . . . . . . . . I The enl reliable Medical Institute mklng I Private , Special Nervous Diseases ' 'A hl'lTl IAI.TY. AM > CONTAGIOUS AND IH.OOH ni8TCA8K9 , from whalcucrrniiEpprodiiccil Bticccfsfiilly trcalML vVc can rcmoro Syplilhtlo | ioieou from thonjuttuj wlthunl mercury. . . , New rcstorallvo trf atme nt for Ions of \ Hal power. AM. COMMUNICATIONS COM'IDIC.STIAU Cull and conenltui or tend nnmo nnd iiont-ofllco nUlriM plainly ttrlUcii-rncluDo Bluinii. and w t 'RJV'AT'E ' ] cicVi "rTO M E" " ' , BrnoiAi. ANII Kriivom DISIIASES , SlSJllNAI.VKAKNr e , bl-mWATOIIKIKI' * IJIVOIKK. ir firwiim , OuHonmiiiu , HU.I.T , VAiucocuMt , rillt'tVttU , AM > AU. MfKASKH or THE OSNITO- tr/iiNAitv ( inoAiis , or cud Imtory of your cam for an opinion J' ( r on nnaMo to % lfi ( u mny lie trrjilcd at tlielt nomrf , byunrd-puiidcncc jlcillolnoand Iintru' uioiiN tciil l > y mill or riprcm HnCUIIKI.Y I'ACIt' lit ) I'HOM OHSRHVA'IIO.N. 110 marks to Indent * Miiiltnl4 or FPiider One personal Interview pit * ftiroilif ronvtnlent fitly rooms for the nrccm. no.l.itlnii ol patlentt Doanl and ulleudaucb * l ilcet Addrnt all I.cUc'iu to Oiii3ia ! Medical and Surgical Institnta. ' or inthrt end RaollolAvc. . OMAHA. N'-'U. TIWKEN SPRIHG yEHICLES. OVER 40OOOO * IK& . IN USE. rn lr t Hiding Vctitcln lunilr. Ilid vIlUuno ptnouMlwo. 'Him Hprln M li-njj bnrlciiucurdDgtotliovulUtlwrc ! | < iTy. ji < wrll uiluplril lo rou ; li runrilrr riiniN nnJ flnrilrlTciiufcitiji JlIaiMlf vluri-il iiniUolil bx nil leiuUua Carrla-o tluiiaera unU Uuuleru WEAK , HERVOUS PEOPLE And MhfM futferln ? frora i. rvous debility , ikliau ttiix ihiuulo (1li > t M. > , imuialuro ilxlinu or > UUI > K or > < i > r iMjtluttly cuttd nr r > r llurnt f nv u > I Irtlra * le rirll. Tlioumr.iU . ljrfill 1'ulinU'Jwnjw n wi r MIII lull iii : > trl lliintle l 1U _ A eli | < . rtf.liMli.h iile < KTcrlrlr 'I ru..c fu atiuiiVBUil I'virui i iiiii iiiDlure. 71 tl rliredlll'eS. ' Kcmt numpfur ( uinpliUlj t.w" . H9B . l"v"niO . 181 WABASH AV. . CH1CA8W A Qnlft ] , l-erriAnfrt .iibiUl. lieullliy. M. vu tirr * tiiurM , hoiuacke y ly dlrtiiittbklliMir . Uwok ut b t ink w JB tiu > . tu. uv