Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1886, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY KEE : FlttlUY. JULY ! 2 , 188G.
Com We.ik and IUWM : Ko. 2
7 c. in-lr , : \P ; Annml.VJc. :
dats I'.iisy ; No. U inlxeit , cnsh , 17" . V ;
August , 'il' c.
\ { \ -.StioninJf > "c.
I'OIKStnmifnnil 2V lilslior ; ? IO.'i' .
Htitlor . * ' -ll\cninl linn ; cri.iincry ,
Whiskyin. ! .
lotluy nk'Vntor nnniniilc | ot tliis mar-
Viaxmc notice nt a loiliu-lioti uf i-liar cs lur
itm tirMiiilun' , < n't nn I vji1 , to lo tir
Imvliol foi lirit ton iliu-i on prut ilii'inif. ' 1'ln ;
inliii lion \\lll lie iiinilu in mtM for itiT.igc of
( oin Hliir .Inly : : i.
Mltwnukrc , July I AVlii'nl Stionjt ;
cr.sli , ! ; - ; August , iis i ; lii-iitoinlicr , W c.
Com siiMdj : No.2. . nu ' .
Onls-tJiilet : No.J. . U7'4 ' ( %
Ityc-lllirlici ; .Nn. 1. HH ? .
Kiirlov-Dull : Xo. S , luc.
i'roMinis liii > nitt : mess poik , c-'sli anil
Jul } . ? < ; August , * ll.i.S (
cinolnnntl. .Jnli l.-WIioal-IJtill mill
iKiin'.nnl. '
Corn Ui'ttrr sitjijily liul lower ; Nu. 2 ,
inlxnl. : w.
rtiili-l'niii : No. 2. inl'it , 4' < 'W ' o.
llyi'-limv : No.J , .W.
I'oiK-IU-ldlil lici at ? 10.00.
I .in ( I lll 'hor mill iiiKootl ileniaiiil : it t0.2 > .
\Vuisk\- (
.MIimcajKtllH , .July I.Vlioat Sliong
nnil In hct : Nn. 1 Iniu r.ish 7lo ; Auijust ,
ir > , < : . ' oltinlici | ) , 7V P ; No. 1 noiilicm , rasli ,
; .V ; August , WjV"Sciilpmlpr ; ) , Wei Ao. 1 !
iiiiil'ii' ' ' ! ! , o.-isli.Uie ; Anaiisl , JO1 . .I- ,
Klom-Julft ( ; p.itc'Dl" , Sl/J-'MfW
S'iy.VijiV : ) .
llvi'lpN-\V'lirnt , 0'V. < M ) bu.
.sliliiiii | < nt.s-WliiMi , ntoj bu ; Hour , 20,000
Mvorixiol , July 1. Whcnt No ik'insinil ;
n \ \ No.J \ \ lntiiOs Hit ; dull ; spilntf. lisSil ;
l-'lour In poor iloiniinil nnil easy nt "s-lil.
Coin In poor tlpiininil1 spot , tsM ; mill ;
.lulv nnilncu"t , -Is Itl ; ilnll ; SupUmueris
1'jA : ilull.
IN. KniisaH Cltv. July I.VliPtxl I.o\\pr :
. Vn. ' . ' . t-iisli , : > 7u Lltl. . " ' ji- asked : Atmtiht f > ' < \ eMil
Mil , : ! ) „ < nskcil.
Com Lower ; Xo. ' ' , o-isli , 2.V- .
Oats Nutnliinl ; ' 'c' ti'-kcd.
, July 1. Wheat htpaily and linn ;
ComSleadv ; onsli. : > 'l3ji' .
Data Uiiclinucuil ; cnslis' '
New Oi-lc'ims July 1 llog proilutb
lninc anil hither.
. - . . . .
Hulk Meal < ShouMors , long rlcar anil
cle.iriiK Pii. ' . ' . ' ) .
, July 1. The lio\ci's Jottnia
-piiiN ii follows :
Cattle Itwcipls , C.COO ; sttonu' and r.toK'c
ilKliei ; sliiDiiiiiKHtopis. Sl.WniO.dO : slocKws
and loeilcr'- . $ * 2.r > 0i24. ( : ! . < > : cows , bull * ami
mixed , il.7ViM.tlO ; bulk , VJ'lViWUW ) ; llirouirh
'IVsas cattle. iass cows. S'j.50rt.0' : ! ) ; sti-ers ,
O ; coiii-ffd , SI.IKVid ! T > .
li'ci'ts. fJ4ji ( ) ; htionsr anil B lOe
; pack-
i'i. ' ! . " > ; luinbs M.V , l.7 ! > nor bond.
KaiiRiis Cliy , July 1. C'.illlc Kccoipls ,
ftiiO ; shipments , none ; peed oattlo , tit in ;
i ominon , weak ; aood to rhoieo , JH.MlftU.M ) ;
i-ommon to ini'dluin. . ' . ( ( I.JO ; htocki-is ,
S'i..Tii.'L'ij ; fccdci ! . , : ; . 'lfwi.w ) ; cows , $ " . .WM
Kecpipti , 10,000 : shipnicnls , l.'OO ;
.sti-iiilv and r.o hlKhiM ; inmd to choice , § l.5ii :
< l.0 ; coinnion to iiii'illuin , : ! . ' . )0it-"i. ) ) ; ;
ht. Emms , .Mil } I.- Cattle liccelpK 1,200 :
slilinneiils. W)0 ) ; : icti\ > , with bolter demand
tor alliaiie.s | : rood tot-tiolrpslilpptii : ; , VI.HKn1
f ) . ' ; cominon to lair , yUXX'dl.f ! . ' ; bntchcis'
sleoi5H.OJ ( iti\r \ : \ cows and beltei > , V-ViVn
; i. < J'l ; Huong ) ! 'JV\ant . S2.2' > f < d.r ) ( ' .
Hogs Itwelptf ) , fi.700 ; shipments ' 2r,00 :
active and Him ; Imichei.s' and best heavv ,
i4.I.ViM.M ( ) ; mlMil , Sl.'iX'i I.CO ; light , .iHVi
Thursday Kvenliiff , July 1.
Cattle The tccelplsato \ei.v lisht to-day
and them was not much iloini ; in the market.
. . The inaikct was honiewhal limicr than on
\ yesterday ,
) Ilos { 'i'lio icroipls were liberal though
not unite as heavv as yeileiday. The market
was niclier today and active at the. ad\ance ,
i\eiythlni : ; beiu sotd eaily in the day.
.Sheep There is nothing iloiiifr In the. mar
ket HIIII tlieiu Is little or no demand.
iiciurs :
Cattle . 200
Provnlllnt ; 1'rliM'fi.
Sliowlni ; the picvaillng prices paid for live
stock on this maiket :
Choice steers , imo to ir > 00 ! bs . S-I.00@-1.80
uiioicu siceis , iioo to ioo : ; IN . ( (
Medium steers , 12.0 to ICO ! ! Ibs . 4.'i' . ( < M.59
Fat little hteci.s IKU to II. W Ibs . . . -I.OOM4.S5
( Jood teedeis , 100 to 1000 Ibs . U.r > 0i.7.r. :
( Jood to choice cows and bcilei.s. . . ; i.OOtiW.'Si
1'alr to mediinn cow s and licltoid. . 'J.rflWii.OO
tlood to choice bulls . . 'S. dUl. 75
Choice lluht and medium bogs. , . . . l.M.XTt ) , : ! < )
Coed to cliolco heavy boK8 . 4.:0 : : ( t. 10
( iood ( ocholcu ml\ed ho s . -l.U"a . > i.r : ,
J'air to jjood hhorn sheep . i.oocyo/i'i
Itcpresontativo Sal en.
i .iro 54.00 SI.70
r , iit : ;
cow .
> o. Av. 1'r. No. Av
: i wo S2.M ii ioru
21 WO ' . ' .8.1 -1 p.3-i
f.'o. Av. I'r. .No. A\ .
i u 5:1.00noes. :
Js'o , Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
i : i . 215 Sl.aajrf ( mil S4/JO
Ui . 228 i.a.1 M a i 4.w :
. .ittll.ti" hO 1SU 4.82) ) '
.am Ta a4i 4. :
.ast 4.a5 ( ii a7s 1.115
. J75J.aijf ns aa-i
IK ! , ati : 4a7'.j 71 -i
' . ' 7 ' ( H iZCO
00 , 'J78 4. } < i'
115 .aw 4.i7.5 * " (15 SSI
48 .aio 4. : oa 277 4.40
Itnnji" < > ! '
Show Inc the hlu' ami lowest ptlces paid
for inKed loads of lie s on this- market il'ir-
JIIK the jiast suven days with comparative
> .tines :
Stay Juno
ThurhiIny2Uh.S'.co ! ( i7n.70 s.S7M4.00 : : ;
3'tldn } 2ltli . . . ! U ( liiLTS1 ; III5 ! ( ? tl.07 > a
Katmday 2r.tli. . SLW : un 4.00 r < /4.0
Monday 2blh. . U.M pil.tVi 4.00 ( nM.10
Tuesday'.lltli. . 11.55 ( i : j.t5 ! il.lX ) fl,20
Wednesday 0 , 4.0 > ( < ci,2S
Juno July
Thursday n.5" ! Q l.iiQ 4.22'ftj 1.40
I < iVU StOCk SlllOM.
.Slumliif ; thu number ol cattle , bogs ami
hcop pinchased on thu murKul tonluy by the
leadiui ; buyers.
( ! . II. llaiiuiHiiuKt ( Jo 4S
J Inn hi iV Fl.sher 18
Jlammom ) 42S
Claik llios. . . aM ;
is l.obman Kothschlld ! ! 07
Aii"lo Ameilean 50(1 (
J. Koiliehlld 400
J. I' . Miuiies iV Co 052
thu number of rattle , lions ami
sheep shipped dmlng the past twenty-lour
No. Curs lit. _ JW-
. . . . * - i * , .
" ; : . . : . i\i \ . Chicago
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
7.v..vv.v..v..v..k'\v.v.v. . . : ; . ; . .
H . 0. U.iVQ . '
All sales of stock In this market arc made
pcrcxNt , llvo wekht unless otherwise stated.
X,1 lead hoes hell at ) < c per Ib for all weights.
"hKlns/'orhoKS wclxblnp loss than 100 Ibs
no value. Pregnant sows are Uockod 40 Ibs
and tings W Ibs. _
r Notca.
llozs boomlne.
Cattln market Btron ,
> : W. Hays , ValparaUo , markctinl bogs.
J. L. Jackson , Coitluiul , maikcted ho s.
The hoc market was higher again to-day.
H- J , M , Hedge , Yutan , marketed a loid of CO
K L. Doaue , Scotia , had 110 sheep on the
H9 K. lludbpltt , Yollov , had two loads of cattle
on thv1 market ,
Clark , lleaton & Co.Veston , marketed
again to-day ,
The furniture lorthe now stock yards bole ]
Vs being moved In.
Jauics Moitou , HaitlDgtou , had a load ol
caltlo nn the rrurkel.
R I'.ilniPiio'i , It Action , sold two lo.vls of
lidf-'s on to-du } ' * niiiikct ,
Mtujp. Itni-pts & Co. , North Bend , sold a =
other < if bous to-day.
.SM'lli | V C.i. , Hritnaril , sold two lo\d * ol
hots on the nimkcl to-d-.y.
T. I'owets S-itton , toijcil the market to
lav with a load of 277-lb fioz < .
it. A. Stone , Co ; n i | UlniN , maiketed a
load of faille anil a l nd of ho < .
Mr. Fnisli , of tins ilrm of O tenlmn ? A ;
1'rusli , Wnhoo , was Iti tmlay and sold a lo.ul
of steers and a load of cows nt satisfactory
| iriccs.
The plans for Upton' * new paoMng-houep
liave Ivon rompletid andafon-eof men wil
be pid toor. . ill a slmrt time. 'I lie siuic
conttactoi-H who are now iniltlng up the Fowler
ler pnckiim-hotise ha\e taken the contta-,1 for
Ihe I.inton hoii'C. . . lime
Chaille Withto.v , who has for sum nt the
lepti-vented the Nuithwestein i.tllioad taj. ( , ha resluiu-l hl < jioiltioii to ) u ,
t-hniiro of the feed I in ; yards at l.omj P . .iL
Mr.Vlihiov * s many ftiemls will rtatet
doiurture ,
II. ( lllmoie it Son , lld l ) CU > ; J. I.
Lower , htiouislmn : : Kesvclluph it ' < > . . Shel
by : J. M. Jelfiey , Dsceola ; Unckley A : 15 S
Sttoni'-biirc : F. Dunnlni : , Sliplb.x ; I' . Me-
Mullen. IAOIIS ; Mi-r.lileiry iV Mf-Hoiinlil ,
MclntnshiV Snttfin. ClmpmansV. : . 1. . Na"h.
Koamej. and ( ienrgo Melsner , Mieitin , sold
hogs to-d.ty.
Among tiio-e selliii' ' bojs on the mniket
weicthe follnuincVllllnm : \ llobi'iilutim ,
\\a'-o : .1. II , .Mclnt.Mc , l'alniiaVnlket
Itios.Vueil \ ; C. I , , Champion , notches
lei ; FMierO\ ' . . York : II. I'oid. Mnniuette ,
II. Smith , l-'tlend ; Snell A : Aunew , Ashland :
I'aruioieo it N. , South lletid : ( iteen \
Mecl.Pi. ( ire-iuvood ; I'.iikliuisi AV. . , 1'hil-
llps ; J. J , HrldL'cx. Coilhind : J.M. Alua
ham , VallcvC. ; It Ituynolds , IEa\uioiid.
I'.iliuoitiin iV I. DVC lm\e op"iioi [ an olllcein
the stock' u Imlliliiif ; ami w ill CIILMIH
in the h\estocK comuiisslon biutinuss. Tliuy
slatted out this moi.iiiiK l ) > having cveial
ear-iot hogs consigned totheni. Mr. I'lilmei-
ton ha > < been dimmed in business lor somt
time at UUiMtnnlillohis p.ntuer , Mi. l.o\e ,
isa well K-novMitianUeriesldln nt Yoik. As
both gentlemen me welt known Ihrouglioui
Hit' state , thev will be a help to the market In
bitniiliii : stock beio whli-h has been going to
oilier markets.
General 'Mai-ltets.
Thursday ICu'iilnc. July 1.
KoiiS Thu tecelpts weie moie llbuuil to
day and the market weaker. Kales wen ,
made to da } at llirjf ,
Hrrinii I'lie iccelpts ha\e not been qulti
as llbcial the past week , hut the ( puility is
M'IV poor. Asa ireneial thing Iho receipts
are \eiy heavv at this time , and the quality
of the butter bettei. It Iseiy poor policy
for shippeis to jinek bnttei in boxes during
\vai in weather , as no tutall dealer will buy
stock that comes in that shape , and thu com
mission men aie loiccd to sell it tor almost
iiiithlni ; . The demand is so light and the
geneial finality ol the butter MI poor that only
a small piopottioti ot the leeelnts will bring
top pi ices. Choice Iresh glass butter , 7 ( < B10c ;
inlet lor , : ! < f > c.
I'ori/inv The market is In a little better
condition than last weeU and choice stock Is
hi Inging better pi Ices. Choice large npiini !
chickens are sollini : leadilvatgood tirk-cs.
hmall si/e.s arenlow sale and the trade does
not want them at any puce. Uld low-Is do
not sell asrcadlly as spi ing chickens , but aio
quotable a little higher than last week. The
lolluv.-lm : quotations icpicMcnt Ihe aveiago
MI IP , hut laney .stock might biing a little bel
ter prices. < ) ld low Is , per do/- , JjiGOQt'S.75 ' ;
chickens , aslo M/e , per do2.00@
: i.oo.
rniMiiiiKS Itecolpts havpbcen light of Into
and demand vciy hi isk. We look for liberal
supplies dining the. ne.\t live 01 ten days.
Chen IPS , per ii bushel stands , S'.OOCn.'b.UO ;
per 1C. quait dtawer. Sl.T.Xn2.00.
Oxtovs Calllornla. per Ib , ! i' ' < .e : FontliPin ,
per banel , P4.00 ; < oiithcm , per bii-hel box ,
Niw : I'OI-A iois : Soutbem. per baitel ,
; ' . .oobomegriwnIper ; bairel , Si5 ( > .
C.vnnAf.K Choice home gi own , pcuVr.ite ,
4fO t5 . .
Viiir.i'\ : : Tomatoes , per
, , . . _
bunche.s. 2."i@0e : ! ; beet.s , per ( In/ . Iv.un-lics , ' (
25j ; celery , l\alama/.oo , jicr kloz. bunches. 40
U .
1'ios' I < IKT. : Tnii'n , Krc l-igs' leet , perJJ
bol , S4.00 ; do , bbl. S'J.OO ; do. ppr kit , 'Me.
Fn.s AND l\-tis ) : Figs , la > er , 1 Ib boxes ,
per 11) , Kc. J > ates , latK-v lard , 12 Ib bo\es ,
14c ; dates , Persian , 50 Ib boxes , per Ib , lOc.
Nt rs Pecans , large polished , lie ; pecans ,
medium , ! > c ; Knglish walnuth , He ; almonds ,
Tauagona. ' 20c ; almnnd.s , Lanvuciloc , 17e ;
Hia/.ils , 1 ' 'c ; lilborts , 14c : peanuts , hand
picked , laney Ynginla , fcje ; iicannts , hand
picked , ehuke'liginla , 7)ic ) ; peiinuts ,
toasted , 2c extra per Ib.
CIIMH lIo.Ni-.v Calitomia , 15c : California
stialned , lOc ; Nebraska , choice , 14@l5e ; Me-
br.iska , daik , IS' ' lih- .'i.ij .St'nAii Hrlcks , per Ib , l.'c ;
penny c.tkes , per Ib. 12kc.
MAi'i.K.Svnt'i' Hulk , 13 to 17 gallon kegs ,
per gal , 81.00 ; iral cans , per gal , 51.05 ; lull
gal cans , per gal , 51.10.
CHJEII New 1 ork , per bbl , $7.00 : do , half
bbl , S4.K ( ) ; Ciab. pet doi ( its , Si75 ; Mlcblcan
relined. cor bbl. , 5 = .OU.
VINEOAK Wilte wlno. I e517c ; elder , 13
C'17e ; Mingle bliL-ngth , 12c ; triple
rnovisioN-j Meatsaio stcadll } advancin ? .
The demand Is brisk and prospectH favor
higher prices. Ham , I'-'e ; oreakfast ba
con SKecift ) ; clear side bacon , 7jc : diy bait
sldc.s , 7c ; shoit lib sides , o1 c ; shoulders ,
7c ; mess potk. S12.50 per Dbl ; diied beef-
bam pieces , irxj ; lard , tierces , Oc ; ro Ib
cans , i ! > ie ; 10 Ib cans ( Fairbanks ) C' c : 5
Ibcans , do , fl > u ; U Ib cans. do. . 7'sc.
Hiiiiuis : : A tnll assortment of bonies has
been on the market lor the past few days , thu
aveniKo quality of w Inch ranged good , lied
and black raKpuertles , as well as blat-kbeitie ,
aiu in good Mipply andmrive In butter condi
tion than In pievlotis yeais. .Str.nvbeirles
from Michigan me choice and meet with
le.idy sale , llaspbciiics , bliicli. per 2 bushel
stamiSiojiiC10.Ujaspboule.s ! ) ; , black , per IMS
quait diawci-.S2.25 ; raspbenies , black , per 24
quait ease , 83.50(33.75 ( ; raspbeirle.s , led , per
i } I iiiaitcas | > e , S3.fjOJ4oO ; ranpbenies , ted , per
21 pint case. 31.7Vi7'2.00 ; blackbenles , per 24
quait case , S.'UWtfl 00 ; strawbeirias , per 10
quail e.ise. S1.752r. ! ; bluebenles , per 1
bushel stands , Sfl.oOf < sr.OO ; ciuiants , per 21
fjuart cuse , ; 51.7.VJ.40 ! ,
OIA.NOIStocks : : uiu vety inncii reduced
nnd lliPMMsnu Is about over. There is noth-
Inglelton Iho maiket except Los Angeles-
: ind the supply is not largo. Los Angeles ,
rf Lemons aie advancing ; steadily ;
Ihe supply Is shoit and with hot weather bu-
loie us wo ma } seoextiemely high llgtnesyct
very high iirlees seldom prevail before July
4th , but ottener come just after the 4th.
Fiinev , pei box. SS.M ; S box lots , S8.2B.
WATII : IUIO.\P , Thoilrfitcar of the sea
son has just at rived ; they aio ol a choice
Duality.Vatermclons , per 100 , SH.OO. :
( j'itiiAi' : : : Large lots of gieen ap-
| ilcs ntecomlng in } ( biifihol boxes by e-xpreas ,
1 hit 111 steal load oigtocn apples In banvla
will bo lioro about July 1. Dining thoeaily
| ) ait of thu season the market fluctuates mu-
lei hilly and ( imitations thorefoioato ttniella-
: ile. Apples , a-dJune , jier } bushel bo.\ ,
1.00 ; green , per K bushel box , SKe. )
CAI.IKOIIXJA Fuuirs Kereluts aio more
llboial and outside orders can bo tilled mine
le.idlly and with better stock. A pi loots , m-i1
cratp , 4 baskets , 81.50 ; npilcots , ft ciate lots ,
pci crate. 81 25 ; peaches , per box , S2.25 ;
[ icaches , a box lots , per box , S3.00 ; plums ,
terciato of 4 baskets , 2.75 ; Plums , 0 CJUM
' "LMIfWWl S'Wt '
J..V.VANAS jsananas are veiy good and
veiy cheap now. Bananas , per bunch , as to
Nt'Ts Cocoanuts , per 100 , 53.00 ; Jcsi
limn hundred , per 100 , 65.50.
iiKA.NS Inferior stocks , 75c@1.00 ; pooa
clean country. 91.2V l.bO : medium handpicked -
picked , Sl. : ( 1.40 ; hand-picked navy&
Fi.ouit ASD MII.I.STUFVS Winter wheat
flour , best miallty patent , ga.00 ; second
Quality , S2..1XCi75 ( ; best quality spring
wheat ilour , patent. 8a.50(7i3.CO ( ; bran , Hfc
per ewt ; chopped feed , ttto per owl ; white
corn meat , t"0c " ; yellow corn meal , tOe per
cwt ; scicenlng , eec per cwt ; hominy , 51.50
| > ercwtibhorts , 65opor cwt ; giaham , 8l,7o ;
hav. In bales. 8.00 per ton.
WOOL Medium , ItXglSc | > erlb ; nuo heavy.
I0@uo : limit , I3@i5o ; coarse , 12a'llc ( ' ; hurry
\\ool.2js5ootl. (
Ks-Orceii butchers' , 0' < o ; crcon cured ,
I7 o , biiein
mi leather
LKATIIEK 1'ilmo slaughter sole leather.
? ft3c ; . prune o.u sola leather. EOMSDc.
kW' leather , per loot. 20c < j25o : keiu.
khi. 75 b5o : oak kin , tOCiWc ; Vrenclt kuv
fl.OCK l.23 ; hew , calf , 51.00(31.10 ( ; oak calf ,
SI 0L.1S ; : lVnclicaIf. l.av.M.S3 ; Monvc
Ixiot leg , > 'JrtUi > ; .Mnnirco nil pebble. 3M" > ! . ' . ;
topmnu-saiKl linuitrs. Vj. 00 it 10. 00 per do/ .
IlliAV II iiiiiMAin. Iron inte . s2.2' > ;
plow strel. special e.ut Jo : c-nielbie teel. fei
ea t tool ? dn. l i ; nneon pil\ps. per rt ,
Sl.iiKtK ( ) : bubs per Pt'i \ : tclln.-s ,
siiweiTdry , ? 1.40 : tonsnc ? . each. 7ii' : nxle-s ,
raeli , 7.V ; ntiaro nuts. p > r Ib , 7 { 1lP : cell
eliain , i'er Ib , t'ftl-'c ; tmilleabie. ( Kns ( . ; imn
. tlo ; ctowbaf , lie : hmiow -eth. t . Ic :
ipilni : steel , 7rfsr ; llutdon's ii'iHe-hnps
. t.10 : llurdon's mule shoes , : , M. Daibod
wlie , In cai lots , Sl.OU per UK ) . tin. lion
Nails , rales , 10 in Ct > . ? 2.)0 : steel nails , S-.MV > .
Shot S1.W ; buckshot , l.s'i ; oiiontal
jiowilpr , kegs. t".50" < I.O ( ; do , half kpg'i.
" .Wl ; do. quail er kegs. " ! . . ; bla.tlnir. . kegs ,
S . : ! . ' > ; fuse , pel 100 feel fflo. Lead I Jar. Sl.ivv
I'AIMSIV OnWhite lead , Omaha , I' . I1. ,
T-.o ; white lead , SI. LottN. Pine. * 7. 75 ; Mm-
sellle.s gtoeii , t to. * > lbcan . SOe ; French /.iuc
cieeii se\l , l.'e ; FrniicliInc. . ted peal , lie ;
French /.Inc. Inamiah iissi , 20c : French
zlne , 7" > \eimlllion. ; . American , is ? ; Indian
led. lOc : lo-e pink. 14o ; Venetian red. COOK *
sun's , ' ' 4e ; Venetian icd. Ameiican , ] ? ; c :
Spanish blown , S'&SP l'i luce's mineral , He.
Dnv I'AK is While lead , V : I'teiichme ' ,
12c ; I'm Is wbitinir , 2 > , p ; whiting , gilders ,
\\t \ > : whiting , com'l , l'4r ' : liinptil.tcli. ( ier-
inantown , 12c ; l.impblack , ordinary. S > ;
I'rusMimi blue. , . " : nltinm.iilne , tsc ; vati-
dke. brown , se ; umber , liumt. 4c : umber ,
law , 4i > ; slennn , burnt , 4c : sienna , i-.iw , 4c ;
I'.ttlsgieen , t-euulne , 2.V : 1'aiis green , com-
mull , JJe ; chiome gieeu. N. Y.JOc ; cinomo
L'reen , K. , l'eermllllon ; , KnelNh. in oil ,
70e ; taw mid burnt mtibei , I Ib. rnn . 12e ;
raw and Imuit sienna , l-'c ; \aud\ke , blown ,
iie : ; lelliiedliitnpblnpk , lie : coach black anil
Ivoiy black. UV ; tliop bl.iek , VcI'm \ slnn
blue , ! ( ) : ; nltiauiariiie tilue , lb < > ; ohiome
L'li'oii , L. , M. A : U. , UK- : blind and shutter
gicen , L. , M. .t I ) . . ICe ; 1'ails giceu. lix- ;
Indian led. Ifiu : Venetian ipd , Vi" Tuscan
2-'c ; American vermllllon. L. it I ) . , 20c ;
yellow ochte , DC ; L. M. AO. . 1) . , IS ? : good
ochre , liic ; p.itentdrv.'r. N ? ; giainlng color.
liubtoak , dmk oak , w.ilnut , chestnut and
ash. 12c.
Dui'fis AND Cnr.Mirvi.s Acid , caibullc ,
: c ; acid , tin taric , 5c ( ; b.ilsaiu copaiba , per
Ib , 4rc ; , s.tssafias , per Ib , lOc ; calomel ,
per Ib , ? 2c ; clilnclionldl.i. per o/ , - tOichloio ; -
lorm , pur Ib , COc ; Dovei's iiowde- : , per Ib ,
Sl,25epsom ; salts , per Ib ; i'9e ' : glyei-i ine.
pine , per Ib , 1Hlead ; , acetate , per Ib , ' 'Oe ;
oil , e.istor , No. 1 , per gal. , 31. M ) ; oil , castor
No. 2 , per gal. , S1.40 : oil , ,
SL40 ; oil , oilgannum , 50c ; opium , W.40 ;
quinine. I * . AV. : . and H. Jc S. , per oSOe ;
liutasslum iodine , pel Ib , S3.00 ; snlioin , per
o40c ; sulphate moiphinc , per 07 , S2.W ) ; sul
phur , per Ib4c ; slrchnlue , peroSl.0. : ! .
under gioceties
VAII.\ISIHS ; Uairels , per gallon : Fuml-
ttiie , extra , SI. 10 ; lurnitute , N'o. 1 , 81.00 ;
co--- extra , SI.IO ; ciuch. No. 1 , S1.20 ; D.i-
mar , cxtta , 31.75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum ,
oxlitt , 5-ic ; shellac , SS.5J ; haul oil linish ,
ColoL'tio spirits , 188 pioof , 51.13 ;
do 101 pioot , SI. 13 ; spiiits , second quality ,
101 pioot , SU2do ; iss proot , Sl.ll. Alco
hol , iss prool , 4,3.10 per wine gallon. Hedis-
tllled whiskies. Sl.ooai.50. ( iin blended ,
Sl.r > oc < ? 2.00 ; Kentucky bouillons. 82.00 (1.00 ( :
Kentucky and t'eniisyhanla lyes , S'J.OO iO.50 ;
( iolden Sheaf boutbon mid rye whiskies ,
Sl.r.0' < t3.00. Hiaudies. imported , Su.OO s , iO-
dtmiestie. St : ! 0 ( . < fti.OO. tilus , impoited , " 54.50
atO.OO : domestic , 81.2.ViiI.OO. ! Uiims. im
poited , S4.50 ( .s.)0 ( ) ; NewKiigland , St.75ftf2.00 ;
domestic , 81.'i" > ( ' ( ; ! .00. Champairnes , impelled -
polled , tier ease , t2s.OO ( S4.0 ; American , per
case ,
l > ry
Pnixis American , .Vje ; Arnold's , Cc : Co-
chcco , Oe ; Manchester , tic ; Ljnian , fie ; ( llou-
cester. 5' 'c ; Dunnoll Jacquard. Oe : Dunnell ,
5 > < \\lnusor ; , Oc : I'acllle , 0 ; Ilaiiuoii,4Uc ;
Anchor Shillings , 4He ; Meinmae Shlitinxs ,
4'je ; Heiwlck. 4c.
Dfcic ( Unbleached ) S ( > / . Magnolia , lOc ;
10 Magnolia , 12c ; 80 . West 1'oim , 10 rfc :
1007. West 1'olnt , 12 > 4e.
HIIOWN C'oi-io.v Lawicnce LL.r c ; Shaw-
miit LL , fie : I5ca\er LL , Ac ; Atlantic .
' ' " ' -
Swilt Uivei , 0 .c ; Slictncket S , hk'c ; Sho-
tucket SS , ! > Kc ; Montauk AA,12c ; Monlank
B1J. lie : Omega , ACA , iie. :
IJt'fH ( coloied ) Hoston 0 oz brown and
mat ) . Wife ; Boston O H brown and dial ) .
XXX blown and drab , li'c ; Boston O P
blue , H c ; Wartcnt Trieot/l.V.
Hi.iAr-int : : > Corroxs Farmers' choien.
} c ; Cabot , ( Ji4'c ; Hope , 7e : Hill 4-4 7J < fe ;
Hlll .tiffc ; Lonsdale , a- ; Fruit , Bu ; Wania-
btitta , 10i < ; e.
CountJr.ANS Kearsarce , "R : Armory ,
7c ; I'eppeiell , 7' < Ju ; Indian Uichaid , Oo ;
Naumke.i ! : , 7c.
CiiKViprs Amoskeas , checks , ! ) c : Amos ,
keag , sttipes , hV.e ; Slater , stripes , t > c ; Kdin-
buig , ! i'2e ; Wblttendon , stripes , be ; Ulon-
iose , ic ) : Otis , checks , li 'c ; Otis , stripes , Hci
Itoyal , f he ; Amoskeasr , napped , ; J u-
i.iy , book told , 12c ; Obuion , book fold. ll > c ;
Knduiance , bonk told. 1'Jc.
DII.VIMS Heaver Cicek A A , He ; Heaver
1'irKi.KS rpdliim , In bols , S5.nO ; do In
ball bbls , S3.00 ; small , in bbN , gd.OO ; do in
halt bbls , 5H.50 ; gherkins , in bbls , 57.00 ; do
In halt hb.s ! , § 4.00.
MA-iciiiis I'er caddie , 2Se ; round , per
case , 51.00 ; bquaie canes , Sl.'O ; mnlo bquaro ,
.SuoAiis Powdered , 7e ; cut loaf , 7o ;
granulated , OJfo : contectioners1 A. C-V'c ;
standard extia C , Cifl'se ' ; extra C , 5K ( Gc ;
incdlum yellow , 5''Ht5ije. (
IJitinn FnriTs Xo 1 quarter apples , In
evaporated boxes , b$0e ( ; blackbeirles , boxes.
H'/WSJfe ' ; peachesjeastcrn , 4,6 < @ 5'se ; peaches ,
evaporatud , 15 > ( iil7e ; Salt Lake , new , OJf
7e ; laspboines. now. l'Ji/20c ( ; cm rants , 7jJ
@ 7 | < fc ; piunes , now , 4 } ( ne.
l'iiACKi : s's soda , butter and
picnic , 5J c ; creams , 8 , ' , c ; ginger snaps,8Hc ;
citv soda , 7 > c.
SOD.V In lopapcis , 5-J.25.1 case ; salsoda ,
ceir , per IbJ' c.
&vitL-i'-.No. 70 , 4-gullon Kpgs Sl.OO ; New
Orleans , : isfo4Go ! per gallon ; Maple Syrup , K
bairel , sttlctly pure , 7i * > ) . | gallon ; 1 gallon
cans. SK.2"i per doK ; gallon cans , $5.25 per
do/ ; quart cans , 33.00.
Mhror gloss , 1 Ib , Oc ; Mhrpr
o ; Ivingst'otd's bulk , 4e.
CorKKHS-Oulinary giades , JOj e : fair , 11 ©
ll'ie ; prime , ll' U'o ; choice. 124i ' ( l Uc ;
fancy green ami yellow , lH > ( < 14Kc ; old gov-
rinuent Java , 20r < wnc ; intetlor Jiiva. 10M ®
JOe : Mocha , 2-irf2le ; Arlmcklo's i ousted ,
.4 . c ; .McLaughlln'H XXXX roasted , 14 > < c ;
Uflworth's , 14c ; Hod Cross , 14 c.
KoAJ'.s Kirk's Savon imperial , 53.70 ;
Kirk's satinet , 3.00 ; Kirk's standard , S3.05 ;
\irk's while UusslanJi.00 ; Kirk's Whlto
Cap , 80.50 ; Dome , $ ) ; Washboaid , S3.10 ,
CANXIID ( loons-Oysters , slandard. per
case. S3.40 ; stiawberiles , 2 Ib per ease. S2.50 ;
aspberiles , 2 Ib per case , 82.25 ; California
> uart , per case , M,40 ; apricots , per case ,
4,40 ; peaches , per case , 34.40 ; white cherries ,
) ereaseS5.l ; plmiiH , per case , SH.tX ) ; bluo-
lenics , per ease , S2.25 ; egg plums , -Jib , pei
aso. S2.50 ; pineapples , 2 Ib , per ease , § 3.20
y . .
CANIII.KS Iloxes , 401bOs , lOWe ; 8s , 10' c ;
> exes , 40 Ib , 10 oOs , 10' ' c ) half box , ,
, ,
In sacks , ; C 5 : X sacks , Aston , b5c ; bbls ,
dairy , S2.CO@2.75.
SPICKS ( iround lllack popper , boxes , 20
@ 2 c ; allspice , 12@lfic ; cinnamon , 18f(7'50 ;
cloves , l5R25c ; ginger , I5 ( .25c ; imtbtaid , ir < g
iiiuiru , uuutiuu ; J. UUIIK uysoil , goon , nuMioo :
choice. W70c : Oolong , oed , ai@-)0c ) ; Oo-
loiur. choice , 40 < g4W ( : Ktiftllsli breaktaa ( rood ,
WK < viOc ; choice , M(5G.5c : .Souchong , jrood , 80
( 45a ; choice , : i.rx < i45o.lapaiis ; , lair , a.ic i ! o :
L'pod , ; choice , & 5i&75cj Tea dust , 15c ;
lea slftlngs , l c.
FINK CUT Hard to Heat , 70c ; Charm of
Ihe Wcs > t , OOc ; Kountaln , 70c ; ( Johicn Thread ,
U7c ; Favorite , OOo ; llnds , 50c ; Uocky iloun-
lain , Me : Fancy , 4lc ; DaUv , 40c : Xortli Star.
We ; Good luck , 55cj Our Best , 6l eiood \ (
Sows , We , „ _ _ _
Dry liumDor.
So. 1 Com. s. 1. s. la , Hand 10 It . . . . ,517,00
No. 3 " " ia , 14 and 10 ft 15.00
N'o. 3 " " ia , 14 and 10 ft lii.OO
No.4 " " ia , HautllOft 11.00
N'o. 1 , 4 As0 Incli , 13and 14 ft. , rougi.t | > iaiO ;
N'o. 1 , 4 i0 inch , w ft. , roiich . . . . . . . 17.00
N'o. -t.fcOIncli , laund 14 ft. , louuli. . . 14.00
So. 2 , 1 X-G Inch , 10 It. , rouah 15.00
M \1 T , AMI
M ttl4 ? ft 111 ft I * ft 23 ft ft H fl
1,1 < ) if. 19 i.vfl in ijo IS..V ) lo.rc
M. " } ! 6115 ) ( /i 10 W 17 < < ) 0 W Sl.'i ;
1.1..VI . 1.1.7 , II 5U 1" . TO 17 V ) 19.80 SO M
I3.T01.\ I 1.1.10 I3..1) i.SJJ.55 ) ! J.M
1.1 MI IR..VI in .v ) 17 rt ) sow's i -
* ii7kui. ! > , LAI ii.
'Standiml ' cs.rvi
< Vlwli clear \.t \ , '
( i-hii'li clear j.i i.ivi
No. 1 Com. 12 ln.s. 1 s. 10 , H nnil 10 It.l Mt )
No. 1 " " " II ) , IS and 'JO U. . ty.tx
No. a " " " _ j2 , ! > and 1011. . 1C..U
_ _
ilifi H'r n'N tjp"lilil T l KTi
I aw to-i to o 41 i ; u
. ist.Not i/hft rot , ; 2.12 1171 7i m fa , to
KIMtiiii'ii rmicj < i IKIJI oua 'in I 5.11 n ) , ro tor
l.'lf KM Sji'i c Pcyfi _ ( I. ) II 0 , ) U' 75 1 5.1J ! M
_ iMi'oinht ) nmi.
llils lir llhl io-rlUil rnlTiTir" !
i'tO , l ) t l So < 0 15 IS IU
it-rnKa 12 roe so.1 oo.i : ws 70. .
Noiuexlan I ' !
KK lliTr'tnr * ) 11 0.11 ! ( MB 4fi3 OVS ill' ' . . 75
llrlMlhlKH. _ ' _ . 1 4 l 4 W3 ! ! 0 1 I HI
- llllils'll-ill IllilsQr llbls kti
| -M ) IUO W M 40 IU
HolandliciriniMc.siiiilccd ! ; ( halibut , 10c } ;
Yarmouth bloatuis , OH- ; new scali-d l
The Great Rocli Eslancl Route
o" ralc- Jtj iwtrom thnt scnpc. ol pcrtoliBl ftm
rllf Riroidnl bvn wild. tlHjroniililv ll.illSVieil rood-
pol , Miiooiliiriickn t miiitlniiiiiia ttocl i n. rulwttn-
tlBll v . hunt rulTerti unit l.rjiltrt. , lolling ititk li i"r
| irrr < | | luii ns hiiiunn MU1 inn make It. till , { art
aplll n urpatintl titT nplMroiniinnd"lrbrVikr"
! > " "
and thai einctlii < ! lKlpllnewLlrliRoTtrn > T tL"in".1
The Fiist Cjprrra Tialnd hclwfcn Chlrtirn nnl
„ ii. Council Bluiri' . Kansas n"3
I'for nty I > nrf iVnoitli "
Alchlwn lire compoioU r well Tcnllat | J riliii 11"
Hlofpo of the IMei-t ° , ( w'ffit , . niiminnaiiH 'liilman ninlnir 1-l ,
l.ii . In which cUbornUly rookcil ino l BI r li'fjureiy
cnifn. HctwpujChlcioo nJ KonraiUliraiid Atrlilin
are alxj run Iho CckViiti-il lieclllilngl-liMr Care.
The Fnmous.Albert Loa Route
{ tlie direct and f roritci ilno between ClilcngnnDil
MliiiieapnllB nnd Ht. 1'niil. hero ronnc-i-tloiii in e nimlo
1 riV"ni ! ' icptl ! for nl ! P ° ln" ' " tl10 Torrllorl."aml
iii.i ? lro ' " 'f'-.0"1' " ! ' " * " ? * < " Ka t Kipnn
me tun lo the
wMpr Inir 11 nren. ruininir ro-
ori..nCiieiie | | , lurnMtliK.ana hiinllnir o. nnlilSS
Biimnilsor Innn nnil Mlnni-wta. It In ulnj the nu t
ffl'fl'i5tffif,1'ntA0 " " ° at "tWf aua pabtoria
Still iuiotli * > r IiIHKT LINK , via flen'ea nml K n-
K-lKir , 1m li.rn unm l bftwuri 1-inHn.mtl , Ilullnn-
"polls ami Lufaji-tip. and Council lllnm , KnnVi.ii'-ltr.
Mlimcapi.llyiiiirlM. 1'niil and tiitrrniedlataiiolnth ;
1 or ileUIIrd Inronnnllnn i > ru Mnpi KII'I Hulilprr well „ . iLkct , , nt rll | .rin"lp lYl"k7t
Ul > jip < > In the United Btatca und UacaUai ur by ad-
I'rc&'t * Uin'l M'p'r. ( lon'l T'kt i I'aes. Ac'ti
Job Printing.
Job Printers , Book Binders ,
And DlntiU llook Manufacturers. 100-108 South
Flour and Feed ,
Wholesale Flour , Feed and Grain.
Mnnufacturorsof W. J. Welslmni & Co.'s Quick
ItalMnir Huckwhcat Hour and proprietors Omalm
City tlille , cor. bth and Karnum Streuls , Omaha.
Beer ,
_ _ _
gent for Anheuser-Bush Brewing Ass'n '
Special britndj Tiiust , Iludwoisur ,
National Bank
. .
Northwest corner Kuiuiiiu und lath Streotc.
Paid up Capital , $200,000
Surplus Fund 60,000
. . . . . , 1'ioslilont. Vlcu I'rcslilout.
Cashier. As-t. Casblur.
Accounii-a ollcitod uiul prompt uttontlonilvou
o allu islncai onli-usteil tolw caio.
I'lvu DOrnent on Tinio DoooslK
HI'ltKAL' .
All cliiHSo i of piopcrty
oml Koodrt lionuht , bold
and exchanged. City piop
crty for luring ii'iil wild
of any kind. Will ex-
cliiiiiKi ) pi opeity lists \tltli
} reliable til in iloinK
i-dnoss an/whcro in the
United States. A lir0 ( Hot of city property
ulwiiys on hiind for hulo or cxchunuo. All
brljrht & A > les > Y rtb , tck-Phono 785. ! ilB S. loth
Et.Omuhii Neb.
Halter's Sale.
In the Clicult Court of tlio United Stutos for the
Dlttilct of Nehuiikft.
Abhy W. Miirsh ' 1
vs. ' v In Chancery.
Siirnli K Iliutt , et. nl. I
TOUIH.HJiioik'i ) Is henby Klven that In puisn-
-L unco unil by virtue of u ilccroo enterrd in
the nbnvo cnusn , on the - < l tlay ol July , IBM , I ,
Klllu I. . Dim bower , Hpwlul Maeter In chuncery
In Fiilil couit , will , on the loth day of July ,
IKbt ) , ut the hour of IU o'clock In thu foicnoon
of the Mill iluy , ut the fiont ( noith ) door of the
Unltoo ; Stutes court house unil post olllco tinlld-
Injr.InthiicllyofOmulm , Douglas countybtato
unil illttrlct of Ni'hrusku , sell ut uuctlou the fol
lowing tli'Miribtxl proiierty , to-wll I
Thu north-east riunrli-r of the north-oust quftr-
tcr of Section thlny.fonr fW , und the north hulf
of Iho nortli-uuit iiunrteiuiul thu sonth-wcet
quarter of the iiorth- cst quarter of Beet Ion
thlrty-HvoiW ) , Town.hlp twunty-fclx (26) ( ) north ,
range ultrht (8) ( ) , wo t of the 0 1 * . M. , Antelopu
county , stutu of Nebru kii.
llLI.IS fi. IllKlinOWEIl ,
Spot-lal Mufeter Iu Cunnccry ,
D , 11. ETTIEN , BollcltorforComiilalnunt.
211 South Thirteenth Streat.
Book Binding Ch <
' '
Printers , Book Binders ,
And Iihink llooV Miiniifiuf.iroi-s. NOJ. 10ftiiil
_ ill * i.nti ! Itth Sti tt , Vlnllllil. > i-o.
_ Bmles Steam Pile Drivmy ,
\YMON I ) , V CAMl'IHil.U
rnir.ui rri ami fonliartoi-si.
Brges , Roof Trusses , Steam Pile Driving
Iron ( Inn mitl ll o Tiilss llrlileoo
mini : nml dik , TlmlK-r. Ijtli si. , near riiiinun
Telephone Xi. 7 11.
Ctgni sand Tobacco.
MAX Mivitt : ; A ro. ,
Jobbers of Cigars , Tobaccos ,
nnd Aminiiiili < ni. "l"i to I'El South tllh
flint. UGUtol ? ! ! rmnmtiStrct-1 , Oinatiii Ni- > .
l.STiuocr.Arntui ; 1riouv. .
\VRsT & rillTSCHKIl ,
Manufacturers of Fine Cigars ,
AmiVliali > Kili > 1 > i.nirr In l.cnf Tabncco * .
W nnil HON. Itlh Stieei.Oiniilm , Nell.
UOCKt'-/ .
* "
' *
H.IinatiT ,
for tlio .Miiuufucturcrs ami Itnportots ,
Crockery , Glassware ,
, ChimmI5tc. . Ol'lce , HIJ Scuth nth
Sticut.Onmlia. Neb.
Agents lor I' . A. Wliltiuy CmrUgo Co. 8
Children's Carriages ,
Anil Jewell's t'elchrutuil Holi-i ci-.itorJ. Sun
or price HsU. 141.1 K.u-iuni st , Oina'.in.
o. s. ri-vrns & co. ,
Wholsale & Retail , Fine Carriages ,
Plrni'tnii" . lluv'i.lci * ' nnil Hiiail Wiicon ? ) PIT cent
avcd In biijlnz of nn. l.ns nttl IJ1S. UurO btrcct ,
( liu-ilii , Nolimskn ,
liinnclilit ( . 'ounrll Illuira , town.
Cornices ,
Uaglo Cornice Works.
John Knonoiei , 1'roniletor. Jliiiiunn tuier of
iilvanlretl lion ami Ooinlco. KM DnilRo and III
mid 105 North 101U Sti-cut , Onmlia , Noli.
Mnnufacturorsef Oiimmontnl
Galvanized Iron Cornices , Dormer
Windows , ritml , Ktc.,310 S. 12th St. Woticilono
_ Inmi/p.iitor thocountry.
Western Cornice Works ,
C. S1T.CHT. Troiirlotor.
UnUnnlzcd Iron Cornlcos , Kte. Bpccnt's Im-
rovcil I'alcnt Jli-tnll'o Skj JlffhU f OS nnd 510 S.
. . , . . . .
KthSt. . f . N U .
Doors , Sash. Etc.
Yho Gate Cily Pkning Mill
Doors , Snsh ami llllndG. AKn nil lilmls of
tuniitit , ' . Scroll uud Stair work of o\i-ry ilo-
JInmiracturer and Dealer In
Doors Sash Blinds Etc.
, , , Mouldings , .
Etnlr llnlld n ppcclalty 'Mi-phono No. 1C
JMh and -Mircv Ml.Omuha , Nob.
Electrical Supplies.
L. VV/WOI.rK & CO. , Electrlclana , "
Electrical Supplies ,
Maeonlo Block. Onuiha. Hurirlar Alarms llrlh ,
I'lro Alurms , if'cctrlo Maltln r , Siciilhiir | 'J'utioJ ,
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work
ion Stain * , Ituillnir , Kollcd lluains and ( link1 is
Blcam Untrlncs. Ilrn o Work. Hcncrul Foundry
Machine and lllacUsmlth Work. Olllce anil
Works , U. > ' . Hy. nnd S 17th &t.
Iron ar d Nails.
" "OMAHA NAIL ju vurACTPuiNG co. ,
Cut Hails and Spikes ,
riroXnilsrvFpc snlt.v. ! Onmlia. No'.i
Omaha Safe Works ,
Mnmifnctnrcrof 1'neiinil Ilurpliir Proof S.-ifo' .
Vnult Uoora , Jnll Work. Shutters mid Who
Work. Cor. 1 Ith and Jnckfcon Sts. , Oiimlm , Xcb.
V/ajtons and Carria jj ,
Eftahllshcd 1853.
A. ' . SIJIl'SON ,
The Leading Carriage Factory ,
JlC'JauO UU DoOfe'o Street , Omaha , Nob.
Commission , Etc.
M. HUltKK & SONS ,
Live Stock Commission
Gro. Ihulio , Muuu er.
Dnlon Block Yards , S. Omaha. Tolo.hono KBZ
Union Stock Yards Company ,
01' OMAHA ,
Limited. John K Ho yd , liiiporintcniloiit.
Live Stock Commission Merchants.
Shfjiineiilrt of any nnd all Kinds of block solicit
ict. Union bt. ck VauU Uiuulm , Nvb.
Lumber , Etc.
' '
LOUIS niiADKmn ,
Dealer In Lumber , Lath , Lime ,
Bub , DooiB , Klc , VnrdH L'or. 7th and Doug- " :
Cor. Uth and
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldlnw , Wuli- Work nnd Interior Iltu-il Wood
l-'lnlhli. Jiibt ojicncil. N. K. cor. bth und IA.-UVOII-
worlh Slicvtfc , Omulm , Nub.
Wholesale Lumber ,
fH S. lltb Btrict , Omahii , NuU F. Colpctzcr ,
tlana ur.
C. N.
Lumber ,
13th ami Callfornlu Stitcts , Omaha , Neb.
Lumher Lira Copient , Eto Eto , ,
Vbolesale Dealer la Lumber ,
Omulm , NubiusXa.
Hardwood Lumber ,
Warcn PtocV , I'nncy Woods , Ilildfro Timbers ,
&c. , H.V. . L'or , Vnh und Uoiitrl'U ' , Omulm , Kub.
Dealer In Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings ,
Uulldlwr Taper , lite. South lUUi HtKCt,00331.
Fl h , Etc.
Jckcn ? li-mE cn & CO.
Wholesale Fish Dealers ,
Importers of TorrlRn KUh , Nos. Ull-913 Jonci
< a atr ( " l nod > ' . J . Track.
C on 'ectionjry-
F. T. FAY i 00. ,
Manufacturing Confectioners ,
Jobbei s of Frnlls , Vula ' and Cigars.
Farnuin tit , OinultaNub ,
' OMAHA JOBBED' Imolcmrnt t.
1-AUUN. ( .WKNIHV.n . p A > | . \HT1.N' ,
W holi-s. .c IValei * tn
Agricultural Implements , Wagons
niul IHiivIr : ' , Oini.lm Nt'l- .
riintcim.i , I'.Mtur.H ,
AVholi sill'1 I * ' itlt'f III
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
-j unil llufu'i < ' . .li n-i St , lnjt. llh tint ] , Nil' .
Hoots and Shoes.
. , "
Moi'515 ' \ ro. .
Jobbers of Boots anil Socs ! ; ,
Ull rmimm PI rcot. Omulm , Noli. Mmiufactorj ,
Hummer Slioil. Ilo'tnn.
. , . .
V-.rt'tVv nol * t - - % - * " *
s. A. onciiAUP ,
Wholesale Carpets , Oil Cloths ,
MnttltiKCurttilu ( iooi.'c. iir : , Hi ) Vixrinui
t-lu'ct , Otiiiihu , Ni I.
Coal , Lime , Etc.
Coal , , Coke , Lime and Stone.
OtV.oc.ElJy. lllir t.,0nmm ! , Nib. Viirof , "tit
mid 1 ) i''eti o 1 1 Ptn < . ( > . .
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
211 i- . lath St. , Oinnnii , Nrii.
( ! u > . tTowi t , I'n sM int.
Grn. r .Trrll ON. Pec. uiul TUMH.
J. II. Ilr-nipiiT , ! ' A. .
l'iiiirl | 'lor. MmiHjfOi *
Robraska Coal and Lime Compauy ,
OMAHA , M'.llltAM\A.
OIIH-C , aii S. 1 till Mifi'I. 'I cli phone 13.
Uco. 1' . I'Mi\mil'ipf < . f 1' . ( i < mi > vs. V. 1'ica.
.1. A. SfMil.Ui. ' .Nil Sco. mill Ti
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Company ,
JobLuisof Vinl nml < ort i-o.i' , A'JS. Kill M. .
OiimliH , Noli
Hard and Soft Coal.
EjeJuBive ilciilcrsln llnuUlcr rolotnilo ConLSli
touth i Itli ( "trcnt.
CoRee and Spicss.
( JATKS , t . 'Li ; V MILKS.
Home Coffee and Spice Mill ; BTg Co.
t'ollro HOIIIUMH uiul Sploo ( Innili'riinili'l
fiictmorBnf lluklnir 1'owilcr , I'laNoiinc I'.xttnu'o
Illiiliifr , etc. Tryone cnoe of our l-n > piiukiixct
lloino Blend Koustocl CoITce. 16'J'J llo-uinl HI. ,
Cniahu , Ncli.
C'LAHKK rtltOS. A t'O. ,
Omaha Coffee and Spice Mills.
Ton : , CotTcoi , Splci-a , IlnkliU 'owilct riiivorln * *
H.Miacls. l.miniliy IJhm. Ink , otu. 14U-1U Har
tley Struct , Onmlia , Neb
Commission , Etc.
„ . . , . _
Wholesale Fruits , Produce , Oysters ,
3121 Knrnum St. , Omnlm. Apios--Om-own | | .ack-
JiiK I'latt Jc4'n u TIjTi-r - llranil OjMuis , lluttur ,
liitfy , CJmiio , 1'oultrj , rotntocc. _ _
Genera ! Commission Merchant ,
Produce , I'lovlMoiK , I'rtilts. Hour anil I'ootl. Ill" ,
: . Kth SI. , Oii.r.ini , Nc.'Ii. Coiit.ifeMiMii.iU3 iolicltul.
Ik-Hiin-j iniiilu tirumuUv.
K. ilcDOXAhl ) .
215 llth ! Street , Otnu'su , Keli. Ppiciiilllos : Hut-
tor. JJnre. ; unil Ohli-hun---
Produce Commission Merchants.
I'onltiy , Butter , Game , ] 'rnitic. :5.tS. 14th
M. , Onuiha , Kubrui-Kn.
General Commission Merchants ,
HCtDodgoStrect , Omnlm Nob. Consignments
W. 13. UIUDKI , ! , ,
Storage and Commission Merchant.
Spfc.riAi.Tii.hIIVCM ( * . llnttor Kit ? * . 1'oulli-y
unil OiiiiH" . 112 a lltli. , Oiunliit. Nub. Tek-
phone No.aDj ,
Storage and Commission Mercbiats.
I'orn.Kii unil Do.uoufc Krulm a specially. Kl-
I'wnnl htorniru ladllilos Warphiu ( a mill oflico ,
1U Nuitli Utli ct. Telopiioni ) 77u.
J ) . A. : iUHLEY ,
Commission and Jobbing ,
Jiuttor , I t'S [ anil 1'ioduco. A lull line of Stono-
' , ari' . Con5iiinnc3iHs ; bollcituci. Jill Dudtfd M. ,
K. M0110NV ,
General Commission Merchant ,
Huttor , IjtfirsChtCMMiml Country I'niilnrot'on.
eruiiySu'JS.lx'thSt.OiiiLilni , Nek
u : &sctutoii > ii ( ,
Buyers of Butter and Eggs.
nclrlfi-orntor nnil 1'ac Mncr Hone , Mill \ Li-nron *
wonli St. , on U. 1' . H. It. TracJt , Oiniilm , Nu > j.
Established 1870.
General Commission ,
SJ18. IJth Bt. , Omaha , Hob. Kjn'clnlllos-llutler
1'KKK , Poultry uud ( Jiuiif.
Commission Merchants ,
Vruitt , 1'rccluco nnd I'rovlsions. Oniuh.i , Nth
SiK-icssoi'i to IB'Hi ' ! ( lilllilh.
( iommission Merchant ,
nd vrliolcsfllo dpdlor In country produce , frultf ,
bnttor , ojftrs , otc. Coeds on consiKinnont a
specialty , aw N. 16th Pt. , Omiilm , Neb.
( Sueteasora to A. I * . Schuck. )
Produce Commission Merchants.
No. 213 South nih Street. Omaha , Nub.
Dr" Goods ,
I , . 01NSIII3IU3 & CO. ,
Wholesulo Doulcrs In
Dry Goods , Hosiery , Notions ,
' , , & ! e Bl Embroidery and Wlillo Coo'4g ,
_ ia-OUoUrlu3 ( Btroci , Onialia , Nob.
White Lead ,
W1I1TK l.KAU CO. .
Strictly Pure White Lead ,
_ SW,8l. . u.lM. . . -y , on
Harness , Etc ,
Manufnetuicrs and Jobbcrsof
Harness , Saddles , Saddlery Hardware ,
Turf Goods , Illankclii mid Holies. 1121 Farimm
StiLct Oniubu. Neb.
Mattresses ,
Mnnufnctuilnir ili'ttreskes'llwlillnir , TYnthor
rilloHf , I'ots , Ktc. 1200 auJ 120S Doutrlns Btroct ,
Omnhu , Nth.
Overalls ,
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans I'unU , bhlUB , ito. : , 110J n-idrw Uouirlii
BUtiut , Oiualw , NoU
Lime , Cement , Etc ,
. ) J JOHNSON & CO. ,
Id aoui acturer s of I linols\Vhite L m ? ,
AndBh ( ipcibof lVi\l and C'oto , Ccmont. I'liis
tcr , liiiuv , llulr , I'liu lliiek , Uia'u , 'lilo uiul
bower I'lpo. Ollltii.ruxton Until , tcl phoii fcil ,
Faruam struct , 0 nmha , NuttUska.
OMAHA I. Mil ! l i\l ,
Je.ilir ln A'l ' Kiinl < nt
Building Material at Whoiesala.
HlhSti , umul . i o n m II Track. Onilli t
ur.tlMAN' 11 WVATP
Yiholesale Dealer in Lumber ,
rr > l1i lilull m1Strci > t < > , Oinahn Nlii < Ul.
J. A. WAKKriii.l : .
Wholesale Lumber Lath
, , ShingUs ,
tlnlMltiK Taper-i. Snsli.Itoo.-4. Illm.N. Mi ill *
inirs I'Klti'K , rn < t * , l,1im > . I'.mn-r , Huf ,
Cement. Nliitti ami. huios , Omnlm Nib
flillinery. 1
* " " "
i. onr.iuT.i.nKit.
lnioitcf ntid.lobboi' > ii {
Hillinery and Notions ,
lllUl'iid l-'U llnrncy Stivcl.Kiniihn
_ ji Instnmipnts ,
ittIOI.M : | k nitll'KSON ,
Wholesalers of Musical Instraineil3 : ,
flolnwity I'laiins Wubcr. Uoi-licr , I In ni i utvt
lliluts ( l'i inns , I'ni'iuml DiinuK , I lin i ( ) ri i. > %
UUiind KMlMllMu-ot.
_ riifii'turo , DC.
Tit NUM.HM ! " ' ' " . MCK - '
Furniture , Bed dfng , Upholery MlffJH
Ktc , l-Mil , -Ms I unit lil ' 1 11,11 , in , > , ccl I illlllit ,
Wholesale Dealers iu Furnltira ,
1 iiriniiii Stirct , Oniuhil. Noli.
13. M. CHAPMAN < . I'O. .
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Cigan ,
VoVAiii ) 11 1 id Smokers' Attloh-s , 1 17 llouiinl St.
Wholesale Fancy Grocers , Teas ,
S-plii-.s , CiKiirH and T < ibiiciii < < . iU7 ; mid KU'J lliiil .
Ins Sticot , Onuiha , Neb.
iltCOltl ) , 1IUA1IVA. rOMPAy ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
Coiner Iftth Mini Tnrnum Htrcoi , Onmha , N'oh.
I'AXTON , UAII.Aillltt : X CO. ,
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
Kos Ilij , ,07 , WJ and ' 11 S. 10th fcl , Omulm , Vcl > .
\V. J. IlltOATCII.
Hardware Iron Steel
Heavy , , ,
Fnv'tiKS ' , iViiKiin Si tuck , Hurd oed laimln-r , otou
lU'Jnml 1 11 Iliunoy htiocx.Omiilni , Noli.
KUNUVA : ( UlllUN ,
Wholesale Iron Steel
, , Wagon
And Caiilivi ) Wood Ptock , lluavy ll iilw rei ,
Ktc. UITuiul I''IU I.c.lvcn\ ottlif1titi'lOmn'iii ,
HI.\liilAl'llI : ( .V TAY1.0K ,
Builders' Hardware ,
Hoeltanlce'Toolsand Hiillnlo Scales KOAtto-iKr
li.uSttuut , Onuilui , NeL.
I.KK , rair.i ) .v Co. ,
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tinware ,
Miect Iron , IJti . AH cuts for 1 lotto Scales unit
Mlnml I > oHdci-Co.Oinnlia Nob.
Stoves Furnaces Tiles
, Ranges , , ,
M untie.iuilLN ( , itiass irooiN. l' ! l anil I'f.'J ' IVr *
iinni Stiri'l.
ItlHTOK A : \ VH.Ilii.MCO. . ,
Wholesale Hardware and Nails ,
I'mcrson Stool Nails , for. 10th mid Ilunicy
KtioctH , Oir-ilm , Nob.
* ro. , CIIICAOO ,
JtuiHifr.cturer ot tlio
DeerinS Harvester Goods ,
SVrito to Wm. M. lArliniT ) , ( igniM-nl
Onuiha. T < 'cplionuillU.
Iron Pipe , Etc.
Pumps , Pipe and Engines.
SI > nm , Water , Hallway nmlMlllliiir < iip | > llrty \ :
Ml , lua unit l 4 Fiiiiiuin Ft. Oiniilin , Nub. |
CHiniCIUU , 1MJ.MP CO. ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Metuu und Wiitoi- Supplies , lleudnnurtou fo ?
Jliiol foo-,1 , Co.'s Uoods. 1111 ruinuin stiect ,
Oniuhtt , Neh. n
Jewelry. ,
nwioi.M & niticKSON ,
Wholesale Jewelers.
Ilcnleis In Sllvnrwurn , IlhmmiuN , V'nlci.v ! j.
Cloili" . Ir-ni'lui-s1 Tools nnd Jlnterlula. Ktc. , 1J1
und hcj , l..ih Stieet. Cor , l.di , ' < i , Oniithu , Nub. |
Notions , l ? . '
YINYAItl ) it SCIINKiii : : { .
Hotionsllosiory , &Gsats'Purnislilnj
inoo anil 10)t I'tUiiuin M , , Omulm.Nou
L T. Robinson Notion Company ,
4l nnd 40.1 S. 10th St.Omul. : ! , Neh. >
Wliofratilu Dealers In Notions unit ( Ji-ntV l-'ur.
looils. i
Oils , Etc. )
Wholesale Dealers In Oils , ;
Onrollne , Mh-a A.vlo Oroii'-ii , Hie. A. II. Itlsnon.
Oinalm , Nob.
Pork Packing.
.IAMUS K. novnr
Pork Packer and Shipper ,
_ Onmlia , Nebraska ,
IIAHKIH & I'-ISIinil ,
Packers and Provision Dealers ,
plli < e , nnlun Mai kt-t , 1517 DoiltfoSlroct , i'tw
lioin-o , U , P. U. a. Truck , Omaha , Neb. Tulo.
phone No. ) , J7.
Safes and Locks ,
r. IIOYIU : & co.
Agents for Hall's ' Safe & Lock Co.s' '
Tire nnil llnrului1'ioof Hafcs.Tlino l.oi'kbViiullf
and .lull work. Wig riiiniim Micct , Oinahiiil ,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Seeds.
Ain-iciiltiiriil. Vi-Kctahle , iie. : ( Mil 1'ollown' Hull ,
N. W. Cor. 14th and Doduo St . , Omulm , N b.
urugs , tie. t
Wholesale Druggist i
Atul in I'lilnlB , OHM and Wlinloir WM\
Omaha , flub. , ,
Wines , Liquors , Etc , -
n.iu : & co. ,
Distillers and importers of Wines
And l.lUii-s. ( | Bole niRniituctuiord of Kdtuiflily'l
- Hitters. Ilia Jlarnoy i3tu--tOiuuh ,
_ . , .uur. ,
Successor lo McMAMAltA & Dc'M-AN , Iiupoitorf
und Wholeiiilu IK'uleru in
Y/lnes / and
, Liquors Cigars ,
H and 10 8. Hill St. , Omulm , Neb.
" *
_ Notions , tlu
"V '
Y/hoIesala / Job Lots ,
Dry Ooodd , Notlonn , ( Jnnts' KnrnUhlns ( Ivodi.
UooiUlroin Nmv Vork. Trade gules duily , yi\
BUI' r < bouth lath Ht. , Omnha.
Leather , Hides , Oc.
uitos. ,
Leather , Saddlery Hardware ,
Saddlery and t Iioo niullnim , Klilt-a , Wool , 1'ura ,
l'1-lts.UtcH-.o. Tallow , KU.- . , Omaha Hoi ,