Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1886, Page 2, Image 2

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    'JL'HJti OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , TOLY 2 , isao.
Order * to Clcnr Hosoliud Agency of
the I'nln fnccn.
VAt.nsTiXh , Neb , , July l , | Special Tele
gram So the HhK. | A government employe ,
formerly carpenter from Hosebiid agency ,
just In , states that Agent Wright received
ofllcml oulers to-day to expel nil white men
not married to Indian women from the
nucncy. All government cmi.lojees not so
innirlud will bo compelled to ica\e , the stock
Inspector not excopted. Companies II and V
of the Fourth Infantry , lca\o for Priniinnt to
join other poitioiisot their rciclment for the
vast tonight. The town Is full ot olllcers'
friends , blddlm : them fjood-bje. Universal
regret is expressed attholr departure.
Tlin AHHcinlily Opens.
Cur.Ti : , Neb . Julj 1. f.Six-clal Telejrram to
the IJm.J-Tho Crete Cliaiitattcuia grounds
present to-day uery busy but Intctestlnc
night. About , llltui'ii hundred people aio al
ready on tlio KI omuls , most of them busily
encaged In piepanti" ; for the cominz dajs.
A vastnmount ol hurry and bustle aic In
volved In the migrating of several thousand
people fiom ono plaso to another , even al
though the place to which they go bo a
camp mound. 1 lock nnd dray men aio to bo
Keen In everydliectlon bringing wltli them
the necessaries of comfortablu tent life.
About three hundred tents are already taken ,
and the mann cia have been ablldged to pro
vide for extra accommodations. Iho nrst
nicotine of the assembly was held to-night ,
nnd was opened by player bv Dr. Ionian
Abbot , of Now York , and an address ot wol-
coino by IM. Foss. Uhailes E. HaUon tlien
delivered hi ? Interostlni ? lecture with btotcou-
tlcan views of the Urltlsh Isles.
Dnvltt U 111 Conic.
LtNCor.x , Neb. , July 1. The president of
I / the Irish national leamto to day received
from Dublin a cable mossngo stating that
Michael Davltt , the honored founder oC the
laud leaeue , will attend the Irish national
convention to bo held In Chicago on the 18th
nnd Ullh ot August , bearing with him , the
licaitynppiovalof Mr. Parnell. Mr. Kifau
also expects a sttnng delegation composed of
some ot the best men ol the parliamentary
Ijlnooln Urines Up tlio Hear.
LINCOLN , Neb. , July 1. [ Special Telegram
to the Bii.J : : The second gamoof tlio Lin-
coln-Topeka ( series was played on the home
grounds to-day , rcsiiltiui ; In an easy victory
for Topnknon ascoioof 10 to t. The base
ball cutiiiibiasts of tlio c.niltal nosa.o upon
tlic rccoul of theh club biinglui : up thu real
in the western league.
Nebraska Ccinral College.
CK.NTiiAr , Oirv , Neb. , July 1. [ Speclid
Tcleuram to tlio BUK.J J. H. Maxlield , D.
1) . , w. s unanimously elected president of the
Nebraska Cential college for the ensiling
jcatata meeting ot tlie board of tiustees
hold at tlio college last night.
Brown's licfcimo Closed.
Dr.s MOINLH , la. , July 1. The Impeach
ment court met at 2:30 : p. m. , continuing Mr.
Uiownontho witness stand. Alter a short
cross examination , covcied j esteulay by the
dlrict , the witness was excused , and the de
fense announced that they closed the case.
In rebuttal the managers called Hon. W. 1 * .
Wolf , of the house of representa
tives , who testified to the explicit agreement
enteicd Into between Governor Sheiman and
Mi. Hiown In lils jucseiice , that Brown
Kliouhl make pui tale allidavits as to fees le-
cel\ed also a deposit covering the amount 10-
celvcil lor examinations , w hlch was the
subject of a decision by the bupicmo couit.
That when this was done , tlio governor
would approve the audltoi's bond. Mr.
Itrovui commenced to make the ultld.ivits
npieed upon , but seeing a newspaper in tide
wlilch he claimed misrepresented him in ie-
porting the Inteivlow atvhleli theagreeinent
was cntcif'd Into , ho stoii > ud the work , which
refusal resulted lu his suspension fiom olllco.
A Forger Arrested.
Sioux Cti'Vi la. , July 1. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEK. | Sheriff * 0. 0. Reynolds ,
of Lake Jicnton , Minn. , and C. M. Moore , a
ineiiiberof the Pinkoiton Chicago detertlvo
foico , arrested hero today a man named
James Thompson , who Is wanted In Lincoln
county , Minn. , for forcery. It seems that tlio
pil'oiier homo time ago iorgcd a deed to the
laud of a widow ladv and sold the property
for 81.400. I'inkorton's airency was applied
to and Mr. Mooio has been engaged some
days Uniting a clew and woiklng tip the case.
The prisoner is a man about forty-live yean
of age and ho claims that there Is some mis-
nudi'istandlng rn ai ding the sale of tlio laud
and that he Is not guilty.
Iho Whisky Fight Progressing.
Sioux CITY , Iowa , July 1. [ Special Tele
gram to the UKE. ] The only now develop
ment In tlio whisky prosecution to-day was
the serving of notices on Jolin Orton , bolnc
but the processes of law Indicated by yester
day's dispatches. The iiist cites him toshow
tau so of violating the state laws , and the
other asks for a perpetual restiaint upon hi :
business. The first was Issued out of Judge
Lewis' court at Cherokee and tlie latter fron
Judge Wakehcld's couit of this citv. It will
be bi ought to issue on the Oth and Tth lusts. ,
vt hen there promises to become lively skir
Urlght Denounces Homo Rule.
LONDON , July 1. John Bright addressed i
Inrgo and enthusiastic audience at Itlimlng.
ham to-night. Upon i Islng to speak ho was
cheered for several minutes. lie said ho hat
believed that his time was coining to ictlie
1'or twenty-nine jeats ho had served Ulrm
Ingham. lint In the face ot the question 01
latent magnitude no cousldcied his duty 10 re
main at the fiont. Ho said ho was acalns
anything in any shape called parliament a
Dub'Iln. [ C'hceis.J Ho w as also opposed t <
the monstious pioposltlon to purchase es
talcs. Dut for the bill to lovolutlonizo Ire
land , nobody would have di earned of so ex
travagant apioposal. The legislation Glad
stouo pioposcd was only a step forward li
the match thiough laplno to break up tin
kingdom [ Checib ] , and the astounding tun
ppsnl was flint this conspliacy un dlgnlheu b ;
tile name , foim and power ol paillamont.
A Horrllilo Doulilo Murder.
Niw : OIILKA.NH , July 1. A special to tli <
Tiiues-Domociat fiom .Meridian , Miss , , bays
A ten Iblo tragedy occui red live miles soutl
of Scoolla , Kemper county , Miss. , yesteidaj
The families of licoigo M. Uullctt and Uai
low ll\cd In the same house. The men wer
pattnors lu laiming , and while rioting a
noon Gullett fell asleep. An altercation o <
ciuied between Itatlow and his wlfo am
MJT > . Gullet ) , which aroused Uullctt , H
> \eit ) Into the loom and asked what the mal
terwas. Darlow began curbing him , .sayln
that ho had wanted to kill him for som
time and would dolt right then , sol/Ing a git
at tlio same time. Uullett sprang to th
bureau diawcr fora pistol and shot H.ulo1
In the neolc. While ho was In the act of III In
Ilarlow dnipped tlio gun and ran to th
fence. Gullctt picked up the gun and MK
him dead. Turnlni : ho dlbcovuied llarlow1
wlfo In the net of Killing his wife with a
nxo , whoioupon he ined the luiiialulu
chaigo at MIN Uailow , killing her iiibtantl ;
' Uullett Miricnilercd to the authoiities.
llin Dill.
\VAhitlNQtox , July 1. An | Miter of tl :
Associated ) iio.- > tailed upon .Senator Ki
iiuiuds to-day and asked him for an explain
tlon of bis bill introduced jvsteiday relatin
to tlie pi'0 UU'iitIul appointing power , and <
\\w \ insults which were expected to follow 1
enavtiuuut Into law. Mr. KdmumU said th :
the Inllueuca of the executive ovci the f ena
nr.d sunatoi-s on account of the posNti&sion cast
\as-t palronago was s > o great that the pu'-i ,
' " dent practically now had tlio powci of a
IKilntinent to all these olllces which were n
among the exceptions named In the bl
auil It was only lu extreme Instances of tl
discover ) oC bad conduct aud bad characte ;
biich that If they hnd coiuo to knowledge '
any ptet > ident himself ho wuuld ha' '
rutused to make tlie appointment , thnt tl
senate rejected nomination. Therefore M
I'MmumU thought It was an object of publl ,
interest to dlmlnUh the uMcut and poof \ \
of pre-ddentlnl iwitionago as cunr.e.clcd wl
Its lutlifcucu on the two houses of cougroj
* Hud Jiarticularjy the
She is Pound in Omaha in Destitute
The Trotting Ilorso Itrccdcrs Ar
ranging for the Imposition Oonl
for the County Mntt Inionlnl
Other Local ,
A Scnntor's Daughter In Hngs ,
A sensational all'nirVM brought to
liRht yesterday In the announcement of
the f.iet that a daughter of Senator Pugli ,
of Alabama , liadbcon rescued from a life
of poverty nnd abuse which she lias been
forced to live in this city for moro than a
your with a , brutal husbnml , The par
ticulars of the all'air are these :
Something over two yours ago , Nellie ,
daughter of Senator I'ugli , of Alabama ,
was married to a them promising young
man named Charles Klltott. Soon after
their marriugo Elliott turned out to bo
a worthless prolligute and soon developed
into a tyrannical husband and brute.
Iho circumstances of their llrst troubles
are not known , but something over a
year ago Klliottnnd his wlfo came noilh
and finally settled in Omaha. Ititt hltlo
is known of their lifo here
except that Elliott was em
ployed during the winter on the
construction gang of the Union 1'aoilio
bridge force , unullved in the southern
purl of the city. Nothing is known of
Mrs. Klliot except that she remained nt
homo all the time and had no relations
with her neighbors. Elliot recently re
moved to Council liluIVs , where the
knowledge of the abused wife's high
parentage and the rescue from the hands
of her husband occurred. A few days
ago Mrs Elliott , by accident , obtained an
audience with ox-Senator Geo. F , Wright ,
of Council lUuIVs , and to him who told her
slorv. She said that luir husban kept her
elosoly confined in her home , and had ,
by throats , absolutely prevented her
from communicating with horfaihorwho
was nnawaro of her condition or where-
atjouts. Senator Wright at once tele
graphed to Senator 1'ugh , and received
an answer that a son of the senator
would como at once to the rescue. Ac
cordingly yesterdry young Pugh.
a son of tlio senator arrived in Council
Illulls. After he had learned from Sena
tor Wrisrht of his sister'a ' condition he
armed himself with a rpvolvor and drove
dirc'ctly to hur homo with the express determination -
termination of killing his brutal brother-
in-law. As Pugh entered the residence
Elliott escaped through the back door and
came to Omaha , where ho wns scon yes
terday evening. The meeting between
young Pugh ami his sister was a most af
fecting ono. Ho had her properly pro
vided with traveling clothing and loft on
the evening train , taking hf-r and her
littlu child to her southern homo.
Sprinter Urcgg Throws a Race nnd
Gets n Black I3yo.
There was a foot r.ico at the Athletic
nark yesterday afternoon which origi
nally consisted of ono hundred yards. It
was prolonged to half a milo and finally
ended on horseback , where , but ; few people -
plo know. The stakes were $25 a sido.
Jerome Pontdol was the stakeholder.
The contestants were the Sprinter Gregg
and James Stevenson not the gentleman
of livery fame. Ilourihan seconded
Gregg and some other body fondled Ste
The race was uneventful until toward
the close , when Gregg , who had appa
rently been distanced , shot to the front
like a meteor and won the race by about a
yard. Ho had scarcely crossed tbo line
than ho turned to run from the grounds.
In doing so , ho came within Stevenson's
reach , and the latter dealt him a blov in
the eye which altered its color and size
in a prodigious manner in nn
instant. Excitement rose among the
spectators. By this tirau sonic of them
hnd begun to imagine that they had been
duped , and that Gregg was the man who
had duped them. Some of them sought
out ilourihan , Gregg's second , aud
warmed him in a lively manner. In the
mcantimo Gregg had run into the arms
of Webb , of J\o. 8 engine company , and
l received another pummcling which do-
1 tractcd considerably from his facial
beauty. Ho tore himself loose , however ,
and made for the gate. But Jack Ualli-
gan stood thore. lie had quickly seen
that he had bcou deceived , und immedi
ately closed thd gate to hhut oil' Gregg's
escape. The latter , however , bolted for
the north fence , followed by Jack Gulli-
gan with a drawn revolver. Gregg's
ileotncss and agility brought him over
the fence , surmounted as it is by two rows
of barbed wire. He landed in the field
ou the north , ran out on Sixteenth , over
took a wagon which was being driven
northward , jumped into it and urged the
driver to hutry his to en
able him to csoado trom his putsuers.
The horse was not able to go very fast ,
and had Gregg been compelled to do-
Eond upon tbo animal , ho would have
ecu overtaken in live minutes. Ho was
reached , however , by a cowboy named
Thompson who galloped up to mm and
induced him to jump into his saddle ,
which Gregg did and galloped over the
prairie. By this time Webb succeeded in
opening the heavy gate , and , lumping
into a buggy in which Mr. William
Houston and a BIK ; reporter were driv
ing , abked to bo driven after the retreat
ing , bpriut who looked like
a circus performer in tights
galloping over the prairlo. The
pursuit wasundortaknn , and when Gregg
disappeared around tlio brow of the de
scent loading to Sulphur springs , the
huggy was fifty foot behind , n ebb
jumped out , followed the horseman down
the incline , aud when the Bolt line was
reached , the latter turned to the north
aud trotted in the ditch on the west side
of the track , leaving Webb ,
of oourso , far in the rear ,
Nor wns no afterwards overtaken ,
Gregg's departure was followed by a
hasty c.xit of those who were suspected tc
have been in the seeiet of his perfidy
Among them was Pardo , Ho started
south and east , with Gi egg's clothes , am ;
dually oludcd puisuit on the Chicago
Milwaukee , St. P.iul & Omaha track ne.n
Cut Oil lako.
in The whole aflulr was ono of the mosi
ind disgraceful hippodromes that over tool
place jn Oinalia. Before it took plac (
Gregg induced some of his friciuls.-.uiionf
of them Galligau and \ \ ebb , to Dot or
Stophcnfcon , that ho ( Gregg ) would throM
Isat thn lace. He had no intention , hownvor
at of throwing the content , and seorotiy ad
t vised other friends to take tlie Gailigau
att Webb und other bets. Instead of throw
tP - ing , Gregg \\on the race , ami Galllgai
P- and others lost. As a part of the schemi
Pot Greirg's clothes were secreted where In
" , coulifgct them easily. A horse was to bi
ho inaily for him at the gate , which ho couli
horj mount and ride away , but the latter cam
of near bolus ; frustrated by Gallium's earl'
to suspicion and ptccaution , At last ac'
lie counts Mr. PonUcl had not surrenders
r' thn stakes. Thu money bet was but i
ictil small amount nnd in no way worthy o
til this disgraceful conduct. It wns rcportix
lus. n'iiht ' that Gregg hall left tow u. I
' , \uuld not bo sfcfe feu uhu to remain.
nijooDtin STOCK Min5TiNo ,
I'rcpnrlng for tlio Stftto Mooting of
the Association To-Dny.
To day the first mooting of Nebraska's
blooded colts will take place nt the driv
ing park in this city. This mooting may
justly be termed the llrst , for the reason
that the ono of last year was hold in con
nection with the state fair , nnd the suc
cess of the ono was In n great measure to
bo determined by that of the othor. This
vear , however , the Nebraska association
of Trotting Horse Htccdcrs has wisely
determined to hold their meeting inde
pendent of any ether entertainment , lu
this determination tnoy have been en
couraged by the citizens of Omaha , who
litno subscribed liberally toward the sue-
censor the eutcrprlso.
The lca t interesting feature of this en
terprise is not tlio fact that it proposes an
nually to give the people of the state ex
hibitions of speed , but tint in Nebraska ,
one of the youngest slates in the sister
hood , thoio should at this day bo fostered
a love of line blooded lunso < ) , such as lius
already been developed. To lltoso who
are already embarked in the undertaking
there is nothing improbable in
the aspiration that Nebraska is just
as capable of giving to the turf horses
as Hoot as have ever yet llown over iUs
surface. These men are not selected
fiom among these who o reputations
hhvo not been Improved by questionable
transactions in connection with the tracic.
They are drawn from the respectable
business , the intelligent professional gen
tleman and the honest fanner and stock-
raiser , whoso aim is not the notoriety
which follows trickery and deceit.
This meeting , therefore , is worthy of
patronage for at least three rcasoiiSj lirst
of which that it is to encourage homo en
terprise , next that the entertainment will
bo an excellent character , and finally
that it will bo under the direction of hon men aud that jockeying need not bo
The Hin : , from time to time , has pub
lished a list , of the entries and by whom
made. This list has moro than realised
the anticipation of the managers and
ought strongly to have appealed to the
appicciation of lovers of horsellosh and
sport thioughout the stato. It contains
lifty-siv entries , comprising races for
two , and tluo-ycar-olds , stallions antLa
grand free-for-all. The meeting will
close to-morrow , when n mngnificont
bill will bo provided for the meeting.
Lust night a reporter for the UI.E drove
tlio grounds in company will Hilly Hus-
ton.tho right bower of Richard Wilde , Esq ,
ami ono of the best informed , yet unas
suming amateur horsemen in this sec
tion. The reporter had previously looked
over the stock , and as others would have
done , felt that bewilderment whicl usually -
ally ensues when a largo quantity of first
class material is to bo assorted and com
mended. It is but repeating what has
already been expressed a hundred times ,
that ho would indeed be an expert who ,
from the wealth of horse flesh here ex
hibited , say with truth which is the moro
favored and promising. Among the
number scon last night weto : Count
Waterman , b h , by King lieno , dam
Evader , by Long Island Bashaw. Owned
by Harvey Pickeroll. York , Neb. Charles
IMcCormack , br b , by Judge lioyd , son
of Administrator , dam Fannie 'McCor-
muck , by Simpson's Blackbird. Owned
by M. T. Patrick , Omaha , Neb. This
Lori-e finds many admirers.
Lo Count , Jr. . (2914) ( ) b li , by Lo Count ,
dam Imogcne , by Volunteer. Owned by
I ) . T. HdH Syracuse.
Little John , b g. by Charles S. Caflrey ,
dam by Alarm , son of Walkill Chief.
Owned by J. D. Macfarlatul , Lincoln ,
Nob.Coppermont , b h , by Egmont , .dam
Lucy. Owned by M. Lovett , Guld6"R6bk.
Emma C. Wilkcs , b m,1 by1Drown
Wilkes. Owned by M. C. Keith , North
Platte , Nob.
Holliday , b h , by MoMahon , dam Mate
Clav , by Isenodam's Henry Clay. Owucd
by J. D. Macfarland. Lincoln.
Almont Gift , br li , by Almont Chief ,
dam by Mohawk Chief. Owned by Royal
Langford , Tokamaii.
S. It. Lament , b h , byDu Bois Ilamblo-
tonian Prince , dam by Harry Clay.
Owned by D. D. Johnston , Wcepmjr
Hobbio Uunbri , b h , by Little- Crow ,
dam Lady Uoll , by Tip Cranston.
Owned by M. C. Robinson , lUair.
Dick Wilde , b h , by Caflrey , dam Lady
Hell , by Tip Cranston. Owned by Edward
Pylo , Hcmboldt. This animal is ono of
the beauties of the collection. Ho is in
telligent , shapely ot limb with an o > o
which hccms really intelligenceitself. .
Thcro are some of his admirers as proud
of him as if he wcro their own personal
Besides there arc fifty others , would it
were useless again to mention , among
them being host of beauties which
Edward Pylo , of Humboldt , has in readi
ness to ama'/c the people.
A mooting of the directors of the Ne
braska association of trolling horse
bi coders , was held last night in room 43
of the Paxton hotel. There were pres
ent J. O. Franta. of Friend ; Henry Fry ,
of York ; M. L. Ilayward. Nebraska City ;
U. T. Hill , Syracuse ; 1) . 1) . Johnson ,
Weeping U ator ; W. II. Barstow , Aurora ;
E. Pylo , ilumboldtj D. T. Mount and J.
P. Peck.
The minutes of tlio last meeting were
read and approved. The treasurer's re
port , showing $1,00395 to bo on hand
was read and adontcd. Mr. Mount , from
tlie citi/on's committee , setting forth that
$510 hud boon subscribed and $475 col
Messrs. Mount and Barstow were ap
pointed a committee to put the giounds
in good condition :
The following entries are made for to
day's laces. Trotting , two-year-old foals
of 1831 : Count Waldorman , b. h. . llarvy
Pickrell , York ; Charles MoCormiek , br.
h. , M. T. Patiiok , Omali.i ; Nellie G. , bl.
m. , Ed Culver , Omaha ; Kli/u Allen , b.
m. , A. Thompson , Omaha ; Omaha , b. h. ,
A. J. Poppluton , Onmha ; Al Potter , br.
h. , E. I'vlu , Huniboldt , Lo Count , jr. ,
b. h. , U.T. Hill , Syracuse ; Myra Webb ,
b. m. , E. W. Moslier. York ; Fred P. , b , g. ,
A. \ \ . I'holps , Omaha ; Mbs Bell , b. m. ,
A. J. Ponpleton , Omaha- . Sbonimrd ,
ch , in. , A. Thomnson , Omaha ; Reluc
tance , b. m. , A. J. llrigiis , Supoiior.
Trotting , three-year-old foals of 1833 ,
for tlio C. E. Mayno stake : Littloiohn ,
b. g. , J , I ) . Mnctarland , Lincoln ; Black
Wtlkes , blk h. , N. J. D. Solomon. Oma
ha , Maud , oh. m. , A. W. Phulp , Omaha ;
Lilac , b. m. . J. U. Maefarlauu , Lincoln ;
Bndgcr , b h. , A. J. Popplcton , Omaha ,
Lida 0. . bl. m. , E. Pylo. Ilumboldti
Pluubo Hull , bl. m. . D. D. Johnson ,
Weeping Water ; J. I ) . C , , b , h. , Charles
Cieighton , Omaha ; Coppormont , b , h. ,
M. Lovott , Hod CloudLconidas , b. h. ,
A. J. Briggs , Superior.
Frun for all stallions ; * MoMahon , br.
h. , A. S. Holliday , Lincoln ; A. S. Leon
ard , b. h. , J.N. Leonatd , Lincoln ; Van
Duke , br. h. , Nat Brow n , Omaha ; Almonl
Gift , b. h , , Royal L.angford , rokamahj
Byron Sherman , b. h. , A. J. Popplcton.
It wab decided to have no music on the
ground , becau&o it would scare the colts
The price of admission to the grounds
will bo lifty cents for adults , quarter
stvptch lifty eonts extra stand
n\\y\\-l\ Jll * J l VI * V U. tt4 , grand D14 IV *
twenty-live cents In addition to the price
of admission : bugglos and curria os will
bo admitted nee , Coiujiliinclittuies will
d admit to the grand stand.
Complinientarios wore ordered
e % -WI * | I Jl t | l\j | * tMtlU1 VJ v * \ VJi * * * given
by Mr. Mount to all citizens \vho4iadjs
tributod to the fund of if SO" ) .
Dr. Peek and Messrs. Fry and Hayward -
ward were appointed judges of to-day's
Messrs. Franco , Pock and llsyward
weie unpointed timers.
Messrs. Adolpli Meyer. UJohardVildo ,
Nat Brown , C K Mayno , A. J. Popple-
ton , J. S rnulfloldof Omaha- C.Uob-
mson , Hlalr ; George C. Smith , Nelson ;
A ,1 Hriggs , Siipetioii ; O. J Stowell ,
Auburn. , J.V. . Sttldct1 , O. ceola ; Isaac
Dillon , North Platte , were elected mem
bers. *
It was ordered that the a oclntion
ehargo nothing for ettill lent. Adjourned
till to night.
A MDKU11 ANTS' 1'XlinilT.
Ail Atttnctlvo Pcnturo onhe. CoinlnR
I'nlrnnd ICxvosltlon.
Pursuant to the published call a num
ber of representative- citizens mot at tlio
Paxton hotel last ovcning to confer with
n committee from the Fair and Kvposi-
lion association with refetenco to the ar-
ranKemcnls for holding a merchant's ex
hibit at the exposition building ( Hiring the
coming fair. Mr. F. Copcltzer presided
und read the call for the meeting which
had been sent out by the secretary of the
fair association. Secretary Wheeler
stated that the fair association had de
cided to introduce a now feature this
year in the form of an exhibit of mer
chant's goods and wares to bo made at
the exposition building during the
fair. Ho had mailed several hun
dred letters to interested parties in
Nebraska , Dakota , and the western ter
ritories , asking them to arrange for ex
hibits of agricultural products , ores ,
metals , woods , building material , etc. ,
from their vicinity , and piomising them
spuco in the building and the lullucnce
of the association id securing reduced
rates of tiansportation to and from the
exposition. Ho said that the association
had done this in order to have something
more than u horse show and the races.
The success of these features were al
ready assuied , and the races would be
the largest over held lu the west.
The plan was cordiallv endorsed by the
business men present. It is proposed to
divide the Exposition building Into de
partments that will provide exhibit
rooms for representatives for every
brunch of business in the city. The
building will bo open each evening from
5 o'clock until nearly midnight and will
furnish an evening attraction for the
visitors to the fair.
The fair committee is composed of
Messts. N. li. Falconer , U. Kitchen and
J G. Clark. To act with this committee
in arranging of space for the exhibits : i
committee of merchants was appointed
consisting of iMeisrs. W , V. Morse , Lewis
Uradfordand M U. Bliss.
The meeting then adjourned.
Coal For the County ,
The county commissioners yesterday
opened the bids for the contract of fur
nishing the county two hundred tons of
hard coal for the coming year. The con-
iract was awarded to tlio Nebraska Fuel
30inpanv at $11,70 per ton , tlie coal to bo
delivered on or bcfot'o December 1.
Matrimonial Prospects.
Permits to wed \yjera granted yesterday
us follows : „ ,
( CnailesN. Snell , qiuarfr . 21
1. MM Jennie Ilouvwr , Omaha . IS
John Wilson. Omaba. . . .v . 40
Miss Jennie lloiise.1 , ( Jraaha . US
J. W. Heiry , l-'lorenoi-.r/ . 21- !
Miss Felita ItogcrHB-KlOieneo . 10
Seigiiniud Hirschboig , Omaha . 2:1 :
Ifoaa Klluc. Oniah ; . . . 20
iWTlte Opera Jlo ise' ' Damage Case.
The last jury ca6 bfj the present term
that will bo heard , liy { fudge Wakcley is
ored man againsji yjjij jnanuger of the
olMl'aliouse , who rofiruid him admittance
h h ' ' "
The county commissioners yesterday
awarded the contract for the construction
of an eighty- foot bridge across tlie Pupil-
lion , between Douglas and Washington
couutics , to Z. T. Bruuton of Ulair.
' m
Twenty-four permits were issued in the
month of Juno for tlio erection of build
ings , which will have a total estimated
cost of $1)9,073. )
Soigmund Hirsehberg , a clerk in Dor-
iuaun's Thirteenth street store , was
united in marriage last evening to Miss
Rosa Kline , Uabbi iSeusou olhcialing.
The work on the now board of trade
building which has been somewhat de
layed by a shoi tago in tlie supply of stone ,
jyill now bo pushed forward as rapidly as
The county clerk's force is happy over
the action of the county commissioners
in supplying the ollico with a typo writer.
Commissioner Corliss is going to buy one
for his own use as soon as ho learns to
spell moro than ono way ,
Free Text RookH.
The question of furnishing the city
schools with free text books will bo dis
posed of at the meeting of the school
board on next Monday night. A largo
number of proposals have boon received
from the various publishing houses for
the contract of supplying the required
Tlio Aalilmru
Robert Ashburn , who commenced
habeas corpus pcocuedings in the district
court the other day to got possession of
his two children , llttlo girls , who have
boon cared for the past two years bj'.Tohn
Sheppard , apucarcd nt police headquar
ters last night and said that Sheppard
hud loft the city , taking the children with
IiiK.-uio Inklings.
John Wigg , a bwcdo labotor , who lives
ou California street , was sent to the
county jail yesterday , having been adjudged -
judged violently insane by the commis
Joe Montagno.tho cra/.y Italian fruit
vendor , who Im- . boon in the county jail
for three months , has boon turned over
to some of his frieudb , who will&ond him
Back to sunny Italyl-
Articles of incorporation were filed
with the county dl'drk ; vc torday of the
I X L Slate Paint oomfiany. The incor-
poraton * aru J. lj | . O.1F. , L. K , nnd F. S.
Itico , who have a faplt-Jl Stock of $10,000.
AtlaoliliiR Troatlor.
Miller Hrothors "secured a writ of at
tachment from thojtlMiict court yester
day , against the oi id" block of Simon
Trostler , to recover jiidgmont on four
promissory notes uyi6unting to foil.
* t
Huy MoAlestorAUte > , ! } jll coals , bnstrostO
cement , etc. , of IlajVpu Co , lOiicWcJni'Ob
T.fli ; A.
Is a Spanish hand made full Havana
cigar , made in shop by the best Spanish
workmen. No flavoring , , strictly pure
imported tobacco. Call on one of tlie
following agents and get a T. P. A , cigar :
Kuhu & Co. . cor. Mtu and Douglas st.
Chonov & Oloson , No. 1UO ? Funiuiu st.
Hub Cigar Store , 210 S , 1'Jth st.
Ualdutl it Co.cor. Capitol avo.iuuUOth
Manhattou. Kasy payments.
Immense stock of Heady Made Clothing -
ing to bo closed out at tholiaukrupt Sale ,
10U Farnara Street.
MoAloster coal , $ G a ton 1 15 Si Websto
RiOhllill coal. $1.23 a ton f tel'phouo 83
Dr. M. B. Croll , cor. ICth nud Chicago.
Do not fail to attend the great Bank
rupt sale this week ut 1014 Farmiiu street.
Judge Juliua 8. Oooly Will Out tLo
Eagle Loose
Ho Uxpcctsi to he Mot Ijy a Brass
Dnml and to bo Presented
With a Gold Headed .
Cooley , Iho Statesman
Just now there Is a great demand upon
Omaha Fourth of July orators trom nil
parts of the stale. The cities ot Wymoro
nnd Madison are to bo congratulated
upon securing the services of Judge
Julius S. Cooley , than whom there is no
greater orator lu the wild west The cir
cumstances attending his engagement
will no doubt provo Interesting. In re
sponse to n letter from the Wymoro com
mittee inquiring the terms upon which ho
would cut the caglo loose on the anniver
sary of Amoncan independence , ho mod
estly responded that his usual terms for
such speeches were S100. This was the
amount , he said In his typo-wiitor letter ,
that ho icooSvoJ , except on some special
occasions , but his figures were positively
never less than $75. Ho intimated , how
ever , that on several occasions the citi-
jsens whom ho had addressed had paid
him the compliment of presenting him
with a gold-headed cane as a testimonial
of their appreciation of his oratorical
powers. Ho therefore suggested that Iho
citi/ens of Wymoro take the same course
and meet him at the depot with a brass
band nnd give him a gold-headed cane
after tlio ceremonies of the day were
over. Whether the citizens of Wymoro
will act upon this suggestion remains to
be seen.
Several days ago "Judge" Cooley
made a tour of the newspa
per olllccs to make certain that
his forthcoming orations at Wymore on
the 3d and at Madison on the Oth should
not fail to be brought into public notice.
At ono of tlio olliccs ho dictated a "per
sonal" substantially as follows :
"Judge J S. Cooley will address the
citizens of Wymoro on the Jld of July.
Much interest is manifested in the oc
casion and a ttemcndotts audience from
the neighboring county is expected to bo
present. From Wymoro Judge Cooley
goes to Madison on the Oth. Reports
siuto that fully 10.00J people will attend
the ox-crcKes Senator Van W yen is ex
pected to lollow Judge Cooley in the nf- ,
toruoon. "
This pcreoual was duly published , and
attracted the desiied notice and created
some considerable comment. "Judgo"
Cooley ought to be engaged every time
an audience of 10,000 people is wanted.
Thete is no gienter oratorical magnet
ban ho in Nebraska.
Perhaps no man in Nebraska ever ac
quired iicater notonty in abliotter time
than "lion. " Julius S. Coolov. His en-
ranee into the arena of public lifo has
been so midden , so brilliant , bo meteor-
like , so darling as it wcio , that the people
ple of this great commonwealth have
actually boon paralyzed with admiration
nt tlio adamantine check and illimitable
gall exhibited by this statesman on every
possible occasion. They have not even
uken time to ask who "Hon. " Julius S.
Jooloy is. Wo piopose , however , to give
a biict.sketch of this great public man.
The public men of to-day aio divided
principally into two classes statesmen
and politicians. The former class em
braces the few and the latter class in
cludes tlie many. "Hon. " Julius S. Cooley
belongs to the few. He is a statesman
ilr. Cooloy's advent into Omaha oc
curred not nloro than two years ago. Ho
entered the law oQlco of Tuttrston & Hall
as a law student , and in a few short
.iionths he was doing all their business
In his mind for them. In their absence
Air. Cooley overwhelmed the firm's
clients with advice , and endeavored to
impress them with the idea that .t was
his legal mind that wholly directed the
allaiis of Thurston & Hall. Ho finally
applied for admission to the bar , but the
cruel committee unanimously agreed to
reject him. Whether it was on account
of his delicjency of legal knowledge or
jealousy ou the part of the lawyers com
posing tlio committee has never been
definitely ascertained. We arc , however ,
iueliucd'to the belief that the action of
the committee was largely duo to
jealousy of such a brilliant young Ictral
luminary. Mr. Cooley at this critical
juncture proved himself equal to the
emergency and demonstrated beyond the
shadow of a doubt that ho is possessed of
statcsinansllkc qualities. Rushing post
haste to the committee ho begged them
with tears in his eyes not to reject him.
Ho stated that ho had done great service
to John M. Thurston. and had
a largo amount of business
mapped out for the coming season which
his rejection would throw ito other hands
and fotovor ruin his ptosnects. His pa
thetic appeal had the desired eflcct. The
committee reversed its decision , and accordingly _ -
cordingly recommended him for admis
sion.A few hours afterwards the committee
wcro amused as well a.s surprised upon
reading in the evening papers a glowing
half-column account of the thorough and
brilliant examination of "Judgo" J S.
Cooley , and his admission to the Douglas
county bar. It was also predicted that
his piospeets were most brilliant for ad
vancement in his piotcssion. He had
given evidence of great genius. H has
been intimated , however , that the re
poitons to whom he dictated tiiis laudii
tory puft' weto unduly influenced by his
magnetic way of doing things. Mr.
Cooley at oneo assumed the title of
"Judge. " Whether ho did fee because ho
was a relation as it is claimed ho _ is of
Judge Cooley , the eminent Michigan
jurist , wo are unable at this time to state.
As between the two distinguished titles ,
"Hon. " and "Judgo , " Mr. Cooley always
prefers the latter.
Fiom the day of his admission to the
bar Judge Cooloy's daily endeavor has
boon to make himself mimorousund hoist
himself into public prominence ) . Ho
lias besieged tlio newspaper reporters
antl made life a burden for them. He
has laid in wait at the doors of the edito
rial rooms nnd has pounced upon the un
suspecting cdltor.s in a way that they
oould not shako him oil'until ho felt dis
posed to Jet go his grip , To say that at
times ho was a bore would not half ex
press it.
An incident occurred In his career nol
long ago which is woithy of recital in
this connection. Ono day at the Union Pa-
Paciho depot a man who had t > ome grudge
againsthim assaulted him. Cooley &tarte < i
to run , when his assailant caught hold ol
his coat tails and tore them partly off
The Item was written up in the 1H.R as
" " Cooley who
above staled "Judgo" ,
had hproad the ropoit that ho hail
been assaulted by tluee roughs and luu
knocked them all down and cleanet
them out , demanded a icttaetion as the
Hum , ho said , wns a libel on his nraulj
courage , A Totrnetion was accordingly
to bo made to the oflect that "Judge1
Cooley resented the iHlection upon his
courage , and In proof of Ids bravery he
exhibited Ids coat tails intact.
Since that day ho has not spoken to
several members of the i'f.K stall as they
passed by. However , n opportunity
soon came for him to got even , ami wo
candidly admit that on thu occasion ho
again exhibited Iho higheU quulltlc
of .statesmanship. Ho went eloar tc
Chicago aud actuulljiiuceeedudiuimviu
dmself interviewed by such an able
latter as the Chicago Tribune upon the
lolltieal situation in Nebraska , Ho
igilrcd in that Interview ns "lion "
lulius Cooley , a ptomluiuit lawyer and
) olitician of Nebraska , although ho
ihould have been referred to bytnoTri-
nine as a statesman This was evidently
nn oversight His interview was tele-
rraphod to the HKI : at au expense of
I" ) Oil to the papor. but owing to the fact
lint it was fed to the hungry otllco cat it
vas not published.
l-'OIl r V-.MX1'U C30NQ U K93.
\\'AnnxoTON , July 1. Mr. Miller , from
ho committed on ngrlcultuie , reported Inek
vlthout amendments the house bill taxing
oleomargarine , and KIU'O notice that ho would
alt It up for action after tlio passage oC the
ppropibtlon bills.
Mr , Jones ot Arkansi9 state.l that Srna-
ors ncorpe , Olb < on , Fair and hlmsolt , a
nlnoiltj of the committee , dissented fiom
he repot t.
Mr. lllddlcbergcr Intioduccd a preamble
aud bill for a tcdiicllon of 3. ' ) per cent of the
lahules of cabinet oIllceH , senators and mem '
> ers. Ho niiule mid ! < ln > s in Its advocacy.
'he 1)111 was lefpricd to the committee on
Mr. Allison called up the house joint resolti-
titlon cxtcndlm ; the aupiopihition ten dnjH.
Vftcr discussion the resolution was amended
by exteiidlm ; the time to llftecu days , aud
> as then passed.
The senate resumed consideration of the
emulative appiopriation bill. A long discus-
Ion took ulaeeon thu point of order whether
lie amendment to insert the wouK "In full
ompensatloii. " was or not In conlllct with
he inlet. The chnli submitted thu question
o the senate , and tlio amendment was do-
Inied to belli outer and It wns nurced to.
A still longer discussion took placn on the
iroKsItlou | ) ot the committee ou approprla-
Ions to strlKo out the paraiiaph for olllco
vork connected with the publication of the
ecords olthe lebelllon , It ht'lnn chained thnt
hee iccords weie not edited with Imiiiir-
i.vlit vand were not eonlined to a lecoid ot
ho war period. A particular Instance of ( Ids
vas dwelt upon that ot the Flt/-John 1'ortoi
natter , riuall ) the paragraph was retained ,
nit with a piovKo icstik'tlng thu publication
t contemporaneous events of tlio wai , anil
nether pioUso dlieetini ; the publication of
vldcnce in the 1'oitei case and icnoit there
on by Judge Advocate ( Jcueral Holt. The
) J11 us lepoited back to the senate with all
he amendments on which bepaiate votes
\ ITO not demanded , were iiKieed to In bulk ,
1'ho icM-iscs amendments aie to bo voted on
o-monow under the live minute debate
tik.Adjourned. .
WASHINGTON , July 1. The speaker laid
> oforo the house a mes a c fiom the senate
nnouncIiiK that that body had pissed , over
lie mosldont's veto , the bill to quiet title of
ettlerb of DCS Molnesrhor lands. The pies-
dent's mcssnije having been read , Mr. Pay-
on of Illinois , piosented icasons why the
jlll should bo passed o\or the president's
eto , which , ho said , was based on a total
ilsappiehenslon of the facts of the case , and
f the end sought to bo accomplished tt ) the
Mr. Gates of Alabama moved to lofcr the
) H1 and mcssncco to the committee ou jiiJI-
iaij lost , yeas , 101 ; nays , 149 and the
peaker announced that the question iccur-
edou the passage of the bill , notwitlistand-
ng tlio objections of the pieiidcnt. Tlio
louse lesolxed this question in the nezative
jeas , 101 ; Jnays , 01 , not the constitutional
wotlmdsoto in the allirmative.
The house then went into committee of the
% hole , Mi. Itea an In the chair , on the aim-
hy cull appiopilatlon bill.
Mr. Hiscock criticised tlio appropriation for
ho public printing olllee as being inade
quate , and warned the demociatic side that
his iiroteiisu of economy could no other
result than to awell the deliciencies which
mist bo pio\Ulcd fet next jear.
Attei a lengthy debate of a practical na
me , Mi. Randall , acting under liisti actions
f 1 0111 the committee ou appropriations , ot-
fered an amendment approjuiatiug § 47,000 to
neet the expenses oC the inanimation ol the
statue ot Libert } Enlightening the Woild.
Mr. Hewitt ollered a substitute appropiia-
tlon ot S > iOGOi)0 tor the pin pose. Finally Mi.
Hewitt's substitute , sllglulj modified , was
igreed to-110 to 4'J.
TTho committee then arose and reported the
the bill to the house. The amendments weio
weed to except the D.utholdi statue amend-
iient , which was rejected jcas , 103 ; nays ,
The bill was then passed and the house
Hunting tlio Defaulters.
pAiLAnHUMriA , July 1. The heavy defal
cation of the treasurer of the Chesapeake &
Deluwaie Canal company discovered yester
day continues to bo the main topic of discus-
slon In financial circles. Several experts
lia\c been set to woik on the books ot the
coiporation , nnd are busily engaged to-day
in examining the accounts to ascertain
whether the defalcations of James A. L.
Wilson , the abseoudlng troasuior , aggrcjralo
inoio than he acknowledged in his written
confession to President Cilllinclmm. The
latter svroie out wai rants for the auest
of both Wilson and Henry V. Lesley , the for
mer secretary and tiea-suier , chaigliiK them
wiUiembey/leiiH'iit. Adescriptlou of Wilson
was furnished Uio detectives' department and
tclouraphed to sill police distilUs in the
United StaUw and Canada , Kuioue and else-
wheie. The chief of deteetUos believes the
fugitives have gone to Canada and that \vil-
son Is without means. The laicestholdois of
stock of the COIIID my aie tlio United States
Kovernmeut and tlmslatnot Maryland , while
tiio bonds aie owned b ) a number of promi
nent people ot this city , Monciuo U. Hobin-
hon posixwslngneailytivo bundled thousand _
Death ft-oiu n Gasoline Blovo.
WYJIOIIK , Neb , , July 1. [ Special to the
i'.nO A tonlble accident occurred heio
yesterdav. A little girl of se\on ycais ,
daughter of Mis. Ualgue , a milliner , was
fatally burned , hut clothes taking lire fiom a
She died this morulng.
Newspaper Cluuiyo.
iii ) , Neb. , July l. [ Special Tele-
giam.l J. H. MeAlvlnof the Union Paciho
liiud dcp.iitmciit , Omaha , today purchased
thu outfit of the ItialnniilKiitoipilse. The
namoortlio paper will he changed to tlio
Hruliiiird Join mil.
Excursion to Toronto.
I-cnrlpg that the public may bo misled
by statements which were published In
the HKI ; on last Tuesday evening , and in
ether Omaha papers , the undersigned
dooms it advisable to say that the Omaha
Knights of Pythias cxeiimion for Toronto
will go via the popular "UuiJington
Route. " The excursion train will leave
the H. it M. depot at 0 o'clock p. m. Sat
urday , .July 10. aud n sulliciont number
of feltjupcrs will bo provided for all who desire -
sire thorn. The excursion rate is not
conllncd to members of the order of
lvni"hts of Pythias. All who desire to
avail thonnnlves ot this rare opportunity
to iimKn a midsummer ttip to cool lake
regional small ( ! \pniiBC , can now be ac-
commodate.d ,
Sleeping car berths may be seemed by
applying to Jus , Domiolly Jr , secie.tary
ot Iho transpottation committee , 11501
Douglas street , who will chcei fully fur
nish additional infoimation concorniug
the excursion. J JIUii'io.v ,
Cah man K. of P. Transportation Com
A llonl Kstato flar/jnln. /
41x00 ft on .Jackson , 10th St. ,
IV.'W , W ( ' .Shrivcr , opposite P.O.
You can buy turntture cheaper of A.
1 , . Fitch iV Co. . Uth st , bet Farniun and
Douglas , than anv other place in the city.
The Wheat linking Powder Co. will
hold their baking exhibition at l.ittlo At
Williams , \Vnduusday \ , June 'M , Sni'th ' ,
Kennedy & Co. 'a , Thursday , July 1 , at
R < , ss & O'Hennie's. rild.iy , July J. L\ery
lad ; > is cordially iujiVcd to
The Ohfinge Causes Oonsidcrablo Oonfusloa
on the Board of Trade.
1'roTisloiiH llluher nnd Active , With
IltiiiRi-y Shot-Is Cnttlo Inlteltcr
Demand nntl 1'rlces Strong
nnd Holier.
Ciiir.\oo.July 1 ( Special Telegram to the
HK.K.J \\'IIIAT \ : The now slylo of Motntee
tales \\ent Into elfeet this inornlnc , and tor
a time erentod moio or lesi confusion. Wheat
vt as sold both \\ajs. The miirKet opened at
74 e old stj lo , 7a V1 * "uw , just the dltrereneo
In slot. a-e tales lU-foro noon , however ,
this dilleiTiice had mi rowed do\sn lo H@Uc.
Xeailyall inenibeis of the boatd ngicod that
thn matter will tegulato Itself Inside of two
or three weeks and things run uloiiff so
fiinoothlv tlmt no ono will know that there
1ms been an ) chatmu. About the only dllTor-
onca It maUcd Is to houses havlnq a large
number of open trades on tlioir hooks. They
are liable lo hire losses by any neglect to buy
In tb'J pluvious Mile , \\lth the uuderstaudlnt ;
that it ls"old st > le , " Thu original trades mndo
after to-day must of necessity be "new. " It
was a soil of a mUappirhenslon under which
the dllTctonco bnhseen the old and the new
style was permitted to nan ow down to ' o ,
It recoveied to the full ho and will probably
stay theie. lianaes lu wheat pilocs woio
\erjnnriow. August "now" opi'iicd at 75 0 ,
ad\anced to 7ri'He. loll back to 7.V then ad
vanced to 7n1-t97."iVc. which point It reached
Hhoitly after 1'J o clock , finally closing linn
and model ntcly active. Outshlo news was
n-ittln seaice. 1'ho last hall hour developed
unexpected strength , theio beluuarapld ad-
\anco to 7(1 ( 0 , a large numbu-r ot innioM
helping to put It theic.
Coit. % Corn was unsettled , but variations
held within a nauow muse. Hu--liiess was
moio active , but mostly tiom elian-liii : troni
"old" to "now" st le. Kailj dineienco hc-
tween the two was the storage dllleiouce
JjC but at the clo c the ehiuiei | were made
at Jiedilleieiiee. AiiKiist sold at : ! 0'hg ' ( > MJ c ,
and closed at 3j'4c ( bid , beplombei n7aHc ,
P/iovtwioNs l'iovIslons weie aelhe aud
liislier , and slioits were hungry. Mess imrlc
wns'iiSc higher , laid ItH lS'jC ' , ami shoit libs
ia > . ( i6irc dearer. Dellvenes ot mess pork
and laid weio lire , but ot ribs lltfht. Me-s
imtkloi September hold at SlO.VJ. ,
and closed at & 10i71- : > ' . Laid foi September
sold at S0.70@o.SJK. and closed at Sti.bO.
CHICAGO , July 1. [ Special Telesram to
the Uii : : . I Oxrrr.i : Tlieio was considera
ble llle In the market to-dnj , and values were
stioiiRcr than > esterd.iy. The geneial de
mand for fat cattle was acthe , and bolter
friades sold about lOe hhliei. There wcro
many giassy nnd rough cattle , which sold
' 'slow Ij and at no better prices. But tlic cat-
lo market , In a geneial ay , was stronger
and more sutlsfactoiy to salesmen. Foi bomo
time past the market has been In a slow and
unsalihfactoiy condition , and salesmen hailed
the slight ImproNcment with delight. Kansas
City tepotted tlio maiket steady for good ,
and low ei 1 01 common cattle. There was a
large volume ot business done In the tiado
heio today anil choice heavy cattle sold as
blah as S.'fO. Latelj S" > . ( H ) has been con-
Blilcien a lather hiirh price and the hulk of
native cattle ha\e been * -olllm ; at about SI.50
itl.N ) . Kxiioit Meets , lob-libs. 5ni > 0:48 ex-
i > * > \ebi.iskas , 1412 lb * . S5. . " > 0 ; ! 50 Xehii.ko.s ,
I0 < . ) : i Ibs , 5l.4.r > ; 114 Xeli.ihlas , It7i : Ibt4.HO ;
Bl Neluaskas , 1200 Ibs , sfS.OJ ; 71 corn fed
Wyoiiilnes , HMO lls , 8B.20.
lions The maiket was ueti\e and stroiiR ,
Oc highci than yestei day. The bulk ol tlio
mixed sola at'i. be-,1 heavy S4.70j ( ;
-1.75 , and light S4 f s
Now Yorlr. July IT MONEY On call
langed from 3' ' < to per cent , closing at 85J9
per cent.
PiiiMK MincA.NTir. : PAPKII 4Q5 per
cent. KxctiAvnn Dull at S4.88 ®
4.bsJ-i toi sixty day bills , and ft4.8b@4.8y/
( ! ovtiiN-MiNTS : : Dull and ' clowerfor4 } s.
STOCKS Stooks opened with a moro de
cided tone. The news was ol u rather lavor-
able characlcr. Granger aud Vanderbilts
fa\oied. Northwestern
weie especially iiH VIJ4t * - Vt i i * t. "
( rained lf pci cent. Omaha IK pel cent , St.
y. per cent , Cleveland , Columbus , Cin
cinnati and Indianapolis 1 per cent , Luke
Slmio J4 per cent , Kilo 1 per cent aud Congas
Hi percent.
S cent bonds. . . 100 ° ; . & .N , SV
ir s 4V s 111 * preferred. . . I4U
" " ' .1. V. O lOfl ;
r-acllieO'sof ' 0V w' Oiezon Trail. 33
Central Pacllio . 42 Pacllio Mall. . .
C.&A P. , D. &E
prcfeired. . . . 160 P.P. 0 Ik
Hock Island. .
D' . L. < sc \ ! ! ! ! ! St. L. A S. K. . 13J <
D. & R. G. 15fl preferred. 48J ?
Erie M. &St P. K %
prefcned . . .
Illinois Central.
I. , U. AW
Kansas .fc Texas.
LakeShoio. . . . . WW Union Pacllio. .
- - ' st L. teP. .
Mlch/Cciitral' . ! ! ! preferred. . .
Mo. Pacific . ' Western Union
Northern Pac. . .
prnferied. . . .
1. Flour-Quiet and
wheat flour , S1.2. > @
Hour quiet : in
in hacks. . . . .
Wheat-AclUe , buta hleady. closing lo
( Jor'nWftikei , but closed btiong : cash ,
35 i-iiic ; vine.
Oats-Dull and neglected ; cash , 27 } < c ; August
' ' ' ' ,
gust , -
R)0-Qidetat Wo.
Harle\ Dull at aWte.
Tlmofhy Pi line. Sl.73.
Klax Seed Sl.Oi ) .
cash. S10 r : Ai'icust , § 10.27)M ) ( < J107KO ; bepteiu *
IJPI. blO.'JTKf" 10.40.
Laid Actl\o , and 10ai-'Ko ( hlghei ; cash ,
SO.OO ; AilfUbt , S0.1V < ( ( i.l7 , rieptuinbur , SO.bO
Hulk Moils "Shoulders. W.-KWM.l'i ' ; shott
cleai. 80.40 n5 < ; short ribs , S .lO.
Iluttor bteady ; creamuo , UX-flOo ; dairy ,
Gheaso-FIrin : full cream Cheddars. tt/M
7o ; Hals , 7@7Ke ; Vounif Americas , 6(4
- - (
Tallow Unthamred.
Klotir , bbN . 10,000
Whent.bu r-,000 1:1000 :
Corn , mi 1'J .009 nil ooo
Oat , bu 71,000 8S.OC10
] > euu l.wa 1,000
JJiirley.bu 1'XJ ' ) 1,009
Now York , July 1. Wl at llcc'dpta '
mWO ; e\iorls ) , 17",000 ; bpot lots a blmda
btinuiroi but rathi'i qnht ; ( ijtlloiis opened
\u-ak and hllghlly lower , Liter bwamu
stumtrei und ud\anced n"4K < ' , closing lirni ;
unKi'idul Mlutm icd , 7WnuJJfi'5 : > i > . lied.
1'Ot ' * , No. - iisdMJjO dt'Inuicd ; Juljt-oCd ! ! ! at
Me : AtiKii't5e. . , , ,
C'diniSi.iit lots , 'iGiM'1 lower and null ;
ojtlons ) , V < i ' 'hlglii ( mid iiioreadlvi ! , ulos-
iiU'liim ; leceipts. u-uW. ( uxjioits , O.OtX ) ; uu-
paded 8liM'lojSo. . ' . ' , 4i < s l7e In elo\ator ,
10 < * ! 7t ailoat ; Aiuru-t clmeu at Mr.
Oa'ts-A Miudu stioiuor but quiet ; ra-
eel pis so.txfl ; opoils 7X1 ; mixed western ,
iJTiCj'twld'.i : ) wo > Urn. C < jUUc.
IVtrolium--M ! < vd > , United closed .
Poik KhniPi ami ni ( di-rit"ly old
iiuiis. siorjMl'.7'i ) ' , ne-A mess , 511 , - , . . . . - . * t Iliiihei aud vwiy btronir : western
Sleamspol , ii.7'i ; Augiibl , SO.-Jffl'J.St.
lliitlej Oult'lcsteiu ; , lU l'jVjO. '
C'lieiMpull an I l' nct
JVWflern dull aud weak ; western
fic h l f { < ll" ;
HI l.ul * . J dl.Wh at--Stroug and
j j IT , ' > - . J K-U , rush , 7 c